Toxic Effect of Metal Ions On Biochemical Oxygen Demand: Water Research January 2000

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Toxic effect of metal ions on biochemical oxygen demand

Article  in  Water Research · January 2000

DOI: 10.1016/S0043-1354(99)00104-9


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2 authors, including:

Susheel Mittal Cchem Frsc

Thapar Institute of Engg & Tech (Deemed to be University)


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Wat. Res. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 147±152, 2000
# 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0043-1354(99)00104-9 0043-1354/99/$ - see front matter


Department of Chemical Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed
University), Patiala 147 004, India

(First received 1 June 1998; accepted in revised form 1 February 1999)

AbstractÐToxic e€ect of metal ions like Al, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg on the Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD) exertion has been studied at various concentrations of the metal ions. Presence of these
metal ions in the e‚uent samples signi®cantly a€ects the observed BOD values. The magnitude of their
dependence varies with the nature and concentration of the metals working as a toxicant. The
detrimental e€ect of metal ions on the observed BOD is a resultant of the biological as well as chemical
processes taking place in the sample. Addition of metal ions like Al, Zn, Cu and Pb results in the
inhibition as well as increase in BOD. Mechanism for the e€ect of metal ion on BOD has been
proposed and is correlated with their electrochemical potentials. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Key wordsÐbiochemical oxygen demand, toxic e€ect, metal ion, suppression

INTRODUCTION heavy metals on BOD test. BOD5 (BOD measured

Trace quantities of heavy metals such as nickel, after incubation period of 5 days) is signi®cantly
a€ected by even small concentrations (1±2 mglÿ1)
manganese, lead, chromium, cadmium, zinc, copper,
of Cu or Cr. Stones (1981) measured the percentage
iron and mercury are constituents of most waste
suppression caused by 1 mglÿ1 of selected heavy
waters. Some of these metals are necessary for
metals dosed in the form of inorganic salts, on the
growth of biological life, and absence of sucient
BOD of domestic sewage. Kansal and Mehrotra
quantities of them could limit growth of algae, for
(1982) studied the e€ect of di€erent concentrations
example. The presence of any of these metals in
of cadmium ions on two wastes of di€erent nature.
excessive quantities will interfere with many ben- Schubert (1980) showed that even for easily biode-
e®cial uses of the water because of their toxicity. gradable material sub-toxic concentrations of toxic
Therefore, it is desirable to measure and control the material can inhibit biodegradation. Copper inhi-
concentration of these substances. Since both the bition of treatment process is found to show a
biological treatment process and BOD measuring synergetic e€ect (Admeroti, 1988) with nickel and
technique are based on same principle of biochemi- zinc. Since on the addition of certain heavy metals,
cal degradation of organic matter by microorgan- BOD of certain industrial waste water and domestic
isms in presence of oxygen, the presence of toxic waste water may be suppressed, hence a systematic
metals like copper, zinc, lead and other heavy study on the e€ect of heavy metal ions on BOD of
metals will have an in¯uence on both the processes. waste water is needed to understand the mechanism
Because of the limited solubility of oxygen in the involved in the process of BOD.
aquatic medium contained in the BOD bottle, the In our investigations, e€ects of metals like alu-
toxic e€ect of heavy metal will be suciently large minium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, mercury and
compared to that in the treatment plant producing lead on BOD5 have been studied and a new mech-
e‚uent being tested for BOD. This di€erence may anism for BOD exertion in presence of metal ions is
be due to the reason that on continuous aeration, proposed.
the e‚uent of the treatment plant gets a regular
supply of oxygen. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Little work (Medine et al., 1981; Franke et al.,
1981; Boston and Hure, 1983; Berthouex and Methodology and test set-up
Szewczyk, 1984) has been done on the e€ect of BOD determination is an empirical test in which stan-
dardised laboratory procedures (APHA, 1989) are used to
determine the relative oxygen requirements of waste water,
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. e‚uents, and polluted waters. The test measures the oxy-
Fax: +175-214498; e-mail: gen utilised during a speci®ed incubation period for bio-

148 S. K. Mittal and R. K. Ratra

chemical degradation of organic material (carbonaceous were done to prepare a 1000 ppm solution of each metal
demand) and the oxygen used to oxidise inorganic ma- ion.
terial such as sulphide and ferrous ions. Although only 5- Estimation of BOD. Separate tests were performed for
day BOD (BOD5) is described here, many variations of each metal ion at di€erent concentrations in the range
oxygen demand measurement exist. These include using 0.1±100 mglÿ1.
shorter and longer incubation periods, tests to determine The required number of duly washed bottles were
rate of oxygen uptake, and continuous oxygen uptake arranged in sets of three bottles each. 1.5 ml (0.5%){ of
measurement techniques. synthetic waste water sample was pipetted into each bottle
of all the sets. These bottles were then ®lled with seeded
Sampling and storage dilution water. A known quantity of metal ion solution
was added in each set of bottles ranging from 0.1±100
Samples were prepared synthetically in the laboratory
and then stored in the refrigerator. Samples were not col-
All bottles were carefully ®lled with seeded dilution
lected from any waste stream since the study was of rela-
water to the top of the brim, not being allowed to over-
tive nature. At the time of analysis, samples were allowed
¯ow, because over¯owing would disturb the concentration
to come at a temperature of 208C.
of metal ion in the bottle. The initial DO of ®rst bottle of
each set was taken and the remaining two were capped,
watersealed and incubated for 5 days at 208C in BOD
Incubation bottles. 300 ml capacity amber glass bottles Incubator. After 5 days of incubation, the ®nal DO of the
were thoroughly cleaned with chromic acid followed by samples were determined.
distilled water and drained before use. As a precaution Estimation of dissolved oxygen. Initial and ®nal DO
against drawing air in the dilution bottle during incu- were determined by the titration method. The Alsterberg
bation, a water seal (space between mouth of the BOD modi®cation of Winkler's method (APHA, 1989) was
bottle and glass stopper ®lled with water) was used. A foil adopted. To ®nd the DO (of each bottle), 1.0 ml of
cap was placed over the ¯ared mouth of the bottle to manganese sulphate solution was pipetted by dipping the
reduce evaporation of the water seal during incubation. end of pipette below the surface of liquid; 1.0 ml of alka-
BOD incubation. BOD incubator (Indian Equipment line potassium iodide solution was added, the stopper was
Co., Mumbai) thermostatically controlled at 20 20.18C inserted and the contents were mixed thoroughly. The pre-
was used for the tests. cipitation formed was allowed to settle. Then 2.0 ml of
Reagents. Appropriate amounts of the chemicals (A R sulphuric acid solution was added to the bottle; the pre-
grade) were used to prepare solutions required for BOD cipitates were dissolved by vigorous shaking. The calcu-
measurements. lated amount of sample solution in a titration ¯ask was
taken and titrated against sodium thiosulphate solution
Procedure (0.025N) using starch as indicator. The volume in ml of
Preparation of dilution water. The desired volume of the titrant used was recorded, which gave directly the
water was put into a suitable container and 1 ml each of mglÿ1 of dissolved oxygen.
phosphate bu€er, MgSO4, CaCl2 and FeCl3 solutions per Calculations. Initial and ®nal DO values are calculated
litre of seeded dilution water was added as described using the following equation and results are used to ®nd
below. Dilution water was brought to 208C before use and change in BOD (increase/inhibition) given in Table 1.
saturated with dissolved oxygen (DO) by shaking in two …D1 ÿ D2 † ÿ …B1 ÿ B2 † f
BOD5 …mglÿ1 † ˆ
big containers for 15 min. P
Seeding. Synthetic milk waste was used in the test. A
compatible seed from a treatment plant of a local milk where
plant was collected. Seed water was taken from the corner D1=DO of diluted sample immediately after prep-
of an aeration tank before the settling tank. Seeded water aration, mglÿ1; D2=DO of diluted sample after 5-day in-
is then allowed to rest for settling and supernatant liquid cubation at 208C, mglÿ1; P = Decimal volumetric fraction
was then used as a seed for the BOD test. of sample used; B1=DO of seed control before incu-
Seed control. BOD of seeding material was measured bation, mglÿ1; B2=DO of seed control after incubation,
and dilution was made so that its DO uptake comes mglÿ1; and f = ratio of seed in diluted sample to seed in
between 0.6 to 1.25 mg lÿ1. seed control.
Synthetic waste sample preparation. A synthetic waste Here f = 1, because the same seeded dilution water is
sample was prepared from raw milk in the laboratory. A used in each case. Seed corrections were applied to all the
synthetic sample was preferred to the actual waste sample observations.
from industrial e‚uents because the investigations are of a
relative nature and the industrial sample may contain con-
taminants other than organic material, such as detergents,
heavy metals and other foreign materials, which may inter-
fere with the metal under test. Raw milk has BOD of
about 70,000±100,000 mglÿ1 and was diluted with distilled
water so that it comes in the range of 700±1000 mglÿ1. Addition of metal ions in the sample solutions
Preparation of metal ion solutions. Metals selected for resulted in the change in BOD5. Results of BOD5
the study were aluminium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, depletion/increase with the addition of di€erent
mercury and lead. Appropriate amounts of nitrate salts of concentration of metallic ions are presented in
these metals were dissolved in distilled water and dilutions Table 1. In case of cobalt, nickel and mercury there
is a regular decrease in observed BOD5 with an
{(0.5% sample was taken, because the expected BOD was increase in the amount of metal ion. The percentage
between 700±1000 mglÿ1. Therefore, maximum inhibition increases from 3.7 to 114% for nickel,
expected DO depletion would have been between 3.5± 9.8 to 78.3% for cobalt and 76.1 to 118.4% for
5.0 mglÿ1. As saturated DO in summer days is usually
around 7.0 mglÿ1, 2 mgl ÿ1 of DO would have mercury ions. Toxicity of mercury is large, even at
remained in the test solution in any case, which is an low concentrations. BOD5 inhibition of more than
essential norm for BOD test.) 100% may be due to the reason that the ``seed''
Toxic e€ect of metal ions on biochemical oxygen demand 149

Table 1. BOD5 exertion in presence of metal ions at 208C

Sample No. Type of sample Change in BOD (inhibition/increase), % age

Nickel Cobalt Mercury Aluminium Zinc Copper Lead

1 1 ml/l seed+1 ml/l each of nutriant ± ± ± ± ± ±

2 W.W+0.0 mg/l metal ions ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
3 (+)0.1 mg/l 3.70(ÿ) 9.80(ÿ) 76.1(ÿ) 1.30(+) 7.80(+) 0.60(ÿ) 1.75(+)
4 (+)0.25 mg/l 11.1(ÿ) 13.0(ÿ) 90.8(ÿ) 7.90(+) 15.6(+) 3.00(ÿ) 12.3(+)
5 (+)0.50 mg/l 24.1(ÿ) 18.5(ÿ) 110(ÿ) 11.3(+) 23.4(+) 3.50(ÿ) 1.75(+)
6 (+)0.75 mg/l 38.1(ÿ) 22.5(ÿ) 117(ÿ) 17.1(+) 10.4(+) 11.9(ÿ) 3.50(ÿ)
7 (+)1.0 mg/l 50.0(ÿ) 30.7(ÿ) 118(ÿ) Nil 6.30(ÿ) 16.4(ÿ) 8.77(ÿ)
8 (+)2.0 mg/l ± 37.5(ÿ) 117(ÿ) 11.8(ÿ) 10.9(ÿ) 20.9(ÿ) 12.3(ÿ)
9 (+)5.0 mg/l 64.8(ÿ) 41.6(ÿ) 118(ÿ) 52.6(ÿ) 18.8(ÿ) 31.3(ÿ) 20.0(ÿ)
10 (+)10 mg/l 81.5(ÿ) 45.6(ÿ) 118(ÿ) 61.8(ÿ) 41.8(ÿ) 29.8(ÿ)
11 (+)20 mg/l 90.7(ÿ) 55.2(ÿ) 118(ÿ) 67.1(ÿ) 28.7(ÿ) 31.3(ÿ) 14.0(ÿ)
12 (+)50 mg/l 109(ÿ) 67.4(ÿ) 118(ÿ) 80.3(ÿ) 37.5(ÿ) 9.90(ÿ) 7.00(ÿ)
13 (+)75 mg/l ± 117(ÿ) ± 7.5(+) 1.75(ÿ)
14 (+)100 mg/l 114(ÿ) 78.3(ÿ) 118(ÿ) 90.8(ÿ) 46.9(ÿ) 20.9(+) Ð

acts as a source of BOD5 in addition to the sample this lag period even beyond 5 days, thus a€ecting
BOD5. the BOD5 results.
In case of aluminium and zinc, there is ®rst an Toxicity of the metal ions to microorganisms
increase and then a sudden fall in BOD5 values fol- may be lethal or sublethal depending upon the
lowed by gradual decrease. Percentage change in nature and concentration of the ion added. As
BOD5 ranges from 1.3%(+) to 90.3%(ÿ) for alu- observed in case of mercury, even very small con-
minium, and for zinc it is 7.8%(+) to 46.9%(ÿ). centrations proved lethal and result in complete in-
The magnitude of percentage change for aluminium hibition (Figs 1±10) whereas in case of aluminium,
is about twice that of zinc at 100 mglÿ1 concen- the lethal dose is at very high concentration.
tration. Similarly, a sublethal dose was observed for other
In presence of copper ions, inhibition of BOD5 metals which do not show complete inhibition. The
®rst increases from 0.6 to 41.8% and then decreases toxic e€ect may be chronic or acute. These terms
almost at the same rate resulting in an overall are more relevant for BODs other than BOD5, e.g.,
increase of 21% at 100 mglÿ1. However, in the case BOD3 or BODu (BOD with very large incubation
of lead, ®rst there is an increase in the oxygen time). Similar observations are reported by Kansal
demand and then the inhibition starts which et al. (1982).
increases up to 29.8%Ðand then reversal of the From the above results it may be said that there
trend is noticed. Subsequently, no overall change in is competition between the microbial species (seed)
BOD5 is observed at 100 mglÿ1 metal ion concen- and the metal ions to combine with the dissolved
tration. oxygen present in the medium. Our observation
During the process of BOD measurement there supports the hypothesis that there are two competi-
are microbial organisms (added as seed) present tive pathways, represented as Scheme 1 and Scheme
along with the ®nite amount of metal ion concen- 2, in which microbial population of bacteria can
trations. In general, the microbial organism oxidises react, either with organic matter (Scheme 1) or with
the organic matter using oxygen from the aqueous metal ion (Scheme 2).
medium and exerts BOD. Presence of metal ion If the microbial seed combines with metal ion in
might a€ect the growth of microbial seed. Metal the medium, then it will not react with the organic
ion has an anity to combine with the microorgan-
ism (Chan and Bhargava, 1992). This process
involves the penetration of metal ion through the
cell membrane, resulting in the metal complex with
the organism, thereby either inhibiting or stimulat-
ing the catalytic function of the enzymes of the
During the process of BOD measurement a small
amount (1 ml) of the seed (which normally grows
with time) and sucient amount of nutrients are
added to favour the process of their development.
However, the presence of metal ions a€ects the
growth of microbial seed as well as inhibits their
population, and a prolonged lag period develops
which persists until resistant organisms have Fig. 1. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions (0.1)
evolved. The presence of metal ions may prolong mg lÿ1.
150 S. K. Mittal and R. K. Ratra

Fig. 2. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions

(0.25 mg lÿ1). Fig. 5. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions
(1.0 mg lÿ1).

Fig. 3. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions Fig. 6. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions
(0.50 mg lÿ1). (2.0 mg lÿ1).

Fig. 7. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions

(5.0 mg lÿ1).

Fig. 4. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions

(0.75 mg lÿ1).

Scheme 1.

Fig. 8. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions

Scheme 2. (10.0 mg lÿ1).
Toxic e€ect of metal ions on biochemical oxygen demand 151

in sharp contrast to the expected fall in its value

(due to the presence of metal ion). Oxidation of
copper (indicated from the increase in BOD) is
observed only at a high concentration because of its
lower oxidation potential as shown in the series
Al (1.66 V) > Zn (0.763 V) >> Co(0.277 V) >
Ni(0.246 V) > Pb(0.126 V) >> Cu(ÿ0.337 V) >>
Hg(0.79 V).
The behaviour shown by lead is irregular. No
increase in the oxygen demand is apparent for
cobalt, nickel and mercury, as expected in the series
Fig. 9. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions
shown above.
(20.0 mg lÿ1).
Histograms of the study showing the e€ect of
metal ions at selected concentrations on BOD (inhi-
bition or increase) are presented in Figs 1± 10. A
general look at the diagrams shows that at low con-
centrations of 0.1±0.25 mglÿ1, a distinctly large in-
hibition in BOD5 is observed for mercury ions. No
signi®cant inhibition or increase is observed for all
other metal ions in this concentration range.
A typical trend is noticed at a concentration of 1
mglÿ1 for all the metal ions. Aluminium shows no
inhibition, while all other metal ions inhibit BOD
exertion due to their presence. It is beyond this con-
centration when the presence of all the metal ions
in¯uence BOD, resulting in lowering its values
(with the exception of copperÐshowing an increase
Fig. 10. BOD exertion in presence of metal ions at 100 mglÿ1, probably due to metal oxide for-
(50.0 mg lÿ1). mation along with normal process of BOD exer-
tion). More than 100% inhibition is noticed for
matter and hence the uptake of oxygen will be less, nickel and mercury, which may be due to the fact
so, inhibition of BOD exertion results. Otherwise, that the `seed' itself consumes oxygen.
the microbial seed consumes the organic matter, Toxicity controlling techniques. Li and Tan
resulting in depletion of oxygen, leading to exertion (1994a,b) have suggested that the most e€ective
of BOD. way to overcome the presence of inhibitory or toxic
Dissolved oxygen in the aqueous medium can be compounds in waste water is the use of acclimated
consumed in two ways. Either it may be consumed seed. Toxicity can also be overcome by pretreat-
during the oxidation of organic matter or it will be ment. For example, toxic metals can be complexed
taken up by the metal ions, resulting in their oxide with chelating agents such as EDTA, a strong com-
formation. The latter phenomenon was observed in plexing agent which can form stable complexes with
our study and we noticed that a number of times almost all metal ions, causing toxicity to BOD
BOD was found to increase even larger than the measurement. Dilution is the other technique which
original BOD values, probably due to the oxidation can be applied without using extra chemicals or
of metal ions. time. The toxic e€ect is diluted out because dilution
In the cases of aluminium and zinc, apparently reduces the concentration of toxins below threshold
there is an oxidation of the metal in addition to toxic levels. Stirring the contents of the bottle con-
consumption of oxygen by the microbial matter, tinuously can also help to overcome the toxic e€ect.
since the oxygen demand increases (Table 1) on the Microbial toxicity may also be reduced by increas-
introduction of metal ions in the sample solution. ing the organism concentration.
This hypothesis is supported by the standard oxi-
dation potential values for all the metal ions under AcknowledgementsÐThe authors are thankful to Dr M. P.
consideration. Metal ions with larger oxidation po- Kapoor, Director, Thapar Institute of Engineering &
tential are easily oxidised, while those with smaller Technology, Patiala, for providing research facilities.
values have relatively less tendency to undergo oxi-
dation. Aluminium and zinc have the largest oxi- REFERENCES
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