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University of California, Hastings College of the Law

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How Good Is Good Enough? Expert Evidence

under Daubert and Kumho
David L. Faigman
UC Hastings College of the Law,

David H. Kaye

Michael J. Saks

Joseph Sanders

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Recommended Citation
David L. Faigman, David H. Kaye, Michael J. Saks, and Joseph Sanders, How Good Is Good Enough? Expert Evidence under Daubert and
Kumho, 50 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 645 (2000).
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Faigman David
Author: David L. Faigman
Source: Case Western Reserve Law Review
Citation: 50 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 645 (2000).
Title: How Good Is Good Enough? Expert Evidence under Daubert and Kumho

Originally published in CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW. This article is reprinted with
permission from CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW and Case Western Reserve University,
School of Law.
HeinOnline -- 50 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 645 1999-2000
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