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2020 Describing types of technical problems

Listening : Sabino talking about some technical problems ENGLISH HOMEWORK

- exercice de vrai / faux Exercices 2, 3, et 5 à compléter
+ test de connaissances sur le cours
DUE TO Friday, November 20th

LISTENING 2 Listen to Sabino talking about some technical problems. (5.2)

1. The team have had at the test and mark the following statements True (T) or false (F).
a. Some liquid was lost from a pipe. TRUE
b. A car lost all its coolant with the engine still running. FALSE: the driver stopped the engine
c. A car’s engine stopped on the circuit. TRUE
d. Some tyres were damaged. TRUE
e. A wheel nut fell off a car on the circuit. FALSE: the wheel nut was jammed, it wouldn’t turn
f. A car’s suspension was broken. FALSE Fortunately the driver didn’t bend the suspension

2. Complete the following extracts from the talk using the words in the box. bend – blocking – crack – jam – snap

a. don’t want anything …………………………………. the airflow to the radiator.

b. …they had a wheel nut …………………………………., it wouldn’t turn.
c. …he didn’t hit the barriers and …………………………the suspension or …………………………………it completely.
d. …it didn’t ……………………………………the tub – the chassis.

3. Complete more extracts from the talk using the correct form of a verb in box 1 and word in box 2.
1 2
blow – clog – cut – leak – run – wear - work loose – up – out

a. …a nut worked loose on a radiator pipe, which resulted in coolant liquid ………………………….
b. …he switched off before the system had …………………………….. ……………………………..of coolant.
c. …the engine……………………………. …………………………………on one of the corners.
d. …the openings in the side pods always ………………………………. ……………………………..with dirt.
e. The tyres weren’t close to …………………………………… …………………………….
f. …the radiator problem didn’t cause the engine to …………………………. ……………………………….

4. Listen again and check your answers to exercises 3b and 3c.

5. Read the following comments made by race team technicians. Complete the following sentences using the correct
form of words in exercises 3b and 3c.
a. There’s smoke and flames pouring out of the engine. It’s blown up.
b. There’s a pool of oil under the car. Something’s ……………………………………….
c. This cylinder head bolt won’t loosen. It’s ……………………………………..
d. The air filter’s full of dirt. It’s completely …………………………………….
e. This wing support’s been moving about. The bolts have …………………………………………
f. Something’s stopping the oil flow. The pipe might be …………………………………………..
g. Are you sure that pushrod’s straight? It looks as if it’s ………………………………………….
h. We’ll need to change these brake pads. They’re nearly ………………………………………
i. There’s hardly any fuel left in the car. In another lap, we’ll …………………………………………..

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