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Bloom’s Taxonomy

Molly Kern

Rowan College at South Jersey

EDU 105: Educational Technology

Professor Cusick

February 11, 2021

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In education, there are so many ways to advance and evolve. Teachers are always trying new

things to make their classrooms better. There are different types of resources and devices that

can be added to schools and classes to make them more efficient. Two specific examples would

be technology and Bloom’s Taxonomy hierarchy. By using Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive

skills, the student will eventually reach the top level with create. Once the student reaches that

top level, the teacher should be able to evaluate and assess it. By using technology, the teacher

is able to see how the student is doing. After reading a book, the teacher can use for an activity to evaluate how well the students read. They can rewrite the

plot and add a new ending, and by doing this the teacher can observe how well they

comprehended the story. Although, the teacher should also limit how much technology is

involved in the daily classwork. To do this, they can include paperwork and reading stories out

of a book. Introducing technology into the classroom is great, as long as it is done safely and

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Creating: In my Classroom

As a teacher, I want to make sure that I know each of my student’s capabilities and

weaknesses. It is important to know how hard to push your students and when to help. If I get to

choose, I would teach 4th grade. This is the age that students are starting to mature and they have

higher standards and expectations in school. This is when the students’ grades start to count for

placement. I believe that I have the opportunity to be an influence on how much they enjoy

school for their future years, and I want to have a positive impact. I will provide these students

with the best education possible, and I will use all of the resources that are available to me.

Technology is becoming a huge part of the classroom, and I will use it to evaluate and work with

my students.

In my classroom, I will specifically teach reading and language arts. As a student, I

always found reading to be a challenge. I was very slow and needed to reread paragraphs to be

able to understand them. As I have grown, I have gotten better by working hard and reading

books more often. I want to be able to use my struggles, to help my own students. Bloom’s

Digital Taxonomy has the different levels that he talked about, but the certain step, create, is

what I will use in my classroom. Create is the highest level. It is all about producing their own,

new thoughts and ideas into assignments. Specific to the subject of reading and writing, there are

many different online websites and projects that I can utilize.

When it is time to evaluate and assess the students I want to make sure that each student

is capable of doing the work. A website that I found is called It is a site that

allows students to create their own stories. I will use this by having each student read the

required book in the curriculum and then create a new ending to the story. Not only will they

create a new ending, but they will also need to summarize the plot of the reading in the first few
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pages of their story and then add their new ending. By doing this, the students will prove to me

that they have read, that they can summarize, and that they can think on their own to create a

new finale to the book. If there are students who are not able to complete this or need help, I can

also make it a group project. This would then show me that the students are able to work

together. If it is a group project, I will assign an evaluation on top of it for the students to fill out.

It will contain questions about who did what for the group.

As important as it is, technology needs to be limited. Looking at a screen for six hours a

day can be damaging for the eyes. To make sure that I do not overuse technological devices, I

will limit each student to only two hours per school day. Hopefully, that will mean 20 minutes of

screen time every so often, and not an hour of screen time at once. I will always lean toward the

use of paper and pencil. This will significantly help limit the amount of time the students are

using technology, and it will not take away from their education. On top of that, my students will

read real books. We can read as a class, or read independently, but they will always be able to

have the paperback book in their hands.


Technology is extremely important in the classroom. The use of it is growing and

evolving every day. Although, it will always need to be limited. As a fourth-grade reading

teacher, I want to be able to utilize technology, while also keeping it old school with paperback

books. Bloom’s digital taxonomy for creating is the highest step in his diagram, so I expect high-

quality work from my students. I want to see creativity, individuality, and independence. If I am

able to incorporate all of this in my classroom, my students will be successful.

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Bloom's digital technology.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

What is bloom's taxonomy? A definition for teachers |. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

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