Landlord Owners

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1. The law ensures landlord that respect the privacy of the people who live in their houses.

2. Owners of restaurants across the country protested at the new government tax that was put on food.
3. Private car owners were hit the hardest when tax on petrol was increased.
4. The price of commercial property has almost doubled in the last four years.
5. When the recession hit, he was forced to sell his 250-acr estate
6. Many families lost all their possessions when the river flooded.
7. Put you’re belongings in the locker and give the key to the receptionist.
8. We will need to relinquish the offices when the  lease runs out at the end of the year.
9. They applied to the World Bank for a loan to help pay off their balance of payments deficit.
10. A lot of people lost their homes when the interest rate rose so much they were unable to pay
off their mortgage
11. The tenants complained to the council that the house they were living in was overrun with vermin.
12. The law does little to protect families who are thrown out of their homes because they are unable
to pay the. rent
13. Everybody is being asked to make a donation to help the victims of the disaster.
1. The two warring countries managed Achieve
2. 1 a compromise over the terms for peace
2 During his first year as President he managed  achieve 2 a lot more than his predecessor had in
secure the previous five.
3 The company couldn’t afford to move to new 3 an agreement for a new lease.
premises but were able fulfil
4 He worked hard at his job and was soon achieve 4 his ambitions of being promoted to
able to achieve  marketing manager
5 The country badly needed to increase its overall achieve
5  its targets - those of free education and
standard of living and attempted fulfil healthcare
6 After four years of hard work, the motor racing 6 their dreams of winning the Monaco
team managed to  realize 
Grand Prix.
7 He desperately wanted to start a new job, but realize 7 his obligations to his current employer
first of all he had .
8 Many people want to be rich, but few  fulfil
8 their goal of becoming millionaires
9 I have a plans, and one of them is
9 my aims of doing well at school and then
going to university.

II- Lexis of Success & failure: Match the first part of each sentence in the left-hand
column with its second part in the right-hand column using an appropriate word from the
central column. These words should collocate with the underlined words in the right-hand
FAILURE: Complete these sentences with an appropriate word or expression from A, B or C.
1. The People’s Foundation Party decided to abandon its plans to establish a coalition government
with the Democratic Liberal Party.
A. abate B. abandon C. abhor
2. Peace talks between the two countries collapsed with neither side able to agree on terms.
A. collapsed B. collaborated C. collared
3. Progress in the talks faltered when the inevitable impasse was reached.
A. faulted B. faltered C. fondled
4. Our planned visit to the Czech Republic fell through because we were unable to get the visas.
A. fell over B. fell down C. fell through
5. The company folded with debts of over £1 million.
A. faulted B. folded C. foiled

6. Their plans to impose stricter import quotas misfired when the European Bank declared their
actions illegal.

A. mistook B. mislead C. misfired

III. Groups: A. Put these words into the table based on the group of things they usually belong to.
batch • huddle • heap / pile • company • stack • team • litter• bunch • set • pack • staff •
group • crew • cast • shoal / school •swarm • flock • platoon • bundle • herd • throng •
gang • crowd•

People in general People working together Animals Objects

huddle; company litter Batch
throng team swarm heap / pile
gang platoon flock Stack
crowd staff herd bundle
crew pack Bunch
cast shoal / school set
B. Complete these sentences using one of the words from the above task. In some cases, more
than one answer is possible.
1. After the election, the huge  crowd danced in the street.

2. The refugees sat in a small, tight  huddle underneath some trees.

3. The first prize was a set of cheap saucepans.

4 The school is closed because the   staff are on strike.

5. The theatre  company benefited from a government grant.

6. Following an outbreak of BSE, a herd of cows has been destroyed.

7. The company processed a batch of orders.

8. A gang of football fans wandered around the street breaking shop windows.

9. Half the  cast of the film were nominated for Oscars.

10. They threw the weapons in a heap on the ground.

11. A small group of people petitioned the Prime Minister outside his house.

12. The shoal of fish that had been caught were deemed inedible owing to pollution in the water.

13. We were all surprised when our dog gave birth to a  litter of puppies.

14. Cabin crew on aircraft are drilled in safety procedure.

15. As winter approaches, the flock of geese fly south to warmer climes.

16. Half the football  team were sent off in disgrace.

17. The stars had difficulty making their way through the throng of people outside the cinema.

18. A  platoon of soldiers from the Third Infantry have been charged with human rights abuses.

19. The immigrant arrived clutching nothing but a . bundle of personal possessions.

20. A . bunch of flowers is always an acceptable gift if you visit someone.

21. We were unable to open the door because a stack of boxes was blocking it.

22. The women fell on the surprised burglar like a  pack of wild dogs.

23. The harvest was destroyed by a huge swarm of insects.

C. The following words all refer to groups of people meeting for a specific purpose. Match
the words with their definitions below.
Delegation • tribunal • symposium • seminar • lecture • tutorial
A. students listening to a talk on a particular subject lecture

B. a group of representatives (for example, of a union) who want to explain something to someone

C. a student or small group of students who attend a teaching session tutorial

D. a meeting organized to discuss a specialized subject symposium

E. a small group of university students discussing a subject with a teacher seminar

F. a specialist court outside the main judicial system, which examines special problems and makes
judgments. Tribunal.

IV-Shape & features: Choose the correct adjectives for the following words A, B or C.
1. Sphere spherical A. spherous B. spherical C. spherocous
2. Cube cubed A. cubed B. cubous C. cubal
3. Cone conical A. conacular B. conous C. conical
4. rectangle . Rectangular A. rectanglous B. rectanglis C. rectangular
5. Triangle triangular A. triangular B. trianglous C. triangled
6. circle circular A. circled B. circulous C. circular
7. Square square A. square B. squaret C. squarous
8. cylinder . cylindrical A. cylindrous B. cylindal C. cylindrical

V-Language of Changes
A. Look at these sentences and decide if the statement which follows each one is true or
Use the words and expressions in bold to help you decide.
1. The population of the country has trebled in the last 25 years.
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people living in the country. True
2. Unemployment has dropped by about 2% every year for the last six years.
There has been a steady decrease in the number of people out of work. True
3. The government has spent a lot of money improving roads around the country.
There has been a deterioration in the national road system. False: there has been an

4. The number of exam passes achieved by the school’s pupils has risen by almost 50%.
There has been a decline in the number of exam passes. False: there has been an increase
5. American travellers abroad have discovered that they can buy more foreign currency with
their dollar.
There has been a weakening of the dollar. False: there has been a strengthening of the dollar
6. It is now much easier to import goods into the country than it was a few years ago.
There has been a tightening up of border controls. False: there has been a relaxation of border

7. We’re increasing our stocks of coal before the winter begins.

We’re running down our stocks of coal. False: we’re increasing or building up our stocks of coal
8. Prices have gone up by about 4% every year since 1998.
There has been a constant rise in the rate of inflation. True
9. The pass rate for the exam was 3% lower this year than it was last year.
There has been a sharp fall in the pass rate. False: there has been a slight fall
10. The alliance are going to reduce the number of conventional weapons in their armed
The alliance are going to build up the number of weapons they have. False: they’re going to
decrease the number

11. Deflation has adversely affected industries around the country.

There has been a growth in industrial activity. False: there has been a decline 
12. Some management roles in the company will not exist this time next year.
Some management roles are going to be phased out. True
13. More people are shopping at large supermarkets rather than small village shops.
There has been an upward trend in the number of people shopping in small village shops.
False: there has been a downward trend 

14. Her English is clearly better now than it was when she first arrived.
There has been marked progress in her English.  True
15. People live in better houses, drive nicer cars and eat higher-quality food than they did
twenty years ago.
There has been a general improvement in the standard of living. True
16. Our company has opened factories in France, Germany and Italy in the last five years.
Our company has witnessed considerable expansion in the last five years. . True
17. The government will spend less on the National Health Service next year.
There are going to be cuts in healthcare spending next year. True
18. British people nowadays want to see more of the world.
British people nowadays want to narrow their horizons. False
Good Luck

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