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Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

 FICO concepts & Transaction Codes

Procedure : T-codes

1. Define company OX15

2. Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code OX02
3. Assign company code to company OX16
4. Define Business Area OX03
5. Maintain consolidation business area OCC1
6. Assign business area to consolidation business area OBB6
7. Maintain FM Area OF14
8. Assign company code to financial management area OF18

9. Define Field Status Variants OBC4
10. Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants OBC5
11. Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year) OB29

12. Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant OB37
13. Define Variants for Open Posting Periods OBB0
14. Assign Variants to Company Code OBBP
15. Open and Close Posting Periods OB52
16. Define Document Number Ranges for Entry View
ut FBN1
17. Edit Chart of Accounts List OB13
18. Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts OB62
19. Define Account Group OBD4
20. Define Retained Earnings Account OB53
21. Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts OBAO
22. Define Tolerance Groups for Employees OBA4
23. Define tax procedure OBY2
24. Assign Country to calculation procedure OBBG
25. Enter global parameter OBY6
26. Maintain controlling area OKKP

27. Creation of general ledger accounts FS00

28. Posting GL master F-02 (or) FB50
 Documents
29. Post a Parked document F-65
30. To Display a document FB03
31. To change park document FBV2
32. To Post a parked document FBV0 (or) FV50
33. To display a park document FBV3
34. To post a Held document F-02
35. To display Held document FB11
36. To delete held document FB01
37. To post Sample Document F-01
38. Recurring Document FBD1
39. Individual Reversal FB08

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

40. Mass Reversal F.80

41. Reset document FB08
42. Reset cleared document FBRA

 Cross Company Transactions

43. Define cross company code transaction OBYA
44. To change a cross company code transaction FBU2
45. To display a cross company document FBU3
46. To reverse the cross company transaction FBU8
47. To view the gl balances FBL3N

 Accounts payable(VENDOR ACCOUNTS)

 Create Vendor reconciliation account(or)Sundray creditor account

48. Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors) OBD3
49. Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts XKN1
50. Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups OBAS
51. Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors OBA3
52. Define Tolerance Groups for Employees OBA4
Define Document Number Ranges for Entry View
Create vendor master record
Change the vendor
Display the vendor
FK01 (or) XK01
FK02 (or) XK02
FK03 (or)XK03
57. Block/Unblock Vendor FK05
58. To post a Vendor general invoice F-43
59. To post a vendor invoice FB60
60. To display a vendor document FB03
61. To change the vendor document FB02
62. To change the vendor line items FB09
63. To Display a Vendor line item FBL1N

64. To display balances FK10N

65. Clearing the vendor Manually (Outgoing payments) F-53
66. Statement of Vendor account OB78
67. Request for correspondence FB12
68. Maintain statement F.64

 DOWN PAYMENT(Advance to vendors)

 For this down payments we need to create a reconciliation account
 Advance to Vendor account
69. Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments OBYR
70. Down Payment request F-47
71. Down payment Entry F-48
72. Vendor invoice posting F-43 (or) FB60
73. Clearing special G/L to normal F-54

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

74. Clearing the normal GL entry F-44

75. Clearing the vendor Manually(Outgoing payments) F-53
 TDS(Tax on Sales and purchases) {Goods and Service Tax}
76. Define tax procedure OBQ3
77. Assign Tax Procedure to entry OBBG
78. Define Tax codes for Sales & Purchase FTXP
79. Define Tax Accounts OB40
80. Assign tax codes for customer Fd02
81. As sign tax codes for Vendor fK02
82. Post sales invoice or Purchase invoice FB60 or FB70

 Withholding tax:

83. Check Withholding Tax Countries .
84. Define Withholding Tax Keys .

85. Define Withholding Tax Type for Invoice Posting .
86. Define Withholding Tax Type for Payment Posting .
87. Define withholding tax codes .
88. Define formulas for calculating with holding tax .
89. Assign with holding tax types to company code .
Active extended with holding tax
Creation of with holding tax account
Define accounts for with holding tax to be paid over
Assign PAN number to owner J1ID
 Bills of Exchange:
94. For bill of exchange we need to create two gl accounts,
1) Sundray debtor bill of exchange a.c
2) Bill discount account
95. Define Alternative Reconcil.Acct for Bills/Exch.Receivable OBYN
96. Define Accounts for Bill of Exchange Transactions OBYH

97. Define Bank Subaccounts OBYK

98. Post Sales invoice F-22
99. Bill of Exchange payment F-36
100. Bill Discounting at bank F-33
101. Go & View Gl open item FBL3N
102. Reverse Contingent Liability F-20
103. Go& View Gl open item FBL3N

 Payment Terms and Discount paid

104. Maintain Terms of Payment OBB8
105. Assign Payment terms to the vendor/customer FK02or FD02
106. Define accounts for cash discount taken OBXU
 Foreign currency transactions
107. Check Exchange rate types OB07

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

108. Define translation Ratios for Currency transaction OBBS

109. Define Exchange Rates OB08
110. Assign Exchange rate type to vendor Document OBA7
111. Purchase invoice posting F-43
112. Vendor payment F-53
 House banks
113. Define House Banks FI12
114. Define Number Ranges for Checks FCHI
115. Creation of manual Check FCH5
116. To Display for checks FCH1
117. For Payment Document FCH2
118. To Display Check Register FCHN

119. Define Void Reason Codes FCHV
120. Define unused check FCH3

121. Cheque Encashment FCH6
122. Issued Cheque cancellation FCH9
123. Cancel Payment FCH8


Entries for manual bank statement
1. Bank outgoing
Bank out going account dr
To Main bank account cr

2. Bank incoming
Main bank a/c dr
To Bank incoming a/c cr

3. Direct deposited in to bank

Main bank a.c dr
To Direct deposit a.c

4. Interest received
Main bank a.c dr
To Interest receive a.c

5. Interest paid
Bank out going(interest paid) a.c dr
To main bank a.c

124. Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement S_P00_07000247
125. Define Variants for manual bank statement OT43

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

126. Create and assign Business transactions OT58.

127. To run a manual bank statement FF67

 Cash Journal
128. Define number ranges for cash journal documents FBCJC1
129. Setup cash journal FBCJC0
130. Create change and business transactions FBCJC2
131. Setup print parameters for Cash Journal FBCJC3
132. Cash Journal Entry FBCJ

 Automatic Payment Program

133. In One Transaction code can assign all the configuration steps for APP FBZP
134. Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions .

135. Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions .
136. Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions .
137. Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions .
138. Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions .
139. To Run a Automatic payment program F110

Interest calculation

Two type of interest calculation

1. Balance interest calculation
2. Item interest calculation

 Balance interest calculation

140. .Define Interest Calculation Types OB46
141. Define Reference Interest Rates OBAC
142. Define Time-Dependent Terms OB81

143. Enter Interest Values OB83

144. Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation OBV2
145. Prepare account balance interest calculation OBAA
146. Assign Interest indicator to GL accounts FS00
147. Post a gl entry F-02
Cash a.c dr
To Bank loan a.c
148. To run calculation interest F.52

 Item Interest calculation

149. Creation of gl Account FS00
Interest Received account
150. Define Interest calculation Types OB46
151. Define Number Ranges for Interest Forms FBN1

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

152. Prepare Interest on Arrears Calculation OB82

153. Define Referance Interest Rates OBAC
154. Define Time-Based Terms OB81
155. Enter Interest values OB83
156. A/R :Calculation of Interest on arrears OBV1
157. Assign Forms for Interest Indicator OB84
158. Assign Interest Indicator to Customer Accounts XD02
159. Sales invoice posting F-22 (or) FB70
160. Execute the interest F.24

161. Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers) OBD2

162. Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts XDN1
163. Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups OBAR

164. Define Tolerances for Customers/Vendors OBA3
165. Define Tolerance Groups for Employees OBA4
166. Create Customer FD01 – XD01
167. To change the customer FD02- XD02
168. To display the customer FD03-XD03
169. To Block/Unblock the customer
170. Define number ranges for customer documents
171. Sales Invoice Posting
172. To display Customer balances
F-22 (or) FB70
173. To display Customer Line item FBL5N
174. To clear the customer(Incoming Payments) F-28
175. To Change a customer document FB02
176. To change Line item FB09
177. To Display a Document FB03
178. Customer statement of account OB78
179. Request from Correspondance FB12

180. To view a Customer Statement F.64

 DownPayment from Customers

181. Define Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down Payments OBXR
182. Down payment Request F-37
183. Down Payment Entry F-29
184. Transfer ao amount special g/l to Normal g/l F-39
185. Clearing Normal Account F-32

 Dunning
186. Define Dunning Area OB61
187. Define Dunning Procedure FBMP
188. Assign Dunning Procedure to the Customer XD02
189. To run a Dunning F150

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

 Asset Accounting
190. Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas ECO8
191. Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases FTXP
192. Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions OBCL
193. Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code OAOB
194. Specify Account Determination .
195. Create Screen Layout Rules .
196. Define Number Range Interval AS08
197. Define Asset Classes OAOA
198. Creation of Account Group OBD4
199. Assign gl accounts AO90

200. Specify Rounding of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation OAYO
201. Define Base Methods .

202. Define Declining-Balance Methods AFAMD
203. Define Multi-Level Methods AFAMS
204. Define Multi-Level Methods AFAMP
205. Maintain Depreciation Key AFAMA
206. Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class OAYZ
207. Define Document types for asset classes
208. Create asset master data
209. Creation of sub – asset
210. Purchase of asset
211. Asset explorer AW01N
212. Display of Asset balance by business area .
213. Depreciation run AFAB
214. Sale of asset F-92
215. Asset scrapping ABAVN
216. Transfer of asset ABUMN

 Controlling
217. Maintain Controlling Area OKKP
218. Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents KANK
219. Maintain Versions OKEQ

 Cost Element Accounting

Cost elements are a carriers from fi to co There are two types.
1. Primary cost element
2. Secoundary Cost element.
220. Create Cost Elements KA01
221. Create Cost element group KAH1
222. Creation of secondary costelement KA06

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

 Cost center accounting

223. Create Cost Centers KS01
224. Change cost Centers KS02
225. Define Standard Hierarchy OKEON
226. Define Cost Center Groups KSH1
227. Change Cost Center Group KSH2
228. Post a cost center entry in GL
229. How to view cost center wise reports KSB1
230. Planning cost center wise KP06
231. To view cost center Actual plan variants S_ALR_87013611

 Profit center Accounting

232. Set Controlling Area OKKS
233. Maintain Controlling Area Settings 0KE5

234. Set Control Parameters for Actual Data 1KEF
235. Maintain Plan Versions OKEQ
236. Create Dummy Profit Center KE59
237. Define Profit Center KE51
238. Change Profit Center KE52
239. Assign Cost center to profit center
240. Define Number Ranges for Local Documents
241. Maintain Automatic Account Assignment of Revenue Elements
242. Choose Accounts
243. Change( planning profit center wise) 7KE1
244. Change( Planning balance sheet accounts) 7KE3

 Profitability analysis
245. Maintain Operating Concern KEA0
246. Define Profitability Segment Characteristics (Segment-Lvl Characteristics) KEQ3
247. Assign controlling area to operating concern KEKK

248. Maintain Characteristic Values KES1

249. Define Number Ranges for Actual Postings KEN1
250. Assign Value Fields KE4I
251. Active profitability analysis KEKE

 Production Costing
252. Define plant OX10
253. Assign plant to company code OX18
254. Copy, delete, check plant OX10
255. Creation of material MM01

Sap fico Transaction Codes Narayana

 Error
 Procedure:The Company code 1010 Does not exists are not fully maintainedGo to transaction
code OMSY – position – ccode 1010 year 2018 –period 01
256. Creation of bill of material CS01
257. Creation of secondary cost element KA06
258. Creation of activity type KL01
259. Planning Activity hours KP26
260. Price calculation KSPi
261. Creation of work center CR01
262. Creation of routing CA01

 Financial Statement Version
263. Define financial statement versions OS58

264. Run a financial statement version F.01
 Year – End Closings
265. Carry forward balances for Customer/Vendor: F.07
266. Carry forword balances from asset AJAB
267. Carry forward balances from gl master F.16

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