Nippon Tech

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Roleplaying the Possibility Wars TM

Nippon Tech™
The Sourcebook of Mega-Corporate Reality

Introduction 4
Chapter One: The High Lord 5
Chapter Two: The Cosm 11
Chapter Three: The Realm 32

Chapter Four: Axioms and World Rules 66
Chapter Five: Nippon Skills 72
Chapter Six: Corporate Wars 85
Chapter Seven: Flash Points 94
Chapter Eight: Miracles of Faith 103
Chapter Nine: Equipment 106

•• 2
Nippon Tech
Greg Farshtey and Ray Winninger Dr. Michael Fortner (Becky Hall, Jim Inkpen), Greg Gorden,
Design Mark Hall (Kevin Carroll), Gordon Holcomb (William
Bradford, Jeff Campbell, James Ciaramitaro, Stephanie
Greg Farshtey Grasser, Mark Johnson, Merri Martin, Toby Martin), Robert
Development and Editing Maxwell (Dug Brown, Paul Keck, Leigh McNichols, Heather
Pritchett, Matt Smith, Elizebeth Stine), Louis J. Prosperi (Brett
Stephen Crane, Richard Hawran, CatWeen Hunter Cashman, Gregory Rushton, Mike Shannon, Mark TeriUi,
Graphics Sheri A. Testa, Lawrence J. Trainer), Bill Slavicsek, Ed Stark
Playtesling and Advice
John Paul Genzo
Cover lllustration Published by
John Bridges, Rob Caswell, Mike Jackson, Aaron

Interior lllustrations

RD3 Box 2345

Honesdale, PA 18431
First Printing; May, 1991

Publisher: Daniel Scott Palter· Associate Publisher: Richard Hawran • Associate Editor: Greg Gorden· Editor: Greg Farshtey
Assistant Editors: Bill Smith, Ed Stark· Art Director: Stephen Crane· Graphic Artists: Cathleen Hunter, Allen Nunis
Production Manager: Steve Porpora • Sales Manager: Fitzroy Bonterre • Sales Assistant Maria Kammeier-Kean
Special Projects Manager: Ron Seiden· Warehouse Manager: Ed Hill • Treasurer: Janet Riccio

Angar Uthorion, Aysle, Baruk Kaah, Core Earth, Cosm, Cosmverse, Cyberpapacy, Darkness Device, Dr. Mobius, Gaunt Man, Gospog, Heart of the Coyote, High Lord,
lnfiniverse, Kanawa, Living Land, MaclstTom, Maelstrom Bridgc, Nile Empire, Nippon Tech, Orrorsh, Pella Ardinay, Possibility Raiders, Possibility Storm, Possibility Wars,

Ravagon, stormcrs, Storm Knights, Torg, and the Torg logo are trademarks of West End Games. ®, TloI and e 1991 West End Games. All Rights Reserved.

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Torg: Nippon Tech

yuchi Kanawa sat mo- Without another word, 3327 dis- while setting his fellow High Lords
tionless at the end of the missed the errant executive. Ito rose, against each other. Nippon Tech is a
long mahogany table. bowed, and hurried from the room. place of high technology, corporate
Only his eyes moved be- The echo of the door's slam had not yet conflict, and espionage, and yet it has
hind jet-black glasses, died when 3327 pressed a button on taken root in secret. The average
studying the faces of each of his de- the console before him. This was the Japanese citizen is unaware his land
partment heads in turn. It was a test of signal to another Kanawa employee, has been invaded.
endurance - to see how many min- who would be waiting in the parking
utes of unrelenting silence they could garage for Ito to arrive. When he was
stand, before sweat broke out on their done, the police would dismiss it as a Important!
brows and they began to fear what he theft gone awry.
would say. 3327 allowed himself the smallest This sourcebook is a companion
He saw Ito look down abruptly. He of smiles. '1 realize tradition demands volume to Torg: Roleplaying the Possi-
was not surprised. "Report, Ito-san," he be allowed to resign from this exist- bility Wars. While it is possible to make
he said quietly. ence. But I have not the time for such use of the Nippon setting with other
The executive nodded and steeled antiquated notions. There is, after all, roleplaying games, many of the rules
himself. "Kanawa Enterprises profits, business to be done." and concepts presented within these
up 12.5 percent, first quarter. Invest- He eyed his lieutenants, his ser- pages are explained in greater detail in
mentopportunities, Virginia,Maryland, vants, his cowering sheep coldly the boxed Torg rules set.
under investigation. Security restored, through dark lenses before whisper-
optimal levels, at Magnolia Station Re- ing, "Shall we proceed?"
search Park following break-in." The Sourcebook
Kanawa, secretly the High Lord
known as 3327, said nothing, but knew The Possibility This sourcebook provides all the
Ito could feel his gaze. "A most regret- information and advice needed to
table incident. Damage to property Wars design exciting campaigns and ad-
and personnel; unwanted attention ventures in the mysterious and deadly
drawn to our American holdings; and Earth has been invaded. Powerful realm of Nippon and the Torg uni-
the loss of information that resulted in beings who call themselves "High verse. It describes the realm that cur-
a certain artifact falling into the hands Lords" have come from different re- rently controls Japan as well as the
of our ... competitors, shall we say?" alities to steal the energy of this cosmo cosm of Marketplace. It provides new
Ito's colleagues averted their eyes Each High Lord has conquered a sec- character templates for players to use,
from him, the bond that had joined tion of Earth and reshaped its reality new world rules and skills, and a
them to their fellow executive sev- to suit his wishes. That is the situation system for martial arts duelling.
ered, lest they be dragged with him as in the Near Now of Torg: Roleplaying Encounter the secretive and sinister
he fell. In the space of a moment, he the Possibility Wars. High Lord, 3327, and pierce the mys-
was bllrakumin, an untouchable. While the battle for this planet rages teries that surround his bloodless con-
"We walk a dangerous path, across four continents, one High Lord quest of a nation. Then meet the resi-
gentlemen," the High Lord continued. has relied on secrecy and stealth to dents of the cosm and realm - pow-
"Where once our presence did not achieve his ends. 3327, aka "Ryuchi erful corporate heads, lethal ninja as-
disturb the tiniest blossom on the trees, Kanawa," brought no invading army sassins, and the survivors of a system
now those who would oppose us have to this cosm - instead he fights his where one's very life is tied to personal
begun to see our hand in many things. war from within the steel and glass wealth.
We cannot relax our vigilance, nor tower of the Kanawa Corporation in Step into the mist that shrouds the
commit the slightest error in judgment, Tokyo. midnight streets, and beware the silent
or our enemies will be upon us./I From there, he directs a thousand shadows that follow you. The adven-
intrigues, planning to expand his realm ture has begun ...

Chapter One

Chapter One

The High Lord

1111 h, m,. ~"'" "" d<d
not start at the soft tone
which summoned him to
the Ursan Industries
The closest 3327 ever came to an act
of self-sacrifice was early in his career,
when he intervened to save his em-
ployer from food rioters, and in the
boardroom. Indeed, he process was scarred by a knife-wield-
had been expecting it, and welcomed ing burakumin. He would explain his
the message it brought. actions later by saying, "I couid ma-
The meeting had already begun nipulate 2174, as I might not be able to
when he arrived. 2174 was pacing his successor. It was in my interests at
about the room, looking pale and un- the time to keep him whole." He bears
healthy. He had failed to recoup the the mark of his wound to this day,
loss - it was all over but the begging, refusing to allow plastic surgeons to
3327 knew. remove it, for it serves as a reminder
The meeting progressed as if he that a great profit is worth a bit of pain.
himself had scripted it, as he had, in a 2174 promoted 3327 quickly
way: 2174 sweating and sputtering, through the ranks, and the young ex-
trying in vain to explain why he had ecutive repaid the old man for his
invested the firm's credits in an enter- guidance by feeding him false figures
prise that collapsed; board members that led to a disastrous investment,
angrily pointing to plunging profits ruin, and board-mandated suicide.
this quarter, and looking none too well 3327 took on the role of chairman and
themselves; and 3327, he who had turned Ursan into a power to be reck-
engineered 2174's fatal error, doing oned with, along with assuming con-
his best not to let a smile disturb his trol of Marketplace's governing body,
carefully-rehearsed look of concern. the Triad.
At last, the board had heard enough. Eventually, 3327 grew discontented
Marketplace Security was summoned, - he owned everything of any great
and 2174 went with dignity to pay the worth in the cosm, and there was no
cosm's penalty for unwise investment. further room for expansion. It was
When he was gone, all eyes in the then that he discovered the Darkness
room turned to 3327-without a word, Device he has since dubbed
the young executive walked to the "Daikoku," after the Core Earth Japa-
head ofthe table and assumed the seat nese god of wealth. 3327 heard the
of power. siren call of the alien artifact, which
He had achieved his first conquest ... had taken the form of a laptop com-
puter so as not to look conspicuous in
3327 Dalkoku promised him new cosms
to dominate, in return for the possibil-
The man who would one day be- ity energy contained therein - in es-
come the High Lord of Nippon Tech sence, this Darkness Device would
began his march to power in the of- lease him the use of its powers in re-
fices ofUrsan Industries in the cosm of turn for energy. Should he fail to de-
Marketplace. His mentor, 2174, pre- liver, Daikoku would simply turn its
dicted a bright future for him, for he attention to another Marketplace ex-
exemplified the ideals of the cosm- ecutive and repeat its offer.
blind pursuit of profit, unencumbered 3327 rapidly discovered that he did
by emotions such as love or loyalty. not need an army to conquer other
cosms; the methods which had stood

Torg: Nippon Tech

him in good stead in Marketplace -

conquest through financial might -
would serve him equally well else-
where. As his empire grew, 3327 be-
gan to find it difficult to run all his
operations on his own, yet he could
not bring himself to trust anyone
enough to allow them more than the
smallest measure of power. He thus
grew five clones of himself, and using
Marketplace technology and the
knowledge he had gleaned from
Daikoku, implanted a part of his es-
sence into each. He now had six incar-
nations that were capable of operating
independently, yet were linked at all
times. Any fact, emotion or experience
known to one would be known to all.
This procedure had the full support of
Daikoku, which could now expect
more conquests and greater quantities
of possibility energy.
3327 relied on surrogates to mount
most of his invasions, low-level execu-
tives who were unaware of the exist-
ence of possibility energy or the Dark-
ness Device. But when the opportu-
nity arose to join with other High Lords
in the invasion of a possibility-rich
cosm and a planet called Earth, he difficult for 3327 to deal with under- To physically slay 3327 would in-
chose to take personal control, if only lings and lackeys in the organizations volve killing not only the original High
to ensure that none of his rival Possi- he infiltrates, the High Lord has been Lord, but all five clones as well. Yet 3327
bility Raiders would attain enough able to overcome this handicap by fears bankruptcy far more than assassi-
power to threaten his domain. In Ja- mastering the discipline of psychol- nation - like any other executive in
pan, he assumed the identity ofindus- ogy, allowing him to predict the be- Marketplace, he could be executed for
trialist "Ryuchi Kanawa" and set out havioral patterns of emotional crea- failing to make a profit. His personal
to subvert and enslave the nation from tures and act accordingly. fortune is large enough that he could
within. 3327 has taken notice of the Storm cover most losses, but his foray into
Only 3327's lieutenant, 7710, is Knights due to their habit of interfer- Nippon is the costliest and riskiest ven-
aware that that there is more than one ing in his enterprises and cutting into ture he has ever attempted. Failure here
incarnation of him, and only those his profits. He considers himselfabove could result in the loss of his economic
who have emigrated from Marketplace such things as petty revenge, but will power base in Marketplace.
to the realm are aware that he is a High strike quickly and without mercy to 3327, aka "Ryuchi Kanawa"
Lord. But as time passes, more and expunge anyone who stands in the DEXTERITY 13
more people in Nippon are beginning way of profits, and so has mounted an Acrobatics 17, dodge 17, energy
to suspect that the changes they see aggressive campaign to exterminate weapons 20, fire combat 20, lock
around them are unnatural, and Storm Knights in his realm. For the picking 16, maneuver 19, martial
wonder if the Possibility Wars have same reason, he has targeted Japan's arts 21, melee weapons 18, missile
somehow reached their shores. Rauru Block, a group of mega-corpo- weapons 18, prestidigitation 17,
rations which joined together to com- stealth 23, unarmed combat 20
bat Kanawa Corp.'s operations. STRENGTH 9
Personality When he speaks, 3327's dialogue is Climbing 14
reasoned, carefully planned in ad- TOUGHNESS 9
Still steadfastly clinging to his Mar- vance, and coldly rational. It is almost PERCEPTION 18
ketplace values, 3327 sees everything impossible to shake his composure or Disguise 25, evidence analysis 27,
in terms of profit and loss. He is force him into taking a rash action, but find 27, language 26, scholar (eco-
completely unaffected by emotions of he has been known to express impa- nomics) 28, scholar Oapanese his-
any sort, save for greed. Although one tience with those in his employ who tory) 24, trick 27
would think that this might make it are too slow-witted to comprehend
his plans.

Chapter One

MIND 25 people of his realm and Core Earth. If Currently, 3327 has enough eter-
Business 32, meditation 28, science the people of Japan, Taiwan, Korea, nity shards in storage to maintain his
(psychology) 28, test 31, willpower China, and northern California were present growth rate for the next seven
31 to realize they were being subjugated to eight months. He has agents search-
CHARISMA 21 by a High Lord similar to those who ing for shards both within and beyond
Charm 23, persuasion 30, taunt 33 have landed in Egypt, England, France, the borders of his realm, but has met
SPIRIT 8 and Indonesia, 3327's maneuvers with mixed success due to their scar-
Intimidation 25, reality 32 would encounter far stiffer resistance. city and the interference of Storm
Possibilities: 50 (or more, if he has And if the nations that make up Core Knights.
recently tapped his Darkness De- Earth were able to confirm he was a 6. Recruit New Forces: The one thing
vice. See page 88 of the Torg High Lord, they would cease all ship- that 3327 does spend much of his accu-
Rlilebook). Possibilities absorbed by ments of oil, coal, iron are, and other mulated fortune on is the recruitment
3327 are split evenly between all six resources needed by Japanese indus- of personnel for his organizations on
incarnations. try. Earth. He is also interested in acquir-
Equipment: 3327 and each of his So far, only the other High Lords and ing and studying new weapons, par-
clones carries a 13mm Chunyokai, 3327'smosttrustedadviserareawareof ticularly those constructed in the
damage value 18, ammo 9, range 3- his existence. Thratchen has considered Cyberpapacy or the Nile Empire.
10/40/50 revealing 3327's identity to the Japa- 3327 has recently become even more
All five 3327 clones share the above nese public but has so far refrained from interested in this particular goal as a
statistics. doing so, due to the weakness of his result of seeing some of the conflicts
own position and his doubts that he between the other High Lords. He is
could withstand an all-out reprisal by determined to be in a position of
Goals and Ambitions the Nippon Tech High Lord. strength should one of his rivals chal-
The executive directors oftheRauru lenge him in the future.
3327 has a number of goals, each of Block and some of the Grand Masters
which are listed here in the order of ofthe Sons of the Wind have identified 7. Contain the Other Realms. In the
their importance to the High Lord: "Ryuchi Kanawa" as a possible ally of interests of profit as well as power,
1. Acquire Wealth. Following the tenets the Possibility Raiders, but have yet to Nippon provided aid to the Soviet
of his home cosm, 3327 is trying to ac- gather enough evidence to make the Union during attempts by the High
quire as much material wealth as he charge publicly. Those few realm resi- Lord Tharkold to drop a maelstrom
possibly can. To 3327, and any other dents who have positively identified bridge there, dealing the Gaunt Man's
native of Marketplace, wealth is linked 3327 as a High Lord have met a swift master plan its first serious setback. In
to personal power, happiness, and lon- and bloody end before they were able addition, agents of 3327 have fostered
gevity. The more money he makes, the to spread the information. Anyone contacts with Overgovernor Wu-Han
longer 3327 will survive, and the more they have communicated with has also of the Nile Empire, in the hope of
time he will have to attain even greater been hunted down and killed, and it is subverting him and using him against
wealth. It was in pursuit of this goal that a rare individual indeed who evades Mobius. Also, Nippon firms have es-
he originally became a High Lord. the clutches of 3327. tablished a relationship with Core
Thus, in addition to the possibility Earth United States, allowing them to
4. Expand the Realm. The more terri- aid in the fight against the Living Land
energy he drains from each cosm he tory the realm encompasses, the more
invades, 3327 also takes its riches back as well as transform a portion of Cali-
pOSSibility energy that 3327 absorbs. fornia undetected.
to Marketplace, where he maintains a He is well aware of the fact that it is the
huge treasure vault containing the 3327's reasons for these actions are
flow of possibilities which keeps his threefold: geographically, his realm
equivalent of $6 trillion in plunder. Darkness Device looking upon him
His agents are often sent to seek out encompasses the smallest amount of
with favor and allows him to seek out territory, making him vulnerable to
objects of value, be they worth a great new cosms to plunder. He is also aware
deal in monetary terms or by virtue of attacks by rival High Lords should
that expanding his stelae bounds gives anyone grow suffiCiently powerful;
being an eternity shard. him leverage against the other High certain realms, specifically Orrorsh,
2. Become Torg. 3327 knows that if he Lords in the struggle to become Torg. pose a threat to Nippon's plans for
can seize the majority of Earth's possi- 5. Find Eternity Shards. Another expansion, owing to their proximity
bilityenergy and declare himselfTorg, means of appeasing Daikoku's hun- to still largely unconquered areas like
he will live forever and gain formi- ger is through the use of eternity China; and the realms of Baruk Kaah
dable new powers, enabling him to shards, rare artifacts which can be and Dr. Mobius pose a threat to the
accumulate even more wealth. tapped by a Darkness Device for the sources ofraw materials Nippon needs
3. Keep Realm a Secret. 3327's entire possibility energy they contain. to keep its companies producing. Thus
plan depends upon keeping his exist- 3327 remains on guard against any
ence as a High Lord a secret from the attempts to interfere with his plans for

Torg: Nippon Tech

Chapter One

Nippon, and takes advantage of any certainly be very suspicious of an~ Thratchen
opportunity to act as an agent provo- overtures of alliance from MobIUS
cateur in other realms. Empire and would take great pains to (Orrorsh)
investigate any such offers before
granting his consent. As stated above, Thratchen and his
3327 and the followers in Orrorsh have despised
3327 ever since the events in the Soviet
Other High Lords BarukKaah Union. Relations between the two may
be more strained than those between
3327 regards all of his fellow Possi- (The Living Land) any of the other High Lords. Both
bility Raiders as pawns to be used. He frequently interfere in each other's
trusts none of them, and refused to Until very recently, 3327 did not operations, hoping to confound the
allow the connection of his cosm by regard Baruk Kaah as a potential other's schemes for expansion. So far,
maelstrom bridge to any oftheirs, save problem, and neither High Lord ever however, all such intervention has re-
that of the Gaunt Man. became entangled in the other's af- mained discreet, since neither side has
Here are his assessments of each fairs. Within the last few months, the necessary resources for an all- out
High Lord in turn: however, Kaah has successfully traced war.
some of the armaments that North With Tluatchen unable to make use
American resistance groups are using of his Darkness Device and thus ex-
Dr. Mobius against his edeinos warriors back to pand his realm, 3327 has taken advan-
their original source: Nippon's Ka- tage of the respite to conquer parts of
(Nile Empire) nawa Corporation,3327'slargest front Korea and China, land the techno-
company. Although he believes that demon coveted. This is unlikely to
3327 sees Dr. Mobius as one of the 3327's followers did not intentionally improve their relationship.
two most formidable High Lords. 3327 sell the weapons to the resistance
feels that Mobius' cunning, unparal- groups (in fact, they did), Kaah is still
leled scientific expertise, and sheer
rutWessness make him a very danger-
angry abou t the infraction. 33271S well
aware of Kaah's anger, and has begun
ous opponent. For now, lack of prox- making plans to increase his covert Jean Malraux
imity has limited the encounters be- aid to the Core Earth forces opposmg
tween Dr. Mobius and the forces of the High Lord. (Cyberpapacy)
Nippon, but 3327 still keeps a suspi- 3327's reasoning is simple: Core
cious eye upon him. As noted above, Squeezed between Aysle and the
Earth, particularly the United States,
Nippon is making an effort to subvert Empire of the Nile, battling heresy m
is a vast storehouse of iron ore, coal,
one or more ofMobius' overgovernors. his own realm, it would seem Malraux
oil, lumber and other raw materials
3327 believes he has a vested inter- has more than enough problems to
needed by the factories in the Nippon
est in the destabilization of Mobius' occupy his mind without worrying
realm. Kaah's inability to conquer
Middle Eastern empire, owing to the about Nippon. But Malraux IS aware
Calilornia has allowed the USA to keep
vast reserves of oil underneath the that some ofboth the lower and higher
its Pacific trade routes open and, not
sands of that realm, as well as those technology weapons used by Storm
certain whether Japan has been in-
countries neighboring it. Although Knights within his realm are bemg
vaded, dealings with that island na-
now under the dominance of Nippon, indirectly supplied by Nippon, and he
tion have continued. Were Kaah to
Japan still requires huge amounts of has decided to keep a watchful eye on
take North America, his edeinos would
imported raw materials, including oil 3327 and his realm.
refuse to dig for "dead things" like
and gas, to keep industry operating, To accomplish this, Malraux has
coal, and leave Nippon in a precarious
primarily because 3327 does not want revived Service 7, a division of the pre-
to introduce more efficient power invasion French Secret Service whose
As a hedge against this eventuality,
sources (such as fusion) to the realm primary duty was industrial espio-
3327 recently oversaw an audacious
too rapidly. For the present, Mobius nage against foreign firms with offices
land grab in northern California, which
has allowed the flow of oil to Nippon in France. Combining Service 7's
involved the destruction of Living
to continue, but that situation could methods with his own advanced tech-
Land stelae and the collapse ofa bridge
change at any moment. 3327 has al- nology, Malraux has created a small,
to TaktaKer. This effectively destroyed
ready begun acquiring land within but highly effective unit that has infil-
any possibility of peace between the
the Nile realm in anticipation of Mo- trated a number of firms, including
two High Lords now or in the near
bius' eventual defeat. subsidiaries of Kanawa and members
Although 3327 would not necessar- of the Rauru Block.
In general, 3327 regards Kaah as a
ily be opposed to cooperating with For his part, 3327 respects the
dangerous buffoon, and a perfect ex-
Mobius now and again in order to power of the Cyberpope, and has his
ample of the folly ofdrawing attention
accomplish mutual goals, he would agents. planted all over Malraux's
to one's invasion while it is in progress.
realm, working to slow its expansion.

Torg: Nippon Tech

Uthorion Daikoku sway it against him, 3327 does not

blindly accept the advice Daikoku
and Ardinay 3327's Darkness Device bears the gives him. He believes in weighing
options for himself, rather than risk-
(Aysle) form of a laptop computer, and the
ing the possibility that the Law of In-
High Lord communicates with it
Like most of the other High Lords, through a voice input system, and re- trigue may apply to alien artifacts as
3327 finds the recent confusion sur- ceives its replies as a readout displayed well.
rounding the question of leadership in on the lenses of his dark glasses.
Aysle quite disturbing. With Daikoku is attuned to 3327, and will Daikoku
Uthorion's spirit having been exor- not respond to anyone else (thus, DEXTERITY 0
cised from Lady Pella Ardinay, and stealing 3327's ocularreceptors would STRENGTH 0
that realm consumed by civil war, 3327 not allow someone to intercept mes- TOUGHNESS 205
does not perceive it as much of a threat sages from the Darkness Device). PERCEPTION 35
to his interests. It has served, however, The High Lord sees his arrange- Evidence analysis 37, find 38, lan-
asa marketfor Nipponese goods, with ment with the Darkness Device as no guage 37, trick 45
both sides in the conflict making pur- different from any otherbusiness deal. MIND 50
chases through arms dealers. Daikoku provides a service in return Business 60, test 55, willpower 53
NeitherUthorion nor Ardinay have for payment - should terms of pay- CHARISMA 28
any great wish to deal with Nippon, ment not be met, it will Simply find Charm 33, persuasion 33, taunt 29
but the Dark High Lord, in particular, another client. SPIRIT 20
has done so. Both are concerned about Concerned his competitors on Mar- Intimidation 32, reality 45
the possibility of 3327's agents infil- kelplace may discover the nature of Powers: All powers listed on page
trating their forces. the Darkness Device and attempt to 88 of the Torg Rulebook

•• 10
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

The Cosm
Was there a time when we did not hide suffer mutations from the chemicals
ourselves from the sun and wind? Was they are exposed to on a daily basis.
there atime when we embraced nature like Thus, when the Gaunt Man offered
a lover, felt the kiss of the night air, and 3327 the highly-industrialized nation
reveled in the sight of the spring blooms? ofJapan as thecornerstoneofhis realm,
Was there a time when something other the Marketplace native was receptive.
than man-made monoliths filled the sky, Here was a country divided between
and the starlight was greater than the the rich and the poor, as was his, and
shadows? struggling with the environmental
No, it is an old man's dream -the sky, problems that an emphasis on manu-
the night, the wind belong to those with facturing ultimately creates. Though
the credits to buy them. The purchase was there were signs that the leaders of
madegenerations ago, and all that is left to Earth would not allow their world to
us are memorzes. go the way of Marketplace, 3327 knew

1111 ,,-
-5412 it would only take the slightest of
manipulations on his part to move his
of M"k'~f.~
is separated from that of
realm along that path.
'This place," he once said, survey-
Earth by seemingly im- ing the streets of Tokyo from his pent-
penetrable dimensional house, "was falling under the sway of
fabric. It is only with the Marketplace long before I came here. I
use of an all-powerful Darkness De- did not build the abattoir into which
vice, and the maelstrom bridges and they run, I am merely the shepherd
dimthreads it creates, that these walls who leads them there."
can be pierced, and beings can travel
from one place to the other.
But in many ways, Marketplace is
extremely similar to Earth's cosm, a
The Genesis of
fact which has allowed 3327 to estab-
lish his realm in the Far Eastwith none
being the wiser. Marketplace isa world Marketplace Archive 0-2911
dominated by high-finance, where Re: Creation Myths
profit brings life and joy and loss brings Entered by: 1789
sorrow and ultimately, death. Within The information contained in this
a thousand office buildings that crowd file was gathered through extensive
the landscape, deals are consumrnated, interviews with followers of the Palan
intrigues are plotted, and betrayal in cult (prior, of course, to the banning of
the name of personal gain is consid- that beliefsystem in Marketplace), and
ered praiseworthy. interrogations of the priests prior to
Marketplace's mega-corporations Tennination. While the data contained
have created an artificial environment
herein serves no practical purpose, and
for their workers. With the air and thus the Triad was correct in outlaw-
water fouled by pollution, most people ing its dissemination, it does provide
spend as much of their lives indoors as
an insight into those anarchists who
possible, traveling from company would oppose all progress.
apartments through subway networks Believers in Palanic theology state
to their offices. The "burakumin," or that the world we now call Market-
outcasts, who must live outdoors are
place - which they refer to as
often unhealthy, mentally ill, or even "Gokuraku" - has always been and

Torg: Nippon Tech

Nippon Tech: Map 1










i~Ji Megap.lex
- ExtensIOn

•• 12
Chapter Two

always will be inexistence. The people others. Some men were called leaders, buildings whose foundations were
of this place are the products of the and claimed therightto greater wealth undermined by the tides.
union between two primal deities, who than all others, to compensate for the The megaplexes are vast mazes of
have since departed this plane. great weight they bore. Battles raged skyscrapers, narrow streets and alley-
Gokuraku was once a verdant, for the riches that were left, and the ways. While there are hovercraft in
abundant world where all that was contentment and peace that had been the air, most roads are still clogged by
needed could be had without effort. Gokuraku's was seen no more. automobile traffic. There is virtually
No one sought to satisfy their own no wildlife left, save for abandoned
ambitions, no one lusted after wealth house pets, many of whom have been
or power, for all were equal and con-
Geography and driven mad by drinking polluted wa-
ter and must be shot. The richer cities,
All of this changed, according to Environment such as Donglin, enjoy the benefits of
the legend, when a villager named cheap fusion power, while those with
Weng-Ju scaled a mountain peak and The world of Marketplace bears more people and fewer credits must
discovered a great valley, cut in two some resemblance to Earth in terms of becontentwithantiquated and "dirty"
by a sparkling river. All about him he geography and climate. Marketplace nuclear plants. Entire sections of most
could see trees heavy with golden is a spherical world, smaller in size megaplexes belong to thestreet people,
chestnuts, thickets filled with wild figs than the Earth, with five continents and a corporate worker knows to avoid
and almonds. Never before had he and two major oceans. The names of these areas at all times - not only can
seen such beauty, and of a sudden a the continents are lost to antiquity, traveling there be dangerous because
dark thought crept into his mind: no and they are now known by the names of crime, etc., but if someone reports
one else but he could truly appreciate of the huge cities that dominate every your presence there to your superior,
the wonder of this place, so no other inch of their landscape - Donglin you could be discharged on suspicion
eyes must be allowed to look upon it. Megaplex, Sebat Megaplex, Ombetsu of treason to your firm.
Weng-Ju told no one of his discov- Megaplex, Akiyuri Megaplex, and The damage done to the environ-
ery, but many of the villagers began to Hanwa Megaplex. Of these, the larg- ment by decades of industrial pollut-
wonder where he found the delicacies est is Akiyuri, and the smallest ing cannot be accurately measured,
he enjoyed. Soon, the people grew Donglin, which is ironically the seat of but some of the effects are quite obvi-
jealous and began to whisper that power for the Triad. There has been ous. A perpetual smog hovers over
Weng-Ju was a sorcerer, and should some talk of unifying Sebat and each megaplex, trapping heat on the
becastout ofthe village. But one young Ombetsu, as these cities have built so ground, and most of the street people
maiden, who loved Weng-Ju, insisted extensively on the waters that sepa- have some sort of respiratory ailment.
it was not so, and said that she would rate them that they are almost touch- Carbon monoxide levels are extremely
follow him when next he left the vil- ing. high, and those who can afford them
lage, and return with proof that he The climate ranges from arctic to wear oxygen devices called "breath-
was a good and honest man. tropical, with the mean temperature ers" if they have to go outside.
For many days, the maiden, Lin- of the planet having climbed slowly Water pollution is no less severe,
San, followed her beloved without his but steadily over the last two decades with industrial waste pumped daily
knowledge. When she reached the due to global warming. Hanwa, in the into the rivers and seas. Apartment
peak of the mountain and saw the arctic zone, is the most challenging complexes and office buildings have
valley below, she gasped, a small continent upon which to live, but also their water pumped in through com-
sound that Weng-Ju heard. Infuriated the safest, for few of the burakumin plicated filtration systems, a frequent
that someone else had discovered his can survive for long outdoors and thus target for sabotage by opposition
wealth, Weng-Ju hurled a stone in the the level of street crime is low. groups. The exact chemical content of
direction of the sound. All four seasons are represented in the water changes daily, and those
Struck, Lin-San fell dead. Weng-Ju Marketplace, with long, wet summers burakumin who do not take the pre-
brought her body back to the village, and winters and short, cold springs caution of boiling the water first can
only to find himself branded a mur- and falls. Alterations in temperature expect a lingering and painful death.
derer by his people. Fearing their and precipitation amounts are the Ultraviolet radiation has also be-
wrath, he offered to share the secret of common means of judging the sea- come a problem in Marketplace, due
his great wealth with any who would sons, as there are no longer any trees to the destruction of the ozone layer
defend him. One man, and then an- or grasses to change color. by fluorocarbons. Very little attention
other, came to his side, and Gokuraku The topography of the planet has has been paid to this situation, beyond
wept. also changed radically in recent years. UV-coating all windows, since it is felt
The war that followed would last Where once there were vast mountain that anyone who spends a prolonged
hundreds of years. When it was over, ranges and grea t forests, most amount of time outdoors is asking for
a mountain separated the land of one megaplexes now consist almost exclu- trouble anyway.
nation from that ofanother, and within sively of flat, paved surfaces and tall Finally, the poorer classes are often
each nation men greedily protected buildings of glass and steel. Coast- made the victims of covert product
their own goods and coveted those of lines are marked by the ruins of older testing by various chemical compa-

( B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .13- .
Torg: Nippon Tech

nies, which may account for the high way to bring themselves back into the This would enrage all of that firm's
percentage of deformities and muta- black was to provoke a war. Three competitors, who would often hire
tions among the homeless, particu- major arms manufacturers hired ronin, ninja assassins to murder the new
larly in Donglin. warriors who did not havea master, to president and his ministers. At one
As would be expected, anti-pollu- stage border incidents, and bribed point, bloody corporate wars were
tion devices have become a major in- highly-placed officials to manipulate being fought in every major city on
dustry in Marketplace. Along with air their governments into a confronta- Marketplace, and no end seemed to be
and water filtration systems for build- tion. The ploy worked, and the idea of in sight.
ings, manufacturers produce goggles private corporate intelligence services It wasatthat point that the heads of
to protect the eyes from smog, Pure- wasbom. all of Marketplace's mega-corpora-
All chemical testing kits for water, and The war raged for years, with mu- tions held a summit. The problem,
UV-resistant fashions. Perhaps the nitions stocks climbing to record lev- they decided,arose from trying to keep
most innovative step has been taken els. The firms brought the battles to a up the pretense that an executive could
by a division of Asuga Hovercraft in halt only when the high casualties cre- ever be totally divorced from his com-
Hanwa, which opened an anti-pollu- ated a serious labor shortage, one pany, and that it was not truly the
tion devices company, and at the same which might have forced the compa- companies that were running the
time constructed a factory that pro- nies to raise the salaries of their em- world. The solution, then, was to have
duces nothing but pollution. No goods ployees. But the war had a happy side- the corporations assume control di-
are actually manufactured in this effect the companies had not antici- rectlyrather than through figureheads.
building, but gallons of waste and pated - weakened by public outcries This created another set of difficul-
clouds of thick, black smoke are against the war, governments began ties. Though Asuga Hovercraft was
pumped out every day. to topple, and the people turned to based in Hanwa, which it controlled,
successful businessmen to rule in the it owned subsidiaries in Akiyuri,
place of politicians and kings. which was under the authority ofShori
The History of Industry accepted the challenge, Petroleum. This situation was repeated
and in the name of "rebuilding the- a thousand times across the face of
Marketplace shattered economy," began disman- Marketplace, and wreaked havoc on
tling environmental legislation and administration, budgeting and taxa-
When Gokuraku first began to be various labor laws. Full-fledged "fac- tion, not to mention encouraging in-
called "Marketplace" is unknown - tory towns" began to appear, where dustrial espionage.
possibly it began as a derisive joke employees were clothed, fed and Again, the corporations met and
among the poor as social structures housed by their firms - but employ- arrived at a solution. The old national
and religion were being swept aside in ers were quick to point out that if a borders would be dissolved, and the
favor of corporate structures and the worker should be fired, he would entire world would come under one
worship of the credit. However it quickly find himself naked, hungry, flag and be part of one culture. Subsid-
started, the name has proven to be an and out in the cold. Unions came into iaries would be allowed to control
apt one, as big business has come to being, not to defend the rights of small areas of the planet, but they
dominate virtually every aspect of life workers, but to point out any malcon- would have to answer to their holding
in the cosmo tents to the company for the good of companies. The three largest mega-
At the start, Marketplace was much all. corporations - Ursan Industries,
like a thousand other worlds. Farmers Industry began to rapidly encroach Misaki Computers, and Shori Petro-
toiled in the fields, laborers flocked to on the countryside, wiping out for- leum - would form a body called the
cities in search of better-paying jobs, ests, levelling mountain ranges, and Triad and oversee the operation of the
nations quarreled with each other over contaminating air and water. Those planet.
borders and resources. Although their who voiced objections were branded This device seemed to be the answer
wealth made them powerful, indus- as traitors to their nation's economies toanumberofproblems. Theirresources
trialists had limited influence over their and jailed. An attempt by a radical combined, the Triad was more than
governments, and their business prac- environmentalist group calling itseU powerful enough to control the actions
tices were monitored. Labor laws, en- "Kashi" to stop the burning of a forest of the other corporations and prevent
vironmental regulations, and other was brutally put down by a new in- them from takingsteps thatmight prove
shackles were placed on business to dustrial police force, the ancestor of unprofitable. The three firms instituted
ensure that the welfare of society as a Marketplace Security. a system in which names were replaced
whole was taken into account by its But despite its newfound power, by numbers which, along with a retina
leaders. business still had problems. Their pri- scan, served as an access code for com-
The first sign of the Marketplace to mary annoyance was that no matter puter banking and shopping, as well as
come was the reaction of munitions which former corporate executive was entrance to buildings throughout the
firms to a long period of peace. Com- hired to run a country, he naturally cosmo Without a number and a known
panies around the world chafed at the favored his old company in all things. retina pattern, it is virtually impossible
inactivity, and decided that the only to accomplish anything in Marketplace

14 t.t'"
Chapter Two

I " Illl II II II II
III II Illl 1111 II
11111I III 111111111111
'1111 I II 1I1l1l1lll II =
1111. =
: III' III II Il 1111 II II =
It I,
1111111111111 " =
mm~mm II =

Torg: Nippon Tech

(the numbers consist of four digits fol-

lowed by seven decimal places, i.e.
Government being blackmailed by agents of Mar-
ketplace Security, who have threat-
3327.7257901, but most people are com- As stated above, the Triad is the ened to report his "slanders" to 3327.
monly referred to by the first four digits governing body of Marketplace, com- If 9012 has secrets he would prefer
only). Ignored in all of this, for the most posed of the chief executive officers no one know, 6365 has darker ones. In
part, were the world's social ills, which (CEOs) of Ursan Industries, Misaki keeping with the Law of Intrigue, the
had resulted in more and more people Computers, and Shori Petroleum. 3327, head of Misaki Computers is a traitor
turning to the religion of Palan. 9012, and 6365 meet on a weekly basis to the Triad. She engineered the mur-
Ignored, that is, until 3327 assumed to discuss potential business problems, der of three of her superiors to reach
power at Ursan Industries, and thus including the quelling of food riots the exalted position she now holds,
tookaseaton the Triad. One of his first sparked by the burakumin, differences but her motives revolved around
acts was to write and implement the of opinion between subsidiaries in something other than personal gain.
Triad's First Article of Incorporation, adjoining territories, and the quest for 6365 is one of the leaders of Kashi,
which reads as follows: new markets. Marketplace's clandestine environ-
"Whereas, citizens ofMarketplace have The Triad is not a democratic body, mental group, which has dedicated
the inalienable right to own property; for the people of Marketplace have no itself to the overthrow of the mega-
"And whereas, the right to own implies say in who operates the three corpora- corporations and the righting of
the right exclusively to occupy; tions. The current CEOs, two men and wrongs done to the ecology of the
"Therefore, be it resolved that those a woman, were appOinted by their planet. Her intimate knowledge of
citizens over the age of21 who do not own respective boards, usually because corporate maneuvers have allowed her
or lease property have thereby forfeited all they had struck a deal with the mem- to warn Kashi members of plans to
rights granted by any charter, declaration bers, had some incriminating infor- trap them, as well as likely targets for
or other dowment currently extant in mation regarding the members, or strikes.
Marketplace." both. Should one of the three CEOs be 6365 fears and hates 3327. She has
replaced as corporate head, their seat successfully seduced 9012 and is feed-
This statute was explained as an at- ing him information regarding Ursan
tempt to encourage the purchase of on the Triad would be assumed by
their successor. Industries in an effort to undermine
property in Marketplace, but in fact, it that mega-corporation's power in
gave the Triad sweeping powers to use The Triad rarely ever meets directly
with anyone, preferring to study Marketplace. She feels that, at worst,
against the poor and disenfranchised in 9012 will be arrested by Marketplace
the cosmo By essentially taking away FAXed reports and computer files re-
lating to any matter before making Security and Shori will be weakened
their right to occupy space, 3327 took by his absence. She is confident that no
away their right to exist, and that was their decision. Technically, 3327's vote
is weighted sufficiently to overcome one will believe him if he accuses her
the beginning of the Termination. of betrayal.
3327 never realistically believed that his colleague's opposition, but he pre-
he could exterminate all of the home- fers not to exercise that option if he can 6365
less and poor, nor did he want to - avoid it. He knows that maintaining DEXTERITY 9
they could, at times, be a source of the illusion of a solid alliance is impor- Dodge 10, fire combat 10, stealth 10
cheap labor. His primary targets were tant for the health of the Marketplace, STRENGTH 10
the priests of Palan, whose religious at least until he can gather enough TOUGHNESS 10
might almost equalled his financial stock to take control of Shari and PERCEPTION 10
clout in the cosmo 3327 unveiled the Misaki. At that point, he will pressure Evidenceanalysis 11, find 11, trick 11
Triad's fist, Marketplace Security, and the boards to replace 6365 and 9012 MIND 11
they mass:.:red over 5,000 priests and with people he finds more agreeable. Business 12, meditation 12, test 12
their followers. Slightly over300 of the Currently, 3327's place on the panel is CHARISMA 11
order survived, going into hiding all held by one his clones, unknown to Charm 14, persuasion 15
over Marketplace and continuing to either one of his colleagues. SPIRIT 11
practice their rites in secret. 3327 is wise not to underestimate Intimidation 13, reality 12
Thisshowofforceconsolidated3327's those who join with him to make up Possibilities: 11
power in the cosmo Ursan Industries the Triad. 9012, the chairman ofShori Equipment: LOY 9mm, damage
now controls virtually every valuable Petroleum, has been curious for a long value 15,ammo 12, range 3-20/30/50;
tract of land in the cosm, as well as oil time about the business dealings of spring-loaded stiletto, damage value
and mineral rights on the oceans. Even 3327 and Ursan Industries. While tak- STR+6/16; retina-pattern recorder
the other mega-corporations are not ing pains to be obsequious in his Description: 6365 is a tall, beautiful
aware of the size of Ursan's holdings, colleague's presence, he has circulated woman with a look that would be
nor of 3327's boldest coup in Market- rumors among other executives that termed "Eurasian" on Earth. She pre-
place to date - he has been quietly Ursan is behind the incidents of fers to rely on her powers of persua-
buying up stock in the other two firms burakumin terrorism and that 3327 sion rather than engage in violence,
that make up the Triad, plannmgto take wishes to turn the whole planet into a but she is quite capable of defending
total control over the cosmo virtual dictatorship. He is currently herself if attacked.

_16e l " " : ; " ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r T\....[!


6365 is dedicated to the ideals of

Kashi, and believes the best way to
destroy the Triad and the mega-cor-
porations is from within. She consid-
ers 3327 an enemy, but is not aware of
the existence of the Darkness Device,
nor the true purpose behind his desire
to expand into new markets in other
Fire combat 10, maneuver 10, un-
armed combat 10
Evidence analysis 13, find 13, land
vehicles 13, trick 14
Business 15
Charm 10, persuasion 10, taunt 10
Intimidation 9, reality 9
Possibilities: 9
16, ammo 12, range 3-10/25/40
Description: 9012 is a middle-aged,
balding executive, who attained his
high status through caution and pru-
dence. While his superiors made risky
financial moves and lost their lives,
9012 invested carefully and slowly rose
to prominence.
His sole mistake has been getting
involved with 6365, and her manipu-
lations may lead to his ruin. He resents
3327 for his success, and believes the
Ursan chief's dangerous financial
maneuvers will eventually destroy all
that has been built in Marketplace.

Security suppressing violence to allow busi- Some of these are secretly members of
nesses to operate, or encouraging vio- the target groups, others are simply
The paramilitary law-enforcement lence if there is money to be made anarchists who oppose any and all au-
arm of the Triad, Marketplace Secu- from it. Since its inception, MarSec has thority, and still others wish to see the
rity has evolved into an organization clashed repeatedly with the members plans oftheir superiors fail as a means of
with almost total autonomy. There is ofKashi and the cult of Palan, but their gaining promotion for themselves.
no executive so powerful or highly- most determined foes have been the
placed that he is beyond their reach, militant street people known as
and 3327 alone enjoys a limited immu-
nity from their predations because he
"Shiki," or "demons." MarSee has or- Dishonor
ders to shoot on sight any member of
was responsible for shaping the force those three groups. and Death
into a lethally efficient machine. Operations against these organiza-
Marketplace Security is charged MarSec plays a major role in one of
tions have been hampered, however, by the most unusual Marketplace cus-
with preserving a climate in which the fact that as MarSee grows larger, the
profit may be made. This can mean toms. The law specifies that mega-
number oftraitors in its ranks increases. corporations must produce profits, and
(Tl """":":_
U! 17
Torg: Nippon Tech

an executive who makes an unwise The unfortunate executive is then tives within the mega-corporations.
investment and drags his company informed that both his number and his Lower-level employees who c.ause
into the red is considered to have bro- retina pattern have been erased from their firms to take a loss are simply
ken that law. It is standard practice for all computers throughout the stripped of their possessions and ac-
an executive to bankrupt himself in an megaplexes. This makes it impossible cess to megaplex computers and of-
attempt to balance the ledgers rather for him to purchase goods or informa- fices, and then discharged, to live or
than admit that he has cost the com- tion through any computer network, die on the street.
pany credits. as well as denying him access to any Were 3327 to face financial ruin (a
A mega-corporation officer whose megaplex building. This makes it vir- pOSSible, but unlikely outcome of his
assets have proven insufficient to make tually impossible to make a deal in the operations), MarSec would be within
up the loss will find himself ap- time allotted, unless he has some in- its rights to slay even him.
proached by a MarSec agent and in- criminating information that can be
Standard MarSec Agent
formed that he has dishonored him- used against someone in another
selfand the firm. The executive is given mega-corporation to force the doing Dodge 10, fire combat 11, maneu-
24 hours to redeem himself by gener- of business. The system is designed to ver 10, melee weapons 10, stealth
ating profits for the firm, at the end of punish financial failure, but reward 10, unarmed combat 10
which time he must commit suicide as deception and intrigue. STRENGTH 8
payment for his failure. The executive will, of course, be
Though this seems to be a harsh, monitored throughout the 24-hour
butfair, bargain, in truth itis not. After period by MarSec. If he does not take Find 9, tracking 10, trick 9
the initial announcement, the execu- his own life at the end of that time, MIND 8
tive is escorted by MarSec to his apart- agents will be dispatched to extermi- Test 9
ment, where he is forced to watch his nate him. MarSec will not confirm ru-
possessions being confiscated (they mors that several ex-corporates have
Charm 10, persuasion 9
will be given to his successor in the evaded pursuit and taken refuge with SPIRIT 7
company). His apartment will then be opposition groups in Marketplace. Intimidation 9
padlocked and a MarSec agent posted It should be noted that this system
Possibility Potential: some (55)
as a guard. is applied only to high-level execu-
....~-:- m
18 t.t'If
Chapter Two

Equipment: Kyoto Police RKD,

TOU+7/15; nunchaka, damage value
Naturally, this system can present
problems for some. Those who, for
The Mega-
STR+5/13; Impala chain gun, damage one reason or another, are not part of Corporations
value 23, ammo 600, rang.e 3-40/150/ the mega-corporate system are unable
400 to access the terminals. In addition, The heart and mind of Marketplace
those goods which are illegal cannot are its mega-corporations, holding
safely be purchased using this method. companies with several smaller sub-
Money and Thus a new form of hard currency, sidiaries and even occasional under-
subsidiaries. A typical mega-corpora-
theatall,has been developed by thestreet
Economy people of Marketplace. It has no set tion has capital and assets worth the
worth,since it is notbased on any known equivalent of 70 billion to 1 trillion
The economy of Marketplace is monetary standard, nor can it be ex- yen. They are public corporations, their
based on a monetary unit called the changed for credits (although visitors stock traded through the megaplex
credit. The credit is not a tangible item from other cosms have had some success computer networks. If and when any-
of currency, like the dollar or yen, but obtainingotaus in return for their native one acquires a majority of a
rather what amounts to a bit in a currencies). A good is worth however corporation's available stock shares,
computer's memory. The credit is cur- many otaus the seller feels like charging she gains control of the company (in
rently worth roughly $2 or ¥280. -a box of processed food may retail for Marketplace, the CEO is commonly
Shortly after the Triad carne to five otaus on one day and 100 on the the major stockholder as well).
power, it was decided that all business next, with no reason for the change. If Attempts have been made in the
transactions would be carried out by this seems confusing or insane, itshould past by chairmen to buyout the rest of
computer, since machines were faster, be remembered that the people who the shareholders as a meansofeventu-
more accurate, and could not be crowd the alleys and ruins of Market- ally increasing personal wealth. But
tempted to dishonesty. Soon, all con- place have been crushed by a compli- these entail the mega-corporation in-
sumer banking and shopping were cated economic system, and now revel volved taking on crushing debt, and
being done via machine, and hard cur- in their ability to set arbitrary prices for the common result is a visit to the
rency had been completely replaced their goods. chairman by MarSee.
by computer data. This allowed the Use of the otau is illegal in Market- There are five major mega-corpora-
mega-corporations to monitor through place, and MarSee has raided and tions in Marketplace, each one run-
their mainframes who had how much, burned a number of printing facilities. ning one of the planet's megaplexes.
and how it was being spent, thus But the currency keeps on appearing, They oversee all administrative func-
eliminating costly market research and implying there is some sort of organi- tions in the cities, as well as maintain-
demographic studies. zation b~hind its production, or at least ing transportation links between
Under this system, a banking trans- people with the ability to stay one step workers and their offices and keeping
action would work like this: 2730 ahead of the Triad security agents. disruptions ofbusiness to a minimum.
wishes to remove credits from his ac- In addition to the otau, there is also The following is a breakdown of
count to purchase a jeweled dagger. a widespread (and extremely illegaD the five mega-corporations and their
He enters his number into a terminal industry specialiZing in tampering holdings in Marketplace:
and submits to a retina scan of his with computerized financial records
right eye. When the computer deter- and manufacturing devices known as Ursan Industries
mines that the retina pattern matches retina-pattern recorders. The RPR can
that logged in 2730's file, it will inquire be used to capture the image of a Arms manufacturer, Triad mem-
about the nature of the transaction. subject's retina pattern,and then beam ber
2730 then types in the item he wishes it into scanners to allow access to ter- CEO: 3327
to buy, and from whom he wishes to minals or buildings. Most of the pat- Megaplex: Donglin; also holdings
purchase it. The computer will then terns currently being used are those of in Sebat, Ombetsu, Akiyuri, Hanwa
automatically transfer the credits from crime victims, who have been as- Subsidiaries: Computers, clothing,
2730's account to that of the seller, and saulted so that their patterns can be transportation, energy
the item will be delivered within one copied. The Triad has yet to corne up
day of purchase. with an effective defense against use Shori Petroleum
The Marketplace world law which of the RPR.
allows the wealthy to purchase goods There are also rumors that research Energy research and production,
for less than the middle class or poor is being conducted into the cloning of Triad member
operates in a far less complicated eyes to obtain select retina patterns, CEO: 9012
manner in the cosm than in the realm which, if done on a large scale, would Megaplex: Ombetsu; holdings in
of Nippon. In Marketplace, comput- completely disrupt the Marketplace Akiyuri and Hanwa
ers can check your credit balance while security system. Who might be doing Subsidiaries: Processed food, hy-
making a transaction, and adjust the this and where they could obtain the droponics, banking
price of the goods in question accord- financing for the project is unknown.

Torg: Nippon Tech

Misaki Computers The Independents Maelstrom Markets

Computers and electronics, Triad In addition to the mega-corpora- Part of the reason for the attacks on
member tions and their subsidiaries, there are a the few independent firms left in Mar-
CEO: 6365 number of smaller firms, noteconomi- ketplaceissimply that there is no more
Megaplex: Sebat; holdings in cally powerful enough to be major room to expand on the planet. Every
Donglin and Akiyuri players in Marketplace. Most of these available inch of land has been built
Subsidiaries: Weapons, entertain- are eventually purchased by their upon, and though attempts to build
ment, laser technology wealthier competitors and turned into floating factories have met with some
subsidiaries, but some resist that fate success, they are cost-prohibitive and
Asuga Hovercraft, Inc. and struggle to achieve mega-status easily damaged by sabotage.
themselves. This has been known to But when 3327 gained possession
Transportation provoke violence and high levels of ofthe Darkness Device, hesaw a means
CEO: 7414 industrial espionage, as the mega-cor- to give the mega-corporations what
Megaplex: Hanwa; holdings in porations try to ruin the independents they wanted - new markets - while
Ombetsu and the independents try to steal un- at the same time satisfying Daikoku's
Subsidiaries: Banking, retina-scan der-subsidiaries from the giants. need for possibility energy and his
technology, anti-pollution devices Most oftheseindependentsare based own for profit. He called a meeting of
in the more dangerous parts of the Marketplace's CEOs and explained to
Kubaicho Entertainment megaplexes, where they are protected them that his researchers had acciden-
by the burakurnin, many of whom they tally madea major breakthrough: they
Software, laser discs, etc.
employ. Attempts by MarSee troops to had discovered a way to cross into
CEO: 4778
force thesecompanies to closehave been other COSffiS.
Megaplex: Akiyuri; holdings in
met with violence, and the Triad has This, he said, would be a boon to
begun sending corporateninja to quietly Marketplace. Rich worlds awaited,
Subsidiaries: Computers, construc-
slit the throats of the owners of these badly in need of the goods and ser-
tion and demolition, processed food
businesses. vices only the manufacturers of this
cosm could provide. Here were the
new markets they were begging for,
and he was willing to be magnani-
mous and share this new technology.
He offered each CEO a deal. Ursan
employees would travel to the other
cosms and ready the power supply for
the bridges (actually stelae). Once the
bridges were in place, the mega-cor-
porations could send people across,
set up their operations, and make a
healthy profit. He would charge them
a small leasing fee for the bridge tech-
nology, and take a 40 percent cut of
any profits they garnered on the new
worlds. In addition, they would be
asked to periodically plant new
"power packs" on their new homes.
Needless to say, the Marketplace
executives leapt at the chance. Un-
aware that Daikoku existed and was
creating the bridges, unaware that the
"power packs" were bizarre objects
that funnelled possibilities, and un-
aware of just how great a benefit 3327
would accrue from all this, they agreed.
As each new cosm was discovered,
3327 would put the right to exploit it
up to bid. The high bidder would be
allowed to travel the maelstrom bridge

• I
Chapter Two

designed to lull 3327 into a false sense

of security and lead him to the same
Market Report fate as 2174.
To: 3327, CEO, Ursan Industries DEXTERITY 10
From: 7554, president, Osu Textile Dodge 11, melee weapons 12, mis-
Re: Year-end report sileweapons 11,stealth 12, unarmed
combat 11
It is my distinct pleasure to report that this has been a highly profitable
year for Osu's new branch in the cosm of Lesle. As you mformed us, the
people here are somewhat primitive, but they have adapted well to the
Marketplace way of doing business. ... . Disguise 13, evidence analysis 12,
We did encounter some token resistance from natIve mdustnahsts, but
scholar (stock manipulation) 12,
the use of corporate ninja and the arming of rival factions resolved the
trick 14
problem. Our overhead was somewhat higher than we had expected, due
to curious weather patterns on this planet, an apparent side effect of the
Business 14, science (computers) 15
power packs we have planted.
We expect that next year should be extremely successful, as this world
Charm 9, persuasion 10, taunt 11
is abundant in natural resources and there is a great deal of open land upon
which to build. SPIRIT B
We look forward to many more profitable quarters on Lesle, and our Intimidation 10, reality 9
Possibilities: 12
Marketplace headquarters would, of course, be interested in bidding on
Equipment: 35mm microcamera,
any future projects.
electronic lockpick, breather, eye
shields, personal radar vest, Kanawa
KMll, damage value 18, ammo 12,
and unwittingly bring Marketplace division, educated in corporate range 3-10/25/40, heat-seeking
axioms with him. Both 3327's personal schools, and thoroughly trained in the throwing stars, damage value STR+3/
fortune and his relationship with firm's philosophy and methods. His 14, range 3-5/10/15
Daikoku grew as a result of this en- computer aptitude was discovered at Description: 7710 is a young man,
deavor. an early age, and at 18 he was given a and a trusted executive in Ursan In-
Of course, should the other CEOs post with an Ursan subsidiary. dustries. He always wears black, a
discover that there is more to this ar- He showed great promise, at one carryover ofhis childhood love of ninja
rangement than meets the eye - point masterminding a hacking op- legends. He is proficient both with
should they, for instance, discover the eration that resulted in a 2 million melee weapons and computers, a
existence of the Darkness Device - credit loss to a major competitor. He product of the diverse training given
3327 may find this plan exploding in was eventually promoted to a posi- in corporate schools.
his face. tion within the holding company. 7710 defers to 3327's wisdom in all
There he met 3327, and joined with things, but his employer is well aware
him in a conspiracy to destroy 2174. of 771O's capabilities and often allows
7710 When 3327 took control of the firm, he him to manage major undertakings on
promoted 7710 to the high post he his own
Most corporate heads in Market- holds today.
place have at least one protege, a young 7710 is the only employee 3327 has
executive who serves as trusted lieu-
tenant to the CEO and is groomed as
more than a modicum of trust in. He
relies on his lieutenant to oversee the
Corporate Ninja
his successor in the event of tragedy. cosm invasions of other mega-corpo- Privately-owned corporate ninja
3327 began his career in this position rations, and to serve as liaisons with squads are a tradition almost as old as
with relation to 2174, whom he even- various groups both in the cosm and the mega-corporations themselves in
tually forced out of office. Aiding him in the Nippon realm. He is also the Marketplace. Used both as unseen
in that effort was a young computer only employee of 3327 aware of the bodyguards and for critical missions
expert named 7710, who has since been High Lord's successful experiments of murder, no firm can afford to be
elevated to the vice-chairmanship of in cloning. without a few members of this profes-
Ursan Industries. For his part, 7710 has shown a great sion.
7710 is the son of two former Ursan deal of loyalty to his employer and The ninja began in the cosm as war-
board members, who conceived him done his job well. But there is no tell- riors for hire during the wars between
under orders from their chairman and ing in Marketplace how accurate that nations. Totally mercenary, the ninja
took no hand in raising him. He was appearance might be - it may be would fight for any side in a conflict,
brought up by Ur3an's child-rearing genuine gratitude, or it may be a pose or change sides if the opposition of-
fered better pay. When the mega-cor-

Torg: Nippon Tech

porations took over, the ninja found those with lower incomes who are ies, and other highly-placed execu-
themselves being placed on retainer dependent on their employers for vir- tives. Generally, those making more
by firms for those jobs too delicate for tually every aspect of their existence, than 50,000 credits per year (roughly
MarSec to handle. Ninja have even life can be difficult and uncertain. For $100,000) are considered well-off in
been used by embattled executives to the poor, each day is merely another Marketplace. They occupy the upscale
fight off power plays by killing rebel- struggle to survive in a world that has neighborhoods in the megaplexes,
lious board members. no use for those without credits to have large corporate apartments and
3327 makes no secret of his admira- spend. enjoy the comfort and convenience of
tion for the qualities of the ninja - having company hovercraft at their
strength, speed and cunning - and disposal, rather than having to rely on
has made use of them as advance scouts The Class System crowded monorails or subways. The
in new cosms. Ursan corporate ninja rich have had virtually no exposure to
are commonly sent down dim threads Marketplace operates under a rig- the polluted environment, and arealso
to plant the stelae needed to drop a idly-defined class system. The gap the only class allowed to reproduce at
maelstrom bridge. between the upper tier and the lower will. Their children are groomed to
For more information on ninja, see is vast, reflected not only in income follow in their footsteps and become
Chapter Three, "The Realm." levels but in lifespan. In between, mid- top executives.
and low-level corporate workers la- The middle class (those making
bor at their jobs, caught between the between 15,000 to 40,000 credits per
Life in violence that attends power struggles
within and between firms and the
year) are comfortable, but not secure.
They are the primary purchasers of
Marketplace criminal acts perpetrated by the goods and services in Marketplace,
burakumin. and so are essential to the economy,
Daily life in Marketplace society A relatively small percentage of but they also run the constant risk of
can be very pleasant - proViding, of Marketplace's denizens can actually being thrown into the streets if they
course, you are rich and powerful and be classified as the upper class. These displease a superior. They are the vic-
have somehow managed to carve out include the CEOs of the various mega- tims of most of the crime in the
a secure niche in your firm. But for corporations and the larger subsidiar- megaplex, and those who cannot af-

22 \....[!
Chapter Two

ford the best anti-pollution systems that haunt the dreams of the wealthy and poorer areas ofa megaplex, their hide-
do suffer ill effects from the atmo- powerful. We will be the dagger of the outs protected by the few burakurnin
sphere. Their population growth is burakumin. aware of them. MarSec believes that
strictly regulated to ensure that there - Shuko Matsadaira they are responsible for the printing of
will be a large enough labor force, but otaus and the proliferation of retina-
the perfection ofcloning methods may Shiki is the militant faction of the pattern recorders.
eventually make cuts in reproductive burakumin. It was founded immedi- The Shiki have evidenced ability
rates possible. There is talk about put- ately after the Termination by Shuko with various types of weapons as well
ting such things under the jurisdiction Matsadaira, a mega-corporate execu- as rudimentary knowledge of the
of MarSec, but the Triad has not yet tive who took the unprecedented step martial arts, indicating that they may
announced a decision. of resigning his position and giving have received some training from the
The third level is the lower middle up his number for a life among the remaining priests of Palan. The Shiki
class, those who are making 10,000 poor. Angered and disgusted by the have also benefitted from the high
credits or below. In general, these are actionsofMarSec, Matsadaira decided number of ex-corporates in their lead-
the people doing the jobs no one else that the street people needed a force of ership, who have been able to direct
wants - working in water filtration their own, and began recruiting the attacks against the weak links in vari-
plants or factories with no pollution healthier burakumin and other ex- ous financial chains.
protection. Desperate to get ahead, it corporates to form such an organiza- The Shiki would make invaluable
is often members of this social strata tion. allies for Storm Knights visiting the
who are tapped to become MarSec Under Matsadaira'sleadership, the cosm of Marketplace, and efforts
agents. The lower middle class and Shiki became a group capable of op- should definitely be made to contact
poor also produce the most ninja and posing and defeating MarSec squads. them immediately upon arriving. In
ronin. He knew his troops would have to addition, there are rumors among the
Those without any place in specialize in hit-and-run attacks, pref- burakumin that the Shiki are going to
megaplex society are the burakumin, erably on highly-visible targets, acts attempt to overcome the corporate
the poor, the homeless. Some of these that would send a message to Market- ninja who guard the maelstrom bridges
are people who were Simply born to place that there was an active resis- to different cosms and take the struggle
burakumin families and have had no tance underway. They have bombed to those new worlds.
opportunity to rise above their begin- purification plants, sabotaged mono- Shuko Matsadaira
nings. Others are from among the rail lines, and made several unsuc- DEXTERITY 11
higher classes, people who fell or fled cessful assaults on megaplex power Fire combat ]4, martial arts ]2, me-
to the streets. Contrary to Marketplace stations. Their most brazen act to date lee weapons ]2
propaganda, not all of the street was donning the captured garb of a STRENGTH 11
dwellers are mentally ill or hideously MarSec squad and informing the CEO TOUGHNESS 10
deformed, although that description of a major computer firm that his led- PERCEPTION 9
applies to some. However, the ability gers were inadequate, and he would Evidence analysis ]2, find 11, trick]2
of the burakumin to survive at all, and be required to commit suicide. It was MIND 10
to provide food and shelter to groups only after the executive's death that Business 13, meditation]], test ]2
like Shiki, the Palan priests, and the his fellow board members examined CHARISMA 10
Kashi show that they are a stronger the books and found no improprieties. Charm]], persuasion]], taunt]]
and more cohesive unit than they By then, theShiki were in hiding again. SPIRIT 8
might at first appear. The Shiki wear no uniforms or
Intimidation 11, reality 9
The lowest class in Marketplace is badges to Signify their membership in Possibilities: ]5
made up of the mutants, people from the group, for obvious reasons. They Equipment: SC Kyogo T1] (auto),
all walks of life who had the misfor- identify themselves to each other with damage value 2], ammo 40, range 3-
tune to be used as test subjects for new the password "Jigoku," which means 40/150/400; grenades (3), damage
products by the mega-corporations. "the underworld." Attempts by
value 19, range 1-6/15/40, explosive
They haunt the shadows in the poorer MarSec to discover how they are sup- burst radius 0-3/8/15; retina-pattern
neighborhoods, and are feared and plied with weapons have been futile
recorder; 200 otaus
hated by all. up to now - the most popular theo- Description: Matsadaira's hatred
ries involve hijacked shipments or
of the mega-corporations verges on
traitors within arms manufacturing fanaticism. Surrounded every day by
The Shiki firms, or possibly a combination of the
the victims ofMarketplace's inhumane
For too 101lg, the people have beell de- system, Matsadaira believes that the
The Shiki organization has slowly executives should be overthrown and
fellseless before the might of the mega- expanded to the point where there are
corporatiolls. They have been tortured, the burakumin should have a chance
now branches in every megaplex, al- to make a life for themselves. He be-
hUllted dOWIl, used as test subjects alld though Matsadaira's original band still
murdered without u second thought. lieves that if the Shiki can harass
operates out of Donglin. They are
But 110 more. We will be the demolls commonly headquartered in the

Torg: Nippon Tech

MarSec and prove that the Triad's se- covered that open revolt would and business were separate entities,
curity force can be beaten, the middle achieve little. The mega-corporations and it was possible to work with an
class will rally to his cause along with had the manpower and the resources eye toward the public good alone.
the poor. to crush any opposition, and did not Most of the members of Kashi hold
hesitate to use it when necessary. middle management positions in the
Standard Shiki
DEXTERITY 9 Secure in their invincibility, the mega-corporations, although 1276's
Dodge 10, fire combat 12, martial arts firms had implemented plans that re- partner, 6365, is one of the members of
10, melee weapons 10, stealth 10 sulted in the virtual destruction of the Triad. The vast majority are ac-
Marketplace's environment, a situa- complished "computer hackers" who
TOUGHNESSS tion abhorrent to 1276, the founder of spend much of their time rearranging
PERCEPTION S Kashi. He spent many hours trying to credit balances, wreaking havoc on
Find 9, trick 9 decide on the most effective way to growth projections, and acting to pro-
MIND7 combat the mega-corporations, finally tect independent firms from Market-
SurvivalS hitting upon the idea of using their place projectors. Naturally, the mega-
CHARISMAS own weapons against them. The corporations are suspicious, particu-
Charm 9, persuasion 9, taunt 9 world's economy was tied to its com- larly when entire departments disap-
SPIRITS puters, and that was its vulnerable pear off their payroll programs. But
Intimidation 9 point. the Kashi technicians have been able
Inspired, 1276 proceeded to radi- to cover their tracks and prevent de-
Additional Skills: three at +1 adds
Possibility Potential: some (45) cally change the direction of Kashi. tection thus far.
Gone were the urban warriors (most Kashi's activities extend beyond
Equipment: varies
joined the Shiki) and in their place such tampering, however. The per-
were computer technicians and other centage of defective products being
scientists who could subtly sabotage manufactured by the mega-corpora-
Kashi Marketplace's mega-corporations. tions has risen steeply in recent years,
The second of the three groups ac- 1276 was surprised at the high num- primarily because Kashi operatives
tivelyopposingthemega-corporations bers of wealthy and educated re- have altered blueprints or left out key
within Marketplace, Kashi has proven searchers willing to join in his danger- components when assembling proto-
to be the most effective because it ous fight - many of them had grown types.
works from within the system. frustrated over the years, unable to Although MarSec is authorized to
Long before the formation of the pursue their theories unless they could hunt down Kashi members, they pre-
Triad and the horrors of the Termina- guarantee their CEOs some profit fer not to initiate operations against
tion, the members of Kashi had dis- would be generated. They longed for a this particular group. Kashi is too
return to the days when government nebulous, signs of their activity usu-

A mbush
We heard the crunching of and a few of the lucky ones had then threw it at them. It exploded
their boots long before we saw guns they had captured in past on the sidewalk, and when they
them. MarSec doesn't believe in raids. saw the flames, they tried to es-
stealth, not having ever needed Everyone froze. We saw them cape into the building. But the
it to be successful. In the past, marching side by side, their body door was kept locked to keep the
they could march in, torch shel- armor reflecting the dim sun- burakumin from stealing food,
ters and shoot burakurnin, and light. Down below, Yoshi let fly and there was nothing they could
then go back to their spacious with a stone, striking the lead do but die.
corporate apartments and sleep trooper in the side of the head. Now it was quiet. Neitherside
on their soft beds, pleased with They turned as a group toward wanted to give their positions
themselves. Yoshi, and we opened up with away. We knew the MarSec
Yes, in the past ... our Kyogos. We caught six of agents would try to break out
Out of the corner of my eye, I them before they thought to split sooneroriater, but for now, they
saw the other Shiki moving into up and find cover in the alleys. would wait. We put away our
position. We had people in the That would make things weapons and slipped into the
empty buildings on either side harder. Sugawa spotted two night, and wondered how many
of the street, and others hiding in huddled in the doorway of a hours it would be before any
doorways and behind fences. nutritional supplement factory. MarSec soldier would dare to
Most had knives,chains, or rocks, He stuffed a rag in a bottle of move from his hiding place.
chemicals and put a match to it,

_."I~ m
24 U!
Chapter Two

ally being spotted too late to do inves- CHARISMA 10 PERCEPTION 9

tigators any good. But in terms of ac- Charm 13, persuasion 13, taunt 13 Disguise 10, evidence analysis 10,
tual damage done to Marketplace SPIRIT 9 find 10, scholar 10, trick 10
companies and sheer profits lost, Kashi Intimidation 12, reality 10 MIND 9
has shown itself to be more dangerous Possibilities: 9 Business 11, science 12, test 10
than even Shiki. Equipment: Misaki XE laptop CHARISMA 8
Kashi members have definitely mi- computer Persuasion 9
grated down the bridge to the Nippon Description: Judged by outward SPIRIT 7
realm, using their corporate covers to appearances, 1276 is an intelligent, Additional Skills: three at +1 adds
make it safely. They have already be- capable and content executive in the Possibility Potential: some (35)
gun infiltrating Kanawa Corporation employ of Asuga Hovercraft. Only a Equipment: varies
subsidiaries and practicing their own select few members of Kashi know
brand ofrebellion. 1276 believes that if that the quiet, soft-spoken middle-
3327's operations in this new cosm can aged man is one of the leaders of their Ronin
be brought to a halt, the financial loss radical organization.
might be enough to bring about his 1276 respects the bravery of groups Gokuraku's ancient history is filled
collapse in Marketplace. like the Shiki, but considers them fool- with tales of great warriors who served
hardy to challenge 3327 and MarSee landowners and acted to defend their
1276 interests. Occasionally, such a warrior
DEXTERITY 9 directly. 1276 does not believe that the
public will rise up to support a revolu- would taste of freedom, either by pur-
STRENGTH 9 chasing it or as a reward from his
TOUGHNESS 9 tion in progress, but will welcome a
new order if it is presented to them as masterfor some important deed. These
PERCEPTION 10 warriors were called "ronin," and
Evidence analysis 12, find 12, a fait accompli.
wandered the countryside in search of
scholar (high finance) 14, trick 12 Standard Kashi Member noble acts to perform.
MIND 10 DEXTERITY 8 The landed estates and their armies
Business 13, science (computers) 15, Stealth 9 are long gone, but Marketplace still
testU STRENGTH 7 has ronin. Unlike ninja, these merce-
rTl ....
U! 25
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Although trained in the use of fire-

arms, most ronin prefer to fight in
close quarters with melee weapons, as
their predecessors did.
Standard Ronin
Firecombat 10, maneuver 10, melee
weapons 12, unarmed combat 10
Find 9, tracking 9, trick 9
Test 8
Persuasion 8
Intimidation 9
Additional Skills: three at +1 adds
Possibility Potential: some (40)
Equipment: Kyoto armor, TOU+7/
16; 13mm Chunyokai, damage value
18, ammo 9, range 3-1 0/ 40/50; katana,
damage value STR+7/16

The Mutants
Violent, psychotic,dangerous-the
words most often used by Market-
place denizens to describe the horrify-
ing creatures that result from mega-
corporate product testing. Most of the
subjects are drawn from among the
poor, although particularly heinous
lawbreakers among the wealthy have
also been consigned to this fate. In a
few instances, hovercraft have sprayed
entire buildings or megaplex blocks
with chemicals, creating entire neigh-
...;.:=:::: ... borhoods of mutants.
:~.:.:: ..::::::.....
The vast majority of the mutations
in Marketplace are of the negative va-
riety. The afflicted are driven mad by
shock and pain, and will lash out at
naries never allow themselves to be Ronin are neither as swift nor as anyone who looks normal. Often, they
bound to one mega-corporation. They quiet as a ninja squad, but they are will hallucinate that a person ap-
accept work only if they feel they can brutally effective. They have been proaching them is the researcher who
trust their employer to honor his com- employed by the mega-corporations is responsible for their plight, and they
mitments, the money is satisfactory, and their opponents, and most fre- will strike with murderous force. Oc-
and they consider the mission suffi- quently are called upon to aid the few currences such as these go far toward
ciently challenging. remaining independent companies. explaining why even theShiki will not
Ronin have proven especially use- Themajordrawbackofhiringronin help these ultimate victims.
ful in the corporate wars that mark is that their taciturn manners and to- There have, of course, been some
Marketplace. Ina world where secrecy tally mercenary natures tend to make positive mutations. A few test subjects
and stealth are all-important, the bra- employers uneasy. They are normally have been gifted with great strength,
zen attack of armored warriors often reluctant to work with others, but if others with high intelligence, but they
provides the element of surprise they can be convinced aid is essential usually suffer some loss which com-
needed to complete a hostile takeover. for a mission to be successful, they will pensates for their gain. It is very rarely
make the best of the situation. that mutants will cooperate with other

Chapter Two

groups, convinced (with good reason) executive will usually be brought be- Much of this changed during the
that "normals" will only betray and fore the board of directors of his firm war, when women were called upon
hurt them. Thus, even the sane, ratio- for judgment, who can hardly be to labor in armament factories. When
nal mutants remain apart from others, counted as disinterested parties. In the war ended, industry had discov-
and have made some efforts to orga- particularly sensitive cases involving ered that women were a resource that
nize their people into an army to take CEOs, however, MarSec will usually had been going to waste for years.
over sections of Marketplace and cre- ask for and receive permission to hold Both sexes are now active in the job
ate a nation where they would be safe. a trial before the other top executives, market, and today there are women in
Sample Mutant if only to defuse criticism that their all levels of management, including
DEXTERITY 8 actions are arbitrary or serve some CEO positions.
Melee weapons 10, unarmed com- sort of hidden agenda. Marriage and childbirth are strictly
bat 11 Trials take place in the Triad's regulated by the mega-corporations.
STRENGTH 12 chambers in Donglin Megaplex, with Normally a committee appointed by a
Climbing 13, lifting 13 3327, 6365 and 9012 acting as judges firm's board of directors will meet and
TOUGHNESS 11 and the assembled CEOs the jury. decide which employees should be di-
PERCEPTION 8 Defendants are not guaranteed repre- rected to mate. Marriage as an institu-
Tracking 10, trick 9 sentation under Marketplace law, but tion was abolished due to the religious
MIND 7 an accused CEO will occasionally be connotations it contained, and the pro-
Survival 8, test 8 helped by his firm's lawyers, provid- spective partners instead sign a life-
CHARISMA 8 ing his board of directors is sympa- contract that Stipulates they will remain
Charm (II), persuasion (I]) thetic to his plight. If they are not, he together and produce as many children
SPIRIT 7 will usually have to try and justify as their employers mandate. The chil-
Intimidation 11 actions that cost his firm credits before dren will then be educated by the firm to
Possibility Potential: none a stone-faced group with a vested in- assume their parent's positions when
Equipment: club, damage value terest in finding him guilty. Needless they reach maturity. Life-contracts are
STR+3/15 to say, MarSee's conviction rate is very mostoften arranged betweenexecutives
high. who are in the same income bracket.
Sample Mutant Marketplace does not maintain a The view of the sexes in Market-
DEXTERITY 8 prison system. The idea of feeding, place has created some problems in
Dodge 9, fire combat 9, lock picking clothing and sheltering a lawbreaker the establishment ofthe Nippon realm.
9 struck the Triad as wasteful, particu- Many of the female executives who
STRENGTH 8 larly since there would be little use for have traveled down the maelstrom
TOUGHNESS 8 the offender once his term was fin- bridge to Nippon have been angered
PERCEPTION 12 ished. Minor offenders are usually by the rigid thinking regarding women
Evidence analysis 13, scholar 13, exiled to live among the burakumin, that is still in evidence in the realm.
trick 13 while others are executed by MarSec. But 3327 has expressed little concern
MIND 12 In recent months, 3327 has been ap- thus far about that situation.
Science 15, test 13, willpower 13 propriating the bodies and shipping
CHARISMA 9 them to Ursan's hydroponics labs to
Charm 10, persuasion 11, taunt 10 serve as the raw material for gospog, Fashion
SPIRIT 8 although none of his colleagues save
Intimidation 9 7710 are aware of this. Clothing in Marketplace is not very
Possibility Potential: none different from that ofCore Earth, which
has helped make it possible for 3327 to
The Sexes in successfully integrate his people into
Law and Justice the Nippon realm. Men and women
Marketplace favor business suits, albeit with some
Marketplace's legal system is fairly differences from the standard Earth
straightforward: the Triad makes the Equality of the sexes is the rule concept of professional wear: Market-
laws, the remaining CEOs rubber- rather than the exception in Market- place suits often come with built-in
stamp the legislation, and MarSee en- place, although it was not always that anti-pollution gear, extra inner pock-
forces the edicts. way. Prior to the war that ushered in ets for concealing weapons, and light
There is a provision in the Triad's mega-corporate control, women were body armor for protection against as-
Articles of Incorporation for trial by a expected to take a subordinate role in sassination.
jury of one's peers, but it is used only society, seeing to it that their partners Specialized garb is worn by ronin
in certain cases. A Shiki, for instance, were content and fit to do their work. and ninja, as well as the priests of
would never get such an opportunity, Women had no rights in marriage, Palan. The lower classes wear what-
for none of his peers would be trusted and divorce proceedings could be in- ever they can find, usually old cloth-
on a jury, nor would any be likely to stituted only by men. ing stolen from loads intended for the
volunteer for the honor. A mid-level incinerators.

( B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -27-
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Religion as head of Marketplace's ruling body,

he concealed his contempt for the
priests greatly wished to do. Thus far,
the priests have wrecked three bridges,
Organized religion enjoyed a brief priests of Palan, and actually expressed stranding teams from Shori Petroleum,
heyday in Marketplace prior to 3327's some sympathy for their goals. Over Kubaicho Entertainment and Asuga
assumption of power. The mega-cor- the objections of his colleagues, he Hovercraft in other cosms. This has
porations saw it as a convenient way gave his permission for a major Palan forced 3327 to use his Darkness Device
of keeping the lower and middle rally, and officially ordered MarSee to to reconstruct the bridges or risk the
classes in line, dangling, as it did, the refrain from any activities that might loss ofthe possibility energy contained
hope that something better awaited be harmful to those assembled. Unof- in those cosms. This not only lessened
them after death. Many firms con- ficially, he ordered the gathering of his standing with Daikoku, but the
structed their own houses of worship, the largest contingent ofMarSee agents other mega-corporations have begun
with clerics who emphasized that fol- in Marketplace's history, all armed to doubt the safety of the bridge tech-
lowing the orders of one's employer and with explicit instructions to see to nology and are slightly hesitant about
and pursuing profit with single- it that no priest was left alive. making use of it.
minded zeal would please the Divine The massacre that followed grew Security was increased near the
Spirit and guarantee passage into into the widespread bloodletting now bridges to Nippon, making it highly
Paradise. known as "the Termination." With unlikely an explosive charge could be
If the people were growing dissatis- over 80 percent of the order extermi- planted to destroy them. But with the
fied with this passive brand of religion, nated, those remaining fled into hide- help of traitors within Ursan Industries,
they didn't show it until the priests of aways provided by supporters. There some priests were able to disguise
Palan appeared. Where the order came they attempted to regroup, buta Triad themselves as executives and use false
from remains a mystery, but rumors of act making their religion illegal made credentials to migrate to therealrn. There
its origins have ranged from disaffected it very difficult to gather new follow- they have embarked on a campaign of
mega-corporate executives seeking ers, while old ones were being arrested, sahotageagainst3327and his newmega-
spirituality to a vast plot by the Shiki to interrogated and executed by MarSee. corporations, but their attempts to con-
rally the lower classes. Palan went from being a populi,t vince others that "Ryuchi Kanawa"
Whatever the truth may be, the fact religion to being a secretive cult. ;ak- comes from another world have not met
is that the Palanic priest's anti-materi- ing refuge in the ruins of buildings with much success.
alistic creed rocked Marketplace to its along the coastlines of the mega plexes,
Standard Priest of Palan
foundations. Suddenly, the workers the priests continued to disseminate DEXTERITY 8
were questioning whether toil and their creed to any who would listen. Martial arts 9, melee weapons 9,
credits was all there was to life. The The children of the cultists were raised stealth 10
radical idea that perhaps the posses- to believe in the religion as well, and STRENGTH 8
sion of wealth did not necessarily mean taught the miracles and fighting skills TOUGHNESS 7
the presence of wisdom or honesty that the order had developed.
undercut 'vlarketplace's peculiar so- 3327 believed that the threat the Find 9, scholar 9
cial contnict (which reads something priests of Palan represented was fin- MIND 7
like, "You work to survive and to make ished, but he was mistaken. Beyond a
Meditation 9, science 8
us richer, and we allow you todoso.") few novice priests and unimportant
People began to talk about the lack of adherents, MarSee had been unable to
Persuasion 10
any semblance of upward mobility in track down any of those who escaped SPIRIT 9
the mega-corporate structure, and the Termination. Palanic literature still
Focus 12
found appealing the Palanic idea that turned up now and then, once on every Additional Skills: three at +1 adds
it was possible to attain higher levels computer screen in the Ursan Building Possibility Potential: some (45)
of spirituality through faith. (Kashi's idea of a jest). Rather than de- Miracles: See Chapter Eight
The Triad was initially at a loss stroying their religion, 3327's treacher-
Equipment: Staff of Palan, damage
about how to deal with this situation. ous behavior had hardened the priest's value STR+3/11
Attempts by MarSee agents to detain resolve against him and the materialis-
priests resulted in mob violence and ticculture herepresents. With seemingly
infinite patience, the order waited for
riots, particularly in the lower middle-
class neighborhoods, where the reli- the day 3327 would overreach himself Adventuring
gion was most popular. The CEOs
were torn between their instincts,
and be open to attack.
When 3327 introduced the concept
in the Cosm
which told them to crush this creed of "maelstrom markets," the priests Carrying the fight against the High
before it grew any more powerful, and saw that their chance had comeat last. Lords to the cosm of Marketplace is a
their reluctance to create martyrs. Although they did not know how the dangerous business. Along with the
MarSee did their best to contain Ursan CEO created the bridges to other strength and skill to battle ninja, ronin
Palan rallies, but the Triad's indeci- worlds, they were obviously of value and MarSee agents, the Storm Knights
sion prevented them from taking more to him. Therefore, destroying them will need the wisdom to navigate
aggressive action. When 3327 took over would damage him, something the through the maze of shifting alle-
_I... ~ ~ rn
28 U!
Chapter Two

T he Palanic Gospels

Excerpt from the First Book of when he laid a hand upon it, it which he had never known. He
Palan, chapter 2, verse 17: crumbled to ash. And from the donned a simple white robe and
In the land of Ombetsu there ash rose the dead forms of those wandered from his palace, leav-
did reside a man named Palan. whose blood had built his world, ing behind all that made him a
Though he was a wealthy man, whose tears had made it grow, number in the world. He took a
still he toiled morning and and who now capered and name for himself, and told all
evening to attain more riches. laughed at the great and power- that he met that he sought a land
The sun rose and set, but Palan ful Palan reduced to naught. where there were still things that
did not know; the seasons But this was not to be a night- could not be purchased or
changed, but Palan felt no heat mare. For Palan laughed with owned. He would search for the
or cold; he knew only his num- them, softly at first, then louder moments he had not experi-
ber and the credits that were his. and louder still. He saw the mag- enced, the loves he had not felt,
Then one night the light of nificent humor in spending a life the tears he had not shed, and
truth shone upon him in his accumulating that which would when he found them, he would
dreams. He saw a great build- be of no use at death. He saw the settle there and live the remain-
ing, shining like a jewel in the hours that had been wasted and der of his days.
sun, but empty and cold within. could never be reclaimed. And Palansearches still, and many
He spoke to a machine, but it before the eyes of the spirits, he have joined him in his quest. The
said it did not know him, and vowed to be a part of this mock- answer lies, not on some un-
would not answer his pleas. He ery no more. earthly plane, but here - we
stagg~red to his fine home, but
When he awakened, it was have but to find it.
with a feeling of peace the like of

giances, outright doublecrosses, and inadvertently left a string of figures in squad. The Knights must defeat them
complex financial maneuvering that the program which identified the before reinforcements are drawn to
are characteristics of 3327's world. message as coming from a Triad mem- the scene.
Storm Knights may choose to at- ber. She erased the error from the
tack 3327 from without, through alli- laptop's hard drive, but the message Act Two
ances with the priests of Palan or the was copied on to a floppy disk on the
Shiki, or they may strike from within, receiving end by a traitor in Kashi's The Storm Knights down the
either with the help of Kashi or by ranks. Now the spy is offering the disk MarSee agents and search the bank.
infiltrating a mega-corporation. to MarSee - for a price. They uncover evidence that 7354 is the
Knights should keep in mind that Word has reached 6365 and Kashi traitor, but there is no sign of the com-
at present there are only two bridges agents in Nippon about the situation, puter disk.
linking Marketplace and the Nippon but there is no way their agents can Bank personnel records contain
realm, and they are heavily guarded. intervene without risking exposure. 7354's address. When the Knights ar-
Wise teams will have agreed upon Only the StormKnights cansave Kashi's rive at the apartment, they find the
cover identities prior to attempting to most valuable agent from certain death. informer dead, his head severed from
migrate up the bridges, preferably ones his body. Simultaneously, a team of
which will allow ease of operations in Act One corporate ninja arrive, also seeking
Marketplace. the disk. Thinking the Knights mur-
The Knights travel to Marketplace, dered 7354 and have the disk, the ninja
perhaps posing as purchasing agents attack.
from otherrealms who wish to discuss
Adventure Idea One: an import/export deal with the Triad. Act Three
They learn from 1276 that the message
To Catch a Kashi had been sent to the offices of the Bank After the Knights defeat the ninja,
of Donglin, a subsidiary of Shori P<e- they deduce from the method of mur-
troleum. Two Kashi agents are planted der that the killer was a ronin. In addi-
Background there, 1050 and 7354 - one of them tion, beneath the body there is a busi-
must be the traitor. ness card with a monogrammed"AH."
While encoding a message to a fel- The Knights attempt a break-in at 1276 is able to identify the card as
low member of Kashi warning him of the bank, only to find themselves belonging to Asuga Hovercraft. A
a planned MarSee crackdown, 6365 pinned down by the fire of a MarSee Kashi operative within that mega-cor-

m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -29·..·
Torg: Nippon Tech

poration confirms that a ronin was

hired by one of the directors, 2324.
When the Knights arrive at 2324's
office, they find him in conference with
the ronin in question, and working
with the disk on his laptop. Before
they can break in, the ronin, angered
by his employer's reluctance to pay,
kills him. When the Knights attack,
the ronin hits the alarm summoning
MarSec, and tells the agents that the
Knights killed the director.
After winning the fierce battle, the
Knights discover that 2324 had erased
all signs that a Triad member had sent
the message. He was, in fact, altering it
to implicate his own CEO as a traitor'
The Storm Knights can report that
6365's cover is safe, and they will have
cemented a valuable alliance with

Adventure Idea Two:

The Mutant Makers
In the quest for profit, Marketplace
firms have been developing new
products practically every week and
rushing them on to the market. This
glut of goods has increased the inci-
dence of "prod uct testing" on mem-
bers of the lower class. Recently, a
group of Shiki hired to protect an in-
dependent corporation were attacked
and decimated by mutants who were
created in testing laboratories. The at-
tackers then carried off the bodies. TI,e
Shiki fear the mega-corporations may
have discovered a means of control-
ling these once-human things, and call
on the Storm Knights for aid. Act Two as test subjects-as the Knights watch,
horrified, a Shiki is injected with a
Act One The Storm Knights defeat the chemical which causes his flesh to melt
gospog and make their way into the and then resolidify, giving him a mon-
The Storm Knights keep watch on a factory. There they see the mutants strollS appearance.
detachment of Shiki guarding the in- being held in pens, many shackled to The Knights attack, aided by the as
dependent firm TongSun Limited. the walls and tortured with electric yet unmutated Shiki. The MarSec
Shortly after dark, the mutants attack, shocks by cruel MarSec agents. It soon agents, badly outnumbered, release
severely injuring a number of theShiki. becomes apparent that the Ursan re- the mutants from their pens and order
The Knights join the fight, and are searchers have gotten the mutants to them to attack.
successful in driving the mutants off. follow their orders by promising to
The Knights trail the mutants to make them human again.
their place of origin, a chemical fac- Act Three
The Knights also learn what hap-
tory owned by Ursan Industries. The pened to the missing Shih Some of The Knights and Shiki escape from
factory is protected by gospog, who them have been brought to this factory the plant, destroying it behind them.
attack the Knights as they approach.

-30e . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( B
Chapter Two

TheShiki tell them that not all of those by the activities of the priests of Palan. The Storm Knights best hope for sur-
captured at TongSun were brought Now an attempt by the priests to de- vival would seem to be taking the bridge
here-others were taken to the nearby stroy Kubaicho Entertainment's bridge to Meka. As they start down, they are
hydroponics plant. to the cosm of Meka has met defeat, confronted with some of Kubaicho's
Together, the two groups travel to and the Knights have been asked to expeditionary party on their way up.
the plant in question. It is too late to take their place. The Knights are caught between two
rescue the captured Shiki, for they have foes, with only minutes before an explo-
been executed and their bodies are Act One sion will destroy them all.
being used for the production of
gospog. The Storm Knights travel to Akiyuri Act Three
The Knights launch an attack, set- to destroy the bridge to Meka. To their
ting the chemicals in the hydroponics surprise, they find the building which As things grow desperate, a crude
tanks afire. Soon, the blaze is spread- contains the bridge, Kubaicho Studios, explosive goes off in the midst of the
ing everywhere, but the Knights find unguarded - in marked contrast to the ninja at the head of the bridge. Having
their escape blocked by two fourth- situation the priests had encountered. learned the Kubaicho studio was a
planting gospog. The creatures are The Knights use a retina-pattern trap, and fearing for the safety of the
oblivious to the flames that threaten to recorder to break into the building, Knights, the priests of Palan mounted
engulf the building, and will fight on and find it apparently abandoned. The an attack of their own.
until destroyed. The Knights' only bridge begins at an enormous Taking advantage of the break, the
chance for survival is to defeat the soundstage, but as the Knights begin Knights charge up the bridge, linking
gospog. to set the explosives, the catwalks are up with the priests. Reaching the
suddenly filled with ninja armed with "safety" of the soundstage, the Knights
automatic weapons. It is a trap, and fight to hold off the ninja still on the
Adventure Idea Three: the Knights are caught fast. bridge to prevent them from reaching
the bomb and defusing it. With sec-
The Bridge Act Two onds to spare, the Knights and the
priests make their escape as the bridge
The Knights hold their own against disappears in a massive explosion.
Background the Kubaicho ninja, but are forced The Knights are assured that their
midway down the bridge. The ninja actions will indirectly aid their cause
One of the most lucrative of 3327's press their attack, apparently unaware on Earth, as 3327's resources will have
pursuits has been his apportioning of that the timer has been set on the bomb to be poured into reconstructing the
"maelstrom markets" to other mega- that will wreck the span. bridge.
corporations, an enterprise threatened

Torg: Nippon Tech

Chapter Three

The Realm
Mobius, Kaah, Whorion - they fight kept the fact of his invasion concealed
their wars on the battlefield, and pray for from the residents of his new realm, as
asingle decisive victon). Ifight mine in the well as from much of the rest of the
stock exchanges, banks and boardrooms, world. His triumph is evidenced ev-
and con win a thousand battles in a day. ery day by the sight of thousands of
-3327 Japanese workers boarding Shin-
kansen super-expresses (the improved
eep inside the steel and models, manufactured by Kanawa
glass towers of Tokyo, subsidiary Zamftech Computers) and
an invasion of a most traveling to factories and high-rise
unusual kind is taking office buildings, there to put in 15-
place. There are no hour work days. If they comment at all
armies of dreadful creatures stalking on the faster, quieter trains or the fas-
the night, no hearkening back to a long cinating new devices their firms are
dead past, no glorification of the producing, it is only to speak of their
primitive - instead there is a High -pride in their nation's progress. Longer
Lord, using his business acumen and- hours and other sacrifices are the price
ruthless instincts to dominate a finan- that must be paid for remaining an
cial empire. Alone, he towers over the industrial power in an uncertain world,
economic colossus that is the Nippon they reason.
Technocracy, conquering enemies who Hidden behind the identity of fin-
would never yield to brute force, but ancier and industrialist "Ryuchi Ka-
fall swiftly before monetary might. nawa" and his powerful firm, the Ka-
The Japan of 3327 is a nation dedi- nawa Corporation, 3327 oversees the
cated to a single goal: profit. Driven by silent and ruthless conquest of the Far
the financial promise of new technolo- Eastand eyes the western United States
gies and manufacturing techniques as well. Within Japan, only certain
brought from thecosmofMarketplace members of the union of corporate
by the High Lord, all concerns for heads known as the Rauru Block, and
human and environmental welfare the leader of the Yakuza, the nation's
have been cast aside in a relentless powerful criminal organization, sus-
pursuit of wealth. Though itis masked pect that a High Lord now dominates
by phrases such as "remaining com- their land. 3327 has transformed the
petitive in the international market" Yakuza into his lethal right arm, and
and "maximizing the output of the the Rauru Block, though an annoyance,
work force in the interests of pros- is not perceived as a major threat to his
perity," the way of life inspired by interests as yet.
3327's subtle machinations truly serves Internationally, the Soviet Union,
only one purpose: to aid the High China and South Korea have strong
Lord in his ascension to the vaunted suspicions regarding the true identity
position of Torg. of the head of the Kanawa Corpora-
tion, but no solid evidence they can
present to the rest of the world. The
The Hidden Realm Soviets are biding their time and
watching for any hostile move against
In the months since the Nippon their territory by Japan, while China
maelstrom bridge dropped into an and South Korea have protested to no
Osaka office building, 3327 has avail a surge in Japanese investments
achieved an important success: he has in their nations.

•• 32
Chapter Three

One of the greatest obstacles 3327

has had to overcome in the interests of
secrecy has been the inevitable pres-
ence of reality storms on the borders of
his realm. Core Earth natives have
rapidly come to associate such storms
with the coming of the High Lords,
and so a way had to be found to divert
3327's problem was solved when
agents in the Cyberpapacy reported
that Malraux had succeeded in "turn-
ing up" his stelae to drain more possi-
bility energy from his realm; intensi-
fying the reality storms there in the
process. 3327 reasoned that if he re-
duced slightly the amount of energy
being channeled through his stelae,
the violence of the storms might abate.
He was correct, but even less de-
structive storms required an explana-
tion. 3327 influenced his pawns in the
Japanese government to announce that
the weather patterns to the south and
east ofthe island were the result of the
proximity of Orrorsh. The storms rag-
ing along the Chinese coast were said
to be the last vestige of the aborted
attempt by the denizens of Tharkold
to invade the Soviet Union.
The other High Lords are, ofcourse,
aware of his presence, but none of
them stand to gain by exposing him at
this point. Trusting none of them, 3327
has covert operations in motion de-
signed to destabilize his rivals' realms
and keep their attention diverted from
How many other nations suspect
the true nature of the new Japan is
unknown. It would seem that those
who might harbor doubts about Nip-
pon and its intentions have chosen to
keep silent until defini te proof appears
that a threat exists. Until then, the
United States and most of Europe con- ficult for Storm Knights to mount ef- realm, despite his security precautions,
tinue to do business with Kanawa fective operations against the High and is concerned about their linking
Corporation and the subverted Japa- Lord, and given 3327 precious time in up with the Knights. He has therefore
nese government, purchasing goods which to maneuver. instructed the Yakuza and' his corpo-
and high-tech weaponry to use against Still, the major threat to 3327's plans rate ninja to begin the active extermi-
the more conspicuous invaders and comes from the Storm Knights. The nation of Storm Knights.
seIling oil, lumber and other natural overlay of Nippon axioms created a
resources desperately needed to keep relatively large number of Knights in
the Nippon economy moving. The re-
fusal by the U.s. Delphi Council and
the realm, and unlike some of his fel-
low High Lords, 3327 has notunderes-
other Core Earth governments to ac- timated the potential danger they A person familiar with Japan who
knowledge the existence of the Nip- represent. He is well aware that some undertook to visit the country in the
pon realm, even in the face of admit- of those who oppose him in Market- aftermath of3327's invasion might well
tedly strange goings-on in Asia and place may have found a way to the be shocked by the changes that have
portions of California, has made it dif-
fTl """"':':_
1..1! 33
Torg: Nippon Tech

mist was a harmless side effect of a have not escaped the foul air and water
process being tested which would de- that have become a part of Japanese
T he Bridges rive power from heated sea water.
Predictions of when the mist will dis-
daily life. This situation has caused an
increase in the popularity of "shop-at-
sipate vary depending on which Ka- home" and "bank-at-home" services,
The High Lord of Nippon is nawa representative is speaking, but as people try to spend as little time
nothing if not pragmatic, and he as all the major mass-media outlets are outside as possible.
disdains show over substance. owned by 3327's corporations, the MostJapanesewill point to the sharp
That is why the maelstrom press is not pursuing the story. increases in crime, poverty, and
bridges which dropped into Another major change can be found homelessness as the most disturbing
Osaka, Japan and Sacramento, in the progress of industry, and its aspects of their nation in recent months.
California were in their purest origins are twofold. When he traveled Increased use of automation and other
state, appearing as beams oflight, down the bridge from Marketplace, technologicaladvances in theworkplace
rather than as stone bridges, huge 3327 carried with him advanced tech- have forced many laborers out of their
jungle vines or collections of tor- nical knowledge used in that cosmo jobs and into the streets. Whole sections
mented souls. While he does not That knowledge, and his own mastery oflargecitiesarenowmarked by violent
deny the psychological impact of business, were put to use to trans- crime, starvation, illness, and despair.
those bridges had on the invaded, form struggling firms into mega-cor- Where once the Yakuza acted to prevent
such forms do not lend them- porate giants, the capital from which random street crime, they have turned
selves to secrecy. allowed him to purchase other com- away from that part of their code due to
Thus far, only two bridges panies. As profits grew, businesses the influence of 3327. In addition, the
exists linking Nippon and Nip- felt the need to expand beyond the High Lord's campaign to kill Storm
pon-controlled territory and crowded urban areas, and various ru- Knights in his realm has resulted in a
Marketplace. Attempts to drop a ral areas became the sites of corporate greatdealofbloodshed, the significance
bridge into Hong Kong were headquarters and manufacturing of which is lost on the Japanese people,
frustrated by the Storm Knights, plants. This has cut into Japan's al-. who are growing accustomed to the
and 3327 has now set his sights ready small agricultural base, caus;.ng high crime rate.
on western China as the next food prices to soar. This, in turn, has While this situation is detrimental
likely target. allowed Kanawa subsidiaries to make to society as a whole, 3327 allows it to
money with nutritional supplements continue and gains by it. Often, his
and pre-packaged, high-energy foods. agents in the Japanese underworld are
taken place there. But for theJapanese, The tremendous development of able to direct criminal activities to-
these alterations have occurred so the countryside sparked some pro- ward corporations affiliated with the
gradually and been woven into the tests, all of which were ignored by Rauru Block. In addition, the tradi-
pattern of their lives with such subtlety Japanese officials, thanks to 3327's tional dedication of the Japanese
that they have barely noticed them. A successful efforts at bribery and in- worker is now tinged with fear: loss of
samrimall (white-collar worker) might timidation of various government of- job means loss of home and privileges,
comment on the increasing number of ficials. Pointing out the loss in em- and could force one to live in the hell-
corporate mergers, but would see it as ployment and tax revenues Japan ish neighborhoods of the poor. Most
no more than a reflection of Western would suffer should his firms decide feel that any sacrifice is worthwhile to
economic practices; a farmer might to relocate to another country, 3327 avoid that fate.
bemoan the loss of open land to indus- was able to win concessions from the This increased competitiveness has
try, but will eventually dismiss it as government that virtually erased all brought to the fore a latent prejudice
the way of the world. In no area of his the environmental regulations put in against Westerners, specifically
realm so much as here has 3327 been place over the last 20 years. Ministers Americans, in Japan. While refugees
so careful not to implement sudden who supported his positions were from the Core Earth United States and
change that might alert the populace, given either a monetary expression of mercenaries seeking work are wel-
and the authorities of Core Earth, to gratitude or a stock tip they could comed by some, many others see them
his alien nature. benefit from. Those who resisted his as potential threats to the "tranquil-
The most obvious change in the entreaties often fell victim to what the ity" of Japan and their own positions
areas dominated by Nippon axioms Kanawa-controlled Tokyo Shimbull on the economic ladder. Incidents of
has been a strange mist which hangs called "the rampant climate of law- violence against non-Japanese perpe-
over the land and sea. Resembling a lessness in our cities." trated by members of the poorer classes
moderately dense fog, this is actually One of the results of this has been a has increased radically since 3327's
the result of the low Magic axiom in frightening rise in pollution levels, as arrival.
the realm (see Chapter Four, "Axioms government restrictions on emission Overall, life is harder now for the
and World Rules"). Kanawa Enter- and discharge levels are regularly ig- average Japanese, but the entertain-
prises, a subsidiary of Kanawa Corpo- nored. Even predominantly rural areas ment industry continues to send the
ration, recently announced that the

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C. Hunler
Torg: Nippon Tech

message that hard work will eventu- The chief operating body of the leg- financial empire expanded a bit, 3327
ally bring rewards. In truth, all that islative branch is known as the Diet. was able to use Yakuza enforcers and
their labors will bring them is contin- Like the American Congress, the Diet his own influence to place his own
ued domination by 3327, until the day consists of two houses: the House of candidates into office, including vir-
he can claim the mantle of Torg and Representatives, and the House of tually all ambassadorships.
completely drain this cosm of its pos- Councilors. The 467 members of the As things currently stand, 123
sibility energy. Operating from his House of Representatives are elected members of the House of Representa-
twin bases - the Kanawa Building in to represent regional election districts tives have strong ties to Kanawa Cor-
Tokyo and Nijo Castle in Kyoto - of equal population (the boundaries poration, and another 101 members
3327 has watched with pleasure as his are redrawn after periodic censi). One are on either the Yakuza or Kanawa
plans have moved ahead. hundred of the members of the House payroll (remember that the Market-
Japan has, however, become the of Councilors are elected by the entire place axiom set makes Nippon offi-
center of operations for members of the nation as a whole, while the other 150 cials much more susceptible to bribes
Kashi, theShiki,and thepriestsofPalan. are elected from fixed-boundary elec- than those in Core Earth), for a total of
Though their numbers are small, their tion districts known as prefectllres. 224 controlled votes. Approximately
knowledge of 3327 and his methods Representatives serve three year terms, 40 members of the House of Council-
has enabled them to anticipate and councilors six. There is no limit to the ors are directly connected to Kanawa,
thwart some of his moves. Most of the number of terms a Diet member may while another 50 are on the payroll, for
Kashi currently hold positions in Ka- serve. a total of 90 controlled votes in the
nawa-controlled mega-corporations, The chief officers of the executive House of Councilors.
which allows them access to a great branch are the Prime Minister and his Note that 3327 does not have direct
deal of key information. Both the Shiki cabinet. The Diet elects the Prime Min- control over a majority of Diet votes and
and the priests of Palan have been at- ister from among its own members, is therefore unable to pass legislation at
tempting to warn the Japanese of their and the Prime Minister appoints his will, though his block is so large and
danger, but with the exception of the own cabinet, though more than half of powerful that it is able to railroad many
Storm Knights, few have listened. the cabinet appointees must be chosen important laws through the Diet any-
Core Earth hard points in Japan in- from the ranks of the Diet. Unlike the way. Among the most sweeping laws
clude the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, American President, the Prime Min- that 3327 has used his influence to pass
Peace Park in Hiroshima, and ister does not serve a term of a set are the "Boom Act," which sliced cor-
Nagasaki, the latter two sites ofatomic length. Instead, at any time the Diet porate taxes to spur growth (at the ex-
bomb blasts in 1945. can issue a vote of no-confidence with pense of almost all of Japan's civil and
a simple majority vote, prompting the social programs), and the Sumoto Act,
Prime Minister to select one of two which did away with most environ-
Government possible responses: the Prime Minister mental restrictions on industry.
and his cabinet may resign immedi- One step that 3327 has so far re-
One of 3327's early goals was to ately, or the Prime Minister may dis- fused to take is the removal of the
eliminate the potential for government solve the Diet and hold a new national current Prime Minister, who is not
opposition to his activities. Japan's election to select Diet members. After under Kanawaor Yakuza control. Such
traditional economic policies would the new Diet is in place, the Prime a maneuver has not been attempted
have made expansion on the scale Minister and his cabinet then resign because of theundue suspicion it might
which the High Lord envisioned im- and allow the new Diet to select a provoke amongst both the citizenry
possible, necessitating a neutralization Prime Minister. and the world community at large.
of the central government. The pat- The judicial branch of the govern- The government official with highest
tern of corruption and subversion he ment has four separate levels: the su- rank under 3327's influence is Foreign
set in Japan has since been duplicated preme court, the high courts, the dis- Minister Ito ada. He frequently meets
on a smaller scale in Taiwan, South trict courts, and the summary courts. with the High Lord personally and is
Korea, and parts of China, so it would Summary courts handle minor civil responsible for seeing to it that Ka-
be well to examine the structure of the and criminal cases (misdemeanors). nawa-backed Diet members receive
Japanese government and the effects The 49 district courts (one for each their instructions as to which way to
3327 has had upon it. prefecture) handle felonies. District vote on important issues.
court rulings may be appealed to one The judicial branch has not escaped
Branches of Government of the eight regional high courts, and corruption,either. Before 3327 arrived,
high court rulings are appealed to the a great number of district court judges
The Japanese government is di- supreme court, the court of last resort. were already under the control of the
vided into three branches, the legisla- 3327 first infiltrated thegovernment Yakuza. By spreading around a little
tive, the executive, and the judicial. through the Diet, where he used mon- Kanawa money, 3327 has been able to
The legislative branch makes the law, ies earned through Yakuza operations more than triple the number of cor-
the executive branch enforces the law, and arms sales to bribe representa- rupt magistrates. In his most recent
and the judicial branch interprets the tives into introducing and supporting coup, 3327 added two supreme court
law. favorable legislation. Later, after his justices to his list of corrupt officials,

36 I...["IP
Chapter Three

after they were appointed by the cur- and towns of industrial import, 3327 Tokyo
rent Prime Minister on the advice of has seen little need to infiltrate any of
!loOda. Inaddition,a number of high- these bodies. Japan's largest city, Tokyo has
ranking police officials have fallen grown even more since the coming of
under 3327's sway through bribery The Emperor 3327, and has suffered greatly from
and blackmail, and most urban police the social problems indirectly pro-
forces have been heavily infiltrated by Nominally sitting atop the entire duced by the Nippon axiom wash. !l
MarSee agents. Japanese government is the Emperor. remains, however, the political and
Although the Japanese once believed economic capital ofJapan, and indeed,
Local Governments the Emperor divine and pledged un- 3327's entire realm.
dying devotion to him, the current Shortly after the 3327-inspired in-
Another similarity between the government recognizes the Emperor dustrial revolution in Japan, over 2
American and Japanese governments only as a "symbol" and has redefined million unemployed factory workers
is found on the local level. Japan is his role as largely ceremonial and tra- came to Tokyo seeking opportunity.
divided into 49 separate prefectures ditional. They discovered to their chagrin that
which function in much the same way Unlike most elected officials of the Kanawa-owned real estate firms had
as American states. Each prefecture government, Emperor Akihito has tom down much of the public hous-
has its own governor and assembly, noticed some of the strange things ing, and 3327's influence with the gov-
which passes laws of local import. happening in 3327's Japan and has ernment had resulted in the gutting of
Roughly one-third of the prefecture recently begun secretly cooperating many social programs. Many were able
governments have been corrupted to with the members of the Rauru Block. to find only menial work in factories,
the point of control by 3327. Among Although he has no actual authority and were forced to live in poorly-
the most important of these are Tokyo, over the government, Akihito does maintained employee barracks near
Kyoto, and Osaka. have a great deal of influence over a their workplaces. Despite the disdain
Cities, towns, and villages have their small number of Diet members, mak- Kanawa and its subsidiaries show to-
own governmen(sas well, though with ing him one of the Block's most valu- ward blue-collar workers, most are
the exception of the big metropolises able allies. afraid to quit, for there are few other

fTl ----:=_
'-1! 37
Torg; Nip
· pon Tech

.. 38
Chapter Three

It is said that for every deal made in

the towers of Tokyo by day, there are
K ey to Map 2: Downtown Tokyo two made in Chiyoda at night. Storm
Knights seeking black market goods
or information gravitate here, but ask
1. National Theater 23. Ministry of Telecommunications
2. Supreme Court
questions at their own risk - the bod-
24. Nippon Press Center
3. Diet Building ies of more than a few have been found
25. Library
4. Prime Minister's Residence 26. Shodan Metals dumped in Hibiya Park, their wrists
5. Prime Minister's Office 27. Omi Electronics bound, their throats slashed.
6. Patent Office 28. Mitsubishi Building 3327 has made no effort to clean up
7. Kokaru Automotive 29. Mitsuyana Motors Chiyoda, in fact, he has allowed it to
8. Ministry of Education 30. Korruki Investments become worse. The revelation of a
9. Ministry of Finance 31. Kanawa Corporation Kanawa Corporation connection to
10. Environmental Planning Board 32. Tokyo Shimbun certain kinds of business could be ex-
11. Foreign Ministry 33. Post Office tremely damaging to public trust, and
12. Ministry of Transport 34. Town Hall so using this area to conduct certam
13. Ministry of Interior 35. Imperial Hall transactions provides instant
14. Police 36. Marunouchi Central Station deniability. After all, no one would
15. Biological Laboratory 37. Nippon Steel seriously believe that executIves of
16. Imperial Palace 38. Bank of Japan Japan's largest mega-corporatlOn
17. Palace Treasury 39. Nippon Building would have anything to do with the
18. Ministry of Justice 40. Fuji Building denizens of so dark a place.
19. Justice Court 41. Zamftech Computers
20. Ministry of Health 42. Allied Technologies Akihabara and Jimbocho: these two
21. Ministry of Agriculture 43. Minolta Building districts make up the commercial
22. Ministry of Trade center of the city. Thousands of neon
signs hang over shops selling every
conceivable sort of electronIC gadget.
The combined annual income from
places to go. Those who are forced out forced to stay for economic reasons.
are often recruited by the Sluh the shops in these districts is well over
The city's infrastructure has been
¥60 trillion. The large number of llI1-
Tokyo's current population stands vastly improved, and the entire sub-
at more than 11 million, and its popu- portant corporate headquarters lo-
way system has been overhauled, with
lation density is unequalled for a city cated on the fringes of these sectors
quieter, faster trains in place, while
ensures adequate police protection,
its size. This has resulted in the ap- construction begins on a more effI-
pearance of formidable social prob- making Akihabara and Jirnbocho two
cient monorail system similar to the
lems: unemployment currently stands one in Marketplace. of the safest districts in the city.
at 44 percent, hunger, disease, and The Akihabara Bazaar would be a
Tokyo is made up of 16 districts,
infant mortality are up, and including: valuable source of equipment for
homelessness has become a severe
Storm Knights, especially those who
The Imperial Palace District: located do not have connections with the
problem. But the sararimelt on their in Chiyoda-Ku ward, this area contains
high-speed trains don't see these Rauru Block. The bazaar is a complex
the Imperial Palace, government of shops and discount caves which
problems - or if they do, prefer not to buildings, art museums, and theaters.
take the risk of pointing them out. takes up 20 blocks in the north-central
During the day, the Imperial District is section of the city. It is filled with
Tokyo is an excellent microcosm of one of the safest in the entire city, as
the entire realm, having been reshaped shouting pitchmen, bright lights and
police crack down on drifters in order mammoth pricing cards.
into a city geared toward the wealthy. to provide protection for the pohtIclans
The educational system has been re- Vena: this district wasoncedominated
and corporate heads who come into
vamped, SO that only the children of the area to conduct business. At night, by massive concrete public housing
the rich can afford to attend. Special- projects, each of which housed more
however, police cease their patrols and
ized medical care is available only to than 10,000 residents, but much OfthlS
the district becomes a notorious haven
the wealthy as well. The average in- fordrugdealers and prostitutes, much has been torn down since 3327's con-
come of residents is approximately ¥3.6 like New York City's Times Square. quest. Just a couple of miles away
million, while the medialt income is only Chiyoda after dark is a dangerous from the business district, Veno IS one
¥1.S million. In other words, Tokyo is a place, filled with Yakuza soldiers, of the toughest gang neighborhoods
city of the very rich and the very poor, street gangs, junkies, and people With in thecity,and Vena Park, running the
with little ground i" between. something to sell, whether it be a drug length of the district, is a frequent site
Tokyo remains the nation's center
or themselves. It is the hell in which of Shiki meetings.
of big business and production. Rich the homeless, the desperate, and the Asakusa: this neighborhood is very
corporate heads who would just as murderous all thrive, safe from the similar to Vena, save for the fact that
soon not live and work in the city are scrutiny of the authorities.
rn--- ~_I.

tJ:.'IIf 39
Torg: Nippon Tech

the Yakuza has a much firmer grip in since the onset of the Possibility Wars. priests of Palan have found many
this area than they do there. With the Kanawa Corporation and its willing to accept their doctrine in this
Tjukiji and Shimbasi: the northern subsidiaries shipping goods and region. But with a large number of
fringes of these two districts hold much weapons to both sides in the numer- government officials owning stock in
of Tokyo's middle-income housing. ous conflicts raging around the globe, Kanawa Corporation, little attention
Most middle-income families live in freighters and oil tankers are depart- is paid to resident's complaints.
residences roughly the size of a two- ing every hour as Japan's import/ex- In addition to the emergence of the
car garage. The southern ends are made port industry booms. arms industry, the island of Hokkaido
up of sea docks and warehouses, and Osaka was the site of 3327's initial has become a training ground for ninja.
are frequently used as Yakuza invasion, and the cornerstone of his The relatively high numberofsecluded
safehouses. financial empire. Marketplace corpo- areas ensures that rituals can be per-
rate ninja, led by an experienced agent formed in secret, and the harsh cli-
Nihombashi, Ginza, and Yurakucho: named Nagoya, traveled down mate helps to toughen the warriors.
these districts house the greater ma- dimthreads into the Osaka Technol-
jority of Tokyo's corporate headquar- ogy Center, and "negotiated" the pur-
tersand luxury penthouses. The Nikkei
Stock Exchange, the main office of the
chase of the Hechiro Electronics South Korea
Building (the owners, refusing to sell,
Bank of Japan, and the Kanawa Cor- were found floating in the Yoda - 3327 has found South Korea to be
poration Building are all found here. their deaths were ruled suicides, pos- the most troublesome of all the territo-
Roppongi, Akasaka, and Aoyama: sibly tied to questionable financial ries he has attempted to conquer, and
these near-Western districts are all very practices in the running of the com- the only one thus far that has required
?imilar to Ueno and Akasuka. The pany.) Nippon stelae were then pre- a show of brute force rather than just
Yakuza dominates all three, but the pared and placed in the huge main the exercise of economic power.
Shiki have made inroads into Aoyama chamber, and it was into there that 3327beganoperationsagainstSouth
in recent weeks. 3327's maelstrom bridge descended. Korea by purchasing, through a front
Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Harajuku: The Kanawa Corporation now company, Pusan Land Development,
owns much of the city. The High Lord Inc. Believing his connections with the
these districts consist of large homes
and palaces owned by the wealthy encountered little resistance to his firm to be safely veiled, he allowed
corporate executives who work in To- takeover, although he has been op- PLD to make a series of deals, most
kyo. The police patrol all three areas in posed by a sect of Sons of the Wind involVing suitable sites for stelae.
force, though there has been a recent who now occupy the Shilennoji Nippon axioms soon dominated an
Temple. 3327's agents have been un- area as far west as Samch'onp' 0 and as
spate of violent robberies committed
in this region by street gangs from the able to force them out, due to the fact far north as Tanyang.
that the temple's ancient stone arch- Then the High Lord encountered
nearby districts ofRoppongi, Akasaka,
and Aoyama, openly defying Yakuza way, or torii, is a Core Earth hardpoinl. his first major setback. A Rauru Block
authority. In addition, many of the mega-corpo- firm leaked word to the South Korean
rations based in Osaka have Kashi press that Japanese investors were
All of the nation's larger banks are loyalists as employees. behind PLD, setting off a storm of
headquartered in Tokyo,asare the stock protest among the Koreans, who still
and futures exchanges. Dominating the resent the Japanese for atrocities com-
skyline is the glass monolith known as
the Kanawa Building, its great steel
Sapporo mitted during World War II. Rioters
took to the streets in Pusan, Ulsan, and
"K" facing the open sky, as if daring the One of the most radically altered Chongju, demanding that PLD be
gods to challenge its owner's power. cities in Japan under 3327, Sapporo is forced out of business and purchased
Two hundred fifty meters high, the located on the northernmost island of land be returned to Korean owner-
Kanawa Buildingon Etaidori isTokyo's Hokkaido. With virtually no high-tech ship.
tallest skyscraper. From his penthouse, industry prior to the Possibility Wars, 3327 found this all highly distaste-
3327 can gaze out upon one of his most Sapporo has since been transformed ful, and worried that attention paid to
valued acquisitions, the Bank of Japan, into a producer of armaments. Facto- the Korean problem might result in
or see the bustling Marunouchi Central ries have sprung up around the city, greater scrutinyofother Kanawa deals.
Station, content in the knowledge that and even the once-protected confines By this time, he had succeeded in cor-
the millions of eyes which mar"el at his of Maruyama Forest now play host to rupting much of the South Korean
tower each day have no suspicion of a Kanawa research facility. government, and offered to cooperate
the dark secrets contained within. This sudden change has angered with them in putting down the riots.
many of the residents of this predomi- Kanawa "security police" (actually
nantly rural area. Ignoring arguments uniformed Yakuza enforcers and
Osaka that all of this is merely "the march of MarSee agents) joined forces with
progress," Sapporo natives point to Korean riot police and used tear gas,
Japan's second largest city, and a the increase in crime and pollution on water cannons, and live ammunition
major port, Osaka has become a non- their once pristine island, and the to quell the disturbances.
stop hive of activity in the months

40 I..L'"
Chapter Three

Nippon Tech: Map 3

Major Rail Lines

1,2. Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen

3. Tohoku Shinkansen
4. joetsu Shinkansen
5. Hakodate, Muraran, and Chitose Lines
6. Sekisho Line
7. Hakodate and Sekihoku Lines
8. Muroran and Hakodate Lines
9. Tohoku Line
10. Tazawako and Ou Lines
11. Ou Line
12. Tohoku and Ban-etsu Lines
13. laban Line
14. Tohoku Line
15. Takasaki,joetsu and Agatsuma Lines
16. Sotobo Line
17. Uchibo Line
18. Sobu Line
19. Sobu, Narita and Kashima Lines
20. Tokaido and Ito Lines, Izu Kyuko Railway
and lzu Hakone Railway
21. Takasaki, Shin-etsu and Hokuriku Lines
22. Chuo Line
23. Tokaido and Hokuriku Lines
24. Chuo, Shinonoi and Shin-Etsu Lines
25. Tokaido and Takayama Lines
26. Tokaido, Kosei, Hokuriku, Shin-etsu, Hakushin,
Uetsu and Ou Lines


27. Kansai and Kisei Lines

28. Kisei and Hanwa Lines
29. San-in and Maizuru Lines
30. Tokaido, Fukuchiyama, Sanyo, San-in
and Bantan Lines
31. San-in and Kagoshima Lines
32. Sanyo, Hakubi and San~in Lines
33. San-in and Yamaguchi Lines
34. Seto Ohashi and Yosan Lines
35. Seto Ohashi and Dosan Lines,
Tosa Kuroshio P.ailway
PACIFIC OCEAN 36. Seto Ohashi and Kotoku Lines
37. Kagoshima Line
38. Kagoshima and Nippo Lines
39. Kagoshima, Nagasaki and Sasebo Lines
. ~
o """'"

Torg: Nippon Tech

While this went on, a ninja strike ers the relevant boards with goods,
team planted evidence in the horne of
China yen and women until they accede to
a resistance leader, linking him with 3327 has only recently begun to his wishes.
North Korean Communists. The Ka- make inroads into mainland China. An 3327 regards China as a vast resource
nawa propaganda machine went into area along the southeastern coast of the to be exploited, in terms of minerals,
action, branding the insurgents as huge nation, from Nantong to Foochow, land, and cheap labor. The apparently
agents of a government opposed to is now under Nippon axioms. static situation in Orrorsh has allowed
free trade and honest profit. If this line Rather than force high-industry him a free hand in Asia, but he refuses
did not totally appease the general upon the region, 3327 has focused on to allow overconfidence to dictate his
public, it at least left them (and the rest mass-production of consumer goods, actions and is moving slowly and
of the world) uncertain who to side the type of business which was al- subtly. A China suddenly obsessed with
with. ready established in Shanghai and the profit and commercialism would be
Active rebellion against Kanawa vicinity. In addition, controlling major bound to attract unwanted attention.
investments in South Korea has abated Chinese ports allows the Kanawa Cor- In fact, the Chinese government al-
for the present, but it is by no means poration to sidestep annoyances like ready strongly suspects a High Lord is
dead. Unwilling as yet to discard the import duties and customs inspections. present in japan. But faced with a pos-
provisions of the japanese Constitu- The two major obstacles Kanawa sible invasion from the south (Orrorsh)
tion which prohibit military action in has faced have been racial hatred to- and the ever-presentthreatoftheSoviet
foreign lands, 3327 is contenting ward the japanese among the Chi- Union, China has been slow to take
himself with covert military aid to the nese, and the reluctance of the Chinese steps against Kanawa. In addition, the
South Korean government, and prof- government to encourage capitalist bad publicity garnered by earlier Chi-
iting handsomely from the sale of arms ventures. Local authorities have at- nese military operations within their
to them. The challenge has whetted tempted to throw up roadblocks to own borders have made them fearful
the High Lord's appetite for more, and Kanawa land purchases, but with little of using force indiscriminately.
he hopes to take all of Korea, North success, primarily because3327show-
and South, within the next three

•• 42
Chapter Three

Taiwan Delphi Council, have proclaimed the

sweeping changes in California as a
The Kanawa
The Taiwanese economy was sent sign that U.s. troops had begun re-
claiming territory from the invaders.
into convulsions by the changes in
Japan and China. Faced with manu- While there were some grumbles about Much of 3327's financial empire
facturing methods with which they stepped-up Japanese investment consists of huge mega-corporations,
could not compete, Taiwan's financial around Silicon Valley, most people made up of holding companies and
institutions crumbled, the stock mar- were so happy to see the dinosaurs several smaller subsidiaries, with even
ket plummeted 80 percent, and bro- and lizard-men subdued they paid no occasional undersubsidiaries.
kers began committing suicide at an heed to these warning signs. Before 3327 arrived, there were a
alarming rate. In the Nippon-Living Land mixed limited number of mega-corporations
To 3327, this seemed a golden op- zones, the miracles of Keta Kalles exist of this size in Japan. Prior to the drop-
portunity for expansion. Pushed to the side by side with the pragmatic, mate- ping of the maelstrom bridge, 3327's
brink of total collapse, Taiwan wel- rialistic culture of 3327. Attempts to agents sought out a suitable corporate
comed Japanese investment. Although introd lice commerce into some of these platform which could be used as a
unemployment remains high and the areas have proven futile, as edeinos base from which to launch operations
Yakuza has effectively assumed control and Jakatts do not understand the against corporate Japan. The chosen
oftheTaiwan underworld, government concept of money, nor of the need to firm was Hechiro Electronics ofOsaka,
officials remain convinced that the purchase "dead things." Kanawa- a smallbut potentially successful high-
Kanawa Corporation will lead the backed "safaris" to slaughter edeinos tech (for Core Earth) munitions manu-
country back to prosperity. have become commonplace, however. facturer. Two things about Hechiro
The benefits to 3327 of this move far attracted 3327's attention: first, its
outweigh the sole drawback (arous- many defense contracts necessitated
ing the wrath of Kaah). The Pacific
California ports, particularly San Francisco, are
strict security measures within the
company, meaning that Hechiro was
In the most overt sign of friction now largely safe from the primitive relatively isolated from the outside
between High Lords to date, 3327 or- axioms of the Living Land, and avail- world and that the public knew little
dered Nippon agents to uproot three able for use by Nippon mega-corpora- of its operations; and second, the fact
Living Land stelae in California and tions. In addition, the acquisition of that Hechiro traded in arms, a busi-
replace them with his own. The area several Californian computer firms ness 3327 knew would soon be boom-
seized was the triangle surrounding could serve as the cornerstone of a ing due to the Possibility Wars raging
Sacramento, which included the new financial empire in America for across the globe.
maelstrom bridge linking the Western 3327. 3327 assumed control of Hechiro
Land to the cosm of Takta Ker. De- Nor have the Nippon High Lord's with the help of ninja warriors (bring-
prived of stelae, the bridge withered, activities been restricted to northern ing new meaning to the term "hostile
rotted and collapsed. California. Several sites in Los Ange- takeover"). At that time, Hechiro was
3327 immediately had a bridge les, including the majority of the mo- completely reorganized, retooled,and
dropped from Marketplace to replace tion picture corporations, have been re-named. The Kanawa Corporation
Baruk Kaah's, turning the entire area converted to Nippon Tech hard points. was born. As "Ryuchi Kanawa," 3327
into a Nippon pure zone. In addition, 3327 has used his control of the enter- became the chairman of the
the adjoining areas were now bounded tainment industry to influence Ameri- corporation's board of directors.
by Living Land and Nippon stelae. can opinion on Japan, both through Using the new manufacturing tech-
This had the effect of creating Nippon- subliminals and in more overt man- nologies made possible by the overlay
liVing Land mixed zones in those ar- ners. The content of these messages is of Marketplace axioms (of which only
eas, with high Tech, Social and Spirit usually totheeffectthatJapan is a firm 3327 was aware at the time), Kanawa
axioms, but little in the way of Magic. ally of the U.s. in the Possibility Wars, and its Hachiman weapons division
This event naturally had stagger- and America stands to benefit from were soon able to undercut all com-
ing repercussions. Residents of those the success of Japanese industry. petitors and produce arms cheaper
areas who had transformed to Living 3327 hopes, in the coming months, and faster than anyone would have
Land axioms faced baffling changes as to extend his stelae boundaries into believed possible. Before long, Kanawa
Nippon axioms washed over the land. Southern California and eventually blossomed into one of the largest and
Kaah's expansion into the western Mexico, which is enjoying an oil-re- most profitable munitions manufac-
states was set back, as the "supply lated economic boom at present. turers in the world and 3327 began
line" to Takta Ker was no more. investing Kanawa's profits into the
As Nippon'S reality is so similar to acquisition of smaller companies,
Core Earth's,authorities, including the which were then converted over to
Marketplace manufacturing tech-
niques, enabling those companies to
grow into overnight successes as well

Torg: Nippon Tech

as generating new profits. Barely a manufacturer) would probably have The Pyramid of
month after taking over the firm, 3327 to offer an interest rate of between 15
moved its corporate headquarters to a and 18 percent just to make anyone Nippon
great skyscraper in the heart of Tokyo. even consider investing in a firm with
Before long, as with any new indus- a relatively high risk ofgoingbankrupt. But the junk bond scheme has a few
trial technology, the secrets behind These high-risk, high-yield bonds are special problems associated with it as
Kanawa's Marketplace manufacturing known to financiers as "junk bonds." well. The corporations which start up
techniques were stolen or developed Investors in 3327's Japan have seen under junk bond issue are saddled
by other manufacturers, who then be- a number of tiny corporations sud- with enormous debt. Most of their
gan to compete with Kanawa once denly blossom into major manufac- initial capital, remember, is still owed
more. At first, 3327 kept his profits turers in a matter of weeks thanks to the to investors with an 18-21 percent in-
high by applying Marketplace tech- influence of the High Lord's manu- terest rate. In order to overcome this
nology to a number of consumer goods facturing technologies and the defiCiency, a junk bond corporation
that were manufactured for sale in scramble to keep up with the "break- must make between a 120 and 130
Japan: cheaper computers, better au- throughs" that seem to happen almost percent profit d uring the first few years
tomobiles and household appliances, daily. In fact, so many of these corpo- it is in business, and even with the
etc. But eventually these technologies rations have succeeded beyond assistance of Marketplace axioms, few
were disseminated industry-wide as anyone's wildest dreams that inves- small companies can manage such a
well. 3327's latest plan aimed at keep- tors have begun to conclude that the feat. And if one or two of the larger
ing the profits flowing and acquiring "junk bonds" they purchaseare a better junk bond issuers were to default, the
new subsidiary corporations is a Ponzi investment than the blue chip bonds entire investment community might
scheme, or "pyramid con," built upon issued by stable corporations. cool to the bonds, quickly drying up
the issue of so-called "junk bonds." The reasoning goes something like the entire market.
In order to prevent such a default,

Junk Bonds
this: suppose you were to invest ¥l
million in bonds with a 1 percent yield
issued by Toyota, which for all practi-
3327 implements a variation on the
old "pyramid" con game. As one of
cal purposes has no chance of going the corporation's bond issues becomes
Bonds are issued to the public by bankrupt in thesix-month term covered due, 3327 has another corporation is-
corporations that are trying to raise by the bond. At the end of six months, sue a whole new flood of junk bonds,
capital. A public investor purchases your return would be ¥1,050,000 (¥1 the proceeds of which are loaned to
the bonds, in effect loaning the corpo- million + ¥1 million x 5 percent - the the soon-to-default corporation and
ration her money for a specified pe- 10 percent is an annual rate and you used to payoff the bonds coming due.
riod of time; at the end of this time have only invested for 6 months) for a Eventually, of course, like all pyramid
period, the corporation pays back the profit of ¥50,000. Now suppose you schemes, the bond issues will run out
money with interest. Since a bond's invested the same ¥1 million in 20- of investors to fuel the fires and the
interest rate is fixed at the time the percent yield junk bonds issued by 100 entire corporate structure will come
bond is purchased, bonds are not sus- separate companies. Right now, the crashing down. In a few cases, Kashi
ceptible to the daily fluctuations in failure without return rate (the per- computer hackers have broken into
value which characterize the stock centage of junk bond issuers that go Nikkei Stock Market programs in an
market, meaning that most bonds are belly up without being able to honor effort to speed the collapse along. But
a more conservative and predictable their bonds issued to the public) of 3327 is banking on the fact that he can
investment than stocks. such companies in Nippon is roughly keep the scheme running at least until
But this is not to say that bonds are three percent, meaning that three of the he finishes his exploitation of Earth's
completely risk-free. If an investor companies in which you invested will cosm and becomes Torg.
holdsa bond from a corporation which go bankrupt and that you will lose In the meantime, you might be
fails during the term of that bond, he three percentofthe money you invested wondering exactly where all the
may stand little hope of getting back (or ¥30,OOO). But your return on the money that is being invested in these
the original investment, much less the remaining ¥970,OOO is 20 percent giving junk corporations is coming from. The
interest. This means that most inves- you a total return of ¥1,067,OOO for a answer, of course, is from the common
tors purchase bonds issued only by profit of ¥67,000, or approximately Japanese citizen. After the Kanawa
financially sound or "blue chip" cor- ¥17,000 more than you would have Corporation grew very large, 3327 di-
porations which have very little chance made dealing in "blue chip" issues. versified his holdings a bit and estab-
of failing. Consequently, smaller and This sort of economic climate has lished a number of separate mega-
less stable corporations must issue allowed 3327 to issue trillions of yen corporations under his control in or-
bonds with a much higher interest rate worth of junk bonds. The new subsid- der to avoid the attention that a single
in order to remain competitive. If iaries which are brought to life through corporation owning 40-50 percent of
Toyota (a large and stable corpora- junk bond issues are then tacked onto Japan would attract.
tion) can issue a bond at a 10 percent the Kanawa Corporation, where they One of these corporations was built
annual interest rate, for example, begin filling the High Lord's personal around the Bank of Japan, an early
Bungai Motors (a fledgling auto coffers with profit. acquisition which the High Lord se-

44 U'"
lected as an ideal holding company.
Most of the subsidiaries attached to the
bank were other banks and lending
institutions, which made massive in-
vestments with the savings of indi-
vidual citizens. Most of this money,
needless to say, is now being pumped
directly into the junk bond market. And
with the Bank ofJapan (one of the most
respected financial institutions in the
East) and its subsidiaries all investing
so heavily in the market, a number of
other major investors controlling union
pension funds and insurance pools
were drawn into the fold as well. The
latest source of revenues are the for-
eign investors who now view Japan as
a "get-rich quick" investment.
In short, 3327 is borrowing the
money he needs to plant new stelae
and expand his empire from the very
people he is slowly subjugating. This,
along with a shortage of natural re-
sources in Japan for use by industry,
greatly limits the amount of time the
Nippon Tech economy can sustain it-
self, and thus the amount of time 3327
can operate in this cosmo

To help bring this plan to fruition, most profitable arms producer in the
3327'5 Gamble 3327 has been selling arms to resistance world. All of the other corporations in
groups battling the High Lords. As he the structure are Kanawa subsidiar-
Many of the Nippon High Lord's has also, in most cases, been selling ies, either directly or indirectly.
plans depend upon the other Possibil- equipment to his colleagues as well, The CEO of Kanawa is "Ryuchi
ity Raiders meeting defeat before his they have been \villing to look the other Kanawa," actually 3327 himself. Even
economy ceases to be a viable one. way with regard to this matter for now. it' a position noted for relatively high
Anticipating such a happening, 3327 If, however, they should learn of his visibility, 3327 remains a shadowy fig-
has been quietly purchasing land in land purchases in their realms, things ure, delegating the authority to run
the mixed zones of other realms from could grow very uncomfortable for stockholder's meetings and other such
property owners who escaped the ini- Kanawa executives and Nippon Tech public appearances to subordinates.
tial invasion. Prices have been ridicu- ambassadors around the world. He has carefully cultivated thereputa-
lously low, as many of the sellers do tion ofa Howard Hughes-type recluse,
not expect to ever see their land again. and enters and leaves his penthouse
The point of this action is to ensure The Structure of through a rooftop helipad. Only the
unlimited resources for Nippon once members of the Kanawa board of di-
competing realms have fallen. For in- Kanawa rectors have had the privilege of see-
stance, if the Nile Empire should be ing him in person.
reclaimed by Core Earth, many will be The first and largest of 3327's mega-
corporations, the Kanawa Corpora- Acting as vice-chairman is Saito
surprised to discover that a large num- Horyu, a Core Earth native who was a
ber of oil fields are owned by Kanawa tion, is currently organized in this
minor member of the Hechiro board
Petroleum. By the same token, if a when 3327 took over. The High Lord
weakened Baruk Kaah is driven out of had instructed his corporate ninja to
Pennsylvania, Kanawa Enterprises will Holding Company: keep at least one board member alive
be able to lay claim to the coal deposits The Kanawa Corporation so lower-level executives in the firm
under the land it has purchased. All of would see a familiar face about and
this would contribute to solving one of Kanawa (formerly Hechiro Elec- suspect nothing of the true nature of
3327's most vexing problems - the tronics) was the first Core Earth cor- the shift in control. Greedy and bitter
need to constantly import natural re- poration to be controlled by 3327. It over having been passed over for pro-
sources - and also eliminate competi- now manufactures all types of arms motion, Horyu was perfectly willing to
tion for the title of Torg. for use at home and abroad and is the cooperate with the new owner, despite
m I

\..1! 45
Torg: Nippon Tech

suspicions that he was a High Lord. Evidence analysis 11, find 11, lan- corporation that was taken over by the
3327 has rewarded Horyu with large guage (Japanese/English) 12, japanese just before 3327 arrived.
bonuses, a corporate-sponsored scholar (economics) 14, trick 11 Undersubsidiaries: Kakuro Paper
apartment in Tokyo, and a country MIND 11 Products.
home in Chichibu. This, along with Business 14, test 12
the fact that he recognized one of his CHARISMA 10 Koniki Inc.
fellow board members as the rumored Charm 11, persuasion 11, taunt 11 One of japan's largest department
leader of the Yakuza, has kept Horyu SPIRIT 9 storechains, with over500 stores across
in line. 3327 relies on Horyu to deal Reality 10 the country.
with stockholders and assure visitors Possibilities: 5 Undersubsidiaries: Borubokan
from Core Earth that nothing out of Description: Horyu has more than Textile, Spotlight Sporting Goods,
the ordinary is happening in the of- once entertained the notion that his Pony Audio/Video.
fices of Kanawa. employer is one of the infamous High
3327's true right-hand man on the Lords, but he does not let that possibil- Komco
board is "Murasaki Yamato," aka 7710, ity concern him overmuch. He sees the A producer of heavy machinery and
a director of Ursan Enterprises in the perks and trappings of power that he tools, Komco is one of 3327's most
Marketplacecosm. His primary task is has been given in recent months as no valuable holdings since it allows him
to keep 3327 apprised of doings in more than his due for the many years to control manufacturing machinery
Marketplace, and he makes several he slaved in obscurity for Hechiro. prices.
trip~ a month between the cosm and Undersubsidiaries: Tatomi Tool
the realm. He contributes little at full Kanawa Subsidiaries and Die, Boruzai Construction.
board meetings, waiting until the other
members have been dismissed before The Bank of Japan Korruki Investments
giving his report. The nation's largestbank,3327 runs An old and trusted investment firm
The final significant member of the his money-laundering operations which operates on the japanese main-
board is Isei Sagato, leader of the through the offices of the Bank of Ja- land. Thousands of clients all over the
Yakuza. He also has reason to believe pan. country.
that "Ryuchi Kanawa" is more than he Undersubsidiaries: Chi Real Es- Undersubsidiaries: Lawton, Taylor
appears to be, but has decided not to tate, Soto Investments. and Marshall Finance, Houston, TX.
press the matter as long as profits keep
rising. He has strongly considered the Mitsuyana Motors Kanawa Enterprises
possibility of of blackmailing "Ka- One of Nippon's most profitable A newly-created investment firm,
nawa," however, should the Yakuza auto manufacturers, featuring six specifically charged with seeking out
ever be relegated to a position of less plants and thousands of employees. opportunities for gain overseas. In
importance in the corporate head's Undersubsidiaries: Toku Auto- truth, KE is a front for espionage op-
plans. parts, Osaka National Bank. erations in other realms.
The remaining members of the Undersubsidiaries: Magnolia Sta-
board are the chief executives of some Omi Electronics tion Research Park, Kanawa Petro-
of thecorporation'ssubsidiaries. These Specializing in computers and video leum.
five are unaware of the true scope of equipment,Omi is second only to Sony
3327's empire, nor do they have any in the japanese electronics market.
suspicions about his origins. They are Undersubsidiaries: Brookgreen Other Mega-
aware that the Yakuza is connected to Publishing, Korubishi Plastics,
the firm, and that, plus their newfound Toranaga Chemical, Hiyatsu Raw Corporations
wealth, prevents them from speaking Materials.
3327 eventually had to stop weav- .
out against the harsh, often brutal
Iehi Entertainment ing all of his acquisitions into the Ka-
methods employed by 3327. Their
nawa structure in order to avoid at-
presence is a mere formality in busi- A huge media conglomerate that
owns television stations and cable and tracting too much attention (a corpo-
ness meetings.
satellite video feeds, lehi has recently ration that owned between 25 and 40
Save for 771 0, nooneon the board is
moved into the motion picture busi- percent of japan would have certainly
aware of 3327's clones, or the true
been noticed). In order to keep ex-
purpose behind his financial machi- ness after establishing a state-of-the-
art movie studio just outside Osaka. panding, 3327 began assuming con-
Undersubsidiaries: lehi Records, trol of other mega-corporations. Each
Saito Horyu of these bodies has its own CEO and
lehi Pictures, !chi Publishing.
DEXTERITY 9 board of directors, but their offices are
Dodge 10 carefully stocked with trusted Mar-
Masters and Field Co.
STRENGTHS ketplace natives and Core Earth busi-
Manufacturers ofa number ofbrand
TOUGHNESS 9 name foodstuffs sold in japan and nessmen whom 3327 controls through
PERCEPTION 10 Korea, Masters and Field was a British bribery and intimidation. The mem-

_ ••I ~ ~ m
46 tJ:'!
~ Nippon Tech: Diagram 1
~ Kanawa Corporation Structure and Holdings

Owner/CEO: Ryuchi Kanawa (3327)

II 1111.
a~ II

• • •B tl • • ~~II~ItJ.
Chi Real
Solo Toku
Investments Autoparts
Osaka IH/yatsu KakuTa
National Raw Malerlals Paper
Pony Spol/lght
AudloNideo Sporting
Ichll Lawton, Taylor" Boruzal KsnBwB

Pictures & Marshall Construction Petrolsum

Bank i Products Goods Finance

Brookgreen Toranaga
~ Ichl
~E Tatoml Magnolia
PublishIng ChemIcal Textiles Publishing Tool Station
and Ole Research




Torg: Nippon Tech

bers of the boards of the other mega- Zamftech Computers tion of the possible conspiracy involv-
corporations always own a majority of Zamftech is one of the largest per- ing Kanawa, the Yakuza, and certain
corporation stock (usually purchased sonal computer manufacturing firms members of the japanese government.
with funds supplied to the individu- in japan. It has diversified its interests, The founders of the Block never took
als by the vast money laundering net- and now has holdings in the laser any of their suspicions to the police,
work through which the High Lord technology, audio/video, entertain- for they feared police involvement in
filters all his Yakuza profits). ment, and transportation industries. the conspiracy as well.
7710 (as "Murasaki Yamato") acts Rijato Electronics Once their initial investigations be-
as liaison between 3327 and the heads A small South Korean electronics gan to reveal hard, indisputable evi-
of these mega-corporations. In secret firm which has recently broken into dence that such a conspiracy did in
meetings, 7710 gives the corporate defense work, Rijato is best known for fact exist, the Block changed its stated
heads their instructions. These men, its development of a prototype ar- purpose to the opposition and elimi-
almost without exception, are either mored battlesuit. The armor was later nation of the conspiracy. Right around
loyal enough, greedy enough, or in- stolen and has not been recovered. this time, leaders from two other cor-
timidated enough to carry out these porations, Dokaru Chemical and Al-
instructions without fail, though occa- Windigo, Inc. lied Technologies, joined the struggle.
sionally an individual or conspiracy Windigo began as a large market- At first, the Block battled against
arises with the aim of breaking away ing/ public relations / accounting firm. Kanawa on the floor of the Nikkei
from Kanawa (according to the direc- It is now a full-fledged mega-corpora- Stock Exchange. Corporations affili-
tives of the Law of Intrigue), prompt- tion, with a number of textile firms as ated with the Block began a campaign
ing fast action from 3327 and the subsidiaries, including some in China. to chisel away at Kanawa's subsidiar-
Yakuza. Much of the profit earned by ies and sabotage fund-raising efforts
these other corporations is injected into 3327's holdings are increasing so aimed at swelling Kanawa's coffers.
the money-laundering network and rapidly that it is periodically neces- As3327realized what was happening,
distributed as needed throughout the sary for him to create new mega-cor- he responded with violence. Yakuza
financial empire. porations. At present, 3327 owns ap- enforcers were sent in to threaten and
In addition to the Kanawa Corpo- proximately 52 percent of corporate intimidate businessmen affiliated with
ration, there are currently seven other japan. the Block. The Block then decided that
mega-corporations which comprise the war had to be waged on the streets
3327's Asian empire. In order of size, as well as in the financial arena and
these are: The Rauru Block began secretly hiring mercenaries and
Sunstar, Inc. ex-government agents.
As much as he tried, it was impos- Currently, the forces of 3327 and
What began as a soft drink manu- sible for 3327 to completely conceal
facturer has now become one of the those of the Rau'll Block are engaged
his activities during the time he was in a two-front espionage war in which
largest corporations in japan. Among restructuring corporate japan. Vari-
its holdings are firms in the entertain- assassinations, illegal break-ins, infor-
ous members of the business com- mation thefts, and hostile takeovers of
ment, fast food, and publishing in- munity noticed the meteoric rise of the subsidiaries are all common occur-
dustries. Kanawa Corporation and a few even rences. Due to their corruption at the
Nagara Corporation dug deep enough to uncover rumors hands of the High Lord, both the po-
A firm devoted to scientific research, of Kanawa's involvement with the lice and the national government are
Nagara operates a floating laboratory Yakuza. The most perceptive of these powerless to intervene in this conflict,
in Matsushima Bay off the coast of observers began to notice the connec- and in fact are often used to further
Kyushu. It has subsidiaries in the tion between Kanawa and the new 3327's ends. At present, Kanawa and
computer and robotics fields. "technological breakthroughs" that its allies outman, outgun, and
Tokyo Shimbun were introduced into the public arena outpower the Block, though what
Tokyo's largest newspaper is now a in virtually every field. As the central Block affiliates lack in sheer strength,
mega-corporation unto itself. Its hold- government grew weaker, these busi- they more than make up for in valor.
ings include magazines, newspapers, nessmen began to suspect that a far- As yet, no strong connections seem to
and television stations scattered all reaching conspiracy to take over all of exist between the Block and the oppo-
across japan. japan was underway, with theKanawa sition groups from Marketplace, but it
Corporation at its heart. In response, is expected to beonly a malter of time.
Oda Aircraft they founded the Rauru Block to op- The Rauru Block is now comprised
A large aircraft corporation based pose the takeover on its own terms of four large mega-corporations and a
in Pusan, South Korea, which does and safeguard the japanese people. wide variety of smaller firms. Within
defense work for a number of coun- The Block was initially founded by the mega-corporations, all of the top
tries. Oda has subsidiaries in small the chief executives of two Tokyo- management personnel are aware of
arms manufacture, ammunition, ex- based mega-corporations, Shodan Block activities and serve as Block
plosives, and marketing. Metals and Kokoru Automotive. The operatives (though most employees
Block's charter called for an investiga- of those corporations are not aware of

Chapter Three

the Block's existence). In terms of raw Executive Directors), along with a Evidence analysis 12, scholar (cor-
numbers, there are approximately 100 single representative ofthe Operations porate law) 12, trick 13
businessmen and between 100 and 200 Arm. The board members serve as MIND 13
special operatives (attached to the advisors to the Executive Directors, Business 17, meditation 14, science
Operations Branch, see below) active but have no power to make policy. 14, test 14, willpower 14
in the Block's membership. Recently, The one real power granted the board CHARISMA 9
Block corporations have been at- by the Rauru Block's charter is the Charm 12, persuasion 12
tempting to purchase some of Japan's ability to dismiss the current Execu- SPIRlTIO
smaller enterprises, the firms that tive Directors and elect their replace- Intimidation 11, reality 11
supply parts for the country's larger ments. Possibilities: 11
manufacturers. Many of these firms Once a week, the board meets with Description: Samayura is the old-
have been driven to the brink of bank- the Executive Directors to plot strategy est member of the Block's higher ech-
ruptcy by Kanawa's ruthless business and devise corporate maneuvers. Any elon, now close to 70. He has put plans
practices, but fear of the Yakuza and decisions that are made are conveyed for his retirement on hold for the dura-
ninja squads still keeps most of them to the heads of Rauru Block businesses tion of this crisis.
from selling out. Thus far, the few that through secret meetings between one Samayura has snow-white hair and
have allowed Rauru Block corpora- or more board members and the busi- a calm, deliberate manner. He is a
tions to purchase them have seen their ness heads. All of the business heads believer in traditional Japanese val-
offices bombed and their employees are well aware of the Block's objectives ues, and is more upset about the dam-
killed. A few have applied to the Shiki and are expected to take independent age being done to Japanese society by
for protection, which has been granted. action to achieve them in addition to recent changes than that done to his
Like 3327's forces, the Block mem- carrying out any instructions issued by business. His greatest strength is his
bers try to keep their operations a se- Block Directors. They also must keep leadership ability. He is constantly
cret (because they are still unaware of the Directors posted on all such activi- clashing with Hama Kokoru over
the depth of the conspiracy) and the ties so they can be coordinated with the policy and the proper way to handle
general public is unaware of the exist- activities of other Block affiliates. In Block affairs.
ence of this group. other words, the head of a Block cor- HamaKokoru
poration who is not a Director is not DEXTERITYS
expected to wait around for permission Dodge 9, fire combat 9, unarmed
The Chain of to act from Block officials if he notices a combat 9
temporary opening in Kanawa's cor-
Command porate defenses (say, a Kanawa
Sitting atop the Rauru Block are its subsidiary's stock value takes a massive PERCEPTION 9
two "Executive Directors," Shodan dip and the Block corporate head is in Land vehicles 10, trick 10
Metals CEO Ise Samayura, and the position to buy up a large chunk of it). MIND 10
Chairman of the Board of Directors of But such a corporate head must inform Business 14, test 11
Kokoru Automotive, Hama Kokoru. the directors of his activities so they can CHARISMA 9
Both men were among the original instruct other corporate heads to pro-
Charm 10, persuasion 11, taunt 10
founders of the Block and have the vide him with help or support if neces- SPIRIT 11
complete support of the other top ex- sary. Intimidation 12, reality 13
ecutives in their respective corpora- NotethatifanyoftheStormKnights Possibilities: 9
tions. is operating a mega-corporation using
Equipment: LOV 9mm, damage
The Executive Directors have the the "Corporate Wars" guidelines pre- value 15, ammo 12, range 3-20/30/
right to authorize Block activities and sented in Chapter Six, she automati-
make official Block policy through the cally begins as one of the Block's direc-
Description: Prior to the start ofthe
terms of an agreement signed by the tors. This is why the individual direc- Possibility Wars, Kokoru was consid-
member corporations (basically, this tors are not detailed, allowing you to
ered one of the rising stars of theJapa-
means that the directors can call upon plug in a Storm Knight or two quite nese corporate world. Then the Ka-
the resources of the Block's laundered easily. If your campaign strongly em-
nawa Corporation appeared and
bank accounts, which are maintained phasizes the Block, you should take a launched a successful hostile takeover
by "donations" from each ofthe Block's few minutes to generate simple per-
of Mitsuyana Motors, a firm Kokoru
affiliated corporations). In fact, ulti- sonalities and background details for had been planning to purchase. This
mate authority over all Block activities each of the directors before beginning was the start of his dislike for Kanawa
rests exclusively with the directors. play.
and all it stood for.
Just below the Executive Directors Ise Samayura Unlike many Block members,
are the members of the Board of Direc- DEXTERITYS Kokoru is hardly altruistic. His mis-
tors, one from each of the mega-corpo- STRENGTHS sion is not to save Japan, but to save
rations making up the Block (includ- TOUGHNESS 7 Kokoru Motors. At present, he is far
ing those already represented by the PERCEPTION 11 more interested in the fact that the

Torg: Nippon Tech

activities of the Kanawa Corporation Additional Skills: three at +1 adds collect any information which might
have all but destroyed fair competi- Possibility Potential: some (45) be helpful to the leaders of the Busi-
tion in japan (thus slowly destroying Equipment: varies ness Arm.
Kokoru's corporation) than he is in The entire Operations Arm has a
any possible damage Kanawa is in- single director who oversees all its
flicting upon the general populace. It The Operations Arm activities. ThecurrentdirectorisKazuo
is not that he is a cruel man, Simply Kojima, an ex-agent of the japanese
insensitive, and thus blind to the larger After 3327 unleashed the Yakuza Secret Service who began to notice the
catastrophes wrought by 3327's eco- on the Rauru Block members, Block changes that were plaguing japan
nomic domination. For this reason, he officials decided that they needed some about the same time as the founders of
constantly finds himself at odds with sort of "muscle" as well, and began the Rauru Block and left the service to
Ise Sarnayura. recruiting suitable operatives with es- investigate. Kojima is completely re-
pionage and military experience. sponsible for the 150 members of the
Standard Rauru Block Known as the "Operations Arm," this Protection branch, whom he person-
Member (Business Arm) force performs many of the same du- ally assigns to their individual mis-
DEXTERITY 8 ties for the Rauru Block as the Yakuza sions. Most of the time, the 50-odd
STRENGTH 7 does for 3327: protection, intelligence members of the Services branch have
TOUGHNESS 7 gathering, and corporate sabotage. no supervision atall- they are-merely
PERCEPTION 9 The Operations Arm is divided into dumped into the field, given their ob-
Evidence analysis 10, find 10, two branches: Protection and Services.
scholar (economics) 11, trick 10
jectives (destroy the Yakuza and pass
The Protection branch exclusively any information that might hurt the
MIND 9 concerns itself with protecting mem- Kanawa Corporation to the Block di-
Business 11, test 10, willpower 10 bers of the Business Arm, who seem to rectors), and allowed to operate. For
CHARISMA 8 pop up on Yakuza assassination lists these operatives, Kojima usually acts
Charm 10, persuasion 10, taunt 10 with alarming frequency. The Services only asa liaison with the Block leader-
SPIRIT 8 branch operates "in the field" and tries ship, though in special cases he will
Intimidation 9 to strike blows against the Yakuza and assign missions directly to Services

Chapter Three

branch members. It is also Kojima's SPIRIT 9 CHARISMA 7

responsibility to make sure that all of Intimidation 11, reality 10 Charm 8, persuasion 8
the Services branch members receive Possibilities: 9 SPIRIT 7
the latest intelligence available of rel- Equipment: 13mm Chunyokai, Intimidation 8
evance to their mission. damage 18, ammo 9, range 3-10/ Possibility Potential: some (35)
The pride and joy of the Services 40/50; SC Kyogo 144, damage value Equipment: varies
branch is the newly formed band of 18, ammo 15, range 3-15/40/150;
"samurai." The samurai are young throwing stars, damage value
agents with no espionage experience STR+3/13; microtransmiller, per- Headquarters
who were recruited and trained for sonal FAX, Misaki XE laptop
important missions by Kojima and Description: Only a few months For security reasons, the Rauru
other top espionage experts working ago, Kojima was a top operative in the Block does not maintain official head-
with the Block. This training took place Japanese Secret Service. After he be- quarters or safehouses. Meetings are
inan isolated mountain palace far from gan to suspect his superiors of cor- held at members' homes or in isolated
Tokyo and was conducted ina manner ruption, Kojima left the Secret Service hotels, planes, or cruise ships. Though
similar to that by which the ancient to investigate the huge conspiracy only top Block officials are aware of
samurais received their training. In which he suspected was behind the the identities of all Block operatives,
fact, the young agents were even in- changes strangling Japan. During this most Block members know two or
stilled with samurai values: loyalty, investigation, he met up with officials three of their fellow agents whom they
honor, etc., in order to build their of the Rauru Block and agreed to head can turn to in an emergency (i.e., if
morale by appealing to their sense of up the Block's Operations arm. they need a place to hide from pursuing
tradition. Currently, there are 15 ac- Kojima has all the qualities people Yakuza soldiers or need to borrow
tive samurai, though the Block is look- would expect in an experienced gov- money to slip out of the country in a
ing to recruit as many more as possible ernment spy: he is dashing, level- hurry).
from a wide variety of backgrounds. headed, and completely fearless. He is The closest thing to an official Rauru
The only factor that each of the samu- a master of the seda chen style of mar- Block safehouse is the summer palace
rai had in common before joining the tial arts. oflseSamayura, where samurai train-
Block was a resentment of the current ing and large scale Block gatherings
situation in Japan. Standard Rauru "Samurai" are usually held (See Chapter Seven,
Note that the Operations Arm never DEXTERITY 13 "Flash Points"). Most Block members
has any sort of official meetings or Lockpicking 14, martial arts (vary- live in common residences and keep
gatherings. When Kojima wants to ing styles) 16, melee weapons 14, their affiliation with the Block a secret.
assign an operative a mission or pass prestidigitation 14, stealth 14
on information, he usually appears to STRENGTH 9
the appropriate agent in person, TOUGHNESS 9 What the Rauru
though scrambled phone transmis- PERCEPTION 9 Block Knows
sions are also used at times. Find 10, tracking 10, trick 10
It should also be pointed out that MIND 9 Currently, the officials of the Rauru
unlike the members of the business Test 10, willpower 10 Block know that there is a conspiracy
branch (who have all donated their CHARISMA 8 involVing big business, the Yakuza,
time because they are concerned about Persuasion 9, taunt 9 and the government in Japan. They
events in Japan's commercial sphere), SPIRIT 9 know that the Kanawa Corporation is
the members of the Operations branch Intimidation 10, reality 10 involved in the conspiracy, and they
are on a payroll. Each of the members Additional Skills: two at +I adds know that other mega-corporations
receives about ¥5 million a year, paid Possibility Potential: all are cooperating with Kanawa (Block
out in 12 monthly installments. Equipment: varies members are aware of the identities of
Kazuo Kojima the other firms discussed above that
DEXTERITY 12 Standard Rauru Block make up 3327's empire).
Dodge 13, fire combat 15, Agent (Operations Arm) The members of the Rauru Block do
lockpicking 13, martial arts (seda DEXTERITY 9 not know:
chen) 18, melee weapons 14, presti- Dodge 10, fire combat 10, melee 1) that "Ryuchi Kanawa" is an alien
digitation 13, stealth 14 weapons 10, stealth 12, unarmed High Lord from another cosm and
STRENGTH 10 combat 10 that he plans to absorb the possibility
TOUGHNESS 10 STRENGTH 8 energy of Japanese citizens;
Disguise 14, evidence analysis 14, PERCEPTION 8 2) exactly which government offi-
scholar (espionJge techniques) 14 Disguise 10, find 9, tracking 9, trick 9 cials are part of the conspiracy;
MIND 9 MIND 8 3) exactly who controls the Yakuza,
CHARISMA 10 Test 9 although they are reasonably certain
Charm 12, persuasion 12

Torg: Nippon Tech

that Sagato is connected with the orga-

nization somehow and may be its
be in the business of providing sup-
plies exclusively to High Lords ofother
leader. realms. Much like Hantu Limited, the iden-
Exactly what the Block members Needless to say, this has both fac- tity ofthe spy code-named "Haiku" is
are able to discover during the course tions in Nippon extremely upset. 3327 a mystery. No physical description of
of any campaign is up to the game- fears the technology Hantu is selling this master operative, not even with
master, but it is recommended that may one day bebrought to bear against regard to gender or age, has ever sur-
they discover all of the above informa- his realm - in addition, much of it has faced, but the legends have grown at a
tion within the first year of play. been malfunctioning, and with the rapid pace.
other High Lords convinced Hantu is "Haiku" has been named in rumors
a Kanawa subsidiary, anger is being as everything from the Kanawa
directed at him.
Hantu Limited 3327 also suspects that Hantu may
Corporation's top agent to the true
head of the Rauru Block's Operations
In a realm noted for mystery and secretly be the property of a Market- Arm - some even believe it is a cover
deceit, the emerging mega-corpora- place mega-corporation head. He sees for Ryuchi Kanawa himself! A popu-
tion known as Hantu Limited exem- the firm's maneuvers as part of a plot lar theory is that "Haiku" works for
plifies both. It sprang into being to disrupt his operation on Earth and both sides as a double agent, but with
seemingly overnight in the city of possibly win the favor ofthe Darkness whom his true loyalties reside is un-
Yokohama from the merger of three Device. 7710 has suggested that Hantu known.
smaller firms, Taito Petrochemicals, may be a tool of Kashi, and has advo-
Archu Pharmaceuticals, and Hantu cated an immediate strike against the
Steel. Within a matter of months, fac- firm's facilities.
The Rauru Block members are an-
The Yakuza
tories had been rebuilt in much the
same manner as Kanawa's had been, gered by Hantu's dealings with the The Yakuza is a gigantic organized
and armaments were being produced. High Lords, seeing it as a betrayal of crime syndicate that has operated in
What sets Hantu Limited apart is Core Earth and the various resistance and around Japan for hundreds of
that it is the only mega-corporation in forces fighting for freedom. Both the years. It has been one of the most
Japan not controlled by either 3327 or Rauru Block and 3327have dispatched powerful organizations on the island
the Rauru Block. Its actual ownership agents to infiltrate Hantu, but neither since the late 18th century, and its
is buried under front companies and has ever received a report from their members are both respected and feared
dummy corporations, and it seems to operatives. by the populace.
One of 3327's first moves upon ar-
riving on Earth was to infiltrate the
Yakuza and unify the entire organiza-
tion behind him. 3327 saw in the
Yakuza the perfect"enforcers" to back
up his slow and secret conquest of the
n wholeofJapan. In 3327's eyes, the true
= u 0 U jewel in the organization's crown was
its secrecy: although every citizen of
t1 Q Q Japan knows of the Yakuza and its
power, very few know any real details
0 u about how the organization operates.
A sudden change in its leadership or
operating parameters would turn very
few heads.

"Bloody September"
When 3327 first arrived on Earth,
he immediately set about cutting a
deal with one of the powerful Yakuza
families operating in Tokyo, promis-
ing them tremendous profits and new
areas to exploit in return for their un-
questioned obedience. The leader of
the Sagato family at the time, Taki
Sagato, refused to accept his condi-
tions - he and his supporters were
_ I ~ ~ m
52 \...[!
Chapter Three

later decimated by gospog samurai. into a form more conducive to 3327's CHARISMA 12
When 3327 returned to repea t his gen- needs. All the heads of the families Charm 14, persuasion 14, taunt 14
erous offer, he found the new head, first swore fealty to Isei Sagato and SPIRIT 9
Isei Sagato, to be more amenable to the then agreed to merge their numerous Intimidation 12, reality 10
deal. syndicates into a few large organiza- Possibilities: 18
3327 could soon claim complete tions which could be more easily con- Equipment: Kanawa KMll, dam-
dominion over the Sagato family and trolled. In place of the 20-odd families age value 18, ammo 12, range 3-10/25/
led it in an all-out war against the that once completely dominated orga- 40; dagger, damage value STR+3/13
other Yakuza families operating in Ja- nized crime in Japan, there are now Description: lsei Sagato is young
pan. In the end, through a combina- just five large regional syndicates, all and ambitious, the perfect tool for 3327.
tion of underhanded diplomacy and of whom are ostensibly loyal to Sagato, He has long felt that the Yakuza has
brutal violence, 3327's forces prevailed. who is in turn loyal to 3327. However, been unnecessarily hampering itself
Although the members of the Rauru as more and more time progresses, by clinging to an outmoded code. He
Block and other proto-resistance orga- these alliances have begun to fray at sees Kanawa' 5 sponsorship as a chance
nizations are not even aware of 3327's the edges, and it is unknown how long to cement his personal power and lead
existence, and only suspect his "Ryuchi the various syndicates will stay in line. the Yakuza into a new era.
Kanawa's" affiliation with the Yakuza,
Isei Sagato
most believe that the "Bloody Septem- DEXTERITY 10 Standard Yakuza Soldier
ber" that was a direct result of this DEXTERITY 9
Dodge 13, fire combat 13, melee
massive gang war (54 gang-related weapons 12, unarmed combat 12 Dodge 10, fire combat 13, melee
murders in a single month) is some- STRENGTH 10 weapons 10, unarmed combat 11
how connected to the odd sequence of TOUGHNESS 10 STRENGTH 8
events which have so suddenly re- PERCEPTION 10 TOUGHNESS 9
shaped Japan. Evidence analysis 11, find 12, trick PERCEPTION 8
In the end, the gang war was settled Find 9, trick 9
by an unpreced ~nted armistice be- MIND 9 MIND 7
tween all the families that led to a Test 12, willpower 10 Test 8
complete restructuring of the Yakuza

Torg: Nippon Tech

CHARISMA 8 (usually between three and 10). Most or doublecross the organization in the
Taunt 9 of the current crop of underdairnyos distant future. sagato is well aware of
SPIRIT 7 were once heads of minor families or this tendency and is poised to move
Intimidation 9 top advisors to the heads of larger against Togaru the instant it becomes
Additional Skills: three at +1 adds families. necessary.
Possibility Potential: some (50) Finally, beneath each underdaimyo
Equipment: varies is a body of "soldiers," the thugs and Tottori: Tottori oversees the syndi-
assassins who serve as the arms of the cate that operates on Honshu, between
Yakuza. Each underdaimyo typically Osaka and the island's southwest
Families and oversees between three and 20 sol- coast. Before 3327's arrival, he was
diers, raising the total number of head of the Yakuza family that oper-
Territory Yakuza gangsters currently active in ated in and around Osaka and Kyoto.
Like La Cosa Nostra of Sicily, the japan to somewhere between 500 and Tottori's most notable distinction is
Yakuza has been traditionally orga- 1000. Most of the soldiers currently his obsession with wealth. Because he
nized into a group of rival gangs active in the Yakuza were plying their has seen his own personal profits in-
known as "families." In Yakuza termi- trade before 3327's arrival, though the crease by more than 300 percent since
nology, a family stretches well beyond sudden rapid expansion of the syndi- the reorganization, he now maintains
filial bounds, though an actual filial cates has forced the Yakuza to begin a fierce loyalty to Sagato, who was
family usually sits atop each gang's recruiting new members from the ur- once a bitter enemy.
hierarchy. Most Yakuza families have ban street gangs that are springing up Tottori is 54 years old (young for a
been around for more than 100 years, all over japan. Yakuza family head). He has a weak-
though the formation of a new family The current heads of the five syndi- ness for beautiful women.
made up of factions that have chosen cates are described below: Haragawa: Haragawa's syndicate op-
to break away from the older, larger Sagato: As stated above, Sagato is the erates entirely within Tokyo. Sagato
families is not an uncommon event. grand daimyo who oversees the op- hand-picked Haragawa for this role, as
Each family has its own associated erations of all five syndicates. He is 'he was a trusted lieutenant in that or-
domain known as a "territory." The also a pawn of 3327, to whom he swore ganization prior to the reorganization.
larger and more powerful the family, complete loyalty in return for great Haragawa is probably the most
the larger the territory. Before 3327 wealth. Sagato is one of the few people cunning of the syndicate heads. His
arrived, for example, Tokyo was split allowed to meet with the High Lord ability to concoct lucrative profiteer-
between three Yakuza families, while directly. Sagato knows 3327as "Ryuchi ing schemes without attracting the at-
Osaka and the entire island ofShikoku Kanawa," the head of the large Ka- tention of the authorities is legendary.
were territories unto themselves. At nawa Corporation He is unaware that Because ofthis cleverness and the long-
this time, a large family might have Kanawa isa Possibility Raider, though standing friendship between the two
had between 100-150 operatives, while he harbors some suspicions, and un- men, Haragawa remains one of
the smallest families had only a dozen aware of 3327's clones (Sagato only Sagato's most trusted advisors. Un-
or so. meets with one clone at a time). known to everyone, 3327 is giving se-
In pre-Possibility War japan, the Sagato is a young and ambitious rious consideration to removing
leaders of each of the families used to man who sees his alliance with Ka- Sagato and replacing him with
function as miniature heads of state. nawa as a way to achieve power and Haragawa.
They would carryon diplomatic ne- extend his control to legitimate busi- Although he is but a few years
gotiations with neighboring families, nesses. He keeps the other syndicate younger than Saga to, Haragawa is
set policy within their own domains, heads in line with the threat of once much more active. At times, he even
and even declare the occasional"war" again unleashing the gospog. ventures out into the field to accom-
upon their rivals. Most of the alliances Togaru: Togaru runs the syndicate that pany soldiers who are making impor-
in place between the various families operates on the islands ofShikoku and tant deals or performing vital services.
had been forged decades earlier. Kyushu. Before 3327 arrived, his father Ashimotos: The Ashimotos are twin
Under the current system, each was the head of the Kochi-based brothers. Before 3327 arrived they ran
syndicate is headed up by a "daimyo" Yakuza family that dominated a Yakuza family out of the eastern city
who reports directly to sagato. The Shikoku. of sendai for more than 30 years. Now
five current daimyos were once the Togaru is by far the youngest of the they oversee the syndicate that oper-
heads of the most powerful Yakuza syndicate heads and his inexperience ates on Northern Honshu.
families in japan. Under each daimyo shows. He is constantly prodding The Ashimotos are very powerful
area numberofllunderdaimyos," who sagato to expand the Yakuza even and very enigmatic. They rarely
are appointed by the daimyo himself. fa'ter than its already unbridled rate emerge from the large palatial estate
The exact number of underdaimyos of growth. they share on Lake Towada. No one
changes from syndicate to syndicate. For now, Togaru remains loyal to knows exactly where they stand within
Typically, the daimyo appoints one Sagato, though it is not too difficult to the organization, though by all indica-
underdaimyo for each city or major imagine Togaru attempting to swindle tions, they are loyal to sagato.
region within his syndicate's domain

54 U'"
Chapter Three

Sebaru: In accordance with the Law of After a new soldier performs his size of the original tattoo expanded.
Intrigue, Sebaru and many of his fol- first valuable service for the family, By the time the soldier rises to the top
lowers are the traitors within the the family head sends him to be tat- of the ranks, his entire back is covered
Yakuza's ranks. They head up the syn- tooed. Each family maintains its own with the tattoo, into which the sym-
dicate operating on Hokkaido. Their tattoo artist especially for this pur- bols of the family have been spun and
discontent springs in part from their pose. This first tattoo covers the small re-spun many times over.
feeling that they were given an unpro- of the soldier's back and colorfully Even though the rise of 3327's syn-
ductive territory to oversee, since incorporates as many of the family dicates has lessened the importance of
Hokkaido is a largely rural area, save symbols as the tattoo artist sees fit. the family structure, the ritual tattoo-
for a few ski resorts. As a soldier performs more and ing is still practiced. Usually, soldiers
Sebaru is bright enough to have more valuable services, he is constantly are tattooed with the family symbols
deduced that Sagato must be answer- sent back to the tattoo artist to have the of the underdaimyo to which they have
ing to some mysterious superior (a
conclusion which none of the other
syndicate daimyos have reached). He
is also bright enough to have deduced
that this superior is most likely re-
sponsible for the sweeping changes
which have recently taken place in ~ Nippon Tech: Map 4
Japan. Sebaru has even begun to sus-
pect that the mysterious superior is ~ Yakuza Territories 10

somehow connected to the High Lords

who have invaded Earth.
For now, Sebaru has chosen to bide HOKKAIDO
his time and follow most of Sagato's
orders, but recent events in Japan are
beginning to frighten him. He is also
beginning to realize that the Yakuza is o
being used as a pawn in a game aimed
at accomplishing some horrible, mys-
terious goal. Whenever the opportu-
nity presents itself, Sebaru maneuvers
to increase his own personal power. Ashiritoto
When the time is right, he plans to take
on Sagato, hoping to lure his mysteri-
ous superior from hiding. Many of his
underdaimyos and their soldiers are
aware of Sebaru's intentions and se-
cretly support them.
Sebaru would prove a valuable ally
to the Rauru Block and the Storm
Knights if his disloyalty was to be
discovered and exploited.

Family Markings
One of the oldest of Yakuza tradi-
tions is centered around body tattoos,
which signify family allegiance.
Each fami!Yhas its own special set of
markings which distinguishes it from
all other Yakuza families. For example,
as its symbols, a family might choose
the geisha, the cherry blossom, and the
chrysanthemum. The dragon, a symbol
of the Yakuza asa whole, is a symbol of
all Yakuza families as well.

Torg: Nippon Tech

been assigned, though syndicate head have served for more than 100 years. themselves strangled by Yakuza as-
Sebaru has created a whole new set of This "protection of the populace" sassins and dumped in the ocean.
symbols for his followers. manifests itself in two ways. Second, the Yakuza was always
First, the Yakuza has always used available to the average Japanese citi-
all of its available muscle to stamp out zen as "justice for hire." When a citizen
The Yakuza and non-Yakuza approved crime. And believed he had been wronged by an-
since the Yakuza code of honor does other, he could go to the local Yakuza
the People not approve of random street crimes boss (everyone always knew where to
or common thefts (see below), these find him) and present his case. The
Although their activities are out-
side the law, the Yakuza have always types of crimes were once very rare in boss would then decide whether or not
Japan. Before 3327's arrival, Japan's there was any validity to the claim. If
been respected by theJapanese people
extremely low crime rate was a testi- the boss decided that the claim was
as much as they have been feared. This
respect is due to the gangsters' self- mony to the power of the Yakuza. indeed valid, he would order his sol-
appointed role as a supplemental po- Those who were foolish enough to diers to exact justice upon the wrong-
lice force, a capacity in which they attempt to make a living as a common doerfor a fee, the amount of which was
mugger or pickpocket soon found based upon the victim's ability to pay.
Here is an example of how this
might work: suppose a crooked busi-
nessman had sold a farmer some bad
insurance, which later failed to com-
pensate the farmer for seasonal dam-
age to his crops. The farmer would
then go to the local Yakuza daimyo,
who would hear his case. If the daimyo
was convinced that the farmer had
been wronged, he'd send out some
soldiers to visit the businessman and
exact justice. In this case, the soldiers
would probably threaten to kill the
businessman unless he himself paid
the farmer the complete costs of the
crop damage plus another 50 percent
of the costs for his trouble. Out of this
50 percent, the Yakuza daimyo would
get 20 percent for his services. The
penalties exacted by the Yakuza sol-
diers under these circumstances could
range from small payments to death.
Before the reorganization, public
sympathy for the Yakuza extended all
the way up to the authorities, who
frequently declined to investigate
Yakuza activities and prosecute cap-
tured soldiers. In return for this pro-
tection, however, the Yakuza had to
stay within certain "invisible barri-
ers." Murder was always frowned
upon by the authorities, and soldiers
who became too violent or uncontrol-
lable would usually end up behind
Since 3327's arrival and the syndi-
cate reorganization, however, respect
for the Yakuza has begun to dwindle.
In the wake of the strange economic
conditions which the High Lord has
forced upon Japan, unemployment has
driven the rate of random street crime
up well beyond the Yakuza's capacity
to quell it. In fact, in certain areas of

.... 56
---------------------------------- rn
Chapter Three

Tokyo, the street gangs which thrive

on random crime have become far
more powerful than the Yakuza, who
must now try to avoid the gangs' ter-
ritories. Although 3327 could bring
the gangs to heel, he chooses not to,
preferring to allow certain sections of
the city to fall into chaos.
In most areas, the "justice for hire"
aspect of the Yakuza remains opera-
tional, but the fees for such services
have skyrocketed, preventing most
citizens from taking advantage of
But the factor that has contributed
most to the changing public altitude is
the blatant greed with which the
Yakuza now runs its day-to-day op-
erations. In the past, the Yakuza re-
frained from trafficking in certain
drugs and engaging in certain activi-
ties because they were considered too
harmful to the populace. But now,
mob business is conducted with no
respect for the public whatsoever and
all eyes on the bottom line. This, of
course, is at the instigation of 3327
himself, who has managed to turn the
Yakuza into an obscenely profitable
operation, despite its shortcomings.

The Code of Honor

Eversince it was founded hundreds
of years ago, the Yakuza has operated
under a strict code of honor very simi-
lar to bllShido, the honor code which
governed the behavior of the ancient
At the center of the Yakuza code is
the idea of loyalty to the family head.
A Yakuza soldier is supposed to ac-
cept the orders of his family head
without question and carry them out underling to accept the family head's with respect to the code of honor, but
successfully. Failing to carry out an penalty immediately and without many are still rather reluctant to ac-
order issued by the family head means question. ceptthis mandate.
the soldier must pay a penalty. Many Since 3327's reorganization, how- Another important concept built
Westerners are familiar with the ever, this particular aspect of the code into the Yakuza code of honor was a
Yakuza practice of having a soldier of honor has become rather confused. "respect" for the common man. The
chop off his own finger to atone for a The honor code binds soldiers only to code prevented the Yakuza from com-
failure. Almost all veteran Yakuza sol- their family heads, which under 3327's mitting crimes which were deemed
diers have one or more fingers miss- scheme are not necessarily the men overly harmful to thecommunity,and
ing due to this traditional method of who are issuing the soldiers their or- instituted the doctrine of "choice,"
punishment. ders. Some soldiers refuse to accept which made it necessary for the vic-
But self-mutilation is not the only the penalties demanded by daimyos tims of Yakuza crimes to "choose" to
way asoldiercan makeup fora wrong. or underdaimyos with whom the sol- be victimized. A man who buys nar-
The family head may call for anything dier was not affiliated in the past. cotics from the Yakuza or patronizes
from a fine to death from a failed sol- Sagato has decreed that all soldiers are houses of prostitution or gambling run
dier. The Yakuza code requires the toaccepttheirdaimyos as family heads by the Yakuza, for example, chooses
rn I ••

U! 57
Torg: Nippon Tech

his own fate. These are the sorts of Those Yakuza operatives most loyal sins, often referred to as "contract
crimes the code allows. The victim of a to Sagato, a group now known as "the ninja," are commonly proficient in the
simple mugging or theft, however, has Kendokai," are the soldiers 3327 calls use of all manner of weapons, includ-
no choice, and thus these crimes are upon to perform missions in other ing firearms, but favor those that can
prohibited. The reverence with which realms. Although these soldiers almost be employed in silence. "Corporate
this second point was observed had never understand the exact purpose ninja" are those affiliated with a spe-
already diminished before 3327's ar- of their missions, their loyalty pre- cific company, and many of these are
rival, however, and now, after the re- vents them from questioning their Marketplace natives.
organization, this particular part of the orders. The Kendokai are unaware of Stealth and speed are a ninja's
code is frequently ignored entirely. 3327's existence, though unlike most greatest strengths, far moreso than
You may have noticed that the Yakuza soldiers, they are aware that their knowledge of the martial arts.
masculine pronoun has been used ex- Sagato is cooperating with the chair- However, they are required to be
clusively to refer to members of the man of the Kanawa Corporation. Cur- skilled in theartofninjutsu (see Chap-
Yakuza throughout this section. This is rently, there are approximately 75 ter Five, "Nippon Skills.") Striking
because one final provision of the Code Kendokai. If more forces are needed from the shadows, a single ninja can
of Honor prohibits females from join- for an external operation, 3327 usually decimate a force with greater num-
ing the organization. Even after 3327's hires mercenaries who are placed un- bers and greater firepower. Even
reorganization, this particular provi- der the command of the Kendokai. among the Yakuza, the ninja inspire
sion has remained essentially intact. The Yakuza's primary sources of terror - when backed by 3327's
income are narcotics trafficking, gam- gospog samurai, they are virtually
bling, prostitution, and "justice for unstoppable as a fighting force.
Yakuza Operations hire." In Osaka and some areas of To- Note: As the elements of ninjutsu
kyo, the Yakuza is just now beginning training are different from those of
As things currently stand, the to experiment with Mafia-style pro- other martial arts, there are certain
Yakuza has two basic functions: to act tection rackets. 50 percent of the money positive and negative game effects
as a sort of "army" at the disposal of collected by the Yakuza goes right into associated with being a ninja. A ninja
3327, and to make a profit through a 3327's coffers, while 25 percent is receives three additional attribute
wide variety of criminal operations. passed back to the daimyos, and the points for a total of 69, which are com-
As 3327's army, the Yakuza is fre- other 25 percent is doled out to the monly applied to Dexterity. However,
quently called upon to deal with subdaimyos, who pay the soldiers out because the work of a ninja is essen-
groups who are attempting to resist oftheir own shares. 3327's annual take tially a perversion of the martial arts
the High Lord's will, ranging from alone is currently somewhere around (intended for killing rather than spiri-
proto-freedom fighters like the mem- ¥300 billion. tual enhancement), a ninja's Spirit
bers ofthe Rauru Blockand the Sons of suffers as a result of his profession.
the Wind all the way down to the Ninja characters cannot spend Possi-
small businessmen who refuse to sell
their companies to one of3327's mega-
The Ninja bilities on uses of the reality skill, in-
cluding attempts to reconnect.
corporations, as well as the Shiki and Ninja are highly trained warriors
the priests of Palan. Frequent activi- Example: Wu Set, a ninja with a
who use their knowledge of the mar- reality skill of 11, disconnects in
ties include harassment, burglary, and tial arts for assassination. In contrast
Aysle. The total required for
to many other masters of these disci- reconnecting is an 11. Wu Set rolls a
Most Yakuza soldiers have no idea plines, the ninja have involved them-
why they are called upon to operate 9 for a skill total of 10. He cannot
selves in theaffairs of the outsideworld spend Possibilities to roll again, so he
against corporate targets so frequently, for centuries. Japanese history is filled
a situation which has raised suspicion
has failed in his attempt to reconnect.
with colorful incidents of assassina-
in some and sparked insubordination tions and spying missions carried out The above game effects do not ap-
in others. Sagato has attempted to keep by distinctly garbed ninja warriors, ply to practitioners of martialarts styles
the activities of the various syndicates though few realize that the legends of other than ninjutsu.
secret from each other so that an assas- the seemingly "magical" powers of After Japan's feudal period, the
sin given a corporate target can assume the ninja are all true. For centuries, a number of assassinations performed
that the target has some sort of con- combination of greed and pure enjoy- by ninja dropped off drastically,
nection to the business holdings of ment of the sport of assassination led though the ninja have retained certain
another syndicate, but many of his the various heads of the ninja temple ties with the Yakuza all the way up to
efforts along these lines have failed. In to accept these missions and conceal the present day. When 3327 arrived
any case, profits have increased so them from the membership of the Sons and assumed control ofthe Yakuza, he
much under Sagato that most soldiers of the Wind. learned of the ninja and their power
are willing to overlook these pecu- Ninja work bothsoloand in groups, and immediately summoned their
liarities, though it was Sagato's choice clad from head to toe in a lightweight current master, Gazokai, for a meet-
of seemingly inexplicable targets black fabric which allows them great ing. After a brief discussion, 3327 and
which first raised suspicion in Sebaru. freedom of movement. Ninja assas- Gazokai worked out an arrangement
_....~ rn
58 U!
Chapter Three

Gazokai has mastered all the disci-

plines of ninjutsu, the martial arts style
practiced by the ninja (see page 82).

Standard Ninja
Acrobatics 14, fire combat 14, ma-
neuver 14, martial arts 16, melee
weapons 14, missile weapons 14,
stealth 15, unarmed combat 14
Tracking 10
Reality 10
Additional Skills: three at +1 adds
Possibility Potential: all
Equipment: varies

The Sons
of the Wind
Perhaps the strangest combatants
in the war for Japan are the mysterious
martial arts masters who make up the
organization known as the Sons of the
Wind. Founded more than 1000 years
whereby the ninja temple would re- PERCEPTION 10 ago, the Sons of the Wind is a very
ceive exorbitant payments in return Tracking 12, trick 12 close-knit brotherhood which has
for going on permanent retainer to the MIND 9 managed to hide its existence from the
Kanawa Corporation. 3327 personally Meditation 11, test 10 world at large for centuries. Only now,
presents problems he would like CHARISMA 8 in the wake of the Possibility Wars,
"taken care of" to Gazokai and the Persuasion 10, taunt 10 have they emerged from their seclu-
warlord dispatches whatever forces SPIRIT 9 sion to challenge the forces of 3327.
are necessary to do the job. 3327 and Intimidation 11, reality 10
Gazokai rarely meet face-to-face. The Possibilities: 18
temple of the ninja is the only domain Equipment: shimsi sword, damage History
oftheart which has its own fully func- value STR+5/13; electro-stars, dam-
tional FAX machine. age value STR+5/13, range 3-5/10/ It is difficult to understand the
The membership of Sons of the 15; manriki-gusari, damage value foundation of the Sons of the Wind
Wind are still not aware that Gazokai STR+5/13; 13mm Chunyokai, dam- without understanding the founda-
and the forty ninja at his disposal area age value 18, ammo 9, range 3-10/40/ tion of the martial arts themselves. A
part of the mysterious conspiracy they 50; Niyoki camouflage suit (black) millennium ago, a man named Cho En
are investigating, though now that the Description: Gazokai is a large, Li, a member of the famous Shao Lin
Sons of the Wind have dispatched physically powerful man, and his temple of China, began to formulate
forces into the modern world, it is just greed and cruelty are legendary. Once the disciplines that would one day
a matter of time before the ninja come given an assignment and paid his fee, become the martial arts. After a close
into conflict with them. however, the warlord will remain reading of Buddhist texts, Li began to
Warlord Gazokai completely loyal to his patron and theorize about the true nature of the
DEXTERITY 13 destroy any of his followers who do power of the human spirit. He be-
Lockpicking 14, maneuver 15, mar- not do the same. lieved that there was a powerful store-
tial arts (ninjutsu) 19, melee weap- Like most ninja, Gazokai's ances- house of energy in the soul and that
ons 15, prestidi19tation 15, stealth 15 tors were ninja themselves, going back this energy could be brought to the
STRENGTH 11 more than eight generations. surface, enabling one to perform
TOUGHNESS 11 amazing fea ts.

Torg: Nippon Tech

Cho En Li spent 35 years of his life The final brutal battle between the wished to remain neutral in the con-
experimenting with various tech- two factions took place approximately flict, while the other half (followers of
niques for tapping into this energy 500 years ago and lasted for more than the styles descended from Tsu's branch
supply and redirecting its power. four decades. By this time, many differ- of the art) wanted to get involved. Vio-
During most of this time, his colleagues ent initiates on both sides of the issue lence almost erupted between the fac-
in the temple found his efforts some- had formed their own styles of martial tions once again, but a compromise
what dubious, and even considered arts, weaving their own maneuvers and was eventually reached - those mar-
the possibility that he was mad. To- disciplines into Cho En Li's framework, tial artists who wished to go forward to
ward the end of his life, however, Li and the martial arts had spread to Korea, oppose the changes could do so, while
found two young disciples within the Okinawa, and Japan. those who didn't would remain in
temple, Kwang Lo and Ling Tsu, who As part of the treaty that ended the hiding.
were willing to listen to him, and he final war, all of the remaining martial The martial artists who were going
instructed them in his techniques. It artists agreed to form a collective or- to war then returned to their respec-
wasn't until after Li's death that these ganization known as the "Sons of the tive temples and prepared themselves,
two men refined his techniques into Wind." The purpose of this organiza- finally leaving for the modem world
the first of the so-called "martial arts." tion was to present the practitioners about one week later. Note that the
Once Lo and Tsu perfected their art with a forum for communication and masters did not simply converge on
and demonstrated it fortheir brothers, negotiation with the specific aim of Tokyo as a giant army. Instead, each
Li received the recognition he surely avoiding future wars. man or woman followed his or her
deserved and became one of the most From that time on, the Sons of the own path (the idea of strength in num-
revered figures in Shao Lin history. Lo Wind remained isolated inaccordance bers doesn't really fit into the martial
and Tsu were almost immediately with their laws (see below), hiding in arts philosophy). Most of the Sons of
charged by the master of the temple remote temples deep in the mountains the Wind (along with members ofother
with the task of teaching the art to all of their respective countries. Until re- brotherhoods and renegade warriors)
of the Shao Lin initiates, who were cently, nothing has been able to bring are now trying to assimilate them-
then having problems defending them out of their isolation - not the selves into the modern world and fig-
themselves from the soldiers of the Japanese feudal wars, the Russo-Japa- ure out what is happening. Some have
Chinese warlords. nese war, the Japanese invasion of met up with members of the Rauru
In the years that followed, a differ- China, the coming of Mao's Commu- Block or the priests of Palan and have
ence of opinion developed between nists, nothing. begun cooperating with the organized
Lo and Tsu which was eventually re- Over the course of time, other mar- resistance to 3327, others are still try-
sponsible for splitting the Shao Lin tial arts brotherhoods have sprung up ing to carry out their investigations
temple in half. Lo recognized the dan- in the Orient, so that while the major- and activities solo, while still others
ger in the art and wanted to isolate the ity of those skilled in the martial arts have been corrupted and have joined
Shao Lin from those who could learn still count themselves as Sons of the the forces of the High Lord.
the art and use it for evil, while Tsu Wind, a sizeable minority have refused
wanted to use the art to overrun the to join the group.
corrupt local government so that all Organization and
could beenlightened. Whatbeganasa
friendly disagreement eventually The Sons of Membership
erupted into a dispute which pitted
the friends and followers of the two the Wind Return In actuality, the Sons of the Wind is
a very informal group. Most of its
masters against each other in an all-
In recent days, various martial art- members remain isolated in hidden
out conflict. During the ensuing battle, ists inJapan began to feel a disturbance temples and groves for years without
Lo was killed, but his forces managed
in the very reality of things. In response, contacting any other members out-
to gain the upper hand, prompting
a meeting of the Sons of the Wind was side their own temples. Many mem-
Tsu to gatherup his followers and flee. called, and evidence of the Possibility bers have gone their entire lifetimes
This same conflict erupted into war Wars and a terrible threat hanging over without attending an actual meeting.
on two other occasions over the next
the Far East was presented to the Currently, there are about 500
500 years. During this time, followers
masters by a pair of scouts, who had members practicing a combined total
of Lo were roaming about the Chinese been sent out into the modem world to of about 75 different styles in Korea,
countryside, hunting down the fol- Okinawa, China, and Japan. Practitio-
investigate. Many of the art's practi-
lowers ofTsu in order to prevent them
tioners wished to emerge from hiding ners of each style maintain their own
from fulfilling their stated ambition of to combat this menace, though this temple hidden in some out of the way
founding their own country and
sentiment was hardly unanimous. In location, usually deep in the moun-
bringing the martial arts to the whole
the end, a vote was taken and ap- tains or in a heavily forested grove.
world. Eventually, the minor clashes
proximately half the members (most of Most of the new disciples of the art are
that resulted from this situation esca- whom are followers of the styles which the sons and daughters of the current
lated into war, severely depleting the descended from Lo's branch of the art) masters, though an outsider occa-
resources of both sides.

~~ rn
60 \...[!
Chapter Three

sionally manages to gain entry into outside world. Even the members who secrecy provision. Basically, anything
one of the temples. have gone into the modern world, short of using your abilities to become
Since they have been isolated for so however, take special pains to hide a movie star or circus act, or deliber-
long, the Sons ofthe Wind are remark- their abilities, calling upon them only ately calling attention to your martial
ably ignorant when it comes to the when necessary. arts capabilities in some other way, IS
outside world. Most of the masters 3. And finally, the duelling provi- acceptable.
still live life exactly as their ancestors sion discussed on page 81 is actually a
lived over 500 years ago. rule of the Sons of the Wind. This
As an organization, the Sons of the particular tenet was founded on the The Stelae
Wind has few rules: idea that such a rule would prevent
1. Any member of the organization conflicts between members from esca- Unlike most ofthe otherHigh Lords,
has the right to call a meeting. Meet- lating into wars. 3327 modifies the appearance of his
ings are attended by the entire com- Until recently, this provision was stelae before each new invasion. Con-
bined membership of the orgaruza- almost never invoked. It has always sidering that most of 3327's invasion
tion. The masters are usually sum- been considered cowardly and dis- schemes are based around secrecy and
moned to a meeting by an elaborate honest to challenge an opponent whose stealth, this shouldn't really come as
system of messengers and signals. skills are obViously greatly inferior to any surprise to anyone - it is very
Now, with half the membershIp your own to a duel. difficult to secretly expand your power
floating around in urban Japan,. it base with large Egyptian idols sud-
All three of these rules have been denly springing up all over the land-
would be difficult to contact the entire incorporated into the spiritual disci-
membership to call a meeting, though scape.
plines of all the arts. Any member of On Earth, 3327 has chosen a par-
not necessarily impossible. All mem- the Sons of the Wind who openly dlS-
bers who hear of a meeting and are ticularly clever stelae configuration.
obeys these rules suffers all the same The Nippon stelae appear as Bank of
physically able to attend must do so. penalties that he would have suffered
Meetings are usually held at the temple Japan Automatic Teller Machmes
for refusing a duel (see page 81). (ATMs). Those stelae that are placed
of the member who requested it. Whether or not a rule has been vio-
During a meeting, anyone who outside of urban areas (primarily in
lated is up to the gamemaster. The only China and South Korea) are disguised
wishes to speak is allowed the oppor- clearcut violation would be deliber-
tunity. At the end of all discussions, to look like telephone line exchangers
ately failing to attend a Sons of the and are wired into the actual phone
any member is allowed to call for a Wind meeting. There seems to be a
vote on any issue (each and every lines to prevent anyone from distin-
great deal of leeway in living up to the guishing them from the real thing.
member has a single vote). If the vote
is carried by a clear and sufficient
majority (there are no firm rules here,
but two-thirds isa good rule of thumb),
all of the members of the organization
are bound by the vote. If neither posi-
tion wins a majority of the votes, the
members must iron out a compromise
that pleases such a majority.
During a meeting, all fights and
duels are expressly prohibited. A
member wishing to duel another
member present at the meeting must
present her with an opportunity to
return to her temple and meditate be-
fore the encounter.
Historically, these sorts of meet-
ings have been called very infre-
quently. Over the last several centu-
ries, the Sons of the Wind have met an
average of once every 50 years.
2. The Sons of the Wind are strictly
required to keep their abilities a secret
from the world-at-large. Recently, of
course, the block ryf martial artists who
wanted to intervene in the Possibility
Wars voted to lessen this restriction,
allowing themselves to travel into the

Torg: Nippon Tech

invasion. A great deal of this money

comes out of the pocket of the Japa-
nese people, who purchase the goods
and services offered by 3327'sNip-
ponese mega-corporations and pa-
tronize the narcotics, gambling and
prostitution operations of the Yakuza.
3327 makes a great deal of money
selling his goods overseas as well.
Trillions of yen worth of relatively
low-tech Nipponese weaponry (i.e.,
wea ponry tha t will function in realms
with lower Tech axioms) is sold to
powerful international arms mer-
chants each year, who in turn sell the
weapons to armies and resistance
groups battling other High Lords all
over the globe.
Money is extremely important for
one other reason: on Earth, 3327's ste-
lae are extremely expensive to produce.
Each stelae costs upwards of ¥20 bil-
lion to ITh1nufacture, a fact which ne-
cessitates very careful planning in the
placement stage in order to guarantee
optimum efficiency.

The ATM scheme is particularly planted within a city. With the help of Eternity Shards
clever for several reasons: in Japan, Marketplace super-technology, these
ATMs are common sights, and no one corporations will begin destabilizing 3327 has poured vast resources into
is likely to notice a number of new industry and prompting bankruptcies the search for eternity shards. Having
ones suddenly appearing. In addition, and devaluations, allOWing 3327's recently been frustrated in his quest
any future expansion will simply look subsidiaries to step in and take over all for the Possibility Chalice, he has
like good business on the part of the of the failed businesses and absorb turned his attentions to the Potala in
Bank of Japan. And best of all, ATMs them into the mega-corporations, re- Tibet, the wrecks of Mongolian ships
are naturally protected by the local sulting in two or three unstoppable at the bottom of the Sea of Japan, and
police. Anyone caught tampering with commercial juggernauts. the mountains of Manchuria, where
one of the machines will quickly find At this point, 3327's mega-corpora- the sword of Genghis Khan is reputed
himself in a police holding pen. In fact, tions will begin buying up real estate to be hidden.
in 3327's Nippon, police are far more and the first stelae will be placed, al- Overall, 3327 has been more suc-
concerned with protecting the inter- lowing Nippon axioms to wash over cessful in his quests than the other
ests of the mega-corporations (like the the area. Then the mega-corporations High Lords, primarily because he has
Bank of Japan's ATM machines) than will flex their economic might and not encountered the sort of fierce op-
they are with protecting the average pressure the local government into position which Mobius, Uthorion,etal
citizen. Of course, the fact that the making reforms conducive to expan- continue to battle. In fact, Nipponstrike
ATM machine is connected with sion. 3327 might also take this op- teams have been able to steal a few
money and profit and therefore ap- portunity to begin infiltrating the gov- shards out from under the noses of
peals to 3327's Marketplace value ernment and setting up "muscle" or- agents of other realms, precisely be-
system was a major factor in deciding ganizations in order to get rid of any- cause those agents were distracted by
how to disguise the stelae as well. one who opposes his plans quickly battles with Storm Knights.
3327 expands his stelae boundaries and quietly. As is his wont, 3327 has even suc-
by economic conquest. Unlike Doctor Of course, the key ingredient in ceeded in turning a handsome profit
Mobius in Egypt or Baruk Kaah in the such a plan is money. Without huge in the eternity shard business. His
United States, 3327 does not conquer sums of start-up cash, 3327's corpora- common practice is to send a team to
the land upon which he builds his tions cannot charge into the market another realm, for example, the Nile
stelae - he buys it. and take over so quickly. In addition, Empire, and have them steal a shard.
A typical Nippon conquest pro- large volumes of cash are needed to He will then take the artifact and offer
ceeds this way: subsidiaries of several finance the massive real estate pur- to sell it to Mobius. The Nile High
top Nipponese mega-corporations are chases which pave the way for the Lord, unaware the shard should have
_ 1 1 ~ [1'l
62 U!
Chapter Three

been his to begin with, will appreciate

the opportunity to purchase it and
pulsated at the bottom of the pool. Ten-
drils covered in slime began to sprout
The Evolution of
will pay 3327's price. from the mass, reaching up into the Gospog
armor. Once they had reached the chest
cavities of the suits, they began to wind 3327's plan allowed for the full use
Gospog around themselves, fusing to form the of the gospog's unique abilities, yet
did not imperil the concealment of his
nerve center of the gospog.
The monstrous gospog are among Fromthis nervecenter,more branches realm. Each gospog is encased within
the most fearsome creatures to be grew, slipping into prepared slots that a suit of advanced Kyoto armor
found in any realm. But when the would allow the gospog to control the (TOU+7/28). The armor is so designed
Gaunt Man first presented 3327 with simple mechanics of movement in the that only gospog can wear it. As the
seeds to grow those mockeries of life, suit. As 3327 watched, the suits began to armor is controlled through the con-
the subtle ruler of Nippon was at quiver, and then move like hideous nections between it and the gospog's
something of a loss. What possible use marionettes suspended in the air. When nerves, it would be virtually useless to
would he have for shambling plant they were cut down, they stumbled a bit a human being. Once the armor is
creatures when his plan called for a and then, like unholy infants, took their sealed, there is no visible evidence
secretive invasion? How could he first true steps. that the inhabitant is a gospog.
employ creatures that fairly shouted
"High Lord" to all in sight?
For a brief time, 3327 considered
selling the seeds to his colleagues, but
was reluctant to allow them an ad van-
tage he did not share. Alone in his
Ursan offices in the cosm of Market-
place, 3327 pondered.
The plan born that day in that cun-
ning mind was, in its way, more horri-
fying than any foul creature loosed on
the night by the Gaunt Man. After
performing some successful prelimi-
nary experiments in Marketplace,3327
was ready to initiate phase one shortly
after he arrived on Earth. Todo this, he
made use of the hydroponics facilities
constructed by Toranaga Chemical,
converting them into a very unusual
gospog field.
Late into the night, Toranaga trucks
drove up to the plant, unloading
fresWy-killed Japanese, the results of a
sweep of the poorer districts of Tokyo
by 3327's agents. The bodies were
dumped into a chemical bath that now
filled much of the floor of the plant.
The gospog seeds were then added to
the bath, and all was ready for the last
component of the experiment.
3327 gave a nod, and 10,000 suits of
specialized armor, designed to look
like that of the ancient samurais, slid
on invisible wires over the rows of
corpses, chemicals, and seeds. The only
opening in the armor was at the feet,
which hung suspended just inches
above the frothing liquid.
A week later, 3327 returned to view
the "harvest." The seeds and bodies had
merged into a great, viscous mass, more
plant than human, that throbbed and

Torg: Nippon Tech

Unlike those of other realms, Nip- MIND 8

pon gospog retain basically the same Willpower 11 Adventuring
form through all five plantings. The
major difference from one incarnation
Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt
in the Realm
to the next is that its nerve center grows (20) Battles against the High Lord in the
larger, the number of nerve branches SPIRIT 7 realm of Nippon require an approach
increases, and its Toughness and Per- Intimidation (20) as stealthy and swiftas a ninja. Whether
ception grow stronger. This allows the Equipment: same as Second Plant- it be combat with the Yakuza and cor-
gospog to control more functions of ing, with the addition of chest- porate ninja or crossing swords on the
the armor at once, and thus the armor mounted flame-thrower, damage floor of the Nikkei Market, 3327 is a
is upgraded with each planting, with value 18, range 3-10/40/100; armor, cunning, implacable foe who rarely
more weapons being added. TOU+7/21 makes mistakes. The Storm Knights
Gospogwereinstrumental in 3327's who challenge him will need to match
Gospog of the Fourth Planting
ta keoveroftheYakuza, and often serve him stroke for stroke if they hope to
as the High Lord's personal body- Energy weapons 10, fire combat 10, achieve a victory.
guards (since they are not affected by melee weapons 10, missile weap-
the Nippon Law of Intrigue). In addi- ons 10, unarmed combat 10
tion, they serve as embassy guards in
. other realms, and as back-up to ninja
STRENGTH 8 Adventure Idea One:
Climbing 9
operations abroad.
TOUGHNESS 17 Eye of the Dragon
Gospog of the First Planting PERCEPTION 10
See page 90 of the Torg Rulebook. Find 13, tracking 11, trick (23)
Equipment: armor, TOU+7/15; MIND 8
shimsi sword, damage value STR+5/13 Willpower 11 The secret war between Nippon and
Gospog of the Second Planting CHARISMA 7 Orrorsh has flared to life once again. A
DEXTERITY 8 Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt squad of corporate ninja were recently
(20) dispatched to Borneo to secure an ar-
Energy weapons 9, fire combat 9,
melee weapons 9, missile weapons SPIRIT 7 tifact known as the Eye of the Dragon
9, unarmed combat 9 Intimidation (20) from a temple near Pontianak. Cap-
STRENGTH 8 Equipment: same as Third Plant- turing it, they returned to Tokyo,
Climbing 9 ing, with addition of heat-seeking seemingly unaware that an Orrorshan
TOUGHNESS 11 throwing stars, damage value 11, range vampyre was on their trail seeking to
PERCEPTION 8 3-5/10/15; jet-pack, Toughness 17, retrieve the gem.
Find 11, tracking 9, trick (18) speed value 13; armor, TOU+7/24 Meanwhile, Kazuo Kojima has
MIND 8 Gospog of the Fifth Planting asked the help of the Storm Knights,
Willpower 11 DEXTERITY 9 due to a number of apparently pur-
CHARISMA 7 Energy weapons 10, fire combat 10, poseless break-ins at the offices of Al-
Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt melee weapons 10, missile weap- lied Technologies.
(20) ons 10, unarmed combat 10
Intimidation (20) Climbing 9
Equipment: same as First Planting, TOUGHNESS 21 The Storm Knights are assigned to
with addition of two SC Kyogo 144, PERCEPTION 11 keep watch on the Allied Technolo-
damage value 18, ammo 15, range 3- Find 14, tracking 12, trick (25) gies building in downtown Tokyo. For
15/40/150, one mounted on each arm; MIND 8 three days, unknown intruders have
armor, TOU+7/18 Willpower 11 been evading the security system and
CHARISMA 7 gelling into the building, but appar-
Gospog of the Third Planting ently not stealing anything.
DEXTERITY 9 Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt
(20) In the hours just before dawn, five
Energy weapons 10, fire combat 10, dark shapes are seen short-circuiting
melee weapons 10, missile weap- SPIRIT 7
Intimidation (20) the electric fence that surrounds the
ons 10, unarmed combat 10 building. Using infrared binoculars
STRENGTH 8 Equipment: same as Fourth Plant-
ing, with addition of self-destruct supplied by Kozima, the Knights are
Climbing 9 able to identify the intruders as some
TOUGHNESS 14 mechanism, damage value 32, blast
radius 0-5/15/40; armor, TOU+7/28 of the top contract ninja in the realm.
PERCEPTION 9 Along with their weapons, they seem
Find 12, tracking 10, trick (20) to be carrying a small package, per-
haps an explosive device of some sort.

Chapter Three

The Knights wait until the ninja are The Knights must defeat the as- Act Two
inside the building, and then close the sembled might of three realms to sur-
trap. The battle is protracted and furi- vive, before turning the shards over to At the last second, the Knights turn
ous, but in the end the surviving ninja the Operations Arm for disposal. (If and attack theYakuza soldiers, quickly
abandon the package and disappear the Knights defeattheir opponents but defeating them. One of them mutters
into the night. keep the shards, they will be marked something about others watching, so
Hesitantly, the Knights open the men in the eyes of both sides in Nip- to keep up appearances, the Knights
bag. Within they find a gleaming gem pon. It will become virtually impos- fire a shot in the general direction of
that could only be the fabled Eye of the sible for them to function in thatrealm, the Prime Minister's office and then
Dragon -an Orrorshan eternity shard. and agents of the two opposing groups return to Togaru, claiming that police
may well pursue them to obtain the broke up their operation.
Act Two shards, hampering their effectiveness Togaru is skeptical, but finally ac-
elsewhere as well.) cepts their story. Hecompliments them
It seems as if the ninja who have on having evaded the police, and tells
been paying nocturnal visits to Allied them they can have another assign-
have been bringing things in rather
than taking themout. Although Kojima
Adventure Idea Two: ment. Their next target is too well-
protected for a direct attack, unless
is unsure whether he believes in "eter- Assassin some of his security is removed. They
nity shards" and such, it is obvious are given the address of a warehouse
that an attempt was being made to on the waterfront where many of the
plant stolen goods in the offices of a Background guards in question reside - power
Rauru Block director. will be cut to the building, and then
A search of the building com- Internal friction among Yakuza the Knights can slaughter the security
mences. The Knights discover a hid- family heads has been increasing in men.
den panel built into the wall recently, recent weeks, with some, particuiarly Again witha Yakuza team for com-
behind which are hidden three objects, Togaru and Sebaru, pushing for greater pany, the Knights proceed to the
all eternity shards: the El Kharga Dag- mob control of the Japanese govern- warehouse. The power is cut on
ger, one of the Rennes Ie Chateau ment. schedule, and Knights and mobsters
scrolls, and a Claymore sword used in The Storm Knights are asked by the crash through the skylight to an ex-
the Battle of Bannockburn, where the Prime Minister to infiltrate the Togaru ceedinglynasty surprise. The "guards"
Scots won their independence. family and discover if they plan to in the warehouse are second-planting
But why go to the trouble of steal- break ranks and take independent ac- gospog, and they have orders to de-
ing valuable eternity shards from other tion against Diet members. fend the building to the death.
realms and then place them in the
hands of one's enemies? The answer Act One Act Three
comes with the sound of shattering
glass, as a monstrous bat flies into the The Knights are able to make con- After defeating the gospog, the
room. The Orrorshan vampyre has tact with the Togaru family, posing as Knights are told by Togaru that the
followed the shard's trail to Allied, professional killers, some from other next target of assassination is the most
and he will kill anyone who attempts realms. They are put through a series important to the success of his plan.
to stop him from reclaiming it for of dangerous tests by the syndicate to The Knights are given a helicopter and
Thratchen. prove their fitness, including personal the coordinates to which to fly.
combat with Yakuza enforcers. When they arrive, they spot a fright-
Accepted into the ranks, theKnights eningly familIar craft in the air - the
Act Three are told that the Togaru family has copter that ferries Ryuchi Kanawa to
After narrowly defeating the decided to force Sagato's hand by and from the Kanawa Corporation of-
vampyre, the Storm Knights and a few striking some sudden blows to the ficesinTokyo. Unaware that Kanawais
members of the Rauru Block's Opera- powerful in Japan. When a vacuum theYakuza's mysteriousba.cker,Togaru
tions Arm find themselves undersiege. has been created in the nation, Sagato is plotting to kill the industrialist/High
Nile shocktroopers, cyberpriests, and will have no choice but to allow the Lord.
an Ayslish wizard have converged on Yakuza to fill it. Before the Knights can decide upon
the building, perfectly willing to de- Togaru refuses to identify who the a course of action, the Kanawa heli-
stroy it and all within to get their primary target is, but does tell the copter opens fire. Suddenly, two other
realm's property back. This, then, was Knights that they will be allowed to choppers emerge from their hiding
3327's scheme: to destroy one of the parlicipatein thefirstassassination. Five placesbehind skyscrapers and join the
mega-corporations by luring agents soldiers accompany the Knights to a attack. A Yakuza member betrayed
of other realms to it, in such a way that rooftop in the Kasurnigaseki district. It Togaru's plantoSagato, who informed
it could not be traced to Kanawa. is then that they learn the identity of Kanawa, and the Knights are caught
their quarry - the Prime Minister! in the crossfire.

Torg: Nippon Tech

Chapter Four

Axioms and
World Rules
Once I asked myself are coins that bear the mark of the
What is real? What is nature? dreaded Entity God. Nippon stelae
But I am a ghost. have manifested themselves as Auto-
- Japanese haiku matic Teller Machines (ATMs), which
are a common sight throughout the
world, particularly in large cities. Their

ach of the High Lords
has established an area inconspicuous appearance allows
on Earth where his real- them to be "planted" in plain sight
itydominates, and many with no one being aware of their true
of the natural laws that nature.
natives of our cosm accept as every-
day parts of life are altered or nonex-
istent within these realms. The reality The Four Axioms
of each area is based upon that cf the
cosm from which the reigning High The rules that govern reality in each
Lord came, and so each of the realms is realm are known as axioms. Crossing a
vastly different from the other five, as stelae boundary into another realm
well as from Core Earth. In Nippon, immediately makes one subject to the
for example, advanced technology is axioms ofthat realm. This can radically
possible, but actions that require the alter the environment in which a trav-
use of Spirit-based skills are often.ex- eler finds herself, and the actions she
tremely difficult to accomplish. It is can successfully take. For example, an
the many differences between a High Ayslish sorcerer crossing into Nippon
Lord's reality and that of Core Earth Tech would find tha t his magic was
which allows precious possibility en- not supported by the realm's axioms.
ergy to be stolen from our cosm by the While he could still cast spells, he
invaders. would run a tremendous risk of dis-
The invisible boundaries between connecting from his reality, which
realities are formed using artifacts would make it impossible for any of
known as stelae. These stelae are laid his arcane arts to work until he
out in triangular patterns, commonly reconnected.
with each side 300 miles long, and Each cosm has four basic axioms
when activated can transform the re- that govern the interaction between
ality of the enclosed area to that of the living and non-living things within
their native cosmo The planting of ste- the cosmo These axioms are known as
lae is essential to the expansion of a the Technological, the Social, the Magi-
High Lord's territory and his ability to cal, and the Spiritual; and in Torg, each
drain possibility energy. is rated on a scale of zero to 33, zero
Stelae manifest themselves in a representing extremely low develop-
number of different ways, but nor- ment and 33 particularly high devel-
mally their physical state will connect opment. Items, individuals or organi-
them to the cosm with which they are zations whose development exceeds
associated. In the Nile Empire, the the relevant Nippon axiom will not
stelae are stone obelisks, in Aysle they function properly within the realm or
the cosmo

• I
Chapter Four

Below, each of Nippon Tech's four

basic axioms are described in detail.
Medicine Subsidiaries of Kanawa Corpora-
tion are also investigating cybernetic
Complete guidelines on axioms in One of the most stunning medical technology, not only for its commer-
general can be found on pages 91-102 advancements fostered by Nippon cial possibilities but as a potential
of the Torg Rulebook. Note that in Torg Tech is the widespread use of artificial weapon against the Cyberpapacy.
terminology, most of 3327's realm is limbs and organs. Artificial hearts, Prototype cybernetic implants are
classified as adom;nan! axiom zone (see kidneys, and lungs are all compact, available, but they are few and tend to
page 85 of the Torg Rulebook). affordable, and practical. State-of-the- be prohibitively expensive. As a means
art prosthetic limbs are approximately of accelerating the progress of this re-
85 percent functional (meaning they search, Kanawa Corporation has re-
The Technological can perform 85 percent of the functions cently purchased a factory in France to
of their natural counterparts) and are take advantage of the higher
Axiom: 24 far more life-like than their Core Earth Cyberpapacy Tech axioms.
Nippon's Tech rating is slightly
higher than that of Core Earth, and it
was 3327's knowledge of advanced
technologies that allowed him to
achieve economic dominion over Ja-
pan so swiftly and efficiently. By re-
tooling a few small Japanese firms to
produce the sophisticated weaponry
available in Marketplace,3327was able
to make a quick profit by selling the
arms abroad to those nations em-
broiled in the bloodier aspects of the
Possibility Wars. This allowed him to
rapidly expand his financial empire.
Although the technology currently
found in Nippon is more advanced
than anything available in Core Earth,
it is not so far beyond the norm as to
arouse the suspicion of the average
citizens. Many of the innovations in-
troduced by 3327 seem like logical
extensions of things that were in ex-
istence prior to the Possibility Wars,
and people assume that any new de-
vices are the result of recent scientific
breakthroughs. Only a handful of aca-
demics and businessmen harbor sus-
picions about the true nature of the
new technology.
Note, too, that the technical
knowledge 3327 brought with him
from Marketplace is no longer solely
in the hands. of those corporations
which he and his followers directly
control. Once the first Kanawa-pro-
duced armaments appeared on the
market, the techniques employed in
their design and construction were
studied and disseminated industry-
The best way to sum up the level of
technological achievement in Nippon
Tech is to break down 3327's achieve-
ments field-by-f;eld.

Torg: Nippon Tech

The other area in which Nippon has

made great progress is cloning. Al-
eliminate both the need for larger run-
ways and the noise problems associ-
Daily Life
though virtually no one is aware ofthe ated with the supersonic airliners of Daily life in Japan has naturally
fact that 3327 has five clones of himself Core Earth. undergone changes in reaction to the
in existence, the technique of repro- Little development has occurred in "new industrial revolution" sweep-
ducing humans at will coupled with the area of rail transport, due to the ing Japan, most noticeably in the area
accelerated growth is seen as an at- fact that it has not exhibited the poten- of entertainment. Almost every home
tractive solution to the labor force tial profitability of the automobile and can now access thousands of recorded
problem in Japan. aircraft industries, Some effort has films and video programs via home
In the realm of more traditional gone into improving the quality of computer. These same homes are all
medicine, effective (though expensive) tankers and freighters due to the need connected via complex interactive
treatments for both cancer and the to export goods and import oil and cable television systems that allow
AIDS virus are in development, though other natural resources. program viewers tocommunicatewith
it will be many years before either the programmers and each other.
treatment becomes inexpensive Computer-aided simulations are
enough for practical widespread em- Communications the latest fad in the entertainment in-
ployment. dustry. Popular titles include: Everest
The major breakthrough in the field (a simulated climb of the world's tall-
of communications since the invasion est mountain), and Lizard-Hunt (a
Military has been the dramatic advance in cel- "wargame" based on the US Army's
lular technology. In Japan, cellular struggles against the edeinos in North
3327 made his first inroads into the telephones are now found in virtually America). These simulations combine
Japanese economy in the arena ofarrns- every automobile, and one of the traditional computer games with
manufacturing, an industry which summer's hottest products was the thousands of hours of real world laser
remains highly profitable in the post- Sony Talkman,'" a personal cellular disc video to produce thrilling adven-
invasion world. Arms manufacturers telephone the size of an index card tures. And the more traditional video
have sprung up all over Japan in order that can be worn on a belt. games have maintained their own
to cater to the worldwide demand for Microwave communication tech- popularity, also, with complex home
wea ponry that arose after the outbreak niqueshavealsobeen vastly improved units and portable systems available
of the Possibility Wars. and are now the norm in many areas. from a wide variety of manufacturers.
State of the art weapons include Zelda V, a video game for Nintendo-'s
portable chain guns, rudimentary man- 32-bit home system, has sold more
portable battle armor and smaIl, robot Computers than 9 million copies in Japan alone.
combat modules. Although several
mega-corporations are currently Approximately 94 percent of Japa-
nese homes are equipped with a per-
spendingbig moneyonlaserand plasma
weapon development, energy weapons sonal computer. The typical home The Social
computer system features 32 mega-
remain impractical and expensive.
bytes of user memory as well as hard
Axiom: 22
copy, communications, and storage Socially, 3327's realm is slightly
Transportation peripherals. Almost all home systems more advanced than Core Earth. This
have access to one or more computer is reflected in the relatively rigid or-
The automobile has been vastly information networks. Computers are ganized bureaucracies which have
improved by 3327's engineers. Most used for shopping, banking and a host sprung up throughout Japan. The
Nipponese cars are easily capable of of other activities, as citizens try to Japanese government has grown to
speeds up to 280 kilometers per hour spend as little time as possible out in twice its former size almost overnight,
and feature ad vanced collision safety the polluted atmosphere. and Japanese businesses have imple-
devices, satellite road navigation sys- Businesses now rely on mented their own complex bureau-
tems, on-board micro-processors, and supercomputers with 64-bit video co- craticsystem based upon theJapanese
various electronic accessories (cellular processors, floating point co-proces- feudal system: corporations are
phone, compact-disc player, etc). These sors, and voice recognition processors. headed up by "daimyos" or "lords,"
cars are sturdy and affordable. Ac- These machines also have up to 256Mb who oversee a court of "vassals" (di-
cording to government statistics, ev- of user memory, and multiple output vision heads), etc.
ery Japanese family owns 1.6 of them. option module. But despite the higher Social axiom
Air travel has also improved. Virtu- rating that arrived with Nippon, most
ally all commercial air traffic in and of the recent changes in the Japanese
around Japan is now comprised of social arena have been for the worse.
supersonic "jump jets." The jump jets The increased activity by the Yakuza

•• 68
Chapter Four

and the weakening of the Japanese ions. Nippon seems rife with uncanny "realitybubble" (as described on pages
government, both at the High Lord's conspiracies and coincidences, foes 10H02 of the Torg Rulebookl. Con-
urging, have created something of a seem to appear out of the woodwork versely, a character who travels from
social crisis. Crime, infant mortality, and vanish into thin air, and certain Nippon to another realm must abide
unemployment, homelessness and people and organizations have power by his own world rules, for that is the
poverty rates are all rougWy three that is beyond the belief of the typical reality he carries within him.
times worse than they were before Core Earther. Add to this the amazing
3327 arrived. Most of these problems technology that is already beyond the
are the result of simple economics: as level of Core Earth and Japan's idio- The Law of
Japanese industry becomes more and syncratic culture and you are left with
more advanced, laborers without the a very moody, very "eerie" locale. Intrigue
skills to match industrial develop- The most obvious effect of the low
ments are driven from the work force, Magical axiom is a strange mist which A peculiarside effect of3327's axiom
giving rise to unemployment, pov- blankets the land. This mist gives all of set makes individuals and organiza-
erty,and ultimately, crime. Allofthese Nippon, but particularly the cities, a tions in Nippon more susceptible to
problems have been made worse by grim, bizarre atmosphere, one many intrigue and deception than their Core
the fact that the Japanese government people have been forced to adapt to if Earth counterparts. Remember, 3327's
isunwillingtodoanythingaboutthem they wish to survive. Japan is a very dark and mysterious
- mostly because the government it- Again, even though these phe- place. One never knows whom he can
self has been corrupted by 3327's in- nomena seem mystical in origin, they trust.
fluence. Spending money on social are in fact much closer to the way In game terms, this world rule has a
problems would necessitate the things act and react in an objective number of effects:
elimination of big business incentives, reality untainted by magic. In fact, • When using the stealth skill in Nip-
which would reduce the profitability magic barely functions at all under pon, characters receive a +3 bonus to
of 3327's corporations. 3327's axiom set. their attempts. The difficulty numbers
As it currently stands, Tokyo, Osaka of Perception checks intended to detect
and several other Japanese cities have stealth-using characters also increase
become urban nightmares. The rates The Spiritual by +3.
of suicide, drug addiction, and gang
violence have skyrocketed, turning Axiom: 8 • Charm attempts based upon lies or
deception receive a +3 bonus in Nip-
entire sections of certain cities into
monuments to despair. 3327's Spiritual Axiom is also lower pon. In addition, persuasion attempts
than its Core Earth counterpart, and receive a +3 bonus if their goal is to
the lack of spiritual energy in Nippon convince the target of something un-
true. Possibility-rated characters re-
The Magical is partially responsible for the
"weirdness effect" described above. ceive a +3 bonus for all trick attempts.
Axiom: 2 Again, the low value is understandable • Characters using persuasion in an
conSidering 3327's home cosm- there effort to bribe someone in Nippon re-
The Magical axiom of3327's domain is little room for spirit in a universe ceive a +3 bonus.
is much lower than that of Core Earth, governed entirely by the concepts of Note: attempts to bribe and deceive
a natural consequence of the cold ra- profit and loss. at the same time require two separate
tionality that pervades Marketplace persuasion rolls. For example, Kenji
and now characterizes the economic wishes to bribe a guard into admitting
leadership of Japan. The World Rules him to a party to which he was not
This has had a peculiar effect upon invited. He claims to have forgotten
life in Nippon, one quite the opposite In addition to the four basic axioms, the invitation, and generates a persua-
ofwhat would reasonably be expected. each realm hasa number ofspecialized sion total to deceive the guard. If he
Much of the "nonnality" that Core axiomsorworld niles which further sets then offers the guard money to slip
Earthers perceive in their environment it apart from all otherrealities. In many him in, he generates a persuasion total
is actually due to the free-floating ways, the basic axioms function as to bribe him.
waves of ambient magical energy that reality limits within the realm, while Even if he fails todeceive the guard,
cross the Earth cosmo Thus when a the world rules define how the realm it is possible the bribe may be tempt-
Core Earther is deprived of this energy works within those limits. ing enough that Kenji will get his way.
in a setting like Nippon, everything As with the basic axioms, anyone But in that case, the guard will know
seems "eerie" and "unusual." who crosses into Nippon immediately that Kenji is up to something, and
In Nippon, the strangeness that becomes subject to its world rules, might cause problems for him later.
Core Earthers feel manifests itself in a unless he or she is surrounded by a
number of seemingly mystical fash- • Using the disguise skill is also easier
in Nippon Tech. Characters trying to
penetrate a disguise using Perception

Torg: Nippon Tech

or find have their success level reduced able organizations. There are traitors According to the Law of Profit,
by one, i.e., a Good success automati- within the Rauru Block, the Sons ofthe goods and services cost less when
cally becomes Minimal. A Minimal Wind, the Japanese government, and purchased by those of means than
success becomes a failure. the Yakuza. when purchased by the underprivi-
• Any group or organization in • RougWy two-thirds of the game- leged. "Those of means" are inhabit-
Nippon with more than 100 members master characters the Storm Knights ants with an income above that of the
will have at least one spy or traitor meet during an adventure set in Nip- realm's average citizen (roughly
within its ranks. If the organization pon should be unfriendly, though the 3,500,000 Japanese yen or 25,000
numbers 1,0000r more members, there majority of them will pretend to be American dollars), and the under-
will be a cell of at least 10 members friendly. Note that unfriendly charac- privileged are those with an income
conspiring to wrest control from the ters are not necessarily connected to below this figure. Characters earning
leaders. (This is most common within 3327. more than ¥3.5 million can find goods
mega-corporations.) Traitors will for 10 percent cheaper than the aver-
commonly be members of a rival orga- age Japanese citizen will pay. Charac-
nization or working toward goals that The Law of Profit ters who earn more than ¥1O.5 million
can purchase goods at a 25 percent
are contrary to those of the group be-
ing betrayed. As stated above, the cosm of Mar- savings.
Traitors within the ranks of politi- ketplace is based entirely upon the This law does not mean that the
cally unimportant or innocuous concepts of profit and loss. Its axioms instant a wealthy character steps up to
groups may be social deviants or psy- are specially configured to favor those a cash register, all the price tags
chopaths (i.e., somewhere within the with great wealth and penalize those magically change. Instead, the lower
ranks of the Japanese equivalent of the who are poor. All of this has a rather prices are found in the better neigh-
Boy Scouts there might be at least one unusual effect upon economies oper- borhoods and in stores maintained by
future mass-murderer). This rule ap- ating under Marketplace axioms, such corporations for the benefit of their
plies to both honorable and dishonor- as Nippon Tech. executives.

•• 70
Chapter Four

If a wealthy player characterwishes "eye for an eye" system of justice, is earlier is insufficient under the Law of
to take advantage of the Law of Profit encouraged in Nippon. It is possible Vengeance. The key to determining if
when purchasing goods, he may play that there is some connection between a particular wrong qualifies is that it
a Connection card to guarantee he can this situation and the high incidence must involve a significant loss: the
find a store that will sell him what he of betrayal in the realm mandated by loss of limb, loved one, fortune, honor,
wants at reduced prices. If he does not the Law of Intrigue, but no definite etc.
playa card, he will have to roleplay link has been established. 2. The taking of revenge cannot occur
finding a source of goods, which may In game terms, a character who takes less than 48 hours after the commis-
involve convincing a merchant he is revenge against someone who has sion of the wrong. This gives the
indeed worth as much as he claims. wronged him receives six possibilities character time to cold-bloodedly plan
at the end of the act in which the ven- his actions. Gamemasters can treat a
geance was exacted. In essence, the re- quest for vengeance as a Personal Stake
The Law of venge subplot constitutes an adventure subplot for any adventures that take
all its own. There are two conditions place between the the victimization of
Vengeance that must be met to earn the possibility the character and his revenge.
reward at the end of the act: Note that only possibility-rated
Finally, the Nippon Tech axioms
favor those who claim vengeance for 1. The player character must be re- characters can claim this "vengeance
themselves. The personal avenging of sponding to a serious wrong. Punch- bonus."
a wrong done you, making use of the ing someone back who punched you

Torg: Nippon Tech

Chapter Five

Nippon Skills
1.1 " "". ~ -"""~
as NipponTech fell W1der
the sway of Marketplace
axioms, many things
changed. Many of the
combat, rely more on knowledge of
one's strengths and an opponent's
weaknesses than the individual spirit.
These are present in Torg under the
designation unarmed combat.
residents of Nippon and Marketplace The martial arts are combat strate-
possess special skills which were not gies and maneuvers which cannot be
included in the Torg boxed set. In this separated from the philosophy of the
chapter, you will find information on warrior who practices them. In Core
these abilities, as well as details on mar- Earth, the schools of thought which
tial arts combat in Nippon. gave birth to these arts were founded
Although these skills were designed by a group of Chinese monks known
for residents of3327's realm and cosm, as the "Shao-Lin," just over 1000 years
gamemasters may allow other inhab- ago. It was the Shao-Lin who first
itants of the Torg infiniverse to pur theorized about the existence of an
chase them as well. amazing store of energy within each
human being (which Japanese mas-
ters later dubbed ki) and discovered
Dexterity-Based rudimentary methods for tapping
these energies and redirecting them
Skills into the material world.
The Shao-Lin believed that every-
one possessed some of this energy,
Martial Arts although some people had far more
than others. In fact, the energy stores
In the histories of both Core Earth of most people are far too small to
and Marketplace, there came a time master the disciplines that make up
when a group of people, forbidden the even the earliest, most primitive mar-
use of weapons, were forced to defend tial arts, which is why the number of
their homes from powerful armies. martial arts practitioners has tradi-
With no way to obtain the strength tionally been small.
they needed to triumph from the world What the Shao-Lin did not know is
around them, these wise men learned that the "energy store" they had dis-
to look within and find the power to covered was tied to the very fibers of
best their oppressors. reality itself. In fact, this power is actu-
In the years since, that ability to ally the possibility energy sought by
draw on one's own spiritual strength the High Lords.
and use it in combat has been embod- It soon became apparent that, by
ied in a group of fighting styles collec- using this energy, one could accom-
tively known as the martial arts. In this plishgreat feats. But although theShao-
section, you will find all the rules and
Lin managed to discover possibility
descriptions you need to recreate the energy many hundreds of years ago,
feats of the masters of these Eastern they never discovered an easy, effi-
disciplines in the world of Torg. cient way of drawing upon it. The
method for tapping it that they did
The Power of Ki develop hassince been copied by many
The martial arts should not be con- other disciples of the arts, and it in-
fused with judo or karate which, al- volves the intertwining of the disci-
though they are also Oriental styles of

• I
Chapter Five

plines with religious symbols and be- Martial arts cannot be used un- have to learn all the maneuvers con-
liefs. By enacting a short ritual orbrief!y skilled. tained therein before he could begin
meditating, a master can unlock his Learning the martial arts is ex- learning those in the Seda Chen style.
possibility energy in much the same tremely difficult, so the first add in the Also, not every practitioner of a
way a shaman or priest is able to tap skill costs three of a character's initial style is adept at all of the maneuvers
into the spiritual font to cast miracles. 16 skill points. Each add after that and abilities that area part of it. Game-
In addition, the creation of martial costs one skill point. If a character master character martial artists are
arts disciplines requires a group of buys martial arts during play, the cost given any maneuvers and abilities the
masters to work together closely, is three times the normal pOSSibility gamemaster feels are appropriate.
sometimes for centuries, and an oral cost for the first add. All other are Storm Knights with the martialarts skill
tradition to pass the knowledge down purchased at the normal cost. must undergo training to learn their
through the generations. Example: Bill wallts his character, a abilities.
All of this means that the martial arts Shiki, to have martial arts as his tag Before play begins, each prospec-
skill and all of its powers and abilities skill. The first add costs three skill tivemartial artist is allowed six "years"
will not function in realms or cosms poilltS, alld the olher two cost aile worth of training. During each ofthese
where the Spiritllal axiom rating is less poillt apiece, for a tolal of five. Bill years, she may attempt to become pro-
than 7 (the lowest point at which ritu- 1l0W has 11 poillts left 10 apportioll
ficient at one of the maneuvers in-
als can produce a desired effect) or the amollg other skills for his characters. cluded in her discipline.
Social axiom is less than 21, unless the Example: 51111 TZII is illveslillg her
master invokes the rules for violating six years of traillillg illiearnillg ma-
axiom limits found on page 97 of the Styles and Training llellVers ill her chosell style, Red Lo-
Torg Rlllebook. The originators of the lliS. Ifshe passes atest per "year," she
martial arts disciplines in Core Earth Over the years, the wisdom of the
Shao-Lin was passed down by many will begill the game havillg maslered
were able to use their ki energy to raise the first six mallellvers cOlltailled ill
the Social axiom among themse!ves and different soldiers and sages, many of
whom went on to found their own that disciplille.
allow them to perform these actions.
Also note that the basic methodol- particular versions of the martial arts In order to learn a maneuver, the
ogy that drives the arts prevents non- disciplines. Each of these versions are Storm Knight must successfully com-
possibility rated characters from us- known as slyles. The moves and tech- plete its particular training exercise, a
ing them. Theamountofkiwithinsuch niquesofonestyleareoftencompletely type of test. If the Knight passes the
characters is too small for them to different from those ofanother, though test, she learns that discipline. Prior to
make use of the disciplines. many styles share similar maneuvers. the start of play, failing a test means
Martial arts is a Dexterity-based skill, The grand masters of the Sons of the the Knight must attempt to learn the
and takes the place of the lmanned COI11- Wind estimate that there are over 75 maneuver during the next available
bat value when making an attack. The different martial arts styles currently "year" (if any). Once play has begun,
basedamage valueofa martialarts attack being practiced around the world. however, failing a test means the
is STR+2, and the skill may be used to Mostofthesestyles were born in China, Knight cannot take another one until
defend in unanned, martial arts, melee Japan, Korea, and Okinawa. Each style she gains an additional martial arts
and missile combat. When a martial has its own unique name such as add.
artist is challenging a non-martial artist, "monkey fist" or "Ben Ton RaL" Tests can be taken any time a Knight
he receives an automatic DEX+1 modi- Martial arts users are always experts gains an add in martial arts. One pos-
fier to any relevant action. in one individual style, specified by sibility can be expended per test, but
The martial arts skill may be used in the gamemaster. In Torg, a style con- no cards may be played during testing
place of melee weapolls or missile weap- sists of a few special requirements, that takes place prior to the start of
0115 skills when making an attack, but eight maneuvers, and eight training play or between game sessions. If tak-
the artist will not receive the base methods, all of which can be chosen ing a test is part of an adventure, then
STR+2 bonus when using a weapon. from the lists below, or new ones can one possibility and the martial artist's
The damage value will be the user's be created to suit the campaign. The cards ollly may be used in an attempt
raw Strellgth plus whatever modifier gamemaster may require that all mar- to pass.
the weapons provides. tial artists in her campaign practice the Note that a style's maneuvers must
same style, or she can create as many be learned in order, beginning with
Example: Ed's character, a5011 ofthe different styles as time and desire al- the minor disciplines and working all
Willd, is attackillg all 0ppollellt with low. A number of sample styles can be the way up to the master disciplines.
adagger. He gellerates a martial arts found at the end of this chapter.
lotal of 14 alld hils his foe, bllt does Once a Storm Knight has expended
Styles can be learned in any order, the six "years" available for training,
Ilot alliomatically receive Ihe STR+2 but all maneuvers in a style must be
minimum modifier to his damage she is ready for play, whether she
mastered before a martial artist can managed to learn all available maneu-
vallie. Illslead, I/is raw Strength re- study another, i.e. a Storm Knight
ceives ollly the +3 modifier provided vers or not. Any maneuvers that were
studying the Red Lotus style would not learned before play begins can be
by Ihe dagger.
acquired later, as explained above.

Torg: Nippon Tech

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. . .--7474~-----------------m
Chapter Five

Example: Prior to the start of play, or missile attack, and launch a martial more than one meter from the site of
Taka is learning Red Lotlls style of arts attack in the same combat round. combat.
martial arts. His first available ma- During flllrry rounds, a character em- Dragon Flight: the dragon flight dis-
nellver is the strike. The training ex- ploying this maneuver blocks once and cipline involves a series of extremely
ercise for that maneuver is the board throws two blows. rapid movements intended to disori-
break. In order to sllccessfully com- To successfully perform a block/ ent a foe. It adds a +1 bonus modifier
plete this training, Taka mllst generate strike, two martial arts totals must be to the martial artist's Dexterity or ma-
a martial arts total of 9. If he SIlC- generated. The first would have a dif- nellverskill.lfsuccessful, the opponent
ceeds, he learns the manellver. If not, ficulty number of the attacker's com- will suffer the effects found on the
he mllst spend his second year at- bat skill (i.e., IInarmed combat if he is Interaction Results Table, as well as
tempting to pass the board break throwing a punch), and success would being unable to aim the following
test, since he cannot learn any other allow the martial artist to block the round.
maneuvers until he has mastered blow. The second would concern the
strike. strike, and would have an opposing Drop Kick: the martial artist drops to
value of the opponent's relevant de- the floor and uses his legs to propel a
fensive skill. charging opponent over him and
The Maneuvers Crushing Block: the crllshing block is
throw him a maximum distance of
five meters. (Distance is determined
similar to the block/strike, save for the by the attack's success level-Minimal,
Martial arts maneuvers are divided fact that it cannot be used against a one meter; Good, two to three meters;
into threecategories: minor disciplines, missile weapons attack. The key to the SlIperior, four meters; Spectaclllar, five
maneuver is avoiding an incoming meters).
major disciplines, and master disci-
plines. Each style includes five minor, blow and then striking the opponent To calculate the damage from a drop
two major, and one master maneuver.
with great force. kick, add the target character's weight
A style's maneuvers are always To successfully perform this ma- value to the the distance value thrown.
listed in a set order with the minor neuver, the martial artist must pre- Roll a bonus for the damage value and
disciplines preceding the majors, and vent an opponent's blow from land- generate a damage total.
the majors preceding the master. This ing by using his martial arts skill to Whether or not the maneuver is
is the order in which the disciplines defend. Anyone launching an unsuc- successful, the martial artist employ-
must be learned during training. cessful martial arts, IInarmed combat or ing the drop kick must spend the next
Each of the standard maneuvers is melee weapons attack upon a character round rising, unless he possesses the
described below. The gamemaster employing the crushing block suffers instant up maneuver.
should feel free to supplement these damage equal to the martial artist's
STR+3. Example: Cho drop kicks a Yakllza
maneuvers with creations of his own, enforcer. Theenforcerweighs 102 kilos
taking care to make sure that all new DaggerDance: this maneuvercan only (weight vallie of 12) and is thrown
maneuvers are appropriately classi- be performed when carrying a dagger five meters (distance vallie of 4). The
fied (i.e., weaker maneuvers are clas- or sword. The martial artist leaps, damage vallie is 16. The gamemaster
sified as minor disciplines, more pow- spins, and lands in a combat stance, all rolls a 9 for a bonlls of -1. The damage
erful maneuvers are classified as the while manipulating his blade so total is 15.
master disciplines, etc). that light reflects off its surface. The
The game effects listed below ap- difficulty number is the target's ma- The target of a successful drop kick
ply to combat with both martial artists nellverskill, and the result of a success- must spend his next round getting up
and non-martial artists. All damage ful performance of the dagger dance can (unless he knows the instant lip ma-
values listed include the base STR+2 be found on the manellver column of neuver). Drop kicks cannot be used in
bonus. Also beaware that, unless oth- the Interaction Results Table (see page two consecutive rounds.
erwise specified in the maneuver de- 40 of the Torg RlIlebook). Entangle: a complex maneuver, en-
scription or with the benefit of a flllrry If the martial artist fails at the dagger tangle is a combination ofa sweeping kick
card, a character can never use two dance, he will be confused for the next and a throw. Successful performance
martialarts maneuvers during the same round. results in an opponent suffering a
combat round. Disarm: this maneuver involves us- knockdown result, one so severe that
ing an opponent's own force against two rounds are required for the target
Minor Disciplines him to cause him to drop a weapon. to rise again. Martial artists who pos-
When performed successfully, the sess the instant up maneuver can re-
Block/Strike: this maneuver allows martial artist catches hold of his foe's cover from an entangle in one round.
the practitioner to both block an arm and twists it backwards until the Feint: this is a fake punch or kick that
opponent's blow and strike himself in weapon is released. The damage value
a round. In game terms, this means the is intended to force the opponent to
of this attack is the target's STR+2, and commit his defenses, opening up a
martial artist can use his skill to deflect the weapon falls to the ground not
an unarmed combat, martial arts, melee much more effective target.

Torg: Nippon Tech

During the round the martial artist The target of a kick disarm does not Serpent's Coils: this discipline is de-
announces a feint, she can make no suffer any physical damage from the signed to aid martial artists in avoid-
attacks nor can she dodge. A feint is attack. ing damage from missile weapon or fire
considered an attempt to trick, and to Leaping Kick: this is a powerful combat attacks. As an active defense,
be successful, the martial artist's roll springing kick. A martial artist who serpent's coils adds +3 to a character's
must beat a difficulty number of her successfully performs a leaping kick Dexterity or dodge.
opponent's trick or Perception. Ifthe feint does STR+4 damage. Shout of Warning: the martial artist
works, the martial artist automatically A martial artist cannot perform assumes his combat stance, curls his
gains the initiative in the next round. leaping kicks in consecutive rounds. hands into weapons, and emits a
Felling the Oak: a devastating blow, Lightning Fist: martial artists who piercing shout. Though the acting
felling the oak involves chopping with have mastered this discipline can make value is martial arts, the difficulty
both hands at the opponent's sides two martial arts attacks in the same number of the maneuver is the target's
below the rib cage. Such an attack has round, on the same or different tar- intimidation or Spirit. If successful, the
a damage value of STR+4. This ma- gets.If performed against a single tar- target is unskilled for the next round.
neuver can also be used as a vital blow get, only one total need be generated Spring Attack: this is a sudden punch
attack, as it can do damage to the (the same bonus can be applied to both or kick aimed at catching an opponent
kidneys and other internal organs if strikes). If there are two separate tar- off-guard. Martial artists who have
performed properly. gets, a total must be generated for each mastered this discipline automatically
Heart Punch: probably the most po- attack. receive initiative in the first round of a
tent minor maneuver, an attempt to Lightning fist may not be used in battle, and receive the benefits of nor-
throw a heart punch should be treated consecutive rounds, and may never be mal surprise (see page 79 of the Torg
like a vital blow (acting value reduced used duringfluYnJ rounds. Rulebook). After the first round ofbattle,
by -8, damage value of STR+6). If a Missile Dodge: this discipline en- treat the spring attack as a standard
heart punch is thrown successfully, the hances a martial artist's ability to avoid martial arts blow.
target not only takes damage, but is arrows, spears, knives, and other Stone Fist: this discipline allows the
considered to be setback for the next muscle-powered missile weap:ms. martial artist to focus his energies into
round. Missile dodge can be used for either his fist for a telling blow. If the punch
Instant Up: martial artists who have passive or active defense, and pro- finds its mark, the martial artist causes
mastered this ability can instantly videsa DEX+2bonus to efforts to side- STR+4 damage to his target.
spring to their feet after suffering a step an incoming attack. Stop Thrust: for use as anactive defense
knockdown. Doing so is automatic and Missile dodge can only be employed only, this maneuver involves the mar-
instantaneous, and does not consume against missile weapon attacks. tial artist thrusting his fist out to block
a round. Sacrifice Kick: this is an all-out run- a charging opponent (one making a
Ki Punch: this is a single punch in ning leap at a target. At the end of the melee, martial arts, or unarmed attack). If
which the martial artist invests a great leap, the martial artist launches a successful, the foe takes no physical
deal of his spiritual power. The mar- powerful kick at his target, and then damage but is considered to be un-
tial artist can make no attacks of any falls to the ground. As with any all-out skilled for the next round.
sort in the three rounds following the attack, the martial artist receives a +3 Strike: this is a basic maneuver, rela-
throwing of this punch (while his bonus to his,acting value (martial arts) tively easy to master. While it does not
strength is being restored), but may and a +1 bonus to his damage value have the awe-inspiring appearance
dodge, test, trick, tau"t and intimidate. (foradamagevalueofSTR+3). During that a whirling attack or a leaping kick
lf the ki punch is landed success- the round in which a sacrifice kick is might have, it is a swift and efficient
fully, the martial artist does STR+5 performed, any blows aimed at the way of downing an opponent.
damage to his target. martial artist receive a +3 bonus to
their acting and damage values. Stunning Attack: this maneuver gives
Kick Disarm: this maneuver allows the martial artist the skill to attack a
the martial artist to kick a weapon or If the sacrifice kick is used as part of
a vital blow attack, the martial artist target and cause stun damage. A mar-
piece of equipment out of an tial artist attempting a stunning attack
opponent's hands. Conduct an attempt suffers a -5 penalty to his martial arts
value and receives a +3 bonus to his receives a +2 bonus to his martial arts
to do so as a normal martial arts attack, value, but does not do as much dam-
substituting the target's Strength for his damage value. Attacks made against
the martial artist in the round have the age as he would with another blow.
Toughness when calculating levels of A successful stunning attack does
success. If the attack receives a Good same effects listed above.
Whether the maneuver is success- shock and KO damage as a standard
success orbetter, the target is disarmed blow would, but when checking for
(roll the die - the resulting number ful or not, the martial artist falls to the
ground at its conclusion and is consid- the effects of the blow, ignore a
equals the number of meters the knockdown result, treat a wound result
weapon has flown in a random direc- ered to have suffered a knockdown. He
must spend a round rising to his feet, as a knockdown, and any #Wnd result
tion). has the number reduced by one.
unless he possesses knowledge of the
instant up maneuver.
_ ••
I ....
~ m
76 t.I:!
Chapter Five

Example:A Son ofthe Wind launches Weapon Break: weapon break is used in Flashback: when combined with the
a successful stunning attack on a conjunction with a normal dodge ma- meditation skill, this discipline allows a
ninja. The attack does 10 points of neuver. Anyone using a melee weapon martial artist to reflect back upon her
damage, which would nonnally be a to attack a martial artist employing a training, looking for the solution to a
Wnd K4.However,si'lCeastunning weapon break maneuver risks haVing current problem or dilemma. This
attack was used, the damage is re- the weapon broken. doubles the contemplation bonus re-
duced to a Knockdown K4. If the melee weapons attack fails, the ceived from meditation, and at the
Sweeping Kick: This maneuver in- weapon is automatically attacked with gamemaster's discretion, mayor may
volves kicking an opponent's legs out a damage value equal to that of a stan- not result in a cryptic hint regarding
from under him, resulting in a knock- dard martial artist blow (STR+2). If how to resolve the situation.
down. The martial artist receives no this results in a Good success or better Flashback is always an approved
bonuses for this maneuver, but if against a difficulty number of the action. To search your memories in
successful, the target must spend the weapon's Toughness, the weapon is combat, generate a meditation total
next round getting to his feet, unless snapped in half, rendering it useless. against a difficulty number of the
he knows the instant up maneuver. opponent's Dexterity or martial arts
The Major Disciplines skill. If successful, the character must
Throw: this permits a martial artist to relate his flashback to the gamemas-
grasp and throw a target. Treat a throw Detect Lie: martial artists who have ter, who should treat the situation in
asa martial arts attack for the purposes mastered this discipline can tell the same manner as the playing of an
of securing a hit. If the attaCk is suc- whether or not someone is telling them idea card.
cessful, the martial artist can throw the the truth. The game effect of this is a +4 Only passive defense actions can be
target up to five meters in any direction. to the acting value of the martial artist taken by a character in a round in which
To determine the distance thrown and on a Mind or willpower roll when he employs a flashback. This discipline
the amount of damage done, use the someone is attempting to deceive them cannot be used by a character who does
drop kick rules above. with persuasion. not possess the meditation skill.
A thrown target must then spend
his next round standing up (unless he Hail of Blows: use of the hail of blows Invisibility: masters of this discipline
has mastered the instant up discipline). maneuver grants the martial artist the can sneak around unseen so success-
A martial artist cannot conduct throw equivalent of a haste action in two fully that many observers would swear
attacks in two consecutive rounds. consecutive rounds. It is so named the martial artists have the power to
because conceivably an attacker could turn invisible. The secret to this mi-
Weakness Probe: this discipline gives strike four blows in two rounds using raculous feat involves emptying the
the martial artist the ability to study an this discipline. mind of awareness of one's own ex-
opponent and look for weak points in Calculate damage in a single round istence, as a result of which others do
his defense. To usea weakness probe, the as per the rules listed above under not notice your presence. All styles
martial artist spends a round studying lightning fist. In the round following that make use of this ability have stealth
his or her opponent (no actions other the completion of the hail of blows as a required skill.
than dodge are allowed during this maneuver, the martial artist who per- Anyone mastering the art of invis-
round). At the end of the round, he formed it will be unskilled, and will also ibility gains a +4 bonus to her stealth
then generates a Perception total against suffer from fatigueowing to theamount value, but suffers a -2 penalty to all
a difficulty number equal to the target's of energy expended to accomplish the Perception and Mind-related skills.
unanned combat or martial arts action feat.
values (if the target has neither of these Iron Fist: this is a more powerful ver-
skills, use his Dexterity instead). If this Healing: masters of the healing disci- sion of the stone fist discipline de-
roll succeeds, the martial artist can pline know how to brew primitive scribed above. This blow delivers a
attack the target in the next round healing solutions from just about any damage value of STR+6 to the target.
with a +1 bonus to his martial arts available herbs and spices. These so- Iron fist cannot be used in conjunction
value and a +3 bonus to his damage lutions take approximately four and a with stone fist to gain a +10 bonus -
value. half hours to blend, but automatically they can only be used as separate and
If the Perception roll fails, the mar- reduce a heavy wound down to a light individual maneuvers.
tial artist receives no bonus, though he wound,and a light wound down to no
Jump: this ability allows the martial
can continue to probe for weaknesses damage (they have no effect upon in-
artist to make amazing leaps through
in future rounds. Once found, a weak- capacitations). Since the healing po-
the air. Anyone mastering this disci-
ness gives the martial artist the bonus tions lose their potency after 15 min-
pline receives a +3 bonus to his long
modifiers on one attack only, though utes, a martial artist cannot brew sev- jumping action value.
he can then probe for another weak- eral and carry them around with him.
This discipline provides a +2 bonus to Poison Immunity: masters of this dis-
ness to gain the bonuses again. cipline have a greater immunity to
A successful weakness probe can al- the practitioner's Mind value when
attempting to create such a potion. both natural and artificial poisons of
Iowa martial artist to strike a vital blow all types than do others. When ca1cu-
at an unfamiliar creature (see page 77
of the Torg Rulebook).
rn ._.
I..L'" 77
Torg' Nippon Tech

lating damage from a poison attack,

add +3 to the martial artist's Toughness.
Once learned, this ability does not
require conscious thought to come into
play. Thus it is impossible to take a
master by "surprise" and poison him.
Self-Instruction: martial artists who
have mastered this discipline can,
during play, teach themselves any
maneuvers associated with their style
that they were unable to learn during
the six-year training period. Complete
guidelines for self-instruction can be
found below.
Spirit Shout: a master of this disci-
pline can emit a powerful shout once
pe, 'day that attacks anyone or any-
thing directly in front of the user. The
acting value of the spirit shout is the
user's martial arts value +3, and the
damage value is equal to the user's
Spirit value +3. The spirit shout has a
range of 1-3/5/1 a meters. Unleashing
such a shout automatically inflicts five
points of shock damage upon the mar-
tial artist.
Weapon Master: acquiring the weapon
master discipline allows the martial
artist to select a single melee or missile
weapon and become an expert at its
use. The weapon master receives a +2
bonus to his acting value (martial arts)
when fighting with the weapon in
Whirling Attack: by using this disci-
pline, the martial artist can launch a
whirling, flailing attack upon any or
all in her immediate vicinity. The at-
tack affects anyone within four meters
of the practitioner, and the martial
artist can direct it against enemies
while sparing allies. The user of a
whirling attack does not suffer a multi-
action penalty - all of the targets are
ist must immediately forfeit this num- age to those he strikes. In addition, his
considered to have been attacked
separately, and suffer full damage ber of possibilities. foes suffer a -2 penalty to their martial
(STR+2) if struck. Cyclone Attack: this is a rapid spin- arts, unarmed combat or Dexterity skill
Whirling attacks cannot be per- ning attack tha t allows the martial artist (depending on which one they are
formed in consecutive rounds. to individually attack many opponents using to try and avoid the blow).
in a single combat round. By expend- Death Touch: this extremely power-
The Master Disciplines ing two possibilities, the martial artist ful (and extremely dangerous) disci-
can whip herself into a fury and attack pline allows the martial artist to in-
Unlike minor and major diSciplines, up to five opponents. Like the whirling duce vibrations in an opponent's in-
master diSCiplines cannot be used at attack, the cyclone attack does not result ternal organs which will eventually
any time the martial artist desires. Each in a multi-action penalty. cause death. Invoking a death touch
master discipline costs a certain num- A character employing a cyclone attack costs the martial artist four pos-
ber of possibilities to use. In order to attack receives a +2 bonus to his mar- sibility points, whether the attack
invoke the discipline, the martial art- tial arts value and does STR+4 dam- strikes the opponent or not (resolve

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78 tJ:.'!
Chapter Five

the death touch as a normal martial arts Note that this discipline does not pro- Training
attack). tect the master from the other possible
If a death touch hits, use the effects of aging (a loss of some Dex- Like the disciplines, there are three
. attacker's martial arts damage value to terity-related skills, etc.) nor does it broad categories of training methods:
generate a damage total as usual. The make him immune to harm. He can minor training, major training, and
victim must now make a Toughness still be killed by poison, a high fall, in master training. Minor training meth-
roll against a difficulty number of that combat, or in other unnatural man- ods correspond with minorclisciplines,
damage total. If the Toughness roll ners. major training methods with major
succeeds, the target does not suffer Power Shout: this discipline is similar disciplines, and so on. For each disci-
any ill effects. If the Toughness roll fails, to the major discipline spirit shout listed pline the martial artist wishes to learn,
the target suffers the equivalent of 15 above, only much more powerful. The the gamemaster selects a training ex-
points of damage (a 4Wnd KO 15 if he power shout attacks everyone directly ercise from the corresponding list. In
is an Ord, a 3Wnd KO 5 if he is possi- in front of the martial artist and no order to master the maneuver, a Storm
bility-rated). In the latter case, the tar- more than 15 meters away. The acting Knight must successfully complete the
get will die within 20 rounds ifhe does value of martial arts receives a +5 bo- exercise. Only those characters with
not receive medical attention. nus, and the damage value, the the martial arts skill can attempt to learn
Example:MasterChen isattackinga attacker's Spirit, also receives a +5 bo- disciplines by taking these tests.
possibility-rated YakuZil assassin with nus. Each power shout costs the martial Note that these rules do not mean
a death touch. Chen pays his four artist two possibilities. that a potential martial artist must
possibilities and rolls to hit as though spend an entire year of her life at-
Thunder Kick: this is an extremely tempting to snatch a pebble from the
it were a normal martial arts attack. powerful leaping kick. The martial
Chen hits and generates a damage hand of the master, or walking across
artist receives a +5 bonus to his dam-
totalofll. The assassin !Toughness floating logs. Presumably, if she at-
age value when using a thunder kick.
of 10) must now make a Toughness tempts the test and fails, she will spend
Each use of the thunder kick costs one time developing her inner discipline
roll against a diffiClllty number of 11 possibility.
or suffer damage. The assassin rolls a before retaking the test. Passing the
13, giving him a Toughness total of True Invisibility: this is a more pow- test is a signal that the martial artist
11, a failure. Since he is possibility- erful form of the major discipline in- has learned the maneuver; it is not the
rated, the assassin suffers 3 Wnd KG visibility. The effect is produced in the exercise which actually teaches it to
S from the attack. same manner, with the difference that her.
the user receives a +5 bonus to his Note also that while attempting
Any martial artist using a death touch stealth value, and does not suffer a these tests, the martial artist may spend
is himself attacked by the lethal vibra- penalty to his Perception or Mind skills. only one possibility on any given test,
tions. Generate a damage total using For every ten minutes during which and mayor may not be allowed to
the attacker's martial arts value against he remains invisible, the martial artist make use of her cards (see above).
a difficulty number of his Toughness. must.generate a new total. If he should Martial artists are allowed extra rolls
The number of result points is equal to fail a roll, he abruptly becomes visible on results of 10 or 20.
the number of shock points the martial to others again. Again, the list of training methods
artist takes as a result of using the death Each use of true invisibility costs two
touch. presented here is by no means exhaus-
possibilities. tive. Gamemasters should feel free to
Example: Chen now rolls an attack Wind Running: masters of the wind create their own.
on himself, using martial arts as the running diSCipline can run at great
base. He generates a damage total of speeds, giving the impression that they Minor Methods
15. Since his Toughness is only 8, he are not touching the ground. Martial
sustainsseuen points ofshockdamage. artists who are proficient at wind run- Board Break: to signal that he has
Long Life: unlike the other master ning can exceed the Core Earth charac- learned the corresponding maneuver,
disciplines presented here, "long life" ter limit for running by +2 without the martial artist must break a wooden
does not cost any possibilities to use. A rolling for a power push, giving them board in half with his fist or foot. To
martial artist who has mastered this a value of 12. This means they can run break the board, the student must gen-
diSCipline will not die of natural causes at a speed of roughly 200 meters per erate a ma/tial arts total of 9.
for hundreds of years. His life span round. Bucket Walk: in this test, the martial
will extend a number of years equal to In addition, the master receives a artist runs up a steep hill carrying full
his or her martial arts skill value x20 +2 bonus to his dodge and maneuver containers of water at the end of her
(i.e., a martial arts value of 15 is 300 skills while wind running. The master outstretched arms. The trainee begins
years). must spend one pOSSibility for every with tiny cups and graduates to pitch-
The game effect of this is a +10 15 minutes of game time spent using ers, pails, and buckets. To pass the
bonus to Toughness when attempting this discipline. final test, the martial artist must carry
to resist the effects of a natural disease. two large buckets in each hand with-

Torg: Nippon Tech

out dropping her arms once for the Water Test: in this test, the student ment. Leaving the slightest impres-
duration of the run. This requires a holds his or her breath and dives un- sion in the paper is considered failure.
Strength total of 9 to accomplish suc- derwater in a pond with a large turtle. This requires a Dexterity total of 13.
cessfully. To pass, the student must stay under-
Cherry Blossom: to successfully com- water as long as the turtle remains Master Methods
plete this test, the martial artist must submerged. This requires a Toughness
total of 10. Appreciate Sunrise: to complete this
pluck a cherry blossom from the wa-
test, the master sits out and watches
ters of a small pond without causing a
Major Methods the sunrise every morning until she
disturbance in the liquid. This requires
feels one with nature. This requires an
a martial arts total of 11.
Arrow in the Air: the martial artist ability to be at peace with one's self
Count the Grasses: passing this test must pluck from the air an arrow which and the world around one, and a suc-
requires the martial artist to count the has been fired at him. This requires a cessful Spirit total of 13 to accomplish.
blades of grass in a field. This requires successful martial arts total of 13. Fail- Break Steel: to pass this test, the stu-
a Perception total of 12 to accomplish ure means the arrow strikes the mar- dent must smash a steel plate with her
successfully. tial artist (the arrow has a damage hand, foot, or fist. To break the plate,
Log Run: in this test, the martial artist value of 12). the student must generate a successful
must run across a series of small logs Blind Log Run: this is the same as the martial arts total against a difficulty
floating in a river. To pass the test, she log run minor method, but this time, number of 13.
must cross the entire river without the student runs across the logs Conquer Death: for this test, the mar-
falling in the water. This requires a blindfolded. This requires a Dexterity tial artist ingests a strong poison which
Dexterity total of 9. total of 12. leaves her at the brink of death. The
Lure Lark: successfully completing Break Brick: to pass this test, the stu- measure of success is survival, and
this test requires the student to empty dentmust smash a brick with her hand, failure can have permanent conse-
his mind of all thought and so dampen foot, or fist. To break the brick, the quences. Passing the test requires a
his aura. If he is successful in doing student must generate a martial arts- Toughness total of 13. Unlike all other
this, a lark will alight upon him, not total of 12. training methods, a master IS allowed
recognizing him as another living to spend more than one pOSSibility to
Catch Pigeon: this test is similar to the
creature. This requires a Mind total of augment herToughness roll during this
rabbit chase described above, only a
11 to accomplish. test. If the test is failed, the student
pigeon is the quarry. A successful
Memory: to complete this test, the Dexterity total of 12 completes this test. takes 3Wnd KOS, and must obtain
martial artist must memorize lengthy medical attention or die within 20
Immobility Test: in this test, the stu- rounds.
portions ofancient religious scrolls. This
dent tenses all the muscles in his body
requires a successful Mind total of 9. Conquer Fear: the student must al-
and stand perfectly still. The master
Pebble Snatch: in this test, the pupil then strikes the student, first with his low himself to be exposed to that which
attempts to snatch a pebble from the fist, then with his foot, and then with a he fears most, no matter what it may
hand of his master, and it is much board. To pass the test, the student be. He must then face that fear and
more difficult than it sounds. The must remain completely immobile defeat it to signal his mastery of the
pebble snatch requires a Dexterity to- through all three blows. Flincmngeven corresponding diSCipline. This re-
tal of 10. a fraction of an inch constitutes failure. quires a successful Mind total of 12.
Rabbit Chase: this is another test of This requires a Toughness total of 12. Write a History: to pass this test,
the student's quickness. A rabbit is Parry Staff: the martial artist is blind- the master must write a complete and
unleashed at one end of a long field. folded and given a staff. His master then detailed history of his style. A Percep-
To pass the test, the student must suc- attempts to strike him with a staff and tion total of 13 is required to complete
cessfully run down the rabbit and pick the student must parry the blow. The this test.
it up overhead. This requires a suc- purpose of the test is to teach the student
cessful Dexterity total of 10. to rely on senses other than sight in
Riddle of the Candles: this test requires combat, and requiresa Perception total of Learning Maneuvers
thestudentto enter a carefully mirrored 10 to complete successfully. During Play
room. In one portion of the room, a lit Note: if this test is taken by a mar-
candle is placed. To pass the test, the tial artist who has mastered the self- Any maneuvers thata martial artist
student must choose the real candle instruction discipline, the challenge is fails to learn during the six year "pre-
from all its hundreds of reflections and to stand beneath a tree and, blind- game" training period, she can learn
knock it over. The student only gets one folded, strike a falling leaf with a staff. during actual play. Any time the mar-
choice. If he selects a reflection instead, Rice Paper Test: in this traditional tial artist improves her martial arts
he has failed. This requires a successful exercise, the student must attempt to value using the skill improvement
Perception total of 9. walk across three meters of rice paper rules found on page 20 of the Torg
without leaving a trace of her move- Rulebook, she can attempt the test for

80 tJ:.'"
Chapter five

another maneuver. If she succeeds at purchase before training (meditatioll, Martial Arts Duels
the test, she immediately learns the stealth, and various weapons skills are
maneuver. If she fails the test, she common). Others prohibit their prac- One of the rules that has been incor-
must wait until the next time she raises titioners from acquiring certain skills porated into every martial arts style
her martial arts value before trying (fire combat and science are most com- da ting all the way back to Shao-Lin
again. mon in this regard). Still other styles holds that any martial artist who en-
In order to take a training test, the have more unusual requirements: counters another martial artist has a
martial artist must seek out a master of vows of celibacy, mandatory dress right to challenge her to a "Grand
her style. Exactly where the master is codes or weapon choices, etc. Duel" to the death. The martial artist
located and how hard it is to find him A martial artist who voluntarily who has been challenged has no choice
is up to the gamemaster, based upon breaks one of his special requirements but to accept it. If she declines, she is
the needs of his campaign. Once the automatically loses all of his martialarts treated as though she failed to uphold
test has been completed (whether suc- adds and all maneuvers he has learned. a special requirement, as detailed
cessfully or not), the martial artist may To become a martial artist again, he above.
again leave the master and needn't must take up a new style and begin As in antiquity, duels in Nippon
return unless she wishes to take an- from scratch using the rules for ac- are fought to settle long-standing dis-
other test in the future. quiring martial arts maneuvers during putes or arguments. Now that many
If a martial artist has mastered the play. members of the Sons of the Wind have
major discipline self-illstructioll, how- One special requirement shared by turned traitor and joined the ranks of
ever, she need no longer seek out the all martial arts styles is the inability to 3327's operatives, and other wielders
master to administer new tests. These refuse a fair "duel" (see "Martial Arts of the martial arts from cosm and realm
martial artists are capable of adminis- Duels," below). have set themselves against each other,
tering all future tests on their own. duels have become a frequent occur-
Gamemasters who design styles fea- rence.
turing the self-illstructioll discipline Fighting With A martial arts duel is distinctly dif-
may want to adjust their choice of ferent from other forms of combat us-
training exercises for those styles ac- Martial Arts ing this skill. A duel must be declared
cordingly (i.e., no "immobility test" in the form of a challenge, and must be
In addition to providing characters accepted. Etiquette forbids the use of
after the student acquires the self-ill- with an opportunity to learn exotic
structioll discipline since there is no weapons in a duel, and also states that
and potent combat maneuvers, the one's allies cannot provide aid in such
longer a master to actually strike the martial arts skill also serves as a modi-
student, etc). a circumstance. Violation of either of
fied version of the ,manlled combat skill. these tenets will result in the martial
Unlike most skills, martialarts is very When engaged in hand-to-hand
difficult to acquire once play has be- artist losing his skill adds and maneu-
combat, all martial artists may use their vers.
gun. Almost all Storm Knight martial martial arts value as their acting value
artists begin play with the martial arts Save for the rules listed above,
(with a DEX+l bonus when fighting a martial arts duels can be run in the
skill. For a non-skilled character to
non-martial artist). Any attacks that same manner as standard Torg unanned
acquire martial arts during play, she hit have a damage value equal to the
must first find the master of a style and combats, even within the framework of
practitioner's martial arts damage a larger, ongoing battle. The two mar-
then spend the next year training with value. To find a martial artist's dam-
that master for at least ten hours a day. tial artists will restrict their combat to
age value, start with his base STR+2 each other until one or the other is
At the end of the first year of training, bonus, and then add any bonus pro-
the character may purchase the martial defeated.
vided by the maneuver he is perform- All card results apply to the duel-
arts skill and may make an attempt to ing and the bonus generated on the
acquire the first maneuverofherstyle. ists as well as other participants in a
Torg chart. fight. The only case in which conflict
From that point on, she may leave the Note: Damage values listed under
master and acquire new maneuvers lines may not always have their normal
maneuvers above include the STR+2 effects on play is the flurry result, due
using the guidelines for acquiring bonus.
maneuvers during play detailed to the fact tha tcertain maneuvers, such
above. Example: Hokuto has a martial arts as Iightlling fist, cannot be used in such
skill vallie of12 alld Strength of9, alld rounds. When conducting a martial arts
Special Requirements is attemptillg a martial arts attack duel, it would be wise to make note of
IIsillg the felling the oak malleuver. which maneuvers cannot be used in
When designing a style, the game- He rolls a 9, for a bOllus of -1011 the consecutive rounds and make sure the
master should feel free to invent all chart, alld gellerates a total of 11 to players are aware of them to avoid
sorts of special restrictions and re- hit. The attack is successful - the confusion.
quirements which martial artists must malleuver has a damage vallie of Approved actions can also be used
meet in order to practice that style. STR+4, alld with the -1 bOllllS during martial arts duels. For instance, a
Many styles have required skills, for modifier from the die roll, a total of combatant may wish to spend a round
example, which practitioners must STR+3 damage is dOlle. taunting his opponent - an IInskilled

. .- .
Torg: Nippon Tech

result when battling a martial artist can Requirements: practitioner must 6 Major - whirling attack .
tilt the odds decidedly in your favor. have the stealth, lock picking, and prestI- (training: rice paper test)
All possibility costs for the use of digitation skills. Practitioner must also 7. Major - spirit shout
master disciplines continue to apply take an oath of secrecy - divulging the (training: blind log run)
in duels, and damage can be dispelled secrets of the style or revealing the true 8. Master - thunder kick
by characters in the same manner as in identity ofanother practitionerinstantly (training: break steel)
regular combat. causes the erring master to forfeit all his
Cards can be played as usual during martial arts skill adds and maneuvers. Requirements: the practitioner
martial arts duels, with one exception: a must have the meditation and fazth skills
Comments: This style originated in and must take a vow of celibacy.
martial artist cannot trade cards during Japan approximately 500 years ago. Its
a duel, but must use only those he has Comments: This is the oldest form
practitioners are commonly called of the martial arts. It was developed
earned, since a duel must be won or lost "ninja," and aetas highly paid assassms.
on your own. Accepting aid in resolving by Shao-Lin monks over 1000 years
For drawbacks connected to use of ago. Today, it is practiced by between
a duel is dishonorable and will violate the ninjutsu style, see Chapter Three,
the tenets of most styles. 75 and 100 individuals.
"The Realm."
A duel continues until one combat-
ant is defeated, or surrenders. If a SEDA CHEN STYLE
combatant surrenders, his opponent Maneuvers
':las the right to decide his fate (life or 1. Minor - stone fist
1. Minor - strike (training: bucket walk)
death), or ask a boon of him (perhaps (training: board break)
a piece of information the victor has 2. Minor - weakness probe
2. Minor - kick disarm (training: pebble snatch)
been seeking). A marllal arllst will not (training: memory)
lose his martial arts skill adds if he loses 3. Minor -lightning fist
3. Minor - ki punch (training: rabbit chase)
a duel, but will lose them if he con- (training: riddle of the candles)
vinces his opponent to lower his guard 4. Minor - serpent's coils
4. Minor - drop kick (training: log run)
by surrendering, then strikes at him. (training: water test)
Normally, martial arts duels are 5. Minor - sacrifice kick
5. Minor - sweeping kick (training: water test)
considered to be to the death, but there (training: log run)
have been instances when they have 6. Major - self-instruction
been used as "introductions" between 6. Major - healing (training: immobility test)
potential allies, and a victor has been (training: catch pigeon) 7. Major - spirit shout
proclaimed based on the scorIng of a 7. Major - iron fist (training: blind log run)
KG. (training: break brick)
8. Master - death touch
8. Master - cyclone attack (training: conquer death)
(training: conquer fear)
Sample Martial Arts Requirements: practitioners must
Requirements: practitioner must
have the evidence analysis, find and test
Styles have the meditation skill. or willpower skills.
Comments: This is another Japa- Comments: This style was brought
NINJUTSU nesestyle. It was developed byagroup
Maneuvers to Nippon by Shiki members, who
of renegade Shinto priests who lIved have used it to good effect agamst
1. Minor - block/ strike in a sacred grove south of Edo (the
(training: board break) MarSee agents in the past.
ancient name for Tokyo). Today, Red
2. Minor - lightning fist Lotus is practiced by as many as 50
(training: rabbit chase) TAl CHI
individuals. Maneuvers
3. Minor - stun attack
(training: bucket walk) 1. Minor - strike
ANCIENT SHAG-LIN STYLE (training: board break)
4. Minor - missile dodge Maneuvers
(training: pebble snatch) 2. Minor - stunning attack
1. Minor -leaping kick (training: bucket walk)
5. Minor - felling the oak (training: bucket walk)
(training: cherry blossom) 3. Minor - entangle
2. Minor - instant up (training: rabbit chase)
6. Major - invisibility (training: count the grasses) 4. Minor - weapon break
(training: immobility test) 3. Minor - crushing block (training: memory)
7 Major - weapon master (training: rabbit chase) 5. Minor - sweeping kick
(training: break brick) 4. Minor - dagger dance (training: log run)
8. Master - true invisibility (training: pebble snatch)
(training: appreciate sunrise) 5. Minor - heart punch
(training: cherry blossom)

Chapter Five

6. Major - hail of blows 8. Master - thunder kick ficu1ty number of 8 and the gamemas-
(training: arrow in the air) (training: break steel) ter records the success level earned.
7. Major - iron fist Requirements: maneuver skill and This in part determines the difficulty
(training: break brick) vow of secrecy regarding styIe of another character penetrating the
8. Master - wind running disguise.
Comments: The ancestor of mod- The following difficulty modifiers
(training: conquer fear) ern karate, atemi-waza combines apply to the use of the disguise skill:
Requirements: practitioners must speed and devastating power in one
have the meditation and maneuverskills. lethal package. Modifier Circumstance
+5 copying a specific
Comments:anancientChinesestyle, individual
martial artists using Tai Chi have only JUJUTSU
recently begun operating in Nippon. Maneuvers +3 opposite sex
1. Minor - throw +3 different race
AKIDO (training: riddle of the candles) +3 great age difference
Maneuvers 2. Minor - leaping kick
(training: bucket walk) +3 disguised as much
1. Minor - block/strike larger build
(training: board break) 3. Minor - dragon flight
(training: memory) +5 disguised as much
2. Minor - throw smaller build
(training: bucket walk) 4. Minor -lightning fist
3. Minor - feint (training: rabbit chase) All difficulty numbers are cumula-
(training: rabbit chase) 5. Minor - weakness probe tive. By "specific individual," we are
4. Minor - shout of warning (training: pebble snatch) referring to disguising yourself as Isei
(training: lure lark) 6. Major - iron fist Sagato instead of a typical Yakuza
5. Minor - disarm (training: break brick) member. "Great age difference" is
(training: memory) 7. Major - healing equal to about 30 years. A substantial
(training: catch pigeon) difference in build would be a larger
6. Major - flashback character who is at least 120 percent as
(training: blind log run) 8. Master - death touch tall as a shorter character, and / or a
7. Major - detect lie (training: conquer death) heavier character who is at least 150
(training: parry staff) Requirements: practitioner must percent as heavy as a lighter character.
8. Master - power shout have meditation skill. Example:Fong,a Rauru Blockagent,
(training: appreciate sunrise) Comments: A forerunner of judo, a wishes to disguise himselfas CEO Ise
Requirements: practitioners must mixture of meditative practices and Samayura. The difficulty number of
have the scholar and meditation skills. powerful maneuvers. theattempt is increased by +5 because
Comments: A Japanese style based Fong is trying to appear as a specific
on the concentration of one's energy individual, and an additional +3 be-
and taking advantage of an opponent's Perception- Based cause there is at least a 30 year age
strength. There are only 25 true mas- difference. That makes the difficulty
ters of this style in the world. Skills total for the disguise attempt 16.
Individuals who encounter a dis-
ATEMI-WAZA Disguise guised character are allowed a Per-
Maneuvers ception check to see through the dis-
1. Minor - strike A character who is skilled in disguise guise. The difficulty number of this
(training: board break) can use makeup, wigs, and costumes check is 8, and the success level needed
2. Minor - crushing block to appear as another person. Note that to penetrate the disguise is equal to
(training: rabbit chase) the disguise skill does not give one the that achieved when donning it. A
3. Minor - stop thrust ability to speak or act like the indi- Perception check is granted automati-
(training: pebble snatch) vidual he or she is mimicking, only the cally when an individuarfirst sees a
4. Minor - sweeping kick ability to appear as that person. Doing disguised character, and thereafter one
(training: log run) a convincing imitation of the character is allowed every time the disguised
5. Minor - stunning attack in that manner would require use of character says or does something
(training: bucket walk) the artist (actor) skill. which does not match his role. There is
6. Major - poison immunity To create a disguise, the user must no limit to the number of secondary
(immobility test) first have access to the appropriate checks allowed.
7. Major - whirling attack makeup and equipment. She then Disguisecan be used unskilled with
(training: rice paper test) generates a disguise total against a dif- all the normal penalties.

Torg: Nippon Tech

normal rate while the character is in a

Mind-Based Skills not required for a skilled character to
enter such a trance, with two excep- trance. If a character meditates for at
tions. If a character is in a stressful least three hours, she may eliminate
Business situation, entering a trance requires a
successful meditation roll against a
an additional wound level is she suc-
ceeds in healing herself that day.
This skill allows a character to un- difficulty number of 8. If a character is 3. All metabolic functions are slowed
derstand and operate within the busi- in a violent situation where he might while in a trance. She need not eat or
ness environment. Skilled business- be in peril, the difficulty number is drink, and may go for a number of
men can predict future market trends, increased to 13. days equal to her meditatioll total
uncover hidden corporate connec- The process of entering the trance without ill effect (although she will be
tions, and manipulate the prices of requires complete concentration from hungry and thirsty when she emerges
stocks and bonds. Perhaps the most the skill user and takes approximately from meditation). She also requires a
useful ability the business skill bestows 15 minutes. A character in a medita- minimal amount of air to survive. If a
upon a character is the power to make tive trance gains several benefits: character is trapped in an area with a
huge sums of money through invest- 1. She can substitute her meditation limited amount of oxygen, add their
ment and development. Indeed, oper- value for her Perception or Mind values meditatioll adds to the time value of the
ating a successful mega-corporation when trying to solve a riddle or prob- available oxygen to obtain the time
in Nippon or Marketplace is virtually lem. The puzzle must be one that raw value the meditating character can
impossible without the aid of the Perception or Mind would be called survive.
business skill. upon to solve, and problems that re-
Business is an important skill in Example: Chell Le has beell locked in
quire use of the science skill could not cell with ollly 15 mimltes worth of
3327's Nippon, since most of the High be solved by meditation.
Lord's attempts at conquest are con- oXlJgellleft. She has meditation at +3,
ducted within the financial arena. Example:Chen Leellcoulltersa riddle however, alld addillg +3 to 15 gives a
Complete guidelines for use of the on all allciellt temple wall. The game- time vallie of18, that ofaile hour. Chell
business skill in play can be found in master decides that Chen call solve Le call survive for all hOllr ill the cell.
Chapter Six, "Corporate Wars." the riddle with a successful Percel" Acharacterwith themeditatioll skill
Business cannot be used unskilled. tion roll agaillst a diftiClllty Illlmber cannot remain in a trance longer than
of 12. Chen's Perception is ollly 8, her meditatioll total in days. Once out
but her meditation value is 10. She of a trance, the character must find
Meditation goes illtoa meditative trance and con- adequate food and water before enter-
templates the riddle, allowillg her to ing meditation again.
A character skilled in meditation has substitute her meditation value for Meditatioll cannot be used unskilled.
gained complete control over her mind her Perception.
and body, and has the ability to enter 2. Her healing is accelerated. All shock
a meditative trance. A roll is generally and KO damage is healed at twice the

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Corporate Wars
1111 '~g"'''
the streets >h. ,,~
and "'..
Nippon Tech - runJa
versus ninja, ronin ver-
alleys of
Building a
sus gospog-there is an- Before beginning play, the game-
other kind of war being fought in the master should draw a "corporate
realm. It is a quiet struggle, one fought structure" diagram for each of the two
not with guns and knives, but an even competing mega-corporations. This
more devastating weapon - money. diagram is a list of all the firms which
To the victors in such conflicts go make up the mega-corporations,
wealth and power; to the losers, finan- drawn in such a way as to indicate
cial destruction and complete absorp- their relationships to one another.
tion by the conquering entity. The cor- In the diagram, represent each cor-
porate duelling which takes place be- poration with a rectangle and write
tween the Business arm of the Rauru the name of the corporation inside
Block and 3327's mega-corporations is that rectangle. Then write the name of
quite different from any other type of the holding company at the top of the
combat in Torg, and thus requires some page, and beneath it, list all the
special rules. Refer to these rules if one company's direct subsidiaries and
of your players chooses the role of a draw a line between the subsidiaries
Mega-Corporation CEO, or a Storm and the holding company. Then put
Knight obtains control of a mega- down all of the undersubsidiaries and
corporation at some point in your lines connecting them to the subsid-
campaign. iaries that own them. (For an example
The rules in this chapter make it of such a diagram, see the "Kanawa
possible for one mega-corporation to Corporation - Structure and Hold-
square offagainst another. If the Storm ings" chart in Chapter Three.)
Knight-controlled corporation does How large the mega-corporations
well in this struggle, it will reduce in your campaign will be is up to you.
3327's profits and slow down the rate A recommended starting size for the
of stelae expansion. If the Storm corporation controlled by the Storm
Knight's corporation emerges trium- Knights is a holding company and
phant, it can assume control of its op- two subsidiaries. At first, you should
ponent and move on to a larger take- pit theStorm Knights against Windigo,
over target. Each mega-corporation Inc., the smallest of 3327's mega-eor-
which can be removed from 3327's porations, which consists of a holding
holdings increases the cost of the High company and three subsidiaries (as-
Lord's investment in Earth, and raises sume the head of Windigo has a Mind
the poSSibility that he will be forced to of 9 and a business skill of 11). If you
abandon his operations in this cosmo would like to run things on a larger
Note that the "one corporation vs. scale, however, feel free to give the
another" structure does not truly cap- Storm Knights a more powerful mega-
ture the extent of 3327's activities or corporation at the startand pit itagainst
the Rauru Block's opposition, since one of 3327's larger holdings.
both sides control several cooperating If there is more than one Mega-
corporations and have a combined Corporation CEO in your group, as-
strength that is much greater than the sign them all to the same mega-eorpo-
sum of their parts. But in corporate ration and appoint one to be the head.
wars, every victory can be a key one, The other Storm Knights can then oc-
and every defeat a financier's loss.

Torg' Nippon Tech

cupy seats on the Board of Directors,

and aid in the plotting of strategy,
though the actual CEO performs all
die rolls.
B eginning Stock B eginning Assets
Value Table Table
Die Roll Stock Value Stock Value Assets
Debits and Credits 1-2 ¥7,000 Yl billion
For the purposes of corporate wars 3-4 ¥8,000 ¥8,000 ¥8billion
in Nippon, each corporation has four 5-6 ¥9,000 ¥9,000 ¥9billion
associated values: a "stock price," 7-8 ¥10,ODO VIO,OOO ¥10-billion
which is an abstract representation of 9-10 ¥11,000 ¥11,000 ¥11 billion
the value of investing within the cor- 11-12 ¥12,000 '412,000 ¥12 billion
poration and the difficulty of acquir- 13 ¥B,OOO ¥I3,000 ¥13 billion
ing the corporation; "assets," which 14 ¥1,!,boo VI4,000 ¥14billion
represents all of the property (cash, 15 ¥IS,OOO ¥IS,OOO ¥IS billion
inventory, stocks, etc.) owned by the 16 ¥'16,000 VI6000 ¥16 billio~
corporation; "income," the money 17 ¥17,000 ¥I7,000 ¥17 billion
tak'enin by the corporation per month; 1(1 ¥1§,OOO VI8,000 ¥18 billion
and "debt,U which indicates the 19 ¥19,000 ¥19,000 ¥19 billion
amount ofmoney the corporation owes 20 ~()nO 20,ll00 ¥20 billion
to creditors and the minirnummonthly
It is best if the information about The first value which must be de- this, he finds a company's assets in the
each firm is kept on a separate index termined is the beginning stock value, left hand column, rolls the dice, and
card. This will make it easier for play- which reveals how much each indi- cross-references to find the amount
ers to keep track of their holdings, as vidual share is worth. To determine the firm takes in each month.
well as restructure their mega-corpo- this, the CEO rolls against the Stock
rations. Example: Bill finds Osaka Powerand
Value Table below. Lights assets of ¥11 billion on the
You can generate the beginning
Example: Bill's character owns a Income Table, and rolls a 13. Cross-
values in each of these four areas by
mega-corporation in Osaka, and is referencing, he determines that the
rolling on the appropriate tables. There
are no rerolls on lOs and 20s when generating the beginning stock value company's monthly income is ¥70
for his holding company, Osaka Power million.
determining business values, nor can
and Light. He rolls a 9 on the tableJar Finally, the CEO determines the
cards be played. All four figures must
be generated for the mega- a stock value per share of¥11,000. total debt of each firm, and the mini-
corporation's holding company and All firms (holding companies, sub- mum monthly payment required on
each subsidiary. (To convert yen to sidiaries and undersubsidiaries) start it. To do this, he finds the firm's assets
dollars, an easy way to do the measure out with one million shares of stock. on the Debt Table, then rolls the dice
conversion is to use the value modifier Of this, 20 percent of each company's and cross-references to find the total
system for Torg Values detailed on stock (200,000 shares apiece) is owned debt and minimum payment.
page42 of the Torg Rulebook. The value by the CEO, while the rest is owned by Example: Bill finds OPL's assets of
modifier for dollars is 0; for yen, it is shareholders. ¥11 billion on the Debt Table, and
+11. Using this formula, the Value The second important value is the rolls an 8. Cross-referencing, he finds
Chart can perform the conversions.) assets of each firm making up the that the total debt for this firm is ¥8
Example: Ed's character owns a mega-corporation. To find this value, billion. The figure beneath that is the
consult the Beginning Assets Table minimum monthly payment on this
mega-corporation whose holding
below. Assets include stock, land, debt, ¥80 million.
company makes ¥25 million a month
in income. To convert this to dollar product lines, factories, patents, etc.
Total assets always equal the stock This process should be repea ted
amounts, Ed finds the Torg Value for for all of the mega-corporation's sub-
value multiplied by one million.
25 million, which is 37. Applying the sidiaries to determine the financial
measure conversion value modifier to Example: Bill looks on the Beginning strength of each.
change yen to dollars (-11), Ed gets a Assets Table, and finds that Osaka In addition to the four values for
Torg Value of 26, or $150,000. Power and Light's stock value of each company, the CEO must keep
¥11,000 equals total assets of ¥11 track of the amount of "liquid cash"
Another way to perform the con-
versions is simply to divide the yen billion. available to each firm. This is the
amount by 140. This is a more accu- Next, the CEO rolls on the Income money that can be used for corporate
rate, but more time-consuming, Table to determine the monthly in- maneuvers each month. Liquid cash is
method. come of each of his companies. To do all monthly income left after stock

_."I__ ~ m
86 U!
Chapter Six

I ncome and Debt Tables

Income Table
ASSETS 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
7E+09 6E+06 lE+07 2E+07 2E+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 5E+07 6E+07 6E+07 7E+07 8E+07 8E+07 9E+07
8E+09 7E+06 lE+07 2E+07 3E+07 3E+07 5E+07 5E+07 6E+07 7E+07 7E+07 8E+07 9E+08 9E+07 lE+08
9E+09 8E+06 2E+07 2E+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 6E+07 7E+07 8E+07 8E+07 8E+07 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08
lE+10 8E+06 2E+07 3E+07 3E+07 4E+07 6E+07 7E+07 8E+07 8E+07 9E+07 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08
1.1E+I0 9E+06 2E+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 6E+07 7E+07 8E+07 9E+07 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08
1.2E+I0 lE+07 2E+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 7E+07 8E+07 9E+07 lE+08 lE+08 lE.08 lE+08 lE+08 2E+08
1.3E+I0 lE+07 2E+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 8E+07 9E+07 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 2E+08 2E+08
1.4E+I0 lE+07 2E+07 4E+07 5E+07 6E+07 8E+07 9E+07 IE+08 IE+08 IE+08 IE+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08
1.5E+I0 lE+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 6E+07 9E+07 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08
1.6E+I0 IE+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 7E+07 9E+07 IE+08 lE+08 IE+08 IE+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08
1.7E+I0 lE+07 3E+07 4E+07 6E+07 7E+07 IE+08 IE+08 lE+08 lE+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08
1.8E+I0 2E+07 3E+07 5E+07 6E+07 8E+07 IE+08 lE+08 IE+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08
1.9E+I0 2E+07 3E+07 5E+07 6E+07 8E+07 IE+08 lE+08 IE+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08
2E+IO 2E+07 3E+07 5E+07 7E+07 8E+07 IE+08 lE+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 3E+08

Debt Table
ASSETS 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
7E+09 IE+IO 7E+09 6E+09 5E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 lE+09 IE+09 IE+09 7E+08 4E+08 0
IE+08 7E+07 6E+07 5E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 21'+07 IE+07 IE+07 7E+06 4E+06 0
8E+09 IE+IO 8E+09 7E+09 6E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 2E+09 2E+09 IE+09 8E+08 4E+08 0
IE+08 8E+07 7E+07 6E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 2E+07 2E+07 IE+07 8E+06 4E+06 0
9E+09 IE+I0 9E+09 8E+09 7E+09 6E+09 SE+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 2E+09 lE+09 9E+08 5E+08 0
IE+08 9E+07 8E+07 7E+07 6E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 2E+07 lE+07 7E+06 5E+06 0
lE+lO 2E+IO IE+1O 9E+09 8E+09 7E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 3E+09 2E+09 2E+09 IE+09 5E+08 0
2E+08 IE+08 9E+07 8E+07 7E+07 6E+07 4E+07 3E+07 3E+07 2E+07 2E+07 IE+07 6E+06 0
l.lE+10 2E+I0 lE+10 9E+09 8E+09 7E+09 6E+09 4E+09 3E+09 3E+09 2E+09 2E+09 IE+09 6E+08 0
2E+08 lE+08 9E+07 8E+07 7E+07 6E+07 4E+07 3E+07 3E+07 2E+07 2E+07 IE+07 6E+06 0
1.2E+I0 2E+1O IE+1O lE+1O 9E+09 8E+09 6E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 2E+09 IE+09 6E+08 0
2E+08 IE+08 IE+08 9E+07 8E+07 6E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 2E+07 IE+07 6E+06 0
1.3E+I0 2E+IO lE+1O lE+1O lE+lO 8E+09 7E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 3E+09 2E+09 lE+09 7E+08 0
2E+08 IE+08 IE 08 IE 08 8E+07 7E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 3E+07 2E+07 lE+07 7E+06 0
1.4E+I0 2E+IO IE+1O IE+1O IE+1O 9E+09 7E+09 6E+09 4E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 IE+09 7E+08 0
2E+08 IE+08 IE+08 IE+08 9E+07 7E+07 6E+07 4E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 IE+07 7E+06 0
1.5E+I0 2E+1O 2E+I0 lE+1O lE+lO lE+IO 8E+09 6E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 2E+09 8E+08 0
2E+08 2E+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 8E+07 6E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 2E+07 8E+06 0
1.6E+I0 2E+IO 2E+1O IE+1O IE+IO IE+IO 8E+09 6E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 2E+09 8E+08 0
2E+08 2E+08 IE+08 lE+08 IE+08 8E+07 6E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 2E+07 8E+06 0
1.7E+I0 3E+IO 2E+I0 lE+lO lE+lO IE+IO 9E+09 7E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 3E+09 2E+09 9E+08 0
3E+08 2E+08 IE+08 lE+08 lE+08 9E+07 7E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 3E+G7 2E+07 9E+06 0
1.8E+I0 3E+1O 2E+IO 2E+1O IE+IO IE+IO 9E+09 7E+09 5E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 9E+08 0
3E+08 2E+08 2E+08 IE+08 IE+08 9E+07 7E+07 5E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 9E+06 0
·1.9E+I0 3E+IO 2E+IO 2E+I0 lE+1O lE+1O lE+1O 8E+09 6E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 lE+09 0
3E+08 2E+08 2E+08 lE+08 lE+08 lE+08 8E+07 6E+07 5E+07 4E+-o7 ~1'+07 2E+07 lE+07 0
2E+I0 3E+1O 2E+IO 2E+1O 2E+1O lE+lO IE+IO 8E+09 6E+09 5E+09 4E+09 3E+09 2E+09 IE+09 0
3E+08 2E+08 2E+08 2E+08 IE+08 lE+08 8E+07 6E+07 5E+07 4E+07 3E+07 2E+07 IE+07 0
Note: "E+n" is an engineering notation, meaning move the decimal point "n" places to the right to get the full number.
2.5 E+lO would be 25,O(XMX)Q,OOO when written out.

(B 87
Torg: Nippon Tech

value, asset and income adjustments it to ¥l4,300. The new asset total is
havebeendoneina turn and the mini- thlls ¥l4.3 billion (see the formula for
mum debt payment has been made
(see below).
S tock Fluctuation determining assets above), and
monthly income is increased by 10
Table percent to ¥220 million.
Success __ Market __
Corporate Duels Level Bear Neul. Bull Transfer Funds
Once all of the beginning values Failure -30 -15 -5 CEOs may, if they wish, now trans-
have been determined, struggles be- Minimal -15 -5 Even fer liquid cash between firms in their
tween businesses can begin. One Average -10 Even +5 mega-corporation. This is commonly
"turn" of business activities must take Good -5 +5 +10 done when one company requires fi-
place every month of game time. Cor- Superior Even +10 +15 nancial assistance to meet its mini-
porate duelling does not involve Spectacular +5 +15 +30 mum debt payment.
rounds played in succession until
someone loses, as physical combat Make Minimum Debt
does. As a result, a great many things Mood ofthe Market TableJora "buJr' Payment
r..ay occur in a campaign in between result. This result can now be applied
corporate maneuvers: the Storm toward new stock, asset and income Each company in a mega-corpora-
Knights may have adventures, 3327's values for all companies in Taiko and tion must now pay at least the mini-
empire may expand, etc. Yemano. mum required installment on its debt.
At the beginning ofeach "corporate Once the state of the market has This monthly payment covers the in-
turn" (i.e., at the beginning of each been determined, have each CEO gen- terest earned on the debt only, and
month of game time), the following erate a bllsiness total against a diffi- does not lessen the principal. The
steps should be taken: culty number of 9. Cards and possi- minirnum monthly payment is always
bilities can be spent (and cancelled) m one percent of the total debt. (Pay-
Stock Fluctuation this effort. On the "Stock Ructuation ments can be made on the principal
Table," cross-index the level of suc- during the "Corporate Maneuvers"
Stock prices fluctuate up and down phase - see below.)
cess of this roll with the mood of the
over time. The stock values of each of If a subsidiary or undersubsidiary
the mega-corporations involved in a market to find the percentage the
company's stock rose or fell during cannot make its minimum debt pay-
corporate duel can go up or down at ment, its stock value will automati-
the beginning of each month, depend- the past week.
Note: A company's stock falls five cally drop five percent (see below). Ifa
ing upon how well the corporation is holding company cannot meet its
percent for every month in which
managed and current market needs. debts, a subsidiary or undersubsidiary
To learn the extent and direction of minimum debt payments are not
made. of the CEO's choice must be put up for
this change, first the "mood of the sale to raise the money. If only the
Nikkei market" must be determined. Example: A firm with no debt has a holding company is left and it cannot
The gamemaster rolls against the table cllrrent stock value ofYl,OOO. At the afford to make its minimum payment,
below: beginning ofthe week, the gamemas- the entire mega-corporation goes
Mood of the Market ter determines that there is a bear bankrupt and folds.
market. The CEO of the corporation
Roll Market State generates a business total against a Example: Sugei ownsa holding com-
1-5 Bear market difficulty number of9 and receives an pany and a sllbsidianj. The holding
6-15 Neutral market Average result, meaning the stock company has debt of¥2 billion, with a
16-20 Bull market value drops by 10 percent, or YlOO. minimum monthly payment of ¥20
The new stock value is ¥6,300. million. The subsidiary has debt ofYl
A "bear market" is bad for busi- billion and a minimum monthly
ness, a "bull market" indicates eco- payment ofYlO million.
nomic optimism, and a neutral market Asset/Income Adjustment SlIgers holding company makes
does not tilt either way. its payment, but does not have the
Once new stock values have been
Market conditions are determined liquid cash on hand to transfer to the
once for all mega-corporations in the
computed, figure new asset and
montWy income figures for each firm subsidiary, and that firm does not
game, and affect all firms within a have the capital to make its payment.
mega-corporation. in the mega-corporation.
The subsidiary's stock value auto-
Example: Tom, the gamemaster, is Example: Aaco Software has a stock matically drops fioe percent.
running a Knnawa-aligned corpora-
value of¥l3,000,assets of¥l3 billion, Had the holding company beelt
tion, Taiko Marketingand opposing a and monthly incomeof¥200 million. unable to make itsdebt payment, Sugei
Rallru Blockfirm, YemanoPetroleum, Stock fluctuation results in a 10 per- would have had to sell the subsidiary
cent rise in Aaco's stock value, brings to raise the needed cash.
rlln by Sam. Tom rolls a 16 on the

- 88- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ 4
Chapter Six

Corporate Sales rate espionage to gain information

about the competition. When this hap-
Corporate Maneuvers
The garnemaster can determine if pens, the gamemaster should roll on Once all of these preliminary steps
any firms are for sale by rolling the die the table below: have been carried out at the beginning
and consulting the chart below: of the corporate turn, each of the com-
Corporate Espionage
Corporations For Sale peting mega-corporations can perform
Roll Result any or all of the following maneuvers.
Roll Corps. for Sale 1-5 No information A CEO can perform as many opera-
1-5 None 6-10 Misinformation tions as he desires, providing his firms
6-15 One 11-15 Evidence of major have the liquid cash to cover the costs
16-20 Two stock purchase (all costs comeoutofliquid cash, while,
16-17 Evidence of bond issue in most cases, money earned goes into
If a corporation is on the market, it 18 Evidence of bribe to liquid cash reserves).
is possible to determine what type of rival corporation The most common maneuvers are:
firm it is by rolling on the "Corpora- 19 Evidence of bribe to
tion Type Table": government official
Plans for hostile take-
Invest in Capital
Corporation Type Table 20
over discovered For every ¥100 million spent on
Roll Corp. Description
The CEO who discovers this infor- capital investment, a company can in-
1 Metals/Oil/Lumber crease its total assets by 10 percent. This
2 Electronics mation is then free to act upon it, per-
haps by notifying Storm Knights (if he causesa correspondingincrease in stock
3 Construction value and income which will take effect
4 Agro-Ecosystems is connected with any) to investigate
the situation. This information could at the end of the business turn.
5 Biomedical
6 Computers serve as an adventure hook resulting
7 Imaging systems in the destruction of a competing Purchase Stock
8 Aero-space corporation's assets and a possible
drop in its stock value and income. Stock can be purchased in any of
9 Tele-communications the corporations in either side's struc-
10 Entertainment ture at a cost per share equal to that
11 Textiles Insider Trading corporation's stock value. A mega-
12 Software corporation can purchase as many
If a CEO gathers "inside informa-
13 Publishing shares in a company as are available
tion" about an opposing firm - either
14 Television/Radio for sale in that tum. Attempting to
15 Food through corporate espionage or ad-
venturing- he can use it to hisadvan- purchase more than is available is con-
16 Automobile sidered a "hostile takeover" and is
17 Weapons tage when purchasing stock in that
firm. A CEO with data regarding a governed by rules listed under that
18 Imports/Exports heading below.
19 Military /Security particular company will receive a +5
bonus modilier to his business roll when To determine availability, consider
20 Investment/Banks the total arnount of stock currently
attempting to buy stock in that firm.
Corporations that go up for sale can held by a firm's CEO and sharehold-
be purchased by either competing Allocate Funds ers, then match the mood of the mar-
mega-corporation during the "Corpo- ket to the following table:
rate Maneuvers" phase. The game- The competing CEOs must now Stock Availability
master should give these corporations decide which, if any, of the corporate
a name and determine all their begin- maneuvers listed below they wish to Percentage of
ning values using the tables above. In undertake in this tum and allocate Market stock available
addition to corporations that randomly money for their performance. The Bear 30 percent
go up for sale, one of the competing CEOs should write down what they Neutral 20 percent
mega-corporations might be forced to wish to do and how much of their Bull 10 percent
put one of its subsidiaries up for sale if available liquid cash they wish to Example: Sugei wishes to purchase
it defaults on debt payments as de- spend in each area. stock in the Nagara Corporation. The
scribed above. This means that the gamemaster CEO of Nagara holds 200,000 shares
For details on auctioning corpora- should decide on the allocations for and shareholders own 800,000 for a
tions, see "Purchasing Firms," below. the Kanawa-controlled firm involved, totalofl million. It isa neutral market,
while the players decide upon what meaning 20 percentoftheextantstock,
Corporate Espionage actions the Storm Knight-controlled or 200,000 shares, is available for
corporation will take. If the players purchase. Sugei cannot attempt to
In any given tum, a Rauru Block, cannot agree upon a course of action, purchase more than 200,000 shares
independent or Kanawa-affiliated the decisions of the corporate CEO in Nagara unless his wishes to try for
CEO may use the techniques of corpo- will be considered final. a hostile takeover.
rTl """"":":_1I
'-.I! 89
Torg". N"tppon Tech

• I
Chapter Six

A mega-corporation can attempt to not have the funds .to buy 600,000 it means the firm which issued the
buy stock in differing firms at once. A shares when he had planned to buy bonds has defaulted and the bond
busiiless total must be generated when 50,000. money is lost. The bllsiness roll repre-
purchasing or selling stock (see be- The money used to buy stock is sents the ability to choose a wise in-
low), and possibilities can be spent on NOT received by the mega-eorpora- vestment.
the roll. Also keep in mind any ba- tion that owns the company associ-
nuses earned through the possession ated with the stock, unless it was the Issue Bonds
of "inside information." The "Stock CEO's own stock that was sold. In-
Transaction Table" lists the difficulty stead, the cash is Simply forfeited to Any firm within a mega-corpora-
numbers that must be beaten to pur- mythical "shareholders." A pur- tion can issue either regular or "junk"
chase a given amount of shares. chaser's assets will be increased by the bonds, with the money earned going
Example: Of the 200,000 Nagara combined value of the shares bought. into liquid cash reserves. Regular
shares available, 5ugei wishes to bonds can be issued up to the point
purchase50,000. Consulting the table Sell Stock where liquid cash equals the mini-
mum monthly debt payment. Beyond
below, he sees that he /Ilust generate a
business total of 7 to sllcceed. Stock can be sold at a price per that point, only "junk" bonds may be
share equal to its stock value. A CEO issued.
Failing a roll does not necessarily may sell only his own stock (compris- The amount of a bond issue plus 10
mean that no stock can be purchased. ing 20 percent of the company), and percent interest is added to the
If a CEO allocates sufficient funds to not any shares owned by sharehold- corporation's total debt for regular
buy 100,000 shares of a firm's stock, ers. Money earned through selling bonds, and the amount of the bond
but is only able to generate a business personal stock will go into the seller's issue plus 20 percent is added to the
total of 8, he can still purchase 50,000 liquid cash fund, and the cost of it is corporation's debt for "junk" bonds.
shares. deducted from the purchaser's re-
But no matter how successful the serves. The seller's assets will drop by Pay Off Debts
roll, a CEO cannot purchase more stock the same amount.
than he originally intended to buy. Stock sales take place in much the The mega-corporation can payoff
The reason for this is that a set amount same manner as stock purchases, with any of its debts by forfeiting an appro-
of money must be allocated for stock a bllsiness total generated against the priate sum and lowering any of its
purchases, as with all other corporate Stock Transaction Table. It is more corporation's debts by that total (i.e.,
maneuvers, and thus a CEO would difficult to sell large blocks of stock in paying ¥120,000 allows you to reduce
a company all at once, as investors three firm's debts by ¥40,000 each, two
may take this as a sign that the firm is firm's debts by ¥60,000 each, or one
failing. Thus a CEO must use his busi- firm's by ¥120,000). Payments above
S tock Transaction ness acumen to successfully make a and beyond the minimum required
per month are always subtracted from
Table sale.
As with stock purchases, generat- the principal of the debt.
No. of Shares Difficulty ing a lesser total means that a smaller
50,0000 7 amount of stock is sold than the CEO Stock Assault
100,000 had originally intended.
9 For every ¥100 million spent ta-
150,000 11
Purchase Bonds ward a stock assault, a CEO is allowed
200,000 13 to generate a busilless total against a
250,000 15
The corporation can spend as much difficulty number of 8 (possibilities
300,000 17
money as it likes on "bonds." Both can be spent on this roll). Match the
350,000 19
"blue chip" and "junk" bonds are level ofsuccess against the table below
400,000 21
available for purchase.
450,000 23
Money spent on "blue chip" bonds
500,000 25
is tied up for six months (i.e., the cor-
poration cannot touch it). At the end of
this time period, the money is returned
S tock Assault Table
650,000 31
with 10 percent interest. Level of Stock Value
700,000 33
"Junk bonds" work like "blue chip" Success Decrease
750,000 35
bonds, only just before the bond money
800,000 37 Minimal ¥100
is returned, the corporate head must
850,000 39 Average ¥200
generate a business total against a dif-
900,000 41 Good ¥400
ficulty number of 14. Possibilities can
950,000 43 Superior ¥600
be spent on this roll. If this roll is
1,000,000 45 Spectacular ¥1000
successful, the money is returned with
20 percent interest. If the roll is failed,

Torg: Nippon Tech

to determine the amount by which the gether need not remain linked after Corporate Restructuring
assaulted firm'sstock value drops. The they are acquired (i.e., both an ac-
stock being attacked must be specified quired firm and its undersubsidiary By paying ¥100 million, a mega-
at the time the money is allocated for could be assigned to the victorious corporation can reshuffle its corporate
this operation. corporation's holding company as in- structure at will, changing the posi-
dependent subsidiaries.). tions of subsidiaries and
Example:Rijato Electronics allocates
Note that exactly which corpora- undersubsidiaries as it sees fit. For
¥100 million for a stock assault on
tion a CEO is attempting to take over each additional ¥lOO million spent, the
Windigo, Inc. The CEO generates a
must be specified at the time the order CEO can reroll for the four basic val-
business total ofll fora Good result.
is written. A mega-corporation may ues for one firm.
Windigo's stock value drops ¥400.
attempt takeovers against more than
one target on the same turn if it can
Stock Defense afford it. Purchasing New
Any money spent on a stock de- Example: A Rauru Block business- Companies
fense can be used to cancel out money man with a business skill of 14
spentby a competitor on a stock assault wishes to attempt ahostile takeover of As noted above, new companies
on a one-far-one basis (funds must be asubsidiary ofWindig a Inc., to which periodically become available for pur-
,llocated in ¥100 million increments). one undersubsidiary is attached. The chase. Before the corporate operations
Unlike stock assault, exactly which Windigo subsidiary's stock value is phase has begun, mega-corporations
company's stock is being defended ¥10,OOO, in addition to which thefirm are allowed to bid on these companies.
does not have to be specified at the has spent ¥100 million on takeover The bidding begins at a figure equal to
time the order is written. The CEO can defense this turn. one-half the company's net assets (no
wait and see which stocks his oppo- The Rauru Block firm wants to corporation can ever be purchased for
nent is attacking and decide which to purchase 400,000 shares ofstock, at a an amount less than this figure). The
defend at that time. total cost ofY4 bil/ion, and has allo- CEO who generates the highest busi-
Funds allocated for a stock defense cated an extra ¥100 million to cover ness skill total is allowed to bid first.
which are not spent to cancel out as- possible takeoverdefenses btJ Windigo. The bidding then goes back and forth
saults are returned to a company's The Rauru Block CEO generates a until one side drops out. Whoever has
liquid cash fund and will be available business total against a difficulty the highest bid at the end of all the
for use in the next turn. number of the Windigo CEO's busi- jockeying adds the company to his
ness skill (l5), and is successful. The corporate structure.
Hostile Takeover attempted takeover can proceed. Any corporations that are for sale
The Rauru Blockfirm spends ¥100 that are not purchased at this time
This is an attempt to wrest away mil/ion to counter Windigo's take- "disappear" and are out of play (i.e.,
one of your opponent's companies by over defense, and then turns to the they are snatched up by an indepen-
purchasing more stock in the firm than Stock Transaction Table. The diffi- dent mega-corporation).
is available for sale. As with any cor- culty number of purchasing 400,000
porate operation, money must be allo- shares of stock is 21 - the Rauru
cated at the start of the turn for a CEO must generate a successful Stock and Asset
hostile takeover. These funds must be business total against that difficulty
sufficient to cover money spent by the to make the stock purchase. Adjustment
targetcorporation on takeover defense,
as well as the cost of the stock to be After all corporate operations have
Takeover Defense been performed, all companies should
The raiding CEO must generate a refigure their stock value, assets, in-
Money spent on takeover defense
successful business total against a dif- come, total debt, monthly debt pay-
can be used to cancel out money spent ment and liquid cash reserve based on
ficulty number ofthe defending CEO's by a competitor on a hostile takeover
business skill. Possibilities and cards the results of those operations. Note
on a one-to-one basis. As with a stock
may be spent on this roll. If success if that this does not involve rerolling on
defense, which corporation is being
achieved, the raiding CEO can now the income and debt tables, but simply
protected from takeover does not have adding and subaacting from those
attempt to purchase the stock on the to be specified at the time the money is
Stock Transaction Table. values affected by particular maneu-
allocated. If no takeover is attempted
Once a CEO owns more than500,OOO vers.
in a turn in which takeover defense
shares of stock in a firm, he takes con- Also, if Storm Knight action has had
money has been set aside, that cash
trol of it and any subsidiaries of it and an effect on a company's assets, this
returns to the defending corporation's
can add it to his corporate structure. should be factored into the equation.
liquid fund.
Corporations that are acquired to- For instance, a team ofKnights destroys
a Toranaga Chemical factory - the

Chapter Six

gamemaster should affix a yen value to

that factory, and subtract that amount
payments, or the allocating of large
amounts of yen to repair damagedone
from Toranaga's assets. IfToranaga will by Storm Knights, could undermine Against a
try to rebuild the factory, money will Daikoku's confidence in a corpora-
have to be taken out of its liquid cash tion, and eventually perhaps 3327 Corporate Backdrop
reserves to do so, and that too should be himself. In this manner, every victory . Of course, not all of your playing
considered. for the Knights in a corporate war tune will be spent trading stocks and
Example: Khigh's holding compony makes 3327's relationship with his rolling for takeover attempts. The
paid its monthly debt payment, sold Darkness Device more unstable and above rules bring plenty of traditional
YlOO ,ODOworthoftire CEO's personal his chances ofsuccess a little less likely. Torg adventures to mind which can
stock, and paid an additional ¥2 mil- Of course, it goes without saying have a dramatic impact upon the cor-
lion t=ard tire principal of its debt. that If the ~ghts are consistently porate situation, such as:
Tlrus,at the end oftire corporate tum, costmg 3327 s corporations yen, he will
take notice. The Knights may find Industrial Espionage: The Storm
the company's assets have dropped by Knights try to break into the enemy's
YlOO,OOO, its liquid cash reserves /rave themselves the targets of assassina-
tion teams or saboteurs as a result of corporate headquarters. If they suc-
gone up by YlOO,OOO, and its total ceed, you might allow them to see all
debt Iras dropped by ¥2 million. their actions.
of the enemy's written corporate or-
ders for the next month before they
Dividends and the Vanquishing a must plan their own.
Loyalty of Corporate Directors: If
Darkness Device Mega-Corporation there are gamemaster characters
Once a mega-corporation's hold- among a mega-corporation's board of
Every quarter of the fiscal year (or directors, the Law of Intrigue states
every three corporate turns) all com- ing company goes bankrupt or is ac-
quired by the competition, that mega- that one might be a traitor. Will he
panies in a mega-corporation must betray secrets to opposing firms? Can
pay dividends to their shareholders. corporation is no longer in business. If
the Storm Knight's corporation is de- he be stopped? The Knights will have
A dividend payment amounts to one to make every effort to expose him or
percent of a company's income. feated in this manner, they will have
to find other methods with which to risk losing their next corporate
. Failuretopayadividendmayharm struggle.
mvestor confidence in the firm. The strike at 3327 and his empire.
game effect of this is a +10 modifier to If one of 3327's mega-corporations is Sabotage: The Storm Knights could
the difficulty of rolls against the Stock bankrupted in this manner, move up use knowledge contained in a newly
Fluctuation Table until the dividend the ladder and pit the Knights' victori- acquired firm's computers to stop
payment is made. ous corporation against another of the 3327's plans to design a new weapon
Money paid in dividends by Rauru High Lord'sorganizations. As theStorm that would help him strengthen his
Block corporations helps to keep Knights prepare to tackle each new hold on South Korea and China.
shareholders content and lessens the mega-<:o~ration, decide how many
chance they will be swayeo by subSIdIarIes and undersubsidiaries These are just a few examples of the
Kanawan entreaties into selling their comprise that company based on the types of adventures you can run within
shares. Kanawa-aligned corporations size of the Knights' own organization. the framework of Nippon corporate
pay dividends also, and their ability to The new opponent should always start wars. Feel free to explore other ways
do so IS of particular importance not out roughly one-third larger than the to put the Storm Knights' financial
only to the High Lord, but to Daikoku Knights' organization. If the Storm wizardry to use in the battle against
his Darkness Device. ' Knights' mega-<:orporation consists of the Kanawa Corporation.
Coming from a cosm like Market- sixcorporationsafterdefeatingWindigo,
place, Daikoku regards profitability for instance, the new opponent should
as the sole reliable indicator of suc- consist of eight.
cess. Failure to pay dividends or debt

Torg: Nippon Tech

Chapter Seven

Flash Points
III ".mg"'""'"'~g""
pride in the fact that his
invasion has taken place
so swiftly and silently.
In addition, the safehouses are also
used to secrete kidnap victims until
the requested ransom is paid. Hos-
tages are always blindfolded on their
But the large percentage way in and out of the building to pre-
of Storm Knights in Nippon, and the vent their identifying its location later.
undeniable presence of resistance With the overall increase in crime
grou ps from Marketplace, has left 3327 in 3327's Japan, the Yakuza needs
well aware that tensions are simmer- greater access to high-powered (and
ing just below the surface of his do- in most cases, illegal) weaponry to
main, waiting to explode. compete with the ninja, Shiki and
In this chapter, you will find a num- Rauru Block operatives it goes up
ber of possible sites of Storm Knight against each day. Such weapons are
activity, anyone of which could hold legally shipped to warehouses be-
the spark that sets off a realm-wide longing to distant and almost
conflagration. untraceable subsidiaries of one of
3327's mega-corporations, where they
are then cataloged and stored by
Yakuza Armory/ Yakuza soldiers. A soldier in need of
specialized equipment can stop in at
Safehouse the nearest armory and pick up any-
thing he needs, providing he has
Long before 3327 arrived in Japan signed authorization from his daimyo.
and took control of organized crime, The armories are also used to store
the Yakuza maintained a.number of stolen goods and illegal narcotics until
combination armory / safehousesin the they can safely be moved on the street.
major cities of Japan. Most of these When such things are present in the
were located in warehouse districts building, security will normally be
within abandoned buildings that had tightened.
been purchased by the Yakuza and Each facility operates differently,
converted for their use. The facility but in order to enter the armory de-
pictured in Map 5 on page 95 is located picted on the map, a soldier must
on the waterfront in Osaka. present an 10 card at the front en-
These structures serve a number of trance which identifies him as an em-
different purposes for the Yakuza. First ployee ofRijato Electronics (one of the
and foremost, they are effective hide- many covers for Yakuza activities in
outs for members who have run afoul Japan) and an invoice signed by the
of the law. Generally, the safehouses local Yakuza daimyo. All Yakuza sol-
are used only for high-ranking lieu- diers in the area are presented with a
tenants, for common soldiers are ex- number of pre-signed invoices. When
pected to face the consequences oftheir they need equipment, they can Simply
sloppiness. Often, exceedingly violent fill in a description of the item and
members, those who have gone rogue present the invoice at the armory.
and ceased to obey the orders of their Thearmory is normally guarded by
daimyos, are turned over to the police 10 Yakuza soldiers and there are al-
by the Yakuza as a gesture of "good ways another 10-15 soldiers just hang-

Chapter Seven

ing around. Security cameras are ArmorylSafehollse Once inside, the Knights will have
mounted on all four comers of the Adventure Hook to make their way to the armory, not
building, and broadcast their images only to destroy the drugs but to get
to televisions in the meeting room. TheStormKnightsreceivea tip from enough firepower to hold off the sol-
The guard monitoring those screens is a Shiki member - a huge shipment of diers who will surely pursue them.
in radio contact with the perimeter cocaine has arrived in Osaka, and been
guards, and will notify them if the stored in the Yakuza safehouse on the
visitor is unfamiliar and should be docks. The guard has been doubled on Rauru Block
given closer scrutiny or turned away. the building, and within two days,
Roughly half the building serves as representatives of all the Yakuza fami- Headquarters
an armory. The other half is given over lies will arrive to negotiate their cuts
to a meeting/security room, six to eight and resolve distribution problems. The The unofficial headquarters of the
dormitory-style rooms which serve as Osaka police have expressed minimal Rauru Block firms is the summer palace
living quarters for the guards and other interest in the story, and it is possible of Shodan Metals CEO lse Samayura in
gang officials, a kitchen and a bath- the head of the narcotics division has the town of Okutama, at the base of the
room. been bribed to look the other way. TamaAips. A numberofothercorporate
Yakuza armories are normally de- TheKnightscouldscoreagreatcoup executives have homes in that area, so
signed to look like legitimate indus- and deal a severe blow to the Yakuza's apparently informal gatherings do not
trial warehouses to thecasual observer. first-quarter earnings if they could raise undue suspicion in the minds of
The "guards" are all licensed security capture the shipment and the family the pressor the public. 3327,ofcourse, is
personnel and carry concealed small members. Doing this will require ob- aware tha tSamayura is one of the heads
arms. The weaponry is shipped in taining Rijato ID cards and invoices, ofthe group that opposes him, but is not
crates marked "Electronics Equip- and some successful persuasion at- yetwi11ing to have theindustrialist killed
ment" so as not to arouse undue sus- tempts, as the guards will be especially for fear of the intense publicity it might
picion. wary of letting anyone into the build- generate and the questions that might
ing whom they do not recognize. be raised.

Nippon Tech: Map 5

Typical Yakuza Armory/Safehouse

1. Main

Security I I [!] .
3. Entrance to I I o0 L
L. @) @)
4. Armory

5. Racks of
Weapons 0
6. Meeting
@) @) @)
7. Kitchen
8. Bathroom
9. Corridors
I I ill
10. Living
I I 0
I I [3]
ill •

Torg: Nippon Tech

(7) ® @
1. Entryway
2. Bathroom
3. Private office
,~ ®
4. Foyer ® ®
5. Stairs to second floor
6. Dining/meeting room
7. Servant's pantry
8. Servant's quarters
[CD ®
9. Kitchen @
10. Laundry room
11. Screened-in porch

12. Music room
13. Uving room
14. Guest bedrooms
15. Master bedroom
16. Stairs to first floor
@ ® r

(Summer Palace ofl~e Samay ural

® I[ ®
@ @

Samayura's palace is located on the and steel shutters drop over all win- summer palace for a conference with
northern shore of Lake Okutama, sur- dows (Toughness 27). other Rauru Block CEOs. At the end of
rounded by groves of cherry trees. The house itself is spacious and the first evening's meetings, the
From the outside, it does not strike one comfortable, with the first floor fea- Knights, Samayura and the other ex-
as a high-security installation, but in turing a large living room, kitchen, ecutives retire to the second floor to
many ways it is. Video cameras are screened in porch, music room, and a sleep.
mounted in various trees within a mile combination dining/meeting room. The next morning, the Knights dis-
radius of the palace and the wrought- All members of Samayura's domestic cover that Ishida Sotaro, CEO ofSotaro
iron fence which surrotinds the staff (including the ninja) are subjected Industries, has been murdered, his
grounds is electrified (damage value to intense psychological exams to try throat cut. Mysteriously, no alarms
13). Admission to the estate can be and ensure that they will not be claimed went off during the night, and the
gained only through a retina-scan and by the Law of Intrigue. system was not tampered with. That
the use of a codeword, which is The second floor is devoted to can only mean someone with an inti-
changed daily. Sections of artificial Samayura's bedroom, and guest bed- mate knowledge of the house's secu-
turfon the front lawn conceal SC Kyogo rooms for those executives who choose rity precautions did the deed, or else
144s which rise out of the ground and to stay the night. The stairs to the one of the Rauru executives has be-
open fire automatically on any intrud- second floor are pressure-sensitive- trayed the group.
ers who make it past the front gate. once the alarm system is turned on, Samayura adds a second mystery
An unknown percentage of anyone climbing the stairs will set off to the brew: his controller has been
Samayura's servants are actually cor- a siren in each second-floor bedroom. stolen, and cannot be found. But the
porateninja, who serve as bodyguards windows and doors have been sealed
to the industrialist and the other CEOs Rauru Block Headquarters shut, making it impossible for anyone
who visit the palace. All doors and Adventure Hook to leave the house. The Knights must
windows can be sealed automatically assume the killer is still in the house,
using a controller that Samayura car- A group of Storm Knights in charge and ferret him out before he claims
ries on his person at all times - doors of a rela tively small mega-corporation more victims.
are steel painted to look like wood, have been invited to Ise Samayura's

•• 96
Chapter Seven

function. The most obvious clue to the

Veno Park the exhibits of which have been plun-
dered to aid the Shiki in their con- presence of a gospog factory is the
This park, located in the Taito ward struction of gadgets like the retina- large number of trucks haulingchemi-
of Tokyo, has proven ideal as a realm pattern recorders. cals and bodies to the site.
headquarters for the Shiki. Vast (over Their fighting skills have allowed A security camera is mounted at the
200 acres), with a ready supply of the Shiki to carve a large niche for front entrance, and the door is opened
weapons and scientific equipment themselves in the park, but it is not electronically via controls in the secu-
nearby, Ueno Park has become one of theirs alone. Other, more unsavory rity room. The only other entrance to
the major sites of resistance to 3327's elements also congregate there, par- the plant is the loading bay in the rear
domination of Nippon. ticularly after dark, and Storm Knights used by the trucks, which opens into
The park was, prior to the invasion, visiting the park to seek out the Shiki the hydroponics lab.
one of the major tourist attractions of must beware that they are not led To the right as you walk in the front
Tokyo. But with the increasing eco- astray by human predators seeking door are two large research labs in
nomic polarization in the wake of victims. which 3327's scientists work to refine
3327's arrival, the Ueno area became a the process of gospog-creation. To the
haven for criminals and street gangs, Veno Park Adventure Hook left is the security room, normally
making it far too dangerous for un- manned by three to four guards, which
armed citizens to visit the park. 3327, A number of Shiki warriors have features a bank of television monitors
feeling that the people's time is better been found dead in remoteareasofthe broadcasting the images captured by
spent working to help increase his park in recent days, deep claw marks the factory's security cameras. Next to
profit margin, has not bothered to on their bodies as if they had been the security room is a storage closet
unleash the Yakuza and reclaim the ripped apart by a wild animal. There is used by maintenance crews.
park. certainly no shortage of those in Ueno, Down the corridor to the right is the
Ueno is bordered on the southeast and the members and their Storm conference foom, in which represen-
by the Ueno subway station. To the Knight allies have been told to keep tatives of 3327 meet on a regular basis
right as one enters the park are the alert for any intruders of the four- with factory researchers. At the end of
remains of the Ueno-no-mori Museum
legged variety. the hall is the factory administrator's
of Art and the Japanese Academy of But the creature that stalks Ueno office.
Art, which were burnt to the ground Park is all too human. A ronin hired by The building is dominated by the
during a turf war between rival gangs. the local Yakuza family, equipped with hydroponics lab, which occupies a
Clockwise from that site is the Shogit~i clawed gloves, has been sent to slay lower level. Doorsat ground level open
Monument (dedicated to followers of the leaders of the Shiki movement. It is on to catwalks, and two flights ofstairs
the Shogunate), which is now used as hoped this will weaken the group lead to the lab floor. At the rear of the
one of the Shiki observation posts. To sufficiently that turf wars will break lab are two large storage tanks which
the west are the Ueno-Tokyu Theater, out again, eventually allowing the contain the nutrient fluids used in the
also heavily damaged in gang fighting, Yakuza to reassert control of the area. hydropOnic process. The chemicals,
and Lake Shinobazu, which boasts a This project has been undertaken along with the gospog seeds and hu-
water zoo and aquarium and borders without the authorization of Sagato or man corpses, make up all the ingredi-
the larger Ueno Zoo. Many of the ani- 3327, but the local Haragawa lieuten- ents needed to grow gospog.
mals which were contained here have ant is hoping that success will force his The floor is taken up by a series of
been slaughtered for food, while oth- superiors to reward his achievement. interconnecting troughs, into which
ers have escaped and now roam the the bodies are placed and the chemi-
park preying on the lost and unwary. cals and poured. The armor is then
North of the lake are the Toshogu Gospog Factory suspended over the troughs, so that
Shnne and the Gojoten Shrine, both of the gospog can grow up into it.
which survived the riots relatively In line with the secretive nature of
untouched. In the center of the park is his invasion, 3327 does not make use Gospog Factory
a five-story pagoda which serves as of gospog fields as do the other High
Lords. Instead he relies on a series of Adventure Hook
living quarters for theShiki, and beside
that there is a bell-tower which acts as hydroponics plants, where vegetation Hydroponics researchers in
a second observation post. is grown in nutrient solutions rather Yokohama have discovered a nutrient
Other features of the park include than soil. (For a full explanation of the formula they believe will result in a
the Horyu-Ji Museum, which is filled cultivation and properties of Nippon doubling in size and strength ofsecond
with ancient weapons; a library; the gospog, see Chapter Two, "The through fifth-planting gospog. But the
National Museum; and the National Realm.") experiment requires rare and expen-
Museum of Natural Science, many of These factories tend to be nonde- sivechemicals to work, and it has taken
script on the outside, often without a great deal of time to gather all the
even a sign out front to identify their

Torg'. N''ppcn Te<:h

~ fjPpon Tech: Map 7

eno Park
1. Uena Subwa .
2. Main E y Station
3S ntrance
. hogitai Mon
.,\ .. 4. Ruins J
' apanese
\ cademy of Art
\\ Vena-mari M '
of Art useum
\ 5. Civic Hall
6. National Museum
o fW estern A
7. National Museum
rt f
N atural Sc' . 0
8. Gallery of lence
Far East Art
9. National M
10. Horyu-ji useum
11 Library
12. Academy of A
13. ~fu~~~ipal

-" 14. Fountain

15. Five-star
(Shiki h: pagoda
16. BeIHowe~dquarters)
17. G'
18 Toshogu Shrine
19' zOloten Shrine
. 00
20. Aquarium
;~: ~enzaiten Shrine
eno-Tokyu Th eater

-.. "

Lake Shinobazu

CJ 0


~/. ,
.. :'

. 98=============d
Chapter Seven

necessary ingredients together. Now, the temple at Toda-ji, built on the site which lead to the main ceremonial
at last, they are ready to undertake a of a famous Buddhist precinct which hall, which is bare except for a huge
test of their theories. burned in 1180. altar at the far end. Most of the room's
The Storm Knights are made aware Simply finding the site is itself a illumination comes from candles, al-
of this situation by the Rauru Block's task. Situated in an isolated valley, the though there are two small windows
Operations Arm. Unfortunately, the mountains which surround it require on either side of the altar. This room
information has arrived late - three a climbing roll against a difficulty was traditionally used for weddings
and a half weeks have already passed number of 15 to scale. If the traveler and funerals, and still serves that
since the start date of the experiment, makes it that far, he will see what purpose occasionally. More often, it is
and that leaves only days before the appears to bea common, if fairly large, used for meetings of the Sons of the
second-planting gospog are harvested. Shinto temple. There is nothing on the Wind.
The Knights must destroy the outside to connect the edifice with the The ceremonial hall is flanked by a
gospog and the formula and either Sons of the Wind, but the surrounding storage room and the priest's quar-
capture or kill the scientists to ensure woods are filled with ninja who keep ters. Adjoining the priest's quarters is
that the experiment is never repeated, a keen eye out for unwanted visitors. the meditation room, where members
and they must do it before enhanced Travelers who wish to stop at the of the order sit on long platforms fac-
gospog are outfitted and added to temple must first pass beneath thetarii, ing the wall, performing zenda, an ex-
3327' s forces. a wooden arch which is one of the ercise in concentration.
primary symbols of the Shinto religion. Next to the storage area is a large,
Beneath the arch is a basin of clear empty room which serves as the mar-
Sons of the Wind water and a group of wooden spoons tial arts training area. This room has
- pilgrims must rinse their mouths as no windows, so that intruders on the
Temple part of a ritual of purification before grounds will not be able to discover
approaching the temple. the temple's true purpose.
The Sons of the Wind maintain a The temple's main doors open on to Two other large rooms serve as
number of temples throughout Japan a long wooden corridor. At the end of living quarters for the Sons ofthe Wind
and the Far East. The largest by far is that corridor are two golden doors and novices in the martial arts. These

Nippon Tech: Map 8

Gospog Factory

1. Main Entrance
2. Security Camera @
3. Research Lab
4. Conference Room
5. Administrator's
6. Catwalk
7. Hydroponics Lab @c::::::::J
8. Chemical Troughs
9. Chemical Storage
10. Security Room
11. Storage Room
12. Loading Bay


Torg: Nippon Tech

rooms are furnished with straw mats, Sons of the Wind Temple The Storm Knights have been con-
which serve as beds. Adventure Hook tacted by the temple masters to lure the
The Sons of the Wind disdain elec- ronin away from the valley (if the Sons
tronicsecurity devices, relying on their Kanawa Enterprises has hired ronin of the Wind handle the matter them-
ninja security force to spot and dispatch to trace a recent raid on their facilities selves, they will betray their presence in
intruders. If attackers made it past the back to its source, which is the Sons of the area). The Knights accept, but their
ninja, they would no doubt meet their the Wind Temple at Toda-ji. Theronin initial efforts turn up evidence that one
match at the hands of the masters of have made remarkable progress in a ofthe ninja in the temple security squad
the martial arts. short time, and are closing in on the is a traitor who is providing the ronin
valley in which the temple resides. with information. Simply driving off
the ronin will leave this threat to the
temple in place, and any safety won will
be only temporary.
The Knights must allow the ronin
~ Nippon Tech: Map 9 to get close enough to the temple that
a face-to-face meeting will be held with
~ The Sons of the Wind Temple the traitor, and then they must strike
quickly and efficiently. Ifoneopponent
o escapes with his knowledge, the Sons
of the Wind will have to abandon this
site or risk destruction.

• • Izumo-Taisha
• • Shrine
• • ® Izumo-Taisha, located on the

• • northwestern coast of Honshu, is the

oldest Shinto shrine in Japan. It covers
40.5 acres and is believed to be the site
of a gathering of all the Shinto gods
every October. The shrine is part of the
Daisen-Oki National Park.
Its newfound importance in 3327's
Nipponarises from the fact that a large
colony of Palanic priests have found
sanctuary there, and use it as a base
from which to make their forays
against the mega-corporations. This
requires a great deal of secrecy and
stealth, as the Shinto priests who
maintain the shrine know the Palanic
clerics only as members ofa persecuted
religious group, and are unaware of
their more militant activities. Were it
to become known that the priests of
Palan have been known to turn from
the ways of peace, they would doubt-
1. Main entrance 8. Martial Arts less be cast out of the holy place.
2. Rear Entrance Training Area Once through the main gate, visitors
3. Ceremonial Hall 9. Living Quarters for must pass through the torii to enter the
4. Altar Sons of l:he Wind grounds of the shrine. A walk down a
5. Priest's Quarters 10. Living Quarters cedar-line boulevard brings them to
6. Meditation Chamber for Novices the shrine, surrounded by a double-
7. Storage enclosure stone wall. To the left of the
shrine is the Treasury museum, which
contains various holy artifacts, and
the Kagura-den Hall, where sacred
dances are performed.
I [Tl
100 U!
Chapter Seven

. n Tech: Map 10
NlppO ..., .sha Shrine

® ®


L-=====:::::::::::::::==~101 I.
Torg: Nippon Tech

Behind the shrine is the large Main Izumo-Taisha Shrine Unfortunately for3327, thepayrnent
Hall, and flanking it are the two Adventure Hook orders have been spotted by a Kashi
Kamariari Halls, long buildings in hacker, who is concerned by the large
which the gods are supposed to reside Kanawa Corporation intelligence number of contract ninja employed at
in October. agents have informed 3327 that the the same time. The identical rates of
Various other small buildings dot priests of Palan responsible for the pay hint that they may all be assigned
the grounds, and wooded hills sur- recent destruction of a "maelstrom to the same target, and the hacker gets
round the entire area. The Izumo- market" bridge have escaped to Nip- the information to the Storm Knights.
Taisha Shrine is one of the largest pon and taken refuge at the Izumo- The Knights pick up the trail of one
Shinto pilgrimage centers in Japan, Taisha Shrine. Frustrated at his in- of the ninja, and follow him to Izumo-
visited by thousands every year. ability to mount a direct attack on the Taisha. With no way to warn the
While the shrine is not as close to priests, 3327 orders a squad of con- priests, it's up to the Knights to stop
Tokyo and other major cities as the tract ninja to penetrate the grounds of the ninja from destroying a holy place
Palanic priests would like, it is of suf- the shrine and set the main buildings and committing mass-murder.
ficient renown that it is unlikely 3327 on fire. They can then kill the priests of
would order an attack in force. Such a Palan as they flee and will have de-
violation of the shrine would no doubt stroyed any hope of others finding
produce nationwide outrage. refuge there.

•• 102
Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

Miracles of Faith
1111 ooogo m.g'o',
nonexistent within the
This miracle allows a cleric to call
animals to him. The cleric can specify
which species of animal he wishes to
the realm of Nippon, the summon, but will not have control of
Spirit axiom is only them once they arrive. Conveying
slightly lower than that of Core Earth. complex commands to them would
This means that miracles are possible, require a commllnicatewith animal spirit
but several years of training are re- or animal speech rite.
quired to perform even the simplest
rites. Within the cosm, the priests of Captivate
Palan are the only ones capable of
performing miracles or training others Spiritual Rating: 8
in how to do so. In the realm, they are Community Rating: 10
joined by Shinto priests in carrying Difficult)': target's willpower or
out these functions. Mind
In addition to those listed below, Range: voice
Shinto priests can perform all Core Duration: performance
Earth miracles (see pages 127-131 of Effect: cleric's words command the
the Torg RlIlebook) and priests of Palan undivided attention of target
can perform those whose spiritual rat- To cast this miracle, the cleric must
ing is less than or equal to 8. speak without interruption for a full
minute. If successful, the target will be
Bow Master enthralled by the cleric's words, and
unable to take any action save listen to
Spiritual Rating: 8 him. The effects of the miracle will last
Community Rating: 9 as long as the cleric is able to speak
Difficulty: 11 without interruption, but if the target
Range: touch is attacked, the miracle will be imme-
Duration: 25 (one day) diately dispelled.
Effect: betters target's skill with a
bow or other missile weapon
The Death of Sound
The cleric lays hands upon the tar-
get and his weapon while reciting the Spiritual Rating: 8
proper incantation. If the rite is suc- Community Rating: 9
cessful, the target will find his ability Difficulty: 12
to handle the weapon improved (+3 Range: 11 (] 50 meters)
increase to missile weapons skill). Duration: 13 (five minutes)
Effect: causes silence to prevail in
Call Animals 150 meter radius around caster
This miracle makes sound impos-
Spiritual Rating: 8 sible within the radius of effect. No
Community Rating: 8 noise is possible within that area, in-
Difficulty: 10 cluding the casting of spells which
Range: 14 (600 meters) require a voiced chant or incantation.
Duration: 20 (two hours) The miracle is centered on the caster,
Effect: summons animals within and will move with him as he moves.
range Anyone who enters the zone of silence
will be affected by the miracle.

Torg: Nippon Tech

Detect Deception Kamikaze Spirit Flight

Spiritual Rating: 7 Spiritual Rating: 8 Spiritual Rating: 8
Community Rating: 8 Community Rating: 13 Community Rating: 15
Difficulty: 9 Difficulty: 13 Difficulty: 12
Range: 7 (25 meters) Range: 15 (one kilometer) Range: self
Duration: 18 (one hour) Duration: 13 (five minutes) Duration: performance
Effect: allows cleric to tell if a per- Effect: caster can call upon "divine Effect: looses priest's astral form
son is knowingly speaking a lie wind" One of the more difficult and dan-
Once cast, the cleric can detect the Using this rite, the cleric can call gerous sacred rites, this miracle allows
telling of an intentional lie by anyone down a windstorm upon his enemies. the priest to set his spirit free. In this
within range. This miracle will not The winds can reach gale force, lifting state, no physical obstacle can hinder
reveal unknowing lies, unintentional objects which are not secured and him, and he can travel anywhere
inaccuracies, or lies contained within hurling them with tremendous force within 300 meters in seconds. His spirit
written material: (damage value 6/15). For greater ac- is invisible to all save those using a
curacy in calculating damage values, detect miracle spell or rite. He cannot be
Flame Burst use the object's weight value +6. harmed by physical attack, nor can he
initiate any physical action - he can
Spiritual Rating: 7 Pathway suffer damage from spiritual or mys-
Community Rating: 9 tical attacks.
Difficulty: 9 Spiritual Rating: 7 Attempts to exceed the 300-meter
Range: 12 (200 meters) Community Rating: 10 limit require the generation of an ad-
Duration: 9 (one minute) Difficulty: 10 ditional Spirit total for each meter
Effect: causes an existing flame to Range: touch traveled. Each meterbeyond 300 which
burst into a blaze Duration: 20 (two hours) the cleric's spirittravels adds +1 to the
To cast this miracle, there must be a Effect: enables target to find correct. difficulty of sustaining the miracle.
flame extant within range. If the path Free of the body, the spirit cannot
miracle is successful, the flame will This miracle allows the target to communicate except with other dis-
suddenly explode into a larger fire, find the proper path to his chosen embodied spirits. In addition, the
taking up a volume 20 times greater destination. This rite can be used only priest's physical body must be pro-
than the original source. with a geographic location in mind tected while his spirit is loosed, as it
(i.e., "Yaesu-dori in Tokyo" or "the will be little more than an empty shell,
outside of this building"). It cannot be extremely vulnerable to attack. If his
Ghost Walk used to find a specific person or object. body is killed, the priest's spirit must
wander forever.
Spiritual Rating: 8 The miracle lasts until the priest
Purify Poison sees fit to return to his body, or is
Community Rating: 9
Difficulty: 12 Spiritual Rating: 8 forced to return by magical means.
Range: touch Community Rating: 11
Duration: 18 (one hour) Difficulty: 10 Spirit Quest
Effect: allows cleric to walk Range: touch
without leaving traces Duration: permanent Spiritual Rating: 8
Effect: neutralizes any toxic sub- Community Rating: 6
When this miracle is cast, the cleric Difficulty: 10
can walk across any terrain - dust, stance
Range: self
sand, mud, snow, etc. - and leave no This miracle is cast by mouthing Duration: 18 (one hour)
trace of his passage. It will be impos- the proper incantation and touching Effect: increases caster', Spirit
sible to follow the cleric's trail using the poisoned person or substance. If value
the tracking skill. the rite is successful, the toxin will be
It will be possible to follow the re- rendered harmless. This miracle can To cast this miracle, the cleric must
sidual spiritual energy the cleric leaves prevent the death of a poisoned char- sit alone in the center of a dark room.
behind using the detect miracle rite. In acter, but it does not confer permanent He allows his mind to turn inward,
addition, searching in ever-widening immunity - it is effective only on the shutting out all outside stimuli, seek-
circles might turn up the track at the poison currently contained within the ing the center of his being.
point it resumes (after the duration of target. If the miracle is successful, thecaster
the miracle has expired). receives a +3 bonus toall Spirit-related
skills for its duration.

•• 104
Chapter Eight

Staff of Palan True Vision cleric must be touching the stone with
which he wants to communicate, and
Spiritual Rating: 8 Spiritual Rating: 8 there is, of course, no guarantee the
Community Rating: 8 Community Rating:12 rock will have anything of use to say,
Difficulty: 9 Difficulty: 11 or any inclination to talk at all. Any-
Range: touch Range: touch thing it does comment on will naturally
Duration: 18 (one hour) Duration: 15 (15 minutes) be colored byits particular perspective.
Effect: strengthens priest's staff Effect: enables cleric to see things
A slightly weaker version of the as they truly are Wings of Sparrow
traditional bless weapon miracle, this rite When successfully cast, this miracle
allows a priest of Palan to increase the enables the target to see things revealed Spiritual Rating: 8
damage done by his staff. The cast for what they are - hidden panels are Community Rating: 10
involves laying hands upon the revealed, disguises can be pierced, and Difficulty: 10
weapon and praying that it will be as the target's sight cannot be affected by Range: touch
strong as the spirit of its wielder. magical or normal darkness. This Duration: 18 (one hour)
Success results in a +1 to the staff's miracle does not allow the target to see Effect: improves target's dodge
damage value. through solid objects or detect dis- The sparrow, it is said, was gifted
honesty. by the gods with the ability to sense
Sword Master the approach of danger and fly before
Voices of Stone it arrives. This miracle conveys part of
Spiritual Rating: 8 this advantage to the target, helping
Community Rating: 9 Spiritual Rating: 5 him to betteranticipate, and thus avoid,
Difficulty: 11 Community Rating: 12 blows.
Range: touch Difficulty: 12 The cleric lays hands upon the tar-
Duration: 25 (one day) Range: touch get with the prayer that, like the
Effect: betters target's skill with a Duration: performance sparrow, death will not beableto easily
sword or other melee weapon Effect: allows caster to speak with approach him. If successful, the target
To cast this miracle, the cleric first stones gets a +1 increase to his dodge value.
lays hands upon the target, and then The forces of nature observe all,
his weapon. When the rite is done, the and this miracle allows the cleric to
target will find he can handle his seek out the information possessed by
weapon like a master (+3 increase to the stones, whether they be strewn on
melee weapons skill). a hillside or part of a building. The

Torg: Nippon Tech

Chapter Nine

he technological revolu- the yuall. Roughly 2.5 yuan have the
tion that swept over Ja- equivalent buying power of one US
pan after 3327's arrival dollar. Each yuan is subdivided into
made possible a number 10 chiao or 100 fen. All Chinese money
of startling scientific is in the form of paper currency.
leaps. So successful were some of these In Korea, the monetary unit is the
new inventions that they have become won, and here also all money is circu-
an integral part of daily life in the lated as paper currency. Twenty-five
Nippon realm. won equal the buying power of one
With commerce being his preferred US dollar.
method of conquest, 3327 has re- All prices given in this chapter will
searchers and marketing specialists be in yen, with the Torg value follow-
constantly working toward the devel- ing in parentheses. If you need to con-
opment of cheaper and more efficient vert to any of the other units, you can
goods that can generate even greater Use the following formulas:
profit for the mega-corporations. In-
addition, Nippon has taken the lead in DOLLAR = PRICE IN YEN/140
the production of goods for export to YUAN = PRICE IN YEN/58
other realms. WON = PRICE IN YEN/ 6
In this chapter, you will find the
descriptions and statistics you need to
incorporate Nippon equipment into Deflation
your campaign.
Due to the changes wrought by 3327,
the countries encompassed by his
Buying Goods in realm are enjoying an economic boom
which is slowly strengthening the
Nippon monetary systems ofJapan, China and
Korea. As the campaign progresses,
Goods produced under the Nippon the yen, yuan and won will grow more
axioms can now be found in Japan, valuable, gaining 25 percent more
Taiwan and portions of China and buying power when compared to the
Korea. Local currency is required to American dollar. This will not change
purchase items in these countries, but any of the prices listed in this chapter,
money can easily be transferred from but will make it more expensive to
one unit to another at any bank (a five purchase Nippon goods with foreign
percent fee is commonly charged for currency, such as dollars.
this transaction). The following table should help ex-
In Japan, the monetary standard is plain this progressive economic
the yell (symbolized ¥). At the start of change:
the campaign, the rate of exchange is Deflation Table
¥140 = $1. There are five coin denomi-
nations: 100 yen silver, 50 yen nickel, Time Value Formula
10 yen bronze,S yen brass and 1 yen Start ¥140 $=¥/140
aluminum. (The Taiwanese monetary 1 year ¥105 $=¥/105
system has been scrapped in favor of 2 years ¥79 $=¥/79
the Japanese model, a result of 3327's 3 years ¥59 $=¥/59
pressures on the Taiwan government.) 4 years ¥44 $=¥/44
In China, the economy is based on 5 years ¥33 $=¥/33

Chapter Nine

Example: As the campaign opens, interested in using that network. Ploys including the Cyberpapacy, for the
140 yen are worth one dollar. At the often used involve special rates on production of goods. Whenever pos-
end of the year, the yen has increased goods purchased through the net- sible, Nippon engineers use automa-
by 25 percent, one dollar is now equal works, rarely more than a 10 percent tion to build goods, allowing the mega-
to ¥lOS yen (140 - (.25 x 140) = 105). discount from the normal price. corporations to sell them cheaper than
An item that cost ¥l0,000 at the Currently, approximately 65 per- handcrafted versions.
beginning of the year will still cost cent of all the goods sold in Japan are
¥l0,000 at the end of the year. How- purchased through computer net-
ever, the same item cost roughly $71 works (with the remainder being sold Firearms
at the start of the year, and will cost in shops or on the black market). To
$95 at its end, using the formula purchase an item, the user accesses his Hachiman KMll: One of the top
above. Note that as the yen/dollar computer using a retina-pattern scan- sellers, both within Nippon and as an
equivalency changes, you must ad- ner, and then selects an item from the export to Core Earth troops, this 12mm
just the conversion formula. appropriate computer display. The Auto-Mag. has excellent stopping
For simplicity's sake, do not change instant the item is selected, its pur- power. This weapon, produced by
the relative worth of the currencies chase price is au tomatically subtracted Kanawa's Hachiman division, made
until the end of the game year (i.e., on from the user's bank account (it is the firm's reputation in the arms field.
December 31st of game year one, $1 = impossible to shop via computer LOV 9mm: This weapon is noted more
¥140; on January Istof game year two, without a bank account). The item is for accuracy than its ability to do
$1 = ¥105). This is obviously unrealis- then delivered to the user's home. damage. Roughly as powerful as the
tic-the actual change in value would All of the prices given in this chap- Beretta, the LOV features laser-optic
be a gradual one, spread out through ter reflect computer network prices sights which enhance the ability of a
the entire year. But calculating these (i.e., certain discounts and premiums marksman (add +3 to fire combat when
changes every day of game time would have already been factored into the attempting a vital blow).
rapidly become wearisome and con- item's cost). Goods not purchased over
a computer network cost 10 percent ZIIP77z: A standard 9mm much in
fusing. favor with the intelligence services,
more - in addition, keep in mind the
Law ofProfit, which allows the wealthy including the Rauru Block's Opera-
tions arm. It holds 12 rounds and its
Information to find goods at cheaper prices.
plastic casing allows it to slip past
Networks and metal detection systems.
Computer Shopping Exports Chiang 67: A pistol of Chinese manu-
facture, the Chiang 67 is designed to
The Nippon mega-corporations kill in virtual silence. This is done
As you read in Chapter Four, ap- have made huge investments in the
proximately 94 percent of all Japanese through the use of a Maxim silencer
construction of goods for shipment to which traps the gases emerging from
households are now equipped with a other realms. These include weapons
home computer. One of the most com- the barrel and lower their escape ve-
and goods which can be used in Core locity to the point that no noise is
mon uses of the personal computer in Earth, the Cyberpapacy, Aysle and
Nippon Tech is the accessing of the made. The downside of the Chiang is
the Nile Empire. Nippon firms have that it requiresspecial7.65mm ammo,
computer information networks not attempted to produce goods which
available to the public. Such networks although this can often be found on
can be put to use in the Living Land, the black market.
are accessed over the telephone lines nor do they deal in goods which re-
via a modem, and provide news, li- quire magic or miracles to make them 13mm Chunyokai: The most ad-
braries of computer programs and function. Finally, Dr. Mobius has been vanced pistol yet to come out of the
videos, and an interactive "tele-shop- careful not to allow 3327 to get his Nippon arms factories, the
ping" system which allows the con- hands on many examples of "weird Chunyokai's primary appeals lie in its
sumer to purchase virtually anything science" experiments, so that disci- ability to do damage and its increased
without leaving his or her home. pline is still beyond the reach of Nip- range, but owing to its Tech level (24),
There are currently three major pon manufacturers. it is rarely exported. A number have
computer networks operating in Ja- In cases such as that of Aysle or the found their way outside of Nippon on
pan, each with well over 7 million Cyberpapacy, where axiom differ- the persons of corporate ninja on both
subscribers. Users pay no fee for the ences would seem to make profitable sides, however.
networks - they are supported by manufacture difficult, the mega-cor- 7mm Brandeis Rifle: A bolt-action
advertisers and merchants who use porations retain the services (or kid- rifle in popular use among the Yakuza,
them to sell goods. nap) engineers from these realms to the Brandeis features laser-optic Sights
The major networks are always en- enable their axioms to be brought to for ease in targeting, and greater range
gaged inheatedcnmpetition. The more bear in the construction process. Also, than most weapons of its type. The
users the network attracts, the more the Kanawa Corporation has begun Brandeis has proven an ideal weapon
advertisers and merchants become purchasing factories in other realms, for assassinations.

Torg: Nippon Tech

SC Kyogo Tll: Automatic, powerful, overnight. By supplying Isei Sagato's PaIanic Staff: Used exclusively by the
with four times the ammo per clip as mob with Impalas, 3327 was able to priests of Palan, this bamboo rod by
the AK-47 or the M-16, the SC Kyogo ensure the cooperation of the other itself is roughly as effective as the
has been put to use both as an assault families. A six-hundred round maga- standard Ayslish staff. However,
weapon and as part of automated se- zine, lightweight plastic construction, blessed with Palanic miracles and
curity systems. A devastating weapon and a minimum cyclic rate of 360 handled by trained fighters, it has been
in the correct hands. rounds per minute (maximum 600) used to hold off accomplished
Sansu llmm: Another popular ex- makes this a powerful deterrent to swordsman and disarm MarSee agents
port, this submachine gun has been rebellion. Chain guns can only fire on wielding chain guns.
used with great effect by US forces full-auto, and despite efforts at minia- Katana: The original "sarnuraisword:'
against edeinos warriors in several turization, are still so large and heavy the katana is easier to wield than a
recent battles. The Sansu features a that two hands are required to carry broadsword but causes as much
large magazine, easy to control fully this weapon. damage. However, like the shimsi, it is
automatic fire, and durable light- impossible to conceal this weapon. The
weight aluminum construction. katana is favored by rorun a,1d Rauru
SC Kyogo 144: With more ammo,
Melee Weapons Block samurai.
greater damage capacity and an edge Manriki-Gusari: One of the earliest Nunchaka: Two short clubs joined by
in range, the Kyogo 144 is a more known Asian weapons, the manriki- a length of chain, the nunchaka is used
effective weapon than the Sansu gusari consists of a short chain, by holding one club and whirling the
11mm, yet only slightly more expen- weighted on one end and with a hook other at tremendous speed. This allows
sive. The Kyogo is an extremely accu- attached to the other. This can be used the user to strike several blows at once.
rate weapon, and is in Widespread use to kill or simply disarm, depending on A possessor of the melee weapons skill
throughout the realm. the goals of the wielder. Relatively using a nunchaka can strike two blows
Impala Chain Gun: Another easy to conceal, the manriki-gusari is per round.
weaponry triumph for the Kanawa an effective weapon in close-quarters Shimsi Sword: Also known as "breath
Corporation, the Impala virtually combat, particularly if used to catch of the ninja," the shimsi is a light-
revolutionized Japanese gang wars an opponent's sword in mid-stroke. weight sword that can be easily car-
_ ••I~~ m
108 U!
Chapter Nine

ried on the back. When in the hands of

an adept warrior, shimsi strokes can
Heat-Seeking Throwing Stars: Es-
sentially the same as above, with the
be made with such blinding speed addition of small heat sensors, cour- While Virtually every type ofarmor
that the victim sees only a blur as his tesy of ami Electronics. This allows (save enchanted) is manufactured
life is cut from him. the shuriken to track theIr target by his within the Nippon realm, very little
Electro-Sword: A shimsi sword with a body heat, and adds +2 to missile besides Kyoto RKD is in use there. The
chip embedded that causes an electric weapons skill when making vital blows. reasons are simple: bronze, leather,
shock to the victim when struck by the These shuriken are aerodynanucally chain mail, etc. is of little use against
blade. This result in an automatic "K" designed toenablethem to alter course automatic weapons fire or chain guns,
result, double shock damage, and an while in flight. which is what the average Nippon
additional wound level if a wound is warrior will encounter. For descrip-
inflicted. The electric charge can be tions of the varying types of armor
used only once. Heavy Weapons available in Nippon, see pages 132-
Spring-Loaded Stiletto: A weapon of 133 of the Torg RIIlebook. Annor below
Flamethrower. A weapon used exten- Tech level 24 is offered at 10 percent off
assassination. The stiletto and spnng sively in jungle warfare, the
mechanism are affixed to the wrist of the listed price within Nippon.
flamethrower operates by mixing
the attacker, usually concealed under volatile chemicals and adding heat, Kyoto Police RKD: Often abbreviated
a sleeve, with only the small palm then shooting the flames out ofa nozzle to "Kyoto RKD" or just "RKD," this is
trigger protruding. When the trigger attached to a long hose. In most in- the first and only armor to come out of
is pushed, the stiletto is thrust forward stances, it is a cumbersome weapon, the Kanawa manufacturing plants. It
by the spring. ThIS weapon IS, natu- but Kanawa researchers have rede- is used by ronin, gospog, MarSec
rally, only useful at extremely close signed it for use in gospog armor. It is agents and any number of others
quarters, and is associated with now small enough to be chest- within Nippon.
treachery and deceit. mounted in the suit. Kyoto armor features small biocarns
EMP Sai: The sai is a lethal-looking which augment the wearer's motionand
Impala Mounted Chain Gun: A large, help him overcome the traditional
weapon in normal circumstances - tripod-supported weapon, the Impala
an iron spike fitted with curved, sharp clurnsinessofbattlearmor.H-crossuruts
mounted chain gun was used by dispose of heat, also serving as a min-
qui lions. Nippon engineers have MarSec agents against food rioters in
turned it into far more than a standard ;ature thermo-couple device to convert
Marketplace prior to its productIOn In the heat to energy for the armor.
melee weapon, however. When held Nippon. This weapon, with its 800
so that the spike points upwards, the RKD is dangerous only if used when
round magazine, can wipe out an en- disconnected. It has a normal fatigue
sai acts as an antenna to project an tire platoon in a matter of seconds.
electro~magnetic pulse with an effec- penalty in this case, and an additional
tive range of 10 meters. This acts to Kanawa Sprite Missile: A short- range Dexterity penalty (any character wear-
shut down any electronic gear - sen- missile that packs a strong punch, the ing Kyoto armor on torso and limbs
sors, communication devices, com- Kanawa Sprite was developed exclu- has their Dexterity-based skills re-
puters, etc. - for two minutes. It has sively for use with the Nagara Secunty duced by 1).
been used both in combat and for 44TS Robot. It has the same range as Rijato Battlesuit: One of the most so-
sabotage. the LAW missile, but is capable of phisticated suits of armor in the realm,
slightly more damage. the Rijato is solar-powered and
equipped with wrist-blasters, magne-
Missile Weapons Energy Weapons sium flares, and magnetic repellors
which allow it to fly. It is not intended
Throwing Stars: The dreaded to be worn, but can be controlled from
Electroshock Grips: These finger-less afar via a cybernetic helmet. This ar-
"shuriken," in use for over 400 years, gloves are wired to a powerful battery
these are small metal discs with sharp mor is beyond even the Tech axioms of
worn in the small of the back. When Nippon, and at present only the proto-
blades emerging from the sides. They activated, the gloves are capable of
are designed to whirl as they fly type is known to exist (it was stolen by
delivering a non-lethal stunning its inventor before 3327 could appro-
through the air and then bury them- charge to anyone touched.
selves in the target. Throwing stars are priateit). Itisnot available on the open
extremely easy to conceal on one's Hand Laser. On the cutting edge of market, and thereisnowayofknowing
person, and kill with lightning speed Nippon technology, miniaturized hand if it could ever be duplicated.
and in utter silence. lasers are not available on the open Due to the strain of maintaining
market, and are far too expensive for cybernetic control of the armor~ f?r
Electro-Stars: Shuriken with a chip most people on the black market: dueto every hour in which the armor IS In
that provides an electric charge to vic- their scarcity. Hand lasers are pnmarily use, there is a -1 penalty to all of the
tim. Effects and limitations are the found on security robots. controller's Mind-based skills. These
same as with electro-sword. skills can be returned to normal by

Torg: Nippon Tech

resting for a number of hours equal to Hornet can fly as fast as 400 kmh, and Self-Powered
the time spent operating the armor. is armed with two Impala mounted Land Vehicles
The wrist-blasters do damage value chain guns, as well as two rocket
18 (range3-40/200/500) the magnesium launchers which can fire up to 100 2.75 Mitsuyana Sedan: A combination
flares damage value 9 (range 1-6/15/40 inch rockets. luxury car/ armored personnel carrier
-unprotectedeyesonly),and theannor is the best way to describe the
can fly at a speed of 70 kmh. Jet-Powered Aircraft Mitsuyana Sedan. The car seats four
and contains a CD stereo system, cel-
Oda-]7: Built purely for speed, the lular phone and satellite navigation
Vehicles Oda-17 is the fastest jet on the planet.
The plane can travel at 3,750 kmh,
system. The auto body is armored and
the exhaust system is equipped to emit
More than any other realm, Nippon easily outdistancing the SR-71. To do a chemical smoke screen to confuse
has made great strides in vehicular this, of course, the jet had to sacrifice pursuit. In addition, the car is coated
technology, including air, land, water armament, but the combination of its with a refractory material similar to
and space vehicles. Save for the latter, speed and stealth technology makes that used in jet aircraft which prevents
samples of virtually all are available instances of combat rare. The Oda-17 radar detection.
on the open market, proViding one is used largely for reconnaissance
work, particularly in the region domi- Kokoru Avenger: The auto
has enough yen.
nated by the Cyberpapacy. company's top-of-the-linemotorcycle.
3327 has researchers at work at- Smooth acceleration, excellent han-
dling, and standard features include
Air Vehicles tempting to find a way to retain the
wind screen, sidecar, satellite naviga-
speed while adding armament, but no
progress has been reported as yet. tion system, CD stereo sound, and
cellular phone (with optional personal
Rotary Wing Jet Pack: A unit commonly found only FAX).
Oda Butterfly: A helicopter designed as part of Nippon gospog armor, a
personalized jet pack can travel at Kanawa-Mitsuyana Mikado: A
for the executive on the go, the Butterfly smooth, sleek vehicle for the '90s, the
was developed by Oda shortly after speed value 13 and has a Toughness of
17. It emits a high-pitched whine when Kanawa-Mitsuyana Mikado combines
3327's arrival. After the corporate wars jump-car technology with aerody-
began, the Butterfly was modified in use, and so detracts from any at-
tempt at surprising an enemy (-I to namic engineering to produce a ve-
using Kanawa Corporation schemat- hicle unlike any other on the road.
ics (see below). stealth skill when in use).
Standard features include satellite
The Butterfly can attain speeds of navigation, onboard computer (] Mb
150 kmh, and onboard features in- Hovercraft memory block, 2 Mb storage),
clude cellular phones, satellite navi- quadrophonic compact disc, and triple
Hoversled: A two-man version of the
gation system, personal FAX and video Oda Attack Platform, the hoversled strut suspension.
transfer units, onboard computer (8 The Mikado makes use of a nitrous
can reach speeds of 150 kmh. It does
Mb memory block, 40 1\1b storage), not have weaponry installed, but is oxide supplemental drive system that
compact disc quadrophonic sound and faster, more maneuverable and less allows a standard piston engine auto-
a wet bar. The Butterfly can seat eight, expensive than the attack platform. It mobile to accelerate from zero to 125
and is still used by more trustingCEOs. is frequently used by ronin and ninja kmh in just under four seconds, and to
Oda-Kanawa Hornet: A more lethal for surprise attacks, since its only noise sustain speeds of up to 480 kmh for
version of the Butterfly, the Hornet is is a slight hum. five minute bursts. This system was
faster and more dangerous. "Ryuchi developed through a joint Kanawa-
Oda Attack Platform: Produced by Mitsuyana research project.
Kanawa's" personal air transport is a Oda Aircraft for supposed sale to the
Hornet, and his pilots have notched Japanese government, the Oda Attack
several kills of independentCEOs who Platform is a fully armed hovercraft
Military Vehicles
have had the audacity to try to share capable of speeds up to 100 kmh. It
the skies with the High Lord. (3327 Kanawa-Mitsuyana X4 Tank: A joint
seats four, and comes armed with an venture between Kanawa's arms di-
refers to this as "tearing the wings Impala mounted chain gun. It also
from the Butterflies.") vision and Mitsuyana Motors, the X4
features a satellite navigation system, is the latest in tank design. Able to
The Hornet has the distinction of cellular phone, and onboard computer.
being the most heavily-armed private reach speeds of up to 80 kmh, packing
Mysteriously, many of these vehicles a redesigned 125 mm gun, and
aircraft ever produced. Combining the have found their way into the hands of
armaments of the Apache with the shielded with armor that cannot be
the Yakuza, and Oda claims no knowl- penetrated by any extant anti-tank rifle,
speed of the Mi-24 Hind A-I0, the edge of how this occurred. the X4 has been marketed as the an-
swer to the technical problems of the

Chapter Nine

Torg: Nippon Tech

M1. Its Tech level has made it imprac- For further information, see page SPIRITO
tical as an export, but it is believed in 52 of the Torg World Book. Intimidation (20)
some circles that 3327 may be having Kanawa R-l Defense Robot: This unit Possibility Potential: none
them produced to prepare for the pos- would be considered the44TS' biggest EquIpment: armor (TOU+2/12),
sibility of taking overt military action competitor, if Nagara was not already two tanks of cleaning solution, which
against a rival High Lord in the future. owned by the Kanawa Corporation. is released through nozzles on the
The R-1 is used solely to guard prop- robot's wrists (range 1-6/10/30). The
Water Vehicles erty owned by Kanawa or its subsid- solution does not damage inorganic
iaries, and is not available on the open matter, but its caustic nature can do
Kokoru Ninja: A small but powerful market. The R-1 also features neural damage value 13 to anything organic.
boatforplyingtheharborsaroundJapan, net technology, with the same capa-
the Ninja cancarry up tofour passengers, bilities as the 44TS. Tatomi WKR-3: A more advanced
and features a satellite navigation sys- version of the traditional robot laborer,
tem. In addition,. the Ninja is fitted with Kanawa R-l Defense Robot
DEXTERITY 12 the Tatomi WKR-3 is infamous for
stealth technology, making it invisible forcing 300,000 people out of jobs in its
to radar, and comes with a mounted Fire combat 14, unarmed combat 14
STRENGTH 14 first month on the market. Though
chain gun for protection. Incapable of "learning" as such, the
Oda Jet-Ski: Built using elements of TOUGHNESS 20
PERCEPTION 13 WKR-3 is tough and durable, and yet
aircraft technology, the Oda Jet-Ski is capable of extremely delicate work.
among the fastest in the world, reach- From assembling automobiles and
Test (17)
ingspeedsof110 kmh. In addition, the other large vehicles, WKR-3s have
improved steering system allows for CHARISMA 3
Taunt (17) advanced to the point where they can
tighter turns, while the relatively small now manipulate microchips. In addi-
size of the craft allows it to outma- SPIRIT 3
Intimidation (17) tion, they do not grow fatigued, and
neuver larger pursuers. while the cost of their batteries is high
Possibility Potential: none
Equipment: hand-lasers (damage (¥2.8 million per year), it is still cheaper
Space Vehicles value 17, range 3-30/100/200). The than paying the salaries of human
robots are able to fire both lasers each workers, along with health benefits,
Mitiya Low Orbital: Nippon's con- vacation pay, etc.
tribution to the space race, courtesy of turn without taking the multi-action
an Oda Aircraft subsidiary. 3327 en- penalty <computer processing ac- Tatomi WKR-3
visions the LO as a hedge against counts for that). DEXTERITY 10
Cyberpope Malraux's satellite pro- Maneuver 11
grams. For now, it is being used pri- Mitsubishi Home-Domo: The best- STRENGTH 13
marily to cut the travel time between selling domestic automaton, the MHD Lifting 16
Tokyo and 3327's Chinese holdings. is programmed for cooking, cleaning TOUGHNESS 16
Turnaround time from takeoff to and routine maintenance. Its memory PERCEPTION 9
landing can be less than 40 minutes. banks hold countless recipes for Japa- Air vehicles 11, land vehicles 11,
nese and international cuisine, its tac- water vehicles 11 trick (18)
tile and chemical sensors can detect MIND 7
impurities in the air or dust on furni- Test (19)
Robotics ture. Its sensor web has also been used CHARISMA 4
Nagara Security 44TS Robot: Used by Nippon executi ves to provide early Charm (20), persuasion (20), taunt
throughout Nippon Tech, popular warning of gas attacks. (20)
largelybecause it is immune to theeffects Mitsubishi Home-Domo SPIRIT 0
of the Law of Intrigue, the Nagara Se- Intimidation (25)
curity 44TS is equipped with a belt-fed Maneuver 10 Possibility Potential: nor.e
shotgun, pincers, and two Kanawa STRENGTH 11 Equipment: Fingertip welders
Sprite missiles. Its sophisticated sensor TOUGHNESS 10 (damage value 10, range 0-.5m/1-3/
arrays allow it to detect movement up to PERCEPTION 10 5-7), manipulatory digits (DEX+3
750 meters away, and its communication Evidence analysis 11, find 13, when in use).
network enables it to contact any other scholar (culinary arts) 12, trick (20)
units on security patrol and have them MIND 8
converge on an intruder. Built with Test (18) Adventuring Gear
neural net technology, it is able to '1eam" CHARISMA 5
and remember the techniques used Charm (18), persuasion (18), taunt Grapple Gun: Built to resemble a small
against it so that they will not be effec- (19) bazooka, the grapple gun fires a large
tive in future. tron grappling hook with 1200 meters
of nylon rope attached. This can be
used to stretch lines between build-
_'I~ m
112 U!
Chapter Nine

A dventuring Gear Chart

Tech Price Tech Price

Item Level (Value) Item Level (Value)
Grapple Gun 23 28k (12) Sombu Gloves, Boots 24 56k (13)
Retina-Pattern Recorder 24 700k (19) Breather 23 10.5k (10)
Optical Helmet 24 10.5 m (25) Eye Shield 23 14k (10)
Electronic Lockpick 24 70k (14) Pure-All Chemical Kit 23 6.3k (9)
Electronic Safecracker 24 56k (13) Toranaga MedKit 24 8k (9)
ami Signal Scrambler 24 27.3k (12) Zamftech Monolith 24 500k (18)
35mm Microcamera 23 112k OS) Allied PPC HIll 24 750k (19)
Allied Camcorder 23 35k (12) Misaki XE Laptop 24 120k (15)
ami Tracer 23 42k (13) Zamftech Personal FAX 24 450k (18)
Allied Micro-Transmitter 24 420k (18) ami Video Transfer 24 600k (19)
Smoke Screen Pellets 23 lO.5k (10) Allied Video Phone 23 70k (14)
Smoke Screen Lenses 24 28k (12) Sony Talkman 24 120k (15)
Satellite Navigation System 24 350k (]7) Sony Talkman Scrambler 24 200k (16)
Personal Radar Vest 24 175k (15) Sony Talkman Descrambler 24 175k (16)
Niyoki Camouflage Suit 24 210k (16) Nintendo 32 NES III 24 58k (14)

ings for an assault, or as a means of Optical Helmet: Not a weapon in it- Iilectronic Safecracker: Slightly
scaling various heights. Larger units, self, but a sophisticated targeting unit bulkier than its cousin mentioned
with up to 3000 meters of cord in- which improves accuracy with both above, the electronic safecracker can
cluded, are also available at a slightly firearms and melee weapons of all be used only against combination
higher price. descriptions. Resembling a jet pilot's locks. The unit is attached to the door
Retina-Pattern Recorder: Smuggled to helmet, this device contains a complex of the safe via suction cups, and tiny
Nippon from Marketplace, this item is combat computer which analyzes a electrodes are attached to the safe's
highly illegal and MarSec is authorized target weaknesses and projects a sche- dial. The electric impulses whirl the
to use deadly force in apprehending maticof them on to the helmet's visor. dial at amazing speeds, whiletheunit's
possessors. The computer will signal when the sensors listen for the sound of the
The RPR works in this manner: a weapon is correctly aimed for a strike clicking tumblers. Each time a correct
victim is subdued, and the recording at oneofthose points, and give a rough number is found, it is flashed on the
beam of the unit is shined into their estimate of the amount of damage unit's screen, until the complete com-
right eye. The beam captures a holo- caused by a hit. (Fire combat and melee bination is detected. The user can then
graphic image of their retina pattern weapons skills are increased +4 when open the safe using this information.
and stores it in its memory banks. helmet is used.) The electronic safecracker takes one
Later, the image can be transmitted Optical helmets have not yet been round to work, and has the lock picking
into a building's retina scanner, con- released for sale even to the govern- skill at 15.
vincing the security system that the ment, so they are not in widespread Omi Signal Scrambler: A security
genuine owner of that pattern is re- use. There are, however, rumored to device perfected by ami Electronics,
questing access. be some extant on the black market. the Signal Scrambler is attached to the
No side effects have been reported Electronic Lockpick: A pocket-sized inside ofa door and activated with the
among the victims, although once their device equipped with a sophisticated flick of a switch. Once in operation, it
retina patterns are placed in a security array of electronic sensors and baffles, causes interference with the sensor
system's "suspect" file, it is far more virh.lally any lock, electronic or me- signals received by electronic lockpicks
difficult for them to conduct business chanical, can now be opened. It is nor- and safecrackers, effectively negating
or do anything else that requires pass- mally used by espionage agents and their effects. Efforts are underway to
ing through scanners. RPRs are ex- Yakuza members. recalibrate the anti-lock devices to
tremely expensive, and are commonly The electronic lockpick has a compensate for such interference, but
only available from members ofShiki. Toughness of 9 and the lock picking skill apparently without any success as yet.
As yet, the mega-corporations have at 16. It takes one round to success- The Signal Scrambler is relatively
found no defense against this device. fully open a lock. inexpensive, and is available to the
general public.

Torg: Nippon Tech

35mm Microcamera: A product of can access mega-corporate satellites, Sorubus will not work if there is any
Allied Technologies, this device can which will beam photographic infor- liquid between the glove and the sur-
fit easily into the palm of your hand, mation regarding the area through face, however, nor can they allow the
and comes equipped with auto-focus which the car is traveling. In addition, user to scale an utterly smooth plane.
and auto-advance. It holds a 30-expo- drivers can call up information re- Use of Sorubu gloves and boots
sure roll of film, and can be triggered garding other geographic areas if they adds +2 to climbing ability. Use of
with the slightest movement of the so desire. This allows for the plotting gloves or boots alone adds +1 to
palm. Primarily used for espionage, of the most direct course to a given climbing.
this is a popular item among members destination, and cuts down on traffic Breather: A Marketplace item that has
of the Rauru Block Operations Arm. problems and the taxing of a region's begun to come into its own in Nippon
Allied Camcorder: A miniaturized infrastructure. and other realms, the breather mask
camcorder, small enough to be fitted Personal Radar Vest: A lightweight protects the wearer from toxic fumes
in an earring and absolutely silent vest worn under a coat or sweater, the and other impurities, as well as gas
while in operation. Tapes are good for PRY can detect any moving object attacks. The breather mask is fitted
up to 12 hours of recording. A prime larger than a baseball within 200 meters over the nose and mouth, and the fil-
espionage tool. regardless of intervening obstacles. A trationsystem built into it collects dust
Omi Tracers: These tiny "bugs" allow cord connects the unit to a wristband, and smoke particles, ash, and other
Q Imnter to keep track of his quarry at
which displays a visual readout. foreign elements and allows clean air
a range of up to four kilometers. No Niyoki Camouflage Suit: Manufac- to be inhaled (the breather has been
larger than ants, the bugs can be mag- tured by a Chinese firm under license estimated to provide 80 percent cleaner
netized or attached using most adhe- from Borubokan Textile, the Niyoki air, although some believe this figure
sives. Signals are beamed back to a camouflage suit features loose-fitting to be inflated by the anti-pollution
receiver, but will grow fuzzy or dis- shirt and pants, a scarf that can be device manufacturers).
torted if the tracer is near a strong worn around the head and a full face- Eye Shields: These protective goggles
electrical source. mask with built-in breather. The perform essentially the same service
Allied Micra-Transmitter: Designed for Niyoki comes in a variety of colors, as do breathers, only they guard the
use by covert operatives, the Allied but the two predominant choices of eyes rather than the lungs. Their rate
micro-transmitter can be implanted Nippon residents are black and white. of success if higher than that of breath-
beneath a fingernail (commonly that of The Niyoki is designed to afford ers (approximately 92 percent), but
the thumb), and agents can send mes- maximum freedom of movement, and the plastic lenses deteriorate and be-
sages in Morse code simply by applying the material is a synthetic which makes come useless after only a few weeks.
pressure to the nail. Receivers builtalong virtually no noise that could alert oth- Available with UV-resistant coating.
the same lines have proven notoriously ers of the wearer's presence. The black Pure-All Chemical Testing Kit: Ideal
unreliable, however, and so all commu- suit, commonly worn by corporate and for testing the purity of water, the
nication using the micro-transmitters is contract ninjas, does not reflect light, Pure-All is a "must have" for those
one-way only. so it is possible for the user to Simply planning to spend any time on the
fade into the shadows. The black streets ofMarketplace. A water sample
Smoke Screen Pellets: An excellent Niyoki provides a +1 to the wearer's
diversion when an escape is required, is poured into a test tube, a drop of
stealth value. Pure-All formula is added, and the
one smoke pellet em!ts a gaseous cloud The white suit is designed for win-
which covers an eight meter area results are immediately apparent: if
ter expeditions, and while bulkier, it the solution turns a dark blue, the
around the impact point. Finding serves the dual purpose of keeping
someone with the cloud requires a find water is relatively pure; if it turns red,
wearers warm and helping them to the water has been contaminated.
or Perception total of 20. blend into the snow. This suit is fur- The Pure-All works in one round,
Smoke Screen Lenses: Special pairs lined, and features a coat, pants, gloves, and no skill is required to use it.
of lenses which negate the effects of shoes and facemask with breather. The
smoke screen pellets, and allow the white suit is designed to reflect light in Toranaga MedKit: A product of
wearer to operate normally. These such a way as to produce a condition Toranaga Chemical, the MedKit con-
lenses do not confer any benefit on the similar to snowblindness, and thus tains a variety of concentrated antibi-
wearer when there is no smoke screen provides a +3 to the user'sstealth value. otics, mini-lasers for wound cauter-
present. ization, and antidotes to most known
Sorubu Gloves, Boots: Alsoa product poisons. Possession of a MedKit pro-
Satellite Navigation System: Now a of Chinese industry, these accessories vides a +3 bonus to the first aid skill.
standard feature on most vehicles in are designed for use with all of the
Nippon Tech, SatNav systems allow Niyoki camouflage suits. Both the Zarnftech Monolith:The RISC1?-based
drivers to take advantage of the infor- gloves and the boots are made from a Monolith computer features a single
mation obtained by orbital satellites. new type of rubber which helps users chip containing the 64 bit video ca-
Using an easy-to-operate computer adhere to solid surfaces, such as processor, floating point co-processor,
built into the dashboard, the driver buildings and mountain peaks. The and voice recognition processor. Comes

•• 114
Chapter Nine

bundled with touchpad,32Mb memory, Zamftech Personal FAX: A major leap Sony Talkman: The latest revolution
multiple output option module, in- forward in FAX technology, this in cellular technology, the Talkman is
cluding both color and tactile compat- Zamftech unit can fit into the pocket of a personal telephone no larger than a
ibilitiesanda 1Gbopticaldrive. Memory a jacket. Pullout the point and shoot wallet. It can be worn on a belt or
can be increased to 256 Mb and up to scanner and scan any document or inside a suitcoat to receive calls at any
seven additional optical drives can be scene, then call in the image to any time, and can also be used in conjunc-
daisy-chained to the primary drive. accessible FAX machine over any tion with the Zamftech Personal FAX.
Allied PPC Hll1: Based on a combi- available phone line. No special phone Sony Talkman Scrambler. A small
nationofRiSC architecture and neural connections are needed. 5-25 images device which can be attached toaSony
networks, this business computer has can be stored to transmit depending Talkman, it effectively scrambles the
a cellular connection to the Nikkei on the resolution used to scan the signals and prevents electronic eaves-
market computers, and is continuously document or scene. dropping on conversations.
updating the market information. Uses Omi Video Transfer. This unit com- Sony Talkman Descrambler. A com-
neural net technology to learn its bines the convenience of FAX technol- panion device to the above, Talkmans
owner's preferences in business deci- ogy with the precision of real-time must have this device to decode the
sions with RlSC processing of numeri- video. VHS or optical laser format scrambled signals of another such cel-
cal trends to support buy and sell or- video images may now be FAXed over lular phone.
ders appropriate to the owner. Comes phone lines to any other video transfer
with the latest in security features, machine and output as a VHS car- Nintendo 32-Bit NES III: Nippon's
including retina scanner. tridge or optical disc. most popular home entertainment
unit, available cartridges include Zelda
Misaki XE Laptop Computer. The Allied Video Phone: A standard tele- V, Ninja Castle, Mega-Corporate Wars,
hottest selling portable in Marketplace phone with a video unit and auto- Ronin Rampage, and Evander Holyfield
and Nippon, this unit features a fast matic call tracer built in. Users can see Ten Count. Unit comes standard with
RISC15 processor - a single chip con- the number of their caller before pick- stereo headphones and 6" 64-bit color
taining the 16 bit video coprocessor, ing up the phone, and once connected, display.
floating point co-processor, and voice can see the face of the person to whom
recognition processor. Comes with 16 they are speaking. An invaluable tool
Mb memory, 100 Mb storage, and when dealing with CEOs who may, or
weighs less than four poundS. may not, be telling you the truth.

Sony and Nintendo are trademarks of their rl'SJX"CIive owners.

Torg: Nippon Tech

E quipment

All prices are in yen 00.

Damage Range (meters)
Tech Value Ammo Short Medium Long Price(Value)
Chiang 67 23 16 8 3-10 25 50 25k (12)
KanawaKMll 23 18 12 3-10 25 40 30k (12)
LOV9mm 23 15 12 3-20 30 50 70k (14)
ZIIP77z 23 16 12 3~10 25 40 90k (15)
13mm Chunyokai 24 18 9 3-10 40 50 140k (15)

Submachine Guns (Auto)

Sansu llmm 23 17 10 3-15 35 100 65k (14)
SC Kyogo 144 24 18 15 3-15 40 150 70k (14)

7mm Brandeis 23 20 18 3-75 220 550 160k (16)
SC Kyogo T11 (auto) 24 21 40 340 150 400 280k (17)
Impala Chain Gun 24 23 600 3-40 150 400 1 m (20)

Heavy Weapons
Flamethrower (min.) 24 18 10 3-10 40 100 90k (15)
Mounted Chain Gun 24 27 800 3-60 250 550 3 m (22)
Kanawa Sprite 24 29 1 10-100 250 400 18 m (26)

Energy Weapons
Hand Laser 24 17 20 3-30 100 200 28 m (27)
Electroshock Grip 24 9 10 touch 200k (16)

Melee Weapons
Maximum Plus to
Tech Damage Value Damage Value Price (Value)
Manriki-Gusari 8 +5 19 17k (11)
Palanic Staff 7 +3 18 250k (17)
Katana 9 +7 21 29k (12)
Nunchaka 9 +5 19 35k (12)
Shimsi Sword 15 +5 19 70k (14)
Electro-Sword 24 +8' 22 400k (18)
S-L Stiletto 23 +6 20 150k(16'
EMPSai 24 +5 19 300k (17)

Missile Weapons
Damage/ Range (meters)
Tech Maximum Value Short Med. Long Price (Value)
Throwing Stars 15 +3/17 3-5 10 15 28k (12)
Electro-Stars 24 +5/18' 3-5 10 15 70k (14)
Heat-Seeking Stars 24 +3/17 3-10 15 20 80k (14)

Chapter Nine

Tech Value/Max. Fatigue? Price (Value)
Kyoto Police RKD 24 +7/25 no' 14 m (25)
Rijato Battlesuit 25 +8/26 no' 14 t (55)

Speed Price
Tech kmhImphivalue Passengers Toughness (Value)
Rotary Aircraft
Oda Butterfly 23 150/90/13 8 17 84 m (29)
ada Hornet . 24 400/250/15 8 21 210 m (31 "

Jet Aircraft
Oda-17 24 3:;'50/2345/20 2 22 4.2 b (38)
PersQ.nal JetPack 24 140/90/13 1 17 2."Lm (21)

Hoversled 24 125/80/13 1 14 2.8 m (22)
Oda Allac1&.E1atfuqn 24 100/6.QL12 4 18 4.2 m (23)

Self-Powered Land Vehicles

Mitusyana Sedan 23 192/120/14 4 25 11.2 m (25)
oi<oru Avenger 23 160/100/13 1 13 2.52 m (22)
K-M Mikado 24 480/300/16 4 15 14 m (25)

Military Vehicles
K-MX4Tank 24 80/50/12 4 35 280 m (32)

Water Vehicles
Kokoru Ninja 23 100/60/12 4 21 7 m (24)
Oil<i:J:et-Ski 24 110/70/1'3 _ 1 19 2.1 m (21)

Space Vehicles
Mitiya Low Orbital 24 28k/18k/24 20 28 84 b (44)

Tech Price (Value)
Nagara Security 44TS 24 105 m (30)
-Kana-waR- 24 2-10 m (41)
Mitsubishi Hom-Domo 24. 2.1 m(21)
Tatomi WKR-3 24 ..@_m(21)

*See note in text.

Corporate Corporate
~~3~ ~~~
Player Name: Plilyer Name:
e . ~-'-----'<'-=------_
.' .f '!'.!~ . _ Ninja Ninja
Character Home Marketplace Possibilities
Name Cosm Cosm: Marketplace
Age Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social Background: In Marketplace, you
Wound 2 22 werea corporate ninja ofsome renown
Hvy Wound - it was said that you would join the
Spiritual Tech
Weight o firms no one expected to survive, and
[kad K 8 24
within three months, they would be
Arrobatics As the Triad began to exert greater
Dodge DEX and greater control, you found the
Fire Combat DEX only challenge left was to work for the
Lock Pickin DEX
independent corporations against
Maneuver DEX
Martial Arts 3 DEX I 16 their mammoth cousins.
Melee Weapons DEX It was during one such job that you
Missle Weapons DEX encountered a band of strangers that
Prestidigitation DEX called themselves "Storm Knights."
Stealth DEX They helped you to fight off a MarSee
Disguise PER raid, and then told you a story about
Find PER agroupofcompanies,called the Rauru
Trackin PER Block, badly in need of protection.
Charm CHA
Th~y were willing to pay handsomely
Persuasion Cl-lA
Intimidation SPI
for experience, but the Knights warned
that the job could get bloody.
You accepted the offer, and jour-
neyed down the maelstrom bridge to
Dextcril Earth. There you found major cities
Strength torn apa~t by corporate warfare, orga-
Toughness nized crime running rampant, and STR+3/12), Niyoki camouflage suit
Perception 10 Trick even encountered a few contract ninja black, ¥32,OOO.
Mind 9 Test you had battled in Marketplace. In Quote: "I do what I'm paid to do. If
Charisma 8 Taunt short, this place seems ideal for a man I happen to enjoy it as well, that's no
Spirit 8 Intimidate of your talents. one's business but mine."
Runnin Personality: Your dominant trait is Skill Notes: Your tag skill is martial
WcaDons Swimming a serene self-confidence. You work arts. Initial martial arts add costs three
~ Shimsi sword +5 14 15 jumoin more forthechallenge than the money, skill points, and each additional add
Ursan h·s Stars 12 24 3-5 10 15 Climbin and have always preferred a steady costs one point (see Chapter Five).
13mm Chunyokai 18 24 3-10 40 50 Lifting You have II points to spend on skills
[, employer to the unstable life of the
g. contract ninja. at the start, and must choose lock

Equipment: shimsi sword, (dam-
age value STR+S/14), 13mm
pickillg, stealth, and prestidigitatioll .
You cannot spend Possibilities to-
~ Die 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46 ward uses of your reality skill (see
~ Roll 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5 Chunyokai (damage value 18), heat-
Chapter Three).
" Bonus # -12 -10 -8 -5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
seeking throwing stars (damage value
Kashi Player Name:
." '.,'
Kashi Player Name:

Hacker Hacker
Character Home Marketplace Possibilities
Cosm: Marketplace Name Cosm
Background: You were a member Age Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social
of Kashi in spirit long before you were Wound 2 22
in fact. Your grandfather used to tell
you stories about Marketplace before
Hvy Wound
Mortal Spiritual I Tech
the mega-corporations took over, and
Dead K o 8 24
it all sounded so beautiful that your
heart ached at the thought it was gone
forever. You decided then and there Lock Pickin DEX
that, somehow, the corporations had Melee Weapons DEX
Stealth DEX
to be overthrown and the world re-
turned to what it used to be.
When you grew up and joined a
tI \ I
Unarmed Combat
Evidence Analvsis
Kashi cell, your computer aptitude
made you an ideal choice to serve as a
"hacker." You took a job with a cor-
poration in Sebat, and from there you
tapped into computers throughout the
i Find
Science 3
MIN I 13
megaplex, rearranging financial pro- Test MIN
jections, undermining stock deals, and Charm CHA
driving several undersubsidiaries into Persuasion CHA
Taunt CHA
bankruptcy. It was dangerous work, Intimidation SPI
but invigorating, and you felta partof
something important.
Still, it did not seem as if a great Dexteritv 9
deal was changing in Marketplace. Strem!th 9
But you had heard rumors through really a very outgoing person. You
Toughness 9
the computer networks of a major revel in being able to go outdoors Perception 10 Trick
deal involving a place called Earth, without a breather on, and you have Mind 10 Test
and were able to get yourselfassigned great admiration for the Storm Charisma 10 Taunt
Knights, who have the courage to Spirit 9 Intimidate
to that project. This was a place that
could still be saved, and you knew stand up to the mega-corporations.
Kashi had the ability to throw the Equipment: business suit, dagger Weapons Swimming
mega-corporations into disarray and (damage value STR+3/12), Misaki XE Stiletto +3 I 12 I 8 JumDin
pave the way for their final defeat. laptop computer, Talkman, personal Climbin
Through your Kashi contacts, you FAX, Omi Tracer, retina-pattern re- Lifting
met with executives of the Rauru corder, ¥70,OOO
Block, as well as small groups ofStorm Quote: "Destroying the company
Knights. is easy. It's finding the access code
Personality: Despite the cold, which lets you do it that's hard." Die
I 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
1 2 4 6 8 1 0 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
sterile nature of your work, you are Skill Notes: Your tag skill isseiel1ee. Bonus #1 -12 -10 -8 ~5 -2 -1 o 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
tWJiiiA~M . : ::0J
Player Name: Player Name:
Mega-Corporation Mega-Corporation
'.', - "-~+~: _!~--:,.,.,;." CEO CEO
Character Home Nippon Tech Possibilities
Name Cosm Cosmo Nippon Tech
Age Wound Level I Shock Damage I Magic Social Background: Your life has been
I I Wound 2 22 your business, to the exclusion of all
Height Hvy Wound
Morlal Spiritual I Tech else - you have eschewed a home life
to set an example to your employees,
Dead K o 8 24
working 16-hour days and countless
weekends to build your corporation
into a power in Japan. Your success
Fire Combat DEX was measured in yen, and you were
Maneuver DEX
very successful indeed.
Unarmed Combat DEX
Disguise PER
Then things began to turn sour. -0
Evidence Analysis PER Small companies you had planned to
Find PER acquire were snatched away by the
L:,nguage PER Kanawa Corporation and its subsid-

5choltlf PER iaries. Suddenly, firms you had done
Trick PER business with for years were treating
Business 3 MIN 15 you like a pariah, and one CEO you
Meditation MIN played golf with confided in you that
Test MIN Yakuza enforcers had been intimidat-
Charm CHA
Persuasion CHA
ing executives throughout Tokyo into
cooperating with Kanawa.
SPI His words proved prophetic. Your u
factory was firebombed, five of your
top employees murdered.
You knew Kanawa would not give
up easily, and the survival of your
corporati,m was at stake. You there- determined to see those ideals re-
Trick fore joined with other companies in stored if it costs every yen of your
Test forming the Rauru Block to oppose fortune.
Taunt the maneuvers of the new mega-cor- Equipment: Brooks Brothers suit,
Intimidate LOY Beretta (damage value 15),
porations. With this new capital be-
hind you, you turned your firm into a Talkman, K-M Mikado, ¥1 billion.
Weaoons Swimming mega-corporation, and now do battle Quote: "I know the Nikkei, I've
LOV Beretta 15 23 ]umoin with your enemies on the floor of the spent a good deal of my life there. Its
Climbin Nikkei, in corporate boardrooms, and behavior of late has been akin to that
Lifting sometimes in the streets of Tokyo. of a trusted friend who has taken to
Personality: Your gentle manner drink. I need no more proof than that
hides a spirit of steel. You believe that of the changes in my country."
business must be conducted with Skill Notes: Your tag skill is busi-
Die 3 S 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
Roll 124 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
honor and some concern for the wel- ness.
fare of society as a whole, and are
Bonus #1 -12 -10 -8 -s -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Priest of Player Name:
~ ~.'.
~~M Priest of
Player Name:

Palan , ... , Palan

Character Possibilities
Cosm: Marketplace Home Marketplace
Name Cosm
Background: You were a low-level Age Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social
executive in a Donglin mega-corpo- Wound 2 22
ration when you first heard the words Height
of Palan. They spoke of men being Weight
Hvy Wound
Mortal Spiritual I Tech
equal, no matter their income bracket Dead K o 8 24
or their position on the corporate
ladder; of the beauty of fresh air and
sunsets, things that had been lost in Maneuver DEX
the rush for profit; of the malicious lie Martial Arts DEX
that credits were all that there was to Melee Weapons DEX
life. In this creed, you found what had Missle Weapons DEX
Stealth DEX
been missing in your life all these Unarmed Combat DEX
years - without a second thought, Disguise PER
you erased the program on your Find PER
laptop (costing your firm 300,000 Scholar PER
credits in the process) and walked out Meditation MIN
of the building to join the priests of Willpower MIN
Palan. Charm CHA
The order was happy to take you Persuasion CHA
in, and your life was a peaceful and Taunt CHA
Faith SPI
content one until the day of the Ter- Focus 3 SPI I 14
mination. You lost thousands of Intimidation SPI
spiritual brothers and sisters on that
day, and it is a shock from which you Dexteritv 9 Maneuver
still have not recovered. Suddenly, Strength 8
your love for Palan and his teachings Palanic religion (which amount to "the
Toughness 9
was matched by a hatred for the spirit is good, all things material are Pcrccption 10 Trick
Marketplace mega-corporations and evil.") Due to this state of mind, you Mind 9 Test
can act very self-righteous at times. 10
the insidious poison they had intro- Charisma Taunt
duced into society. Equipment: monastic robes, staff Spirit 11 Intimidate
At the direction of your superiors, (damage value STR+3/11).
you disguised yourself as a bureau- Quote: "How can anyone deny that Weapons SWimming
crat and made your way to Earth. The profit is evil, when he sees what has Staff +3 I 11 1 7 Jumpin
destruction of3327's operations in this happened here? I am Palan's agent in Climbin
cosm could deal a mortal blow to his this place, and his will shall be done." Lifting
empire, and with his collapse, the rest
of the mega-corporations are sure to Skill Notes: Your tag skill is foclls.
follow (or so you believe). Initiall/larl ial arts add costs three skill
Personality: You are a fanatic, to-
points, and each additional add costs
one point (see Chapter Five). Die
I 3 5 7 9 11 13 21
1 2 4 6 8 1 0 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 +S
tally dedicated to the principles of the
Bonus #1 -12 -10 -8 -5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 +1
Rauru Block Player Name:
~.~M Rauru Block Player Name:

- - -- -_. Agent Agent
Character Home Possibilities
Name Cosm Nippon Tech Cosmo Nippon Tech
Age Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social Background: It took you a long
Wound 2 22 time to accept the fact that something
Height HvyWound strange was going on in Japan,
Spiritual Tech
Mortal something connected to the Possibil-
Dead K o 8 24 ity Wars sweeping the globe. But soon
the evidence grew too great to be ig-
Acrobatics DEX nored.
Dodge DEX You wanted to get to the truth of
Fire Combat DEX the matter, and this led you to an
Lock Pickin DEX
alliance with others who felt the same.
Martial Arts DEX
Stealth DEX The Rauru Block needed the skills
Unarmed Combat DEX and experience you developed as a
Disl!uise PER police officer and private security
Evidence Analysis 3 PER IS analyst, and assigned you to work
Find PER with their newly-created Operations
Scholar PER Arm.

Trackin PER The discoveries you have made
Trick PER thus far have shocked you, leaving
Business MIN
Test MIN
you with the impression that the )
Charm CHA
Kanawa conspiracy extends far be-
Persuasion CHA yond Japan - the industrialist may
Taunt CHA well have designs against the entire
Intimidation SPI world. You are unsure whether to
Maneuver accept the theory that Kanawa is a
Strength 9 High Lord, but whatever he is, you
are convinced he poses a great danger Equipment: three-piece suit, mi-
Toughness 9
Perception 11 Trick to your nation. cro-transmitter, retina-pattern re-
Mind 9 Test The war has grown deadly, and corder, 13mm Chunyokai (damage
Charisma 10 Taunt you have seen a number of friends value 18), spring-loaded stiletto
Spirit 8 Intimidate and colleagues killed. This has merely (damage value STR+6/15), 35mm
strengthened your determination to microcamera, personal radar vest,
expose Kanawa's secrets and bring ¥15,OOO.
Weapons Swimming
13mm Chunvokai 18 24 13-10 I 40 50 ]umpin him to justice. Quote: "If you have no stomach
&-L Stiletto IS 23 Climbin Personality: You are cool and col- for treachery and violence, you don't
lected, a consummate professional. belong in this business."
Any reluctance you ever felt about Skill Notes: Your tag skill is evi-
using deadly force against opponents dence analysis. Initial martial arts add
has long since been washed away by costs three skill points, and each ad-
21 26 31 36 41 46 the blood of fellow agents. ditional add costs one point (see
25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
Chapter Five).
8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
~.~.-~ ~j~ Rijato Armored
Player Name: Player Name:
Rijato Armored
- ..
. -." , Warrior Warrior
Character Home Possibilities
Cosm: Nippon Tech Name Cosm Nippon Tech
Background: For years, you were Age Wound level Shock Damage I Magic Social
an integral part of the crack research Wound 2 22
Height HvyWound
and design team in a South Korean Spiritual Tech
electronics firm. Shortly before the Mortal
Possibility Wars broke out in various
Dead K o 8 24
nations, you and your crew were
working on plans for an armored
battlesuit, something beyond the lim- DEX
its of current technology. So absorbed DEX
were you in your work that you took Maneuver DEX
Melee WC,lPons DEX
no notice of the purchase of your firm Missle Weapons DEX
by the Kanawa Corporation. Unarmed Combat DEX
Finally, it was ready, a prototype Liftin DEX
suit of armor that might never be du- Air Vehicles PER
plicated. Devastating wrist blasters, Evidence Analvsis PER
magnetic repellors for flight, and Find PER
various other devices made it virtu- Scholar PER
ally priceless on the open market. Science 3 MIN 15
Willpower MIN
Then the word came down from
Chann CI-IA
the 75th floor of the Kanawa Building
Persuasion CI-IA
in Tokyo: the Rijato belonged to the Taunt CI-IA
mega-corporation. You didn't want Intimidation SPI
toseeyourwork turned intoa weapon
of destruction. You slipped past the Dcxtcrit 8/9 Maneuver
guards at the research center, altered Strene:th 8/14
Skill Noles: Your tag skill is science.
the helmet so it would respond only Toughness 8/16
to your mind, and stole the battlesuit. For every hour in which you control Perception Trick
the armored suit cybernetically, your Mind 12 Test
Personality: You are an inventor Mind-related skills will suffer a -1 Charisma 10 Taunt
almost without peer, who loves tink- pena lty. Skills can be restored by rest- Spirit 9 Intimidate
ering with any gadget he comes across. ing for an amount of time equal to 16 I 25
Equipment: Rijato battlesuit (ar- that spent operating the armor. Runnin

mor value TOU+8/16), cybernetic The additional attribute points Weapons Swimming
controller, wrist-blasters (damage noted on the template are provided Wrist Blasters 18 24 I 3-40 I 200 I 500 JU01Din
by the battlesuit, and need not be Magnesium Aares (9) 24 I 1-6 I 15 I 40 Climbin
value 18), magnesium flares (damage Lifting
value 9, unprotected eyes only), purchased.
Quole: "I knew what they wanted
to do with this suit. I decided to do it Die 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
to them first." Roll 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
Bonus # -12 -10 -8 -s -2 -1 0 1 234 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Player Name:

'fu;" Ronin Player Name: Ronin

Character Possibilities
Home Marketplace Cosm: Marketplace
Name Cosm
Age Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social Background: You inherited the
Wound 2 22 samurai mantle from yourfather, who
Height Hvy Wound inherited it from his father. Your
Spiritual Tech
Morti'll family tradition has always been to
Weight Dead K o 8 24 serve a master, be he landowner or
business owner, But with the climate
in Marketplace, you decided there was
Maneuver DEX more profit to be made as a free agent,
Martial Arts DEX and struck out on your own.
Mek:r.e Weapons 3 DEX 13 You accepted a high-paying con-
Missle Weapons DEX tract from 3327, only to discover that
SteCllth DEX the target was an aged burakumin
Unarmed Combat DEX
Dis~uise PER woman whose son was a Shiki leader,
Evidence Analysis PER You couldn't bring yourself to slay an
Find PER unarmed woman, even at that price,
Scholar PER and you told 3327 so, The Triad
Trackin PER branded you a threat to the economy,
Trick PER and the mega-corporations stopped
Survival MIN hiring you,
Test MIN You disappeared into the back
Chaml CHA streets of Marketplace for months,
Persuasion CHA
Taunt CHA
until you found that there were others
Intimidation SPI in need of your services. Independent
Dexterity 10 Maneuver corporations, Kashi hackers, and
Strength 11 othersall'had use fora warrior of your
fact that you have survived so long in
Toughness 11 skill.
When 3327 opened a new "mael- such a dangerous business.
Perception 9 Trick
Mind 8 Test strom market" on a planet called Earth, Equipment: Kyoto armor (armor
Charisma 9 Taunt you made it your business to pay the value TOU+7/18), 13mmChunyokai
Spirit 8 IntimidClte place a visit. There has been no lack of (damage value 18), shimsi sword
18 I 24 (damage value STR+S/16), dagger
clients, particularly among the Rauru
Runnin (damage value STR+3/14), ¥700,OOO
Weapons Swimming
Block, and you have even broken your
13mm Chunyokai 18 24 13-10 I 40 50 Jumpin
own rule and done some jobs for free, Quote: "Yes, I can find a way in.
Shimsi Sword +5 16 15 Climbin if you felt the task was important I've seen that security system before;
Da~u!;cr +3 14 7 Lifting enough and you liked the people in- it poses no challenge. How much are
volved. you willing to pay?"
Personality: You love your work, Skill Notes: Your tag skill is melee
and you consider yourself the best at weapol1s. Initial martial arts add costs
3 5 7 9 1 1 13 21 26 31 36 41 46 what you do. You take a great deal of
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
three skill points, and each additional
pride in your performance, and the add costs one point (see Chapter Five).
Bonus #1 -12 -10 -8 -5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
~~ ..~ Shiki ~iiWM~M
Player Name: Player Name:
.... ."
----- -

Character Home Marketplace Possibilities

Cosm: Marketplace Name Cosm
Background: You were born into a Ag. Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social
burakumin family in the Donglin Wound 2 22
Height !ivy Wound
Megaplex, and your life has been one Spiritual Tech
long struggle for survival. At the age Weight o
of16, you saw your parents shot down Ocad K 8 24
by MarSee troopers during a food riot,
and narrowly evaded their bullets Dod •• DEX
yourself. Fire Comb.'lt 3 DEX 13
Alone and desperate, you turned Lock Pickin DEX
Maneuver DEX
to crime. Then one night you accosted Martial Arts DEX
an executive type, and to your sur- Melee We.lOons DEX
prise, he easily defeated you. But Misslc Weapons DEX
rather than turn you in, he took you to Runnin DEX
meet others like yourself, people who Stealth DEX
had suffered the cruelties of MarSee. Un<lrmcd Combilt DEX
The man, Shuko Matsadaira, ex- Disguise PER
plained that he was forming an army Find PER
to fight back on behalf of the Trick PER
Survival MIN
burakumin, and offered you the
Test MIN
chance to join. You accepted, and for Taunt CI-IA
months helped carry the fight to the Intimidation sri
doorsteps of the mega-corporations.
A few short months ago,
Matsadaira asked you to go on an Dexteritv to Maneuver
important and dangerous mission. Strength 9
on Matsadaira as a father figure.
3327 was expanding into another new Touc:hncss 10
market, one rumors said could make Equipment: torn denim vest, jeans, Perception 10 Trick
him more powerful than ever before. retina-pattern recorder, chain (dam- Mind 9 Test
age value STR+3/12), 13mm 9 Taunt
But the people there were resisting,
Chunyokai (damage value 18), knife 9 Intimidate
and the Shiki had the opportunity to
deal the Triad and MarSee a crushing (damage value STR+3/12), Pure-AI
blow. You volunteered to disguise Chemical Kit. Weapons Swimming
yourself as an executive and travel Quote: "l've seen worse than this 13mm Chunvokai 18 24 13·10 I 40 50 JumDin
down the bridge to this new world, ... a lot worse." Chain +3 12 7 Climbin
and fight on until the rule of the mega- Knife +3 12 8 Lifting
corporations was overthrown.
Skill Notes: Your tag skill is fire
combat. Initial martial arts add costs
Personality: You are a survivor, three skill points, and each additional
and feel confident that no challenge add costs one point(seeChapter Five). Die 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
on this new world can overcome you. 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO +5
Roll 1 2 4 6
You are proud to be a Shiki, and look
Bonus # -12 -10 -8 -5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Son of
Player Name:
'.' ~.< . . ~M Son o~
Player Name:

~"_-"~ ---"- " the Wmd __ ,.,,t-,._~-, ~_---=--_" the Wind

Character Home Possibilities
Cosm Nippon T('Ch Cosm: Nippon Tech
Age Wound level Shock Damage Magic Social Background: You sensed the
Wound 2 22 changes in Japan long before any news
Height Hvy Wound reached your temple regarding them,
Spiritual Tech
Mort,,1 Nature's voice had altered slightly,
Weight K 0 8 24
balances had been upset. Something
dark was taking place, and unop-
posed, it would surely conquer alL
Dod~e DEX You knew the time had come to use
Lock Pit-kin DEX the skills you had been taught, but not
Martini Arts 3 DEX IS all of your fellow Sons agreed, Many
Mck'C Weapons DEX
felt it wiser to remain in seclusion and
Missle Weapons DEX
Prestidigitation DEX let the outside world handle its own
Stealth DEX problems, but you argued that it
Disguise PER would only be a matter of time before
Find PER the dangers without threatened the
Scholar PER temple itself. Finally, you led a small
Trackin PER contingent out of the place in which
Meditation MIN you had spent your entire life, and set
Survival MIN out to confront and defeat the evil you
Tes' MIN knew was waiting.
Charm CHA
Persuasion CHA
Since that time, months ago, you
Taunt CHA have learned much about the world,
Faith SPI and much about yourself, You have
Intimidation SPI Dexteritv t2 Maneuver fought many b3ttles, and made noble
Strength 9 friends "ailed "Storm Knights" who
honored you by counting you among stand you respect your fighting skilL
Toughness 10
Perception 9 Trick their number. You have fought many Equipment: ceremonial robe,
Mind 10 Test battles, both in Japan and in strange, nunchaka sticks (damage value
Charisma 8 Taunt faraway places yOll never dreamed STR+S/14),
Spirit 8 Intimidate could exist. You have seen the true Quote: "His aspect is that of a man
face of evil, and now know you were born to violence, and so we must re-
Weapons Swimming
right to leave the temple to combat it. spond in kind,"
Nunchaka +5 14 9 Jumpin Personality: You are intense and Skill Notes: Your tag skill is mar-
Climbin serious, and despite your travels in lial arls, with the initial add costing
Lifting recent weeks, still quite unworldly, three skill points and the others one
You speak quietly, when you speak at skill point. You have 11 points to spend
all, and though not quick to 'anger, on skills at the start. Be sure to check
you can strike with the swiftness of a the skill requirements for the marlial
Die 3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46 serpent and the devasta ting power of
Roll I I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5 arls style you wish to be proficient in,
a lion. Even those who do not under-
Bonus #1 -12 -10 -8 -5 -2 ·1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Yakuza Player Name:
~~~~ Yakuza Player Name:

Enforcer Enforcer
Character Home Nippon Tech Possibilities
Cosmo Nippon Tech Name Cosm
Background: You had a very prol- Age Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social
itable career in the Tokyo syndicate Wound 2 22
seeing to it that Diet members re- Height Hvy Wound
Spiritual Tech
membered who was paying them so Mortal
handsomely lor their services.
Dead K o 8 24
Then came the gang war, and the
reorganization olthe Yakuza. Without
warning, you were under the leader- Fire Combat 3 DEX 13
shipola different daimyo, and getting Melee Weapons DEX
Missile Weapons DEX
sent to threaten businessmen and raid
Stealth DEX
corporations. The profit margin olthe
Unarmed Combat DEX
Yakuza kept going up, but you didn't Liftin STR
understand this new method 01 op- Find PER
eration. How did bringing electronics Land Vehicles PER
firms into line help established syn- Trackin PER
dicate operations? Trick PER
Something didn't leel right. You Willpower MIN
did a little checking, enough to con- Charm CHA
vince you that Isei Sagato wasn't the Persuasion CHA
real power behind the Yakuza. Taunt CHA
Intimidation SPI
Someone was using the syndicate lor
his own purposes, and was willing to
destroy the codeolhonor the mobsters
had lived by lor centuries to achieve Dcxtcrit
his ends. Strcnc.lh
You encountered a group olStorm that gunplay is the most direct way to
Knights,and realized that the loe they settle a situation. Subtlety is not your Perception Trick
were fighting might well be the same specialty. Mind ··Test
person who had usurped control 01 Equipment: dark suit, sunglasses, Charisma Taunt
the Yakuza. Retaining your position SC Kyogo 144 (damage value 18), Spirit Intimidate

in the syndicate lor the valuable inlor- ZIP77z, electronic lockpick, 28,000
mation it provides, you began secretly yen. Weapons Swim min
aiding the Knights, with your eye on Quote: "I would advise you to re- SC Kvo2.o 144 18 24 13-15 I 40 150 Jumoin
one day taking over the Yakuza your- consider your position, while you still ZIP77z 16 23 13-10 I 25 40 Climbin
self. have one working limb." Lifting

Personality: You are tough and Skill Notes: Your tag skill is fire
violent, but with a strict code 01 be-
havior you adhere to. You have little
patience with people who can't see Die 3 5 7 9 Jl 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
Roll 12468 10 12 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
Bonus 41 -12 -10 -8 -5 -2 -I 0 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Miniatures Battles

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®. T70I & e 1990 Lucasfilm, Ltd. (LFL). All Rights Reserved. Trademarlcs of LFL used by West End Games under authorization.

A realm of intrigue, deception

and death comes to Earth ...
The Possibility Wars~ spread across the face .r
of Earth in the Near Now, twisting and trans-
forming our reality into that of someplace else.
In the mysterious realm of Nippon, a new
kind of High Lord~ holds sway-one who relies
on secrecy and stealth rather than open warfare
to achieve his ends. With much of the world still
unaware of his very existence, the Possibility
Raider~ known as 3327 now controls much of
Asia and part of the United States. His weapons
are many: wealth, influence, and a private army
of the deadliest warriors the Orient has ever
seen. In the guise of Japanese industrialist
"RyuchiKanawa," the High Lord's power grows
with each day.
Nippon Tech is a realm that mixes futuristic
technology and the ancient martial arts, where
ninja challenge samurai and mega-corporate
executives plot the financial ruin of their rivals.
It is a land where deceit is prized, death is
sudden, and betrayal lurks around every mist-
shrouded comer ...
Ortly the Storm Knights~ can stop 3327's qm-
quest of an unwitting world.

A Companion Volume to the
Torg Roleplaying Game
The Nippon Tech Sourcebook is part of Torg, an epic
game of adventure, magic and altered reality. This
volume describes the mega-corporate reality of
Nippon Tech, the realm of high finance, corporate
espionage, and advanced technology. It features
source material on the realm of Nippon, the cosm of
Marketplace,~and the rapid rise ofthe cunning 3327.
fuc1uded is gamemaster material on martial arts com-
bat, corporate wars, world laws, locations and equip-
ment/ and new character templates.
~. TM & e 1991 West End Games. All Rights Reserved.

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