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Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist, Multicultural Institution


Racial and Cultural Differences Seen as Defects Tolerant of Racial and Cultural Differences Racial and Cultural Differences Seen as Assets

1. Exclusive 2. Passive 3. Symbolic Change 4. Identity Change 5. Structural Change 6. Fully Inclusive
A Segregated Institution A “Club” Institution A Multicultural Institution An Anti-Racist Institution A Transforming Institution A Transformed Institution
in a Transformed Society
• Intentionally and publicly • Tolerant of a limited num- • Makes official policy pro- • Growing understanding • Commits to process of • Future vision of an institu-
excludes or segregates ber of People of Color with nouncements regarding of racism as barrier to intentional institutional tion and wider community
African Americans, Native “proper” perspective and multicultural diversity effective diversity restructuring, based on that has overcome sys-
Americans, Latinos and credentials anti-racist analysis and temic racism
• Sees itself as “non-racist” • Develops analysis of
Asian Americans identity
• May still secretly limit or institution with open doors systemic racism • Institution’s life reflects
• Intentionally and publicly exclude People of Color in to People of Color • Audits and restructures all full participation and
• Sponsors programs of
enforces the racist status contradiction to public aspects of institutional life shared power with diverse
• Carries out intentional anti-racism training
quo throughout institution policies to ensure full participation racial, cultural and eco-
inclusiveness efforts,
• New consciousness of of People of Color, includ- nomic groups in determin-
• Institutionalization of • Continues to intentionally recruiting “someone of
institutionalized white ing their worldview, culture ing its mission, structure,
racism includes formal maintain white power color” on committees or
power and privilege and lifestyles constituency, policies and
policies and practices, and privilege through office staff
teachings and decision- its formal policies and • Develops intentional • Implements structures,
• Expanding view of diver-
making on all levels practices, teachings and identity as an “anti- policies and practices with • Full participation in
sity includes other socially
decision-making on all racist” institution inclusive decision-making decisions that shape
• Usually has similar oppressed groups, such as
levels of institutional life and other forms of power the institution, and inclu-
intentional policies and women, disabled, elderly • Begins to develop sharing on all levels of the sion of diverse cultures,
practices toward other • Often declares, “We don’t and children, lesbians and accountability to racially institution’s life and work lifestyles and interests
socially oppressed groups, have a problem.” gays, Third World citizens, oppressed communities
such as women, disabled, etc. • Commits to struggle to • A sense of restored
elderly and children, • Increasing commitment dismantle racism in the community and mutual
But . . . to dismantle racism and
lesbians and gays, Third wider community, and caring
World citizens, etc. eliminate inherent white builds clear lines of
• “Not those who make
advantage • Allies with others in com-
waves” accountability to racially
bating all forms of social
But . . . oppressed communities
• Little or no contextual oppression
change in culture, policies • Institutional structures • Anti-racist multicultural
and decision-making and culture that maintain diversity becomes an
white power and privilege institutionalized asset © By Crossroads Ministry:
• Is still relatively unaware
still intact and relatively Adapted from original concept
of continuing patterns of • Redefines and rebuilds all
untouched by Baily Jackson and Rita
privilege, paternalism and relationships and activi- Hardiman, and further devel-
control ties in society, based on oped by Andrea Avazian and
anti-racist commitments Ronice Branding.

Bread for the Journey: An Online Companion 1 Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist, Multicultural Institution

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