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self-resolving or respond to simple topical or systemic antibiotics.

Circumcision In about 20% of cases, recurrent episodes occur and rarely it may
be necessary to perform circumcision to prevent further episodes.
Paul R V Johnson Balanoposthitis has also been reported in circumcised boys.

Recurrent infections of the urinary tract: several studies have

suggested that urinary tract infections are up to ten times more
common in uncircumcised compared with circumcised infants.
Proteus mirabilis is implicated in ascending infection. However,
100 circumcisions would be needed to prevent one urinary tract
infection. A stronger argument for circumcision can be made
Ritual circumcision is an integral part of Judaism and Islam, and in boys with recurrent infections in the presence of pre-existing
is practised by Aborigines and certain African tribes. urinary tract anomalies.
In the 1950s, about 24% of males underwent circumcision in the
UK. However, over the past few decades, a better understanding of Paraphimosis occurs when the retracted foreskin becomes stuck
the physiology of the normal foreskin (as well as rationalization of behind the penile glans, thereby acting as a tight, constrictive
healthcare provision) has resulted in a reduction in circumcision band proximal to the coronal sulcus (Figure 2). This causes
rates; about 6% of boys will undergo circumcision by the age of increasing preputial and glanular oedema, resulting in pain and
15 years, with 35% of these procedures being performed in boys potential ischaemia. In the acute phase, treatment usually consists
aged <6 years. of reducing the foreskin under local or general anaesthesia. If
foreskin reduction is successful, the foreskin often becomes more
retractile following an episode of paraphimosis. However, scarring
The normal foreskin
may result and this (or recurrent paraphimosis) are indications
The function of the foreskin is uncertain, but protection of the for circumcision.
underlying penile glans and meatus, as well as reduction of fric-
tion during sexual intercourse, have been proposed. Delayed physiological phimosis: the majority of physiological
The normal foreskin shares a common epithelium with the phimosis cases resolve spontaneously or with conservative treat-
penile glans at birth and is non-retractable. Over the next few years, ment such as:
the foreskin gradually separates, and 90% of foreskins are fully • regular attempts at retraction
retractable by the age of three years. The normal non-retractable • topical corticosteroids
foreskin is termed ‘physiological phimosis’ (see below) and is not • the foreskin-sparing procedure of preputioplasty.
in itself an indication for circumcision. Before separation of the However, a number of cases persist beyond ten years of age and
foreskin and glans, ‘ballooning’ of the foreskin during micturition may require circumcision.
is common and is also totally normal.
As the foreskin separates from the underlying penile glans, Non-medical
smegma may accumulate underneath the foreskin (particularly in Religious: the majority of ritual circumcisions are performed in
the coronal groove) and may present as a white lump or ‘pearl’. neonates by non-medical practitioners. The British Association
This may be confused with a dermoid cyst. Smegma is sterile and of Paediatric Surgeons guidelines recommend that circumcisions
is released as dry, cheesy-white material. should be performed by individuals who can:
• perform the procedure
Pathological phimosis is a non-retractile, scarred foreskin and
is an indication for circumcision. The scarring may be a result of
trauma or balanitis xerotica obliterans.
Balanitis xerotica obliterans is a condition of unknown cause
that is thought to be the equivalent of lichen sclerosis in the female.
It occurs in up to 1% of boys aged <17 years and rarely presents
in boys aged <6 years. It results in a particularly severe form of
foreskin scarring (Figure 1) which often extends into the urethral
meatus and can even extend along the whole urethra. It is thought
that balanoposthitis is a potentially pre-malignant condition.
Recurrent balanoposthitis – most cases of balanoposthitis are

Paul R V Johnson is a Reader in Paediatric Surgery at Oxford University,

Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital and
Director of Oxford Islet Transplant Programme, Oxford, UK. 1 Balanitis xerotica obliterans.

SURGERY 22:10 263 © 2004 The Medicine Publishing Company Ltd


• recognize comorbidity Gomco clamp: a steel bell (which must be the correct size) is
• recognize complications and have adequate access to medical placed over the glans after the foreskin has been fully retracted
care if such complications arise. and the perputial adhesions have been released (this sometimes
The guidelines also state that circumcisions must be performed requires a dorsal slit). The foreskin is protracted over the steel bell
under sterile conditions with adequate analgesia (preferably with and the Gomco clamp applied. The clamp crushes the foreskin
sedation or anaesthesia). In addition, the UK General Medical circumferentially (enabling the redundant tissue to be excised with
Council recommend that consent should be obtained from both haemostasis) and is then removed.
parents. Must demonstrate appropriate training and
Plastibell™ is a modification of the Gomco device. It is placed over
Social: in Australia and USA, circumcisions are performed on the the glans and the foreskin retracted back over it; it is essential that
majority of boys for non-religious ‘social’ reasons. One of the per- the correct size is used. A strong ligature is tied around the fore-
ceived advantages of circumcision is improved hygiene resulting skin into the groove on the Plastibell™ and the redundant foreskin
in a reduction in venereal disease (particularly human papilloma excised. After about 7–10 days, the foreskin edge necroses and
virus) and a reduction in penile and cervical carcinoma. separates from the ligature, and the Plastibell™ falls off.

The principles of surgical circumcision are:
The foreskin is used for surgical reconstruction of a number of • retraction of the foreskin
congenital penile disorders, including: • release of preputial adhesions
• hypospadias • excision of the foreskin leaving an adequate mucosal cuff
• epispadias • meticulous haemostasis
• chordee • closure.
• buried penis
• micropenis. Guillotine method: the foreskin is released. Mosquito forceps are
Circumcision is therefore contraindicated in these conditions. applied to the tip of the foreskin ventrally and dorsally and the
However it has been reported that up to 36% of hypospadiac boys foreskin protracted. A straight forcep is applied along the lower
in USA have been circumcised before surgery for hypospadias. foreskin above the glans. Care must be taken to ensure that the
glans is not caught within the forceps. The foreskin is excised by
cutting above the forceps using a large scalpel blade. The inner
mucosa is trimmed with scissors, leaving an adequate mucosal
The aim of circumcision is to remove sufficient foreskin to expose cuff. Haemostasis is secured with bipolar diathermy. Particular
the glans whilst ensuring that penile shaft skin is preserved. attention is paid to haemostasis at the frenulum and dorsal aspect.
Only after haemostasis has been confirmed, circumferential inter-
Non-operative upted sutures are inserted using fine, rapidly dissolvable suture
‘Biblical method’: the foreskin tip is excised with a ‘knife’. Pres- (e.g. vicryl rapide). Some surgeons use tissue-glue instead of
sure is applied to achieve haemostasis. sutures for closure. Local anaesthetic gel and/or antibiotic oint-
ment is applied. A dressing is not usually needed.
The Mogen clamp is commonly used in Jewish ritual circum-
cisions. The foreskin is pulled through a slit in the clamp, which is Freehand: the foreskin is excised ventrally with scissors after a
then closed distal to the glans, allowing excess skin to be excised dorsal slit has been made. The inner mucosa can be trimmed if
before the glans is uncovered. A dressing is then applied. required. Haemostasis and closure are performed as described

The sleeve technique involves two circular incisions being made

with a scalpel, one in the mucosa proximal to the glans and the
other on the shaft skin just below the level of the corona with the
foreskin protracted. The resulting sleeve of foreskin is removed
and haemostasis and closure achieved.

The majority of circumcisions are performed without compli-

Inadequate haemostasis during circumcision can result in post-
operative haemorrhage. Primary haemorrhage can be treated by:
• application of pressure to the wound
2 Paraphimosis. • returning to theatre for further diathermy

SURGERY 22:10 264 © 2004 The Medicine Publishing Company Ltd


• resuturing if a vessel is identified.

Secondary haemorrhage usually responds to pressure and may be Medical management of risk
associated with infection.
factors for vascular disease
The incidence of infection is low and many surgeons routinely Stella S Daskalopoulou
prescribe prophylactic topical antibiotic ointments. Established D P Mikhailidis
infection is treated by oral or systemic antibiotics (rarely).

Meatal stenosis
Meatal stenosis occurs when a urethral meatal ulcer heals with
contraction of the scar or if recurrent balanitis xerotica obliterans
involves the meatus. Peripheral arterial disease, carotid artery stenosis and abdominal
Meatal stenosis may respond to topical corticosteroids, but aortic aneurysms are associated with an increased risk of myocar-
meatal dilation or meatoplasty is often required. Urethral recon- dial infarction, stroke and vascular mortality. The risk is sufficiently
struction may be necessary if balanitis xerotica obliterans has high for these conditions to be considered coronary heart disease
affected the whole urethra (rare). equivalents in various national guidelines.1
There is evidence that peripheral arterial disease, carotid artery
Incorrect amount of skin excised stenosis and abdominal aortic aneurysms are not as aggressively
Too little or too much foreskin may be removed. Insufficient treated (with respect to modification of risk factors) as coronary
removal can result in a retracted ‘penis’ and a re-circumcision may heart disease.
be required; insufficient removal also often results in poor cosmetic In this contribution, the management of the established modi-
effect. Excessive removal of foreskin can result in denuded penile fiable vascular risk factors are considered. Emerging risk factors
skin and reconstruction may be necessary. and the role of new treatments in the context of reducing vascular
events are also discussed.
Penile injury
Amputation of all or part of the glans is rare, but occurs if the glans Established vascular factors
is caught in clamp devices or if devices (e.g. Plastibell™) are incor-
rectly sized. The use of monpolar diathermy or anaesthetic agents Smoking
with adrenaline can also result in partial or total penile ablation. Smoking is a risk factor for all types of vascular disease. Peripheral
Reconstruction is attempted but, in rare cases, sex reassignment arterial disease has a particularly close association with smoking
has been necessary. because most patients (85–95%) are current or ex-smokers; the
risk of abdominal aortic aneurysms and carotid artery stenosis is
Urethral injury also increased in smokers. Smoking cessation is associated with
The penile urethra runs close to the ventral surface of the penile improved symptoms and a decrease in the need for amputations
shaft. Injury to the urethra can occur when sutures on the ven- in peripheral arterial disease. The fear of amputation is an incen-
tral side are placed too deeply, and this can result in a urethral tive to stop smoking.
fistula. Nicotine replacement therapy (gum, lozenges, patches, inhal-
ers) is a justifiable option because nicotine alone presents less
Painful scarring of a risk than continued smoking. Another option is to use the
Painful scarring occurs when the sutures have been applied to centrally acting drug, bupropion; however, bupropion has some
the edge of the glans rather than the mucosal cuff. It causes pain contraindications and potential interactions. Also, rimonabant
during erection and sometimes the scars have to be released. ‹ (an antagonist of central cannabinoid type 1 receptors) is being
developed for the treatment of obesity (decreases appetite) and
smoking cessation. The wide availability of smoking cessation
clinics in the UK that offer a comprehensive service (e.g. patient
support groups) is another advantage.

FURTHER READING Stella S Daskalopoulou is a Clinical Research Fellow (Vascular Disease

British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS). Guidelines on Prevention Clinics) at Royal Free and University College Medical School,
circumcision. London, UK .
Cuckow P M. Circumcision. In: Stringer M D, Oldham K T, Mouriquand
P D E, Howard E R (Editors). Pediatric surgery and urology: long-term D P Mikhailidis is a Reader and Honorary Consultant at Royal Free and
outcomes. Philadephia: W B Saunders, 1998. University College Medical School, London, UK.

SURGERY 22:10 265 © 2004 The Medicine Publishing Company Ltd

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