Boiler 032

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© Oil and exhaust gas fired boiler Type AQ-16 Exhaustgos outlet Smoke outlet Steam/woter space ~snvection smoke tubes Convection Water tubes Manhole Fire hole 7 Handhote Cleaning door a7 & ailiiidis ‘AALBORG SUNROD OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ¢ General Preparation for service Lighting-up and service Taking out of service Cleaning Boiling out * Feed- and boiler vater General It rests vith the boiler attendant to see to service end supervision of the boiler plant. He is to see to it that 21] parts of the plant are properly maintained, if the task hes not been assigned to other persons. On sea-going vessels the tesks and responsibility of the boiler attendant rest with the ship's officer from the machine séction on duty. The boiler attendant is to follow the below vorking and ope- ration instructions. If there are interruptions of service and dai ges and cther irregularities this must be reported to the nearest superior after, of course, the operational measures, which of gsi in order to cbiviate @ situetion ger, have been ca 20 21 202 23 ‘AALBORG SUNROD Preparation for service Before filling of water it must be checked that a1] strange + objects have been removed from the interior of the boilers, that all drain mountings are closed, that all loose parts have been fastened, and that built-in blind flanges, if any, have been removed. lf the boiler has been out of service fore quite a long tine the walls are to be examined for possible damages arisen during the stendstill period. The temperature of the vater which is to be led into the boiler is to be fairly corre- sponding to the temperature of the valls. If there is a bigger difference than abt. SO° C. the boiler is to be filled quite slovly. @sefore heating is begun it must be checked if the os openings re open (danger of explosion), that all safety devices sre OK, accurately adjusted end ready for-service, end that the water in the boiler is between the lovest end normal water level, Valves and shut-off devices ought to be served slowly, connec tion pipes must, if necessery, be emptied of water and ventile- ted (water check, coolings, st sudden differences in tempere- ture). Before the boiler is used for the first time it must be boiled out in order to remove 211 protecting materials and dirt in pipes and druns, See paragreph about boiling out. 2S During the first filling vith boiler vater the vatef level 2 indicators to be controlled by cpening the blow-off valve and upper end lover er level valve to open by turns./A veek eit flow should then be heard. ~ AALBORG SUNROD © # ailiiidis <3< [AALBORG SUNROD 3. Lighting-up and service 3.1 This boiler is provided to vork: A) As a seperate oi] fired boiler. 7 “B) As a combined oil fired/exhaust fired boiler. C) As a separate exhaust fired boiler. The mode cf operation of A) and 8) vill require constent water level of the boiler because of danger of burning down in opera- tion. Constent water level is not required at C). However, this is recommended, as the most favourable vater circulation and most stable operating conditions will be obtained. As to the construction ang the strength it is fully proper at C) to lover the water level of the exhaust tube section and even empty the boiler from vater, while the vhole gas volume flovs through the tibe section. The boiler vill in such case, gradually, get the same temperature as that of the exhaust gas. The boiler should be cooled before refilling it with feed water. wi re this could “not be done the feed water is to be preheated, end the feeding efully (slovly). - should commence very 3.2 when the boiler hes been ignited the ligthing-up rate nust not be speeded up too much in order not unnecessarily to over- strain the boiler material by quick, uneven temperature rises. The lighting-up time ought to be abt. 1 1/2 hours. The air escape valve at the boiler is to be kept open until a | heavy steam jet is floving out, this occurs et s steem pressure. of abt. 1,5 bar. 3.4 The pressure gauge end its connecting pipe line are. regulerly to be tested carefully es regards free passege. By this must be stated if the indicator cen reach the O-point without ob- structions at slov relief of the pressure ceuge, end if it can reach its former positicn steted if the press! slow load. Further, it must be shcus the indicted alloveble bl through of the con- tbe connected enti? ‘mee 3.5 3.6 347 During service the water level may not fall below the mark for lowest water level. If the water level cannot with certainty be said to be sufficient the firing must be stopped at once (see also paragraph 4.1) and the nearest superior informed immedia- tely. If the vater level goes beyond the tép visible vater level without perceptible reason the firing must be stopped at once if you cannot vith other measures again reduce the ter level, All the vater level indication instruments are currently used and have, therefore, to be kept clean. The seme thing applies for water level regulator and limiter. Cocks and valves are to be opened slovly and to be closed in the same way. Lacks, esp cially obstructions, are to be removed at once. Before the boiler is connected it is necessary that the safety valves are adjusted so that they can begin to function at the prescribed pressure, Alteration of the edjustment is to be carried out only by en expert fron the locel classification society, If the st pressure rises ebove the alloveble working pressure, Which is marked by @ red line, the firing is reduced end the feeding intensified. If the safety valves do not blow they are to be checked at once, If the ceuse is not stated the firing must be stopped and the superior informed. Once a day mud is blown from the boiler through the botton- blov-cff valve until clear water is coming. If priming tekes plece as @ concequence of pollution of oil or the like in the boiler water (is normally seen es a brown layer in the vater gauge glasses), the impurities ate blown « out through the scum valve (see par graph about boiling cut). Should the firing fail, fer sone reason, dusing a heavy steen demand period, then the st outlet valve is to be clesed immediately, end the feed pur is to kept in service until a normal va v ili, ye = sawsone swNr00 | 4, Taking out of service 4.1 The boiler must be taken out of service immediately and the superior informed Soon as possible if you have @ suspicion that something dangerous is airising. The opplies especially when: 1, heating or deformation of the boiler valls are found somewhere 2. a big loss of water is noted 3. the feed vater system is unable to provide the necessary feed vater amount due to failure of parts a 4, the safety valve cannot function | 5. sudden cracks or big damages are noted in the refractory _ onthe furnace side, oz steem or moisture is coming cut . of the refractory | This can also be the c vhen pipe damage: the like (i.e. at steam outlet) are steted. plate crack o> If the boiler is to be teken out of service in @ emergency | the fuel supply is stopped. The steam valve is to be closed gradually end the boiler must stend until it is cooled. The safety valves may not be touched. Parallel working boilers | ‘ ar to be disconnected at once. If part of the heating surface hes been gloving or the boiler shows recognizable deformations the supervising euthorities | must be informed, and the boiler is not to be used until epproval from these authorities is available. 4.4 When stopping the s on that @ sus ice, so much feed er to be’ filled ble water level is present et next firing (between lower and nor level). AALBORG SUNROD

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