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Leading for Racial Equity Prerequisite: professional development in both staff identity and equitable practices

Theory of Action: IF Leaders sharpen their equity lens by increasing awareness of their identity,
implicit racial bias, and role in promoting white supremacy, and internalize the equitable practices
that combat institutional racism to ensure their policies, behaviors and values represent the
communities they serve; THEN schools will create the culturally responsive learning environments
essential to dismantle interpersonal racism and inspire interactions between staff and student
that exemplify culturally relevant care; SO THAT students of color develop the self-concept and
skills vital to attaining both critical consciousness and high achievement.

School Culture Equity Rubric

Culturally Relevant Care (weekly)
INTERACTIONS Passive/Exclusionary Compliance/Symbolic Change Affirming/Identity Change Transformative/Structural Change
Suppression of student experiences Students’ race, experiences and cultural
KEY INDICATOR: Students’ race, experiences and cultural Students’ race, experiences and cultural
and/or cultural practices is overt and practices are validated and affirmed
Centering Lived practices are validated and affirmed by staff practices are validated and affirmed by staff
required to be successful (harmful sporadically by staff (transactional
Experience on a regular basis (positive interactions) intentionally and consistently
interactions) interactions)
Students are greeted when entering the
Validate and Affirm Students are not acknowledged when Students must greet teacher when entering Students are greeted when entering the
classroom in a way that is situationally
(Greeting) entering the classroom the classroom classroom
appropriate or culturally relevant
Staff initiate a check-in with every student Staff initiate an individualized check-in with
Validate and Affirm Check-ins between staff and student are Staff inconsistently initiate or student
using a universal structure with limited every student, ask inquiry questions and
(Check-in) rarely observed or not present initiates check-in
follow-up questions or staff sharing share aspects of self when appropriate
Staff inconsistently issue praise to a subset Staff maximize every opportunity to praise all
Staff praise of students is extremely Staff routinely praise every student, using a
of students through impersonal delivery of a students, always using an enthusiastic tone,
Validate and Affirm limited or not observed at all, primarily friendly tone and expression, focusing not
universal sentence structure driven by staff positive expression, include student specific
(Praise) used to reinforce the negative (what
approval around students following
on staff approval but student effort and
context highlighting effort and/or progress
students are not doing) product interchangeably
directions made
Proactive measures and individual
Proactive measures and individual
Build and Bridge Proactive measures and interventions are Proactive measures and interventions are interventions are observed (i.e. calming
interventions are observed, yet limited in
(Proactive Supports) absent absent or limited only to a few students
scope (i.e. behavior plans)
corners, sensory rooms, mini-breaks,
mindfulness act., etc.)
Staff-student relationships focusing on
student identity and individual student assets
are the sole means to support positive
Staff biases and deficit thinking patterns Colorblind or individual deficit thinking
Misbehaviors are addressed in a calm, clear behavior. Specific interventions and
are evident in response to student sometimes evident in response to student
Build and Bridge and logical manner. Staff remain accommodations are readily observed, and
behavior. May include public shaming, behavior. Consequences may be systematic
(Responding to Student sarcasm, threats, student and predictable, yet do not always match
emotionally regulated and utilize inquiry to routinized systematic responses are not
Behavior) help deliver consequences that match both present nor necessary. Students are
isolation/removal or other unpredictable the situation and delivered with low
the specific situation and student context. empowered to hold themselves, their peers,
and/or drastic consequences. emotional regulation.
and their teachers accountable to ensuring
the classroom is a fully inclusive, supportive
and safely challenging community.
Emphasis on academic language
Build and Bridge Situational appropriateness explicitly Situational appropriateness regularly named
("inappropriate" or "incorrect"), students
(Culturally Relevant experience shaming when not
Code switching named named - make connection between home and students are given opportunity to
Linguistics) culture and school culture. practice.
conforming to school culture
Leading for Racial Equity Prerequisite: professional development in both staff identity and equitable practices
Culturally Responsive Learning Environment (monthly)
OBSERVATIONS Passive/Exclusionary Compliance/Symbolic Change Affirming/Identity Change Transformative/Structural Change
School-wide messaging embody a colorblind
School-wide messaging reflect assets of
KEY INDICATOR: School-wide messaging require students approach - intentionally removing School-wide messaging reflect assets of
students in building (language, symbols,
Lived Practice to assimilate to white normative culture experiences of race and culture to view
images, etc.)
community (language, symbols, images, etc.)
students as individuals
School values based on anti-racist
School values reinforce White normative commitments to the community. School
School values openly maintains the expectations of school culture and reinforce School values reflect assets of students and values speak to a future vision of the school
School Values (Content) dominant group's power and privilege. paternalistic views of students and community and elevate student identity. that has overcome systemic racism and
community. disrupts the dominant group's power and
School-wide values are clear, concise,
School-wide values are clear, actionable, actionable, and fully integrated into all areas
School-wide values are unclear and not
and observed across the main components of the school experience (i.e. print
School Values School-wide values are essentially readily observed across mediums (i.e.
of the school experience (i.e print environment, recognitions, school-wide
(Integration) unknown and/or not observed anywhere limited predominately to written
environment, recognitions, school-wide themes, morning mtg/advisory scope &
documentation - handbooks and/or signage)
themes) sequencing, staff-student reflection,
trips/events, everyday language, etc.)
Building is in poor repair, trash or dirt Building is in good repair with some trash or
Building is in good repair, well-maintained All areas of the building are in pristine
Building Cleanliness readily observed, and multiple misplaced dirt found, placement of objects is creating
and every object has an assigned location condition and all objects are organized.
objects are adding clutter some congestion
Models of excellence are easily available and
Some models of excellence are available accessible (>50% books in class library with
Models of excellence displayed are Few like models of excellence are easily
Classroom Environment predominantly White available and accessible, equal white/POC
and accessible (>30% books in class library students of color as main characters,
with students of color as main characters) examples of scientists, doctors, politicians
Surrounding community and student
Student population reflected in print
population reflected in print environment of
Common Space Print environment of the school does not Print environment of the school is raceless, environment of the school (evidence of
the school (Bulletin boards/visuals reflect
Print Environment reflect any aspects of student identity cisgender normative (images on walls etc.) student work, artifacts, some inclusion of
racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds of
home culture, photos of students etc.)
students and community)
Seating model isolates students due to
Seating set up in traditional model and not
Common Space/ race, behavior concerns, or other Seating model allows whole group Students are grouped for cooperative
set up for student to student talk /
Classroom Layout indicators, and does not reflect value in
discussion, partner work, peer engagement learning and communal engagement
Large group student movement is Large group student movement is organized Large group student movement is well- Large group student movement is well-
Common Spaces/
disorganized and requires excessive time yet inconsistently executed and based on organized, consistently executed and absent organized, self-monitored, and absent of
Transitions to execute poverty disciplining of poverty disciplining poverty disciplining
No documents available in heritage Legally required documents provided in Consistent use of heritage language in family
Family Communication language heritage language
Some words displayed in heritage language
communication and school displays
Equitable Policies and Practices (semi-annually)
DOCUMENTATION Passive/Exclusionary Compliance/Symbolic Change Affirming/Identity Change Transformative/Structural Change
Intentional policies and practices in place
Makes official policy pronouncements Audits and restructures all aspects of
that support the institutionalization of Begins to develop intentional identity and
KEY INDICATOR: regarding diversity, but little or no institutional policies. Implements structures,
racism at all levels. Monocultural norms increases commitment to dismantle racism
Operational Principles contextual change in culture, enactment of policies and practices with inclusive decision
of dominant culture viewed as the right and inherent White advantages.
policies and decision making. making and other forms of power sharing.
POC primarily staffed in apprentice
POC overrepresentation in disciplinary roles
Staffing teacher positions, instructional support,
(e.g. Dean of Culture)
POC in instructional roles POC in instructional and leadership roles
SPED, entry level positions
Leading for Racial Equity Prerequisite: professional development in both staff identity and equitable practices
Recruitment and Talent School leadership team does not reflect School leadership is predominantly White POC identified in pipeline for leadership Talent Development Pipeline procedures
Pipeline the community (<50%) roles, Leadership team represents comm. support POC
Recurring (quarterly to monthly) regional and
Occasional regional and site-based PD
Professional Race and equity not explicitly addressed Regional PD or site based on race, equity site-based PD opportunities for staff on race,
opportunities for staff on race, equity,
Development in PD strands and/or trauma in summer only
equity, trauma, and how it informs school
culture overall
Acceleration and remediation based on
Data Teacher recommendations required for Courses are accessible to all students,
Academic tracking (AP/Honors, remedial) individual student need to ensure access is
(Academic Access) certain courses proactive plans are in place.
School-wide and subgroup data is accessible
School-wide and subgroup data requires School-wide and subgroup data is accessible
through a single platform, has sightlines
School-wide and subgroup data is not multiple platforms to access, is limited in through a single platform, has sightlines
Data across grade, teacher student, gender and
easily accessible, minimal in scope and scope and manipulation capability, is only across grade, teacher and individual
(Systems) race, is routinely monitored to drive all
rarely reviewed periodically monitored, and infrequently student, is consistently monitored and
decision making, and is regularly shared with
shared shared with staff
Staff has proactive plans in place to interrupt
Data (Disproportionality Gross overrepresentation by Overrepresentation by race/gender/EL in Staff is aware of disproportionality in SPED
biases and address disproportionality in SPED
in SPED) race/gender/EL in SPED population SPED population population and is working to address
Gross overrepresentation by Staff is aware of disproportionality in Staff has proactive plans in place to interrupt
Data (Disproportionality Overrepresentation by race/gender/EL in
race/gender/EL in discipline data discipline data (suspensions / referrals) and biases and address disproportionality in
in Discipline) (suspensions / referrals)
discipline data (suspensions / referrals)
is working to address discipline data
Means of communication to staff, students
Means of communication to staff, Means of communication to staff, students Means of communication to staff, students
Communication and families are consistent, frequent, utilizes
students and families are inconsistently and families are consistent yet infrequent and families are consistent, frequent and
(Frequency / Mode) executed and limited to a single form. and limited to 1 or 2 forms utilize 2 forms as primary sources
multiple forms and owned by varying
Dress code targets and disallows cultural Dress code is free of discriminatory Dress code is both gender neutral and Dress code is explicitly gender neutral and
Dress Code practices (hair, jewelry etc.) statements allows for some cultural expression culturally affirming
Zero tolerance discipline policies in place.
Discipline systems revolves around
Response to student incidents is predictable Response to student incidents is predictable
punitive policies (paychecks, automatic Response to student incidents is
and based on severity and context, yet and includes a restorative conference and
Discipline Systems suspensions, suspensions for disrespect, inconsistently executed and rationale for
restorative practices is used in a limited logical consequence based on both severity
etc.). Poverty disciplining measures may decision-making is unclear
capacity (i.e. severe incidents only) and context
be in place (i.e. earning desks, uniform or
other materials)
Consistent and predictable processes for
Processes for referring, identifying and Processes for referring, identifying and Processes for referring and identifying SPED
Student Support referring, identifying and monitoring SPED
monitoring SPED students are absent or monitoring SPED students are inconsistently students are present, however, monitoring
(SPED) students are present, in addition to full crisis
unclear executed progress is inconsistently executed
response plan in place
Community meetings or circles occur Community meetings or circles occur on a
Student Support Community meetings, circles occur
Community meetings rarely occur and are periodically, have clear purpose, and routine basis, have clear purpose, and
(School / Classroom executed in a white normative manner.
infrequently, lacking clear purpose /
validate students’ experiences and needs proactively address comm. events / issues
Community) continuity.
within the school. and support student identity development
School traditions may occasionally include Students experiences and cultural practices
Students experiences and cultural practices
Traditions & race/culture in a symbolic way (e.g. Black are validated on a regular basis through
School traditions are white normative. are validated through some school
Celebrations History Month, or Cinco de Mayo), Emphasis
school traditions (tribal, ballet folklorico,
on teaching grit (vs. resilience) harambe, los dichos)
Student leadership, enrichment and Student leadership, enrichment and/or Student leadership, enrichment, and Student leadership, enrichment and
Student Programming extracurricular programming are not extracurricular programming is informal and extracurricular programming is formalized, extracurricular programming is formalized,
readily available or observed primarily driven by individual staff initiative yet limited in student participation robust and open to all students
Families and community members are
Families and community members are
Family and Community Families are not welcome in building Families are welcome into the building for welcomed into school building daily,
welcomed into school building, no formal
Engagement unless necessary for scheduled meetings special events only
program / partnership present
evidence of formal program/partnership and
influence are observed
Leading for Racial Equity Prerequisite: professional development in both staff identity and equitable practices

Focus Group Questions Teachers: Do you feel like there is discrimination or bias within KIPP? Where does it show up?
Does your school or region have a common definition of equity? Are students at your school treated fairly?
What does your school do well when it comes to promoting equity? Do you think that students can be themselves at school?
What is one next step your school or region should take when it comes to Is there anything else you would like us to know?
promoting equity?
Do you feel that POC are given the same access to leadership pathways at your site Focus Group Questions Students:
or in your region? What is one thing you love about your school?
How does your school respond when community agreements/rules/etc. are What is one thing you wish you could change about your school?
breached by a student? By a staff member? Can you be yourself at school? Why or why not?
Are race and equity included in your professional development? If so, how? Has it Are students treated fairly at your school? Why or why not?
been effective? What is one thing you wish your teachers knew about you?

Definition of Terms:
Cisgender When one’s gender identification matches the biological gender assigned at birth
Colorblind/Raceless Ideology Believing that seeing/acknowledging race will have a negative impact. Often leads to erasure of people of color’s lived experience and devaluing of
race and culture, while normalizing white cultural norms
Cultural Resonance framing that is salient to the students lived experience
Dominant group’s power and privilege Unearned access to power and privileges both formal and informal given to members of the dominant group
Identity All aspects that make up who a person is including: race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, age, etc.
Model of Excellence When the aspirational model for a given subject reflects the student population thus making the perception of the field accessible/attainable to students of
color (example: using Dr. Vivien Thomas as a model of a prominent scientist)
Poverty Disciplining requiring, demanding extreme compliance, additional barriers to people living in poverty, in order to receive basic rights, opportunities and services.
Racism (internalized, interpersonal, systemic/institutional) Individual interpersonal or internal, institutional or systemic ways that consequences are enacted based upon the
privileging of the socially constructed White group, currently delineated non-white groups (e.g. Black, Latino).
Situational Appropriateness/Code Switching changing one’s cultural appearance, tone, dialect, and/or body language to match the situation. Most frequently used in academia
to appropriate white normative values/behavior.
V.A.B.B. (Validate-Affirm-Build-Bridge) (source: Dr. Hollie, CLRT p. 23) verbal validation and affirmation of the home culture and language for purposes of building and bridging
the student to success in the culture of academia and mainstream society
White Normative Referring to language, physical presentation, teaching style, tone, classroom layout, etc. that reinforce values and practices of White American society.

Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization, Adapted from original concept by Bailey Jackson and Rita Hardiman
Fergus, E. (2017). Solving disproportionality and achieving equity: A leader’s guide to using data to change hearts and minds. Corwin, Thousand Oaks, Ca.
Hollie, S. (2012). Culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning: Classroom practices for student success. Shell Education, Huntington Beach, Ca.
Howard, T.C. (2010). Why race and culture matter in schools: Closing the achievement gap in America’s classrooms. Teachers College Press, New York, NY.

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