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Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Obje

The possible account assignment types for account assignment objects are: APC
balance sheet posting or account assignment of depreciation. In this step, you assign
account assignment types to the account assignment objects. These assignments are
dependent on

 Company code

 Depreciation area

 Transaction type

If you want to assign both account assignment types to an account assignment object,
you have to make at least two table entries for the account assignment object.

You can make a generic entry, using an asterisk (*), for the transaction type. The
system then uses the account assignment type you entered for all transaction types for
that account assignment object (in the company code and depreciation area). SAP also
supplies a generic company code and two generic depreciation areas (see below).

Program logic

If you use both generic transaction types and "normal" transaction types in the table, the
system gives priority to the non-generic entries before generic entries. The system also
gives priority to the non-generic company code over the non-generic transaction type.
This applies especially to deactivated account assignment types.


The entries below have been entered in the Customizing table for an account
assignment object. The system determines the account assignment type by checking
the entries in sequence from top to bottom, until it finds a suitable record.

 CoCd 0001, Area 20, Trans. type 100

 CoCd 0001, Area 20, Trans. type *

 CoCd * , Area 00, Trans. type 100

 CoCd * , Area 00, Trans. type *

Standard settings

SAP provides one generic company code (*) and two generic depreciation areas (00
and 01). The settings for depreciation area 00 are valid for all depreciation areas
other than 01. The settings for generic depreciation area 01 are valid in all company
codes for depreciation area 01.


Make your settings for the account assignment type in the account assignment object in
the following order:

1. First for the generic company code and the generic transaction type
2. Then for the generic company code and non-generic transaction types
3. Then for non-generic company codes and the generic transaction type
4. Last for non-generic company codes and non-generic transaction types

Activate the account assignment types you need. You do not have to delete those you
do not need. You can just deactivate them, and activate them later if you need


Account Assignment Object in Asset Accounting


Account assignment objects in Asset Accounting are the objects that can be posted
using Asset Accounting functions. These objects have to be activated in Customizing for
Asset Accounting, and their account assignment types have to be specified.

Account Assignment Type in Asset Accounting

Account assignment types in Asset Accounting describe the type of account assignment
for an account assignment object. There are two account assignment types:

 01 Periodic posting (all values other than depreciation)

 02 Depreciation posting

Asset Transaction Type

The transaction type in Asset Accounting classifies the business transaction. The
transaction type controls various system activities when business transactions are

Account Assignment: Yes/No

Specifies that account assignment to the given account assignment object is active or
inactive. Set this indicator if you want values to be updated on the account assignment
object. Do not set the indicator if you do not want an update for this combination of
depreciation area, transaction type, and account assignment type.


You can only make settings for active account assignment objects. The system gives
precedence to settings at the detail level. For example, if you make generic settings for
account assignment to an object, but deactivate at the detail level, then the system does
not post to this object, since the detail settings always take precedence.

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