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CELLULAR AND MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS UNIT-I CHAPTER :2 ELEMENTS OF CELLULAR RADIO SYSTEM DESIGN MYVSS BABU M.Tech (COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS)| Asst. profess © General description of the problem, © Concept of frequency channels, © Co-channel Interference Reduction Factor, © Desired C/I from a normal case in a Omni directional Antenna system, Cell splitting, © consideration of the components of Cellular system. tation in the cellular system the frequency resource, | challenge is to serve the greatest number of customers with a specif system quality. Based on the concept of efficient spectrum utilization, the cellular mobile ra system design can be broken down into many elements, and each element can analyzed and related to the others. The major elements are © The concept of frequency reuse channels ° The Co-channel Interference Reduction Factor The desired carrier to interference ratio © The handoff mechanism, and © Cell splitting e concept of frequency reuse channel: © Aradio channel consists of a pair of frequencies, one for each direction of transmission that is used fe duplex operation. oA particular radio channel, say F1, used in one geographic zone as named it a cell, say C1, with a co radius R can be used in another cell with the same coverage radius at a distance D away. frequency reuse is the core concept of the cellular mobile radio system. © In this frequency reuse system, users in different geographic locations (different cells) may simultan use the same frequency channel © The frequency reuse system can drastically increase the spectrum efficiency, but if the system properly designed, serious interference may occut, Interference due to the common use of the same channel is called co-channel interference and is our concern in the concept of frequency reuse. czy a=0/R The concept of frequency reuse ¢hannels : N-cell reuse Patte The minimum distance that allows the same frequency to be reused will de on many factors, such as the number of co-channel cells in the vicinity of the c: cell, the type of geographic terrain contour, the antenna height, and the transm power at each cell site. ne Ce) Distance between center of Hexagonal and center of Hexagonal side is L th L?+(R/2)? =R? V=R?-(R2/4) = 3R7/4 L=v3 R/2 ® Consider a K=7 cell reused pattern as sho above figure +To find the distance between two co-ch cells (D) consider the new axis’s U and passing through center of hexagonal sides. u-axis © To find the distance of a point P(u,v) from « use X-Y to U-V co-ordinate transformation X-Axds From X-Y co-ordinates Daxty Here x=ucos(30°) and y=v+ usin(30") D’ — =(ueos (30°))"+(v + usin(30"))? Pcos?30° +4 sin 30"+2uvsin30° (cos°30° +sin°30°) +2uv (1/2) +7 sin30 tt =u D =(v Hwy) 12 1?+(R/2)? =R? L?=R?-(R?/4) = 3R7/4 L=V3 R/2 If isnumber cells moving along the U axis then = V3 Ri i=0,1.2.. If j-number cells moving along the V axis then v = V3 Rj i=0.1.2... D=1W3 Ri¥ +(V3 Ri) (V3 Rj) +(V3 RiP I? = [3R2i2+3R2ij+3R2j27)'7 =V38@ FU FFOR Therefore the frequency reuse distance D=V3kR_ where k=(i? + ij 4 Hence possible values of Kare1, 3, 4, 7,12, 19. Reuse factor is q=D/R =V3k reuse distance D increases. This increased D reduces the chance that co-che interference may occur. Theoretically, a large K is desired. However, the total number of allocated chai is fixed. ° Wher K is too large, the number of channels assigned to each of K cells bec small. It is always true that if the total number of channels in K cells is divided increases, trunking inefficiency results. sume that the size of all cells is roughly the same. © The cell size is determined by the coverage area of the signal strength in each cell. « As long as the cell size is fixed, co-channel interference is independent of the transn power of each cell. © It means that the received threshold level at the mobile unit is adjusted to the size ¢ cell. Actually, co-channel interference is a function of a parameter q defined as a=(D/R) » © The parameter q is the co-channel interference reduction factor. ce © When the ratio q increases, co-channel interference decreases. a © Further more, the separation D is a function of K1 and C/I Where Ki is the number of co-channel interfering cells in the first tier and C/Tis the received carrier-to-interference ratio at the desired mobile receive n-a fully equipped hexagonal-shaped cellular system, there are always six co- channel interfering cells in the first tier, as shown in Fig, © that is, Kr= 6 Co-channel interference can be experienced both at the cell site ar mobile units in the center cell. e Therefore, the co-channel interference from the second tier of interfering cells is negligible. ce * i TBD x (=) a) © Where gk is the co-channel interference reduction factor with kth co-channel interfering cell Dr i= +5 R ——-~ ANTENNA SYSTEM. (Find the desire There are two cases to be considered: () the signal and co-channel interference received by the mobile unit and (2) the signal and co-channel interference received by the cell site. © Both cases are shown in Fig below. © Nm, and Nb are the local noises at the mobile unit and the cell site, respectively. © Usually, Nm and Nb are small and can be neglected as compared with the interference level. ~ ANTENNA SYSTEM (Find the desire As long as the received carrier-to-interference ratios at both the mobile unit the cell site are the same, the system is called a balanced system. «In a balanced system, we can choose either one of the two cases to analyz system requirement; the results from one case are the same for the others. Assume that all Dk are the same for simplicity, then D = Dk, and q = qk, and é T thus And ~ANTENNA SYSTEM (Find the desire Normal cellular practice is to specify C/I to be 18 dB or higher based on subjecti tests. Because a C/I of 18 dB is measured by the acceptance of voice quality from prese cellular mobile receivers. 10log(C/!) =18d8 log(C/l) =1.8 C/I = 10° =63.1 = D/R =(6X63.1)" =4.41 This is because q is not a function of transmitted power. The factor q can be related to the finite set of cells K in a hexagonal-shaped cellular system by ~ ANTENNA SYSTEM (Find the desire qe=V3K Substituting q from Eg. (4) into Eq. (5) yields K=7 © Equation (6) indicates that a seven-cell reuse pattern is needed for a C/I of 18 « It que feature that allows cellular systems to operate as effe in actual use. There are two kinds of handoffs, hard and soft. The hard handoff is “brake before make.” The soft handoff is “make before brake.” © Two co-channel cells using the frequency Fi separated by a distance D are shown in F The radius R and the distance D are governed by the value of q. © Now we have to fill in with other frequency channels such as F2, F3, and F4 between tv co-channel cells in order to provide a communication system in the whole area. The fill-in frequencies F2, F3, and F4 are also assigned to their corresponding cells C2, and C4 according to the same value of q. © Suppose a mobile unit is starting a call in cell C1. and then moves to C2. © The call can be dropped and reinitiated in the frequency channel from Fi to F2 while th mobile unit moves from cell Ci to cell C2. © This process of changing frequencies can © bedone automatically by the system without the user’s interference. ly as demonstr splitting the process of subdividing a c a cong: ted cell into smaller cells with thei own Tase stations. © Then it reduces in the antenna height and transmitted power. © Splitting the cells reduces the cell size and thus more number of cells has to be used. ° More number of cells => more number of ‘clusters more number of channels=> Higher capacity. ae aaa acacaoa aaaacls Large cells (Low Density Small cells (High Densit Smaller cell (Higher Der ple: Suppose the congested service area is originally covered by 3 cells and each cell contains 80 channels. Capacity= 3X80= 240. Usually the new radius is one-half the original radius. After cell splitting the radius of new cell RNew= R/2. After cell splitting we have 19 cells as shown below. Now new capacity= 19X80= 1520. If you observe the above figures after cell splitting it covers the entire area as compared to before cell splitting. The capacity also increased from 240 to 1520. MTSO/BSC CELL ‘*® Coordinates all @ Autonomously ta Switch functions locates mobiles o @ Performs all internal @ Manages data —— Ne switching of calls communication with Serves features mobile & MTSO implemented via eaotware elements of cellular mobile radio system design have been mentioned it previous sections. ° Here we must also consider the components of cellular systems, such as m radios, antennas, cell-site, base-station controller, and MTSO. They would < our system design if we do not choose the right one. © The general view of the cellular system is shown in above Fig. Even though thi (Electronic Industries Association) and the FCC have specified standards for | equipment at the cell sites and the mobile sites, we still need to be conce about that equipment.

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