Magneic Effect On Fluid Flow in A Rotating Straight Duct With Rectangular Cross Section

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Proceedings of the

International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011

(ICME2011) 18-20 December 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh




Md. Kamruzzaman and Md. Mahmud Alam

Mathematics Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh

Numerical study is performed to investigate the Magnetohydrodynamic incompressible viscous steady
flow through a duct with rectangular cross-section to examine the combined effect of Coriolis force and
aspect ratio. The flow depends on the magnetic parameter M g , Dean number Dn and rotation parameter
R . Spectral method is applied as a main tool for the numerical technique; where Chebyshev polynomials,
Collocation methods, and Iteration method are used as secondary tools. The flow patterns have been shown
graphically for large Dean Numbers as well as magnetic parameter and a wide range of magnetic
parameter .Two vortex solutions have been found. Axial velocity has been found to increase with the
increase of Dean Number and decrease with the increase of magnetic parameter. For high magnetic
parameter & Dean Number and small Taylors number almost all the fluid particles strength are week.

Keywords: Dean Number, Magnetic Parameter and Rotation Parameter

1. INTRODUCTION rotating straight pipe, Speziale [13] demonstrated that a

When a straight pipe rotates at constant angular transition from a two cell to a four cell to a four cell
velocity about the axis of its cylindrical symmetry, the structures occurs as the Rossby number is changed. Flow
fluid flowing in it is subjected to both a Coriolis and a through a rotating straight pipe with large aspect ratio by
Centrifugal force. Such rotating passages are used in Alam. Begum, and yamamto [14].Since there is no study
cooling system for conductors of electric generators and regarding rotating rectangular straight duct in the
generator motors for pumped –storage stations. Flow in presence of magnetic field.
rotating straight pipe is of interest because the secondary Hence our aim is to study that the effects of rotation
flows in this case are qualitatively similar to those in on the fully developed steady laminar flow through a
stationary curved systems in view of the similar rotating rectangular straight duct with magnetic field
centrifugal mechanism including the secondary flows in along the center line direction. Numerical solutions are
two systems Ishigaki [1]. The earliest work on the flow in obtained by using the Spectral method as a main tool and
a rotating straight pipe was carried out for the asymptotic Chebyshev polynomial is used as a secondary tool.
limits of weak and strong rotations by Barua and Benton
and Baltimore [2] using a perturbation expansion to the 2. GOVERNING EQUATION
Hgen-Poiseulle flow. The study of Mori and The basic equation for steady-state laminar flow is
Nakayama[3], Ito and Nanbu [4] and Wanger and Velkoff continuity equation becomes:
[5] for small rotational speed and high axial pressure q  0 (1)
gradient resulted good agreement with experiments,
showing an increase in friction factor with rotational
speed. The numerical study on rotating straight pipe with
circular cross-section by Duck [6], Mansur [7] and Lei
and Hsu [8] did not reveal multiplicity features, although
they recognized a strong similarity between flows in
curved pipes and on rotating pipes The numerical study
of the flow in a rotating straight pipe by Sharma and
Nandakumar [9] revealed multiplicity feature. The
laminar flow in a straight pipe rotating at a constant
angular velocity about an axis perpendicular to its own
was analyzed by kheshgi and Seriven [10], Nandakumar
et. al. [11] and Speizel [12] in case of square Fig 1. Geometrical configuration of rotating rectangular
cross-sections. In a numerical study of the flow in a straight duct with magnetic field.

© ICME2011 1 FL-021
The left side is the inner wall and the right side is the Ga 3
outer wall and ‘ a ’ is the half width of the cross-section driven parameter Dn  .
and ‘ b ’ is the half length of the duct in Figure 1.  2
The governing equation for the laminar flow of an The boundary conditions are that the velocities are zero
incompressible viscous fluid in a rotating straight duct as b
at x  1 and y      (aspect ratio).
follows: a
q 1  y
 q(q  )   (  p)   2q  Now introduce the new variable y    , where  is the
t 
 
2(Ω  q)  (J  B) (2) b
 aspect ratio i.e.     , where b be the half height of
where J is the electric current density, B is the magnetic
induction,  is the kinematic viscosity and the axis of      
the cross- section and u    and v    which
rotation is perpendicular to the span of the pipe .   y  x
The Navier –Stokes equation and Continuity equation satisfies the equation (10).
The basic equations for  and w are as follows:
which takes the form as:
  2u   2u  
 4 2  4 1  4 1   3
u  u  1 p    
u  v    2   x 4  2 y 2x 2  4 y 4  3 y y 2x
x y   x  x ' y '2 

1  3 1  3 1  3
 B02  3  
2 w  u (3)  x y 3  y x3  x x 2y

1 w  1  2  2 
v v 1 p   2 v  2 v   B02  R 2  M (11)
u  v    2   v (4)  y   y 2 x 2 
x y   y  x ' y '2    

w w 1 p   2 w  2 w   2w 1  2w 1  w 1  
u  v      2u    
x y   z   x '2 y '2  (5) x 2
 y
2 2  y x  x y
 
u  v 1 
 0  Dn  R (12)
x y 
(6)  y
Now, the dependent and independent variables are
then normalized as follows: The boundary conditions for  and w are given by
  2
 w1, y   wx,1   1, y   0
u  u , x  xa , p   p , v  v , y  y a ,
a a 2
a      
   1, y     x, 1     x, 1  0
  x  y 
w  w , z  0 .
where the variables are with prime are dimensional Flux through straight pipe
quantities and a be the half width of the cross section of The dimensional total flux Q  through the pipe is
the pipe. b a  1
The non dimensional equations are as follows: Q   wdxdy    a Q where, Q   wdx dy is
u v  p   2u  2u  b  a  1
u v    u Rw  M (7)
x y  x  x 2 y 2  the dimensionless total flux.

v v  p   2v  2v  3. METHOD OF NUMERICAL TECHNIQUE

u v     Mv (8)
x y  y  x 2 y 2  The theoretical study of flow in a Straight duct has
been made either analytically or numerically.
w w   2w  2w  The present work is based on numerical methods. For
u v  Dn   2  2   Ru (9) this purpose the spectral collocation method is used as a
x y  x y 
 numerical technique to obtain the solution. It is necessary
u v to discuss the method in detail. The basic ideas of the
 0 (10) spectral and collocation method are given below. The
x y
expansion by polynomial functions is utilized to obtain
 a2  steady or non-steady solution. The series of the
where, Rotating parameter R  2   , Magnetic
   Chebyshev polynomial is used in the xand y directions
 2 2 where, xand y are variables. Assuming the flow is
parameter M g  a B0   e a 2 H 02 and pressure
e symmetric along the axial direction. The expansion
function n ( x) and  n ( x) are expressed as:

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n ( x)  (1  x2 )Tn ( x) and  n ( x)  (1  x2 )2 Tn ( x) . (18) by using the Newton-Raphson iteration method. An

where, Tn ( x)  cos( n cos 1 ( x)) . initial guess at a point s  s is considered starting from
w( x, y ) and ( x, y ) are expanded in terms of the point s as follows:
function dwmn (s)
M N wmn (s  s)  wmn (s)  s (22)
w( x, y )    wmnm ( x) n ( y ) (13) ds
m 0 n 0 dw (s)
M N wmn (s  s)  wmn (s)  mn s (23)
 ( x, y )    m n m ( x) n ( y ) (14) ds
m 0 n 0 To obtain a correct solution at s  s , an iteration is
where, M and N are the truncation numbers in the
carried out. The convergence is assumed by taking
xand y directions respectively. In order to obtain the sufficiently small  p ( p  10
) defined as:
solution for w( x, y ) and  ( x, y ) the expansion series are
substituted into the basic equation (11) and (12). The p 

N 
( p 1)
  (wmn  wmn )   mn
( p) 2

( p 1)
  mn
( p)
m 0 n 0
collocation method (Gottlieb and Orszag [15]) applied in
The basic equations and the boundary conditions allow
xand y directions yield a set of nonlinear differential us to get a symmetric solution with respect to the
horizontal line passing through the axial direction. For
equations for wmn and mn . The collocation points are sufficient accuracy, we have considered
M  20 and N  20 in the present numerical
taken as ( xi , y j ) : calculations.

  i 
 ; i  1,2........M  1
xi  cos  1  (15)
  M  2  Fully developed flow in a rotating rectangular
straight duct in the presence of magnetic field is
  j  considered for the present investigation. The main flow
y j  cos  1   ;  j  1,2,..........N  1 (16) is forced by the magnetic field along the center line and
  N  2 
the axis is perpendicular to the span of the duct which has
The non-linear differential equations are expanded been shown in the Figure1. According to the definition of
symbolically as follows: rotation parameter, the positive rotation means that the
direction of rotation is in the same as the flow and it is
A1w  B1w  c1w  N1 (wmn , mn ) (17) called co-rotation and the negative rotation indicates that
the rotation direction is opposite to the main flow
A2  B2  c2  N2 (wmn , mn ) (18) direction and is called counter-rotation.
Steady laminar flow for viscous incompressible fluid
where, A1 , B1, C1 and A2 , B2 , C2 are squares matrices with has been analyzed under the action of large magnetic
parameter ( M g ) as well as Dean Number ( Dn ) at fixed
(M  1)( N  1) dimension. The non-linear algebraic
aspect ratio ( ) and rotation parameter ( R) .
equations thus obtained are solved by Newton-Raphson The main aim of this paper to find out the flow
iteration method as follows: characteristics with varying magnetic parameter ( M g )
1 while pressure driven parameter and rotational parameter
w( p1)  C1 N1 (wmn , mn
( p) ( p)
) (19) remains constant. For the above mentioned purpose,
consider the four cases as case 1: Dn  500 , case 2:
 ( p1)  C2 1 N 2 (wmn
( p)
, mn
( p)
) (20)
Dn  1000 , case 3: Dn  1500 and Dn  2000 . Thus
where, p denotes the iteration number. To avoid the flow behavior of the mention for the cases has been
expected since the duct rotation is involved in these cases.
difficulty near the point of inflection for the steady According to the definition of rotation parameter ( R)
solution. For this reason, the arc-length method has been means that the rotational direction is in the same as that
of main flow.
used. In the arc- length method, the arc-length ‘ s ’’ plays After a comprehensive survey over the parametric
a central role in the formulation. The arc-length equation space, solid curve has been obtained for the magnetic
parameter ( M g ) versus flux (Q) at Dean number
M N  dwmn 2  d mn 2 
is:       1 (21) Dn  500 and Rotation parameter ( R)  50 where as
 ds   ds  
m0 n 0 
aspect ratio   1.0 .
which is solved simultaneously with equations (17) and

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Fig 2. Stream lines of the Secondary flow (top), Contours plot of the axial flow (bottom) and solid curve for Magnetic
parameter( M g ) versus Flux (Q) at Dean Number ( Dn ) = 500 and Rotation parameter R  50.

Fig 3. Stream lines of the Secondary flow (top), Contours plot of the axial flow (bottom) and solid curve for Magnetic
parameter( M g ) versus Flux ( Q ) at Dean Number ( Dn )= 1000 and Rotation parameter ( R ) = 50.

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Fig 4. Stream lines of the Secondary flow (top), Contours plot of the axial flow (bottom) and solid curve for
Magnetic parameter( M g ) versus Flux ( Q ) at Dean Number ( Dn ) = 1000 and Rotation parameter( R ) = 50.

Fig 5. Stream lines of the Secondary flow (top) , Contours plot of Axial flow (bottom) at Dean Number
( Dn )=2000 and Rotation parameter( R )= 50 and solid curve for Magnetic Parameter ( M g ) versus Flux ( Q ).

© ICME2011 5 FL-021
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From the above discussion the conclusion has been 153-173.
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1. Two vortex solutions have been found. Numerical analysis of Spectral Methods,
2. The flow patterns of the secondary flow, the Society for Industrial and Applied
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3. The axial flow is shifted towards the center
from the wall. 7. NOMENCLATURE
4. The total flow decreases as the magnetic
Symbol Meaning
parameter ( M g ) gradually increase.
γ Aspect ratio
1. Barua, S.N (1955) Secondary flow in rotating Mg Magnetic parameter
straight pipe, Proceeding of Royal Society of Dn Dean number
London A 227, 133-139.
2. Benton, G.S. and Baltimore, M.D. (1956) The R Rotating parameter
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pipes, Journal of Applied Mechanics, March
Issue, 123-127.
3. Duck, P.W. 1983 Flow through rotating
straight pipes of a circular cross-section,

© ICME2011 6 FL-021
Professor Dr. Mahmud Alam
Mathematics Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh
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