War's End

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By John Terra

The Final Battle Has Begun

Roleplaying the Possibility Wars ™

War's End
John Terra

Greg Detwiler and Greg Farshtey

Additional Material

Greg Farshtey
Development and Editing

Brian Schomburg
Cover Design and Graphics

Paul Jaquays
Cover Illustration

Paul Daly, Rick Schmitz, Peter Venters

He Qing, Masahide Seya
Interior Illustrations

Published by

RR3 Box 2345

Honesdale, PA 18431

Publisher: Daniel Scott Palter· Associate Publisher/Treasurer: Denise Palter· Associate Publisher: Richard Hawran
Senior Editor: Greg Farshtey • Editors: Miranda Homer, Bill Olmesdahl, Peter Schweighofer, Bill Smith, Paul Sud low
Art Director: Stephen Crane· Graphic Artists: Tim Babko, Steven Brown, Tom ONeill, Brian Schomburg· Sales Manager: Jeff Kent
Licensing Manager: Ron Seiden. Warehouse Manager: Ed Hill· Accounting: Karen Bayly, Wendy Lord, Kimberly Riccio· Billing: Amy Giacobbe

Angar Uthorion, Aysle, Baruk Kaah, Core Earth, Cosm, Cosffiverse, Cyberpapacy, Darkness Device, Dr. Mobius, Gaunt Man, Gospog, Heart of the Coyole, High Lord,
Infiniverse, Kanawa, Living L~nd, Maelstrom, Maelstrom Bridge, Nile Empire, Nippon Tech, Occultech, Orrorsh, Pella Ardinay, Possibility Raiders, Possibility Stonn,
Possibility Wars, Ravagon, Star Sphere, Stonners, Stann Knights, Tharkold, Torg, and the Torg logo are trademarks of West End Games.
®, TM and © 1995 West End Games. All Rights Reserved.
This product is not in continuity with Tors products published by Omni Gaming Products, Inc.


1111 h,
up C"O"' M"" wok,
one morning and
knew it was time. Time
for this war-and this
man skull. From it, he poured a
scarlet liquid into a goblet and
drained it slowly, savoring the taste.
"It is not enough to conquer and
"Surely you do not mean -?"
"Ah, but 1 do! No single High
Lord, no single Darkness Device,
world - to end. destroy," he said as he paced the controls enough territory to pro-
Actually, of the two actions, chamber, cradling the goblet in one vide the possibility energy needed
awakening would seem to be the hand. "I need to inspire fear, to to become Torg. But all of them
more unusual, as the High Lord of taste the terror of my victims." together, that is another matter
Orrorsh had no need for sleep or "Of course, Gaunt Lord. But you entirely. 1 shall summon the De-
even sustenance. But he enjoyed know as well as 1thatwe are drain- vices using a ritual that was old
plumbing his unconscious, and ing far too little possibility energy when this world was new, and they
often found inspiration for new from our realm for you to attain shall join with their brother once
and deadlier Horrors there. the rank of Torg to which you as- more. Then 1shall benefit from the
He rose and walked into his pire." possibilities of all the realms!"
chamber of war. There before him m'Dur' realm, crea ture?" the 'This is madness," Heketon de-
hovered an image of Earth, tainted Gaunt Man snapped. "I have taken . clared flatly. The Darkness Device
with colors representing territory this place. 1 rule here!" did not like the direction in which
held by each of the seven invading "With my help, High Lord, re- this conversation was going at all.
realms, as well as that occupied by member that," Heketon responded "Oh, is it?" the Gaunt Man
the Akashans. It was the fifth year evenly. "Without my powers and grinned. "No, it is enlightenment.
of what Core Earthers called the my counsel, you would be as a It is a breakthrough. This world -
Possibility Wars, a struggle begun babe in a very dark and lonely and all others - shall be mine!"
when the Gaunt Man led denizens cosm." "Others may rise to stop you,"
of other realities to invade this "I can do without your coun- Heketon warned.
sphere. They had met sel," the High Lord said sharply. "They will be the first to die,
unprecendented resistance from "And as for your powers ... " and then 1 shall absorb their ener-
Earth's Storm Knights, as well as The Black Heart waited in si- gies into myself. The Gaunt Man
those of other realms - the Gaunt lence for a moment before saying, slammed his crystal goblet against
Man himself had been imprisoned "Well?" the wall. Each shard of crystal flew
for far too long in a reality storm "They are far less than what 1 in a different direction, wailing like
by interfering Stormers. Now he need, Heketon. You have been a ... a lost soul (not so surprising, con-
felt a grim resolve to bring matters disappointment." sidering what the goblet was made
to a close - to assume the mantle "And what shall you do, Gaunt of). 'Then I need only seize the
of Torg that had been meant for Man? Cast me to the Dire Wolves, physical energy and 1 am Torg -
him from the start, and reduce this as you did Uthorion? Dispatch me once 1 have moved my pawn into
world to blood-spattered ash in as you have a hundred other ser- place, that is."
the process. vants? Spare me your empty threats. "And the Stormers? What of
"Brooding again, master?" Even your madness would not al- them?"
Heketon, the Orrorshan Darkness low you to -" "1 am counting on them rising
Device, said with a wry chuckle. "Have a care, thing of stone!" to stop me," the Gaunt Man said,
"It's more than time to end this," the Gaunt Man spat coldly. "Your smiling. "1 have accounted for ev-
the High Lord replied. "This war lord does as he will! Remember ery contingency this time, Heketon,
holds my interest no longer." that, of all the High Lords in this and so 1 cannot fail."
The heart-shaped Darkness De- cosm, only 1 truly understand the "You have taken leave of your
vice hovered in the air. "And so it nature of Darkness Devices. Only I senses," Heketon said quietly.
ends, just like that? Just because know that you are not seven sepa- "On the contrary, my slave -
you say so? If this is so, then why rate entities, but portions of the yes, slave, for that is what you are,
didn't you end things sooner?" same being: the Nameless One him- in truth - [ have finally regained
The Gaunt Man picked up a crys- self. And what was once merged them."
tal decanter in the shape of a hu- could be merged again, eh, Without another word, the Gaunt

Torg: War's End

Man spun on his heel and left the This adventure is recommended stay together and adventure in some
room. Earth's days were numbered for six or more veteran Storm Knight other setting. In the back of this
- the only question remaining was characters. Gamemasters should be book, you will find an appendix
which Darkness Device to sum- aware that this module was de- listing a number of different "post-
mon first. And then he thought of signed to be lethal, and they may war" directions your campaign
Kanawa - that arrogant, postur- wish to modify it if they are play- could go in, as well as a brief con-
ing fool who had dared to pit his ing with fewer or less experienced version to West End's new
realm of antiquated ninja and mod- characters. MasterBook rules system.
ern corporate greed against a land Interspersed throughoutthis ad-
of true horror. Yes, he would be venture are fiction sidebars that
the first ... detail the fates of many of the High What You Need
Surel y a businessman like Lords. Thanks to the power of the
You will, of course, need the
Kanawa would appreciate the need Avatar of Apeiros, the characters
Torg boxed set to play this adven-
to collect on old debts ... will be teleported to the sites of
ture. The Nippon Tech, Orrorsh,
these dramatic events and will have
Cyberpapacy, Tharkold and Nile
the ability to intervene. Game-
Empire sourcebooks will also be
Pax Torg masters need not feel they are bound
helpful, but are by no means re-
to the outcomes presented in the
War's End is a super-module for quired. Keep in mind that if you
fiction - if the actions of the char-
the Torg: Roleplaying the Possibility don't have a particular book,
acters markedly change an event,
Wars. This book contains the final though, some modification of the
great. This is your and their ad-
adventure in the saga of the Possi- adventure may be necessary, as
venture, and should be run that
bility Wars, an epic that has certain spells gamemaster charac-
stretched over five years, in that ters have, etc. are spelled out in the
Act Four permanently resolves
time taking its place as one of the relevant sourcebooks rather than
the Possibility Wars. However, it
most unique and innovative role- here.
is possible that your Torg players
playing games on the market. may wish to a) keep fighting or b)

•• 4

Adventure Storm Knights learn the horrible into one whole, the Gaunt Man
truth of what the Gaunt Man in- wiII benefit from all the possibility
Overview tends to do in California. The energy being drained from Earth
Randolph Chapman subplot ends from all the realms (the various
The adventure begins in the N He here. Devices will still serve their former
Empire, where the characters are Act Four is the end-all, where masters, but all their energy will
on a case involving the disappear- the loose ends are tied up. Starting be fed on by Heketon and thus
ances of numerous fortunetellers, off in Los Angeles and then mov- profit the Gaunt Man). That means
prophets, and clairvoyants. After ing to an uninhabited area near the he needs only a huge amount of
encounters with Gaean gypsies and San Andreas fault, the Storm physical energy to become Tor'g-
the viIIainous Wu Han and his Knights must contend with an in- and this he wiII achieve by trigger-
minions, the Knights go to Thebes vasion by Ayroa and the Kantovian ing a massive earthquake at the
for a showdown with Dr Mobius Dire Wolves; a deadly clash be- San Andreas Fault.
himself, who gives a little expOSi- tween Jezrael and her errant son; He has the explosive, he but
tion before attempting escape back the revelation of the identity of the needs the fuse. And so he has used
to his cosmo Avatar of Apeiros; Baruk Kaah's occult rituals to get Baruk Kaah,
In Act Two, the Storm Knights last stand; and the final battle with former Living Land High Lord and
travel to CyberpapistNew England, the Gaunt Man. now half-mad amalgram of all re-
specifically to Boston, to attempt alities, to the fault. Kaah will be
to find a witch who apparently has used to start the quake itself.
more of an idea about what's go- Adventure But a plan this dark and deadly
ing on. The Storm Knights wind cannot be hidden for long. Mo-
up meeting Thratchen, and even- Background bius, suspecting something is about
tually going to Salem in order to to happen, has ordered the abduc-
The Gaunt Man has always
rescue the witch from being burnt tions of seers and fortunetellers.
known a good deal more about the
by the Cyperpapal Inquisition. The Meanwhile, a Cyberpapal witch
nature of Darkness Devices than
Storm Knights also cross the path who has been plagued with vi-
the other High Lords. He instructed
of Randolph Chapman, apsychotic sions of the end is about to be burnt
his Device, Heketon, to attempt to
Core Earther who wishes to kill as at the stake by the Inquisition in
summon the Devices and merge
many Storm Knights as he can. Salem.
with them - but, unwilling to
New Orleans in the Orrorsh/ Into the midst of this come the
lose its own identity, the Black Heart
Core Earth mixed zone is the focus Storm Knights, thrust into the search
has made no real effort. The Gaunt
of Act Three. What the Storm for the missing seers and little
Man has now resolved to perform
Knights are unaware of is that the dreaming tha t the world as they
the task himself.
feud between Basjas and Saba thina know it is about the change for-
His plan is simplicity itself: by
has shifted ba ttlegrounds to New ever ...
allowing the other Devices to merge
Orleans and vicinity. Here, the

Torg: War's End

Act One

In a State of De-Nile
tension as if a storm were about to
The Major Beat break. Still, your contacts have
The Storm Knights are in Cairo, no concrete information for you
in the Nile Empire, where they get - it's just a feeling they have.
involved in investigating a kid- One tent does catch your eyes,
napping case for some Gaean gyp- though. A gypsy sits before the
sies. After encounters with Akashan flap of this multi-colored silken
Monitors and Wu Han, the Knights shelter, doing his best to convince
travel to Thebes and meet Dr. Mo- passers-by to enter. "Fortunes
bius, who winds up giving them told!" he shouts. "In these uncer-
more information than they bar- tain times, you need to know what
gained for. This will set them on tomorrow will bring!" He beck-
the road to Boston. ons you to enter.
Play this act as typical Nile, start- A Perceptioll or scholar (Orrorshall
ing off slow, then rapidly speed- lore) total of 9 reveals this man to
ing up. Danger upon danger should be a gypsy from the cosm of Gaea.
be stacked up on the characters,
building suspense and tension until
the final scene. The Action
Once inside, it's obvious that
SCENE ONE: A the tent is broken up into several
rooms. The largest of these by far
"Prophetable" is the main entry, where incense
Venture hangs in the air, and everything
feels differellt. There is a logical
explanation for this: the entire tent
is under Orrorshan axioms thanks
The Situation to a small statue with a clock in its
belly, situated in the precise center
Standard. The Storm Knights are of the tent. It is an Orrorshan talis-
in a marketplace in Cairo. Note man, extending a pure zone
that this is a Nile pure zone. Read throughout the tent's confines.
aloud or paraphrase: The fortuneteller introduces him-
Your adventures of late have self as Karlo. He gives the Knights
deposited you in the city of Cairo, a blatantly incorrect reading (a Per-
an ancient city filled with mod- ceptioll total of 10 shows that he
ern intrigue. Your band is in the really doesn't know what he's do-
marketplace, where the shouts of ing). When confronted with this,
the merchants hawking merchan- he stares at the party for a minute
dise mingle with the sounds of (using True Sight on them), then
livestock, and the air is filled with speaks:
the scents of spices and produce. "Yes, I am a fraud, I admit. At
It is three in the afternoon. least in the province of telling the
Something is odd in Cairo these future, I am incompetent. But I do
days; there's an undercurrent of have the Sight, and I see that you

•• 6
Act One

Torg: War's End

silver Sacellum cross, a silver sa-

bre (damage value STR+5/19), and
an occult kit. Karla is playing square
with the Knights, and can give di-
rections to the waterfront and to
the part of the bazaar where the
silversmith works.

A COl/nectiol/ means that the
Knight knows Karla, and the gypsy
leader will offer the money and all
the items without negotiation. An
Alertness card reveals that Karla's
fortunetelling is a sham, and that
he's profoundly disturbed about
something. A Personal Stake means
that the Knight knows either Agatha
or Valara and is willing to do what-
ever needs to be done to get them

If the Knights turn Karla down,
he scowls at them and vows that
they will be cursed for their indiffer-
ence and cowardice. From here, the
gamemaster has several options:
Option 1: Now It's Personal. If
any Storm Knight has precogni-
tive abilities, he or she gets kid-
napped by ninja and dragged to
the sewers. This should be done in
such a way that the rest of the
Storm Knights cannot foil the kid-
Option 2: Whoops, Our Mis-
take.1f a Storm Knight has no pre-
cognitive abilities but does have a
are knights of the storm. I am the last 24 hours. Agatha had gone Mistakel/ Idel/tity card, the ninja
doing this work only because my to a nearby silversmith to buy some kidna p him like in Option 1, under
familymusteat-andthoseamong trinkets and was never seen again the mistaken impression that the
us who read the cards have disap- after she left there. Valara went to Storm Knight does possess such a
peared. 1I
a club on the waterfront and also gift.
vanished. Both women were gyp- Option 3: III Media Res. The
If the characters inquire about
SIes, and both gifted with the abil- Storm Knights stumble onto a kid-
this, Karla will add that several napping in progress; an Ayslish
local mystics have disappeared as ity to see the future.
Karla is willing to hire the char- elven mage with fortune telling
well ... or so says the word on the abilities (and rather weak offen-
street. Both his mother, Agatha, acters to find the two, but has little
money. At most, he can scrape to- sive capabili ties) is being assailed
and one of the other women of the by the ninja, who are intent on
tribe, Valara, disappeared within gether 100 Sterlings. He can also
offer four vials of holy water, a dragging the elf away.

•• 8
Act One

With any of these options, it is one who wants to drop out of sight. SPIRIT 8
easy for the Storm Knights to go There is also a thriving black mar- Intimidation 11
back to the gypsies, if necessary, in ket here. A Mind or streetwise total Possibilities: None
order to get the leads again. When of 14 will give the Knight a contact Equipment: Either a switchblade
they do go back, the gypsies will that will allow him to purchase knife (STR+2/12), a club (STR+3/
be very difficult, giving the Storm Nile hardware that is otherwise 13), brass knuckles (STR+3/13), or
Knights a hard time. Once the gyp- illegal and/or impossible to get 9mm Luger (damage value 15,
sies feel that the Storm Knights are through normal channels. ammo 8). Note: Only one out of
contrite enough, they will be glad A Mind'or streetwise of 13 allows three toughs has a gun. Use these
to give them the information again. the Knight to ask questions of the stats for any dock encounter, in-
locals. Use the appropriate charac- cluding inside the Cairene Cafe.
ter interaction skills, bearing in Any level of success in interro-
Cut To ... mind that the local toughs con- gating the toughs yields one of the
sider the Knights to be Enemies. three following paragraphs:
If the Storm Knights decide to Furthermore, the toughs are Neu-
follow the trail of Valara, cut to 1. "Da whole docks is a danger-
tral towards the kidnappers. Any ous place, bub. People disappears
Scene Two, "On The Waterfront." failure to get positive result points
If they go looking for Agatha, cut all da time, shanghaied on ships.
results in a fight (see "Event," be- Don't know about no gypsy dame.
to Scene Three, "The Monitors and low).
the Merry Mac." But I do knows that dere seems to
be more disappearances when da
Frenchie ships are at dock."
SCENE TWO: On 2. "If it's disappearances ya
wanna know about, no one knows
Be it because of a botched inter-
The Waterfront action attempt, or just to give the more about kidnappin' than Gat
Knights a little action, a gang of "The Grabber" Grabowski. The
toughs decides to roll the Knights gunsel specializes in kidnappin'
for their money and equipment. people! Here's his address, and just
The Situation This should only be attempted if say 'Ali sent me!' Now leave me
Standard. The Storm Knights go the group of Knights does not ex- alone!1I
down to the docks of Cairo look- ceed four. Since in many cases, the 3. "A gypsy dame? Yeah dere's
ing for leads on Valara's disap- Knights may wind up splitting up one cutie who likes ta dance at the
pearance. Read aloud or para- at the docks in order to cover more cafe. She's a tough cookie,
phrase: ground, this is a good likelihood. lemmetellya. She enjoyed pick-
There should be two toughs per pocketing suckers in the alley next
Numerous freighters lie tied up to the cafe. Dey always thought
Storm Knight, although this can
at the wharves as musclebound she was takin' them out dere for
increase to three per Knight (the
stevedores load and unload cargo some fun, then she cleans em out
number ofhoods traveIling together
from all over the world. Mobius and runs away. Never gets caught.
should be no more than a dozen in
may be a power-hungry madman, Heard she got snatched by some
but he at least knows enough to guys in black last night."
keep trade flourishing between Dock Toughs (2 per Storm Note that there is a French cargo
his empire and the rest of the Knight) ship docked here: the Aix La
world. Reality: Nile Chapel/e.
A dingy little wooden shack DEXTERITY 9
called "The Cairene Cafe" catches Dodge 12, fire combat 10, melee
your eye, just as your presence weapons 12, unarmed combat The Cairene Cafe
catches the eyes ofnumerous shady 13
characters lurking about. STRENGTH 10 Calling this shack a cafe is a
TOUGHNESS 10 joke; it is a rundown bar with a
PERCEPTION 8 sawdust-covered floor and a back
The Action Find 10, trick 10 room used for conducting illegal
MIND 7 transactions of every conceivable
The docks are a known hangout sort. It is run by a nasty ex-sailor
Streetwise 9, willpower 10
for muggers, thieves, kidnappers, named Nob. There are about two
smugglers, pimps, whores, and any- dozen toughs in here, drinking and
Taunt 11

Torg: War's End

gambling, at any given time. Superior: "She used to tell for- analysis total of 12 says that it's
If Nob is interrogated, he knows tunes here ... corne ta tink of it, last part of a charm bracelet, appar-
the following, obtainable upon any night this Japanese fella carne in, ently ripped off with great force.
level of interaction success: seemed especially keen on gettin'
"Yeah there's been a latta his fortune told. But when Val carne
kidnappin's round here for the last in ta dance, he didn't stick around, Flags
two weeks. All I hears is dat the even though I pointed her out ta
A Connection card means the Storm
dark shadows demselves stalk da him as the fortune teller."
Knight knows Nob, who is wiIling
victims an take em away." Spectacular: "Seems like there's
to give out the info with no effort.
If asked about Valara specifi- a shortage of fortunetellers and
An Alertness card reveals the clue in
cally, use his willpower of 10 as the seers and folks like that. Someone
the alley. A Mistaken Identity means
difficulty number. Depending on told me that they've all been
that the toughs think that the Storm
the success level, he says: rounded up and taken ta Thebes,
Knight is a wealthy man, and a group
Minimal: "Ya mean Val? Yeah I ta see the Pharaoh himself!"
of a dozen will tail the Storm Knight,
know her. She dances in my club
looking for an opportunity to mug
and tells fortunes sometimes. A
The Kidnap Site him sometime during the Cairo por-
real looker."
tion of the Act.
Average: "She lures drunk sail-
The alley next to the Cairene is
ors out to the alley in back heres,
where Valara was taken. She was
and dey think she's gonna have Variables
ambushed by four Nile ninja types.
some fun wit" ern. Oh she has fun,
A Perception or find total of 12 re-
alright: she picks their pockets and The French cargo ship Aix La
veals a torn piece of black cloth. A
dey pass out from too much booze, Chape/le is an utter red herring.
Perception or evidence analysis total
and she gets away scot free." However, there are 20 Church Po-
of 14shows it to be silk. Afind total
Good: "I last saw her last night; lice on board as security. The ship's
of 17 reveals a small silver charm,
she didn't leave wit' no one cargo is a load of dates bound for
a miniature tambourine; an evidence
though." Marseilles in the morning.

•• 10
Act One

Cairene Cafe
~ War's End: Map 1
~ The Waterfront

To City

Church Police (20) for 3 min), MB Blocker (Ignore K tion 12
Reality: Cyberpapacy results, 3 less shock per hit). Possibilities: None
DEXTERITY 10 Cybervalue: IB Equipment: KKBl, damage value
Dodge 12, energy weapons 13, A Setback indicates that a truck- 19, ammo 24; two grenades, dam-
fire combat 12, melee weapons load of 24 Nile veteran shock- age value 19; bayonet, STR+4/13;
12, unarmed combat 12 troopers has arrived at the docks field kit
STRENGTH 9 in a sweep of the local scum. Any-
TOUGHNESS 9 (17) one who does not have official Nile
PERCEPTION 9 papers is subdued and brought in Cut To
Find 10, first aid 10, tracking 10 for questioning.
MIND 9 If the Storm Knights go to exam-
Test 10, willpower 10 Veteran Shocktroopers (24) ine the disappearance of Agatha,
CHARISMAB Reality: Nile Empire cut to Scene Three, "The Monitors
Persuasion 10, taunt 9 DEXTERITY 9 and the Merry Mac." If they decide
SPIRIT 9 Beast riding 11, fire combat 12, to pay Mr. Grabowski a visit, cut to
Faith (Cyberpapal) 10, intimi- heavy weapons 12, melee weap- Scene Four, "Grab Bag."
dation 11, reality (Cyberpapacy) ons 11, unarmed combat 12
Possibilities: 3 Climbing 10 SCENE THREE:
Equipment: Armor of God, ar-
morvalueTOU+B/17; God Meeter,
TOUGHNESS 10 The Monitors and
damage value 20, ammo 30, with Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9, the Merry Mac
Smartgun (+3 to hit) trick 9
Cyberware: EpiphaNeur; CSI MIND 7
EyeKill Mk IV; BelleSee Telesight Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12
(+3 to find at range), CyberHam CHARISMA 7 The Situation
Receiver /Homer /Throat Mike Taunt 9 Standard. The Storm Knights in-
(fully functional radio and hom- SPIRIT 9 vestigate the disappearance of the
ing signal); MB Chargerl (DEX+l Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimida-

Torg: War's End

old gypsy woman Agatha, and wind is "Merry Mac," a derelict who of six heavily armed and armored
up finding some rather different gets in a giddy mood whenever individuals, each one bearing the
individuals altogether. Read aloud he's drunk. attributes of the race known as
or paraphrase: Merry Mac didn't see Agatha Akashans. They stare at you with
You are at the outskirts of the get kidnapped, but he later found eyes narrowed in suspicion. "We
bazaar, close to a section of the and picked up a silver comb that seek Lotar," a striking brunette
old city wall. The silversmith's she dropped in the struggle. There's announces in a cold voice. "What
booth is located a little ways away a nearby storm drain set into the have you done with him?" The
from the major crowds: no doubt wall, which is where the kidnap- Akashans ready their weapons.
the proprietor has hissteady cus- pers made their escape. A Percep- This team of six Akashan Moni-
tomers and has little need to be tion or tracking total of 13 reveals tors is searching for Lotar Grell,
set up along the busier thorough- the signs of a struggle near the one of their race endowed with
fare. However, the silversmith is wall, with tracks going to the storm particularly strong precognitive
not at his booth today; a small drain. No objects have been powers. He disappeared the day
sign says "Closed for the Day" in dropped anywhere around. before, and like the Storm Knights,
Arabic and English. The only the Akashans are looking for an-
things you see are the closed booth, swers (albeit with less subtlety).
the old wall, and a drunken va-
The Monitors The woman who spoke is Darah
grant slouched against it, singing Before the Storm Knights get a Nahl, the leader of this team. For
happily. chance to question Mac, a searing interaction purposes, she starts out
bolt of energy passes over their as Hostile to the Storm Knights. If
heads and takes out part of the the party manages to get her to
The Action wall. Gamemasters should go into talk she explains her story:
rounds, while reading the follow- "We are searching for one of
Ahmad, the silversmith, is in-
ing: our number, Lotar Grell, a fellow
deed taking a holiday today. No
foul play is involved. The vagrant Standing before you is a squad Monitor and a member of my

Act One

squad. He disappeared in this area

very early yesterday morning.
When I saw you people poking
around here, I hastily assumed
that you were involved with his
disappearance in some way. My
Darah goes on to explain that
word has arrived from Rotan Ulka:
the Akashans are to depart the
planet within the next week. It's
apparently been decided that the
prospects of helping Core Earth's
people against the invaders are
dimming in comparison to the harm
already done to this sphere: the
spread of the Comaghaz virus, the
theft and misuse of Akashan real-
ity tree technology (particularly by
the Orrorshans), etc. All Monitor
squads are expected to account for
their members.
Darahadds grimly thatshe hopes
Lotar has not decided to desert, as
she has heard some have. The Rotan
has proven reluctant to use force
against those who are determined SPIRIT 8 the news, citing a lack of knowl-
to stay on Earth, and she fears that Faith (Akashan) 10, intimidation edge of any pull-out, Darah shrugs,
remnants of their species may well 11, reality (Star Sphere) 12 saying "Well, word WAS sent out
remain behind when the lightships Possibilities: 5 each to all our units ... perhaps if you
leave. Equipment: Kinetic armor, ar- spent less time gallivanting with
Darah assures the Knights that mar value TOU+10/20; gravitic ray, the natives of this planet, and were
her group will persist in their search, damage value 30; pulse cannon, more attendant of your duties as a
and if the characters should en- damage value 23, ammo 25; ten- Star Sphere representative, you'd
counter Lotar, he should be in- tacle sword, damage value STR+6/ know about it."
formed of the situation and in- 16; gutadatl (DEX+2/STR+2); While Darah concedes the Knight
structed to report in. volent rope; transtee can stay on Earth if he chooses to,
Alignment: Coar she does point out tha t there is no
Akashan Monitors (6) Psionic Powers: Coar Powers guarantee he will ever be able to
Reality: Star Sphere (psychic assault, telekinetic attack), find his way home again. There
DEXTERITY 10 Telepathy (beacon, mind meld, send may be a few straggler ships that
Biotech weapons 11, dodge 11, thoughts, thought scan.) the Storm Knight can catch after
energy weapons 11, maneuver Description: These Monitors are the deadline has passed, if there is
11, melee weapons 11, unarmed on a short fuse and prone to shoot- room, but Darah can't promise
combat 12 ing first, asking questions later. anything. All she knows is that her
STRENGTH 10 They are under a deadline, and particular squad is due to leave
TOUGHNESS 10 (20 w/armorl will soon be heading back to Machu very soon, and they have to find
PERCEPTION 9 Picchu. their missing member.
Find 10, language 10, psionic This can make for an interesting
manipulation 10, trick 10 subplot during this adventure, as
MINDS Hey! What About the Knight decides whether to aban-
Psionic resistance 11, survival don the planet and his newfound
9, test 10, willpower 11 ME!?
friends or his entire species.
CHARISMAS If there are Akashan Storm
Persuasion 9, taunt 10 Knights in the group who protest

Torg: War's End

Merry Mac tempts to fry the Knight and his brings the bouncer out, plus puts
group. the gangsters inside on alert.
Merry Mac will only part with
the silver gypsy comb if given at "Knuckles" McGee
least $40 US money, in addition to Variables DEXTERITY 10
any level of success. using persua- Dodge 12, melee weapons 13,
If the Knights attack the Moni- unarmed combat 12
sion (Mac starts out as Hostile to
tors, let two rounds of combat oc- STRENGTH 14
the party if they approach him,
cur, then have each Knight gener- TOUGHNESS 14
asking questions and such; other-
ate a Perception total of 12. Those PERCEPTION 7
wise he is Neutral to them.)
who succeed realize that the Moni- Divination magic 1O,find 10, trick
All that Mac knows is that he
tors are clearly acting agitated, as 10
saw several black shadows grab
if looking for someone, and feel- MIND 7
the old lady after she left the
silversmith's booth, and take her ing very frustrated. Streetwise 10, test 12, willpower
into the sewers. 14
Merry Mac Cut To Taunt 10
If the Storm Knights go to hunt
Dodge 11, melee weapons 10, Intimidation 15, reality (Aysle)lO
down Valara, cut to Scene Two,
unarmed combat 10 Possibilities: 10
"On The Waterfront:' Should they
STRENGTH 7 Arcane Knowledges: Folk 7
decide to visit the esteemed Mr
TOUGHNESS 8 Spells: Detect truth, telepathy
Grabowski, cut to Scene Four, "Grab
PERCEPTION 8 Natural Tools: Claws, damage
Bag:' If they go into the sewer, cut
Find 10, trick 9 value STR+3/17
to Scene Five, "Night of the Ninja:'
MIND 7 Equipment: Club, damage value
Artist (singing) 9 STR+4/18; pinstriped suit
CHARISMA 8 Description: "Knuckles" is an
Persuasion 9, taunt 12, reality
SCENE FOUR: Ayslish troll who decided that get-
(Nile Empire) 9 Grab Bag ting paid to hit people in the Nile
SPIRIT 7 Empire made a lot more sense than
Possibilities: 1 having paladins shove pigstickers
Equipment: Sharp stick, dam- in him every other day in Aysle.
age value STR+ 1/8; begger's bowl; The Situation He is the doorkeeper, using his
bottle of cheap hooch magic to screen out liars and in-
Standard. The Storm Knights
form Grabowski of any trouble.
visit a speakeasy, the headquar-
He's very good at this, and at break-
Flags ters of "Gat" Grabowski, known
ing people's heads open. Aside from
gangster. When the party arrives
those two skills, he's a dim bulb.
A Connection card means that at the door of the speakeasy, read
(Note that the two spells he knows
the Storm Knight knows Darah, aloud or paraphrase:
and she immediately trusts him or are of a sufficiently low Magic axiom
Your group stands in front of a that they can be used in a Nile pure
her, once she gets a look at the nondescript metal door with a zone without contradiction.)
Storm Knight. An Alertness card single bare 40 watt light bulb
finds the tracks leading to the sewer, When the Storm Knights give
burning feebly overhead. When
or the silver comb sticking out of the pass phrase and enter the speak-
you rap on the door, a small slid-
Mac's filthy tunic. A Personal Stake easy, read aloud the following:
ing plate opens up, and a pair of
means that the Storm Knight knows large, bloodshot, watery yellow After the smelly Troll gangster
Lotar, and will do whatever he or eyes look out at you. A gravelly opens the metal door and lets you
she can to get him back. A Suspi- voice says, "Yeah?" in, you walk down a flight of steps
cion card means that the Monitors into the speakeasy itself. From
do not totally trust that Storm your vantage point on the stairs,
Knight, and if there are no results
in twelve hours, the team hunts
The Action you can catch a very good glimpse
of the entire establishment.
down the Storm Knight courtesy The code phrase is "Ali sent me." The place is packed with unsa-
of a small organic tracer (a bug in If this is not said, the sliding panel vory looking characters in
all senses of the word), and at- slams shut. Any further knocking

Act One

pinstriped suits, spats, and fedo-

ras, swilling illegal gin and grab-
bing at their giggling molls. A
man in a derby pounds out a rag-
time melody on a battered piano.
Two muscular, bald bartenders
serve the customers. Four ceiling
fans twirl about lazily, doing pre-
cious little to move the cigar smoke
which hangs heavy in the air.

Nice Family!
A Perception or find total of 12
reveals a hidden door against one
wall. Behind this is the office where
Grabowski does his business. There
are 15 gangsters in his employ,
two of whom are seated near the
secret door, posing as customers.
The bartenders are twins; thick
necks, bald heads, muscular bod-
ies. They're the Smash Brothers
(Butch and Bonzo), best bartend-
ers/legbreakers this side of the Nile.
Smash Brothers
Reality: Nile Empire
Melee weapons 13, missileweap- to persuade the Smash Brothers to don't seem ta care, like dey ain't
ons 13, unarmed combat 14 set it up (initial attitude towards gonna be around much longer!"
STRENGTH 12 the Storm Knights is Hostile, their However, if the Storm Knights
TOUGHNESS 12 attitude towards Grabowski is begin causing trouble, all fifteen
PERCEPTION S Loyal). A bribe of 100 Royals adds gangsters pullout their Thompsons,
Find 10, scholar (bar drinks) 14, +4 to any attempt to influence them. draw back the bolts, and try to ice
trick 10 Of course, a successful Player's Call the Storm Knights.
MINDS on an intimidation attempt works
Streetwise 11, test 12, willpower wonders as well. Gangsters (15)
15 On the other hand, getting Reality: Nile Empire
CHARISMA S scuttlebutt from the bartenders is DEXTERITY 10
Charm (16), persuasion (16), a far simpler matter. A five Royal Fire combat 14, melee weapons
taunt 13 bribe ot a- successful streetwise to- 13, unarmed combat 13
SPIRIT 10 tal of 14 gets one of the following: STRENGTH 9
Intimidation 16 TOUGHNESS 9
• "I hear tell dat da sewers have PERCEPTION 9
Possibilities: None
become a real dangerous place dese Find 11, land vehicles 12, track-
Inclination: Evil
days. Ya never can tell what ye'll ing 12, trick 13
Equipment: Each brother has a
find dere!" MINDS
baseball bat under the counter, dam-
age value STR+3/15, and a Luger, • "Da waterfront is da best place ta Streetwise 10, willpower 10
damage value 15, ammo 8, tucked find missin' persons, so dey say. CHARISMA 7
in a pouch on their bartenders' Ya know, all dat guff about Taunt 9
aprons. shanghaingpeople for ship crews!" SPIRIT 9
• "Somethin's weird about da Intimidation 12
If the Storm Knights want to see
shocktroopers. One minute they're Inclination: Evil
Grabowski, they are going to have
actin' specially nasty, da next, dey Equipment: Thompson subma-

Torg: War's End

chineguns, damage value 20, ammo triggered by a very loud noise oc- Smash Brothers, and will easily get
30; brass knuckles, damage value curring when he uses the power. a meeting with Grabowski. A Nem-
STR+3/12 Description: Grabowski is a con- esis card means that Grabowski
niving sneak, possessing a pulp "doesn't like yourface," and marks
power but not letting on until it's that Storm Knight as an enemy.
The Meeting too late. He makes his living kid- This means tha t gangster drive-
napping people, either for ransom bys (eight gangsters in two cars)
If and when the Storm Knights
or for hire by a third party. become a fact of life for tha t Storm
finally get the chance to meet
Gat is a tall man with a per- Knight for the rest of the act.
Grabowski, they are taken behind
petual smirk, forever chewing on
the bar and through an entrance
a' thick stogie. He's dressed in a
there, not through the secret door. Variables
pinstripe suit, spats, and fedora.
After all, if the door was used ca-
sually, it wouldn't be much of a If successfully questioned/inter- If the Storm Knights are low on
secret for long. rogated, he claims ignorance of the cash, they each get $5,000 reward
Once in the back, they are taken kidnapping of prophets, seers, and for rescuing the kidnap victims.
through another secret door, this fortunetellers. He has heard that A setback for the heroes means
one leading into the same room someone has been homing in on his that a squad of Nile veteran
that the first secret door leads into. racket, snatching up a whole bunch shocktroopers has picked this point
The room is a well-appointed of- ofpeople. He thinks, personally, that in time to raid the speakeasy. Since
fice with a huge desk. Four Th- the Empire itself is behind the dis- the Storm Knights are in here, they
ompson-toting gangsters stand here appearances, and that the victims are guilty by association. The
as guards. Sitting behind the desk, are being shipped out of the city, shocktroopers attempt to arrest
puffing on a big stogie, is Gat since there is no trace of them, dead them as well.
Grabowski himself. or alive, and no ransom note. Noth-
ing. Grabowski knows kidnapping, Veteran Shocktroopers (20)
Gat "The Grabber" Grabowski and these aren't normal ones. Reality: Nile Empire
Dodge 15, fire combat 16, ma- Beast riding 11, fire combat 12,
neuver 17, melee weapons 14, But What's This? heavy weapons 12, melee weap-
running 14, ons 11, unarmed combat 12
stealth 16, unarmed combat 15 There is a third secret door in STRENGTH 9
STRENGTH 11 Grabowski's office (found on a Per- Climbing 10
TOUGHNESS 10 ception or find total of 17). When TOUGHNESS 10
PERCEPTION 10 opened, the air smells of human PERCEPTION 7
Find 13, land vehicles 13, scholar sweat and urine. Down a very short Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9,
(master criminal) 15, trick 14 hall is a large cell, with 11 people trick 9
MIND 10 chained up. These are all rniddle- MIND 7
Business 14, streetwise 12, will- class/wealthy citizens of Cairo, Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12
power 13 being held for ransom. They will CHARISMA 7
CHARISMA 9 all be quite happy to be released. Taunt 9
Charm 11'; persuasion 12, taunt None of them are gifted with the SPIRIT 9
13 ability to predict the future, how- Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimida-
SPIRIT 10 ever. tion 12
Intimidation 12, reality (Nile Em- Needless to say, Grabowski will Possibilities: None
pire) 12 do his best to make sure that the Equipment: KK81, damage value
Possibilities: 15 Storm Knights don't find or use 19, ammo 24; two grenades, dam-
Inclination: Evil that secret door. He and his men age value 19; bayonet, STR+4/13;
Equipment: Thompson subma- will fight like wildca ts to keep them field kit
chinegun, damage value 20; weird out.
science brass knuckles, delivers an
electro-jolt, damage value STR+9/
Flags Cut To ...
Pulp Power: Brainbuster (value If the Storm Knights go to hunt
A Connection card means that
15) down Valara, cut to Scene Two,
the Storm Knight knows one of the
Power Flaw: A power setback, "On The Waterfront." If the Storm

~ -:-:--------------------~~
Act One

Knights go to examine the disap- crawl on the slimy walls. The The only conduits into the sewer
pearance of Agatha, cut to Scene sounds of rodent chittering echo are small drain holes and pipes
Three, 'The Monitors and the Merry loudly around you. The brackish connecting to buildings.
Mac." If the characters go into the water is about half a meter deep.
sewers in search of the old gypsy Fortunately, this is a single tun- It's A Gas
woman, cut to Scene Five. nel run-off with no man-sized side
passages, making the trail easy to Sewers are notorious for having
follow ... you hope. quantities of methane and other
SCENE FIVE: combustible gasses. If anyone
brings down an open flame <e.g.
Night of the Ninja The Action an Ayslish Storm Knight with a lit
torch), the flame glows blue for
This is a layered obstacle scene. one round. This is the heavy-handed
Each obstacle should follow on the hint that the fire better be extin-
The Situation heels of the previous one, never guished ... NOW. If the flame isn't
Standard. The Storm Knights en- giving the players much of a chance extinguished, it sets off a fiery ex-
ter the sewers, looking for the old to catch their breaths. Use them in plosion of damage value 30, with a
gypsy woman, and find that the any order, except for "Catch a 20 meter blast radius.
kidnappers are none other than Wave," which should be the final Optionally, the gas explosion
Wu Han and his army of pulp ninja one before finding Wu Han and damage can also apply if anyone
assassins. Read aloud or para- his ninja. casts a flame-based spell, such as a
phrase: The sewer tunnel is round and fireball, in the sewers.
2.5 meters in diameter, with about
Great. Here you are, in the sew- half a meter of brackish water. Oh, Rats!
ers of Cairo, and not surprisingly, Climbing the walls is a difficulty
it stinks. Huge water bugs the of 10. There are no branches that A massive number of rats emerge
length of a grown man's forearm give access to the Storm Knights. from every pipe and cranny, driven

Torg: War's End

wild by the flood of wa ter coming Let's Rock An Old Favorite

down the tunnel as well as by the
scent of warm flesh. The wave of Falling masonry, loosened by all What would a jaunt through the
rats comes from behind the party, the action down here, rains down Nile be without some gospog? Wu
chasing them deeper into the sew- on the Knights. Each one must gen- Han has secured a number of
ers. erate a Dexterity or dodge total of 12 gospog from Mobius to guard the
or suffer damage value 16. sewer, and not let anyone by who
Rat Swarm (200) doesn't belong.
Running 9, stealth 8, swimming Gospog of the Third Planting
9, unarmed combat 10 The brackish water obscures a (18)
STRENGTH 3 deadly drain, which sucks volumes Reality: Nile Empire
TOUGHNESS 3 of water (and anything else) down DEXTERITY 10
PERCEPTION 7 with it. Escaping it is a Dramatic Fire combat 12, melee weapons
MIND 3 Skill Resolution, steps A,B,C. Step 13, swimming 14, unarmed com-
CHARISMA 3 A is a Dexterity or swimming total bat 13
SPIRIT 3 of 10, Step B is a Dexterity or swim- STRENGTH IS
Possibilities: None ming total of 12, and Step C is a TOUGHNESS 17 (20)
Natural Tools: Teeth, damage Dexterity or swimming total of 14. PERCEPTION 10
value STR+2/5 Failure results in being pulled down Find 12, tracking 10, trick 12
and drowned. MIND 9
Survival 12, test 12, willpower
What a Crock
What A Tangled Web 12
A horrible, twisted version of CHARISMA 8
the urban legend of alligators lurk- Four mutated spiders lurk here, SPIRIT 13
ing in the sewer, massive croco- subsisting on rats and such. Snap- Faith (Egyptian) 14, intimida-
diles swim down here. These huge ping their webs requires a Strength tion 16
reptiles are mummified as a result total of 14. Trapped victims can do Possibilities: None
of the Nile reality, making them nothing else but attempt to break Equipment: Treated skin, armor
more monster than animal. They out. value TOU+3/20; spiked staff, dam-
bar the way of the Knights as they age value STR+5/20
Giant Mutated Spiders (4)
flee down the tunnel, requiring the DEXTERITY 10 These gospog lurk in the water,
adventurers to use manel/ver to get Dodge 12, running 12, llnarmed down a length of the tunnel, and
past them. combat 13 will erupt out along the length of
Mummified Crocodiles (12) STRENGTH 8 the party, a ttacking them every-
DEXTERITY 9 Climbing 14 where. This is especially effective
Swimming 12, unarmed combat TOUGHNESS 11 if the party is running, as the Storm
10 PERCEPTION 12 Knights are probably not watch-
STRENGTH 10 Find 14, trick 15 ing where they are going.
PERCEPTION S Willpower 9 Catch A Wave
Find 12, tracking 14, trick (1) CHARISMA 3
Taunt OO} Whether by bizarre coincidence
MIND 3 or some odd dramatic event, a mas-
Test (7), willpower 10 SPIRIT 3
Intimidation 12 sive gout of water issues forth, cre-
CHARISMA 1 ating a huge wave of filthy water.
Taunt (0) Possibilities: None
Natural Tools: Mandibles, dam- The wave moves at a rate of three
SPIRIT S meters per round (this should be
Intimidation 13 age value STR+5/13; poison, de-
livered on an llnarmed combat at- played in rounds). If the wave over-
Possibilities: None takes anyone, they must make a
Natural Tools: Teeth, damage tack that produces atleastonewollnd
- damage value 16 each round for Dexterity or swimming total of 12 to
value STR+6/16; tail, damage value avoid being drowned. Even if the
STR+4/14; mummified hide, ar- ten rounds or until death.
Storm Knight beats the difficulty
mor value TOU+4/14. number, he will still be carried along
by the wall of water. Cut to "Event."

•• 18
Act One

Torg: War's End

Event PERCEPTION 10 tralized. In fact, if given the oppor-

Find 14, trick 16 tunity, he will try a One-an-Many
The wave essentially herds the MIND 10 attack, neutralize the armor of three
Storm Knights into what appears Test 15, willpower 15 or four Storm Knights, then direct
to be a dead end. The pipe has a CHARISMA 9 the ninja to attack those helpless
large solid grating in the floor, into Taunt 14 individuals while he himself makes
which the sewage drains. It is im- SPIRIT 9 his escape.
passable by the Storm Knights, the Intimidation 15
pipe beneath too narrow for them Possibilities: None
to escape through. However, a Per- Equipment: Katana, damage The Escape
ception or find total of 12 reveals a value STR+7/17; black clothing
Wu Han's stats reflect his expe-
secret door in the sewer wall. Open- Inclination: Evil
rience from his conversion to Core
ing the door reveals a large cham-
WuHan Earth axioms, and subsequent re-
ber. The door is watertight, and
DEXTERITY 11 turn to Nile axioms. He will watch
springs back to a closed position
Fire combat 13, melee weapon the battle, and when it's apparent
on its own. Read aloud the follow-
14, missile combat14, stealth 13, that the ninja are getting the worst
unarmed combat 14 of it, he will bow, salute, and slip
You stagger, wet and winded, STRENGTH 8 out the back entrance (see map).
into a large vault, clearly not part TOUGHNESS 8 (15 with robes) This area is a minor staging place
of the Cairo sewer system. Gasp- PERCEPTION 13 for Wu Han's more secret machi-
ing for air, your eyes adjust to the Find 15, hieroglyphics 15, lan- nations in Cairo. The room con-
lighting, and a shiver of dread guage 15, scholar (master crimi- tains a teak desk and expensive
runs through you as you hear doz- nal)l7, scholar (Core Earth realm Oriental rugs. Wu Han activates a
ens of swords unsheathing. You lore) 16, trick 16 trap door in the ceiling, triggers a
look up and see dozens of figures MIND 14 silent alarm, steps into a huge box-
dressed in black, all with katanas. Test 16, willpower 18, weird sci- kite (a weird science device), and
Standing behind them, a smug ence 17 takes off into the skies of Cairo.
smile on his face, is none other CHARISMA 13 The characters can search the
than Cairo OvergovemorWu Han. Charm 17, persuasion 17, taunt desk. A Perception or find total of10
The mastermind shakes his head 16 will reveal the following: a docu-
at you. "Unless you Stormers have SPIRIT 8 ment referring to the kidnapped
somehow gained precognitive Intimidation 12, reality (Nile Em- seers, indicating they have been
powers, the Pharaoh has no need pire) 16 taken to Mobius' palace in Thebes;
for you at his grand palace in Possibilities: 25 a notation thata Cyberpapal witch,
Thebes. He would tell you that Equipment: Weird science- Roxanne D' Aramis, eluded Wu
himself, but he is currently hold- treated silk robes, armor value Han's men and fled to Boston; and
ing court there, seeking the coun- TOU+7/15; poison on fingernails, a memo mentioning that Mobius is
sel of his unwilling guests. As for damage value STR+2/1O - if a holding court in Thebes and secu-
you ... it seems somehow fitting wound or better is caused on an rity has been relaxed to allow peti-
you should perish in a sewer, amid unarmed combat attack, poison is tioners to see the Pharaoh.
the rest of the city's filth." He injected, doing damage value 25
turns his attention to his ebon- per round until treated; pouch full
clad army and says simply, "Kill of radion dust (a weird science Event
them." concoction, which, when tossed on The alarm brings a horde of vet-
armor, neutralizes it for one hour eran shocktroopers, who arrive the
Pulp Ninja (6 per Storm Knight)
Reality: Nile Empire - characters should be treated as moment after the Storm Knights
DEXTERITY 13 if they are unarmored). Note that climb out of the untlerground cham-
Acrobatics 16, dodge 17, long this works on interdermal armor ber. It's a good way to get them
jumping 15, maneuver 16, me- as well. Wu Han has a dozen doses, moving to Scene Six.
lee weapons 16, stealth 18, un- each of which requires a success-
armed combat 16 ful missile weapons total to hit. It Veteran Shocktroopers (40)
STRENGTH 10 works immediately, so if Wu Han Reality: Nile Empire
Climbing 14 gets initiative and uses the dust DEXTERITY 9

TOUGHNESS 10 successfully, the armor will be neu- Beast riding 11, fire combat 12,

.....~20.~---------------------- .. . ~
Act One

heavy weapons 12, melee weap- psionic domination, magical charm, the afternoon; assume that the pre-
ons 11, unarmed combat 12 the Tharkoldu Law of Domination, vious scenes take about two hours.
STRENGTH 9 or any other will-bending method. The timing should be such that the
Climbing 10 Actually, "impervious" isn't train is pulling away just as the
TOUGHNESS 10 quite accurate: if a Storm Knight Storm Knights reach the platform
PERCEPTION 7 gets a result that would otherwise - perhaps requiring a Dexterity or
Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9, mean a complete success (such as a long jumping total of 12 to make it.
trick 9 Player's Call), Wu Han clutches The trip takes seven hours, ar-
MIND 7 his head, and trickles of blood run riving in Thebes at midnight. Be-
Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12 from his nose and ears. If the Storm sides the steam locomotive, there
CHARISMA 7 Knights make a second attempt, is the mail/baggage car, troop com-
Taunt 9 he writhes on the ground, swear- mand car, dining car, four passen-
SPIRIT 9 ing fealty to Mobius one second, ger cars, and an observation car in
Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimida- then swearing Violently at Mobius the rear. Note that tickets can be
tion 12 the next. His heart suddenly seizes bought on the train via the con-
Possibilities: None up, and he dies, eyes wide with ductor (a mere 10 Royals).
Equipment: KK81, damage value pain. The train is crawling with Nile
19, ammo 24; two grenades, dam- veteran shocktroopers (about four
age value 19; bayonet, STR+4/13; dozen), all on alert for possible
field kit Cut To ... troublemakers. Mobius' decision
Theseshocktroopers travel in two to hold court has them tense and
troop trucks (speed value 100/60/ Saving the seers means going to papers are being checked very care-
12, TOU 20), two Senehem jeeps Thebes - and with a horde of fully, to screen out potential assas-
(speed value 150/100/13, TOU 15), shocktroopers on their trail, now sins.
and two Serseru recon vehicles might be a good time to leave. If
(speed value 100/60/2, TOU 26). they decide to make for the train
station, cut to Scene Six. If they
decide instead to head to the US
The Action
Flags and look for Roxanne, cu t to Act Travelling in squads of three,
Two. the Nile shocktroopers carry out
An Alertness card reveals the se- routine checks on the passengers.
cret door in the sewer wall. Eventually, they will reach the
SCENE SIX: Wild Storm Knights, demanding papers,
and using find to see if they are
Variables Ride packing weapons. If weapons are
If the Storm Knights attempt to found, more shocktroopers are
bargain with, control, dominate, called for, weapons are impounded,
or otherwise intimidate Wu Han The Situation and suspicious characters are
trundled off to the troop command
into taking them to Mobius, it will
fail. Mobius has placed a post-hyp- Standard. This short scene cov- car. The troops are under the com-
notic suggestion on his lieutenant, ers the train ride from Cairo to mand of Captain Azhad.
making him impervious to incli- Thebes. The train pulls out of the
nation seduction, hypnotism, station at around five o'clock in

~ War's End: Map 3

~ Cairo Train

= Car
t ' t , troW ~ m
aaa aaa
Passenger Cars

Torg: War's End

Veteran Shocktroopers (48) Beast riding 14, dodge 13, fire maneuver total of 12 would be re-
Reality: Nile Empire combat 14, heavy weapons 14, quired to maintain one's footing
DEXTERITY 9 melee weapons 14, unarmed atop the moving train. Anyone fool-
Beast riding 11, fire combat 12, combat 14 ing off gets one chance- at a Dex-
heavy weapons 12, melee weap- STRENGTH 10 terity difficulty of 10 - to grab on
ons 11, unarmed combat 12 TOUGHNESS 11 to the train. A Strength total of 10
STRENGTH 9 PERCEPTION 10 per round is required to hang on
Climbing 10 Find 13, first aid 11, languages until the character is pulled back
TOUGHNESS 10 11, tracking 12, trick 11 up - if he pulls himself up, a
PERCEPTION 7 MIND 9 Strength total of 12 is needed.
Find 9, first aid 9, tracking 9, Survival 11, test 11, willpower
trick 9 14
MIND 7 CHARISMA 8 Agent of Fear
Survival 9, test 9, willpower 12 Persuasion 10, taunt 11
The Gaunt Man has an agent
aboard the train, an Ayslish
Taunt 9 Intimidation 15, reality (Nile Em-
manticore who was transformed
SPIRIT 9 pire) 13
to Orrorshan axioms and quickly
Faith (Egyptian) 12, intimida- Possibilities: 15
became one of the Gaunt Man's
tion 12 Equipment: K08, danage value
most trusted "overseas operatives."
Possibilities: None 15, ammo 8; field kit.
In his human guise of "Mr. Manuel
Equipment:KK81,damagevalue Description: Azhad is a strict
T. Koar," he walks the train, look-
19, ammo 24; two grenades, dam- commander, slavishly devoted to
ing for any sign of Stormer activ-
age value 19; bayonet, STR+4/13; the Pharaoh. He has very little tol-
ity. He isa shapechanger. Thestats
field kit erance for Storm Knights.
on the left are for human form, on
Captain Azhad An ideal fight would take place the right for the manticore-human-
DEXTERITY 11 on the train's roof. A Dexterity or oid form.

Act One

Mr. Koar Koar will most certainly find the attack on them, luring them to the
DEXTERITY 10/14 Storm Knights, but rather than re- observation car (which will be
Acrobatics 12/16, dodge 13/17, veal his true nature, he will tail cleared out first); either that, or
flight -/18, maneuver 14/17, them for much of the adventure. Mr. Koar knows exactly who the
stealth 12/16, unarmed combat He will not strike at them by choice Knight is, and intends to play with
16/20 until they reach New Orleans. him a little as he follows him.
PERCEPTION 12/10 Flags Variables
Evidence analysis 16/14, find
A Trueldentitymeans that Azhad If the Storm Knights have caused
16/14, language 15/11, track-
knows exactly who the Storm a major ruckus in Cairo, there is a
ing 17/17, trick 14/12
Knight is, and will lead an all-out squad of 24 veteran shocktroopers
MIND 10/8
Occult 13/-, test of will 12/10,
willpower 14/12
Charm 15/-, persuasion 15/-,
taunt 13/10
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 17, intimi-
dation 19, reality (Orrorsh) 15,
shapeshifting 20, true sight 15
Possibilities: 20
Natural Tools: (in manticore
form) wings, speed value 12; claws,
. damage value STR+4/19; scorpion
tail, damage value STR+3/18;
venom, delivered by tailona wound
or better from an unarmed combat
attack - damage value 16 per round
unless trea ted.
Equipment: Sword cane, dam-
age value STR+5/16
Powers: Paralyzing touch, armor
defeating attack, resistance to normal
weapons, dark vision
Corruption Value: 14
Fear Rating: 3
Perseverance: 15
Weakness: Salt (severe weak-
True Death: Stabbed in the heart
with a knife while seeing its face
reflected in a mirror.
Description: In human form,
Koar appears as a sharply dressed
American. He has no pronounced
accent and smiles a little too much.
In manticore form, his head changes
into that of a deformed lion with
three sets of teeth in its mouth. A
scorpion tail erupts from his tail-
bone, ba t wings spring from his
shoulder blades, and his hands twist
into claws.

Torg: War's End

at the train station, watching ev- in which you travel about its be- Possibilities: 13
eryone who gets on board. If the ingmoved. Equipment: .455 Webley, dam-
Storm Knights are being chased to Before you stands the walled age value 17, ammo 6
the train station by shocktroopers courtyard of the Imperial Palace. Description: Ketif rose to power
from a previous scene (a VERY The walls are easily five meters as Sesetek fell, and he has come to
possible situation), the shock- high, and access is gained by a play much the same role as that
troopers at the station will be wait- huge golden gate decorated with worthy did in Mobius' court: some-
ing specifically for the Storm Egyptianhieroglyphs, and flanked one to gently steer the High Lord
Knights (news of their flight was on both sides by a pair of seated away from his madder schemes.
radioed ahead). Egyptian pharaohs carved from He is clever and quick, and though
There is also the possibility that marble. he disapproved of the idea of hold-
the Storm Knights have their own Mobius may be "holding court," ing court, he held his tongue on
air transportation. If they choose but he's not letting just anyone the condition that he be the one to
to use it, they will find another two in. Atop the walls, and atthe gates, question petitioners.
dozen shocktroopers at the airport, are numerous armed figures wear- If the characters are able to con-
forbidding all private planes/ gy- ing Egyptian style headdresses. vince Ketif they are legitimate sub-
ros/whatever from taking off. If At certain odd intervals along the jects of the Pharaoh with a griev-
they do get airborne, throw as many wall are strange tower-like em- ance, they will be allowed to pass
Paket fighters at them as needed to placements with what look like a through the gates and into the pal-
bring them down. And where do cross between a weird science ray ace proper (cut to Scene Eight). If
they crash? Why, right near the gun and an anti-aircraft battery. they fail, they may have to fight or
tracks of the Cairo-Thebes Express, The gates are shut. flee.
and the train is coming! A good The walls are manned by Sec-
time to jump on, no? ond Planting gospog and veteran
The Action shocktroopers, whose orders are
to stop anyone from entering the
Cut To ... The Knights have two options
here. They can present themselves palace without authorization from
When the Storm Knights arrive as petitioners or they can attack. Ketif. There are three dozen gospog
at Thebes, cutto Scene Seven, "Now We'll deal with the former choice and two dozen veteran shock-
Appearing at The Palace." first: troopers stationed on the walls
One of Mobius' advisers, Ketif, surrounding the palace. Each of
is posted at the gate to entertain all the eight tower /battery units con-
SCENE SEVEN: requests for 'Illaudience with Mo-
bius. He is a canny middle-aged
tains a dozen gospog and six
shocktroopers. Add as many
Now Appearing at man, and will not be easily fooled. gospog and troopers on the grounds
as you want to, depending on how
The Palace The characters will need good dis-
guises and one heck of a good story. the characters are doing and how
bloody you want to make this fight.
Ketif Play the combat out until you feel
The Situation DEXTERITY 8 the characters are getting bored,
Dodge 11, fire combat 10, stealth then let them get in and cut to
Standard. This scene takes place 10, unarmed combat 11 Scene Eight.
at Mobius' palace in Thebes. Bear STRENGTH 8
in mind that the city is crawling TOUGHNESS 8 Gospog of the Second
with shocktroopers; stealth and PERCEPTION 12 Planting
secrecy will carry the day. When Evidence analysis 16, find 17, Reality: Nile Empire
the Knights eventually reach the hieroglyphics 16, trick 18 DEXTERITY 10
palace grounds, read aloud the MIND 11 Fire combat 12, heavy weapons
following: Test 16, willpower 16 11, melee wea pons 11, unarmed
CHARISMA 12 combat 11
Something is very wrong ... or STRENGTH 10
very right. The artificial sun that Persuasion 17
is supposed to be Mobius' pride PERCEPTION 10
and joy is nowhere to be seen. But Intimidation 17, reality (Nile Em-
Find 11

there's been no word in the circles pire) 16

4 " "
Act One

Willpower 11
Intimidation 13
Equipment: KK81 rifle, damage
value 19, ammo 24

Weird Science Electro-Ray Gun

Damage Value: 30
Range: 10-100/500/1000
Note that the guns need only a
crew of two to fire successfully.

Scaling The Wall

Storm Knights who decide to
try and scale the wall without be-
ingseen must do itusing Dramatic
Skill Resolution, performing actions
ABCD. Action A requires a climb-
ing total of 12; Action B a stealth
total of 14; Action C a climbing total
of 10, and Action D a stealth of 16.

The electro-ray guns are to be
used on anyone who attempts to
fly into the courtyard.

Cut To ...
Once the Storm Knights man-
age to penetrate the front gate (or
somehow get over the wall) and
are in the courtyard, cu t to Scene
Eight, "The Will and the Way."

The Will and the away. The circular yard is roughly The Action
Way 30 meters in diameter, with its
floor composed of millions of tiny A Perception or scholar (Nile lore)
mosaic tiles which make a beauti- total of 8 reveals that the statue is
ful rendition of the Zodiac. At the indeed the Kefertiri Idol, the Dark-
The Situation far northern end, a tall, thin, ness Device of Dr. Mobius. The
cowled figure sits on a throne. hooded figure - Mobius himself
Dramatic. The Storm Knights en- Behind him rests a small bunker, - beckons the Knights closer, at
counter Dr. Mobius ... for the last and beside him an idol of a man the same time ordering his remain-
time? Read aloud or paraphrase: with the head of a crocodile, made ing troops to lower their weapons.
In the courtyard of Mobius' pal- of black obsidian. But even this is Read aloud or paraphrase:
ace is a sight to take your breath not the most arresting sight: Mo-
The cowled figure's right hand
bius' grand palace is on fire!

Torg: War's End

War's End: Map 4

Palace of
Dr. Mobius

or. °



•• 26
Act One

Before your startled eyes, the

Kefertiri Idol begins to shimmer,
to fade, and then ... it is gone.
Mobius sighs and continues:
"It's such a burden being right
all the time. Farewell, Kefertiri,
you fickle piece of stone. It's over,
you know. He's won. The Gaunt
Man, that is. He's a genius -
almost as brilliant as myself!
"Of course, I don't know the
whole story. The last piece of the
puzzle was that D'Aramis woman,
and she vanished into Malraux's
Boston before my bumbling
henchmen could grab her.
"Still, I digress. I have enjoyed
matching wits with you, Stormers,
even if yours are pitiful compared
to mine. What makes this truly
tragic is that I was winning, you
know. I was winning! I would
have conquered this miserable
cosm, made its inhabitants bow
before me, and you, you would
have been the lowliest slaves of
Mobius pauses, as if trying to
regain control of himself. When
he has sufficiently recovered, he
says simply, "Where was I? Oh,
yes, now I remember - so long,
Suddenly, a panel opens be-
nea th Mobius' throne and man and
chair drop through i l. The hole is
promptly sealed again by a thick
steel plate.
Dr. Mobius
Dodge 14, fire combat 11,
absently pets the black idol, which ing why I, the mightiest intellect lockpicking 14, melee weapons
pulses with blue and red light. in this cosm, should undertake to 11, stealth 20, unarmed combat
Then he looks up at you and abduct fortunetellers and their ilk. 10
speaks: It's quite simple: the mark of true STRENGTH 10
"Greetings, Stormers! So glad genius is knowing what you do not TOUGHNESS 10 (30 with Force
you could join me for this mo- know. I knew something was amiss Field)
mentous occasion. No doubt you in this cosm - very amiss - but I PERCEPTION 17
are here for the missing prophets did not know what. I brought the Air vehicles 20, Egyptian reli-
and sages. Ah, me ... well, they seers here to determine for me what gion 21, evidence analysis 20,
are here somewhere. Butthey may is going to happen, and praise be to hieroglyphics 22, land vehicles
well die of Cancer before you find Sebek, the poor fools did. And do 19, language (Arabic) 20, scholar
them. you know what? It's going to hap- (eternity shards) 20, scholar (my-
"You are most likely wonder- pen in three ... two ... one!" thology) 20, trick 21, space ve-

~. 27
Torg: War's End

hicles 19, water vehicles 19 trap door, go down the hole, find What Goes On Here?
MIND 25 and rescue the prisoners, and leave
Hypnosis 30, meditation 28, the hole: eight rounds. The Gaunt Man has, of course,
medicine 29, science 34, test 27, The steel trap door that shut be- summoned Mobius' Darkness De-
weird science 39 hind Mobius has a TaU of 40. If vice and it has been absorbed into
CHARISMA 25 somehow broken through, it leads Heketon. As for Mobius - he was
Charm 27, persuasion 30, taunt to a tunnel which heads north to never in the rocket ship. There is,
27 the small bunker. A Perception or however, a dead body of approxi-
SPIRIT 22 find total of 16 notes that the tunnel mately his size and weight inside,
Faith (Egyptian) 26, intimida- has another, secret, spur that leads and since it's doubtful that the char-
tion 25, reality (Nile Empire) 27 to the Palace proper. acters have ever seen him without
Possibilities: 260 The bunker is a seamless, steel his hood, how can they know
Inclination: Evil structure with no apparent win- whether it is him or not?
Equipment: .455 Webley, dam- dows or doors. In truth, Mobius has decided to
age value 17, ammo 6; force field Follow this timeline to deter- depart this cosm while the depart-
belt, armor value TOU+20/29; mine the chain of events. Remem- ing is good. Prior to the Knights'
weird science ruling staves: one ber to keep things moving! arrival, he had a slave dressed in
has Electro Ray 19, the other has Round 0: Mobius and his throne clothing identical to his own and
Fear 26. disappear into the ground and the strapped into the ship. The ship
steel trap door shuts tight. was then launched and blown up
Round 1: The entire facility be- by remote control to fake his death.
The Burning Palace gins to tremble. The surviving Mobius then slipped through a gate
gospog open fire on the party and to Terra (created by weird science).
The royal palace is ablaze, the
attempt to close with them. (Note that the machines that cre-
work of Mobius. The rock itself of
Round 6: The tremors get worse. ated the gate are programmed to
which the fortress is made burns
Round 8: The bunker's roof opens self-destruct, to prevent anyone fol-
now, albeit slowly. The palace has
up to reveal a one-man rocket, with lowing.)
already been stripped of all its trea-
Mobius' symbol emblazoned on Of course, if you, as gamemaster,
sures, which have been hauled back
the hull. really want Mobius dead through
to Terra.
Round 9: The rocket takes off his own machinations, go right ahead.
Once Mobius is out of sight, the
into the sky. We're kind of fond of him and pre-
entire complex begins to tremble.
Round 11: The rocket explodes fer to think he escaped and is plot-
A Perception or find total of 12 at
in mid-air, in a violent burst of red, ting anew somewhere else ...
any of the Zodiac signs reveals a
orange, and yellow fire.
trap door. Each trap door appears
Round 12: The tremors inten-
to drop into a tunnel. However, all Prophets With Honor
sify. From this point on, everyone
of them, except for the Zodiac sign
must generate a Dexterity or ma-
of Cancer the Crab, are death traps. All of the prophets say the same
nel/ver total of 10 to stay on their
In all of the signs except Cancer, thing: they have seen visions of an
hidden wall jets pour gouts of flame evil man with the powers of a god.
Round 15: The courtyard, the bun-
into the individual tunnels, caus- He is tearing apart the Earth at a
ker, and the palace erupt in a huge
ing damage value 35. Spotting the place where it is most fragile, where
explosion that is neatly limited to
jets requires a Perception or find it has already been wounded. The
the immediate environs. Anyone
total of 15. Total time to open a Akashan, Lotar, has seen a beauti-
caught in any of those three areas at
trap door, go down, explore it and ful woman being burned by
the time is vaporized. As the Storm
return: four rounds. cyberpriests - a woman who
Knights flee the complex, remem-
The Cancer the Crab trapdoor knows something that could stop
ber that any surviving gospog are
leads to a large cell, which con- this great evil before it takes place.
still on the walls, and will stubbornly
tains Lotar the Akashan, the gyp-
continue firing at them, heedless of
sies Agatha and Valara, and nine
the destruction about to take place Flags
other people gifted with precogni-
around them. Things should build
tion of one sort or another. Open-
to enoughofa climax that the Knights An Idea card can give the Storm
ing the cell require a Dexterity or
have at least a couple of rounds' Knights the Zodiac-based clue
lockpicking total of14. The bars have
warning that everything is about to about where the prisoners are. An
a TaU of30. Total time to open the
blow. Alertness card shows the Knight

•• 28
Act One

R etumings ...
The old man sat on a stone "Of course we are," the Colonel can return via one of the mael-
bench and stared at the lovely replied. "Your ... illness was strom bridges. We know the
garden. Behind him stood the scarcely your fault. And it was route home."
imposing, ornate building that your efforts to help us that ... well "Strange, though," Colonel
had been his home for the last " Cairo said. "Strange that the
three months. He was better "Drove me mad?" Frest bridges should be still stand-
now, or so they said. prompted. A moment of awkward ing. We heard that the Dark-
The sky here was a daz- silence ensued. Frest, frustrated ness Device disappeared."
zling blue, so farremoved from at his inability to create a means of "What? Amazing! Impos-
the stormy grey skies of Ber- getting the Mystery Men back to sible!" Frestsaid excitedly, ris-
lin. Of course, the fact that the Terra, had snapped some time back ing to his feet. "Unless ... no,
sanitarium was located out- and fled to Berlin. Once there, he it couldn't be."
side of Leipzig, far from Ber- fell in with the Tharkoldu, form- "What is it?"
lin and safely within Core ing an unholy alliance in hopes of "The only explanation I can
Earth axioms, might have had opening a gateway to Mobius' think of," Frest began, "is if
something to do with it. home cosmo The Tharkoldu real- someone else is maintaining
The old man smiled as he ity pushed him further over the the reality here. Someone other
watched a fat bumblebee buzz- brink, driving him to use inno- than Mobius is draining the
ing from flower to flower. A cents as guinea pigs in his experi- possibility energy from this
few months ago, he was so ments. It was their screams that realm."
obsessed with his work that it haunted his nights. The Guardian allowed him-
had become a mania; he never "I ... I have done much evil," self a smile. "Now that's the
would have noticed something Frest muttered at last, hands cra- Frest I know! Back to his real-
so elegantly amazing as an dling his head. ity mechanics technobabble!"
insect whose body isn't aero- "You were tainted with mad- "All qui te fascina ting,"
dynamic yet it flies anyway. ness," the Wraith declared qui- Frest said, scratching his head.
But that was ... so long ago. etly. "But it has past. What was "But you say we are return-
He was a different man then. done is done. It is all over now." ing to Terra. For a well-de-
He was a better man now. "It ... is over?" Frest echoed in served rest, I presume?"
Three shadows fell on him, confused wonder. "No," the Wraith answered
prompting him to turn about, The Guardian nodded his head. grimly. "Back to resume our
curious. He drew in his breath. "More so than you know. The war own personal war on the forces
Standing before him were is over. Our agents in Thebes re- of evil. Don't worry, Doctor
three of his oldest, dearest port that Mobius is no more." - I am sure there will be plenty
comrades: the Guardian, the A smile of rapturous joy spread for us to do back there."
Wraith, and Colonel Cairo. over Frest's face. "Defeated? At No one spoke for a while,
"Hello again, Doctor Frest," last?" each reflecting on the war tha t
the Guardian announced. "Yes, Alexus," the Guardian had been won and the
"You are looking well." said. "Come along now. It's time struggles that still awaited
Doctor Frest nodded to go home." them. Evil was never truly
weakly. "Greetings, friends! "Home? But how?" vanquished - the best they
If my friends you still are?" "When word of Mobius' death could hope to do was stop it,
The Wraith nodded as Colo- spreads, there will be confusion in one battlefield at a time.
nel Cairo gave a slight smile. the ranks of his shocktroopers. We

Torg: War's End

that there are trap doors built into

each Zodiac sign.
Back to the Stars
Variables Rotan Ulka looked out over As the Lorbaa t hissed in
If the Storm Knights wish to at- the assembled High Council. contempt, the Draygakk rep-
tack Dr Mobius, let them. Mobius, Sarila sat at his right hand, resentative held up a hand
aware that Kefertiri would go soon, outwardly calm, inwardly for peace. "What of the real-
succeeded in tapping a huge seething. ity trees?"
amount of possibility energy be- "The decision has been "Those which have taken
fore it left. Mobius will attempt to made and it shall stand," he root here will remain. The rest
simply subdue the Knights and go intoned. "It is a wise species return with us."
back to his monologue. that knows when it is in error, "And so?" Sarila de-
and we have erred by return- manded. "Do we now flee to
ing here. Preparations for de- the stars, forgetting all we have
Aftermath parture will continue." seen here? There was da'nger,
"What of all our forces true, but there was also much
Once the two gypsy women are here?" the Lorbaat represen- of interest."
reunited with their family, Karlo tative clicked in anger. "What "Indeed," Ulka replied.
gives the Storm Knights a token of all our casualties? All of "And so we shall leave a small
that marks the group as friends of our efforts?" contingent on Earth's moon
the gypsies. Any gypsy encoun- "What would you have me to observe the progress of the
tered will do one favor for the to- do, Lorbaat? Answer blood- human species. Perhaps ...
ken bearer and his group. shed with more bloodshed? when they are more advanced
Lotar will reward the group by That is not the way of the ... we shall return again.
offering himself as a teacher to any Akashans. We have indeed lost "I thank you all for your
one Storm Knight who wishes to many since coming to this counsel," the Rotan said, ris-
pick up the psionic skills. Informed place. It is the price we all ing. "Continue with the evacu-
of the Akashan departure, he will must pay for ... humility." ation. It is time to go home."
decide to remain behind.
Going in search of Roxanne is a
matter of hopping a DC3 to Rome,
and catching a 747 direct flight to written. None of the four men
Logan International Airport in Bos- present noticed the characters'
ton. appearance, or can answer any Each Storm Knight gets four Pos-
But before they can do that ... questions about how they got there. sibilities for surviving the act.
there is a great flash of light, one At the end of the scene, the flash Award an additional two Possi-
that bids fair to blind the charac- of light occurs again and the char- bilities for each of the following
ters. When they can see again, they acters are back in Thebes, with only accomplishments: killing/ captur-
find themselves standing in the a few seconds having passed. The ing Wu Han; rescuing the prison-
courtyard of a German hospital. gypsies are stunned at the powers ers. Note that if Wu Han died be-
Before them stand three Mystery of these Storm Knights, who can cause of the post-hypnotic sugges-
Men and an aged man they mayor appear and disappear at will! tion, the Storm Knights get no award
may not know as Dr. Alexus Frest. Note that the characters will not for the deed.
Cut to "Returnings," below. The be transported to the Akashan High
characters may intervene in this Council Chamber (see "Back to the
scene in any way they wish, per- Stars") - but when they remater- Cut To •••
haps attempting to talk the Mys- ialize in Thebes, they will suddenly,
tery Men into staying on Earth. Or mysteriously have knowledge of Once the Storm Knights decide
they may choose to just observe, in the events there. to find Roxanne, cut to Act Two,
which case the scene plays out as "Banned In Boston."

Act Two

Act Two

Banned In Boston
The Major Beat and only recently has Boston been
altered. It's a tense situation in
The Storm Knights travel to Bos- Beantown these days; the
ton,MA, which is under Cyberpapal CyberChurch does not rule the
axioms, in search of Roxanne city, but rather is attempted to
D' Aramis. Roxanne is a witch who gain influence slowly, offering the
holdsa vital clue to the Gaunt Man's average citizen protection from
plans. But learning it means sav- various horrors; horrors which,
ing her from a Cyberpapal version you realize, didn't start showing
of the Salem witch trials. up until the Cyberpapacy landed
The Storm Knights go to Boston here.
with no specific information on It is quite apparent that city,
where to start. They are going to state, and federal governments are
have to figure it out for themselves. still intact here; but the Cyberpapal
Thus, the first several scenes can authorities are given a wide
be played in any order. breadth of discretion to act for
Gamemasters should run this act their own defense and the greater
with the deadly, in-your-face atti- good of the people. Every day,
tude of cyberpunk. It's every man however, the Cyberpapists push
for himself and damn everyone else. the limit just a fraction more.
Also, bear in mind that the Boston has an extensive subway
Cyberpapacy does not control this and bus system, making for easy
zone with the same iron fist as it access to any part of the city, in-
controls France. It's not a military cluding the airport. Rental cars are
occupation, at least not yet. In Bos- also available.
ton and vicinity, the CyberChurch Note that Boston, and most of
is rather engaged in a competition the state of Massachusetts, is in a
for the hearts and minds of the Cyberpapal dominant zone.
people. The Cyberpapacy has taken
a battering in recent years, and
there is a certain sense of urgency SCENE ONE: The
in the action of its agents - tem-
pered by a concern that too much Cathedral
overt action will stiffen resistance.
Let the people be lulled into the
CyberChurch, goes the common
wisdom, rather than bludgeoned
The Situation
into it. Standard. The Cyberpapists'
Read aloud or paraphrase the main cathedral in Boston is on the
following at the start of the act: former site of the First Church of
It's drizzling as you land at Christ, Scientist, otherwise known
Boston's Logan International Air- as the Christian Science church.
port. You know that the Cyberpa- This sceneis to be used if the Knights
pacy has extended its realm south try go get some informa tion on
from Canada into New England, Roxanne through the Cyberpapal

Torg: War's End

Read aloud or paraphrase the one, this buildingstillseemsrather vating the alarm requires a Mind
following: intimidating and oppressive. or science (electronics) total of 14.
You are standing on Massachu- All locked interior doors require a
setts Avenue, watching vehicles Dexterity or lock picking total of 12.
and pedestrians going about their The Action Consult the map on page 34 while
business. When the Cyberpapal running this scene:
The following is the floor plan
axiom wash struck Boston, one of for the Boston Cathedral. Exterior 1. Sanctuary: The first thing
the first casualties was the head- doors need a Dexterity or lock pick- which catches everyone's attention
quarters of the Christian Scien- ing total of 18 to penetrate. The is the huge electronic crucifix that
tists, their huge church transform- doors are alarmed (Perception or is suspended from the ceiling, six
ing into a massive Gothic cathe- find of 16 to spot), and any attempt meters above their head.
dral. Although the Cyberpapal to enter (successful or not) will The sanctuary has rows of pews,
presence here is not a military activate the silent alarm. Deacti- an altar, a holy water font, a choir
area, and a baptismal. A huge
stained-glass window depicts a
cybernetic Moses dispersing
DatChips imprinted with the Ten
War's End: Map 5 Parameters to the children of Is-
Salem rael.
Finding the secret door requires
a Perception or find total of 20.
2. Priests' Quarters: Each room
contains two cyberpriests. The
rooms have beds, night stands,
writing desks, computer terminals,
and a large golden crucifix stud-
ded with electronic circuitry.
All room doors are locked.

Cyberpriests (20)
Dodge 10, fire combat 10, melee
weapons 10
Cyberdeck ops 14, find 12, trick
Science (computers) 12, test 12,
willpower 13
Charm 12, persuasion 11, taunt
Faith (CyberpapaD 15, focus 14
(16 w / crucifix), intimidation 14,
reality (Cyberpapacy) 14
Possibilities: 8
Equipment: HalloMesh, armor
value TOU+5/14; God Meeter,
damage value 20, ammo 30; blessed
crucifix (+2 to focus)
Cyberware: NeuraCal, Epipha-
Neur, BelleView 20-20 (+2 to PER

•• 32
Torg: War's End

based on sight), CSI LEDs, trois alarms and locks. Also, it can The file goes on to say that Salem,
CyberHamReceiver/ThroatMike/ bring in the cygoyles from Room 4. MA was the site of witch hunts
Homer, TSE LeMotion (+3 to find The computer contains files with centuries ago, and that it would be
for detecting movement), DATAS the names of all known heretics, in fitting to revive the tradition, es-
Boomer (amplifies voice), MB custody and at large. Breaking into pecially if the fears of the people
Charger (+1 DEX for 3 min), the system requires a science (com- can be manipulated.
ChipHolder 3. Cyber value: 21 puters) total of 15. Getting file con- Other files talk about possible
3. Church Police: This is the bar- tents requires a science (computers) areas where insurrection and dis-
racks/ security work space for the total of 17. The data indicates that ruptive behavior are found, nota-
Church Police contingent, plus the Roxanne D' Aramis was arrested bly Boston Common, and Kenmore
location of the church's computer for witchcraft four days ago, and Square. A file on "other-cosm ac-
and eight Netmonitor stations. shipped to Salem, Massachusetts tivity" notes that Nippon Tech is
The security work space con- for an upcoming "public lesson." in Boston, in the form of the Bank
ofJapan, which is owned by Kanawa
There are a total of 24 Church
Police stationed in the church. Six
War's End: Map 6 are off-duty, asleep in the bunks,
Cyberpapal Cathedral four man the room, and 14 patrol.
the church. Eight cyberpriests are
always manning the Net stations.
4. Archbishop
Mouton's Rooms Church Police (24)
2. Priests' Dodge 12, energy weapons 13,
/Quarters fire combat 12, melee weapons
12, unarmed combat 12
Find 10, first aid 10, tracking 10
Test 10, willpower 10
Persuasion 10, taunt 9
Faith (Cyberpapal) 10, intimi-
2. Priests'
/ dation 11, reality (Cyberpapacy)
Quarters 10
Possibilities: 3
Equipment: Armor of God, ar-
mor value TOU+8/17; God Meeter,
3. Church Police damage value 20 with Smartgun
(+3 to hit)
Cyberware: EpiphaNeur, CSI
EyeKill Mk IV, BelleSee Telesight
(+3 to find at range), CyberHam
Receiver /Homer /Throat Mike
(fully functional radio and hom-
ing signal), MB Charger1 (+1 DEX
for 3 min), MB Blocker (ignore K
results, 3 less shock per hit). Cyber
value: 18
4. Archbishop Mouton's Rooms:

This room is locked (Dexterity or

~.-.34 .. . .~
Act Two

lock picking total of 18), and alarmed

(a Perception or find of 16 to locate
the alarm, and a science (electron-
ics) total of 16 to deactivate it).
This elegantly appointed set of
rooms contains Mouton's officel
study and bedroom. Mouton is
usually found here, overseeing the
church's activities and reporting
to his superiors in Quebec.
The archbishop's desk has a com-
puter terminal which gives access
to the computer from Room 3.
Archbishop Daniel Mouton
Dodge 12, fire combat 12, melee
weapons 12
Cyberdeck ops 14, find 12, lan-
guages 14, trick 12
Science (computers) 12, test 12,
willpower 13
Charm 14, persuasion 13, taunt
Faith (Cyberpapal) 15, focus 15
(17 wi crucifix), intimidation 15,
reality (Cyberpapacy) 16
Possibilities: 20
Equipment: HalloMesh, armor
value TOU+5/14; God Meeter,
damage value 20, ammo 30; blessed
crucifix (+2 to focus).
Cyberware: NeuraCal, Epipha-
Neur, BelleView 20-20 (+2 to PER
based on sight), CSI LEOs,
CyberHam Receiver IThroat Mikel
Horner, TSE LeMotion (+3 to find
for detecting movement), DATAS as a rule they never move from PERCEPTION 11
Boomer (amplifies voice), MB their perches until after sundown, Find 12, trick 13
Charger (+1 DEX for 3 min), and return just before sunrise. MIND 12
ChipHolder 3. Cyber value: 21 Test 14, willpower 14
Cygoyles (4) CHARISMA 9
Description: Mouton isa strong, Reality: Cyberpapacy
stern-faced man in his early 40s. Taunt 12
His zeal for service to the Dodge 15, fire combat 14, flight Faith (Cyberpapacy) 14, intimi-
CyberChurch is exceeded only by 14, stealth 15, unarmed combat
his lust for personal power. dation 15
14 Additional Skills: Three at +1
Cygoyles: A quartet of cygoyles STRENGTH 15 adds
"live" here. They are the beefed up TOUGHNESS 15 (23 with Possibility Potential: Some (30)
security for the cathedral, though interderrnal and Trigon plating) Natural Tools: Claws, damage

Torg: War's End

value STR+2/17; teeth, damage Cut To ... CyberKnights (8)

value STR+ 1/16; razor-tipped DEXTERlTy 11
wings, damage value STR+2/17, If the Storm Knights decide to Dodge 12, energy weapons 12,
speed value 13 check out the more "cyberpunk" fire combat 12, long jumping 13,
Equipment: GWI God Light, street action in Kenmore Square, melee weapons 12, running 12,
damage value 24, ammo 50, plus cut to Scene Two, "Moshing At stealth 12, unarmed combat 12
SmartGun attachment The Rat." If they go check out STRENGTH 9
Cyberware: NeuraCal, Epipha- Boston Common, cut to Scene Three, TOUGHNESS 9 (14 with armor
Neur, CSI EyeKill Mk IV (+3 to hit "Anything But Common." If they and legs)
with GodLightL FFO Night View decide to check out the Kanawa PERCEPTION 10
(+3 to find, tracking up to 50 meters), connection, cutto Scene Four, "You MIND 8
DATAS Snooper (+2 bonus for Can Bank On That." Survival 10, test 11, willpower
normal hearing), Fangs (bite 17), 11
Slashers (claws 19), interdermal CHARISMA 8
plate and Trigon body plating. SCENE TWO: Taunt 9
Cyber value: 19 SPIRIT 8
Moshing At The Faith (Cyberpapal) 10, intimi-
dation 11, reality (Cyberpapacy)
Flags Rat 9
Possibilities: 2
A True Identity card means that The Situation Equipment: Plexiflex armor,
the Storm Knight's name appears value TOU+9/13; Herod IV, dam-
in the church computer's heretic Standard. Kenmore Square is the
site of thriVing Boston night life age value 19, ammo 50, with CSI
files. For the rest of the act, that
for students and cyberpunkers. SmartGun; power dagger, damage
Storm Knight and all his associ-
Here, the Storm Knights may find STR+5/14
ates will be followed, harassed, and Cyberware: NeuraCal, Epipha-
perhaps even detained by the some more hints about what's go-
ing on, as well as some possible Neur, CSI EyeKill MKIV, Homer,
Cyberpapists. Kreelar tendons, PlazHop legs
A Connection card played here danger. Read aloud or paraphrase
the following: (STR+3, running limit value 13,
means that the Storm Knight actu-
jumping limit value 6, +1 armor
ally knows Archbishop Mouton, Situated within walking dis- add, kicking damage value 12).
and can even get the information tance to Boston University and Cyber value: 16
about Roxanne simply by asking. Fenway Park, Kenmore Square is
However, once the information is a loud, crowded place these days, The CyberKnights are chasing a
given, the group will be followed humming with a diverse nightlife woman named Linda Sanderson,
for the rest of the act, and if they do of students, sports fans, cyber- who practices minor magic. If the
anything remotely blasphemous or punkers, and runaways. Always characters defeat the CyberKnights,
disobedient, they will be arrested. a busy place even before the war, any remaining conscious will flee
it has been transformed into a to the cathedral (Scene One).
leaner, meaner, and more excit- Linda hangs out at the Com-
Variables ing place than ever. mons most of the time and knows
that many newcomers to the city
Killing the Archbishop puts the gravitate there. She doesn't know
Storm Knights' faces on every
Cyberpapists' DatChips, and The Action Roxanne, but is certain someone at
the Commons would.
vidscreens. For the rest of the Act, Occasional bands of Cyber-
the Storm Knights will be hunted Knights, punkers sponsored by the Linda Sanderson
down by squads composed of six CyberChurch, roam the Square, DEXTERITY 9
cyberpriests and a dozen Church causing trouble and chasing down Dodge 10, running 10
Police. Anytime a Setback comes supposed heretics. STRENGTH 8
up in conflict, it means that a squad During one such "sweep," the TOUGHNESS 8 (lOwith leather
has entered the fray, with the in- Storm Knights happen upon a pack jacket)
tention of arresting the Storm of CyberKnights chasing a young PERCEPTION 12
Knights (although they will just as woman. Divination magic 15, first aid
easily accept the corpses of the 14, land vehicles 14
Storm Knights instead). MIND 9

•• 36
Act Two

Artist (drawing) 14, willpower bat 14 tract information from the locals.
10 STRENGTH 9 Any level of success yields one of
CHARISMA 10 TOUGHNESS 9 the following rumors. A "T" or "F"
Charm 12, persuasion 13 PERCEPTION 9 notation marks it as true or false:
SPIRIT 10 Find 12, tracking 10, trick 11 • There's a huge, winged, nasty
Reality (Core Earth) 11 MIND 9 dude skulking around the city at
Possibilities: 2 Meditation 11 night. Seems to be looking for some-
Equipment: Leather jacket, ar- CHARISMA 8 one (T).
mor value TOU+2/10; pocket knife, Taunt 12
damage value STR+2/10; magic SPIRIT 10 • Boston Common is the best place
components; $50. Intimidation 14, reality (Nippon to look for new arrivals to the city
Arcane Knowledges: Light 2, Tech) 12 (T).
Magic 1, Folk 2 Possibilities: 4 • Part of Boston Common has been
Spells: Away Sight, Detect Magic, Equipment: Shimsi sword, dam- turned into a gospog field (F).
Possibility Shadows age value STR+5/14; 13mm • "Old Ironsides," the USS Consti-
Description: Linda is a modestly Chunyokai, damage value 18; heat- tl/tion in Charlestown Navy Yard,
attractive redhead with bright blue seeking throwing stars (4), dam- is a Core Earth hardpoint (T).
eyes and a strong Boston accent. She age value STR+3/12; Niyoki cam-
used to be an art student, but got ouflage suit; Allied camcorder; • There's a Bank of Japan branch
interested in magic when the smoke pellets (6); smoke lenses; in Boston's financial district (T).
Cyberpapal axiom wash hit. Her mini-parabolic mike and recorder • Bos ton's North End is being
magical abilities are unremarkable. Martial Arts Style: Ninjutsu (all plagued by Orrorshan style Hor-
minor maneuvers, plus the major rors at night (F).
maneuver of Invisibility). • Tharkoldu techno-demons are
The Rat The ninja will photograph and terrorizing the Massachusetts In-
The Rat is a dark, crowded, noisy record any suspicious activity. stitute of Technology (F).
nightclub featuring the latest up A streetwise total of 12 is needed • People who practice magic in
and coming punk/ cyberpunk acts. (one attempt may be made per Boston and vicinity are rounded
It's characterized by lots of beer, Knight, every 10 minutes) to ex-
moshing, and ear-shattering mu-
The Rat is run by Slug, a profi-
teering entrepreneur. He charges War's End: Map 7
a five dollar cover charge to come The Rat
into the Rat, and word has it that
he has good connections. Slug also
has a line on Nippon Tech black
market items; he knows that Nippon
Tech is strong in Boston, since the 0
New York Stock Exchange moved 0
to Boston early in the wars, mak- 0 Mash Pit
ing the city a major financial force. 0
Unfortunately, the Kanawa folks
have caught wind of Slug's black ~O0
market activities. A pair of corpo-
rate ninja are always skulking 0
around the club, invisible to ev- 0
Bar 0
eryone else.
Corporate Ninja (2) 0 Ninja
Acrobatics 14, fire combat 14, 0
maneuver 14, martial arts 16,
melee weapons 14, missile weap-
ons 14, stealth 15, unarmed com-

~. 37
Torg: War's End

up quietly by the Cyberpapal

Church Police and executed as
witches (T).
Anyone who desires either cy-
bernetic repairs/modifications or
black market Cyberpapal equip-
ment must generate a streetwise total
of 18, in order to find someone
who can help them.
Other than questioning people,
the Storm Knights can dance,
mingle, and flirt. Anyone who
moshes to the music suffers dam-
age value 16 for each separate
moshing attempt. Each attempt
takes 10 minutes.

At any point in the scene, whether
it's in the Rat or on the street, there
is a very real possibility of getting
into a fight with local punks. The
reasons are not very important;
perhaps the punks don't like the
look ofthe Storm Knights, or covet
a piece of their equipment, or the
Storm Knights are asking too many
questions. In any case, the stats are damage value 20, ammo 30 the party.
given below. During the fight, give
Cybernetics: NeuraCal, Belle- An Alertness card tips off the
each Storm Knight a chance to gen- View 20-20, Slashers, damage value Storm Knights to the ninjas' pres-
erate a Perception total. On a 16,
STR+4/13; cyber value: 8 ence. The party can follow the ninja
they notice the two ninja lurking
back to the bank.
in the shadows, observing all.
Punks (2 per Storm Knight)
Reality: Cyberpapacy A Romance card means Linda
Cut To •••
DEXTERITY 9 falls for a male Storm Knight, or If the Storm Knights decide to
Dodge 10, energy weapons 10, vice versa. If Linda falls for the visit Boston Common, cut to Scene
fire combat 11, melee weapons character, she insists on following Three, "Anything But Common."
10, unarmed combat 12 him for the rest of the act. A Mis- If the Storm Knights decide to fol-
STRENGTH 9 taken Identity card means that a low the ninja back to the bank, cut
TOUGHNESS 9 (14 with armor) group of cybered hoods thinks that to Scene Four, "Bank Shot."
PERCEPTION 9 the player and his friends are un-
Find 11, trick 10 dercover Church Police. A Connec-
Test 12, willpower 11
tion card makes the Storm Knight SCENE THREE:
friends with Slug, the owner of
CHARISMA 8 The Rat. Slug can fix up the Storm Anything But
Persuasion 9, taunt 12 Knights with a black market con-
SPIRIT 9 tact or a cyberlegger. A True Iden-
Intimidation 12 tity card marks the Storm Knight
Possibilities: None as a known threat by the Nippon The Situation
Equipment: HalloMesh armor, ninja, who will radio for a few Standard. The Storm Knights

value TOU+S/14; God Meeter, more of their friends and follow find themselves at Boston Com-

Act Two

mon, a large park in downtown on their cheeks which identifies Thratchen

Boston, and a place which now them as followers of Thratchen. DEXTERITY 15
attracts all manner of interesting When Thratchen sees the Storm Dodge 17, energy weapons 17,
people. Read aloud or paraphrase Knights, he growls: fire combat 16, flight 18 (19),
the following: "Ahhh, Stormers! I would know maneuver 18, stealth 18, unarmed
Before the war, Boston Com- that stench anywhere! You are like combat 23
mon was a grand park that was a insects, so easily exterminated, yet STRENGTH 18
pleasure to walk in during the still found wherever one looks! TOUGHNESS 24 (29)
day, and best avoided at night. It Come then! Face he who was re- PERCEPTION 24
attracted its share of street people, gent of Orrorsh, and is now the Alteration magic 26, divination
muggers, junkies, and whores. favored one of Jezrael! My wing magic 26, evidence analysis 26,
Nowadays, in addition to the here craves blood, and you'll do find 27, scholar (the Nameless
"usual" folk, the Common has quite nicely." One) 27, scholar (Orrorsh realm
become a meeting ground of lore) 26, scholar (Tharkold realm
punks, dissidents, and people who
are simply trying to flee their cir-
cumstances. Many runaways and
out of towners wander the Com-
mon, looking for a place to crash
or just somewhere to hide.
The streetlights give off a hazy
glow in the evening mist. Occa-
sionallights and fires dot the park,
where people are no doubt

The Action
The Storm Knights aren't the only
one looking for Roxanne. Jezrael
has caught wind of what happened
in the Nile Empire, and has sent
Thratchen to Boston to search for
her. The Tharkold High Lord is
curious about this so-called witch's
precognitive powers, and what she
may know about the future.
Thratchen is now in Boston Com-
mon, interrogating people none too
gently, in a so far futile effort to
ascertain Roxanne/s location.
Each Storm Knight should gen-
erate a Perception total - on a 14,
they hear a small struggle, a few
gasps, and the unmistakable sound
of cyberclaws being extended. A
Perception or find of 12 points them
in the right direction.
The Storm Knights come upon
Thratchen, forcibly interrogating
two teenagers. A third lies curled
ina fetal position, bleeding to death.
A dozen techno-demons hover
behind, all of them bearing a mark

Torg: War's End

lore) 29, tracking 2S, trick 26 youths why Thratchen was even fire combat 12, flight IS (18),
MIND 25 here, they say that the techno-de- melee weapons 12 (1S defense),
Apportation magic 27, conjura- mon was looking for a witch, some- missile weapons 12, stealth 11,
tion magic 27, cybertech 28, oc- one named Roxanne. When they unarmed combat IS (18)
cult 26, test 27, willpower 27 didn't know who she was, let alone STRENGTH 16
CHARISMA 16 her whereabouts, Thratchen got Lifting 18
Charm 21, persuasion 22, taunt angry and started slicing them up. TOUGHNESS 16 (21)
SPIRIT 24 Tharkoldu Techno-Demons Alteration magic 13, divination
Faith (Cult of the Dominant) 29, (12) magic 13, find 14 (17), first aid
focus 30, intimidate 26, occultecll Reality: Tharkold 11, land vehicles 12, tracking 14,
28, pain weapon 2S, reality DEXTERITY 10 trick 12
(Tharkold) 29 Dodge 14, energy weapons 14, MIND 11
Possibilities: 40
Natural Tools: Teeth, damage
value STR+2/20; status armor,
value TOU+S /29; wings swift flight,
speed value 11, damage value
Spells: Monkey form, command
Equipment: Res-14 laser, dam-
age value 2S, ammo SO
Cyberware: Nanocord,
nervejacks, EMVue, Sharpsight,
Cyberwings, cybertalons, damage
value STR+S/23, cyberarm (right),
LifeCyber, Mem-Sift; Cyber value:
Miracles: Thratchen has access
to all the miracles of the Cult of the
Thratchen will put up a good
fight, but if he suffers more than
two wounds, he will give up on
this errand. His survival instinct
overrides any loyalty he feels to
Jezrael. Thratchen doesn't think any
monkey meat could be worth tak-
ing any more pain than absolutely
necessary. Thratchen will use his
wing of techno-demons as a means
of running interference for him-
Bear in mind that the Gaunt Man
can still see and hear everything
that Thratchen sees and hears,
thanks to an occult ritual. He will
make sure that Mr. Koar (from Act
One) picks up the Knights' trail, if
he hasn't already done so.
Saving the bleeding teenager re-
quires a first aid total of 14. If the
Storm Knights think to ask the

•• 40
Act Two

Apportation magic 14, conjura- Variables Washington, DC out of commis-

tion magic 14, test 15, willpower sion, and Philadelphia surrounded
15 The Storm Knights need not meet by hostiles, Boston became the
CHARISMA 9 Thratchen at Boston Common, per logical choice as the headquar-
Persuasion 11, taunt 13 se. Gamemasters should feel free ters of the major stock exchanges.
SPIRIT 11 to insert the encounter with The Bank of Japan, Boston
Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 16, in- Thratchen anywhere in Boston, just Branch, is a gleaming, clean, effi-
timidation 16 so long as it is in a relatively se- cient operation. The bank proper
Additional Skills: Two at +2 cluded area. This may become nec- is located off the lobby of a large
adds essary, especially if the Storm office building, while the admin-
Possibilities: Some (45) Knights don't visit the Common. istrative offices are located directly
Arcane Knowledges: Folk 3, ell- In that case, they should hear ru- above, on the second floor.
tity 3, inanimate forces 2, living forces mors about some gruesome and Several maroon-jacketed secu-
2 especially painful-looking murder I rity guards stand by politely, keep-
Spells: Monkey form, pop mutilations in the Boston Common. ing the peace, and security cam-
Natural Tools: Teeth, damage Hopefully, the word "painful" will eras pan back and forth.
value STR+2/18; talons, damage trigger the idea ofTharkoldu pres-
value STR+3/19; wings, speed ence. An Idea card may help the
value 10, wing strike, damage value Storm Knights in making the con- The Action
STR+7/23 nection.
Equipment: Res-141 Alphlasers, During the daytime, access to
damage value 25, ammo 50 the second floor is almost impos-
Cyberware: Nanocord, Wind- Cut To ... sible; one needs a Kanawa Corp 10
card to be scanned by the reader
sniffer, Balance Wires, Interdermal
Plate, armor value TOU+5/21, If the Storm Knights decide to installed in the elevator. To over-
Cybertalons, damage value STR+5 I go to Salem, cut to Scene Six, "Witch ride this requires a sciwce (e1ec-
21, Cyberwings, Lifecyber, 3-slot Hunt." If they visit the Kanawan t1"Ollics! total of 18. A failed attempt
Chipholder; Cyber value: 16 faction, cu t to Scene Four, "Bank makes the alarm go off.
Description: This wing of Shot." At some point after Anyone walking into the bank
Tharkoldu are fanatically loyal and Thratchen meets the Storm Knights, with weapons is immediately in-
subservient to Thratchen. In fact, insert Scene Five, "Enter Randolph tercepted by securi ty (which of
they hold the means for Thratchen Chapman." course is composed of MarSee
to escape death, as they will inter- agents), demanding that weaponry
pose themselves between their be relinquished until any business
master and the Storm Knights. SCENE FOUR: transactions are done. Troublemak-
ers will be detained while the Bos-
Bank Shot ton Police are called, arriving in
Asking Around two minutes.
The bank president, Mr
If the Storm Knights ask around
at various little camps and lean-
The Situation Takashima (otherwise known as
4401), is not seeing anyone with-
tos, have them generate astreetwise Standard. Kanawa Corp has a out an appointment. No one is al-
total. On a 12, they learn that that branch office of their Bank of Ja- lowed into the offices. The well-
Roxanne was taken during a ran- pan in Boston's financial district. dressed, friendly Japanese tellers
dom sweep of Boston Common by The entire facility takes up the are Neutral to the Storm Knights.
the Church Police, and transported ground floor and the second floor If they are threatened, they can
north to Salem. of a skyscraper. From here, press alarms at their feet, which
Kanawa's agents keep track of the alert the MarSee security person-
stock market and financial deal- nel in the bank and summon six
. Flags ings. Read aloud or paraphrase the armored MarSee agents from up-
An Alertness card reveals the following: stairs.
attack scene without needing to Since the beginning of the war, Atnight, the MarSee agents ditch
generate any totals. A Nemesis card Boston's financial district has been the polite jackets, and patrol the
makes that Storm Knight into a a vital part of America's economic facility in full armor, and with big
hated foe of Thratchen. well-being. With New York and guns. The exterior doors are locked

Torg: War's End

(Dexterity or lock picking of 18), and age value STR+5/14; 13mm it's unlikely he'll blow his cover
alarmed (Perception or find total of Chunyokai, damage value 18; heat- (see "Flags," however).
16 to locate them, science (electron- seeking throwing stars (4), dam-
ics) of 18 to disable them.) age value STR+3/12; Niyoki cam- Boston Police (8)
ouflage suit; Allied camcorder; Reality: Core Earth
MarSec Agents (20) smoke pellets (6); smoke lenses; DEXTERITY 9
Reality: NipponTech mini-parabolic mike and recorder Fire combat 12, melee combat
DEXTERITY 9 Martial Arts Style: Ninjutsu (all 11, running 12, unarmed com-
Dodge 10, fire combat 11, ma- minor maneuvers, plus the major bat 12
neuver 10, melee weapons 10, maneuver of Invisibility). STRENGTH 9
stealth 10, unarmed combat 10 TOUGHNESS 9
STRENGTH 8 The ninja will photograph and PERCEPTION 9
TOUGHNESS 8 (15 with Kyoto record any suspicious activity. Evidence analysis 10, find 12,
RKD armor) These ninja are the team from land vehicles 12, tracking 11
PERCEPTION 8 whence comes the two ninjas at MIND 8
Find 9, tracking 10, trick 9 The Rat (see Scene Two). If their CHARISMA 8
MIND 8 ranks have been depleted, note it Persuasion 10
Test 9 here. SPIRIT 9
CHARISMA 8 4401 (Mr Takashima) Intimidation 11
Charm 10, persuasion 9 DEXTERITY 10 Additional Skills: One at +1 add
SPIRIT 7 Dodge 13, fire combat 12, mar- Possibility Potential: Some (50)
Intimidation 9 tial arts 12, stealth 13, unarmed Equipment: 9mm Glock, dam-
Additional Skills: Two at +1 combat 12 age value 17, ammo 9; nightstick,
adds STRENGTH 8 damage value STR+2/11; cuffs;
Possibility Potential: Some (55) TOUGHNESS 9 radios
Equipment: RKD armor, value PERCEPTION 10 Description: Eight patrolm!"n
TOU+7/15; nunchaka, damage Evidence analysis 11, find 11, with two squad cars will be dis-
valueSTR+5/13; Impala chain gun, land vehicles 13, language 12, patched if the alarm goes off. If
damage value 23, ammo 600; Note: scholar (Core Earth financial heavier backup is needed, t:le Tac-
During the day, the MarSec secu- theories) 15, trick 14 tical Squad is called in. Use the
rity men carry only KMll pistols MIND 12 same stats, except that they wear
(damage value 18, ammo 12), and Business 15, computer science Kevlar vests (TOU+S/14), and
wrist mounted telecoms to call for 14, test 13, willpower 13 wield Savage 77E shotguns (dam-
backup. CHARISMA 11 age value 18, ammo 5). A dozen
Charm 13, persuasion 15, taunt Tactical Squad members in two vans
Corporate Ninja (12) will respond.
Acrobatics 14, fire combat 14, SPIRIT 10
Intimidation 12, reality (Nippon
maneuver 14, martial arts 16,
Tech) 12
The Layout
melee weapons 14, missile weap-
ons 14, stealth 15, unarmed com- Possibilities: 6
bat 14 Equipment: LOV 9mm pistol, Ground Floor
STRENGTH 9 damage value 15, ammo 12 (+3 to
fire combat when attempting vital 1. Lobby. This contains the el-
blow); smoke screen lenses; Sony evators, two ATM machines, and a
Talkman security desk with two MarSee
Find 12, tracking 10, trick 11
Martial Arts Style: Seda Chen agents. The desk has phones, an
(all maneuvers) intercom system, and a directory.
Meditation 11
Description: The handsomely Floors 3-10 have normal, legiti-
dressed Mr Takashima is an ambi- mate businesses and offices.
Taunt 12
tious executive in his early 30's, 2. Bank. There are eight teller
and a martial arts enthusiast. He is windows, and four customer ser-
Intimidation 14, reality (Nippon
greatly disturbed by the recent vice desks here. Two MarSec agents
Tech) 12
developments within Kanawa Corp keep watch here.
Possibilities: 4
and fears for his future. He's se- 3. Vault. The vault has a com-

Equipment: Shimsi sword, dam-
cretlya Rauru Block member, but plex electronic lock (science (elec-

'.~---------------------- ~
Act Two

War's End: Map 8

Bank of Japan

(0 @


0 V
Second Floor


Ground Floor

trollies) total of 25 to disable). On Second Floor four guards here at all times, sleep-
any given day, there's $1,500,000 ing or just relaxing off-duty.
in US bills and Japanese yen here. 7. Security Room. Staffed con- 10. Ninja Quarters. This simple,
4. Safe Deposit Box Area. Two tinuously by eight MarSee agents, austere room has 14 mats for the
MarSee agents watch over this area. this room coordinates the cameras, corporate ninja. Two ninja are here
The customer has one key, and the alarms, and general security mea- at all times.
bank official has another key. Both sures. The control boards here con- 11. President's Office. An ex-
must insert their keys in order to trol all cameras and alarms. pensively decorated office with
open a box. 8. Computer Room. Staffed by computer terminal, phone, fax
5. Supervisor's Office. The su- four technicians, this room con- machine, bar, even a continuously
pervisor is Miss Akimoto. She re- tains the bank's computers, plus running stock price report display.
ports directly to 4401. Heroffice con- the links to the main corporate com- On the floor at the foot of his desk,
tains a desk,computer terminal, sev- puters in Japan. See the "Computer Takashima has a "panic" button
era! chairs, and filing cabinets. Information" section for what data which, when pressed, brings a half
6. Private Stairwell. This gives can be retrieved. dozen heavily armed MarSee agents
access from the ground floor to the 9. MarSee Quarters. There are in two rounds.
second floor.

Torg: War's End

Computer fairs directory, another science (com- ketplace is necessary to ensure

puters) total must be generated our continued prosperity.
Information against a difficulty of 20. Consult "All holdings on Earth that have
the chart below for results, based not been liquidated by the end of
Getting into the computer sys-
on success level: fiscal '95 shall be turned over to a
tem without the passwords requires
MinimallAverage: Listing of handpicked consortium of execu-
a science (computers) total of 14.
Kanawa businesses/ subsidiaries in tives, who shall run the businesses
Once in, the directory list comes
New England. in our absence, in essence, leas-
up. The number in parentheses is
Good: Memorandum announc- ing them from our mega cor-
the science (computers) total needed
ing 3327's "slash and burn" poli- poration. This is done with the
in order to break into that direc-
cies, with a list of companies to be understanding that if we ever
shut down. deign to return, all resources and
Banking Records (14)
Superior: Listing of Kanawa assets revert back to us.
Profit/Loss Reports (14)
businesses/ subsidiaries in North "This venture has been a ben-
Personnel (16)
America. eficial one, in which many les-
Kanawa Corp Affairs (18)
Spectacular: The following in- sons were learned and many prof-
Special Resources (22)
teresting memo: its made. Our wisdom has in-
Perusing the first three directo-
"It is with regret that Kanawa creased greatly as a result. In fact,
ries and generating a Mind or busi-
Corporation announces that the it is that wisdom which tells us
ness total of 13 shows that every-
world known as Earth is no longer that the time to leave is now.
thing is in order. Reading all this
a valid site for continued busi- "We wish to express our grati-
takes about half an hour. The only
ness and trade. For a number of tude for your loyalty and service
information of note is that
reasons, it has been decided that to Kanawa Corporation."
Takashima lives in an elegant condo
nothing less than a full withdrawal - Ryuchi Kanawa, CEO
along the Charles River.
and reconsolidation back in Mar- Kanawa Corp
Once in the Kanawa Corp Af-

•• 44
Act Two

Flags on the highway to Salem. If it takes wounds or kills even one, he will
place in Boston proper, then it oc- be content, jump on his motorcyle
If a Connection card is played, curs on a quiet stretch of thruway. and flee. If possible, have him sur-
and the Storm Knight is from ei- Randolph Chapman is deliberately vive this scene - you want the
ther Nippon Tech or Core Earth, setting up a situation to draw the player characters to build up a real
heorshe is known to 4401. It should attention of "heroic" individuals, hatred of him.
be arranged that the executive walks who more often than not turn out
by the group if they visit the bank to be Storm Knights. Randolph Chapman
during regular hours, and he will Read aloud or paraphrase the DEXTERITY 12
recognize the Storm Knight (and following: Beast riding 14, dodge 15, en-
vice versa), but give no hint of ergy weapons 16, fire combat
Even though the Cyberpapacy 16,heavyweapons 13,lockpick-
such recognition. If the Storm does not have a stranglehold on
Knight manages to talk with 4401, ing 14, maneuver 14, martial arts
Boston and its surroundings, 14, melee weapons 15, missile
he will give the full story about things are still bad enough that
how Kanawa is returning to Mar- weapons 13, running 13, stealth
there are not many cars on the 16, swimming
ketplace and the realm is collaps- streets.
ing. 14, unarmed combat 14
On a wooded stretch of road, STRENGTH 11 (15 with his right
you notice a van, pulled over to arm)
the side of the road, its hazard
Variables lights blinking. Bumper stickers
Climbing 12
TOUGHNESS 11 (18 with ar-
If the Storm Knights cause trouble are plastered all over the rear door mor)
in the bank during business hours, and bumper, declaring things like, PERCEPTION 9
they will be arrested by the Boston "Question Authority," "Save The Air vehicles 11, cyberdeck ops
police, and charged with something Whales," "I Support Edeinos 12, disguise 11, evidence analy-
ranging from disorderly conduct, Rights," "Visualize World Peace," sis 12, find 14, first aid 10, land
to illegal possession of firearms, to Kanawa Out Of U.S.... NOW!" vehicles 11, language 10, scholar
possibly assault and battery. Bail (Living Land realm lore) 12,
per Storm Knight will be set a scholar (Nippon Tech realm lore)
$10,000. If they can't make bail, The Action 12, tracking 15, trick 14, water
they're thrown in jail, with a court vehicles 10
Have everyone who is looking
date set for within 30 days. MIND 9
at the van generate a Perception
total. On a 12, they notice that the Meditation 10, science (comput-
driver is slumped over on the steer- ers) 14, survival 14, test 14, will-
Cut To ... ing wheel. Anyone getting a Spec- power 14
tacularsuccess also notices that there CHARISMA 8
Before the Storm Knights can
is a second figure, seated in the Persuasion 10, taunt 11
head for Salem, they have one more SPIRIT 11
encounter waiting for them. Cut to front passenger seat, head leaning
on the driver's shoulder. Intimidation 15, reality (Core
Scene Five. Once they are on their
If the characters examine the Earth) 14
way to Salem, cut to Scene Six.
scene, they will find thatboth people Possibilities: 26
are dead. They appear to be middle- Cybernetics: NeuraCal, J-Jack,
Bellescan eye, MB Blocker, Trigon
SCENE FIVE: Enter aged hippies and their throats have
Hercule Arm (right); Cyber value:
been slashed. An evidence analysis
Randolph total of 14 or a medicine total of 12 15
reveals that they were killed with Martial Arts Style: Jujitsu (all
Chapman a sword. There's blood all over the disciplines including Master)
front seat. Equipment: KevlarICeramic Ar-
Randolph Chapman is lurking mor, value TOU+7/18; Res-14 la-
ser pistol, damage value 25, ammo
The Situation nearby, waiting for his moment to
50; Uzi submachinegun, damage
strike. He was careful enough to
Standard. This scene can be in- obliterate his tracks around the van. value 17, ammo 11; .45 Colt Auto,
serted at any point in the Act when He is hiding in the brush, waiting damage value 16, ammo 7; MAS
the Storm Knights are on the road, for the perfect opportunity to sur- Grenade Launcher with bandolier
either driving through Boston or prise the Storm Knights. If he of 12 frag grenades, damage value

Torg: War's End

some man with wavy white hair,

weathered face, light blue
workshirt, blue jeans, biker boots,
and a Fedora hat.
Sword of Vlad the Impaler
Cosm: Core Earth
Possibilities: 40
Tapping Difficulty: 18
Purpose: To find and dispatch
the most dangerous enemies
swiftly and surely.
Powers: The sword adds +12
damage bonus to the wielder's
STR. Randolph enjoys using his
cybernetic arm to swing it, thus
his base damage is 27. The sword
can also detect possibility rated
beings in a 10 meter radius, au-
tomatically, at will.
Group Power: Judgment
Restrictions: The sword can
detect possibility-rated beings
only six times a day.
Description: This is a jeweled
scimitar with a blade that is per-
manently stained with blood. It
was used by Vlad the Impaler
(Count Dracula of legend), and
drank the blood of many foes.
The van is a battered Ford
Econoline. If the Storm Knights have
no ground transportation yet, this
could be their means for getting
around (if they have strong stom-
achs). The van has no useful equip-
Van: Tech 22, speed value 12,
passengers 8, TOU 15.

21; burst radius 0-3/8/15; modem slightly unhinged, and now hunts A True Identity card means that
compound bow, damage value down Storm Knights and murders the Storm Knight is the one whom
STR+7/22; hunting knife, damage them. Lately, his sanity has been Chapman must kill in order for the
valueSTR+3/18; nylon rope; back- stretched a little further thanks to dreams to stop. A Nemesis card
pack; C-rations; first aid kit; Kokoru dreams implanted in his head makes the Storm Knight a hated
Avenger motorcycle, Tech23,speed through occult means by the Gaunt enemy of Chapman, for no other
value 13, TOU 13. Man. He now hunts with even reason than that he is a Knight. An
Chapman wields an eternity greater ferocity, convinced that Alertness card allows the Storm
shard, the sword of Vlad the when he kills a particular Storm Knight to realize that he is being
Impaler. Knight, the dreams will stop. watched by someone, as they are
Description: Chapman is a Chapman is a ruggedly hand- checking out the car.
former Spartan who has become

•• 46
Act Two

Variables haps it's a result ofthe axiom wash, CHARISMA 8

or just the fact that the town has Taunt 10
If the Storm Knights manage to been around for over 300 years. SPIRIT 8
kill Randolph Chapman before he Your progress is interrupted, Possibilities: None
manages to kill at least one Storm however, just past the town line, Equipment: Variable, either:
Knight, the Gaunt Man raises him by a roadblock. In addition to two torches, damage value STR+4/11,
as a Horror and sends him back on squad cars, there's a crowd of set fire to flammable material;
their trail. Randolph comes back townsfolk blocking your way. One clubs/baseball bats, damage value
as a walking dead version of him- of the policemen gestures for you STR+3/10; broken bottles, dam-
self. Add the following abilities to to leave your vehicles. age value STR+2/9; knives, dam-
his stats: age value STR+3/10; rocks/bricks,
Powers: Regeneration, Armor De- damage value STR+4/11, hurled
feating Attack, Attack Form Resis- The Action A Perception or scholar (psychol-
tance (Firearms/Explosives) The citizens of Salem and sur- ogy) total of 10 reveals that the
Corruption Value: 13 rounding towns have been whipped mob is frightened and potentially
Fear Rating: 1 into a state of paranoia by the dangerous. If the characters wish
Perseverance DN: 12 Cyberpapist preachers wandering to use persuasion or some other skill
Weakness: Any holy symbol the suburbs. The people are genu- to try to calm them, the mob's atti-
True Death: Impaled with his inely afraid of gargoyles, witches, tude should be considered Enemy.
own sword curses, and the undead. Town Police (6)
The Cyberpapists' criteria for a Reality: Core Earth
suspected witch is a simple one:
Cut To ••• anyone who looks odd is probably
Fire combat 12, melee combat
When the Storm Knights decide a witch. Creatures like elves, 11, running 12, unarmed com-
to go to Salem, cut to Scene Six, dwarves, edeinos, Star Sphere races, bat 12
"Witch Hunt." all are easily fingered as witches. STRENGTH 9
People who dress oddly or talk TOUGHNESS 9
strangely are also good candidates PERCEPTION 9
SCENE SIX: Witch (e.g. AyslishKnights and wizards,
pulp heroes, etc.).
Evidence analysis 10, find 12,
land vehicles 12, tracking 11
Hunt Once the crowd sees the Storm MIND 8
Knights, a chorus of boos and gasps CHARISMA 8
erupts, as they realize that the Storm Persuasion 10
Knights are "different." The crowd
The Situation begins to get ugly, hurling accusa-
Intimidation 11
Standard. A little over an hour's tions of witchcraft and consorting Equipment: .38 revolver, dam-
drive north gets the Storm Knights with the Devil. age value 14, ammo 6; nightstick,
to Salem. At the town limits, how- The policemen instruct the Storm damage value STR+2/11; cuffs;
ever, they are met by an angry Knights to drop their weapons and radios.
mob blocking the streets. This is a come quietly to the town square, Description: The police aren't
scene that is meant to be resolved where, they are sure, the Inquisi- quite under the Cyberpapal sway,
by good dramatic speeches and tion will sort things out after the and very few have actually trans-
clever interaction, not by large cali- hanging that's set to take place in a formed to the new axioms. Still,
ber guns and explosions. Read little while. they are here to keep the peace,
aloud or paraphrase the follow- Mob (40) and right now, the citizens' idea of
ing: Reality: Cyberpapacy peace is to cooperate with the
You drive north of Boston until DEXTERITY 7 CyberChurch.
you arrive at the town of Salem, Melee weapons 9, missile weap- If the Storm Knights surrender,
infamous for its witch trials in ons 8, unarmed combat 9 the police will confiscate their weap-
the 17th century. Salem's a coastal STRENGTH 7 ons and lead them into the next
town, still with the feel of a colo- TOUGHNESS 7 scene in the town square. Cut to
nial settlement; the age of the town PERCEPTION 8 Scene Seven.
is almost a tangible thing. Per- Find 9, tracking 9

Torg: War's End

A True Identity means that sev-
eral people in the crowd recognize
the Storm Knight for what he is,
and shout that he is a
"demonspawn," like the Cyber-
Church warned. A Connection card
means the Storm Knight knows one
of the policemen, who will explain
the situation in town.

The Storm Knights can certainly
figh t the crowd, though this will
be a less than heroic thing to do.
Twenty more police will respond
within six rounds. Four rounds after
the police reinforcements arrive, a
contingent of a dozen Church Po-
lice and six Hospitallers will rush
in to "save" the crowd.

Cut To ...
When the Storm Knights go to
the town square, cut to Scene Seven,
"A Good Day For A Hanging."

Good Day For A

The Situation
Dramatic. In Salem's town
square, a huge spectacle is pre- burning brightly. robes screaming, "The time has
pared: the mass hanging of sus- A huge platform and scaffold come to purge ourselves of the
pected witches, and a book burn- has been erected. Surrounding the influence of witchcraft and false
ing, overseen by the Inquisition area are a score of black uniformed religions! As we are burning the
and watched by a frenzied mob. Church Police, supplemented by mind- and soul-poisoning mate-
Read aloud or paraphrase the a half dozen cybernetically en- rials found in our homes, we shall
following: hanced warriors wearing white also remove from our midst those
The first thing that catches your surcoats with red crosses over their whose minds and souls are so
eyes is the large bonfire in the black armor. These sit high on poisoned with deceit that they are
middle of the square. In the fire cybernetically enhanced steeds. a threat to us all!''
you see numerous books, CDs, Atop the platform stand eight The crowd cheers, punctuated

records, comics, roleplaying men in white robes and skull- with exclamations such as JlBurn
games, decks of cards, and Bibles caps, listening to a man in red the witch!" and "Save us!" as the

.....-48. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. . ~

man with red robes raises a hand If the crowd is convinced, they Church Police (20)
for silence. JlBrothers and sisters, will begin shouting for the con- DEXTERITY 10
I present to you, the condemned! demned to be let go, and begin to Dodge 12, energy weapons 13,
May the Lord have mercy on their press forward. The Cyberpapists, fire combat 12, melee weapons
souls!JI angered, launch an attack on the 12, unarmed combat 12
You see a line of people at the Storm Knights, loudly proclaim- STRENGTH 9
scaffold, each with a rope around ing that they are the witches. TOUGHNESS 9 (17)
their neck. You can quite clearly If the Storm Knights instead de- PERCEPTION 9
make out clergymen of various cide not to speak at all, but rather Find 10, first aid 10, tracking 10
faiths, three young women, a to just attack the Cyberpapists, the MIND 9
young man, a male dwarf, and a crowd shouts its outrage at the Test 10, willpower 10
Mystery Man. One Church Po- Knights, and many people begin CHARISMA 8
liceman, close to the gallows, holds spilling into the battle site, in a Persuasion 10, taunt 9
a strange red helmet in his hands, mad attempt to subdue the charac- SPIRIT 9
evidently taken from this Nile ters. Faith (Cyberpapal) 10, intimi-
hero. dation 11, reality (Cyberpapacy)
The red-robed figure gestures Cardinal Andre Froussard 10
up in the sky, and everyone sees a DEXTERITY 9 Possibilities: 3
robed skeleton with oily black Dodge 10, fire combat 11, stealth Equipment: Armor of God, ar-
wings and a scythe. Some people 10 morvalueTOU+8/17;GodMeeter,
scream in terror. JlBehold!JI the STRENGTH 9 damage value 20 with Smartgun
robed man shrieks, clearly build- TOUGHNESS 9 (16 with armor) (+3 to hit)
ing the tension up to a fever pitch. PERCEPTION 11 Cyberware: EpiphaNeur, CSI
"Behold, the Angel of Death, Uriel, Cyberdeck ops 17, evidence EyeKill Mk IV, BelleSee Telesight
awaits the souls of the condemned! analysis 15, find 13, language (+3 to filld at range), CyberHam
Let the executions commence!JI The 13, scholar (Avignon Doctrine) Receiver /Homer /Throat Mike
crowd roars its approval. 15, trick 14 (fully functional radio and hom-
MIND 12 ing signal), MB Chargerl (+1 DEX
Test 14, willpower 14 for 3 min), MB Blocker (ignore K
The Action CHARISMA 13
Charm 15, persuasion 16
results, 3 less shock per hit). Cyber
value: 18
Things are about to get real ugly, SPIRIT 18
real fast, but it can be played in Faith 22, focus 21, intimidation Hospitallers (6)
several ways. The Storm Knights 20, reality (Cyberpapacy) 21 DEXTERITY 10
may attempt to take to the plat- Possibilities: 20 Beast riding 12, dodge 11, fire
form and try to plead with the Cyberware: NeuraCal, Epipha- combat 13, energy weapons 13,
crowd, appealing to their sense of Neur, interdermal plate, armor maneuver 12, melee weapons 13,
reason. For purposes of interac- valueTOU+7/16; FFOCamEye, CSI unarmed combat 12
tion, the crowd's willpower is con- LEOs, FFO NightView, AVRO PR STRENGTH 9
sidered to be a 20; this reflects the II.V, damage value 19, ammo 20; TOUGHNESS 9 (17 with armor)
large number of people (100) and slicers, damage value STR+2/11 PERCEPTION 9
the mob mentality. Consider the Cyber value: 17 Find 11, first aid 11, tracking 11
crowd's attitude to be Enemy. Miracles: Has access to all MIND 9
Gamemasters should feel free Cyberpapal miracles. Test 11, willpower 12
to add a bonus of no more than +3 Description: Andre is a favored CHARISMA 9
if the speech given is an especially Cardinal of Malraux's. He usually Persuasion 10, taunt 12
good one. If the crowd at the road- runs his affairs from Quebec, but SPIRIT 12
block has been won over, add an- Malraux himself ordered him to Faith 17, focus 13 (15 due to cru-
other +3 bonus. If the Storm Knights Salem to kick off the new witch cifixes), intimidation 15, reality
somehow brought the evidence hunts. A handsome, square-jawed (Cyberpapacy) 14
from the Boston cathedral's com- man with salt and pepper hair and Possibilities: 4
puter room, detailing how the a booming voice, he's practically a Equipment: GWI Armor of God,
Cyberpapacy was manipulating the walking recruitment poster for the armor value TOU+8/17; God
people of Salem, add a +2 bonus. Cyberpapacy. Meeter, damage value 20, ammo
30; MASStormGun with CSlSmart-

Torg: War's End

Taunt (6)
War's End: Map 9 SPIRIT 3
Intimidation 9, reality
Public Witch Execution (Cyberpapacy) 9
Possibilities: 2
® ® Cyberware: NeuraCal, CSI
LtFilta, Interdermal Plating, value
TOU+6/18, Homer, MB Adrenal
Booster, MB Blocker, The Clamp.
Cyber value: 15
®® GI
Inquistion (8)
® GI Dodge 10, energy weapons 10,
GI GI melee weapons 10, stealth 12,
GIGI ® unarmed combat 10
® ® TOUGHNESS 9 (14 with armor)
Cyberdeck ops 12, evidence
analysis 15, find 12, scholar
(Avignon Doctrine) 14, trick 12
Test 12, willpower 14
Charm 11, persuasion 11, taunt
Faith 15, focus 14 (16 with cruci-
fix), intimidation 15, reality
(Cyberpapacy) 14
Possibilities: 8
Equipment: GWI HalloMesh, ar-
mor value TOU+5/14; GWI
GodLight housed in a staff, dam-
age value 24, ammo 50; electroprod
in same staff, damage value 16,
non-lethal; crucifix (adds +2 to fo-
Cyberware: NeuraCal, Epipha-
Neur, BelleView 20-20, CSI LEDs,
Gun, damage value 22, ammo 12 Miracles: Can use any CSI LtFilta, FFO ColEnhanz,
(+6 to hit with SmartGun bonus); Cyberpapal miracle except excom- DATAS Snooper, CyberHam Re-
power broadsword, damage value munication. ceiver, TSE LeMotion, Throat Mike,
STR+8 / 17; crucifix (adds +2 to fo- Homer. Cyber value: 15
cus). Each Hospitaller rides a Charger (6)
DEXTERITY 10 Miracles: Any Cyberpapal
Charger miracles allowed.
Cyberware: NeuraCal, Epipha- Dodge 12, running 12 (speed 12),
Neur, CSI Eyekill Mk IV, CSI unarmed combat 12 Gospog of the Fifth Planting
HotShot, CyberHam Receiver, TSE STRENGTH 12 - Angel of Death
LeMotion, Throat Mike, Homer, TOUGHNESS 12 (18 with Reality: Cyberpapacy
MB Charger 2 (+2 DEX for 3 min), interdermal plating) DEXTERITY 13
MB Blocker, Compte's Stabiliza (+2 PERCEPTION 5 Dodge 15, flight 18, melee weap-
to defensive skills). Cyber value: MIND 3 ons 20, unarmed combat 20
19 Willpower 8

Act Two

Torg: War's End

STRENGTH 14 punish them. Their base interac- of his flight power. Every success-
TOUGHNESS 30 tion attitude toward the Knights is ful attack on an opponent inflicts
PERCEPTION 14 Enemy. one shock point of damage on
Find 19, materialization 20, track- Destructo. A complete miss means
ing 25, trick 16 that Don has crashed into a wall,
MIND 13 The Would-Be ceiling, floor, tree, whatever, and
Test 16 Victims he suffers three more shock points
CHARISMA 12 of damage.
Persuasion 16 The three clergymen are Rever- Power Flaw: Don's flight power
SPIRIT 20 end Edward Charles White, Fa- is neutralized in any form of dark-
Faith 25, focus 21, intimidation ther Joseph Carroll, and Rabbi ness.
25 David Baruch. The dwarf is an Description: Destructo Don is a
Possibility Potential: None Ayslish refugee named Pandar well-meaning Nile pulp hero who
Natural Tools: Wings, speed Goldsmith, who justarrived in New was trying to fly from Cairo to
value 15 England and was unaware of the Houston (to battle the Nile ele-
Cybernetics: NeuraCal, BelleSee atmosphere in Salem. The other ments there), and wound up
Tele-sight (+3 to find at distant ob- human female is Fiona Crag, a prac- "slightly" off-course, crash-land-
jects), CSI LEDs, FFO NightView ticing witch, and the man is Rob ing in Salem. There, his fire en-
(+3 to find, plus tracking up to 50 Trainor, a student of the occult. gine-red metallic suit and glowing
meters away), True Spirit Toner, The Mystery Man is Destructo Don, warheadpiece helmet branded him
TSE Sifter (homes in on specific who may choose to aid the charac- as a demon. Don is naturally very
sounds), slashers, damage value ters if they free him. None of the confused by all this.
STR+8/22. Cyber value: 15 victims but him are possibility rated,
Equipment: Death scythe, a two- and all just happened to be in the Roxanne D'Aramis
handed weapon with a damage wrong place at the wrong time. DEXTERITY 11
value equal to faith of user (25) Dodge 12, melee weapons 13,
Miracles: May use all the miracles Destructo Don stealth 14, unarmed combat 12
of the Cyberpapacy except excom- DEXTERITY 8 STRENGTH 9
munication. Acrobatics 9, dodge 9, flight 12, TOUGHNESS 9 (11 with leather
heavy weapons 9, melee weap- jacket)
Frenzied Crowd (l00) ons 11, unarmed combat 11 PERCEPTION 13
Reality: Cyberpapacy STRENGTH 15 Alteration magic 15, divination
DEXTERITY 7 Climbing 17, lifting 18 magic 15, first aid 15, land ve-
Melee weapons 9, missile weap- TOUGHNESS 10 (13 with suit) hicles 15, language 16, trick 14
ons 8, unarmed combat 9 PERCEPTION 9· MIND 11
STRENGTH 7 Air vehicles 12, find 10, trick 11 Artist (flute) 14, streetwise 12,
TOUGHNESS 7 MIND 8 survival 12, test 14, willpower
PERCEPTION 8 Weird science 10, willpower 10 14
Find 9, tracking 9 CHARISMA 9 CHARISMA 10
MIND 7 Charm 11, persuasion 12, taunt Charm 12, persuasion 14, taunt
CHARISMA 8 14 13
Taunt 10 SPIRIT 10 SPIRIT 10
SPIRIT 8 Intimidation 12,reality (Nile Em- Intimidation 13, reality
Possibilities: None pire) 14 (Cyberpapacy) 12
Equipment: Variable, either: Possibilities: 22 Possibilities: 6
torches, damage value STR+4/11, Inclination: Good Equipment: Power dagger, dam-
set fire to flammable material; Equipment: DO suit, armor value age value STR+5/14; spell compo-
clubs/baseball bats, damage value TOU+3/13; Warheadpiece, armor nents. Cyberware: NeuraCal,J-Jack,
STR+3/10; broken bottles, dam- value TOU 12, damage value 14; TSE Taster, ChipHolder 3, Slasher,
age value STR+2/9; knives, dam- 16 meters of rope, flashlight. The damage value STR+4/13; Cyber
age value STR+3/10; rocks/bricks, Warheadpiece is shaped like the value: 12
damage value STR+4/11, hurled nosecone of a missile and is about Arcane Knowledges: Water 4,
A Perception total of 10 reveals .6 meters high. The only way the Earth 4, Light 3, Magic 2
that the crowd is out for blood, helmet can be used properly is if Spells: Cleanse, Away Sight, De-
anxious to find scapegoats and the target(s) are rammed courtesy tect Magic, Fog, Mage Light, Path-

....tot.~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . .~
52 'SV
Act Two

finder, Tracker, Water Spray appears again and whisks them themselves standing on a battle-
Description: A French woman off to the Aysle realm. Cut to "My field beside Tolwyn of Tancred.
in her mid-20s, with long blonde Enemy, Myself." Again, upon their The characters mayor may not
hair and hazel eyes, D'Aramis ra- return to the same place and time intervene in the scene below - but
diates a wholesome attractiveness from which they left, they will be their presence will be noticed by
rather than a sensual beauty. mysteriously aware of the events the Warrior of the Dark, as you
She is indeed a witch. Of all the of the sidebar "Deliver Us From will see in the text.)
prisoners, she is the only one Evil." 1I0nward!1I
gagged, for fear she will hurl spells The commanding voice of
at her captors. Tolwyn Tancred soared above the
Roxanne has had a number of Act Awards din of the battle. The Warrior of
precognitive dreams. In one, two the Dark, High Lord of Aysle, had
Every Storm Knight who sur- chosen this time to attack Oxford
women, one who feeds on blood vived the act gains four Possibili-
and one who lurks in webs, battle and eliminate the dispirited Army
ties. Saving the condemned vic- of the Light once and for all. What
to the death in a city that is some- tims, or killing Thratchen nets them
how both American and French. she had found, however, was a
an additional three Possibilities. well-rested, rejuvenated force pre-
She feels a strong sense of occult- The follOWing acts each net the
driven horror, and somehow knows pared to meet her challenge.
Storm Knights an additional two Having beaten back the Warrior's
that the women hold the key to Possibilities: saving Linda, killing
events in the near future. first assault, the Army of the Light
the Cardinal. The following acts now launched a counteroffensive.
Her most recent dream was of a each net the Storm Knights an ad-
one-eyed ruler, or monarch, seek- At their head stood Tolwyn, slash-
ditional Possibility: saving the ing through the ranks of the Dark
ing refuge in that same city. She bleeding teenager in the Common,
doesn't know what the dream army, leaving a trail of corpses in
getting by the Salem roadblock her wake.
means, but senses it is important. without firing a shot. lilt ends now."
Tolwyn halted at the sound of
Flags Cut To ... the chillingly familiar voice. Be-
fore her were the tents of the Army
A Romance means that Destructo of Darkness' commanders, and
When the Storm Knights decide
Don has fallen for a female Storm standing alone, the black crown
to go to New Orleans, cut to Act
Knight, or Roxanne has fallen for a Drakacanus on her head, was the
Three, "Southern Inhospitality."
male Storm Knight. The love-struck Warrior of the Dark herself. The
Getting from Boston to New Or-
gamemaster character will follow two women confronted each other
leans will most likely be done by
the Knight into the next- Act. An for the first time, even as the fight-
car. This takes about 24 hours of
Idea card lets the Storm Knights ing raged around them.
non-stop driving, including hav-
know that the city in question is "You were a fool, Tolwyn, to
ing to drive through the Land Above
New Orleans. emerge from behind your waIls,"
(assuming you don't disconnect).
Flights in and out of New Orleans the Warrior said coldly. "You would
airport have recently been sus- have been well served to remain
Variables pended due to -a large amount of beyond the bridge and let this world
If Destructo Don regains his winged Horrors sighted in the vi- fall to me."
Warheadpiece during the battle, cinity. "Nay, villainess," Tolwyn
he will enthusiastically fight for It is possible to fly to Atlanta, snarled. "1 tire of this madness.
the Storm Knights, doing his best then take a train to New Orleans. The war has been won on the world
to clobber the mob into stunned There is no direct rail service from of Asyle; now it shall be won here."
unconsciousness. Roxanne will do Boston to New Orleans, since the The Warrior of the Dark threw
likewise if freed. Land Above cuts the rail lines at its back her head and laughed, the
frontiers. great helm hiding her features.
"Fool! It will end, but only with
Aftermath your death. We meet now, blade to

As soon as the characters have

My Enemy, Myself blade, and 1 have the added ad-
vantage of Draka -"
gained the information they needed (Note: The characters emerge At that moment, the Darkness
from Roxanne, that flash of light from the nimbus of light to find Device vanished. All around, the

Torg: War's End

fighting began to cease, as the sol-

diers noticed the impossible: the
Warrior of the Dark was Tolwyn of
Tancred ... or so it seemed.
"This is the second time I have
faced my reflection in a dark and
twisted mirror," Tolwyn said. "Are
you, then, another Horror of
"No, sister," the Warrior re-
sponded, with a malicious grin. "I
am you - the darkness within you,
plucked from your soul during your
sojourn in limbo. I am all that you
could have been, if you did not
wear the chains of Light."
"1 wear no chains, thing of evil!"
Tolwyn shouted. "And if you are
my darkness, then I shall make an
end to you, here and now!"
(Note: At this point, the Warrior
eyes the characters.)
"As ever, you seek allies unwor-
thy of your opponents' steel," the
Warrior said. She made a gesture
with her hand and from the clouds
there came a massive dragon. "Let Arcane Knowledges:Fire4, metal Charm 9, persuasion 11, taunt
me thus give them a gift so that 4, darkness 4 11
they will not be bored while I flay Spells: Altered fireball (improved), SPIRIT 7
the skin from your bones." keen blade, create fear Intimidation 16, reality (Aysle)
Equipment: Wheelock dag, dam- 10
The Warrior of the Dark age value 13, ammo 1; two-handed Possibilities: 25
DEXTERITY 14 sword (enchanted), damage value Arcane Knowledges: Air 6, Dark-
Beast riding 16, dodge 20, fire STR+7/22; plate mail,armor value ness 4
combat 16, maneuver 23, melee TOU+15/30 (enchanted perma- Natural Tools: Scales, armor
weapons 25, unarmed combat nently by spell armor of Draconis value TOU+12/35; claws, damage
27 Metallica - see page 80 of Pixalld's value STR+3/30; arctic air breath,
STRENGTH 15 Practical Grimoire); dagger, dam- damage value 36
TOUGHNESS 15 (30) age value STR+3/18, coated with Description: Kelvun is an arro-
PERCEPTION 14 poison (delivered into victim with gant Draconis Teutonica who has
Alteration magic 17, evidence a melee weapons attack that causes become somewhat of a favorite of
analysis 18, find 19, scholar (battle at least one wound; damage value the Warrior of the Dark. He is an
tactics) 20, tracking 17, trick 21 25 per round) adept tactician, whose only weak-
MIND 13 ness is his supreme ego, and his
Conjuration magic 15, science Kelvun (Draconis Teutonical undying contempt for Storm
(logistics) 19, survival 17, test DEXTERITY 9 Knights.
20, willpower 24 Flight 12, unarmed combat 14 Once the fight ends, hopefully
CHARISMA 13 STRENGTH 27 with the Storm Knights victorious,
Charm 18, persuasion 21, taunt TOUGHNESS 23/35 continue reading the narrative.
20 PERCEPTION 19 During the fight itself, make sure
SPIRIT 12 Alteration magic 22, divination to relate to the Storm Knights the
Corruption 30, faith (Kalim) 21, magic 22, evidence analysis 21, details of the duel between Tolwyn
intimidation 30, reality (Aysle) find 23, trick 22 and the Warrior of the Dark. If any
28 MIND 15 one of the Storm Knights try to
Possibilities: 50 Test 21, willpower 18 rush and help Tolwyn, she com-

Act Two

mands them to stay back - this (Note: At this point, the Light sound as if the soil was burning.
fight is between her and the High soldiers will begin to celebrate their Around where it lay, the grass with-
Lord. victory. The Knights will see a sec- ered and died.
Both Armies let out cheers and ond flash of light and begin to fade The Warrior of the Dark howled
catcalls as the two warriors clashed, from the scene. As they do so, the in furious pain and fell to her knees,
sparks flying from their swords. following happens. It is also pos- cradling the stump of her left wrist.
The Warrior swung her blade in a sible the Knights may take action Her features warped in sheer ha-
wide, lethal arc, but Tolwyn easily (they have one round in which to tred, she looked up at Tolwyn. "I
ducked it, and, summoning a great do so) and stop the Warrior them- will always defy you!" she swore.
burst of strength, swung her own selves.) "Somehow, somewhere, I will get
two-handed sword from left to With surprising speed, the War- my vengeance!"
right. Her blade slashed the War- rior reached her feet even as a dag- "I showed you mercy, and you
rior, and then she reversed her ger slid from a sheath on her wrist. would have repaid me with treach-
stroke, catching the High Lord a She raised it high and charged, its ery. Die, creature of evil!" Tolwyn
second time. The Warrior of the point headed for Tolwyn's back. said. With a mighty swing of her
Dark staggered backward, bleed- But for some reason that may sword, she beheaded the High Lord.
ing. never be known ... perhaps be- An instant later, the corpse had
A predatory smile crept across cause/ in some way/ the two were disintegrated and vanished from
Tolwyn's face. "Whatever is the truly one ... Tolwyn turned in time sight.
matter, 'sister'? Are you finding to see the murderous attack. She Tolwyn turned back to her army.
that without your precious Dark- wheeled and brought her sword "Slaughter any of the Dark who
ness Device, you are nothing?" down, severing the hand of the will not surrender!" she shouted.
"What have you done with it?" High Lord and sending the dagger "This is the dawning of a new age
the Warrior screamed as she barely spinning into the grass. Where blade for the people of Aysle ... and of
deflected Tolwyn's next blow. met earth, there came a hissing Earth!"
"1 wish it had been destroyed by
my hand, abomination, but it was
not," Tolwyn replied. "Ah, but you
... that is another matter."
Tolwyn's blade fell again, this
time slicing into the Warrior's left
shoulder, gravely injuring it. The
High Lord attempted to lift her
heavy sword and her face contorted
in pain. The weapon fell to the
"Mercy!" the Warrior cried out.
"1 appeal to you, in the name of
Dunad, to spare me!"
A loud cry went up from the
assembled armies, as a horde of
barbarians charged at the Army of
Darkness. Tolwyn smiled and
turned back to the bleeding High
Lord. She took a deep breath and
said quietly, "Go ... go and take
your life with you. Your power is
broken, monster. In Dunad's name,
I spare you."
Tolwyn turned her back on the
defeated Warrior,contemptuously.
She raised her sword in victory
before her mighty army.

Torg: War's End

D e1iver Us From Evil

High Lord Jean Malraux I speech, with a discreet nudge from spirit, pure and free of corrupt
knelt at his small altar, where Ebenuscrux, to relight the fires of flesh! Fill me! Fill me!"
Ebenuscrux, his Darkness De- revival. And Malraux's prayers were
vice stood proudly. The tenor A light humming filled the air, answered; though not in the way
of Malraux's prayers revealed and Malraux's eyes snapped open, he wanted.
his frustration and anger at then went wide with disbelief. His The spirit of God did indeed fill
the way the realm was unrav- Darkness Device was vanishing! him, but it wasn't the cybernetic
eling. Oh, certainly, the Que- With a scream, the Cyberpope spirit ofthe so-called Magna Verita
bec portion of the realm had lunged at the Ebon Cross, but it God. It was the pure spirit power
expanded south into New En- was too late. The Device was gone. of the Trinity, the godhead that is
gland, and inroads were be- Rising from his knees, Malraux worshipped in Core Earth.
ing made into New Orleans, screamed, snatching up anything Malraux's body shook uncon-
but even Malraux's madness- near at hand and hurling it against trollably as the awesome power of
fevered mind knew tha t these the wall. He cursed this cosm, this God filled him. Its purity and light
gains were pitiful in light of realm, and most of all he cursed ripped away all the deceptions,
the bigger picture. In that, he the Gaunt Man - for he knew the and Malraux stood face to face
was losing support, here and Orrorshan High Lord was some- with the truth about his religion.
in Magna Veri ta. Storm how responsible for this! It was Ebenuscrux, lurking on
Knights ran rampant through It wasn't fair! It wasn't right! To Magna Verita and yet undiscov-
his realm, causing untold dam- have his Device ripped from him on ered by Malraux, that manipulated
age and turning the people the eve of redemption. Already, the Magna Veritan timeline so that
against the Cyberpope. Malraux could feel the possibility in 1415 AD, Benedict XIV of
And Malraux knew why energy conduits failing; he was no Avignon became the one true pope.
things had gotten so bad; he longer connected with his stelae. At that moment, worship shifted
was surrounded by traitors. That the reality existed at all must from God to the Darkness Device.
Judases lurked around every mean that,somehow, the GauntMan It became clear to Malraux now
corner. And those who were was maintaining it. It was yet an- that the worship of Father, Son
not traitors were simply in- other part of the grand conspiracy and Holy Spirit hadn't truly oc-
competent, unable to carry out against him. All he had left now curred on Magna Veri ta for over
the simplest of Malraux's di- was his God. five centuries. The so-called
rectives without blundering. In desperation, Malraux fell to CyberTrinity was a sham, a lie.
Still, all was not yet lost. his knees. "Do not forsake me now, And still, the raw holy power
Outside his window, a vast Father!" he screamed at the ceil- of God was not through with the
crowd was assembled, await- ing, his hands balled into tight mad Cyberpope. He was forced to
ing his Papal address. All that fists. "Not now! Not when I am so look at himself, as he truly was-
Malraux needed to turn things close! I need power! Your power! and what he saw was a hideous
around was a truly inspired Fill me with your holy cybernetic charlatan, no better than the thou-

Act Two

sands of heretics he had so casu- Devil in a form of a black cross! in over a dozen of Core Earth's
ally condemned to death. Yahweh is the one true God! Jesus languages. All the high clergy
Malraux screamed again as his is His Son! Muhammad is Allah's knew that he did not know
body began to move of its own Prophet! Cybernetics ... cybernet- these tongues - this was a
accord, carrying him to the bal- ics are an abomination." powerful miracle at work
cony that overlooked the multi- A collective gasp erupted from ... perhaps even witchcraft.
tudes assembled to hear him. They the crowd. The faces of the as- The clergymen bowed their
numbered in the thousands, each sembled CyberChurch clergy went heads and attempted to in-
face turned upward toward white with shock, then red with voke miracles of their own.
Malraux and the heavens (which fury. But their prayers went unan-
they considered much the same But Malraux was helpless in the swered. And the crowd read
thing). Holocam crews covered the grip of a will far more powerful the fear and panic on their
event, beaming it all over the than his own. "We ... are all her- faces and surged forward,
Cyberpapacy. Security was air- etics! We have blasphemed against offering the priests the chance
tight. Directly under the balcony, the Lord! And we must pay!" to die for their faith.
a small gallery had been erected, A senior Cardinal rose. "Shut Malraux was in the middle
occupied by a dour collection of those cameras oW" he boomed. of yet another repea t of his
Cardinals and high-ranking In- "NOW!" An Inquisitor looked address when the Hospitallers
quisitors. At the far end of the questioningly at the clergyman, seized him. The Inquisitor at
square, the shining maelstrom who nodded. The Inquisitor sig- their head looked at him with
bridge arched upwards into the nalled in turn to a group of disgust and said, "Heretic!
clouds like a high-tech version of Hospitallers, who rose to follow Take him home. He will be ...
Jacob's Ladder. All was in readi- him. reeducated."
ness; the air charged with antici- The cameras were still roIling. The crowd parted as the
pation. Malraux was still ranting. The Hospitallers levelled their
Malraux staggered out and Cardinal turned to a second group weapons. Behind them, the
clutched the railing, his distance ofHospitallers and shouted, "Shut Cyberpope, once mighty High
from the crowd concealing his those cameras down!" Lord, was dragged kicking and
haggard, panicked expression. The warriors replied by open- screaming toward his mael-
With one hand, he grabbed a mi- ing fire on the holocams. Screams strom bridge. Frightened
crophone. An expectant hush fell rose from the crowd as bullets clergy followed behind, their
over the crowd. The square was whined over their heads, and the power seemingly gone, the
silent, save for the soft humming need to escape turned a once-rapt mob they had once so easily
of the holocam transmitters. audience into a frenzied mob. manipulated now at their
"It's a lie!" Malraux said in a The Cardinal turned to look at heels.
ragged shout. "It's all a lie! We Malraux. The Cyberpope was still It was the beginning of the
have been deceived by Satan, the speaking, repeating his message end ...

Torg: War's End

Act Three

demonic spider creature. The Gaunt
The Major Beat Man, weary of their constant squab-
The Storm Knights arrive in New bling, banished them to New Or-
Orleans, a city under the influence leans to settle their dispute. Thus,
of an Akashan reality tree, which both females and their followers
houses an Orrorshan. Currently, have taken up residence there, and
the city and its suburbs are in a are battling it out in a bloody, gro-
Core Earth /Orrorsh mixed zone, tesque little war.
giving it the highest of each realms' In this Act, the Storm Knights
axioms, and both realms' world get dragged into the battle, all the
laws are in effect. while trying to fathom exactly what
The atmosphere in New Orleans the Gaunt Man is up to. Mr. Koar
is a mix of old and new. Gaslights from Act One makes his move
and electric street lights stand side against the Knights, and th'e
by side, horse-drawn hansom cabs Randolph Chapman subplot is re-
jockey for road space with auto- solved once and for all. The Act
mobiles and motorbikes, and gentle- culminates wi th the Storm Knights
men in silk top hats and ruffled getting the chance to uproot the
shirts associate freely with leather reality tree.
jacketed and denim-clad
The Cyberpapists are here in Regarding Mr. Koar
force, drawn to the French popula- If Mr. Koar is still following the
tion, and Nippon Tech still con- Storm Knights, he lurks in the St.
trols many offshore Gulf oil rigs. Louis Cemetery, in one of the crypts.
Voodoo now works all too well in He does his best to follow the Storm
this area. Knights without being seen, all the
Gamemasters should play up while trying to sabotage their in-
New Orleans as an easy-going, vestigations. If any Storm Knights
friendly, seductive place, with many split off from their party, in groups
secrets tha t could lead to danger of one or two, Koar will follow tile
and death. There is Southern hos- smaller group and a ttempt to wipe
pitality and the well-known New them out. A harsh lesson, but a
Orleans party atmosphere, but good one; in Orrorsh, there's secu-
there's also a sinister undercur- rity in numbers.
rent, thanks to the presence of
Currently, there is a "turf war" Researching
raging between the Nightmare
Sabathina, a vampyress, and the As we all know, knowledge is
Hellion Court member Basjas, a power, and the best way to build

•• 58
Act Three

up perseverance and gain infor- are the bodies of four giant spi- DEXTERITY 9
mation on weaknesses and true ders, each two meters long, and Fire combat 12, melee weapons
deaths of various Horrors is to use three gray blobs covered with dull 11, running 12, unarmed com-
the research skill. There are two red eyes. The giant spiders have bat12
places in New Orleans where the human skulls for heads. STRENGTH 9
Storm Knights can do this: the li- The police seem to be going TOUGHNESS 9
brary in the manor house of the about their business, doing their PERCEPTION 9
Southern Gentlemen, a secret soci- jobs despite their obvious discom- Evidence analysis 10, find 12,
ety, and the New Orleans Public fort and disgust. One man, a sher- land vehicles 12, scholar (police
Library. The latter, in true reality- iff, hooks his thumbs in his belt procedures) 12, tracking 11
altering fashion, now carries an- and ambles towards you, idly MIND 8
cient Orrorshan grimoires. chewing on a toothpick. "Cin ah CHARISMA 8
help you folks?" he asks. Persuasion 10
SCENE ONE: A Intimidation 11
Grim Introduction The Action Possibility Potential: Some (35)
Equipment: .38 revolver, dam-
The sheriff is named J. T. Mac- age value 15, ammo 6; Savage 77E
Allister. Though slightly out of his shotgun, damage value 18, ammo
jurisdiction, he was just passing
The Situation by when he saw the murder scene,
5; nightstick, damage value STR+2/
11; cuffs; radio
Standard. No matter how the and, having had some experience
Storm Knigh ts get to the New Or- lately with investigating bizarre Sheriff J.T. MacAllister
leans area, they are stopped just murders, decided to offer his help. DEXTERITY 9
eight kilometers short of the actual The five State Police on the scene Dodge 10, fire combat 15, ma-
city. If the Storm Knights are com- were more than happy to accept. neuver 11, melee weapons 12,
ing by car, it is a roadblock; if they unarmed combat 14
Louisiana State Police (5) STRENGTH 10
are coming by train, the train stops Reality: Core Earth
at a railroad crossing (where there TOUGHNESS 11
is also a roadblock).
Read aloud the following:
The night sky is lit by the flash-
~. War's Elld: Map 10, ;;;-=::;=~:::::,I=::\
-~'NewOrleans 1-?r \ !-,;=
ing red and blue strobes from the
domes of three police cars. To be I

~> ~~ - 0 II
precise, two Louisiana State Trooper
cars, and one Sheriff's car. \-\:=\ II
The damp chilly air is filled /
~ -----'B- - -
0 ,

with the crackling static of police ..... <: -I -----' <::i I


radios and the orders and com- \\ \' - 8 I i I'"""-N:IRamparl 51.~ o:J
mands being shouted out to sev-
eral of the law enforcement mem-
bers. Here, at this lonely railroad I
crossing, a gruesome scene awaits.
Three bodies lie at the side of the
road, near the gravel of the rail-
road bed. Two of the bodies ap-
pear half-covered in webs. The
other body appears somewhat
shrivelled, as if drained of fluids.
Strands of webbing hang from
gnarled shrubs and low-lying tree
However, that is not the worst
of it; strewn about haphazardly

Torg: War's End

PERCEPTION 10 stumbled upon this grisly scene dress on Canal Street, in central
Evidence analysis 14, find 15, while on patrol. Right now, New Orleans.
first aid 11, land vehicles 14, everyone's waiting for the coroner Seeing this scene requires a Per-
tracking 12 to come. In the meantime, the Storm severance check against a difficulty
MINDS Knights are free to investigate the number of 25 (Basjas' Perseverance
Survival 10, test 12, willpower 13 area, providing they don't mess difficulty number).
CHARISMA 8 up the scene of the crime or take
Persuasion 12, taunt 13 away any evidence.
SPIRIT 10 A Perception or tracking total of Calling It A Night
Faith (Southern Baptist) 12, in- 12 reveals many pock-marks in the
Sheriff MacAllister can give the
timidation 16, reality (Core Earth) soil. An evidence analysis total of 13
Storm Knights an address in New
12 identifies them as the tracks of gi-
Orleans for a fine bar /restaurant/
Possibilities: 6 ant spiders. Looking at the giant
rooms establishment: La Bon Vie,
Equipment: .44 Smith & Wesson spider-things, a scholar (Orrorshan
located on Bourbon Street. It is a
magnum, damage value 17, ammo realm lore) total of12identifies them
perfect place to spend the night. In
6; nightstick, damage value STR+3 / as spider-kin, elite servants of
fact, the Sheriff himself is staying
13; handcuffs; flashlight; dark Basjas. Another total of 14 informs
there, though he doesn't say so
glasses the Storm Knight that Basjas is a
unless he's become friendly with
Description: Sheriff MacAllister member of the Gaunt Man's Hel-
the Storm Knights.
looks and acts like your stereo- lion Court. A Perception or evidence
typical Southern sheriff, but with analysis total of 12 shows a single
a few extras. Though he has the hole in the spider-things' chest; a Perseverance Awards
right "look" (dark glasses, slight medicine total of 14 or a first aid
gut, etc), and the right vocal inflec- total of 17 shows that the spider- The Storm Knights start out with
tions (e.g. "Yoah in a heap 0' trouble, things were drained of what passes a base Perseverance of 8. Seeing
boah!"), he is a devoted lawman for blood in their bodies. the scene initially drops it by -1,
who really does want to see justice A scholar (Orrarshan realm lore) but later adds +2 as it increases the
done. He's polite, slow to anger, total of 14 identifies the blobs as Knights' determina tion to stop such
and speaks in a lazy but comfort- blood-thirsts, soldiers of Sabathina. things from happening again. Find-
ing drawl that hints at the strong Another total of 15 identifies ing the charm and the business
confidence underlying his words. Sabathina as a Nightmare of card adds +1 to the group's Perse-
MacAllister can prove to be a Orrorsh, and also that she and Basjas verance apiece. Identifying the two
valuable ally to the Storm Knights. are at war with each other. antagonists gives +2 to Persever-
All that he asks is that people re- A Perception or evidence analysis ance.
spect the law, the people of the total of 12 on the shrivelled corpse
town, and his role as lawman, in reveals a single hole in the neck. A
that order. The State Police have medicine total of 12 or first aid total Flags
already cleared the way so that of 15 shows that the corpse was
A Connection card means the
MacAllister's law enforcement drained of all blood.
Storm Knight knows Sheriff
powers are still in force, even out A medicine total of 14 or a first aid
MacAllister, and will be immedi-
here. total of 17 on the two web-bound
ately allowed to help in the inves-
The State Police ha ve pu t corpses shows tha t they had been
tigation. A Suspicion card means
MacAllister in charge of the site. poisoned.
that the State Police feel the Storm
The Storm Knights are going to All three victims are African-
Knight (and maybe his friends) are
have to convince/persuade Amerrican males in their early 40's.
involved in the situation, perhaps
MacAllister that they are well suited A Perception or find total of 13 on
responsible for the grisly murders.
to commence an investigation. one of the webbed victims uncov-
The party will be discreetly tailed
MacAllister starts out as Neutral ers a small talisman. A scholar (oc-
by State Troopers and perhaps even
to the Storm Knights. cult lore) 12 identifies it as a voo-
by Sheriff MacAllister himself. An
doo charm, used to ward off dan-
Alertness card means the Storm
ger. A Perception or find total of 12
Investigating The Site Knight feels as ifhe is being watched
on the body of the shrivelled man
by someone or something (it can
reveals a business card reading 'The
The State Police tell the Storm be either Chapman or Mr. Koar).
Southern Gentlemen," and an ad-
Knights that one of their own men

•• 60
Act Three

Torg: War's End

start complaining about the lack of Next, you see many spots of bright
Cut To ••• action." This encounter is not cru-
lI light, diffused in the New Or-
If the Storm Knights decide to cial to the storyline, but does pro- leans' evening mist. All at once,
go to the Bon Vie, cut to Scene vide atmosphere. you see the source of the light and
Four, "Calm Before the Storm." If Read aloud or paraphrase: noise: a pack of young women on
the Storm Knights instead plan on The streets of New Orleans are motorbikes, riding recklessly
visiting the address of the South- even wilder than usual these days. through the streets. They're all
ern Gentlemen, cut to Scene Three, Aside from Orrorsh and Core Earth wearing distinctive plaid skirts,
"A Not Very Secret Society." Note realities conflicting, it is known dark greert blazers, and black
tha t Scene Two can be inserted that Kanawa Corp has a subsid- patent leather shoes. Some of them
anywhere during the Act. iary in New Orleans, dealing in have blades coming out of their
petroleum, and the Cyberpapacy knuckles, while others seem
has a cathedral. jacked into their machines. Many
SCENE TWO: A lot of the changes also affect of them have a tell-tale red glow
the so-called average person, and in one eye.
School of the you see evidences of this every- The girls cast malevolent
glances a t you and gun their
Damned where: gentlemen in Victorian
throttles, bearing down on you.
dress, shadows flitting by which
mayor may not be ninja, and
Cyberpapal street preachers warn-
The Situation ing about the dangers of New The Action
Orleans' style hedonism. These "schoolgirls" are of the
Standard. This scene occurs at
Another interesting change is Cyberpapal variety, out "wilding,"
any point during the visit to New
heading towards you right now. supposedly in search of heretics
Orleans, and is especially useful if
It starts with a low rumbling, like and troublemakers. But their defi-
the Storm Knights are burning
a flight of demons on the wing. nition of that is anyone who isn't
through this Act way too fast, or

•• 62
Act Three

part of the CyberChurch and some- han. Cyberware: NeuraCal, SCENE THREE: A
times they even get that wrong. EpiphaNeur, BelleView 20-20,
They're basically just a gang of DATAS Snooper, Apotheduct, MB Not Very Secret
thugs. Adrenal Booster, slashers, damage
When the girls close in on the value STR+4/12. Cyber value: 16 Society
Storm Knights, they open fire on Anygirl who receives two wounds
any vehicle the Storm Knights have, or more will leave the scene. Once
in the hopes of disabling it. The half of their number is wounded / The Situation
girls will do their best to stay on departed, the rest leave as well. They
theirbikes, even fighting from them. return to their Cyberpapal school, a Standard. This is the manor
While some of the girls will shoot facility which is adjacent to the which houses a new Victorian se-
to kill or maim, others are more Cyberpapal Cathedral. cret society, this one composed
interested in hefting any expen- primarily of New Orleans gentle-
sive looking items off the Storm men, transformed from Core Earth
Knights, especially high-tech weap- Flags to Orrorsh. They call themselves
onry. simply "The Southern Gentlemen."
A True Identity card means the and their goal is to defend New
Cyberpapal Schoolgirls (2 per girls recognize the Storm Knight as Orleans and her people against the
Storm Knight) a wanted heretic, and decide to score Horrors, but do so with a sense of
DEXTERITY 9 some points with the clergy by cap- style and class.
Dodge 12, fire combat 12, ma- turing the victim and bringing him When the Storm Knights reach
neuver 10, melee weapons 12, or her back to the Cathedral. the Canal Street address, read aloud
running 11, stealth 11, unarmed A Nemesis card means the Storm or paraphrase the following:
combat 10 Knight has really irritated the girls,
STRENGTHS who have marked him or her for You stand before an old, ivy-
TOUGHNESS S (13 with blaz- nasty treatment at some later time. covered mansion, a stone wall and
ers) Before the Act is over, the girls will metal gate sealing its grounds off
PERCEPTION 9 make another appearance, gunning from passersby on the street. Lights
Find 10, land vehicles (motor- especially for the one Storm Knight. shine from the mansion's many
cycles) 15, language 11, scholar This makes a lot more sense if the windows. A buzzer and a speaker
(Avignon doctrine) 11, trick 12 Storm Knight with theNemesis card are imbedded in a metal plate in
MINDS is a female. the wall near the wrought-iron
Streetwise 12, willpower 10 gate.
CHARISMA 11 Canal Street itself is quiet; a
Charm 15, persuasion 12, taunt Variables light mist rolling down the street,
15 diffusing the glow of gas lights
SPIRIT 10 If the Storm Knights intend to and electric lights, standing side
Faith (Cyberpapal) 14, intimi- pursue the girls back to the Cathe- by side in a technological incon-
dation 12, reality (Cyberpapacy) dral, the gamemaster will have to gruence.
12 make up the floor plan. lt should
Possibilities: 4 be staffed similar to the Cathedral
Equipment: GWI God Meeter in Act Two, but with double the The Action
pistol, damage value 20, ammo 30; number of cyberpriests, a dozen
cybernuns, and two dozen Ringing the buzzer alerts the oc-
power dagger, damage value
Hospitallers. cupants that visitors are here. The
STR+5 /13; blazers with HalloMesh
gates swing open of their own ac-
weave lining, armor value TOU+5/
cord, allowing the Storm Knights
13; totalamine (4 doses), headbanger
(4 doses); Dazzleomine (4 doses); Cut To ••• to walk up the driveway to the
ornate front door.
Peugeot Chargers, speed value 12, Once this scene has played itself At the front door, the party is
passengers 2, TOU 14). Note that out for all its worth, cut to Scene
the girls are interfaced with their greeted by Reeves, the butler, who
Three, "A Not Very Secret Soci- is Neutral to the party for pur-
bikes, giving them a +3 bonus to ety," or Scene Four, "Calm Before poses of interaction. If the Storm
any land vehicles (motorcycle) ac- the Storm." Knights can persuade Reeves that
they have genuine business with

Torg: War's End

the Southern Gentlemen, then the Equipment: Tuxedo; silver Charm 13, persuasion 14, taunt
butler will let them in and make Sacellum cross (inside jacket pocket) 15
them comfortable in the sitting Description: Reeves is the SPIRIT 10
room. After doing so, Reeves will archetypical snooty butler, very de- Faith (Christian) 13, intimida-
fetch Sebastian Orwell, the leader voted to Sebastian and to the South- tion 14, reality (Orrorsh) 12
of the Southern Gentlemen. ern Gentlemen. He is originally Possibilities: 10
from Gaea, and has been valuable Equipment: Cross Heavy Re-
Reeves in filling in the Sou thern volver, damage value 16, ammo 6;
DEXTERITY 9 Gentlemen's information gaps sword cane, damage value STR+5/
Unarmed combat 11 about Orrorshan life. 15; Holy Bible; vial of holy water;
STRENGTH 10 silver cross
TOUGHNESS 10 Sebastian Orwell Description: Sebastian is the
PERCEPTION 10 DEXTERITY 10 sharply-dressed, impeccably man-
Find 16, scholar (etiquette) 17, Beast riding 13, fire combat 14, nered leader of the Southern Gentle-
scholar (home economics) 15, melee combat 13, unarmed com- men. He is in his early 40's, with
scholar (Orrorshan realm lore) bat 14 black hair, handlebar moustache,
14 STRENGTH 10 muttonchop sideburns, and a very
MIND 11 TOUGHNESS 11 expensive suit.
Occult 13, science (horticulture) PERCEPTION 12
14, test 15, willpower 16 Evidence analysis 14, find 14,
CHARISMA 8 land vehicles 14, language 14, The Manor
Persuasion 10, taunt (17) research 16, scholar (Core Earth
SPIRIT 10 occult) 15, tracking 13, trick 16 The manor contains an occult
Intimidation 12, reality (Orrorsh) MIND 10 lab, dining room, studies, work
11 Occult 14, test 15, willpower 16 rooms, sitting room, a massive li-
Possibilities: 4 CHARISMA 9 brary, meeting room, carriage house
with two buggies, and a green-
house with two dozen Gaean Peace
Roses in bloom.
If the Storm Knights manage to
win the confidence of the South-
ern Gentlemen, they may be able
to return to the manor in order to
use the library for research, and
the occult lab for conducting ritu-
Atany given time, there are eight
society members (not counting
Reeves) at the mansion.

Sebastian begins the conversa-
tion by asking for introductions
and engaging in small talk while
Reeves serves coffee and brandy.
In order to have him open up about
anything important or related to
the occult, his confidence needs to
be won. Just showing him the
society's card found on one of the
victims is scarcely enough proof of
the Storm Knights' honorable in-

. . .H
64 o.----------------------- .... '1\
Act Three

tentions. For purposes of interac- seemed more interested in voodoo ders lurking about.
tion, Sebastian starts off as Neu- practitioners, which the society If asked a bou t Roxanne
tral. frowns upon. Sebastian recalls that D' Aramis' reference to a one-eyed
Note that this is 1101 a place to they were worried abou t some monarch, all that Sebastian recalls
corne into for purposes of crashing looming occult disaster, and wanted is that there is a club called The
for the night, or picking up weap- all the protection they could get. One-Eyed King, on Basin Street,
onry or silver bullets. This isn't They came to the Southern Gentle- near St Louis Cemetery #1. Accord-
some "safe house" for Storm men for help, but refused to give ing to Sebastian, it comes across as
Knights. Anyone who is pushy, them enough information to act a combination coffee house, bar,
rude, or demanding will be upon. They seemed afraid to say dance club, done in a very Gothic
promptly ejected. too much, as if someone or some- theme.
If asked abou t the dead men in thing could hear them. Sebastian If pressed about a turf war,
Scene One, Sebastian mentions that recalls one of the men, Albert, as Sebastian says that two members
yes, he knew of them, bu t they asking if the manor had any spi- of the Gaunt Man's retinue, the

Torg: War's End

Nightmare Sabathina and the Hel- gentleman. He is unflinchingly ing, enraged, until he is to be used
lion Court member Basjas, were brave and loyal to the cause. by the Gaunt Man in California).
rumored to be in the city. They are "Unholy Horror within arbor
said to be at war with each other, prison sleeps, changing all we know
with the citizens of New Orleans The Gypsies into its own twisted vision. Strong
caught in the middle. Perhaps that's it grows, rooted where the trum-
The Southern Gentlemen, in their
the reference, perhaps it isn't. peter is honored." (An Orrorshan
efforts to get to know more about
The voodoo token found on one Horror once occupied a reality tree
Orrorsh, have taken the unusual
of the dead men in Scene One can in Louis Armstrong Park).
step in inviting a group of four
be identified here by the Gentle-
Gaean gypsies into the manor for "Metal priests of heresy, failing,
men as coming from a voodoo prac-
consultations. The Gentlemen in- fading, have no part in this part of
titioner on Bourbon Street, a Cajun
woman named Sister Trinity. troduce the gypsies to the Storm the play of horror and pain." (The
Knights, and ask that they help the Cyberpapacy's involvement in cur-
Any Storm Knight with the re-
characters with any questions or rent and future events is nonexist-
search skill call use it here in the
problems. Sebastian will even pro- ent).
manor's library, once permission
pose a seance, as one of the gypsies
is secured. Kella can ask as many questions
As far as the Peace Roses are is a spirit medium.
for the Storm Knights as they want,
The gypsy band consists of their
concerned, the Storm Knights can though each attempt takes ten min-
take only four of them on a vine, spokesman Lazlo, his daughter
utes. However, if more than three
Elysa, his bodyguard Gregor, and
and then only if Sebastian is now questions are asked, Orrorsh's evil
his mother, Grandmama Kella.
Friendly with them. kicks in, and a Chthon coalesces
If the Storm Knights are injured,
Grandmama Kella is the spirit
out of the ether, lands on the table
medium, and she will do the se-
they are in luck, as one of the South- with a loud crash, and begins at-
ance for 10 Sterlings or its equiva-
ern Gentlemen is a licensed physi- tacking everyone.
The gypsies scream and run for
For a single Victorian Sterling,
cover. Reeves and Sebastian are
Dr. Jack Watson Grandmama Kella will read a Storm
the only two allies the Storm Knights
DEXTERITY 10 Knight's fortune. Gamemasters can
can count on in the fight.
Beast riding 11, fire combat 12, drop hints of things to come, couch-
maneuver 12, unarmed combat ing them in obscure terms. Grandmama Kella
STRENGTH 10 Dodge 8
PERCEPTION 13 The participants include Kella, TOUGHNESS 10
Evidence analysis 15, first aid Lazlo, Reeves, Sebastian, Watson, PERCEPTION 12
15, language 12, scholar (occult and as many of the Storm Knights Evidence analysis 14, find 15,
practices) 14, scholar (pharma- who wish to join in. All partici- language 14, scholar (Gaean
ceuticals) 15 pants sit around the table in the gypsy culture) 17, scholar
MIND 13 darkened dining room, and Kella (fortunetelling) 17
Medicine 18, occult 15, psychol- goes into her trance. No one need MIND 11
ogy 16, science (chemistry) 16, hold hands; Kella sees no purpose Occult 13, Willpower 16
willpower 15 in it. CHARISMA 8
CHARISMA 10 Before Kella asks any questions, Persuasion 14, taunt 14
Persuasion 13 she goes into a prophetic trance SPIRIT 12
SPIRIT 9 and utters the following cryptic Intimidation 13, reality (Orrorsh)
Reality (Orrorsh) 10 clues: . 14, spirit medium 18, true sight
Possibilities: 8 17
Equipment: Doctor's bag; flask "Once on high,now one in many, Possibilities: 6
of brandy; Rutherford Single Bar- it walks the Earth in rage and de- Equipment: Tarot deck; crystal
rel, damage value 14, ammo 1 feat, looking for blood. A tool it is, ball; bones; cane; a handful of nails
Description: Dr. Watson isa com- to be used by he who would take made of solid silver
passiona te man, a cross between a all." (A reference to Baruk Kaah, Description: Grandmama Kella
good old-fashioned country doc- former High Lord and now an appears to be the oldest woman
tor, and a well-bred Southern amalgam of all the cosms, wander- alive, her face a roadmap ofwrinkles

•• 66
Act Three

and her long hair of snow white, do the seance for only a single Ster- sigh of relief as you realize that
braided down her back. She wears ling or equivalent. A Suspicion card this is a tourist thing, not signs of
the bright silks of the gypsies, and means that Sebastian suspects the yet another cosm invading Earth!
has a rather sweet disposition. Storm Knight of being a Horror, The atmosphere here is active
and will have him tailed by several and friendly; people chatter in
Chthon society members. A Romance card French and English, as they eat,
Reality: Orrorsh means that either the female Storm drink, and make merry. The down-
DEXTERITY 11 Knight is smitten with Sebastian, stairs consists of a bar and restau-
Dodge 14 (19 with Blur Form), or vice versa. rant, the two separated by a cur-
flight 15, unarmed combat 16 An Idea card interprets one of tain. Soft jazz piano filters from
STRENGTH 14 Grandmama's cryptic prophecies. the dining area. Upstairs, there
TOUGHNESS 16 (25) are rooms to rent for the night.
PERCEPTION 9 The place is filled with people
Find 12, tracking 12, trick 12 (15) Variables of all shapes and sizes, here to
MIND 8 have a good time and forget the
Test (15), willpower 15 If any Storm Knight has the gypsy
horrors so preval"nt in their city
CHARISMA 11 token from Act One, the gypsies
these days. This is New Orleans,
Taunt (15) will do the seance for free, and
after all; the party must go on.
SPIRIT 8 give three free fortune readings.
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 15, intimi-
dation 15
Cut To ... The Action
Possibility Potential: None
Natural Tools: Pincers, damage La Bon Vie is a fine establish-
If the Storm Knights decide to
value STR+5/19; layered bodies ment, though its clientele is a little
go to the Bon Vie, cut to Scene
as armor, value TOU+9 /25; wings, unusual and diverse. It has a late
Four, "Calm Before the Storm." If
speed value 11 18th-early 19th century feel, with
they decide to go to the One-Eyed
Powers: Attack Form Resistance pewter mugs and plates, and au-
King bar, cu t to Scene Five, "Rev-
(firearms), Blur Form thentic, old-fashioned French, Cre-
elations." If they go to Sister
Corruption Value: 17 ole, and American dishes. The pro-
Trinity's, cut to Scene Six, "Voo-
Fear Rating: 1 prietor is Louisa Saint-Michel, an
doo Lounge." always smiling, ample woman who
Perseverance ON: 11
Weakness: None has been widowed for the past five
True Death: Occult Ritual years. She's in her mid-40s, and is
SCENE FOUR: a huge flirt.
Perseverance Awards
Calm Before the Rooms are $55 a night single
occupancy, $85 a night double oc-
Give the party 2 Perseverance
Storm cupancy. Breakfast in bed is pro-
vided at no extra charge. The din-
points if they get answers in the ing room stays open till 1:00 a.m.,
seance. Erase a point at the first the bar till 3:00 a.m. It should be
sight of the chthon; if they beat the The Situation noted that Sheriff MacAllister has
Horror, award them two points. a room here, since he decided to
Standard. This place provides a
chance for the Storm Knights to stay overnight in order to help with
Flags rest up and get better acquainted the triple murder case.
with the city by means of its people. There is even a carriage house
A Connection card means that The atmosphere in the establish- and stable, to accommodate the
the Storm Knight knows Sebastian, ment should be one of hospitality horses of Victorians. Stabling an
and will get in easily to see him; and joviality, as a defense against animal costs $10 a night.
any help the Storm Knights need the lurking Horrors outside. The following is a list of people
will be freely given, but only for Read aloud or paraphrase the present in the bar/restaurant:
this one visit. Otherwise, the Con- following:
nection can be played on Etienne (Steven) LeBeau
You have stepped into a Colo- DEXTERITY 13
Grandmama Kella, who will hug
nial style building, where the Acrobatics 16, dodge 18,
the Storm Knight as if he or she
waitresses are clad in the styles of lockpicking 16, maneuver 15, me-
were a missed grandchild, and will
the early 1800's. You breathe a

Torg: War's End

War's End: Map 12 .

~ La Bon :VieF~
Ground Floor

.. ,., Kitchen

cO Office
Q Dining
Room Q
Q Hostess

l) 1
c=:J Up

u Carriage

d Q ¢QQ House

lee weapons 15, prestidigitation though, Etienne will pick their SPIRIT 8
18, running 15, stealth 19, un- pockets of any valuables, or break Faith (Sacellum) 9, intimidation
armed combat 15 into their rooms and take choice 9, reality (Orrorsh) 9
STRENGTH 8 stuff that can be pawned. Possibilities: 8
TOUGHNESS 8 Equipment: Rapier, STR+5/14;
PERCEPTION 10 Linda Fujiyama Cross Heavy Revolver, damage
Find 14, land vehicles 12, scholar A]apanese-American woman in value 16, ammo 6; eight silver bul-
(gambling) 15, trick 14 her late 20s, working for Gulf Oil lets; silver Sacellum cross; vial of
MIND 8 in New Orleans. She's a bit stand- holy water; wooden stake and
Streetwise 12, test 13, willpower offish, which will be ideal for mallet
14 theStorm Knights, who probably Description: Sergeant-Major
CHARISMA 12 think every person of Japanese Crawford is a spit and polish Vic-
Charm 16, persuasion 15, taunt extraction is Nippon Tech. Keep torian military man. Looking re-
15 them going for a while on this. splendentin his dress red uniform,
SPIRIT 8 Sergeant-Major Crawford slicked back hair, square jaw, and
Reality (Core Earth) 10 DEXTERITY 9 walrus moustache, he cuts quite a
Possibilities: 6 Beast riding 12, dodge 12, fire figure. He is here with his squad
Equipment: Blackjack, damage combat 12, maneuver 10, melee for a drink and a bite to eat.
value STR+3/11; lockpick tools; weapons 12, unarmed combat If politely engaged in conversa-
trenchcoat; gloves; loaded dice; 10 tion, he says that he and his men
marked cards STRENGTH 9 hail from the 7th Regiment, Victo-
Description: Etienne is a local TOUGHNESS 11 rian Royal Order, which special-
thief, and accomplished pickpocket. PERCEPTION 9 izes in hunting down Horrors. The
He has an extensive knowledge of Scholar (military tactics) 13, trick Regiment is here on a goodwill
New Orleans and its interesting 14 mission, advising the local authori-
sites. If somehow the Storm Knights MIND 8 ties how best to handle the Hor-
manage to get him to cooperate CHARISMA 12 rors.
with them, they will have a reli-

Persuasion 14 Victorian Soldiers (4)
able guide to the city. Most likely,

....."68'.----------------------- .. . .~
Act Three

Reality: Orrorsh suburb of Port Sulphur. She has 12, unarmed combat 12
DEXTERITY 9 come to New Orleans in hopes of STRENGTH 9
Dodge 11, fire combat 11, ma- finding better fortunes. She is well TOUGHNESS 9 (17)
neuver 10, melee weapons 10, aware of what Horrors are and PERCEPTION 9
unarmed combat 10 what they can do. Find 10, first aid 10, tracking 10
TOUGHNESS 9 Pere Alfonse Gastoneau Test 10, willpower 10
MIND 8 Dodge 11, fire combat 11, melee Persuasion 10, taunt 9
Willpower 10 weapons 11, unarmed combat SPIRIT 9
CHARISMA 7 12 Faith (Cyberpapal) 10, intimi-
SPIRIT 8 STRENGTH 10 dation II,reality (Cyberpapacy)
Faith (Sacellum) 9 TOUGHNESS 10 (15) 10
Possibility Potential: Some (50) PERCEPTION 11 Possibilities: 3
Equipment: Weston Bolt-Action, Cyberdeckops 14,find 12,scholar Equipment: Armor of God, ar-
damage value 17, ammo 8; (value (Avignon Doctrine) 15, trick 12 morvalueTOU+8/17;GodMeeter,
18) MIND 10 damage value 20 with Smartgun
Description: These are just four Science (computers) 12, test 12, (+3 to hit)
Victorian soldiers, on a bit of leave. willpower 13 Cyberware: EpiphaNeur, CSI
They do not instigate anything CHARISMA 10 EyeKill Mk IV, BelleSee Telesight
unless Crawford orders it. Charm 14, persuasion 13, taunt (+3 to find at range), CyberHam
13 Receiver /Homer /Throat Mike
Reverend Montague Winter SPIRIT 12 (fully functional radio and hom-
DEXTERITY 8 Faith (Cyberpapal) 15, focus 14 ing signal), MB Chargerl (+1 DEX
Beast riding 9, dodge9, fire com- (16 w / crucifix), intimidation 14, for 3 min), MB Blocker (ignore K
bat 9 reality (Cyberpapacy) 14 results, 3 less shock per hit). Cyber
STRENGTH 12 Possibilities: 8 value: 18 .
TOUGHNESS 12 Equipment: HalloMesh, armor
PERCEPTION 10 TOU+5/15; God Meeter, damage Cassandra Riley
First aid 12, scholar (Sacellum value 20, ammo 30; blessed cruci- DEXTERITY 8
Doctrine) 15 fix (+2 to focus). Cyberware: Dodge 10, running 9, stealth 10,
MIND 9 NeuraCal,EpiphaNeur, BelleView unarmed combat 9
Test 11 20-20 (+2 to PER-based on sight), STRENGTH 8
CHARISMA 12 CSI LEDs, CyberHam Receiver/ TOUGHNESS 8 (10 with leather
Charm 13, persuasion 14 Throat Mike/Homer, TSE jacket)
SPIRIT 12 LeMotion (+3 to find in detecting PERCEPTION 10
Faith (Sacellum) 14, focus 15, movement), DATAS Boomer (am- Find 13, land vehicles 14, lan-
intimidation 14, reality (Orrorsh) plifies voice), MB Charger (+1 DEX guage 13, scholar (journalism)
14 for 3 min), ChipHolder 3. Cyber 14
Possibilities: 10 value: 21 MIND 10
Equipment: Sacellum Bible Description: Pere Gastoneau is Willpower 14
(Book of Power); silver Sacellum a small, bald man with dark, beady CHARISMA 10
cross; whip, damage value STR+2/ eyes and a commanding voice. He Charm 13, persuasion 13
14 is in his late 40s. Gastoneau is as- SPIRIT 9
Description: Reverend Winter signed to the Cathedral in New Faith (Christian) 10, reality (Core
is a huge, imposing man with bushy Orleans, and travels with a retinue Earth) 10
blonde eyebrows, piercing steel of six Church Police. Possibilities: 4
eyes, and a booming voice. He is When the Storm Knights enter Equipment:35mm camera; mini-
determined to eradica te sin, real the establishment, Gastoneau is tape recorder; notepad and pens;
or imagined, anywhere he finds it. having a theological discussion with press credentials; leather jacket,
Reverend Winter. armor value TOU+2/10
Minou Description: Cassandra "Cassie"
A cute brunette with a big smile Church Police (6)
DEXTERITY 10 Riley is a freelance journalist who
and a short red dress, Minou is a has been covering the Possibility
local "good-time girl," from the Dodge 12, energy weapons 13,
fire combat 12, melee weapons Wars for four years now, concen-

Torg: War's End

trating mostly on the United States. ation, it is clear to me that either cyberpriest does likewise for the
If she smells a story, she will go you have been duped into believ- Church Police. It's a standoff, as
after it, and will follow the Storm ing this rubbish, or you are, by people scramble under tables, and
Knights if they seem to be moving choice, an accomplice in this her- the owner begs them all to stand
with a purpose. esy!" down, offering everyone free drinks
Cassie is in her late 20s, athletic, PG: "How dare you! If your God if peace is maintained. Neither side,
and attractive. She is also happily is so powerful, why hasn't He just however, seems interested in drink-
married, and is not above slugging removed the Horrors? Eh? Tell me ing.
any man who refuses to take the that!" Sheriff MacAllister pulls out his
hint, or see the ring on her left RW: "The ways of our God are own revolver and demands that
hand. She can be a good source of mysterious. We become stronger both sides stand down and put
rumors about goings-on in the in our struggles." away their weapons. Both sides
United States, but will expect a PG: (laughs derisively) "Bah! ignore him, though Pere Gastoneau
favor in return (like an exclusive That sounds like Tharkoldu talk to calmly says, without taking his hate-
story). me, m'sieu!" filled eyes off of the Reverend, that
RW: "You take that back, you this is an inter-cosm dispute, and
wine-swilling Cyberpapal heretic!" that the sheriff should keep out of
Event PG: ''I'll see you in Hell first, it. MacAllister keeps his gun lev-
you tea-guzzling apostate!" elled at the antagonists, and re-
Reverend Winter and Pere
RW: "Provincial hedge-priest!" peats his demand.
Gastoneau's discussion eventually
PG: "eochon!" (pig) The Storm Knights will have to
gets heated up to the point of ex-
RW: "Right! That does it, then!" do some fancy talking in order to
plosion. What follows is a sample
A hand signal from the Rever- resolve this thing peacefully. For
of the dialogue in the latter stages
end brings the Sergeant-Major and Storm Knight interaction purposes,
of disintegration:
his men to a fighting stance, weap- consider the Victorians to be Neu-
RW: "I think 1 have heard
ons ready. A sharp nod from the tral, and the Cyberpapists to be
enough, sir. After some consider-

•• 70
Act Three

Enemy. If one side apologizes to Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 18, intimi-

the other, then the other side will dation 17, reality (Orrorsh) 18
Cut To ...
stand down and be willing to mut- Possibilities: 8 If the Storm Knights decide to
ter a return apology. If a firefight/ Equipment: Leather jackets, ar- go to The One-Eyed King, cut to
brawl breaks out, everyone dives mor value TOU+2/20; switch- Scene Five, "Revelations." If they
for cover, except for MacAllister, blades, damage value STR+3/19; decide to visit Sister Trinity, cut to
who wades into it, shouting cocktail napkin from the One-Eyed Scene Six, "Voodoo Lounge." If
Miranda rights at them all and King they go to Louis Armstrong Park,
announcing that they are all under Natural Tools: Fangs, damage cut to Scene Eight, "A Tree Grows
arrest. Ms. Riley crouches behind value STR+2/18 In New Orleans." If the Storm
a table and takes photos of the Powers: Life Drain, value 29, Knights decide to wait for the
proceedings. drains TOU by drinking blood; rumble, cut to Scene Seven, "Turf
Infection, Regeneration, Resistance War. u
to Normal Weapons.
The Gang Of Four Corruption Value: 24
Trouble comes walking in later
Fear Rating: 6 SCENE FIVE:
Perseverance DN: 18
that night, in the form of three men
and one woman, all apparently in
Weakness: Salt (severe) Revelations
True Death: A wooden cross
their early 20's. They're dressed in
pounded through their hearts.
dressed in black leather jackets,
chains, biker boots, faded jeans, Description: These four are ex- The Situation
tremely hard to kill, hence their
and a red scarf tied either as a
cockiness. They feel that they can Standard. This scene takes place
headband, an armband, or around
the thigh. All four look slightly go anywhere, do anything, because in a combination coffee shop /bar/
no one can hurt them. All four are club, a favored hangout of self-
drunk or high as they wander in,
followers of Sabathina, and often absorbed, angst-ridden, depressed
talking loudly, jostling customers,
until they seat themselves and be- use her name as a rallying cry. Generation X types all dressed in
They know that a big rumble is set black.
gin yelling for a waitress.
for dusk tomorrow in the St Louis Read aloud or paraphrase the
All four of them are vampyres,
Cemetery. following:
who have wandered here after their
carousing at the One-Eyed King, The establishment's facade is a
intent now on raising some hell. Perseverance Awards looming Gothic affair, lit by sev-
They aren't afraid of anyone and, eral electric blue neon lights bor-
if sufficiently provoked, will re- Award two points if they find dering the main entry. A sign-
veal their true natures and attempt out about the rumble in the cem- board lined in purple neon shows
to make a meal of the crowd. etery, and one point if they find a playing card, a King, facing
the clue to lead them to the One- sideways so that only one eye is
Vampyre Gangers (4) Eyed King. visible. Over the door are carved
DEXTERITY 12 the words "In the land of the blind,
Acrobatics20,dodge 19,maneu- the one-eyed man is king."
ver 17, melee weapons 15, run- Flags The interior is broken up into
ning 17, stealth 20, unarmed two large rooms. The first one's
combat 20 If the Storm Knights are frus-
darkness is broken only by the
STRENGTH 16 trated in trying to find a weakness
dim candles at each table, and the
Climbing 19 for thevampyres, anldea card shows
background glow of interior neon
TOUGHNESS 18 (20 with that the gang swept the salt and
lighting. The unmistakable odor
leather jackets) pepper shakers off the table when
of coffee hangs in the air. A small
PERCEPTION 11 they sat down. A Connection card
stage stands against the far cor-
Find 14, land vehicles 13, lan- means that the Storm Knight can
ner. A man in black sits on a stool
guage 15, trick 16 know either the Sergeant-Major,
upon it and reads poetry.
MIND 14 the Reverend, Etienne, or
Cassandra. Beyond an archway lies the sec-
Test 23, willpower 23 ond room. There's a bar and an-
CHARISMA 14 other stage here, where a quartet
Charm 26, persuasion 21 of new wave musicians play some

Torg: War's End

odd combination of a dirge and a many shadowy comers, and you Find 14, land vehicles 13, trick
rock song. Alcohol is served here. could swear that sometimes you 17
Regardless of the room, the cli- can catch the glint of a badly con- MIND 14
entele is the same: young people, cealed weapon, the flash of Artist (singer) 15, streetwise 17,
ranging from late teens to late cyberware, even the hint of a fang test 20, willpower 21
twenties, sit at tables or lean or two in a mouth opened wide CHARISMA 14
against the interior walls. Most with sarcastic laughter. Charm 26, persuasion 21
are clad in black: trenchcoats, Maybe you will be a little more SPIRIT 9
leather jackets, blazers, jeans. careful in here. Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 14,intimi-
There is a preponderance of jew- dation 16, reality (Core Earth)
elry with skull, dagger, and ankh 18
motifs. The Action Possibilities: 6
You've been in everything from Equipment: None
the gangster-owned speakeasies This club is the perfect place for Natural Tools: Fangs, damage
of the Nile, to the raucous taverns tortured, angst-ridden people, it's value STR+2/18
of Aysle, and the smash clubs of true, but many of these pitiful Powers: Life Drain, value 29,
the Cyberpapacy, but never have people can also be very danger- drains TOU by drinking blood,
you seen a club where the mood is ous. A sampling of the regulars: Infection, Armor Defeating Attack,
so deliberately subdued, even de- Skarlet Dark Vision, Blur Form
pressing. Most of the clientele DEXTERITY 12 Corruption Value: 24
appear to be posing, overacting, Acrobatics 20, dodge 19 (24 with Fear Rating: 6
or overdosing on angst. Blur Form), maneuver 17, run- Perseverance DN: 18
You might be tempted to just ning 18, stealth 20, unarmed Weakness: Sunlight (severe)
laugh and dismiss the whole place combat 21 True Death: A wooden stake
as a gathering area of preening, STRENGTH 16 through the heart.
self-absorbed, pseudo-intellectual Climbing 18 Description: Skarlet (she always
losers, except for the fact that there TOUGHNESS 18 introduces herself as "Skarlet ...
is definitely an underlying sinis- PERCEPTION 11 with a K") is a ravishing brunette
ter current of evil. The place has in a tight leather mini-dress and

~ War's End: Map 13

~ The One-Eyed King
Q d Kitchen


Main Bar
- ;;-
Stage o o ~ Coffee House

•• 72
Act Three

stiletto heels. Of course, she's also

a vampyre, which does tend to
complicate her one-night stands.
Although she does not lack for sen-
suality, she can also be very cruel
and cold-blooded.
Tezel Rak-Four
Dodge 13, energy weapons 14,
fIre combat 13, melee weapons
13, prestidigitation 14, stealth
15, unarmed combat 11
Alteration magic 16, cyberdeck
ops 14, divination magic 15, evi-
dence analysis 15, find 14, lan-
guage 13, scholar (Core Earth
legends) 14
Apportation magic 16, conjura-
tion magic 16, streetwise 15
Intimidation 12, occultech 14, re-
ality (Tharkold) 15
Possibilities: 8
Cyberware: Nervejack; 3-slot
Chipholder; cyberfangs, damage
value STR+2/12; Cyber value: 5
. Arcane Knowledges: Entity 5,
LIght 4, Darkness 3, Fire 4, Living
Forces 4
Spells: Pop, laser armor, foeblaster,
chlllmg darkness, conjured fireball,
charm person, detect living beings,
create fear, sense undead
Equipment: Res-14 laser pistol,
damage value 25, ammo 50; 9 I
Gam Snub Pistol, damage value
15, ammo 9; mass impact staff,
damage value STR+5/15; Kap/3 tense violet eyes at whoever he's with the LA resistance, and can
mesh armor (woven into leather speaking with. Tezel has no real facilitate their arrival in Act Four.
trenchcoat), armor value TOU+31 moral base; he looks out for num-
ber one. Still, he could be persuaded Les Miserables (7)
13; scanner wand; spell compo- Reality: Cyberpapacy
nents; SpellChips with all his spells to offer a hand, or exchange spells,
provided he is given the proper DEXTERITY 9
Description: Tezel is a Dodge 10, energy weapons 10,
cybermage from Tharkold, yet his Incentive. Unhkeothersin theOne-
Eyed King, he dislikes theself-pity- fire combat 11, melee weapons
immersion into Core Earth culture 10, unarmed combat 12
is so thorough that he can easily ing dramatics, and holds such
people in contempt. The party STRENGTH 9
pass as a native. He wears a black TOUGHNESS 9 (14 with armor)
trenchcoat, has his black hair tied should meet Tezel, in one way or
another, and make their natures PERCEPTION 9

in a ponytail, and stares with in- Find 11, trick 10
known to him. Tezel has contacts

Torg: War's End

MIND 9 PERCEPTION 12/11 But all's not lost, because life's

Streetwise 12, test 12, willpower Find 15/14, land vehicles 14/-, walking symbol is there,
11 tracking 13/12 Take his gift before he slips
CHARISMA 8 MIND 10/6 away.
Persuasion 9, taunt 12 Streetwise 13/9, test of wills 13/ Then give the gift to the dark
SPIRIT 9 9, willpower 21/17 man,
Intimidation 12 CHARISMA 1015 And bring an end to his day.
Possibilities: None Taunt 13 (17)/8 (12) The crowd nods and snaps their
Equipment: HalioMesh armor, SPIRIT 10110 fingers, though they don't have
value TOU+5/14; God Meeter, Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 15, intimi- the slightest idea what it's all sup-
damage value 20, ammo 30; dation 15, reality (Orrorsh) 12 posed to mean.
Cyberware: NeuraCaJ, BelleView Possibilities: 12 If the Storm Knights try to talk
20-20, Slashers, damage value Natural Tools: Claws, damage to the poet afterwards, he simply
STR+4/13; Cyber value: 8 value STR+2/14; teeth, damage looks at them and smiles. If they
Description: Les Miserables are value STR+10/22 press him, he smiles wider, and
a CyberFrench gang of punks who Powers: Shapechange, regenera- his eyes glow a bright white. He
have violent mood swings: one tion whispers, "Finish the work here,
minute they wax philosophical; the Corruption Value: 19 then go west; Apeiros needs you."
next, they lash out in random vio- Fear Rating: 2 The light becomes brighter, cover-
lence. They are always more than Perseverance ON: 14 ing the poet's entire body. When
willing to get involved in a brawl. Weakness: None the light fades, the poet is gone
There are four males and two fe- True Death: Slain with a silver without a trace.
males. bullet
Description: Andre is dressed
Lester St-Jean in black, except for a frilly white Attack!
Les is an Ord who wants to be shirt. His clothing appears vaguely
something special. He wears a black Victorian in style. Basjas decides to send a flock of
t-shirt, black trenchcoat, and black her spider-kin to the One-Eyed
jeans, and even stoops to the ri- King, knowing that Sabathina's
diculous low of wearing fake vam-
pire fangs.
The Action devoted enjoy frequenting it. This
occurs after the poetry reading.
Mter the Storm Knights have had
Lobo a chance to settle in, a poet takes the Spider-Kin (6)
Lobo is another poser, who oc- stage and begins reciting. The text of DEXTERITY 11
casionally growls and looks men- the verse is as follows: Dodge 14, long jumping 15, ma-
acing, but is yet another Ord try- neuver 14, stealth 16, unarmed
ing to be something he's not. So draws the curtain on the
combat 16
struggle for what's real
Andre ValIiancourt As the thin one draws all the
Andre, on the other hand, is a nameless pieces to himself.
real werewolf, who enjoys hang- Swallow them all, one by one,
Find 17, tracking 18, trick 16
ing out at the cafe and feeling sorry to become more nameless,
for himself. However, once he be- Then off to angel city, then to
comes a wolf, he revels in the trans- CHARISMA 5
find a fault.
Charm (14), persuasion (15),
formation. The stats on the left are H's a party, and everyone's in-
taunt 10
his human stats, the ones on the vited
right are his werewolf stats. And not just those who ride the
Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 15,intimi-
Andre ValIiancourt dation 16, reality (Orrorsh) 13
Mister-AII-In-Onewill be there,
DEXTERITY 9/12 Possibilities: 5
because he's the hammer,
Beast riding 12/-, dodge 10/13, Natural Tools: Mandibles,dam-
That the High one needs to crack
fire combat 10/-, maneuver 15/ age value STR+5/20; poison, dam-
the world.
18, running 11/14, stealth 11/ Mother and child will be there, age value 16, injected if a wound
14, unarmed combat 15/18 or better is caused by an unarmed
but they don't get along,
STRENGTH 9112 combat attack; webs, Toughness 19
A fight to the death marks their

TOUGHNESS 10/17 Powers: Resistance to Normal

--------------- .
Act Three

Weapons, Magical Resistance more than souvenir hunting that

Corruption Value: 16
Cut To ... brings you here, oui?"
Fear Rating: 1 If the Storm Knights decide to
Perseverance ON: 16 check on Sister Trinity, cut to Scene
Weakness: Bones of birds (se- Six, "Voodoo Lounge." If the char- The Action
vere) acters intend on making the rumble,
True Death: Impaled with a Sister Trinity is part Voodoo prac-
advance time and cut to Scene
branch from a tree, removed from titioner, partshow-woman.lf asked
Seven, "Turf War."
the tree no more than an hour be- to identify the voodoo trinket, she
fore. asks for $5 US up front. Once paid,
Description: These Horrors re- SCENE SIX: she says yes, that the trinket is
semble huge spiders two meters hers, sold to a middle-aged Afri-
long and 1.5 meters high. Their Voodoo Lounge can-American named Albert, who
heads are human skulls with glow- feared some major disaster. The
ing green eyes and black mandibles voodoo charm protects against
extending from both sides of the winged demons of all kinds.
The Situation
Sister Trinity
Standard. This shop belongs to DEXTERITY 8
a Cajun woman named Sister Trin- Dodge 10, stealth 11, unarmed
Perseverance Awards ity, an expert in Voodoo and combat 10
Award three points for hearing Santeria. She may provide the Storm STRENGTH 8
the poem. Subtract one point at the Knights with some answers, if they TOUGHNESS 8 (see below)
sight of the spider-kin, and then are clever enough. PERCEPTION 12
add two if they are defeated. Read aloud or paraphrase the Alteration magic 16, divination
following: magic 15, first aid 14, language
The modest, unassuming little 14, scholar (Santeria) 16, scholar
Flags shop on Bourbon Street takes on (Voodoo) 16
a whole new image when you walk MIND 10
An Alertness card reveals Apportation magic 15, conjura-
in; the strong smell of scented
Skarlet's fangs as the real thing. A tion magic 15, streetwise 12,
candles, rare herbs and plants
Romance card makes a male Storm willpower 13
makes you dizzy as you walk into
Knight fall for Skarlet (or vice versa), CHARISMA 10
the dim store, lit only by the
or a female Storm Knight fall for Charm 15, persuasion 16, taunt
candles. You wonder how much
either Tezel or Andre (or vice versa). 15
of this is done for the sake of the
A Suspicion card makes Skarletthink SPIRIT 12
tourists, and how much is legiti-
that the Storm Knights are in fact Faith (Santeria) 16, faith (Voo-
spies of Basjas. She will tail them, doo), focus 15, intimidation 15,
Numerous counters, shelves,
attempt to seduce the information reality (Core Earth) 15
and display cases offer a wide
out of a likely male Storm Knight, Possibilities: 15
variety of voodoo books and para-
and kill him. Arcane Knowledges: Folk 4, True
phernalia. There's plenty of skulls,
feathers, and small statues of Knowledge 4,
Voodoo Spells: Bestow luck,
Variables Christian saints everywhere, and
even a dead chicken, which hangs bones, love spell
As stated earlier, the party should from the rafters. Voodoo Miracles: Breakgris-gris
meetTezeIRak-Four, the Tharkoldu Behind the counter stands a Equipment: Amulet that gives
cybermage. Tezel is the ideal link dark-haired, middle-aged Cajun her TOU+5/13 versus bullets and
to Act Four. If the party doesn't go woman. She's wearing a great deal melee weapons
to the One-Eyed King, arrange for of jewelry and still has some of Sister Trinity has four zuvembies
Tezel to meet the Storm Knights the exotic beauty that was hers in in the back room, that she can sum-
before the Act is over, perhaps at youth. A curtain behind her leads mon by letting out a short, sharp
the Bon Vie's bar. to a back room. The woman smiles whistle.
and says, "Welcome, to my shop.
I can see that you are not the aver- Zuvembies (4)
age tourists ... it is something Reality: Core Earth

Torg: War's End

DEXTERITY 8 Possibility Potential: None to expose them to needless risk.

Dodge 9, stealth 10, unarmed Powers: Attack Form Resistance The shop's back room is a veri-
combat 10 (Melee Weapons and Firearms) table workshop / shrine. Any pos-
STRENGTH 20 Corruption Value: 15 sible voodoo component and Chris-
Climbing 22, lifting 23 Fear Rating: 1 tian symbol/ trapping can be found
TOUGHNESS 20 Weakness: None here. There is a back door which
PERCEPTION 1 True Death: Occult Ritual leads to an alleyway. It is always
Trick (25) Description: These zuvembies locked (lockpicking difficulty of 12)
MIND 1 were created by an associate of and barred from the inside (TOU
Test (25) Sister Trinity's, as she cannot do 20).
CHARISMA 3 Haitian Voodoo. As a result, she is
SPIRIT 10 loathe to call upon them unless she
Intimidation 11 (15) really has to, as she doesn't want Let's Go Shopping
Sister Trinity can sell the Storm
Knights any paraphernalia they
want: crucifixes, rosaries, statues
of Christian saints, holy water,
voodoo charms, corpse dust, voo-
doo books, and love potions.
The most useful things, how-
ever, are her four voodoo medi-
cine bags. Two of these add +5 to
the difficulty numbers of any ac-
tions performed against the Storm
Knights by spiders or spider-like
creatures. The other two do the
same to vampyric creatures.
Each bag costs $100. They are
small leather pouches with long
leather drawstrings, which enable
the Storm Knight to wear it around
his or her neck like a pendant.

Perseverance Awards
Award the party two points for
acquiring the bags, no matter how
many they get.

A Connection card means that
the Sister Trinity knows the Storm
Knight, and will offer whatever
help she can. She cuts her medi-
cine bag costs in half for the Storm
Knights. A Romance card means
SisterTrinity falls for the male Storm
Knight, and may wind up using
her love spell on the "lucky" man.

•• 76
Act Three

Variables hair is grey, but she radiates power, The Action

nonetheless. Swirling around her
If Mr. Koar is still alive and knows are a flock of amorphous grey The Storm Knights have really
that the Storm Knights are coming blobs, covered in hideous red eyes. put their foot in it. They are now
here, he will try to get here ahead Many of them hover in the air up against two of the Gaunt Man's
of them, kill Sister Trinity and de- above her. nastiest servants, who are willing
stroy her shop. The second woman is a tall, to put their differences aside long
attractive woman in her early 30's, enough to trash the Knights. This
clad in a flowing Victorian dress is a flat-out combat scene.
Cut To ••• with a high collar, her long brown
hair piled atop her head in a bun. Basjas
If the Storm Knights are going Sheer hatred burns in both DEXTERITY 18
to the rumble, cut to Scene Seven, women's eyes. A host of spider- Dodge 22, stealth 24, unarmed
"Turf War." If they go to Louis kin, huge spiders with heads that combat 24
Armstrong Park, cut to Scene Eight, resemble human skulls, crawl STRENGTH 22
"A Tree Grows In New Orleans." around her, clacking their man- TOUGHNESS 18
dibles impatiently. PERCEPTION 16
As both small armies crawl to- Find 19, tracking 18, trick 19
SCENE SEVEN: wards each other, the women step MIND 19
Turf War forward as well. "It ends tonight," Test 21
the older one hisses, and you see CHARISMA 11
fangs glistening when she opens Taunt 14
her mouth. "That it does," the SPIRIT 17
The Situation younger one says, "And it ends Intimidation21, reality (Orrorsh)
with a stake of ice through your 31
Dramatic. This is one of two dra- heart!" Possibilities: 70
matic scenes in the act. Basjas and Suddenly, the older woman Natural Tools: Mandibles, dam-
Sabathina, both instinctively real- pauses. "Hold," she says, raising age valueSTR+6/28; web (can spin
izing that something big's going her hand. "We have visitors!" a web large enough for one hu-
down, are marshalling their forces Both women unerringly turn man-sized victim every 10 min-
to have it out in the St Louis Cem- and look at yourgroup. Evil smiles, utes, the web has a Toughness of
etery. frightening in their similarity, 35).
When the Storm Knights arrive, spread across their faces. "What Powers: Cold Aura, Darkness,
read aloud or paraphrase the fol- say, Sabathina?" the younger Silence, Resistance to Normal
lowing: woman laughs. "A little snack Weapons, Life Drain (Dexterity,
The eastern sky is turning dark, before we settle this once and for drained when person is trapped in
and one by one, the stars wink all?" web)
into view, as the western horizon "Aye, Basjas," the woman you Corruption Value: 23
runs blood red. Already, the night now know as Sabathina nods, lick- Fear Rating: 3
time mist is creeping down the ing her blood-red lips. "And a Perseverance DN: 25
mysterious streets of New Orleans. contest as well. Whoever collects Weakness: Gold
The iron gate squeaks as you the most Stormer hearts gets to True Death: Basjas must be
push your way into St Louis Cem- strike the first blow when we re- wrapped in her own web for three
etery #1. Since the soil of New sume our due!." days, and then she will be perma-
Orleans is so moist, burials are "Done!" Basj as replies. Both nently dead.
done in stone vaults rather than women close in as their armies,
in the ground. You walk among a still obeying their respective mis- Sabathina
small city of the dead, each tomb tress' last orders, clash in a hor-
Acrobatics 24, dodge 22, maneu-
resembling a small block house. rible fury of webs and blood. Be- ver 17, running 18, stealth 18,
Near the middle of the cem- fore your eyes, Basjas' form
unarmed combat 23
etery, where there are fewer tombs, changes from an attractive woman
two women stand off, a distance to a bloated spider form three
Climbing 24
of ten meters separating them. One meters high.
is old, perhaps in her early 60s.
Her skin is wrinkled, and her short

Torg: War's End

Find 16, tracking 18, trick 19 Spider-Kin (20) True Death: Impaled with a
MIND 17 DEXTERITY 11 branch from a tree, removed from
Test 24, willpower 23 Dodge 14, long jumping 15, ma- the tree no more than an hour be-
CHARISMA 16 neuver 14, stealth 16, unarmed fore.
Charm 28, persuasion 23 combat 16 Description: These Horrors re-
SPIRIT 13 STRENGTH 15 semble huge spiders two meters
Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 21, intimi- TOUGHNESS 15 long and 1.5 meters high. Their
dation 23, reality (Orrorsh) 22 PERCEPTION 14 heads are human skulls with glow-
Possibilities: 50 Find 17, tracking 18, trick 16 ing green eyes and black mandibles
Natural Tools: Fangs, damage MIND 10 extending from both sides of the
value STR+2/24 CHARISMA 5 mouth.
Powers: Life Drain (Spirit, by Charm (14), persuasion (15),
Blood-Thirsts (18)
biting), Shapechange (wolf), Ani- taunt 10 DEXTERITY 10
mal Control, Resistance to Normal SPIRIT 12 Dodge 13, flight 14, maneuver
Weapons, Infection Faith (OrrorshanEvil) 15,intimi- 12, stealth 15, unarmed combat
Corruption Value: 30 dation 16, reality (Orrorsh) 13 15
Fear Rating: 3 Possibilities: 5 STRENGTH 14
Perseverance DN: 24 Natural Tools: Mandibles, dam- TOUGHNESS 15
Weakness: Vassen, the holy sym- age value STR+5/20; poison, dam- PERCEPTION 12
bol from Sabathina's home world age value 16, injected if a wound Find 14, trick 15
(a circle with a triangle within it) or better is caused by an unarmed MIND 12
(severe) combat attack; webs, Toughness 19 Willpower 15
True Death: A stake ofice driven Powers: Resistance to Normal CHARISMA 4
through Sabathina's heart Weapons, Magical Resistance Charm (16), persuasion (15),
The Horrors' respective armies Corruption Value: 16 taunt 11
will fight each other, but any sur- Fear Rating: 1 SPIRIT 13
vivors will help out their mistresses Perseverance DN: 16 Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 16,intimi-
if called upon to do so. Weakness: Bones of birds (se- dation 17, reality (Orrorsh) 15

•• 78
Act Three

Torg: War's End

Possibilities: 5 each (each worth $500), and a large who knows what sort of horrors
Natural Tools: Fangs, damage amount of spider-web, wrapped and abominations. You try your
valueSTR+6/20;wing-likeappend- around a pole much like a bundle best not to look to either side,
ages, speed value 14 of kite string. keeping your eyes solely on the
Powers: Cold Aura, Resistance damp cobblestones of the paths.
to Normal Weapons, Life Drain At last, you emerge in a cul-de-
(Toughness, by blood drain), Infec- The Battle sac, surrounded on all sides by
tion darkened buildings, the only
Keep in mind thatfor every round
Corruption Value: 18 means of egress being the way
of combat between Basjas and
Fear Rating: 2 you came in. You recoil at what
Sabathina, there is a round of com-
Perseverance DN: 18 awaits you.
bat between the two armies and a
Weakness: Salt (severe) The four spider-kin, their backs
chance that their ranks will be re-
True Death: Wrapped in the against the far wall, hiss at you,
thorny vines of the Gaean Peace duced by attrition. For every round
but it is not they that make you
that the Storm Knights fight the
Rose. pause. The cul-de-sacis decorated
two Horrors, roll the die and di-
Description: Blood-thirsts come with many strands of spiderwebs,
vide the result by 2, rounding up.
from Sabathina's world of and human-shaped bundles hang
This is how many total casualties
Lereholm. They are sickly gray suspended in them.
the armies suffer. Thus, if a 16 were
colored blobs of opaque protoplasm The abominations leer at you,
rolled, that would be eight dead,
covered with red, unblinking eyes. and you can almost see them imag-
four from each army.
Flaps of skin act as wings, allow- ining how you will look, webbed
If one female falls before the
ing them flight. up like the other victims, hang-
other, the armies of the fallen one
People who are bitten by a blood- ing on the web like some gro-
immediately break off combat and
thirst become a vampyre, but not a tesque ornament. The spider-kin
charge, shrieking, at the Storm
"conventional" vampyre. The move closer to you, you and they
Knights, heedless of their own
victim's skin slowly turns a putrid both realizing that only one fac-
safety. The surviving female, if
gray. Next, dozens of tiny red eyes tion is leaving this cul-de-sac alive.
suffering from two or more wounds,
erupt all over their skin, followed Red uce Perseverance by -1 and
will declare herself the winner and
by the shrivelling up/sloughing make a check. If the characters
flee, her armies covering her es-
off of the victim's limbs, and the defeat the spider-kin, add +2 to
eruption of a toothed sphincter on their Perseverance total.
his chest. Finally, the head shriv-
els and falls off, and the transfor- Perseverance Awards Spider-Kin (4)
rna tion is complete. The entire pro- DEXTERITY 11
cess takes two weeks. The party gains three Persever- Dodge 14, long jumping 15, ma-
ance points for eliminating neuver 14, stealth 16, unarmed
Sabathina and three for eliminat- combat 16
Bundles of Joy? ing Basjas. The characters earn an STRENGTH 15
extra point for each army that is TOUGHNESS 15
A Perception or find of 14 shows
completely eliminated (none es- PERCEPTION 14
tha t there are two small bundles
caped). Find 17, tracking 18, trick 16
lying where Sabathina and Basjas
were originally standing. Getting
to them means getting the past the Event Charm (14), persuasion (15),
women and overcoming either a
taunt 10
blood-thirst or a spider-kin, de- If the gamemaster wishes, sev-
pending on which bundle the char- eral of the spider-kin get away,
Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 15, intimi-
acter is heading for. and scurry out of the cemetery,
dation 16, reality (Orrorsh) 13
Each woman brought the other's heading down some dark alley-
Possibilities: 5
weakness and true dea th along, to ways.1f the Storm Knights pursue,
Natural Tools: Mandibles, dam-
use on the other: Basjas' bundle read aloud the following:
age value STR+5/20; poison, dam-
contains a holy symbol from As you dash off in pursuit of age value 16, injected if a wound
Sabathina's world, a stake made of the spider-kin, the dark and twist- or better is caused by an unarmed
ice, and a mallet; Sabathina's bundle ing alleys of old New Orleans em- combat attack; webs, Toughness 19
consists of two small bars of gold brace you, its shadows home to Powers: Resistance to Normal

•• 80
Act Three

Weapons, Magical Resistance this time to lunge out into the open
Corruption Value: 16
Cut To ... and attack the Storm Knights. If
Fear Rating: 1 If the Storm Knights decide to Mr. Koar is still alive, he too at-
Perseverance ON: 16 go to Louis Armstrong Park, cut to tacks. Both of these beings some-
Weakness: Bones of birds (se- Scene Eight, "A Tree Grows In New how know that the tree must re-
vere) Orleans." main where it is so that the reality
True Death: Impaled with a which brings Fear and Wickedness
branch from a tree, removed from lingers here forever.
the tree no more than an hour be- SCENE EIGHT: A Orrorshan Reality Tree
Description: These Horrors re- Tree Grows In New DEXTERITY 0
semble huge spiders two meters STRENGTH 0
long and 1.5 meters high. Their
Orleans TOUGHNESS 50
heads are human skulls with glow- PERCEPTION 12
ing green eyes and black mandibles Trick (35)
extending from both sides of the The Situation Test (35), willpower 20
Dramatic. This is unusual, in CHARISMA 0
that it's the second dramatic scene Charm (40), persuasion (40),
Flags of the Act. The reason for this is taunt (40)
that the uprooting of a reality tree SPIRIT 25
An Alertness card reveals one is a big deal, and theoretically it Intimidation 30, reality (Orrorsh)
bundle. An Idea card gives the Storm could happen at any point in the 40
Knight the hint that the contents of act once the Storm Knights put the Possibilities: 40
a bundle constitutes the true death clues together. Description: A ghoul was
of the owner's opponent. When the Storm Knights enter planted in the tree, which gave the
the park, read aloud or paraphrase tree five adds of intimidation. The
the following: tree doesn't have much to defend
Variables itself with. It relies on intimidation
You enter Louis Armstrong
If the players have a huge party to make itself look like a twisted,
Park and discover, to your sur-
of Storm Knights with every con- gnarled, animated spectral tree,
prise, that at first glance it ap-
ceivable weapon and spell imag- with its "Player's Call" being for
pears to be quite normal and se-
inable, an obscene amount of pos- the Storm Knight(s) to run scream-
date. However, to your trained eye,
sibilities, or skills with abnormally ing from the park, not being able
it's obvious that something is
high adds, then don't hesitate to to return until daylight. Of course,
amiss, in the form of the large,
throw the females and their armies the reality tree will attempt to in-
strange tree that grows in the park's
a t them. On the other hand, if the timidate them yet again, doing this
center. To the average person, it
party has been badly worn down as many times as necessary to keep
looks like a regular tree, but you
by previous events, give each fe- the Storm Knights at bay.
know better; itis fueling Orrorshan
male one wound and say that they reality in New Orleans and vicin- Mr. Koar
started figh ting before the Storm ity. DEXTERITY 10/14
Knights arrived. Once they arrive, Acrobatics 12/16, dodge 13/17,
of course, they spot the Knights flight -/18, maneuver 14/17,
and agree on a temporary truce; in The Action stealth 12/16, unarmed combat
effect, they're taking a "lunch 16/20
break." The tree is obviously full grown
If a Setback occurs for the Vil- - tha t means the host inside has
lains, the Victorian forces from the departed. All that has to be done to
Bon Vie come charging in on horse- end the Orrorshan hold on this
Evidence analysis 16/14, find
back - literally and figuratively, area is to uproot the tree.
16/14, language 15/11, track-
the cavalry has arrived. This is harder than it looks. Re-
ing 17/17, trick 14/12
A Setback for the Heroes could ality trees are extremely tough.
MIND 10/8
bethe gang of four Vampyres, who Wha t' s more, this tree has several
Occult 13/-, test of will 12/10,
serve Sabathina, coming upon the unlikely guardians: if Randolph
willpower 14/12
battle and joining it. Chapman is still alive, he chooses

Torg: War's End

CHARISMA 13 Randolph Chapman CHARISMA 8

Charm 15/-, persuasion 15/-, DEXTERITY 12 Persuasion 10, taunt 11
taunt 13/10 Beast riding 14, dodge 15, en- SPIRIT 11
SPIRIT 13 ergy weapons 16, fire combat Intimidation 15, reality (Core
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 17, intimi- 16, heavy weapons 13, lock pick- Earth) 14
dation 19, reality (Orrorsh) 15, ing 14, maneuver 14, martial arts Possibilities: 26
shapeshifting 20, true sight 15 14, melee weapons 15, missile Cybernetics: NeuraCal, Hack,
Possibilities: 20 weapons 13, running 13, stealth Bellescan eye, MB Blocker, Trigon
Natural Tools: (in manticore 16, swimming Hercule Arm (right); Cyber value:
form) wings, speed value 12; claws, 14, unarmed combat 14 15
damage value STR+4/19; scorpion STRENGTH 11 (lS with his right Martial Arts Style: Jujitsu (all
tail, damage value STR+3/18; arm) disciplines including Master)
venom, delivered by tail on a wound Climbing 12 Equipment: Kevlar /Ceramic Ar-
or better from an l/narmed combat TOUGHNESS 11 (18 with ar- mor, value TOU+7/18; Res-14 la-
attack-damagevalue16 per round mor) ser pistol, damage value 25, ammo
unless treated. PERCEPTION 9 50; Uzi submachinegun, damage
Equipment: Sword cane, dam- Air vehicles 11, cyberdeck ops value 17, ammo 11; .45 Colt Auto,
age value STR+5/16 12, disguise 11, evidence analy- damage value 16, ammo 7; MAS
Powers: Paralyzing tOl/ch, armor sis 12, find 14, first aid 10, land Grenade Launcher with bandolier
defeating attack, resistance to normal vehicles 11, language 10, scholar of 12 frag grenades, damage value
weapons, dark vision (Living Land realm lore) 12, 21; burst radius 0-3/8/15; modern
Corruption Value: 14 scholar (Nippon Tech realm lore) compound bow, damage value
Fear Rating: 3 12, tracking 15, trick 14, water STR+7/22; hunting knife, damage
Perseverance: 15 vehicles 10 value STR+3/18; nylon rope; back-
Weakness: Salt (severe weakness) MIND 9 pack; C-rations; first aid kit; Kokoru
True Death: Stabbed in the heart Meditation 10, science (comput- Avenger motorcycle, Tech 23, speed
with a knife while seeing its face ers) 14, survival 14, test 14, will- value 13, TOU 13.
reflected in a mirror. power 14 Chapman wields an eternity

Act Three

shard, the sword of Vlad the The tree collapses on itself, character suffers damage value 20
Impaler. smoldering, dying. Suddenly, it from the shockwave.
Both men will fight to the death. heaves to life again, pulsating as Read aloud:
if it were breathing rapidly. At You grit your teeth and narrow
last, it explodes like an overripe your eyes as the violent wind slices
Woodsman, Don't melon, except that instead of pulpy into you. Managing to turn your
Spare That Tree fruit matter, a hurricane laced with heads and look toward the city,
red and blue lightning erupts from your hearts leap with excitement
Destruction of the tree can only within. as you see hansom cabs and gas-
be accomplished in one of two ways: Call for Dexterity totals. On a 12, lights vanishing, to be replaced
by wounding it to the point of death the character has found something by electric street lights and auto-
(a very difficult thing to do), or by to hang on to and avoided being mobiles. Top hats, waist coats,
nailing a ghoul to the trunk using buffeted about. Failure means the bonnets, and hoop skirts change
at least four silver nails. Finding
out the latter method of destroy-
ing the tree requires using the re-
search skill in the New Orleans
public library. The gypsy grand-
mother staying with the Southern
Gentlemen has such nails, selling
each one for the equivalent of $20
US each.
Where to find a ghoul? Well, as
it happens, the one who was in the
tree is still hanging about, along
with a few friends.
Ghouls (8)
Reality: Orrorsh
Dodge 11, unarmed combat 12
Find 11, track 12
Test 9, willpower (11)
Taunt (18)
Faith (Orrorsh) 13, intimidation
Possibility Potential: None
Natural Tools: Claws, damage
value STR+2/15; teeth, damage
value STR+3/16
Powers: Armor Defeating At-
tack (their especially long, sharp
claws can slip between armor seams
and rend flesh).
Fear Rating: 1
Weakness: Fire
True Death: Sever spinal column
Once the tree is destroyed, read
or paraphrase the following:

Torg: War's End

back into baseball caps, leather Act Awards Getting from New Orleans to
jackets, berets, and blue jeans. Los Angeles is a simple matter of
You realize that thanks to the Surviving this grisly act gives taking a train from New Orleans to
fact that Core Earth was already each Storm Knight five Possibili- Houston, then catching a flight out
present here, no story seed needed ties. If they uprooted the reality to LAX. If New Orleans has been
to be planted. You hang on for tree, add three more. Killing Basjas freed, flights resume the next day,
dear life for what seems like an and/or Sabathina gives the Storm and the Storm Knights can fly di-
eternity, butinreality is only about Knights an additional two Possi- rect to Los Angeles.
70 seconds. Finally, the wind dies bilities per death. Killing Randolph
down to a light breeze, then stops Chapman, Koar, or preventing the
altogether. Cyberpapacy and Victorians from With All My Selves
Shaking, you pick yourselves ripping into each other at the Bon
up, brush yourselves off, and look Vie is worth one Possibility each.
Against Me ...
around. All is quiet. Apparently, (Note: The characters do not ap-
the hurricane was limited only to pear until midway through this
the confines ofthe park. You leave Concluding The Act scene.)
the place on wobbly legs, eyes The CEO of Kanawa Corpora-
wide. New Orleans seems none Read aloud the following:
tion stood patiently in the dark-
the worse for the experience; all Yourjob in New Orleans is done. ened lab and looked at his chro-
traces of Orrorsh are gone. You You have been through hell, but nometer. He gave a slight smirk of
did it. You freed the city. it's over, and you've emerged tri- satisfaction. "Daikoku is gone," he
umphant, though probably a little announced. "The time is now!"
shaken. Staring off at the western "Excellent," replied Kanawa.
Flags sky, you see dark storm clouds "Then let us go and fulfill our
gathering, with what you'd swear task," added 3327.
A Martyr card will destroy the
are forks of blue and red light- "For the glory of ... " Ryuchi
tree, and the Storm Knight along
ning. You know that your destiny began.
with it. An Idea card tells the Storm
now lies out there, in California. " ... our lady Jezrael," finished
Knight that, since the reality tree
After over five long years, at last the High Lord of Marketplace.
was nurtured by an Orrorshan host,
you have come to the end of it all. The eyes of all five Ryuchi
perhaps the tree itself has a weak-
The Gaunt Man must be stopped, Kanawas pulsated with a disturb-
ness now. Otherwise, an Idea card
one way or another, and it looks ing orange light as they filed out of
can be used to tell the Storm Knights
like it's up to your group to do it. the lab.
that the gypsies or the Southern
This is it. The final battle of the It was the perfect infiltration,
Gentlemen would be the people
Possibility Wars. Maybe the last one that any ninja would be proud
most likely to have silver nails.
battle you'll ever fight. of. All five of Kanawa's surviving
But first ... clones had been replaced by
Variables Yes, it's that nimbus of energy Tharkoldu duplicates, under the
again, this time sweeping the char- control of Jezrael. Now with the
If both Chapman and Koar have acters to Japan and "With All My Nippon Tech Darkness Device gone,
been eliminated already, feel free Selves Against Me ... " below. and Kanawa attempting a pullout
to use any stragglers from Again, the characters will be re- of Core Earth, the opportunity to
Sabathina's or Basjas' armies as turned from whence they came at strike had come at last.
defenders of the tree. the end oftha t section, wi th aware- The first stop of the five Kanawa
ness of what went on in"A People copies was a small private storage
Betrayed." locker, which could be opened only
Perseverance Awards by achieving the seemingly impos-
Uprooting the reality tree gains sible: the palm-print reader had to
the Storm Knights four Persever- Cut To •••
scan the owner's right hand palm-
print three times, simultaneously.
ance poin ts.
Once the Storm Knights are ready Three of the clones placed their
to go to Los Angeles, cut to Act right hands, palms down, on the
Four, "It's The End Of The World reader. The scanner confirmed

As We Know It." them, and the lock slid open with a

84 .. , . .~,
Act Three

loud click. The fourth clone took to Marketplace. open. The Storm Knights can see
ou t a bundle, and opened it, dis- This time, the High Lord of Mar- inside Kanawa's inner office - the
tributing Tharkoldu Res-14 laser ketplace had the honor of placing four damaged clones have roused
pistols to each clone. There were his palm on the reader. The door themselves and all five now con-
six pistols, and Ryuchi took the opened, granting them access to front the High Lord. Spilling in
extra pistol and tucked it in his the sanctum of none other than from the corridor are MarSee troops,
pants at the small of his back. It Ryuchi Kanawa, aka 3327, aka the coming to the aid of their master.
was always a good idea to have a High Lord of Marketplace, aka the
backup. CEO of the megacorporation known MarSee Troops (24)
Now that all five clones were as Kanawa Corporation. Reality: NipponTech
armed and walking down the halls The man who sat at the desk, DEXTERITY 9
of Kanawa's high-rise headquar- Ryuchi Kanawa, frowned as he Dodge 10, fire combat 11, ma-
ters, their demeanor switched to a stood up, hands resting on the desk. neuver 10, melee weapons 10,
more aggressive, warrior posture. He knew, of course, what this tab- stealth 10, unarmed combat 10
The halls of the building were much leau meant. "Computer!" he barked. STRENGTHS
less crowded than the headquar- "Initiate program Judo One!" TOUGHNESS S (15 with Kyoto
ters of a megacorpora tion should The clones raised their laser pis- RKD armor)
be. Most of the staffers had already tols and took careful aim. Five PERCEPTION S
gone back to Marketplace, taking beams lanced out and struck the Find 9, tracking 10, trick 9
essential equipment back to the High Lord, who was blown back- MINDS
main headquarters in that cosmo wards by their sheer force. He was Test 9
All five men stood impassively bloodied and burnt ... but still CHARISMAS
in the elevator as it shot up to the alive. Charm 10, persuasion 9
penthouse offices of Ryuchi Computer program Judo One ac- SPIRIT 7
Kanawa, their images reflecting in tivated itself in the next millisec- Intimidation 9
each other's mirror shades. As one, ond, sending a powerful electrical Possibility Potential: Some (55)
each tugged on the collar of their current arcing through all five Equipment: RKD Armor, value
black turtlenecks, then straightened clones, overloading the laser pis- TOU+7/15; nunchaka, damage
the lapels of their grey sports jack- tols in their hands. The resulting value STR+5/13; Impala chain gun,
ets. explosions left the real 3327 with damage value 23, ammo 600
The elevator door opened, and a the only intact right hand. Only The MarSee troops will not be
dozen heavily armed and armored one clone, in fact, did not lose both eager to sit down and have a chat
MarSec troops levelled their Im- a hand and an eye, and he was the with the Storm Knights. They will
pala Chain Guns. The squad's leader only one who remained standing. assume that the Storm Knights are
began to ask for identification and Suddenly, even this clone stag- the intruders, and blaze away at
verification of the visitors' appoint- gered slightly, dizzy and disori- them. 3327, meanwhile, will shout
ment with the now very reclusive ented. Yes, of course ... all the origi- at them that "Those gaijin are not
High Lord, when his jaw dropped nal clones were linked together by the enemy, you fools!"
in a most uncharacteristic fashion. a shared consciousness. The In any case, the clones may at-
"1m ... impossible," the com- Tharkoldu replicants had a similar tack the Storm Knights, mistaking
mander gasped. "What trickery is system built in. He was feeling the them for stormers hired by 3327 as
this?" pain of his clone brothers! extra security.
"You're all fired," the CEO of "Excellent," the clone muttered.
Kanawa Corp announced as five "A new system?" 3327 (and his clones)
lasers blazed away at the MarSec The true High Lord said sim- DEXTERITY 13
troops. In seconds, all twelve men ply, "I still live ... and all five of Acrobatics 17, dodge 17, energy
lay dead. you have outlived your usefulness. weapons 20, fire combat 20,
Satisfied, the clones walked up Even now, MarSec troops are com- lockpicking 16, maneuver 19,
to the ornate steel office door. 3327 ing to my aid. Your time is almost martial arts 21, melee weapons
placed his palm on the reader. The through." 18, missile weapons 18, presti-
door hissed open smoothly, and digitation 17,stealth23, unarmed
Note: At this point, the Storm combat 20
the five men walked through the Knights appear in the outer office.
secretary's office. It was empty- STRENGTH 9
The door to the corridor is open, Climbing 14
Miss Mikuma had already gone and the door to Kanawa's office is
back up the maelstrom bridge, back TOUGHNESS 9

ti. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I - .
~. 85
Torg: War's End

PERCEPTION 18 head, even as he spoke the words, and place it next to the other clones,
Disguise 25, evidence analysis "Computer - initiate Kamikaze making him look like just another
27, find 27, language 26, scholar One!" assassin.
(economics) 28, scholar (Japa- Ryuchi, the clone, looked down Ryuchi tiptoed around the dead
nese history 24), trick 27 at the original, dead on the floor. It bodies of his clone brothers, and
MIND 25 suddenly occurred ·to him that he ambled behind the huge glass and
Business 32, meditation 28, sci- was now the leader of the Kanawa steel desk. Leaning down, he was
ence (psychology) 28, test 31, Corpora tion. Of course, he would about to pick up the headless body
willpower 31 have to share the power with the ofthe High Lord w hen he heard an
CHARISMA 21 other clones ... odd beeping coming from the
Charm 23, persuasion 30, taunt Or would he? corpse's chest.
33 He was still armed, and the only Curious, Ryuchi tore open the
SPIRIT 8 one of the clones who was whole. body's Yves St Laurent shirt and
Intimidation 25, reality (Nippon Without a word, he spun around saw a small box with a beeping red
Tech) 32 and slew his four clone brothers. light. It was a heart monitor telem-
Possibilities: 30 for each clone Why bother to share, when it could etry broadcast unit, standard equip-
and for Kanawa all be his? ment for any Kanawa executive of
Equipment: For the clones: Res- mid-level or higher. The monitor
14 laser, damage value 25, ammo would track the executive's heart
50; for Kanawa" himself: 13mm rate, and if the heart ever
Chunyokai, damage value 18, stopped, it sent an emergency
ammo 9 signal to building security and
At this point, gamemasters to an Emergency Medical
can take it one of two ways: Technician team.
Apeiros can take the Storm Frowning, Ryuchi
Knigh ts back to where they couldn't help but to won-
came from, or they have to der why it was beeping. It
get out of the building be- wasn't supposed to beep.
fore the bomb blows (what And shouldn't MarSec and
bomb, you ask? The one the EMTs have been here
3327 is going to set off in by now? Was something
the second half of the fic- wrong with the computer?
tion, below). If the latter is The computer!
used, the Storm Knights have Suddenly, like a thunder-
four rounds before the explo- bolt, Ryuchi remembered the
sion goes off. Once they clear the dying High Lord's last words:
building, Apeiros takes them back "Computer - initiate Kami-
to the spot they started from. kaze One!" His mind raced.
If the characters depart, the scene What command was that? Kami-
plays out as follows: kaze meant divine wind ... kami-
When it was over, he won- kaze was also the name of the Japa-
One of the clone assassins dered what had inspired him. Per- nese pilots on this world who, in
grinned wickedly as he took his haps, despite the disappearance of their last major war, committed
backup laser from behind his back. Daikoku, this was still a Nippon suicide by ramming their planes
"Farewell, once High Lord. Lady pure zone. Even though he was an into the enemy ships. The pilots
Jezrael sends her compliments." artificial being, perhaps he had died ... but they took the enemy
Kanawa made a business deci- transformed. Perhaps he was true with them.
sion. His men were pinned in the Nippon now. Ryuchi's eyes went wide. He
hallway by the laser blasts of the He knew his cover story would dropped the corpse and realized
other four clones. The market was have to be a good one. Jezrael had there was nothing more to do now.
rapidly plummeting. But he would sent five Kanawa lookalikes to as- Nothing to do but die.
not let Jezrael have the satisfaction sassinate the Kana wa CEO, bu t the The explosion could be seen for
of seizing his secrets. computer defenses had stopped kilometers. When the smoke and
The clone fired. The laser beam them. All he had to do was take the dust had cleared, the top three floors

sizzled toward the High Lord's body of the assassinated High Lord of the Kanawa Building were gone.

."":"':"---------------------- .. . ~
Act Three

A People Betrayed
Parok, Warlord of the acteristically wide. "Sallsbor- and suffer no consequences?"
Ravagons, stood on the battle- atza? A deceiver? Impossible!" Arrgurk pressed.
ments of Illmound Keep and Parok glared at the younger Parok smiled, slowly. "Ah,
surveyed his surroundings with ravagon. "Fool. He has twisted but I never said there would be
distaste. It was quiet now, save and manipulated us. Ravokhelp no consequences ..." He retuned
for the screams of the writhing me, but the Denyers were right! to the balcony, his lieutenant
damned that made up the mael- The rejected him for his use of in tow. "Spread the word to all
strom bridge. Interlocking his sinful acts, and they were right!" our kind. We leave this wretched
long, clawed fingers together, "What proof have you of world ... now!"
he brooded over recent events. this?" Arrgurk croaked, not Arrgurk looked surprised,
And it was in this state of mind wanting to see his whole world, but wisely held his tongue.
that Arrgurk Verzta, The Twice as he knew it, collapse. "The Great Deceiver will soon
Named, Guardian for the Parok wordlessly led the end the life of this world. The
Irishantza, found him as he young warrior into the Gaunt hunting shall come to an end
swooped down to land grace- Man's situation room. Near the here. We have done our share;
fully. giant floating globe-image was we have helped him gain a vic-
Arrgurk nodded respectfully the Gaunt Man's journal, with tory here; honor is preserved.
to his superior. Parok gave the his plan neatly written out. Let us return to our blessed
smallest inclination of his own "Does he think so little of Tz'Ravok, and there I shall place
head in response. us," Parok spat, "so little of our myself at the mercy of our
"Something ails you, War- powers, that he thought he could people. They may judge me."
lord?" Arrgurk hissed. just leave his twisted plan ly- Arrgurk nodded as he un-
Parok's eyes narrowed, but ing about where it could be furled his wings. "Do not fear
he never looked at Arrgurk, so found? Does he not fear our this judgment. Sallsboratza was
great was his shame. "We ... might? Does he think we can- very convincing; his words
have been deceived." not stop him?" touched us."
Arrgurk clacked his teeth in Arrgurk quickly read the last "Do not call him by that
the accepted gesture of curios- entries as Parok ranted, then name!" Parok snarled. "I name
ity and confusion. Parok nod- stopped and stared at the War- him Kazarokza, the Great De-
ded and repeated. "Deceived." lord with a killing gleam in his ceiver! Let that be his legacy!"
Parok turned about and eyes. "Then let us do so, lord!" With a grim nod, Arrgurk
walked into Illmound, an he said. "Let us kill him and his took to the air, intent on his
Illmound that was lacking its armies! Our numbers are great, mission.
master. The Gaunt Man had our warriors strong! Let us take Within one day, every
already taken his host and our vengeance!" ravagon on Earth had gathered
headed off for what the natives "No!" Parok replied. "What- at Illmound Keep, there to fol-
of this world called California. ever he has done ... I have low their Warlord back home.
Arrgurk followed, disturbed, pledged an oath of fealty." But if they believed their de-
but daring not to question Parok. "He has broken his oaths to parture would strike at the heart
"He lied to us. He whom I us!" of the Gaunt Man, they were
followed as the Sixth Prophet," "And I will not share his dis- sadly mistaken.
Parok said at last. honor." For Kazarokza had no heart ...
Arrgurk's eyes went unchar- "You will let him betray us

Torg: War's End

Act Four

It's The End

Of The World As
We Know It
with the humans and the Race
The Major Beat against the Tharkoldu.
In this Act, the adventure, as The action continues in a remote
well as the entire war, is wrapped area of California. Led by Sidon,
up. The Storm Knights go to the Storm Knights travel to the site
America's West Coast, specifically and battle Orrorshan gospog, only
Los Angeles, to stop the Gaunt Man to witness the arrival of the incred-
and meet their destiny. ibly powerful Gaunt Man.
Thanks to Jezrael's divination Almost immediately afterwards,
spells, her questions to Malgest the Kantovian maelstrom bridge
before it disappeared, and infor- lands, as Ayroa (better known as
mation gleaned from Thratchen the Guildmaster) and Kurst fight
after his encounter with the Storm for the last time. Orrorshan Hor-
Knights, she now knows the iden- rors wipe out the invading
tities of the Storm Knights coming shapechangers, but at a very big
to LA, and has set in motion sev- price. The Kantovian invasion ul-
eral plans to stop them. (Jezrael timately fails, as techno-demons
knows the Gaunt Man is up to some- arrive on the scene and mop up the
thing, of course, but fully believes last of the resistance.
she can wrest control of his plan Jezrael and Sidon battle it out as
from him and does not want the the techno-demons appear on the
Storm Knights interfering.) scene. The maddened Baruk Kaah
En route to Los Angeles, the appears, the Gaunt Man intending
Storm Knights' mode of transpor- to use the crazed ex-High Lord as a
tation is attacked by techno-de- possibility energy-laden bomb-trig-
mons as it approaches LA. Once ger to crack the San Andreas Fault.
they make it into LA proper, Jeff Mills, the avatar of Apeiros,
Tharkoldu gang member-vampyres shows up with a mighty weapon
meet the party, trying to pass them- to slay the Gaunt Man, but the
selves off as fellow Storm Knights. High Lord slays Mills. As he's dy-
Promising to take them to Sidon, ing, Jeff gives the weapon to the
the vampyres drive the Storm Storm Knights, who must either
Knights to an isolated location and strike at the Gaunt Man, or see
attempt to slaughter them. The their world die.
party is reinforced by the real con-
tacts, a gang of Tharkold-trans- A Word of Warning
formed Storm Knights. They do
take the Knights to meet Sidon, Gamemasters must exercise ex-
Jezrael's offspring who has sided treme caution during this act. Not

•• 88
Act Four

Torg: War's End

only are there loads of opportuni- Storm Knights' reach, while the Read aloud or paraphrase the
ties to kill off Storm Knights, there players, bored and feeling unable following:
is also the unfortunate chance that to do anything, tune out. This is Your passenger flight is nearly
the Storm Knights could wind up THE LAST ACT OF TORG. Excite- at an end as the jetliner banks
just sitting around and watching ment should be everywhere. gracefully for its final approach
the action unfold around them, since There are some events that to LAX. Looking out the window,
some pretty significant things hap- should happen for the sake of the you can see cars and trucks below
pen in rapid succession in this Act. adventure, like the death of Jeff you. Shifting your gaze to the
A lot of loose ends get tied up. Mills. However, all the others interior of the plane, you note that
The roster of gamemaster char- should be up in the air - maybe it's only half full: not too many
acters who appear is a Storm Storm Knight intervention prevents people seem interested in going
Knight's nightmare: Jezrael, the some, but not others. The adven- into LA these days, what with the
Guildmaster, Baruk Kaah, the ture is written from the perspec- Tharkoldu presence.
Gaunt Man, etc. Even thoughJezrael tive that the Knights will have their Tezel Rak-Four, the cybermage
and her son Sidon wind up fight- hands full battling the Gaunt Man, that your group met in New Or-
ing each other and possibly the but if they want to get involved in leans, has already sent word to
Storm Knights never get a shot at some of the "sideshows," by all his contacts in the Warrior's Peace
her, there is no reason why Baruk means, let them. resistance group in LA, notifying
Kaah would ignore the Storm It may seem like this act is rather them of your arrival. They will
Knights. Considering how his realm linear, dragging the Storm Knights meet you at the airport, and help
was wrecked, it is safe to assume from one big bang-up battle to the you in any way they can.
that he has a burning hatred of next. Well, that's because it is. This With your seat belts fastened
Storm Knights and will attack them is the act where the forces of evil and your trays returned to an up-
with reckless, homicidal abandon. and the forces of good duke it out. right, locked position, you uncon-
The Guildmaster, otherwise No quarter, no compromise, no sciously clutch the armrest as the
known as Ayroa of Kantovia, may shortcuts - it's now or never, folks. plane begins its descent towards
also justifiably lead a small group Above all else, have fun with the runway. Suddenly, a loud
of shapechangers in a charge against this. This is the last act of the Pos- shriek of ripping metal alerts you
the Storm Knights, claiming that sibility Wars, and should be a very that the plane has intruders. You
their interference has ruined her big deal. It's been five years in the look ahead several seats and see a
plans. After the Storm Knights and making, and when it's over, the chunk of the cabin torn away, a
Ayroa have had the chance to ex- world will never be the same. pair of nasty looking techno-de-
change a few blows, Kurst could mons squeezing in through the
come in and attack her, insisting hole. The two passengers in the
on the right to face her in solo SCENE ONE: adjacent seats have scarcely time
combat to the death. (Keep in mind,
though, that if you think it would Interception to be startled before the Tharkoldu
hurl them screaming through the
be more fun for the Knights to take ragged hole.
out one of these heavies, go right Panic erupts as passengers and
ahead. Don't feel that the confron-
tations have to run the way they're
The Situation crew scream and scramble to get
away. One woman stands up, pulls
written - feel free to give the Standard. The aircraft that the out a very large pistol, and begins
Knights more bang for the buck!) Storm Knights take into Los Ange- firing at the Tharkoldu. To say
The various armies (e.g. the les International Airport is attacked that she's outgunned and needs
Gaunt Man's gospog, the techno- by a flight of techno-demons. Jezrael help is an understatement.
demons, the shapechangers) can has long since pieced together that
each easily have some stragglers something significant is happen-
that see the Storm Knights as a ing in California, and has dis- . The Action
group of weak opponents that may patched her spies and scouts to
give them an amusing skirmish. stay alert for any teams of Storm A pair of Alpha techno-demons
The worst thing that could hap- Knights or other groups of possi- has ripped open the jetliner, look-
pen in this Act is for the gamemaster bility-rated beings heading into the ing for Storm Knights. In a true
to be sitting back, reading long- Tharkold's zones. She is especially Possibility Wars coincidence, they
winded descriptions of all this neat looking for these particular Storm have found the player characters.
action taking place beyond the Knights! The woman is Allison Hawke, a

90 .. . ,
Act Four

Storm Knight who works as a weapon 16, intimidation 18, re- Allison Hawke
freelance air marshal for LA-bound ality (Tharkold) 15 DEXTERITY 10
flights. Possibilities: 10 Acrobatics 12, dodge 13, energy
Arcane Knowledges: Folk 4, en- weapon 14, fire combat 16, land
Alpha Techno-demons (2) tity 4, inanimate forces 4, living forces vehicles 13, melee combat 13,
DEXTERITY 12 4 maneuver 15, unarmed combat
Dodge 15, energy weapons 15, Spells: Alpha stetch, foeblaster, foe 12
fire combat 14, flight 16(19), stetch, horriftJing arrival, monketJform, STRENGTH 10
melee weapons 16 (19 defense), pav crush, pop Climbing 12
missile weapons 15, stealth 15, Natural Tools: Teeth, damage TOUGHNESS 10 (15 with
unarmed combat 16 (19) value STR+2/19; non-cybered tal- syntheleather)
STRENGTH 17 ons, damage value STR+3/20; al- PERCEPTION 11
Lifting 20 pha sense (Perception total); wing Air vehicles 13, evidence analy-
TOUGHNESS 17(23) strike, damage value STR+7/24, sis 13, find 15, language 14,
PERCEPTION 12 speed value 10 scholar (Sioux lore) 14, scholar
Alteration magic 16, divination Equipment: Pain baton (pain (Tharkold realm lore) 14
magic 16, find 15, first aid 13, weapon+3/ damage value 19). MIND 10
land vehicles 14, tracking 16, trick Cyberware: Nanocord, balance Streetwise 13, test 14, willpower
14 wires (+3 to skills using agility, 15
MIND 13 noted in parentheses above), CHARISMA 10
Apportation magic 17, conjura- interdermal plate (TOU+6/23), Charm 14, persuasion 15, taunt
tion magic 17, test17, will power enhanced cybertalons (STR+5/22), 13
18 cyberwings (+3 push to flight), SPIRIT 10
CHARISMA 11 backlash buffer 2 (magic skill total Intimidation 14, reality (Thar-
Persuasion 13, taunt 15 +2 for purposes of backlash only), kold) 15
SPIRIT 13 LifeCyber, 3 slot chipholder. Cyber Possibilities: 12
Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 18, pain value: 16 Equipment: 13/Zan Magnum

Torg: War's End

pistol, damage value 18, ammo 21 ing disaster.) It takes the Tharkoldu against his mother soon.
(with Smartgun attachment +2 to two combat rounds to reach the • "It's getting harder to tell the
hit); Kap!S syntheleather jacket, cockpit, and an additional round good guys from the bad. Trust no
armor value TOU+S!IS; monofil- to wipe out the crew. The Alphas one unless they've really proven
ament dagger, damage value will attack the Storm Knights as themselves. That's what I do!"
STR+4!14. Cyberware: Nanocord, they stride to the cockpit, making
Killseeker eye, Modspotter eye, the melee a sort of running battle.
Soundcatcher ear, Truthear, Shock The Alphas may even each hurl Flags
Suppression Booster (absorb 3 two people out of the plane, hop-
shock per blow), cybertalons ing to divert the Storm Knights; A Connection card means that
(STR+2!12). Cyber value: 15 while the heroes are off rescuing the Storm Knight is friends with
Description: Allison is a very the victims, the Alphas could make Allison, and any information will
a ttracti ve, very professional it to the cockpit unimpeded. be easier to obtain. An Alertness
freelance air marshal. Born and If the crew is killed and a Storm card played by someone who
raised in the LA suburbs, Allison Knight attempts to land the plane, doesn't know Allison tips off the
is half AmerIndian. She has been an air vehicles total of 17 is needed. Storm Knight that there's this
fighting the Tharkoldu, in one way If the radio is still functioning and armed, cybered woman on the
or another, since they arrived. the Storm Knight can get in touch plane. A Romance card means that
Allison is slow to trust people, since with LAX, he can land the plane on the Storm Knight falls for Allison;
you never know who you're deal- a Perception or air vehicles total of note that the reverse does not hap-
ing with in the Tharkoldu zones. 15. pen. Allison is fighting a war, she
If the plane crashes for any rea- has no time for romance now. If
son, 114 people die, Allison sur- either of the Alphas escape, and a
Death, Tharkoldu vives, and each Storm Knight suf- Nemesis card appears, that Storm
fers damage value 30 (no armor Knight is now marked by the re-
Style protection allowed) in the ensuing spective Alpha, and will be stalked
At some point during the melee, explosion. by the techno-demon. The Alpha
one of the Alphas grabs a steward- will fight the Storm Knight to the
ess and hurls her out the gaping death before the act is over.
hole. In order to rescue her, a Storm Talking With Allison
Knight must make a Dexterity, ac-
mbatics or a long jumping total of
Allison proves to be a good Variables
source of informa tion. She starts
14. A success enables the Storm If the Storm Knights take their
out Neutral toward the Storm
Knight to catch her, although the own private plane!copter!airship,
Knights, but becomes Loyal if she
rescuer and his or her charge are they meet Allison as they go through
sees them battling the techno-de-
now dangling out of a hole in the LAX security. In this case, the Al-
jetliner. It requires a Strength or phas are in the airport in monkey
Allison knows the following:
lifting total of 18 for the Storm Knight form guise.
to pull both of them back into the • "There's been an increase in oc-
If the Storm Knights take a train
plane. Naturally, the Storm Knight's cult phenomena in LA the last few
to LA instead, the encounter runs
comrades can help. Also just as weeks. Talk of vampiric cybernetic
pretty much the same; the train's
naturally, one or both of the Al- gangs, shapechangers, and such.
wall is ripped open, the Alphas
phas will take the time to try and It's been building steadily;
throw people out of the hole, and
loosen the rescuer's grip on the something's up."
they attempt to get to the engine,
plane and send both people plum- • "The Kana wans are keeping such speed the train up, and derail it.
meting to the runway below. a low profile that they appear to be Allison is on board as railroad se-
nonexistent. Even though it seems curity.
that they are out of the LA picture,
Take Me To The Pilot that may be just what 3327 wants
The Alphas intend to go to the us to think." Cut To ...
cockpit and eliminate the crew, • "Sidon, Jezrael's son, has hooked
forcing the jet to crash. (Of course, up with some Tharkold-trans- Once the Storm Knights arrive
at LAX, cut to Scene Two, "Your
the winged demons will have long formed Storm Knights, and is mak-
Hosts For Your Stay."
since flown away from the impend- ing vague hints that he will face off

•• 92
Act Four






SCENE TWO: Your Once past security and baggage The Action
claims, you wander to the outside
Hosts For Your Stay concourse, where taxis, limos, and If the party asks you, the people
shuttles await their passengers. holding the "Mr. Sidon" sign are
The place is teeming with penple, two young men with black jeans,
arriving at and departing from the black turtlenecks, black suit coats,
The Situation airport. Many drivers stand out- dark" glasses, and ponytails. They
side their vehicles, with placards, are indeed supposedly from the
Standard. A gang of cyber-
to help the new arrivals know resistance, and if approached, they
vampyres, loyal to Jezrael, meet
where their rides are. Among the ask the Storm Knights the follow-
the Storm Knights, and attempt to
placards you see are: "Mr. ing question: "If you are here to
lure them to an isolated area where
Fujimoto's party," "Ms. Reed's meet Mr Sidon, we need to ask you
they can be killed.
Read aloud or paraphrase the party," "Mr. Sidon's group," and this. How has Mr Sidon been get-
"The Taylor Party."
Torg: War's End

ting along with his mother?" SPIRIT 10 bonus to land vehicle totals.
Naturally, the answer is some- Intimidation 13, reality (Thar-
thing along the lines of "Not very kold) 13
well." If the party responds as ex- Possibilities: 6 The Ambush
pected, they are escorted to two Equipment: Vav-9 machinepis-
The limos depart LAX and drive
limousines. Split the player char- tol, damage value 19, ammo 18;
east to Bellflower. Once they ar-
acters up so that half ride in each black blazer with Kap /3 Mesh
rive, read aloud the following:
car. woven into it, armor value TOU+3/
The drivers won't speak much, 13; dark glasses with Text LED and Bellflower has changed little
except for questions like "Were you Darksight capabilities; trail bugs since the initial mass destruction
followed?" or "Did you encounter (2). Cyberware: Nanocord, nerve- of the Tharkoldu arrival. Bombed-
any trouble getting into LA?" jack, Radiohear ear, Radiotalker, out buildings and rubble dot the
Voice Mask, Adrenal Booster (+3 landscape. An occasional strag-
Drivers (2) STR+DEX), cybershroud. Cyber gler looking for food dives for
DEXTERITY 12 value: 11 cover as the limos go by. No one
Dodge 14, energy weapons 14, Description: These two drivers trusts anyone in Bellflower these
fire combat 16, land vehicles 17, are part of a group of gangers that days.
melee weapons 13, running 15, work for the Tharkoldu. They are The limos silently pull into a
stealth 16, unarmed combat 16 the only two that haven't turned ruined courtyard, surrounded on
STRENGTH 10 into vampyres. three sides by blasted out apart-
Climbing 12 Note tha t their VoiceMask ment buildings. The area seems
TOUGHNESS 10 (13 with Mesh) cyberware prevents anyone from devoid of life. Looking to either
PERCEPTION 11 trying to determine whether or not side, the drivers get out of the
Find 13, scholar (Tharkold realm they are telling the truth. The limos and motion for you to do
lore) 14 VoiceMask masks vocal stress, ren- the same. They appear to be on
MINDS dering things like Truthear use- the lookout for trouble.
Streetwise 10, willpower 10 less. When the Storm Knights get out
CHARISMA 9 The drivers jack into their ve- of the vehicles, trouble is exactly
Charm 12, persuasion 11, taunt hicles directly, giving them a +3 what happens. Laser blasts erupt

•• 94
Act Four

from the ruined buildings, and the SPIRIT 10 of the gang is now infected with
Storm Knights see the two drivers Intimidation 13, reality (Thar- vampyrism.
crumple to the ground (they're fak- kold) 13 During the battle, the two driv-
ing it). Possibilities: 6 ers will cease playing dead and
The gangers spill out of the ru- Equipment: Res 14/Alph laser attempt to attack the Storm Knights
ined buildings and from under the rifle, damage value 26, ammo 30; from behind. They will do this when
rubble, eager for fresh blood and Chod/5 Skirmisher armor, value the opportunity best presents it-
the chance to inflict pain. TOU+5/ 15. Cyberware: Nanocord, self. Before they actually attack
Hidehunter eye, Cybershroud, anyone, though, the drivers will
Tharkold Vampyre Gangers Cybercestus (STR+2/12). Cyber
(2 per Storm Knight) plant a trail bug on a Storm Knight;
value: S this sets the situation up for the
DEXTERITY 12 Natural Tools: Fangs, damage next scene. (Naturally, the drivers
Dodge 14, energy weapons 14, value STR+2/12 will not attack the Knight on whom
fire combat 16, land vehicles 17, Powers: Shape Change (rat), Life they placed the bug.)
melee weapons 13, running 15, Drain (TOU), Regeneration, Infec- The object of the gang's ambush
stealth 16, unarmed combat 16 tion, Dark Vision is simple: complete destruction of
STRENGTH 10 Corruption Value: 17 the Storm Knights in the most pain-
Climbing 12 Fear Rating: 2 ful way possible; no quarter asked
TOUGHNESS 10 (l5with armor) Perseverance DN: 15 for, no quarter given. If that seems
PERCEPTION 11 Weakness: Sunlight, cross (se- brutal, that's exactly what it's meant
Find 13, scholar (Tharkold realm vere) to be; this is Tharkoldu Los Ange-
lore) 14 True Death: Wooden stake les, not a Nile action romp. People
MINDS through chest die in LA, and they don't die pretty.
Streetwise 10, willpower 10 Description: This gang lost a If any gang members survive
CHARISMA 9 "disagreement" with an Orrorshan and are successfully interrogated,
Charm 12, persuasion 11, taunt vampyre, here to scout things out the only thing the Storm Knights
13 for the Gaunt Man. As a result, all manage to get out of them is that

Torg: War's End

Jezrael somehow knew tha t the Knights before Sidon's people Possibilities: 6
Storm Knights would be on the could. Equipment: Res-14 laser pistol,
plane/ train in question. In any event, the gangers help damage value 25, ammo 50; Kap/
bind up the injured, bury the dead, 3 Mesh woven into denim jackets,
Trail Bug and offer to take the Storm Knights armor value TOU+3/13; monofil-
to Sidon. ament dagger, damage value
The trail bug has a broadcast STR+4/14. Cyberware: Nanocord,
range of160 kilometers. Its chame- Resistance Gangers (5) Nervejack, Farsight eye, Darksight
leon chip enables it to blend into DEXTERITY 12 eye, Soundcatcher ear, Endorphin
the clothing of the tagged person, Dodge 13, fire combat 16, land Boosters. Cyber value: 12
requiring a Perception or find total vehicles 14, melee weapons 14, Description: These gang mem-
of 30 in order to locate it. running 15, stealth 16, unarmed bers work for the LA resistance, not
combat 17 making much effort to stay inside
STRENGTH 10 the law, but for the most part stay-
The Cavalry Has TOUGHNESS 10 (13 with ar- ing on the side of the angels.
Arrived? mor)
When the last ganger falls and Find 13, first aid 14, scholar Flags
the echo of the last gunshot/laser (Tharkold realm lore) 13, track-
blast hasn't yet faded, another ing 14, trick 12 An Alertness card gives the Storm
group of gangers appears. These MIND 9 Knight advance notice of the am-
are members of the resistance, Streetwise 11, survival 10, test bush, or perhaps the Storm Knight
working directly with Sidon. They 11, willpower 12 sees the two drivers falling, de-
were notified by a New Orleans CHARISMA 9 spite the fact tha t no shots hit them.
acquaintance of the Storm Knights' Charm 11, persuasion 12, taunt A Suspicion card makes the resis-
arrival, but one of their members 14 tance gangers believe thatthe Storm
turned out to be a Tharkoldu infil- SPIRIT 10 Knights are in fact working for
tra tor. The Tharkold u gangers Intimidation 13, reality (Thar- Nippon Tech or the Guildmaster.
managed to intercept the Storm kold) 12

War's Elld: Map 18

Resistance Headquarters

~ Elevator

,~ ••
Sleeping Area


•• 96
Act Four

If the Storm Knight group is
getting annihilated by the vampyre
gang (two or more player charac-
ters die), the resistance charges in
early, this time arriving like the
cavalry in the nick of time.

Cut To ...
Once the Storm Knights are ready
to go see Sidon, cut to Scene Three,
"Sins of the Mother ... "

Sins of the Mother

The Situation
Standard. TheStorm Knights are
taken to see Sidon, who explains
precisely what the resistance is up
against. The scene ends with a
techno-demon attack, giving the
Storm Knights a chance to kick
some major Tharkoldu tail.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
At the intersection of Interstates
10 and 110 stands an innocuous
looking building, a typical Core
Earth structure converted to
Tharkoldu axioms. The three story
building seems to be made ofsmooth
black plastic, with no obvious win-
dows. The building's roof sports a
billboard advertising "Demon-Prof
Home Security Systems."
Once they are sure that they titions are set up, giving groups walks towards you. His eyes glow
were not followed, the resistance of resistance members privacy for green as he looks your group up
takes you round back, to a freight their various activities. You catch and down. After a few seconds,
elevator. The elevator descends sight of a med area, a cyberlegger, he gives a curt nod and walks
into the basement, where a gang weaponsmilhs, hackers, code- back to the cubicle, signalling for
of a dozen Race soldiers and re- breakers, worktables covered with you to follow, but not the other
sistance gangers waits. Once the electronics, everything you can resistance personnel.
gangers who accompany you possibly imagine a resistance cell In the cubicle, the young man
vouch for your identites, every- needing. The entire place is buzz- sits and looks you over. "Word
one relaxes slightly, and you are ing with activity. has it that you're here for the big
welcomed. From behind one partition, a End of the World rumble. I'm
The basement of this building swarthy young man in tom jeans Sidon, son of your enemy," he
is practically one huge room. Par- and a leather jacket emerges and says smiling.

Torg: War's End

The Action Possibilities: 40 Race Soldiers (12)

Miracles: Sidon has access to all DEXTERITY 12
Sidon goes on to explain that he Way of the Race miracles. Dodge 14, energy weapons 15,
and the resistance members are Natural Tools: Teeth, damage fire combat 15, heavy weapons
,planning an assault on Jezrael. If value STR+2/20; wings, speed 13, melee weapons 14, running
the Storm Knights are willing to value 14 13, stealth 13
fight beside them, they'll be of- Equipment: Pe-Ain chaingun, STRENGTH 10
fered what hospitality the resis- damage value 24, ammo 12; Res-14 Climbing 12, lifting 12
tance can afford. If they choose not laser pistol, damage value 25, ammo TOUGHNESS 11
to, they'll be thrown out and warned 50; monofilament dagger, damage PERCEPTION 9
to stay away. value STR+4/22; Chod/5 Skir- Find 10, first aid 11, trick 10
Sidon is more than willing to misher armor, value TOU+5/27; MIND 8
answer any questions that don't cyberdeck. Cyberware: Nanocord, Survival 10
betray the resistance in any way. nervejack, eye package (right eye): CHARISMA 7
The offspring of Jezrael has been Dangerscan, Darksight, Sharpsight, SPIRIT 9
having visions lately, and he knows ear package (left ear}: Bugsweeper, Faith (the Way of the Race) 10,
where the fight is to destined to Soundcatcher, Truthear, Poison- intimidation 11, reality
occur: Devil's Playground, an area snooper, Nanodoc, interdermal (Tharkold) 11
193 kilometers east-northeast of Los armor, value TOU+5/22}, Tendon Possibilities: 4
Angeles. Augmenter, Cyberarm 3, Slashers, Equipment: 11/Alph pistol,
Sidon and his allies will be de- damage value STR+4/25, 3-slot damage value 16, ammo 21; Mim-
parting in the morning. Those Storm Chipholder. Cyber value: 18 (re- 8/Bith Smart-Gun assault rifle,
Knights who are joining up will be duced by psychology) damage value 22, ammo 30;
welcome to rest up and eat before monofilament dagger, damage
the coming battle. Warrior's Peace Resistance (24) value STR+4/14; Chod/8 power
DEXTERITY 12 armor, value TOU+8/19. Cyber-
Sidon Dodge 13, fire combat 16, land ware: N ervejack, eye package:
DEXTERITY 14 vehicles 14, melee weapons 14, Darksight, Hidehunter, Killseek-
Acrobatics 16, dodge 19, energy running 15, stealth 16, unarmed er. Cyber value: 6
weapons 20, fire combat 18, flight combat 17 Description: These soldiers from
17, heavy weapons 18, maneu- STRENGTH 10 the Tharkold cosm are sympathetic
ver 19, melee weapons 18, un- TOUGHNESS 10 (13 with ar- to the LA resistance, and have sworn
armed combat 20 mor) their loyalty to Sidon and his at-
STRENGTH 18 (21 in left arm) PERCEPTION 11 tempts to rid Earth of Jezrael and
Climbing 23, lifting 22 Find 13, first aid 14, scholar her ilk. They are rather rough and
TOUGHNESS 17 (22) (27 with (Tharkold realm lore) 13, track- abrupt, but they are tough, loyal
armor) ing 14, trick 12 fighters without an ounce of fear.
Air vehicles 25, camouflage 22, Streetwise 11, survival 10, test
cyberdeck ops 24, demolitions 11, willpower 12 Raid!
24, find 26, first aid 24, land ve- CHARISMA 9
hicles27, scholar (Tharkold realm Charm 11, persuasion 12, taunt 14 During the nigh t, a wing of
lore) 25,scholar(tactics) 26, track- SPIRIT 10 techno-demons smashes into the
ing 25, trick 26 Intimidation 13, reality building and breaks through to the
MIND 20 (Tharkold) 12 cellar, attacking everyone in sight.
Cybertech 24, psychology 23, sci- Possibilities: 6 The Tharkoldu found this locale
ence (computers) 25, streetwise Equipment: Res-14 laser pistol, courtesy of the homing bug planted
27, survival 27, test 28, willpower damage value 25, ammo 50; Kap/3 on at least one of the Storm Knights.
28 Mesh woven into denim jackets, ar- The attack comes at midnight.
CHARISMA 18 morvalueTOU+3/13; monofilament
dagger, damage value STR+4/14. Techno-Demons (36)
Charm 20, persuasion 22, taunt DEXTERITY 10
25 Cyberware: Nanocord, Nervejack,
Dodge 14, energy weapons 14,
SPIRIT 20 Farsight eye, Darksight eye,
fire combat 12, flight 15 (I8),
Faith (the Way) 26, focus 26, in- Soundcatcher ear, Endorphin Boost-
melee weapons 12 (I5 defense),
timidation 25, reality (Tharkold) ers. Cyber value: 12
missile weapons 12, stealth 11,

•• 98
Act Four

unarmed combat 15 (18) damage value 25, ammo 50. Storm Knight will be watched very
STRENGTH 16 Cyberware: Nanocord, Wind- closely, with any innocent move
Lifting 18 sniffer, Balance Wires, lnterdermal possibly being misconstrued as a
TOUGHNESS 16 (21) Plate, armor value TOU+5/21, traitorous one. A Romancecard means
PERCEPTION 10 Cybertalons, da mage value STR+5/ the female Storm Knight has fallen
Alteration magic 13, divination 21, Cyberwings, Lifecyber, 3-s10t in love with Sidon and will follow
magic 13, find 14 (17), first aid Chipholder. Cyber value: 16 him anywhere. Sidon, naturally, is
11, land vehicles 12, tracking 14, Two of the raiding Tharkoldu not interested in romance right now.
trick 12 have a miniature receiver that en-
MIND 11 abled them to pick up the trail bug's
Apportation magic 14, conjura- signal. The techno-demons' mis- Cut To ...
tion magic 14, test 15, willpower sion is a simple one: search for and
15 Once the fight is over, cut to Scene
destroy the Storm Knights and as Four, "The Devil's Playground."
CHARISMA 9 many of the resistance as possible,
Persuasion 11, taunt 13 and return with a confirmed sight-
Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 16, intimi-
ing of Sidon.
When the battle is over, Sidon
dation 16, reality (Tharkold) 14
Possibilities: 8
will find the bug on the Storm Devil's Playground
Knight. The Knight can expect to
Arcane Knowledges: Folk 3, en- be questioned at length about just
tity 3, inanimate forces 2, living forces where his loyalties lie.
2 The Situation
Spells: Monkey form
Standard. The Storm Knights ar-
Natural Tools: Teeth, damage Flags rive at the site, only to find that
value STR+2/18; talons, damage
value STR+3/19; wings, speed A Suspicion or a Mistaken Identihj others have arrived as well. Read
value 10; wingstrike damage value card played means that Sidon and/ aloud or paraphrase the follow-
STR+7/23 or the resistance views that Storm ing:
Equipment: Res-14/Alph lasers, Knight as a possible traitor. That Taking Interstate 10 East, then

War's End: Map 19

The Battle Site

Torg: War's End

Last seen spot of

Sidon and Jezrael

Interstate 15 North, three hours group of Storm Knights, Sidon, The Action
of driving finds you at the place four dozen resistance members,
called the Devil's Playground in and three dozen Race soldiers. The The Gaunt Man has dimthreaded
the Mojave Desert. The Tharkoldu increased numbers do little to a horde of gospog to herald his
axiom wash has changed this ter- bolster your courage. arrival. They have been sent with
rain into a mixture of desert and The ground suddenly shifts and orders to kill everyone they see.
rugged rock formations of almost erupts, rocks shaller and crumble, The only gospog type the Gaunt
alien shape. You survey the deso- spewing forth a host of gospog. Man didn't send is the Fourth Plant-
lation as the wind moans through They are all around you, closing ing, since their function is radi-
the rocks, and you can't help but in eagerly for kill. You can feel cally different from the other four
wonder if this is what the entire the power of Fear radiating off types.
Earth will look like if the Gaunt them, tipping you off as to ex-
Man wins. actly who sent them. Gospog of the First Planting
Your force consists of your (72)

1 0 0 " " "
Act Four

Reality: Orrorsh Dodge 15, maneuver 20, run- Perseverance DN: 19

DEXTERITY 8 ning 16, stealth 15, unarmed True Death: Occult ritual
Energy weapons 9, fire combat combat 16 Description: The Gaunt Man has
9, melee weapons 9, missile STRENGTH 14 allocated one wraith per Storm
weapons 9, unarmed combat 9 TOUGHNESS 12 Knight. The wraith softly speaks
STRENGTH 8 PERCEPTION 10 the intended victim's name over
Climbing 9 Tracking 13 and over as it attacks.
PERCEPTION 7 Test (18), willpower 15
Find 10, tracking 8 CHARISMA 5 The Coming of the
Willpower 10
Taunt (12)
Gaunt Man
CHARISMA 7 Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 16, intimi- Once the last gospog falls, read
SPIRIT 7 dation 14 aloud or paraphrase the follow-
Possibility Potential: None Possibility Potential: None ing:
Natural Tools: Armored hide, Natural Tools: Claws, damage The sound of the last attack
TOU+2/10 value STR+3/17; teeth, damage echoes through the desert as the
Equipment: Broadsword, dam- value STR+10/24 last opponent hits the gritty sand
age value STR+6/14 Powers: Shapechange, Magical in a spray of foul-smelling vis-
Gospog of the Second Planting Resistance, Attack Form Resistance cera and plant matter. Gasping to
(Caretakers) (36) (fire) catch your breaths, you survey the
Reality: Orrorsh Corruption Value: 22 scene; the desert is littered with
DEXTERITY 10 Fear Rating: 1 scores of corpses, the brown desert
Dodge 12, fire combat 14, ma- Perseverance ON: 14 sand stained the sick green of
neuver 14, unarmed combat 13 True Death: Killed only in ani- spilled gospog blood.
STRENGTH 10 mal form A light breeze puffs out of.no-
TOUGHNESS 10 (12) where, blowing sand onto the re-
Gospog of the Fifth Planting
PERCEPTION 9 (wraith) (one per Storm Knight) mains. The breeze becomes a wind,
Tracking 13, trick 12 Reality: Orrorsh pushing sand faster and faster over
MIND 8 DEXTERITY 13 the ruined gospog, until each piece
Test 12, willpower 10 Dodge 16, stealth 21, unarmed sinks into the desert. In a matter
CHARISMA 8 combat 19 of seconds, all trace of the battle
Taunt 12 STRENGTH 15 is gone.
SPIRIT 8 Climbing 18 The wind doesn't die down; on
Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 10, iritimi- TOUGHNESS 21 the contrary, it roars into a huge
dation 12 PERCEPTION 12 funnel, whirling in front of your
Possibility Potential: None Find 14, tracking 15, trick 16 battle-weary group. Suddenly,
Natural Tools: Armored hide, MIND 8 blue and red bolts of jagged light-
value TOU+2/12); fangs, damage Test (15), willpower 20 ning crackle up and down the
value STR+2/12 CHARISMA 10 vortex, as a humanoid form be-
Equipment: Blunderbuss, dam- Taunt 17 gins to coalesce inside the funnel.
age value 18, ammo 1 SPIRIT 14 With a loud explosion of red
Powers: Attack Form Resistance Faith (Orrorshan Evil) 20, intimi- and blue light, the vortex termi-
(energy weapons) dation 17 nates. Your blood turns to ice when
Corruption Value: 14 Natural Tools: Claws, damage you see what stands within. It is
Fear Rating: 1/2 value STR+4/19 the Gaunt Man, his cane in hand,
Perseverance ON: 10 Powers: Paralyzing Touch, Ar- his eyes glowing red. He holds
Weakness: Holy Symbol mor Defeating Attack, Resistance forth one hand, conjuring several
True Death: Shot and killed with to Normal Weapons, Attack Form globes, some red, some blue, or-
own blunderbuss Resistance (energy weapons), At- biting each otherrapidly like mad
tack Form Resistance (magical planets orbiting an erratic sun.
Gospog of the Third Planting He throws his head back and ut-
(Weretigers) (18) physical damage)
Corruption Value: 33 ters a laugh that echoes across the
Reality: Orrorsh Mojave.
DEXTERITY 13 Fear Rating: 2

Torg: War's End

"Greetings, stormers, and oth- plans of the various Possiblity The Gaunt Man
ers ... I am pleased to see that you Raiders, are now here to witness DEXTERITY 17
have made it this far. It is good to my ultimate triumph! Dodge 22, maneuver 18, melee
have witnesses to the end of all IJYour world now dies scream- weapons 20, prestidigitation 20,
things. The power of the combined ing, stormers. And so shall you!" unarmed combat 18
Darkness Devices now rests se- With a wave of his hand, gospog STRENGTH 21
curely within my form. erupt from the sand. The precise TOUGHNESS 28
IJIt is time to end this war, same number of gospog you had PERCEPTION 29
stormers. It is time for me to take already dispatched! Evidence analysis 31, find 30,
my rightful place as Torg. How As gamemaster, you can call for language 32, scholar (eternity
fitting that those who for the last a Perseverance Check now against shards) 32, scholar (the Name-
half decade have thwarted the a difficulty number of 27. less One) 33, trick 31
Test 32, occult 34, willpower 34
Charm 26, persuasion 27, taunt
Faith (Orrorsh) 37, intimidation
38, reality (Orrorsh) 35
Possibilities: 225
Equipment: Canewithsmallliv-
ing head, damage value STR+4/
25, can cause Fear in a 30 meter
radius around the Gaunt Man when
the High Lord raises it.
Powers: Attack Form Resistance
(from physical, mental, and spiri-
tual damage from mental attacks),
Regeneration, Resistance To Nor-
mal Weapons, Silence.
Corruption Value: 61
Fear Rating: 5
Perseverance DN: 27
Weakness: His absorption of the
Darkness Devices has allowed the
Gaunt Man to overcome his weak-
ness to all eternity shards save the
sword of Apeiros, to which he has
a severe weakness.
True Death: Slain by the sword
of Apeiros.

An Alertness card can tip off the
Storm Knight that the initial fight
with the gospog is just a warm-up
for something much worse. Aside
from that, there is little that any
Subplot or Connection is going to do
for the group .

•• 102
Act Four

Cut To ...
Once the gospog rise again, cut
to Scene Five, "Interlopers."


The Situation
Dramatic. The Kantovian mael-
strom bridge drops down in the
desert, and Ayroa leads her Dire
Wolves in a last ditch attempt to
invade Earth and gain revenge
against the Gaunt Man.
Read aloud or paraphrase the
As you stand in the middle of
the battlefield, dark clouds gather
overhead, like a major thunder-
storm forming in fast-motion. The
vast gospog host, the ones that
you went through all that trouble
to kill, stand patiently, obediently,
awaiting the last High Lord's word
to attack.
Suddenly, a hole opens in the
clouds and a vast structure de-
scends from the sky. It almost re-
sembles the Living Land's mael-
strom bridge, but not quite; it
seems to be a mixture of rock,
mud, and tough plant fiber,
wreathed in small flames.
Coming down the bridge is a
vast horde of humanoid wolves,
fangs bared. A ripple moves
through the invading army, and
you realize that what you are see- ognize as the Guildmaster (if they the Kantovian bridge shatters, send-
ing is the effect of scores of have ever encountered that wor- ing hundreds ofDire Wolves plung-
shapechangers shifting into more thy). In fact, she is Ayroa, current ing to their deaths.
feral forms. There can be little High Lord of Kantovia. For details But the Gaunt Man isn't finished.
doubt of what you see: the cosm on her history, see the sidebar, "The With a wave of his hand, another
of Kantovia, the Gaunt Man's first Company of Wolves." Dire Wolf appears, larger and stron-
conquest, is invading Earth! Ayroa pays no attention to the ger than any other the Knights have
Storm Knights or their allies. In- seen. This is Kurst. .
stead, she turns on the Gaunt Man, Read aloud or paraphrase:
The Action blazing hatred in her eyes. The
Orrorshan High Lord seems un-
NOnce my servant, always my
servant," the Gaunt Man chuck-
Leading the Dire Wolves is a impressed - he mimes snapping les. The High Lord nods his head
woman the characters might rec- his cane over his knee and instantly

Torg: War's End

T he Company of Wolves
Ayroa was the mate of Darkness Device was defeated in gate. He was killed there by
Kurst, High Lord of Kantovia, battle by Heketon and fled to Earth. Dire Wolves.
centuries ago when the Gaunt Later, as Huitzilopochtli, that Ayroa dimthreaded to Earth
Man arrived. The Gaunt Man Device would have an effect on and took on the guise of the
insinuated himself into the Meso-American cultures, and later Guildmaster, funding Storm
court of the shapechangers, attempt to establish a realm based Knight and stormer operations
laying the groundwork for his on the Aztec Empire. Defeated, it while she gauged the strengths
first conquest. Ayroa betrayed was dispatched back to Kantovia, and weaknesses of the High
Kurst to the future Orrorshan where it made contact with Ayroa. Lords and bided her time to
High Lord and was betrayed Suspicious that such a thing had strike. And that time is now ...
in turn, exiled to a pocket di- happened, the Gaunt Man sent For further informa tion, see
mension with her surviving Uthorion to that cosm to investi- the novel Interview With Evil.
followers. The Kantovian

chasing after them like a big, ma-

T he Gaunt Manifesto levolent, sadistic cat, toying with
them. If there are one or two Storm
"EversinceIbegan this war, that ox-brained moron! And Knights who do have the taint of
I have had to suffer numer- all of the others, not a worthy corruption (or who for the entire
ous setbacks thanks to the ef- ally among them! adventure thus far have been com-
forts of your pathetic kind. "And you, you pathetic pletely wretched and uncoopera-
Storm Knights, indeed! You stormers, daring to pit your tive), kill them. It would hardly be
are all nothing but a handful puny might against mine! No dramatic if there were not one or
of dust particles whose pa- matter how often you met two demonstrations of the Gaunt
thetic existences somehow al- defeat, you continued to op- Man's power, right?
lowed you to catch an iota of pose me! Like a hydra, I kill During the entire cat and mouse
the power that I have! one and two more spring up chase, the Storm Knights will run
"It was no better for me to take his place. afoul of gospog and / or Dire
tha t I managed to surround "It is over, stormers. Fin- Wolves. This is especially true if
myself with associates who ished. No more will you in- the party scatters in different di-
were either incompetent, fool- terfere, no more will you rections. Throw several opponents
ish, insane, or traitorous! spread hope, no more will you at small groups of Storm Knights
Thratchen the opportunistic use the power of possibilities ... keep them busy as the conflict
demon! Kranod, the idiot who against me! You precede your erupts around them.
bungled the original Tharkold cosm in death by mere mo- As the Gaunt Man chases and
invasion of Russia! Uthorion, ments!" harries the party, he vents his spleen
in true villainous fashion by utter-
ing a monologue during his at-
tack. Although it is presented in
and Kurst jerks towards Ayroa LA resistance members and Race
one large chunk, it need not be
like a marionette controlled by a soldiers open fire on the advanc-
read straight through - feel free
madman. "Growl for me, Kurst, ing gospog. And watching over it
to read a portion of it as the Gaunt
like you did in the old days, then all stands the Gaunt Man, thor-
Man closes in on some Knights,
kill thatidiot spouse of yours once oughly enjoying the carnage.
and for all." then cut away to characters fight-
Naturally, the Gaunt Man could
ing Dire Wolves, then back to the
At this point, the battle breaks utterly crush the entire party in a
Gaunt Man and his dialogue. When
out in earnest. Kurst attacks Ayroa, handful of rounds, butthat'shardly
you are reading it, do your best to
the two meeting in mid-air, all slash- fair, dramatic or fun. Instead, the
keep any generic game talk away
ing claws and flashing fangs. The GauntMan will play with the party,
from the speech. Do the Gaunt

•• 104
Act Four

Man's dialogue as you're rolling STR+3/16; teeth, damage value (Kantovia) 22, shapeshifting 22
the dice for his attack, consulting STR+5/18 Possibilities: 50
the results chart, etc. Unnerve the Description: In true Kantovian Natural Tools: Claws, damage
players. This is the Gaunt Man, Survival of the Fittest fashion, the value STR+3/21; teeth, damage
master of fear, their ultimate en- only Dire Wolves to successfully value STR+5/23
emy. survive in their new mini-cosm Description: Ayroa is in her Dire
Dire Wolves (200) (Wolf Form) were those who were possibility- Wolf form, spurning her human
DEXTERITY 12 rated, hence the entire force's hav- form in order to deliver the most
Dodge 14, maneuver 15, run- ing possibilities to use. Each Dire possible pain to Kurst. She realizes
ning 14, stealth 17, swimming Wolf is fanatically loyal to Ayroa. tha t this Kantovian invasion of hers
15, unarmed combat 17 is a last stab at getting a foothold
Ayroa (Dire Wolf Form) on Earth. Casting aside her
Climbing 16 Guildmaster cover, she is
Dodge 20, maneuver 22, run- singlemindedly intent on killing
TOUGHNESS 13 OS) ning 24, stealth 23, swimming
PERCEPTION 9 Kurst, neutralizing the Gaunt Man,
20, unarmed combat 25 and establishing her realm here.
Trick 12, tracking 16 STRENGTH 18
MIND 8 Climbing 20, lifting 21 Kurst (Dire Wolf Form)
CHARISMA 8 PERCEPTION 12 Dodge 22, maneuver 24, run-
Taunt 10 Trick 14, tracking 18 ning 26, stealth 25, swimming
SPIRIT 12 MIND 10 22, unarmed combat 27
Intimidation 15, reality Survival 17, willpower 17 STRENGTH 20
(Kantovia) 13 shapeshifting 14 CHARISMA 9 Climbing 22, lifting 23
Possibilities: 4 Persuasion (14), taunt 14 TOUGHNESS 22
Natural Tools:Hide, armor value SPIRIT 14 PERCEPTION 13
TOU+2/15; claws, damage value Intimidation 20, reality Trick 15, tracking 19

Torg: War's End

them. Neither of the combatants

will be all that pleased to see them,
but they might tip the scales one
way or another. While the Knights
are better off if Kurst wins, either
Dire Wolf will prove to be an ally
against the Gaunt Man, at least
At some point during the battle,
call for a Perception or find total. On
a 12, the characters will notice that
Sidon is missing.

Cut To •••
Eventually, inevitably, the Gaunt
Man will corner the player charac-
ters. At this point, cut to Scene Six,
"Mother and Child Reunion."

Mother And Child

The Situation
Dramatic. As the Gaunt Man is
about to finish off the Storm
Knights, they are inadvertently
given a little more time by the sud-
den appearance of Jezrael.
Read aloud or paraphrase the
The High Lord who would be
Torg looks at you, his dry skin
stretched tight on his skull, his lips
curled back in a perverse smile of
triumph. Behind him, a confused
MIND 9 side ofthe Storm Knights. But right
bloody massacre continues, with
Survival 16, willpower 16 now, he is under the mental con-
gospog, Dire Wolves, and Tharkoldu
CHARISMA 8 trol of the Gaunt Man. It's possible resistance members locked in fran-
Persuasion (13), taunt 13 that, once Ayroa is subdued or
tic battle. The air stinks of putrefy-
SPIRIT 15 killed, the Gaunt Man might relax
ing flesh, blood and cordite, as
Intimidation 21, reality (Orrorsh) his control as he turns his atten-
screams and swears punctuate the
23, shapeshifting 23 tion elsewhere and Kurst can add
fight. The roiling storm clouds over-
Possibilities: 50 his power to that of the Knights.
head have plunged the battlefield
Natural Tools: Claws, damage Keep in mind that the charac- into an odd, disquieting twilight.
value STR+3/23; teeth, damage ters may choose to intervene in the Occasionally, a stroke of red light-
value STR+5/25 battle between Kurst and Ayroa. If ning gives the scene a bloody crim-

_.. ...
Description: Given the choice, they choose to, by all means let son cast.
Kurst would be fighting on the

106 .~
Act Four

The Gaunt Man raises his walk- combat 23 MIND 13

ing stick at your group and whis- STRENGTH 21 (Right Arm: 23) Apportation magic 17, conjura-
pers in a sepulchral voice, "Fare- Climbing 24, lifting 24 tion magic 17, test 17, willpower
well, stormers." TOUGHNESS 19 (25) 18
Suddenly, a maniacal shriek PERCEPTION 23 CHARISMA 11
splits the air, and two figures, Air vehicles 28, divination magic Persuasion 13, taunt 15
locked in a deathly embrace, lunge 24, find 28, first aid 24, land ve- SPIRIT 13
from out of nowhere. Intent on hicles 24, tracking 27, trick 25 Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 18, pain
their fight, they crash into the MIND 24 weapon 16, intimidation 18, re-
Gaunt Man, actually upsetting his Conjuration magic 26, science ality (Tharkold) 15
footing. Your eyes manage to make 27, survival 28, test 27, willpower Possibilities: 10
out the combatants: it's Sidon 30 Arcane Knowledges: Folk 4, en-
battling his motherJezrael in hand CHARISMA 19 tity4, inanimate forces 4, livingforces
to hand combat. Obviously, Sidon Persuasion 24, taunt 26 4
had laid low, conserving his SPIRIT 22 Spells: Alpha stetch,foeblaster,foe
strength for the fight he knew he Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 29, focus stetch, horrifyingarrival, monketJform,
was destined to have. Each com- 24,intimidation25, pain weapon pav crush, pop
batant has their cybernetic slicers 25, reality (Tharkold) 31 Natural Tools: Teeth, damage
extended, each is taking,out huge Possibilities: 60 value STR+2/19; non-cybered tal-
chunks of flesh from the other. Equipment: Chod/l0 Power Ar- ons, damage value STR+3/20; al-
A wing of techno-demons, obvi- mor, TOU+10/29; plasma jets, Nu- pha sense (Perception total); wing
ously Jezrael's escorts, move for- 15-Ket CAW mounted in left arm, strike, damage value STR+7/24,
ward. Many of them fly off to plasma shells, damage value 25; speed value 10
embroil themselves in the mas- plasma axe, damage value STR+8/ Equipment: Pain baton (pain
sivemelee. The tougher Tharkoldu 31. Cyberware: Nanocord, two weapon+3/ damage value 19).
move to help their High Lord, only Nervejacks, cybervisual package Cyberware: Nanocord, balance
to be frozen in their tracks by an (left eye): Dangerscan, Darksight, wires (+3 to skills using agility,
icy, defiant glare from their mis- Hidehunter, Killseeker; natural noted in parentheses above),
tress. "Stay back!" she snarls to implant (right eye): Sharpsight; interdermal plate (TOU+6/23),
them. "If you want to make your- poison snooper; interdermal armor, enhanced cybertalons (STR+5 /22),
selves useful, rip apart my son's armor value TOU+6/25; bodymax, cyberwings (+3 push to flight),
friends. That should unsettle him!" STR+3; right cyberarm, STR+2/23, backlash buffer 2 (magic skill total
equipped with monofilament- +2 for purposes of backlash only),
edged slicers, damage value LifeCyber, 3 slotchipholder. Cyber
The Action STR+5/28; hand-mount Res-14 la- value: 16
ser pistol with Smartgun link, dam-
Sidon wants this fight to be pri- age value 25, ammo 50; Cyber value: Techno-Demons (48)
vate as well, but when has that 15 (reduced through psychology). DEXTERITY 10
ever stopped Storm Knights be- Dodge 14, energy weapons 14,
fore? The battle has moved, sepa- Alpha Techno-Demons (one per fire combat 12, flight 15 (18),
rating the Gaunt Man from the Storm Knight) melee weapons 12 (15 defense),
Knights and giving them a little DEXTERITY 12 missile weapons 12, stealth 11,
breathing room. They have to fight Dodge 15, energy weapons 15, unarmed combat 15 (18)
their way through some Alpha fire combat 14, flight 16(19), STRENGTH 16
techno-demons, and give them a melee weapons 16 (19 defense), Lifting 18
reasonable amount of time to do missile weapons 15, stealth 15, TOUGHNESS 16 (21)
that. Then, if they want to join the unarmed combat 16 (19) PERCEPTION 10
attack on Jezrael, let them. STRENGTH 17 Alteration magic 13, divination
Lifting 20 magic 13, find 14 (17), first aid
Jezrael TOUGHNESS 17(23) 11, land vehicles 12, tracking 14,
Acrobatics 20, dodge 25, energy Alteration magic 16, divination MIND 11
weapons 26, fire combat 21, magic 16, find 15, first aid 13, Apportation magic 14, conjura-
heavy weapons 20, maneuver land vehicles 14, tracking 16, trick tion magic 14, test 15, willpower
22, melee weapons 20, unarmed 14 15

Torg: War's End

CHARISMA 9 Cut To ... Kaah is the only being to have

Persuasion 11, taunt 13 stepped into the subterranean
SPIRIT 11 Once the Jezrael-Sidon aspect of Nexus, and as a result, is an amal-
Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 16, in- the battle is resolved, cut to Scene gam of all cosms. His body is now
timidation 16, reality (Tharkold) Seven, "The Lizard and the Ava- the source of a tremendous amount
14 tar." of potential energy, just waiting to
Possibilities: 8 be released. In more ways than
Arcane Knowledges: Folk 3, e11- one, Kaah is a walking time bomb.
tity 3, inanimate forces 2, living forces SCENE SEVEN: Kaah harbors a psychotic ha-
2 tred for Storm Knigh ts, who he
Spells: Monkey form The Lizard and the blames for the collapse of his realm.
Natural Tools: Teeth, damage Avatar He will attack the Knights imme-
value STR+2/18; talons, damage diately upon seeing them.
value STR+3/19; wings, speed
value 10; wingstrike damage value Kaah
STR+7/23 The Situation DEXTERITY 21
Equipment: Res-14/ Alph lasers, Beast riding 28, biotech weap-
damage value 25, ammo 50. Dramatic. Kaah, the Gaunt Man's ons 25, dodge 24, energy weap-
Cyberware: Nanocord, cataclysmic trigger, appears on the ons 25, fire combat 25, flight 22,
Wind sniffer, Balance Wires scene, followed by Jeff Mills, the lockpicking 22, long jumping 23,
Interdermal Plate, armor valu~ avatar of Apeiros. Read aloud or maneuver 28, martial arts 22
TOU+5/21, Cybertalons, damage paraphrase the following: melee weapons 29, missile weap~
value STR+5/21, Cyberwings, ons 29, running 23, stealth 27,
The Gaunt Man watches the
Llfecyber, 3-slotChipholder. Cyber swimming 23, unarmed combat
huge battle with the delighted
value: 16 28
countenance of a child watching
Two of the raiding Tharkoldu electric trains chugging on their
Climbing 26, lifting 27
have a miniature receiver that en- appointed circuits. The sands of
abled them to pick up the trail bug's the Devil's Playground are satu-
sIgnal. The techno-demons' mis- rated with blood. Tharkoldu,
Alteration magic 19, cyberdeck
sion is a simple one: search for and gospog, Dire Wolves, and LA re-
ops 19, divination magic 19, evi-
destroy the Storm Knights and as sistance fighters continue their
dence analysis 20, find 28, first
many of the resistance as possible, struggle, all sides suffering hor-
aid 19, land vehicles 19, language
and return with a confirmed sight- rendous casualties.
19, psionic manipulation 19,
ing of Sidon. Suddenly, from behind you,
scholar (Living Land realm lore)
When the battle is over, Sidon there comes a disturbingly famil-
27, tracking 22, trick 30
will find the bug on the Storm iar, sibilant voice. IIS sstormerss!
Knight. The Knight can expect to Good! I have a bloodlust only you
Apportation magic 19, business
be questioned at length about just can sssate!" You turn and find
19, conjuration magic 19,
where his loyalties lie. These techno- yourself staring into the face of
cybertech 19, hypnotism 19,
demons are involved in the battle Kaah, the denizen of all realities,
meditation 19, occult 20, psionic
but not engaged with the Knights: armed and ready for battle.
resistance 19, psychology 19,
If the characters do not inter- science (biotech) 19,science (com-
vene in the Jezrael-Sidon battle, puters) 19, streetwise 19, sur-
Sidon. attempts to move the fight The Action vival 23, test 27, weird science
by flymg off. Jezrael sinks her slic- 19, willpower 24
Kaah has arrived, led here by
ers into his flesh and goes along CHARISMA 19
mad dreams planted in his already
for the nde. Her added weight Persuasion 22, taunt 25
shattered mind by the Gaunt Man.
throws Sidon out of control and SPIRIT 25
The Orrorshan High Lord intends
they plunge toward a mesa in the Corruption 27, faith (Keta Kalles)
on using Kaah as his trigger - the
distance. When they hit, there is a edeinos would cause the detona- 33, focus 31, intimidation 33
huge flash of light and the two of reality (all) 41 '
tion that would shake the San
t~em are gone. (Later investiga- Possibilities: 100
Andreas fault and provide the
hon WIll reveal no traces of either Corruption Value: 25
Gaunt Man with the physical en-
one of them.) Fear Rating: 4
ergy he needs to become Torg.

•• 108
Act Four

Powers: Fire attack (damage Arcane Knowledges: Metal 1, Nanodoc makes self-repairs with
value 34) (comes from his eyes), living forces 4, plant 4 a medicine skill value of 20. All
animal control (snakes and lizards), Spells: Steel shower, charm per- factors and bonuses have already
blur form. son, heal, sixth sense, plant shackles been applied to Kaah's skills.
Perseverance DN: 18 Miracles: Any miracle from any Since his transformation, Kaah
Weakness: Touched by an eter- cosm has managed to learn how to use
nity shard (severe) Alignment: Coar all of the diverse talents that he has
True Death: Slain by a sword Psionic Powers: Psychic Screen, been "blessed" with. He has be-
with a metal handle and pommel, Awareness, Life Sellse, Psi Detectioll, come a very formidable opponent,
wooden blade, and magically en- Beacon, Domination, Psychic Assault and is most anxious to demonstrate
chanted. Natural Tools: Claws, damage this to the Storm Knights.
Pulp Power: Sonic scream (value value STR+3/27; teeth, damage Let Kaah and the Knights bloody
24) value STR+2/26; tail, damage value each other for a while, but don't let
Equipment: .45 automatic, dam- STR+1/25 them kill him if it can be avoided.
age value 16, ammo 6; katana, dam- Additional Notes: Kaah can use At some point, the Gaunt Man
age value STR+7/21; Res-14 laser, a Possibility to remove only two should summon Kaah to his side
damage value 25, ammo 50; bin- packets of damage rather than three. and then send him into the middle
oculars; I1R goggles; lockpick tools; His CSI LED gives him data read- of the battlefield, there to await his
backpack; Marseilles/Hermes outs, his Belle-View Low Light new master's signal.
cyberdeck; medkit. Cyberware: amplifies existing light, and his
NeuraCal, J-Jack, optical package TeleSight gives him a +3 to find at
(CSI LED, Belle©View Low Light, range. He can record sounds with Enter the Avatar
BelleSee TeleSight), cybercorder his cyber ear. Kaah's cybershroud
ear, cybershroud, cyberwings +2, shields his cyberware from a It's time for yet another new
nanodoc, slashers, damage value Modspotter, plus gives him a +5 vs arrival. A bright light suddenly
STR+4/23. Cyber value: 23 electronic detection and a +2 de- flares beside the Knights, similar
Inclination: Evil fense vs smart weaponry. His to the one tha t teleported them

Torg: War's End

quake along the San Andreas fault.

He'll use that to absorb the physi-
cal energy he needs to become
Torg. If he succeeds, millions will
die and then millions more when
he ascends."
If one of the Knights points out
that they are nowhere near the fault,
the Avatar will explain impatiently
that nevertheless, this is the ideal
point for a detonation. The Gaunt
Man is playing his own version of
geophysical dominos.
The Avatar hefts the sword.
"This is the only thing that can
stop the Gaunt Man ... and I'm
the only one who can stop him.
You must go and stop Kaah. He's
the explosive - the Orrorshan is
the detonator. Stop one and you
stop the other. Now go!"

The Action
Kaah must be stopped once and
for all. That is the sale object of this
scene. Naturally, the Storm Knights
will have to wade into the bloody
melee, which may mean more at-
tacks against the above-listed com-
batants. Gamemasters should use
their best judgment; if the Storm
Knights still aren't bloodied much,
throw more combatants at them.

Cut To ...
This time, let the Knights kill or
subdue Kaah if they're able. Once
they do - or once you feel too
early in the adventure. Read aloud you have known this body as Jeff much time has gone by - cut to
or paraphrase: Mills- I used that guise, the Five Scene Eight.
A being walks forth from the Realms game and later my pow-
light. At first, he looks like a young ers to try and slip you informa-
man clad in jeans and a Five tion without drawing the Gaunt SCENE EIGHT: In
Man's attention. But it's too late
Realms shirt. Then he begins to
for games now. So now you see
Final Battle
shift back and forth between this
form and one of pure energy. In me for what I truly am: the Avatar
his hand he holds a glowing sword of Apeiros in this cosm, he who
made of red and blue stone. He embodies creation. The Situation
looks at you after a moment and "You have to listen. The Gaunt
says, "I hope I'm in time. Some of Man is planning to use Kaah as Dramatic. The Gaunt Man strikes
the trigger for a massive earth- down Jeff Mills with a fatal blow,

Act Four

and the Storm Knights need to grab The Action "Creation can never truly be
the sword and use it against the destroyed, Storm Knights. Though
would-be Torg. If Kaah is not dead, the Gaunt my physical shell is dead, and my
The characters may have downed Man snaps his fingers at this point spirit quickly dying, I will live on
Kaah at this point. If they haven't, and the edeinos collapses to the in you. Seek, and you shall find
the edeinos goes stiff and glassy- ground. A swirling mass of green my blade, for only the wicked are
eyed as the events of the "read vapor appears in the Gaunt Man's blind."
aloud" begin. Either way, he is out hand. Read aloud or paraphrase: The characters suddenly feel re-
of the fight. newed strength. Any and all dam-
"All this death, stormers, all
Read aloud or paraphrase the age they have taken is healed {of
this glorious death. This is the
following: course, dead Knights stay dead}
combined life energy - physical
You hear a sound like the rush- energy, if you will - of all those and they receive a temporary +5to
ing of wind, followed by a ter- who died on this field. Add to their Dexterity and +10 to their
rible scream. Then you suddenly that the energies of this pitiful Strength, courtesy of the dying
realize silence has descended on Avatar, and poor, bedeviled Kaah Avatar. A Perception or find total of
the Devil's Playground. ... and I have much ofwhatI need. 15 reveals the sword to be just where
You look around, and realize But not quite all ..." it was seen last, but cloaked from
that the battle is over. In every the sight of the Gaunt Man.
In the air above the Gaunt Man,
direction, dead bodies lie stretched The Storm Knights still have a
the dark figure of Ardinay appears.
out. Flies have begun gathering problem - how to get the sword.
She is not there to attack - merely
on the corpses. Gospog, Dire Once they have it, they'll be close
to observe. On the horizon, the
Wolves, techno-demons, Race sol- enough to engage the Gaunt Man
clouds begin to shift madly, and
diers, and LA Resistance, all are in battle. Some sort of distraction
for only a moment, it seems as if a
dead. A single first-planting is needed, and it's up to the play-
horrible, formless face is looking
gospog, missing the right half of ers what kind {might be a good
into this world. This is the Name-
its face and its right arm, staggers time to use those Martyr cards}.
less One, preparing for the feast
amidst the fallen, too stupid to Figure at a run it will only take the
that must surely follow the Gaunt
know that it should be dead too. characters a round to grab the
Man's ascension.
A solitary techno-demon, its wings sword.
Read aloud or paraphrase:
broken, tries in vain to fly, and Once the sword is grasped, it
only succeeds in making its "I offer you a choice, stormers, shifts to a shape familiar with the
wounds even worse, hastening as I have done in the past: crawl to wielder's reality:
death. me, beg for the mercy that is mine Aysle: The weapon becomes a
You see the Gaunt Man grin- to give, and your end will be swift. beautifully crafted elven sword.
ning madly, and at his feet, the Refuse, and you will live to see Core Earth: The weapon becomes
burning corpse of "Jeff Mills," your world die around you. You a large hunting knife.
the Avatar of Apeiros. A short will be the last living things re- Cyberpapacy: The weapon grafts
distance away from the body, maining on this barren planet ... itself onto the wielder's hand, and
about six meters from where you and I will make you relive your becomes a set of three blades, as if
stand, lies the sword that the Ava- failure again, and again, and again. it were cybernetic slashers.
tar was trying to use. Looking at I give you a moment-this cosm's Land Below/Land Above: The
the Gaunt Man, it becomes ap- last moment- to make your de- weapon becomes a spear.
parent that his foe never landed a cision." Living Land: The weapon turns
blow on the High Lord. As you Looks pretty hopeless, doesn't into a spear with living leaves pok-
stare at the sword, it. fades from it? Ba ttle-weary Storm Knights ing out of the shaft.
view. against a High Lord growing more Nile Empire: The weapon be-
The Gaunt Man looks at you powerful by the moment, and the comes a scimitar.
and smiles. "And so it comes down only weapon capable of stopping Nippon Tech: The weapon turns
once again to you, stormers, as it him lost from view. But all is not into a katana.
always has, as it always must. I lost ... Orrorsh: The weapon turns into
commend you for actually sur- In that moment of grace given a cavalry saber.
viving long enough to face me ... by the Gaunt Man, the characters Space Gods: The weapon be-
but all good things must come to hear the voice of the Avatar in comes a sword of pulsating light.
an end." their minds. Tharkold: The weapon grafts

Torg: War's End

•• 112
Act Four

itself onto the wielder's wrist, turn- and a shrill death shriek leaves the wound in the sky begins to
ing into a cyber-cestus. his mouth, the sound carrying for heal. This, you know, was the
The Sword of Apeiros miles. Vainly, the Gaunt Man's Nameless One ... stopped just
Cosm: All noW shrivelling fingers try to pull short of devouring this cosm.
Possibilities: Thousands the weapon out, but it is to no There is one more scene to be
Tapping Difficulty: 19 avail. You shield your eyes as the played. Above them, the dark god-
Purpose: To slay the Chosen of High Lord's body is wracked by a dess that is Ardinay transforms
the Nameless One series of increasingly powerful back to the Lady of the Houses of
Powers: The sword is the only explosions, each one sending a Aysle, Pella Ardinay, and plum-
weapon that can bring true death jolt of "agony through his frame. mefs to Earth. The sands shift to
to the Gaunt Man. Finally, one last explosion cushion her body as she lands, and
Group Power: Gate erupts, blasting the Gaunt Man to though not unhurt, she is alive.
Restrictions: None the four winds, and unleashing a The death of the Gaunt Man and
Damage Value: STR+10/35 massive rippling pulse of possi- the retreat of the Nameless One
bility energy. You shield your eyes have "purged her of her taint of
The Storm Knight with the as the energy wave keeps expand-
weapon must get four wounds on corruption. In saving the cosm, the
ing outward, and something deep Knights have saved a soul as well.
the Gaunt Man. Due to the Apeiros- within you realizes that the wave
charged nature of this weapon, the Read aloud or paraphrase:
will cover the entire earth. Fear-
Gaunt Man will be unable to use fully, you wonder what effect it Now, at last, the battlefield is
Possibilities to heal himself. He will have. at peace. The sword is no more;
will, however, have his cane re- As your eyes adjust to the blind- the Gaunt Man is no more. It takes
shape itself into a sword (damage ing light, the very skies themselves several long moments for you to
value STR+6/27) and attempt to appear to rend open. Something realize the import of what has just
parry the Knights' attacks. dark and seductive roils within happened: after five long years,
the breach. A huge chunk of black the war is over.
matter flies up from the explosion's And Earth has won.
Death of the Gaunt ground zero, and hurls itself into
Man the hole. You have this queasy
Adventure Awards
feeling that you shouldn't look
If and when the Gaunt Man is into the breach, at least, not if you
slain by the sword of Apeiros, read AlIStorm Knights who survived
want to keep your sanity intact. the adventure should receive 25
aloud or paraphrase the follow-
ing: Have each Storm Knight gener- Possibilities. The character who
ateaMind or willpower total. They'll actually killed the Gaunt Man
As the weapon of Apeiros need a 12 to avoid looking into the should receive an additional five.
plunges into the Gaunt Man, a breach. If they do look, they see
huge blast of red and blue energy the following:
knocks everyone down onto the
Within the tear in space, you What Now?
blood-soaked sand. The weapon
remains lodged in the High Lord's see a face that is both more and The Possibility Wars maybe over
chest. less than human ... something ... but the adventure need not end
Pure white light erupts from made of shadows and mist and a there. Check out the Appendix at
the Gaunt Man's eyesockets as deeper darkness than any you've the end of this book for some ideas
his jaw drops lower that any nor- ever seen. You feel a tidal wave of of where you and your Torg char-
mal person would think possible, rage and frustration pass over you acters can go from here.
as the entity begins to recede and

Torg: War's End

Appendix A

What Lies Beyond?

1111 ""y
coffeeJ""" "".!h.,
and stared out
the large windows of
Tavern on the Green.
turn of Major Havoc. Presumed
dead in battle with the Scarlet Asp,
he had revealed that an antidote
taken prior to the fight had saved
Just six months ago, him from her venom. She had per-
New York's Central Park had been ished in the fall into the Tharkoldu
a gospog field of massive propor- reactor pit, but Havoc's superb re-
tions. No longer. flexes had allowed him to survive.
The reality wave that swept Havoc was gone now, too. He
across Earth had succeeded in driv- had not even kissed her goodbye
ing the remnants of the invading - simply smiled, saluted, and
realities away, but there was still stepped into the gem-like gate that
much work to be done. Over 2.5 would bring him back to Terra.
billion people had died as a result Wu Han would be waiting, he was
of the war; trillions of dollars worth certain, to resume their decades-
of damage had been done to cities old battle. She was certain of one
around the world. An almost fran- thing, she would not miss that
tic desire to rebuild had gripped Oriental despot, any more than she
the populace, but it still might take would miss ...
decades to undo all that had been "Corey Jones, your soul is mine."
done in a mere five years by the The Gaunt Man.
Possibility Raiders. Corey leapt out of her chair,
Corey sighed as she took an- reaching into her pocketbook by
other sip of coffee. She had gone reflex and pulling out a ... com-
back to her old'job at International pact. Fortunately, the man facing
Cable News, and shook her head her was not the High Lord of
as she thought about all the hype Orrorsh, but a young fellow in jeans,
that had surrounded the end of the dress shirt, and black suit coat.
war: parades, books, movies, and "Who ... who the hell are you?
virtually every other kind of mer- That was not funny!" she snapped.
chandising possible. Even the piece The young man looked cha-
of music ICN used to introduce its grined, and ran a hand through his
reports on the Possibility Wars had sandy brown hair. "Aw, Corey ...
been released as a single. you don't recognize me?"
Her thoughts shifted to her Corey stared at the young man a
friends. Kayla, the Ayslish barbar- bit longer, then her eyes suddenly
ian, Daremo, the ninja from Nippon went wide with recognition. "Doc?"
Tech, and Marcel Berge of Magna she whispered, a smile coming to
Verita had returned to their home her lips.
cosms, courtesy of the Nexus of "Just plain 01' Jeff Lambert now,"
reality. They had joined a massive he smiled back, as he leaned down
migration of non-Core Earthers who and kissed her cheek.
used the rapidly healing reality "My god, I almost didn't recog-
interface to get back home. nizeyou," she marvelled. "You look
Perhaps the biggest surprise of so different without a gun in your
that final battle had been the re- hand ... and a full head of hair

•• 114
Appendix A

"Right!" Jeff's eyes gleamed. "But

Corey ... I went back."
"What??" Corey said, shocked.
Jeff raised his a finger to his lips.
"5hh. Yeah. I went to Tharkold,
and found that I could recharge
my reality for another three months,
and so on," he grinned. Jeff's eyes
suddenly had a faraway look in
them. "But I didn't only go to
Tharkold, Corey. I saw other places
too. Places we never even dreamed
"How, Jeff? How did you get
past the guards?" The United Na-
tions had taken over security at
the Nexus to prevent any armed
incursions of Earth through it.
"The UN's as effective at secur-
ing the Nexus as they are at keep-
ing peace in the Balkans."
"So what does this have to do
with me?" Corey asked finally.
''I'm going down again," Jeff an-
nounced in an excited whisper.
"Come with me! We can go to a
thousand places. Maybe we can
even visit Kayla or Daremo!"
that isn't dyed!" Jeff nodded. "Uh huh. And bor- "I don't know, Jeff," Corey
Jeff chuckled. "Yeah, thanks, I ing, too, I'll bet." sighed. "I have responsibilities, a
guess! So, how's it goin', Corey?" Corey tried to look insulted, bu t boyfriend ... bills to pay, a car that
"Oh, the same. Wars, famines, couldn't carry it off. "He is not bor- needs tuning up ... " Corey stopped
floods ... our own reality seems to ing. He's just ... normal. And nice." as if something just dawned on
have plenty of disasters of its own. "Yeah," Jeff snorted. "And bor- her. She reached into her purse,
And I'm back to covering them. ing." As Corey shook her head, took care of the check, and rose.
How about you? Not much of a Jeff leaned closer. "Yo, Corey. I "Gotta find a phone," she mur-
career as a ganger anymore, huh?" have something to show you!" He mured. "Got two phone calls to
"You've got that right. Once rested his right elbow on the table, make."
UCLA was backup to speed, I went and moved his hand so only she "Oh?" Jeff smiled. "To whom?"
back into med school. I'm study- could see it. He closed his eyes for "The first to Mitch, to give him
ing ways of researching cybernet- a millisecond, and a trio of the 'we can always be friends' spiel,"
ics, trying to bring them to our monofilament blades slipped out she grinned. "The second one to
tech level, using them as prosthet- of his knuckles. work, announcing that I'm taking
ics. It's a tough job, let ryle tell you. Corey's eyes went wide. "How two months of my vacation time,
But I'm on break now." Jeff paused did you -" she began, then shook starting today!"
and seemed to stare at ·an imagi- her head. "And that's how you "Yes! Attagirl, Corey!" Jeff gave
nary point in the room, then looked imitiated the Gaunt Man's voice! a soft cheer. "You won't regret this!
back at the newswoman. "So ... A cybernetic speech synthesizer!" It will be just like old times!"
are you happy?" "Bingo," smirked Jeff, using the "Then let's get started before I
The question caught Corey off- voice of the Gaunt Man again. change my mind," she said, smil-
guard. "Happy? Well ... yes, I'd "Wait," Corey narrowed her ing.
say so ... career's going well ... I eyes. "All the other realites are "Fat chance of that," Jeff replied.
have a nice condo ... met a guy, gone. Sure, there are a few "Once you step through the Nexus
Mitch, he's an assistant director. hardpoints left here and there, but ... you won't ever want to come
He's nice." that's all." back."

Torg: War's End

information presented in the vari- ing? Well, there's a little matter of

All Good Wars ous Torg sourcebooks can be of Core Earth's Darkness Device,
Must Come To an great use in this kind of campaign which has never been recovered
- it's also a great way to bring (remember, the Device in High Lord
End your Torg characters into one or of Earth was actually from
more of West End's new MasterBook Kantovia). Getting a hold of that
The fiction piece above is vet-
worlds. As of this writing, these would allow one to reign without
eran Torg author John Terra's view
include: rivals in the cosmo
of what life is like after the Possi-
The World of Bloodshadows The setting for this is essentially
bility Wars. But it's not the only
The World of Indiana Jones a world rebuilding, very much like
possible outcome - assuming the
The World of Tank Girl post-World War II Europe. It puts
Storm Knights win, there are many
The World of Species the emphasis more on intrigue than
post-war settings in which they
The World of Necroscope on big battles and such, but re-
might find themselves.
member that elements of the other
For one thing, it might not even See below for a Torg-MasterBook two scenarios presented here can
be post-war. Perhaps, in your cam- conversion. also be incorporated into it.
paign, the defeat of the Gaunt Man
does not spell the end of the Possi- Post-Scenario #2: Fans of the
bility Wars. Or maybe your party But This War Had Mad Max films, A Boy and His Dog
and The World ofTank Girl will like
only managed to prevent the Gaunt
Man's becoming Torg, but didn't Such Promise ... ! this one. The global reality storm
kill him. In that case, you may want was a cataclysm of epic propor-
So the waris over, but your Torg tions. Entire cities were levelled.
to keep fighting the war, and that
party doesn't want to go gently Food, water and energy are in short
is possible. Omni Gaming Prod-
into that goodnight. And they want supply. Some hardpoints and pock-
ucts has licensed first-edition Torg
to know what Earth is like in the ets of non-Core Earth reality re-
from West End and is planning to
wake of their victory. Listed below main in this post-holocaust world,
keep producing Infiniverse and Pos-
are three possibilities: but no one knows just where they
sibility Wars products. For more
information, write: Post-Scenario #1: This is essen- are. Storm Knights remain the best
tially the world as defined by John defense against invaders from
Omni Gaming Products
Terra above. The invading reali- pocket dimensions, etc., but must
1452 Michele Drive
ties have been driven from Earth also band together for mutual sur-
Palatine, IL 60067
by the global reality storm. Some vival. The benefit of this scenario
It's also possible that the char- of the invaders have left, some re- is tha t it essentially wipes the game
acters will decide to carry the war main hidden, making use of the board clean, so gamemasters don't
to other cosms, or simply explore Nexus to come and go from their have to deal with any aspects of
other worlds. The "home cosm" home cosms. Why are they remain- Torg they don't like. The downside
is that too many adventures can
wind up being just about staying
alive, with the characters' actions
hampered by constant searches for
water and ammunition.
Post-Scenario #3: This is possi-
bly the most interesting and fully
realized of the three. The global
reality storm was a disaster, but
not as devastating a one as in #2.
Its effects include the burning out
of all stelae in place on Earth and
disruption of communication sys-
tems other than those at really short-
range. (This has the effect of ren-
dering the characters blind and deaf
to what is going on in the rest of

the world - if they want to find

1 6 " ' "
Appendix A

out what post-war Cairo is like,

they'll have to go there.)
Although the stelae are gone,
the realities remain, burned into
the land where they were for five
years. Most likely, these are mixed
zones or dominant zones - re-
gardless, England is still Aysle,
France the Cyberpapacy, for pur-
poses of axiom levels. The High
Lords are gone or out of power,
their armies dissolved, but many
of their minions remain. Possibil-
ity energy has been restored to the
people, so everyone has at least a
little, but many, many people died
in that last transformation.
The Nexus remains tainted.
Those areas that don't have a real-
ity burned in are prey to constantly
shifting ones (and the last minute
Kantovian invasion means their
reality is thrown into the mix, too).
Characters with especially strong
reality skills can temporarily lock a
place into their own reality, but
only eternity shards placed along
the borders can completely stabi-
lize it. The search for shards is a
big part of this setting.
Although they're not the only
ones with possibilities, the Storm
Knights are still the best at han-
dling shifting realities. As they
wander the world, trying to deter-
mine what has happened to differ-
ent areas, they encounter all sorts
of strange sights. Former servants
of High Lords have established
fiefdoms of their own realities,
bounded by shards. And, as in #1,
there is the search for the Core
Earth Darkness Device.
Another effect of the global storm
is that access to pocket dimensions
is far easier, with gates to be found
in many places on Earth. This gives
the characters a lot more options, of West End's games will be under
should they tire of adventuring on To rg-MasterB 0 ok this system. If you want to bring
this world. This scenario empha-
sizes explora tion and the unknown
Conversion your Torg party into a MasterBook
world or continue to play Torgwith
as well as high adventure and con- MasterBook is the new universal the new rules, what follows is a
stantly changing settings. rules system developed by West very brief conversion. Note that
End in 1994, and with the excep- MasterBook has its roots in the Torg
tion of Star Wars and Paranoia, all system, so many of the concepts-

Torg; War's End

and transfer it to the appropriate

skill in MasterBook. For your con-
venience, the basic MasterBook skill
list is reprinted here. Where names
have changed, the Torg name is
given in parentheses after the
MasterBook name.

Background Generation
Players converting established
Torg characters to MasterBook need
not make use of the Background
Advantages and Compensations
system in MasterBook if they don't
choose to. Essentially, it's a way of
codifying and assigning values to
character traits that probably al-
ready exist as part of the Torg
character's background. In this case,
players should view the system as

Possibilities Vs. Life Points

MasterBook's Life Points work in
much the same way as Possibili-
ties. Their damage reduction pow-
the Value Chart, the bonus table, Toughness using the following ers are the same; they can be used
etc. - will already be familiar to chart. Add the two sets of Tough- to counter expenditures by other
Torg players. For a complete ex- ness Points together to find out players or the gamemaster; and
planation of the new system, what the character's Toughness is: they can be used to gain roll-agains.
gamemasters are encouraged to In addition, Life Points can be used
Strength Toughness Points to reduce the success of an
purchase the MasterBook. 10 to 13 4 opponent's interaction attempt by
7 to 9 3 one level.
5 to 6 2
Converting Characters There are a few important dif-
Endurance Toughness Points ferences, namely that every char-
Character conversion is really 12 to 13 8 acter (with the exception of most
quite simple. Where Torg has seven 9 to 11 7 animals and completely mindless
character attributes, MasterBook has 7 to 8 6 beings) has a t least one Life Point;
eight, including one derived at- 5 to 6 5 starting characters have five Life
tribute, Toughness. Here are the Points; and there is a cap. No char-
The Torg character's Perception
steps to converting your Torg acter may have more than 10 Life
becomes MnsterBook In tellect; Mind
character's stats to MasterBook: Points - excess Life Points must
transfers to Mind; Spirit value be-
1.) Take your Torg character's be converted into Skill Points, to
comes the Confidence value; and
Dexterity value. This will be the be used in improving the character's
Charisma transfers to Charisma.
value for your MasterBook skill levels or buying new skills.
4) Now it's time to think about
character's Agility and Dexterity.
your skills. Note that some skills
2) Take your Torg character's
can be found under different at-
Toughness value. This will be the
tributes in MasterBook than they
Playing Torg With
Endurance value ofyour MasterBook
were in Torg, or under slightly dif- MasterBook Rules
ferentnames. To transferyourskills,
3) The Strength value transfers If you are continuing your Torg
simply take the number of adds

directly from one to the other. Now campaign with the MasterBookrules,
your Torg character had in a skill
find your MasterBook character's

_ .--------------------
...... 1 1 8 . . . ,~
Appendix A

M asterBook Skill List

Acrobatics Energy Weapons Charm
Beast Riding' Fire Combat Disguise
Climbing Gunnery·t Persuasion
Dodge Heavy Energy Weapons·t Summoning·t
Flight' Heavy Weapons' Taunt
Long Jumping Lock Picking INTELLECT
Maneuver Missile Weapons'
Apportation (Apportation Magic)'
Martial Arts Prestidigitation
Mechanical Maneuver·t Thrown Weaponst
Computer Ops
Melee Combat (Melee Weap- Vehicle Piloting (Air Vehicles, Land
ons) Deduction
Vehicles, Water Vehicles, Space Ve-
Melee Parryt hicles)'
Divination (Divination Magic)'
Running MIND Forgery
Artist' First Aid
Business Unguisticst
Unarmed Combat
Conjuration (Conjuration Magic)' Navigation
Unarmed Parryt
Hypnotism Perception (Evidence Analysis,
CONFIDENCE Language' Find)t
Alteration (Alteration Magic)' Medicine Psionic Manipulation
Cont Scholar' Science*
Faith' ENDURANCE Super-Sciencet
lnterrogationt Teaching·t
Resist Shock
Intimidation Tracking
Streetwise STRENGTH Trick
Survival' Lifting

"MacroskiII; must select a focus Boldface: Skill cannot be used untrained. t Skill new with MasterBook.

you should keep the following This should ease that problem. to start with in The World of
things in mind: • The reality skill will continue to Bloodshadows than in The World of
• MasterBook uses a 2d10 system, work the same in the Torg setting. Indiana Jones) supercede those of
as opposed to the Id20 system in Torg.
use in Torg. If you wish, you may • New characters created need not
continue using the 20-sided die, as Playing MasterBook have tag skills, though they are
it allows for more "heroic" rolls With Torg Characters not allowed to have more than three
which is part of the tone of Torg. initial adds in a skill. But they are
• Torg card play rules - number If you are taking your Torg party not required to have three adds in
of cards handed out, etc. - remain into a MasterBook world, the fol- anyone skill.
in effect. lowing should be kept in mind: • The reality skill does not exist in
• Use of a Possibility IUfe Point • You may continue using the Id20 any of the MasterBook worlds at
cap in Torg is optional, but recom- system if you want to, providing present. If characters wish, they
mended. One of problems cited by player characters and gamemaster may shift reality skill adds into the
Torg gamemasters in the past is characters alike get to use it. willpower skill.
characters who have 75-100 Possi- • Card play rules for individual • The Ufe Point cap is in place in
bilities and are impossible to stop. universes (Le., you get fewer cards MasterBook worlds and should be

Torg: War's End

cated ... or forgotten.

Finally, we'd like to thank all of
those who helped make the Torg
experience possible: Sandy
Addison, Eric Aldrich, Paul
Balsamo, Jim Bambra, Grant
Boucher, Jeff Brown, Steven Brown,
Tim Brown, Kevin Carroll, Jonatha
Ariadne Caspian, Gary Corbin,
Stephen Crane, Greg Detwiler, Dr.
George Exner, Greg Farshtey,
Patrick Flanagan, Ma tt Forbeck, Dr.
Michael Fortner, Greg Gorden, Dan
Greenberg, Rebecca Hall, Shane
Lacy Hensley, Richard Hawran,
Paul Hume, Phil Inkpen, Robin
Jaskow, Douglas Kaufman, Chris-
topher Kubasik, Mike Lansdaal,
Jamie Lewandowski, Frank Lind,
used. If you aren't going to use it, for West End, it is time to bring the James Long, Robert Maxwell,
the number of Life Points for saga to a close. We felt we owed it Shawn Metcalf, Scott Mitchell, Paul
gamemaster characters should be to the devoted fans of the game to Murphy, Genichi Nishio, Mike
increased to reflect this and keep give the story an ending, one that Nystul, Jim Ogle, Bill Olmesdahl,
the game in balance. would tie up some loose ends, solve Daniel Scott Palter, Denise D. Pal-
a few mysteries, and leave the door ter, Brian Sean Perry, Lou Prosperi,
open for future adventuring. Brian Schomburg, Ron Seiden, Bill
Final Words Will there be a second edition of Slavicsek, Bill Smith, Lester Smith,
Torg? With the MasterBook system Shari Smith, Caroline Spector, Ed
From the beginning, Torg has been in place and as successful as it has Stark, Kevin Stein, Lisa Stevens,
a labor of love. It was an extremely been, it's possible. Torg, from the G.D. Swick, John Terra, Lawrence
successful effort at multi-genre gam- beginning, has been about listen- Trainer, c.J. Tramontana, Chris
ing, which introduced such innova- ing to the voices of the players - Weeks,John White,Stephan Wieck,
tive concepts as an interactive news- and if that voice says they want a Stewart Wieck, Jennifer Williams,
letter and card play in roleplaying. new edition and a continuation of and Ray Winninger. We also pay
Its rule system was strong enough the story, West End will do its best our respects to two good friends
to spawn the Shatterzone system and to listen. and contributors to this game uni-
now MasterBook. Its adventures and As this last paragraph is writ- verse, Nigel Findley and Martin
sourcebooks were exciting and cre- ten, and we prepare to take down Wixted, whose passing is mourned
ative and reflected the enthusiasm the stelae maps from the "Torg by the entire industry. Finally, we'd
ofthe writers and editors who worked Situation Room," it feels more and also like to thank all of those who
on them. more like we are saying goodbye contributed to our Creatures books,
But from the beginning, designer to an old friend. For all the highs and most of all, the fans whose
Greg Gorden intended the Possi- and the lows, the Possibility Wars love for and participation in Torg
bility Wars to last only five years. were an experience for everyone made it the unique and special ex-
Those five years have passed, and involved that will never be dupli- perience it was.

•• 120
Character Name _

Player Name _
MasterBook Character Sheet
species IHeighl I Mass I Age I


o Liglrt no modifier

Moderate -2 to physical skills

0 Heavy -4 physical & ·2 all
other skills

o l"capncitated -8 to all skills

o Mortal automatic KG;
see text

o MRG (Movement
Rate, Ground)
o MRC (Movement
Rate, Climbing)

o MRS (Movement
o MRJ (Movement
Rate, Jumping



COLC\l:\' 7\:\\IE Igallle dfl'CO

DIE 9 11 21 26 31 36 41
3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 +5
BONUS # -10 -8 -7 -6 -5 -3 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 +1
®,TM & © 1995 West End Carnes. Pennission granted to photocopy for personal use.
Item Game Effect Notes (r.mgcs, elc.)

MasterBook Character Sheet






®,TM & © 1995 West End Games. Permission granted. to photocopy for personal use.
Appendix B

Appendix B

The domed world of Arachnidia Ustanah society is a cross be-
is connected to Core Earth by a tween an anthill and a city state of
series of tunnels, most of which Classical times on Earth. As with
come up in the northeastern or spiritual power, the Social axiom
north-central US. Like the rest of has been pressed to the limit here.
the pocket dimensions, this area The queen of the hive directs all
survived the end of the Possibility activities, which mostly consist of
Wars. The best known entrance is gathering food. Each ustanah adult
in Upper Michigan, through which gathers his or her own food; any
the ustanah emerged in the early surplus gleaned during the day is
days of the war. The ustanah are placed into a communal storage
the insectoid beings whose defeat building. Among other things, this
on Takta Ker marked the first con- food supports the troops of the
quest of former Living Land High ustanah standing army, which de-
Lord Baruk Kaah. fend the hunters and gatherers from
Arachnidia is said to a rich source the domed world's more danger-
of eternity shards, possibly as the ous wildlife.
result of an extracosmic invasion
at some point in its history.
The Law of
Axioms and World Cooperation
From the unanimity of onslaught
Laws similar to that of an outraged hive
Arachnidia has the same axioms of bees, the ustanah have evolved
as the Land Below in general, in- battle tactics that take full advan-
cluding Merretika (Magic 12, So- tage of the principles of coopera-
cialS, Spiritllal17, TechllologicallO). tion. The Law of Cooperation dem-
However, the ustanah have no onstrates this quite well. When-
mages to take advantage of the ever two or more characters are
first axiom, while their Stone Age working together toward a com-
society lags behind the realm's Tech mon goal, such as fighting the same
potential. Spiritual power is their individual enemy or using their
primary strength; the realm has a combined Strength totals to lift a
higher Spiritllal axiom than any of heavy object, they receive a +1 to
the realities that invaded Earth, their efforts.
save Takta Ker /the Living Land. There is, however, only a single
This turned the original edeinos/ modifier for characters making a
ustanah war into a bitter religious single combined effort, as in the
crusade that made the fighting even lifting example given above or the
more vicious. Now this domed heavy weapolls skill roll for the op-
world is the last stronghold of the erators a single crew-served
ustanah and their religion. (To il- weapon.
lustrate this, any non-ustanah
miracles performed in Arachnidia
will be a one-case contradiction.)

Torg: War's End

"wild" versions of the wasps rid-

den by the Darooni of Merretika.
There are also plenty of giant in-
sects, spiders, scorpions,
crustraceans, worms, etc. to give
Arachnidia its own distinctive fla-
vor as regards fauna.
Besides the kraken, an Earth sea
monster that inhabits Arachnidia
is the tullimonstreum, an enormous
marine worm that is the source of
many "sea serpent" stories. This
prehistoric creature dates back to
Paleozoic times, but only its young
have been fossilized, causing se-
vere underestimation of the true
size of the "tully monster." Oddly
shaped for a worm, it has a thick
body with a noticeable head and
neck, paddlelike flippers up front
and large triangular tail to the rear.
It has a mouth full of sharp teeth.
Overall, it looks like a Mesozoic
plesiosaur, due to its similar lifestyle
and convergent evolution. It is 30
meters in length. (Note that all stats
given in this section are produced
using the MasterBook system.)
The Law of the Hive tures ranging from snow-capped
mountains to deserts and tropical Tullimonstreum
If Arachnidia is the last refuge jungles. The major difference is this: AGILITY 10
oftheustanahracein thecosmverse, the animal life of the realm, in- Swimming 10, unarmed combat
then the hive city is their last ref- cluding the only native intelligent 11
uge in the domed world. Conse- race, consists entirely of inverte- DEXTERITY 3
quently, any characters foolhardy brates, chiefly arthropods. Due to ENDURANCE 18
enough to attack the hive will dis- the high Magic axiom, greatly en- STRENGTH 20
cover the hard way that hives are larged versions of normal Earth TOUGHNESS 19 (23)
fiercely defended. Characters de- invertebrates are both possible and INTELLECT 7
fending a hive receive a +2 bonus common, providing Storm Knight Perception 8
to actions taken to protect it. This explorers with a series of deadly MIND 6
includes use of the dodge, maneu- threats. CONFIDENCE 7
ver, melee combat, mechanical ma- Aside from native wildlife, Intimidation (11), survival 10
neuver, missile weapons, unarmed Arachnidia is also to many huge CHARISMA 3
combat, fire combat, willpower and invertebrates from other realities. Charm (25), persuasion (25),
intimidation skills and - for those Many of these are creatures who taunt (25)
who have it - the reality skill as fled the chaos in the final days of Life Points: None
well. The rare ustanah shaman may the Living Land, such as the Natural Tools: Hide, armor value
also use it for their faith rolls when bonkthra, karkata, langatok, TOU+4/23; teeth, damage value
casting combat miracles. meksobat, nosktret, quartek, restra, STR+5/25; flippers, speed value
ropraj, shestike, torada and voskat. 13
However, other immigrants include
The Domed World giant desert beetles from the Nile
Empire, the kraken of Aysle, and Ustanah Civilization
Arachnidia is similar in appear- the werligar from the tunnels of
ance to Merretika and many other As noted above, the ustanah have
the Land Below. Also present are refined hive life to the point where
domed worlds, with terrain fea-

•• 124

it is roughly equivalent to that of a collection of separa te quartets op- age value STR+3/13; club-atlatl,
human city state. These insects are erating out of step with each other. damage value STR+4/14; crystal
well-disciplined, all working to- When weather permits their sys- discs, damage value STR+3/13,
gether for the good of the commu- tem to work, they operate like range 3-10/40/100
nity. As such, they have no need miitary automatons, reminding at
for laws - the army is there to least one scholar who saw them in
defend against outside threats battle of the Roman legions and Lands Below
alone. their similar small-unit tactics.
Ustanah military organization Current estimates are that there As noted in Appendix C, the
is based on multiples of four, with are at least 10,000 ustanah in Land Below and the various domed
the smallest unit the "appendage" Arachnidia, within 4000 of them in worlds survived the conclusion of
of four warriors, corresponding the standing army. In times of the Possibility Wars relatively un-
with the four limbs of an ustanah emergency, virtually all citizens scathed. In fact, access to these ar-
or human. One of these four is in are required to serve; they already eas is now far easier than it was
charge of all the others. These units know what units they serve in and before, due to the proliferation of
may work in pairs for hunting or with what comrades. Thus, "re- extradimensional ga tes on Earth.
gathering missions. In war, though, serve" units are just as skilled in Below are in-depth looks at the
the "quartet" or 16 warriors is al- battle as the "professionals," though tunnels beneath two of the former
most invariably the smallest unit whether this is due to instinct or realms:
to operate independently. practice is, as yet unknown. Both
In pitched battle, quartets ad- male and female ustanah serve in
vance in four rows, each row tak- the military.
ing turns using its club/atlatl to Of the entire ustanah race, only The tunnels beneath Los Ange-
hurl a volley of sharpened crystal the queen herself and perhaps a les are a curious combination of
discs at the enemy. These discs dozen scholars are exempt from natural and artificial conditions.
may also be hurled by hand at close serving in the ranks. The queen While the caverns themselves are
quarters if there is no time for pre- does organize the warriors, as her natural, with dark damp spaces of
cise firing ranks to operate. Ustanah pheromones ha ve a range of a half irregular shape, they are lit by dim
believe in firing off all their ammo of kilometer - the pheromones of fluorescent and neon lights. The
at once, then marching in close all other ustanah barely make it light they give off is sufficient for
quarters, wielding their atlatl de- 100 meters - making her the explorers to pick their way about,
vices such as clubs and fighting equivalent of a general. but it leaves plenty of areas in
with mandibles and pincers as the shadow, particularly in the cor-
situation dictates. Standard Ustanah Warrior ners, where anything can lurk.
A favorite tactic is to have one Reality: Arachnidia
In addition, some areas are sealed
or two appendages engage an equal AGILITY 10
off by solid steel doors which, when
number of enemies in combat, while Dodge 11, climbing 11, melee
blasted or battered through, seem
the remaining appendages in the combat 13, melee parry 11, mis-
to conceal nothing worth the effort
quartet swing around the flanks sile weapons 11, unarmed com-
of putting them here. Since the
for a double envelopment. Single bat12
doors, like everything else, ap-
flanking attacks are also possible DEXTERITY 10
peared with the initial Tharkold
if the enemy is numerous enough, ENDURANCE 12
axiom wash, their true purpose -
and if the odds are equal, or against STRENGTH 10
if any - may never be known.
the ustanah, there is nothing the TOUGHNESS 12 (14)
Entrances to this portion of the
warriors can do but stand where INTELLECT 8 .
Land Below can be found in base-
they are and fight. Camouflage 10, first aid 10, per-
ments, underground parking ga-
In battle, ustanah units commu- ception 9, tracking 10, trick 9
rages and subway tunnels through-
nicate with each other by means of MIND 9
out L.A., San Diego, Tijuana, and
various pheromones released by CONFIDENCE 9
their scent glands. This works in Intimidation 11, willpower 10
Many of the creatures of this
Arachnidia, where the only winds CHARISMA 8
realm are the wilder inhabitants of
are gentle breezes, but has led to Life Points: 3-5
the cosm itself: bochdogs, dire-
disaster elsewhere. A strong wind, Natural Tools: Chitin, armor
wings, necros, quons, swarmrats,
whether natural or created by value TOU+2/14; pincers, damage
etc. In addition, some ghuls and
magic, will reduce their army to a valueSTR+2/12; mandibles, dam-
rogue Tharkoldu use the more out-

Torg: War's End

of-way caverns as lairs to rest in Natural Tools: Cybermandibles, Still, almost no one bothered to
between attacks on the human damage value STR+S/17; metallic look into the matter until the start
population. There are also rumors exoskeleton, armor value TOU+4/ of the Possibility Wars, when it
ofroguegospog-thoseTharkoldu 16; Darksight eye, see normally in became apparent that a bizarre and
gospog who defeated the demons darkness; Dangerscan eye, +3 to unique system of caverns had
who tried to use the Law of Domi- perception when seeking hidden sprung into existence under each
nation on them - roaming the tun- dangers; Windhunter antenna, +3 of the invading realms. Now ex-
nels. They attack anything they to tracking by smell; Windsniffer ploring Storm Knight teams have
encounter. antenna, +3 to perception using uncovered the true nature of these
The following is an example of a smell; Adrenal Booster gland, +3 caverns.
creature unique to the caverns: to Agility, Dexterity and Strength The tunnels beneath Akasha are
(works once per day) clearly man-made in nature, being
Cyberpede long, straight square galleries
whose ceilings range in height from
One of the primary predators of Akasha two to seven meters, with an aver-
Tharkold's Land Below is the age wid th of three meters. These
cyberpede, a glittering golden cen- In the Andes Mountains, from
hallways lead to rooms both large
tipede five meters in length. It at- southernmost Ecuador to south-
and small. Some are empty, while
tacks prey by using its mandibles, ern Chile, and extending west into
others boast parts of a large horde
which appear to be of brass. Its Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, is a
of plaques, statues and other items
golden exoskeleton provides de- massive and fantastic tunnel net-
of copper, silver and gold.
cent armor protection, and it has a work. There have been rumors that
Contacts among the Space Gods
number of natural cybersystems. such existed before the arrival of
(prior to their departure) claimed
One of its eyes is a Dangerscan the Space Gods (no doubt con-
tha t the passages and rooms were
cybereye; the other is a Darksight. structed by the Machu Coar dur-
carved out of solid rock by means
It has a pair of antennae which it ing the Akashans' first visit to
of thermal drills tipped with the
waves incessantly; they serve as Earth), and is filled with incred-
metal wolfram - among the last
substitute olfactory organs, with ible treasures.
items of "pure" machinery the
the left and right ones serving as
equivalents to the Windhunter and
Windsniffer, respectively. Finally,
it has a special adrenal gland which
is a natural Adrenal Booster gland,
giving the creature its benefits once
every full day (24 hours).
AGILITY 11 (14)
Dodge 14, maneuver 12, stealth
13, unarmed combat 17
STRENGTH 12 (15)
Perception 16, tracking 17, trick
MIND 6 (15)
Intimidation 17, survival: sub-
terranean 17
Charm (28), persuasion (22),
taunt (26)
Life Points: None


Akashans created - and electron Ashlans are poisonous serpents Aside from wild animals, rogue
ray guns. These last are bazooka- two meters in length which have clans of Gudasko who remained
sized versions of the biotech an innate psionic power similar to behind and small knots of Lorbaat
electronus, firing bolts of electric- telekinetic flight, but designed for dissidents seeking refuge have
ity powerful enough to blast apart atmospheric flight. This gives it a moved into some of the rooms and
rock strata too hard for the drill. tremendous advantage over other hallways, using them as a base of
The drill heats all debris to the snakes in the hunt, as it can ac- operations. Human, smugglers,
melting point, and the resulting tively chase down prey. Their flight guerrillas and bandits have done
fluid then solidifies to a diamond- is totally silent, and what is worse the same.
hard glaze that covers the walls, from a Storm Knight's point of view The treasure to be found in these
floor and ceiling. This glaze is so is the fact that they are gregarious, caverns is quite substantial, with
hard that it holds the ceiling up all coiling together in the corners of items made of precious metal to be
by itself, without .the need for pil- rooms in extended families of up found quite literally in the hun-
lars and supports. to several dozen. dreds of tons. Golden statues and'
It also makes the tunnels system Up to a half dozen ashlans can statuettes of animals from all over
watertight, with the only water attack a man-sized target at once, the world, or from Akasha and
present being those underground with a Many-On-One advantage. other worlds in the Star Sphere,
pools or rivers that were deliber- They are quite fearless, relying on predominate, but there are also
ately left uncovered to supply the the speed of of their flight to keep books of gold or silver leaf and
residents. them out of trouble in combat. plaques depicting scenes from
Electron Ray Gun: Tech 30, dam- Akashan history. Finally, a few
Ashian walls have been adorned with bas-
age value 31, ammo 50, range 3- AGILITY 11
150/500/1k reliefs of copper, silver or gold,
Dodge 17, flight 13, maneuver showing the same scene as the
Due to the artificial nature of 12, unarmed combat 13 plaques.
the halls, there is no wildlife that is DEXTERITY 5 Next to simple exploration, the
native to them. However, many ENDURANCES most common adventure Storm
creatures from outside have come STRENGTH 6 Knights will have in the tunnels is
in to take up residence in them, TOUGHNESSS to either secure some of this vast
just as if they were ordinary cav- INTELLECT 10 treasure or prevent others from
erns. Among them are many of the Perception 11, trick (11) getting it. Other possibilities in-
bizarre creatures the Akashans ei- MIND 6 clude wiping out monsters, ban-
ther brought with them or inad- Survival 10 dits or terrorist gangs. Although
vertently created via their genetic CONFIDENCE 7 the glaze over the tunnels seems
experiments. The iemisch, Intimidation 11 indestructible, it is possible that it
lemekanns, and munjabu are most CHARISMA 5 might be shattered in some spot,
common, as are mylodons (like Charm (40) possibly allowing creatures from
megatheriums, but only half as Life Points: None the Land Below to find their way
large). Other creatures never re- Natural Tools: Fangs, damage in. Some teams might even decide
corded before have also been en- value STR+3/9; poison, damage to set up shop there themselves; as
countered in the tunnels, such as value 13 per round; telekinetic bases e;o, they could do worse.
ashlans. flight, speed value 11


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