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By Stewart and Stephan Wieck

Discover What Lurks Below

Roleplaying the Possibility Wars TM

The Land Below™

Discover What Lurks Below

Introduction 4
Chapter One: Entering the Land Below 8
Chapter Two: Exploring the Caves ·23
Chapter Three: Merretika 29
Chapter Four: Inhabitants 41

Chapter Five: Axioms and World Laws 64
Chapter Six: Miracles of Faith 68
Chapter Seven: Pulp Powers 74
Chapter Eight: Creatures of Merretika 77
Chapter Nine: Adventures 83

• I
The Land Below
Stewart Wieck, Stephan Wieck
Published by

Bill Smith
Additional Material, Development, and Editing

Cathleen Hunter
Graphics RD3 Box 2345
Honesdale I PA 18431
Ken Barr
Cover Illustration 20562

Interior Illustrations

Paul Balsamo [Charlie Adams, Rich Odermatt, Steve Rios], Angar Uthorion, Aysle, Baruk Kaah, Core Earth, Cosm, Cosmverse, Cyberpapacy,
Darkness Device, Dr. Mobius, Gaunt Man, Gospog, Heart of the Coyote, High Lord,
Victor Correa [Chris Mais, Ken Melnick, Roy Robinson, Dan Infiniverse, Kana wa, Living Land, Maelstrom, Maelstrom Bridge, Nile Empire, Nippon
Viger, Carlos Viruet}, Gordon R. Holcomb [Ron Armstrong, Tech, Orrorsh, Pella Ardinay, Possibility Raiders, Possibility Storm, Possibility Wars,
Jeff Campbell, Mark Johnson, Merri Martin, Toby Martin], Ravagon,Stormers, Storm Knights,Torg, and the Torg logo are trademarks of West End
Michael Levay ijames Anderson, Dave BrownfieI, Chris Helton, Games. ®, Thl and © 1991 West End Games. All Rights Reserved.
Joshua Noel], Robert Maxwell [Dug Brown, Heather Prittchet).
Playlesting and Advice

Publisher: Daniel Scott Palter· Associate Publisher: Richard Hawran • Associate Editor: Greg Gorden· Editor: Greg Farshtey
Assistant Editors: Bill Smith, Ed Stark· Art Director: Stephen Crane· Graphic Artists: Cathleen Hunter, Allen Nunis
Production Manager: Steve Porpora· Sales Manager: Fitzroy Bonterre • Sales Assistant: Maria Kammeier -Kean
Special Projects Manager: Ron Seiden· Warehouse Manager: Ed Hill • Treasurer: Janet Riccio

®, TM and © 1991 West End Games. All Rights Reserved.

Torg: The Land Below

1111 M. _
Smooth, _W~'~.
coldstone. Airstale
as death. Five days in this
horrible maze and still no
The Shared Myth
What lurks below the surface of
A New Reality
The Darkness Devices were fasci-
Earth? For thousands of years people nated. The cave network was a most
signs of the way out. believed tha t there was something unexpected development. Theyagreed
The two Storm Knights decided to take down in the dark. Even until early in to keep information on the caverns a
a quick rest. Jean-Claude rested against this century, popular fiction suggested secret from their High Lords, while
the cavern wall, scanning thearea with his that the world's interior might be a the two of them tried to determine
IRsights. Theceilingwasabout ten meters whole other world, with its own people what factors had triggered this kind of
high, with aledge directly across from him and climates. reaction. Perhaps Earth has untapped
at about chest height. "Yeah, this is just as So it was with the other invading reserves of possibility energy that
good as anyplace else. Nothing's around realms. Nippon Tech. The Nile. The could be bled dry.
that I can see." Living Land. Aysle. Orrorsh. The In the course of their searches, they
His companion, a woman dressed in Cyberpapacy. All of these realms had discovered that the creation of these
militaryfatigues, dropped toherhaunches, myths concerning what was below the caverns had also brought a fringe real-
supporting herselfwith her rifle. She pulled familiar surface of their world. With ity into closeraligrunent with theEarth.
the backpack off her aching shoulder, and the advent of the Possibility Wars, Belladereth Dularent, who is credited
put a canteen to her parched lips. Word- those myths became reality. with discovering the realm, named it
lessly, she handed the canteen to Jean- the Land Below (he thinks it is actually
Claude. a small area inside the Earth capable of
He quickly flashed a "Thanks" on his
mirror-shade LED display as he greedily
The Creation of the supporting powerful magics).
As the war dragged on and Baruk
drank the water. Seconds later, he threw Caverns Kaah and Mobius enjoyed ever greater
the canteen to the ground, spitting out a victories, both Devices agreed that
mouthful of water in a strangled scream. As the possibility raiders settled their High Lords were too concerned
"That's impos-" was all he could get into position and the war began in with the trappings of personal power.
out as a black shape leapt into him. It all earnest, Pharaoh Mobius and Baruk They were not creating enough de-
happened too quickly for the woman to Kaah formed a tenuous alliance. They struction to suit Rec Pakken and the
react. There was no sound as blackness decided it would be wise to establish a Kefertiri Idol's desires.
consumed the Frenchman. Beforeshecould permanent link between their two However, the Land Below was a
act the darkness engulfed her as well, leav- realms. They allowed their Darkness savage realm where the ambitious and
ing behind only a canteen to show that· Devices to construct an unobstructed destructive could quickly rise to
someone had passed. tunnel, linking the Nile to the Living power. In their savagery, these people
Two deaths. Three seconds. Land, using their possibility energy to would also appreciate the usefulness
build the cave. In the Nile, the energy of such destruction. Here was a realm
also tapped the Egyptians' strong be- most suited to breeding a High Lord
The Land Below lief in the Underworld. As the Nile worthy of becoming Torg.
half of the cave burrowed toward the Of particular interest is the domed
Six realms wage war with the citi- Living Land, this unfettered energy world of Merretika, deep within the
zens of Earth for control of the planet. created numerous incidental cave Land Below and home to Damo Kil of
High Lords from different realities branches. the Leopard Men and Hadian Fel Arof
have come to steal the vast resource of As the energies expended them- the Pyrian Fire Tamers. However, to
possibility energy the planet possesses. selves and burrowed into the Earth, develop the skills necessary to rule a
Few people realize that the inva- they triggered the release of energy cosm, such individuals needed chal-
sion has also fostered dramatic changes from the subconscious of people lenges; the warlords of the Land Be-
inside the planet. The Earth is now throughout the Earth. An amazing low needed to learn about technology
riddled with interconnecting subter- chain reaction spread into every realm, and magic, for without that knowl-
ranean passages. No one knows what creating a cave network almost be- edge they would face swift defeat at
lies deep in the caverns, for no expedi- yond imagining. The caverns had been the hands of advanced cultures.
tions have returned. These caverns are born of the will of billions of minds.
a whole new world, alien and danger-
ous. This is the Land Below.

•• 4

The alliance of destruction was At some point, one of the devices

forged, as the two agreed to "drop" will turn on the other, since only one
dimthreads into the reality. Taking
the form of caves, the first two
Darkness Device can merge with the
proto-High Lord. It also means that A n Alliance of
dim threads became permanent an- the Darkness Device's current High Destruction
chors to this realm, whileseveral dozen Lord will be one of the first sacrifices
more dimthreads were sent tunneling to the new High Lord. For this reason, This level of cooperation be-
through Core Earth. Many of the neither Mobius nor Baruk Kaah are tween Darkness Devices has been
dimthreads hover on the perimeter of being informed ofwhat has transpired unprecedented. Prior to this un-
the other invading realms as well. The below the Earth's surface. easy alliance, it seemed that the
dimthreads would lure adventurers Until that time of battle, the two meeting of Darkness Devices re-
into the Land Below to challenge the devices are subtly manipulating the sulted in a battle of epic destruc-
High Lord candidates. realm and testing each other's patience. tion (Earth's Darkness Device,
It is a cosmic game of strategy with Huitzilopochtli, lostsucha battle
consequences that will affect the fu- to Heketon). While each High
The Inevitable ture of Earth forever. Lord pursues their own goals,
each Darkness Device desires
Betrayal nothing more than the destruc-
The alliance of Rec Pakken and the The Other Realms tion of anything that might chal-
lenge its power, including any
Kefertiri Idol is one of the most unex- other Darkness Device. Such is
pected developments so far in thePossi- While the cave network connects to
all of the realms on Earth, only Rec the nature of the Nameless One.
bility Wars. While the two Darkness
Devices have united to groom a new Pakken and the Kefertiri Idol are fully
High Lord candidate, the alliance is aware of its significance. Since neither
doomed to disintegrate for many rea- Darkness Device is willing to push

Torg: The Land Below

also know that their miracles will only

work for a short while, so they seldom
T he Fringe Realities
do any serious exploration.

On the edges of each cosm lie Earth's fringe realities are nu-
the fringe realities. They are the merous: the Dream Time, Avalon, Pella Ardinay has an accurate map
home of realities once a part of Olympus, EI Dorado and the Land of the caves directly beneath her realm
the cosm, but now separate. The Below are some of them. Many thanks to the explorations of
legends of a cosm are the reality fringe realms were directly con- Belladereth Dularent. He entered the
of the fringe realms, still alive nected to Earth at some point. caves with a hearty group of dwarven
despite those who no longer be- Some of them, like the Dream miners in early September of 1990 and
lieve in the "fairy tales" and Time, canslill be accessed by those emerged about one month later. His
'- myths of the past. Each fringe with the right knowledge or tools. journey and reports have been kept
reality has its own reality, with One of those fringe realities, from the general population of Aysle,
axioms and world laws. How- the Land Below, has now been while Ardinay decides what to do
ever, each one is also forever tied brought to the forefront of the about the caves. She plans to send
to its cosm of origin. Possibility Wars. several teams of magicians into the
caves to see if they can explain the
"magic-rich" area Belladereth discov-
one of its dimthreads through another The first expedition, led by Field Ardinay's decision to keep such
realm, the other Darkness Devices are Major Hopten-Ra, disappeared arid matters secret had been very success-
largely ignorant about the cave net- has not yet returned (the fate of the ful until recently. Aysle has been
work, although they are trying to fig- expedition is detailed in "The Land plagued by attacks from many foul
ure out what caused its creation. Below" short story, to be published in beasts that have made their way to the
The following paragraphs provide The Nile Empire anthology from West surface, but most local authoritieshave
a general summary of the exploration End Games). deemed the creatures as the products
and knowledge concerning the caves A second expedition has returned of magic or other realms. The caves
in the Earth and the Land Below fringe sketchy reports about a sub-tropical weren't well known.
reality. domed world below Earth's surface, The dwarves are slowly mapping
some 5,000 kilometers down (or so the out the region, but most humans dis-
Nile troops believe). Mobius is impa- miss their claims as exaggerations to
Nile Empire make their stories more exciting. A
tiently waiting for a full report.
Dr. Mobius is trying to gatherinfor- few humans have entered the caverns
mationon the caves; what he knows is as well, but few have returned, and
Living Land most of them have but politely but
very sketchy.
Slaves in the mines of the Land of Baruk Kaah is enjoying use of the firmly silenced by the government.
the Dead are constantly reporting en- cave running to the Nile Empire, but That was, of course, until reporters
counters with fantastic subterranean he ignores the rest of the cave net- for the London Times were led into the
creatures, and many people have dis- work. He is simply unconcerned and caverns by a bunch of disgruntled
appeared without any clues as to their has no idea that his Darkness Device is dwarven miners who complained that
fate. responsible for many of the caverns. they weren't being provided with ad-
The Darkness Devices didn't put jakatts are allowed to explore the equate protection from tunnel drag-
the permanent dimthreads through to caverns to their hearts content, but ons. Now with the story on the front
the Land Below until August of 1990, few of them travel more than a few page of the daily papers, brave (and
but Mobius troops discovered the kilometers into the darkness. While foolish) adventurers are merrily
Nile's entrance (a gaping pit plunging they find the creatures and natural tromping down into the darkness look-
straight down) only a few weeks after formations ofthe rock fascinating, they ing for treasure.
its creation.

•• 6

Meanwhile, far to the north, Nippon Tech the caves, although especially trouble-
Uthorion is trying to find the rumored some areas are periodically cleansed
underground cities of half-folk some- Kanawa Corporation, Hantu Lim- of creatures.
where in the mountains of Norway or ited and the Rauru Block are carefully
Sweden. Uthorion is investigating the examining the labyrinth of steel and
possibility of using the caves to launch concretebeneath theground. The caves
present a huge security risk to the
attacks on Ardinay's strongholds, but
these plans are very tentative. companies because it is exceptionally This sourcebook is a companion
difficult to block all of the caves be- volume to Torg: Roleplaying the Possi-
Cyberpapacy neath a particular building (many of bility Wars. While this setting is adapt-
the caves run directly into basements able to many other roleplaying games,
Jean Malreaux believes Inferno (the and underground floors). many of the concepts and rules pre-
caverns beneath his realm) is a mani- Kanawa has several exploratory sented here are explained in greater
festation of demons that plan on at- expeditions underground to deter- detail in the boxed Torg rules set.
tacking him. He has no idea that this mine the extent of the caverns.
area is just the manifestation of what
his people believe the underworld to Orrorsh
be like.
He is using the existence of these
fiery caves to lure even more people
Thratchen is aware of the caves but
hasn't found much use for them. He
R eligions in a Game
into the church, and is promising that has yet to encounter the creatures hi- The Land Below sourcebook
all of his faithful will be protected bernating in lairs at the lowest levels defines religions as they exist and
from the forces of evil. Most people of the caverns. He is too busy trying to operate in the fictional setting
take his word to be literal truth and maintain power and keep the Gaunt we have created for the Torg
aren't questioning his proclamations, Man's supporters off-guard to devote game. It is in no way intended to
at least not yet. 'Those few who have any time to these seemingly harmless be a treatise about the state or
entered the cave network will confirm (at least to him) caverns. nature of religion in the real
Malreaux's statements. On the other hand, the Victorians world.
Malreaux's agents outside the realm and the natives oftherealm know that
haven't taken much notice of the cav- the many caves that lead up to the
erns (except for those in Aysle), so surface are the source of many of the
Malreaux doesn't understand that the terrors of Orrorsh. They have not de-
caverns run throughout the planet. veloped any coordinated responses to

Torg: The Land Below

Chapter One

The Caverns
of Earth
1111 ~II~
theorize II, 100 origins
on the 00'" "of
this underground network.
We are only beginning to
preparing for an underground sce-
nario requires some special consider-
ation from the gamemaster.

realize the network's im-

mensih} and ubiquity from our initial Entrances
We will know more after the next Finding an entrance to the cave net-
major earthquake, when we can study workis a difficult task since only a few
wave propagation through the planet's caves have been documented since
crust. Until then we mllst rely 011 the network was enhanced. While it is
exploration. a good bet that most natural caves will
-Dr. Tom Willis, Ph. D., somewhere enter the larger subterra-
Georgia Institute of Technology nean cave network, actually finding
such a link is a risky proposition. Such
The scientists of Earth have just preliminary searches gobble up a tre-
begun to explore the caverns beneath mendous amount of resources and
the surface. The biggest obstacle to time, requiring several professionals
earlier exploration was a lack of fund- from different fields, and still the re-
ing from governments and private in- turns are often negligible.
stitutions - with a war underway Storm Knights may be able to travel
most institutions had nothing to spare. to the local library or university to
However~ as more and more specula- learn about the most recent expedi-
tion (some of it even accurate) regard- tions and findings. They may also se-
ing the caverns trickles into the media, cure employment for one of these ex-
companies and educational institu- peditions (typically for "grunt work").
tions are taking more interest in the Enterprising characters should keep
topic, and the first well funded expe- detailed journals and maps (to the best
ditions are soon to be underway. of their ability) since this information
can be quite valuable to the right
Exploration The true nature of the caverns is
unknown. A few people have correctly
Players will undoubtedly explore theorized that the network runs be-
the tunnels for a variety of reasons neath the entire planet, but there are so
(concocted by the gamemaster). The many outlandish theories from sup-
tunnel network serves as a means of posedly respectable scientists that no
entering protected areas in other one really knows the truth. How much
realms, discovering new races that are the Storm Knights will learn them-
potential allies against the High Lords, selves is up to the gamemaster. If they
or spoiling the schemes of the High examine research papers and docu-
Lords as they attempt to use the tun- mented incidents, they may be able to
nels for their own dark purposes. Sim- figure out for themselves tha t this cave
ply exploring the tunnels leads to a network permeates the entire planet.
host of challenges for the players, and

Chapter One

Limestone Caves into the path of the characters or sub- seige, may take refuge in a cave en-
ject them to noxious gases. trance, not realizing that the cave ex-
The most common caves found near tends for kilometers. They will prob-
the surface are made of limestone, Created Caves ably cluster near the entrance, and
marble or other relatively soft rock. may be well stocked with food and
They have been carved out of the rock Many of the caves created in the equipment.
by running water, and consequentially early days of the war reach to the Survivalists who have spent years
often have underground pools and surface as well. They often take on the planning for an apocolypse will also
streams, although some were formed characteristics of the natural caves in be encountered in the caverns, and
millions ofyears ago and the surround- the area, although sometimes they they will probablydo anything to keep
ing area's climate changed, removing have an unusual blend of characteris- the curious away.
the ready source of water. tics from many types of caves. The Creatures that have been separated
These limestone caves have several caves near the surface are generally of from their homeland will. also take
common characteristics, including smooth stone, cool and have plenty of refuge in the caverns (perhaps an
winding, twisting and irregular cav- accessible water. The caves deep in the Ayslish dragon will be found hiding
erns, which range from several meters Earth seemed to be a hybrid of the in a Core Earth cavern).
wide to barely large enough to crawl cave types: some smooth and circular Even if the location of nearby caves
through. Stalactites and stalagmites caves are littered with stalagmites, for is known, often the people have good
are common in these types of caverns, example. This phenomenon is of par- reason to avoid it. Legends about these
which are generally cool and wet. ticular interest to geologists, who are places are quite common - the un-
Coloration varies widely, depend- trying to formulate theories to explain known mixed with overactive imagi-
ing upon the natural color of the rock the network's existence. nations has introduced a climate of
as well as whatever sediments have fear whenever the caves are men-
been ground into it over the years. tioned. These are normally effective
These types of caves are often suitable Staging Hints deterents to exploration, although
homes for the creatures of the subter- some towns will hire Storm Knights to
ranean realms, so they can be danger- While each realm's caves have their investigate these places and find out
ous to explore. own unique flavor, here are some gen- the truth.
eral guidelines that can be used for The urban cave entrances are rare,
Shore Caves background. but they are generally well known in
The caves of Earth are often just a the immediate vicinity. A few of the
This type of cavern is also formed curiosity, but little more. There are a created entrances emerged right in the
by the eroding action of water, but this few areas where a creature has come center of towns and cities (including
time it is from the ocean or sea tides from the caverns and gone on a ram- "The Pit" in the center of Amarillo,
that have burrowed into the rocks of page through a nearby village, but Texas), and while people have ex-
the shore. These caves can run deep these incidents are rare and often the plored the near-surface areas (as part
into the side of cliffs, with intricate connection to the caves isn't made by of a tourist trap), very few people are
twists and very smooth walls. Typi- the local authorities. willing to undergo days of claustro-
cally they are still subjected to the Mostentrancesareinconvenientbut phobic conditions just to find out
forces of the oceans and seas, so they not impassable. While there are thou- what's "down there." In this case, the
are explorable only at low tide or at sands of entrances on Earth, many are cave entrances are well known and
certain times of the year. located in remote areas of country- detailed local maps of the region may
side. be available.
Volcanic Caves In more rural areas, Storm Knights In cities where the caves have been
wandering into town looking for the ignored by local officials, the caverns
These caves are the legacy of the nearest cave will be greeted with sus- are gathering places for those who
incredible volcanic forces deep in the picion. Most towns people will give can't or won't fit into society - the
planet. They are found only in areas them directions, but little else. Of mentally ill, criminally insane, or the
that have seenvolcanic activity at some course, if anything emerges from the average person who just can't cope
point, and can wind for kilometers caves after the Storm Knights have with the world seerninlgy falling apart.
through the ground. These caves are gone investigating, they will beblamed In a city that has seen a great deal of
also found near the surface, and typi- and probably be branded as criminals. conflict, such as New York or Paris,
cally are spacious, with very smooth The people in these areas often don't caveentrancesmaybejustbelowstreet
surfaces. venture into the cave areas and would or subway level, but they are often
Caves in regions of recent volcanic rather not know what's below the sur- blocked by wreckage, pools of poison-
activity are much more dangerous. face. These places make excellent lairs ous water, and dangerous but com-
There is always the chance that re- for large creatures or outcasts. moncreatures (rats, poisonoll5snakes,
newed activity could send a stream of Families in especially hostile areas, etc.).
lava (damage value from 13 up to 20) like the Living Land or a nation under

Torg: The Land Below

Deeper into the caverns, miniature stock, sighting of "little men" at night, noxious gases are alarmingly com-
civilizations are being constructed by and so forth. mon).
the communities of outcasts. Territo- Another option is to hint that there Anyone who has been spelunking
ries and hunting grounds are staked, is a powerful artifact lost somewhere or even visited a park and toured such
roles in the society are designated and in the caverns. Perhaps the Heart of sites as Mammoth Caves or Carlsbad
outsiders are often fair game. These the Coyote was stolen and is rumored Caverns will realize the absolute
civilizations tend to be brutal and vio- to be in the caves below a large, city in beauty of natural caves. This natural
lent, with the strongest and cruelest Orrorsh. ' beauty is often overlooked in under-
ruling, but there are a few places where The Storm Knights may also have a ground role playing settings. There
good people have banded together for personal stake - a longtime foe has are a number of ways for the
mutual protection. Considering the taken up refuge, seeking asafe place to gamemaster to convey descriptions of
communal nature of humans, these regain her power before continuing the underground environment to the
organizations may be large and fairly her quest to kill off the Storm Knights. players to keep the environment excit-
common in cities that have been struck They may also be trapped in the ing and wondrous.
by disaster. caves. The characters may be traveling Perhaps the most effective tool of
The cave network has also worked through the woods when inexplicably description in an underground setting
its way into everday life. That stair- the ground collapses and they plum- is the use of scale. Tunnels can be
way going to a sub-basement mayhave met many meters down into the dark- claustrophobically small one moment
a false door which leads to the caves; ness. They may be attacked by a crea- and then broaden suddenly into tre-
or a cave entrance may be in the center ture, with the only retreat being into mendous caverns the next. These shifts
of a grove of trees, hidden by thick an unexplored cavern. No matter how in scale accentuate the splendor ofcav-
bushes. Anywhere that is dark and they get there, their will soon be erns and underground lakes. As a
tends to give people the creeps is a overwhlemed by the hostile environ- gamemaster describing underground
good place for a cave entrance. ment of the caverns. settings, it is very effective to use these
scale shifts and exaggeration of size to
impress the players and thereby make
Getting the Storm The Cave Network the entire exploration more thrilling.
Contrasting the tight fits in the tunnels
Knights Interested The cave network within the Earth to a vast underground sea, or having
tunnels down for many kilometers, the characters corne across a stalag-
Storm Knights must have a reason
to want to investigate. The easiest is to
although the practical depth for hu- mite pillar 30 meters tall are examples
man travel is about four kilometers of using scale for description.
have a gamemaster character to hire
(even at that depth, the rock is hot The gamemaster must also do some
them to investigate some strange phe-
enough to burn the skin on contact- preparational work before running an
nomenon, such as disappearing live-
damage value 14 - and cave-ins and underground scenario. The creatures
and geography the characters encoun-
ter should maintain a consistent feel
throughout the scenario, unless the
characters travel from one under-
Boundaries of Reality ground region to another, in which
case the reality and the environment
Thevarious realities tharhave ality storms. will noticeably change. For example,
invaded the Earth also extend Most often, explorers will designing a scenario for exploring the
below the surface (to a depth of merely walk across the border of tombs under Orrorsh would feature a
150 meters). Before the Gaunt the two realities without any fan- lot of undead and nasty slimy tunnels
Man was trapped (at the conclu- fare. In time they will just realize reeking with decay and crawling with
sion of The Nightmare Dream, the they are in a different reality as worms and rats. An adventure below
third novel in the Possibility certain pieces of equipment fail the Cyberpapacy should contain ele-
Wars trilogy), he lowered or they encounter natural mani- ments consistent with the cybernetic
Orrorsh's lower boundary to festations of magical power. hell environment.
1,000 meters below the surface. The miniature reality storms
Pure, dominant and mixed are wonderous to behold. While
zone definitions extend below there are no swirling clouds, the Hazards
the surface, and match surface adventurers will feel the tug of
conditions. realities, complete with many of The challenges for the players lie in
The transition from an invad- the hallucinative transforma- finding their way through the tunnels,
ing reality to Core Earth is often tions of nearby objects found in getting light sources, avoiding natural
subtle, although there are some surface reality storms. hazards, and facing all the nasty crea-
border areas with miniature re- tures that inhabit the tunnels and cav-


..... ~
Chapter One

Getting lost might actually be the looked in role-playing sessions, keep- gamemaster must balance excitement
toughest of these problems. As sur- ing track of lighting or a lack of it can with danger when handling these haz-
face dwellers, humans traditionally lead to all sorts of suspenseful and ards. For example, if the players are
think of directions in two dimensions. terrifying situations. A small lizard told that they feel lightheaded and
Trying to apply this two dimensional inspires a lot more fear if the charac- that a strange odor like rotten eggs is
coordinate system to subterranean ters can only hear the clack! clack! clack! in the air, that's fair warning for poi-
exploration leads to all kinds of prob- of its claws scraping on the floor. They sonous gas ahead. If they continue
lems. will mentally make up the rest of the along without protection (i.e. gas
No tunnel goes perfectly straight details, often envisioning something a masks or magic) then they should see
and level through the ground; each lot bigger and scarier than the real their characters taking massive
passage is sloped and meanders thing. amounts of damage. Nobody said the
around in a hundred directions. Play- In some Core Earth caverns, dim underworld was safe.
ers will have to struggle with three greenish lighting is supplied by phos-
dimensional mapping if they expect to phorescent fungi which grow on the
accurately record theirjoumeys. Mark- cavern walls. Other than this natural Reality Warps
ing walls or leavin'g a trail of bread source, characters will have to depend
crumbs doesn't really help. In poor on torches, lanterns, flashlights, or The same reality energy that ere-
lighting it is very difficult to find most magic to supply light for their jour- ated the caverns also feeds the danger-
markings. Equally difficult is deter- ney. ' ous reality warps which exist in the
mining landmarks. Rock walls and The hazards facing an exploration caverns of Core Earth. They are cre-
caverns look completely different party are countless. Natural hazards ated by Core Earth in its attempts to
when viewed from a different angle include cave-ins, steam eruptions, fight the High Lords, and are a kind of
under poor lighting. poisonous gases, and explosive volca- very intense reality storm.
Lighting is another exploration dif- nic gases. All of these calamities have These transitory areas have their
ficulty for the players. Often over- the potential to inflict massive destruc- own world laws and axioms (normally
tion on the frail human body. The a combination of existing laws and

Torg: The Land Below

axioms from other realms). They are are either extremely sensitive to light CHARISMA 3
normally less than a kilometer across (creature is stymied if bright light is Taunt (10)
and last for three to four days on aver- aimed at its eyes) or blind. In the dark SPIRIT 6
age. Anything caught inside a reality depths of the Earth, these creatures Intimidation (13)
warp may be transformed into some- have come to rely primarily on their Possibility Potential: none
thing appropriate to the new reality. sense of smell to track down the liz- Natural Tools: claws (damagevalue
Storms may mark the boundaries of a ards and small mammals that are the STR +2/17), teeth (damage value STR
warp, but this is not always so. primary source offood. The deep-earth +4/19), scaly hide (armor value TOU
beasts may go weeks without a catch, +2/16)
so they tend to be very aggressive.
Core Earth Most of the deep-earth creatures Molemen
are amphibious and hunt in both the
Nearly every nation has at least a tunnels and lake caverns. They are The molemen are a race of shape-
few tunnel entrances, although most tremendously varied in size and shape, changers who are believed to have
of them are yet to be discovered. If a with some being slug-like, other bipe- entered Core Earth tunnels from
tunnel is discovered, it is normally the dal, and still others having a dozen Orrorsh. However, the race quickly
subject of speculation and curiousity limbs. Research scientists have found spread throughout the planet and the
for the local villagers or city residents. it impossible to catalogue these crea- Land Below. The race forms commu-
Most of the time, it is believed the tures because of the sparsity of data. nities varying in size from twenty to a
story is made up as part of the hysteria Specific species have yet to be identi- thousand individuals.
from the wars. fied because no one has seen more In humanoid form, molemen aver-
Governments are slowly beginning than one example of any given crea- age 165 em tall with pale brown skin.
to reallie that something very unusual ture. A "fringe" theory suggests that Molemen have all but given up their
has happened below Earth's surface, all of the creatures are evolved from human form in favor of their mole
and they are dispatching scientests the same set of genetic material, but changeling physique, which provides
with whatever meager financing they each individual evolves appendages many survival advantages under-
can afford. and tools appropriate to its environ- ground. In changeling form, a
The Core Earth tunnels are mostly ment. The most alarming constants moleman appears as a large, stocky
limestone caves. Near the surface, the between all of these creatures are a humanoid mole with long fur, a sharp
caves are cool (around 1DoC) and gets gigantic maw, lined with rows of teeth, snout and thick claws for burrowing.
cooler as one goes further under- and the reckless, frenzied approach to Most molemen carry mauls or pick
ground, until a depth of one kilome- bringing down prey. axes for clearing hard rock and de-
ter, at which point the temperature fense against other denizens of the
starts to climb due to the Earth's mol- Bagger deep.
ten interior. Underground lakes and Each community cultivates much
springs are common and life is rela- The bagger (so named by an eccen- of its own food, with fungi and plant
tively plentiful. In the very lowest tric and now dead research scientist) is growth covering any nearby river and
reaches oftunnels, the tunnels are very presented as one example of these lake banks. They also actively hunt
unsafe. Cave-ins, and explosions of deep-earth predators. It is bipedal, al- small game and fish in the numerous
steam and magma are common events. though it's so humpbacked that its lakes.
front arms often drag on the ground. They have a very complex and dif-
Creatures of the Caverns Its feet are broad paddles with webbed ficult language (difficulty 12). All com-
feet for swimming. Its eyes are large munities speak the same language,
Many species of flora and fauna luminescent orbs of pale yellow, nearly which is a high pitched chattering
have taken up residence in the tunnel a meter across. Most of its bloated sound. The molemen seem to be peace-
network, including a wide assortment torso is stomach and its meter wide ful creatures, since they do not seem to
of lower life forms such as phospho- mouth sports rows of 20 centimeter wage war against other communities;
rescent fungi, bats, rodents, worms, fangs. Its body is covered with green when there is a dispute over territory,
and lizards. While many of the crea- and grey scales which constantly molt the smaller tribe simply leaves the area.
tures have migrated from the surface, and decay. However, they are wary of outsiders,
a large number of creatures have en- normally attempting to subdue any
tered the Earth from the Land Below Bagger strangers so they can be sure they are
by use of the dimthreads. DEXTERITY 13 controlling the situation.
Most of the predatory creatures in Dodge 15, unarmed combat 15 The first set of numbers represents
the caves and tunnels of Core Earth STRENGTH 15 a moleman in humanoid form, while
and the Land Below share characteris- TOUGHNESS 14 the second indicates the changeling
tics with the predator fish found in PERCEPTION 4 form.
Earth's ocean depths. The creatures Tracking 10
have tremendously large eyes which MIND 3

•• 12
Chapter One

Molemen the Nile Empire. was a much smaller ball, albeit one
DEXTERITY 91 9 The caverns beneath the Nile Em- that glowed brightly. When the sun
Dodge 10, melee weapons 10, un- pire are called the Underworld. The "set" at night, the Egyptians believed
armed combat 11 tunnel which leads to the Living Land that it actually passed through a great
STRENGTH 10 112 has its entrance about ten kilometers tunnel beneath the sands of Egypt so
Climbing 14, lifting 13 south of Alexandria. that it could "rise" on the other side of
TOUGHNESS 10 112 Another important entrance is in their land the next morning.
PERCEPTION 10 19 Central Cairo, deep within the sewers Historically, vastcomplexesofcav-
MINDI0/9 of the ancient city. This entrance at ems that sat on top ofthe sun's tunnel
Survival 10 first seems to be a simple tunnel, but housed much of the Egyptian Under-
CHARISMA 10 I 8 soon barrels down into the heart of the world. These are the stories in the Nile
SPIRIT 12/12 Underworld. Empire that have helped spawn the
Possibility Potential: some (60) The Kefertiri Idol often constructs miles and miles of tunnels and cav-
Natural Tools (in changeling temporary cavern entrances to snatch erns beneath Egypt. Certainly, the pulp
form): claws (damage value STR +2/ particularly troublesome Storm fiction elements of the realm are inher-
14), bite (damage value STR +3/15), Knights and Ords. These entrances ent in this area as well, but primarily
fur (armor value TOU +2/14) seem to appear from nowhere: the the caverns have come to resemble the
Equipment: maul (damage value offending characters walk overa seem- Egyptian Underworld oflegend. Most
STR +4/16), pick axe (damage value ingly solid patch of ground only to creatures within the caves prowl the
STR +4/16) find that it collapses beneath them. entire region, so Storm Knights should
Possessing little knowledge of the proceed with great care.
true nature of the world, the ancient
Regional Egyptians of Earth did as many other Busus
ancient peoples - they made up sto-
Descriptions ries to explain natural phenomena An example of the kind of demons
beyond their ken. that haunt the Egyptian nether-realms,
The following sections describe the For example, to the Egyptians, the busus are truly grotesque creatures.
environment of each realm's unique sun was not a sphere many hundred They have the body of a hippopota-
caverns. While some of the informa- times the size of the Earth. Instead, it mus, the limbs of a lion, and the head
tion on Core Earth's caverns applies in
each of these areas, the alternate real-
ity dominates. Along with thedescrip~
tion of the underground geography
under each realm, a couple of nasty
creatures are presented for each re-
gion. These creatures are presented
more to generate some adventure ideas
than to give an exhaustive beastiary of
all of the denizens the players can
encounter in the subterranean net-
works. The gamemaster should feel
free to expand and create his own
creatures using the ones presented as
a guideline.

Nile Empire
The entrances to the caverns within
the Nile Empire are numerous but
well hidden. The most accessible en-
trance to the Land Below is in a cavern
of the Land of the Dead (see The
Pharaoh's Network). This entrance, a
dimthread tunnel found by Field Ma-
jor Hopten-Ra, drops 4590 kilometers
into the Land Below (see Chapter Two:
The Land Below and Chapter Three:
Merre! ika). This tunnel is the one ofthe
rare permanent dimthread tunnels in

~. 13
Torg: The Land Below

and tail of a crocodile. They walk up- This race makes its home only in be accessed from the ruins of New
right on the lion legs and stand almost areas of the tunnels where a particular York City'S subway system. These
three and a half meters high. glowing fungus called photothon may entrances are often populated by refu-
Busus are concerned with devour- be found. It seems that they move gees of the war, many of whom have
ing any unworthy souls encountered photothon plants with them when they sunk to unvelievable levels of sav-
while wandering the lands of thedead. must relocate to a new region. The agery.
Any soul judged worthy is safe from strange light cast by photothon illumi- Baruk Kaah seems ready to use the
the demons. nates the outline of the invisible men, caves to his advantage. The people of
Characters and beings with an in- so they are able to interact with one Detroit believe that an army of edei-
clination of "good" will always be another (invisible men can automati- nos warriors and gospog is using the
found worthy by a busus, while those cally see each other in this light; char- tunnels to move beneath the city. If
who are "evil" will always be attacked. acters must make a Perceptioll total of this is so, the city may fall into the
Characters withoutan inclination must 12 to spot a lone invisible man, and if hands of the invaders. Preliminary in-
trick the busus, by generating a faith in groups, the character gets a Many- vestigation by units of army troops
total and beating the busus' faith total. on-One bonus). Otherwise, these show no signs of invasion.
Those who fail are judged unworthy. people are invisible even to each other. The subterranean world below the
Living Land is a network of seemingly
Busus Invisible Men natural caverns with moss covered
DEXTERITYS DEXTERITY 13 walls, dripping stalactites, and pools
Dodge 10, swimming 15, unarmed Dodge 15, maneuver 17, running of cold, clear water. The deep mist
combat 12 14, stealth 16, unarmed combat 14 sinks into caverns and tunnels close to
STRENGTH IS STRENGTH 10 the surface, but quickly diminishes
Lifting 20 Climbing 13 more than 150 meters below the sur-
TOUGHNESS 17 TOUGHNESS 10 face. The caverns teem with life.
PERCEPTION 12 PERCEPTION 12 Monstrous plant roots run through-
Find 16, trick (18) Find 14, scholar (underground tun- out the caves, knotting up and run-
MIND 12 nels) 17, tracking 14, trick 16 ning along some underground pas-
Test of will (15), willpower 15 MINDS sageways to water. The mosses and
CHARISMA 8 Hypnotism 14, survival 13, test of fungi that are occasionally found in
Taunt (15) will 12, willpower 13 Core Earth tunnels cover the rocky
SPIRIT 10 CHARISMAS surfaces of the tunnels below the Liv-
Faith 13, reality 12, intimidation 16 SPIRIT 6 ing Land like a shaggy carpet. Worms
Possibility Potential: some (45) Possibility Potential: some (65) and beetles over twice the size of Core
Inclination: Evil Inclination: Good Earth counterparts roam through the
Natural Tools: claws (damagevalue Special Abilities: invisibility tunnels. Many of the creatures of the
STR +2/20), jaws (damage value STR Living Land, large and small, can be
+4/ 22), tail (damage value STR/18), found in the caverns. Baruk Kaah has
hide (armor value TOU +2/19) Living Land finally realized the strategic advan-
tages of the tunnels and parties of
The most prominent Living Land edemos are becoming more common
Invisible Men cave entrance is in what used to be in the tunnels as they travel to flank
A fairly complex society exists se- Upper Michigan. It is a huge chasm North American troops or surprise
cretly under the surface of the Nile whose bottom is obscured by the Liv- holdout settlements within the Living
Empire. Huge tracts of tunnels and a ing Land's ever-present mist. The Land.
few large centrally-located caverns are edeinos do not venture into the chasm,
home to a race of people that may well claiming that it has no bottom and is a Corpul
go unnoticed for some time. dead spot on the land.
The invisible men regularly fre- Actually, the chasm is a permanent Corpul arespherical floaters related
quent the surface of the Nile Empire, dimthread into the Land Below and to the bedotok (see the Livillg Lalld
but they have gone unnoticed because eventually forms the Great Waterfall sourcebook), and like the bedotok,
they can't be seen. This race has a in Merretika. The waterfall averages corpuls come from the same home
special ability that functions like the 200 meters in diameter. cosm as the stalenger. Corpuls have a
illvisibilittj pulp power (see page 46 The other end of the tunnel linking keen sense of smell which they use to
of the Torg Worldbook), except the with the Nile Empire is in what used to track down explosive gases like meth-
"power" is on at all times. be Rochester, Idiana. Baruk Kaah has ane, which is their "food." Corpuls
Invisible men wander the surface to a large group of edeinos patrolling the have elastic bodies, stretching from 10
glean secrets discovered by overhear- area. ern to 120 em in diameter, depending
ing private discussions. Their motiva- The northeastern United States has upon how much gas has been ab-
tions are unknown even to those few an unusually high number of en- sorbed.
who know of their existence. trances, including several which can If startled by tremors or strange

•• 14
Chapter One

smells, corpuls use their gas bladders picking out detail. Most ustanah carry many gangs are fighting for control of
to propel themselves in a random di- a club that is hooked at one end. It has the tunnels.
rection to escape. The creature is harm- a groove running down its length and The Cyberpapacy's belief in Hell
less to other forms of life, and are even around the inside of the hook. This has created a terrifying and danger-
helpful as a warning sign to avoid weapon serves as both a club in melee ous cave network beneath France. The
dangerous underground areas rich in and as a kind of atlatl to help the place is known as Inferno and it is
explosive fumes. lf a corpul is hit or ustanah propel flat disks ofsharp crys- truly fit only for the damned.
shot, the creature will explode if it tal at their enemies. Using the stick The presence of the Inferno has be-
takes a wound, causing damage value and the ustanah's long arms, the disks come a well known folk-tale. The
13-16withinaonemeterradius. Halve can be hurled at ferocious velocities. Church has pronounced that the In-
he damage up to a maximum radius of Theustanahareveryintelligent,com- ferno is part of a demonic plot to take
three meters. The damage depends on municating in their own language and over France, but spies report that
the corpul's size. Such explosions can having social organization. However, Malreaux is pleased that his subjects
chain react through a group ofcorpuis, little is known about their level of ad- have such a vivid reminder of what
or worse yet, ignite natural gas depos- vancement. Most encounters with the happens to heretics when they die.
its the corpul was feeding on. race have been violent, though a na- Most entrances in CyberFrance are in
tional guardsman claims to have been large urban areas instead of in the
Corpul saved from edeinos by the ustanah and wilderness.
DEXTERITY 10 introduced to a ustanah scholar before The Inferno is a physical place. En-
Flight 11 being set free along an underground trances seem to be ordinary caves, but
STRENGTH 2 passage that led him back to a safe zone once the cave has been entered, the
TOUGHNESS 2 in southern Indiana. ground erupts, spewing fire and in-
PERCEPTION 8 tense heat.
Tracking 9 Ustanah Throughout the journey, walls of
MIND 1 DEXTERITY 12 fire rise to block the way or force ex-
CHARISMAS Dodge 14, maneuver 14, melee plorers down a particularlunnel. Open
SPIRITS weapons 13, missile weapons 14, flames ignite and disappear without
Possibility Potential: none unarmed combat 13 reason. Such fires need no special fuel
Natural Tools: gas sacs (speed value STRENGTH 10 since solid rock can sustain fire in these
8) Climbing 13 caverns and tunnels. The fire inflicts
TOUGHNESS 12 damage with a value range of 10 to 25.
Ustanah PERCEPTION 9 While the boundaries ofInferno are
First aid 10', scholar 11' limited to the boundaries of the
The edeinos have reported sighting MIND 13 Cyberpapacy, it is easy to become dis-
a race of insect-men resembling the Medicine 14', science 14', test 14, oriented and wander indefinitely.
ustanahwho were cleansed from Takta willpower 14 There are demons wandering
Ker thousands of years ago (see page CHARISMA 11 throughou t the tunnels ofInferno. Half
10 of The Living Land sourcebook). The SPIRIT 10 of the demons are the fire-and-brim-
edeinos have named them the ustanah, 'some ustanah don't have these stone variety, while the other half are
saying the race has returned from the skills cybernetically enhanced.
lands of the dead to haunt all ]akatts. Possibility Potential: some (70) Many demons have left the tunnels
Whether the edeinos are correct, or Natural Tools: pincers (damage of the Inferno and now live in the
whether they are matching a distant value STR +2/12), mandibles (dam- catacombs, and a few even travel to
tribal tale with observation of a new age value STR +3/13), chitin (armor the streets at night.
and different race is conjecture, but value TOU +2/14)
there is definitely a race of sentient Equipment: crystal disks (damage (NeuralJackl Nightmare
insectoids inhabiting the tunnels be- value STR +3/13 when thrown; STR
neath the Living Land. +5/15 when used with club-atlatD, Nightmares are human-sized,
An ustanah resembles a bipedal club-atlatl (damage value STR +3/13) ebony-skinned demons. The bodies of
preying mantis with slender legs and the creatures are smooth, almost
long arms which are held folded at its glassy, and have absolutely no hair.
side. Its body is covered with green- Cyberpapacy The only other feature of a nightmare
blue chitin that serves as natural ar- is a profusion of cybernetics, prima-
mor. The creatures have two sets of Paris is not only the center of the rily eight slender cables that whirl
mandibles, one for rending and one resistance movement, but its cata- ominously around the beast. Two of
for chewing, along with two sets of combs allow for quick access to the these cables are monofilament whips,
feelers around their mouths to hold caverns of Earth. The people of Paris but believe it or not, it's the other six
food while it's being chewed. They fear the death that this new reality has transfer cables that will cause the most
have large black eyes which are excel- brought to the underground, although bad dreams. The two whips and the
lent for motion detection, but poor at

Torg: The Land Below

six transfer cables are all controlled by that courses through the connecting Equipment: Cyberware: NeuraCal
the nightmare as ifthey were tentacles. cable to take control of the victim's (5), six EpiphaNeur and connecting
Inside the body of a nightmare is a cyberware. Weapons may be fired, transfer cables (12), CSI HotShot II (2),
processor of respectable power. When punches or kicks delivered, etc. Obvi- two monofilament whips (damage
any of the six transfer cables score a ously, any part ofthe victim that is not value 23) (2), Interdermal Plating (ar-
vital blow on characters with a neural powered by cyberware may not be mor value TOU +4/ 18)(2),cybervalue
jack, then the demon has successfully controlled by the demon. Note that (23)
inserted a cable in the jack. The victim's the cables may be cut by a second Response/Stealth/Processor/Stor-
perception immediately shifts from opponent before or after .the. tip has age: 2/2/7/15
real world to the GodNet. been inserted into an opponent's neu-
The demon has trapped the charac- ral jack. However, considering the Swarmer
ter within a section of the GodNet, demon's skill at maneuvering in com-
where it attempts to possess the char- bat, this is not an easy task. Swarrners are squat, powerful-look-
acter. Nightmares choose isolated sec- If a transfer cable is severed, the ing demons. Their appearance is very
tions of the Net where they can spread demon must still be defeated to save a similar to the popular conception of
mayhem without attracting too much comrade. Someone trapped inside a the demons of Hell. They are red-
attention. They also fortify the "prison" Nightmare had best hope that any skinned and sport of a pair of marvel-
so that kidnapped characters have a friends who cut a transfer cable also ous horns, not to mention a slender
very difficult time escaping; ifthe char- know how to repair it, for recovery is tail. These demons are like an entire
acter can escape, she would be able to only possible after the demon is de- civilization unto themselves because
navigatetheGodNet normally. All but feated. of the vast numbers of nanotech be-
the very best of deckers will effec- This mode ofattack certainly makes ings that exist within them. These
tively become prisoners within the the nightmare most dangerous to cy- nanotech beings are actually produced
demon. The particular region should bernetic opponents, but the demon's by the machinery in the stomach of
be mapped out by the gamemaster claws and monofilament whips can be swarmers, and characteristically make
ahead of time. used to good effect against others. Note use of the nanotech beings by infect-
Up to six opponents may be "kid- that a failure by ten or more with a ing opponents with them.
napped" in this fashion (one percable), whip will not cause self-injury, but One hand of the demon is a water
though each of the virtual selves will will instead cut one of the transfer hose sized nozzle and the other is a
begin inside a different cell. These cables. spike about the width of an ice pick.
"holding" cells are several cells re- The tip of the spike is open as well. The
moved from the slave cell that con- (NeuraIJack) Nightmare larger nozzle is a nanotech discharger
trols the cable that sucked the DEXTERITY 14 and is used to spray millions of
character's virtual self inside in the Dodge 16, maneuver 20, melee nanotech beings at opponents (this is a
first place. weapons 17, stealth 16 missile weapons attack, with a range of
A victim of this attack may only STRENGTH 13 four meters, covering a 120 degree
return his consciousness to his own TOUGHNESS 14 (18) arc). Any opponents in melee combat
body if the nightmare is slain. If there PERCEPTION 14 with the swarmer who are in the path
is no one present to interrupt the pro- Find 16, cyberdeck operation 16, of discharge suffer a -3 modifier to any
cessing, a nightmare will completely scholar(computerscience) 17, track- dodge attempts. Opponents hit by the
process the consciousness of a victim ing 16, trick (19) attack will be infested with the dan-
in about five minutes. The result of MIND 14 gerous nanotech beings, which slowly
this processing is essentially a spirit Cybertech 18, test (18), willpower deaden the nerves and reflexes of op-
chip, except the spirit so contained 23 ponents. Those who are infested suf-
becomes partof the nightmare's built- CHARISMA 8 fer damage value 12 each round, al-
in computer, not a separate chip. Any Persuasion (16), taunt (15) though those with sealed battle suits
skills possessed by the spirit may be SPIRIT 11 will not suffer damage for the first two
utilized just as if the demon had a Faith 16, focus 15, reality 13 (if pos- rounds.
spirit chip. This means that a virtual sibility rated), intimidation 13 Swarmers also have a potent
self inside a nightmare has five min- Net Values: net attack (melee) 21, nanotech injector, but they only use it
utes to save herself by shutting down netdefense20, net find 18,netstealth when seriously threatened since they
the core cell of the processor if no one 20, net manipulation 18, net track- prefer to devour live victims. If a
is left in the physical world to save her ing20 swarmer scores a hit with the injector
(processed characters may attempt to Possibility Potential: some (28) (an IIl1anned combat attack) and causes
take over the demon as per the spirit Skill Notes: A nightmare may pos- at least a wound of damage, then a
chip rules on pages 105-107 of The sess a character. See page 68 of The more virulent form of nanotech enters
Cyberpapacy sourcebook). GodNet. the victim's body, causing damage
After the nightmare succeeds in this Natural Tools: claws (damage value value 17 every round and completely
stage of its attack, it can use the energy STR +3/16) liquifying the victim's innards.

•• 16
Chapter One

Swarmer Land Between. Most folk have taken earth and stone with its massive front
DEXTERITY 10 the caverns and tunnels beneath the claws, often using its acid breath to get
Dodge 12, missile weapons 14, un- Aysle realm on Earth to be perfectly through very difficulty sections ofrock.
armed combat 12 natural; they expect an extensive un- Tunnels built by the dragon are circu-
STRENGTH 15 derworld to exist beneath their feet. lar, normally about three meters in
TOUGHNESS 13 (22) However, the underworld below En- diameter (just large enough to accom-
PERCEPTION 12 gland is not altogether like the spa- modate the dragon's serpentine body).
Find 16, trick (18) cious Land Between of the Aysle cosmo This territorial creature takes the tun-
MIND 11 Instead of a vaulting cavernous sky, nels to be its lair. The longer a dragon
Test (20) the Earth's underworld is made up of lives, the vaster its lair's network of
CHARISMA 7 relatively modest caverns intercon- tunnels becomes, although mostofthe
Persuasion 10, taunt 11 nected by a complex network of tun- dragons are so "young" that few of the
SPIRIT 9 nels. This change in subterranean ge- lairs are more than a kilometer in di-
Intimidation 15, reality 10 ography is enough to make some Aysle ameter.
Possibility Potential: some (34) cosm folk as uncomfortable as anyone The dragon typically sleeps close to
Natural Tools: fangs (damage value else in theclaustrophobicunderworld. a place of great heat. It can sense al-
STR +2/17), horns (damage valueSTR The look and feel of the Aysle un- most any disturbance in its lair (make
+3/18) derworld is not very different from a Perception check), although many
Equipment: Cyberware: NeuraCal the Core Earth tunnels except that the tunnel dragons construct magic alarm
(5), BelleMicro View (2), lnterdermal Aysle tunnels tend to a ppear as ifthey systems as well. It glides through its
Plating (+6) (2) and Trigon Body Plat- were mined out of hard rock rather tunnels at startling speeds, propelled
ing (+3) (3) for a total armor add of +9, than created from natural causes. In- along by sets of clawed hands along
Nanotech Discharger (2), Nanotech deed, many of the tunnels are popu- the length ofits body. Despite its great
Injector (damage value 18) (2), cyber lated by human and dwarven mining intelligence, it views most people as
value 16 forces who have braced the tunnels little more than a quick snack; very
with wood to make them safer as the seldom do unlucky adventures get the
miners explore for veins of ore. opportunity to beg for mercy.
Aysle Deeper into the Aysle underworld
exist races far more foul. In addition to Draconis Cavernum
Many tunnels and caves can be the manes and gremlins, there are ru- DEXTERITY 10
found in occupied Scandanavia, in mors of more powerful sentient races Running 14, unarmed combat 16
addition to the uncounted entrances that have found a home below the STRENGTH 22
in the British Isles. Aysle realm: races of mad giants, and Climbing 24
There are rumors that many evil aquatic half-folk who have built cities TOUGHNESS 26
half-folk have established a huge un- in water-filled caverns. Many lesser PERCEPTION 13
derground city somewhere between folk communities have also entered Alteration magic 14, divination
Ostersund and Sundsvall in Sweden. the caves. magic 16,find 15,language 16, track-
In Scotland, huge sinkholes have Equally as dangerous as these races ing 15, trick 16
swallowed entire houses. The coal are the myriad of less intelligent mon- MIND 14
mines of Britain are a convenient sters that call the underworld their Apportation magic 16, conjuration
means for horrors from below to mi- home. Wyverns, tunnel dragons, and magic 15, test 16, willpower 15
grate to the surface, and it is believed gorgons are only a few of the creatures CHARISMA 8
that many of the creatures from Aysle's that make travel in the Aysle under- Charm 10, persuasion 12, taunt 10
Land Between have moved to the cav- world dangerous. SPIRIT 11
erns of Earth. Intimidation (14)
Many of the dwarves are mapping Draconis Cavemum Additional Skills: three at +1 add
out the mines and the new caves which Possibility Potential: some (40)
have sprungup. Several d warven com- The tunnel dragon appears to be Arcane Knowledges: earthly 4,
panies are devoted exclusively to ex- the first dragon native to the Aysle darkness 3, earth 3, metal 2, entity 2,
ploration and development of the re- realm, although it certainly is as for- enchanted 2
sources uncovered in these tunnels. midable as its cousins from the cosmo Natural Tools: claws (damagevalue
The excitement of the dwarves has Ayslish magicians theorize that this STR +4/26), bite (damage value STR
sparked the term "gem rush" to de- dragon "race" carne about when wan- +3/25), acid breath (damage value 25,
scribe the zeal with which they are dering creatures entered Aysle from range 25/50/100, use unarmed combat
entering the caves. The magic seems to the caverns and were physically trans- skill)
be within the land as well. formed. However,if this theory is true, Note: although tunnel dragons can
Subterranean realms are nothing the number of tunnel dragons is un- understand most folk languages, they
new to the people of the Aysle cosm, usually high. are unable to pronounce most of them
with its strange flat disk world and The tunnel dragon bores through without magical assistance.

Torg: The Land Below


Taunt 9 TOUGHNESS 18
Gremlins are a race of Lesser Folk SPIRIT 9 PERCEPTION 9
originally from the Aysle cosmo They Intimidation (12) MIND 6
average 60 cm in height, with hairless, Possibility Potential: some (50) Test (18)
black skin and sharply pointed ears Natural Tools: claws (damage value CHARISMA 6
and teeth. They dress in crude leathers STR +1/ 6), teeth (damage value STR Taunt (18)
or animal hides and carry smallspears. +2/7 SPIRIT 12
Originally from the Land Between Equipment: spear (damage value Intimidation (18)
in the Aysle realm, a large number of STR +3 /8), buckler (armor value TOU Possibility Potential: none
gremlins came across the maelstrom +1/8) Natural Tools: rock hide (armor
bridge when Uthorion invaded Earth. value TOU +4/22), magic tracking
Even Uthorion's forces found the crea- Monoliths sense (tracks with effect value of 27
tures detestable, and they were driven and a range of value 36)
into the caverns almost immediately. Monoliths are a mysterious race of Equipment: battle axe (damage
Eventually, they invaded the coal folk whose origins are unknown, even value STR +5/23)
mines of England and from there to the people of Aysle. Their appear- Note: Monoliths carry specially con-
worked their way into the huge net- ance is rare even in the Land Between, structed battle axes. Should they have
work of tunnels that had formed un- and so their rumored appearance in to use one for a smaller race, the maxi-
der the Earth's surface. Gremlins are the caverns is a shock to many dwarves. mum damage value drops to 20.
still found mainly in the upper tunnels No monoliths are known to have come
beneath the Aysle realm, where over the bridge from Aysle. Dwarven
Ayslish reality is dominant. lore holds that the monoliths are cre- Nippon Tech
Gremlins are a malicious and imp- ated by the gods of Aysle to track
ish race, numbering among their fa- down and destroy those who have Like CyberFrance, most of the
vorite pastimes such things as killing, offended them. Nippon Tech entrances to the Land
torturing, vandalizing, and looting. Monoliths appear as huge men, over Below are urban in nature. They are
They despise dwarves, and generally four meters tall, with skin the color of also far more frequent than most other
dislike giants, who tend to enslave the stone and faceted like a cut gem. They realms and very difficult to discern. It
little race. Gremlins cluster in large wear simple clothes bound with iron is quite feasible for someone to think
tribes of thirty to a hundred individu- bands and carry large battle axes with they have only found an underground
als for protection from larger races. shafts of iron and a blade of faceted level of a building when they have
Anyone unlucky enough to venture stone. They always travel alone, never actually entered the caverns.
upon the warren home of a gremlin speaking or communicating with any The most accessible entrances are
tribe usually finds themselves facing other beings. They often seem preoc- well guarded, but it is still fairly easy
early retirement as scores of the little cupied with their travels, only taking to find an unguarded entrance. The
creatures attack the intruder from all notice of those who bar their path. biggest danger with entering the cav-
directions. If the gremlins lose a battle, Anyone who obstructs a monolith (ac- erns of Nippon Tech are the mutants
they duck into tunnels too small for cidentlyorotherwise) is attacked until and desperate poor that have taken
most creatures to follow. The grem1ins the way is clear. The origin of the geas over many subterranean sections.
taunt intruders with numerous small which compels the monoliths is un- . Beneath Nippon Tech is a very
attacks before launching a serious at- known, as is the race's origin, but it is strange subterranean world unlike any
tack. Very tough intruders are usually bad fortune indeed to be the target of other on Earth. The underworld is
annoyed from a safe distance, or a monolith's quest, since the creature madeup of subway tunnels, basement
herded towards one of the many pits never rests until the quest is complete complexes, and networks of corridors
or snares set about the gremlins' cave (it moves at a speed value of 12). It is with walls sheathed in steel. Just as
area. known that monoliths require neither Japan scarcely realizes it has been in-
rest, nor food, and possibly can exist vaded by another reality, so too is it
Gremlins without air. difficult to realize that the world be-
DEXTERITY 10 The monoliths use the tunnels to low Nippon Tech is anything other
Dodge 12, maneuver 11, melee follow their chosen prey wherever it than man-made passages. Actually,
weapons 12, missile weapons 11, may go around the globe. The creature the underworld was created in the
unarmed combat 11 will surface only to attack its target same way as the tunnels below other
STRENGTHS and then immediately disappear back realms and Core Earth, but the Nippon
TOUGHNESS 7 into the tunnels of the Earth. Tech underworld took on the techno-
PERCEPTION 9 logical image of its realm.
Languages 10, trick 11 Monoliths The Kanawa Corporation has little
MIND 8 DEXTERITY 10 use for the tunnels at this time, but it is
Test 10 Melee weapons 15, unarmed com- also finding them a burden, since
bat 11 mutants, malcontents, terrorists,

•• 18
Chapter One

agents of the Rauru Block· and the MIND 3

Test (]9)
priests of Palan are taking over in the
underground. Technically, each cor- CHARISMA 4 The people of Orrorsh avoid any
poration owns the land beneath the Taunt (]7) tunnel and cave entrances that they
tunnels, but since they completely in- SPIRIT 4 corne across. They are correct in be-
tertwine it is impossible to provide Intimidate (21) lieving that anything lurking below
adequate security to prevent infiltra- Possibility Potential: none the surface must be at least as horrible
tions. Scientists from all three of the Natural Tools: tail sweep (damage as the monstrosities on the surface.
corporate blocks are trying to deter- valueSTR +5/ 43), bite (damage value For brave Storm Knights, the en-
mine what caused the caves and their STR +2/40), stomp (damage value 42), trances can be found almost anywhere:
extent within and outside the realm. radioactive fire breath (damage value at the base of a huge tree in the jungle,
32, range 500/1 km/ 4 km, use un- disguised behind rocks on a mountain
Godon armed combat skill) side, even as a seemingly innocent
broom closet in the basement ofa build-
The memories and fears of atomic Kensai Spirit ing. The psychology of terror lends
weaponry inspired theJapanesemovie itself to mysterious and dark subterra-
monster genre. That subconscious fear Kensai spirits, or spirits of any kind, nean passages.
of total destruction has manifested it- are so alien to the realm of Nippon The terrifying underworld of the
self in living incarnations of these Tech that they will horrify any resi- Orrorsh realm is split into two differ-
apocalyptic creatures, although none dents who have never encountered ent kinds· of hell, of course, due to the
have appeared - yet. A half dozen of spirits before (act as intimidation 17). tinkerings oftheGaunt Man. The High
these giant creatures sleep under the Kensai spirits appear as translucent Lord commanded Heketon to extend
nearby seas or in massive caverns. images of Japanese men wearing the boundaries of the realm an addi-
Such events as earthquakes, volcanic simple, medieval clothing and carry- tional 1,000 meters below the surface
eruptions, or weapons testing could ing a very fine (and very corporeal) of the realm.
awaken one of these beasts and cause katana. The spirits seem to be drawn The first level consists of the tombs,
a rampage through Japan or China. to unnaturally high technology to de- barrows, and unhallowed burial
There are rumors that Kanawa sci- stroy the items and/or persons utiliz- grounds that exist in abundance
entists have uncovered a sleeping be- ing the technology. throughout the realm. These lands are
hemoth and are trying to discover ways Kensai mostly dwell beneath the marked by mass graves filled with the
to control the beast so that they could Nippon Tech realm but have been bodies of pagans whom the Victorians
awaken it and use it as a potential sighted above ground at night. Any- were unable to convert. Men who were
weapon of war or sell its services for one using technology based on axi- excommunicated or otherwise consid-
profit. Godon is a typical example of oms above 24 might attract a Kensai ered below God's grace are also en-
this type of creature, although par- spirit. The spirits are especially drawn tombed in these graveyards. Beneath
ticularcharacteristics vary greatly from to the bubbles created by possibility these tracts of sin-blasted soil thrive
individual to individual. rated individuals if their reality is tech legions ofundead thirsting for revenge
Godon has a reptilian body, similar axiom 25 or higher. on the living. Small burrowed tunnels
to an alligator, with two long flexible run chaotically below the ground, in-
necks each topped by a fearsome head. Kensai Spirit terconnecting tombs and graves with
While most movie monsters have ru- DEXTERITY 13 larger caverns. This area extends 150
dimentary intelligence or instinctive, Dodge 15, maneuver 15, melee meters down.
empathic drives, Godon isn't that weapons 16 The other underworld of Orrorsh is
smart, and the big guy generally just STRENGTH 12 the caverns that lie much deeper in the
rampages randomly about. Godon TOUGHNESS 12 earth. These caves are filled with pools
currently slumbers in a cave near a PERCEPTION 15 of slime from which emerge all man-
subway expansion tunnel which is Find 17, tracking 16 ner of nameless, gibbering beasts
now under construction beneath To- MIND 7 whose very sight is enough to drive
kyo. Workers blasting the new tunnel Test (20) sanity from a man's head. Luckily these
are getting closer and closer to his CHARISMA 8 creatures rarely make it to the surface
sleeping form. SPIRIT 12 unless called upon by some insane
Reality 13 (possibility rated only), ritual or powerful being. When called,
Godon intimidation (]6) these nightmarish creatures erupt from
DEXTERITY 12 Possibility Potential: some (35) the earth to destroy the life around
swimming 13, unarmed combat 19 Natural Tools: semi-corporeal (ar- them.
STRENGTH 38 mor value TOU +12/ 24 vs. physical
TOUGHNESS 35 attacks, +8/ 20 vs. energy attacks)
PERCEPTION 9 Equipment: katana (damage value
Trick (]2) +6/18)

Torg: The Land Below

D imthreads in the Earth

The Kefertiri Idol and Rec tained for any length of time, it is Permanent Dimthreads
Pakken used a series of dim- often much more practical to
threads to link their realms to the make it attuned to the reality it is There are only two "perma-
Land Below. The dimthreads al- passing through (in essence it is nent" dimthreads at this time:
low them to covertly manipulate merely a passageway, although one from the Living Land to
the realm without getting the at- it can tunnel through solid ob- Merretika and one from the Nile
tention of their or the other High jects). A dimthread that strictly Empire to Merretika. The tunnel
Lords. holds the reality ofits home cosm linking the Nile Empire and the
A dimthread is a temporary (consider it a pure zone) costs an Living Land is a created tunnel.
bridge between cosms, normally additional possibility every two The two Darkness Devices have
used to ferry agents from a High hours; double the cost if it must placed a dimthread in two side
Lord's cosm to a cosm that has travel through a pure zone of tunnels directly off the main tun-
been marked for invasion. It is anotherreality. A dimthread that nel. Those who know of the
also an excellent short cut, since is a dominant zone for its home dimthread's existence may dra-
it "jumps" from one location to reality costs an additional possi- maticallyshorten the traveltime.
another, similar to teleportation. bility every six hours (double the The single dimthreads from
Normally, dimthreads go di- cost if it passes through a pure each realm offer direct access to
rectly from one location to an- zone of another reality). The fi- Merretika, although they are
other, but these dimthreads con- nal, and cheapest alternative, is dangerous to traverse (they are
nectto Core Earth and the Land to have the dimthread take on detailed in Chapter Three:
Below in many locations. Most the reality of the area it is passing Merretika). The Darkness Devices
people are unaware that they are through, at a cost of one possibil- established these as a direct
travelling inside a dimthread, ityevery 36 hours (with no addi- means of moving people and
and believe the entire cave net- tional cost for passing through things to the realm if they saw
work is inside the Earth. They other pure zones). the need. Eventually, if a good
don't realize that they have actu- The Nile pit to Merretika is an High Lord candidate does
ally entered a different reality, example of a dim thread that emerge, they will send agents
which has led to the reports of a doesn't retain its natural reality. down these passageways to re-
tropical world inside the planet. Regardless of the reality within a trieve the candidate, or possibly
To create a dimthread, the dimthread, reality storms do not to plant stelae.
Darkness Device must expend occur in dim-threads (unless The tunnel connecting the Nile
five possibilities. Normally they someone within the dimthread and Living Land runs from Al-
only last for about orie hour. Be- summons one). exandria, Egypt to Rochester, In-
yond the first hour, the Darkness Darkness Devices are almost diana. It is a dangerous journey
Device must expend additional always unaware of what is oc- between realms, covering about
possibilities to keep the bridge curring within a dimthread, since 12,000 kilometers. However, the
"up". The Darkness Devices have they are busy tending to their dimthread shortens the trip to
found their experiment with stelae and the events within their 300 kilometers and is contained
longer duration dimthreads to borders. While powerful, they entirely within the Nile Empire
be a stunning success. aren't omnipotent. However, a and the Living Land! Both tun-
Darkness Device is master over nel and dimthread are about 50
the form of the dimthread, and meters wide and have been used
Which Reality? for a variety of important mis-
can alter gravity, change the at-
Although a dimthread is a mosphere, decrease or enlarge it sions. Both realms guard their
passageway to other cosms, it (up to a maximum diameter of entrance very well and have kept
doesn't always retain it's natural 200 meters) and move it to new the tunnel's existence a secret.
reality and axioms. For locations at will.
dim threads that will be main-

•• 20
Chapter One

Temporary Dimthreads
The Darkness Devices also
make extensive use of tempo-
rary dimthreads. Each Device
will have up to two dozen threads
cast into the Land Below at any
one time.
The threads wind their way
throughout the rock of the na-
tive realm, Core Earth and the
Land Below.
Since the dimthreads are de-
signed to look like a natural cave,
it is difficult to know whether
you are in a cave or a dimthread.
Because of this, it is possible to
cross completely across the Earth
in just a few meters if you know
where the dimthreads lie. Un-
fortunately, this also makes it
virtually impossible to map the
caverns beneath the Earth.
The Darkness Devices will not
run these dimthreads through
territory under the axioms of
anotherrealrn, but they can bring
the dimthread up to the surface
of Core Earth, the Nile Empire or
the Living Land. Sometimes a
dimthread will tunnel up be-
neath a group of Storm Knights,
"swallowing" them into the
Earth. The Darkness Device then
closes the way to the surface,
forcing the Storm Knights to ex-
plore the caves. This has been an
excellent means to get rid of
Storm Knights who have caused
too much trouble. The Kefertiri
Idol is experimenting with the
idea of luring groups of Storm
Knights to Merretika to teach the
High Lord candidates about the
foes they will have to face.

Torg: The Land Below

Nightmare Worm CHARISMA 2 resist the creature's life-draining

SPIRIT 8 power.
The nightmare worm is one of the Intimidation (10), reality 10 (possi- Both the wight and the victim gen-
Gaunt Man's horrendous creations. bility rated only) erate Spirit totals. If the wight's total is
These 10 foot long, caterpillar-likecrea- Possibility Potential: some (35) greater, then the difference in the re-
tures are the High Lord's harbingers Natural Tools: four tentacles (at- sults is checked on the Combat Resul ts
of madness and insanity. They live tackseparately, damagevalueSTR +1/ Table (page 40 of the Torg Rulebook) to
deep in the Earth until called. Once 19), venom (see description) find how much damage the wight's
summoned, they burst from the Power Rating: 1 (may not choose victim suffers. If the victim generates a
ground to destroy their victim. The attack fonn resistance: heat/fire) higher Spirit total than the wight, the
nightmare worm lashes out with the Corruption Value: 14 creature takes no damage, but may
four long tentacles which extrude from Fear Rating: 1/2 suffer a setback at the gamemaster's
its gruesomely human-like face. Suggested Perseverance ON: 12 discretion.
Victims injured by the slashing ten- Suggested Weakness: open flame
tacles are subject to the insidious Suggested True Death: to be cast Wight
venom carried by the nightmare into a volcanic pit after each tentacle DEXTERITY 11
worm's appendages. In addition to has been severed by a blessed blade Dodge 14, maneuver 13, stealth 13,
damage from the tentacle itself, the unarmed combat 14
victim must generate a Toughness total Wight STRENGTH 15
of 12 or greater to resist the poison's Climbing 16
effect. If the victim fails the check, find It is said in Orrorsh that some men TOUGHNESS 16
the monster's result points on the have souls that are so wicked even the PERCEPTION 13
Power Push Table, removing that devil does not want them in hell. Of Tracking 14, trick 15
many points of Mind. The character is course, that is wrong since the Gaunt MIND 8
also paralyzed with fear for the dura- Man keeps these precious souls for CHARISMA 3
tion of the encounter. Anyone reduced wights. Wights are doomed to wander SPIRIT 16
to a Milld of 0 goes insane. Lost Milld the earth, never to show their face to Intimidation 18
points return at a rate of one point per the sun again. These vile creatures Possibility Potential: none
hour. Those who go insane do not have an insane hatred for all that lives Natural Tools: claws (damage value
recover Mind points. and seek to murder any living being. STR +3/18 plus life-drain), teeth (dam-
Wights appear as ghastly white, age value STR +2/17 plus life-drain
Nightmare Worm bloated corpses still dressed in the Power Rating: 2
DEXTERITY 9 remains of their burial clothing (which Corruption Value: 14
Stealth 1I, unarmed combat I I often allows them to be recognized). Fear Rating: 1/2
STRENGTH 18 Their teeth are pointed and their fin- Suggested Perseverance ON: 13
TOUGHNESS 12 gernailsareunnaturally longand wick- Suggested Weakness: sunlight
PERCEPTION 8 edly curved. Wights are so imbued Suggested True Death: a miracle
Tracking 10 with the chill of dead flesh that any which completely destroys the wight's
MIND 4 living being who contacts a wight must body (must cause six or more wounds).
Test (14)

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Entering the Caves

Iii' om . '""""'"farm••",
lead, .somewhere more
alien than the other realms
on the Earth. Throughout
(Belladereth coined the name, despite
his misunderstanding of the true na-
ture of his discovery).

our journetJs beneath the

planet we encountered things unexpected History of the Land
and for the time being inexplicable.
However, all of the surprises of our Below
subterranean journetJs were nothing com- The Land Below is a great, unex-
pared to the realization that deep in the plored frontier. The fringe reality had
core ofthe Earth was a realm where magic at one time been connected to the real-
worked freely, seemingly as powerful as ity of the Earth, and could be physi-
beloved Aysle. cally entered through many of the
I have yet to detennine the nature of caves leading underground.
this region- is Earth's reality malleable?
While the physical link was stable,
Is Earth itself changing to accept all por- millions of people believed in an un-
tions ofthese new realities? Ifthis is so, the derground world providing a psychic
resilienClJ of the planet is remarkable. anchor to Earth's reality. As mankind's
My maps and careful journal entries world view became increasingly sci-
should certainly be enough toenticeothers entific, people simply stopped believ-
to finance explorations ofthe caverns. This ing in the possibility of a world
land below the Earth may be an important "within" the Earth, severing both the
key in the wars. With more substantial psychic and the physical link.
funding and exploration we should be able
to detennine the peculiarities of this re-
gion. The Realm's
19 October, 1990 (Earth reckoning) Boundaries
Belladereth Dularent's first expedi- The Land Below is a huge mass of
tion into the caverns provided the most rock in the form of an oblong cylinder.
comprehensive knowledge of the un- It is nearly 25 million kilometers long
derground caverns beneath Aysle. His and over 10 million kilometers in
initial report documented many of height and thickness. The cylinder is
creatures beneath the realm and his everything in the realm - there is
painstaking research (supplemented nothing "outside" the cylinder, not
throughout the journey by various even a void. There is simply no physi-
divination magics) produced an accu- cal space outside this amazingly large
rate map of many sections of the cav- hunk of rock.
erns of Aysle. Within the rock are millions ofcaves
Belladereth's party kept a careful and caverns. The surface area of the
record of magic potency throughout known tunnels easily exceeds the sur-
their journeys, and were surprised to face area ofthe Earth. The whole of the
learn how shallow the boundaries of realm is filled with an oxygen rich
Aysle were. They were even more sur- atmosphere especially hospitable to
prised to find a rather large pocket humans.
within the Earth that supported much The caves are home to all kinds of
higher magics. What they did notknow creatures both known and unknown.
was that they actually entered the Many creatures have migrated across
fringe reality of the Land Below to the Land Below from Earth. Unlike

Torg: The Land Below

the Earth, there was never a great cata- which are able to absorb the requisite Abethor Bulbs
clysm to wipe out the dinosaurs, so nutrients and moisture from the soil,
most varieties of Earth dinosaurs can while the protrusions absorb scarcer These highly explosive round fun-
found. Creatures from all of the major materials from the air. They are an gus plants present a hazard to careless
epochs can be found within different excellent source of nutrition for most explorers, but they do have their uses.
sections of the caves. In addition, crea- of the animals in the realm. The plants are about 15 centimeters
tures seemingly native to the Land Many of the plants have special- high, including the round bulb which
Below are quite common, encompass- ized adaptations to protectthemselves is about 10 centimeters high. The rest
ing all of the major biological groups. or propagate the species. Some spe- of the plant is a thick stem. The plant's
cies of fungi have exploding sacs so color is a mixture of red and white
The Nature of the Caves that creatures will spread the small swirls. When touched to an open flame
spores throughout nearby caves. the bulbs explode, doing damage value
The Land Below is a realm rich in There are also several luminescent 13 in a two meter blast radius. Unfor-
animal and plant life. With abundant species of fungi, which use the cool tunately, these plants normally grow
running water and even plenty of soil, glow to attract insects for food. Some in closely grouped clusters, and the
many strange life forms thrive. of the larger fungi have adapted to explosion of just one bulb often sets off
There is no standard size for the prey on larger creatures such as mice a chain reaction that consumes whole
cave passages. Some are dozens of and other herbivores. Most forms of caverns.
meters across, others are only a frac- fungi are white or off-white, although
tion as wide. The cave walls are gener- a few species have developed other Black Stem
ally cool and most are very damp due pigments, like light blue or brown.
to the high moisture content of the Moss is very common, and most Black Stem is a black colored root
realm. The rock walls are often rough caverns are covered with a soft carpet for a mushroom-like fungus. When
and jagged, and it is quite easy to trip oftheprimitive plants. The plants have mixed with water it is used for water-
in the near permanent darkness and been spread throughout the realm by soluble inks, which are excellent for
twilight. The passages wind and twist roaming creatures, and serve a neces- making temporary or erasable mes-
unpredictably, with numerous inter- sary niche in the food chain. Some sages. Some artisans also use the ink to
sections and branches: even the most species are brown or other dark colors, temporarily dye fabrics for religious
experience cartographer will have dif- although like the fungi, there aremany festivals and other ceremonies.
ficulty making an accurate map (diffi- different species that have pigments
culty of 13 for every 500 meters for blue, yellow or green. Drowners
mapped), especially considering that Most mosses provide food for the
the caves are never flat, but instead creatures of the realm, but there are a These fungi are also very danger-
twist up and down around each other. few poisonous varieties as well (dam- ous to curious passersby. The
Streams, rivers and lakes (some the age value 9 to 14 for up to one hour). drowners are about 35 centimeters tall
size ofrespectable Earth seas) are found Moss can be found clinging to stalag- when full grown, with a round, flat-
throughout the multi-level caverns. mites and stalactites, as well as hang- tened dome at the top of a thin stern.
The water is almost always clear and ing off ceilings. The white plants constantly sway as if
very cold, but refreshing and safe to Ferns have a difficult time surviv- being blown in the wind.
drink. The moisture also collects in ing in the environment of the Land The drowners are very sensitive and
dense pockets of mist that can be found Below. In fact, those in the Land Below explode when touched, showering the
nearly anywhere. The mists further can barely be classified as ferns since offending character in a cloud ofspores
obscure vision in the realm. they require no sunlight for survival. about one meter across. Any character
They also depend on a good root struc- in the cloud and facing the plant must
ture to draw nutrients and water from make a dodge total against a difficulty
Plant Life the soil, and are often white or grey in of 12 or the spores hit the character
directly in the face. The spores do dam-
color. Their only advantage in the Land
The dominant plant life forms of Below is that each cave has a stable age value 9 in the first round and
the Land Below are moss and fungi, climate, with no variation in tempera- lodge in the lungs. For the next week
although ferns can be found in small ture and moisture. the character must make a Toughness
quantities. More sophisticated plants Below is a listing of some of the check against a steadily increasing dif-
like bushes and trees can only be found more interesting and useful varieties ficulty or take damage from the spores.
in the domed worlds. of plant life in the Land Below. A The first day's difficulty is 10, and the
The fungi come in all shapes and character with a scholar Iplaltt lore) spe- difficulty increases by one for each
sizes, with some growing as high as cialization may identify any of these additional day. If the check is failed
ten meters. Common species are less fungi and mosses with a total of 10. the character takes damage value 11.
than one-meter tall, with several short Characters without skill in this field The Kets have developed an elixir
stem-like protrusions growing verti- may identify these plants and learn made from water, the eggs ofHunndel
cally out from the main root. They their uses with a total of 13. fish and black root, which irnrnedi-
typically have well-developed roots

•• 24
Chapter Two

ately destroys the spores without dam- which can be used to mend clothing actolin ferns. Several of the different
age to the character. and other materials made of cloth. humanoid tribes use this cream to at-
While the root is plainly visible, the tract creatures to hunting parties.
Glowers mended article is at least as strong as
the original. Kattecoph may not be Pellspores
Glowers is a term used to describe used to mend leather, wood, plastics,
the many luminescent fungi found in metals or other such products. These fungi are generally small, cir-
the Land Below. An average glower is cular growths found scattered
used to illuminate a one meter radius Lure Cream amongst many other varieties offungi.
for six hours. The spores areabout3 cm talland4cm
This effective ointment is created across, with white coloring and lay-
Kattecoph from a mixture of any cream and the ered brown dots. When ground into a
juice from "death lure" stems. The fine powder and mixed with water
This root is normally found only in carniverous fungus uses synthesized and sensin stalks (blue fungi stalks
drier sections ofthe Land Below. When pheromones to lure small mammals. about 10 em tall) they form a watery
dried and soaked for three hours in The stems are drained of their juices salve which can be applied to many
any vegetable oil it provides a strand and mixed with creams and ground kinds of wounds to help speed heal-

Torg: The Land Below

ing. It takes five ground pellspores

and three sensin stalks to make one
Animal Life Atten
application, which adds a +2 to all first The animal life of the Land Below is Flying 9, maneuver 13, unarmed
aid rolls. . both diverse and exciting: a superior combat 13
playground for biologists! Creatures STRENGTH 1
Sata'Chlar o~ every type can be found, including TOUGHNESS 1
dmosaurs, Insects, mammals, lizards, PERCEPTION 9
This fern helps characters resist amphibians, and avians. Tracking 12
pain. The short reddish fern can be Creatures also range from extremely MIND 2
found on the edges of streams and small herbivores to large carnivorous CHARISMA 1
rivers. The juice is drained from the SPIRIT 1
beasts towering up to 20 meters tall.
fern's stem and drank the round after Creatures are found in the environ- Possibility Potential: none
a K result has been taken. If the charac- ments most suited to them - reptiles Natural Tools: Talons (damage
ter can make a willpower total of 15, the ~n hot and moist swamps, mammals value STR +4/5)
character may ignore the effects of the Just about everywhere, avians in cav-
"K" (the K effectively goes away). erns with high roofs and plenty of Rassitar
plants for food.
Talgar Spore Most of the creatures in the caverns The rassitar is a large reptile found
are well adapted to the permanent only.m the warmest sections of the
These large white spores are filled Land Below. A full grown specimen
with a sap that assists in climbing. darkness of the realm. Many of them
have a highly developed sense ofsmell reaches up to four meters long and
Characters who rub this sap on their bears an uncanny resemblance to Earth
handsgeta+l to all climbing rolls. This while others have eyesight tha t is tuned
well into the infra-red range. Some crocodiles. Their snouts are short but
sap may be stored indefinitely, but a
have even developed sonar akin to filled with sharp teeth. Their leg~ are
new application must be made after also rather long (about one and a half
every half hour of climbing. that of Earth bats.
Below are some of the commonly meters), so they have a high profile
encountered creatures native to the (about two meters tall at the shoul-
Tbathap Land Below. der).
The creatures are at home in both
This kind of moss is a brownish water and on land, and are capable of
blue in color and has a foul smell. Atten runnIng and swimming at remarkable
When eaten it heightens one's Percep- speeds. They do most of their hunting
tion in dark situations. The character Alten are small avians found in
many of the large caverns of the Land on land.
must eat 40 grams of the moss to get
the Perception benefit. To eat the moss Below. They areat home in the perma-
nent darkness of the realm and have Rassitar
requires a willpower of 11 due to the DEXTERITY 12
revolting stench of the moss, but the developed a kind of sonar that greatly
enhances their Perception in the dark. Stealth 15, running 16, swimming
character adds +1 to Perception for a 16, unarmed combat 16 .
time value of 25 (one day). . The small birds weigh less than a
kilogram, but are equipped with razor STRENGTH 13
sharp talons. They have dark brown TOUGHNESS 14
Zeta'ckl Moss feathers and an unmistakable cackle. PERCEPTION 7
They normally nest in large groups, Tracking 11, trick (6)
The "useful" properties of this moss MIND 3
were discovered by the Kets. This moss and use the cackle to warn off invad-
ers. Test (3)
is dried to form a flaked powder, which CHARISMA 2
IS then apphed to a spear or other
They make their nests in the cavern
walls and are fiercely protective of Taunt (0)
bladed weapon. The powder causes SPIRIT 4
extreme pain when injected into the their territory. They attack any crea-
ture that enters their cavern, and since Intimidation (8)
blood stream, causing stun damage Possibility Potential: none
WIth a value of 13 for four rounds (if they are able to rally so many of their
kind in these attacks, they are nor- Natural Tools: Tough hide (armor
t~e weapon causes any damage, con-
mally able to drive away almost any value TOU+3/17), teeth (damage
sIder the moss injected into the target's value STR +3/16), claws (damage
blood stream; armor is ignored for creature. A typical Atten cavern will
have30 adult birds guarding about 25 value STR +2/15), running (speed
purposes of stun damage determina- value 12 before pushing)
tion). nests. If the Storm Knights can get to
the nests, the eggs are nutritious and

• I
Chapter Two

Civilizations PERCEPTION 7
Find 8, first aid 9, scholar (animal
Typical Wanneck
Many different civilizations can be husbandry) 10, scholar (plant lore) Beast riding 9, missile weapons 9,
found within the Land Below. Most of 10, tracking 9 unarmed combat 10
them control a specific territory and MINDS STRENGTHS
utilize hunting and farming as the pri- Survival 10, test 10 TOUGHNESS 8
mary means of acquiring food. Many CHARISMA 7 PERCEPTION S
of the people in the Land Below obvi- SPIRIT 6 Divination magic 9, find 9, first aid
ously migrated to this realm from Possibility Potential: some (55) 10, scholar (plant lore) 11
Earth, but others are unique to the Tools: spear (STR +3/10), animal MIND 7
realm. The following examples are not hides, various fungi mixtures. CHARISMA 9
exhaustive, but are merely present to Charm 10, persuasion 12, taunt 10
give gamemasters a feel for the type of Wanneck SPIRITS
civilizations that may be presented in Intimidation 9
the Land Below. The wanneck are a proud, but Possibility Potential: some (70)
friendly people who inhabit the caves
of the Land Below. They are clearly
Kets human, with short but muscled bod-
ies and deep brown to black skin.
The Kets are short humanoids (av- These people are divided into many Many of the guidelines for subter-
eraging 125 em tall) that have mas- tribes, but they also have strong ex- ranean exploration of the Earth apply
tered their local cavern environment. tended family ties that extend beyond to the Land Below, although there are
There are many tribes of the species, the tribal organization. For this reason quite a few elements of this realm that
normally numbering from 50 to 200 the people have never warred upon require closer examination.
individuals. The difficulty of finding each other, and the tribes often band
enough food to support larger groups together for to eliminate a common
keeps the population of individual enemy. The tribes have formed sev-
eral small, permanent city/ states, and
The Domed Worlds
tribes down, and the tribes themselves
are often hundreds of kilometers awa y they are learning to use hard metals in Scattered within the endless maze
from each other. much of everyday life (they have dis- of caverns are the domed worlds ofthe
They are humanoid in form, with covered a few caves with abundant realm. These worlds are of respectable
pale brown skin. Their heads are ob- resources). They use glowers to illu- size, being hundreds or thousands of
long, curving up at the back, with minate their uninhabited territories, kilometers across. Most ofthese worlds
large ears, and small eyes set far back but they mix the glowers with juices have domes many kilometers high,
in the skull. Each hand and foot only from fedder ferns for lanterns and other and a few, such as Merretika, have
has four digits, with one pair opposed long range light sources. their own satellite to provide heat and
to the other pair for added agility. The tribes are very communal in light (like Helephez, these satellites
As a whole they are aggressive and nature, with natural resources shared are normally powered by the spiritual
territorial. They will attack anything amongst all members of the commu- energies of the realm).
that they feel threatens their territory, nity provided that person provides Naturally, they have an ecology
although they do have a predictable whatever service he or she can. The quite different from that of the cav-
fascination with items of magic and Wanneckalso have use oftheengineer- erns. While all of them are bound by
technology. They have developed up ing skill and have been known to con- the axioms and world laws ofthe Land
toaboutTechlevel7, with use ofspears struct elaborate temples at the center Below, there isa great deal ofdiversity
for hunting and the beginning of do- of their settlements. within the different worlds.
mestication of animals for food and If encountered by the Storm The domes worlds are rare (per-
travel. They have a thorough knowl- Knights, they will be hospitable pro- haps one every few thousand kilome-
edge of the fungi and mosses of the viding them shelter and food for a ters), but they provide a much easier
area, and rely on them for many of time. The wanneck are also practical, existence than thatofthecaverns. Each
their products. and if the Storm Knights do not offer domed world normally has several
to help support the community, they unique species of creatures (as well as
Typical Ket will be asked to join and takeupa role many common to the Land Below), as
DEXTERITYS (such as becoming a hunter, farmer or well as at least one intelligent race.
Dodge 9, melee combat 10, stealth craftsman). If the Storm Knights refuse Terrain within the worlds is frequently
10, unarmed combat 9 they will be asked to leave, and it is not plains or mountainous, although
STRENGTH 7 wise to overstep the bounds of their
TOUGHNESS 7 kindness.

Torg: The Land Below

swamps, jungles, forests and even the Earth cultures, it is quite pOSSible Knowledge
deserts can be found in some of the that many were conquered and either
worlds. assimilated or destroyed in the pro- Once characters have entered the
Merretika is an excellent example cess. However, othertradgedies could Land Below the most valuable trea-
of the kind of diversity that can be have befallen these ancient cities - it sure is knowledge. Characters will be
found in a domed world. Use this as a is up to the Storm Knights to find out desperate to secure steady supplies of
guideline when developing your own for themselves. food, water and shelter from the more
unique domed worlds of the Land aggressive creatures. They will also
Below. Wealth and Magic want to acquire weapons and prob-
ably salves and potions made from the
The characters should also encoun- natural plant life.
Lost Civilizations ter magical artifacts. Powerful artifacts They can be given this information
are probably well guarded bymechani- by native tribes or wandering indi-
The Land Below seems to have been cal and magical traps, but lesser arti- viduals. .
populated by many ancient civiliza- facts and magically enhanced items After a time the wanderlust of the
tions which also existed on Earth. Their could be discovered almost anywhere. characters will ignite the desire to leave
legacy is apparent everywhere. Char- The minerals and gems of the Land the Land Below no matter how com-
acters in the Land Below will stumble Below offer rich bounty to those who fortable an existence they may have
across the ruins of buildings and cities can return to Earth. Many of Earth's been able to eke out. They could al-
of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Mayan, valuable metals and gems, such as ways just wander back into a
Aztec, or Chinese origin. There are gold, silver, diamonds, rubies and so dimthread to lead them to Earth, or
some cities that have a combination of forth, can be found, while Storm they might enter Merretika and dis-
architectural styles, clearly showing Knights will find gems which are cover the Nile pit or the Living Land
that these cultures interacted within unique to the Land Below. waterfall. They might also encounter
the Land Below. Some of the temples Natural materials for metal smelt- other groups of wandering Storm
defy even the amazing architecture of ing are also abundant. While it would Knights, and between them they may
the parent cultures on Earth (a result be impossible for Earth interests to be able to formulate a plan for escape.
of the Law of Wonders). make use of this mineral wealth, many The final option is to have them ac-
Still other ruins seem to indicate as of the civilizations native to the Land quire a mystical artifact loaded with
yet undiscovered civilizations. Few Below are utilizing the materials to divination knowledge so tha t they may
clues to indicate why these cities were fashion hard metal tools. be able to find their way home.
abandoned. Considering the expan-
sionist and violent natures of many of

•• 28
Chapter Three

Chapter Three

1.1 had hod ,<op"'.
;m, ended T"~"d
for all they knew.
It was now jllst a battle for
sllrvival. GlIenthar of
noes spew their molten interior into
the sky, and the jungles grow in a
dense ocean of green.

HOllse Daleron had been

mortally wOllnded in a battle with a large Entrances
insectoid creature.
While his companions tended his There are six entrances to the domed
wOllnds, a sense of dread overwhelmed world of Merretika. Four are simply
them. The troop of Storm Knights had caverns which enter into the world
resigned themselves to death in this alien almost without warning (the charac-
land of darkness. ters may feel a slight breeze and see
Tainia the dwarf had wandered down light up ahead).
the cavern. Her shollt echoed back to her One entrance is in the northern
friends, "By the stars! There is a world in lands, an area unclaimed by any of the
these endless caves!" people of Merretika and only 20 kilo-
With GlIenthar cradled in a travois, meters from the Abominari Temple.
thelJfollowed Tainia's path. A warm, pleas- Another entrance further is further
ant breeze flowed into the cave; a light to the east, near where the Wild River
appeared in the distance. leaves Merretika and enters the cav-
A few min lites later, they had all ern network.
emerged from the cave's mOllth. The cave On the eastern rim of the Moun-
was part ofa rock wall which towered into tains of the Beast lies an entrance which
the sletj. Before them was a lush jungleand is inaccessible to all of the people of
high in the sky was a sun, providing Merretika due to the presence of
wannth and heat. Perhaps there was hope. Ungrosh.
The final unexplored entrance lies
to the south of the waterfall from the
A Domed World Living Land and is within reach of the
The realm of Merretika is a hollow, The final two entrances demand
circular cavity roughly 320 kilometers further elaboration, primarily because
in diameter. The realm'sroofis domed, they connect to the dimthreads of Rec
130 kilometers at its peak. The entire Pakken and the Kefertiri Idol.
dome is filled with breathable air.
The land is illuminated by a glow-
ing entity known as Helephez, which The Great Waterfall
is 100 kilometers above the land. The
light and heat are evenly spread The first is the Great Waterfall, in
throughout the realm, keeping all of the southern corner of the land. The
Merretika habitable to humans. source of the waterfall had been a sub-
The land contains a bizarre assort- terranean river, but just a few months
ment of terrain, including dense ago Rec Pakken created a giant chasm
jungles, fiery volcanoes, savannahs, in Michigan, and used a permanent
and rugged mountains. It is a realm of dirnthread connection to connect to
scenic wonder and awe-inspiring Merretika. The Great Waterfall
beauty. Waterfalls hundreds ofmeters dirnthread maintains the reality of
high plummet from cliff tops, volca- whatever realm it is passing through.
The waterfall drops 1,000 meters into

Torg: The Land Below

the Earth, before moving into the Land ond expedition to discover what hap- ing into the invisible beam is swept up
Below, where it falls another 300 kilo- pened to Hopten-Ra. in the flight ray.
meters and smashes into Merretika's The entrance to the pit can only be While the operator runs the ma-
roof. At the roof, it becomes a normal found after exploring the cavern sys- chine, each passenger carries a back-
waterfall, but plunges another 60 kilo- tem in the Land of the Dead. Near pack radio to signal up, down, slow or
meters to the surface. heavily populated mining areas, this off (the flight power moves passen-
At the base of the waterfall is the particular cavern system was qeclared gers and objects at flight 16, or 600
LakeoftheGiver, which supplies water too unstable for immediate exploita- meters per round; the slow setting
to three major river systems in tion. There is no doubt that the slaves allows for a soft touchdown at the
Merretika. Prior to the dimthread's of Pharaoh Mobius would have even- bottomofthepit). The device can carry
arrival, the Great Waterfall was fed by tually been forced to work in this area up to 60,000 kilograms. There is no
a series of subterranean rivers. If the even if its secret hadn't been discov- chance of a Nile operator disconnect-
dimthread remains connected to the ered. ing while running the machine; opera-
domed world it is quite possible that Thedimthread/pit lies at the end of tors from a realm without a high
the Lake of the Giver could end up a seemingly seemingly ordinary tun- enough tech risk a one-case contradic-
flooding the nearby jungles and plains nel. The tunnel is presently a very tion. Anything which enters the invis-
within a couple of years. tight squeeze and those traversing it ible beam is pulled or pushed in the
may do so only by crawling on their direction of flight (passengers have no
bellies. A crack squad of explosives risk of disconnectionby merely riding
The Nile Pit experts is working on widening the in the beam). The flight direction may
tunnel, but the instability of the caves be changed at any time.
This entrance is a dimthread pit here makes it a difficult problem. The The Nile expedition uses a back-
nearly 5,000 kilometers long which Kefertiri Idol may squeeze this tunnel pack radio to command the operator.
plummets from the Land of the Dead tight again to carefully control what is Each trooper carries a flashlight and a
in the Nile Empire to a small cavern allowed to enter the Land Below. radio; once he has passed through the
only a few kilometers from the cave At the end of the tiny tunnel is an Land Below pure zone he turns on the
entrance near the Ohibi village. almost perfectly circular, vaulted flashlight to see how far down the
Pharaoh Mobius discovered the pit chamber about 12 meters in diameter. cave floor is. Once the bottom is spot-
many months ago and Field Major Directly in the center of the room is a ted, he radios for the operator to slow
Hopten-Ra, a trusted and experienced gaping 2-1 /2 meter hole. As far as can the flight speed. Both the flashlight
soldier, commanded an expedition be determined with the naked eye or and the radio only cause short-range
down the pit. The expedition disap- even a powerful flashlight, the "pit" contradictions in the Land Below
peared (the circumstances are ex- has no bottom. dominant zone. There is a slight mar-
plained in the Nile Empire short story Actually, it plummets 4,950 kilo- gin of error (due to the intricacies of
anthology to be published by West meters straight down. This dimthread the machine and human error), so deli-
End Games). Mobius has sent a sec- takes on the axioms of whatever real- cate goods cannot be sent down unless
ity it is passing through. About 150 they are well-packed.
meters down, Core Earth's axioms re- For safety's sake, a guard is always
place the Nile Empire's, while at 2,100 on watch at the bottom of the cavern
A WayHome meters the dim thread smoothly shifts
to the Land Below. The dimthread
so someone who disconnects on the
way down doesn't splat into the
enters in a Land Below pure zone, ground.
The original expedition used
which ends 2,500 kilometers later. The The levitation machine is guarded
a levitation machine which was
rest of the way "down" is a Land Be- by 20 veteran shocktroopers and its
hidden in the jungle by Kord, the low dominant zone. If anyone is un- creator, Dr. Halim Hoftet.
self-proclaimed protector of
fortunate enough to fall into the pit,
Merretika (see Chapter Eight: Folk
freefall to the bottom takes 20 hours. Shocktrooper
and Creatllres ofMerretika). Storm
One side of this pit is dominated by DEXTERITY 9
Knights may be lucky enough to a levitation machine used to ferry sup-
find this device. Beast riding 11, fire combat 12,
plies down to Merretika. The device is heavy weapons 12, unarmed com-
a huge, round disk, with hundreds of bat 12
Levitation Machine wires, levers, and other weird science STRENGTH 9
STRENGTH 12 gizmos attached to it. A huge barrel Climbing 10
Housing Toughness: 9 projects out from it and points straight TOUGHNESS 9
Powers: flight 10 down the pit. It stands about three PERCEPTION 7
Power Plants: 12 (powering meters high.
Strength) Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9, trick 9
The gizmo generates the flightpulp MIND 7
power, but passes it through a giant Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12
gun barrel-like apparatus and broad- CHARISMA 7
casts it "down" the pit. Anyone pass- Taunt 9

•• 30
Torg: The Land Below

~ The Land Below: Diagram 1

~ Levitation Machine Blueprint FLIGHT


10 ---J
f--L-~'----11 GrzMO
18 1--<' A

Levitation Machine

STRENGTH 24 '--_-'-A---->..----l STRENGTH

Housing Toughness: 24 24
Powers: flight 16, ultra-sight 34
Power Plants: 24 (powering
Note: levitation machine
projects flight power onto any-
one in the flight beam. It takes 8
hours and 15 minutes to fly from
top to bottom. The range of the
beam is equal to the ultra-sight
power value (34).
Because of the six boosters,
anyone in the beam has a -6
penalty to all skills governed by

• I
Chapter Three

SPIRIT 9 wouldn't have to worry about being

Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimidation 12 burned up, although they would prob-
Inclination: Evil
Possibility Potential: none
ably have to deal with a brutal spiri-
tual attack.
T errors of the Dark
Equipment: KK81 (damage value Helephez reacts violent!y whenever
19), two grenades (damage value 18), anything touches it or comes within a The people of Merretika are
bayonet/knife (damagevalueSTR +4/ few kilometers. It makes a spiritual understandably reluctant to en-
13), backpack radio, flashlight, field attaFk with a damage value of 45 (plus ter the caverns. Their entire lives
kit. the bonus modifier). they have known only constant
sunlight, with the occasional light
Dr. Kalim Hoftet Helephez rain. Any place of darkness is
DEXTERITY 0 terrifying. The different races
Maneuver (50) believe that the lands of
Maneuver 8
Merretika are meant for them,
TOUGHNESS 8 TOUGHNESS 65 but the caverns harbor great evil
and creatures of death.
Evidence analysis 16, find 15, Trick (26)
scholar (scientific discoveries) 15 MIND 1
MIND 14 Test (30) developed unique work and rest
Science 17, weird science 28 CHARISMA 0 rhythms since their is no day and night
CHARISMA 10 Charm (47), persuasion (47), taunt cycle to guide them.
SPIRIT 9 (50) Visitors who stay for any length of
Reality 12 SPIRIT 36 time will realize that Merretika has no
Inclination: Evil Faith 39, focus 41, intimidation 43 seasons either. Plants are in a constant
Possibilities: 8 Possibilities: 32 state ofgrowth, checked only by local-
Equipment: flashlight, backpack ized conditions and other creatures.
radio, spare gizmo components Weather variations are very mild, with
The Enclosed only a few light rains. Strong winds,
The bottom of the pit is a small snow, thunder and lightning are un-
chamber about 10 meters across that World known in Merretika.
opens into the caves of the Land Be-
low. Like the tunnels that carve The bizarre geographyofMerretika
through the Land of the Dead in the is often disturbing to visitors. Because Direction
Nile Empire, these tunnels are seem- the world is flat, it is possible to see the
ingly never-ending and it would be an mountains to the south and the Great Compasses do not operate in the
easy matter to get lost without a de- Waterfall from nearly any point in the Land Below, and the idea of north,
tailed map. world. While shapes do get slightly south, east and west are ideas which
At least one guard is here at all distorted by the atmosphere, the sight don't make much sense to the inhabit-
times to watch out for intruders and of mountains hundreds of kilometers ants of the realm (see Chapter FOllr:
make sure that supplies are coming away is still impressive. Inhabitants). For convenience, Mer-
down safely. The guard is stationed at The walls of the dome appear to be retika's map has been arbitrarily la-
the Nile outpost in Merretika, and is a deep brown within a few kilometers, beled with directions as indicated on
also equipped with a flashlight and but as one travellers closer to the cen- the realm map.
backpack radio. ter of the realm, they turn to a murky
blue. The sidewalls do curve in some-
Helephez what as they reach the realm's ceiling, Terrain
but this curvature is hardly noticeable
Helephez, the glowing orb of light from the ground. The terrain in Merretika is mostly
high in the sky, makes life possible in Travelers often use Helephez and jungle and savannah in the north, while
Merretika. In fact, all of the races of the thin white ribbon of the waterfall mountains and volcanoes dominate
Merretika, in one form or another, as navigation beaco.ns. the southern half of the land. Terrain
worship Helephez as creator of the shifts very quickly in Merretika, going
universe. from mountains to jungle or savannah
Helephez is a creature that does The Endless Day in just a few steps.
little beyond exist. Helephez produces
only spiritual heat and energy, so ev- Anotherstriking characteristic is the
ery portion of the realm receives an absence of night. Helephez constantly Savannahs
equal amount of heat and light, for a bathes the land in heat and light, al-
remarkably consistent climate. Char- though not enough to cause dead Large stretches of land in the cen-
acters flying close to Helephez zones. Most of the inhabitants have tral portion of Merretika are covered

Torg: The Land Below

with tall brown grasses interrupted bers of predatory mammals, poison- occasional springs that vent like steam-
occasionally by large, lonesome ous snakes, insect swarms and large ing geysers, but running water is rare.
Dalberry trees. The grasslands and its lizards. The game to feed these crea- The only lakes are craters filled with
waterholes are teeming with life. All tures is also plentiful. While the crea- molten lava. Some of these magma
manner of small lizards, frogs, and tures represent a serious danger, nu- ponds are hundreds of meters across,
waterfowl make their homes near the tritious berries and fruits are also com- and the ground near them is far too
waterholes, and ground-nesting birds, mon, so the survival difficulty is only 5. hot for hiking.
insects, and rodents make their homes In the southwest, the jungles over- Travels across these land require a
in the dry grasses. Larger animals in- lap with the mountains near the Lake survival total of 15 to find enough food
clude migratory herds of herbivores of the Giver and the Great Waterfall. It and shelter. Climbing mountain tops
and the predators who feed on them. is here that the savage splendor of has a difficulty of 8, while the diffi-
The grasslands are inhabited by tribes Merretika is most evident, with water- culty to climb active volcanoes is 13.
of Keefee, called the Termite People falls, lush lakes which feed the jungles, The plains of volcanic glass and rock
by most inhabitants of Merretika be- and beautiful scenery. are especially dangerous, inflicting
cause of the Keefee's small stature and damage value 10 on anyone thrown to
mound homes. the ground. Characters may avoid
Volcanoes damage by making an acrobatics total
of 8 or higher.
Jungles The southern third of Merretika is Characters totally immersed in boil-
dominated by the volcanoes, whose ing lava suffer damage value 24 (each
The thick jungles of Merretika oc- pillars of fire and smoke reach high round), while submerging just a limb
cupy nearly half of the realm's land into the sky and can be seen from causes damage value 16. The lava also
surface, covering most of the northern nearly every portion of the realm. emits toxic fumes, which inflict dam-
regions. Under the cover of this green Mountains and open lakes of bubbling age based on how far the character is
canopy, all sorts of strange flora and lava separate thevo1canoes, with small from the source of the gas: within 60
fauna have developed. Several races plains of volcanic glass. While there meters causes damage value 4 from
also call the jungle their home. The are few creatures suited to this envi- the noxious fumes each round. Each
Ohibi people live in the northeastern ronment, the hardy Pyrian Fire Tam- value closer (60 meters, 40 meters, 25
jungles, the Darooni Wasp Riders ers have thrived. meters, etc.) adds +2 to damage.
dwell in the Misty Gorge to the west, Traversing the volcanic plains is an Those values are for a full fledged
and the tribes of Leopard Men make adventure ofdiscomfort and survival. volcano or a lava flow more than 10
their home throughout the jungle. The ground consists of hot, baked clay meters across. For each value lower (6
The jungles are much more danger- or cooled lava flows covered with a meters across, than 4 meters across,
ous than the plains, with large num- fine gravel of sharp crystal. There are then 2.5 meters across, etc.), lower the
damage by -2.

The mountains in the eastern re-
gions are warm and habitable, but an
unique individual makes them quite
dangerous. The aptly named Moun-
tains of the Beast stretch hundreds of
meters into the air. The mountains are
covered by a variety of grasses, trees
and other plants, with a large popula-
tion of animals. The true master of this
area is Ungrosh, the giant ape.
The mountains get much more rain
than the rest of the realm, and are the
source ofthe Wild River and the River
of the Beast, which empty from
Merretika at the dome's edge to the
Smaller mountains run the entire
width of Merretika to thesouth,closely
bordering the volcanoes and the River
with no Bottom.

•• 34
Chapter Three

Rivers giant crater to hold the lake, with only uncontrolled waters. Any character
three rivers emerging through the foolish enough to attempt to boat
The rivers of Merretika provide mountains to the east and down into across the river must make a water
water to most regions of the land, but the jungle and savannah low lands to vehicles total with a minimum diffi-
they are almost unusable as a means of the north. The lake and surrounding culty of 18; if the boat is caught in one
transport. mountains tower over 400 meters of the frequent whirlpools, the diffi-
Merretika's rivers receive much of above the the lowlands. culty jumps to 23. Anyone who fails a
their water from outside the realm. Great clouds of swirling mist ob- roll has their boat ballered into rocks
Rivers from the Land Below caverns scure the violence of the waterfall or the rocky shore. Swimming difficul-
feed the Lake of the Giver, while rain- smashing into the lake, although the ties are at +3 compared to the difficul-
fall is generated by water vapor which results, huge waves which constantly ties for water vehicles.
finds its way into Merretika through batter the lake shore, are plainly evi- The river is normally bordered by
several cave entrances many kilome- dent. Pilots must beat a water vehicle sharp peaks and volcanic lava flow,
ters above ground level. The Living difficulty of 10 to prevent a ship or creating huge clouds ofsteam in many
Land's waterfall has increased the flow boat from capsizing due to the waves. spots.
of water into the land. Three main rivers flow from the The River with no Bottom eventu-
Lake of the Giver: the River with no ally flows into the Smoke Canyon,
Lake of the Giver Bollom, the Tall River and the Leop- where it smashes into a continuous
ard River. stream of lava and boils away in a
The Lake of the Giver is fed by the deadly cloud.
Great Waterfall, which is over half a River with no Bottom
kilometer wide. The lake extends over Tall River
60 kilometers into Merretika from the The River with no Bollom is a sav-
wall of the realm. age, twisting waterway, dominated The Tall River flows north and is
The lake was originally just a river by huge whirlpools and waterfalls. It more easily used for shipping, al-
wandering through the high moun- borders the realm of the Pyrians and is though none of the local inhabitants

tain passes. Over thousands of years,
the area was worn down, creating a

the only reason they have not advanced
further north: they are afraid of the
are using it for this purpose. About 45
kilometers long, the river dumps into
Torg: The Land Below

rapids and waterfalls, and pilots must

make a water vehicles total of 12 to
successfully navigate these dangerous
waterways. The lake flows into a ti-
tanic waterfall that leads out of the
bottom of the realm.

Several unique landmarks and lo-
cations in Merretika deserve special
attention, providing numerous poten-
tial adventure hooks.

Misty Gorge
In the western jungles of the realm,
the land falls away into a great mist
shrouded gorge. The name of the
chasm is different in every tribal lan-
guageoftherealm, butallofthenames
mean Misty Gorge. The canyon is al-
most a kilometer deep and its sides are
sheer walls of slick shale and rock
marked by infrequent outcroppings,
ledges, and tiny caves. The impen-
etrable mist begins only 50 meters be-
low the rim of the gorge and continues
until only 60 meters above the surface.
The gorge is boot-shaped, with a
length of 16 kilometers. At its widest
point, from heel to toe of the boot, the
gorge is almost five kilometers wide.
The Tall River is the source of a
huge waterfall in the southern end of
the gorge. The river flows north before
dropping through a hole in the floor of
the Misty Gorge. Where the river goes
after leaving Merretika is unknown,
although the Gorge's inhabitants, the
Darooni Wasp Riders, feel the area isa
place of death.
The difficulties of getting into the
gorge and the fierceness of the people
has prevented anyone from learning
the Misty Gorge and eventually flows the water, waiting for unwary crea- much about the Darooni. Getting into
through out of the realm at the north- tures to enter for a brief swim. the Misty Gorge can be quite a prob-
ern end of the gorge. lem. The mist not only disguises the
Eastern Rivers depths of the chasm, but the humidity
Leopard River from the vapors also makes the sheer
The Mountains of the Beast are the
sides of the gorge very slippery and
The Leopard River flows northeast, source of the River of the Beast and the
treacherous. The base difficulty num-
eventually forming the Lake of the Wild River, which bisect the entire
Hunter and Leopard Lake. This river ber for climbing the gorge walls is 14.
eastern half of Merretika. The two riv-
is peaceful by all appearances, but the Thismay beadjusted by-3iftheclimb-
ers join just west of the mountains and
ers have mountaineering tools. Im-
dominant inhabitant is a particularly eventually flow into a small lake on
nasty variety of crocodilians called the dome's northern rim. Both rivers
provised tools, such as jungle vines
arhet crom. They often lurk just below and daggers, yield a -1 or -2 modifier
get their name due to the numerous
to the difficulty number. Most likely,

•• 36
Chapter Three

characters will attempt the climb as a

non-combat macro skill. The length of
Tanta Kallar meters, 40 meters, 25 meters, etc.) adds
+2 to damage. Anyone actually enter-
the climb makes it quite possible that This mountain, Merretika's largest ing the canyon suffers damage value
the climbers will be spotted by wasp volcano, is called Tanta Kallar by the 20 each round she remains in the can-
riders as the hunters leave the chasm Pyrian Fire Tamers. The volcano rises yon (armor doesn't count for purposes
in search of food. This can lead to 1,500 meters above the nearby volca- of resisting damage).
desperate fights from the sheer walls nic plains, with sides that seep rivers
of the gorge or a heroic stand on a of molten lava. The top is a great hol-
ledge where the group pauses to rest. low pit filled with bubbling magma. The Abominari
Alternately, the characters may be Its sides are girdled with the houses of
able to utilize magic or flight powers the Pyrians, and above the volcano's
to reach the bottom of the gorge. Navi- smoking top sits the wondrous temple The Abominari Temple is in the
gating an aircraft into the gorge is a of the Pyrians (see Chapter Four: Inhab- northwestern portionofMerretika and
risky venture for even the bravest pi- itants). presents some interesting questions
lot with possibility points to bum. The
regarding Merretika. It is hidden deep
mist makes it very difficult to accu- in the uninhabited jungles ofthe north,
rately gauge where one is, and it is Smoke Canyon and only a few kilometers from
quite easy to smash into the walls of Merretika's wall.
the gorge or slam into trees. To suc- Smoke Canyon is the end of the
It is obviously the product of the
cessfully fly in the gorge, the air ve- River with no Bottom, and is an im-
Law ofWonders, with a trio of floating
hicles difficulty is 18 for most aircraft passible area blocking Pyrian eastward obelisks which revolve around a cen-
and 12 for hovering vehicles like heli- expansion. The canyon is about a kilo- tral point once every 16 earth hours.
copters and VTOLs (use this as a meter long, half as wide and only 100 The obelisks float about two meters
macro-skill, checking every five min- meters deep. Several open fissures al- off the ground and are made of a shiny
utes). Any aircraft without vertical low lava to seep into the canyon, where black and very hard (Toughness 21)
landing capability will have to crash it mixes with the water, producing
stone. They are about four meters high
land on the narrow strips of cultivated noxious clouds of steam which can be
and are covered with carved runes.
land along the river, with a difficulty seen from the southernmost lands of
Apparently growing out of the bot-
of 16 to land without injuring any the Keefee. Anyone who comes within tom of each obelisks are several long
passengers and a difficulty of20 not to 60 meters of the canyon suffers dam-
roots: at the base of the obelisk, they
damage the plane. Vertical landing age value 4 from the noxious fumes
seem almost to be made of stone, but
craft can land with a difficulty of 12. each round. Each value closer (60

Torg: The Land Below

the ends are flexible and definitely hasn't tried to follow them, knowing CHARISMA 7
plant-like. A huevenge lurks nearby that if his men were caught they could Taunt 9
(see Chapter Eight: Creatllres of be slain. SPIRIT 9
Merretika). The current procedure is to main- Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimidation
tain the shocktrooper force already 12
The Nile Outpost stationed here, while secretly smug- Possibility Potential: none
gling more supplies down from the Equipment: sword (damage value
Though it's a small outpost, the in- surface. About a half dozen explorers STR +6/15), knife (damage valueSTR
vading Nile shocktroopers have es- have been secretly sent off to wander +4/13), field kit
tablished a camp just outside of the Merretika. Mobius has been told only
caves in the domed world ofMerretika. that there is a domed, tropical world Field Major Achmed Tunakakan
It is only a few kilometers from the in the caverns; he doesn't know any DEXTERITY 11
Ohibi village, but the troops have not specific details. Dodge 14, fire combat 13, heavy
yet discovered the Sphere. Only about weapons 12, maneuver 12, melee
a dozen soldiers are here and they 5hocktrooper weapons 15, stealth 12, unarmed
have been issued swords rather than DEXTERITY 9 combat 13
risk disconnection from using their Beast riding 11, fire combat 12, STRENGTH 12
guns. heavy weapons 12, unarmed com- TOUGHNESS 9
The leader of the group, Field Ma- bat 12 PERCEPTION 9
jor Achmed Tunakakan, feels that a STRENGTH 9 Find 12, hieroglyphics 11, scholar
larger presence would be too threat- Climbing 10 (small unit tactics) 14, trick 11
ening to the nearby Ohibi and he is not TOUGHNESS 9 MIND 12
eager to instigate an unnecessary war PERCEPTION 7 Survival 14, test 13, willpower 14
- at least, not at the present time. So Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9, trick 9 CHARISMA 9
far, the Major has maintained peace MIND 7 SPIRIT 10
with the Ohibi by not interfering with

Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12 Faith (Egyptian religion) 13, intimi-
them when they enter the caves. He dation 14

38 .~
Chapter Three

Inclination: Evil The only opening into the shard is the Powers: The Sphere is an entity of
Possibilities: not rated approximately man-sized cave en- the Land Below, creating a pure
Equipment: spear (damage value trance that runs from Mehret-Ahn's zone with a 10 meter radius. Char-
STR +4/16), sword (damage value STR house. Otherwise, the shard is an un- acterswho have attuned themselves
6/18), Nile headdress, backpack ra- broken sphere that is visible along the to the Sphere may carry a splinter of
dio, diary curved walls and vaulted ceiling, it with them and carry possibilities.
though the curved bottom is buried Group Power: Seize
beneath the flat, stone floor. About ten To use the Group Power, all of the
The Sphere man-sized beings could be in the members of the group must gather
Sphere at the same time. Mehret-Ahn within the interior of the Sphere.
The Sphere is one of the largest and views the Sphere as the gift of Mehret Characters must be inside the
most powerful eternity shards yet to to the Ohibi people. Sphere when spending possibili-
be encountered in the possibility wars. The Sphere is imbedded in tons of ties to purchase the power.
To get to the Sphere, characters must rock. If anyone attempts to move the Restrictions: Possibilities may only
use a hidden tunnel in Mehret-Ahn's Sphere, it will make an energy attack be used to further the primitive nature
house in the Ohibi village (see Chapter on everyone within 15 meters (dam- of the realm by fighting those who
Four: Inhabitants). age value 27). The attacks will con- would dominate it or opposing those
The chamber at the end of Mehret- tinue until everyone is dead or leaves who have higher technology or magic
Ahn's secret tunnel is dominated by a the area. axioms than that of the Land Below.
singularly mind-blowing sight. Those A character may gain possibilities
who enter may at first think it a decep- The Sphere for lateruse after undergoing an elabo-
tion or a trick of the light, but the very Cosm: Land Below rate power-investment ritual. Only
w~ of the room seem to be made of Possibilities: Thousands bearers may perform this ceremony.
the red and blue swirled rock that is Tapping Difficulty: 30 First, a portion of the Sphere must
characteristic of reality shards. Purpose: To preserve the uncomp- be shaved from the shard (Toughness
In fact, the chamber is a huge, hol- licated and savage nature of the 12; user must get a wound result to
low eternity shard called the Sphere. Land Below chip off a piece of the shard; consider

Torg: The Land Below

the shard possibility-rated). This group power allows the users total of 20 to spot the gigantic stone
The character must spend the next to open a gate to another location and wheel if Storm Knights travel by).
24 hours (Earth time) inside the cham- capture the individual closest to the Even if someone is aware of the
ber, attuning his perception of reality gate. This power is often used to cap- temple's location (either through a map
to that of the shard. To simulate this ture a specific individual when their or by following someone there), it is
process, the character must generate a location is known. The gate appears still difficult to spot the stone wheel
realihJ total. If the result is greater than two meters away from the lead char- due to its excellent craftsmanship (find
15, then he has been successful. Add acter and is as large as is necessary to total of 13 to spot). The wheel is over2-
ten to the result points and translate accommodate the seized being. 1/2 meters tall and seamlessly fits into
this total to a time value (see page 43 of The reality skill value becomes the the natural rock of the cavern wall.
the Targ Rlilebaak). This value is how range for the power. The power has an Whenitis rolled along a carved groove
long the piece of the Sphere retains effect value of 30. In order to seize (Strength total of 8 to move), the small
possibilities. If it is ever lost or taken someone, compare the target's largest Ohibi temple is revealed behind. There
from the bearer, then the connection is physical attribute to the effect value. If arena other entrances to this chamber.
broken and all possibilities are lost. the result points are greater than the The rough rock walls of the cham-
Slivers of the Sphere lose all possibili- target's Spirit, the person is pulled ber have been worked smooth and are
ties once they are taken more than 150 through the gate. The lead character decorated with a variety of charcoal
kilometers from the shard. may elect to increase the range or the illustrations. In order from left to right
After the investment, the character effect value before using the power. around the slightly rounded walls are
makes the normal reality skill roll For every two points of range or effect illustrations depicting the Ohibi vil-
against the tapping difficulty to see increase, the difficulty increases by lage, the network of tunnels that leads
how many possibilities are gained. three. to the Sacred Temple, the temple itself,
The Sphere can only be tapped once and a figure that represents Mehret.
every 18 Core Earth hours and never On the far end of the cavern is a
more than once every 36 Core Earth Ohibi Temple small altar formed of finely carved
hours by the same person. The possi- stone. On the altar sits a wooden idol
bilities gained may only be used in Though not obvious (tracking total of of a squat man. The carefully sculpted
combat or to benefit the primitive real- 11 to notice), there is a marked path that face closely resembles that of the last
ity of the Land Below. runs from the Ohibi village to the en- charcoal illustration. The presumption
trance of the caverns a few kilometers is that the drawing on the wall repre-
Seize away (this is the same entrance from sents the soul of Mehret while the idol
which the two Nile expeditions have is the god's physical presence in the
Purchase: 20 emerged). Once they have entered the world of the Ohibi.
Use Cost: 14 caverns, the Ohibi then follow a memo- As part of a solemn religious cer-
Coordination: 10 rized path to the Ohibi temple. emony, Mehret-Ahn, the Ohibi leader,
Difficulty: 15 It is almost impossible to find the places a sliver of the Sphere inside the
Range: reality value temple without knowing exactly idol and calls upon the Power ofMehret
Duration: one round where it is. Random wanderings will miracle (see Chapter Six: Miracles of
Effect: opens a gate and captures almost never reveal its location (find Faith).
the closest being.

•• 40
Chapter Four

Chapter Four

orr,"'" pop",,'" by Time

in varying stages of de- Because Merretika is a land of con-
velopment. Most of the stant daylight and unchanging sea-
grou ps are organized sons, the people have no convenient
around the tribe, although the Pyrian way of measuring the passage of time.
Fire Tamers have a king who would The people of this realm are based
like to build an empire through con- very much in the present, with time
quest. thought about from a first person per-
However different their cultures, spective ("when I was smaller", or
the groups all share some conceptions "the time that I killed the leopard").
about their homes and the universe as The past and future are only vague
a whole. concepts, which fluidly merge with
the present. To them, change is con-
stant but measured time is an alien
Direction concept.
North, south, east and west have
few practical applications in Merretika.
Instead, the inhabitants have devel-
oped a system of navigation based on Living in a world of constant light
the sun, Helephez, and the location of has breed an almost universal fear of
the Great Waterfall, which can be seen darkness and dark places. Only the
from almost any point in the realm. Ohibi will willingly enter the caves on
The prime direction is Ret-Heleph, the borders of the realm. The other
which translates into "toward cultures largely believe that the "holes
Helephez". Moving away from of darkness" are places of death, in-
Helephez is Wul-Heleph. These two habited by monsters more terrifying
directions measure distance from the than any creature of Merretika.
absolute center of Merretika. The night sky so familiar to most of
The Pyrians usea simple stickabout Merretika's visitors would terrify any
two meters long, with a disk attached of the natives, but they are used to the
to one end. The stick is held perpen- constant daylight, which will certainly
dicular to the ground and a pebble is be unsettling to most visitors.
placed at the end of the shadow. The
user lays the stick on the ground,
matching one of the many notches on Languages
the stick to the pebble. This tells the
user how far she is from the center of All of the societies in the Land Be-
the realm. low speak different languages. A lan-
Then, the user lines up one of eight guage total of 12 is required to under-
notches on the disk (each representing stand the various tribal tongues. A
a 45 degree increment) with the refer- second attempt to understand the lan-
ence landmark (normally the Great guage could be given after a week of
Waterfall). From the landmark, the struggling to communicate. This will
user can compare it to known coordi- facilitate role playing in the realm by
nates of the desired location and de- forcing characters to communicate
termine which direction to go. with hand signals and grunts.

Torg: The Land Below

Darooni Homeland and Wasp Riders, the two most im-

portant classes in the society. The most
Wasp Riders The Darooni can only be found in important male is The Boatman, who
is responsible for trade in Darooni so-
the Misty Gorge, the great chasm lo-
In the depths of the great Misty cated in the western partofMerretika. ciety. Next are the Wasp Scouts, the
Gorge live the fearsome Darooni The only Darooni ever seen by most only men who are entitled to fly with
people. This cannibalistic culture has Merretikans are the Wasp Riders who the giant wasps. Farmers form thelarg-
molded their society and religion fly out of the Misty Gorge to hunt in est caste. Wasp Consorts are men who
around a hive of gigantic wasps to the surrounding jungle. What little is are taken in by the priestesses for basic
such an extent that the people and known of the Darooni ways comes tasks, but they have no formal status
wasps are now interdependent. from individuals who are outcast from in the society, and are considered prop-
The Leopard Men and the Darooni the society. However, such cases are erty of the priestesses and the wasps.
are bitter enemies since the Darooni rare and outcasts seldom survive long The religion is built around wor-
often capture childre for food and re- enough on their own to spread many ship of the wasps and the great hunts
ligious sacrifices. The lucky prey are stories. outside the chasm. Status and comfort
those that are killed immediately for The Darooni homes are dispersed in Darooni society is measured directly
food. The unfortunate are the souls along the length of the chasm, col- by where in the gorge a Darooni lives.
taken alive into theMisty Gorge, where lected on the bank of the Tall River. The houses are built along nearly the
their death will come slowly in one of The Darooni have cultivated the entire length ofthe river. Farming fami-
the Daroonis' savage rituals. riverbank, but the majority of the lies are assigned houses depending on
chasm floor is still dense jungle. Some- the highest ranking child, while fami-
Race Description times the thick mist filling the gorge lies without children who have be-
drops down to ground level, reducing come a Priestess or Wasp Rider live
The Darooni are a stunted race. In- normal visibility to only 30 meters, farthest from the village.
dividuals rarely exceed one and a half although this is hardly a handicap for
meters in height. Their frames are built the Darooni, who depend mostly on A Warrior Society
from small bones and knotted, wiry sound and smell for finding their way
muscles. They have dusky, light brown in the gorge. The Wasp Priestesses live in the
skin and black hair. The largest collection of houses most elaborate housesofthe tribe, built
The Darooni tend to be nearsighted, looks like a small village and is built from trees and using tree sap as an
but they compensate for this with ex- around the southern pond formed by adhesive to hold the sturdy structures
cellent hearing and smell. Darooni the waterfall. The mist from the water- together.
wear dyed animal skins as a means of fall red uces visibility to only 20 meters. At the northern shore of the pond
adornment. The priestesses are The wasp hive and the Darooni temple are the homes of the Wasp Riders, the
granted more elaborate dress and are are situated in the toe of the gorge's women who have been chosen by in-
allowed to wear jewelry, small animal boot shape. dividual wasps to be their companion
bones, and pieces of quartz. The in battle and hunting. These houses
Darooni culture is female dominated. are small but comfortable, often deco-
Damoni men are not allowed to use Society rated with plants, animal skins and
weapons or learn the skills relating to weapons constructed by the rider.
their use. The Darooni tribe includes nearly The Wasp Riders and Priestesses
300 people and a nest of giant wasps do not have families as such. They
Typical Darooni numbering over 60 insects. The choose several Wasp Consorts, and
DEXTERITY 9 Darooni society is a result of both the should a Priestess or Wasp Rider de-
Melee weapons 11, unarmed com- people's symbiotic relationship with cide to have children, the Consort will
batl0 the wasp nest and the geography of be granted a house in which to raise
STRENGTH 7 the chasm. the children at the northern end of the
TOUGHNESS 8 The Darooni have a cycle which is river (he joins the farmer caste).
PERCEPTION 9 roughly nine Earth hours in length. In The place where the pond forms
Direction sense (Living Lalld that cycle, they have one rest period into a river is the home of Dedak Got,
sourcebook) 11, (which is about three Earth hours), the Boatman.
MIND 8 and then an active period which is The Darooni Wasp Scouts live next
CHARISMA 7 twice as long. down the river, with simple thatched
SPIRIT 10 The Darooni society is closely regu- huts. They are trained to scout for the
Faith (Olakaa) 11, intimidation 11 lated by the religion, which regards hunting parties, have families and
Possibility Potential: some (39) the giant wasps as superior to hu- engage in some farrning.
Equipment:CIub (STR+4/ damage mans. Darooni society is very clearly The majority of the Darooni are
value 11), javelin (STR+3/damage dominated by females, and only farmers who live in simple thatched
value 10), dyed animal skins. women may become Wasp Priestesses huts along the gorge's river. These

•• 42
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Torg: The Land Below

families cultivate strips of land along

the river to grow several vegetables
The Priestesses carefully control the
growing of Ushti Oak and normally
Darooni Religion
and fruits. allow only the upstream farmers to The Darooni see the world about
grow the crop. them in a very symbolic way. The
Darooni Trade chasm in which they live is the home
The Boatman given to them by their goddess Olakaa
The Darooni Priestesses have a very (O-la-kay-a). The land above the Misty
firm control over their society. They Dedak Got is the Darooni Boatman, Gorge is divine, but not sacred. That
are responsible for caring for the wasp themostimportantmaleiIl the Darooni land is filled with gifts from Olakaa to
nest and planning the wasp rider culture. Dedakand his young sons are the Darooni people, such as the river
hunts. The Wasp Riders are respon- responsiblefortransportingmeatfrom which falls down into the chasm or
sible for providing meat to the Darooni the Wasp Riders' kills down through prey to be hunted by the Wasp Riders.
society, while the farmers grow the the chasm, bartering with the farmers The Darooni make no distinction
vegetables and fruits for the rest of the for vegetables and Ushti Oak. Dedak between man or beast when hunting,
tribe. is also the tribal messenger, carrying and all creatures may be hunted for
The most plentiful crop is a leafy news, announcements and gossip to food since they exist only to benefit the
spinach-like vegetable called jeega. all the farmers as he travels the river. Darooni people. It is perfectly fine for
Other common crops are a highly nu- Approximately every six months a Darooni to eat the flesh of another
tritious grain called wuquen and sev- (Core Earth time), a Priestess will ac- human, just so that the human is not a
eral smaller, potato-like vegetables company Dedak and his sons on their Darooni. The Darooni do not respect
collectively called fewweth. barge to bring the news of a new Wasp or worship that which comes from the
A few select fields, mostly close to Hatching to all the tribesmen. world above them, but they will thank
the village, are seeded with a melon- Dedak is a physically powerful man Olakaa in prayer for providing such
bearing vegetable called ushti. When as Darooni go. He is a stubborn man things.
these melons become ripe, the farmers who is fiercely proud of his family and The Darooni are Olakaa's chosen
will dig up the fruit and break them his three sons. Dedak is only begin- people and the Misty Gorge is sacred
open. The melons are left rotting in the ning to realize the potential power he land. The giant wasps are sacred and
fields to let a bright red fungus cover has over his tribe as the tribe's infor- divine representatives ofOlakaa'swill,
the decaying rinds. This fungus, called mation link to all of the river farmers. and the people are to fulfill the needs
ushti dak, is harvested and made into He has begun accepting small bribes of the wasps.
a variety of substances including red in return for extra meats or advanced This same geographic symbolism
body paint, spices, and drugs for reli- warnings of a Wasp Hatching. is extended all along the river. Darooni
gious rituals. living upstream are closer to Olakaa's
The greatest benefit for those Dedak Got, the Boatman gifts of life, while the people living
Darooni who live near the waterfall DEXTERITY 8 near the end of the river are further
comes through the tribe's food distri- STRENGTH 10 from Olakaa's sight. The place where
bution system. When the Wasp Riders TOUGHNESS 8 the river plummets through a tunnel
return with game from a hunt, the PERCEPTION 10 and leaves the Misty Gorge is consid-
Wasp Scout families skin and prepare Direction sense 13, water vehicles ered a place of death by the Darooni.
the game, giving the best meats to the 13 Anything that leaves the chasm
Priestesses and Wasp Riders. The scout MIND 9 through that watery tunnel has left the
families are allowed to choose a por- CHARISMA 10 lands of the living. When a Darooni
tion of the meat, and trade the rest to Charm 13, persuasion 14 dies, his body is placed on a funeral
Dedak Gotin exchange for vegetables. SPIRIT 10 boat which is set adrift at the head of
Next, the extra game is taken down- Faith (Olakaa) 11, intimidation 11 the river. The funeral barge wanders
stream by the Boatman and traded for Possibilities: none through the gorge until it plummets
the vegetables grown by the farmers. Equipment: Meats and vegetables out the exit tunnel at the north end of
Farmers who live upstream are able for trade, boat the chasm.
to pick the best meat the Boatman has Dedak's three sons have the same The giant wasps provide the
to offer, whereas the Darooni living at statistics as typical Darooni, except Darooni with transportation to
the end of the river must settle for their Strength and Toughness are -2. Olakaa's divine land and allow the
whatever their fellow tribesmen have The sons appear young, perhaps 12 Darooni to remain true to Olakaa's
rejected and often get no meat at all if years old or younger (Core Earth time), will. When a wasp dies, its rider will
the hunt was small. Even if there is no The oldest, Dujjil, will soon be ready to usually forfeit her or his own life.
meat, Dedak Got is entitled to any take part in the Choosing Ceremony.
vegetables not needed by the family. Religious Structure
The Darooni religion is directed by

Priestesses and Olakaa is seen as a
goddess. Inaddition to the Head Priest-

----44----------------- .. . .~
Chapter Four

ess, Okina Ko (who is spiritually linked Darooni Priestess dip their javelin points in the wasp
to the wasp queen), seven other priest- DEXTERITY 9 venom, relying on the paralyzing neu-
esses serve the seven most important Beast riding 10, melee weapons 10, rotoxin to bring down their prey. If the
wasps of the hive. The priestesses and unarmed combat 10 javelin causes any damage to the tar-
wasps care for the wasp young and STRENGTH 7 get, then the poisonous payload is in-
insure the queen's comfort. A couple TOUGHNESS 8 jected, which will cause only "K" or
of these wasps may join especially PERCEPTION 9 "0" results (acts as damage value 15
important hunts. Direction sense 12, trick 11 but does no shock or wound damage).
MIND 10 If the target is KO'ed, the victim is
The Priestesses CHARISMA 8 paralyzed for five rounds but still con-
Persuasion 9 scious. Once prey has been paralyzed,
Okina Ko, the Head Priestess, is the SPIRIT 12 the riders will land on the prey and kill
closest thing the Darooni have to a Faith (Olakaa) 14, focus 13, intimi- it with their lances or let their mounts
chief. She is the central authority fig- dation 13 sting the prey to death. If the riders are
ure for the tribe and everyone is sub- Possibilities: none on a Hatching Hunt, they will dis-
ject to her commands. Okina does fear Equipment: Animal skins, jewelry, mount to bind the paralyzed prey and
Kihiti Dok, the leader of the Wasp animal bones latch the prey by tow line to one or
Riders. Her ability to communicate more wasps to fly home.
with the insects is stirring rumors The Branch of the Wasp
among the Darooni that she is a cho- Darooni Wasp Rider
sen one sent by Olakaa herself. Okina The Branch of the Wasp is a power- DEXTERITY 11
has attempted to silence these rumors ful symbol of the Darooni religion, Beast riding 14, melee weapons 13,
and limit Kihiti's influence whenever and is passed down from head priest- missile weapons 14, unarmed com-
she can. ess to head priestess. It is permanently bat 12
Okina is not a pretty woman, even empowered with the Catalepsy and STRENGTH 9
by Darooni standards. Like most Wasp Sting miracles and provides its TOUGHNESS 9
priestesses, she has ugly scars from own faith and foclls (both at 17). If for PERCEPTION 10
her initiation ri tes, but she carries them some reason the branch fails on its roll, Direction sense 13, tracking 12
with honor. Sheis very faithful, though the Okina Ko may make a faith roll MIND 9
often her interpretations of Olakaa's with a difficulty of 12. Then find the CHARISMA 8
signs coincidentally favor Okina'sown Power Push and add that to the SPIRIT 11
goals. Okina tolerates no dissension branch's faith and foclls totals to see if Faith (Olakaa) 12, intimidation 12
amongst her people. She will call upon the miracle succeeds. Only the head Possibility Potential: some (37)
other wasps and Wasp Riders to pro- priestess is able to use the Branch. Equipment: Lance (STR+4/dam-
tect her if the Branch ofthe Wasp is not age value 13), javelin (STR+3/damage
sufficient. The Wasp Riders value 12), javelin venom (damage
She is possibility-rated, but is not value 15, but only causes "K" or "0"
considered by the Darkness Devices Young Darooni females are raised results)
to possess the potential to become the with the sole ambition of becoming
Chosen One. one of their tribe's fearsome, aerially- Recently, the senior Wasp Rider was
mounted hunters. persuaded to retire to teaching in the
Okina Ko, Darooni Head Priestess They train hours everyday throw- temple. Theyoung rider who replaced
DEXTERITY 9 ing javelins and conditioning their her is known as Kihiti Dok. Kihiti is
Beast riding 10, melee weapons 10, bodies for the Choosing Ceremony. said to be one with the goddess for she
unarmed combat 10 This competition is held to determine can speak directly to the wasps, dis-
STRENGTH 6 which of the potential young candi- daining the ceremonies used by the
TOUGHNESS 9 dates will have the honor of riding any other Wasp Riders to summon and
PERCEPTION 10 unmatched wasps. control their mounts.
Direction sense 13, trick 12 Darooni Wasp Riders have phy- Becauseofherspecial power,Kihiti
MIND 10 siques that are well suited for their is feared and envied by Okina Ko.
Willpower 11 duties. Their legs are thin, weak, and Kihiti has the same general physique
CHARISMA 8 slightly bowlegged. However, the rid- as the other Wasp Riders, but is very
Persuasion 10 ers have powerful arms and chests for quick. Her slight stature and animal
SPIRIT 13 throwing javelins or impaling prey speech allows her to direct her mount
Faith (Olakaa) 16, focus 15, intimi- with lances. The Wasp Riders wear and perform amazing flight maneu-
dation 16, reality 14 simple loincloths and will paint them- vers. Her accuracy with a javelin is
Possibilities: 16 selves with red and black pastes be- legendary.
Equipment: Branch of the Wasp fore leaving on a hunt. Kihiti is a possibility-rated indi-
Sting (see below), decorative animal Each Wasp Rider carries four to vidual. As such, she is being watched
skins, jewelry, quartz wrist bracelet seven javelins with them. The riders by the Darkness Devices. However,

Torg: The Land Below

Chapter Four

Kihiti is still far too young, brash, and Religious Rituals to hatch, which is usually around thirty
ignorant to be considered a true High sleep cycles. The farmers are then no-
Lord candidate. The birth of new wasps is one of the tified and they again make the tripup
two great events to the Darooni, while the river to complete the HatchIng
Kihiti Dok, Leader of the Wasp the other is the selection of new Priest- Ceremony. The victim's body is car-
Riders esses, Wasp Riders and Wasp Scouts. ried out of the nest and placed upon
DEXTERITY 14 All religious services take place at the altar. The victim is left on the altar
Beast riding 17, melee weapons 17, the temple located in the southern end while the Darooni celebrate with a
missile weapons 18, unarmed com- ofthe chasm. This area has been cleared large feast. Sometime during the feast,
bat 14 of jungle vegetation and excavated to the eggs hatch and the wasp l~rva
STRENGTH 10 create a dirt amphitheater. devour the victim's body. The pnest-
TOUGHNESS 10 The templeitselfissimply four three esses count and sex the new larva be-
PERCEPTION 11 meter tall wooden posts supportIng a fore transporting them up into the
Direction sense 14, tracking 13, roof of dried mud and brambles. A wasp nest. Hatchings produce five or
MIND 10 simple altar ofcarved wood made from six new wasps on average.
CHARISMA 9 a tree trunk sits below the temple roof.
SPIRIT 11 The entire structure sits at the bot- The Choosing Ceremony
Faith (Olakaa) 13, intimidation 13, tom of the excavated pit. Semicircular
reality 12 tiers radiate out and up from the temple The Choosing Ceremony, held
Possibilities: 14 structure to create the amphitheater. about once every three Earth years, is
Equipment: Lance (STR +5/15), jav- the culmination of brutal induction
elin (STR +4/14), javelin venom (dam- The Hatching Ceremony rites for potential Priestesses and Wasp
age value 15, but only causes "K" or Riders. Males who wish to become
The Hatching Ceremony is one of Wasp Scouts must also endure the
"0" results)
themostimportant festivals in Darooni trials. Any young Darooni may at-
Pulp Powers: animal friend (see
religion because the Darooni believe tempt to join the upper castes, and
The Nile Empire sourcebook)
that the birth of new wasps IS a confir- most older children do (in Core Earth
mation of their status as the chosen time, in the early teens).
Wasp Scouts people of Olakaa. These ceremonies The rites are lengthy, spanning over
Men may be allowed to become take place every six months of Core nearly three hundred rest cycles~ and
Wasp Scouts, who are responsible for Earth time (the Darooni, lacking a time involve fasting, and testIng the lllllits
finding prey for thewasp riders. How- keeping system, just know that a ofstrength, endurance and willpower.
ever, because of the nature of the tribe, Hatching Ceremony is due "in a After the preliminary rites, the remaIn-
men are not allowed to use weapons. while", "soon" or "very soon"). ing candidates undergo several ntu-
Wasp Scouts are also selected in the When the queen wasp is ready to als to prepare them for the final por-
Choosing Ceremony, although they lay eggs, the Head Priestess will call tion of the ceremony.
have a much less promising life ahead for a Hatching Ceremony. ImmedI- While the rest of the Darooni feast,
of them. ately, the Wasp Riders are sent on a the candidates are measured for body
While injured and elderly Wasp Rid- Hatching Hunt to bring back a hve weight, to insure that the men and
ers often retire to teach in the temple,old humanoid to serve as the egg recep- women are light enough to be borne
and injured Wasp Scouts may retire to tacle. The Boatman spreads the news by a giant wasp. There isalso a javelin
farming, or if too feeble for that harsh among the tribesmen, who then canoe marksmanship compehtIOn for the
lifestyle, they are used for the larvae in upriver to gather for the HatchIng women.
the Hatching Ceremony. Ceremony. Then, the women and men enter
During the ritual, the victim of the the wasp hive for the final segment of
Hatching Hunt is restrained on the the Choosing Ceremony. If a wasp
Darooni Wasp Scout
temple altar and then miraculously chooses a woman to be its rider, the
DEXTERITY 10 forced into a state of catalepsy by the
Beast riding 14 wasp will emerge from the hive with
Head Priestess. The queen wasp is the woman. Male wasps may choose a
STRENGTH 9 then called by the Head Priestess to
TOUGHNESS 9 scout, and will accompany the lucky
come forth from the nest. man outside the hive.
PERCEPTION 10 The queen responds by descendinp
Direction sense 13, tracking 14 If there is a vacancy amongst the
on the altar and landing on the sacrifi- Priestesses, all of the riderless female
MIND 9 cial victim. The queen then implants her
CHARISMA 8 wasps will battle for the right to com-
eggs into the victim's abdomen and re- mune with the queen. The WInner wIll
SPIRIT 11 turns to her nest. The ritual ends with
Faith (Olakaa) 12, intimidation 12 choose one of the women to be a new
thePriestessescarryingthevictim'spara- Priestess, and will carry the young
Possibility Potential: some (39) lyzed body up into the wasp hive.
Equipment: Animal skins, low woman outside the hive and to the
The Priestesses monitor the eggs in altar of the temple.
toned whistles to call the Wasp Riders the victim's belly until they are ready
once prey is spotted. Those who are not chosen are stung

Torg: The Land Below

by the queen wasp and left for the Only female wasps have stingers. Unlike the more hostile cultures in
Priestesses to drag out of the hive for The wasp's venomous sting has a dam- the realm, the Keefee are willing to
healing. age value of 16 and if the wasp or befriend outsiders who approach them
At the conclusion of the ceremony, Wasp Riders are able to inflict a KO openly and speak honestly.
the initiates are taken to an isolated result, the victim is totally paralyzed.
portion of the temple, where retired The wasps will then carry helpless
riders,scoutsand priestesses will train victims back to the nest to be eaten, or Race Description
them for a period of over 100 rest to the Darooni, depending upon the
cycles. need. The Keefee are called the Termite
Living locations along the river are The wasps grow to lengths of five Men, Ant Men, or Rat Men by other
redistributed after each Hatching Cer- meters and have wingspans of over 10 races in Merretika. The name is cer-
emony. If there is any question as to meters. They have small black heads tainly not without foundation because
where a family should live, the Wasp with multi-faceted eyes, a black tho- the Keefee live in homes made from
Riders and Priestesses gather and vote rax, and large, deep-red abdomen. Like mounds of dirt, and because the aver-
among themselves. It is very impor- its normal-sized cousin, the giant age Keefee stands 30 centimeters tall
tant to the farming families to have wasp's abdomen hangs down in flight. and weighs approximately four and a
their children selected as Wasp Riders The harnesses used by the Wasp Rid- half kilograms.
or Priestesses so the family can move ers gird the creatures' abdomens well The Keefee share facial and other
up the river and up in status. After the above the stinger so the riders are physical characteristics with Core
new selection, the Darooni families seated vertically, hanging with the Earth Caucasians, excluding the size
migrate to their new homes, leaving abdomen rather than riding on top of difference. The Keefee wear simple
their old house to the new residents. the insect. clothes woven from crude fibers or
made from segments of animal hide
Giant Wasp sewn together in plain patterns. The
The Wasps DEXTERITY 10 men are bearded with dark hair and
tanned skin. The women keep their
Flight 14, maneuver 12
Exactly how the nestof giant wasps STRENGTH 13 hair short and are also well-tanned.
and Darooni developed the coopera- TOUGHNESS 12 Both men and women carry miniature
tive life style is lost in antiquity, al- PERCEPTION 8 pole axes for pruning Dalberry trees
though they believe it is the work of Trick (8) and self-defense. The axes are typi-
Olakaa. The hive of giant insects has MINDS cally 30 centimeters long.
become dependent on their human CHARISMA 4
neighbors in order to reproduce. SPIRIT 6 Typical Keefee
A female wasp would normally lay Intimidation (16) DEXTERITY 8
her eggs in a living host paralyzed by Possibility Potential: some (35), Dodge 10, melee combat 9
her own sting. In this culture, the hive with one to five possibilities. STRENGTH 4
is dependent on the Darooni Priest- Natural Tools: stinger (damage TOUGHNESSS
esses to prepare a host for the eggs. In value 17), wasp venom (damage value PERCEPTION 8
return, the hive takes time out from 16; if KO results, victim is paralyzed), First aid 9, language 9, tracking 9,
food gathering to allow the Wasp Rid- wings (speed value 11), carapace (ar- trick 11
ers to mount them and use them for mor value +1/13) MIND 9
hunting. Artist 10, medicine 10, survival 10
The 60 giant wasps that currently CHARISMA 9
live in Merretika are all in the Misty
Gorge. The wasps all live in a gigantic
The Keefee Persuasion 10, taunt 11
nest of hardened mud, sticks, and Dotting the landscape of the realm's Faith (Raya) 9
bramble constructed and maintained savannahs are tall, majestic Dalberry Possibility Potential: some (36)
by the hive. The nest is attached to the trees. Around all of these fruit-bearing Equipment: Pole axe (STR+1/5)
cliff walls of the Misty Gorge above trees live the tribes of the Keefee people.
the Darooni temple area. The nest it- The Keefee people are relatively
self bulges 15 meters out from the cliff peaceful and knowledgeable folk com- Homeland
wall and stretches across a tremen- pared to the other races of Merretika.
dous area of the cliff face. The queen They have a structured, agricultural! The Keefee can only be found in the
resides deep in the nest, actually liv- gatherer society and indulge in the savannahs of the realm. It is fairly easy
ing inside a natural cave in the cliff arts more than any other race in the to find a Keefee tribe because every
surface. The entrance to the cave is realm. The Keefee build mound and tribe is built around a Dalberry tree
covered by the nest itself. burrow homes in the soil and care for and the trees do not grow without a
There are eight male and 52 female their tribal Dalberry tree with religious caretaker Keefee tribe nearby. There is
wasps in the hive, although only the zeal. only about one tree for every 50 square
queen is active in reproduction. kilometers. No other vegetation grows

• I
Chapter Four

in the savannahs except dense grass decide on a remedy and course of Dalberry tree, occupy very little of a
and sparse bushes. action. Keefee's time, and most of the time is
The Keefee burrow mounds, typi- In these discussions, the old and the spent with family members and friends
cally about 30 centimeters high, are tribe's Lallap do have great power for or crafting items or tools. The Keefee
built in the shadow of their tribal tree. they are considered wise and fair. The have no standardized rest periods:
The entrance drops straightdown over Keefee normally can resolve problems when an individual is tired, she sleeps,
a meter and then horizontal tunnels through debate and an issue is not and when one is awake, one plays or
lead to the various burrowed caverns considered settled until an unanimous hunts or enjoys company.
for the families. Each burrow is en- solution is approved. On the rare oc- The Keefee devote their free time to
tirely interconnected for emergencies, casion that the tribe cannot compro- art. They adorn the tribal tree with
and some tribes have tunnels that go mise, the meeting will adjourn and carvings and paintings, which often
up into their Dalberry tree and exit out will not reconvene until opinions in carry religious themes. Dead branches
from hollows high in the tree. The the tribe are changed or events pre- are made into sculptures or crafted
Keefee use their tunnel networks to cipitate a need for another meeting. It into crude furniture for the home. Very
play tricks on predators and human is a slow, but peaceful process. little is wasted in the Keefee society
attackers. Keefee society makes little distinc- and nothing is done in haste. Building
tion concerning sex or age - an indi- a fire or making an axe from flint and
vidual is judged by her wisdom alone. wood are considered as artistic as
Society The Keefee are also exceptionally painting or sculpture.
peaceful. The concept of war is alien to Finally, a select few Keefee give up
The Keefee have a simple society, their peaceful and artistic nature. The their tribe to Iravel the great savannahs.
with no leader or chieftain. Even the other people of Merretika regard the Such journeys are hazardous for the
tribe's religious leaders, the Lallap, Keefee as curiosities. little people, but these nomadic bards,
have no command overthe tribe. When The relaxed Keefee lifestyle gener- called Haroo, are an important part of
a problem arises among the tribe, they ally allows individuals to spend their the Keefee culture. They are the liai-
meet at the base of the Dalberry tree time as they like. The needs of the sons between tribes, bringing news of
and openly discuss the problem to tribe, such as hunting or tending the distant events and troubles, as well as

6"" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 1__
~ 49
Torg: The Land Below

exaggerated tales of heroism. In all of

these stories told by the Haroo, the
hero uses trickery to defeat his en-
emies; the Keefee are a race that enjoys
tricking the evil giant since they can
seldom survive combat.

The Dalberry Tree

The livelihood of the tribe is depen-
dent on their Dalberry tree. The tree
gets most of its water through roots
which dive far down mto the sOlI to
reach the land's water table. The tree
also has many roots that spread out
just under the ground's surface to col-
lect precipitation. Each Keefee house-
hold builds their warren around one
of these surface roots, and the family t-;'~~'f'J~~
gets its drinking water by directly tap-
ping the root. They ration their water
use carefully however, lest their house
root wither and die.
The tribe also gets much of its food
from the large violet berries which the
tree continuously produces. The
Keefee often have to fight off herds of
herbivores who come to feast on the
tree's berries. The tribesman take to
their tree, pole-axes in hand, to defend
the tree.
transplant the tribe to a new location the Dalberry trees and planted them
To supplement their diet, the Keefee
men and women make forays into the on the savannahs. If the tree's leaves amongst the grasses. She created the
grasses to collect edible roots, bird become wet without a recent rain, it beasts of the earth to travel the plains.
eggs, insects, and big game such as means that there is opportunity for an But some of the beasts turned foul and
house-cat size pigs called gilks (for alliance with a nearby Keefee tribe or destroyed the grass and the trees, so
large game, they use snares and am- a group of helpful strangers. By this Raya banished them from her sight,
bushes). The Keefee also use the sap of omen, many individual Keefee tribes creating jungles to hide them for she
the Dalberry tree in cooking and herbal have temporarily joined just before a could not bear the sight of her mistake.
potions, mixing it with other berries, major disaster struck. Then, the goddess created the Keefee
grains and roots. . Other, rarer prophesies are known to care for the trees and to talk to the
The tree is intimately related to to the Keefee, although most of them grass and to protect the land from the
much of the Keefee religion and lore. must be interpreted by the tribe as a foul beasts, With her creation com-
The Keefee not only care for the tree, whole. To the Keefee, the tree is alive plete, Raya leapt into the sky to pro-
but can also shape it through their with knowledge, although they can vide the Keefee with constant light so
miracles. This huge work of art is a only learn what the tree freely tells that the evil beasts would not return to
source of great pride to the tribe, as them. the grasses. Raya became Helephez
each member relates how his or her shortly thereafter. The Keefee are also
faith helped shape a limb or produce the ones who named the world
extra fruit.
Religion Merretika.
Omens and prophesies are divined Keefee tribes take their roles as tree
The Keefee religion is based around guardians very seriously for both reli-
from the tree. If the tree begins to sway Raya, the great tree planter. Raya is
when there is no breeze, itis a sign that gious and survival reasons. The tribe's
the only deity in the Keefee religion, Dalberry tree is their livelihood, and
the tribe has reached a decision which and is represented as a female.
is unwise. If rotted fruit drop from the they protect it at all costs. Every tribe
In Keefee mythology, Raya created has a single religious leader, who may
tree, it means that the tree is about to the sky and the grasses to balance the
die and that the tribe should create a be of either sex, known as the Lallap.
sides of the world. Soon the grass wept This person is responsible for the tribe's
'fruit with seeds using the seedberry for the sky could not keep it company
miracle. The new fruit is then used to Dalberry tree and the tribe's lore and

and it was all alone, so Raya created

50 -------------~~
.. . ,
Chapter Four

myths, although the traveling bards

help her in this. Each Lallap will also
out of instinct, not evil, like any other
- beast o(nature.
retain one or two apprentices to learn The Leopard Men are a territorial The Leopard Men tribes range
from her and eventually inherit the race and defend their hunting grounds throughout the jungles of Merretika.
role. with feral ferocity. Those who umvit- There are over a dozen small tribes of
tingly cross into a Leopard family's 60 individuals or less, but each tribe
Artho Tark (Worm Wrestler) hunting grounds usually discover their will claim a large area of the jungle as
error very quickly and fatally. The their hunting grounds, so that all told,
Artho Tark is a typical Keefee only way to gain the respect of a Leop- the race occupies an immense area of
Lallap. He is old and sagacious. In- ard Man is to best him in single com- the realm. Each tribe marks their terri-
stead of carrying the customary pole. bat,although the only way to gain true tory with hunting totems (see Religion
axe of his people, Artho instead _loyalty is to perform a Jyhackt, an act below).
chooses a staff of knotted wood (a of unrivaled bravery which benefits
little twig to humans). He often an- the tribe as a whole. This honor is
swers questions with questions and bestowed upon individuals only and Society
gives ad vice in riddles. He is very seldom extends to his or her compan-
wise, but slightly whimsical in deliv- ions. The Leopard Men are organized
ering-his knowledge. into small tribal units consisting of
Keefee names are often humorous Jour to seven families. Each family
or strange when translated literally. Race Description unit consists of a mother and father
Keefee are given a youth name and and usually no more than five chil-
then eventually shed this when the The Leopard Men are incredible dren. The Leopard Man society is male-
tribe renames them after they accom- physical specimens. The men average dominated, and the father is the head
plish a feat worthy of an adult. Artho over six and a half feet in height, and of the family unit.
was given a rather ridiculous adult weigh an average of 230 pounds. They The strongest male in the tribe is the
name, much to his pleasure, after an have heavily muscled frames that hold chieftain, who has absolute command
incident when several earthworms very little fat. Theirskin is ebony black, over tribal affairs and leads the men in
invaded his burrow home during and their heads are shaved bald. The combat. The chieftain must be willing
heavy precipitation. only clothing worn by the men is the to defend his right to rule at any time,
skin of a great leopard, which they as a tribe member may challenge the
Artho Tark wear wrapped to their backs so that leader for any reason. The contests are
DEXTERITY 7 the animal's face covers the Leopard fought by bare-handed wrestling
Dodge 9, melee combat 8 Man's head and the hide drapes down matches. There is no ritualistic pre-
STRENGTH 4 their back until it is tied off into a liminary to the contest, and the struggle
TOUGHNESS 4 loincloth at their waist. The arms of often begins when, in the heat of an-
P.ERCEPTION 10 the leopard hide extend down the ger, a man attacks the chieftain. The
First aid 11, language 12, tracking man's arms up to the back of the hand. contest is fierce and sometimes fatal.
11, trick 12 A pair of clawed hand sleeves com- The victor is chieftain and the van-
MIND 13 plete the Leopard Man's cat-like ap- quished is shamed before the tribe. If a
Artist 15, medicine 15, survival 14 pearance by giving him claws on the man is repeatedly unsuccessful at
CHARISMA 9 back of his hands. wresting power from his chief, shame
Charm 13, persuasion 11, taunt 10 The women of the Leopard Men will cause him to leave the tribe and
SPIRIT 10 race are no less statuesque than the his family.
Faith (Raya) 12, focus 13, reality 11 men. They are as tall as the males but Leopard Men tribes constantly war
Possibilities: 9 have lithe, finely-muscled bodies. with one another over hunting
Equipment: Staff (STR+1/damage Their skin is the same dark color as the grounds or out of revenge for some act
value 5) males, and thewomengrow their black real or imagined. These wars tend to
hair in long, wild strands. They also be drawn out affairs that never truly
wear Leopard skins cut for their bod- end. A chieftain will lead his men on
The Leopard Men ies or loosely draped about themselves.
Females maintain the tribal reli-
guerilla attacks into the neighboring
tribe's hunting ground. These guerilla
Throughout the western jungles of gious rituals, while the males are hunt- units try to find solitary hunters to
the realm lives a race of fierce hunters ers. Children from infancy are taught attack. Occasionally, the fighting will
known as the Leopard Men. Their skill their role in Leopard Man society. produce casualties, but more often,
at the hunt and their savagery in com- There are no old Leopard Men: fe- the victors will only scar their victims,
bat is unparalleled in the Land Below. males and males are either killed by since the wars are often fought for
Despite their savagery, the Leopard the dangerous daily existence, or are pride rather than survival. If the tribe
Men are not an inherently evil race, cast out of the tribe when they can no has several females who are ready to
such as the base and craven Darooni longer do the hunting or hard labor choose a mate, sometimes young men
Wasp Riders. The Leopard Men act the tribe demands.

Torg: The Land Below

are abducted from a neighboring tribe

if a suitable mate is not available in the
gain the animal's power and then skin
the animal and wear the hide to show
The Hunters
female's tribe. his ascension to adulthood. He will All adult Leopard Men are hunters
Within the tribe, each family has its return to his tribe and claim a mate or for the tribe and their presence causes
own tree house, built by weaving the will single-handedly attempt to kid- fear for any other creatures that are in
branches of the tree into a rough globe. nap a mate from another tribe. The the area. They relish in the simple joys
The top foliage is used to shield the male may not choose females that al- of tracking, stalking, and killing their
house from rain, and the lowest, stron- ready have a mate. prey. A Leopard Man will almost al-
gestbranches serve as the house's floor. In order to insure a healthy tribe, ways hunt alone to insure that he has
The homes are small and are only used the Leopard Men often raid a neigh- the pleasure and pride of the kill all to
as sleeping dens. The Leopard Men boring tribe to capture boys who are himself.
have little need for sleep, seldom rest- almost ready to take the manhood The Leopard Men only hunt in
ing for more than an hour every 30 ritual. Those who have undergone the groups when they are on the trail of a
hours (Core Earth time). ritual will forever belong to their tribe large animal, or when they are track-
alone. ing groups of intruders.
Young women are taught all of the A hunter wears the hide ofthe great
Adulthood religious rituals by their mothers, but leopard that he killed to become a
there is no ritual of adulthood for them. man. His weapons are his uncanny
When a boy has learned all of the In the eyes of a tribe, the female is a strength, his jungle reflexes, and his
hunting skills of his father he is ready child until a male chooses her to be his deadly leopard claws. The latter are
to become a man in the eyes of the mate. However, the female does have sheaths of tough hide that slide over
tribe. The boy is cast out into the jungles the right to refuse to accept a male. the hunter's hands. The backhand side
where he must find a great leopard A female will never have more than of the sheath is fixed with large claws
and kill it single-handedly. one mate, and a woman who's mate is for slashing and rending prey. The
He will eat the great eat's heart to killed is doomed to a lonely existence. palm side of the sheath is set with

• I
Chapter Four

smaller, thicker blades curved for grip- Leopard Woman toward the thing. When a Leopard
ping and climbing. DEXTERITY 12 Man kills a living thing or partakes of
Melee combat 14, stealth 12, un- its essence, he prays for its soul. In so
Leopard Man Hunter armed combat 13 doing, the Leopard Men believe (and
DEXTERITY 10 STRENGTH 9 thus it is often so) that they are gaining
Acrobatics 12, dodge 13, maneuver Climbing 11 the power and essence of the soul.
12, stealth 13, unarmed combat 14 TOUGHNESS 9 When the Leopard Men use an
STRENGTH 13 PERCEPTION 10 unliving thing, such as when they
Climbing 14 First aid 12, tracking 11 weave a tree into a house, they must
TOUGHNESS 11 MIND 9 give offerings and thanks to the
PERCEPTION 10 Survival 10, willpower 10 unliving thing's guardian spirit. Ev-
Tracking 11, trick 13 CHARISMA 10 ery Leopard Man follows the spiritual
MIND 8 Taunt 13 practices for taking a soul's essence,
Survival 10, test 11, willpower 11 SPIRIT 10 but it is left to the women of the tribe to
CHARISMA 9 Faith (Holuku) 13, focus 13, intimi- appease the spirits through small sac-
SPIRIT 10 dation 12 rifices and prayer.
Faith (Holuku) 12, focus 12, intimi- Possibility Potential: some (40)
dation 14 Equipment: Spear (SIR +4/dam- Damo Kil
Possibility Potential: some (40) age value 13), knife (STR +2/damage
Equipment: Leopard claws (STR value 11) Among the Leopard Men, there has
+3/damage value 16; +2 to climbing) Special Powers: Minimal Sleep: emerged a man of phenomenal prow-
Special Powers: Minimal Sleep: Leopard Women need much less sleep ess.and diabolical cunning. His name
Leopard Men need much less sleep than most other humans. A Leopard is Damo Kil, and he has become the
than most other human races. A Leop- Woman may go for a time value of 25 first Leopard Man chieftain to unite
ard Man may go for a time value of 25 (one day) without any rest. If the Leop- two tribes. This legendary man strode
(one day) without any rest. If the Leop- ard Woman wishes to go to time value into the camp of a neighboring tribe,
ard Man wishes to go to time value 26 26 (40 hours) without any rest, roll a consecutively besting all of their war-
(40 hours) without any rest, roll a will- willpower check with a difficulty of 10. riors in combat, and then defeated
power check witha difficultyofl0. Roll Roll willpower checks at each subse- their chieftain, making the tribe his
willpower checks at each subsequent quent time value, adding one to the own. Damo is now the chieftain of two
time value, adding one to the diffi- difficulty for each additional check. tribes that have become one. Most as-
culty for each additional check. Once a Once a Leopard Woman fails the check, suredly, he will not stop there. He
Leopard Man fails the check, he must she must rest for one tenth the time she plans to unite all of the Leopard Men
rest for one tenth the time he was was awake. under his rule and then wage war on
awake. other races.
The Leopard Men are often under The Darkness Devices are ecstatic
the influence of one or more miracles Religion over Damo Kil. He is powerful, loyal
that increase their attributes. but not subservient to his religion, and
The Leopard Men have a strong completely ruthless. Unlike most of
animism religion they call Holuku (see his people, Damo Kil is an evil man.
Women page 125 of the Torg Rulebook). They He is the beast that kills more than it
believe that every living thing has a can eat for the sheer joy of killing. He
The women of the tribe are sup- soul and every non-living thing is pro- rules his peopleby fear and pain. Many
posed to be subservient to the men, tected by a spirit. of the hunters in his tribe have become
but subservience is more a tradition However, their classifications ofliv- fanatically loyal to Damo.
spoken of by the men than practiced ing and unliving are not always obvi- Damo himself is an impressive
by the women. The females ofthe Leop- ous to outsiders. For example, they sight, standing a full seven feet tall
ard Men spend their days hunting consider streams to be living and to with muscles bulging from his frame.
small game, gathering edible plants have souls since streams move, but a Damo wears the skin ofone of the rare,
and insects, and tending to the family tree is an unliving thing guarded by a great black leopards. That he took the
needs. The women are wild and free- spirit since it does not move. Simi- essence of a great black leopard when
spirited. They bicker, argue, and occa- larly, the misty clouds in the sky are he became a man is a sign of power
sionally fight among themselves and alive to the Leopard Men while among the Leopard Men. Damo is bru-
with their husbands. The women are Helephez, though it gives heat and tal in combat and gives no quarter to
also caretakers of the tribe's religious light, is considered unliving. his enemies. He is also shrewd and
lore, passing it on from mother to The classification between spirit or guileful like a serpent. He will be gen-
daughter. soul is very important to the Leopard erous and diplomatic one moment and
Men since it determines their conduct treacherous the next.

Torg: The Land Below

DamoKii SPIRIT 10 of adulthood to don even the minimal

DEXTERITY 13 Faith (Mehret) 12 amount of clothing worn by the el-
Acrobatics 15, dodge 16, maneuver Possibility Potential: some (55) ders.
14, long jumping 14, running 14, Equipment: Spear (sTR+4/damage The Ohibi are not explorers. Their
stealth 15, swimming 14, unarmed value 13), small bow (STR+4/damage world consists of the jungles, the Wild
combat 17 value 13) River, and the wall of Merretika. They
STRENGTH 15 have no interest in crossing the Wild
Climbing 17, lifting 16 River (they have more than enough
TOUGHNESS 15 Homeland food in the immediate area), and while
PERCEPTION 12 their religious temple is inside the
Find 13, tracking 15, trick 16 The soleOhibi village has about 150 caves, they have no interest in further
MIND 10 members (approximately 40 men, 45 exploring the passageways. The be-
Survival 12, test 12, willpower 13 women and 65 children). The villagers lieve that horrible monsters inhabit
CHARISMA 11 have been isolated for many genera- the caves and that only the power of
Charm 14, persuasion 14, taunt 13 tions because they have not devel- Mehret can protect them from certain
SPIRIT 12 oped a means to cross the dangerous death.
Faith (Holuku) 14, focus 14, intimi- Wild River. Since their village is nestled In Ohibi society, only the nuclear
dation 16, reality 13 against the wall of Merretika's dome, family dwells within a single home.
Possibilities: 22 they primarily hunt only in the jungles Bachelor men and women,elderlywho
Equipment: Leopard claws (STR north and south of the village. They have outlived their spouse, and or-
+3/ damage value 18, +2 to climbillg) use the caverns for religious ceremo- phans (a rare occurrence) are either
Pulp Powers: Mega-Scent, Regen- nies, but aside from Mehret-Ahn, the invited to live with relatives or share
eration religious leader of the Ohibi, all of the living space in a unit with other
people are afraid of the dark and will unmated tribe members of the same
not willingly enter the caverns unless sex.
The Ohibi guided by Mehret-Ahn. The Ohibi village is always busy
Unfortunately for the Ohibi, the with activity. Families often share
In the northeast section ofMerretika caverns are also near the bottom of the meals with other families and often
is a small tribe of humans known as pit from the Nile Empire, subjecting the whole tribe gathers together for
the Ohibi. They are a reclusive group the people to the abuses of two Nile religious ceremonies or a retelling of a
of hunter-gatherers who are, for the expeditions. great hunting myth.
most part, ignorant of their homeland Most Ohibi live for about fifty Core
beyond the river and jungle bordering Earth years. Generally the Ohibi have
the village. Society alternating rest and waking phases of
six hours.
The Ohibi are a hunter-gatherer The Ohibi are not an overtly violent
Physical society. The division oflaborfallsalong
lines normally found in such a primi-
race, but they are isolationistic and
protective of the lands they consider
Description tive culture. The women gather huge their own. In addition, they can ap-
quantities of plant food in addition to pear to be cruel, as many of their prac-
The Ohibi have brownish red skin caring for the tribe's community. The tices are very primitive. For instance,
with dark hair and eyes. The men are men spend a much greater amount of the have no qualms about executing
fairly short (about five to five and a time securing a much lower volume of those who they feel have been unfaith-
half feet tall) and slender. The women meat and have little to do with the ful to the ways of Mehret. They peri-
are about the same height as the men, upkeep of the homes of the tribe. odically sacrifice animals to appease
but they tend to be stocky and well- Leadership of the Ohibi is purely a Mehret and insure a good hunt.
muscled from the hard work they do. religious matter. The chosen spokes- The Ohibi, while protective, are
man for the god Mehret is also the curious about people from outside
Typical Ohibi chief of the tribe. The current spokes- their tribe. They have been contacted
DEXTERITY 10 man, Mehret-Ahn, is a popular man by two Nile Empire expeditions. The
Melee combat 12, missile combat and his words are accepted as divine first groups were believed to be ser-
13, running 12, stealth 12, swim- wisdom. vants of Mehret sent to assist them
ming 12, unarmed combat 11 The men of the tribe normally dress until the Storm Knight Kord exposed
STRENGTH 9 only in loincloths since more clothing their evil (for a complete recounting of
TOUGHNESS 9 is not needed in the semi-tropical en- Major Hopten-Ra's expedition see the
PERCEPTION 9 vironment of Merretika. Their dress upcoming Nile Empire short story an-
Tracking 12 also allows freedom of movement thology from West End Games). The
MINDS while hunting. TheOhibi women only second party has camped near the en-
Survival 9 wear skirts. The children often run trance to the caverns and has yet to
CHARISMA 7 naked. In fact, it is considered a mark discover the Sphere (see Chapter Three:

Chapter Four

Merretika for details). will gather and feast while Mehret- PERCEPTION 12
For now, the Ohibi will tolerate the Ahn attunes himself to the Sphere. At MIND 13
presence of the Nile Empire emissar- the conclusion of his meditations, Medicine 14
ies, but only because they have free Mehret-Ahn places a small sliver of CHARISMA 11
passage to enter the caves where the Sphere into an animal-skin sack Charm 15, persuasion 16
Mehret-Ahn performs his ceremony. for transport to the temple within the SPIRIT 14
If any trouble results because of the caves. Faith (Mehret) 18, focus 18, reality
Nile Empire soldiers, then the Ohibi When Mehret-Ahn emerges from 19
will not hesitate to attack and destroy his house, dressed in the plumage Possibilities: 10 (possibly more if
them all. headdress, the Ohibi people don cer- he has tapped the Sphere recently)
emonial robes. Between three and a Equipment: Elaborate fea ther head-
dozen men, dressed in colorful dyed dress, full-figure robe, animal skin bag
Religion robes decorated with feathers, will containing a piece of the Sphere
escort Mehret-Ahn to the temple. Mehret-Ahn would be a prime can-
Like most of the other tribes of Mehret-Ahn and his ceremonially- didate for the Chosen One that the
Merretika, religion plays an impor- attired and spear-laden escort walk Darkness Devices want if he had any
tant role in the lives of the Ohibi. The the sacred path shown on the map of interest other than dedication to the
people believe that Mehretcreated the the Ohibi village and enter the caves. ways of his god, Mehret. With access
world for the Ohibi. Other, less perfect Once inside, Mehret-Ahn leads the to the staggeringly tremendous power
people were created after the Ohibi, procession to the hidden temple and offered by the Sphere, Mehret-Ahn
but they were not able to survive in the places the small sliver of the Sphere in could probably conquer Merretika
chosen lands and fled across the river. the idol and performs the Power of rather quickly.
Their trials changed them physically Mehret miracle. After the miracle, he However, the same power that he
and spiritually, as they became more gathers the eternity sliver and returns refuses to use to initiate war against
and more distanced from the gifts of it to the Sphere. others is very potent in protecting the
Mehret. Ohibi people from attack. The Chosen
Mehret's light and warmth protect Mehret-Ahn One, whoever and wherever he may
the people. As a challenge to the wis- be, will be sorely tested to defeat the
estOhibi, Mehret constructed the holy Mehret-Ahn is the voice of theOhibi Ohibi priest.
temple in the dangers of the caves. The god Mehret, and is thus named after
darkness isalso a sacred giftofMehret, the god by adding a diminutive to the
perhaps even greater than the light name (thus, he's known as Little The Ohibi Village
and abundant food, but the dangers Mehret). Physically, he is an average
are always lurking in the dark. specimen, about five and a half feet It is very likely that the Storm
Mehret-Ahn is responsible for reli- tall. His most distinguishing charac- Knights will investigate the area of the
gious guidance for the Ohibi. He teristic is the red and blue swirling Ohibi village. Theirmay find theOhibi
teaches them to share each family's pattern tattooed into his chest. This is Temple in the caves if they are lucky.
bounty with other families, although the symbol of the Ohibi leader, reflect- For more information on the Nile
the Ohibi must always be willing to ing their unique access to the Sphere. Empire encampment or the temple
protect their lands. Outsiders will be He has slowly graying hair and is see Chapter Three: Merretika.
welcome for only a short while, after wearing his brilliant headdress. The majority of structures in the
which they must acknowledge that He is the tribe's leader and is well village house just one family, and they
they do not have the right to stay in the liked and trusted by his people. That are built from saplings and river mud,
Ohibi holy lands. The Nile Empire trust is well founded though, as and provide quite adequate housing
expeditions have been granted a longer Mehret-Ahn's two main concerns in for the Ohibi people. The houses are
stay because of their unusual nature. life are Mehret and his tribe. He is about four meters by two meters.
The Ohibi worship Mehret through generally cautious concerning any new
dancing and storytelling, normally just venture, although he will not hesitate The Hunting Lodge
before meals and hunting expeditions. to order complete retaliation against
Mehret-Ahn holds special religious anything or anyone who may threaten . The ceremonial hunting lodge is
ceremonies regularly (about once ev- the future of the tribe. While Mehret- the largest building in the village. It is
ery other Core Earth month). He be- Ahnis quite perceptive, he is also stub- about twice as large as the family
lieves that the Sphere is a gift of Mehret, born, brutal and unpredictable. houses and is filled with hunting tro-
so the precious eternity shard plays an phies collected and preserved over
important role in the ceremonies, al- Mehret-Ahn generations ofOhibi hunters. The larg-
though none of the other Ohibi are DEXTERITY 8 est, fiercest, and fastest game crea-
aware of its existence. Melee combat 10 tures are stuffed and displayed, along
When Mehret-Ahn declares that it STRENGTH 9 with other creatures that simply have
is time fora ceremony, theOhibi people TOUGHNESS 8 a part in a good story. On some occa-

Torg: The Land Below

sions, the hunters will bring a piece of

their collection out of hiding and use it
to re-enact a story for the rest of the
The eldest male of the tribe is
granted the honor oflivingwithin and
maintaining the lodge. Currently, this
position is held by an Ohibi named
Jehren. His hunting skills have dimin-
ished with time, but his story telling
skills are superior. He has been known
to embellish stories to make them more
interesting, although no one in the
village seems to mind.

Mehret-Ahn's House
Butting up against the northern wall
of the realm is the home of Mehret-
Ahn, the holy man among the Ohibi.
The house is much like all of the others
in the village, though it is a bit larger.
It is decorated with the plumage of
many ofthe remarkably beautiful birds
tha t can be found in Merretika, butitis
still rather spartan. He often accom-
modates groups for mediation or coun-
The back wall of the horne is not an
Ohibi-made structure, for the front and
two sides are pressed against the north-
eastern wall of the realm. The wall is
thickly lined with animal pelts of all
sizes and description.
This is all just a manner of hiding
the secret tunnel that bores its way
into the solid rock which surrounds
the realm. This tunnel is secret even
from the other members of the Ohibi
tribe. The Mehret-Ahn of each genera-
tion passes his knowledge of the tun-
nel on to the one he trains to take his
place upon his death. .
The tunnel leads to the huge eter-
nity shard known as the Sphere (see
Chapter Three: Merretika for more in-
formation). advanced race in Merretika. Their ad- Race Description
vancements take full advantage of the
Law of Wonders. The Pyrians are slender, pale-
The Pyrian Fire The Darkness Devices are looking skinned people with light hair and
with great interest at many of the pos- pale green eyes. Their facial features
Tamers Sibility-rated leaders of Pyria, since are finely chiseled, almost elfish. The
the Pyrian nation is militaristic and men have slightly hooked noses and
The volcanic terrain in the realm's harsh, a good society for grooming a thin lips. The women have thin noses
s.outheastern edge makes the land High Lord.
uninhabitable by any rational stan- and full lips. The Pyrians are an attrac-
dard, but the people of Pyria have not tive race and are proud of their ap-
only made the area their home, they
have bent the violent environment to
Men dress in cotton-like fiber togas
their bidding. The Pyrians are the most dyed with dark colors and adorned
withsimplebronzeciasps. The women

56 .. . . . ,
Chapter Four

predominantly wear longer, white or cality of importing almost everything, Craftsmen normally include smiths,
orange togas also clasped with bronze the Pyrian society is able to thrive due weavers, pottery makers and mer-
or belted with cords of thicker fiber to constant work and discipline. chants. This is a small, but powerful
buckled with bronze. Both sexes wear class of people in Tanta Kallar. Smiths
sandals. Men usually carry knives of are especially prized for their ability to
bronze or obsidian. Society make and mold bronze for the mili-
tary. Smiths are granted key housing
Typical Pyrian The Pyrians are the most advanced positions on Tanta Kallar where they
DEXTERITYS people of Merretika socially and tech- can use a lava vent to power their
Beast riding 9, melee weapons 10, nologically, but they have a harsh, smelts. Merchants lead miserable lives,
unarmed combat 9 intolerant society. They have devel- transporting cargo back and forth from
STRENGTHS oped a very limited government, with the frontier to the capital. Artists are a
Climbing 9 Tanta Kallar serving as the central small portion of the craftsman caste.
TOUGHNESS 8 authority and numerous outposts pay- They live as rigorous a life as any other
PERCEPTION 9 ing taxes and supplying the capital Pyrian and they are required to pro-
MIND 9 city. duce artwork at an unmerciful rate.
CHARISMA 10 The society is also strictly divided The craftsmen normally accept the
Taunt 11 by a caste system. Military leaders top dictates of the military and the priest-
SPIRIT 9 the hierarchy, with religious leaders at hood and spend a great deal of time
Faith(Karruk) 10 the second tier, craftsmen at the third convincing the common laborers of
Possibility Potential: some (45) tier, common laborers at the fourth the wisdom the Lord Ar and Priestess
Equipment: Knife (STR +2/ dam- tier and the slave class at the bottom of Amethia.
age value 10 the system. Naturally, the caste is The few scholars ofTanta Kallar are
Pyrians will also have one add in passed within a family from genera- considered to beof the craftsman caste.
scholar, medicine, artist, science or the tion to generation, with almost no hope Scholars are a small group supported
skill which most accurately represents for advancement. However, the by the priests. The scholars record
their occupation. Pyrians make few distinctions based events in the Pyrian's pictographic lan-
on sex, and women are just as likely as guage, or study medicine or engineer-
men to occupy positions of power. ing.
Homeland Hadian Fel Ar is the currently ruler Common laborers often serve engi-
of the Pyrian nation and commander neers or smiths, or farm. Although
The Pyrian nation is native to the of the Pyrian army and militia. His many of the laborers know the prin-
harsh volcanic regions in the southern word is law, and he also acts as the ciples of engineering or smithing, they
regions of Merretika. Tanta Kallar is prime judge within the nation. have no chance to advance in society.
both the largest volcano in Merretika Lord Ar draws his advisors and The largest group of common laborers
and the capitol city of the Pyrians, executive officials from both the mili- in the nation are the farmers, but none
which is built upon the volcano. The tary and the priesthood. Advisors may of them live in Tanta Kallar itself due
Pyrians have established ten other serve for an extended period of time, to the lack of arable land. Their life is a
small outposts in the region. The Pyrian but any individual who gains enough little easier simply because they are
people are hemmed into their area by power and influence to threaten further removed from the capital of
Merretika's great wall to the south Hadian is granted the "privilege" of the nation. Farm families work long
and west, the River with no Bottom to service on the frontier away from court hours on the mountain sides growing
the north and the Smoke Canyon and politics and power. Ar also uses sub- hearty vine plants. The plants yield a
an impassable group of volcanoes to terfuge and political intrigue to keep beanrichin nutrients which is mashed,
the east. The people would like to his advisors bickering amongst them- cooked, fermented, and baked in thou-
expand their empire to more hospi-. selves. sands of recipes by the Pyrians. Only
table regions but they have been un- The priesthood, led by Amethia Cor the higher classes get meat on their
able to overcome these natural ob- Tal, exerts a tremendous but lessobvi- tables from birds and lizards.
stacles. ous influence over the Pyrian people. The lowest caste members ofPyrian
The Pyrians endure the volcanoes Amethia is one ofAr's advisors, but he society are the slaves. These poor folk
primarily for religious reasons, al- recognizes her desire to remove him are mostly war prisoners captured
though the area is almost uninhabit- from power. from a small number of independent
able. Crops cannot be grown near the Common soldiers and lower priests settlements (they are physically iden-
volcanos, so all food must be imported are considered to be slightly above the tical to the Pyrians, but the Pyrians
from the mountains to the south or craftsmen of Tanta Kallar. They are deny that they are of the same heri-
from along the river bank to the north. completely supported by Lord Ar's tage). The slaves work the frontier
Meat is also scarce in thearea, so slaves high taxes on other castes and are well mines for tin and copper to make
are often sent on hunts into the moun- respected within the community. bronze. They also build the rock walls
tains. Despite the seeming impracti-

Torg: The Land Below

that surround Tanta Kallar and sev- The Pyrian nation has about 1500 Possibility Potential: some (40)
eral of the frontier forts, or are ser- thralls, with 50 grey talons and a dozen Equipment: Heavy bronze sword
vants of merchants transporting goods red talons. Of these troops, roughly (damage value STR+5/17), spear
throughout the nation. one third are stationed in Tanta Kallar, (damage valueSTR+3/15), leather and
with the rest spread evenly amongst bronze armor (TOU +3/15)
A Structured Life the frontier settlements. Troops spend
most of their time training for combat Lord Hadian Fel Ar
Pyrian society is harsh and and developing theirattributes. Troops
unforgiving, emphasizing hard work stationed in Tanta Kallar are assigned Lord Ar is the ruler of the Pyrian
and dedication. The people have vir- patrol and police duties, as well as nation. He took the throne through
tually no time for recreation and are given the responsibility to collect taxes. deceit and treachery, and he now holds
granted minimal time for sleep or fam- In the frontier outposts, troops super- the throne with threats and cunning.
ily activities. Indeed, if they were vise hunts, protect the villages from He often plays his advisors off each
granted this time most of the Pyrians dangerous predators and enforce the other to insure that no one gains too
wouldn't know what to do with it edicts of Lord AI. much power. Lord Ar believes that
because they are so strongly condi- Statistics are given below for Pyrian competence should be justly rewarded
tioned for constant work. thralls and for a typical grey talon. and that stupidity and failure should
This standard of labor extends Add two attribute points and two skill be dealt with unmercifully.
throughout the caste system, so even adds for a red talon, in addition to Hadian is in control of his emotions
the priests and military leaders are persllasion and willpower at +2 adds at all times and isn't prone to out-
under constant pressure to accomplish each. bursts. Instead, he is calculated and
Lord Ar's objectives. quick. His plans are always intricate,
The people are very cold and dis- Pyrian Thrall with numerous options at his disposal
tanced from each other since they are DEXTERITY 10 at any given time. He seems charming,
singularly obsessed with their jobs. Dodge 11, melee weapons 12, mis- but he is willing to deceive anyone to
While many Pyrians attempt to steal sile weapons 11, unarmed combat accomplish his aims.
private moments away, they also real- 11 He is a master swordsman, a shrewd
ize the severe punishments for not STRENGTH 9 thinker, and a good leader. Wisely, he
fully serving the state. Although Climbing 10 suspects that many of his underlings
Pyrians select a mate for life, the deci- TOUGHNESS 9 would like to replace him. Hadian is of
sion is based entirely on caste and PERCEPTION 9 average height but has a thicker frame
seldom on compatibility. Havingchil- MINDS than most Pyrians. His short-cut hair
dren is seen as a way of serving the CHARISMA 9 is pale blonde and his eyes are steel
needs of the nation. Taunt 11 grey.
This lack of warmth and caring has SPIRIT 10 The Darkness Devices are interested
created a very aggressive nation. The Faith(Karruk) 11, intimidation (12) in Hadian since he is possibility-rated
Pyrians have conquered the southern Possibility Potential: some (45) and heads the only nation in Merretika.
lands and would like expand the Equipment: Bronze sword (dam- They believe that the harsh Pyrian way
boundaries of their empire, but the age value STR +4/13), spear (damage of life breeds the correct attitudes and
natural obstacles have so far prevented value STR +3/12), leather and bronze ambitions.
this. armor (TOU +3/12)
Hadian Fel Ar
Grey Talon DEXTERITY 13
Military DEXTERITY 13 Dodge 17, maneuver 16, melee
Dodge 16, maneuver 14, melee weapons 22, missile weapons 16,
The military of the Pyrians is struc- weapons 17, missile weapons 16, unarmed combat 15
tured with a clear chain of command. STRENGTH 13
unarmed combat 15
Common soldiers are called thralls, STRENGTH 12 Climbing 14, lifting 15
officers are called talons and their uni- TOUGHNESS 13
Climbing 13
form color displays their rank. Red TOUGHNESS 12 PERCEPTION 12
talons command squads of thralls or PERCEPTION 10 First aid 14, language 17, scholar 15,
serve as Lord Ar's guards. Grey talons First aid 12. language 13, trick 12, trick 15
command forts or garrisons. The three MIND 13
black talons serve Lord Ar directly as Willpower 13 Science 14, test 17, willpower 17
advisors at Tanta Kallar or travel CHARISMA 13 CHARISMA 14
throughout the frontier as direct rep- Persuasion 14, taunt 15 Charm 17, persuasion 17, taunt 16
resentatives of Lord Ar. SPIRIT 12
The Pyrian military emphasizes Faith(Karruk) 12, intimidation 14 Faith(Karruk) 14, intimidation 16,
training over raw physical power. reality 13
Possibilities: 19

•• 58
Chapter Four

~ The Lalld Below:'Map 5 Fire Temple: View from Above

~ Tanta Kellar

~'""'X;.;«~ OUTER WALL




Torg: The Land Below

Equipment: Heavy bronze sword TOUGHNESS 12 and actively tries to avoid responsibil-
(damage value STR+5/17), spear PERCEPTION 10 ity. Reli does not suspect that Lord Ar
(damagevalueSTR+3/16),leatherand First aid 12, evidence analysis 14, is about to replace him with his
bronze armor (TOU +3/16) language 13, scholar (military tac- younger brother Reli Kem Jull.
Pulp Powers: Super skill (melee tics) 11, trick 14
weapons) MIND 11 Religion
Survival 12, test 13, willpower 13
The Black Talons CHARISMA 13 The religion of the Pyrians is logi-
Persuasion 15, taunt 17 cally based around the violent terrain
The three black talons (lnelliam Ber SPIRIT 11 they call home. Their religion is an un-
Tek, Hyetl Caa, and Reli Dee Jull), Faith(Karruk) 12, intimidation 14 usual monotheism. Instead of having a
along with Amethia Cor Tal and her Possibilities: 2 diametrically opposed evil power, as in
top two priestesses, Derrun Yet Mom Equipment: Heavy bronze sword manymonotheisticreligions, thePyrians
and Hevvil Gok Tek, are the primary (damage value STR+5/17), spear see their god as having two sides: one
advisors of Lord Ar. Information on (damagevalueSTR+3/15),leatherand good, and one evil.
the three priestesses is provided in the bronze armor (TOU +3/15) When the god is benevolent, he is
religion section. The black talons are Hyetl Caa is the only female advi- called Karruk, the warmth-giver.
responsible for military planning, and sor from the military. She is young, When the god tums violent and evil,
sometimes personally lead important attractive and ruthless, with platinum heis known as Darok, the hell-breather.
operations. blond hair and green eyes. She gives This duality of being is based on the
her rivals no quarter on the battlefield dual protective and destructive na-
Inelliam Ber Tek or in Lord AT's advisory chamber. She tures of fire.
DEXTERITY 13 is in greatest competition with the three When the priests ofPyria announce
Dodge 16, maneuver 14, melee priestesses because she feels that she that Karruk has become Darok, the
weapons 17, missile weapons 16, can manipulate Reli Dee Jull and Pyrians will make human sacrifices to
unarmed combat 15 Inelliam Ber Tek rather easily. She be- himat the Fire Temple on Tanta Kallar.
STRENGTH 10 lieves that at some point she may be The determination of when the god
Climbing 13 able to forge a coalition between these changes mood is as much a political
TOUGHNESS 11 two and eliminate Lord AT. decision as a matter of faith, but be-
PERCEPTION 10 cause the Pyrian people believe the
First aid 12, evidence analysis 12, Reli Dee Jull proclamations, these changes do in-
language 13, scholar (military tac- DEXTERITY 11 deed become real. Amethia Cor Tal
tics) 12, trick 12 Dodge 12, maneuver 12, melee determines when Darok switches to
MIND 11 weapons 13, missile weapons 13, Karruk and vice versa.
Survival 12, test 13, willpower 13 unarmed combat 12 Outsiders may be confused into
CHARISMA 13 STRENGTH 10 believing the Pyrians are sacrificing to
Persuasion 15, taunt 17 Climbing 11 an evil god, which in a sense they are,
SPIRIT 11 TOUGHNESS 12 but the goal is to appease Darok into
Faith(Karruk) 12, intimidation 14 PERCEPTION 8 becoming Karruk again. Every Pyrian
Possibilities: 3 First aid 10, evidence analysis 9, citizen must take part in these rituals
Equipment: Heavy bronze sword language 11, scholar (military tac- by returning to their homes and light-
(damage value STR+5/17), spear tics) 11, trick 9 ing their fireplace. The fire burns until
(damage value STR +3/15), leather and MIND 9 the priests announce that Karruk has
bronze armor (TOU +3/15) Willpower 11 returned.
Inelliam BerTek is past his physical CHARISMA 9 To please Karruk, the priestesses
prime, but his keen mind serves him Persuasion 10, taunt 12 lead the people in regular prayer ses-
well. He has been an advisor for Lord SPIRIT 11 sions, involVing elaborate responsive
Ar for a long time and he is perhaps Faith(Karruk) 12, intimidation 12 prayers and sacrifices of food.
the most trusted of the six. However, Possibilities: 2 The Pyrians believe that Karruk/
he is actively planning to overthrow Equipment: Heavy bronze sword Darok makes his will known only
Lord Ar. (damage value STR+5/15), spear through the activity of the volcano
(damagevalueSTR+3/13),leatherand Tanta Kallar. This has meant that the
Hyetl Caa bronze armor (TOU +3/15) Pyrians have spent many generations
DEXTERITY 13 Reli Dee Jull is perhaps the most fortifying their city on the side of the
Dodge 14, maneuver 16, melee unlikely advisor, but fortunately for volcano. The Pyrians believe that their
weapons 17, missile weapons 16, him the position is based on heredity god affects all of their people, no mat-
unarmed combat 15 and not talent. He is young but woe- ter where they are, but the order of the
STRENGTH 12 fully out of shape by Pyrian standards. Fire Priests are only capable of cor-
Climbing 13 He has a tendency toward laziness rectly interpreting the volatile god's

•• 60
Chapter Four

Torg: The Land Below

The head of religion in Pyria is the CHARISMA 14 STR +2/10), headdress, rob,es
Great Priestess Amethia Cor Tal. She Charm 17, persuasion 17, taunt 16 . ' Hewil has developed a fierce ri-
advises Lord Ar as to the state of mind SPIRIT 12 valry with Derrur., but her lack of
of the god and what must be done to Focus(Karruk) 17, focus 16, intimi- subtlety has caused her to fall out of
appease him. Under the Great Priest- dation 13, reality 13' favor with Amethia. She is very tall,
ess, there are over fifty religious men Possibilities: 8 with shortblond hair. She has an elabo-
and women, known as Fire Priests, Equipment: Poisoned knife (dam- rate spy network and she thinks noth-
serving the frontier settlements and age value STR +2/10, with damage ing ofdispensing pain upon those who
the residents of Tanta Kallar. value 15 for three rounds after the fail her. .
first), bronze and cloth headdress, gold
Fire Priest jewelry, bronze staff (damage value
DEXTERITYS STR +4/12) Tanta Kallar
Melee weapons 10, unarmed com-
bat9 Derrun Yet Mom Tanta Kallar is both home to the
STRENGTHS DEXTERITY 9 Pyrian people.and their only religlous
Climbing 9 Melee weapons 11, prestidigitation site. The people have built a . won-·
TOUGHNESSS 10, stealth 10, unarmed combat 11 , drous city, with all oUhe buildings.
PERCEPTION 10 STRENGTHS built in several levels along the side of
First aid 12, . TOUGHNESS 8 '
. . the huge volcano. The spectacular
MIND 10 PERCEPTION 11 Temple of Fire practically floats above
Medicine 11 Find 12, first aid 12, language 12, the active volcano's crater. .
CHARISMA 10 scholar 14, trick 14 The city is organized by the caste
Taunt 11 MIND 11 system, with Lord Arand his advisors
SPIRIT 11 Medicine 13 having the largest and most splendid
Faith(Karruk) 14, focus 13, intimi- CHARISMA 11 homes at the top of the volcano. Fur-
dation 12 Charm 14, persuasion 13, taunt 13 ther down the slope are the homes of
Possibility Potential: some (45) SPIRIT 11 the Fire Priests and the common sol-
Equipment: Knife (damage value Focus(Karruk) 15, focus 14, intimi- diers. The homes of the craftsmen and
STR +2/10), robes, bronze and cloth dation 12 scholars start about midway up the
headdress Possibilities: none volcano and continue nearly to the
Equipment: Knife (damage value bottom, with common laborers living
Amethia Cor Tal STR +2/10), headdress at the base of the volcano and on the
Derrun is fanatically loyal to plains of black volcanic glass nearby.
Amethia is quite young to be the Amethia. She believes that if she serves Slaves are quartered with their own-
head of the order. She rose to power the head priestess she will be rewarded ers, although in a squalid second sec-
with Hadian Fel Ar and he made her by Amethia and Karruk. She is thin, tion of the house. Approximately
the Great Priestess for her help in get- short and attractive. She proudly car- 10,000 Pyrians call Tanta Kallar home.
ting him the throne. Amethia has al- ries hers'elf whenever dealing with The layout of the Pyrian city on
ready turned her attentions toward other priests, although she makes it Tanta Kallar is made possible only by
greater power. She is plotting with clear that she is subservient to Amethia. the Law of Wonders (see Chapter Five:
Inelliam Ber Tek to overthrow Hadian Axioms and World Laws). The volcano,
(see Chapter Nine: Adventures). Hevvil Gok Tek with a peak of over 1500 meters, can be
Amethia is an incredibly desirable DEXTERITY 9 seen jutting above all of the other peaks
woman, and she uses her physical Dodge 12, melee weapons 11, un- in the southern region. In addition, the
appeal to her fullest advantage to con- armed combat 11 bronze shingled roofs of the Pyrian
trol men. She has long red hair arid STRENGTH 8 buildings reflect a golden red glow
dazzling eyes of palest green. Climbing 9 that can be seen from over 40 kilome-
TOUGHNESS 9 ters away. From across the River with
Amethia Cor Tal PERCEPTION 12 no Bottom, the volcano appears to be a
DEXTERITY 10 Evidence analysis 13, first aid 12, glowing mountain;-constantly belch-
Dodge 13, melee weapons 12, pres- trick 14 )ng a thin trail of blacksmoke into the
air. .-
tidigitation 11, unarmed combat 11 MIND 14
STRENGTHS Medicine 15, test 15, willpower 16 As travelers near the city, often they
Climbing 9 CHARISMA 12 cannotlook directly at the volcano for
TOUGHNESSS Charm 15, persuasion 14, taunt 13 fear ofbeing blinded. However, as one
PERCEPTION 13 SPIRIT 12 gets to the base of Tanta Kallar, the
First aid 14,language 14, scholar 14, Focus(Karruk) 15, focus 14, intirni- danger of the reflected light is elimi-
trick 14 . . \!ation 13 nated since it all radiates·into the sky.
MIND 14 Possibilities: none .'The city is- a wondrous work of
Medicine IS; test 16 ". Equipment: Knife (damage.value engineering. The Pyrian streets are

•• 62
Cha pter Four

steeply angled as they wind around presence of Karruk is seen throughout temple is made of seamless black rock,
the massive volcano. From the roads, the building, as countless bronzed but it is painted with bright colors
stairs or ladders lead to individual torches, from one to three meters tall, depicting the two phases of their god
homes or shops. Two tremendous are within and on the outer walls of (which appears as a humanoid col-
staircases carved from natural rock the palace. Two guard towers of seam- umn of fire) and his actions toward the
scale opposite sides of the volcano, but less black stone, 70 meters tall and Pyrians. Sculptures of gargoyle-like
meet near Lord Ar's palace (just below over 20 meters in diameter at the base, creatures are positioned on the plat-
the crater's rim, on the north slope). A rise on the east and west slopes and form directly over the chains.
slave-powered incline runs up the west connect to the palace. Whenever the volcano becomes
side ofthevolcano and a team of slaves The interior of the palace is a series very active (Darok phase), the Pyrians
works the pulley system to raise and of hallways with ornate carvings in sacrifice a slave in this building to
lower cargo and military or religious the walls and ceilings. The largest room appease their god. At the center of the
officers. is the royal library, where Lord Ar temple, a hole runs through the plat-
consults his scholars and advisors on form so that slaves may be thrown into
The Rock Wall rna tters of import. Another large room the pit.
is the Pyrian court, where Lord Ar, or
A massive rock wall encircles the more commonly one of his six advi- The Frontier
city and nearby volcanic plains, 100 sors, rule on the claims of the Pyrian
meters out from the base of the vol- citizens. Generally the ruling is favor The Pyrians have established ten
cano. Engineers, using slave labor, built of the person from the higher caste, small mining towns and forts through-
the wall in portions by heaping huge but there are exceptions for obvious out the volcanic regions of Merretika.
mounds of earth and rock blessed by violations of Pyrian law. The palace Each outpost has anywhere from 50 to
the Fire Priests. Sluices have been also has several rooms for the lord's 200 residents, with about 20 percent of
carved into many portions of the vol- private quarters and the quarters of any given population being soldiers.
cano where lava flows to ground level. his five wives and twelve young chil- Each town also has one fire priest.
The sluices then route the lava down dren. These settlements are established
into a large ditch which has been exca- around sources of raw material for
vated from the mounds of earth. The Fire Temple bronze production, or near plains of
The lava is left to cool and harden, fertile land to grow food. The forts also
forming a solid wall of volcanic rock The Fire Temple is a structure that send out military detachments to cap-
eight meters tall and three meters thick almost seems to float above Tanta ture slaves from the smaller indepen-
(Toughness 19). The northern side of Kallar's fiery pit. Eight chains anchor dent settlements throughout the area.
the wall has the only gate into the city the temple to the rim of the volcano, as Crude roads run between the settle-
and it is guarded by a dozen thralls, a it hovers over 300 meters above the ments and Tanta Kallar to transport
grey talon and a fire priest. molten interior. The temple is sub- minerals, slaves, and produce to the
The purpose of the wall is not to jected to incredibly toxic levels ofgases capital. Frontier merchants use slave
fend of invaders from another race, for and any non-Pyrian brought to the labor and animal-drawn wagons to
the Pyrians have had only slight con- temple suffers damage value 12 each transport the goods back to Tanta
tact with the Leopard Men and Keefee round if the volcano is in Karruk phase Kallar.
and no contact with the Ohibi and the and damage value 20 each round if the The Pyrian military is currently
Darooni. Rather it is intended to keep volcano is in Darok phase (millenia of looking for a convenient way to cross
out the Caleacons that have attacked living in the region have resulted in the River with no Bottom, but it seems
the city on several occasions. the Pyrians forming a complex lung that a bridge may have to be con-
structure that can filter out all the structed and Lord Ar is too busy feed-
Lord Ar's Palace gases). ing his people and further developing
The temple sits on a thin platform the outpost network to consider an
Lord Ar's palace contains a main made from solidified ash, which is expansion over the river. The military
building which sweeps across the en- reasonably strong and very light. The also regularly goes on missions to cap-
tire north face of the volcano (the platform is round and 20 meters in ture slaves from the independent com-
ground floor runs 100 meters from diameter. Eight chains secure it to the munities that dot the area. Since most
end to end), towering 50 meters into volcano's rim. Four crude metal of these communities are small tribes
the air and covered with bronze. Huge bridges run from the rim to the temple, of a few families, there is no organized
sculptures of Pyrian heroes line the all blistering hot to non-Pyrians (dam- resistance to the Pyrian activities. An-
lower wall of the palace, while smaller age value 12 each round if without other top priority is the construction
sculptures can be seen on the many protective shoes or boots). The plat- ofwalls similar to the one around Tanta
balconies built into the upper floors. form and temple are not unreasonably Kallar to protect the towns and mines
The entrance is an arch 20 meters tall, hot because of Pyrian miracles. The from the caleacons.
with numerous guards. Torches over round temple is eight meters in diam-
four meters tall line the walls. The eter, one story and has no roof. The

Torg: The Land Below

Chapter Five

Axioms and
World Laws
1.1 "~,~,rn.,~".~'m
of the Land Below, and its
domed worlds such as
Merretika, is a realm of
Nile Empire

savagery and mystic en- If the character is from the Land

ergy, both magical and spiritual. While Below and disconnects in another
rich with magic and spiritual energy, realm, she must generate the follow-
technology is much more primitive. ing reality total to reconnect to her
The Land Below's Axioms Core Earth 11
Living Land 15
The basic rules that govern reality Aysle 4
in each of the cosms and realms are
Nippon Tech 12
called axioms. The four axioms are
Cyberpapacy 7
magic, social, spiritual and tech, and Orrorsh 3
are rated on a scale of zero to 33 (zero
Nile Empire 3
representing extremely low develop-
ment and 33 representing incredibly
high development). Items, individu-
als, or organizations that are more
The Magic
highly developed than the Land Be-
low in these areas wiII not function
Axiom: 12
properly within the realm (for more Fairly strong magics are possible in
information on axioms and everlaws, the Land Below, although they are
see pages 91-102 of the Torg Rulebook). most often used by the highly magical
As soon as a person (or creature or creatures found in the caverns. Many
thing) crosses the threshold into the creatures have inherent magical abili-
Land Below, he immediately becomes ties, while other creatures and entities
subject to the Land Below's axioms. are wholly dependent upon magic. A
The axioms of the Land Below are: prime example of this phenomenon is
Magic: 12 the Ungrosh, the giant ape. Without
Social: 8 the high magic axiom his bones would
Spiritual: 17 shatter from the tremendous mass of
Tech: 10 his body. Numerous ancient objects
imbued with magic, forgotten and lost
Reconnection Numbers with the collapse of ancient civiliza-
tions, may also be discovered within
If the character is from another the caverns and Merretika.
realm and in the Land Below when she Magic is also used to sustain stun-
disconnects, she must generate the ning structures, such as buildings,
following reality total to reconnect to temples, massive fountains and other
her native realm: amazing monuments of civilization
Core Earth 15 (see the Law of Wonders).
Living Land 9 Mostof the Merretikan civilizations
Aysle 13 are very suspicious ofovert spell-based
Nippon Tech 16 magics, prefering to rely upon the
powerful miracles of their gods. How-

•• 64
Chapter Five

ever, a Keefee Haroo by the name of

Bemibab Felte ("Great Explorer") is
let of club-wielding men, sticking a
hand in boiling water, or trial by com-
The Technological
spreading tales that a former Pyrian
scholar (now a slave due to his re-
bat. If the defendant endures the trial, Axiom: 10
he is deemed innocent. The fact that
search into the supernatural) has the trial is often punishment enough is There is a great diversity of
learned to tap some of the mystic ener- often overlooked. technological use among the civiliza-
gies. His theories indicate that magi- Death sentences are rare since ban-
l tions in the Land Below. Due to the
cal aptitude is not available to every- ishment from the protective custody dangerous nature of thecaverns many

one, but instead is passed down from of the tribe is seen as the equal of tribes are nomadic and have had scant
generation togeneration withinasmall death. A few individuals wander the chance to develop much beyond basic
number of Pyrian families. Land Below alone, having been ban- weapons, medicines, and domesti-
Unlike in Orrorsh and the Nile ished from their tribe. Such people are cated creatures. Less "practical" items
Empire, Ayslish magic does not inher- often still loyal to their tribe unless such as mathematics, permanent
ently create a contradiction in the Land they were banished unjustly. buildings, tool construction and writ-
Below, although it is still subject to The Pyrians often use testimony ing are not available to most tribes
axiom 12 limitations. Magical spells from witnesses and the accused, with since survival is so difficult.
and objects may be researched using Lord Ar or one of his ad visors making Most of the tribes in Merretika still
Ayslish magic rules. final judgement. While the trials are rely on hunting and gathering as their
fair, punishment for the guilty is often major means of survival. The abun-
severe, including torture and enslave- dance of game and edible flora in the
The Social Axiom: 8 ment. The Pyrians are rapidly devel- realm make it possible for these tribes
oping, through use of a centralized to settle instead ofbeing nomadic. They
The social axiom is not much of a city, taxation to support an army and use sticks, spears, and light bows to
factor within the caverns simply be- a social system that demands constant hunt birds and other types of small
cause there are not that many intelli- work and no time for recreation. The game. The Darooni Wasp Riders are
gent inhabitants to use the axiom. people are aggressive and ambitious, able to hunt large game because of the
There are many humanoid tribes in and likely to overwhelm many of the giant wasps and their venomous
the caverns, but they seem to concen- other Merretikan societies when they spears.
trateon warfare over food or territory. decide to expand. Since food in Merretika is so plenti-
Within Merretika, all of the societ- ful, many of the tribes construct per-
ies except for the Pyrians operate on a manent buildings. The Keefee are the ,
simple tribal or village basis, with The Spiritual only tribe to actively practice medi-
powerful individuals ruling either cine, the arts and science. Agriculture
through religion or sheer physical Axiom: 17 is practiced whenever convenient, ex-
power. The Keefee operate at a tribal cept for the Pyrians who depend on
level, but they have a remarkably Spiritual energies are very power- agricultural areas far away from Tanta
peaceful, freedom loving society where ful in the Land Below, and most intel- Kallar.
every individual has an equal amount ligent creatures have developed their The Pyrians are more advanced
of power and decisions are reached by own belief system. Most of the reli- socially, which has given them the
agreement and negotiation. gions are monotheistic although some
time to develop new technologies no
More complicated social organiza- ofthe tribes in the caverns believe in so one else in Merretika has. They are
tions such as legislative bodies, or dis- many deities that' there are two or well versed in science engineering,

tributed power structures are beyond three gods to protect each tribal mem- the arts medicine, agriculture and
the social axiom of the realm. Charac- ber. Some, but not all, of these belief weaponry. They depend upon writ-
ters who belong to complicated orga- systems have a small number ofunique ing instead of oral tradition and use
nizations, such as a Core Earth mili- miracles. simple plumbing. The Pyrians use cop-
tary unit, will find that their memories Most of the Merretikan religions per and bronze for most of their metal
of the organization grow foggy when share some characteristics, although working and are slowly incorporating
in a pure zone. A character will re- the worship practices and faith are iron and other harder metals into their
member his allegiance in terms of the different for each religion. Spiritual civilization.
tribe, social responsibility, or perhaps powers are strong in the realm, and
slavery depending on the character's miracles are an integral part of life for
disposition toward his organization.
Justice systems among the people
the inhabitants of the realm. The spe-
cific religious practices and miracles
World Laws
of the Land Below are crude and di- of these groups are covered in Chapter The Land Below has several unique
rect, especially amongst the Leopard FOllr: Inhabitants and Chapter Six: world laws that also govern the reality
Men and Darooni. These people use Miracles of Faith. of this vast realm. These laws develop
trial by ordeal, such as running a gaunt- the feel and mood of the realm while
the axioms dictate the basic reality.

• 1
Torg: The Land Below

Law of Savagery fight. Any characters who are natu-

rally inclined towards savagery, like
slightly better than regular apparel in
the Land Below (the gamemaster
The most pronounced effect on life many Living Land templates, will feel should reduce armor values and give
in the Land Below isa result of the Law the effects even more strongly. These plausible explanations). The maxi-
of Savagery. The people of the realm characters may decide to All-Out At- mum armor allowed through the tech
(even the "advanced" Pyrians) appear tack at every opportunity if their play- level of the axiom is +4 (with fatigue).
primitive, with a seeming penchant ers so choose. The Gamemaster should These effects are permanent, so the
for mayhem just lurking below the consider rewarding players who fully gamemastershould penalize with care,
veil ofcivilization. Characters who flip role play the savagery effects with an but the characters need to know that
over to this reality will find their strat- extra possibility point at the end of even their armor isn't safe in the Land
egy in combat shifting from tactical each act. Below.
melee to savage, blood-letting fury. Another effect of the Law of Sav- Finally, there are a few physical
The Keefee seem to place combat at a agery is the destruction of clothing. side effects of the Law of Savagery
much lower priority, but considering Characters will find themselves re- (they only affect characters who are in
theirdiminuitivenature, this shouldn't duced to loincloths and tattered shirts a pure zone or convert to the Land
be surprising. after spending a few days in the Land Below's reality). Male characters will
The Law of Savagery heightens rage Below. This gradual destruction takes find that their body hair grows at an
during combat. This has two effects on place in many ways: thorns snagging alarming rate. Beards are grown in a
game play. First, a player may only use fabric as characters walk through the few days and chest hair will become
Drama or Hero cards from his pool jungle, natives trading their own cloth- thick within a week. Female charac-
during combat for physical attacks or to ing for the characters' wardrobe as ters will find that their scalp hair grows
reduce damage. Second, whenAttackis peaceful greeting gestures, and com- at this incredible rate and after a week,
an approved action, players will only bat always results in the shredding of their hair will reach their waists or
get an additional drama deck card if fabric. Characters will always be left even their ankles if their hair was al-
they use the All-Out Attack option (Torg with enough rags for modesty's sake, ready long. The new hair growth can
Rulebook, page 78). but not much more. Some areas, such be cut or shaved normally if the tools
In addition to these game mechan- as Tanta Kallar, don't lend themselves are at hand, but the hair will quickly
ics, the gamemaster can encourage the to situations tha tdestroy clothing. Suits grow back again. Many of the native
players to get into the spirit of the of armor and other special outfits fare

Chapter Five

L and Below Engineering

The Law of Wonders relies on many of the powers engineers the engineer to design portions
the use of the engineering skill wish to add to a building. In of a building to exceed what
introduced in The Nile Empire addition, there is no mystical sig- physics would consider "safe"
sourcebook. As in the Nile Em- nificance to the form of pyra- weight loads and design. The
pire, this skill may only be used mids in the Land Below; use of spell uses magic energy to sup-
for civil engineering projects that form is just a design option. port and strengthen the struc-
(such as buildings and temples). In addition to the spells used ture at hand.
This skill is also so precisely de- in the Nile Empire, engineers in In practice, the spell is used to
fined that the Principle of Defini- the Land Below have developed create winding staircases with-
tion is only invoked when muI- ane other spell for their craft. out central supports, impossibly
tiple versions of the same spell thin columns to support heavy
are used on a structure (as op- Magical Enhancement roofs, very thin walls to support
posed to Ayslish magic, which multi-story structures (which are
invokes the Principle of Defini- Axiom Level: 10 very difficult to build consider-
tion whenever two spells with Skill: alteration/engineering ing the·available materials).
the same pattern knowledge are When the spell is cast, compare
used). Engineers also use maats Backlash: 18 the effect value to the Tonghness or
to imbue their buildings with Difficulty: 22 Strength ofthe material (use which-
magical spells and miracles of Effect Value: 24 ever attribute is higher). Add the
faith (although such miracles are Bonus Number to: effect result points directly to the
powered.bythe gods of the many Range: 10 000 meters) material's Strength and Toughness.
races and groups of the Land Duration: 5800,000 years) The spell affects a 25 meter sphere,
Below). Cast Time: 29 (one week) although the engineermay choose
The engineering spell Imbue Manipulation: unknown to affect a lesser area as long as it is
with Mystic Energy does not exist entirely within the spherical area
in the Land Below. The magic Magical enhancement allows of effect.
axiom is sufficient to support

tribes regularly cut their hair out of

spanned with a heroic leap. There is
always a vine on hand to swing to the
Law of Wonders
The other physical side effect of the next tree in the daring pursuit of the The Law of Wonders has created
Law of Savagery is that physical at- kidnapped maiden. many engineering marvels in the Land
tractions become heightened as the In game terms, the Law of Action Below that are very similar to the Seven
animalistic effects of the law take hold. allows possibility-rated characters at- Wonders of the Ancient World of Core
Members of the opposite sex will ap- tuned to the Land Below's reality (or Earth.
pear more attractive to one another in a Land Below pure zone) to spend In game terms, the Law of Wonders
and latent love interests will flare to two Possibilities on actions and apply allows theconstructionoftemples, pal-
bold passion. Characters who playa either result (but not both) to her die aces and other buildings which greatly
romance subplot while adventuring in total. exceed the tech axiom through the use
the Land Below receive one extra pos- Example: A character in a pure zone of the engineering skill. The skill func-
sibility point at the end of each adven- of the caverns is caught in the grips of tions in the same manner as the Nile
tureact. Also, any Charisma-based test a dinosaur. As he is pulled to the Empire engineering skill, and only ap-
involving a member of the opposite beast's waiting jaws, the player de- plies to buildings and structures
sex receives an automatic +3 to effect cides to wedge his staff into the (which indicates that, perhaps, in the
(as ifa Presence card had been played). monster's gaping maw. The Game- distant past Earth's magic axiom was
master rules the action a Vital Blow. 12 and the ancient Egyptians used the
The player rolls the die and gets a 5. engineering skill). Within Merretika,
The Law of Action He decides to bum two possibilities to only the Pyrians use engineers, and
improve his attempt and rolls a 19 they are closely monitored by the Fire
Like the Nile Empire, the Land Be- Priests.
low is a realm of heroic action. A rush and a 7 on his two rolls. He wisely
of adrenalin makes the impossible chooses the 19, wedging the staff in
become possible. Every pit can be place and forestalling his character's

Torg: The Land Below

Chapter Six

Miracles of Faith
111I1" >';'''0'' p<>W" 0""
Land Below is immense,
with power equivalent to
Orrorsh and the Nile
Spiritual Rating: 15
Community Rating: 11
Empire. Unlike these Difficulty: 13
realms, miracles of many faiths are Range: touch
common and each religion has sev-
Duration: 30 (two weeks)
eral miracles unique to the particular Effect: induces total paralysis in
faith. The following miracles are the victim.
most important and powerful miracles
of the particular faith. The victim of the catalepsy miracle
loses all control of voluntary bodily
functions. The victim will be aware of
Darooni his surroundings, but will be unable
to do anything beyond breathe.The
Wasp Riders subjects body functions also slow
down drastically so that only close
observation will detect the signs of life
Call Giant Wasp in his body. This prayer is used by the
Darooni during the Hatching Cer-
Spiritual Rating: 13 emony to paralyze the sacrificial vic-
Community Rating: 8 tim before the queen is called to lay her
Difficulty: 8 eggs.
Range: 15 (one kilometer)
Duration: na Cure Poison
Effect: calls a giant wasp to the
invoker Spiritual Rating: 11
Community Rating: 10
This miracle is used every sixth Difficulty: see below
Darooni cycle by the priestesses to call Range: touch
the giant wasps from their nest. When Duration: na
summoned, the wasps fly out of the Effect: cleanses poisons from
nest and land beside the assembled recipient's body
Wasp Riders. The riders then saddle
the insects and leave for the hunt. This miracle clears the recipient's
The prayer is also used during the body of all toxic substances, prevent-
Hatching Ceremony to call the queen ing any continuing damage, although
wasp from her nest. The queen re- it will not heal previously-inflicted
sponds to the prayer and lays her fer- damage. It will cure any side effects
tile eggs in the Darooni's sacrificial beyond damage, such as paralysis or
victim. hallucinations. The difficulty of the
The miracle only calls the giant miracle is determined by the poison
waspsl but does not command them being destroyed. The gamemaster can
once they arrive. The Wasp Riders also adjust the difficulty level accord-
must expertly handle the creatures to ing to the amount of poison in the
get the insects to obey. victim's system.

• I
Chapter Six

the victim is paralyzed for one hour. branches or entangle with its roots.
Poison Difficulty Chart The Darooni priestesses use this prayer Dalberry trees have large branches and
Alcohol 7 for personal defense, and it is also small surface roots. To hit a target, the
Black Widow Bite 8 rumored to be the final test in the trials Keefee must generate a faith total
Drug Overdose 10 of becoming a priestess. greater than the target's active defense;
Giant Wasp Sting 11 the branches hit for damage value 14
Arsenic 13 (a character must generate a Strength
Cyanide 15 Keefee total of 12 or greater to break free).
This miracle is most useful to Haroo
Wasp Touch Most of the miracles in the Keefee traveling in the jungles since the Keefee
religion center on the Dalberry tree. savannahs only have tribal Dalberry
Spiritual Rating: 14 Other miracles involve the savannahs trees, and roots form a part of each
Community Rating: 12 and personal health. Keefee family's horne. If the controlled
Difficulty: 11 tree has a shallow root network, it can
Range: touch be completely uprooted and made to
Duration: na Animate Tree pull itself along the ground using its
Effect: poisons the victim with ef- roots (speed value 5).
fects similar to a giant wasp sting Spiritual Rating: 14
Community Rating: 10 Poisonberry
This miracle delivers a poisonous Difficulty: 10
affliction exactly like the sting of a Range: touch Spiritual Rating: 10
giant wasp. The touch delivers sharp Duration: performance Community Rating: 9
pain, but does not cause the physical Effect: animates and controls a tree Difficulty: 11
damage that the thrust of the stinger Range: touch
does. However, the venom does dam- This prayer allows a Keefee to ani- Duration: na
age value 16, and if a KO result occurs, mate the branches and roots of a tree. Effect: turns fruits poisonous
The tree can be made to strike with its

Torg: The Land Below

only and the invoker experiences any success, although the Lallap may ma-
This miracle will turn any natural strong emotions that were evoked re- nipulate items, those in that area may
fruit that is still on the vine or tree into cently in the area. Average success al- only harm him by other miracles.
a poisonous sac. The fruit remains lows deeper empathy, picking up trace
poisonous even after the fruit has been emotions from further away or longer
removed. The poison has a damage ago. Good success allows empathy and Leopard Men
value of 18 if ingested. The faith totalis blurred, dream-like visions of past
the number of fruits poisoned by the events. Superior allows empathy and The miracles of the Leopard Men
miracle. The Keefee use this spell on clearer visions. Spectacular allows the are based around the principles of
the berries for bait in traps or to poison invoker clear postcognitive visions of praying for the souls of the living and
herbivores feasting on the tribe's tree. the area, complete empathy, and the offering sacrifices to the guardianspir-
whistling of the wind in the grass will its of unliving things. The miracles
Seedberry recreate many of the sounds of the will only work under certain condi-
scene for all nearby to hear (others tions. Many of the Leopard Men
Spiritual Rating: 10 nearby may generate a Spirit total ofll miracles have no Community Rating
Community Rating: 9 or higher to divine the meaning). because they are always practiced
Difficulty: 10 alone. The rituals are for appeasing
Range: touch Speak with Tree the spirits and are only performed by
Duration: na the females.
Effect: produces a seed bearing Spiritual Rating: 14
dalberry Community Rating: 11 Steal the Essence of the Wilter
This simple ritual takes only a few Difficulty: 13
moments, as the Keefee gather around Range: touch Spiritual Rating: 14
their Dalberry tree and begin chanting Duration: performance Community Rating: na
in unison. The result is a berry with a Effect: allows communication with Difficulty: 11
seed, which is taken by several Keefee trees Range: self
into the savannahs. The fruit is planted This prayer is almost identical to Duration: na
in a distant location, providing a home speak with grass. The Keefee Lallap will Effect: heals a wound by drinking
for a new or relocated tribe. This often use this miracle if he is unsure of water
miracle may only be used twice on a what to do or if a confusing omen has
particular Dalberry tree. It is unknown come from the tree. In essence, the Leopard Men injured during a hunt
if Dalberry trees can reproduce with- Lallap is both getting information will often seek out a stream, spring, or
out this miracle. about the tree's past and is also asking river and partake of the water's es-
ita question aboutwhatit "thinks" the sence to heal wounds. Successfully
Speak with Grass future is. performing this miracle and drinking
Minimal success grants the user a from a natural source of water will
Spiritual Rating: 13 murky vision concerning the question restore any of the following: one
Community Rating: 12 and also gives a detailed vision of wound, all shock points, or a "K" or
Difficulty: 11 anything that occurred within the past "0" condition. The miracle will work
Range: touch 24 hours. Average grants a murky vi- on the same individual only once per
Duration: performance sion about the question and detailed day.
Effect: allows limited communica- knowledge of the past "week". Good
tion with grasses success gives clear vision of the past Consume the
"week" and gives a brief glimpse of Leopard's Heart
This prayer allows a Keefee Lallap the exact location and the individuals
to communicate with grass and other involved in the omen. Sllperiorsuccess Spiritual Rating: 14
simple plants. The communication can give the user a "minute's" worth of Community Rating: na
take several different forms, depend- sight, sound and touch concerning the Difficulty: 12
ing on the success level of the miracle. omen (the character may not manipu- Range: self
To use the miracle, the Lallap sits on late anything, though). Spectacular suc- Duration: 31 (2.5 weeks)
the ground and stares deeply at the cess gives the user a minute's worth of Effect: raises attributes by eating
grass. After a few seconds, the Lallap's sight, sound and touch, and the char- the heart of a great leopard
body will start swaying, as if moved acter may manipulate items as if he
by a gentle breeze, while he whistles a were present, although nothing may For a boy to become a man among
high pitched song. The song is the be "brought through" after the miracle the Leopard Man race, he must hunt
means by which the Lallap communi- ends. To the individuals that are the down a great leopard and kill it single-
cates with the grass. Use the faith total subject of the miracle, it is as if an handedly. When he eats the heart of
to determine the level ofsuccess. Mini- invisible creature is able to move things the great cat, the boy becomes a man in
mal success grants simple empathy around. In the case of a spectacular the eyes of his people. This miracle is

•• 70
Chapter Six

gies as his own. The miracle will raise

some of the user's attributes, although
L earning Miracles from Other Cosms the exact effects are highly variable
depending on the animal.
When the miracle is used, compare
It is possible for characters When making the invocation ihe the user's faith total to each attribute of
with the foclIS skill to acquire Condition Modifier chart on page the creature, reading any results on
miracles from other cosms. Three 127 of the Torg RlIlebook is in ef- the Power Push Table. The attribute
conditions must be met before it fecI. increases to the corresponding Power
is even possible to acquire a li this invocation is success- Push result up to the animal's attribute.
miracle. ful, the miracle is granted. The
1. The religious beliefs of the character may now pray for this Ritual of the Hunting Totem
faith from which the miracle miracle as he would any other
originates must be compatible miracle with which he is famil- Spiritual Rating: 15
with the beliefs of the religion of iar. If the invocation is unsuc- Community Rating: 13
the character acquiring the cessful, the character is denied Difficulty: 15
miracle. that miracle, now and forever. Range: touch
Example: The faith of the When attempting to acquire a Duration: na
Cyberpope explicitly denies to miracle, a player may play cards Effect: creates a hunting totem
the validity of other religions. for his character, but may not
A character with Cyber-papist trade or receive cards from any The Leopard Men are very territo-
faithand focus collld not learn other player. Acquiring a miracle rial, and will often kill intruding hu-
miracles frOIll any other COSIll. is a private affair between a char- manoids. However, the hunting land
2. The character acquiring the acter of faith and his deity. claimed by each tribe is too vast to be
miracle must be able to explain The particulars of the miracle regularly patrolled, so it plants wooden
the miracle as a function of his remain the same, except for the posts called hunting totems to warn of
own religion. If the player can- spiritual rating. If the person who intruders. Each two meter tall hunting
not explain to the gamemaster has acquired the miracles has a totem is decorated with carved animal
how the miracle could bea mani- higher spiritual axiom than the faces looking every direction.
festation of his character's faith, miracle, the miracle's spiritual The women of a tribe will come
the character cannot acquire the rating is raised to match the together for the four hour ritual to
miracle. character's. If the character has a create a Single hunting totem. The men
3. The character must have lower spiritual axiom, the spiri- then take finished poles and plant them
witnessed the miracle. tual rating remains the same. at the borders of their hunting ground.
To acquire the miracle, the For example, miracles from When a humanoid crosses the
character must invoke his deity the Living Land are easier to ac- boundary line between two hunting
(page 127 of the Torg RlIlebook) quire than those from Core Earth, totems, they must pass a Spirit test at
using the spiritual axiom of the but are likely to cause four-case difficulty number 10. If the intruder
cosm to which the miracle be- contradictions anywhere but the succeeds with a good result or better,
longs. Gaining Living Land Living Land. Core Earth miracles they may pass through the tribe's ter-
miracles is done using the spiri- are more difficult to obtain, but ritory without penalty and without
tual axiom of the Living Land. cause fewer contradictions. triggering the totems. If a humanoid
fails the test, he suffers a fatigue result,
but the shock points will not be re-
moved until the character leaves the
tribe's territory. Additionally, the fail-
cast by the young man to capture the Power of the Beast ure will allow the totem to send a
power of the leopard's soul and make
Spiritual Rating: 14 psychic warning to the woman who
it his own. Compare the boy's faith
Community Rating: na served as the focus for the hunting
total to the leopard's Spirit, reading
Difficulty: 12 totem ritual. She will lapse into uncon-
the results on the power push table.
Range: self sciousness and will be able to see
The boy may add the power push to
Duration: 25 (one day) through the eyes of the hunting totem
any attribute except Mind, or divide
Effect: captures an animal's power to get a good view of the intruder.
the result among any number of at-
to raises the user's attributes Those who passed the test with at least
tributes. The miracle's benefits are in
effect for a time value of 31 (two and a a good result are invisible to her spirit
half "weeks"). This miracle is only After a kill, the Leopard Man hunter sighl.
invokes this miracle to both honor the Leopard Men will respond to intru-
used once in a lifetime by each Leop-
ardMan. dead animal and to take its life ener- sions by sending a group of hunters to
hunt them down.

Torg: The Land Below

Ritual of Tree Bracing Animal Sounds tempt to pass through it. The area of
jungle that is affected by the miracle
Spiritual Rating: 10 Spiritual Rating: 10 has a radius equal to the faith total of
Community Rating: 10 Community Rating: 10 the miracle (the radius may exceed the
Difficulty: 10 Difficulty: 10 range). Only jungle areas may be af-
Range: touch Range: 5 00 meters) fected by this miracle. Any member of
Duration: na Duration: 18 (one hour) the community that participated in
Effect: strengthens tree branches Effect: allows the mimicking of any the miracle may pass through the
and makes them rigid animal jungle without danger.
Those caught within the area of the
This two hour ritual is used by the This miracle allows the recipient to living jllngle will be attacked by the
mother of a family to periodically exactly reproduce the sound of any jungle every round (use the faith total
strengthen her family's house tree. mammal or bird native to Merretika. as the skill, but treat it as an 'manned
Each result point adds +1 to the tree's No actual communication is possible combat attack). The vines and trees do
TOllghness. Further uses of the ritual with animals, but such effects as mat- damage value 12 each round that a
must produce more result points than ing calls, danger signals, etc. of the character is trapped until the charac-
the original miracle to add any addi- animals may be reproduced. This is ter generates a Strength total higher
tional protection to the tree. For ex- used as a means of disguising commu- than the faith total to break free. Any
ample, the priestess gets four result nication between members of the tribe; character trying to pass through the
points for her original casting and in- to understand the message, the other affected area must make a stealth total
creases her tree's TOllglllless by +4. She members must make beat a Perceptiol1 of 15 or have her movement halved.
use the miracle again and gets 6 result difficulty of 10, while non-tribal mem-
points, giving the tree another +2 to bers must beat a difficulty of 15. Painless Kill
TOllghlless. The ritual takes two hours
and requires sacrifices of berries and Calm Beast Spiritual Rating: 11
beetles to the tree's guardian spirit. Community Rating: 12
Spiritual Rating: 8 Difficulty: 16
Ritual of Tree Weaving Community Rating: 9 Range: touch
Difficulty: 10 Duration: first hit in combat
Spiritual Rating: 13 Range: voice Effect: the first blow struck causes
Community Rating: 12 Duration: 18 (one hour) additional damage, but results in
Difficulty: 14 Effect: an enraged or attacking ani- no pain
Range: touch mal can be made peaceful
Duration: 18 (one hour) This powerful miracle is often used
Effect: makes the branches of a tree This miracle calms any attacking in conjunction with the ceremonial
soft and flexible animal. Compare the user's faith to killing of animals (or humans!) to make
the target's Spirit, and if there is a good the death a quick and painless one.
This ritual is used by a family's or better success, the animal is calmed. The miracle may be invoked at any
head female to prepare the family tree A calm creature will cease any violent time, but is not activated until the user
house. After the three hour ritual, the actions (unless later attacked) and makes an lInarmed combat hit. The dam-
entire tribe joins together to weave the leave the area. This miracle will not age value of the miracle is 10 plus the
soft branches of the tree into the floor, work when the user is the aggressor faith total, but the attack causes no
walls, and ceiling of a house. Once the (such as being in an animal's den). By pain (KO and wound results are
house is completed, the ritllal of tree the end of the miracle's duration, the counted normally, but shock points
bracing will be performed to seal the animal usually has left the area. aren't taken). This damage replaces
branches into the new sha pe. normal lInarmed combat damage. The
Living Jungle victim may not realize he has been
gravely injured.
Ohibi Spiritual Rating: 14
Community Rating: 12 Pass Quietly
The following are special miracles Difficulty: 15
that only an Ohibi with the foClls skill Range: 10 0 00 meters) Spiritual Rating: 7
can perform. Mehret-Ahn is the only Duration: performance Community Rating: 10
Ohibi with the skill at this time and Effect: the plants of the jungle come Difficulty: 10
will freely perform these rituals on the alive to entrap those who pass Range: touch
hunters of the tribe when it is war- through it Duration: 18 (one hour)
ranted. Effect: any inadvertent sound is si-
This miracle causes the vines, lenced
grasses, and trees of the jungle to come This miracle allows the recipient to
"alive" and entangle those who at- move through any environment with-

72 . . .~
Chapter Six

out making a sound, although she can Cloud of Ash This miracle may only be cast while
willingly make sounds. For example, the god is Karruk. The Fire Priest grabs
the snapping ofa twig ina forest would Spiritual Rating: 14 a handful of soil and throws it into the
be blanked out, but if the recipient Community Rating: 12 air. The soil bursts into flame and falls
would like to whisper to a friend, his Difficulty: 14 /12 to the ground (it will not burn any-
voice may be heard. Effectively, this Range: 11 (150 meters) thing or cause damage though). All
miracle give a +8 bonus to the stealth Duration: performance soil within a 600 meter radius becomes
skill in circumstances where the re- Effect: creates a cloud of ash fertile and crops are able to grow. When
cipient may only be detected by sound the volcano god changes demeanor to
(sneaking through a darkened cave, This miracle produces a cloud of evil, the land that he once made fertile
ete.). volcanic ash 100 yards in diameter. through this miracle reverts to its nor-
Anything trapped in the cloud will be mal state. Compare the faith total to
Power of Mehret unable to see one meter away, and will the difficulty: with a superior or spec-
begin to suffocate from the ash (dam- tacular result, the ground will remain
Spiritual Rating: 11 age value nine each round). Armor fertile even after Darok returns.
Community Rating: na will not help against suffocation, but
Difficulty: 11 gas masks or air tanks will prevent Flame Aura
Range: 1 (one meter) damage.
Duration: 25 (one day) Spiritual Rating: 15
Effect: increases an attribute Darok's Breath Community Rating: 12
Difficulty: 16/10
This is a powerful miracle that Spiritual Rating: 15 Range: self
Mehret-Ahn normally performs only Community Rating: 11 Duration: 10 (100 seconds)
on himself. He can perform it only in Difficulty: 16/12 Effect: surrounds the body in flames
the Ohibi temple within the caves (see Range: 10 (100 meters)
Chapter Three: Merretika) and when he Duration: 7 (25 seconds) Successful use of this prayer will
has possession of a sliver of the Sphere. Effect: causes a miniature volcanic turn the priest's body into a mass of
Mehret-Ahn places theSpheresliver eruption flames. Flammable items carried or
within the statuette and kneels before worn at the time will burst into flame
it, chanting numerous praises to This miracle persuades the god to and soft metals will melt away. Un-
Mehret. Numerous bolts of energy breath upon the surface of the land armed combat attacks from the flaming
emerge from the statuette, scorching wherever the priest desires. The figure do normal damage plus fire
his skin black and causing pain. Com- ground at that location will immedi- damage of value 16. Striking the burn-
pare his faith value to the difficulty ately begin to bulge and crack, hissing ing figure with an unarmed combat at-
number, reading the result on the steam. The following round it will ex- tack inflicts damage value 16 on the
Power Push Table. The number may plode like a volcano, erupting lava attacker. In addition, the priest has +5
be added to anyone attribute or di- high into the air. armor protection against attacks from
vIded up among any number of at- Anyone within 10 meters of the site weapons of soft metal or wood. This is
tributes. The additional power may be will suffer damage value 24 from the a spell of Darok.
granted to other people as well. explosion. The rent in the earth will
For each use of the miracle beyond continue to hiss steam for another Flame Ward
the first in a given 24-hour period, round and then close up the following
increase the difficulty by +7. round. Spiritual Rating: 13
Community Rating: 10
Fertility Difficulty: 12/14
Pyrian Fire Tamers Spiritual Rating: 11
Range: touch
Duration: 17 (40 minutes)
The miracles of the Pyrians reflect Community Rating: 10 Effect: protects the body from heat
the two natures of their god. The Difficulty: 11/ -
miracles either bring about destruc- Range: 15 (600 meters) This miracle will give the receiver a
tion or protection; there are very few Duration: see below +8 bonus against heat-based damage
which divine or perceive. Many of the Effect: changes the ground into fer- (this category does not include energy
miracles list two difficulties, the first tile soil weapons).
number for when the god is Karruk
and second for when the god is Darok.

Torg: The Land Below

Chapter Seven

Pulp Powers
he Land Belows fringe but the Land Below, the tech rating
reality offers many must be ignored.
things tha t will surprise The powers new to the Land Below
visitors, not the least of are as follows:
which is that some char-
acters have pulp powers. Unlike the Adrenaline
Nile Empire powers, which are a by-
product of weird sciellce, the powers of Advenltue Cost: 3
the Land Below are generated by the Action Value: TOU +2
high magic and spirit axioms and the Range: Self
Law of Savagery (see Chapter Five: This power allows a character to
Axiomsalld World LillUS). The primitive regulate the flow of adrenaline in his
and spiritual reality of the Land Below body, thereby allowing him to find
allows inhabitants to have uncanny reserves of energy when otherwise
abilities to communicate with animals, impossible. The character is capable of
enhance one's combat abilities, and be great feats of strength and endurance,
more in tune with the naltual and removing all shock points and increas-
savage environment. These powers are ing Strellgth and Dexterity. This may
a gift of birth, or can only be gained by be done only twice per 24-hour period
eating magical berries or some other without suffering deleterious side-ef-
mystic or spiritual ritual; there are no fects as a result of the effort.
gizmos in the Land Below. The difficulty of the power's use is
Characters from other realms may determined by the value of the mea-
accidently gain these powers as a re- sure of time that the character wants to
sult of specific adventures set up by be "pumped up." If the character wants
the gamemaster. These powers are to be wired for one minute (measure
only available to possibility-rated char- of 60 seconds), then the difficulty is 9.
acters. If the roll is failed, then the character
Several Land Below pulp powers overloaded his body and receives no
function identically to powers in the bonuses (the power is burned out un-
Nile Empire. However, Nile Empire til the character spends three possi-
pulp po\vers are a one-case contradic- bilities to "renew" the power).
tion in the Land Below. Land Below If successful, read the result points
pulp powers are specifically attuned on the Power Push Table, and add the
to the magic and spiritual axioms and result to Strellgth and Dexterity for the
the Law of Savagery and create a one- power's duration. The character also
case contradiction in the Nile Empire removes all shock points.
and all other realms. There are no side-effects following
The following powers, which ap- this flow of adrenaline unless this
pear in the Nile Empire sourcebook power is used more than twice per
and the Torg Worldbook, are available "day." For each use beyond the sec-
to Land Below characters. The avail- ond, shock damage will not be healed
able powers are: animal friend, jump, and add +1 to the difficulty to activate
mega-hearing, mega-scent, mega- the power. In addition, one shock point
sight, nllming, super attribute, super is inflicted for each round the power is
skill, swimming, and ultra-sight. Since used.
the Land Below versions of these pow-
ers create a c~mtradiction everywhere

Chapter Seven

Animal Companion the power must be content to only Claws

speak to the animal (the animal can
Adventure Cost: 3 understand the character). Adventure Cost: 2/ 3
Action Value: CHA+5 The animal will also accept atti- Action Value: STR+3
Range: Unlimited tudes toward others as does its "mas- Range: Self
Much like the animal friend pulp ter." Therefore, friends of the master This power very conveniently al-
power described in the Nile Empire become friends of the animal, though lows fighting types to never be caught
sourcebook, the animal companion there's no mistaking where the without a weapon. Claws on the
power allows the possessor to have a animal's ultimate loyalty rests. Because character's hands maybe used in com-
particular animal companion that is of this, the animal will seek out friends bat to inflict STR+3 damage. The un-
unshakably loyal. The possessor ofthis ofits masterif something happens to anned combat skill is used to attack
power does not have any influence the character. It can understand oth- with the claws. At the gamemaster's
whatsoever overany animal other than ers so long as they speak in the same discretion, some other sort of natural
his companion. language as its master, but no one else weaponry can substituted for claws
The bond between the animal and can communicate with it without (fangs, horns, or whatever).
character is unbreakable. The animal miracles or magic. The variable costs depends on
will sacrifice itself to protect the char- The only time a total needs to be whether or not the claws are retract-
acter, and the character should bewiIl- generated for this power is when the able. If so, then the adventure cost is 3.
ing to do the same. Additionally, this character sends his companion on a Retracted claws are not noticeable, so
power allows for very complicated dangerous mission. The total must this is an excellent way to smuggle a
communication between the man (or exceed the animal's Spirit. "weapon" into an area where they are
whatever) and animal. On some sub- otherwise forbidden. The power is
conscious level the animal is able to lion" at all times.
precisely convey whatever message it
desires to its friend; the possessor of

Torg: The Land Below

Far Vision Regeneration heals naturally. Other characters can

cancel possibilities spent to improve
Adventure Cost: 2 Adventure Cost: 5 the regeneration roll.
Value: MIN+I0 Action Value: TaU
Range: Power Value Range: Self Sense Magic
This power allows the user to see This very potent power allows the
what is happening to companions or instant recovery from wounds. When Adventure Cost: 1
acquaintances. To activate the power, the power is activated, the possessor Value: PER+7
the user must choose one specific per- may remove either an "0" condition, Range: Power Value
son. If that particular person is within a "K" condition, or lower her \vound This power allows the possessor to
the power's range, the user can "see" level by one. It takes only one round to sense most forms of active magic
in his mind's eye what is happening to reduce damage. a's, K's and wounds within range. The power can be acti-
the character. The power has a dura- must be removed in that order (i.e., an vated for up to ten minutes, and may
tion of three rounds, and may be used a must be removed before a wound not be used more than once every 12
once per hour. can be removed). Shock points cannot hours.
The vision is 10 meters away from be healed with this power. Todetermine if the character knows
the subject of the far vision, and may The power's difficulty depends where the magic is, compare the power
not be controlled by theuser(although upon the type ofdamage being healed: total to the casting total of the magic to
the power always allows an an "0" or "K" result requires the char- be detected. If there is more than one
unobstructed view of the target). If the acter to roll TOllglmess-3. To remove a magical item or effect functioning,
target moves, the vision will follow wound, the character must roll against compare each item separately. If the
the target. The vision also includes a difficulty equal to her TOllghness. To power total equals or exceeds the cast-
sound, but has no smell or tactile sen- reduce a heavy wound to a wound, ing total, the power user will know
sations. This power may only be used the difficulty is equal to her TOllgh- that the item is magical and active, as
to spy on specific characters, not loca- nes5+3, while reducing a mortal wound well as the skill, pattern knowledge
tions, and may not be used to see to a heavy wound requires rolling and realm of origin. The character will
across dimensional boundaries. against a difficulty of TOllghnes5+6. see the magical items glow (no one
However, there is one major re- else will see this change), and will
striction to this power. As soon as a instinctively "know" this information.
regeneration roll is failed, the charac- This power will detect active mag-
ter cannot attempt to regenerate that ics (spells) and anything with stored
particular wound again, nor may she magics (including wards) or imbued
proceed to attemptto regenerate other with mystic energy.
wounds, until that level of damage

• I
Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

Creatures and Folk

of Merretika
1111 "~",,.- w"hLand
much like the entire
Below. Within the domed
world huge mammals
Test (15)
Charm (12), persuasion (11), taunt
(carnivorous and her- (8)
bivorous) dominate the land, but gi- SPIRIT 3
ant lizards, mammoth insects, and Intimidation (8)
huge predatory birds are here as well. Possibility Potential: none
In fact, it wouldn't be unusual for ad- Natural Tools: hide (armor value
venturing Storm Knights to encounter TaU +2/12), teeth (damagevalueSTR
may different kinds of animals even in -+4/12), tail (damage value STR +1/9)
the shortest journeys - it would tie in
nicely with the lush jungles, awe-in- Cave Bear
spiring forgotten temples and incred-
ible waterways which dominate the A fearsome and fearless carnivore
land. Some creatures are easy to spot wherever it decides to wander in
from a great distance, but most are Merretika, the gigantic cave bear tow-
experts at hiding themselves from pry- ers five meters high when upright on
ing eyes. Creatures from other realms its hind legs. The creature has a vora-
have even entered Merretika, although cious appetite and will rarely back
they are few in number and mostly down once it has committed itself to
limited to the flying lizards of the Liv- gaining its prey. Cave bears are only
ing Land. found in the Mountains of the Beast.

Arhet Crom Cave Bear

Ahret crams are fierce crocodiles Dodge 13, maneuver 12, running
native to the jungles ofMerretika. They 14, stealth 13, unarmed combat 15
are about four meters long, with a grey STRENGTH 18
hide. They spend most of their time in TOUGHNESS 19
the rivers, waiting for prey to approach PERCEPTION 14
the shores. Once a character has been Find 16, track 17
bitten by an arhet crom, the character MINDS
must make a Strength total of 16 to Test (18)
break the vice-like grip of the crea- CHARISMA 7
tures jaws. Charm (13), persuasion (13), taunt
ArhetCrom SPIRIT 6
DEXTERITY 8 Intimidation 16
Running 12, stealth 10, unarmed Possibility Potential: none
combat 12 Natural Tools: fur (armor value
STRENGTH 8 TaU +3/22),claws(damagevalueSTR
TOUGHNESS 10 +3/21), teeth (damage value STR +1/
Find 10, track 9, trick (8)

iW~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -••~
~ 77
Torg: The Land Below


II 78
Chapter Eight

Caleacon Deathcat Ghouls

One of the most-feared creatures in The deathcat is one of the most The ghouls of the Land Below are
Merretika, especially among the dangerous creatures of the Land Be- slightly tougher than the creatures
Pyrians, the caleacon is a huge (three low, primarily due to its magically known to inhabit Aysle, but their mo-
meters at the shoulder), four-legged enhanced darkness attack. The crea- tivations are the same. They feed on
lizard that makes its home in the lava ture appears to be made of shadow, corpses, but enjoy killing living crea-
pools in the southern portion of the but has the form of a cat. Even in full tures in preparation for a fine feast.
world. An extremely thick hide and a light it seems to be a creature made of Ghouls appear to be grey rotting
burning hot metabolism allows these pure darkness. Because of this natural corpses, with fangs and long claws.
creatures to survive such searing tem- camoflauge, it has a +3 to all stealth They are quite strong and are almost
peratures. attempts whenever it hides in shad- silent when moving. They normally
Amidst the lava, these deep-orange ows. The creature also uses a darkness hunt in groups, and then fight among
skinned beasts are almost invisible attack, leaping at travelers and con- themselves over the kill (see the cover
(Perception or find total of 20 to spot). suming them with the blackness of of this product).
One of the most dangerous aspects of death (an unarmed combat attack). Cal-
this beast is its dreaded ability to radi- culate damage normally, but if the Ghouls
ate a burning heat comparable to that creature is able to cause a total of seven DEXTERITY 13
in which it lives. This drains the beast wounds, the unlucky victim has been Dodge 14, lock-picking 14, stealth
because of the huge expenditure of entirely consumed by the darkness. 14, unarmed combat 16
energy involved (it looses two shock Victims may negate the effects of the STRENGTH 12
points), but all beings within range darkness attack through use of dark- Lifling14
suffer a damage value 20 attack. These ness spells cast upon himself (see the TOUGHNESS 13
creatures also havean effective +2 TaU Principle of Definition: if the target's PERCEPTION 7
against all heat attacks, but a -2 TaU casting total is higher than the Find 10, tracking 8, trick (2)
against all cold attacks. creature's casting total, i.e., the effect MINDS
While these creatures seem to gain value after being' modified with the Test 8, willpower 21
a lot of the food energy they need to bonus number, then the attack is ne- CHARISMA 6
survive from the heat of lava, they gated). Charm (9), persuasion (1), taunt
apparently enjoy the taste of meat, for The deathcat is extremely rare, but (9)
they never pass up a chance to have it. it can be found anywhere in the cav- SPIRIT 7
In fact, caleacons sometimes attack the erns ofthe Land Below or Merretika. It Intimidation 9
settlements of the nearby Pyrians with- doesn't seem to require water or sleep; Possibility Potential: none
out provocation apparently just to dine it is believed that it derives its suste- Natural Tools: Claws (damage
on flesh. nance from the life forces of its vic- vaIueSTR +2/14), fangs (damage value
tims. STR +2/14)
Caleacon Note: Immune to KO conditions. If
DEXTERITY 10 Deathcat Hero Setback card comes up, characters
Swimming 12, unarmed combat 14 DEXTERITY 11 flee in fear if intimidated.
STRENGTH 21 Dodge 12, stealth 16, unarmed com-
TOUGHNESS 21 bat 14
Find 12, trick (0) TOUGHNESS 10
MIND 4 PERCEPTION 6 These great cats dominate the for-
Test (2) Survival 9, test (6) ests and jungles of Merretika, where
CHARISMA 3 MIND 3 their spotted hides allow them to cam-
Charm (3), persuasion (2), taunt Find 6, trick (0) ouflage beautifully with the shadows
(0) CHARISMA 6 and trees. They normally strike first
SPIRIT 8 Charm (2), persuasion (1), taunt by pouncing from a tree. If their quarry
Intimidation 22 OS) is capable of flight after that blow, the
Possibility Potential: some (70) SPIRIT 4 leopard can often run the victim down.
Natural Tools: hide (armor value Intimidation (9) Though very rare, some great leop-
TOU +4/25), fangs (damagevalueSTR Possibility Potential: some (60) ards have completely black pelts. There
+ 4/25), claws (damage value STR +2/ Natural Tools: Darkness attack are no statistical differences between
23), heat (damage value 20, 25/50/ (damage value 29 - see text), dark the normal and "black panther" types.
100) hide (armor value TaU +4/14)

Torg: The Land Below

Great Leopard SPIRIT 10 wings and sharp teeth. It is a reddish-

DEXTERITY 13 Intimidation (8) brown in coloration, which gives
Dodge 15, long jumping 16,maneu- Possibility Potential: none ample warning to any creatures in the
ver 14, running 15, stealth 14, un- Natural Tools: fur (armor value area. It seems to feed on the plants
armed combat 16 TOU +1/14), teeth (damagevalueSTR growing out of the base of the obe-
STRENGTH 12 +1/13), claws (damage value STR +2/ lisks. It ferociously defends the area
TOUGHNESS 13 14) immediately around the obelisks.
Find 17, track 17 Huevenge Huevenge
Test OS) The huevenge is a solitary flying Dodge 14, flying 15, unarmed com-
CHARISMA 5 creature found only near the Temple bat 16
Charm (0), persuasion (9), taunt of the Abominari in the north. It is STRENGTH 14
(2) about three meters tall, with large Lifting 16
Find 10, tracking 9, trick (4)
Test (5)
Charm 0]), persuasion (0), taunt
Intimidation (6)
Possibility Potential: none
Natural Tools: hide (armor value
TOU +2/17), teeth (damagevalueSTR
+4/18), wings (speed value 13)

These crafty, forest-dwelling ro-
dents are remarkable in that they are
often possibility-rated. Because they
are social animals, radar are found
living in groups of up to one thousand
individuals, though communities of a
couple hundred are more common.
This tendency toward working to-
gether makes them fearsome oppo-
nents in combat when they swarm
over their victim (use the Many-on-
One chart, al though up to 25 can swarm
a man-sized target at once).
Rodar are about the size of a Core
Earth rat, but seem a little smaller due
to their short hair. They show a sur-
prising amount of intelligence, and
often are beneficial to peaceful and
kind people near them. They have been
known to chew the straps from bound
men, gnaw nets that hold other ani-
mals, and gather and return items that
have been lost in the jungle.

• I
Chapter Eight

Rodar Intimidation 14 The noble jungle lord carries very

DEXTERITY 12 Possibility Potential: none little with him, but during his early
Dodge 16, maneuver 14, stealth 15, Natural Tools: fur (armor value travels he did find an eternity shard
unarmed combat 13 TaU +2/17),saberteeth (damage value that he wears on a thong around his
STRENGTH 3 STR +3/16), claws (damage value STR neck. Kord doesn't fully understand
TOUGHNESS 4 +2/15) the eternity shard, however, he does
PERCEPTION 14 know that he finds strength when he
Find 17 grasps it tightly and wills it. Note that
MINDS Personalities he cannot use the group power of the
CHARISMA 9 shard because he has no possibility-
SPIRIT 12 Though most of the areas of rated companions at present.
Possibility Potential: some (30) Merretika are dominated by groups of
Natural Tools: fur (armor value people, there are three forces in this Kord
TaU +1/5), teeth (damage value STR realm that demand attention and re- DEXTERITY 13
+1/4) spect though they are just individuals. Acrobatics 17,dodge 15,longjump-
ing 14, melee weapons 15, running
Srnileodon Kord 16, stealth 16, swimming 16, un-
armed combat 16
One of the most fearsome preda- Kord is a powerful possiblity-rated STRENGTH 13
tors of the plains regions of Merretika, individual and the self-proclaimed Climbing 14, lifting 14
the sabertooth tiger is a squat, stocky protector of the world. He was origi- TOUGHNESS 12
great cat that sports enlarged canines. nally a Core Earther. Since his trans- PERCEPTION 13
These curved teeth are often up to 20 formation, he is only vaguely aware Find 14, first aid 14, language 17,
centimeters long and are used to cut of the High Lords and their plans for scholar (Merretikan inhabitants)
through the thick hides ofthe elephants the subjugation of Earth. Kord is sim- 16, tracking 14, trick 13
and giant ground sloths upon which it ply a noble-hearted jungle lord who MIND 10
regularly feeds. acts in what he feels are the best inter- Smvival13, test 12, willpower 11.
Since their heavy, muscular frames ests of those he meets. CHARISMA 9
were not designed for running at terri- A young man who fell into the cav- SPIRIT 12
bly great speeds, the sabertooth tiger erns a short time ago, the Core Earther Reality 14
relies on ambush to gain its meals. aimlessly wandered. With the creation Possibilities: 14
However, speed is not essential when of the dim thread passages to Pulp Powers:
stalking such prey as the giant ground Merretika, he discovered the realm animal companion, ultra-sight
sloth. and soon transformed to the reality. Tools: spear (damage value STR
Once a victim has been speared by Kord has vague memories of "civi- +4/17), Fallg
the huge teeth of this cat, it must make lization" - his once-upon-a-time
a successfullllallellver test against the home in Michigan. He feels that he Fang
animal in order to escape. The tiger must have once lived with many
will automatically inflict damage each people like him, but he somehow be- Fang appears similar to a giant
round someone is impaled on one of came lost in the Land Below. He does carnivore's tooth, although it is cast in
the teeth. not resent his predicament, but has the familiar red and blue swirling
nonetheless wandered the length and stone.
Smileodon (Sabertooth Cat) breadth of the realm searching for clues
DEXTERITY 12 to his heritage. During these journeys Fang
Dodge 14, long jumping 14, maneu- he has studied all of the cultures; he Cosm: Land Below
ver 14, stealth 15, unarmed combat has developed a friendship only with Possibilities: 31
15 the Keefee, and is a sworn enemy of Tapping Difficulty: 15
STRENGTH 13 the Darooni. Purpose: To preserve the natural
TOUGHNESS 15 Though he is alone, Kord is not order in the Land Below.
PERCEPTION 13 lonely. He has managed to make Powers: Adds +2 to user's Strellgth
Find 15, tracking 16, trick (14) friends of many of the animals of the and TOllghlless for a time value equal
MINDS realm, and one has even become his to the reality total. Also gives the
Test (7) constant companion. Shakart is a pow- user the benefit of the pulp power
CHARISMA 6 erful male sabertooth tiger (use the animal frie1lds for the same time
Charm (0), persuasion (1), taunt statistics earlier in this chapter). Kord value.
(2) spends most of his time in the jungle Group Power: Herald
SPIRIT 7 near the Ohibi village and the plains.

Torg: The Land Below

Restrictions: No animals will as- Lathiar in sight, there is nothing that is more
sist the bearer unless he has consis- DEXTERITY 9 spectacular or more terrifying. While
tently acted in the interest of pre- Beast riding 11, dodge 10, melee not necessarily worshipped by any of
serving the savage nature of the weapons 10, stealth 10, swimming the people of the realm, Ungrosh is
Land Below. 11 certainly given wide berth and most
STRENGTH 8 villages are very prepared to offer
Lathiar the Mystic TOUGHNESS 9 mounds of food to him in the event
PERCEPTION 13 he should be hungry and wander
Lathiar is the most accomplished Alteration magic 16, divination near. Ungrosh has supposedly de-
mage of Merretika. He spends most of magicl7,find 14,language 15, track- voured whole herds of animals.
his time travelling the various regions ing 14 Ungrosh spends most of his time in
of this domed world, although he has MIND 13 the Mountains of the Beast.
been known to enter the caverns. Apportation magic 16, conjuration
Lathiar is a very pale human, magic 17, survival 15, test 16, will- Ungrosh
middle-aged and balding. Several power 16 DEXTERITY 13
wisps of grey hair always seem to be CHARISMA 10 Running 20, swimming 16, un-
partially obscuring his face, and he Persuasion 12 armed combat 17
only wears an animal skin loincloth. SPIRIT 9 STRENGTH 28
He has a keen interest in magics, but Intimidation 11, reality 14 Climbing 31, lifting 32
he is also protective of his homeland. Possibilities: 17 TOUGHNESS 26
He has a small hut in the northern- Pulp Powers: far vision PERCEPTION 20
most regions of Merretika, a few kilo- Arcane Knowledges: Avian 2, dark- Find 23, tracking 22
meters from the Wild River. He has ness 3, earth 2, earthly 4, enchanted 1, MIND 7
good relations with many of the Keefee engineering 1, fire 4, folk 6, inanimate Test (16)
tribes, although he generally avoids forces 2, light 2, living forces 3, magic CHARISMA 6
the Leopard Men and the Darooni 3, metal 1, plant 4, water 3 Taunt (12)
Wasp Riders. He has been known to Tools: knife (STR +3/11), loincloth, SPIRIT 13
spend some time in the company of several pouches with spell components Intimidation 19, reality 15
the Ohibi, but he doesn't truly trust Note: Ungrosh's movement limit
them. He avoids the Pyrian nations, Ungrosh value is 14.
but has taught the independent Pyrian Possibilities: 9
tribes many defensive spells to help Ungrosh is as close as you come to Natural Tools: fur (armor value
protect them from the Pyrian slaving an unstoppable force in the Land Be- TOU +2/28), fists (damage valueSTR
raids. low. This gigantic black ape towers at +1/29), bite (damage value STR +2/
a height of twenty meters. When he is 30), stomp (damage value STR +5/33)

•• 82
Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

III =pd",m U
ous jungles of " Leop-
the "ff
ard Men. Discover the se-
crets of the Ohibi. Battle
venture, the characters run across a
man with some very interesting infor-
mation. The man is just a gossip and
doesn't remember who told him this
the ever-encroaching latest bit of news, but he assures the
presence of the Nile Empire. Travel to Storm Knights that the news is accu-
the bottom of the Misty Gorge. Deal rate and recent.
with the powerful Pyrian Empire. The informant tells the characters
What makes the Land Below unique that he has heard more news of the
in the Torg universe is that there is no Pharaoh's operations in the Land of
central villain. The realm is an un- the Dead. A sizable convoy of trucks
known, waiting for exploration. There carted a full-load of supplies to some
is no active High Lord to oppose. How- of the mining caves of the region. He
ever, that doesn't mean that Storm admits that's not so strange, but what
Knights will have an easy time of it. is peculiar is that these particular caves
Petty warlords, dangerous creatures were closed a while ago because they
and wondrous sights await those who were deemed unstable. Plus, this con-
enter the fringe reality. voy included a large complement of
Once a group of Storm Knights have weird scientists. Another peculiarity
entered the Land Below, there are two is that the shocktroopers were seen
main ways of pushing ad ventures carrying around bows, spears, and
along: have one of the players use one arrows.
of the Land Below templates and fun- He will try to convince the Storm
nel her information, or use the jungle Knights to give him money for direc-
lord Kord to send the Storm Knights tions to the area. However, he will
on their way. relay the directions to them even if
In this section are outlines of a few they don't seem to be too interested.
possible adventures in the Land Be- The gamemaster may want to include
low. One of the ideas involves the several encounters on the way to the
characters' discovery of the realm, Land of the Dead.
while two more detailed adventures The convoy is being sent to the Land
are set entirely in the realm. Adven- Below. These troops, skilled in melee
ture hooks round out the chapter. combat, will replace the ones currently
neartheOhibi village. Unless the char-
acters wait a long time before investi-
A World gating, the exchange will not have been
made by the time they arrive. If the
Discovered characters find the convoy, they will
discover nearly a dozen shocktroopers
This adventure allows the,charac- guarding the tunnel entrance which
ters a means of entering the Land Be- leads directly to the pit.
low through the Nile Empire entrance. As the characters watch, a small
While this is certainly the most inter- group of men approach the guards
esting entrance to Merretika, the char- and prepare to enter. The characters
acters will also immediately realize are too far away to hear the conversa-
that Mobius has discovered the realm. tion, but the visitors obviously do not
If you want to keep this fact a secret, know where to go. In plain Sight of the
the adventure is inappropriate. characters, the guards use hand mo-
After spending an evening in a Cairo tions to give the visitors directions
gin-joint celebrating a successful ad- through the winding caverns. If the

Torg: The Land Below

characters can memorize the direc- priate action (turn off the machine, for hand-held levitation gizmo used by
tions, or succeed at a tracking roll with example). the first Nile Empire explorers in the
a difficulty of 15, they can find the Once at the bottom of the pit, the Land Below. The gizmo is explained
entrance to the Land Below in these characters will have to find their way in Chapter Three: Merretika and gives
caves (once they get past the guards). to Merretika. This might only be ac- the Storm Knights a chance to get back
The levitation machine is guarded complishedaftera few encounters with home.
at all times. They may be able to ap- the lizards that roam the caverns. They
proach the Nile encampment unno- may even discover the Ohibi temple to The Spirit Shrine
ticed, but it will be very difficulty to Mehret.
get through the compound and to the Once they have found the exit, the Kord placed the gizmo in a location
machine unnoticed. characters will have to sneak or battle where he was sure it would be safe-
their way through the shocktrooper the top of an ancient shrine buried in
The Ride Down encampment in order to gain the op- the jungle near the Ohibi village. The
portunity to explore the remainder of shrine was the burial ground of an
It is quite possible that a firefight the realm. The entire realm is then ancient race of people now gone from
will break out for control of the levita- open to them. There is one minor prob- the Land Below and is protected by
tion machine (assuming the Storm lem - the Storm Knights may find it their spirits. There are four spirits in
Knights can figure out the gizmo's difficult to return to the surface of the the shrine. Feel free to also add any
purpose). Once the Storm Knights have Earth. While the levitation machine is assorted tricks and tra ps to the shrine
started the descent, it would be only an option, knowing trigger-happy that you've seen in your favorite ad-
fair for them to realize that there is characters, it's possible that they have venture films.
probably someone at the bottom of the eliminated this option.
cavern who is trying to figure out why After they have been in the domed Ancient Spirits
he can't radio to the levitation ma- world for some time, the characters
chine operator. If the Storm Knights are bound to encounter Kord. He Spirits of an ancient race that once
dawdle, someone from the convoy doesn't understand exactly how the inhabited this jungle area ofMerretika,
may enter the cavern and take appro- device works, but he stole the original, the beings will attack any who dare

Chapter Nine

enter their burial shrine. The spirits Possibilities: 3 rest and protect his beloved Sharta.
have a humanoid form, though their Equipment: ceremonial wooden About the lime the characters draw
skin is charred black. Each one carries rods (damage value STR +2/12) near the huge cave, a gigantic snake
a thick, beautifully carved wooden rod will approach and attack Ungrosh. In
that is wielded in combat. the confusion of the battle, a fight
The spirits will attemptsurprise and The Bride of Ungrosh Ungrosh will handily win after sev-
frighten away any intruders. Failing eral rounds, the characters should
this, they will resort to melee combat. An interesting encounter that can sweep in and rescue Sharta. While
Though not fierce opponents in com- take place anywhere in the Land Be- fleeing, the characters will have to
bat, they become more dangerous once low is one with the gigantic ape reach into their bag of tricks in order to
slain. When the telling blow is struck, Ungrosh. Though best played if near elude the angered and practically un-
the spirit's body goes up in flame and Ungrosh's home in the Mountains of harmed giant ape.
staggers about chaotically and inef- the Beast, the encounter can occur al-
fectively for a round. Meanwhile its most anywhere in Merrelika. Ungrosh
spirit lashes out with a possession at- To introduce Ungrosh, have the
tack on the one who destroyed itsbody. Knights travelling (either on a mission Ungrosh is a gigantic black ape,
Compare the spirit's possession total or for simple exploration) when they twenty meters tall. Whenheisinsight,
against the victim's Mind. The result hear a distant booming noise. The ter- there is nothing that is more spectacu-
points are the number of rounds that rain they are in will determine how lar or more terrifying. His heart has
the spirit may control the actions of soon they can see the giant ape ap- been taken by Sharta and he wishes
the character before losing its power proaching. Hopefully in the jungle at nothing more than to care for her and
and disappearing. The spirit will save the lime, the characters will not be able protect her. Obviously he is a lonely
a possibility point to increase this to- to make out the source of the noise creature.
tal. until Ungrosh is almost on top of them.
While the spirit is in control of the The beast has finally found a mate, Ungrosh
character, it has the skills and abilities or at least someone he cares for. Sharta DEXTERITY 13
of its host body: In addition, the spirit Ohtet, an explorer from the Nile Em- Running 20, swimming 16, un-
will use the host's possibilities to in- pire camp near the Ohibi village, has armed combat 17
crease attack values. The host may been scooped up by the ape and is STRENGTH 28
impede this use of his possibility en- being carried back to his home where Climbing 31, lifting 32
ergy by generating a Spirit total greater the beast plans to care and provide for TOUGHNESS 26
than the spirit's possession skill (nei- her. Always an attractive woman, PERCEPTION 20
ther party may use possibilities to in- Sharta has become an overwhelming Find 23, tracking 22
crease this total). The only action a beauty due to the Law of Savagery. MIND 7
character may take once he has been Her normally close-cropped hair has Test (16)
possessed is to battle the spirit's pos- sprouted into a glorious mane of knee- CHARISMA 6
session with Mind totals, reducing one length raven hair. Any Storm Knight Taunt (12)
round of the spirit's control for each in possession of a Romance subplot SPIRIT 13
result point the player gets. card should play it now! Intimidation 19, reality 15
About 10 hours after the spirits are Sharta and Ungrosh will notice the Note: Ungrosh's movement limit
slain, they reform as charred corpses characters and the ape will attempt to value is 14.
and renew their Vigil over their burial crush them as it continues toward its Possibilities: 9
chamber. mountain home. Sharta, on the other Natural Tools: fur (armor value
hand, will plead with the characters to TaU +2/ 28), fists (damage value STR
Ancient Spirits rescue her. However, if combat is ini- +1/29), bite (damage value STR +2/
DEXTERITY 9 tiated, it should be painfully obvious 30), stomp (damage value STR +5/ 33)
Maneuver 11, melee combat 12, to the characters thatthey will have to
stealth 11 follow the ape and hope to find some The Giant Snake
STRENGTH 10 way to trick him.
TOUGHNESS 10 Thejourney through the molintains The huge serpent that challenges
PERCEPTION 12 should be a difficult one for the Storm Ungrosh should come as a surprise to
Trick (20) Knights. The ape will cross a seem- the Storm Knights. Aside from the
MIND 13 ingly bottomless chasm that is spanned ape, they won't have encountered any
Test (20) only by the trunk of an enormous tree. giant creatures. It is about 35 meters
CHARISMA 9 If the characters are close on his tail, long, with a body over 4 meters in
Charm (18), persuasion (21), taunt Ungrosh will cross the chasm and set diameter. It is large enough to swal-
(20) Sharta down so he can roll the log back low a Storm Knight whole (an 1111-
SPIRIT 11 and forth to spill the characters into armed combat attack, but the
Intimidation 18, possession 15, re- the chasm. gamemaster states it is trying to swal-
ality 14 Finally at his home, Ungrosh will low the character instead of do dam-

Torg: The Land Below
Chapter Nine

age; the snake succeeds if it gets a Sharta Ohtet contains a germ of truth and hope to
superior success). The snake is also quite DEXTERITY 12 win their trust. He will explain that he
venomous. Dodge 14, firecombat 13,longjump- was banished from the capital ofTanta
For added spice, the gamemaster ing 14, running 14, swimming 13, Kallar by a tyrannical leader who is
may have the Storm Knights stumble unarmed combat 14 intent on using the resources of Pyria
across the snake's nest, which has six STRENGTH 10 to wage war on all the other peaceful
eggs about two meters in diameter. Climbing 12, lifting 11 people of the world. He claims he was
The nest will be bordering the plains TOUGHNESS 11 banished because he sued for peace,
and the Mountains of the Beast. PERCEPTION 12 but Hadian would not listen to him.
Find 16, first aid 15, land vehicles He was only spared execution because
Giant Snake 14, tracking 15 he had other powerful friends who
DEXTERITY 11 MIND 12 made it politically unwise for Hadian
Unarmed combat 14 Survival 15, willpower 13. to kill him.
STRENGTH 22 CHARISMA 12/14 The story is true except for the rea-
Climbing 26 Charm 16, persuasion 15, taunt 17 son of banishment. Dorock is a devi-
TOUGHNESS 23/19' SPIRIT 9 ous fellow who was solely interested
PERCEPTION 6 Possibilities: none in gaining the seat of power for him-
Find 12, tracking 9 Inclination: Evil self. His plots were uncovered by
MINDS Hadian and the ruler aSSigned Doroek
Test (19) to Seldar Hym. He would wage war as
CHARISMA 4 Pyrian Treachery quickly, though not as competently,
Charm (15), persuasion (16), taunt as Hadian Fel Ar. All the soldiers of
(14) Storm Knights crossing the River Seldar Hym are loyal to Dorock and
SPIRIT 10 with no Bottom will certainly encoun- will not discuss their leader's past with
Intimidation 15 ter representatives of Hadian Fel Ar's anyone aside from commenting that
Possibilities: none Pyrian nation. When they first pass Dorock was unjustly driven from Tanta
'" Second number is snake's interior near Seldar Hym, one of the border Kallar.
Toughness if a character has to cut him- outposts of Tanta Kallar, a troop of If the characters are convinced to
self out. soldiers will attempt to detain the help Dorock overthrow Hadian, then
Natural Tools: scales (armor value strangers. The soldiers will first at- the Grey Talon will propose a plan.
TOU +2/25), bite (damage value STR tempt to get the characters to peace- The characters pretend to be Dorock's
+4/26), venom (damage value 24 for fully accompany them back to the out- prisoners so he has an excuse to return
three rounds after bite) post (where they will then be impris- to Tanta Kallar - he must escort the
oned), but if a fight breaks out the very special prisoners to personally
Sharta Ohtet soldiers will struggle until obviously make sure there are no problems on
outmatched. Then they will fall back the trip. He promises the characters
A very capable explorer, Sharta was to the outpost. that they will not be imprisoned long
one of a handful of people chosen by These stories of powerful strangers once in the city. A friend of his will
Pharaoh Mobius to explore the un- will impress Dorock Trim, the Grey make sure they are free so they may
known reaches of the Land Below. Talon who commands the outpost. He assist him even further.
Sharta jumped at the opportunity. Her will send a messenger, bearing a mes-
duties were to explore eastern areas of sage of peace and inviting the Storm Exploring Seldar Hym
Merretika. Unfortunately for her, Knights to be his guest. He will apolo-
Sharta ran afoul of Ungrosh. gize for the obvious misunderstand- The Storm Knights should be given
Instead of killing and eating her as ing. If the characters originally re- ample opportunity to explore Seldar
she expected, Ungrosh decided to keep turned with the soldiers and were Hym. The Pyrian work ethic should
Sharta. If Sharta can escape her cur- imprisoned, they will be set free by come through loud and clear, and any
rent predicament, she will return to Dorock with apologies. Storm Knight entering the mines or
the Nile Empire base camp. In either case, Dorock's change of smelting furnaces will likely be en-
If Sharta is rescued by the charac- heart comes because he realizes that raged by how the livesofthe slaves are
ters, she will do her best to hide her there is something special about the held in such low regard.
true identity. She will pretend to be a characters. Dorock is already plotting They will soon realize that the
princess of a race far to the south in with Amethia CorTal, the head priest- people have no understanding or ap-
Merretika and demand that they re- ess in Tanta Kallar, to overthrow the preciationofgamesorrecreation. Their
·lease her so she may travel back to her Pyrian leader, Hadian Fel Ar, and he entire lives are devoted to work,
people. She will attempt to betray the sees a way to use the characters to his whether it be completing the wall
Storm Knights if they make their true advantage. around the city, training for combat,
identity known - haVing Ungrosh When the characters meet with or mining. They will see a repressed
feast on their bodies would be appro- Dorock, he will tell them a story that and unhappy people.
priate payment for rescuing her.

Torg: The Land Below

Travelling to Tanta Kallar

Dorock's plan is simple and effec- Ir-
tive. He will send a messenger to The Land Below: Map 6 e \....J
, :J
Amethia before they leave for Tanta SeldarHym C)
Kallar. c./ r.

The journey to Tanta Kallar will be

dangerous, with the party having to r_r
00 J -v~
avoid sudden volcanic eruptions and c..
large creatures. Several of the thralls LAVA POOLS
accompanying Dorock and the Storm
Knights will probably be killed.
Because of the messenger, Amethia
will inform Hadian that the volcano
god has taken on the aspect of Darok
and must be appeased. Before arrange-
ments for the sacrificial ceremony can
be completed, Dorock and the charac-
ters arrive in the city. Amethia then WOODEN
immediately informs Hadian that the FORT WALLS
aspect of their god unexpectedly and
mysteriously reverted to Karruk. She

suggests that a ceremony still be held
at the temple, but now it will be to 0: tJ
welcome the guests, the Storm Knights, \\\ 0 ~
, /i. 0 ~ ( J
that Amethia says have caused their
god great pleasure. Dorock will get , I" () 0
word to the characters that their weap-
ons will be returned to them during r~\~r;~...
~~ l
the ceremony and they must then help
him overcome Hadian while he is away to:1,,--,CCJ I . . .. '" S ~ c\.J
from his secure palace walls. SOLDIERS' SLAVES'
Though Hadian hates Dorock and QUARTERS. \ \\ 1//' QUARTERS (l~\
fears that he may gain status for bring- " ./" (-:::J
ing such divine guests to Tanta Kallar,
he cannot refuse such a ceremony and -S '2> anl;;>---lJl1]}\\ PLATFORM CROSSING ~ tJ(\
will even personally present the char-
acters to Karruk during the ceremony
in the floating temple. Hedoesso in an
COMPLE~E_DW~ - " 0T~
~ /.. _ (lG-: rO <>

tr v
attempt to reserve the glory of the ./ 0
occasion for himself and not Dorock. r 0 COPPER AND TIN MINES C' .
However, he will only be playing right
mto the hands of Amethia and her
- O-~ ~ -J-c
Grey Talon suitor.
After Hadian has spoken, Amethia CJ / ,.:~)~" ""
will take control of the ceremony again
and proclaim that Hadian spoke truly.
Then, she announces that while the esses of the temple will attempt to advantage, the thralls and priestesses
characters are indeed divine servants restrain Hadian and the characters so will quickly switch their loyalties in
of Karruk, their mission was to return they may be dropped though the order to be on the winning side.
the rightful leader of the nation back temple floor into the volcano. There
to Pyria. Plus, she adds, Karruk has are about three dozen thralls and a DorockTrim
asked that his servants be returned to dozen priestesses at the ceremony.
him - by dropping them into the Hadian and the characters will be Dorock Trim is an energetic and
molten interiorofthe volcano! And he forced to fight side by side. The priest- ambitious young man. He achieved
asks that the false leader, Hadian Fel esses will be firmly allied with Amethia the high position of Grey Talon
Ar, join them! Obviously, the Storm at the beginning of the battle, while through combat prowess, and has
Knightsshould realize that theirweap- the thralls will seem to waver between plans to advance to ruler of the Pyrian
ons are not about to be returned. Amethia and Hadian. However, as nation. Caught in his plotting about a
Upon hearing this, all of the priest- soon as one side begins to gain a clear year ago, Dorock was assigned to

•• 88
Chapter Nine

Seldar Hym by Hadian Fel Ar. Hadian Tools: Leather armor (armor value PERCEPTION 12
could not absolutely prove his suspi- TOU +2/15), bronze sword (damage First aid 14, language 17, scholar 15,
cions of conspiracy so he could not
1 valueSTR +4/16), spear(damagevalue trick 15
have Dorock executed. STR +4/16) MIND 13
After realizing the potential of the Science 14, test 17, willpower 17
Storm Knights, Doroek concocted the Hadian Fel Ar CHARISMA 14
plan detailed in this adventure as a Charm 17, persuasion 17, taunt 16
final attempt to achieve the position Hadian has come to suspect SPIRIT 12
he believes should be his. Amethia's treachery, but cannot prove Faith(Karruk) 14, intimidation 16,
anything. He suspects these mysterious reality 13
DorockTrim visitors may be a trap, and will think Possibilities: 19
DEXTERITY 13 nothing of executing them if they seem Equipment: Heavy bronze sword
Dodge 16, maneuver 17, melee to cooperate with any devious plans. (damage value STR +5/17), spear
weapons 16, missile weapons 15, He is controlled and calm, even in (damage value STR +3/16), leather
unarmed combat 15 battle. His calculated manner will and bronze armor (TOU +3/16)
STRENGTH 12 throw offmany ofthe priestesses, while Pulp Powers: Super skill (melee
Climbing 13, lifting 14 the thralls realize that it probably is in weapons)
TOUGHNESS 12 their best interest to stand beside
PERCEPTION 12 Hadian. Amethia Cor Tal
First aid 14, language 13, trick 14
MIND 11 Hadian Fel Ar Amethia is quite young to be the
Test 17, willpower 13 DEXTERITY 13 head of the order. She rose to power
CHARISMA 11 Dodge 17, maneuver 16, melee with Hadian Fel Ar and he made her
Persuasion 13, taunt 14 weapons 22, missile weapons 16, the Great Priestess for her help in get-
SPIRIT 9 unarmed combat 15 ting him the throne. She also wants the
Faith (Karruk) 12, intimidation 11, STRENGTH 13 throne and thinks nothing of making
reality 11 Climbing 14, lifting 15 potentially fatal arrangements if they
Possibilities: 6 TOUGHNESS 13 offer power.

Torg: The Land Below

Amethia Cor Tal SPIRIT 10

Faith(Karruk) 11, intimidation (12)
Downed Pilot
Dodge 13, melee weapons 12, pres- Possibility Potential: some (45) The characters first stumble upon
tidigitation 11, unarmed combat 11 Equipment: Bronze sword (dam- the entrance in the Living Land after
STRENGTHS age value STR +4/13), spear (damage entering that realm in search of a
Climbing 9 value STR +3/12), leather and bronze downed airplane that is carrying es-
TOUGHNESSS armor (TOU +3/12) pecially important reconnaissance in-
PERCEPTION 13 formation. The pilot was a Stormer
First aid 14, language 14, scholar 14, If Hadian survives and the Storm who became disconnected while op-
trick 14 Knights were helpful, he will heap erating the airplane, The pilot's crash
MIND 14 praise upon them, as he sacrifices landing sent him plummeting directly
Medicine 15, test 16 Amethia and Dorock to Karruk. The into a gaping hole in the ground in
CHARISMA 14 Storm Knights will become instant Michigan,
Charm 17, persuasion 17, taunt 16 celebrities, although they' will prob- Upon entering the Living Land, re-
SPIRIT 12 ably run afoul ofHaclian and his dicta- sistance communities will tell the
Focus(Karruk) 17, focus 16, intimi- torial policies very quickly. It is quite Storm Knights about hearing a plane
dation 13, reality 13 likely that the Storm Knights will have die out. As they further explore the
Possibilities: 8 to flee Tanta Kallar, with Pyrian troops jungle, they will see several downed
Equipment: Poisoned knife (dam- in hot pursuit. trees, plenty of debris from the plane,
age value STR +2/10, with damage If Amethia wins, the Storm Knights and the trail ends at the huge waterfall
value 15 for three rounds after the face certain sacrifice, unless they can and chasm. If the characters descend
first), bronze and cloth headdress, gold offer the Pyrians information and into the Land Below they will prob-
jewelry, bronze staff (damage value knowledge of great value, and even ably have to use the levitation gizmo
STR +4/12) that will only delay death, They may in the first adventure to return home.
need to wait several "days" before The characters will find the plane,
Fire Priest escaping, and then will be tracked battered almost beyond recognition,
DEXTERITYS throughout Pyrian lands. near the Lake of the Hunter. A steady
Melee weapons 10, unarmed' com- In the wilds, the Storm Knights may stream of debris should lead them
bat9 find help from one of the independent , there, The pilot is dead (killed in the
STRENGTHS tribes of Pyrians, They are hardy, and crash), and any gear of worth has been
Climbing 9 strong-willed, but also friendly and taken from the plane,
TOUGHNESSS loyal, and may save the Storm Knights The Leopard Men have taken the
PERCEPTION 10 from death. gear, as well as the reconnaissance
First aid 12, information the Storm Knights were
MIND 10 sent to retrieve. Getting said items back
Medicine 11 Additional from this race of warriors will be no
CHARISMA 10 easy task.
Taunt 11 Adventure Hooks
Faith(Karruk) 14, focus 13, intimi- There are many other possible ad-
ventures in the Land Below. The three
Egg Fertilizer
dation 12
Possibility Potential: some (45) ideas presented above should get you After exploring this strange new
Equipment: Knife (damage value started or at least provide a complete land for some time, the characters are
STR +2/10), robes, bronze and' cloth outline of possible adventures, likely to encounter the jungle lord
headdress However, you may decide that you Kord. His assistance will be of im-
would rather have the characters in mense help to the characters as they
Pyrian Thrall your group enter the Land Below try to figure out who and what popu-
through the Living Land, or may you lates the realm, However, after travel-
Dodge 11, melee weapons 12, mis- may be at a loss initially where to ing with the characters for some time
proceed from here, Therefore, we have and demonstrating his friendship and
sile weapons 11, unarmed combat
11 presented in very short form an idea courage more than once, Kord is
STRENGTH 9 for introducing the characters to this snatched up by a Darooni raiding party
Climbing 10 realm through the Michigan entrance and taken to the Misty Gorge, where
TOUGHNESS 9 and five other ideas for adventures. the jungle lord will become food for a
PERCEPTION 9 These ideas should be expanded and brood of insects,
MINDS inserted into your own ongoing cam- With only Kord's animal compan-
CHARISMA 9 paign, ion, Skakart, to follow, the characters
Taunt 11

•• 90
Chapter Nine

must attempt to save the life of their The Trial of the Leopard Men The Magi
new friend. The dangers in this adven-
ture include scaling the walls of the This adventure hook puts the Storm The Storm Knights are travelling in
Misty Gorge, as well as finding an Knights into conflict with the Leopard the Pyrian lands when theyseea group
inconspicuous way to save Kord. Men, but also gives them a chance to of thralls and a talon bearing down on
prove their valor to the primitive a human dressed in long robes of sil-
Enslaving the Little Folk people. ver and red. The woman seems weak,
The adventure begins when the and her clothing is tattered and dirty.
Most of the inhabitants ofMerretika Storm Knights cross over the hunting The thralls make their charge, only
are going to be violently opposed to totems. A Leopard Man hunting party to be encased in a block of clear stone.
the characters. Therefore, the small will hunt down the characters, setting The pain is clearly etched on their
Keefee will come as a pleasant sur- an ambush for them, As the battle faces, but a new group of Pyrian sol-
prise. A Haroo may well become an begins, the Leopard Men will be im- . diers has circled behind her and clubs
excellent source of information for the pressed by the fighting ability of the her into unconciousness. The talon
characters. Storm Knights. Since only a few of leersover her form before the troops
, Once the characters become famil- them triggered the hunting totem, bind her and set off for a nearby en-
iar with these courteous folk, you those tha t passed the initial test will be campment.
should run an ad venture that requires allowed to go free, while the others The Storm Knights would be wise
the characters to help them. As the will be killed by the Leopard Men, to observe the journey from a dis-
Storm Knights talk to the assembled If the Storm Knights protest, Ressi tance, since a heroic resuce would
Keefee in the shade of Dalberry tree, a Yentok, the tribal chief, will allow the probably' mean death because the
wandering Haroo comes into sight. Storm Knights to live if they complete Storm Knights are outnumbered.
He brings news of a Keefee tribe far to a trial of honor. The encampment is on the side of
the south, that somehow used under- They must travel to Leopard Lake an active volcano, and periodically
ground tunnels to enter the Pyrian and find an ancienttablet buried in the huge plumes of black smoke rise into
lands. They were captured, and are muck of the north shore (it is hidden in the air. The encampment is strategi-
now being used 'as slave labor and as the shadow of a large rock). The Leop- cally located between two large lava
gladiators for the warped amusement ard Men claim that the tablet has flows.
ofthePyrians. The Storm Knights must brought great evil to them, but they If the Storm Knights can sneak into
rescue the peaceful little people. are forbidden to disturb the spirit the encampment, they will see the talon
guarding the shore. If they return with questioning the woman concerning her
Caverns of Infinity the tablet, the Leopard Men will be magics and her home. She is uncoop-
allowed to destroy the tablet, and will erativeno matter what the Pyriansdo,
This adventure is best if the Storm remove all curses from the Storm and the talon orders her to be cast into
Knights travelled directly to Merretika Knights. the volcano. Now is the time for the
from an easy entrance, such as the Nile The trip to the river bank will in- Storm Knights to act, and if the rescue
Empire pit or the chasm in the Living clude encounters with poisonous is successful, the young woman, called
Land. snakes, large crocodiles and herds of Inill Tra Setch, will be grateful.
After the characters have become animals bathing and grazing in the She will then try to escape from the
completely involved in the politics and area. After a long search, they will be Storm Knights. If they follow her, she
events ofMerretika, it is time for them able to find the tablet. However, once will lead them to her renegade band of
to discover the true extent of the they unearth it, the lake seems to be mages, who have a well disguised base
caverns. They should "catch" a struck by a huge storm, the likes of very near Merretika's wall. The only
dim thread back to Earth, where they which Merretika has never seen. entrance is through a subterranean
will encounter a large group of the Waves several meters high begin to tunnel, and the base appears to be a
mole men. pound the shores, as all of the crea- small hill. The renegade mages are of
These humanoids are facing grave tures flee in mortal terror. Savage Pyrian descent, but because of the cul-
danger from collapsing caverns and winds and rolling storm clouds sweep tural stigma against magic, they have
hideous monsters, Thecharactersmay over the lake, and follow the Storm fled and are learning the art on their
be able to convince them that there is Knights to the Leopard Man village. own. They desperately wish to keep
more living space available in the cav- The storm will end only after the Leop- their existence a secret, so they will
erns of the Land Below. The rest of the ard Men have destroyed the tablet in a probably will take strong actionagainst
adventure would document the dan- religious ceremony, smashing it into anyone who knows the location of
gerous migration of an entire people, many pieces and throwing it into the their base.
with the Storm Knights supervising nearby river.
(of course).

. @ j " Darooni
Player Name:
PI"ycr Name:
Wasp Rider Wasp Rider
Character Home Land Below Possibilities
Cosm: Land Below Name Cosm
Background: You grew up harvesting Age Wound Level Shock Damage Magic Social
Jeega in the Misty Gorge, a farm girl Wound 12 8
Height Hvy Wound
with dreams of becoming one of the Spiritual Tech
Wasp Riders_ You practiced the jav- Weight K 0 17 10
elin and learned the wasp-hi"mdling
lore until you were ready_ At the
Hatching Ceremony you were first to
be selected as a new rider, bringing DEX
3 DEX 14
glory to your family_
As you grew older, you bonded
with your mount, reveling in theaerial
,=--. Lone Jumoin
Maneuver DEX
freedom it gave you. Praise Olakaa.
With the other hunters you roamed
the lands above for game, proving lc Melee Weapons
Missile Weapons
your skill as a hunter.
Slowly you grew to love the land
above with its sweeping jungles and
unexplored mysteries. Surely Olakaa
«", Swimmin
Unarmed Combill
meant for the Darooni to explore that First Aid PER
Tmckin PER
world, but the priestesses said no and Water Vehicles PER
punished you for needless wandering Survival MIN
in the lands above. So, you left your Taunt CHA
people. Olakaa has called you to ex- Faith (Olak<ln) SPI
plore her lands and given one of her Intimidation SPI Dexterity 11 Maneuver
children to carry you on yourrnission. Strength to
The wonders await you. Quote: "I show my scars thanks to Toughness t1
Olakaa! I am the best thanks to Perception to Trick
Personality: You are competitive to Olakaa! No one can best me!" Mind 8 Test
the core. You balk at no challenge and
suffer no taunts. You have proven Skill Notes: Your tag skill is beast Chnrisma 7 Taunt
ridillg. You have the pulp power of Spirit 9 lntimid<lle
yourselffitto bea Darooni Wasp Rider
and you serve Olakaa by exploring all allimal compauiotl as described in
WC<lpons Runnin
of her lands. this sourcebook. Your companion is
Javelin +3 13 Swimming
your mall nt, a giant wasp (see Chap- Jumpin
Equipment: loincloth, javelins coated with Poison 15
ter FOllr: I"habita"ts). YOLI only have L<lIlCe +5 15 Climbin
with wasp venom (spear causes dam- 10 skill adds. Lifting
age value STR +3/ 13, venom does
damage value 15, but only causes "K"
or "0" results), lance (damage value
STR+5/ 15), Wasp Rider harness
Die 3 5 7 9 1 1 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
Roll 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
Bonus 1/ -12 -10 -8 -S -2 -1 0 1 234 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
T('mplatc lIlu~ITatillns by ,\11(,'11 Nunis
~~~~ Keefee Player Name:

Keefee Player Name:
-_."._._._-, ~-,.";
Haroo Haroo
Character Home Land Below Possibilities
Name Cosm Cosm: Land Below
Age Wound Level Shock Damage I Magic Social Background: You were born in your
Wound 12
8 parent's burrow home beneath the
Mortal Spiritual I Tech tribal Dalberry tree. Your young life
was care free. You especially enjoyed
Dead K o 17 10
hiking in the tall grasses to collect bird
eggs after tricking the mother away
from the nest. All your life you sought
in DEX new experiences: to know what was
DEX in the mountains or to meet some of
Melee Weapons DEX the "big ones". You listened with
Missile Weapons DEX wonder to the traveling Haroo as they
Prestidigitation DEX wove their tales of the giants in the
Runnin DEX lands beyond. You diligently learned
Stealth DEX and worked the care-crafts of the
Unarmed Combat DEX Dalberry tree, but such was not for
Climbin STR you.
Find PER
Finally, you earned your adult
First Aid PER
Language PER
name and with the farewells of family
Scholar PER
and friends, you took to the grass-
Trick 3 PER 16 lands to become a Haroo for your
Artist MIN people. The journeys are not easy, but
Survival MIN the pleasure ofentertaining and learn-
Chann CHA ing make the going easier. Now gi-
Persuasion CHA Dexterity 11 Maneuver ants have come to the world who
Taunt CHA Strength 4 claim to be from afar, bringing with
Faith (Raya) SPI Toughness 6 them their own tales of splendorous tured tricks and get the satisfaction of
SPI Perception 13 Trick things and the tricks they play on entertaining others with your exag-
Mind 10 Test their "High Lords." To join them and gerations.
Charisma 11 Taunt Equipment: Keefee pole-axe (dam-
tell their tales or to trick these lords
Spirit 11 Intimidate
who are higher than the giants would age value STR+1/5), simple fiber
Weapons Runnin
be epic. clothing, well worn boots, reed flute
Pole Axe +1 5 Swimming Personality: Adventurous, witty and Quote: "Eatme?Goodcreature,lhave
JumDin sly, you have survived on your jour- just eaten a Kith root, myself. Most
Climbin neys through trickery and it has be- poisonous to you. I'd hate to cause
Lifting come a way of life. You build your you indigestion."
stories around your own good-na- Skill Notes: Your tag skill is trick.

Die 3 5791113 21. 26 31 36 41 46

Roll I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO +5
Bonus # -12 -10 -8 ~ 4 ~ 0 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Iil· . . . . . ... . . . . . . .~'
~~j" Warrior
Leopard Man Player Name:
/~4Jiiil_:,~ .\ Leopard Man Plnycr Name:
lr=Pt..~~.~; Warrior
Character Home Lilnd Below Possibilities
Cosmo Land Below Name eosin
Background: Since you were young, Age Wound level Shock Damage I Magic I Social
your life has followed the way of WOllnd 12 8
blood, and you accepted the souls and HVyWOllTld

the spirits as the brothers of your Weight

Dead K o
SPiri~;'1 I TC<~O
world. You learned the ways of the
hunt and of the soul from your father
and the thanking of the spirits from Realit SPI
your mother. You grew in stature and Acrobatics DEX
prowess until your tribe cast you out Dodge DEX
to become a man or die. LOlH! Jumoin DEX
Maneuver DEX
You followed the track oHhe great Melee Weapons DEX
leopard for days and weeks. Theleop- Missile Weapons DEX
ard showed you the length and Runnin DEX
breadth of your world before offering SICillth DEX
up his soul to your cunning and his Swim min DEX
power to your body. There was no Unarmed Combat DEX
mistaking the great leopard's mes- Climbin STR
sage. You were born to wander and Liftin STR
the world is your hunting ground. First Aid PER
Trackin 3 PER II
Personality: You embody the Land Trick PER
Below. Like an animal, you are beau- Surviv<ll MIN
tiful and noble at rest; savage and Test of Will MIN
ferocious in strife. You are straight- Willpower MIN
forward and honest. Your pride al- Faith SPI 9
lows no malicious act, but you show Focus 5PI 13
Skill Notes: Your tag skill is tmckillg. Intimidation SPI
no mercy to those who are petty. You You have only 10 skill adds, but you 10
are loyal to a few, and wary of all also have the pulp power of sllper 8 Trick
others. nttribllte (Nile sourcebook) which
8 Test
Charisma 8 Taunt
Equipment: leopard skin clothing, gives you +3 to your Strellgtll (up to Spirit to Intimidate
leopard claws (damage valueSTR+3/ 16)atanadventurecostof3. You may
16, +2 to dill/billg) purchase the pulp powers ndrelln- Weapons RUllnin
Quote: "I will kill you, but 1 will not lille (see this sourcebook) or megn- Claws +2 16 SWimming
praise your soul or take power from scellt(seeTile Nite EII/piresourcebook) Jumoin
your heart. Your soul is empty and for three beginning possibilities and Climhin"
at an adventure cost of 3. Lifting
your heart is wicked."

3 5 7 9 11 13 21 26 31 36 41 46
1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
Bonus II -12 -10 -8 -5 ·2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
~ . ... . . , ~.M
Player Name:
. '~ Pyrian Player Name:
~ ,,\r~.:.
- ---- - - - -
Character Possibilities
Home The L.1.nd Below
Name Cosm Cosmo Land Below
Ago Shock Damage I Magic I Social Background: Raised in the fiery shad-
12 8 ows of Tanta Kallar, you quickly

Spiritual I Tech learned to respect the powers of your
god - the soothing warmth ofKarruk
K o 17 10
and the destructive might of Darok.
The priestesses who led the worship
SPI of your god seemed pure in their dedi-
Dodge DEX cation, and you respected the time
Melee Weapons DEX
Unnrmcd Combat DEX and energy they devoted to the well-
First Aid PER being of the Great Pyrian Nation, gem
L.1n1!Utl1!C PER of the land. So you decided that your
Scholar PER place was among them.
Trick PER However, after achieving a posi-
Medicine MIN tion among them, you found their
Science MIN world and their ways to be not so
Willpower MIN perfect as you supposed. Corruption
Ch,um CHA and internal politics sullied wha thad
Persuasion CHA seemed so worthwhile and you de-
Faith SPI
Focus 3 SPI I 15
termined that worship of your multi-
Intimidation SPI
faceted god could be best furthered
on the frontier, but politics abounded
even there. So you have left civilized
lands and now are looking for people
Dexteritv 9 Maneuver who will accept your great religion
Stren2th 8 free of politics and other impurities.
Toui!hness 9 worker, and do not understand oth-
Personality: Your beliefs are based ers' need to flpl ay " and "relax".
Perception 9 Trick on the two faces of your god and your
Mind 10 Test
personality reflects this. Generally, Equipment: Knife (damage value
Charisma 9 Taunt STR+3/ 11), bleached fiber toga,
Soirit 12 Intimidate you area wann individual who finds
nobility in people, but when that bronze jewelry
Weapons Runnin which you hold dear is threatened, Quote: "I have given you every op-
Knife +3 11 Swimming you gain the angry power of your portunity to redeem yourself, but you
]umoin god's darker side. You are a hard have pushed too far and must now
Climbin learn the might of Darok."
Skill Notes: Your tag skill is rows.

Die 35791113 21 26 31 36 41 46
Roll 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 +5
Bonus # -12 ·10 -8 ·5 -2 ·1 0 1 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1

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