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Total stations are used to calculate position and height points, or only total
station position It comprises a theodolite with a built distaciómetro, enabling
the simultaneous measurement of angles and distances.

Currently , all electronic total stations have an optical - electronic distance (

EDM ) and an electronic angle meter , so that can be electronically read
barcodes scales the horizontal and vertical circles , showing digitally the
values of the angles and distances. The horizontal distance, height difference
and the coordinates are calculated automatically. All measurements and
additional information can be recorded.

 Alphanumeric liquid crystal display (LCD )
 LEDs ads
 Independent lighting sunlight
 Calculator
 I distance
 Trackeador ( follower path )
 Ability to store information in electronic format, which allows later use
in personal computers.
 Vienen include various simple programs that allow, among other
capabilities, calculating coordinates field, staking points easily and
efficiently and calculating azimuths and distances.
A Total Station reaches its maximum functionality in Topographical
Engineering High Precision, this is in the construction of roads, bridges,
buildings, networks of pipes or ducts, Dams, etc. In all these structures
accuracy is a prerequisite for optimal performance of the work. In Engineering
Construction Total Station meets 2 essential functions:
 Survey: Measurement and representation of the existing physical
reality in the ground.
 Stakeout: Draw on the ground the design of a work already studied
and projected.

On the issue of Cadastre, using a Total Station in urban areas is feasible

only because the economic cost and performance are offset too in rural
areas, becoming inefficient applicability. It is also very likely that in urban
areas their use be restricted to lifting the fronts of the properties by the
limitations of visibility of the rear corners of the lots, and succeeds with an
excellent accuracy. In this case will be to combine the method with the use
of tape and compass for measuring the internal geometry of the premises.
Either way should not be forgotten that the land Application of Total Station
performs a single function:

 Survey: Measurement and representation of the existing physical

reality in the ground.
 Operation:
Coordinates the position of a point is determined by a pair coordinate. Polar
coordinates are determined by a line and an angle, while the coordinates
cartesian require two lines in a system orthogonal.
The total station measures polar coordinates, which are they can be
converted to Cartesian orthogonal system under a determined, either by itself
or Later in the office.

Polar coordinates Cartesian coordinates Conversion

 Angle Measurement
An angle represents the difference between two directions. The horizontal
angle between the directions to the points P1 and P2 is independent of the
difference height between the two points, provided the telescope it moves on
a strictly vertical plane, either Whatever your landscape orientation. However,
this condition is met only under ideal conditions.
The vertical angle (also called zenith angle) is the difference between a preset
direction (Knowing the direction of the zenith) and the direction of the point in
question. The vertical angle is therefore correct only if Zero the vertical circle
pointing exactly in the direction of zenith. However, this condition is met only
under conditions angles ideales.Medición an angle represents the difference
between two directions. The horizontal angle between the directions to the
points P1 and P2 is independent of the difference height between the two
points, provided the telescope it moves on a strictly vertical plane, either
Whatever your landscape orientation. However, this condition is met only
under ideal conditions. The vertical angle (also called zenith angle) is the
difference between a preset direction (Knowing the direction of the zenith)
and the direction of the point in question.
The vertical angle is therefore correct only if Zero the vertical circle pointing
exactly in the direction of zenith. However, this condition is met only under
ideal conditions.
 Checking a total station EDM
Permanently mark 3 or 4 baselines within the rago typical work (eg
20200M). Use a new distance meter or one that is already calibrated
with respect to a standard baseline and measure distances three
times. The mean values , corrected by the atmospheric influence (see
the user manual) is they can be considered as the required values.
Measure baseline with each EDM at least four times by year. If you are
equal, as long as there are no significant systematic errors in the
expected values, it can be considered that the EDM is in good

 Extrapolating a straight line

1. Place the instrument at point B.
2. Sight point A and turn the telescope toward the point C1.
3. Turn the instrument 200 gon (180 °) and vice again point A.
4. Turn the telescope again and measure the C2 point. Point C (which
is the midpoint between C1 and C2) corresponds exactly to the
extrapolation of the line AB.
A visual error is causing the discrepancy between C1 and C2 When
the sighting axis is tilted, the influence of error will be a combination
visaje error, the error tilting axis and the vertical axis error.
 polar stakeout of a point:

In this case , the elements to be staked ( distance and angle ) They will be
compared to known point A and a direction Initial known from A to B.
1. Set up the instrument at point A and point B. Vise

2. Adjust the horizontal circle to zero (see manual User ) .

3. Turn the instrument until the angle deployment required on the screen.

4. Lead the assistant with the reflector along the axis sight of the
telescope, measuring continuament.

 Slope measuring
Position the instrument at a point on the line whose slope requires
calculating and place a prism in a second point of the line.
Enter the instrument height i and target height The vertical circle
reading (measuring the zenith angle gon or degrees) you can be
configured to obtain values percentage (see the user manual), so the
slope can be read directly in%. Aim at the center of the prism and
measure the distance. Slope it is shown on the screen in %.

 Plumb:
Aplomar from a height or from a point land, and revise a vertical line of
a structure can be used reliably in a single circle telescope, as long as
it describes a plane completely vertical to rotate it. To determine if
thisso, proceed as follows:
1. Vise a high point A, point the telescope down and mark the point B
on the ground.
2. Turn and repeat the procedure in the second position the telescope.
Mark the point C.
The midpoint between points B and C will be the exact spot to plumb.
The reason that these two can not match due to an error tilt axis and /
or a inclination of the vertical axis. For works of this nature, make sure
thetotal station is well leveled , so that the influence of tilting of the
vertical axis is reduced.

 Surveys (polar method)

To trace the floor of a building, it is determined the position and height
of a measuring point thereof angles and distances. To do this, the
instrument is placed on a point referred to a coordinate system local.
Enter the coordinates as (X = 0 , Y = 0 , instrument height i ) For
purposes of orientation is chosen one second point easy to distinguish
after visarlo with the horizontal circle zeroed (see manual User ) .
If there is already a coordinate system, place the instrument at a known
point and align the horizontal circle with a second known point (see the
manual user). You can also use the method of intersection reverse
parking and orient the instrument.
 Stakeout
1. Place the instrument on a known point and place circle in the
horizontal position (see section "Installation of station ' in the user
2. Manually enter the point coordinates to stake. The program
automatically calculates the direction and distance (the two
parameters needed to carry out any stakeout).
3. Turn the total station until the reading circle Horizontal indicates
4. Place the reflector at this point (point "P”).
5. Measure the distance. The distance difference iD point P will be
displayed automatically
 Reference line
All total stations and Leica GNSS equipment Geosystems are
equipped with modern appliances. Reference line is one of the most
used. It has twobasic methods.
1. Measure horizontal line ReferenciaLa and vertical displacement of
a measured point You can be calculated manually on line defined
reference. Reference Line Stakeout
2. Set the position of a point relative to a reference line and I rephrase.
Please consult your total station or equipment GNSS to see what tasks
 Volume Calculation
Another application commonly used in work is the calculation Volumes.
The calculation allows application volumes the measurement surfaces
and calculating volumes (and other data) from these surfaces.
Measure points (the surface and its limit) defining a new surface or
extend an already created. The volume It is calculated directly You can
also use points saved to calculate volumes Please consult your total
station or equipment NSS to see what tasks allow.
 Area calculation
1. Set the total station in the terrain so that see the entire area to be
measured . It is not necessary to position the horizontal circle.
2. Determine the area boundary points sequentially in the sense of
clockwise. You should always measure distances.
3. When you press a key, the area is automatically calculated and its
value is displayed on the screen.For detailed instructions, please refer
to the manual of its total station or GNSS equipment.

 Remote heights
1. Place a reflector vertically below point whose height is to be
determined. Total StationIt can be placed anywhere .
2. Enter the prism height , point to it and measuredistance.
3. Vise point whose height is unknown.
4. The height difference H between the ground and pnto unknown point
height is calculated and shown to push the button.

 Link distances
This program determines the distance and height difference between
two points.
1. Place the total station at any point.
2. Measure the distance to each of the two points A and B.
3. With the press of a key, is displayed on the screen value of the
distance D and the height difference H. You can also use the points
stored in the internal memory to calculate the distance and difference
dimensions (see manual).
 Staking profiles:
In the following example, the profiles of the limits they raised parallel
to the walls of a building the respective distances A and B limits (part
left illustration).
1. Establish a baseline AB parallel to the left edge, to any distance C.
2. Mark the point A at a distance D defined from the upper limit. This
is the first point where will place the total station.
3. using a cane aplomar, mark the point B to end of the baseline.
4. Place the total station at point A, point B Vise and measure the A1,
A2 and A3
5. Aiming point B, set the horizontal circle to zero, turn the total station
100 gon (90 ° ) and trace the second AC line with the A4 , A5 and A6
5. parts dela total station

 parts dela total station

 Handle screw sugetacion
 objective lens
 screen
 circular level
 Agusta screw for circular level
 leveling screw
 serial connector
 Telescope plamada
 Mark the center of the instrument

 signal collimator
 focus telescope
 sujetadopr telescope
 telescope eyepiece
 tubular level
 screen
 Security button baterria
 Battery BT- G1
 sentral brand instrument
 Horizontal tangent screw
 Brake horizontal tangent screw



Presentado por:

• Coral Zamora, Leticia.

Revisado por:

• Ayala Chegne, Ronal


• ingles

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