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Shadowing Journal

Time: 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM

Date: 9/30/20
Place: HealthSource Chiropractic
Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 4 HRS
Mentor’s Signature: ___________________

I walked into HealthSource Chiropractic at around 8 AM and went back to talk to
Dr. Nick. He introduced himself and gave me a basic rundown on how the day
would proceed. A patient came back not too much late, and he introduced me and
started doing a basic adjustment on them. He did this for almost every patient
unless they had another area of concern. If he ever had a gap in his patients, he
would continue to explain either his schooling or what happens in the practice. I
also got to look at a few people’s X-rays, and he explained what was going on in
them. He finished his last appointment before his notes/lunch break, and I finished
shadowing for the day.

I really enjoyed the first day of shadowing because I learned a lot about the
schooling aspect. He was thorough and it really helped me know what to expect
when I go to school.
Shadowing Journal
Time: 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Date: 10/2/2020
Place: HealthSource Chiropractic
Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 4 HRS
Mentor’s Signature: ___________________

Walked into the practice at 8:00 AM and headed back to talk to Nick again. He
was busy taking notes when I arrived at his area. The day had already been busy,
and it kept pace throughout. He had 30 appointments which were quick five-
minute adjustments. A few people who were in automobile accidents came in and
had specific areas of concern that needed to be adjusted. There were also a few
pregnant women who came in. They would go back into a separate room with table
that had a middle drop down so they could lay flat. Dr. Nick talked to me about
one of the patients, and she had had trouble getting pregnant before getting
adjusted by him. The last appointment was with another customer, so was a more
extensive appointment. After he had her in the system, his day was over, and I left
the practice.

This day was very busy and informative on how a busy day would go. It also gave
me an insight on different patient issues other than just back pain.
Shadowing Journal
Time: 8:00AM- 12:00 PM
Date: 10/7/2020
Place: HealthSource Chiropractic
Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 4HRS
Mentor’s Signature: ___________________

I entered HealthSource Chiropractic at 8 and walked back to talk to Dr. Nick. He
told me that I would be shadowing their girl who does the therapy and exercise
side. I went and said hi to Erin and she started explaining what she does on a daily
basis. She teaches patients specific exercises altered to where their pain and
problems are located. Erin also control the STEM machine, which gives out
electrical pulses on people’s muscles to relax them. I watched her do both of these
on several patients. An older man came in and got the cold laser on his shoulder.
This was done in a separate private room with just Erin, him, and me. This was her
last patient before noon, and I ended my shadowing for the day.

Today was a fun change up than just watching Nick all day. It showed me the other
sides of Chiropractic medicine that most people don’t think about.
Shadowing Journal
Time: 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Date: 10/9/20
Place: HealthSource Chiropractic
Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 4 HRS
Mentor’s Signature: ___________________

Today, I walked into the practice at 8 and went back to Nick’s area. He was with a
patient when I arrived, so I waited until he was done to discuss what I would be
doing for the day. After he finished, he informed me that we would have a new
patient meeting today. This is a longer exam because he needs to get baselines and
background information about them. This particular patient was an older lady who
seemed to be in a severe amount of pain. She had trouble walking, standing, and
even sitting gave her discomfort. We were informed that she had slept in a chair in
an odd position and that’s what she thought messed her back up. He finished up the
rest of the exam and adjusted her. Dr. Nick saw a few more patients with basic
adjustments needed, and those finished off the morning.

I enjoyed seeing a new patient meeting today because it showed me what all needs
to be done before a patient is in the system and ready for a treatment plan.
Shadowing Journal
Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Date: 10/12/20
Place: HealthSource Chiropractic
Total Hours Spent Shadowing: 4 HRS
Mentor’s Signature: ___________________

I entered HealthSource at 8 and went back to talk to Dr. Nick. We went into the
new patient room right away. A mother with a girl was around four was waiting for
us. The girl had developmental problems with her speech and movements and the
mom was concerned. She had been to numerous other doctors, and a chiropractor
seemed like one of the last options she had. he got the girl into the system and did
an adjustment on her to start off the treatment plan. After we finished with them, I
just Dr. Nick told me to go up to the front desk to shadow the ladies up there. they
showed me the system they use and how a patient enters their information To sign
in. They also explained to me how covid has affected the amount of people coming
in the doors. After I watched them for a while, Dr. Nick took me back to his table
and let me help him with the neck adjustment on one of his employees. He got in
my hands and showed me what to feel for. He finished up my shadowing by taking
me into his office and discussing what I had learned in went into specifics about
running a business in using the programs. He also talked about how customer
patient relationship and promoting is important. I then finished my shadowing.

I really enjoyed today because I got to see another side of the facility. I also
enjoyed doing adjustments on someone for the first time as well. When Dr. Nick
pulled me into his office and discussed all the aspects of the practice, I learned a lot
more. It was very informative and made me think about what route I wanted to

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