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Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815 and was

educated in Berlin. Bismarck served a series of

ambassadorships at the German Confederation in
Frankfurt; he emerged as a reactionary against the
liberal. William I became Prussia's king in 1861 and
from 1851 to 1862 he appointed Bismarck as his
chief minister.In 1864 Bismarck began a series of
wars to establish Prussian power in Europe with
Austrian support. Bismarck was an outstanding
diplomat and strong-willed leader. He achieved the
title of 'The Iron Chancellor' for good reason.
Bismarck believed that the unification of German
states was determined by Prussia’s foreign policy.
He followed a philosophy known as realpolitik, a
system of politics principles based on practical
rather than more moral or ideological
consideration .Bismarck was the man responsible
for uniting the various German Kingdoms of the
1800’s into one unified country under the Prussian
Kaisers. He was an intelligent man who excelled in
politics along the lines of men like Winston Churchill
and Napoleon Bonaparte. He was able to use both
diplomacy and the threat of war to achieve his
goals.Otto Von Bismarck was a Planner During the
19th century, Nationalism was a big player when it
came to unity in Europe. The man who played the
main role in unification in Germany was Otto von
Bismarck.He started three wars to accomplish his
goal but after unification he successfully maintained
peace in europe.
Bismarck got the title, 'The Iron Chancellor ‘because
of his speech that he gave long before he united
Germany when he still was Prussian Prime Minister,
in that speech he said that Germany could only
become a great power through blood and iron.
Bismarck made Prussia the strongest of all German
states and its army feared throughout Europe.
His skill as a diplomat was unrivalled during his reign
as chancellor of Prussia. The mastery he showed in
foreign policy was such that he was able to outwit all
other powers and make their leaders appear
inadequate. Bismarck was an unrivalled diplomat
during his reign. Bismarck was able to gain the
support of the National-Liberal party as they were
sympathetic to the chancellor because he had
brought about national unity.
“The main thing is to make history, not to write
it.”Bismarck was a very creative and innovative
person,he was the pioneer of social welfare reform. The
world still remembers him because of his outstanding
works.Bismarck created the first welfare state in the
modern world.Bismarck also initiated a set of social
programs as remedial measure to appease the working
class.He also work closely with large industry to stimulate
german economic growth by giving working great
bismarck had a great vision and perseverance.he
possessed a long term national and international
vision.Bismarck was determined to unite german states
into a single empire and make it a major power of
Europe.Bismarck fully understood the game of politics
and anticipated their concerns,and was able to secure
peace and again their support whereas others may have
brought on unnecessary war.
Bismarck was a man with aggressiveness nature As 'Iron
chancellor' of the new Germany,Bismarck was
determined to continue in the same vain and build a
powerful state with a unified national identity and the
german empire the most powerful in Europe. This was
consistent with not only his rhetoric, but his actions.
From the very moment Bismarck was appointed Minister
President of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1862, he made it
clear he would make no compromises and that politics
and diplomacy can only be achieved when it has the
determination behind it.

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