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much grain as control plants. But did the

grain itself contain more iron? This question
Improving rice yields—ironing out the details was left unanswered, so we cannot yet con-
clude that increased phytosiderophore
Engineering crops to release more iron-solubilizing chelators may release leads to the partitioning of more iron
into the seed.
increase their yield in alkaline soils. Engineering other steps in the phy-
tosiderophore biosynthetic pathway could
Mary Lou Guerinot further increase phytosiderophore release.
The discrepancy between the high levels of
© 2001 Nature Publishing Group

Iron is one of three nutrients (nitrogen and Not all plants are proficient at mounting NAAT activity and the rather modest
phosphorus are the others) that most com- iron-deficiency responses. For strategy II increase in deoxymugineic acid release sug-
monly limit plant growth1. Unlike other plants, there is a strong, positive correlation gests that NAAT may be limited for its sub-
nutrient limitations, however, iron deficiency between the amount of phytosiderophores strate, nicotianamine. The cloning of genes
cannot be remedied through the use of fertil- released and the resistance of plants to iron encoding nicotianamine synthase, the
izers because the problem is not one of abun- deficiency1. In the present paper, Takahashi et enzyme that condenses three molecules of
dance, but rather one of solubility. In this al. hypothesized that rice is much more sus- S-adenosyl methionine into nico-
issue, Takahashi et al.2 engineer rice to release ceptible to iron deficiency than other grasses tianamine7–9, offers the opportunity to
increased levels of deoxymugineic acid, an because it releases low amounts of phy- manipulate the synthesis of nicotianamine.
iron-solubilizing chelator. The resultant tosiderophores. The biosynthetic pathway Nicotianamine itself is thought to play a role
plants exhibit enhanced growth in soils with that leads to the formation of the rice phy- in iron metabolism in both strategy I and
low iron availability. Because half the world’s tosiderophore, deoxymugineic acid, has been strategy II plants, possibly serving as the iron
population eat rice daily and it forms a sub- largely elucidated, providing several targets chelator that transports iron in the phloem10.
stantial part of their diet, this dramatic for increasing the amounts of phy- Thus, another question that will have to be
increase in yield bodes well for future provi- tosiderophore produced. answered is whether diverting more nico-
sion of this important food staple. Takahashi et al. used Agrobacterium- tianamine into the production of phy-
What is it about iron that makes it so hard mediated transformation to introduce into tosiderophores will have any effects on iron
for plants to acquire? Although iron is the rice two barley genes6 encoding nico- distribution in the plant itself. This is espe-
fourth most abundant element in the earth’s tianamine aminotransferase (NAAT), the cially important because iron is transported
crust, it is largely unavailable in alkaline enzyme that catalyzes the second step in the into the developing seed through the
(pH >7) soils. In well-aerated soils with high biosynthesis of deoxymugineic acid. Under phloem. The repercussions of diverting more
pH, the concentrations of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in soil iron deficiency, transgenic rice expressing the S-adenosyl methionine into the production
solution are extremely low, orders of magni- two barley NAAT genes had higher levels of of nicotianamine will also have to be investi-
tude lower than that required by plants for NAAT activity and released larger amounts of gated. S-adenosyl methionine is the primary
optimal growth. Alkaline soils are very com- phytosiderophores than nontransformants. donor of methyl groups in many metabolic
mon in semiarid and arid regions, which This increased release did correlate, as pre- processes and is the immediate precursor of
have been estimated to account for 30% of dicted, with improved growth of the trans- the plant hormone ethylene.
the world’s arable soils. genic plants in alkaline soils. Remarkably, the Whereas increasing phytosiderophore
Faced with a deficit of iron, plants have transgenic rice plants yielded fourfold as production looks promising for improving
two main strategies for making this essential
nutrient more available (Fig. 1; ref. 1). All
plants, except the grasses, release protons into
Strategy I Strategy II
the soil to lower the pH, induce the expres-
(pea, tomato, arabidopsis) (barley, maize, rice)
sion of a Fe(III) chelate reductase to reduce
iron to the more soluble Fe(II) form3 and ATP
induce an Fe(II) transport system to take in H+ Siderophore
the reduced iron4. Collectively, this is referred
to as a strategy I response.
Grasses, which include many of the world’s NADH FE (III)-chelate FE (III)-siderophore
main food crops such as wheat, rice, and FRO2 complex
maize, release low-molecular-weight com- YS1
pounds called phytosiderophores from their
roots in response to iron deficiency. These
phytosiderophores solubilize iron by binding FE (II) FE (II) Degradation Ligand
to Fe(III). The Fe(III)–phytosiderophore com- IRT1 exchange
plex is then taken up by the plant via a specif-
© Bob Crimi

Inside Outside Inside Outside

ic phytosiderophore receptor5. This response PM PM
is designated strategy II.

Figure 1. Iron uptake by higher plants. Iron-efficient plants are able to acquire iron from soils of low
Mary Lou Guerinot is professor, iron availability using one of two strategies. Strategy I plants reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II), which is then
transported across the plasma membrane. Strategy II plants release Fe(III) chelating siderophores
Department of Biological Sciences, and then transport Fe(III)–siderophore complexes across the plasma membrane. Ligand exchange
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 and degredation are alternative fates for the Fe (III) complex. FRO2, ferric reductse-oxidase 2; IRT1,
( iron-regulated transporter 1; YS1, yellow stripe 1. • MAY 2001 • VOLUME 19 • nature biotechnology 417

© 2001 Nature Publishing Group


the growth of strategy II plants in soils with 7. Higuchi, K. et al. Plant Physiol. 119, 471–479 (1999).
(1999). 11. Goto, F. et al. Nat. Biotechnol. 17, 282–286
low iron availability, what about strategy I 8. Herbik, A. et al. Eur. J. Biochem. 265, 231–239 (1999).
plants? It is possible that increased synthe- (1999). 12. Drakakaki, G. et al. Transgenic Res. 9, 445–452
9. Ling, H. Q. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, (2000).
sis of nicotianamine might confer some 7098–7103 (1999). 13. Ye, X. et al. Science 287, 303–305 (2000).
benefit, but more likely gains may come 10. von Wiren, N. et al. Plant Physiol. 119, 1107–1114 14. WHO (2001).
from increasing the rate-limiting step of
Fe(III) chelate reduction. And interestingly,
strategy I plants may also benefit from the
release of chelators. Plants engineered to
release more citrate into the rhizosphere
Searching for array standards in Rockville
© 2001 Nature Publishing Group

grow better than nonengineered plants in

soils of low iron availability (Luis Herrera- A recent US NIH meeting produced a draft pilot protocol to facilitate
Estrella, personal communication). microarray data sharing.
Presumably, citrate forms complexes with
Fe(III) that can then be reduced at the root Robert A. Star and Rebekah S. Rasooly
surface for transport across the plasma
membrane. Twenty-three research groups
In addition to improvements in the funded by microarray initiatives at
uptake of iron from the soil, attention is the National Institute on Drug
being paid to increasing the storage forms Abuse (NIDA)1 and the National
of iron. Rice has been engineered to have Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
higher levels of the iron storage protein fer- and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)2 of
ritin in the grain, but results conflict as to the US National Institutes of
the effect of such overexpression on the Health (NIH; Rockville, MD)
iron content of the grain11,12. And none of recently took part in a meeting* to
the rice plants, including those described by discuss current logistical chal-
Takahashi et al., has been tested in the field. lenges in microarray research and
The idea of fortifying foods with iron is formulate a strategy for facilitat-
not new. Iron-fortified infant formula and ing progress in the field. After
iron-enriched flours are widely available. extensive discussion, a plan was
But by fortifying food crops before harvest, proposed incorporating the estab-
we stand the best chance of ensuring that lishment of effective communica- Figure 1. Brainstorming in the NIH Neuroscience Center in
such iron-fortified foods get to the people tion tools, use of a standard subset Rockville, MD. Twenty three US scientists from the NIDA
who most need them. The engineering of of several hundred genes, adop- and NIDDKA met at the NIH earlier this year to hammer out
protocols for facilitating array data sharing and analysis.
rice endosperm to produce more vitamin A tion of a single gene-naming pro-
by Ingo Potrykus, Peter Beyer, and their co- tocol, design of a set of standard
workers13 is the gold standard for preharvest quality controls, and the development of a Although the belief that “more data are bet-
fortification of rice to increase its nutritional control pool of RNA, together with the req- ter” is common, biologists are experiencing
value. The goal of producing rice with both uisite bioinformatics tools. The US difficulty in keeping up with the latest
more vitamin A and more iron in its grain is National Center for Biotechnology advances, analyzing data, and comparing
certainly within reach. Such rice would pro- Information (NCBI; Rockville, MD) Gene data obtained using competing technologies
vide a solution for two of the three major Expression Omnibus (GEO) was suggested or at other laboratories. In addition, the
nutrient deficiency problems facing the as an ideal repository for microarray data. field lacks uniform standards to describe
world today. We believe that such an arrangement could simple (e.g., gene names) and complex (e.g.,
Sixty to eighty percent of the world’s pop- serve as a model for other national/interna- experimental details, analysis methodology)
ulation may be iron deficient14. Iron- tional microarray data curation/storage parameters.
deficiency anemia is responsible for an esti- efforts. The Rockville meeting was convened to
mated 20% of maternal deaths in Africa and Biologists attempting microarray analysis discuss these issues and find a consensus for
Asia, and can lead to irreversible of gene expression currently face several coordinating research. During the first day,
physical/mental retardation, reduced resis- challenges, not least the rapid evolution of participants discussed recent advances in
tance to infection, and reduced work perfor- array technology, methodology, statistical experimental design, methodology, and data
mance. The approach described by and bioinformatics analysis tools, and the analysis. Several speakers described method-
Takahashi et al. has a dramatic effect on absence of widely accepted quality controls. ological and analytical approaches for
plant yield. We now eagerly await confirma- reducing and measuring experimental error.
tion that it also bolsters iron content. Peter Munson from NIH’s Center for
Robert A. Star is senior scientific advisor and Information Technology discussed the
chief, renal diagnostics and therapeutics, importance of replicates in experimental
1. Marschner, H. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic design and the use of simple statistical tools
(Academic Press, Boston; 1995).
2. Takahashi, M. et al. Nat. Biotechnol. 19, 466–469 Diseases, NIDDK/NIH, and Rebekah S. to both assess the quality of data and distin-
(2001). Rasooly is program director, cell biology & guish outliers from the intrinsic error of the
3. Robinson, N.J. et al. Nature 397, 694–697 (1999).
4. Eide, D. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, genetics at the Division of Neuroscience & experiment. Michael Miles from the Gallo
5624–5628 (1996). Behavioral Research, National Institute on Center at the University of California in San
5. Curie, C. et al. Nature 409, 346–349 (2001). Drug Abuse/NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892-9555 Francisco outlined normalization approach-
6. Takahashi, M. et al. Plant Physiol. 121, 947–956
(1999). ( es, including statistical methods such as pin-

418 nature biotechnology • VOLUME 19 • MAY 2001 •

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