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Enigma of the Game Mantras of the Ascent

A being does not exist A being walks

Arhat diverges. It is a poem, an enigma, a void and Mantras are poems of free interpretation, which
a whole. It is incomplete, but infinite. It is waiting give skills and capabilities. Each trait is shaped and
to be deciphered, found, and then resurfaced. The limited by the Vision of The Priest, which therefore
path of interpretation will be difficult for those must be clear.
Priests and Beings still in chains.
Essential Mantras
Ceremony of Initiation
A bring congregates The Priest will choose or create depending on his
Each Ceremony has a, and only one, Priest; the one
who will say that it is true and that it is false, the one · Adventurer explorer: Human capabilities; World’s
who will read the dice, build the present and observe culture; Self-defense; Avoidance of dangers; Average
the future. intelligence; Basic survival. / Inventory: Travel clothing
(Light clothing, Boots, gloves, coat, etc.); Travel
Each other participant in the Ceremony will be able equipment (rope, map, kitchen equipment, torches,
to create a Being and influence their actions. If the blanket, knife, food rations, gold coins, emergency
Being’s Karma is good, it can also read the present kit, etc.)
just like the Priest.
· Mundane explorer: Desperate actions; Human
Emerging from Samsara capabilities; Avoidance of dangers; Average intelligence;
Trivial tasks; Village life. / Inventory: Travel clothing
A being is reborn
(Light clothing, Boots, gloves, coat, etc.); Travel
equipment (Rope, map, kitchen equipment, torches,
First step
blanket, knife, food rations, copper coins, emergency
Focus on the essence of Being. Who are you? What
kit, etc.).
is your appearance and behavior ? How did you come
to be who you are ? How you are known?
· Dark explorer: Bloodthirsty Battle; Human
capabilities; Avoidance of dangers; Painful experiences;
Second step
Dirty tricks; Vile trickster. / Inventory: Travel clothing
The Priest will choose the same Mantra for all
(Light clothing, Boots, gloves, coat, etc.); Travel
[Essential Mantra], then each Being chooses 2
equipment (Rope, map, kitchen equipment, torches,
Mantras based on your thoughts [be either Life or
blanket, knife, food rations, gold coins, emergency
Blood Mantras.].
kit, etc.).
Third step
Choose an Astra, your inherent piece.

Fourth step
Choose a Nirvana, your essential goal
for which you will sacrifice everything.
Life Mantras
· Ace shooter: Firearms; Good aim; Ideal cover; · Mystic fighter: Trained Body; Internal energy;
Explosions; Special ammunition; Traps. / Inventory: Channeling meditation; Multiple fighting styles; Imposing
Main gun (bow, crossbow, arquebus, etc.), Side gun presence; Secret techniques. / Inventory: Exotic outfit;
(handgun, repeating gun, small crossbow, etc.), Exotic weapon (staff, jian sword, dao saber, hooks,
Explosives (different types.); Traps (different types.); kuan tao, etc.), Meditation Amulet.
· Powerful psychic: Psionic Barrier; Remote location;
· Arcane mage: Logical analysis; Circle of wizards; Mental manipulation; Telekinetic power; Telepathy;
Academic studies; Control of the elements; Energy Mind tricks.
evocation; Elemental conjuration. / Inventory: Staff;
Grimoire. · Sneaky bandit: Acrobatic prowess; Security measures;
Heightened senses; Dirty tricks; Criminal life; Vile
· Courageous warrior: Heroic defender; Military trickster. / Inventory: Graceful weapon (whip; short
training; Weapon master; Battle veteran; Physical vigor; Swords or rapier); Ranged weapon (bow, crossbow
Imposing will. / Inventory: Reliable weapon (bow; or throwing knives.); Black clothing; Cape and hood;
melee weapon, firearm or throwing knives.); Body Stealth equipment (lockpicks, tools, poisons, smoke
protection (leather armor, steel armor, rigid hides, grenades, spyglasses, etc.).
shield, etc.).
· Spirit shaman: Emissary of nature; Natural empathy;
· Dark sorcerer: Terrifying aura; Occult studies; Animal shape; Spiritist Magic; Natural magic; Wild
Infernal fire; Immortality; Necromantic magic; Demonic life. / Inventory: Staff; Sack of ingredients (powder;
pact. / Inventory: Staff; Grimoire; Sinister clothing. bones, ointments, etc.).

· Divine chosen: Sacred aura; Heavenly envoy; Religious · Swordmaster: Martial Arts; Acrobatic dexterity;
instruction; Divine fury; Healing magic; Member of the Amazing fencing; Wise teachings; Amazing speed; Old
temple. / Inventory: Ecclesiastical uniform; Divine master. / Inventory: Excellent sword (katana; rapier;
amulet; Holy book. greatsword; etc.).

· Inventive artisan: Dangerous gadgets; Inventive · Wild stranger: Good aim; Tribal clan; Animal
crafter; Alchemical studies; Unexpected explosions; empathy; Strength of the persevering; Fierce fight;
Crazy inventions; Alchemical substances. / Inventory: Survival techniques. / Inventory: Rustic weapon
Spyglasses; Study book; Bandolier of potions and gadgets; (sword, long knife, ax, hammer, etc.); Ranged weapon
Ingredients case; Portable laboratory. (bow or throwing knives.); Animal skins.

· Magical bard: Charming charisma; Traveler

knowledge; Graceful dexterity; Magical melodies; Illusory
tricks; Old friendships. / Inventory: Graceful weapon
(whip; short swords or rapier); Side weapon (bow,
crossbow or throwing Knives.); Portable musical
instrument (violin, lute, flute, etc.); Flamboyant
clothing; Writing equipment.
Blood Mantras
· Artificially altered: Advanced analysis; Self- · Half-Spider: Acrobatic dexterity; Poisonous glands;
sustaining; Technological connection; Improved body; Regeneration; Shadowbond; Arachnid servants;
Integrated devices; Military training. / Inventory: Strengthened cobweb.
Body protection; Advanced weaponry (energy weapon;
explosives.). · Halfling adventurer: Diligent assistant; Acrobatic
dexterity; Trades of trade; Small size; Friendly vagabond;
· Corporeal spectre: Terrifying aura; Immortal Unbreakable will; Lucky one. / Inventory: Lucky charm;
eternity; Intangible form; Levitation; Spirit magic; Slingshot (different kinds of ammunition); Graceful
Possession of bodies. weapon (dagger, rapier, etc.).

· Cursed Lycanthrope: Animal Empathy; Wolf form; · Resurrected corpse: Berserker; Immortal body;
Animal instinct; Bestial predator; Wild life; Physical Spiritism; Contagious fluids; Intimidating force; Ancestral
vigor. memories.

· Dwarf adventurer: Martial Training; Amazing · Sentient construct: Inorganic anatomy; Immortal
blacksmithing; Stoic Perseverance: Dwarf Blood; antiquity; Artificially modifiable; Impenetrable shielding;
Underground Life; Physical vigor. / Inventory: Dwarf Brute force; Repairs.
weapon (sword, hammer, ax, etc.); Ranged weapon
(throwing axes or crossbow.); Body protection. · Sinister aberration: Alterable anatomy; Terrifying
appearance; Shapeshift; Harmful fluids; New appendices;
· Demonic descendant: Dark wings; Terrifying aura; Fast regeneration.
Infernal fire; Bestial traits; Demonic servants; True form.
· Vampiric creature: Change of forms; Immortality;
· Dragon Descendant: Dragon wings; Fire breath; Hypnotic gaze; Physical might; Bestial predator; Night
Dragon shape; Dragon lineage; Bestial predator; Physical servants.
· Venomous Reptilian: Acrobatic Dexterity; Animal
· Elven adventurer: Acrobatic prowess; Graceful empathy; Animal instinct; Bestial predator; Harmful
fight; Amazing presence; Elven blood; Heightened senses; secretions; Sneaky camouflage.
Wild life. / Inventory: Elven weapon (short sword,
long knife, etc.); Ranged weapon (Bow or throwing
knives.); Body protection.

· Gnome adventurer: Avid reader; Amazing

inventions; Distant relatives; Small size; Comical
friendliness; Illusory tricks. / Inventory: Striking
clothing; Tool belt; Amazing Sack (scrap pieces.).

Half-Beast: Innate gifts; Animal empathy; Animal

instinct; Bestial predator; Wild life; Physical vigor.
Unveil the path · Immortal Tradition: Unique customs; Cult defense;
A being transcends Succession line; Community’s protector; Honorable
reputation; Unbeatable superiority.
Nirvana is the primordial land, the goal of each
being, what you want to achieve, the reason why · Infinite Power: Disposable Allies; Ultimate weapon;
you create and destroy. Choose a Nirvana and, at Great reputation; Immortality; Sovereign command;
any time, the Priest or any Being can conjure up Immeasurable wealth.
a problem. [“I pounce recklessly.”; “I trust this, despite
everything.”; “I will not ally myself with any of them.”; “I · Mundane pleasure: Hedonic search; Minimal effort;
will do it even if it means breaking the law.”; “I will not Carefree spirit; Prone to temptation; No compromises;
allow you to help me.”; “I will take revenge for this.”; “I Earthly vices.
find myself obstinate to achieve it.”; etc.].
· Personal Perfection: Faultless acts; Search for
Every time a complication or a Maia arises because beauty; Self-discipline; Dreamed paragon; New rivals;
of your Nirvana, all those affected beings can spin Physical purity.
the prayer wheel. Every time you manage to overcome
a complication or a Maia caused by your own or · Spiritual ascention: Crusade against evil; Prophetic
someone else’s Nirvana, you can spin the prayer destiny; Sacred commandments; Trials of Faith; Holy
wheel. traditions; Earthly transcendence.

· Absolute freedom: Constant change; Free spirit; Out · The End of Everything: Disposable Allies; Cult
of the law; Neither god - nor love; Anarchism; Break of death and pain; Growing dementia; Indiscriminate
chains. destruction; Nihilistic emissary; Out of the law.

· Altruistic heroism: Greater Good; Extinction of · True Knowledge: Pragmatic action. Cultivation
evil; Martial Justice; Noble charity; Saving redemption; of the mind; Obsessive curiosity; Rational skepticism;
Protective vanguard. Unscrupulous experimentation; Cold judgment.

· Communion with Nature: Cosmic balance; Animal · Warrior honor: Demanding discipline; Unbreakable
spirit; Respectful harmony; Rudimentary life; Old beliefs; oaths; Law of the strongest; Death in battle; New rivals;
Spiritual bond. Glorious victory.

Each being has a unique companion that when it is an advantage, adds a dice to the act.

· Superior weapon: [Legendary Sword, Cursed Ax, Retractable Razor; Flame Lash, Poisonous Twin Daggers,
Flexible Armor, Giant Shield, etc.]; Indestructible; Destructive power; Protective; Special trick; Extensive reputation;
Personal bond.

· Magic Channeller: [Staff, Grimoire, Emblem, etc.] Indestructible; Astral link; Magic focus; Arcane catalyst; Spell
enhancer; Meta-planar connection.

· Familiar companion: [Magical Cat, Little Dragon, Unicorn; etc.] Loyal servant; Astral link;
Innate abilities; Guide; Timely rescue; Magic trick.
The Path
Spin the prayer wheel Sacrifices of Life
A being advances
Every time a being spins the prayer wheel, The Being
will get (1) Karma light. If spins the prayer wheel Every time the actions of a being can have negative
as consequence of an event that could have been consequences, you must roll the dice. Each Mantra
incredibly dangerous, you acquire (2) Karma lights and Astra that is an advantage, will give a dice.
instead of (1).
When the dice are silent, keep the highest and
Karma observe the result:

1-3. You barely achieve your task, but you or an ally

When the Priest describes the present, you can
receive a Maia for it: “You manage to defeat him, but
extinguish a Karma light to create a small alteration
you are seriously injured.”; “Your magic works, but it has
to the present: “There is a crack in the stone.”; “It is not
exhausted you.”; “You make it through, but they seem to
the first time we have not seen.”; “It looks like it will rain in
have discovered your friend.”; “You advance, but you must
a few hours.”; “There is an importante location near here.”
leave it behind.”; “It works, but it breaks.”; etc.
Although the Priest can negate the alteration called
by the Being, only if it could damage the balance of
4-5. You achieve your mission moderately.
the universe. You can never use a Karma light to
nullify a problem or a Maia caused by an invocation
6. You achieve your mission, but if you wish, it can
of a Nirvana.
become an amazing feat but someone (or the entire
group) unleashes a Maia.
The bond and the goal
Rolling the dice always implies victory, therefore
The beings must describe where they come from, the Priest can deny any roll before it happens, but
how they have known each other, why they remain considers that sometimes, the Maias are inevitable.
together, what links them to each other and must
explain why they share the same objective.
Maias Inevitables
A being fells
Birth of Mantras and Nirvanas
The Maia is the disadvantage of every being, an
The Priest can create Mantras and Nirvanas; They
obstacle that must be overcome, the lie that covers
must have 6 traits and all the tools they require to
the world.
be able to use themselves: How would you confront
danger? Why is it unique?; What experiences does it
Weakening Maia: you lose a die each time it is
keep in its existence?; How do you bond with other
negative. [Combat wound; Fatigue; Burned skin; Mental
beings?; What is your vessel like?; How they bend
torments, etc.].
their enviroment?
Limiting Maia: discard any dice with “4” or “5” when
Arhat is an tabletop RPG developed by Benjamín
negatively conditioned. [Serious injury; Poisonings,
Aníbal Reyna - Thanks: Martín “El Condor” Bravo,
Rafael Tealdi, Sebastián Cohen, Joaquín Caretti, Mauro
Fernandez Cuppari, Gabriel Medina, Evangelina
Voiding Maia: until further notice, you cannot take
McDowell, Ariel del Vigo, Daniel Moreno, Guillermo
certain actions. [Unconscious; Paralyzed; Locked; Dead;
“El Carpe” Carpintero. - Fonts: Kingthings foundation
Paralyzing phobia; etc.]
(Kingthings), Crimson Text (Sebastian Kosch)
Trigger Maia: Your mistake calls to a new
problem. [Important debt; Sworn enemy;
Sinister curse, etc.]

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