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Nature Inspired Optimization for Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks - Review

International Journal of Distributed

Sensor Networks
2020, Vol. 16(8)
Evolution of wireless sensor network Ó The Author(s) 2020
DOI: 10.1177/1550147720949138
design from technology centric to user

centric: An architectural perspective

Akhilendra Pratap Singh1, Ashish Kr Luhach2 , Xiao-Zhi Gao3,

Sandeep Kumar4 and Diptendu Sinha Roy1

Wireless sensor networks form the crux of a wide range of automated applications that are gaining popularity with
every passing day. The journey of wireless sensor networks has seen simple sensory monitoring to sensing-processing-
actuation based end-to-end applications to the design and deployment of highly sophisticated service-oriented use cases.
This highly disruptive field has seen rapid transformations to gain insights and assess the relative merits. Demerits of
competing design strategies, it very important to know the evolutionary milestones this technology has undergone in
achieving the state-of-the-art in this area. In this article, a systematic review is carried out that captures the evolution of
architectural designs and developments in wireless sensor network–based applications. This review delves into the rela-
tive pros and cons of various epochs in developments and delineates the future areas of research in wireless sensor net-
work design paradigm.

Wireless sensor network, service-oriented architecture, two-tier communication architecture, three-tier communica-
tion architecture, multitier communication architecture, unified layered communication architecture

Date received: 17 October 2019; accepted: 2 July 2020

Handling Editor: Yanjiao Chen

Introduction signal is used to perform the communication between

the source and the base station. In general, WSN has
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) comprise a large little or no infrastructure and broadly can be categor-
number of sensor nodes which are generally used for ized as structured and unstructured sensor networks.2
various applications, such as target tracking, pressure In structured WSN, nodes are deployed in a pre-
monitoring, health monitoring, fire detection, and so planned manner in which a few nodes may be placed at
on. The sensor nodes consist of transducers, radio specific locations for better coverage. The network and
transceiver, and wireless interfaces that are used to
gather data from the environment. These inexpensive,
small sensors form the network with group effort to 1
National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, Shillong, India
perform the tasks as per their needs. To measure the 2
The PNG University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea
change or property of environment, various kinds of 3
School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
sensor nodes such as biosensors and thermal, mechani- Amity University, Jaipur, India
cal, magnetic, optical, and chemical sensors can be con-
Corresponding author:
nected with node.1 As sensor nodes consist of limited Ashish Kr Luhach, The PNG University of Technology, Lae 411, Papua
battery life, memory, processing power, and are New Guinea.
installed at remote places (difficult to access), radio Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work
without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

cost maintenance of these nodes are lower than those cost sensor nodes, ranging from a hundred to thousand,
of unstructured networks. In unstructured WSNs, may be deployed either in an ad hoc or predetermined
nodes are densely and randomly arranged in the field. manner, in the specific region. In ad hoc manner, nodes
After the deployment, nodes need to be unattended to may be deployed randomly in the specific region. In a
perform their tasks like monitoring, gathering, and predetermined manner, nodes can be deployed with vari-
transmitting data from the environment. In unstruc- ous methods such as grid deployment, two-dimensional
tured sensor networks, connectivity, failure detection, (2D) deployment, and three-dimensional (3D) deploy-
and network management are tedious task because of ment. In such networks, energy consumption can be
random deployment.3 In unstructured WSNs, network minimized by optimal routing, short-range communica-
issues and connectivity failures are the norm primarily tions, and redundant data elimination among others.
due to random deployments. Thus, ensuring network Underwater WSN consists of sensor nodes and vehicles
connectivity, failure detection, and network manage- which are sparsely deployed under the water. In such
ment are non-trivial tasks. This is unlike structured networks, sensor nodes are more costly than terrestrial
WSNs. To achieve a high level of coverage and connec- WSNs. Underwater vehicles are used to collect data
tivity, mobile nodes may be used in unstructured net- from the deployed sensor nodes. In general, acoustic
work. Nowadays, sensor nodes can be deployed on the waves are used for underwater communication. In
field, under field, and underwater. With respect to underwater environment, the primary issues faced are
deployment area, sensor networks may face different propagation delay, limited bandwidth, and signal fading.
constraints and challenges. Some other limitations of underwater WSNs are energy,
Based on the deployment technique and its applica- self-configurability, adaptability, and node failure due to
tion, the WSNs can also be classified into five types, ocean environment. In this article, we have carried out a
namely, multimedia WSNs, mobile WSNs,2,4 under- detailed study of application-based architectural
ground WSNs, terrestrial WSNs, and underwater approaches. We have categorized the approaches into
WSNs. Multimedia WSN comprises low-cost sensors communication perspective, traditional layered architec-
that are equipped with microphones and camera. These ture, cross-layer architecture, conventional cross-layer,
multimedia nodes are used to track events such as audio, complex cross-layer, unified layered architecture,
video, and image. Such nodes communicate over wireless middleware-based architecture, and service-oriented
channel to gather, process, correlate, and compress the architecture (SOA) for WSNs. We have discussed the
data. For guaranteed coverage, multimedia sensor nodes advantages and disadvantages of various approaches
are arranged in a preplanned manner. Challenging issues systematically. This article provides a roadmap toward
in multimedia sensor network include energy consump- architectural framework development using SOA for
tion, data processing, quality of service (QoS) provision, application. The remainder of this article is organized as
data compression, high bandwidth requirement, cross- follows. Section ‘‘WSN and its communication architec-
layer design (CLD) requirements, and so on. QoS provi- tural frameworks’’ shows the various approaches for
sioning is a challenging issue due to variable link capac- WSN architecture design, section ‘‘Evolution of architec-
ity in multimedia WSNs. Mobile WSN comprises a tural design and development: application perspective’’
number of mobile sensors that interact with the environ- presented the evolution of architectural design and devel-
ment. The node has functionality to sense, compute, and opment: application perspective, section ‘‘Cross-layer
communicate with other nodes. Unlike static nodes, architecture’’ shows the cross-layer architectural design
these nodes have the ability to organize and reposition and systematic comparison of various approaches, sec-
itself in the network. The collected data may be trans- tion ‘‘Middleware approaches for WSN’’ presented mid-
ferred within the coverage range of sensor nodes. Some dleware approaches for WSNs, section ‘‘Leveraging
issues with mobile WSNs include navigation and control, SOA for WSN’’ presented leveraging SOA for WSNs,
energy, deployment, maintenance, self-organization and section ‘‘Lack of common framework and reusability’’
localization, and so on. Underground WSNs comprise shows the lack of common framework and reusability,
sensor nodes which are deployed in an underground and section ‘‘Service-oriented middleware for WSN’’ pre-
mine or in a cave to observe underground conditions. In sented service-oriented middleware approaches for
such networks, a few additional sink nodes may be WSNs.
placed on the surface (above the ground) to transmit the
information from nodes to the base station. The deploy-
ment planning must be done more carefully than terres- WSN and its communication architectural
trial networks because of loss of signal, energy,
attenuation, and cost. To improve the energy level of
node and network lifetime, many efficient communica- WSN is a collection of numerous autonomous linked
tion protocols have been suggested for use for communi- sensor nodes that work together to sense changes in the
cation. To build the terrestrial WSNs, a number of low- environment such as vibration, humidity, temperature,
Singh et al. 3

location using different mechanisms like Global

Positioning System (GPS) receivers, triangulation, or
by placing the sensors at known locations. Various
algorithms have been proposed to reduce the power
consumption in data routing. Example algorithms
include trajectory-based forwarding (TBF),11 an anchor
location service (ALS),12 and so on. Mobility-based
Figure 1. Architecture of the WSN. architecture assumes that the sensors (sink, intermedi-
ate, and source) may change their locations dynami-
cally with respect to time. The routing and connectivity
is difficult in the mobility-based architecture. To make
noise level, pressure, and so on.5,6 WSNs can also be the network connected, sensor requires more energy
used for detection of mobility and location of an object than static network. Therefore, with few assumptions
like a vehicle. Basic communication architecture is (nodes may move in stationary network), various meth-
depicted in Figure 1. In general, WSN has no common ods have been suggested such as source encrypted
architecture which may be applied to all its different authenticated data (SEAD),13 data MULEs (mobile
taxonomy categories due to different constraints and data collector),11 and so on. The QoS architecture can
issues.4,7 Therefore, various WSN architectures have be defined based on the requirements such as reliabil-
been proposed by various designers as per the applica- ity, delay, energy, and so on. This architecture is
tion needs.8 required to send and receive the data as per predefined
Existing architectures of WSN can be classified as parameters. QoS architecture is a complex architecture
follows: data-centric architectures, hierarchical archi- due to maintenance overhead. The process of optimiza-
tectures, location-based architectures, mobility-based tion across the sensor link is known as network flow-
architectures, QoS-based architectures, network flow based architecture. The links may be defined based on
architectures, multipath-based architectures, and different parameters like latency of data transfer,
heterogeneity-based architectures. power consumption, and delay between two sensor
Data-centric architecture can be described as ran- nodes. The goal of this kind of architecture is to find
dom deployment of large sensor nodes where nodes the optimum route with predefined parameters.
interact with each other without global network ID. In Examples of architecture are minimum cost forward-
the absence of global ID, it is difficult to select the spe- ing, maximum lifetime routing, and maximum lifetime
cific node for query. Therefore, generally, data can be for data gathering and aggregation. In this architecture,
transferred via every node in the region which is ineffi- sink and source node can be connected through differ-
cient in terms of energy consumption. In Sensor ent paths. The multipath-based architectural method is
Protocols for Information via Negotiation (SPIN), useful in the distribution of the data payload on differ-
routing protocol has been given to minimize the prob- ent paths as well as for real-time data streaming where
lem of redundant data and energy consumption.9 more reliability is required. Some methods have been
Many other methods have also been proposed in for presented in Lou.14 The aim of such architecture is
direct diffusion. The aim of this type of architecture is power efficiency and reliability. Heterogeneity-based
transmission of data by the use of the most efficient architecture may be defined based on different kinds of
route. To achieve scalability in the sensor network, tasks and types of sensors such as sensing, communica-
data-centric architecture is not suitable. Taking into tion, battery-operated nodes and nodes with power
consideration, hierarchical architecture is useful to consumption, and so on. Various architecture comes
achieve scalability in a large area network. In hierarchi- into this category such as energy efficient heteroge-
cal architecture, the sensor node builds the group with neous cluster (EEHC) and so on.15 The goal of this
a cluster head. To bring about communication between architecture is the best use of available nodes as
cluster heads and in the same cluster, cluster head form resource.
intercluster and intracluster. Cluster heads collect the WSN is an application-centric network designed as
data from the sensor nodes and send the data to the per constraints and requirements of an application such
base station using multihop routing mechanism. as communication services, energy, routing, security,
Various approaches have been set to support the hier- lifetime of network, QoS, and so on. Therefore, various
archical architecture such as low-energy adaptive clus- sensor network communication architectures have been
tering hierarchy (LEACH) and so on.10 The aim of this suggested.16–18 From the application perspective, the
architecture is to maintain power consumption in a communication architecture of WSNs is broadly cate-
large network. In location-based architecture, the rout- gorized in to four categories, namely, (1) traditional
ing algorithms depend on the location of sensors to architecture, (2) layered architecture, (3) cross-layer,
send and receive the packets. Sensors may obtain their and (4) unified layer. The traditional architecture has
4 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

also been classified into two-tier architecture,19 three-  Real-world integration: Real-world integration
tier architecture,20 and multitier architecture.21 The is important to design and develop the architec-
layered architecture consists of five layers and three ture. Time and space are most important factors
cross-planes. Cross-layer architecture follows the con- because WSN applications deal with real-world
cept of layered architecture but divides the layers in the events. So, to maintain data consistency, the
form of services and interfaces. The design of service architecture should be capable to provide real-
and interface follows the conventional22 and complex world services and their integration with the
approach.23 Unified layer is a layer-less approach to network.
provide service in communication.24,25 In this  QoS: This can be described as per the perspec-
approach, all the service will be on the same plane and tive of researchers. In WSN perspective, QoS
there will be proper interaction with interfaces. So, the can be described in terms of network and appli-
services can be accessible as per the need without unne- cation specific. Initially, application-specific
cessary communication between the layers. (localization) QoS parameters such as node
The design and development of general architectural deployment, reliability, accuracy, and so on were
solution for WSNs is not trivial due to constraints such used. Presently, the network-specific parameters
as application, energy, and network and deployment. like power consumption, bandwidth, and so on
Therefore, to design and develop the architecture for are more common ones. In traditional architec-
WSNs, architectural characteristics needs to be fol- ture, QoS parameters have been used for wired
lowed which also describes the challenges of it. The network which is not suitable for WSNs because
general characteristics of architecture are as follows: of wireless connection limited power and topol-
ogy dynamicity. Therefore, any architecture
 Scalability: Scalability supports increases in net- should maintain the QoS parameters to meet the
work size without affecting the network perfor- application requirements.
mance. Efficient architecture should be capable  Application knowledge: Application knowledge
enough to maintain the performance level as net- provides the way to design and develop new
work size increases. architectural solutions for applications. In WSN
 Flexibility: Flexibility is one of the important perspective, detailed knowledge of sensor net-
characteristics for any architecture. It can be work applications helps to develop the architec-
described as coupling and decoupling of services ture for the specific application. It helps service
without affecting the network. In WSNs, providers to map communication requirements
researchers and developers have proposed various to network. Most of the architectures are appli-
solutions based on requirements and existing ser- cation specific, but in general, architecture
vice. So coupling of those services should be should support an extensive range of
allowed for any application with the performance applications.
level and also decoupling to improve perfor-  Heterogeneity: Heterogeneity support is an
mance. Therefore, architecture should be flexible important characteristic of any architecture
enough to support different available services. because it forms the bridge to fill technological
 Dynamic network organization: In the WSN, gap. It provides the interface between different
network topology changes dynamically due to components, programming models, and hard-
reason such as interference, node mobility, ware. Therefore, architectural solutions should
device failure, and so on. The architecture support heterogeneity. In WSNs, the aim of the
should be capable enough to maintain the net- software framework is to make sensor network
work with dynamicity. Traditional architectures functional as per the applications. To consider
are enriched with the static service such as band- the various requirements in WSNs like QoS, net-
width, processing power, topology, and so on, work requirements, performance, and deploy-
but in WSNs, these are dynamic. In general, the ment efficiency, software architecture is
architecture should have capability to maintain needed.26–29
these resources to make the network functional.
In WSNs, nodes require their locations in the WSN applications have been increasing every day
network with the different methods which may along with dynamic requirements; therefore, to adapt
not be possible in architecture without applica- the changes and requirements, software architecture
tion knowledge and parameters. So any architec- should be flexible to incorporate the changes. Various
ture should support resource and service SOA-based software architectural solutions have been
discovery in dynamic network. suggested to build the WSN applications.30–33
Singh et al. 5

Evolution of architectural design and supports the long-range communication network

development: application perspective (LRCN), midrange network (MRN), and linear wire-
less sensor network (LWSN). The LRCN is capable to
In this section, we discuss detailed design and develop- send the data to server using the Internet. Multirobot
ment of application-based architectures. The review of sensor network system can transmit the data up to
existing communication architectural developments for 16 Km. The LWSN is suitable for short-range devices
WSNs and their adaptability as per the application’s (up to 100 m) and is generally used for communication
need is done.34 The architectural development for from sensor nodes to the gateway.
WSNs is categorized as follows: tiered architectures,
layered architectures, cross-layer architectures, and
SOA-based middleware architectures.35 Since WSN is Multitier-tier architecture
an application-based network, it is convenient to
Meena et al.21 have proposed the distributed multitier
describe the architectures as per the need of applica-
clustering approach for WSNs to improve the perfor-
tions and their limitations. In this section, a brief litera-
ture survey on various perspectives of technological mance of network in terms of lifetime. In this approach,
developments of WSNs at the architectural level is authors have proposed multilevel cluster heads. The
presented.36 higher level cluster head is responsible to transmit the
data to the base station.
Communication architecture of WSNs is broadly
Two-tier architecture categorized as layered architecture, cross-layer architec-
Two-tier WSN architecture consists of application ture, and unified layered architecture.
nodes, gateway, and sensor nodes, depicted in
Figure 2.17 The application node and sensor nodes
Layered architecture
communicate with each other within the same cluster.
In this architecture, sensor nodes collect data from the The layered communication architecture is also known
environment and application node sends the data to as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.
the cluster head. The cluster head communicates with Most common architecture of WSNs follows the OSI
other cluster heads to send the collected data to the model. In layered communication architecture, both
gateway or base station. Due to the fault in the trans- sink and source nodes transmit the data. The commu-
mitter, data may not be collected from the cluster head. nication architecture consists of five layers (i.e. applica-
Therefore, communication link is required to recollect tion layer, transport layer, network layer, data link
the data from other cluster heads. layer, and physical layer) and three cross-planes (i.e.
power management plane, mobility management plane,
and task management plane).37,38 The power manage-
Three-tier architecture ment plane deals with the power consumption of the
Two-tier architectures are not suitable to send the data node, the mobility management plane identifies the
when coverage area is increased. If large sensor nodes mobility of node and maintains the information of
are deployed for observation, then midrange communi- neighboring nodes, and the task management plane is
cation module will be required to connect the local sen- used to schedule the sensing task in the given area
sor nodes to the central station to cover the large area. (Figure 4).4,39 As per the need of sensing task, different
To this end, a three-tiered architecture was proposed by software may be developed and employed in the appli-
Han20 and shown in Figure 3. This architecture cation layer.

Figure 2. Two-tiered sensor network architecture.

6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 3. Block diagram for the three-tier WSN monitoring system.

deals with designing of mechanical and electrical

 Data link layer: It is responsible for the medium
access, multiplexing of data stream, frame detec-
tion, and error control. This layer ensures the
reliable connection among point-to-point and
point-to-multipoint communications. In the con-
text of WSNs, this layer performs some basic
tasks, namely, energy efficiency, maximization
of the throughput, self-organizing capability by
hop-to-hop communication, and efficient shar-
ing of communication resources between sensor
nodes as per the requirement of applications.
The traditional medium access control (MAC)
layer is suitable for infrastructure-based net-
works but cannot be used for WSNs.
 Network layer: In the context of WSNs, the net-
work layer is designed under some basic assump-
tions such as (1) sensors location awareness, (2)
Figure 4. Layered communication architecture.
attribute-based addressing, (3) sensor network’s
data-centric nature, (4) power consumption, and
 Physical layer: The physical layer provides the (5) data aggregation. To save power, this layer
interface to transmit the bit stream over the follows various routing mechanisms, such as
physical channel. The main task is frequency minimum energy route, minimum hop route,
generation, detection, and selection. Pertaining maximum power available route, and
to this layer, the standard of IEEE 802.15.4 is maximum–minimum power available route. It is
described for WSNs with low power consump- also responsible to connect the external network.
tion, cost, data rate, complexity, and communi-  Transport layer: Since WSN is application-
cation range to increase the battery life.40 It also specific network and different applications can
Singh et al. 7

have different needs, the transport layer should

be application specific. For example, downward
demands are more reliability than upward. The
designing of the transport layer protocol is a
challenging task because of inherent constraints
like limited power and memory.41 The storage of
a large amount of data and acknowledgment in
the sensor node turns out to be costly in terms
of power.42 Therefore, communication in the
network is divided into User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) for sensor net-
works and the Internet, respectively.
 Application layer: This layer provides the man-
agement level functionality as per the require-
ment of user and application. It also deals with Figure 5. Adaptive communication architecture.
the issues of time synchronization, task manage-
ment, security, and sensor node configuration
(i.e. status of node).43 Although various applica- The modular network layer has been brought out by
tion level services are already developed, it Chen et al.46 The main objective of the approach is to
remains a challenge to develop other application achieve code reusability and run time resource sharing.
level services to provide higher level of services. The suggested approach allows decomposition of the
Ramesh44 has proposed a protocol architecture network layer into smaller components which may be
for application-specific WSNs. However, the used by other protocol at run time. It maximizes the
composibilty and reusability of protocol module. As
proposed architecture has two basic problems,
mentioned by Dunkels,47 full TCP/IP is not suitable for
namely, interoperability between the system
WSNs due to the dependency in the adjacent interfaces.
components and lack of common framework to
WSN has memory constraints, but it requires too many
build new services. In WSNs, applications are
resources (memory usage and code size). Paek et al.48
custom built without standardization in commu-
suggested an architecture to resolve the problem of
nication protocols which implies that there may
existing programmed wireless communication system.
be no interoperability between the components
The author suggested application-specific research due
developed by different research communities.
to rapid increase in hardware and software platforms in
Further, there is no common architecture for the
sensor networks. Zhibo Pang et al.49 have presented
developer to develop services, and hence, they
design of real-time operating system architecture for
are forced to develop the service from scratch.
WSNs. A general purpose stack may not fulfill the need
With the common framework, a developer can
of application-specific sensor networks. The issues are
save the time. Various standard protocol archi-
(1) How many layers can there be in a protocol stack
tectures are suggested for communication in
for future sensor network? (2) How the network stack
WSNs which may include the composable frame-
will be tuned with application-specific sensor networks?
work and resource awareness. The architecture
And it is suggested that traditional protocol stack is not
includes the sensornet protocol (SP), which is the
suitable for wireless ad hoc sensor network (WASN).
linking interface between network layer and link
The reasons are irrelevance of some TCP/IP services,
layer to abstract the functionalities of link layer
like error control at both MAC and transport layer;
and offer the service to network layer (Figure 5).
flow control at the transport layer; inclusion of new ser-
Its major problem is adapting with the network
vices as per the application requirement; and energy
protocols to programmer.
optimization. These services may not be generic for
every application so the stack should be application
Jiawei et al.45 have presented adaptive communica- specific.
tion architecture for WSNs which resolves the problem Vehicular ad hoc network is application specific, so
of communication in heterogeneous networks. The it has different requirements for communication types,
architecture adapts a wide range of communication self-organizing, and management.50 To meet these
mechanisms from the transport layer to the MAC layer requirements, existing structure of the protocol is not
without changing the protocols or applications. The suitable to incorporate these requirements. Therefore,
adaptive communication architecture supports sensor staircase stack suggested incorporating the require-
network, MAC, and link layer protocols. ments as per the application shown in Figure 6. This
8 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

adjacent to each other so communication among non-

adjacent layers is not possible without any modifica-
tion. With an increasing number of applications in
wireless network, developers have to be ready to handle
future requirements and new technologies.

Cross-layer architecture
Traditional layered communication architectures like
the OSI model splits the networking task into layers
and defines the services provided by each layers. The
architecture prevents direct communication among the
Figure 6. Staircase architecture. non-adjacent layers, and adjacent layers are restricted
to produce calls and response. To design the communi-
cation protocol, the designer may design the protocol
architecture is useful for data collection with collabora- either with the rules or by violating the rules of tradi-
tive nature. tional architecture.51–54 By violating the rules, the
In Pang et al.,49 the proposed approach of sensor designer can give solutions for direct communication
stack is used to adapt to the dynamic changes in the between non-adjacent layers using shared variables.
network. Traditional layered architecture is not feasible Such violation of traditional architecture is CLD with
to add the service in between layers due to strong cou- reference to layered architecture (Figure 8).
pling and interface dependency. Therefore, Kumar CLD was a new paradigm of network architecture
et al. proposed an information exchange service (IES) which included functionalities of dependent layers and
as a service broker and its integration with sensor stack supported optimization.13 The basic principle to design
architecture (Figure 7). Sensor stack provides the func- the cross-layer was crossing the defined boundaries of
well-defined architecture, thus expanding opportunities
tionality of sharing the data of node through the bulle-
beyond layer boundaries. In this research area, reliable
tin board. The sensor stack is not flexible enough to
and efficient wireless communication was the focus,
employ in the network.
and many authors have proposed design approaches of
cross-layer architecture.
The authors have categorized the the CLD approach
Pros and cons of traditional communication
based on the criteria11 such as interaction between the
architecture physical and link layer and interaction of the physical
Traditional communication architectures are generally and link layer with the upper layer (Figure 9). The
used for networking framework in which services are CLD was initiated from the traditional layer approach
implemented at each layer. Every layer has its own and was later transformed into a layer-less approach.
functionality to interact with its adjacent layers using Such approaches are classified as follows:
different services and procedure calls. It minimizes the
complexity by dividing the communication services in  Conventional CLD approach
fine chunks. The layers are strictly coupled and placed  Complex CLD approach

Figure 7. Sensor stack architecture.

Singh et al. 9

few message exchanges. To maintain cross-layer, the

approach is classified as direct communication between
layers, shared database across the layers, and new
abstraction as shown in Figure 10.

 Direct communication between layers: In this

approach, layers can directly share the informa-
tion with each other at run time as shown in
Figure 11. This approach is applicable only
when the application needs to share the informa-
tion at run time. Wang and Ali Abu-Rgheff56
have given an approach of cross-layer signaling
shortcut (CLASS). The CLASS is flexible and
efficient to propagate messages with standard
layered architecture. This architecture has inter-
nal and external signaling scheme as depicted in
Figure 11. It has some advantages such as low
overhead and propagation latency and the dis-
advantage that at each layer, additional code
blocks slow down the execution which also
affects the performance.

Sheikh and Mahmoud57 had proposed cross-layer

Figure 8. Architectural design of crosstalk. technique to improve the performance of routing tech-
nique (Figure 12). This approach focuses on path selec-
tion, channel selection, and allocation of transmission
power for smart routing in the WSN. For smart rout-
ing decision, direct signaling is used to share the infor-
mation between the protocol layers with no delay. The
upward communication is used to share information
like the energy level, data processing, and sensing range
between the physical and application layer. The MAC
layer informs the application layer about the quality of
link, and the network layer shares the information
about the network path. The downward communica-
tion shares the information about the next hop, power,
and bandwidth as per the application. This architec-
tural technique provides the way to think the
application-based routing.

 Shared database across the layers: In traditional

layered architecture, there is no common data-
base which can be shared during the run time
Figure 9. Cross-layer optimization interface. between all the layers. More delay and energy
consumption results between non-adjacent layers
due to unknown processed information at spe-
cific layers. Therefore, shared database approach
Conventional CLD approaches is required between the layers. Su and Lim58
In this approach, traditional layered architecture is have proposed a common repository to all the
designed and maintained for the communication layers as an optimization agent (OA; Figure 13).
between adjacent layers with well-defined interfaces. The OA stores information such as the node
The communication can be either from upward to energy level, ID number, hop count, link status,
downward or vice versa. Upward interaction may be a and so on. With the OA layers, one can access
feedback technique to improve the system perfor- the available information from the repository.
mance.55 Few prioritized message can be transferred The available information is the feedback for all
downward. These approaches had to strike only for a the layers. It is flexible enough to optimize the
10 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 10. Architecture of shared database.

M. Hefeida et al.61 had proposed a CLD for WSNs

known as cross-layer application-aware paradigm
(CLAP) shown in Figure 10. This approach allows all
the layers to share their local information among other
layers. The application layer is able to change the data
of the other layers. All the communication is managed
by the information layer (I-layer) and does not permit
the involvement of any other layer in the communica-
tion without its requirements. Merlin et al.62 had pro-
posed repository-based architecture to store the
information which may be required for all the layers
(Figure 14). This proposed architecture maintains the
principle of traditional layered architecture to ensure
that all functions will be performed at each layer for
the communication. The cross-layer optimization inter-
Figure 11. Cross-layer signaling shortcut. face (CLOI) maintains the information about incoming
and outgoing packets.

information sharing without redesigning the pro-  New abstraction: It is the new way to organize
tocol, which increases the energy consumption, any protocol for the rich interaction using build-
but increases power consumption due to the ing blocks (BBs). It provides flexibility during
application programming interface (API).55,59,60 the run and design time. Lou et al.14 have

Figure 12. Cross-layer architecture.

Singh et al. 11

Figure 15. System model for conventional cross-layer design.

Figure 13. Cross-layer optimization framework.

It gives the flexibility to add the new interface in
traditional architecture.
In this approach, information can be shared by
either direct or indirect signaling mechanism.
All the information about the layers can be
shared by the common repository.
It minimizes the communication overhead
among the layers if there is no role of adjacent
layer in the communication.
Cross-layer feedback would be difficult to
Additional code block reduces the throughput of
the layers.
Figure 14. Cross-layer optimization architecture. It needs special mechanism to avoid the failure
of common repository.
It is difficult to ensure the correctness of algo-
proposed SOA-based WSNs (Figure 15) to rithm due to multiple layer optimizations.11
enhance the lifetime of network using on/off
scheduling at the MAC layer and availability of
service at the application layer. Complex CLD approaches
The basic principle in the conventional CLD approach
It comprises three layers: service sublayer, service is to integrate and merge the functionality of two or
composition query sublayer, and service composition more layers. Energy requirements for sensor network
sublayer. The service sublayer collects the information applications may vary as per data aggregation and
from the sensor in the overlay network, the query sub- computation power capabilities. Therefore, to increase
layer makes the query for the required information, and the lifetime of network, energy-efficient hybrid algo-
the composition sublayer finds the information from rithm has been suggested by Kaur and Mahajan.63 Li
the other two layers. et al.23 have proposed a framework to minimize the
energy consumption with the QoS requirements shown
in Figure 16. The data link layer, physical layer, and
Pros and cons of conventional approach. requirements of the application layer are combined into
 Pros a single framework. It is implemented over the clus-
It gives the complete view of traditional layered tered network in which the level of transmission and
communication architecture for wireless and modulation can be changed. In the cluster, the cluster
wired medium. head and node adopt the modulation scheme adaptive
12 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 18. Low energy self-organizing protocol design.

the transmission-related aspects. Each module has its

own agent to exchange information.
Song and Hatinakos65 have proposed a target track-
Figure 16. System architecture complex cross-layer design. ing protocol for the densely deployed WSN. In this
approach, the MAC and application layer perform
direct communication as shown in low energy self-
organizing protocol design (Figure 18). CLD can be
achieved by the elimination of the transport and net-
work layer. It also deals with QoS parameters like error
and energy consumption in target tracking application
(Figure 19).

Pros and cons of complex design approach.

Figure 17. Triangular cross-layer architecture.  Pros
This approach increases the life span of the net-
work and fulfills the requirements of QoS.
code positioning module (ACPM) and binary phase It provides flexibility and adaptability for the
shift keying, respectively. With experimental QoS para- heterogeneous hardware and applications.
meters, power consumption, end-to-end delay, and It reduces the overhead of information exchange
packet loss have been analyzed. across the layers.
Lin and Li64 have proposed triangulation cross-layer It shows the way to merge two or more layers
architecture for WSNs. In this architecture, the author and also allows the unidirectional or bidirec-
presents ways to merge and minimize the layers as per tional communication in non-adjacent layers.
the functionality shown in Figure 17.  Cons
In triangular cross-layer architecture (TCLA), three The architectures are application specific and
layers, that is, application, session, and presentation, not general.
are merged into application module (AppM). Network Improper merging of layers reduces maintain-
module (NetM) comprises transport and network layers ability and might interfere with communication
and linking module (LinkM) combines the physical and at other layers.
data link layer. AppM deals with application-related In this approach, debugging is difficult.
aspects; NetM is responsible for congestion control, This approach is more error prone.
routing, and resource allocation; and LinkM handles No standard rules to merge two or more layers.
Singh et al. 13

Figure 19. Architectural component of TinyCubus.

Table 1. Traditional versus cross-layer approach.

S. No. Traditional layer approach Cross-layer approach

1 It prevents the interoperability between homogeneous In this approach, optimization can be achieved at every
systems and restricts the functionality to specific layers. layer to improve the performance of network and
network lifetime.
2 In this approach, optimization may not be achieved due to Existing interlayer dependencies motivate cross-layer.
the strict coupling between the layers.
3 This approach is technology specific and not application Cross-layer approach is application and technology
specific. specific.
4 Modification in the layered architecture is difficult, change Interface can be added between the layers as per the
in one layer leads to change in consecutive layers. application requirements.
5 In this approach, layers have no provision to make the Cross-layer approach helps to do self-configuration of the
decision jointly with the direct communication among nodes.
non-adjacent layers.

Comparison between traditional and cross-layer Traditional and wireless (IEEE 802) architectural
approach approaches are not suitable for WSNs due to the spe-
cific characteristic that differentiates them from wired
Unified layered architecture. WSNs are application- and wireless networks67 (Figure 20).
specific networks which may be applied in the indus- WSN has constraints such as network lifetime,
trial or civilian field as per the requirement, for exam- energy, transmission range, and so on. By taking into
ple, pervasive computing.66 In a sensor network, nodes consideration the constraints, the authors have pro-
can be deployed for different purposes like pressure posed unified layered architectures for WSNs.26Unified
monitoring, object tracking, temperature monitoring, layered approach is a layer-less technique as shown in
data collection, and so on. For the communication, tra- Figure 21. The benefit of unified architecture is that it
ditional and cross-layer architectural approaches have allows the integration of different services which are
been given by different research communities (Table 1). developed for different tasks in different environments
14 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 22. Packet flow diagram for the UPS framework.

Figure 20. Chip-level augmentation of IEEE 802.15.4 PHY. traditional layers are included in it. This architecture
ensures reliable communication with minimum energy
consumption. Chen Hsiang Feng et al.24 have presented
unified protocol stack for WSNs for the integration of
different protocols in one stack. The block diagram is
depicted in Figure 22. This architecture includes the
group of interfaces, which makes seamless communica-
tion between the same and different layers. Jinman
Jung et al.69 have developed a unified framework for
protocol simulation on the sensor operating system. It
can be used for end-user device and local sensor net-
work. The user can monitor and collect the data from
the sensor node using the interface.

Middleware approaches for WSNs

With advancement of technology (in microelectronics
Figure 21. Unified layered architecture. and wireless communication), WSN offers a wide range
of applications. The application development and inte-
gration with real-world environment is not an easy
by different research communities. The unified layered task. Therefore, middleware is required for the develop-
architecture is useful from the perspective of technol- ment of large-scale distributed applications. The advan-
ogy development in WSNs. Various researchers have tages of the middleware include (1) simplification of
given the approaches for different applications using complex application development; (2) it provides the
the unified layer. interface for the abstraction, reusability, communica-
tion between components, and integration; (3) it hides
the implementation details of the underlying heteroge-
Unified layered approaches for WSNs. In the unified neous platform, communication details, and distribu-
layered approach, users can communicate and manage tion.70 The development of middleware is not an easy
the network using the application layer.26 It provides task due to various constraints like integration with
ways for the developers to develop the application with- real world, hardware, heterogeneity, scalability, net-
out knowing the underlying characteristic of WSNs. work optimization, application knowledge, and so
Vuran and Akyildiz68 have developed a cross-layer pro- on.71 Various designs and approaches have been sug-
tocol for WSNs. The entire traditional layers have been gested as a middleware for WSNs. Some middleware
replaced by a single layer, and all the functionalities of approaches shall be be presented in this section. In
Singh et al. 15

Coronato,72 a service-oriented middleware architecture

Uranus has been suggested as a platform to integrate
biomedical sensors for health monitoring application.
The application correctness and recovery is tested at
run time with a case study.
Alshinina and Elleithy73 presented a middleware vir-
tual machine, namely Mate, for the communication for
WSNs that can be applied in the reprogrammable net-
works. Reprogramming for WSNs needs more energy
than the deployment in the unmanned area. Mate is an
interface that executes complex programs in short
which reduces the energy cost to transmit the program. Figure 23. Service-oriented architecture.
This approach gives the new paradigm to upload the
program with parameter correction of the program as
per need. Mate is developed on TinyOS which is technology centric.35,77,78 So user-centric middleware
designed for WSNs to execute the operations at the technique has been suggested to solve the issue of het-
middleware level. To build the WSN functions, after erogeneity using three modules, that is, data collection,
deployment, it uses the byte code which is divided into interface, and heterogeneous network. In previous stud-
24 instructional capsules. Sending and receiving cap- ies,79–81 resource management has been investigated
sules are useful to deploy ad hoc routing and data with TinyOS, FreeRTOS, and Contiki which are popu-
aggregation. The application of this approach is to lar operating system for various parameters like mem-
break large programs into many capsules, and these ory, process, energy, and communication management.
capsules can be executed in the network. Virtual In Tanganelli and Curado,82 security method is sug-
machines consist of logger, scheduler, network, and gested for the IoT data, and DC-Net is implemented
hardware. To communicate, a synchronous model is over the real-time sensor nodes to achieve the high-level
used because it enables developers to develop the confidentiality. In this approach, a reliable data collec-
application-level programs in a simple way. The goal of tion and propagation method has been suggested using
Mate is to handle sensor networks which have a a cloud- and fog-based identification system. In addi-
dynamic nature. This is an architecture and code which tion to this, DC-NET is implemented over the con-
is required to develop applications. Marcello Cinque strained devices. And for securing the IoT devices,
et al.74 have discussed the need of resiliency in WSN various private communication methods have been dis-
applications for the adoption of protocols and plat- cussed. Recently, context-aware computing for IoT
forms. The authors presented the simulation, assess- management has been gaining popularity.83
ments, and critical analysis in various categories.
Alessandro Testa et al.75 have proposed an approach
Leveraging SOA for WSNs
to analyze the effect of undesired events over reliability
constraint. Effect of this type of event must be identi- There has been a lot of developments in service-oriented
fied before the development and deployment of appli- computing paradigm using services as the central ele-
cations. In this approach, a heuristic method is used to ment of the design. One of the major goals of any tech-
do the analysis using event calculus, and also, it is use- nology is to provide services to the users, and such
ful for the system designer to check the reliability level approach was proposed by Kim et al.84 and Alshinina
of applications. As a case study, a static methodology and Elleithy,85 known as SOA; SOA has evolved in the
had been suggested for checking the correctness of the last decades with specific details with many successful
designed model.76 implementations. SOA is defined as an architectural
Internet of Things (IoT) applications are increasing framework having three fundamental roles, namely,
rapidly to solve the real-life problems such as monitor- service providers, service consumers, and service broker
ing of health, traffic, surveillance, and so on. To collect (Figure 23). Some researchers86,87 have detailed the
the data from various sources, IoT networks use sensor architectural concepts, design, and technologies of
devices. Therefore, various issues are also involved in SOA.
IoT network such as energy constraint, lifetime of net- In SOA, resources are packaged as self-defined, self-
work, security, resource management, and so on. IoT contained modules termed as services to provide stan-
network consists of heterogeneous type of devices to dard business functionalities. Various researchers have
collect the data from the sources. Energy and heteroge- contributed to provide some specific characteristics of
neity are major issues in the IoT-enabled network. services which are described in a standard service
Various solutions have been suggested to deal with het- description language (SDL). The services have a pub-
erogeneity and energy efficient issues, but all are lished interface and can communicate with each other.
16 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

In further developments, the services have been different developers and research communities with dif-
described as the combination of one or more BBs. ferent assumptions and application requirements. All
These BBs associated with a workflow that can serve the components may not be compatible for communi-
the particular purpose in the given application domain. cation due to some issues. Some of them are discussed
Initially, SOA was designed, developed, and imple- as follows:
mented for the web services to facilitate web developers
with defined standards in terms of language, protocol,  Heterogeneity: In early days, the WSN consisted
and common repository. However, SOA in general has of homogeneous sensor which performed the
services which can be web services but services can also same functions of computation, communication,
be other than web services. Papazoglou88 presented an and energy dissipation. But at present, it has
SOA with a more general connotation, with many ver- changed to application-specific networks due to
sions and manifestations of integrating enterprise busi- its applicability in different areas. Therefore, a
ness processes with extended SOA. The extended SOA network can consist of different kinds of nodes
added more functionality to the existing SOA, namely, as per the requirements of the application. For
service composition to make service with a combination example, some networks may be a combination
of different modules and service management to ensure of various kinds of nodes that can perform dif-
the correctness of services, levels of service agreement, ferent tasks like pressure and temperature moni-
and service orchestration. toring, motion detection, and image capturing.
In 2008, Bernd Reuther and Dirk Henrici89 have To execute such tasks, nodes require services,
introduced an SOA-based communication model as a interfaces, and programming APIâã ˜ äs to cre-
solution for adaptability of improved protocol in appli- ate compatibility between communication proto-
cations without modifications. The communication cols, hardware, and operating systems, which is
model is composed of the service user, service broker, a tedious and time-consuming task.
service provider, API, and an adapter. SOA-based com-  Adoption of new protocols: In WSNs, the applica-
munication models hide functionality of framework tion requirements has been increasing in the
from the users and incorporate local requirements at form of service to improve the performance of
run time for service selection. The goal of the model is the networks, and accordingly, communication
to provide available network services from the stack services have also been increasing. In recent sce-
with the help of service broker and service providers. narios, researchers and developers have been
focusing on the area of communication proto-
cols to improve the performance of network.
SOA-based design Existing communication architectures are not
The SOA-based design methodology is based on the flexible enough to couple with new applications.
SOA that follows the agile development standard for Therefore, flexibility is needed to support the
WSNs.90 This methodology is specifically suitable for advancement of communication services.
designing and implementing automated complex Adoption of new protocols is an issue with the
WSNs. SOA consists of software components which existing communication architecture.
are used to perform the tasks or services. Various SOA-  Interoperability: In the recent scenarios, different
based architectures have been presented in previous service providers and vendors provide solutions
studies.90–92 SOA is the platform for development of in WSNs as a service, like software, hardware,
IoT applications as well. IoT application fulfills the and operating systems. The developments of
requirements by the composed services. In the composi- these services are developed to fulfill the need of
tion process, various energy-constrained devices may be applications and users in different language plat-
involved to provide the complete service. In Du et al.,93 forms. Therefore, interaction among the services
an energy optimization solution has been suggested to is difficult because of interoperability.
fulfill the multirequirements. SOA has characteristics, Interoperability is an issue to make all the ser-
namely, loosely coupled, location transparency, and vice functional with all modules.
technology neutral which is required to build flexible  Integration with other network: The integration
architecture. with other networks (e.g. Internet) is required to
monitor and collect data of the environment. It
is a difficult and time-consuming task due to
Design issues of WSN communication architecture availability of different services in different net-
WSN consists of various components, such as low-cost works. Therefore, common well-defined inter-
sensors, software, hardware platforms, operating sys- face and services (TCP/IP in Internet and UDP
tems, and so on that build the WSN functionalities as in WSN) are needed to make the network com-
per applications. These components are developed by patible and functional.
Singh et al. 17

 Security: The security module improves the con- customized protocols for communication without stan-
fidentiality, integrity, and authentication in dardization as per the requirements and proficiency of
WSNs during data transmission, gathering, and researchers.44 In WSNs, no common architectural
accessing. The WSN consists of nodes having framework exists on which the developers can develop
low computation power, storage, and energy. the required services and are forced to develop service
Implementing encryption methods on nodes from the scratch for applications. The network setup in
requires extra processing power, transfer of extra WSNs does not need an infrastructure. It is applicable
bit, and also increased delay in the network. As in unmanned area or where human cannot reach and
a technological solution, the traditional architec- manage the activity of the environment. The cost of
ture is enriched with security module at all the implementation is low. The WSN provides reliable and
layers for all applications. The security mechan- low-power nodes that work for long time to monitor
ism in all the layers leads to performance degra- the event. However, the speed of data transmission is
dation and also increases the burden on some slower than that of the wired network. Such an archi-
applications and users where security is not tecture is less secure due to accessibility of all the infor-
required. It is a challenge for researchers and mation by intruders at any point of time. The structure
developers to rethink from the user perspective. of WSNs is more complex compared to wired net-
The security and its use may be an optional solu- works. It may be affected by various parameters of sur-
tion in communication architecture for the rounding environments, such as signal attenuation,
applications. walls, distance, and so on.
 Adoption of new services: In view of technology-
centric development, the innovation and devel- Service-oriented computing paradigm for WSNs
opment technology oriented to provide services
for different domains such as WSNs, ubiquitous The WSN executes tasks in dynamic and distributed
computing, and so on. The goal of the develop- environment as per application requirement. Therefore,
ment is to facilitate the users as per their needs with the requirements heterogeneity of network like
and feedback. Therefore, the developers and hardware and software components, devices and proto-
researchers focus or in future may give the solu- cols are also increasing to fulfill the requirements.95 To
tion to fulfill the need.94 Hence, the design of consider this heterogeneity, the application develop-
communication architecture should be flexible ment is a challenging task for the network engineer
enough to couple the existing and future coming without knowing the network details. For the sensor
services. network application development, some parameters
 Reliability: In WSNs, reliability is an important need to be considered, that is, reusability, scalability,
parameter for some applications that can be reliability, security, integration, QoS, and so on. The
considered as network reliability, protocol relia- middleware layer has been suggested as a solution to
bility, and data reliability. Few works have been incorporate the current and future requirements needed
done in designing of reliable delivery protocols, to develop new generation WSN application. Various
and most of the work is application specific approaches have been given on middleware to develop
where traditional WSN applications suffer from and execute the applications as per needs. Moreover,
data losses. However, for a range of applica- all the middleware approaches provide functionality to
tions, reliability is needed, where data losses configure the software and data aggregation. For some
makes the data ineffective. So, reliable commu- instance, middleware needs more functionality, like
nication architecture is required for application interoperability mechanism on different levels and
(emergency event) where the status of node and adaptability of dynamic network. Future WSN is envi-
data is important. sioned as a combination of services such as sensing,
communication, and so on, which will be provided by
different providers to different applications.73 In the
Lack of common framework and emerging scenario, the new architectural approaches
are needed to incorporate the requirements, logics on
different planes, and acceptability of dynamic behavior
Numerous applications have been developed using of the network as per need of application. The new
WSNs for geographical monitoring, motion detection, architectural design consists of loose coupling, inter-
and radiation detection. Development of application- faces, and level of abstraction which builds WSNs inde-
specific WSNs increases the development of protocols. pendent from application. The service-oriented
These developments have created a new challenge, that computing paradigm is the most prominent approach
is, a lack of common framework where a developer can to develop the WSN for current and future applica-
develop new services. Almost all the applications are tions. The service-oriented approach has some basic
18 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

characteristics such as loose coupling, flexibility, intero- come with a design methodology to fulfill the need of
perability, and availability which provides the easy applications. For example, IoT-based applications have
development environment for providers.73 The combi- various requirements, such as data accuracy, data secu-
nation of WSNs and service-oriented approach pro- rity, resource constraints, and so on. In Siris et al.,98
vides a method of unified services with WSN different implementation test beds are used to measure
components for users and flexible model of program- the humidity, ozone, and temperature using the feder-
ming to develop the scalable WSN applications. ated interoperable semantic IoT (FIESTA-IoT/cloud
testbeds and applications) platform. The deviation in
accuracy and energy cost and privacy method has been
Motivation for employing SOA-based WSNs discussed. Kandris et al.99 have given agile develop-
WSN has appeared as a new paradigm for the informa- ment software methodology for the software develop-
tion collection with the collaborative efforts from sen- ment. In WSNs, the design of application and network
sor nodes. Nowadays, the applicability of this network protocol stack fulfills the need of users, but however
has been increased due to requirement of less infrastruc- designed solutions are not acceptable as per the need,
ture and readability in an unmanned area. Therefore, a then a new solution should be developed using the
number of users and requirements are also increasing in SOA.
the area of WSNs. These requirements are fulfilled with Due to diverse applications of sensor networks, this
developed architectural solutions with the technology- is a tedious task to build applications of WSNs and
centric approach. Based on this approach, many solu- actuators.67 So to make the development easier for the
tions have been given to the users as per the require- developer, a new framework, high level of abstraction,
ments of applications. These architectural solutions are or middleware is required. In 2011, Eduardo Cañete
forcing and putting the overhead to the users and appli- et al.100 have introduced a Service-oriented Framework
cations due to a lack of flexibility. In the present sce- for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (USEME) as
nario, the user and application demand flexibility in a framework to develop the real-time applications
terms of service development, reusability of codes, ser- which follows the principle of service-oriented and
vice selection, and composition from the pool as per the component paradigm. The framework has three basic
application requirements due to dynamic requirements elements—sensor node, port, and services. For the
and customization. As a case, the user has to select the development of service, high-level languages are sug-
best service from the service planes as per the applica- gested because low-level language is difficult, time con-
tion and network requirements for the deployment and suming, and is not reusable. The sensor nodes make
location identification of sensor nodes. Existing the complex service to do the task, for example, AC
technology-centric approaches do not support this kind actor needs humidity and temperature. The ports are
of activity. Therefore, it motivates us to think about the designed with three elements—synchronous command,
solution of WSN communication architecture that asynchronous command, and event to execute the pro-
should be based on the user perspectives for ease of gram. The service term is defined with the help of
modification or enhancement, flexible enough to incor- required port and provided port to form the service
porate the current and future requirements, interoper- and interact with the service. The approach gives the
ability between service (developed from different way to add, extend, and reuse the system. As per the
organizations of research communities), reusability of application requirements, developers may develop and
codes, automatic service selection, and composition. integrate the components in framework. In 2102,
For the development of user-centric communication Abangar et al.101 had suggested middleware perspective
architecture of WSNs, we have followed the service- to build the smart infrastructure using the WSN. They
oriented paradigm. also claimed that service-oriented framework is not
enough to make smart infrastructure, but with the mid-
dleware technology, development of new sensor-based
Service-oriented middleware for WSNs
service can be easier.
In WSNs, researchers are using the SOA for different In heterogeneous WSNs, heterogeneous of nodes
aspects, like application development, design of sensor may be deployed to collect data from environment. The
network, and so on.96,97 The WSN is applicable for communications among the heterogeneous nodes are
various kinds of applications such as habitat monitor- difficult due to interoperability. To solve the problem
ing, environmental monitoring, structural monitoring, of interoperability, SOA-based interface as a middle-
and so on. Different kinds of applications compel the ware architecture has been proposed by Abangar
developer to develop device software as per the require- et al.101 Middleware facilitates the users to perform
ments (energy, memory, and resources). One of the key query, storage, to or from the sensors. Smart mechan-
requirements is power, which may not be the same for isms are used to decide whether data are required from
all the applications. Therefore, the developer has to the storage or sensor. The architecture uses few features
Singh et al. 19

of SOA such as interoperability and reusability, and in composition as per the constraints of the network to
addition to this, it removes the overhead of XML data develop the application for dynamic environment. In
format using binary encoding. Additional advantages the framework, the developer has no need to program
are minimum energy consumption and efficient data for each domain; he has to only use the library which is
delivery and query processing. Alkazemi and col- developed by the domain expert. It comprises a node
leagues102 have also addressed the issue of heteroge- manager, configuration manger, and service discovery
neous sensor network in terms of data format and its manager as the service to support the application. In
structure that may affect the network capability. To addition to this, the framework also addresses the
develop middleware, it follows the principle of SOA designing issue of networked sensors. The issues are
and business model management. The middleware application specific and QoS requirements, that is, con-
comprises the layer-independent modules, which makes straint management, mapping of application design in
possible to achieve high degree of scalability and flexi- real world, service discovery, configuration, and data
bility for the architecture.71 The layers are service bus, aggregation.
interface repository, synthesizer service, binding service, Mohammad Al-Rousan and Kullab19 have devel-
data exchange service, encryption routing service, and oped service-oriented-based solution (SI)2 to provide
business process service. The middleware is flexible and standardized device access mechanism for the applica-
scalable for WSN applications but are not tested for tions. The middleware architecture has been developed
business process applications. To deal with the hetero- based on dependent and independent layers. The mes-
geneous data, Levent Gürgen et al.103 have given the sage handler and service manager are the two compo-
service-oriented-based stremware architecture for the nents of the platform-dependent layer. The function of
management of data. The architecture is used to define the message handler is to transform the events from
the different data in a generic way using the schema. platform dependent to independent form and converts
The architecture deployed between the senor and appli- the services from platform dependent to independent
cation as a mediator adopter16 to collect the data from format which are on smart devices. The independent
the sensors using query service. The deployment follows layer consists of the three modules, namely, requester,
the hierarchical SOA104 to collect the heterogeneous service mapper, and service repository.105 These mod-
data from distributed sensors. The approach is useful ules are responsible for specific functions such as pro-
for kind of application where heterogeneous sensor cessing the request, mapping the service required by a
nodes like camera, pressure, and temperature sensors smart item, and storage of the item, respectively. In
are required to collect the data. context-aware computing, service-oriented approach is
Amundson and colleagues91 have proposed an already adopted in the service awareness sphere using
object-centric, ambient-aware service-oriented sensor- rule-based reasoning for awareness and conventional
net programming framework (OASiS) which follows context awareness scheme may not work generally due
the principle of SOA (Figure 24). The framework pro- to heterogeneity of the device.106 Therefore, Bai Y
vides services in terms of discovery, binding, and et al.107 have proposed service-oriented middleware to

Figure 24. OASiS programming framework.

20 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

solve the problem of heterogeneity (hardware device) Thus far, various developments in middleware-based
and to encourage the application development based WSN applications have been disscussed in detail with
on the context in smart environments. The middleware SOA in vogue. The introduction of SOA has provided
works as the bridge between the application layer great flexibilities in the design and development of
requirement as per the context and hardware layers. sophisticated WSN applications. With proliferation
For context-aware reasoning, it enables interaction and ease of services development, myriad services have
between many factors. been developed and made available for public pooled
Moungla Caporuscio et al.108 have proposed middle- usages. Such a scenario, though very apt for next-
ware architecture for ubiquitous computing. The aim generation software development markets, poses seri-
of the architecture is to connect devices and deploy web ous impediments for practitioners to select best services
services on a range of devices. The middleware architec- from the available pool. Besides, due to prohibitively
ture consists of two layers, namely, web service– large number of alternatives available for a particular
oriented layer and multiradio networking layer. The service, appropriate service selection has been a very
web service layer performs peer-to-peer connection and pertinent problem. This may be looked upon in future
includes the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) by employing evolutionary and other stochastic optimi-
messages for routing in the multiradio network. The zation techniques.
multiradio layer manages the addressing scheme of the
multiradio network. It gives a way to use the SOAP
Declaration of conflicting interests
API in pervasive computing like WSNs. Edgardo
Avils-Lpez and J. Antonio Garca-Macas92 have pro- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
posed TinySOA for accessing the WSN using SOA-
based interface by the programmer’s preferred lan-
guage. With this approach, the developer can collect
data without knowing the technical detail of hardware Funding
devices. This middleware can also be used to connect to The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
the Internet with sensor network to collect data. Chein port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Liang-Fok et al.109 have proposed middleware architec- article: The first author’s research was facilitated by IIIT
ture, Servilla, to improve the flexibility and energy effi- Allahabad, India, and NIT Meghalaya, India. The second
ciency using adaptive service mechanism. It is difficult author received financial support from the National Natural
to use and program the WSN due to the limitation of Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 51875113.
energy and high connectivity, but traditionally, it is
done with the energy level information of the service ORCID iD
provider. In addition to this, it is also platform inde- Ashish Kr Luhach
pendent to support the heterogeneous network. By
optimizing the energy dissipation, the architecture also
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