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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Maggie McFadden Date: 2/17/21

Group Size: 25 Allotted Time 30 min Grade Level 4th

Subject or Topic: Science- Soil and Landforms

Common Core/PA Standard(s):
Standard - 3.3.4.A2-Identify basic properties and uses of Earth’s materials including rocks,
soils, water, and gases of the atmosphere.

Standard - 3.3.4.A1-Describe basic landforms. Identify the layers of the earth. Recognize that
the surface of the earth changes due to slow processes and rapid processes.

Learning Targets/Objectives: The 4th grade students will be able to assess their knowledge on
soil and landforms by taking a pretest and then watching BrainPop videos to introduce the

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Pretest 1. Collect test to record data
2. 3, 2, 1 sheet 2. Observable
…. …
Assessment Scale:
Pretest- Students are not expected to know all of the answers. This is just a starting point to see
how much they learn.
3,2,1 sheet- students will be watching 2 BrainPop videos. One on land forms and one on soil.
After they watch the videos they will need to write 3 facts they learned, 2 questions they still
have, and 1 thing they hope to learn.

Subject Matter/Content:
Prerequisites: None
Key Vocabulary:
 Soil- The top layer that covers Earth. Contains living and nonliving material. Created
by weathering.
 Landforms- physical features of the Earth.
 Tectonic Plates- form boundaries. Boundaries can be divergent, convergent or
 Weathering- the process of breaking down rocks. Can occur by wind, water, or ice.
Content/Facts: Students will not be learning new content or facts today. I will just be using the
test to see where their understanding is now vs. when we finish the lesson.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
 I will begin by letting the students know we are starting a new science unit on soil and
 I will let them know they are going to be taking a pretest. I will assure them that they
aren’t supposed to know the answer yet. I will let them know I just want to know
where they are starting so I can see how much they grow.
 I will let them begin the test.

Development/Teaching Approaches
 Once they finish the test, I will ask if they thought it was easy or hard.
 We will discuss things that they knew and things that they thought were challenging.
 I will remind them that we are going to be going over everything that was on the test.
 I will explain that we are going to be using the remaining time to be watching
BrainPop videos to help introduce the topic.
 I will explain that while they are watching, they need to write down 3 facts they
learned, 2 questions they have, and 1 thing they hope we learn.
 At this point I will play the videos.
 First we will watch the soil video.
 After the video I will ask students to share some of the facts and questions they wrote
 After giving students time to share, I will play the next video on landforms.
 After the video I will ask students if they want to share.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
 Once students are finished sharing, I will ask them if they have any questions about
what is coming up.
 I will give students time to ask questions.
 After students are done asking questions, I will let them know what we are going to be
starting tomorrow.
 We will be talking about what soil is and why it’s important.

 I have 2 students join the class that are at a 1st grade learning level. I am unable to give
them the pretest. I will have them watch the BrainPop videos and have them ask me 1
question they have about what is coming up in science.

 BrainPop videos
o Soil-
o Landforms-
 Pretest
 3,2,1 worksheet
 iPads
 Smartboard

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

Soil and Landform Pretest

Name: ___________________________________

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each question and circle the best answer
1. A landform is

a. Another name for a rock

b. The explanation of how Earth was made
c. Found at the bottom of the ocean
d. Physical features of the Earth
2. Mountains are formed by which movement of tectonic plates?

a. Divergent
b. Convergent
c. Transforming
3. This landform is a low part of land in between 2 higher parts of land

a. Valley
b. Desert
c. Plain
d. Mountain
4. This landform is a piece of land that is connected to a larger piece of land, but it is also

surrounded by water

a. Plain
b. Mountain
c. Peninsula
d. Desert
5. What is the name of the top layer that covers the Earth?

a. Bedrock
b. Sheetrock
c. Mud
d. Soil
6. What does soil contain?
a. Decaying plants

b. Decaying animal material

c. Living organisms

d. All of the above

True or False
Directions: Read the statement. If you believe the statement is true, circle true. If you believe the
statement is false, circle false.
7. Earth’s surface changes over time

a. True
b. False
8. Erosion and deposition are 2 ways the Earth’s surface changes over time

a. True
b. False
9. Caves are not landforms

a. True
b. False
10. Lakes, rivers and sinkholes are landforms.

a. True
b. False
11. Soil is made up of partly weathered rocks

a. True
b. False
12. Weathering is when rocks grow bigger because of the good weather

a. True
b. False

Short Answer
Directions: Answer the question using complete sentences.
13. What are the three ways weathering takes place?

14. Why is soil important?

15. Draw a landform. Tell me what features it has, and how it is made.

Directions: While watching the BrainPop videos, write down 3 things you learned, 2 questions
you have, and 1 thing you hope to learn.
3 things I learned…

2 questions I have…

1 thing I hope to learn…

3 things I learned…

2 questions I have…

1 thing I hope to learn…

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