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Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

The Integumentary System

Directions: Read to learn about the integumentary system. Then answer the questions that follow.

epidermis: outer layer of skin
dermis: inner layer of skin
pore: openings in the skin that allow sweat to the surface
follicle: strands of hair that grow in the dermis

What is the integumentary system? The integumentary system includes

our skin, hair, nails, sweat and oil glands. The skin is the largest part of
this system and actually is the largest organ that we have. Many people do
not think of our skin as an organ but it is probably our most important
organ as it holds everything inside our bodies.
What parts make up the integumentary system?

Functions. The integumentary system is important to us because it helps

in five very important ways. It helps us
 to regulate our body temperature,
 eliminate wastes,
 protect the body
 gather information about the environment and
 produces vitamin D.
What are the five important jobs of the integumentary system?

Body Temperature. The skin helps to keep your body temperature in

order. When you run, you become hot. Your skin opens the blood vessels.
This allows a greater amount of blood to flow through them and cool down
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your body. Another way it cools itself down is with sweat glands. These
glands open to allow perspiration through. As it evaporates, it cools
down your body. Your body also works to warm you up. When you are
cold, the blood vessels contract, or close, so that heat cannot escape.
How does the skin help us regulate our body temperature?

Getting rid of wastes. Another important function of the skin is to

eliminate waste. When you sweat, perspiration gets rid of the dissolved

Protection. Skin protects the inside of our body from its environment. It
keeps dangerous substances outside your body and important ones, like
water, inside the body.

Gather Information. Your skin’s sense of touch takes in information

around you. Pressure, temperature and pain are examples of some of
the information it processes. These messages can warn us about the

Making vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for our bodies. It is important

for our bones. In order for your skin cells to continue making vitamin D,
your body needs sunlight each day.

What are the functions of the integumentary system?

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Our skin. Our skin has layers. The
outside layer of our skin is called
the epidermis. This layer protects
our bodies. It is made up of dying
skin cells. The cells are formed
deeper in the skin and move
upward to the outer region of the
epidermis as they age.

The dermis is located below our epidermis. It is thicker than the

epidermis. Inside the dermis are blood cells, hair follicles and sweat
glands. Your dermis helps to protect your internal organs and keeps in
body heat.
Below the dermis is a layer of fat called the subcutaneous fat. This
layer is made of mostly fat and helps to keep your body warm. This layer
also absorbs shock. If you bang into something or fall, this layer helps to
protect your body from getting hurt. This layer also holds your skin to
the tissue underneath it.
Hair follicles are strands of hair. They start to grow here. In the
image above, you can see how they start in the subcutaneous fat layer
and continue to grow through the other layers of the skin. Hair follicles
can be found throughout your entire body. The only places they cannot
be found are on your lips, palms of your hands and soles of your feet.
Some areas of your body have more hair than others. For example, your
head has about 100,000 follicles, which is much more than other areas of
your body.

List the layers of the skin from outside the inside.

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What you learned:
• The integumentary system includes the skin, hair, nails sweat and oil
• The integumentary system helps to
• Protect the body
• Regulate body temperature
• Eliminate wastes
• Gather information
• Produce vitamin D
• Our skin is the largest organ.
• There are three layers of our skin.
• Epidermis (outermost layer)
• Dermis
• Subcutaneous fat

Answer These. Answer these questions to show how much you know.
1. What are the five functions of the integumentary system?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________________

2. What is our largest organ? _______________________________________

3. What do you think would happen if we didn’t have subcutaneous fat?

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Name _____________
Date _____________
Respiratory System
Breathing & Lungs
Respiratory System

Human lungs are part of the respiratory system, a group of body parts that work together to help us breathe.
In addition to lungs, the main parts in the respiratory system include the nose, sinuses, mouth, throat,
windpipe (trachea) and bronchial tubes. The system’s main job is to move
fresh oxygen into the body and remove the waste gas carbon dioxide.

Every cell in our body needs oxygen to survive. The bloodstream acts as an
important highway in the respiratory system. When oxygen is exchanged with
carbon dioxide in the lungs, it travels through the bloodstream to the cells. In
addition to breathing, the system also brings air to the proper humidty and
temperature levels; it protects our body from harm by coughing, sneezing, and
filtering substances; and it supports our sense of smell.

Healthy Living

Our lungs and breathing decline as we get older. However, here are simple Respiratory System
steps to keep our lungs healthy:

 Avoid Smoking and second-hand smoke – smoking destroys vital lung tissue over time, leading to
diseases like chronic bronchitis and lung cancer.
 Prevent infections by washing hands or using hand sanitizer to kill germs.
 Brushing our teeth helps protect us from mouth germs that may lead to infections.

In addition, exercise is important for breathing because it strengthens lung muscles, getting oxygen into our
body more easily.


Asthma is a lung condition that makes breathing difficult for millions of people. It can be a life-threatening
condition for some and symptoms may include a tight feeling in the chest, coughing or wheezing, and
shortness of breath. The good news is asthma is usually a manageable condition with the help of medicine or a
doctor advice. Immediately tell an adult if you think a classmate is having an asthma attack, especially if they
feel dizzy, weak, or faint; their wheezing is getting worse, lips turn blue, nostrils start flaring when breathing,
they take more than 30 breaths per minute, or normal walking and talking is difficult for them.


1) Explain the respiratory system in your own words. (≥ 5 sentences)

2) List four ways to keep our lungs healthy. (≥ 1 sentence)

3) What facts should a teacher know about asthma? (≥ 3 sentences)

Sources: Live Science, American Lung Association TpT | The Harstad Collection

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