Clinical Nutrition - A Functional Perspective

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“For years I have been asked what nutrition book I would recommend as a
starting text in developing mastery in clinical nutrition. My answer is the
updated and revised edition of the Clinical Nutrition textbook published by
the Institute for Functional Medicine.”
—Jeff Bland, PhD, Founder and Board Chair, IFM

“There is no lack of information available to clinicians today. In fact, we are

A Functional Approach
flooded with research and scientific articles. What we desperately need are
organizational and navigational tools that help us apply (effectively) at the
clinical point-of-contact the information we do have. The revised Clinical
Nutrition book provides not only the most clinically relevant facts about

A Fu n c t i o n a l Ap p ro a ch
nutritional biochemistry, but also the organizational tools and functional
architecture to assist in the application of this information in the clinical
Contributing Authors and Editors Contributing Authors and Reviewers
(Second Edition) (Original)
—David S. Jones, MD, IFM President
DeAnn Liska, PhD, Technical Editor Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD

“A great place to start a journey of discovery concerning the nutritional Sheila Quinn, Managing Editor Linda Costarella, ND

biochemistry underlying health and disease.” Dan Lukaczer, ND Buck Levin, PhD, RD
—Joe Pizzorno, ND, President Emeritus, Bastyr University
David S. Jones, MD DeAnn Liska, PhD

Robert H. Lerman, MD, PhD Dan Lukaczer, ND

Barbara Schiltz, MS, RN, CN

Michael A. Schmidt, PhD

For more information about the Institute for Functional Medicine,
please contact IFM at 800-228-0622 or 253-858-4724. Robert H. Lerman, MD, PhD
Or visit our website at

A Nonprofit Educational Organization

Clinical Nutrition
A Functional Approach

Contributing Authors and Editors Contributing Authors and Reviewers

(2004 Revision) (1999 Edition)
DeAnn Liska, PhD, Technical Editor Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD
Sheila Quinn, Managing Editor Linda Costarella, ND
Dan Lukaczer, ND Buck Levin, PhD, RD
David S. Jones, MD DeAnn Liska, PhD
Robert H. Lerman, MD, PhD Dan Lukaczer, ND
Barbara Schiltz, MS, RN, CN
Michael A. Schmidt, PhD
Robert H. Lerman, MD, PhD

The Institute for Functional Medicine
A Nonprofit Educational Organization
P.O. Box 1697
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335, USA
1st printing 2004
2nd printing 2006

ISBN 10: 0-9773713-2-8

ISBN 13: 978-0-9773713-2-7
Contributions from the following generous individuals
provided vital support for the 2004 Clinical Nutrition revision project.
IFM offers its warmest thanks and appreciation.

Kathi A. Bowen-Jones and David Jones

Ron Kurtz and Terry Toth
Robert and Gay MacLellan
Bill and Barbara Patridge
John and Cathy Schleining
Dan and Virginia Shapiro
Fredrick and JoAnn Soued
Mark and Donna Eisenstein
Brady C. Davis
Arnold B. Freiman
Karl and Carole Hesse

No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior
written permission of The Institute for Functional Medicine, unless such copying is expressly permitted by
federal copyright law. Address inquiries to Senior Editor, Institute for Functional Medicine, P.O. Box 1697,
Gig Harbor, WA 98335.

Preface xi
About the Authors and Editors xiii
List of Figures xvii
List of Tables xix

Chapter 1: Nutrition from a Functional Perspective 1

Why a “Functional” Approach to Clinical Nutrition? 2
What is Functional Medicine? 3
Biochemical Individuality in Nutrition 5
Patient-Centered Nutrition 7
Dynamic Balance and Nutrition 8
Weblike Interconnections and Nutrition 9
How Nutrition Supports Health as a Positive Vitality 11
Promotion of Organ Reserve with Nutrition and Conditionally Essential Nutrients 13
Summary 14
References 14

Chapter 2: Carbohydrates 17
Classes of Carbohydrates 18
Fructose 19
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) 21
Inulin and Fructooligosaccharides 22
Nondigestible or “Resistant” Starch 24
Dietary Fibers 26
Evaluating Fiber Intake 27
Increasing Fiber in the Diet 29


A Functional Approach to Carbohydrates 29

Carbohydrate Metabolism and Maldigestion 29
Carbohydrate Metabolism and Blood Sugar Regulation 31
Glycemic index 31
Factors affecting glycemic response 34
Second meal effect 35
Clinical conclusions about carbohydrates and glycemic index 35
Carbohydrate Research: Future Directions 36
Summary 36
References 37

Chapter 3: Proteins and Amino Acids 41

Amino Acids 42
Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids 42
Amino Acids and Amino Acid Derivatives: Examples 45
The sulfation cycle: cysteine, methionine, and betaine 45
Amino acid conjugation: taurine and glycine 45
The urea cycle and signal transduction: arginine, ornithine, and citrulline 47
The branched-chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine 49
Mitochondrial metabolism: creatine and carnitine 50
Glutamine 51
Excitatory amino acid: glutamate 52
Proteins and Peptides 53
Biologically Active Peptides 53
Glycoproteins and Proteoglycans 55
Soy Protein 56
Rice Protein 57
A Functional Approach to Amino Acids, Proteins, and Peptides 58
Oxidative Stress and N-Acetylcysteine 58
Glutamate and the NMDA Receptor Pathway 58
Detoxification, Sulfate Reserves, and Neurodegenerative Diseases 61
Food Intolerance, Allergies, and the Elimination Diet 62
Summary 64
References 64
Table of Contents v

Chapter 4: Fats 69
Fats and Cell Membranes 70
Fat Classification 70
Fatty Acid Classification 71
Fatty Acids in the Laboratory 73
Omega Family Fatty Acid Ratios 74
Arachidonic Acid Cascade 74
Arachidonic Acid, Omega Ratios, and Inflammation 77
Plant Oil Supplementation and the AA Cascade 79
Trans Fatty Acids 79
Fats and Oxidative Insult 80
Lipid Peroxides and Antioxidant Protection of Cell Lipids 80
Vitamin E and Lipid Protection 83
Vitamin C and Lipid Protection 83
Coenzyme Q10 and Lipid Protection 84
Sterols: The Second Major Category of Lipids 85
Cholesterol 85
Fatty Acids and Thyroid Function 87
Short-Chain Fatty Acids 87
Medium-Chain Fatty Acids and Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCFAs and MCTs) 89
Clinical Use of MCTs 89
Commercial Preparation of MCT Oils 89
Clinical Effectiveness of 8-Carbon and 10-Carbon MCFAs within MCT Oils 90
Hypercholesterolemic Effects of Lauric and Myristic Acids 90
Fats and Dietary Macronutrient Balance 91
Food Fats and Plant Oils 92
Nuts, Seeds, and Their Oils 92
Fat and Physical Performance 93
Summary 93
References 94

Chapter 5: Vitamins 97
Vitamin Structure and Function 98
Vitamin Classification 98
Vitamin Insufficiency, Deficiency, and Biochemical Individuality 98
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Relevance to Clinical Therapeutics 100
A Functional Approach to Vitamins 101

Each of the following vitamin subsections includes the following elements: Structure,
Absorption, Functions, Sources, Therapeutic considerations, Safety and toxicity, and
Functional medicine considerations.
The Water-Soluble Vitamins 105
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 105
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 109
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 112
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 115
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 117
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 119
Folic Acid 122
Biotin 126
Vitamin C (Ascorbate) 128
The Fat-Soluble Vitamins 131
Vitamin E 131
Vitamin A 136
Vitamin D 139
Vitamin K 142
Summary 145
References 145
Table of Contents vii

Chapter 6: Minerals 151

Each of the following mineral subsections includes the following elements:
Absorption and regulation, Functions, Sources, Therapeutic considerations,
Safety and toxicity, and Functional medicine considerations.
Mineral Classification 152
Calcium 152
Phosphorus 160
Magnesium 161
Sodium, Chloride, and Potassium 165
Chromium 169
Zinc 171
Copper 172
Iodine 175
Iron 176
Manganese 179
Molybdenum 181
Selenium 182
Vanadium 184
Boron 186
Summary 186
References 187

Chapter 7: Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 191

Gastrointestinal Function 192
Digestion 192
Lifestyle Factors Affecting Proper Digestion 192
The Brain and Gut: Cephalic Phase of Digestion 192
Physiology of Digestion 193
Digestion in the Mouth 193
Digestion in the Stomach 194
Clinical Issues: Gastritis, Ulcers, and Helicobacter pylori Infection 196

Digestion in the Small Intestine 197

Pancreatic enzyme secretion 197
Bile secretion 197
Clinical Issues: Impaired Digestion and Disease 197
Digestion in the Colon 199
A Functional Approach to Digestion, Absorption, and Intestinal Permeability 200
Permeability in Healthy Individuals: Basic Physiology and Pediatric Gastroenterology 201
Permeability and Bacterial Imbalance 203
Bacterial Imbalance and the Development of Chronic Disease 204
Direct promotion of bacterial balance through probiotics 205
Indirect support of bacterial balance through prebiotic supplementation 206
Nutritional support of intestinal mucosal cells 207
L-glutamine 207
Butyric Acid 207
EPA and GLA 208
Gamma-oryzanol 208
Permeability and the 4R Gastrointestinal Support Program 208
Remove 209
Replace 210
Reinoculate 210
Repair 211
Summary 211
References 212

Chapter 8: Energy 215

Energy 216
Mitochondria and Energy Production 216
Structure Influences Function 219
Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Metabolism 219
The Krebs Cycle 219
Oxidative Phosphorylation 222
Energy and Nutrition 223
Mitochondria and Nutrition 223
Energy and Absorption of Nutrients 224
Table of Contents ix

Key Cofactors in Mitochondrial Metabolism 225

Mitochondrial Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress 225
Uncoupling 226
Clinical Issues: Mitochondrial Dysfunction 226
Clinical Issues: Mitochondrial Energy Crisis and Parkinson’s Disease 228
A Functional Approach to Energy 229
Mitochondrial Resuscitation 229
Reducing Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress 230
Specific Nutrient Substances Useful in Improving Mitochondrial Efficiency 230
Coenzyme Q10 232
Lipoic Acid 232
Vitamin E 233
L-carnitine 233
B-Complex vitamins 233
Vitamin K 233
N-Acetylcysteine and/or glutathione 234
Creatine 234
Summary 234
References 234

Chapter 9: Environment and Toxicity 237

Total Load 238
Endogenous Toxicants 240
Inborn Errors of Metabolism 240
Imbalanced Metabolism 240
Polymorphisms, Biochemical Individuality, and Toxicity 240
Gastrointestinal Microbial Metabolism 242
Exogenous Toxicants 243
Heavy Metals 244
Food Additives 246
The Excitotoxin Concept 247
Prescription Drugs 247

A Functional Approach to Toxicity 248

Decrease Toxic Load 249
Promote Bacterial Balance 249
Promote Healthy Detoxification 249
The biochemistry of detoxification 249
Clinical Relationships 252
Drugs and detoxification pathways 252
Idiopathic disease and detoxification 256
Neurologic disease and detoxification 256
Nutritional Support for Detoxification 256
Assessment of Detoxification 257
Summary 258
References 259

Chapter 10: Assessment of Nutritional Status 263

Clinical Assessment of Nutritional Status 264
A Functional Approach to Laboratory Assessment of Nutrient Status 265
Static Level Determination of a Nutrient or Metabolite 268
Box A: Clinical and Laboratory Assessment of Fatty Acid Insufficiencies 269
Challenge Tests 270
Indirect Nutrient Assessment 271
Key Considerations in a Functional Medicine Assessment 272
Assessment of Food Allergy and Intolerance 272
Box B: Assessment of Oxidative Stress 273
Box C: Assessment of Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome 276
The Gastrointestinal Milieu 278
Evaluating digestion and absorption 278
Intestinal barrier function 278
Gastrointestinal microecology 279
Summary 280
References 280

Index 283

Clinicians and researchers today are still fol- • The health of the molecular milieu of
lowing the exciting path carved out by the the body depends on the interaction of
four intrepid pioneers of what we now call an individual’s genes with macronutri-
functional medicine. Their contributions so ents, micronutrients, and condition-
advanced our understanding of molecular nu- ally essential nutrients.
trition, that our intellectual debt to them is
permanent. Linus Pauling, PhD, gave birth to Many of today’s most challenging, costly,
the field of molecular medicine; Roger and debilitating conditions, including a vari-
Williams, PhD, developed the concept of bio- ety of age-related diseases, are now recog-
chemical individuality; Abram Hoffer, MD, nized as being closely tied to the mismatch
PhD, introduced biomolecular psychiatry; between dietary and lifestyle habits and ge-
and Bruce Ames, PhD, extended research con- netic predisposition. Heart disease, stroke,
necting single-nucleotide polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes, and many cancers, digestive
increased need for enzyme vitamin cofactors. disorders, autoimmune and atopic diseases,
The fields of inquiry that grew out of their osteoporosis, neurodegenerative conditions,
work have focused on biomolecular nutrition and numerous endocrine and immune prob-
as the foundation of health, and the scientific lems have all been linked to inappropriate
evidence for that view is very compelling. nutrition. “Inappropriate,” of course, is dif-
The Institute for Functional Medicine is ferent for each of us because we are each
dedicated to integrating a comprehensive ap- unique, both genetically as well as in the envi-
proach to clinical nutrition into our healthcare ronmental context of our lives.
system. Such a change is vital to the health of As many readers of this book already
every human being, for three reasons: know, most contemporary health practition-
ers have little formal education in clinical
• Nutrition is a pervasive environmental nutrition beyond recognizing deficiency dis-
factor that influences gene expression eases (although there certainly are excep-
and contributes heavily to the pheno- tions). Even when a great deal of nutritional
typic expression of every human information has been absorbed, many clini-
being. cians still do not know how to apply it effec-
• Nutrients act as important biological tively for the individual patient. Clinical
response modifiers at every level of Nutrition: A Functional Approach helps to
human biochemistry and physiology. close that knowledge gap.


This book will advance your understand- essential knowledge in clinical nutrition and
ing beyond the traditional emphasis on iso- biochemistry.
lated nutrient deficiencies and RDA guidelines In this spirit, we believe Clinical Nutri-
by focusing on underlying metabolic patterns tion: A Functional Approach (2004) will ad-
and nutrient interactions. Combined with a vance the mission of creating a healthcare
functional medicine focus on the unique bio- system founded on solid evidence about the
chemistry, genetics, and environment of the in- real basis of health. The vision that drives this
dividual patient, the innovative approach of mission has been developing for more than
this text helps clinicians make the vital connec- 100 years; our efforts would not have been
tion between nutritional theory and practice. possible without the great thinkers who have
Originally authored by a multidisci- shown us the path.
plinary team of scientists and clinicians, the
first edition took an integrated approach to Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, Founder and
nutrition. The current edition was revised Chairman, Board of Directors
and edited by key members of IFM’s Curricu- David S. Jones, MD, President
lum Development Committee—likewise a The Institute for Functional Medicine
multidisciplinary team—and contains a sig-
nificant emphasis on integrating the concepts April 2004
and applications of functional medicine with

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, is an international au- Directors for The Institute for Functional
thority on human biochemistry, nutrition, Medicine.
and health. After receiving his PhD from the
University of Oregon in 1971, Dr. Bland was DeAnn Liska, PhD, received her PhD in bio-
professor of chemistry for 13 years at the chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-
University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Wash- Madison in 1987, where her research focused
ington. He also served as senior research sci- on the function of vitamin K. From 1988 to
entist at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science 1994, she was a Senior Fellow and, subse-
and Medicine and directed the Bellevue-Red- quently, Research Assistant Professor at the
mond Medical Laboratory in Washington. University of Washington. While there, she
He is the author of over 50 original papers investigated the influence of nutrients and cy-
and books on nutrition and its relationship to tokines in the regulation of gene expression.
health and disease. For the past 20+ years, Dr. Liska has authored numerous papers in
Dr. Bland has produced Functional Medicine peer-reviewed journals, contributed to text-
Update, a monthly audiotape series, now books on nutrition, is on the Biotechnology
published by IFM, in which he reviews and and Biomedical Device Advisory Board for
synthesizes the medical literature, and con- the Washington Technology Center, and
ducts interviews of noted clinicians and re- holds several U.S. patents. She has been an in-
searchers. Dr. Bland’s distinguished career in vited speaker at national and scientific meet-
nutritional biochemistry has earned him in- ings, Chair of the Nutrition Division and a
ternational acclaim as educator, research pro- member of the Scientific Advisory Panel for
fessor, leader in the natural products industry, the American Association of Cereal Chemists
recognized expert in human nutrition and (AACC), and is a member of the National
functional medicine, and visionary for the fu- Science Teachers Association and the Ameri-
ture of health care. He serves on IFM’s Cur- can Medical Writers Association. Dr. Liska
riculum Development Committee and is a serves on IFM’s Curriculum Committee, is
core faculty member for the Institute’s annual Technical Editor for Functional Medicine Up-
International Symposium and its six-day in- date, and has served as core faculty for
tensive course, Applying Functional Medicine AFMCP in the past. She is Director of Re-
in Clinical Practice (AFMCP). Dr. Bland is search Information Services at the Functional
President and Chief Science Officer of Meta- Medicine Research Center at Metagenics,
genics, Inc., and Chairman of the Board of Inc., Gig Harbor, WA.


Dan Lukaczer, ND, received his doctorate in other publications, the Course Director for
naturopathic medicine from Bastyr Univer- the Institute’s annual International Sympo-
sity in 1991 and maintained a family practice sium, core faculty for AFMCP, and chairs the
from 1991 to 1995 in Seattle, WA. In 1996, Curriculum Development Committee.
Dr. Lukaczer served as the Assistant Director
for Educational Services at Great Smokies Di- Sheila Quinn, BS, Hon. ND, was a co-founder
agnostic Laboratory in Asheville, North Car- of Bastyr University and served as its initial
olina. Dr. Lukaczer has co-authored journal Vice President for Finance and Administra-
articles and frequently lectures on topics re- tion Affairs (1978–1990). Subsequently, she
lating to GI function, insulin resistance, was Executive Director for the American As-
detoxification, botanical medicine, and the sociation of Naturopathic Physicians (1993-
influence of specific nutrients on illness. He 2000), and then Vice President for Content
serves on IFM’s Curriculum Development and Public Policy for She
Committee, has lectured at many IFM Sym- has an extensive writing and editing back-
posia, and is a core faculty member for the ground in the natural medicine field, and has
Institute’s six-day intensive course, Applying been active in many public policy initiatives,
Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice including currently serving as Chair for the
(AFMCP). He is the Director of Clinical Re- Board of Directors and Executive Committee
search for the Functional Medicine Research of the Integrated Healthcare Policy Consor-
Center, in Gig Harbor, WA. tium. She is on the Advisory Board for the
North American Board of Naturopathic Ex-
David S. Jones, MD is the President of The aminers. Ms. Quinn has been IFM’s Senior
Institute for Functional Medicine. He has Editor since late 2000.
practiced as a family physician with emphasis
in functional and integrative medicine for Linda Costarella, ND, formerly Director of
over 25 years. He is a recognized expert in Curriculum at The Institute for Functional
the areas of nutrition, lifestyle changes for Medicine, received her doctorate in Naturo-
optimal health, and managed care, as well as pathic Medicine from Bastyr University in
the daily professional functions consistent 1990, and has practiced naturopathic
with the modern specialty of Family Practice. medicine for many years. Dr. Costarella was
Dr. Jones is the recipient of the 1997 Linus a faculty member in the Naturopathic
Pauling Award in Functional Medicine. He is Medicine program at Bastyr and at the
a Past President of PrimeCare, the Indepen- Northwest Institute for Acupuncture and
dent Physician Association of Southern Ore- Oriental Medicine. Dr. Costarella served on
gon (IPASO) representing the majority of the Advisory Council developing the aca-
physicians in the Southern Oregon area. Dr. demic programs at the North East College of
Jones is the author of Healthy Changes and Healing Arts and Science in Saxtons River,
About the Authors and Editors xv

VT, and from 1996 to 1997 she served as ocardial infarction, and trace element defi-
their Academic Dean. She was also a faculty ciency. He serves as IFM’s Director of Medi-
member of Vermont College of Norwich Uni- cal Education, has lectured at many of the
versity in Montpelier from 1995 to 1998. She Institute’s Symposia, is a member of the Cur-
began her career at HealthComm Interna- riculum Development Committee and is a
tional, Inc., in 1997 as Manager of Clinical core faculty member for AFMCP. He is Med-
Education. Dr. Costarella has authored sev- ical Director for Metagenics, Inc.
eral articles published in the Protocol Journal
of Botanical Medicine and co-authored Buck Levin, PhD, MA, RD is Adjunct Associ-
Herbs for Women’s Health. ate Professor of Nutrition at Bastyr Univer-
sity, where he has been teaching since 1990,
Robert H. Lerman, MD, PhD, received his as well as Director of Health Science for Salu-
MD from Jefferson Medical College, a PhD Genecists, Inc., a start-up company that is de-
in Nutritional Biochemistry from MIT, is veloping artificial intelligence tools for use in
Board-Certified in Internal Medicine, and has healthcare settings. In 1997, Dr. Levin
completed fellowships in Nephrology and founded HingePin Integrative Learning Ma-
Clinical Nutrition. He was formerly an Ad- terials (, a company that
junct Clinical Associate Professor of published his textbook, Environmental Nu-
Medicine at Boston University School of trition, as well as his 21-credit self-study
Medicine and Director of Clinical Nutrition course on that topic for registered dietitians.
at Boston Medical Center. Before joining IFM Dr. Levin sees patients in private practice and
and the Functional Medicine Research Cen- publishes regularly in the field of nutrition.
ter in 1998, he was a faculty member in Nu- He also serves as Associate Editor for Inte-
tritional Sciences at the Henry M. Goldman grative Medicine – A Clinician’s Journal and
School of Graduate Dentistry and Director of sits on the Advisory Board of Nutrition Sci-
Clinical Nutrition at Boston Medical Center ence News.
for more than 15 years. He has completed fel-
lowships in Nephrology and Clinical Nutri- Barbara Schiltz, RN, MS, has been a Regis-
tion and has been Chief of Medicine at U.S. tered Nurse for 35 years, and since receiving
Army Hospitals in Berlin, Germany and Vi- a BS in Foods and Nutrition in 1986, she has
cenza, Italy as well as acting Chief of been practicing as a nutritionist in private
Nephrology at Soroka Medical Center in practice. She worked with Serafina Corsello,
Beer Sheba, Israel. He has authored and co- MD in New York City for 8 years, and after
authored numerous journal articles and book moving to Seattle in 1995 began working
chapters in addition to lecturing on such top- with David Buscher, MD at the Northwest
ics as parenteral nutrition, obesity, fatty acid Center for Environmental Medicine, and
metabolism, healing and repair of acute my- HealthComm Inc.. Ms. Schiltz has had ex-

tensive experience working with patients Laboratory at NASA Ames Research Center
who have food allergies, ADHD, insulin re- and works in collaboration with the Cellular
sistance and diabetes, fibromyalgia, irritable Environmental Toxicology and Neurophysiol-
bowel disease, and Multiple Chemical Sensi- ogy Laboratory at NASA Lyndon B. Johnson
tivities. Ms. Schiltz received her Master’s De- Space Center in Houston. Dr. Schmidt has also
gree in Nutrition at Bastyr University in June been part of a working group at the National
1997, having completed a thesis on The Institutes of Health developing validation
Unique Role of Carbohydrate Metabolism in models for biological response modifiers. Dr.
Regulation of Glycemic Index. She has been Schmidt is a principal scientist and Research
Clinical Research Associate at the Functional Fellow at Living Longer and ProScan Imaging
Medicine Research Center in Gig Harbor, in Cincinnati, OH, which combines metabolic
WA since 1996. profiling with CT scan, MRI, and functional
MRI. As part of the Living Longer/ProScan
Michael A. Schmidt, PhD, did his doctoral re- group, Dr. Schmidt is also director of the Clini-
search in nutritional biochemistry and molecu- cal Genomics program. Dr. Schmidt is a for-
lar medicine at NASA Ames Research Center mer Fellow in Clinical Research and
in Mountainview, CA. He is a Research Asso- Education at the Functional Medicine Re-
ciate with the Psychophysiology Research search Center in Gig Harbor, WA.

Figure No. Figure Title

1.1 Nutrition and functional medicine: A simplified model
2.1 Structure of three major monosaccharides
2.2 Oligosaccharides having physiological activity include fructooligosaccharides,
galactooligosaccharides, and soybean oligosaccharides
2.3 Bifidobacteria benefits
2.4 Some fructooligosaccharides
2.5 Starch: Amylose (a) and amylopectin (b) molecules
2.6 Calculation of glycemic index (GI)
3.1 Formulas of the 20 common amino acids
3.2 Trans sulfuration-sulfate pathways
3.3 Atherogenic mechanisms of homocysteine and their modulation by nitrogen oxides
3.4 Detoxification in the liver
3.5 Hepatic urea cycle—nitric oxide synthase relationship
3.6 The multiple influences of nitric oxide on immune, vascular, and nervous systems
3.7 Pathophysiologic consequences of the activation of cellular enzyme systems by
excitatory amino acid-evoked increases in intracellular calcium
3.8 Overview of glutathione function and metabolism
3.9 Energy failure
4.1 Types of fatty acids
4.2 Arachidonic acid (AA) cascade
4.3 Nutritional, botanical, and synthetic inhibitors in the AA cascade
4.4 Dietary sources and the AA cascade
4.5 Configuration of cis fatty acid and trans fatty acid
4.6 The formation of F2-isoprostanes
4.7 Electron transport chain of the mitochondrion
4.8 Some sterols
4.9 Hormone synthesis from cholesterol
4.10 The formation of a monoglyceride
5.1 Vitamin B1 (thiamin) molecule
5.2 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) as components of
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
5.3 Glutathione redox cycle
5.4 Vitamin B3 (niacin) molecule
5.5 Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) molecule
5.6 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) molecule


Figure No. Figure Title

5.7 Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) molecule
5.8 Tetrahydrofolate molecule
5.9 Homocysteine metabolism in animals
5.10 Biotin molecule
5.11 Ascorbic acid molecule
5.12 Vitamin E molecules (tocopherols)
5.13 Role of vitamin E in oxidative stress reactions
5.14 Vitamin A (all-trans retinol) molecule
5.15 Vitamin D3 molecule
5.16 Vitamin D metabolism
5.17 Vitamin K molecule
6.1 Chemical structure of heme
7.1 Nutrient absorption
7.2 Permeability dynamics
7.3 Type and activity of intestinal bacteria
7.4 Common bacteria in the GI tract
7.5 4R GI support program
8.1 Mitochondrial energy production (from food)
8.2 Mitochondria and energy production
8.3 Role of vitamins in early energy production (pre-mitochondria)
8.4 The Krebs Cycle
8.5 Proton pumps in oxidative phosphorylation [Electron transport chain]
8.6 Carnitine biosynthetic pathway in mammals
8.7 Structural formula of carnitine
8.8 The creatine phosphate energy shuttle
8.9 Mitochondrion
8.10 The glutathione redox cycle
9.1 Managing problems of GI permeability, hepatic detoxification, and oxidative stress
9.2 Overview of detoxification
9.3 Liver detoxification pathways and supportive nutrients
10.1 Body mass index (BMI) calculation
10.2 Continuum of nutrient sufficiency/ insufficiency
10.3 Glycination of benzoic acid

Table No. Table Title

2.1 Physiologically Important Classes of Carbohydrates
2.2 Classification of Certain Carbohydrates as Colonic Foods and Prebiotics
2.3 Inulin in Food
2.4 Fructooligosaccharides and Food
2.5 Differential Digestion of Starch Complexes
2.6 Dietary Fibers
2.7 Physiological Effects of Soluble/Insoluble Fibers
2.8 Glycemic Index Table of Commonly Eaten Foods
3.1 Carnitine in Detoxification
3.2 Carnitine Content of Selected Foods
3.3 Chronic Neurodegenerative Diseases Thought to be Mediated in Part through
Stimulation of Glutamate Receptors
3.4 Modified Elimination Diet Summary
4.1 Examples of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chain Fatty Acids
4.2 List of Nutritional, Botanical, and Synthetic Inhibitors in the Arachidonic Acid Cascade
4.3 Fatty Acids in Certain Oils
4.4 Formation of Certain Free Radicals
4.5 Molecular Redox Agents and Oxidative Enzymes
4.6 Preferred Cooking Techniques of Selected Oils
5.1 Classification of B Vitamins by Function
5.2 The Four Daily Reference Standards Used to Develop the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
5.3 Summary Table of the DRIs for Vitamins
5.4 Thiamin Content of Certain Foods
5.5 Riboflavin Content of Certain Foods
5.6 Niacin Content of Certain Foods
5.7 Pantothenic Acid Content of Certain Foods
5.8 Pyridoxine Content of Certain Foods
5.9 Cobalamin Content of Certain Foods
5.10 Folic Acid Content of Certain Foods
5.11 Biotin Content of Certain Foods
5.12 Ascorbic Acid Content of Certain Foods
5.13 Vitamin E Content of Certain Foods
5.14 Vitamin A Content of Certain Foods
5.15 Vitamin D Content of Certain Foods
5.16 Vitamin K Content of Certain Foods


Table No. Table Title

6.1 Major and Minor Minerals
6.2 Summary Table of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for Minerals
6.3 Food Sources of Calcium
6.4 Nondairy High-Calcium Foods
6.5 Food Sources of Phosphorus
6.6 Food Sources of Magnesium
6.7 Conditions that May Involve Magnesium Deficiency
6.8 Food Sources of Potassium
6.9 Food Sources of Sodium
6.10 Food with High Amounts of Added Sodium Chloride
6.11 Food Sources of Chromium
6.12 Food Sources of Zinc
6.13 Food Sources of Copper
6.14 Food Sources of Iodine
6.15 Food Sources of Iron
6.16 Food Sources of Manganese
6.17 Food Sources of Molybdenum
6.18 Food Sources of Selenium
6.19 Food Sources of Vanadium
7.1 Major Digestive Enzymes
7.2 Common Signs and Symptoms of Low Gastric Acidity
7.3 Diseases Associated with Low Gastric Acidity
7.4 Enzymatic Secretions of the Pancreas
7.5 Lactose Intolerance in Ethnic Populations
7.6 Common Sources of Dairy
7.7 Symptoms Associated with Increased Intestinal Permeability
7.8 Diseases Associated with Increased Intestinal Permeability
8.1 Clinical Conditions Related to Mitochondrial Dysfunction
8.2 Mitochondria-related Symptoms and Dysfunction
8.3 Nutritional Modulators of Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation
9.1 Diseases Attributable to One or More Mutations in a Single Gene
9.2 Signs and Symptoms Associated with Toxic Element Exposure
9.3 Detoxification: Bio-reactive Mechanisms
9.4 Inhibitors and Substrates of P450 Enzymes
10.1 Common Features of Nutritional Deficiencies
10.2 Terms Used to Describe Food Allergy and Food Intolerance
10.3 Clinical Conditions Associated with Increased Antigen Uptake by the Intestine
10.4 Stool Markers Suggestive of Intestinal Dysbiosis
Nutrition from a
Functional Perspective

S A PRACTITIONER WHO RELIES ON then you probably wish that clinical nutrition
nutrition in clinical practice, you may could be a more accessible treatment modal-
find conventional methods for inte- ity and that a “blueprint” or “map” could be
grating nutrition into your practice to be lim- developed to help clarify ways of bringing
ited. Perhaps you have tried analyzing dietary nutrition into clinical practice.
intake using computer software and found it We believe such a roadmap exists. Func-
time consuming and not even relevant to all tional medicine can provide a context for un-
the nutritional issues you are interested in. derstanding the role of nutrition in clinical
You may feel frustrated that reliable labora- practice, because one of the key elements of
tory tests to assess nutrient status are often functional medicine is nutrition.
unavailable. You may not even have a nutri- This chapter is designed to introduce you to
tional strategy for your patients because you fundamental concepts in clinical nutrition as it
are concerned there is still too much debate is applied within a functional medicine model.
about the role of nutritional support for spe- We will also preview subsequent chapters of
cific conditions, or you worry that nutritional the book in which we address very specific
intervention might not have a timely impact clinical issues. With that in mind, we welcome
on the health of your patient. If any of these you to the new edition of Clinical Nutrition—
thoughts and concerns are familiar to you, nutrition from a functional perspective.


You will notice many changes and updates to this new edition of Clinical Nutrition. Several new
tables have been developed to provide more useful clinical tools. For example, tables showing the
various suggested levels of vitamins and minerals with upper limits identified are valuable re-
sources for developing individualized nutrition-based interventions. Many other tables and fig-
ures have been reorganized to more clearly document the influence of nutrition on health and
disease. The functional medicine perspective is integrated more completely throughout each
chapter with updated sections identifying and defining key concepts important to understanding
the role of nutrition in promoting optimal health. The laboratory chapter is also reorganized
around getting started in nutrition, and identifies the tests a clinician might first consider in
bringing nutrition into clinical practice.

WHY A “FUNCTIONAL” APPROACH stood than calories, macronutrients, and de-

TO CLINICAL NUTRITION? fined essential vitamins and minerals.
Functional medicine also means looking at
“Function” is a simple word, but using it to the conventionally acknowledged nutrients
guide how nutrition is applied in the clinic as multipurpose molecules. We don’t assume
can make a substantial difference in promot- they fill only (or even primarily) one very spe-
ing optimal health for your patients. Simi- cific role in the body. Instead, we look at the
larly, failing to learn and apply nutrition as a many functions these key substances perform
therapeutic and prevention-oriented modal- throughout the body, and identify the body’s
ity can deprive your patients of the maximum need based on that evaluation. For example,
benefit of your services. Functional medicine a conventional approach may say a person
is more than a step-by-step approach; it is a needs X grams of fiber a day, presuming that
conceptual guide, a way of putting all the one fiber is like any other. A functional ap-
pieces together. proach, however, asks more questions: What
Clinically, the study of function tells us are the many roles of fiber? What is the type
that every naturally occurring nutrient, natu- of fiber in this particular food source? Most
rally occurring food, and naturally evolving important, is this particular fiber doing what
dietary pattern likely has (or, at least, origi- this particular person actually needs? (What
nally had) a purpose and design. Looking at is its function?)
food and nutrients in terms of function The functional approach assumes that
means adopting a broader perspective than food contains molecules that are necessary,
the classical one: there’s far more to be under- purposeful, and designed to support life, pro-
Nutrition from a Functional Perspective 3

mote well-being and optimal health. Looking also affected by his/her mind, spirit, attitudes,
at clinical nutrition from a functional per- and beliefs.) The principles of functional
spective means understanding the roles of medicine present a different context for iden-
these molecules in human beings, and then tifying and understanding these imbalances.
adapting the applications of those molecules Fundamental physiological processes that
to meet the unique genetic and environmental support healthy balance and optimal func-
needs of each particular patient. Enabling tioning include:
you to use the entire arsenal of foods compo-
nents on behalf of your patient’s health is the • communication (intra- and intercellular);
purpose of this book, and one of the main • bioenergetics, or the transformation of
goals of functional medicine. food into energy;
• replication and maintenance of struc-
tural integrity, from the cellular to the
• elimination of wastes and defense; and
Functional Medicine is a science-based field • circulation and transport of nutrients in
of healthcare that is grounded in the follow- the body.
ing principles:
From a functional medicine standpoint, im-
• Biochemical individuality balances in these processes can lead to changes
• Patient-centered care in many different physiological systems that
• Dynamic balance of internal and exter- then become precursors to the signs and symp-
nal factors toms that we diagnose as organ system dis-
• Web-like interconnections of physiolog- ease. Figure 1.1 provides a simplified model of
ical factors the system described briefly in this chapter.
• Health as a positive vitality Approaching clinical nutrition from a func-
• Promotion of organ reserve tional medicine perspective also means identi-
fying the core metabolic imbalances that most
Functional medicine involves examining often result from system breakdowns at any
the core clinical imbalances that underlie a point. The main categories of metabolic im-
disease or condition—looking beyond signs balances include:
and symptoms to a deeper understanding of
functionality. These imbalances arise as en- • digestive, absorptive, and microbiologi-
vironmental inputs, such as diet and nutrients cal imbalances;
(including water), exercise, and trauma are • detoxification and biotransformation
processed by a patient’s body, through his or imbalances;
her unique metabolism. (We also keep in mind • oxidation-reduction imbalances and
that literally everything about that patient is mitochondropathies;

FIGURE 1.1 Nutrition and functional medicine—a simplified model

• hormonal and neurotransmitter A concise discussion of the relationship

imbalances; between nutrition and each of these areas is be-
• immune imbalances and inflammatory yond the scope of this textbook; however, sev-
imbalances; and eral areas are directly involved in how the body
• structural imbalances, from cellular mem- absorbs (takes in) and processes nutrients,
brane function to musculoskeletal system. which influences overall nutriture. These areas,
Nutrition from a Functional Perspective 5

which include the function of the gastroin- cers.4 We know that dietary substances, in-
testinal system as related to digestion and ab- cluding vitamin and non-vitamin components,
sorption, detoxification and the environment, can modify how much of these estrogenic
energy (oxidation-reduction), and hormonal metabolites are made in the body, and which
balance will be reviewed in detail in this text. ones predominate. Therefore, diet can influ-
Consider just one example of how the com- ence health in more ways than just the amount
plex system we have just briefly described can of adipose tissue; it can also affect the balance
be influenced by nutrition. We now recognize of metabolites in the body, and thus we believe
that several factors affect the amount of estro- it has a key role to play in hormone-dependent
gen that is produced in and flows through a breast cancer prevention.5
woman’s body at any given time. In particular, Data are continuing to accumulate show-
in the postmenopausal years, estrogen is no ing that dietary influences have repercussions
longer produced by the ovaries, but is still on the development of many diseases. Re-
produced in other cells in her body.1 The pro- search is now focusing on how to assess these
duction of estrogen by adipose tissue in post- imbalances earlier in life, and then readjust
menopausal women is now understood to be the metabolic balance to decrease the risk
one of the mechanisms linking obesity and the those conditions and diseases pose to the
increased risk of postmenopausal, hormone- well-being and quality of life for our patients.
dependent cancers.2 Diet and lifestyle choices As this brief introduction demonstrates, nu-
that affect adiposity can, therefore, influence trition is one of the key environmental inputs
the amount of estrogen produced in a post- that can be reviewed with a patient and modi-
menopausal woman’s body; excess estrogen, fied to support optimal health and function.
in turn, can create imbalances that influence The following section describes each of the
the development of many problematic condi- principles of functional medicine from the per-
tions. However, we need to know more than spective of nutrition. These principles are re-
this to be effective with the patient. flected throughout subsequent chapters of the
Science has also recognized that “estro- book, as well as in the basic nutritional infor-
gen” is more than just estrone, estriol, and mation presented and the discussions of key
estradiol—it is a whole class of molecules physiological and metabolic areas to be con-
that includes many metabolites of estrone sidered as you incorporate nutrition into your
and estradiol.3 Some of these metabolites are clinical practice and continue to improve your
extremely active and have been linked to in- effectiveness.
creased risk of postmenopausal, hormone-
dependent cancers. On the other hand, some
of these metabolites appear to be protective to Biochemical Individuality in Nutrition
the body and are linked to a lower incidence A core principle in functional medicine is bio-
of postmenopausal, hormone-dependent can- chemical individuality. As children, we were

told that all snowflakes are a little different: male; mean age 76).6 Of these subjects, 94%
no two are exactly alike. As clinical scientists, had “normal” serum levels of vitamin B6,
we learn about the role of individuality in our vitamin B12, and folate. Yet, when these re-
voluntary activities—how we make deci- searchers measured serum levels of three
sions, how we develop our personalities, how metabolites known to accumulate in the
we evolve our style of doing things. But, what blood when vitamins B6, B12, and folate
about our everyday bodily processes? are deficient—methylmalonic acid (MMA),
Unfortunately, science has sometimes given 2-methylcitric acid (2-MCA), and homocys-
the message that our bodily processes, those teine (HCys)—they found that over 63% of
involuntary activities like metabolism, cellular the subjects had elevated serum metabolites,
information processing, and internal commu- indicating intracellular deficiency of at least
nication systems, are “all in our genes.” That one of these vitamins. Even more striking was
is to say, they are all predetermined, static, de- the interindividual variability in the serum
fined by our DNA and out of our control. At metabolites. Subjects showing normal serum
some point, clinical science lost the inclina- levels of vitamins B6, B12, and folate fre-
tion to distinguish how individuality can im- quently differed radically in their serum
pact everyday involuntary physical functions HCys levels (between 10 and 50 µM/L). Sub-
as well as voluntary ones. jects differed dramatically in their MMA
A functional perspective does not differen- levels as well. This study gives us just one ex-
tiate so abruptly between voluntary and invol- ample of how metabolically different healthy
untary processes, nor between psychological individuals can be, given a strikingly similar
versus biological uniqueness. From a func- and normal snapshot glance at vitamin sta-
tional perspective, the concept of uniqueness tus. Science is continuing to document that
extends to our physiological/biochemical life many of these differences relate to the inter-
as much as it does to our psychological life. action between a person’s genetics and envi-
Biochemical individuality means that your ronment, and that each of us is “wired” to
way of digesting food is different than my express a different need for these crucial
way of digesting food; the bile synthesized in B-vitamins, depending on our unique bio-
your liver is different than the bile synthe- chemistry, which is influenced by lifelong be-
sized in my liver; the food that nourishes you haviors and exposures.
may not be the same food that nourishes me. The B-vitamins are by no means the only
The following examples illustrate how bio- examples of our biochemical differences.
chemically diverse we are. Vitamin E requirements have been reported
In 1993, a study was published showing to show, at minimum, a five-fold variance in
the levels of vitamins B12, B6, and folic acid normal, healthy adults, and an even greater
in 64 healthy older adults (20 male, 44 fe- interindividual variability when dietary in-
Nutrition from a Functional Perspective 7

take of polyunsaturated fatty acids is substan- Patient-Centered Nutrition

tially different.7 Plasma ascorbate (vitamin C) The functional focus on biochemical individ-
levels regularly vary in healthy individuals by uality may leave you thinking: “If everyone
25 to 30% but disease states like diabetes, in- is so different, where do I begin?” Clinical
flammatory conditions, and presence of in- nutrition works hand-in-hand with “patient-
fections can lead to a substantially increased centered medicine.” Emphasizing patient care
need for the vitamin. Most organizations rather than disease care, this approach hon-
now indicate a minimum requirement and a ors Osler’s admonition that “It is more im-
maximum amount as the levels to consider portant to know what patient has the disease
(between 100 and 1000 milligrams per day).8 than what disease the patient has.” It is im-
Levine and colleagues have reported that the portant to do more than make the patient a
level of vitamin C within the neutrophil in- real partner in health care, however; clini-
creases by as much as 10-fold over normal cians also must understand how to elicit and
levels depending upon the activation state of analyze the patient’s whole story. As devel-
the cell.9 This means, for example, that a cell oped by Leo Galland, MD, in the mid-1990s,
in an inflammatory state will accept as much the key components of the patient’s story are:
as 10 times the amount of vitamin C as will a
cell in a non-inflammatory state. That is, the antecedents (what preceded the patient’s
environment affects how much vitamin C the illness?);
body’s cells need at any one time. triggers (what factors, given the patient’s
The first and foremost guiding principle of antecedent history, tipped the patient
a functional approach, namely the principle over the edge into a dysfunctional
of biochemical individuality, tells us that we state?); and
are as different at the biochemical level (e.g., mediators (given the initial disease or con-
at the level of our everyday involuntary pro- dition, what has kept the process going,
cesses) as we are psychologically. And it tells so that health is still out of reach?).
us that we have to do better than the Recom-
mended Dietary Allowances based on bell- This kind of analysis explicitly recognizes
shaped distributions of the “average” person, that each person’s path to disease (or health)
food pyramids with a “one-size-fits-all” phi- is unique. We need to understand that path in
losophy, and the prepackaged “safety net” order to modify it and change the momentum
generic multivitamin approach to nutrition. away from disease and toward health. Ac-
Many of the specific ways of doing better by quiring the patient’s full story is the best place
incorporating the idea of biochemical indi- to start.
viduality are discussed in detail in the subse- Even the scientific literature is beginning to
quent chapters of this book. embrace the idea of “personalized” medicine.

For instance, the term “personalized nutrition” Bernard viewed maintaining constancy in this
is beginning to be used in relation to how the interior environment as the foremost goal of
information from the human genome project an organism, toward which all vital mecha-
can become directly beneficial to the public.10 nisms in the body are oriented.
Individualized information, like specific genetic Modern textbooks of medicine define
patterns, can be detected as “single nucleotide homeostasis as “the relatively stable physical
polymorphisms,” or “SNPs.” Many SNPs are and chemical composition of the internal en-
being actively investigated now to find ways to vironment of the body which results from the
personalize drug dosages and dietary recom- actions of compensating regulatory systems.”
mendations.11,12 One of the best understood Homeostatic systems, then, are systems that
SNPs codes for an enzyme necessary in the function to keep the physical or chemical in-
folate pathway. The majority of the population ternal environment relatively constant. Per-
does not contain this SNP. But 20 to 30% of haps the most commonly used example of
the population does carry at least one copy of homeostasis is the body’s thermoregulatory
this SNP (called the MTHFR C-T), and it ap- system (the reason we humans are referred to
pears that these individuals may need more as “homeotherms”). This system is designed
than the RDA level of 400 µmg/d of folate. to maintain our body temperature at around
98.2º ± 0.6º. Most people experience convul-
sions at body temperatures near or above
Dynamic Balance and Nutrition 106º Fahrenheit and cannot survive tempera-
A functional medicine approach to health- tures much greater than 109º. At the other
care means examining core clinical imbal- end of the spectrum, heat-producing mecha-
ances that underlie a disease or condition, not nisms (including vasoconstriction, increased
just viewing health from a symptom perspec- thyroxine production, increased metabolic
tive. In order to identify what is “imbal- rate, and shivering) occur with increasing ex-
anced,” we must first know what it means to posure to cold. Our thermoregulatory system
promote balance. During your training as a maintains a relatively narrow temperature
clinician, you may have been asked to read range throughout healthy life. Only with the
the seminal 1865 work by Claude Bernard, the loss of vitality (for example, in the loss of
contemporary of Pasteur, titled An Introduc- health that can accompany aging) does this
tion to the Study of Experimental Medicine.13 thermoregulatory function become less sensi-
In this work, Bernard developed the concept of tive. So, we conclude that body temperature
“homeostasis” and described the “milieu in- is characterized by homeostasis—a constant,
térieure,” the interior environment whose fixed parameter of life.
stability serves as the “primary condition for Body temperature, however, is not a fixed
freedom and independence of existence.” parameter. When we take a temperature, we
Nutrition from a Functional Perspective 9

get a single, fixed number, but that number is we are not looking at fixed points, but at a
not a constant in the body. Body temperature dynamic process that fluctuates, and the
actually fluctuates within about 3º Fahrenheit range of fluctuation needs our attention in
(from 97º to 100º) throughout the day. And, it looking at the whole person within the con-
is different at the extremities than at internal text of his or her own environment.
sites, where it is a bit higher on average. Body
temperature also is lower in the mornings and
Web-like Interconnections
after rest than it is after exertion or intake
of food, when the body is more active meta- and Nutrition
bolically. Therefore, body temperature is not Dynamic balance helps us think more com-
static, but rather dynamic. It is in dynamic pletely about the range of changes a person’s
balance, being maintained “around 98.2º body goes through every single day, realizing
Fahrenheit” not always right on the dot, but that nothing is entirely “fixed.” Web-like
constantly fluctuating to adjust to the environ- interconnections move us out of the “single-
ment and the needs of the body at each mo- agent—single-outcome” way of thinking. In-
ment in time. stead, we see the body as a fully interconnected
This same argument could be applied to organism, within which everything affects ev-
the subtle control of blood pH (which is erything else and nothing is truly isolated. For
maintained between 7.35 and 7.45), or the example, a natural, simple, everyday experi-
subtle differences between alveolar and at- ence like relaxing can have profound effects on
mospheric pressure of 760 and 758 mm Hg. nutrition and health. Contraction of the lower
The metabolic pathways in our bodies are the esophageal sphincter (the muscle that sepa-
same, fluctuating up and down in activity rates the esophagus from the stomach) and
around an average point. Too often, we tend spasm of the intestine (which occurs in nutri-
to focus on the average number and not on tion-related gastrointestinal disorders like irri-
the range, but it’s the ability to adjust that table bowel syndrome) can both be normalized
keeps us connected and interacting in a by simple relaxation.14 From another perspec-
healthy way with the world around us. tive, we know a fair amount now about the
One way in which this discussion relates to diverse effects that stress has on health (it in-
nutrition, and more importantly to func- creases cortisol levels, for example). But that
tional medicine, is how we view a single num- connection goes both ways—not only does
ber from a laboratory or physical test. Is that stress increase your need for certain nutrients,
number telling the whole story? Or, is that but the use of certain nutrients can palliate not
number just one point that needs to be put only the physical symptoms (blood pressure
into context for the whole individual? Identi- and cortisol) but the subjective response to
fying imbalance means understanding that acute psychological stress as well.15 The whole

system is interconnected and multidirectional, what’s important is not just what’s there that
from the mind to the body and back again. shouldn’t be, or what’s not there that should
Restoring balance to underlying metabolic be, but also the balance and connection of
patterns is a process that makes demands these different factors with each other.
upon the body. The classical macro- and mi- The body’s web is very complex. For exam-
cronutrients that act to restore and maintain ple, let’s look at the issue of maintaining
balance must be accompanied by other neces- healthy bone. Historically, when nutrition re-
sary food factors that also have important searchers observed resorption of bone cal-
parts to play in this orchestration of life. An cium, they perceived absolute quantitative
objective of nutritional therapy is to make calcium deficiency and recommended calcium
sure the appropriate companionships are in supplements. However, “calcium deficiency”
place. For example, the companion presence is not an isolated deficiency but a problem of
of different molecules has a dramatic effect on balance among nutritional and other parame-
nutrient absorption. Certain forms of miner- ters. We can’t achieve bone remineralization
als in an inorganic delivery form require ade- with supplemental calcium alone. Other nu-
quate secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) by trients—such as magnesium, manganese, zinc,
the stomach for proper digestion and absorp- copper, boron, and phosphorus—are equally
tion. Many nutrients must attach to organic important for formation of hydroxyapatite
acids or amino acids for proper absorption. and a healthy bone matrix. And, these other
The presence of flavonoids along with vitamin nutrients must be present in certain ratios.
C alters and enhances vitamin C absorption. Bone restoration involves more than just
These are examples of how nutrients and the presence of the right nutrients in the right
other food factors work in concert and syner- amounts. In space, when astronauts are in a
gistically. The functional approach to nutri- zero-gravity environment, minerals leach from
tion looks not just at providing all the basic their bones because load-bearing movement is
nutrients, but at supporting these critical rela- difficult without gravity. Similarly, the bones
tionships as part of nutritional therapy. of people who are bedridden lose minerals be-
Another example of this web-like inter- cause those individuals are not upright, en-
connection is seen with Wilson’s disease, a gaging in load-bearing activity. From much
disorder of excess copper absorption and de- other research, we now know that building
position. In this progressive disorder, which and maintaining healthy bone requires load-
leads to cirrhosis of the liver and degeneration bearing on a regular basis. That is to say, ade-
of brain tissue, zinc therapy can lower exces- quate nutrients are necessary, but physical
sively high levels of copper in the blood.16 activity is also required for the nutrition to
This approach recognizes the natural balance “work” and the bones to mineralize properly.
(and antagonism) that can occur in the body The web is even more complex than just
between copper and zinc. In other words, minerals and physical exercise. We also know
Nutrition from a Functional Perspective 11

that many other factors affect bones. Systemic How Nutrition Supports Health
inflammation, such as seen with rheumatoid as a Positive Vitality
arthritis, can cause bone resorption; hormonal
changes influence bone resorption; and certain The historical focus on deficiency and nega-
drugs also influence bone resorption.17,18 In tive outcomes is still apparent in many clinical
addition, bone health can influence other body nutrition textbooks where problem avoidance
functions. For example, lead is a toxic metal is the exclusive intervention. Examples of this
that, in its ionic form, as it occurs in things like type of intervention include: elimination of
lead pipe found in old plumbing fixtures, can high oxalate foods to avoid recurrence of cal-
mimic calcium in the body. Small amounts of cium oxalate nephrolithiasis; reduction of di-
lead can even affect gene expression by its abil- etary fat to avoid exacerbation of intestinal
ity to replace calcium in key regulatory control malabsorption; decreased simple sugar intake
proteins.19 A person with a significant expo- in the management of dysglycemia. While the
sure to lead will have bones in which some of problem-avoidance intervention might be crit-
the calcium has been replaced by lead. Lead ical in symptomatic management of a health
can stay in the body for a long time—years, or condition, it does not address functionality, or
even decades—sequestered in the bones.20 reestablishment of a positive balance in un-
Studies suggest that the majority of the body’s derlying metabolic patterns.
lead burden resides in the bone and during Negative outcomes like vitamin deficiency
times of increased bone turnover, such as seen have been the traditional focus of clinical
with calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, repair nutrition. Therefore, most nutritional inter-
of broken bones, and pregnancy and lactation, ventions have been designed to remedy defi-
this lead will be released.21,22 If a person has a ciency states. The formula has been fairly
history of high lead exposure, the newly liber- simple, involving three basic steps: First, the
ated lead can create functional brain problems presence of clinical deficiency symptoms is
that don’t seem directly related to the bone, determined—usually by examining some vis-
such as learning disabilities, seizures, and even ible, morphological change occurring at an
comas. end-stage clinical level. Examples of such ob-
The subsequent chapters of this book un- servations include rachitic rosary (vitamin
ravel some of this web with respect to nutri- D), angular stomatitis or cheilosis (vitamin
tion, and provide more examples of these B2), koilonychias (iron), glossitis (folate),
important connections. The final chapters and gingival enlargement or gingivitis (vita-
look at some key functionalities (e.g., energy min C). Second, a dietary or laboratory con-
production, environmental interactions with firmation (or both) is obtained. For example,
toxicants, and gastrointestinal function) that a diet diary could be entered into a computer
underlie many different conditions and show software program and could confirm a defi-
how nutrition can support them. ciency in vitamin D intake, or a laboratory

panel could help verify an iron-deficiency sure.23,24 Much research has now shown that
anemia. Third, the necessary nutrient(s) are metabolic syndrome does not occur over-
provided (often through supplementation) to night, but involves many changes in how the
treat the deficiency. body handles glucose and insulin, and is in-
A functional perspective certainly acknowl- fluenced by many other factors over time. We
edges the importance of this basic approach to can look at fasting glucose and insulin in an
nutrient deficiency and recognizes such defi- individual and find healthy levels, but if we
ciencies as a reason for intervention. However, do a challenge test (i.e., give a glucose dose,
a functional approach also seeks to enhance and then look at blood glucose and insulin in
the effectiveness of clinical nutrition by bring- a 2-hr postprandial assessment), we may see
ing “function” more directly into the inter- something quite different. A much elevated
vention process. The integration of functional insulin level may indicate that the body is
thinking occurs at each step of the process, starting to have problems in adjusting to a
and might radically alter the final components glucose challenge. Having this information,
of the intervention by bringing different con- we can intervene before things become worse,
siderations into the process at an earlier stage. giving us a much better opportunity to fully
What would happen if we could go back in restore normal function.
time prior to the appearance of the end-stage, As clinicians, we become versed in the signs
morphological change or frank deficiency? We and symptoms that signal the presence of a dis-
would likely find that many “invisible” bio- ease or condition. However, do we become
chemical and physiological changes were oc- versed in observing—or noting the absence
curring for some time prior to the appearance of—the signs of optimal balance in our pa-
of the deficiency or disease. In other words, tients? Do we know how to evaluate “positive
subclinical changes were going on long before vitality,” not just diagnose disease? Under-
the patient arrived in our office. Using such standing key subclinical imbalances and their
knowledge to prevent or treat disease has been potential effects on an individual is one way to
called “upstream medicine”—which is what begin seeing health as the presence of positive
functional medicine at its best can deliver. vitality not just the absence of disease. Several
A clear example of this issue of “subclini- examples of how determining a patient’s nutri-
cal” effects can be seen in the development of ture status can help identify subclinical imbal-
metabolic syndrome, a condition that has ances and provide clues to promoting positive
been linked to further development of Type II vitality are provided in subsequent chapters of
diabetes mellitus, and one that is prevalent in this book. In particular, the areas of energy
our current society. Metabolic syndrome is metabolism, gastrointestinal function, and en-
called the “deadly quartet” and is character- vironmental influences on health, including
ized by high triglycerides, insulin resistance, nutrition, are provided specific focus in the lat-
low HDL cholesterol, and high blood pres- ter part of this text.
Nutrition from a Functional Perspective 13

Promotion of Organ Reserve with tion for nutrients within a category called
Nutrition and Conditionally “conditionally essential.”
Essential Nutrients Nutrients can become conditionally essen-
tial for a variety of reasons. A human body
Underlying all balance is proper nutriture. may have a constitutive genetic “defect”
Moreover, optimal health is more than the which prevents an ordinary level of synthesis
ability of the body to operate adequately in a of the nutrient. In other cases, the body may
particular moment; it also means the ability of have an induced defect, in which the nutrient-
the body to withstand the challenges of every- synthesizing enzyme has been inhibited by a
day life. These challenges may arise from toxic substance, resulting in a lower produc-
communicable diseases (like flus and colds), tion of the nutrient. The body might have an
increased stress, increased physical activity, a atypically high need for the nutrient and, al-
more toxic environment, or dietary changes. A though the body synthesizes the nutrient in
functional approach to health means support- an amount considered adequate for a typical
ing the body in such a way that it can thrive human body, the nutrient needs would still
despite the challenges of living, not just sur- not be met. In each of these cases, the nutri-
vive. The body, therefore, needs reserves, some ent in question would conventionally be clas-
storehouse upon which it can draw when it is sified as “nonessential” but would, in fact,
challenged. And, functional medicine looks at need to be supplied exogenously through the
these reserves as part of overall health. diet or through supplementation.
Conventional approaches to nutriture To avoid the dilemma of a “nonessential”
have placed all nutrients within one of two nutrient needing to be supplied exogenously,
categories: essential or nonessential. Essential the functional perspective has adopted the
nutrients have been defined as nutrients that term “conditionally essential” to apply to nu-
the body cannot synthesize and that must, trients that can be synthesized by the body
therefore, be supplied through the diet. but need to be obtained from the diet or sup-
Nonessential nutrients have been defined as plementation in a specific person at a specific
nutrients that the body can synthesize and, time. Whether the average human body can
therefore, need not be obtained through di- synthesize a nutrient and whether a specific
etary intake. A functional perspective argues human body is actually synthesizing a nutri-
that many nutrients cannot be placed accu- ent are two distinctly different issues. Only
rately within a single category. In many cases, the latter issue relates directly to what is
nutrients that have been conventionally de- going on in a unique individual at a particu-
scribed as “nonessential” may be required in lar moment.
the diet, at specific times or in a specific indi- This textbook provides a novel look at nu-
vidual. Therefore, a functional understanding trients, from macronutrients to micronutrients,
of clinical nutrition involves a new classifica- from the functional perspective. In addition,

this book includes many categories of nutrients ents, and, in addition, this book focuses on
that are considered “nonessential” in the con- the function of those nutrients in supporting
ventional sense, but may be essential to some health throughout the different systems
individuals—that is, conditionally essential of the body, as well as a broader perspective
nutrients—in order to promote, restore, and on deficiency symptoms (insufficiencies) and
maintain optimal health for a patient. how to ameliorate them.
We are excited to accompany you on
your journey toward achieving a more effec-
SUMMARY tive use of clinical nutrition in your practice.
A functional approach to nutrition means an- We welcome comments and suggestions for
alyzing the multiple roles of various nutrients correcting any errors, and for making the
and other necessary food factors (the so- book more useful when next we update it.
called “non-nutrients”). A functional ap- Please do remember that no book can substi-
proach to nutrition means knowing what tute for an individualized, thoughtful decision
these key life-sustaining substances are really process by patients and providers. Clinically-
doing in the body and asking the question: related material is not presented as a prescrip-
Are they truly supporting health in this par- tion for care, but rather as an indicator of the
ticular person’s body the way they should be? kind of information clinicians may want to
In the chapters of this text, you will be taken consider in making treatment decisions for
through the conventional naming of nutri- their patients.

CHAPTER 1 REFERENCES ylated estrogen metabolites. Altern Med Rev.

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4. Liehr JG. Is estradiol a genotoxic mutagenic car- Wang Y. Criteria and recommendations for vita-
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metabolism and the diet-cancer connection: ra- recycling in human neutrophils. J Biol Chem.
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10. Grimaldi K, Gill-Garrison R, Roberts G. Person- 16. Chandra RK. Zinc and immunity. Nutrition.
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11. Collins FS, Guttmacher AE. Genetics moves lage, and osteoarthritis. J Bone Spine. 2003;70:
into the medical mainstream. JAMA. 2001; 257–262.
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13. Bernard C. An introduction to the study of ex- detoxification. Altern Complementary Med.
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and subjective responses to psychological stress. metabolic syndrome among US adults. JAMA.
Psychopharmacology 2002;159:319–324. 2002;287:356–359.

ARBOHYDRATE DEFINES MANY CLASSES States, and carbohydrates have been labeled
of compounds. Among these classes by some as unhealthy components of the diet.
are the simple, monomer sugar mol- One reason for the confusion in whether
ecules like fructose and glucose, as well as carbohydrates are healthy or unhealthy is the
large, polymeric, complex chains that consti- unfamiliarity with the different types of carbo-
tute fiber. While carbohydrates are best hydrates and their various effects on the body.
known as valuable energy sources and struc- The digestibility and physiological effects of a
tural elements in living cells, they are also a carbohydrate-rich meal depend upon the com-
diverse group of compounds that perform a position and type of carbohydrate. However,
number of other vital tasks. most public health guidelines for carbohydrate
Several epidemiological studies suggest that consumption do not distinguish among the va-
chronic disease inversely correlates with con- rieties of carbohydrates. For example, the U.S.
sumption of whole, natural plant foods and Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyra-
one of the key components that accounts for mid recommends that individuals consume
this health benefit is fiber. In plant foods, car- 6 to 11 portions of high-carbohydrate food per
bohydrates may reach 90 to 95% of total day but does not distinguish carbohydrate
caloric content.1 Carbohydrates account for type or content, such as simple sugar or fiber.2
only 45% of total caloric intake in the United Likewise, the American Diabetes Association


Exchange Lists do not account for fiber con- well as their greater roles in the metabolic
tent or degree of processing in their carbo- processes of living organisms. Carbohydrates
hydrate recommendations.3 Such simplistic are not just an important source of rapid en-
approaches fail to recognize carbohydrate ergy production. They are critical links to
complexity and diversity. Moreover, food la- health and disease. Specifically, this chapter
beling lumps the different carbohydrates to- outlines the different types of carbohydrates
gether as one substance, so for processed foods found in food, describes their diverse physio-
it can be difficult to really know what type of logical structures, and discusses the roles of
carbohydrate is really being consumed. carbohydrates in functional medicine.
Carbohydrates also have received incon-
sistent clinical attention. For example, high-
carbohydrate diets have been treated as “be- CLASSES OF CARBOHYDRATES
all-and-end-all” approaches to macronutri-
Carbohydrates are molecules that contain
ent balance. Pritikin-type diets suggest a
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the general
carbohydrate intake as high as 75 to 80% of
elemental composition of Cx(H20)y (Figure
total calories.4 High-carbohydrate intake has
also been recommended for prevention and/ 2.1). The simple carbohydrates glucose, fruc-
or treatment of conditions such as cardio- tose, and galactose are the most common car-
vascular disease, gastrointestinal disease, and bohydrates found in food (Figure 2.1). These
diabetes. Other health advisors endorse very- simple carbohydrates and their derivatives
low-carbohydrate diets that take advantage are the major building blocks from which
of the dehydration effects of ketosis. most other biological material is derived.
This chapter addresses the need to con- Plants begin constructing carbohydrates
sider the complexities of carbohydrates as through photosynthesis—transforming energy



Glucose Fructose Galactose

FIGURE 2.1 Structure of three major monosaccharides

Carbohydrates 19

from sunlight into sugars. Animals then con- tain between 2 and 10 monosaccharides, and
vert the plant sugars they eat into polymers include such molecules as fructooligosaccha-
or other noncarbohydrate components such rides (Figure 2.2), which are “prebiotic” car-
as proteins, fats, and lignins. Animals also bohydrates. That is, they escape degradation
use the sugars in plants to create energy. in the upper digestive tract and travel to the
Photosynthesis produces about 200 × 109 large intestine where they become fuel for the
tons of biomass each year.5 friendly intestinal flora.
Carbohydrates have traditionally been clas- Carbohydrates can be classified according
sified into the oversimplified and misleading to their physical characteristics (Table 2.1).
categories of “simple” and “complex.” Sim- This type of classification allows for more
ple refers to molecules of one or two simple differentiation of their effects than does the
sugar units (monosaccharides and disacchar- “simple” and “complex” classification sys-
ides), and complex refers to polysaccharides tem. However, a functional understanding of
(10 or more units). However, most carbo- carbohydrates must consider their biological
hydrates in food are not simple sugars but effects as well as their physical properties.
multimers of these carbohydrate units as For example, a fiber might be soluble or in-
either oligosaccharides (2 to 10 monosac- soluble, might resist digestion and act as a
charides) or polysaccharides (more than 10 prebiotic, and might also affect blood sugar
monosaccharides). control. Since individual carbohydrates can
From a functional perspective, neither classi- have such differing functional effects, several
fication is helpful. On the one hand, “simple” major carbohydrates from different physical
monosaccharides can have extremely complex categories are reviewed below.
metabolic roles. Even structurally, they can
have far-reaching health consequences. The de-
position of galactose in the neuronal myelin Fructose
sheath and the glycosylation of proteins—now Fructose is the sweetest of the simple sugars
understood as a co-translational event—are ex- and is highly concentrated in honey, fruits,
amples of highly complex and far-reaching and some vegetables. Fructose metabolism is
roles for monosaccharides. On the other hand, an active area of research. Studies have shown
“complex” carbohydrates like plant cellulose that liver cells use fructose without the medi-
may remain relatively inert metabolically. ating effects of insulin. For this reason, fruc-
Not only are the terms simple and complex tose has been suggested as less problematic
misleading, they also exclude the intermedi- than glucose for dysglycemic individuals.6
ate category: carbohydrates that are neither Clinical studies have supported this obser-
simple nor complex—oligosaccharides (“few- vation. For example, fructose has been shown
sugar” carbohydrates). Oligosaccharides con- to attenuate the glycemic rise in blood after a






n n: 1-3
(a) Fructooligosaccharides


OH n n: 1-4
(b) Galactooligosaccharides


n: 1 (raffinose)
n: 2 (stachyose)
OH n
(c) Soybean oligosaccharides

FIGURE 2.2 Oligosaccharides having physiological activity include

fructooligosaccharides (a), galactooligosaccharides (b),
and soybean oligosaccharides (c)

glucose load.7 Data continue to support that cause an increase in serum triglycerides in
modest amounts of fructose may be the bene- some non-insulin-dependent diabetics, partic-
ficial choice of sweetener for most people. ularly those with hypertriglyceridemia.6 And,
Consuming large amounts (greater than 50 g) large amounts of fructose have also been re-
of fructose, however, has been reported to ported to cause hyperuricemia in gout pa-
Carbohydrates 21

TABLE 2.1 Physiologically Important Classes of Carbohydrates

Simple Sugars

Monosaccharides and disaccharides

Including: glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose, lactose, sucrose


Apolymeric carbohydrates that contain 2 to 10 monosaccharides

Including: galactooligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides, soy oligosaccharides


Large-chain glucose polymers

Including: amylose—straight-chain polymers of glucose; amylopectin—branched-chain
polymers of glucose

Nonstarch Polysaccharides

Large-chain nonstarch carbohydrate polymers

Including: cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, gums

tients.6 Therefore, as with any sugar, fructose 40 grams per day of fructose, the majority
intake should be modest. (~70%) of which comes from a non-natural
Studies illustrate that fructose malabsorp- source of fructose: high fructose corn syrup.
tion can occur, especially in health-compro- HFCS is the main sweetener used in many
mised patients. For instance, patients with processed foods, and is a primary sweetener
functional bowel disorders, like irritable used by the soft drink industry. HFCS is not
bowel syndrome, have been reported to have fructose, but instead is a combination of glu-
sugar malabsorption and, in those patients, cose and fructose, which is produced by con-
fructose may provoke symptoms.8 Some version of dextrose to fructose. Preparations
studies suggest fructose malabsorption and of HFCS range in composition, but many are
consequential symptoms can be decreased or about 50% fructose and 50% glucose. Sev-
even eliminated when fructose is consumed eral studies have compared HFCS to fructose
with glucose. This result is possibly caused by and shown distinct differences. For example,
glucose activating the fructose transporter.6 HFCS has been shown to lead to a significant
increase in blood glucose and insulin levels as
compared to the same amount of fructose in
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Therefore,
According to studies reported in the 1990s, the intake of HFCS should be considered sep-
the average American adult consumes about arately in reviewing a patient’s diet.

Inulin and Fructooligosaccharides bacteria. As a result, they may act as a tar-

The large intestine contains symbiotic micro- geted, natural approach to antibiotic therapy.
biota that play an important role in health. A carbohydrate that selectively supports the
At least 50 different genera of bacteria exist in growth and/or activity of one or both of these
the human colon. For fuel, the colonic micro- species of bacteria and improves host health is
biota use undigested carbohydrates, such as called a prebiotic.10 (Table 2.2 indicates which
soluble fibers and resistant starch. These sym- carbohydrates function as prebiotics and which
biotic bacteria support health by produc- function as colonic food. Figure 2.3 shows
ing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from fer- many of the activities of bifidobacteria.)
mentation of carbohydrates. Propionate, ac- Prebiotics include fructooligosaccharides,
etate, and butyrate are SCFAs that supply up inulin, and galactooligosaccharides. Inulin is
to 70% of the energy used by colonic epithe- a member of the fructan family of storage
lial cells. carbohydrates that occur in various flower-
Of those bacteria important to health, bifi- ing plants, especially chicory, onions, aspara-
dobacteria and lactobacilli genera are the most gus, and Jerusalem artichokes. Food sources
extensively researched. Some carbohydrates of inulin are shown in Table 2.3. Inulin is a
selectively promote the growth of these benefi- polysaccharide composed of repeating fruc-
cial or “friendly” bacteria. Selective support of tose units with a terminal glucose unit.11 Pre-
bifidobacteria and lactobacilli may cause them biotics, along with a balance of soluble and
to compete for and outgrow other harmful insoluble dietary fibers, provide substrate for

TABLE 2.2 Classification of Certain Carbohydrates as Colonic Food and Prebiotics

Carbohydrate Colonic Food Prebiotic

Resistant Starch Yes Possibly

Nonstarch polysaccharides
Plant cell wall polysaccharides Yes No
Hemicellulose Yes No
Pectins Yes No
Gums Yes No

Nondigestible oligosaccharides
Fructooligosaccharides Yes Yes
Galactooligosaccharides Yes Probably
Soybean oligosaccharides Yes Probably
Glucooligosaccharides Possibly No
Carbohydrates 23

Reduce blood Lower blood

ammonia levels cholesterol levels


Inhibit the growth Produce vitamins
Restore the normal
of potential (e.g., B group,
intestinal flora
pathogens (e.g., by folic acid)
during antibiotic
producing acetate
and lactate)

FIGURE 2.3 Bifidobacteria benefits

microflora to produce these beneficial SCFAs. saccharide molecules are shown in Figure 2.4;
When a diet includes prebiotics, intraluminal food sources are shown in Table 2.4.
concentrations of SCFAs increase.
Oligosaccharides resulting from inulin
TABLE 2.3 Inulin in Food
breakdown are called fructooligosaccharides.
In dietary research, fructooligosaccharides Plant Inulin Level (%)
(oligosaccharides containing between 2 and 10 Wheat 1–4
molecules of the monosaccharide fructose with Onion 2–6
a terminal glucose unit) are an active area of Murnong 8–13
Leek 10–15
study. Fructooligosaccharides are the preferen-
Asparagus 10–15
tial substrate for most bifidobacteria and are Chicory root 13–20
ineffective as a substrate for the potentially Yacon 15–20
pathogenic bacterium Clostridium perfringens. Salsify 15–20
Supplementing these nutrients in doses of 1–8 g Jerusalem artichoke 15–20
Dahlia tuber 15–20
per day favorably affects human microflora
Garlic 15–25
balance.11 Examples of common fructooligo-

C H 2O H C H 2O H C H 2O H
amylose, a straight-chain polymer of glucose,
O O O and amylopectin, a branched-chain polymer
of glucose (Figure 2.5). The D-glucose units
HO HO HO in amylose, an essentially linear molecule, are
linked by α-(1→4) glycosidic bonds. Amylo-

H O CH 2 O H O CH 2 O H O CH 2 O pectin consists of glucose linked by α-(1 →4)-

D-glucan bonds with an occasional α-(1→6)
CH 2 2 2
bond. Amylopectin is a large molecule with a
molecular weight in excess of 107 daltons and
H O CH 2 O
H O CH 2 O H O CH 2 O has a complex “bush-like” structure.
Starch digestion begins in the mouth,
CH 2 where amylase enzymes start the hydrolysis
process, and continues in the small intestine.
H O CH 2 O H O CH 2 O
The enzyme β-amylase cleaves the penulti-

mate glycosidic link from the reducing end of
CH 2
the starch to release maltose. Digestion by
β-amylase is often incomplete, and starch

H O CH 2 O
must be completely depolymerized to glu-
cose before it can be absorbed in the small
Hidaka H et al. Effects of fructooligosaccharides
on intestinal flora and human health. C H 2O H
intestine. Therefore, many enzymes are in-
Bifidobacteria Microflora 1986;5(1):37–50. HO
volved in starch digestion. In humans, de-
polymerization is effected by several digestive
enzymes that cleave the α-(1→4) and α-(1→6)
FIGURE 2.4 Some fructooligosaccharides
glucosidic bonds, mainly by the action of
Starch is packaged as granules in plants.
Starch granules differ in their composition
Nondigestible or “Resistant” Starch and ability to be broken down in the digestive
Although starch and nonstarch polysaccha- tracts of humans. Formation of complexes
rides are both polymers of monomeric sug- with fatty acids and guar gum also reduce the
ars, the unique nutritional and physical digestibility of starch. In addition, the amy-
properties of starch set it apart. Starch is the lose starch complexes are less susceptible to
predominant food reserve in plants, and digestion than the amylopectin complexes due
starch and starch breakdown products, along to their tight physical structure. These factors
with sucrose and lactose, are also the pre- (physical inaccessibility, food particle size, cell
dominant carbohydrates digested by hu- wall or protein encapsulation, and composi-
mans.13 Two types of starch polymers exist: tion of starch complexes) result in different
Carbohydrates 25

TABLE 2.4 Fructooligosaccharides and Food

Oligosaccharides Distribution

1-kestone onion, edible burdock, rye, asparagus, Chinese chive,

Jerusalem artichoke

6-kestone Gramineae plants

neokestone onion, banana, asparagus, sugar maple, Gramineae plants

nystose onion, edible burdock, asparagus


bifurcose rye
neobifurcose oat

fructosylnsystose onion, edible burdock, asparagus


bifurcose rye
Source of data: Mitsuoka T, Hidaka H, Eida T. Effect of fructo-oligosaccharides on intestinal microflora. Die Nahrung

starch digestion rates with some starch being digestible starch (SDS), and resistant starch
“resistant” to digestion (Table 2.5). (RS).14 The concept of resistant starch is just
Carbohydrate chemists have defined three beginning to receive widespread attention
categories of starch to describe these phenom- in the literature, and it may eventually have
ena: rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly extremely important clinical implications,

(a) Amylose

(b) Amylopectin

FIGURE 2.5 Starch: amylose (a) and amylopectin (b) molecules


TABLE 2.5 Differential Digestion of Starch Complexes

Example of Probable Digestion in

Type of Starch Occurrence the Small Intestine

Rapidly digestible starch (RDS) Freshly cooked starchy foods Rapid

Slowly digestible starch (SDS) Many raw cereals Slow but complete
Resistant starch (RS)
1. Physically indigestible starch Partly milled grains and seeds Resistant
2. Resistant starch granules Raw potato and banana Resistant
3. Retrograded starch Cooled, cooked potato, bread, Resistant
and cornflakes

particularly in the management of blood sions in water. These fibers are typically re-
sugar and diabetes. For example, the range of ferred to as “bulking agents,” and they usu-
digestibility of different starch complexes may ally help intestinal flow. Insoluble fibers
account for the variable blood glucose results include celluloses, some hemicelluloses (pen-
obtained with various high starch meals (dis- tosans), and insoluble pectins. Insoluble fiber
cussed in greater depth in the glycemic index adds weight, volume (fecal bulk), and “soft-
and carbohydrate composition sections). More- ness” to the stools, thereby enhancing intralu-
over, starch resistant to digestion may become minal transport (decreasing transit time) and
fermentable substrate or “food” for bacteria facilitating regular elimination.
in the lower intestinal tract. Soluble fibers form colloidal suspensions in
water. These fibers typically pass through the
intestinal tract more slowly than insoluble
Dietary Fibers fibers. Soluble fibers include soluble gums (in-
Fiber is generally considered the sum of poly- cluding beta-glucans), some hemicelluloses,
saccharides not digested by the endogenous se- soluble pectins, and other soluble polysaccha-
cretions (digestive enzymes) of the human rides not susceptible to enzymatic degrada-
gastrointestinal tract. The polysaccharides in tion. Soluble fiber adds some bulk and
fiber may include nonstarch polysaccharides, “softness” to the stools by its property of
such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, or water absorption and facilitates (“normal-
the nondigestible fraction of starch called re- izes”) intraluminal stool transit and elimina-
sistant starch. tion. However, it is more often associated with
Fiber is also categorized as soluble or insol- certain therapeutic effects—decreasing choles-
uble based on its general physiological effects. terol absorption and moderating or delaying
Insoluble fibers do not form colloidal suspen- the absorption of glucose in the small in-
Carbohydrates 27

TABLE 2.6 Dietary Fibers other component of food. In the United

Plant cell walls are composed of fiber and
States, average adult fiber intake is below 10
non-fiber components. g per day.15 Worldwide, the average fiber in-
Non-fiber components include: take is in the 50 to 75-gram range. High rates
Proteins of intake of processed and animal foods
(which universally contain little to no fiber)
Silice account for this difference. Fiber intake has
Suberin been shown to be cardioprotective,16 glucose
Lignin regulating,17 and cancer protective.18
Insoluble fibers (insoluble in water, but can swell Analyzing an individual’s diet diary can
and absorb up to 20 times their weight in water): help determine the quantity and quality of
Celluloses fiber in the overall diet. While the National
Some hemicelluloses
Cancer Institute recommends 25 to 30 g of
fiber per day, observational studies in dia-
Soluble fibers (soluble in water and form a
smooth gel or thickened network):
betes research and epidemiological studies in
Pectins countries where daily fiber consumption
Gums reaches a level of 75–100 g, suggest higher
Mucilages levels may be helpful.
Note: Cereal fibers are generally insoluble in
A practitioner can evaluate an individual’s
water, whereas fruits, vegetables, and nuts con-
tain a higher proportion of soluble fiber. fiber consumption in several ways. An individ-
ual health history should include questions
Reference: Thebaudin JY, Lefebvre AC, Harrington M,
Bourgeois CM. Dietary fibres: nutritional and technologi- that assess stool frequency, quality, quantity,
cal interest. Trends Food Sci Tech 1997;8:41–48 and the ease or difficulty with which stools are
passed, as well as questions regarding amount
testines. Soluble fibers can also delay gastric of regular fluid intake, laxative use, and exer-
emptying and increase the satiety value of a cise. Estimating transit time is also helpful.* If
meal. A more comprehensive look at the phys-
iological effects of different types of fiber is *One of the most common health hazards and problems in
provided in Table 2.7. Western Civilization is chronic constipation and diseases of the
colon, e.g., hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, colitis, and cancer of
From a functional medicine perspective,
the colon. Studies of other cultures have consistently shown a
estimating dietary fiber may be one of the correlation between healthy colons, large stools and normal
best “shortcuts” of evaluating a patient’s di- colon transit time. Colon transit time can be measured by ask-
ing the patient to eat either a moderate serving of corn or beets
etary quality, because lack of fiber content (1/2 to 3/4 cup) or take 4 charcoal capsules, and note the time of
takes a greater toll on diet quality than any first and last appearance in the stool.

TABLE 2.7 Physiological Effects of Soluble/Insoluble Fibers

Physiological Response Dietary Fiber Resistant Starch

Soluble Insoluble

Upper GI Tract
Digestive enzyme activity Decrease Decrease No effect
Rate of mineral & vitamin
absorption Delayed No effect No effect
Amount of mineral & vitamin
absorption No effect No effect No effect
Blood cholesterol Decrease No effect No effect
Blood glucose Decrease No effect Insufficient data
Blood insulin Decrease No effect Insufficient data
Sterol absorption Decrease Small decrease No effect
Lumen particle size None Variable None
Lumen viscosity Variable None None

Lower GI Tract
Bacterial growth–biomass Significant increase Medium increase Significant increase
Attachment sites for biomass None Variable None
Gases: CO2, H2, CH4 (methane) Significant increase Small increase Significant increase
Colon pH Significant decrease Small decrease Significant decrease
Colon and fecal:
SCFAs Increase Increase Increase
Acetate Increase Small increase Increase
Propionate Increase Small increase Increase
Butyrate Increase Small increase Significant increase
Ammonia Decrease Small decrease Significant decrease
Fecal anaerobic bacteria Change Small change Change
Epithelial cell physiology and
cell biology:
DNA repair Increase Small increase Increase
Gene expression Reduction Reduction Insufficient data
Proliferation Reduction Reduction Insufficient data
Apoptosis Unknown Unknown Unknown
Laxative Effects Weak Strong Strong
Fecal bulk; water-holding capacity Weak Strong Strong
Bile acid changes in colon Positive Positive Insufficient data

Intestinal Transit Time No change Strong decrease Decrease

Carbohydrates 29

bowel movements are difficult and/or painful, intake is generally advised. (Failure to in-
infrequent, small, hard, and dry, and/or transit crease fluid intake along with increasing
time is prolonged, additional fiber may be fiber, especially in the elderly and other cases
needed. Some laboratory stool analyses pro- of physiologic compromise can result in stool
vide information regarding total and/or indi- impaction and bowel obstruction.) Especially
vidual short-chain fatty acid content. More with the carbohydrate fibers, drinking water
information on laboratory testing is provided is clinically important. Increasing a patient’s
in Chapter 10. fiber amount without simultaneously increas-
ing water may produce constipation, while
excessive increases in fiber together with
Increasing Fiber in the Diet
water may produce diarrhea.
Commonly used and known dietary fiber
sources include wheat bran, psyllium, and Gradual increase: Incrementally increasing
oat fiber. Unfortunately, many individuals fiber in the daily diet is important. Gradually
experience reactions to wheat (gluten) and/or increasing the amount over days to weeks,
psyllium-containing foods and supplements. as individually indicated and tolerated, will
Less commonly known and yet beneficial food generally improve tolerance/adaptation while
fibers include soy fiber, beet fiber, pea fiber, oat minimizing side effects. For many individuals,
gum, rice bran, apple pectin, apple fiber, cellu- as little as 1 teaspoon of additional fiber per
lose and xanthan gums, and gum arabic. day may be the initial limit that will not cause
Consider the following when adding fiber problems.
to the diet:
Tolerability: Since many fibers come from
gluten-containing products (wheat, rye, and
barley), the source of the fiber(s) should be Carbohydrate Metabolism
considered within the context of the individ- and Maldigestion
ual’s tolerance or antigenic sensitivities.
Gas and bloating are the two most common
Solubility properties: The type and/or pro- effects that people experience after eating,
portion of insoluble to soluble fibers may be and both can be related to carbohydrate in-
determined in part by the known physiologic take. Everyone produces gas as a byproduct
effects of the individual fibers and the desired of digestion. Some amount of gas and bloat-
physiologic changes in a given individual. ing throughout the day is normal. Producing
some intestinal gas is usually a sign of a good
Daily fluid intake: As the amount of fiber high-fiber diet and good health, and any in-
in the diet increases, increasing fluid (water) convenience it may cause is social and not

medical. The gases humans produce in the beans, and unripe fruit (which contains a
process of digestion include hydrogen, meth- high percentage of pectin). Soy oligosaccha-
ane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitro- rides or legume oligosaccharides have also
gen, and ammonia. Hydrogen sulfide is the gas been implicated in excessive gas and bloating.
that causes offensive odor. The average indi- Fat and protein are slower to digest than
vidual produces approximately 11/2 quarts of carbohydrate. Therefore, when a high-fat
gas daily in the course of normal digestion. meal is consumed, it remains in the stomach a
The number of times a person passes gas in a longer time than a high carbohydrate meal.
day varies from as few as 3 times to nearly 40. The carbohydrates associated with the fat
It takes 15 minutes to 2 hours for the first and protein in the high-fat diet are presumed
part of a meal to pass through the stomach to be broken down and possibly fermented
and small intestine to the colon. An entire earlier in the digestive tract than the lower in-
meal takes much longer. It can take as little as testine. Some older people find it more diffi-
a few hours, to as long as a few days, for cult to digest high-protein, high-fat meals
meals to pass from the beginning of the diges- than younger individuals. This may be due to
tive tract, the stomach, to the end, the colon. the decreased secretion of stomach acid that
Individuals with a fast transit time send more is sometimes associated with aging. (The high
undigested starch to the colon along with fat content of the standard American diet
fiber. Most digestion occurs in the small in- places a heavy burden on both the pancreas
testine, and is assisted by enzymes produced and the gallbladder for the proper digestion
in the pancreas and bile produced in the liver. and assimilation of fats and may help explain
Some foods, especially soluble fiber and the why gallbladder surgery is so common.)
prebiotic carbohydrates, result in a large In all chronic cases of gas and bloating, it
amount of gas as a byproduct of fermenta- is essential to consider hypochlorhydria as a
tion by colonic bacteria. prime cause, and to review any medications a
Although modest gas production is nor- patient may be taking to reduce stomach acid
mal, some individuals experience excessive secretion. Reducing stomach acid secretions
gas and bloating. Clinical experience suggests can result not only in gas and bloating but
that a number of conditions may lead to gas also in the malabsorption of a number of im-
and bloating, including (1) a high-fat diet; portant nutrients and other gastrointestinal
(2) hypochlorhydria or inadequate digestive dysfunctions.
enzymes; and (3) food sensitivity. Foods com- Several cooking techniques can help mini-
monly associated with symptoms of gas and mize those symptoms of gas and bloating that
bloating include high-fat foods, fruits and are related to carbohydrate consumption.
juices containing sorbitol or mannitol (apple These techniques include soaking beans over-
juice, pear juice, grapes, prunes, cherries), night; draining, rinsing, and adding 1/2 tea-
cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables, spoon of mustard seed to the cooking water of
Carbohydrates 31

legumes; and cooking cruciferous vegetables Many individuals with NIDDM are less
like cabbage more quickly—for example, stir- conscious than they should be of the dangers
frying instead of boiling or steaming. associated with complications from the dis-
ease. Raising their consciousness about the
risks enables clinicians to identify and imple-
Carbohydrate Metabolism and
ment preventive strategies that may avoid, or
Blood Sugar Regulation at least delay, the onset of complications such
Over eighteen million people in the United as cardiovascular disease, nephropathies, and
States live with diabetes mellitus. Although neuropathies.27 Individuals who already have
the 2002 figures represented only 6.3% of the hypertension or hyperlipidemia are at high
population in that year, the Centers for Dis- risk of developing serious cardiovascular com-
ease Control estimated the lifetime risk for plications if they do not attend to their diet and
Americans born in 2000 to be one in three!20 exercise. The 1996 recommendation for “near-
That makes diabetes the nation’s #1 chronic normal” glycemia (a glycohemoglobin level no
disease prevention and treatment challenge. higher than 1.0% above the upper normal
The two major types of diabetes, type 1 limit), published by the American College of
(insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or IDDM) Physicians, advises aggressive means to prevent
and type 2 (non-insulin-dependent diabetes cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, and neu-
mellitus or NIDDM) are treated differently. In ropathy, and suggests that even a small de-
IDDM, a lack of insulin causes elevated levels crease in glycohemoglobin is beneficial.28,29
of blood glucose. In NIDDM, a lack of insulin
sensitivity is the cause of elevated levels of Glycemic index
blood glucose.21 Ninety percent of all diabet- Carbohydrate metabolism plays an impor-
ics have NIDDM.22 The insulin resistance that tant role in the treatment of both types of dia-
characterizes NIDDM is often further compli- betes.30 Much of the research has focused on
cated by the fact that many NIDDM individu- ways to identify high-risk foods for diabetics,
als are also obese, which can exacerbate the but assessing the amount of glucose entering
insulin resistance.23 the bloodstream after a meal and describing
Long-term complications of diabetes, in- the foods to avoid or include in a diet for
cluding problems with eyes, kidneys, cardio- diabetics can be difficult. The concept of
vascular and nervous systems, can be prevented “glycemic index” has been developed to help
or delayed by dietary control.24 Type I diabet- compare different foods based on their ability
ics try to maintain proper blood glucose bal- to induce a rise in blood glucose. Glycemic
ance with a combination of diet and insulin index is often abbreviated as GI, and is the
injections. Type II diabetics are usually treated calculated value of the blood glucose re-
initially with diet and exercise, which can im- sponse to a food as compared to a standard
prove insulin sensitivity.25,26 food (usually glucose or white bread).

To determine the GI, the glycemic response Because the amount of carbohydrate can
of ingesting a portion of food containing 50 g differ in a typical serving of a food, a new
of carbohydrate is compared to the glycemic measure termed “glycemic load” (GL) has
response of a 50-gram portion of glucose or been introduced. The dietary glycemic load is
white bread (Figure 2.6). Most commonly, re- defined as the product of a food’s glycemic
searchers use white bread instead of glucose index and its carbohydrate content.34 GL
as the standard response since GI data from takes into account the idea that foods rated
white bread appear to be more reliable.31,32 solely on the basis of their GI do not quantify
The GI of a specific food is typically mea- common or customary servings that are
sured after an overnight fast. eaten. For instance, while carrots have a high
In 1995, researchers compiled the Interna- GI (92 vs. glucose), a usual serving of carrots
tional Table of Glycemic Index to summarize has a low total carbohydrate content (6-8 g),
the data obtained from studies about the GI and thus would realistically only produce a
of specific individual foods.33 GI values were low glycemic response. Using the GL there-
consistent for most foods. However, some fore allows for the assessment of the quantity
foods varied widely, which is difficult to ex- as well as the quality of the carbohydrate in-
plain. The authors suggested that amylose take in the diet. However, the question of
content of starch and methods of cooking whether the GI of foods, or the GL of a diet,
and processing could explain the variations has significance to human health continues to
in GI. In addition, the variety, species, or be controversial, and no consensus on its use
strain of the food source may be different and has been reached in the United States. Recent
may result in different responses (e.g., russet research in this area, both epidemiological
potato vs. new potato, basmati rice vs. short- and case controlled, strongly suggests that
grain rice, ripe banana vs. aged banana). high GI foods and high GL diets produce in-
Table 2.8 lists the glycemic index for some creased serum glucose levels and increased in-
commonly eaten foods. sulin demand. These events have been shown,

Glycemic response of a portion of food with 50 g carbohydrate

——————————————————————————————— × 100
Glycemic response of a 50 g portion of white bread

FIGURE 2.6 Calculation of glycemic index (GI)

Carbohydrates 33

TABLE 2.8 Glycemic Index Table of Commonly Eaten Foods

GI—glucose GI—white
Food standard bread standard

rye bread 63 90
white bread 69 100
whole wheat bread 72 99
white rice 72 81
parboiled 5 min 54
parboiled 25 min 6
brown rice 66 81; 76
high amylose 66
potato (new), boiled 70 80
(russet), baked 56 128; 80
mashed 70 98
sweet potato 48 70
shredded wheat 67 97
milk (skim) 32 46
corn flakes 80 109
sweet corn 59 80
oatmeal 49 93
green peas, frozen 51 65
kidney beans 29 43
lentils 29 38
pearl barley 25 36
spaghetti 50
boiled 5 min 45
boiled 15 min 61
apple 39 53
banana 62 84
underripe 30 59; 4
orange 40 59
orange juice 46 67
fructose 20 31
glucose 100 138
sucrose 59 89

in predisposed individuals, to increase insulin tant starch. This observation may help ex-
resistance and the risk for type 2 diabetes. plain why carbohydrates higher in amylose
Additionally, epidemiological evidence in the have a lower GI.47 Starch in raw foods, or in
past three years supports the concept that foods with a high moisture content cooked at
low GL diets are associated with higher low temperatures, is less digestible.48,49 Brand
HDL-cholesterol and lower triglyceride con- et al. studied the effects of processed vs. un-
centrations, and overall a low GL diet de- processed foods and concluded that food pro-
creases risk for coronary heart disease.35-39 cessing also correlates with a higher GI.
Sweeteners or other components that may be
Factors affecting glycemic response augmented in processed foods may contribute
Several factors affect the GI of a food, includ- to this finding.50 Conversely, high tempera-
ing type of carbohydrate, starch accessibility tures used in canning can increase starch hy-
(e.g., resistant starch), nutrient composition, drolysis, rendering it more digestible.
presence of protein and fat, processing and Adding fiber to the diet improves glycemic
preparation, and total sucrose and fructose control compared to the predicted values
content. The same food may produce a for foods without added fiber.51,52 In early
different GI based on how it is cooked or studies on fiber supplementation in diabetics,
what food accompanies it in a meal. In addi- Anderson and Chen reported discontinuing
tion, while many tables of general GI values insulin in a group of 8 men who had been
for foods exist, researchers are still unclear taking 16 units of insulin daily.53 Subjects’
about long-term benefits of diets based on diets consisted of 10% protein and 70% car-
low GI foods.42 bohydrate, including 60 to 80 g of plant fiber.
In addition to the debate over these GIs for The authors attributed the decreased insulin
individual foods, the reliability of GI in pre- needs to the different plant fibers used in the
dicting glycemic response to a mixed meal is diet. They suggested that the significantly
also controversial: does the response to a meal lower glycemic and insulin response produced
depend only on the GI of the individual foods by barley and oatmeal was created by the high
in that meal? While the literature presents amounts of the soluble fiber β-glucan in the
both sides of this issue, several studies with respective grains.54,55
both healthy and diabetic subjects report reli- Fiber may influence GI in several ways.
ability in predicting glycemic response based First, soluble fiber causes a delay in gastric
on the GI of individual foods contained in a emptying, which could slow absorption of
meal.43,44 However, glycemic response for glucose. Second, fiber causes a viscous solu-
NIDDM patients may be an exception.45,46 tion to form in the intestine, which may block
As discussed earlier, the starch amylose is enzymatic breakdown.56 In addition to a high
digested more slowly than amylopectin, due fiber content, legumes also contain phytate
in part to the ability of amylose to form resis- and lectins, which can inhibit digestion and
Carbohydrates 35

absorption.57 An inverse relationship has mended a diet with few refined carbohydrates
been found between the amount of phytate in for diabetics to help reduce long-term compli-
foods and GI, suggesting that phytate affects cations such as neuropathy, nephropathy, and
starch digestibility.58 cardiovascular disease.65,66 Before diabetes
was treated with insulin, diabetics were ad-
Second meal effect vised to consume only 20% of their total calo-
The second meal effect is the ability of one ries as carbohydrate.67,68
meal to improve glucose tolerance of the next In 1997, The American Diabetes Associa-
meal. Studies using healthy subjects illustrate tion (ADA) recommended more frequent
that a slow and prolonged absorption of meals to improve both glucose and lipid con-
carbohydrate at breakfast results in a slower trol.69 Consistent with its 1996 position,
rise in blood sugar levels, a reduced insulin ADA did not mention GI, nor did it consider
response, and a lessened glycemic response fiber to be important. Fiber specifications re-
after lunch.59,60 A low GI dinner meal has flected the 1996 position of 20 to 35 g per
been shown to produce the same type of day—the same level recommended for healthy
glycemic response after breakfast.61 Clinically, individuals.70 Moreover, a study published in
this “second meal” phenomenon underscores the New England Journal of Medicine in
the importance of dietary interventions that 2000 comparing the ADA guidelines for fiber
evaluate the entire dietary pattern—not sim- with a high fiber diet (50 g of fiber with 50%
ply individual food selections. soluble, 50% insoluble) in type 2 diabetic pa-
The concept of “second meal effect” may tients reported improved glycemic control
also help explain why meal frequency through- and decreased hyperinsulinemia and lipids
out the whole day is important. Carbohy- with the high fiber diet.71 This again points
drate and endocrine metabolism and serum out the need to look at more than overall car-
lipid levels are affected by the rate at which bohydrate, to focus on the variety and
starches are digested and absorbed.62 Carbo- amount of key carbohydrates, such as soluble
hydrates are absorbed more slowly with in- fiber intake in specific health-compromised
creased meal frequency, often resulting in a individuals.
reduction of insulin response, postprandial The Exchange List for Meal Planning, de-
blood glucose, and serum cholesterol levels. veloped in 1950 by the Committee on Diabetic
Diet Calculations of the ADA, guided meal
Clinical conclusions about planning to improve diabetes management.72
carbohydrates and glycemic index It offered measurements of the available car-
Historically, maintaining optimum blood bohydrate content of foods. Starchy foods
sugar control has been the most important were grouped together, and measured amounts
goal in dietary management of diabetes melli- were treated as interchangeable. According
tus.63,64 Researchers have typically recom- to Truswell, “Available carbohydrates were

assumed to be all digested and absorbed at the cell adhesion, cell development and differenti-
same rate and to have the same effect on post- ation, cell signaling events, infection, and
prandial blood glucose, except for sugar, or su- metastasis.74 Intensive study in a new field of
crose, which was absorbed more rapidly.”73 carbohydrate research called “glycobiology”
Our current understanding about the varying focuses on these activities of carbohydrates,
glucose response to different types of carbohy- which result from the attachment or “decora-
drates suggests that this concept is outdated tion” of specific proteins with carbohydrate
and is even counterproductive in many regards. moieties, a process called glycosylation. The
While using the GI of foods as a dietary Golgi apparatus inside the cell appears to be
guide has merit, it also has problems. Patients the most important site for intracellular glyco-
planning meals with an emphasis on improving sylation. The cell is actually able to synthesize
blood sugar, serum insulin, or serum lipids the glycan (protein-carbohydrate) molecules
have no way of knowing the amylose content without having to code this information into
of the food they are eating, nor can they know the DNA.75 Glycosylated proteins appear to
how many times a food has been reheated in a play a critical role in cell recognition76 and the
restaurant before it is served, nor what its age miscommunications that lead to cellular dys-
may be. The ripeness of fruit, for example, can function, including autoimmune dysfunction
change its GI (banana is one such example). and metastases.
Different varieties of foods grown and sold in
packages give no clue to the consumer about
possible differences in GI. It is often difficult to SUMMARY
convince individuals with diabetes that it is Contrary to the historical idea that carbo-
very important to eat fresh, whole, unpro- hydrates are easily defined as “simple” or
cessed foods. Nonetheless, basic principles “complex” compounds with specific, well-de-
used in understanding glycemic response can fined roles in metabolism, the term actually en-
and should be explained to patients. Moreover, compasses a diverse group of compounds that
practitioners should encourage patients to in- perform multiple important functions in the
corporate these ideas into their meal planning. body. The right selection of carbohydrates sup-
ports healthy blood glucose control and gas-
CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH: trointestinal function, helps prevent several
diseases and dysfunctional conditions, and pro-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS vides important nutrients to the body. Because
Although most nutrition-related discussions of the many beneficial physiologic functions of
about carbohydrates focus on their role in different types of carbohydrates, a more so-
metabolism and energy production, carbohy- phisticated approach to using carbohydrates to
drates and their derivatives are essential in support patient health in a variety of ways is in-
several other biological processes, including tegral to the functional medicine model.
Carbohydrates 37

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58. Yoon JH, Thompson LU, Jenkins DJ. The effect institutions: technical review. J Am Diet Assoc.
of phytic acid on in vitro rate of starch digestibil- 1997;20:96–105.
ity and blood glucose response. Am J Clin Nutr. 70. American Diabetes Association. Nutrition rec-
1983;38:835–842. ommendations and principles for people with di-
59. Jenkins DJ, Wolever TM, Taylor RH, Griffiths abetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 1997;20 (Suppl
C, Krzeminska K, Lawrie JA. Slow release di- 1):S14-S17.

71. Chandalia M, Garg A, Lutjohann D, von 74. Borman S. Carbohydrates’ complexities. Chem
Bergmann K, Grundy SM, Brinkley LJ. Benefi- Engineering News. 1996:36–38.
cial effects of high dietary fiber intake in patients 75. Axford J. Glycobiology and medicine: an intro-
with type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. duction. J Roy Soc Med. 1997;90:260–264.
2000;342:1392–1398. 76. Sharon N, Lis H. Carbohydrates in cell recogni-
72. Caso EK. Calculation of diabetic diets. J Am tion. Sci Am. 1993;268(1):82–89.
Diet Assoc. 1950; 26:575–583.
73. Truswell AS. Glycaemic Index of Foods. Eur J
Clin Nutr. 1992;46(Suppl 2):S91–S101.
Proteins and
Amino Acids

HE AVERAGE US ADULT CONSUMES sources have different amino acid composi-
over 100 grams of dietary protein tions, individuals may consume adequate
per day—nearly twice as much as the amounts of total protein but still be deficient
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) in specific amino acids because of the quality
range of 46–53 grams.1,2 Given such informa- of the protein. The protein source may have a
tion, one is likely to assume that the diet is low amount of a particular amino acid, or the
complete in protein and that the potential for individual may require a higher amount of
(protein) deficiency is lower than for most that amino acid based on unique metabolic
nutrients. However, such an assumption would needs. Thus, while assessing the diet in terms
not necessarily be correct. The conventional of total protein intake rather than specific
reasoning grossly misrepresents the meta- amino acid intake is convenient, it likely
bolic role of protein. It is not protein in its misses the most important aspect of protein
macromolecular form that operates at a func- quality—amino acid composition.
tional level, but rather the building blocks of Other problems also arise from a limited
protein—amino acids. perspective on total protein intake. For exam-
When digested, protein is broken into ple, such an approach does not account for
amino acids and peptides. These smaller the type of protein and its relationship to food
molecular components give protein its nutri- allergies and sensitivities and their effects on
tional impact. Since proteins from different the immune system. This chapter reorients the


protein discussion to include information This form is used in the synthesis of protein.
about amino acid support in clinical nutrition, The only D-form amino acids that humans
and emphasizes the importance of studying can use are methionine and phenylalanine.
protein at a metabolic level. Understanding Both amino acids can be converted to their
the structure and purposes of macromolecules respective L-forms by a transamination reac-
can help explain how they function in a broader tion in the body.3
context. Most biochemistry texts identify only 20
Specifically, this chapter investigates the amino acids as the building blocks of pro-
nutritional role of proteins and amino acids teins. However, several other amino acids
by classifying amino acids, outlining bioactive and derivatives of amino acids generally not
peptides, exploring the role of proteins in associated with protein are also important in
food-allergy-related conditions, and discussing metabolism. They include creatine, carnitine,
how functional medicine helps manage those betaine, taurine, ornithine, and citrulline.

Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids

AMINO ACIDS Nutrition has traditionally divided amino
Amino acids are the molecules that constitute acids into two categories, essential and non-
the building blocks of proteins. The simplest essential. Most people can synthesize about
definitions of protein, “molecules composed half of these amino acids, or nonessential
of amino acids in peptide linkage,” “high amino acids, as long as their diet includes or-
polymers,” and “polyamides,” recognize that ganic nitrogen. Conventional medicine has
the alpha-amino carboxylic acid building designated the remaining amino acids as es-
blocks, or amino acids, give proteins their sential. It teaches that the body is unable to
primary structure. Most amino acids consist synthesize these amino acids and thus must
of an asymmetric carbon bonded to four dif- obtain them from food in prefabricated form.
ferent covalent partners. The amino acids These essential amino acids include leucine,
that make up proteins differ only by what is isoleucine, valine, lysine, phenylalanine, tryp-
attached to the fourth bond of the carbon, tophan, threonine, and methionine. Most
known as the side chain. Biochemists identify clinical intervention has been limited to these
amino acids by these side chains. “essential” amino acids.
The major classes of amino acids include Whether the average human body can syn-
those with acid, base, aliphatic, or aromatic thesize a nutrient is a simpler issue than whether
side chains (Figure 3.1). When amino acids it is synthesizing that nutrient. Only the latter
are synthesized chemically, two stereoiso- relates directly to function—what is actually
mers, called the D- and L-forms, result. Bio- going on in an individual at a given moment. In
logical synthesis produces only the L-form. this sense, all amino acids play a critical role in
Proteins and Amino Acids 43

Aliphatic Amino Acids Basic Amino Acids General Formula for all
Amino Acids except Proline
Glycine H R Histidine HN CH 2 R
Alanine CH 3 R N H 2N C C
Lysine H 2N CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 R X
Valine CH R
CH 3
Arginine NH CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 R The figure directly above is an
C R group. The full structure for
Leucine CH CH 2 R
NH2 each amino acid is shown by
CH 3
connecting the X point shown
above to each of the R points
CH 3 CH 2
Isoleucine CH R Acidic Amino Acids and shown in the figures to the
their Amides left. Only the elements shown
CH 3
at left change; the R group
Serine H O CH 2 R Aspartic Acid C CH 2 R stays constant. This general
HO formula applies to all amino
HO O acids except proline.
Asparagine C CH 2 R
Threonine CH R NH2
CH 3
Glutamic Acid C CH 2 CH 2 R
Cysteine H S CH 2 R HO

Methionine CH 3 S CH 2 CH 2 R O
Glutamine C CH 2 CH 2 R

Aromatic and Heterocyclic

Amino Acids Proline

Phenylalanine CH 2 R Proline

Tyrosine HO CH 2 R CO O H
CH 2 R

FIGURE 3.1 Formulas of the 20 common amino acids


human metabolism and are essential at some nonessential amino acids play many unique,
level. At least eight amino acids have been used noninterchangeable roles in metabolism. For
clinically but have not been classified as essen- example, the sulfur-containing amino acid
tial since the body has metabolic pathways for cysteine serves anti-inflammatory and antiox-
their synthesis. These amino acids include cys- idant roles, activities that the essential sulfur-
teine, taurine, glycine, arginine, citrulline, or- containing amino acid, methionine, cannot
nithine, tyrosine, and glutamine. provide. The “nonessential” amino acid argi-
The little attention given to “nonessen- nine is unique in its ability to serve as a nitric
tial” amino acids has created problems since oxide generator and in the urea cycle. The

Methylation of nucleic acids,

phospholipids (choline),

S-adenosylmethionine ATP
(SAM) Methionine

Homocysteine Xenobiotic Mercapturate
Glycine glutamate

N-methyl Glutathione
Folate tetrahydrofolate

Sulfoxidation Oxidant

Cysteinesulfinic acid Reduced



Detoxification Sulfate Pyruvic acid

FIGURE 3.2 Trans sulfuration-sulfate pathways

Proteins and Amino Acids 45

“nonessential” amino acids taurine and Methionine can be converted to s-adeno-

glycine help the body detoxify. In each exam- sylmethionine (SAM) and used by many bio-
ple, the metabolic roles are unique to specific, chemical pathways as a methyl donor. Betaine
“nonessential” amino acids. Furthermore, if is a methyl donor for the conversion of homo-
the body is actively using these amino acids cysteine to methionine. Only recently have the-
for anti-inflammation, for detoxification, or ories developed about undermethylation and
as antioxidants, the body must replace what it its relationship to health. Methylation of DNA
uses. Therefore, these “nonessential” amino is one of the mechanisms the body uses to
acids are only “nonessential” if the body can control DNA expression. The role of under-
synthesize these amino acids as quickly as it methylation of DNA in promoting conditions
uses them. When need becomes greater than like cancer is only beginning to be explored.4
the ability to synthesize an amino acid, it The conversion of methionine to homocys-
moves from the category of non-essential to teine, and the contribution of homocysteine to
“conditionally essential.” atherogenesis, is also gaining more medical at-
tention (Figure 3.3).5
Individuals may overproduce homocys-
Amino Acids and Amino Acid
teine because of metabolic imbalances in
Derivatives: Examples cobalamine or folate status or because of
The sulfation cycle: cysteine, an inborn deficiency of cystathionine beta-
methionine, and betaine synthase or methylenetetrahydrofolate reduc-
tase (MTHFR).6 Recent research links high
The sulfur amino acids, methionine and cys-
plasma homocysteine to an increased risk of
teine, play several roles in metabolism. Cys-
cardiovascular disease.7,8 Supplementing the
teine is a methyl donor in many biochemical
diet with cofactors vitamin B6, vitamin B12,
pathways, including the conversion of homo-
folate, and betaine has been successful in de-
cysteine to methionine (Figure 3.2). Cysteine
creasing plasma homocysteine levels and re-
is also a sulfur donor for one of the Phase II
balancing the methylation pathway.9
detoxification pathways, sulfation, in which
non-water-soluble substances are converted to
water-soluble substances by the addition of a Amino acid conjugation:
sulfate moiety prior to excretion in the urine. taurine and glycine
Cysteine also helps synthesize glutathione, Detoxification removes exogenous and en-
an important element in antioxidant defense dogenous toxins from the body. Detoxifica-
and detoxification. Sulfation also helps con- tion consists of a set of reactions designed
trol intercellular communication and signal to convert a lipophilic substance (how most
transduction by producing membrane-active toxic molecules exist) into a water-soluble
sulfated glycoproteins. substance that can be excreted. Most toxins

Sulfated Foam cells Endothelial

glycoproteins (LDL) dysfunction Toxins and

H2 O2 Immune

Homocysteic LDL NO•


O 2• NO3-2 (inactive)


Homocysteine S-nitrosohomocysteine Vasoconstriction


Methionine Cysteine


FIGURE 3.3 Atherogenic mechanisms of homocysteine and their modulation by nitrogen oxides

require a two-step detoxification process: benzoic acid with glycine to form hippuric
Phase I activation, which uses oxygen to pro- acid.10 Although many amino acids are used in
duce an active site on the toxin; and Phase Phase II conjugation, a commonly observed
II conjugation, which adds a water-soluble amino acid conjugate is glycine.11 Glycine bio-
substance to the active site on the molecule transformation is important for carboxylic
(Figure 3.4). Many Phase II conjugation reac- acids and heterocyclic amines, including sali-
tions require amino acids, including sulfa- cylates (e.g., aspirin) and phenylacetic acid.
tion, glutathione conjugation, and amino Glycine is also one of the amino acids used for
acid conjugation. biosynthesis of the tripeptide glutathione.
The first identified detoxification pathway The end product of sulfur metabolism
involving amino acids was the conjugation of in mammals is the amino acid taurine. But tau-
Proteins and Amino Acids 47

Kidneys and
Environmental pollutants, Phase I Detoxification Phase II Detoxification urinary excretion
toxic chemicals, hormones,
Cytochrome P450 enzymes Conjugation enzymes
and other potentially
act on toxins. The major convert toxins to water-
harmful chemicals are sent
phase I reactions are soluble form for
to the liver. Bile and
oxidation, reduction and excretion or elimination.
elimination in
hydrolysis of toxins.
the stool

l pro
e rad
s .
e, em
m un syst
im us
to rvo
a ge ne
m n d
Da e, a
o cri

FIGURE 3.4 Detoxification in the liver

rine does not exist in protein. Instead, it many nutritionists consider taurine to be a
is the most abundant free amino acid in many “conditionally essential” amino acid in in-
animal tissues, including muscle, platelets, and fants, individuals on enteral nutrition, or indi-
the central nervous system. While all of tau- viduals deficient in vitamin B6, methionine, or
rine’s roles are not yet clear, research indicates cysteine.13 It also helps in states of hyperna-
that taurine is required for some Phase II tremic dehydration or trauma.14,15 Taurine is
detoxification and bile acid conjugation reac- most abundant in animal products and does
tions. Taurine helps regulate calcium availabil- not exist in commonly consumed plants.16
ity in heart muscle, platelets, and, possibly, the
developing nervous system. It may even act The urea cycle and signal transduction:
as an antioxidant and component in some arginine, ornithine, and citrulline
low molecular weight biologically active pep- The body disposes of nitrogen from amino
tides such as the neurotransmitter glutaurine acids during amino acid degradation through
(gamma-L-glutamyl-taurine).12 the urea cycle. Nitrogen balance studies have
Although most requirements for taurine suggested that the amino acids in the urea
are met through its endogenous synthesis, cycle, primarily arginine, are dispensable

(i.e., they can be removed from the diet with- calcium-independent and present in immune
out any apparent effect). However, this view cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, endothelial
has been challenged on two accounts. First, cells, and myocytes.18 Nitric oxide is a media-
when the intake of amino acids is relatively tor of immune, nervous, and cardiovascular
high, arginine is indispensable. Its removal systems (Figure 3.6). It is linked to pathophysi-
from the diet may result in hyperammone- ological states such as shock, hypertension,
mia.17 Second, the amino acids in the urea stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases.19
cycle are also involved in the nitric oxide sig- Recent studies have explored potential
nal transduction pathway (Figure 3.5). methods for modulating nitric oxide produc-
Nitric oxide is synthesized from arginine tion and thereby influencing the inflam-
by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Two distinct matory process or vascular biology. For
types of NOS exist in the body: 1) a constitu- example, corticosteroids prevent the produc-
tive NOS which is calcium-dependent and tion of inducible NOS without affecting the
present in endothelium, neural tissues, and constitutive activity. This may account for
platelets, and 2) an inducible NOS which is their anti-inflammation activity.20 Some re-

By citric acid cycle

Secondary energy pathway
not requiring pyruvate
(muscle, gut)

Glutamate Aspartate
succinate Fumarate
AMP + PPi Endotoxins
Mg ++
ATP Cytokines
released Kupffer cell
α - amino NOS
Citrulline Arginine activation
NADH (H) +
Mg ++
2 ADP + Pi
oxide Exogenous
(NO) arginine

α-Ketoglutarate Ornithine Urea

FIGURE 3.5 Hepatic urea cycle — nitric oxide synthase relationship

Proteins and Amino Acids 49

Activate Kupffer cells
Endotoxins and detoxification Cytokines secreted
pathways in the liver

Lipid peroxidation
Carcinogenesis Reactive
Immune Vasculature Ne rvo us
Mutagenesis Oxygen
Enzyme Species
Inducible NO Constitutive Constitutive
Synthase NO Synthase NO Synthase
Activation of Smooth muscle
arachidonic cascade relaxation, lowered
NO deactivates
(inflammation) platelet reactivity
Xanthine aconitase

Uncouples oxidative


FIGURE 3.6 The multiple influences of nitric oxide on immune, vascular, and nervous systems

search indicates that supplemental arginine tity of citrulline (around 100 mg of citrulline
may promote enhanced nitric oxide produc- per 100 gram serving).24
tion, which may benefit immune deficiency
and cardiovascular endothelial function me- The branched-chain amino acids:
diated through endothelial relaxing factor leucine, isoleucine, and valine
(NO).21 However, research is still tentative. Compared to other amino acids, the branched-
While some studies show that supplemental chain amino acids (BCAAs) differ metaboli-
arginine increases host immune functions, cally. BCAAs, and leucine in particular,
others do not.22,23 Citrulline may also be use- directly stimulate protein synthesis; are able
ful in preventing hyperammonemia and mod- to be oxidized completely in mitochondria
ulating nitric oxide-mediated functions. to provide energy; and, within the liver, can
Watermelon contains a relatively large quan- act as precursors for lipids or ketone bodies.

Because the mitochondria preferentially trans- ment for creatine is 2 grams per day and can
port BCAAs across their membranes for use be obtained from other meat sources such as
as substrates in aerobic energy production, fish. However, humans generally obtain less
these amino acids provide nutritional support than half this amount. Creatine is converted
primarily for energy-related disorders, stress, to creatinine for excretion. Since creatinine is
and muscle building. Research strongly indi- neither reabsorbed nor produced by the kid-
cates that BCAAs play a key role in maintain- neys, its excretion rate is used to measure kid-
ing muscle protein reserves.25 ney function.28
For brain entry, BCAAs share a transport The amino acid derivative carnitine is re-
mechanism with the aromatic amino acids ceiving a well-deserved and growing reputa-
tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. tion as a valued nutrient. Aerobic energy
Tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin; high produced by mitochondria begins when a
serotonin levels seem to play a role in patho- substrate is successfully transported into the
genesis of cancer anorexia. Recent research on mitochondrial matrix. In this process, carni-
cancer anorexia suggests that BCAAs may tine not only transports fatty acids and pyru-
safely improve caloric intake in cancer pa- vate into the mitochondrial space, it also
tients with anorexia by competitively decreas- transports mitochondrial “waste” out of the
ing the amount of tryptophan transported to mitochondria and into the cytoplasm.29 Car-
the brain.26 The BCAAs are particularly con- nitine also helps detoxify certain organic
centrated in the germs of grains, in fish, and in acids (Table 3.1).30 Alternative practitioners
dairy products. However, they are especially are beginning to use ratios of acyl-to-free car-
deficient in most grain flours and in most nitine in diagnosing energy-related disorders.
nuts and seeds. Carnitine is synthesized in the body by
carboxylation and methylation of lysine. This
Mitochondrial metabolism: process requires vitamin C, vitamin B3, vita-
creatine and carnitine min B6, and iron as enzymatic cofactors. Car-
Creatine and carnitine play key roles in en- nitine can also be obtained from the diet,
ergy metabolism and are discussed in greater where it exists in high levels in animal protein
depth in Chapter 8. Briefly, creatine is synthe- (Table 3.2). Although adults with average
sized from arginine and glycine in the liver diets usually meet carnitine requirements, car-
and kidneys. The majority of creatine is trans- nitine is considered a conditionally essential
ported to skeletal muscle cells where it is nutrient since it is depleted in many condi-
phosphorylated to phosphocreatine, an im- tions. Therefore, dietary carnitine may be nec-
portant energy storage molecule. Lean meat is essary to maintain adequate levels for support
one of the richest sources of creatine; a 1 kilo- of mitochondrial energy production (see
gram steak contains approximately 4 grams Chapter 8). For example, individuals who
of creatine.27 The estimated dietary require- cannot synthesize carnitine well, have low ac-
Proteins and Amino Acids 51

TABLE 3.1 Carnitine in Detoxification

Acids Excreted as Conditions Under Which

Carnitine Esters Organic Acid Accumulates

CH3CH2COOH Propionyl-CoA carboxylase and

Propionic acid methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiencies

(CH3)2CHCH2 COOH Isovaleric acidemia

Isovaleric acid

HOOCCH2CH(CH3)CH2COOH 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase

3-methylglutaric acid deficiency

CH3(CH2)6COOH Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase

Octanoic acid deficiency

(CH3)3CCOOH Pivampicillin treatment

Pivalic acid

(CH3CH2 CH2CH2)2CHCOOH Valproic acid therapy

Valproic acid

tivity of the mitochondrial carnitine transport fibroblasts. The gastrointestinal tract mucosal
enzyme(s), or experience excessive loss of car- cells (enterocytes), lymphocytes and macro-
nitine from hemodialysis, enteral feeding, phages use glutamine as a preferred respira-
organic acidemias or increased xenobiotic ex- tory fuel. The uptake of glutamine by the
cretion, require supplemental carnitine.31 mucosal cells from both the intestinal lumen
and arteriolar circulation increases in catabolic
Glutamine states and glucocorticoid (anti-inflammatory
Glutamine contains two nitrogen moieties and steroid) therapy.33
is the most abundant amino acid in whole Glutamine is involved in regulation of
blood.32 Combined with alanine, it transports acid/base balance since it is the precursor for
more than half of circulating amino acid nitro- urinary ammonia. It is also an important pre-
gen. It is also the principal carrier of nitrogen cursor of nucleic acids, amino sugars, and
from the periphery to visceral organs. For proteins and acts as a “conditionally essen-
these reasons, glutamine has been called the tial” amino acid during stress states associ-
“nitrogen shuttle” for interorgan amino acid ated with injury, sepsis, and inflammation.
exchange. It is avidly consumed by replicating Adding glutamine to enteral nutrient formulas
cells, including intestinal epithelial cells and helps maintain its level in plasma and intracel-

TABLE 3.2 Carnitine Content of Selected Foods

Micromole/100g or 100 mL

Dairy Products Bread and Cereal

Whole milk 20.4 Whole-wheat bread 2.26
Butter 3.1 White bread 0.912
American cheese 23.2 Rice (cooked) 0.090
Cottage cheese 7.0 Macaroni 0.780
Ice cream 23.0 Corn flakes 0. 078

Vegetables Non-Dairy Beverages

Green beans (cooked) 0.019 Coffee 0.009
Green peas (cooked) 0.037 Orange juice 0.012
Asparagus (cooked) 1.210 Tomato juice 0.030
Beets (cooked) 0.020 Grape juice 0.093
Broccoli (fresh) 0.023 Grapefruit juice Not detected
(cooked) 0.011 Cola Not detected
Carrots (fresh) 0.041
(cooked) 0.039 Miscellaneous
Potato (baked) 0.080 Eggs 0.075
Lettuce 0.007 Peanut butter 0.516

Fruits Meat Products

Apples 0.0002 Beef steak 592
Bananas 0.0056 Ground beef 582
Strawberries Not detected Chicken breast 24.3
Peaches 0.0060 Cod fish 34.6
Pineapple 0.0063 Pork 172
Pears 0.107 Bacon 145

lular pools. This addition improves nitrogen vous system, including the amino acids aspar-
balance and augmentation of cell prolifera- tate, glutamate, glycine, and gamma-aminobu-
tion.34 Since glutamine breaks down fairly tyric acid. Of these, glutamate is the principal
rapidly in solution, any glutamine-containing excitatory amino acid in the brain. Its interac-
powdered product should be consumed as tions with specific membrane receptors are re-
soon as possible after it is mixed with liquid. sponsible for many neurological functions
including cognition, memory, movement, and
Excitatory amino acid: glutamate sensation.35 Although several different mem-
Researchers have identified more than 30 dif- brane-bound receptors are involved in the neu-
ferent signaling molecules in the central ner- ronal response to glutamate, mobilization of
Proteins and Amino Acids 53

calcium is the major mechanism for the excita-

Excitatory amino acids,
tory signal from glutamate (Figure 3.7). glutamate


The human body contains tens of thousands Neuron
of different kinds of proteins, each performing
a specific function and possessing a unique
structure. Proteins function in structural sup-
port, storage, substance transport, signaling, Increased intracellular
movement, defense, and, as enzymes, selective calcium
acceleration of cellular chemical reactions.

Biologically Active Peptides • Protein kinase C

When consumed, protein is broken down by • Calcium/calmodulin-dependent
acid hydrolysis in the stomach with the help protein kinase II
of intestinal proteases, resulting primarily in • Phospholipases
• Proteases
amino acids. However, many small peptides,
• Phosphatases
primarily dipeptides and tripeptides, are not
• Nitric oxide synthase
totally broken down (digested) into amino
• Endonucleases
acids. Instead, these di- and tripeptides escape • Ornithine decarboxylase
full digestion and are carried across the brush • Xanthine oxidase
border membrane.36 Measurable amounts of
peptides exist in peripheral blood or urine FIGURE 3.7
after a protein-rich meal.37 Studies show faster Pathophysiologic consequences of the
absorption rates for di- and tripeptides than activation of cellular enzyme systems
for individual amino acids, suggesting that by excitatory amino acid-evoked increases
peptide-based formulas may be more effica- in intracellular calcium
cious in individuals with markedly impaired
absorptive capacity. protein preparations. The ability of some
Studies illustrate that many small peptides peptides to escape digestion and carry out spe-
have specific biological activity.38 These pep- cific biological functions may explain the as-
tides are called biogenic or bioactive amines. sociation between enhanced immune function
Research is still investigating the amount and and lactalbumin consumption, lower blood
type of bioactive amines produced from most pressure after vegetable protein consumption,

and increased transit time after soy protein lism, deoxyribonucleotide synthesis, cell pro-
consumption.39,40 liferation, and immune messaging.42 Glu-
The best-researched bioactive amine is tathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase
glutathione (Figure 3.8). The tripeptide glu- enzymes shuffle glutathione between its reduced
tathione (L-γ-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine, or (GSH) and oxidized (glutathione disulfide, or
GSH) plays an important role in detoxifying GSSG) forms. The reductase also requires vita-
xenobiotic compounds. It also acts as an an- min B2 and the reducing factor NADPH (gen-
tioxidant of reactive oxygen species and free erated by the hexose monophosphate shunt, or
radicals.41 The influence of GSH on cellular HMS metabolic pathway). Glutathione perox-
metabolism seems to expand, almost exponen- idase (GPO) is a selenium-requiring enzyme.
tially, as research increases. GSH is involved in In both animals and humans, exercise
regulation of redox balance, free radical scav- appears to induce the activity of the enzymes
enging, regulation of prostaglandin metabo- superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione

Cysteine + Glutamate


GSH Coenzyme Functions




Reaction with ROS

(Reactive oxygen NADP H, H+
Detoxification species)
(e.g., leukotrienes,
steroids, melanin,
drugs) GSSG

FIGURE 3.8 Overview of glutathione function and metabolism

Proteins and Amino Acids 55

peroxidase (GPO), and catalase (CAT).43 Al- form of glycosaminoglycan chains.48 Glu-
though results have been mixed, the ratio of cosaminoglycans (GAGs) are polysaccharides
reduced-to-oxidized glutathione (GSH:GSSG) that contain at least one amino sugar (N-
appears to decrease in many tissues in re- acetylglucosamine or N-acetylgalactosamine)
sponse to strenuous activity. This decrease is and no sialic acid residues.
dependent upon dietary intake, nutritional sup- In addition to their structural role in con-
plementation, and endocrine balance.44,45,46 nective tissue, GAGs play important metabolic
roles. Ion transport, diffusion of nutrients,
water retention, collagen fibrogenesis, growth
Glycoproteins and Proteoglycans factor binding, cell signaling, and other aspects
Many classes of proteins exist in the body. of cell regulation depend upon proper GAG
Amino acid composition and protein confor- functioning.49 Growth factors such as platelet-
mation help determine a protein’s potential to derived endothelial cell growth factor (PDGF),
bind to a cell membrane or to be soluble in transforming growth factor beta (TGF-b), and
aqueous media. Some proteins are synthe- basic fibroblast growth factor (bf GF) have
sized with sugar moieties covalently bound to been widely studied in molecular medicine.
selected amino acids. These proteins are They mediate cell signaling, angiogenesis, and
called glycoproteins and may contain a short carcinogenesis and are found attached to the
oligosaccharide chain or an extensive, sophis- GAG-containing extracellular matrix.50 In ad-
ticated polysaccharide. The specific sugar dition, specific GAGs are produced during the
moieties attached to glycoproteins are impor- early stages of wound healing.51
tant in cell recognition and anchoring to Many hexosamines, uronic acids, and
other cells. Glycoproteins usually contain be- GAGs are available as oral supplements and
tween 1 and 60 percent carbohydrate by have been widely used to nutritionally support
weight and many short polysaccharide units damaged connective tissue. Examples include
(15 or fewer sugars per polysaccharide moi- glucosamine sulfate, galactosamine sulfate, d-
ety). A sialic acid residue exists at the end of glucuronic acid, and chondroitin sulfates. Nu-
each polysaccharide.47 merous studies indicate that oral glucosamine
Proteoglycans are another class of pro- sulfate has helped individuals with osteoarthri-
teins to which polysaccharides attach. Proteo- tis, and other chronic degenerative articular
glycans help hold tissues together, as they are disorders. In a double-blind study comparing
a part of the connective tissue, or extracellular glucosamine sulfate to ibuprofen in treatment
matrix (ECM), to which cells attach. Proteo- of osteoarthritis of the knees, glucosamine sul-
glycans differ from glycoproteins since pro- fate was found to be slower in alleviating symp-
teoglycans contain between 90 to 95 percent toms but more effective over an eight-week
carbohydrate by weight, all of which is in the period.52 A large, multi-center trial in Portugal

involving 252 physicians and 1,208 subjects research on the quality of soy protein suggest
found oral supplementation to be more effective that soy protein has the highest nutritive value
than all previous treatments (except glucos- of any plant protein source.2 The digestibility
amine injection) in reducing pain from exercise of commercial soy foods such as tofu, soy pro-
and decreasing limitations on active and passive tein isolates, and soy flour ranges from 85 to
movement after 6 to 12 weeks.53 Availability 90 percent.61 Furthermore, the level of soy
of glucosamine appears to be the rate-limiting protein consumption without methionine
step in the synthesis of many GAGs.54,55 supplementation needed to maintain nitrogen
balance in humans is similar to animal source
protein like egg, milk, and meat.6
Soy Protein Bioavailability of minerals such as zinc
The amino acid profile of the soybean is un- and iron from soy is influenced by the form
usually complete for a plant protein.56 Soy of soy product and presence of fiber and/or
protein contains adequate quantities of the phytic acid. Phytic acid (inositol hexaphos-
essential amino acids histidine, isoleucine, phate), generally found in high-fiber foods,
leucine, lysine, tryptophan, valine, phenylala- can bind minerals in the gastrointestinal tract
nine, and tyrosine. Initial research in rats to to decrease their absorption during digestion.
determine the protein efficiency ratio (PER) The relatively high level of minerals in soy
suggested that the protein quality of ade- partially overcomes this effect. And most soy
quately processed soybean protein was 62 to products are processed in ways that decrease
92 percent that of casein. However, several re- or remove phytic acid. When mineral content
searchers have found that rat bioassays, such as is of concern, supplementing minerals can in-
PER, generally underestimate the protein qual- crease the nutritive value of soy products.
ity of soy protein for humans. This is because Raw soybeans contain a family of pro-
rats have higher relative amino acid require- teins called protease inhibitors. Inhibitors
ments for the sulfur amino acids methionine bind with proteolytic digestive enzymes such
and cysteine, and soy protein contains a lower as trypsin and inhibit their action. Although
amount of methionine than casein.57 no direct evidence indicates that low-level in-
In human health, the protein quality of a take of these inhibitors is harmful to humans,
food is determined by both the pattern of es- some researchers have suggested that con-
sential amino acids and digestibility. How sumption of these inhibitors may be of con-
well the human body utilizes protein from cern. Trypsin inhibitors are ubiquitous in
food is determined by monitoring the nitrogen food. For example, raw potato contains twice
balance after consumption of a specific pro- the trypsin inhibitor activity of raw soy flour;
tein. Several studies indicate that humans use raw egg contains an amount comparable to
soy protein at a higher rate than the rat PER soy. Heat treatment can destroy protease in-
bioassays suggest.58,59,60 The past 15 years of hibitors. Cooking soybeans or processing of
Proteins and Amino Acids 57

soy, such as the heat treatment used in prepa- flavone genistein, abundant in soybeans, in-
ration of soy protein isolates, partially dena- hibits tyrosine kinase activity and angio-
tures the proteins, decreasing the activity of genesis in vitro.66 Human clinical trials in-
these protease inhibitors. The heat processing vestigating the effect of soy protein on
of soy protein also increases its digestibility.62 estrogenic-dependent conditions are only be-
The hypocholesterolemic effect of soy ginning, but researchers at the University of
protein has been extensively studied. A meta- Illinois report that adding soy protein with
analysis of 38 controlled clinical trials con- isoflavones (also called phytoestrogens) to a
cluded that consumption of soy protein rather low-fat, low-cholesterol diet increases bone
than animal protein significantly decreased density in post-menopausal women.67 In a
serum concentrations of total cholesterol, placebo-controlled trial, Burke and cowork-
LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides in hyper- ers at the Bowman Grey School of Medicine
cholesterolemic individuals.63 The changes in in Winston-Salem, NC, observed that women
serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol con- who consumed soy protein that contained
centrations directly related to initial serum isoflavones reported less intense menopausal
cholesterol concentrations. In other words, symptoms compared to women who received
soy protein consumption did not affect the the placebo.
concentration of serum cholesterol in nor- The most common substitutes for cow’s
molipidemic individuals. Instead, it led to de- milk are soy-based formulas, which are nutri-
creased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, tionally similar to cow’s milk formulas. Soy-
and triglyceride levels in individuals with ele- based formulas have the advantage of being
vated serum lipids. Although the mecha- lactose-free. Between 1 and 3 percent of chil-
nism(s) of this hypocholesterolemic effect dren appear to have an allergic response to
is(are) unknown, the two best-supported the- cow’s milk, and 30 percent of atopic children
ories suggest that the type and/or amino acid show evidence of allergy to cow’s milk.68 Aller-
composition of the soy protein and the gies to soy are far less prevalent. However,
isoflavones are key in lowering cholesterol.64 children with food sensitivities should be eval-
The connection between soy protein con- uated for soy protein allergy prior to use of
sumption and maintaining or promoting soy-based formulas: approximately 25 percent
healthy blood cholesterol levels is so strong of children allergic to cow’s milk appear also
that in 1999 the US Food and Drug Adminis- to be allergic to soy.
tration granted a food claim stating that
“diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol
that include 25 grams per day of soy protein Rice Protein
may reduce the risk of heart disease.” Rice, a major source of nutrition for much
Soy-derived phytosterols, such as beta- of the world’s population, is widely consid-
sitosterol, support prostate health.65 The iso- ered by nutritionists to be one of the least

sensitizing and most easily digestible protein all amino acids are assumed equal in terms of
sources available. Rice has historically been their ability to contribute to both nitrogen
perceived as hypoallergenic and is the only losses (through feces, urine, sweat, hair,
grain allowed on an extensive elimination sloughed epithelial cells, exhaled ammonia,
diet for allergy testing.69 Rice is gluten-free nasal secretions, seminal fluid, and menstrual
and often recommended to replace wheat or blood) and nitrogen intake from the diet.
corn. In the United States and populations From a functional perspective, treating all
consuming a Western diet, rice allergy is amino acids as equal overlooks the unique
rare. However, this is not the case in Japan, role that individual amino acids and amino
where some statistics show that rice-associ- acid groupings have in supporting health.
ated allergy is increasing, with rice ranking
second only to egg white as the most com-
mon potential allergen in the Japanese diet.70 Oxidative Stress and N-Acetylcysteine
Recent technological advances in food Researchers have studied the effects of
processing have led to the production of a selenium and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) supple-
low-allergy-potential rice protein extract.71 mentation on oxidative stress. Oral supple-
Therefore, rice protein extract is ideal to mentation with NAC helps repair oxidatively
build a diet for nutritional management of damaged tissue in lung disease.73 Along with
food allergies and chemical and environmen- severe depletion of liver glutathione, this type
tal sensitivities. High-quality proteins supply of damage frequently occurs in athletes partic-
all essential amino acids. Like other cereal ipating in ultramarathon-type events.74 Doses
grains, rice protein is rich in sulfur-containing of NAC in oxidative-stress studies range from
amino acids cysteine and methionine but low 1000 mg to approximately 7000 mg (or 100
in threonine and lysine. These two limiting mg per kg body weight) per day.75
amino acids in rice should be augmented in
rice protein-based diets.
Glutamate and the NMDA
Receptor Pathway
Glutamate activation of the N-methyl-D-as-
ACIDS, PROTEINS, AND PEPTIDES partate (NMDA) receptor pathway is impor-
For at least 20 years, information on amino tant in functional medicine. NMDA receptor
acid requirements for children and adults has activation results in calcium influx, which
been available to clinicians. These recom- leads to stimulation of nitric oxide synthase
mendations are based on the work of Hamish and subsequent production of nitric oxide
Munro and his colleagues at MIT, and are de- (Figure 3.9).76 Overstimulation of the NMDA
termined primarily from results of nitrogen receptor can lead to increased levels of nitric
balance studies.72 In nitrogen balance studies, oxide production and concomitant produc-
Proteins and Amino Acids 59

Polyamines Glutamate

NMDA Glycine

ATPase Proteases



↓ • •
NO Synthase



• •

FIGURE 3.9 Energy failure

Albers DS, Beal MF. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in aging and
neurodegenerative disease. J Neural Transm 2000;59:133–154.

tion of high levels of reactive oxygen species. tioxidants may provide some protection from
Many neurologic disorders, such as stroke, production of reactive oxygen species in situ-
dementia, epilepsy, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s ations of NMDA overstimulation.
and Alzheimer’s diseases, and amyotrophic This overstimulation of NMDA receptors
lateral sclerosis have been associated with in- may result from high levels of glutamate ei-
jury to neurons, as have both hypoglycemia ther transported to the brain or synthesized
and trauma. Overstimulation of receptors within the brain itself (Table 3.3). Some con-
such as the NMDA receptor may be partially troversy exists about whether glutamate from
responsible for such damage.77,78 Agents that the diet can contribute to high levels of brain
inhibit nitric oxide production, such as nitro- glutamate. While glutamate is a normal con-
glycerin, can block neurotransmitter release stituent of protein, monosodium glutamate
from NMDA-glutamate excited neurons. An- (MSG), a sodium salt of glutamate, is often

TABLE 3.3 Chronic Neurodegenerative Diseases thought to be Mediated

in Part through Stimulation of Glutamate Receptors

Good evidence for involvement of glutamate receptors, at least to some extent, in neuronal damage:

Huntington’s disease (pathological process mimicked by injection of the endogenous NMDA agonist quinolinate;
mitochondrial inhibitors, which make neurons more susceptible to glutamate toxicity, can reproduce this process)
AIDS dementia complex (human immunodeficiency virus-associated cognitive-motor complex) (evidence that
neuronal loss is ameliorated by NMDA antagonists in vitro and in animal models)
Neuropathic pain syndromes (e.g., causalgia, or painful peripheral neuropathies with a central component
blocked by NMDA-receptor antagonists or inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase)

Suggestive evidence of involvement of glutamate receptors, at least to some extent, in neuronal damage:

Olivopontocerebellar atrophy (some recessive forms associated with glutamate dehydrogenase deficiency)
Parkinsonism (mimicked by impaired mitochondrial metabolism, which renders neurons more susceptible to glu-
tamate-induced toxicity)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (primary defect may be mutation in superoxide dismutase gene, which may render
motor neurons more vulnerable to glutamate-induced toxicity; there is also evidence for decreased glutamate
Mitochondrial abnormalities and other inherited or acquired biochemical disorders (partial listing)
MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes due to
point mutation in mitochondrial DNA)
MERRF (myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers, signifying mitochondrial DNA mutation; also frequently ac-
companied by ataxia, weakness, dementia, and hearing loss)
Leber’s disease (point mutation in mitochondrial DNA, presenting with delayed-onset optic neuropathy and oc-
casionally degeneration of basal ganglia, with dystonia, dysarthria, ataxia, tremors, and decreased vibratory
and position sense)
Wernicke’s encephalopathy (thiamine deficiency)
Rett syndrome (disease of young girls, presenting with seizures, dementia, autism, stereotypical hand wringing,
and GALT disorder)
Homocysteinuria (L-homocysteic acid is an agonist for some glutamate receptors)
Hyperprolinemia (L-proline is a weak NMDA-like agonist)
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia (a case report of some improvement after treatment with an NMDA antagonist)
Hydroxybutyric aminoaciduria
Sulfite oxidase deficiency
Combined systems disease (vitamin B12 deficiency, which may result in accumulation of homocysteine)
Lead encephalopathy

Some or slight evidence for involvement of glutamate receptors in pathophysiology or neuronal damage:

Alzheimer’s disease (some data that the vulnerability of neurons to glutamate can be increased by β-amyloid
Hepatic encephalopathy (perhaps a component, although inhibitory neurotransmitters are more clearly involved)
Tourette’s syndrome (deficits in basal ganglia have been proposed to be mediated by glutamate or glutamate-
like toxins)
Drug addiction, tolerance, and dependency (animal models suggest that NMDA antagonists may be helpful in
Proteins and Amino Acids 61

added to food in significant amounts to en- sulfation. Approximately 2.5 percent of the
hance taste. MSG produces a taste sensation, general population are currently thought to
called umami taste, which is separate from the be “poor sulfoxidizers.” In other words, they
taste produced by the sweet, sour, and salty have the phenotypic uniqueness of poor con-
sensations of other food ingredients.79 Umami version of cysteine and homocysteine into in-
taste, produced by MSG, appears to induce organic sulfate. These conditions may relate
cephalic-phase insulin secretion and stimulate to endogenous toxicity associated with poor
pancreatic flow.80,81 High levels of MSG have sulfoxidation and sulfation.
even induced asthma and caused shudder-like Evidence indicates a single steroid sulfo-
attacks in children.82 Researchers do not fully transferase with broad specificity is involved
understand how an additive identical to one in the sulfation of steroids, lipids, peptides,
of the building blocks of protein can create neurotransmitters, thyroid hormones, bile
such powerful responses.83 Perhaps it is not acids, and a multitude of xenobiotics.85 Con-
the presence or absence of the substance that trol of sulfotransferases and, to some extent,
is important but rather the absolute amount cysteine/homocysteine sulfoxidation is related
consumed with respect to other amino acids. not only to genes, but also to diet, toxins, and
other environmental factors. Dietary con-
stituents like red wine, coffee, certain cheeses,
Detoxification, Sulfate Reserves, and
and chocolate, are known to be potent in-
Neurodegenerative Diseases hibitors of sulfotransferases. They can result
Over the past several years, Steventon and in inhibited sulfation reactions when individu-
Waring have reported that defects in the als consume high levels of these foods on a
metabolism of sulfur amino acids, including regular basis. Poor sulfoxidation can also re-
cysteine and homocysteine, are associated sult from heavy metals like lead and mercury,
with motoneuron and neurodegenerative dis- resulting in decreased detoxification ability.
eases.84 Elevated excretion of cysteine and a Closely connected to sulfation is the con-
reduced excretion of sulfate have been noted version of sulfite to sulfate through the en-
in patients with Parkinson’s disease, Alz- zyme sulfite oxidase. Sulfite oxidase provides
heimer’s disease, and other motoneuron dis- another source of sulfate for PAPS (phospho-
eases, as compared to controls without adenosine-phosphosulfate), and its activity
neurodegenerative disorders. Not only are a depends on molybdenum. Molybdenum in-
variety of motoneuron diseases associated sufficiencies can cause sulfite to accumulate
with poor sulfation and low sulfate reserves, and increase the risk of sulfite-induced neuro-
but inflammatory conditions such as rheuma- muscular toxicity. Diets with low levels of
toid arthritis, delayed food sensitivity, multi- molybdenum can induce sulfite oxidase in-
ple chemical sensitivities, and diet-responsive sufficiency, which, in conjunction with a high
autism have also been associated with poor protein diet, may cause sulfite to accumulate

and make it difficult for sulfation to occur. As One dietary approach that has been very
a consequence, controlling PAPS through the helpful in patients who complain of food in-
availability of inorganic sulfate has an impor- tolerance or allergy-related symptoms is the
tant regulatory effect in both neurological modified elimination diet. The primary guide-
and vascular system function.86 lines are shown in Table 3.4 and include:

1. Eliminate dairy products such as

Food Intolerance, Allergies, milk, cheese, and ice cream. (Note: varying
and the Elimination Diet amounts of natural, unsweetened, live-culture
Food allergies and intolerances cause a vari- yogurt may be tolerated by some individuals.)
ety of clinical symptoms. However, not all
2. Avoid meats such as beef, pork, or
adverse responses to food components qual-
veal. Chicken, turkey, lamb, and cold-water
ify as food allergies. A food allergy occurs
fish such as salmon, mackerel, and halibut
when a food component, most commonly a
are acceptable if the individual is not allergic
protein or peptide in the food, elicits an im-
or intolerant to these foods. Select from free-
mune response. A food intolerance occurs
range sources whenever possible.
when an individual responds to a food with
symptoms that do not involve an immune re- 3. Eliminate gluten and any grains that
sponse. For example, a lactase deficiency, contain proteins that can exacerbate a gluten
which underlies lactose intolerance, would sensitivity. Avoid any food that contains
not be considered an allergic reaction. wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, amaranth,
Although the underlying mechanisms quinoa, or malts. This is the most important
that elicit food allergy responses are complex part of the diet but also can be the most diffi-
and still somewhat controversial, the clinical cult. Unfortunately, these grains are contained
management strategy is more universally ac- in many common foods such as bread, crack-
cepted. Several studies show that avoiding ers, pasta, cereals, and products containing
suspected foods, such as with an elimination flour made from these grains. Products made
diet, substantially improves clinical symp- from rice, corn, buckwheat, and gluten-free
toms. Clinical studies suggest that 8 percent flour, potato, tapioca, and arrowroot may be
of U.S. children younger than 6 years old used as desired by most individuals.
have evidence of food intolerance, and 2 to 4
percent of them experience reproducible al- 4. Drink at least two quarts of water,
lergic reactions to foods, most often eggs, preferably filtered, daily.
milk, peanuts, soy, fish, and wheat.87 Surveys
suggest that 1 to 2 percent of adult Ameri- 5. Avoid all alcohol-containing products
cans are sensitive to foods, most commonly including beer, wine, liquor, and over the
nuts, peanuts, fish, and shellfish.88,89,90 counter products that contain alcohol.
Proteins and Amino Acids 63

TABLE 3.4 Modified Elimination Diet Summary

Foods to Include Foods to Exclude

Whole fruits and diluted juices; fruit juice concen- Citrus: oranges, grapefruit, lime, lemon; grapes
trates for baking
Dairy substitutes: rice and nut milks such as Dairy and eggs: milk, cheese, eggs, cottage
almond milk, coconut milk cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, frozen
yogurt, non-dairy creamers
Non-gluten grains: brown rice, millet, oats*, Grains: wheat, corn, barley, spelt, kamut, rye,
quinoa, amaranth, teff, buckwheat triticale
Fresh ocean fish, wild game, lamb, duck, organic Pork, beef/veal, sausage, cold cuts, canned meats,
chicken and turkey frankfurters, shellfish
Dried beans, split peas and legumes Soybean products (soy sauce, soybean oil in
processed foods; tempeh, tofu, soymilk, soy
yogurt, textured vegetable protein)
Nuts and seeds: walnuts, pumpkin, sesame and Peanuts and peanut butter, pistachio nuts
sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds,
cashews, nut butters such as almond or tahini
All raw, steamed, sautéed, juiced or baked Mushrooms, corn, all nightshades including: toma-
vegetables, except as specifically excluded toes, any variety of potatoes (sweet potatoes and
in the box to the right. yams are allowed), eggplant, peppers (green,
red, yellow), ground cayenne and paprika
Cold pressed olive and flax seed oils, expeller Butter, margarine, shortening, processed oils,
pressed safflower, sesame, sunflower, walnut, salad dressings, mayonnaise, and spreads
canola, pumpkin, and almond oils
Drink at least 6-8 cups of filtered water per day. Alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated beverages,
Herbal teas acceptable. soda pop
Brown rice syrup, fruit sweeteners (see page 8), Refined sugar, white/brown sugars, succanat,
molasses, stevia honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, high fructose
corn syrup, evaporated cane juice

Things to Watch For

• Corn starch in baking powder and any processed foods

• Corn syrup in beverages and processed foods
• Vinegar in ketchup, mayonnaise & mustard is usually from wheat or corn
• Breads advertised as gluten-free which contain oats, spelt, kamut, rye
• Many amaranth and millet flake cereals have oats or corn
• Many canned tunas contain textured vegetable protein which is from soy; look for low-salt versions
which tend to be pure tuna, with no fillers
• Multi-grain rice cakes are not just rice. Purchase plain rice cakes.

*While oats do not contain gluten and should not exacerbate celiac or food intolerance symptoms, it has been shown that
cross-contamination with wheat is common in oat-containing, processed products. Therefore, if intolerance to wheat is sus-
pected, care should be taken in selection of oat-containing products (or they should be avoided).

6. Avoid all caffeine-containing bever- bioactive peptides, glycoproteins, and proteo-

ages including coffee, caffeine-containing tea, glycans is still in its infancy but will surely
and soda pop. Coffee substitutes from gluten- bring protein to the forefront of nutrition re-
containing grains should also be avoided, search once again. It may seem strange at first
along with decaffeinated coffee. to suggest that the micromolecular form of
protein, the amino acids, plays a key role in
food allergy and related conditions, because
we have been reading about trends in protein
This chapter provides the groundwork for research on a macromolecular level. However,
more innovative nutritional research by recent studies clearly indicate that many food-
exploring the role of amino acids from a func- related symptoms result from the interplay of
tional medicine perspective. Research investi- nutrition and amino acids, many of which
gating the connections among nutrition and have previously been considered nonessential.

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EW NUTRIENTS HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED every five non-college-educated U.S. adults
into conventional nutritional practice believes that fat should be totally eliminated
with as little regard for function as di- from his or her diet.1 The exception to this
etary fats. As macronutrients, fats have been viewpoint has been the equally imbalanced
associated so closely with caloric density, adi- view expounded for the low carb diet made
posity, and excessive intake that nutritionists popular by Dr. Atkins. However, in his later
have largely ignored the functions of fats. For writings he did begin to make distinctions be-
example, decreased intake of dietary fat has tween good fats and riskier saturated fats.
been repeatedly recommended by nearly all These evolving ideas were further elaborated
U.S. healthcare organizations (e.g., American in the South Beach Diet popularized by Dr.
Dietetic Association, American Diabetes As- Arthur Agaston.
sociation, American Heart Association, and Moreover, when the issue of fat quality
National Cancer Institute). Clinically, far too has been addressed by mainstream healthcare
many nutritionists have taken a static, quanti- organizations, it has largely been relegated to
tative approach to dietary fat, focusing on re- the question of saturated fat. By and large,
duction of total intake. Simultaneously, these organizations have treated saturated fat
low-fat and nonfat foods have been the fastest as a negative risk factor for cardiovascular dis-
growing segment of the food industry. Ac- ease and recommended reduced dietary intake.
cording to a 1997 national survey, one out of From the perspective of function, however, all


saturated fat is not the same, especially be- 3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
cause short-chain fatty acids (like butyric acid, However, in the brain 35 percent of all phos-
which is highly concentrated in butter) play pholipids contain DHA. In the eye, photore-
such a critical role in supporting the health of ceptor phospholipids may contain up to 60
the intestinal cell lining. percent DHA. Especially in developing in-
Many mainstream recommendations are fants, changes in DHA composition in ner-
not clinically effective from a functional vous system tissue have been suggested as
medicine point of view, because they do not contributive to such conditions as attention
fully consider the purpose of fats within the deficit and hyperactivity disorder2 and may
body. In terms of function, the best way to make influence visual capacity.3
clinical decisions about dietary fat intake is to Tissue structures that are highly fat-dense
focus on the purpose of the fats in a specific appear to be influenced by both the amount
health condition, and to understand how fat fits and quality of fat. The myelin sheath insulat-
within the design of the body and works with its ing nerve cells, for example, is almost 80 per-
metabolic processes. This chapter explores fatty cent fat. Changes in fatty acid composition of
acid metabolism, dietary modification of fat in- this sheath have been linked to dysfunction in
take, and individualized fatty acid supplementa- a variety of myelinated nerves, including the
tion by taking a functional approach to fats. It sciatic and optic nerves.
investigates the mechanisms underlying the
structure, physiological function, and relation-
ships among fats and other dietary constituents Fat Classification
to better address the issue of fat quality. Although many healthcare providers have fo-
cused primarily on fatty acids in their clinical
practice, the category of nutritional fats in-
FATS AND CELL MEMBRANES cludes more than fatty acids. In biochemical
Cell membranes illustrate well the importance terms, fats are classified as lipids and defined as
of fats in physiological systems. The fat compo- substances that are insoluble in water, soluble
sition of cell membranes varies dramatically in organic solvents like ether or chloroform,
throughout the body’s different tissues and and able to be used by the body. It is important
structures, and these differences in fat composi- to note that this definition of lipids is based on
tion directly influence membrane function. function rather than structure. Because of this
Fatty acid shape physically regulates mem- functional definition, lipids actually include a
brane function, and membrane permeability is wide variety of substances that are also com-
often directly altered by fatty acid composition. monly classified in other ways. Many vitamins
For example, in much of the body, cell and hormones, for example, are lipid-derived
membrane phospholipids (which each con- molecules (Chapter 5). So are phospholipids,
tain two fatty acids) rarely contain the omega sphingolipids, and glycosphingolipids, as well
Fats 71

as many of the body’s universal regulatory the influence of diet and lifestyle in their syn-
substances like prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thesis is not fully understood. Research in
leukotrienes, and thromboxanes. these areas is advancing rapidly, however,
Lipid-derived substances also include fat and it is only a matter of time until these
transport molecules like lipoproteins, which lesser-known lipid-derived substances are
make fats water-soluble to allow for blood widely used in clinical practice.
transport, and sterols—like cholesterol—
which are not only found in cell membranes
but also serve as the starting point for synthe-
sis of bile, vitamins, and steroid hormones. Fatty acids, the best known components of
Unlike fatty acids, the basic building blocks the lipid classification system, have a consis-
for many types of fats, many of the above tent and fairly simple chemical identity (Fig-
substances are not available from food and ure 4.1). All fatty acids are carbon chains

CH3 palmitic acid, 16:0


CH3 oleic acid, 18:1n9 COOH

n-6 Polyunsaturated

CH3 linoleic acid, 18:2n-6

n-3 Polyunsaturated*

CH3 alpha linolenic acid, 18:3n-3*

*Simplified drawings above. One example of the full structure of a fatty acid is shown
below for alpha linolenic (omega 3).



FIGURE 4.1 Types of fatty acids


with a carboxyl group at one end and a omega number, which is defined as the car-
methyl group at the other. For chain lengths bon atom initiating the first double bond
six carbons and longer, even numbers of car- when counting from the methyl end of the
bon atoms predominate. molecule. In humans, three omega families of
The carbon atoms in a fatty acid may or unsaturated fatty acids predominate: the
may not be connected by double bonds. If omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9 families.
one or more double bonds do occur, the fatty Desaturase enzymes that can insert a
acid is described as unsaturated. If only one double bond into these specific positions on
double bond occurs, the category is further fatty acid carbon chains appear to be differ-
specified as monounsaturated. If more than entially distributed in the animal world. Hu-
one double bond occurs, the designation be- mans and other mammals do not appear to
comes polyunsaturated. synthesize desaturase enzymes that can insert
Saturated fatty acids, which contain no a double bond closer than 7 carbon atoms
double bonds, vary in the body in carbon away from the methyl end of the carbon
chain length. Very-short-chain fatty acids chain. For this reason, humans cannot con-
(VSCFA) contain 2–3 carbons (e.g., acetic, vert omega 9 family fatty acids into omega
propionic), short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) 6s, or omega 6s into omega 3s.
contain 4–6 carbons (e.g., butyric, valeric, However, within each of these families,
caproic), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) further elongation of the carbon chain and
contain 8–14 carbons (e.g., caprylic, capric, desaturation of the molecules is possible. For
lauric, myristic), and long-chain fatty acids example, the omega 6 fatty acid linoleic acid
(LCFA) contain 16 or more (e.g., palmitic) (an 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acid with
carbon atoms. Some well-known long-chain two double bonds, the first of which occurs
fatty acids with 20 or more carbon atoms in- at carbon 6) can be desaturated by the en-
clude arachidonic acid (20 carbons), behenic zyme delta 6 desaturase into gamma linolenic
acid (22 carbons), tricosanoic acid (23 car- acid (an 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acid
bons), lignoceric acid (24 carbons), and with three double bonds, the first of which
cerotic acid (26 carbons). All of these fatty still begins at carbon 6) but not into alpha
acids have research-proven functions in the linolenic acid (an 18-carbon unsaturated
body, and most are available in food or sup- fatty acid with three double bonds, the first
plements. Table 4.1 provides examples of of which begins at carbon 3). In contrast, the
SCFAs, MCFAs, and LCFAs. omega 9 fatty acid oleic acid containing 18
When naming unsaturated fatty acids, re- carbon atoms and one double bond can be
searchers sometimes count from the methyl synthesized in the body from the saturated
end and at other times from the carboxyl end. fatty acid stearic acid (an 18-carbon fatty
Fatty acids that are named using the methyl acid). Clinically, these principles translate
end procedure are classified in terms of an into a dietary requirement for at least two un-
Fats 73

TABLE 4.1 Examples of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chain Fatty Acids

No. Carbon Atoms Systematic Name Common Name Abbreviation*

Saturated fatty acids

⎭ 1 Methanoic Formic
⎬ 2 Ethanoic Acetic
SCFA ⎫ 3 Propanoic Propionic
4 Butanoic Butyric 4:0

MCFA { 12
⎭ 16 Hexadecanoic Palmitic 16:0
⎬ 18 Octadecanoic Stearic 18:0
LCFA ⎫ 20 Eicosanoic Arachidic 20:0
22 Docosanoic Behenic 22:0
24 Tetracosanoic Lignoceric 24:0

Unsaturated fatty acids

SCFA 4 Crotonic 4:1(2t)

⎭ 16 Palmitoleic 16:1(9c)
⎬ 18 Oleic 18:1(9c)
18 Vaccenic 18:1(11c)
⎫ 18 Linoleic 18:2(9c,12c)
18 Linolenic 18:3(9c,12c,15c)
20 Arachidonic 20:4(5c,8c,11c,14c)

* The number of carbon atoms appears first, followed by the number of double bonds. The positions of the low-
est numbered carbon of each double bond, and whether the configuration is cis (c) or trans (t), are indicated in

saturated fatty acids (linoleic, an omega 6, efficacy of intervention. Unique patterns of

and alpha linolenic, an omega 3), which are fatty acid composition have been found for
known as essential fatty acids (EFAs). such diverse health conditions as eczema4 and
prostate cancer.5
A common measure of EFA deficiency is
Fatty Acids in the Laboratory the triene (20:3ω9) to tetraene (20:4ω6) ratio,
Several dozen fatty acids can be measured or the T/T ratio. A T/T ratio > 0.2 is stated in
readily in the plasma using capillary gas chro- most textbooks as a marker of essential fatty
matography. From these measurements, ra- acid deficiency (EFAD). Using improved capil-
tios and patterns can be analyzed to help lary GLC methods, Siguel lowered the upper
determine dietary needs and to monitor the normal limit of T/T to 0.025,6 a 10x increase

in sensitivity allowing the identification of and cardiovascular disorders. High levels of

patients with an early biochemical deficiency. omega 9 fatty acids, for example, may be in-
EFA deficiency was proposed as an im- dicative of fat-related dysfunction, since the
portant factor in the etiology of coronary body’s production of omega 9 fatty acids
artery disease (CAD) in the 1950s,7 but could appears to be increased primarily when the
not be proved. Before 1980, studies had not supply of omega 6 fatty acids is deficient. Sim-
found many of the biochemical changes as- ilarly, inflammatory events appear to be exac-
sociated with EFAD and the proposed link erbated by increased ratios of omega 6 to
between heart disease and EFAs was aban- omega 3 fatty acids. The following sections
doned. Siguel proposed that EFAD was found review fatty acid ratios in more detail and ex-
rarely because previously used measures of plore the clinical relevance of dietary interven-
EFAs lacked adequate sensitivity. Using an im- tions that can help balance omega fatty acid
proved fatty acid assay,1 Siguel and Lerman ratios.
reported a strong association between insuffi-
cient levels of EFAs and CAD.8 The authors
stated that insufficient EFA levels appear to be
one of the most significant nutritional factors The arachidonic acid cascade pathway is fa-
in the etiology of cardiovascular disease. Simi- miliar to many clinicians. It begins with the
larly, they reported a relationship between el- release of arachidonic acid (AA) from cell
evated plasma trans fatty acids (TFAs) and membrane phospholipids through the ac-
CAD.9 tivity of phospholipase A2. It ends with the
EFA deficiency is likely to be far more production of fatty acid-derived regulatory
prevalent than previously suspected. Using substances including the pro-inflammatory
highly sensitive assay techniques, biochemi- series 2 prostaglandins (PGE2s) (Figure 4.2).
cal evidence of EFAD was found in more than Arachidonic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid
25 percent of the US adult population.10 containing 20 carbon atoms and four double
Therefore, EFA deficiency may be a more im- bonds, lies at a critical juncture in fatty acid
portant factor in nutrition and chronic dis- metabolism. When acted upon by the enzyme
ease than hitherto appreciated. cyclooxygenase, it can be converted into the
series 2 prostaglandins and prostacyclins.
When acted upon by the enzyme lipoxygenase,
Omega Family Fatty Acid Ratios it can be converted into the series 4 leu-
Ratios of fatty acids between the different kotrienes. These molecules are referred to as
fatty acid families appear to play a critical role “eicosanoid” molecules because of their 20-
in a wide variety of health conditions, includ- carbon length. When synthesized in excess,
ing cancer, skin-related disorders, immune-re- eicosanoids can promote chronic inflamma-
lated disorders, endocrine-related disorders, tion and are considered proatherogenic. How-
Fats 75


Arachidonic acid
(Cyclooxygenase-1, or COX-1
Cyclooxygenase-2, or COX-2) Lipoxygenase
Endoperoxides 15-lipoxygenase)
(PGG2, PGH2)

Prostaglandin Thromboxane HPETEs

isomerase synthetase synthetase

Lipoxins DiHETEs

Prostaglandins Thromboxanes Prostacyclins

HETEs Leukotrienes

FIGURE 4.2 Arachidonic acid (AA) cascade

ever, when they are undersupplied, the body plementation suggests it can suppress prosta-
becomes inadequately supported in times of cyclin synthesis in a manner similar to EPA
infection and injury. Part of the increased im- (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosa-
mune-related risk associated with bottle-feed- hexaenoic acid) supplementation. It is also
ing rather than breastfeeding, for example, likely to be important in managing inflamma-
involves the generous supply of arachidonic tory-related conditions.12 Because of these di-
acid in human milk in contrast with the ab- verse metabolic fates, the metabolism and
sence of AA in most plant-based formulas.11 nutritional modulation of AA have been the
When simply desaturated and elongated, subject of much research especially related to
AA can be converted into adrenic acid and diet and inflammation.
docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). Although DPA As Figure 4.3 illustrates, phospholipase
has been less investigated than some of the A2, located on the cell membrane, is initially
other AA metabolites, research on DPA sup- responsible for mobilizing arachidonic acid

Membrane Phospholipids

Vit E
l Quercitin
Glycyrrhiza glabra
phospholipase A2 botanical (licorice)
Curcumin longa
nth (turmeric)

Arachidonic Acid


Zingiber officinale

cyclooxygenase1 Curcumin longa
botanical Salix nigra
(black willow)
Gaultheria procumbens
Quercitin (wintergreen)
Vit E cyclooxygenase2
nu he
EPA trit
5-lipoxygenase NSAIDS:
Curcumin longa Aspirin
(turmeric) botanical
Allium cepa (onion) Sulfasalazine
Allium sativum (garlic) Acetaminophen (weak)
Boswellia serrata 12-lipoxygenase

Series 4 Prostaglandins Series
Leukotrienes 2 Thromboxines A 2, B 2

FIGURE 4.3 Nutritional, botanical, and synthetic inhibitors in the arachidonic acid cascade
Calder PC. N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammation: from molecular biology to the clinic.
Lipids 2003;38(4):343-352.
Harbige LS. Fatty acids, the immune response and autoimmunity: a question of n-6
essentiality and the balance between n-6 and n-3. Lipids 2003;38(4):323-341.
Fats 77

(20:4ω6), which is the substrate for eicos- which is why they are called COX-2 specific
anoid synthesis. Activity of this pathway is (or selective) inhibitors.13 Ginger and tur-
inhibited by numerous dietary antioxidants, meric are dietary inhibitors of the enzyme.
including vitamin E, quercetin, and licorice. Production of leukotrienes from arachi-
The corticosteroid drugs also work as anti donic acid requires activity of the lipoxyge-
inflammatories through inhibition of this nase enzyme. Activity of this enzyme
pathway. generates epoxide and peroxide metabolites,
Synthesis of the series 2 prostaglandins which may help regulate leukotriene produc-
and series 2 thromboxanes requires transfor- tion but also pose oxidative risk. Dietary in-
mation of arachidonic acid by the cyclooxy- hibitors of the lipoxygenase enzyme include
genase enzyme. This enzyme is found in at onion, garlic, turmeric, and vitamin E. (See
least two isoforms (COX-1 and COX-2). summary in Table 4.2.)
Moreover, because the COX-2 form is highly
inducible, its excessive conversion of arachi-
donic acid into series 2 prostaglandins can be Arachidonic Acid, Omega Ratios,
critical to excessive inflammatory response. and Inflammation
Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids
is also associated with COX-2 activity. Non- appears critical to balancing pro-inflamma-
steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) tory eicosanoid synthesis from arachidonic
primarily inhibit COX-2 and not COX-1, acid.14 In the United States, omega 3:omega 6

TABLE 4.2 List of Nutritional, Botanical, and Synthetic Inhibitors

in the Arachidonic Acid Cascade
Nutritional Botanical Synthetic
Enzyme Inhibitors Inhibitors Inhibitors

Phospholipase A2 Vitamin E Licorice Corticosteroids

Quercetin Turmeric

Cyclooxygenase EPA Ginger NSAIDS:

DHA Turmeric Indomethacin
Black willow Aspirin
Wintergreen Ibuprofen

Lipoxygenase Quercetin Turmeric Sulfasalazine

Vitamin E Onion
EPA Garlic

ratios fall in a 1:10 to 1:25 range—compared flax and black currant. Ability of the body to
to a worldwide average of 1:2. Virtually all convert omega 3 fatty acids into antiinflam-
dietary recommendations from public health matory regulatory molecules like series 3
agencies have ignored this ratio, either by fo- prostaglandins and thromboxanes depends
cusing on intake of omega 9 fatty acids (e.g., upon enzyme activity. Because omega 6 fatty
recommendations of increased olive oil in the acids use the same elongase and desaturase
diet) or by encouraging use of plant oils ex- enzymes for conversion into their prosta-
tremely high in omega 6 fatty acids (e.g., saf- glandin and thromboxane equivalents, exces-
flower, sunflower). sive intake of omega 6:omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are difficult to ob- can saturate enzyme activity and prevent
tain from animal products, where they are manufacture of antiinflammatory substances
essentially limited to cold-water fish like even when omega 3 fatty acids are available.
salmon and halibut. They are more abundant Figure 4.4 lists dietary sources of the fatty
in plant sources but still limited. Especially acids in the AA cascade. Table 4.3 summa-
rich sources include seeds (and their oils) like rizes food sources of these fatty acids.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids (N6) Omega-3 Fatty Acids (N3)

(canola, corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower oils) (flaxseed, hemp, canola, soybean, walnut)

Borage oil CIS Linoleic Acid (LA) Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA)

Black currant seed oil
Evening primrose oil 6 desaturase 6 desaturase
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) Stearidonic Acid
elongase Series 1 Prostaglandins,
Leukotrienes and
Di-Homo-Gamma-Linolenic Acid Thromboxanes
Eicosatetraenoic Acid
(DGLA) 5 desaturase oils
Mother’s Series 3 Prostaglandins,
Leukotrienes and
breast Eicosapentaenoic Acid
5 desaturase Thromboxanes
milk -
Animal Arachidonic Acid (AA) Series 2 Prostaglandins,
fats in Leukotrienes and
Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA) Fish
Adrenic Acid
4 desaturase 4 desaturase Marine
Docosapentaenoic Acid Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

FIGURE 4.4 Dietary sources and the arachidonic acid (AA) cascade
Fats 79

TABLE 4.3 Fatty Acids in Certain Oils

Saturated Oleic Linoleic Gamma-linolenic Alpha-linolenic

Fats Acid Acid Acid (Omega 6) Acid (Omega 3)

Cooking Oils
Canola 7 54 30 0 7
Olive 16 76 8 0 0
Soy 15 26 50 0 9
Corn 17 24 59 0 0
Safflower 7 10 80 0 0

Medicinal Oils
Evening Primrose 10 9 72 9 0
Black Currant Seed 7 9 47 17 13
Borage 14 16 35 22 0
Flaxseed 9 19 14 0 58

Plant Oil Supplementation and (EPA) in the omega 3 pathway, which can in-
the Arachidonic Acid Cascade hibit further arachidonic acid formation and
also serve as a precursor for antiinflammatory
The enzymes that elongate and desaturate
series 3 prostaglandins.
omega 6 fatty acids are the same enzymes that
elongate and desaturate omega 3 fatty acids.
Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that sim- Trans Fatty Acids
ple modification of the 3:6 ratio can inhibit For more than two decades, the food industry
inflammatory response. However, supplemen- has increased the solidification of plant oils
tation with omega 6 oils can also help inhibit by adding a nickel catalyst to them, heating
inflammation, if those oils move omega 6 them, passing hydrogen through them, re-
fatty acids away from arachidonic acid forma- bleaching them, and then removing the nickel
tion. Borage oil, black currant seed oil, and catalyst by filtration. This process, called hy-
evening primrose oil (EPO) are three such oils. drogenation, has no health benefit and has
Because these three oils are rich in gamma been promoted by the food industry as a
linolenic acid (GLA), they are able to act as di- harmless means of increasing the stability of
rect precursors for di-homo gamma linolenic oils, allowing for convenience and availabil-
acid (DGLA), which preferentially promotes ity of products. During the process of hydro-
formation of antiinflammatory series 1 pros- genation, however, the structure of many fat
taglandins. Black currant seed oil has the dou- components is altered. In chemical terms, the
ble advantage of being rich in stearidonic acid fatty acid configuration is switched from cis
(SDA), a precursor to eicosapentaenoic acid to trans. Because oil contains virtually no

trans fatty acids in its natural state, many nu- At a molecular level, oxidative stress is related
tritionists have questioned its health impact. to electrochemical redox potential. Because
Since its inception, intake of trans fatty acids biological oxidations are electron transfer re-
has been shown to have a negative impact on actions, the activities of reducing agents (elec-
serum lipid levels and composition,15 as well tron donors) and oxidizing agents (electron
as on cell membrane function16 (Figure 4.5). acceptors) are required to bring about redox
reactions. When molecules are left with single,
unpaired electrons as a result of electron
Fats and Oxidative Insult transfer processes, the molecules become
Polyunsaturated fats containing numerous “free radicals”—the most reactive type of
double-bond carbons are highly susceptible to ROS. (Table 4.4.)
damage by oxygen under conditions of high
oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is defined as
Lipid Peroxides and Antioxidant
a physiological condition in which increased
concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) Protection of Cell Lipids
is not properly counterbalanced by increased The term lipid peroxides describes fats that
presence of oxygen metabolite-processing en- have been chemically damaged by oxygen free
zymes and free radical-quenching molecules. radicals. Fats can react with free hydroxy radi-


cis fatty acid
The Hs are on the same side of the double bond,
forcing the molecule to assume a horseshoe shape.



trans fatty acid

The Hs are on opposite sides of the double bond,
forcing the molecule into an extended position.

FIGURE 4.5 Configuration of cis fatty acid and trans fatty acid
Fats 81

TABLE 4.4 Formation of Certain Free Radicals

Name Formula Comments

Trichloromethyl CCl3• A carbon-centered radical (i.e., the unpaired electron

resides on carbon). CCl•3 is formed during metabolism of
the solvent carbon tetrachloride in liver and contributes to
the toxic effects of this solvent. Carbon-centered radicals
usually react quickly with O2 to make peroxyl radical, e.g.,
CCl3• + O2 →CCl3O2.

Superoxide O2– • An oxygen-centered radical. Has limited reactivity.

Hydroxyl OH• A highly reactive oxygen-centered radical. Very reactive
indeed: attacks most molecules in the human body.

Peroxyl, alkoxyl RO2•, RO• Oxygen-centered radicals formed (among other routes) dur-
ing the breakdown of organic peroxides.

Oxides of nitrogen NO•, NO2• Nitric oxide (NO•) is formed in vivo from the amino acid
L-arginine. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2•) is made when NO•
reacts with O2 and is found in polluted air and smoke from
burning organic materials (e.g., cigarette smoke).

cals to form lipid carbon-centered radicals, and The relationship between lipid peroxide
with molecular oxygen to form lipid carbon- levels and risk of atherosclerosis is well docu-
centered radicals and perhydroxy radicals. mented.18 Serum lipid peroxides can be mea-
Lipid carbon-centered radicals can interact fur- sured in the blood by a thiobarbituric acid
ther with molecular oxygen to produce lipid reactive substance (TBARS) test. Levels of
peroxyl radicals. Free iron can also generate serum lipid peroxides have been correlated
lipid peroxyl radicals when lipid hydroperox- with numerous cardiovascular conditions, in-
ide or peroxidized fatty acids are present. cluding atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, and
A newer test not yet widely available to cerebral ischemia, as well as with cancers, al-
measure lipid peroxidation involves F2-iso- lergies, respiratory distress syndrome, ther-
prostane measurement. The F2-isoprostanes mal injury, irradiation, heavy metal toxicity,
are prostaglandin-type molecules that are and other free radical-generating conditions.
created through the interaction of oxygen Any activities that require substantially
radicals with membrane phospholipids (Fig- increased oxygen intake or result in unex-
ure 4.6). For this reason, they may be more pected low oxygen concentrations can place
sensitive to specific types of free radical dam- the body’s lipid structures at high oxidative
age to the lipid membrane.17 risk. Strenuous exercise, for example, can


Oxidative Stress



FIGURE 4.6 The formation of F2-isoprostanes

Hansen HS. New biological and clinical roles for the n-6 and n-3 fatty acids. Nutr Rev 1994;52(5):162–167.

increase oxygen consumption as much as 10 of ROS that places high demands on the
to 15 times over resting levels.19 This in- body’s capacity to scavenge free radicals with
creased oxygen uptake occurs at a whole- molecular redox agents and maintain proper
body level, but it is particularly important in activity of enzymes, reducing oxidative stress.
skeletal muscle. Key redox agents studied in oxidative
The ability of mitochondria within mus- stress literature include ascorbic acid (vita-
cle to regenerate adenosine triphosphate min C), tocopherol (vitamin E), glutathione
(ATP) for muscular energetics depends upon (tripeptide consisting of glycine-cysteine-
the availability of oxygen. However, during glutamic acid), lipoic acid, and cysteine. Key
mitochondrial regeneration of ATP, about oxidative enzymes include superoxide dismu-
2 to 5 percent of available oxygen becomes tase (SOD), which is needed to convert super-
converted to ROS, including hydrogen per- oxide anion radical into hydrogen peroxide;
oxide, superoxide anion radical, and hy- glutathione peroxidase (GPO), which is able
droxyl radical.20 It is the increased presence to convert hydrogen peroxide into water; and
Fats 83

catalase, which is also able to produce water urine lipid peroxides. The researchers viewed
from hydrogen peroxide in the presence of the changes as consistent with a protective ef-
molecular oxygen. Each oxidative enzyme fect of vitamin E against oxidative injury pro-
listed above requires at least one nutrient co- duced by strenuous exercise.
factor. For intracellular SOD, specific ratios of Supplemental doses of vitamin E in clini-
zinc to copper are required; for mitochondrial cal studies have ranged widely, from 400 to
SOD, the mineral manganese is required; for 1600 IU, but most interventions have targeted
catalase, enzymatic activity changes are re- a 400-800 IU range. The ability of vitamin E
quired in relationship to its mineral cofactor, to protect phospholipid bilayers22 of cell
iron (Table 4.5). membranes and to scavenge free radicals23,24
has been clearly demonstrated in medicine. In
addition, vitamin E is important in clinical in-
Vitamin E and Lipid Protection tervention in a wide variety of oxidative
stress-related conditions (Chapter 5).
Vitamin E supplementation has been shown
to reduce oxidative damage to muscle when
measured by reduced serum creatine kinase Vitamin C and Lipid Protection
activity.21 A double-blind, placebo-controlled
Vitamin C has long been identified as a free
study of young (22–29 years) and older
radical scavenger and key component in ox-
(55–74 years) adult men doing eccentric
idative metabolism. Dietary deficiency of
treadmill running at 75 percent maximum
vitamin C has been shown to reduce oxida-
heart rate after 48 days of supplementation at
tive capacity, especially during exercise and
800 IU/day of d-alpha-tocopherol indicated
heightened activity.25 The vitamin is also in-
numerous protective effects. These indicators
volved in carnitine synthesis, which is re-
included alterations in fatty acid composition,
quired for shuffling fatty acid substrate into
vitamin E concentration, and lipid-conjugated
the mitochondria for aerobic conversion to
dienes in muscle, together with changes in
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).26
At Recommended Dietary Allowance
TABLE 4.5 Molecular Redox Agents and levels established by the U.S. Food and Nutri-
Oxidative Enzymes tion Board of the National Academy of
Sciences, vitamin C may be unable to reduce
Redox Agents Oxidative Enzymes
lipid peroxidation as measured by the TBARS
Vitamin C Superoxide dismutase test. However, at the 1 gram per day level,
Vitamin E Glutathione peroxide supplementation has been shown to reduce
Glutathione Catalase
Lipoic acid
exercise-induced oxidative stress and lipid-
Cysteine related damage as measured by TBARS.27
(Chapter 5)

Coenzyme Q10 and Lipid Protection indexed journal articles reporting on its use
Research on the clinical use of ubiquinone for conditions like arrhythmia, atherosclero-
(commonly referred to as coenzyme Q10 and sis, cardiomyopathy, and congestive heart
the benzoquinone with a conjugated iso- failure. The many positive findings should
prenoid side chain) has produced over 300 not be surprising, since cardiac muscle is one

Acetyl CoA
Fatty acids
Amino acids


Citric Acid


dehydrogenase ATP

Electron ADP + P i
chain Cytochrome b
Cytochrome c1
ADP + P i
Cytochrome c


2H+ + 1/2 O2 H2O

FIGURE 4.7 Electron transport chain of the mitochondrion

Fats 85

of the few tissues in the body to be continu- sterols into vitamins or hormonal messengers
ously aerobic, and coenzyme Q10 occupies a (Figure 4.8).
unique and central spot in aerobic metab-
olism. Stationed near the center of the mito-
chondrial electron transport chain (Figure Cholesterol
4.7), it is the only non-protein component of Despite its bad reputation, cholesterol is a type
the chain and the only component with the of lipid (belonging to the category of steroids)
capability of moving two electrons simulta- that exists in all cell membranes. Cholesterol is
neously along the chain. vital for such physiological functions as trans-
While coenzyme Q10 activity may not be mission of nerve impulses, formation of vita-
directly involved in protection of lipid mem- min D, synthesis of testosterone and estrogen,
brane components, the synergy between coen- and formation of bile. Approximately 80 per-
zyme Q10, vitamin E, and vitamin C is well cent of total body cholesterol is manufactured
researched. In its reduced form, coenzyme in the liver, and 20 percent is derived from the
Q10 helps reduce oxidized forms of vitamin diet. As total body cholesterol increases, rate
E.28 Redox potentials of vitamins C and E are of liver synthesis decreases. Conversely, if di-
interlinked, and the vitamins have been etary intake is low, liver synthesis increases to
shown to interact synergistically in scavenging meet functional needs (provided, of course,
free radicals29 and reducing lipid peroxides in that the body and its metabolic function are
human subjects.30 Thus, supplementing use of healthy). When dietary intake is chronically
coenzyme Q10 is important to nutritional high, however, the ability of the liver to com-
protection of cell lipids. pensate with decreased production may be-
come compromised.
STEROLS: THE SECOND MAJOR Numerous risk factors have been directly
associated with increased risk of high blood
CATEGORY OF LIPIDS cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia). These fac-
In addition to the straight carbon chain fatty tors include low fiber intake, high sugar
acids, the lipid family contains a wide variety intake,31 intake of caffeine,32 stress, lack of
of ring-like structures, collectively referred to exercise,33 smoking, and high-fat intake when
as sterols. The ring structure of the sterols accompanied by nutrient deficiency.
makes them highly hydrophobic and struc- Cholesterol serves as a starting point for
turally rigid, unlike the highly modifiable sterol-based synthesis of four critical regulatory
long-chain unsaturated fatty acids. Through hormones in the body: cortisol, dehydro-
hydroxylation, sterols are converted in the epiandrosterone (DHEA), testosterone, and es-
body into alcohols and then further metabo- trogen. Through conversion to pregnenolone
lized into cholanic acids that become bile and subsequent hydroxylation, cholesterol can
salts. Other metabolic pathways convert the be used by the body to form cortisol, the key

This is an R group. Only the elements shown
below change; the R group stays constant. The
full structure for each sterol is shown by
H connecting the X point shown at left to each of
the R points shown below.




B-Sitosterol Stigmasterol Campesterol

22,23-Dihydrobrassicasterol Ergosterol Chroasterol


FIGURE 4.8 Some sterols

glucocorticoid “counter-regulatory” hormone. Cytochrome P450 lyase activity can help

In naturally secreted amounts, cortisol helps transform cholesterol into DHEA (a molecule
provide resistance to exogenous and endoge- that, together with its sulfated conjugate, is
nous stressors. the most abundant steroid hormone in the
Fats 87

body). While DHEA has been shown to have phospholipid membrane.36 While essential
anti-diabetogenic, anti-stress, and weight- fatty acids affect thyroid architecture, ele-
loss promoting effects, these effects are still vated T4 may alter the desaturase enzymes
not understood in terms of biological mecha- necessary to elongate essential fatty acids.
nism, and studies have raised important ques- Thus, altered thyroid hormone levels may
tions about the role of DHEA in metabolic change the fatty acid constitution of cell mem-
health. Emotional stress, for example, has branes in ways that impair membrane struc-
been shown to cause as much as a 20-fold in- ture and function.37
crease in urinary excretion of DHEA,34 and Eczema and other skin problems may also
serum DHEA levels have been shown to be be symptoms of poor thyroid function. The
significantly elevated in postmenopausal skin’s integrity depends on the metabolism of
women with breast cancer.35 DHEA itself can certain types of essential fats in the diet. Low
be further converted in the body to both es- thyroid function results in poor utilization of
trogens and androgens (Figure 4.9). these fats to maintain skin integrity.38
Based on this metabolic map, it appears
that cholesterol manipulation in the diet (as
well as cholesterol levels in the blood) may be
a much more complex phenomenon than any- Largely overlooked in clinical practice have
one previously assumed. Furthermore, choles- been the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The
terol status may be intimately related to SCFAs include the 2- (acetic) and 3- (propionic)
immune status as well as reproductive hor- carbon fatty acids, as well as the 4- (butyric),
mone balance. Attempts to regulate choles- 5- (valeric), and 6- (caproic) carbon fatty
terol levels without first considering and acids. In clinical treatment of intestinal disor-
addressing these other possible areas of dys- ders, butyric acid has been especially effective
function may be clinically inappropriate. since it is the preferred fuel for the colono-
cytes, and is even preferred over L-glutamine
and D-glucose as a metabolic source of en-
Fatty Acids and Thyroid Function ergy. SCFA concentration varies inversely
A further hormone-connected issue involving with luminal pH in the intestine, and it in-
dietary fats is thyroid function. As with all creases in direct proportion to increased
tissues, essential fatty acids are needed to es- pancreatic enzyme secretion. As SCFA con-
tablish and maintain cell membrane integrity centrations increase, sodium and water ab-
and fluidity in the thyroid gland. Moreover, sorption by the colon also increase. Butyrate
the activity of membrane-dependent enzyme administration has also been found to have
systems and hormone receptors largely de- anti-cancer effects in the colon: it appears
pends upon fatty acid composition of the to alter cancer cell doubling time, increase

FIGURE 4.9 Hormone synthesis from cholesterol

hyperacetylation of histones, and inhibit of dietary carbohydrate rich in fiber can be

DNA synthesis.39,40 used to produce over 35 g of SCFAs. Soy
Anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine polysaccharide, pectin, guar gum, various
are themselves capable of producing SCFAs if vegetable fibers, lactulose, and beta-glucan
given an adequate amount of specific sub- have all been shown to serve as fiber substrate
strate. Specifically, approximately 50 to 60 g for SCFA production by colonic anaerobes.
Fats 89

In addition to oral supplementation, acids (LCTs), can be taken up from the in-
SCFAs have been administered colonically or testines into the circulation while bypassing
enterally to provide more direct support of certain physiological steps ordinarily required
colonic mucosa. Colonic blood flow can be for fat uptake. For example, chylomicron for-
increased successfully through colonic infu- mation is not required for MCT absorption,
sion of SCFAs, and enteral feedings of SCFAs nor is a properly working lymphatic system or
have been shown to increase jejunal and ileal carnitine shuttle system.41 Second, MCTs can
mucosal cell numbers in humans. Clinical use be metabolized into usable forms of energy as
of short-chain fatty acids is discussed further quickly as glucose, a simple sugar that has tra-
in Chapter 7. ditionally been viewed as the body’s most
readily available form of energy.42


MEDIUM-CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES Commercial Preparation of MCT Oils
(MCFAS AND MCTS) The naturally occurring plant fats referred to
Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are fatty as the lauric fats have traditionally been used
acids that contain 6 to 24 carbon atoms. by food chemists as the primary sources for
These fatty acids include caprylic (8 carbons), commercial preparation of MCTs. The name
capric (10 carbons), lauric (12 carbons) and itself is derived from the high (nearly 50 per-
myristic acid (14 carbons). Triglycerides are cent) concentration of lauric acid (a 12-car-
molecular compounds that contain three bon MCFA) in these fats. Coconut oil and
fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone. palm kernel oil are the two most widely used
They are formed from a monoglyceride and starting points for MCT preparation. How-
two fatty acids that are attached to the free ever, the important goal of MCT preparation
hydroxyl group on the monoglyceride. (Fig- is not to produce an oil high in lauric acid
ure 4.10) When triglycerides contain pre- (12-carbon), but an oil that is high in the
dominantly MCFAs, they are classified as shorter MCFAs, namely caprylic (8-carbon)
medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). and capric (10-carbon) acids. MCT oils con-
taining 90 percent or more of these two
MCFAs are the only MCT oils that have been
Clinical Use of MCTs shown to be clinically effective in improving
Commercially produced MCT oils have been the health status of compromised individuals.
used since the 1950s to improve the health The MCFA composition of most commercial
status of individuals with fat malabsorption preparations has resembled the composition of
problems. There are two reasons for using Mead Johnson’s best-selling MCT oil Porta-
MCTs. First, MCTs, unlike long-chain fatty gen™, which contains 67 percent caprylic and

fatty acid



FIGURE 4.10 The formation of a monoglyceride

23 percent capric MCFAs. In the process of within the oils have been equally consistent.
MCT oil preparation, small amounts of other Some studies have used the 8-carbon
MCFAs remain within the final product, in- (caprylic) fatty acid exclusively,43 but most
cluding lauric acid (12-carbon), which is typi- have looked at 8-carbon (caprylic)/10-carbon
cally present at 1 to 4 percent in commercial (capric) mixtures.44,45,46,47 In each instance,
products. metabolic and physiologic properties of the
oils have been shown to depend upon their 8-
carbon and 10-carbon constituents.
Clinical Effectiveness of 8-Carbon and
10-Carbon MCFAs within MCT Oils
Hypercholesterolemic Effects of
The use of MCT oils containing varying mix-
tures of MCFAs has consistently improved Lauric and Myristic Acids
the course of numerous health problems (per- While traditional arguments against exces-
haps by increasing calories), including pan- sive dietary use of coconut and palm oil have
creatic insufficiency, liver cirrhosis, altered focused on their LCFA content, recent re-
intestinal permeability, lymphatic obstruc- search has shown that the lauric/myristic acid
tion, surgical stress, epilepsy, glycogen stor- component of these oils has a more pro-
age disease, and cystic fibrosis. The results nounced hypercholesterolemic effect upon
from exclusive use of 8-carbon and 10- blood lipids than the palmitic acid (LCFA)
carbon MCFAs as the “marker” compounds component.48 Previous clinical and epidemio-
Fats 91

logical studies have also found lauric acid in- strict dietary fat intake to 10 percent of total
take raises LDL and total cholesterol levels.49 calories.
Consumption of a 25 to 30 percent fat
FATS AND DIETARY diet may be clinically more appropriate than
consumption of a 20 to 25 percent fat diet
MACRONUTRIENT BALANCE regimen for specific types of individuals. Ger-
Desirable levels of dietary fat remain a preva- ald Reaven, a medical doctor and researcher
lent topic in clinical debate. At one end of the at the Stanford University School of Medi-
spectrum are Pritikin-type diets, which fol- cine, has described a condition called “Syn-
low the extremely low-fat recommendations drome X,” in which insulin resistance and
of Nathan Pritikin, providing as little as 10 g compensatory hyperinsulinemia are accom-
of dietary fat per day or less than 5 percent of panied by changes in blood pressure and
total calories. At the other end of the spec- serum triglyceride and uric acid levels.50 In
trum are extremely high-fat, ketogenic rec- Syndrome X individuals (identifiable through
ommendations providing as much as 175 g two-hour oral glucose and insulin tolerance
and over 70 percent of total calories of di- testing together with measurement of above-
etary fat per day. Traditional healthcare orga- mentioned laboratory parameters), high-fat
nizations have typically recommended 30 diets (with the right types of fats) may be able
percent of total calories from fat. On a 2,000- to better support eicosanoid synthesis, avoid
calorie diet, 10 percent of calories would insulin hypersecretion, and reduce dyslipi-
translate into 22 g of total fat, 20 percent of demia and insulin resistance.
calories into 45 g, and 30 percent of calories Because the average U.S. adult consumes
into about 67 g. more than 66 pounds of pure, added dietary
It is interesting to compare these fat levels fat per year (including 26 pounds of oil, 22
to fatty acid supplementation levels commonly pounds of shortening, 11 pounds of mar-
used by nutritionally-oriented practitioners. garine, 5 pounds of butter, and 2 pounds of
Six g of evening primrose oil is commonly used lard), together with 183 pounds of meat, 233
therapeutically for conditions like atopic skin pounds of milk, and 26 pounds of eggs, in-
disorders, premenstrual syndrome, and im- creased intake of dietary fat is not likely to
mune-related disorders. Similar levels of help most patients. For the majority of pa-
omega 3 oils are used to treat skin conditions tients, reducing dietary fat is still likely to
like psoriasis. In lipoprotein-fish oil studies, help without reducing total consumption to
over 100 g of fatty fish two to three times per 20 percent or less of total calories level.
week have proven helpful. Clearly, it would However, for most patients, reducing di-
be difficult for a patient to achieve any of etary fat may not be the simplest way to sup-
these therapeutic levels while trying to re- port body function and balance fatty acid

intake. Neither would the recommendation of their patients by taking the time to educate
simply to substitute unsaturated for saturated their patients about the relationship between
fats, or worse, substitute monounsaturated fats and foods.
for polyunsaturated fatty acids. The single For example, beef fat is the largest single
simplest recommendation might be to focus source of arachidonic acid in the U.S. diet, sig-
on overall fat quality and derive as much di- nificantly overshadowing all other individual
etary fat as possible from whole, natural food sources. For individuals eating whole-grain
sources—particularly plant sources, begin- foods, germs of grains can provide substantial
ning with seeds and nuts. However, nutrition- fat quality and diversity when they are eaten
ally oriented practitioners will go well beyond in rotation. But the most undervalued foods in
a single simple recommendation and address terms of their ability to support fatty acid
the more complex nature of fatty acid balance metabolism and fat-related health processes
appropriate for their individual patients. are nuts, seeds, and their oils.

FOOD FATS AND PLANT OILS Nuts, Seeds, and Their Oils
Among consumers, widespread confusion ex- Many cultures still use seeds and nuts as the
ists about fat concentrations and fat quality sole source of cooking fats. These plant re-
in the commercial food supply. Consumers productive organs can supply highly concen-
widely recognize fried foods as sources of trated amounts of most omega 3 and omega
concentrated fat, but they typically classify as 6 fatty acids. Although most commercial sup-
“sweets” many foods that are predominantly plements extract oils from nuts and seeds,
fat in content, such as donuts, croissants, and many cultures sprout, grind into pastes, or
numerous baked goods that taste sweeter and boil and press them into nut and seed milks.
appear more starchy than is expected of high- Handling of nuts, seeds, and their oils re-
fat foods. Nuts and seeds are sometimes not quires extreme care. Polyunsaturated oils,
recognized as concentrated food sources of particularly flax seed oil, cannot be stored at
fat, nor are many meats that appear “lean” room temperature, and must be kept in light
(without much visible white “marbling”). Re- protective, opaque containers. Monounsatu-
gardless of fat concentration, fat quality is rated oils, such as olive or canola oil, do not
largely ignored in these cases. With the excep- need to be refrigerated. It is also helpful to
tion of saturated fat, which has been tradition- understand which oils work best in different
ally linked to poor health, quality is not cooking techniques.
generally taken into consideration by con- Some oils should be used in high-heat
sumers in the derivation, processing, handling, cooking to avoid peroxidation of double
cooking, or storage of foods. Practitioners can bonds, which would occur with use of the
help advance the health and self-care abilities less saturated oils. Other oils should be used
Fats 93

in medium-heat cooking (200-300 degrees enzyme. In fact, several international com-

Fahrenheit), while still other oils should only petitions have even prohibited pre-event
be used under low-heating conditions (for ex- consumption of caffeine for this reason.
ample, in the slow heating of soups or, even However, research in this area has been
better, in salad dressings). (See Table 4.6). mixed. Several studies using caffeine amounts
similar to the caffeine contained in two
8-ounce cups of coffee, or approximately
Fat and Physical Performance 100–150 mg54 suggested that while caffeine
In the popular press (and contemporary re- may benefit untrained individuals, training
search to a much lesser extent), a 1990s and consumption of high-carbohydrate foods
equivalent to the 1960s carbohydrate-load- with caffeine may largely negate the effect of
ing practice has emerged, referred to by some caffeine.
researchers as “fat loading.”51 In this prac-
tice, a carbohydrate-sparing effect of in-
creased fat intake is proposed, along with
increased availability of fatty aids as fuel The most important nutrition concept to
sources for aerobic metabolism in endurance change may be the understanding that a simple
events. Several researchers have even investi- reduction in dietary fat will not necessarily
gated exercise effects of an 85 percent fat diet result in improved health status. Recogniz-
for men, revealing a neutral effect upon their ing the roles that fats have in structure and
performance.52 Medium-chain triglyceride physiologic functioning is a vital step toward
(MCT) feeding has also failed to elevate establishing the appropriate dietary and sup-
serum fatty acids or improve endurance fol- plementary fatty acid intake for an individual.
lowing increased consumption.53 From their important place in the struc-
Caffeine has been proposed as an er- ture of the membranes surrounding the tril-
gogenic aid capable of elevating free fatty lions of cells in our bodies to their critical roles
acid pools before exercise because of its in- in neurologic, hormonal, immune, and cardio-
hibitory effect on the phosphodiesterase vascular functioning, fats are best viewed in

TABLE 4.6 Preferred Cooking Techniques of Selected Oils

High-heat cooking Medium-heat cooking Low-heat cooking

Coconut Olive Almond

Peanut* Corn Sesame
High oleic safflower Hazelnut Sunflower Butter

* Critical to use organic because of high-pesticide use.


light of their molecular interactions with the Cellular destruction, unchecked inflammation,
other components of human tissue. Simply re- and reduced ability to respond to cellular com-
ducing total fat intake may not address the munications may remain problematic even
need to change the type of fat being consumed. with reduced fat intake.

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HE VITAMIN ERA BEGAN IN THE EARLY “vitamers” now describes these variant forms
part of the 1900s when some of the of a vitamin. For example, vitamin A is typi-
essential nutrients were extracted cally considered to include the molecular
from natural foods and their chemical compo- form called retinol. However, retinoic acid
sitions were identified. In 1911, Polish bio- and retinal also have biological activity in the
chemist Casimir Funk identified the substances body. Since Funk, many people have con-
in natural foods that provided protection tributed to our advanced understanding of vi-
against beriberi. Funk named these substances tamins by discovering connections between
“vitamines,” a term he derived from the Latin vitamin deficiencies and illness. Early pio-
word “vita,” meaning “life,” and the chemical neers include Dutch physician Christian Eijk-
term “amine,” meaning it contained nitrogen. man and his collaborator Gerrit Grijns, who
“Vitamines” was later changed to “vitamins” discovered a link between beriberi and rice
when it was discovered that some of these sub- polish in 1897. Later, Robert R. Williams and
stances did not contain nitrogen. his colleagues identified the chemical compo-
When chemical names were originally sition of this rice polish ingredient as thiamin.
given to vitamins, many people believed that Other vitamin pioneers included Joseph
each name referred to one substance with a Goldberg and Conrad Elvehjem (niacin and
specific function. We know now that a num- pellagra), Albert Szent-Gyorgi (vitamin C
ber of different molecular forms of a given and scurvy), Roger Williams (pantothenic
vitamin have biological activity. The term acid and folic acid), Linus Pauling (vitamin


C), and Dorothy Hodgkin (vitamin B12). or cofactor forms. For example, niacin is
This chapter explores and builds upon their transformed into nicotinamide adenine dinu-
understanding of how vitamins can treat the cleotide (NADH) or nicotinamide adenine
vitamin deficiency diseases by providing an dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)—the ac-
overview of vitamin structure, absorption in tive functional forms the vitamin ultimately
humans, physiologic function, food source, takes for metabolism. Riboflavin is converted
therapeutic considerations, and safety. Each to flavin mononucleotide (FMN) or flavin
discussion concludes by exploring each vita- adenine dinucleotide (FAD) to fulfill its pri-
min’s role in physiologic functioning. mary role in metabolism.


Vitamins are organic compounds required Vitamins are classified according to whether
in small amounts by the body for normal or not they are soluble in fat or water. Fat-
metabolic functions. While these compounds soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E,
are required for life, they cannot be manufac- and K. The water-soluble vitamins include
tured by the body and are therefore deemed the B vitamins and vitamin C. B vitamins can
essential. The vitamins cannot themselves be be further subdivided into a convenient clas-
converted into energy by the body, but some sification system, which includes those influ-
of them are required in the process of energy encing energy release, hematopoiesis, and
production.1 other metabolic action.2
When considering the importance of vita- B vitamins that influence energy metab-
mins to the human body, it is necessary to olism include thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2),
reflect on the fundamental biochemical inter- niacin (B3), pantothenic acid, biotin, and vi-
actions that must take place for humans to sur- tamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal).3 B vita-
vive. For instance, pantothenic acid is needed mins that affect hematopoiesis include folic
for synthesis of coenzyme A, a crucial compo- acid, cobalamin (B12), vitamin B6, and pan-
nent of the Krebs cycle, which is used for en- tothenic acid (B5). B vitamins are also in-
ergy production. Vitamin B6 is required for volved in many metabolic activities beyond
the transfer of amino groups, which is critical those already mentioned (see Table 5.1).
to amino acid metabolism throughout the
body. Riboflavin is needed for activation of the VITAMIN INSUFFICIENCY, DEFICIENCY,
enzyme glutathione reductase, regenerating
the vital antioxidant compound glutathione.
The body generally does not use vitamins Vitamin insufficiency resulting from poor nu-
as they occur in food. Vitamins must first be trition has many facets, and evaluating an in-
transformed into their respective coenzyme dividual’s nutritional status may reveal a
Vitamins 99

TABLE 5.1 Classification of B Vitamins by Function ventory scores, irritability, modified appetite,
sugar craving, impaired drug metabolism, and
Energy Metabolism
reduced immune competency.
Thiamin B1 Thus, classic signs associated with such
Riboflavin B2
“deficiency diseases” may be end-stage mani-
Niacin B3
Pantothenic acid B5 festations of sustained nutrient inadequacy.
Pyridoxine B6 Clinicians should carefully monitor patient
Biotin insufficiency, in which nutrient needs for op-
Hematopoiesis timum metabolism have not been met but the
insufficiency is not severe enough to cause the
Folic acid
Cobalamin B12
overt disease typically associated with that
Pyridoxine B6 nutrient. One can imagine that single nutrient
Pantothenic acid B5 insufficiency has the potential to influence
Other Metabolic Actions
metabolism adversely and encourage disease.
More commonly, however, insufficiencies
Thiamin B1
exist in more than one nutrient.
Riboflavin B2
Niacin B3
Roger Williams, pioneer of the concept of
Pyridoxine B6 biochemical individuality, spent many years
Cobalamin B12 studying unique patterns of supposedly simi-
Biotin lar animals and humans. To his surprise,
Folic acid
body chemistry varied widely, often in ani-
mals bred to be genetically similar. He wrote:

Some inbred rats on identical diets excreted

gradation of deficiency symptoms. Myron
11 times as much urinary phosphate as oth-
Brin, Ph.D., suggests this gradation may start
ers; some, when given a chance to exercise
with a preliminary reduction of nutrient
at will, ran consistently 20 times as far as
stores with no symptomatology, which may
others; some voluntarily consumed 16
lead to a biochemical reduction in enzyme
times as much sugar as others; some drank
activity through lack of nutrient-derived coen-
20 times as much alcohol; some appeared
zymes. This may be followed by physiological
to need about 40 times as much vitamin A
impairment that evolves as adverse behavioral
as others; some young guinea pigs required,
and personality effects, moves toward classi-
for good growth, at least 20 times as much
cal deficiency syndromes, and finally becomes
vitamin C as others.4,5,6
terminal tissue pathology. In 1979, Brin noted
that the first clinical effects in undernutrition Williams’s work suggests that a wide
with respect to B vitamins are insomnia, ad- variation exists among individuals and that
verse Minnesota Multiphasic Personality In- these variations interact in unique ways to

determine who we are biochemically. These tions, but also for how a food was labeled.
biochemical differences express themselves Today, we are used to the idea of a food label
with unique requirements and unique suscepti- saying “this food contains XX percent of the
bilities. When we add environmental influ- RDA” and many consumers use these state-
ences to this formula for diversity, we are left ments as a means to provide adequate nutri-
with a human who is fundamentally the same, tion to themselves and their families.
but practically different. The task of clinicians Much controversy has arisen around the
is to recognize that each patient is unique and RDAs, mainly because data since the 1940s
discover these unique patterns. Therapy then have shown that adequate intake of nutrients is
becomes specifically designed, not to the text- related to more than just a deficiency disease,
book or to epidemiological studies, but to the such as scurvy. Inadequate nutrient intake has
distinct needs of a particular human being. It is been associated with many of the chronic dis-
with this understanding that clinical nutrition eases common today, such as heart disease,
can evolve within the core of the healing arts. diabetes, and inflammatory conditions like
arthritis. In addition, unique life circumstances,
such as genetic heritage, personal health his-
DIETARY REFERENCE INTAKES (DRIS): tory, and biochemical individuality of a person
RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL may require that specific nutrients be given at
levels well beyond those set forth in the RDAs.
THERAPEUTICS Because researchers questioned the value of
Governmental agencies have tried to develop RDAs in working with individuals and not
standards with which to determine necessary populations, several different approaches were
nutrient levels for individuals. Initially, the In- published in the literature, including the con-
stitute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition cepts of using lowest and highest tolerable lev-
Board (FNB) was asked to develop guidelines els of a nutrient, and calculating nutrient needs
or “Recommended Dietary Allowances” based upon the average intake in a population
(RDAs) for use in preparing canned foods and (assuming most individuals were healthy) and
meals, such as for troops overseas during the not the minimum amount needed to ward off
World Wars. The Board published the first set deficiency diseases.
of standards, the RDAs, in 1941. These stan- In response to these concerns, the FNB
dards were developed on data using deficiency was asked to reevaluate the RDA approach
diseases, and they set intake limits based upon and provide a set of guidelines that would be
levels necessary to avoid a deficiency in the more suited to current knowledge about nutri-
majority of individuals, and were continued in tion and that would incorporate these differ-
the same form until the last publication of ent standards. The FNB quickly assessed that
RDAs in 1989. The RDAs set the standard it could not provide just one level or amount of
not just for preparing foods for large popula- a nutrient for general groups of people (fe-
Vitamins 101

male, male, different age groups, etc.) because medicine approach requires that a clinician
there are too many variables with respect to use these as guidelines for establishing gener-
nutrient needs. The FNB has revised its ap- ally safe levels for an individual, but not as the
proach and now sets a standard called the Di- specific levels needed for every individual
etary Reference Intakes (DRIs). The DRIs are walking through the door. Keep in mind that
based upon four dietary references: the RDA, the DRIs have not been set to optimize health
the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), and do not take into consideration such fac-
the Adequate Intake (AI), and the Tolerable tors as environmental exposure, medication
Upper Intake Level (UL). Definitions of these intake, digestion and absorption efficiency,
dietary references are shown in Table 5.2. genetics, food intolerance, and other circum-
The DRIs are useful as an approximation, stances that alter nutrient needs.
but are still mainly focused on preventing
overt disease in a population. A summary of
the DRIs for vitamins is shown in Table 5.3.
The DRIs are most useful for setting public TO VITAMINS
policy, providing consistent values from com- One only needs to look at the history and
pany to company for food labeling, and mak- identification of most vitamins to understand
ing foods for large populations. A functional their profound effects on the physiology of the

TABLE 5.2 The Four Daily Reference Standards Used to Develop

the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)

• Estimated Average Requirement (EAR): the average daily nutrient intake level esti-
mated on deficiency data to meet the needs of 50% of the healthy individuals in a
particular life stage and gender group.

• Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA): the average daily nutrient intake level esti-
mated on deficiency data to meet the needs of over 90% of the healthy individuals in
a particular life stage and gender group.

• Adequate Intake (AI): the recommended average daily intake level based upon ob-
served or experimentally determined approximations for a group of people assumed
to be healthy.

• Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL): the highest average daily nutrient intake level
under which few or no adverse events (including such events as gastrointestinal dis-
turbance or other more severe effects) have been reported. Intake of a nutrient at or
below the UL is considered to pose no risk of adverse health effects to almost all indi-
viduals in the general population.

TABLE 5.3 Summary Table of the DRIs for Vitamins

Note: RDAs have not been set for all vitamins for the different life stages. When an RDA is
not available, the AI is used for that vitamin (denoted by an *). The UL has also not been
reported for many vitamins and, in those cases, “nd” (not determined) is shown. For a more
complete table see (accessed December 2003).

Vitamin AGE RDA/AI* UL

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Infants (0–12 mo) 0.2–0.3 mg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 0.5–0.6 mg/d nd
Children (9–13 y) 0.9 mg/d nd
Males (>14 y) 1.2 mg/d nd
Females (14–18 y) 1.0 mg/d nd
Females (>18 y) 1.1 mg/d nd
Pregnancy 1.4 mg/d nd
Lactation 1.4 mg/d nd
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Infants (0–12 mo) 0.3–0.4 mg/d* nd
Children (1–8 y) 0.5–0.6 mg/d nd
Children (9–13 y) 0.9 mg/d nd
Males (>14 y) 1.3 mg/d nd
Females (14 – 18 y) 1.0 mg/d nd
Females (>18 y) 1.1 mg/d nd
Pregnancy 1.4 mg/d nd
Lactation 1.6 mg/d nd
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Infants (0–12 mo) 2–4 mg/d* nd
Children (1–8 y) 6–8 mg/d 10–15mg/d
Children (9–18 y) 12–16 mg/d 20–30 mg/d
Adults males 16 mg/d 35 mg/d
Adult females 14 mg/d 35 mg/d
Pregnancy 18 mg/d 30–35 mg/d
Lactation 17 mg/d 30–35 mg/day
Vitamin B5
(Pantothenic acid) Infants (0–12 mo) 1.7–1.8 mg/d* nd
Children (1–8 y) 2–3 mg/d* nd
Children (9–13 y) 4 mg/d* nd
Males (>14 y) 5 mg/d* nd
Females (>14 y) 5 mg/d* nd
Pregnancy 6 mg/d* nd
Lactation 7 mg/d* nd

Vitamins 103

Vitamin AGE RDA/AI* UL

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Infants (0–12 mo) 0.1 –0.3 mg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 0.5–0.6 mg/d 30–40 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) 1.0 mg/d 60 mg/d
Males (14–50 y) 1.3 mg/d 80–100 mg/d
Males (>50 y) 1.7 mg/d 100 mg/d
Females (14 – 18 y) 1.2 mg/d 80 mg/d
Females (19–50 y) 1.3 mg/d 100 mg/d
Females (<50 y) 1.5 mg/d 100 mg/d
Pregnancy 1.9 mg/d 80–100 mg/d
Lactation 2.0 mg/d 80–100 mg/d

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Infants (0–12 mo) 0.4–0.5 mcg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 0.9–1.2 mcg/d nd
Children (9–13 y) 1.8 mcg/d nd
Males (>14 y) 2.4 mcg/d nd
Females (>14 y) 2.4 mcg/d nd
Pregnancy 2.6 mcg/d nd
Lactation 2.8 mcg/d nd

Folic acid Infants (0–12 mo) 65–80 mcg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 150–200 mcg/d 300 mcg/d
Children (9–18 y) 300–400 mcg/d 600–800 mcg/d
Adults 400 mcg/d 1,000 mcg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 600 mcg/d 800 mcg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 600 mcg/d 1,000 mcg/d
Lactation (< 18 y) 500 mcg/d 800 mcg/d
Lactation (> 18 y) 500 mcg/d 1,000 mcg/d

Biotin Infants (0–12 mo) 5–6 mcg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 8–12 mcg/d* nd
Children (9–18 y) 20–25 mcg/d* nd
Adults 30 mcg/d* nd

Vitamin C (Ascorbate) Infants (0–12 mo) 40–50 mg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 15–25 mg/d 400–650 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) 45 mg/d 1200 mg/d
Males (14–18 y) 75 mg/d 1800 mg/d
Males (>18 y) 90 mg/d 2000 mg/d
Females (14–18 y) 65 mg/d 1800 mg/d
Females (>18 y) 75 mg/d 2000 mg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 80 mg/d 1800 mg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 85 mg/d 2000 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 115 mg/d 1800 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 120 mg/d 2000 mg/d

Vitamin AGE RDA/AI* UL

Vitamin E Infants (0–12 mo) 4–5 mg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 6–7 mg/d 200–300 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) 11 mg/d 600 mg/d
Children (14–18 y) 15 mg/d 800 mg/d
Males (>18 y) 15 mg/d 1000 mg/d
Females (>18 y) 15 mg/d 1000 mg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 15 mg/d 800 mg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 15 mg/d 1000 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 19 mg/d 800 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 19 mg/d 1000 mg/d

Vitamin A (1 mcg=1RE) Infants (0–12 mo) 400–500 mcg/d* 600 mcg/d

RE= retinal equivalent Children (1–8 y) 300–400 mcg/d 600–900 mcg/d
Children (9–13 y) 600 mcg/d 1700 mcg/d
Males (>14 y) 900 mcg/d 2800–3000 mcg/d
Females (>14 y) 700 mcg/d 2800–3000 mcg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 750 mcg/d 2800 mcg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 770 mcg/d 3000 mcg/d
Lactation (< 18 y) 1200 mcg/d 2800 mcg/d
Lactation (> 18 y) 1300 mcg/d 3000 mcg/d

Vitamin D (1 mcg=40 IU) Infants (0–12 mo) 5 mcg/d* 25 mcg/d

Children (1–13 y) 5 mcg/d* 50 mcg/d
Males (14 –50 y) 5 mcg/d* 50 mcg/d
Males (>50 y) 10–15 mcg/d* 50 mcg/d
Females (14–50 y) 5 mcg/d* 50 mcg/d
Females (>50 y) 10–15 mcg/d* 50 mcg/d
Pregnancy 5 mcg/d* 50 mcg/d
Lactation 5 mcg/d* 50 mcg/d

Vitamin K Infants (0–12 mo) 2.0–2.5 mcg/d* nd

Children (1–3 y) 30 mcg/d* nd
Children (4–8 y) 55 mcg/d* nd
Children (9–13 y) 60 mcg/d* nd
Males (14–18 y) 75 mcg/d* nd
Males (>18 y) 120 mcg/d nd
Females (14–18 y) 75 mcg/d* nd
Females (>18 y) 90 mcg/d* nd
Pregnancy (<18 y) 75 mcg/d* nd
Pregnancy (>18 y) 90 mcg/d* nd
Lactation (< 18 y) 75 mcg/d* nd
Lactation (> 18 y) 90 mcg/d* nd
Vitamins 105

human body. From reports of beriberi in Asia creased vitamin availability. The latter situa-
in 2600 BC to night blindness plaguing 19th tion may arise from increased use of the nu-
century soldiers, the effects of vitamin defi- trients in complex physiologic interactions or
ciency and toxicity have led physicians and from loss of vitamin availability due to the
scientists to search for these vital molecules.7 presence of substances that antagonize the
The descriptions that follow include in- active vitamin molecule before it can carry on
formation on each vitamin’s role in physio- its vital functions. Vitamin availability is also
logic functioning. While severe deficiencies a factor of proper digestion and absorption.
may be required to generate frank deficiency What follows is an outline of each vita-
diseases, insufficiencies of a vitamin may lead min’s structure, absorption in humans, physi-
to problems related to less obvious physio- ologic functioning of the active forms, food
logic dysfunction. This decreased functioning sources, therapeutic considerations, safety,
may not readily be attributed to a vitamin in- and functional medicine considerations. More
sufficiency, and the clinician might overlook detailed descriptions are provided in the refer-
it as a possible cause of the patient’s signs and ences cited.
symptoms. A thorough patient history in-
cluding diet and lifestyle will help identify
In addition, researchers continue to rec-
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
ognize the importance of vitamin interac-
tions. Consider the recent developments in Structure
the homocysteine story, in which researchers Thiamin consists of a methylene molecule
have argued the importance of the methyla- connecting a pyrimidine and a thiazole ring
tion interactions of vitamins B6, B12, and (Figure 5.1). This vitamin acts as a coenzyme
folic acid in the prevention of heart dis- in many important reactions, but it is the thi-
ease.8,9,10,11 The homocysteinemia resulting amin pyrophosphate ester (TPP, thiamin with
from insufficient supplies of these vitamins in two phosphate groups) that primarily serves
some individuals may lead to coronary artery these functions. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
disease, neurodegenerative disease, or cancer. and magnesium are needed to form this ac-
The role of antioxidant vitamins in keeping tive molecule.12
other antioxidants from becoming pro-oxi-
dant represents another example of impor- Absorption
tant vitamin interactions. The thiamin phosphate esters are hydrolyzed
Individual needs for vitamins vary, based within the proximal small intestine and are
not only on genetic code for physiologic ac- absorbed in the jejunum by either an active
tivity, but also on conditional needs for in- carrier system or passive diffusion, depending

H 3C 3' S
2' 4' 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH
N 1' 5' N3 4
CH 2
CH 3

H 3C S
CH 2 CH 2 O P OH
CH 2
CH 3

H 3C S
CH 2 CH 2 O P O P OH
CH 2
pyrophosphate CH 3

H 3C S
CH 2 CH 2 O P O P O P OH
CH 2
CH 3

Note: All forms are the same except for the phosphate group.

FIGURE 5.1 Vitamin B1 (thiamin molecule)

Vitamins 107

on the total concentration within the lumen.13 particularly destroys thiamin.17 If the diet is
In adults, the total thiamin content is esti- high in fats and sugars, thiamin intake will
mated to be about 30 g; its half-life is 9.5 to probably be less than adequate.18
18.5 days.14 Maintaining this relatively small
pool requires regular intake of thiamin. Under Therapeutic considerations
conditions of increased energy demand, thi- Thiamin insufficiency has a marked effect on
amin requirements may increase accordingly. the central nervous system. Thus, it is used
therapeutically in conditions of dementia,
Functions neuropathy, fatigue, alcoholism, confusion,
Thiamin is involved in the transfer of alde- depression, pain, memory loss, and ataxia,
hyde groups. In serving this purpose, it par- among others. Because of thiamin’s role in
ticipates in enzymatic reactions central to energy metabolism, it is used clinically in
energy production, including decarboxyla- conditions of impaired detoxification. Severe
tion and transketolation. Thiamin appears to thiamin deficiency results in the classic symp-
have an important nonenzymatic function as toms of beriberi (such as fatigue, anorexia,
well, as it modulates chloride ion channels in weight loss, gastrointestinal disorders, and
the central nervous system.15 Thiamin also weakness). Therapeutic doses are considered
provides energy for the hexose monophos- to be between 50 and 200 mg/day orally, al-
phate shunt and for the respiratory burst of though up to 8 g daily are often given in con-
phagocytes during inflammation. ditions of dementia.
Vitamin B1 is vitally important in neu- Under conditions of increased energy de-
ronal and neurocognitive functioning.16 As mand and increased caloric intake, thiamin
mentioned above, TPP is important in trans- requirements may increase accordingly. Thus,
ketolation, a major source of pentoses for the signs and symptoms of insufficiency may be
synthesis of nucleic acids and NADPH. Vita- more obvious due to circumstances of in-
min B1 is also needed for the synthesis of creased energy demand. In situations in which
acetylcholine (ACh) and possibly for the re- vitamin B1 is insufficient (there is a condi-
lease of ACh at the synaptic junction. tional requirement for increased availability),
partially metabolized compounds such as
Sources pyruvic acid may build up and create the signs
Thiamin is found in brewer’s yeast, wheat and symptoms of thiamin deficiency, such as
germ, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pork, pine fatigue.19 Mental dysfunction may be due to a
nuts, soybeans, and other foods (Table 5.4). decrease in the synthesis of ACh due to thi-
Thiamin is destroyed by sulfites, a common amin insufficiency. As thiamin deficiency in-
food additive, and by moist heat. The use of creases, marked effects on the central nervous
alkalis such as baking soda with moist heat system may develop.

TABLE 5.4 Thiamin Content of Certain Foods

Milligrams (mg) per 3 1/2 oz

Yeast, brewer’s 15.61 Wild rice .45

Yeast, torula 14.01 Rye, whole grain .43
Wheat germ 2.01 Cashews .43
Sunflower seeds 1.96 Liver, lamb .40
Rice polishings 1.84 Mung beans .38
Pine nuts 1.28 Cornmeal, whole ground .38
Peanuts, with skins 1.14 Lentils .37
Brazil nuts .96 Kidneys, beef .36
Pork, lean .93 Green peas .35
Pecans .86 Macadamia nuts .34
Soybean flour .85 Brown rice .34
Beans, pinto & red .84 Walnuts .33
Split peas .74 Garbanzo beans .31
Millet .73 Garlic, cloves .25
Wheat bran .72 Liver, beef .25
Pistachio nuts .67 Almonds .24
Navy beans .65 Lima beans, fresh .24
Buckwheat .60 Pumpkin & squash seeds .24
Oatmeal .60 Brains, all kinds .23
Whole wheat flour .55 Chestnuts, fresh .23
Whole wheat grain .55 Soybean sprouts .23
Lima beans, dry .48 Peppers, red chili .22
Hazelnuts .46 Sesame seeds, hulled .18
Heart, lamb .45

Safety and toxicity Functional medicine considerations

Thiamin toxicity is rare even under condi- Keeping in mind the roles of thiamin in physi-
tions of extremely high oral or parenteral in- ologic functioning, a patient’s diet and
take.20 However, sensitivity to thiamin may lifestyle will often set the stage for the nutri-
occur depending upon its origin and the sus- ent’s role in his or her health. As stated, diets
ceptibility of the patient. This is true of chem- high in fats and sugar should lead clinicians
ically sensitive patients as well as those with to suspect inadequate thiamin intake. Meth-
yeast sensitivity. Parenteral forms of thiamin ods of cooking and intake of prepared foods
should be preservative-free to minimize the may also give clues to thiamin insufficiency,
possibility of adverse reactions. as sulfites or excessive cooking of foods may
Vitamins 109

antagonize this vitamin. Other antagonists to Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

thiamin include blueberries, red beet root,
Brussels sprouts, and tea. Alcohol consump-
tion may lead to severe vitamin B1 deficiency The riboflavin molecule is an isoalloxazine.
and Wernecke-Korsakoff syndrome.21 The coenzyme derivatives include flavin mono-
A thiamin-deficient patient may experience nucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleo-
fatigue, memory loss, depression, headache, tide (FAD) (Figure 5.2). Riboflavin can easily
confusion, and muscle weakness. More severe be destroyed by strong alkaline substances and
deficiencies may result in anorexia, weight loss, by light (both visible and ultraviolet).22
gastrointestinal disorders, neurologic problems
(including exaggerated deep tendon reflexes Absorption
and polyneuritis), and cardiovascular problems Hydrolysis of riboflavin’s coenzyme deriva-
(including cardiomegaly and tachycardia). tives from the diet allows for the absorption

Riboflavin N


1' 5'
CH 2 (CH 2O ) 3 CH 2

H 3C N N
9 10 1 O
7 3
6 5 4 NH



FIGURE 5.2 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) as components

of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)

of this vitamin in the upper intestine by an ac- caffeine, theophylline, saccharin, vitamin B3,
tive phosphorylation transport mechanism. vitamin C, and tryptophan.23
Both ATP and sodium are needed for this ab-
sorption. Important dietary considerations in Functions
the absorption of vitamin B2 include psyl- The major function of riboflavin is to serve as
lium gum and alcohol, both of which slow a precursor for the coenzymes FMN and
absorption. Antacids may also slow absorp- FAD. These enzymes catalyze oxidation re-
tion of riboflavin. Riboflavin may be more duction and hydrogen ion (or H+) transfer re-
efficiently absorbed with food and when in- actions. Four important roles of riboflavin
creased bile salts are present. Some sub- include the following: 1) energy metabolism
stances may chelate vitamin B2 and reduce its as FAD in the respiratory transport chain;
bioavailability. These include copper, zinc, 2) drug or xenobiotic metabolism via cyto-



γ-Glutamylcysteine Pi
ATP Glycine + ATP

GSH Synthetase
Glucose-6-phosphate FMN



Glucose-6-phosphate Glutathione Glutathione
Dehydrogenase Reductase Peroxidase



FIGURE 5.3 Glutathione redox cycle

Vitamins 111

chrome P450 enzymes; 3) lipid metabolism; tions. Riboflavin deficiency probably occurs
and 4) antioxidant protection by virtue of only rarely alone.
its role as cofactor in the regeneration of
glutathione via glutathione reductase. (Fig- Sources
ure 5.3) Food sources include organ meats, torula yeast,
Riboflavin inadequacy has been associ- brewer’s yeast, almonds, wheat germ, and
ated with increased lipid peroxidation by some mushrooms. See Table 5.5 for addi-
virtue of this latter reaction.24 tional food sources and amounts.
Riboflavin is also involved in the metab-
olism of folic acid, pyridoxine, vitamin K, Therapeutic considerations
and niacin.25 Thus, riboflavin insufficiency Clinical circumstances in which riboflavin may
can affect a wide array of physiologic func- be of value include acne, alcoholism, angular

TABLE 5.5 Riboflavin Content of Certain Foods

Milligrams (mg) per 3 1/2 oz

Yeast, torula 5.06 Eggs .30

Yeast, brewer’s 4.28 Split peas .29
Liver, lamb 3.28 Tongue, beef .29
Liver, beef 3.26 Brains, all kinds .26
Liver, pork 3.03 Kale .26
Liver, calf 2.72 Parsley .26
Kidneys, beef 2.55 Cashews .25
Liver, chicken 2.49 Rice bran .25
Kidneys, lamb 2.42 Veal .25
Chicken giblets 1.36 Salmon .23
Heart, veal 1.05 Broccoli .23
Almonds .92 Pine nuts .23
Heart, beef .88 Sunflower seeds .23
Heart, lamb .74 Pork, lean .22
Wheat germ .68 Navy beans .22
Wild rice .63 Beet and mustard greens .22
Mushrooms .46 Lentils .22
Egg yolks .44 Prunes .22
Millet .38 Rye, whole grain .22
Peppers, hot red .36 Pork, lean .22
Soy flour .35 Mung beans .21
Wheat bran .35 Beans, pinto & red .21
Mackerel .33 Black-eyed peas .21
Collards .31 Okra .21
Soybeans, dry .31

stomatitis, arthritis, athlete’s foot, baldness, Finally, the range of vitamin B2 functions
cataracts, cheilosis, depression, diabetes, diar- may indicate an inadequate supply if the pa-
rhea, visual disturbances, hysteria, indigestion, tient is fatigued and has increased signs of ox-
light sensitivity, migraine, nerve damage, red- idative stress (including muscle weakness and
dening of the eyes (and eyes that tire easily, decreased energy).
burn, itch, etc.), scrotal skin changes, sebor-
rheic dermatitis, stress, and failure to detoxify
xenobiotics efficiently.26 Therapeutic range for Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
riboflavin is 50 to 200 mg/day. Structure
Nicotinic acid and its nicotinamide deriva-
Safety and toxicity tives are known as niacin or vitamin B3.
When riboflavin intake exceeds 1.3 mg/day, Niacin is used to form the active cofactors
greater quantities of the vitamin are excreted (coenzymes) nicotine adenine dinucleotide
in the urine. However, in cases of increased (NADH; the ionized form is NAD +) and nico-
need, such as in illness or athletic training, less tine adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH;
riboflavin is excreted. It is generally agreed the ionized form is NADP +).30 (Figure 5.4)
that intake of riboflavin many times the RDA These cofactors are important in many oxi-
does not have adverse consequences.27 dation-reduction reactions in the body, espe-
cially those involved in energy.
Functional medicine considerations
A patient’s diet and lifestyle may reflect low Absorption
intake of the listed foods. In addition, food Absorption occurs in the stomach and intes-
exposed to light may lose riboflavin content; tine by both sodium-dependent facilitated dif-
for example, vitamin B2 content may be lower fusion (at lower concentrations) and passive
in milk sold in glass bottles or may be reduced diffusion. The NADH and NADPH forms rep-
in sun-dried fruits and vegetables.28 A history resent dietary niacin, which is hydrolyzed for
of chronic alcohol use may be reason to sus- absorption. Synthesis of the vitamin occurs
pect insufficient riboflavin. If the patient also from tryptophan, with vitamin B6, riboflavin,
has had chronic drug use or endocrine prob- and iron as cofactors. Approximately 60 mg
lems such as decreased thyroid or adrenal ac- of tryptophan are required to form 1 mg of
tivity, the clinician may suspect vitamin B2 niacin in this way. Thus, the average adult
insufficiency. Riboflavin insufficiency may might derive approximately 8 mg of niacin
also be suspected if the patient presents with from dietary tryptophan conversion—well
cheilosis, oral mucosal inflammation, glossi- below the RDA of 15 to 19 mg per day.
tis, red eyes (that may also be itchy, burning, The conversion of extracellular nicoti-
or photosensitive), dry skin, or depression.29 namide into NADH seems to be under hep-
Vitamins 113

NH 2 NH 2


Nicotinic Acid Nicotinamide ADP-Ribose



FIGURE 5.4 Vitamin B3 (niacin) molecule

atic control and regulated hormonally. The entiation. Glucose tolerance factor (GTF),
liver will store excess plasma nicotinamide as which plays an important role in the insulin re-
unbound NAD. The nicotinamide that forms sponse, employs niacin (nicotinic acid).32
from this NADH degradation can be recon-
verted into NADH in most tissues or by micro- Sources
flora in the intestine.31 Food sources of niacin include torula yeast,
brewer’s yeast, rice bran, wheat bran, and
Functions peanuts. Sources of tryptophan include milk,
The body uses NADH as an electron acceptor soy, peanuts, eggs, pork, lamb, and beef. For
or as a hydrogen (H +) donor in many redox re- additional sources and amounts, see Table 5.6.
actions. It is a cofactor in the oxidation of
some fuel molecules. NADPH donates H + in Therapeutic considerations
fatty acid or steroid synthesis. Vitamin B3 is Niacin deficiency results in pellagra, the signs
also involved in dehydrogenase reactions, such of which include dermatitis, dementia, diar-
as in the conversion of alpha-ketoglutarate to rhea, and death. Niacin has also been used
succinate. clinically in a number of circumstances includ-
NADH is an important cofactor in nonre- ing rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis,
dox reactions such as the transfer of ADP- diabetes, memory impairment, intermittent
ribose catalyzed by poly-ADP-ribose poly- claudication, and depression. Niacin has been
merase (PARP) and the formation of cyclic shown to lower LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein
ADP-ribose, which helps move calcium from a, triglyceride, and fibrinogen levels, while
intracellular storage. The PARP enzyme seems raising HDL levels.33 Therapeutic doses of
to be important in DNA repair and cell differ- niacin range from 50 to 200 mg per day.

TABLE 5.6 Niacin Content of Certain Foods

Milligrams (mg) per 3 1/2 oz

Yeast, torula 44.4 Veal 6.4

Yeast, brewer’s 37.9 Kidneys, beef 6.4
Rice bran 29.8 Wild rice 6.2
Rice polishings 28.2 Chicken giblets 6.1
Wheat bran 21.0 Lamb, lean 5.7
Peanuts, with skin 17.2 Chicken, flesh & skin 5.6
Liver, lamb 16.9 Sesame seeds 5.4
Liver, pork 16.4 Sunflower seeds 5.4
Peanuts, without skin 15.8 Beef, lean 5.1
Liver, beef 13.6 Pork, lean 5.0
Liver, calf 11.4 Brown rice 4.7
Turkey, light meat 11.3 Pine nuts 4.5
Liver, chicken 10.8 Buckwheat, whole grain 4.4
Chicken, light meat 10.7 Peppers, red chili 4.4
Trout 8.4 Whole wheat grain 4.4
Halibut 8.3 Whole wheat flour 4.3
Mackerel 8.2 Wheat germ 4.2
Heart, veal 8.1 Barley 3.7
Chicken, flesh only 8.0 Herring 3.6
Swordfish 8.0 Almonds 3.5
Turkey, flesh only 8.0 Shrimp 3.2
Goose, flesh only 7.7 Split peas 3.0
Heart, beef 7.5 Haddock 3.0
Salmon 7.2

Safety and toxicity may help eliminate some of the side effects ex-
Uncomfortable flushing of skin may occur perienced with niacin supplementation.35
with as little as 25 mg of niacin, but some indi-
viduals may tolerate higher levels. Oral admin- Functional medicine considerations
istration of as much as 6 g/day has been taken Clinicians should explore patient use of the
without side effects.34 Timed-release niacin has drug isoniazid because it competes with the
been used to avoid the flushing associated with vitamin B6 needed for tryptophan metabolism
ingestion of this nutrient. However, hepatic to niacin. If the patient has been using high
complications have been associated with this levels of niacin, toxicity might be detected by
form. Liver function should be measured in in- increased liver enzymes. With signs and symp-
dividuals on high-dose niacin therapy. The use toms of niacin insufficiency, also consider
of inositol hexaniacinate rather than niacin whether vitamin B6, riboflavin, or iron might
Vitamins 115

be less than adequate. These may be the un-

derlying reasons for the niacin insufficiency. HO

Skin conditions associated with niacin in- C O

sufficiency include a scaly, dark hyperpigmen-
CH 2
tation that develops in areas of the body
exposed to recurrent trauma, sunlight, or heat. CH 2
Pale skin will predominate elsewhere. Niacin
insufficiency may present with anorexia, nau-
sea, cheilosis, glossitis, stomatitis, confusion, C O
depression, dermatitis, fatigue, headaches, in-
digestion, insomnia, irritability, muscle weak-
ness, and poor detoxification of xenobiotics. H 3C C CH 3

CH 2
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Pantothenic acid is formed by the combina- FIGURE 5.5 Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
tion of beta-alanine and pantoic acid. The
Greek pantos, meaning “everywhere,” reflects
the wide distribution of pantothenic acid in
nature. A primary biological function of pan- acid is used to synthesize CoA. Cysteine, Mag-
tothenic acid is to serve as part of the co- nesium, and ATP are also required for CoA
enzyme A (CoA) molecule. The molecular synthesis.
structure is shown in Figure 5.5.
Absorption Pantothenic acid in its biologically active form
Pantothenic acid occurs in food primarily in CoA has numerous functions in the body.
CoA. During digestion, CoA is hydrolyzed to These functions include synthesis of several
form pantothenic acid. A sodium-dependent amino acids, steroid hormones, vitamin D,
system of transport allows the pantothenic fatty acids, sphingolipids, and the porphyrins.
acid to be absorbed. Sodium again plays a Other functions include oxidation of fatty
role in uptake of vitamin B5 into most cells. acids, acetylation of choline, and assisting in
Much of the absorption may occur into the pathways involved with metabolism of pro-
mitochondria. Approximately 95 percent of teins and carbohydrates. Vitamin B5 works
CoA in the body can be found in the mito- with carnitine and CoQ10 in fatty acid trans-
chondria.36 Once inside cells, pantothenic port and use.

Sources elevated triglycerides, and problems with im-

Food sources include beef, pork, chicken, fish, paired detoxification. These uses take into
organ meats, brewer’s yeast, torula yeast, oat- consideration vitamin B5 activity in support
meal, and hazelnuts. For additional food of adrenal hormone production, red blood
sources and amounts, see Table 5.7. cell production, and energy production. The
RDA has not been established for pantothenic
acid, but 4 to 7 mg daily is thought to be ade-
Therapeutic considerations quate. Therapeutic doses range from 50 to
While frank deficiency of pantothenic acid is 1000 mg, although much higher doses have
uncommon, therapeutic doses appear helpful been used without incident. Common thera-
in a number of conditions requiring enhanced peutic range is 50 to 250 mg daily.
energy production and cell repair.37 Pan-
tothenic acid supplementation has been used Safety and toxicity
in ulcerative colitis, fatigue, rheumatoid arth- Pantothenic acid has not been associated with
ritis, infection, adrenal dysfunction, allergies, adverse effects. Intake of roughly 10 g of cal-

TABLE 5.7 Pantothenic Acid Content of Certain Foods

Milligrams (mg) per 3 1/2 oz

Yeast, brewer’s 12.0 Lentils 1.4

Yeast, torula 11.0 Rye flour, whole 1.3
Liver, calf 8.0 Cashews 1.3
Liver, chicken 6.0 Salmon, flesh 1.3
Kidneys, beef 3.9 Camembert cheese 1.2
Peanuts 2.8 Garbanzo beans 1.2
Brains, all kinds 2.6 Wheat germ, toasted 1.2
Heart 2.6 Broccoli 1.2
Mushrooms 2.2 Hazelnuts 1.1
Soybean flour 2.0 Turkey, dark meat 1.1
Split peas 2.0 Brown rice 1.1
Tongue, beef 2.0 Whole wheat flour 1.1
Perch 1.9 Sardines 1.1
Blue cheese 1.8 Peppers, red chili 1.1
Pecans 1.7 Avocados 1.1
Soybeans 1.7 Veal, lean 1.1
Eggs 1.6 Black-eyed peas, dry 1.0
Lobster 1.5 Wild rice 1.0
Oatmeal, dry 1.5 Cauliflower 1.0
Buckwheat flour 1.4 Chicken, dark meat 1.0
Sunflower seeds 1.4 Kale 1.0
Vitamins 117

cium pantothenate daily for up to six weeks Absorption

has been utilized without consequence.38 Vitamin B6 is absorbed passively, primarily in
the jejunum. Once absorbed, the vitamin is
Functional medicine considerations transported in plasma and red blood cells.
Since it is rare to find vitamin B5 deficiencies, Much of vitamin B6 from food is converted to
and since B5 is rarely toxic, a functional PLP in the liver, a process that requires zinc,
medicine approach considers possible “sub- ATP, and FMN. Due to liver regulation of PLP
clinical” manifestations of B5 insufficiency. production, possible damage from this highly
Fatigue that may be unexplained by other reactive compound is kept to a minimum.40
causes may be addressed with B5 supplemen-
tation. Any situation in which low energy pro- Functions
duction or reduced production of red blood This nutrient is involved in roughly 100 enzy-
cells or steroid hormones is evident or sus- matic reactions.41 Although vitamin B6 is in-
pected may warrant B5 supplementation. volved in numerous reactions, aminotransfer
and decarboxylation are among the most
prominent. PLP is considered the active form
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
of vitamin B6. The function of B6 is closely
Structure tied to riboflavin status and availability. Ap-
Three primary forms of this nitrogen-con- proximately 80 to 90 percent of the total
taining compound exist: pyridoxine (PN), body pool of pyridoxine is in muscle.42
pyridoxal (PL), and pyridoxamine (PM). The Vitamin B6 is also involved in the re-
active coenzyme forms of vitamin B6 are moval of sulfur groups from amino acids,
pyridoxamine 5’ phosphate (PMP) and pyri- helping to transfer amine groups from one
doxal 5’ phosphate (PLP).39 The structure is amino acid to another, and participating with
shown in Figure 5.6. folic acid in methylation of choline, serine,
and methionine. This latter methylation pro-
cess is important in ensuring that levels of ho-
mocysteine, the precursor to methionine, do
4 not increase beyond normal. Deficiencies in
HO 3 CH2O-R2 vitamin B6, folic acid, and vitamin B12 will
cause homocysteine levels to rise and, in sus-
H3C3 2 H ceptible individuals, increase the risk of
N atherosclerotic heart disease.
PN; R1 = CH2OH PNP; R2 = PO3–2
PM; R1 = CH2NH2 PMP; R2 = PO3–2
The role of vitamin B6 in decarboxylation
PL; R1 = CHO PLP; R2 = PO3–2 reactions makes it important in the conver-
sion of tryptophan to serotonin. Conversion of
FIGURE 5.6 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) molecule
tryptophan to niacin is also B6-dependent.

PLP plays a role in the production of glucose including bananas, walnuts, navy beans, sun-
through gluconeogenesis, and it has been flower seeds, and wheat germ. Other vitamers,
shown to modulate steroid hormone activity by such as PLP, are found in beef, salmon, and
binding to steroid receptors. It may also attach chicken (white meat). For additional sources
to the DNA receptor for these endocrine mes- and amounts, see Table 5.8.
sengers and alter the action of the hormone.43
Therapeutic considerations
Sources B6 has been used in the management of
Pyridoxine is the most stable of the vitamers asthma, autism, carpal tunnel syndrome, irri-
and is almost exclusively found in plant foods, tability, eczema, EEG abnormalities and con-

TABLE 5.8 Pyridoxine Content of Certain Foods

Milligrams (mg) per 3 1/2 oz

Yeast, torula 3.00 Halibut, flesh .43

Yeast, brewer’s 2.50 Kidneys, beef .43
Sunflower seeds 1.25 Avocados .42
Wheat germ, toasted 1.15 Kidneys, veal .41
Tuna, flesh .90 Whole wheat flour .34
Liver, beef .84 Chestnuts, fresh .33
Soybeans, dry .81 Egg yolks .30
Liver, chicken .75 Kale .30
Walnuts .73 Rye flour .30
Salmon, flesh .70 Spinach .28
Trout, flesh .69 Turnip greens .26
Liver, calf .67 Peppers, sweet .26
Mackerel, flesh .66 Heart, beef .25
Liver, pork .65 Potatoes .25
Soybean flour .63 Prunes .24
Lentils, dry .60 Raisins .24
Lima beans, dry .58 Sardines .24
Buckwheat flour .58 Brussels sprouts .23
Black-eyed peas, dry .56 Elderberries .23
Navy beans, dry .56 Perch, flesh .23
Brown rice .55 Cod, flesh .22
Hazelnuts .54 Barley .22
Garbanzos, dry .54 Cheese, camembert .22
Pinto beans, dry .53 Sweet potatoes .22
Bananas .51 Cauliflower .21
Pork, lean .45 Popcorn, popped .20
Albacore, flesh .44 Red cabbage .20
Leeks .20
Vitamins 119

vulsions, depression, postpartum depression, min B6 status should be considered whenever

premenstrual syndrome, atherosclerosis, im- amino acid abnormalities are encountered. A
munosuppression, diabetes, renal calculi, patient may exhibit signs of frank B6 defi-
osteoporosis, and nausea of pregnancy. Ther- ciency including cheilosis, glossitis, fatigue,
apeutic range for vitamin B6 is considered to sleepiness, and stomatitis. In the absence of
be 30 to 500 mg/day. Doses of 250 to 500 mg these symptoms, situations in which vitamin
on a long-term basis may be excessive, and B6 insufficiency should be considered include
liver enzymes should be monitored. mood disorders, nervous system dysfunction,
Along with zinc, riboflavin and magne- pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives or
sium are required for adequate PLP at target amphetamines, and cigarette smoking.46,47
sites. Clinical observations suggest that con- Vitamin B6 is involved in so many enzy-
current use of these two nutrients may mini- matic reactions in the body and is vital to the
mize the likelihood of adverse reactions to production and modulation of so many com-
pyridoxine. pounds, that it is necessary to consider a
patient’s B6 status whenever nutritional im-
Safety and toxicity balances are suspected in the history and
Levels greater than 2 g/day have been shown physical findings of the patient. This vitamin
to induce neuropathy or sensory neurop- offers one of the best opportunities to use the
athy.44 Pyridoxal is considered two to five detective work necessary to connect seem-
times more toxic than pyridoxamine. Doses of ingly unrelated patterns and findings in the
greater than 150 mg may suppress lactation. patient’s story. It thus lends itself as a model
High doses of PLP have been shown to inhibit for the weblike approach so critical to the
sulfotransferases, enzymes that catalyze the practice of functional medicine.
transfer of a sulfate group to combine with
another molecule.45 This process is important
to detoxification. The same enzymatic step is Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
B6-dependent, so adequacy of B6 must be as-
sured, while avoiding excess. Drugs such as Structure
isoniazid and dopamine may interfere with vi- The terms cobalamin and vitamin B12 are
tamin B6. Food additives such as FD and C generic references describing the vitamin B12
yellow #5 may interfere with B6. molecule without the cyanide. The term vi-
tamin B12 is used by chemists to refer to
Functional medicine considerations cyanocobalamin. In clinical nutrition and
Amino acid abnormalities are found in many pharmacology the term vitamin B12 usually
clinical conditions. Because of the role of includes all cobamides active in humans.
pyridoxine in aminotransfer reactions, vita- Coenzyme activity is carried out by methyl-

cobalamin and 5’-deoxyadenoxyl cobalamin Functions

(coenzyme B12).48 The structure is shown in Vitamin B12 is used by all DNA-synthesizing
Figure 5.7. cells to facilitate the cyclic metabolism of folic
acid. Its primary role is as a methyl group
Absorption donor. For this reason, vitamin B12 is critical
Vitamin B12 is synthesized by bacteria and ex- to the hemopoietic system. A megaloblastic
ists in all animal foods. It is freed through the anemia can occur if vitamin B12 is deficient or
process of proteolysis in the stomach. The stom- IF is deficient. In the latter circumstance, the
ach secretes intrinsic factor (IF), which is nec- condition is known as “pernicious anemia.”
essary for the absorption of B12 in the ileum. Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in ner-
Calcium is also needed for this process.49 vous system function. For example, glial cells

FIGURE 5.7 Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) molecule

Vitamins 121

have a relatively small B12 pool. When B12 to homocysteine, converting it to methionine.
delivery decreases, they quickly become defi- Cyanocobalamin is the most common oral
cient. This may lead to homocysteine accu- form in use, but it must be converted to an
mulation with neurotoxic consequences.50 In active form. Methylcobalamin is the main ac-
addition, methionine is needed for the syn- tive oral form available in the United States.
thesis of choline, a lack of which could lead As stated earlier, vitamin B12 is a product
to impaired fatty acid synthesis and nervous of bacterial metabolism. The best food sources
system dysfunction. The role of vitamin B12 of cobalamins are animal products such as
in the production of some neurotransmitters beef liver, beef, poultry, fish, and eggs. These
may also be evidenced by mood imbalance in foods contain primarily adenosylcobalamin
susceptible individuals.51 and hydroxocobalamin. Cow’s milk and cow’s
milk products contain less vitamin B12, and it
Sources occurs primarily as hydroxocobalamin and
Cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, adeno- methylcobalamin.52 For additional sources
sylcobalamin, and methylcobalamin are the and amounts, see Table 5.9.
forms available for supplementation. Methyl- Plants do not contain bioactive forms of
cobalamin is the form that adds a methyl group B12 unless they are contaminated by microor-

TABLE 5.9 Cobalamin Content of Certain Foods

Micrograms (mcg) per 3 1/2 oz

Liver, lamb 104.0 Eggs 2.0

Clams 98.0 Whey, dried 2.0
Liver, beef 80.0 Beef, lean 1.8
Kidneys, lamb 63.0 Edam cheese 1.8
Liver, calf 60.0 Swiss cheese 1.8
Kidneys, beef 31.0 Brie cheese 1.6
Liver, chicken 25.0 Gruyere cheese 1.6
Oysters 18.0 Blue cheese 1.4
Sardines 17.0 Haddock, flesh 1.3
Heart, beef 11.0 Flounder, flesh 1.2
Egg yolks 6.0 Scallops 1.2
Heart, lamb 5.2 Cheddar cheese 1.0
Trout 5.0 Cottage cheese 1.0
Brains, all kinds 4.0 Mozzarella cheese 1.0
Salmon, flesh 4.0 Halibut 1.0
Tuna, flesh 3.0 Perch, fillets 1.0
Lamb 2.1 Swordfish, flesh 1.0
Sweetbreads (thymus) 2.1

ganisms. Vegetarians commonly attempt to symptoms of anemia, a complete blood count

obtain vitamin B12 from sea vegetables such (CBC) should determine whether or not a
as wakame or nori. However, these and other megaloblastic anemia exists. In cases in which
related species contain vitamin B12 analogues dietary intake appears sufficient, a Schilling
that do not appear to be metabolically active test (to test for IF availability) should be con-
in humans. sidered to determine the exact cause of the B12
deficiency. Individuals who have had vegan
Therapeutic considerations dietary habits for a number of years should al-
Vitamin B12 may help manage anemia, ways be asked about vitamin B12 supplemen-
asthma, fatigue, hepatitis, dementia, epilepsy, tation. Vitamin B12 stores in the liver may
depression, psychosis, irritability, ataxia, mean that up to five years may pass before
numbness, tingling, neuropathy, AIDS, multi- problems of B12 shortage are evident.
ple sclerosis, tinnitus, and infertility. Supple- If the patient is elderly and is exhibiting
mental B12 is commonly given in 1000 to signs and symptoms of impaired mental func-
5000 mcg doses. Injectable forms should be tion, B12 insufficiency should be considered,
preservative-free if chemical sensitivity is sus- as it is a common underlying cause of this
pected. Oral forms are widely used in Swe- problem in the elderly population.
den, but less commonly used in the United If there is a concern about atherosclero-
States. A lack of IF, produced by the parietal sis, B12 status should be considered since it
cells of the stomach, may be the underlying may help maintain lower plasma levels of ho-
reason for B12 deficiency in circumstances in mocysteine. In such cases, clinicians should
which dietary intake appears adequate. If also investigate the status of folic acid and vi-
known digestive disturbance exists supple- tamin B6. If the patient has been under a
mentation with IF or injectable forms should great deal of stress, insufficient vitamin B12
be considered. and other B vitamins should be considered if
he or she presents with fatigue.
Safety and toxicity
Vitamin B12 is extremely safe. No toxicity
Folic Acid
from high doses of vitamin B12 has ever been
reported.53 Structure
Folate is a name given to a family of compounds
Functional medicine considerations that share the common molecular architecture
Patient history should include identifying signs called pteroylglutamate. Other names used are
and symptoms of neurological dysfunction, in- folic acid and folacin. The molecule known as
cluding peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tin- 5-methyl-tetrahydropteroylglutamate donates a
gling, and neuritis) as well as disorders of methyl group to homocysteine to form methio-
mood. If the patient history includes signs and nine (Figure 5.8). This methyl-tetrahydrofolate
Vitamins 123

FIGURE 5.8 Tetrahydrofolate molecule

is the most abundant folate in the circulation Functions

and it functions with vitamin B12 to transfer These molecules primarily serve as one-car-
a methyl group to homocysteine to produce bon (or methyl) donors. They may also ac-
methionine.54 The structure is shown in Fig- cept one-carbon groups. Methylation of brain
ure 5.8. myelin is one crucial reaction in which the fo-
late methyl group transfer is needed. Folate
Absorption metabolism has been summarized as com-
Folate is present in the diet primarily as poly- prising two crucial groups of reactions that
glutamate folate. Dietary polyglutamate folate compete in the cell for available folates.
requires enzymatic deconjugation before it These are reactions that lead to the de novo
can be absorbed. Enzymes responsible for this synthesis of methionine and to the synthesis
activity are the pteroylpolyglutamate hydro- of nucleic acids (purines and thymidylate).
lases. This enzymatic activity occurs primarily Folic acid is central to all rapidly dividing
at the brush border of the jejunum. Folate- cells, including blood cells, cells of the gastroin-
binding proteins associated with the mucosal testinal tract, and germinal cells. Synthesis of
membrane sequester the folates, and they are cysteine from methionine is also folate-depen-
then transported across the membrane by a dent. Since formation of the tripeptide glu-
carrier-mediated process. When the concen- tathione depends upon the presence of
tration of folate is high in the lumen, a diffu- adequate cysteine, glutathione formation is in-
sion-mediated transport takes over.55 directly dependent upon adequate folate.

Sources Therapeutic considerations

Folic acid and folicinic acid (5-methyltetra- Folate has been shown to prevent neural tube
hydrofolate) are supplemental forms. Folic defects ranging from spina bifida to anen-
acid derives its name from the Latin folium, cephaly. To achieve this protective effect, fo-
which means foliage, an appropriate con- late must be given either preconceptually or
nection since folic acid is widespread in within the first weeks of pregnancy.56 Folic
green leafy plants. It is also high in brewer’s acid abnormalities have also been found in
yeast, legumes, and rice germ. Diets high in cervical dysplasia, as evidenced by abnormal-
animal protein, except liver, provide little in ities in Pap smear results. Supplementation
the way of folate. Folic acid is extremely with folate has been shown to normalize ab-
heat labile and is easily destroyed in cook- normal cervical cells.57
ing. For additional sources and amounts, see Folate insufficiency has also been associ-
Table 5.10. ated with mood disorders such as depression,

TABLE 5.10 Folic Acid Content of Certain Foods

Micrograms (mcg) per 3 1/2 oz

Brewer’s yeast 2022 Peanuts, roasted 56

Black-eyed peas 440 Peanut butter 56
Rice germ 430 Broccoli 53
Soy flour 425 Barley 50
Wheat germ 305 Split peas 50
Liver, beef 295 Whole wheat cereal 49
Liver, lamb 275 Brussels sprouts 49
Soy beans 225 Almonds 45
Liver, pork 220 Whole wheat flour 38
Bran 195 Oatmeal 33
Kidney beans 180 Cabbage 32
Mung beans 145 Dried figs 32
Lima beans 130 Avocado 30
Navy beans 125 Green beans 28
Garbanzo beans 125 Corn 28
Asparagus 110 Coconut, fresh 28
Lentils 105 Pecans 27
Walnuts 77 Mushrooms 25
Spinach, fresh 75 Dates 25
Kale 70 Blackberries 14
Filbert nuts 65 Ground beef 7
Beet & mustard greens 60 Orange 5
Textured vegetable protein 57
Vitamins 125

particularly in the elderly. Folate assessment Folic acid is clinically useful in managing
and therapy should be considered in patients homocysteinemia. Accumulation of homo-
with mood disorders.58 Frank folic acid defi- cysteine (HCys metabolism shown in Figure
ciency presents as macrocytic anemia. In the 5.9) may contribute to vascular damage.
absence of an assessment of the patient’s vita- Homocysteinemia may exist in individuals
min B12 status, folic acid supplementation who are homozygous or heterozygous for
for macrocytic anemia should always be ac- this trait. Supplementation may help reduce
companied by B12. homocysteine levels.


Methyl acceptors ATP
Guanidoacetate Proteins
Neurotransmitters (dopamine, etc.) Glycine
Proteins (myelin, etc.)
DNA (Methyl TFH inhibition)
RNA Sarcosine

Methylated acceptors
Phosphotidylcholine S-adenosyl- Methionine Serine
Creatine homocysteine THF PLP
Methylated neurotransmitters (SAH)
Methylated proteins Glycine
Methylated DNA
Methylated RNA B12
Methylene THF
Homocysteine Methyl SAM inhibition
(HCys) THF

SAM activation


Taurine S O4 -2

FIGURE 5.9 Homocysteine metabolism in animals


Doses of folate ranging from 400 mcg to 10 Signs and symptoms of anemia may be pre-
mg have been used clinically. A more common sent (fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin and
therapeutic range is 400 to 1000 mcg per day. mucosa). Gastrointestinal difficulties such as
diarrhea or decreased appetite may suggest
Safety and toxicity folic acid insufficiency if other causes are
Supplemental doses have been recommended ruled out. Difficulties in the genital tract (es-
not to exceed 400 mcg/day, because folic acid pecially cervical cellular changes) should also
supplementation may mask the symptoms of heighten suspicion of folate insufficiency.60
B12 deficiency. Thus, if folate is provided and Patient intake of anticonvulsants should
B12 deficiency is undetected, neurological also direct the investigation into a possible
damage (e.g., to myelin) may continue to folate insufficiency, as these drugs interfere
progress. When this relationship is taken into with folate metabolism.61 The intimate rela-
consideration, levels of folate beyond 400 tionship between folic acid and vitamin B12
mcg daily (e.g., 400 to 1000 mcg) may be should remain in the clinician’s mind as pa-
used. As stated, folate supplementation tient assessment progresses. If heart disease
should probably be accompanied by simulta- is suspected, an assessment of homocysteine
neous B12 supplementation to avoid this ad- levels may justify folate supplementation.
verse consequence.
Groff et al. have reviewed the question of
folate toxicity at high doses and note that doses Biotin
of 400 mg/day for five months, 10 mg/day for Structure
four months, and 10 mg/day for five years have Biotin has a cyclic structure. While eight iso-
been used in adults with no adverse effects. mers exist, only one is enzymatically active.
However, high doses (up to 15 mg/day) may in- This structure is known as biotin or D-
cite hypersensitivity responses in some individ- biotin.62 The biotin molecule is shown in Fig-
uals. Symptoms include insomnia, irritability, ure 5.10.
and gastrointestinal problems.59 Care should
also be taken not to have folate intake greater O
than 12 mg/day if certain anticonvulsants
(such as phenytoin) are being taken. C

Functional medicine considerations

Dietary history should explore intake of folic 1' 2' 3' 4' 5'
acid-rich foods. If intake is low, the patient’s H2C CH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 C
complaints should be considered in light of S OH

potential folic acid deficiency or insufficiency.

FIGURE 5.10 Biotin molecule
Vitamins 127

Absorption also involved in creating the active form of

Biotin is absorbed in the intestines by way of folacin.69
a specific transporter molecule. The process
is not completely understood, but it is known Sources
that another mediator carries biotin from Biotin is widely distributed in foods like
enterocytes. This mechanism is impaired by brewer’s yeast, liver, soybean, egg yolk, rice
chronic alcohol intake.63 Raw egg whites polish, peanuts, and walnuts (Table 5.11).
contain avidin (a glycoprotein that may irre-
versibly bind biotin), which may prevent its Therapeutic considerations
absorption. However, absorption may be en- Classic biotin deficiency is characterized by
hanced by the effects of a vegetarian diet on alopecia, scaly dermatitis, nausea, depression,
gut flora.64 hallucinations, muscle pain, and localized
paresthesia.70 In infants, cradle cap appears to
Functions be a common manifestation of biotin insuffi-
Biotin is a B vitamin that receives little atten- ciency. This may be due, in part, to the influ-
tion in nutrition texts. It is widely available in ence of biotin on fatty acid biosynthesis.
foods, but its bioavailability is highly variable Seborrheic dermatitis (the adult version of
(100 percent from corn, 0 percent from cradle cap) usually requires the supplementa-
wheat).65 Biotin is crucial to several enzyme tion of a B-vitamin complex to improve fatty
systems involved in carboxylation. Examples acid metabolism. Biotin alone may not be suf-
include pyruvate carboxylase, involved in en- ficient.71 Normal intestinal bacteria are
ergy metabolism, and acetyl CoA carboxy- largely responsible for biotin. Supplemental
lase, which commits acetate units in fatty range for biotin is from 300 to 600 mcg,
acid synthesis. though doses up to 3000 mcg are commonly
Biotin deficiency has been observed to used.
lead to accumulation of odd-numbered fatty
acids (15:0, 17:0, etc.) in liver, red cells, and Safety and toxicity
plasma.66 Biotin deficiency may also lead to Biotin has been used at doses of 10 mg daily
accumulation of lactic acid in the central for over six months with no toxicity. Excess
nervous system due to inefficient pyruvate biotin is readily excreted in urine.
carboxylase activity.67 Symptoms include hy-
potonia, seizures, and ataxia. Biotin is also Functional medicine considerations
involved in the promotion of healthy hair In addition to ascertaining whether the pa-
and nails, a benefit that may come from its tient’s diet has enough biotin (deficiencies are
ability to positively affect the metabolism of actually rare), the clinician should ask the pa-
oils in the integumentary system.68 Biotin is tient about intake of raw egg white. As noted

TABLE 5.11 Biotin Content of Certain Foods

Micrograms (mcg) per 3 1/2 oz

Brewer’s yeast 200 Oatmeal 24

Liver, lamb 127 Sardines, canned 24
Liver, pork 100 Whole egg 22
Liver, beef 96 Black-eyed peas 18
Soy flour 70 Split peas 18
Soybeans 61 Almonds 18
Rice bran 60 Cauliflower 17
Rice germ 58 Mushrooms 16
Rice polishings 57 Whole wheat cereal 16
Egg yolk 52 Salmon, canned 15
Peanut butter 39 Textured vegetable protein 15
Walnuts 37 Bran 14
Peanuts, roasted 34 Lentils 13
Barley 31 Brown rice 12
Pecans 27

above, interference with the absorption of bi- warrant biotin supplementation because of
otin can occur under the influence of raw egg its ability to increase both insulin sensitivity
whites. Excessive animal products in the diet and glucokinase activity.72
and exclusion of vegetables and fruit may in-
terfere with gut flora and its role in biotin
Vitamin C (Ascorbate)
Dandruff or scaly, yellow skin lesions Structure
should raise suspicion of a biotin insufficiency. Ascorbate exists in three primary forms:
The patient may also have brittle nails. There ascorbic acid, semidehydroascorbate, and de-
may also be significant hair loss with a biotin hydroascorbate. Ascorbic acid is the reduced
insufficiency. Complaints of nausea, reduced form; it progresses to dehydroascorbate as it
appetite, or depression should also prompt gives up its electrons. Molecular structure of
consideration of biotin status. ascorbic acid is shown in Figure 5.11.
The role of biotin in energy metabolism
should also be considered when the patient Absorption
presents with fatigue or muscle weakness. In Unlike most other mammals, humans are un-
addition, glucose metabolism problems for able to synthesize vitamin C from glucose be-
which insulin resistance is suspected may cause of their lack of one vital enzyme. Thus,
Vitamins 129


O -H + O
+H +


L-ascorbic acid L-ascorbate anion

FIGURE 5.11 Ascorbic acid molecule

humans must ingest vitamin C, which can tamin C helps to form strong connective tis-
be absorbed by an active transporter in the sue, repair wounds, improve gum health, and
intestines. reduce bruising.74
As an antioxidant, ascorbate reduces hy-
Functions droxyl radical, superoxide, hypochlorite, and
Since vitamin C loses an electron easily, it other radical species.75 Ascorbic acid is able
serves as a good electron donor. Therefore, to regenerate vitamin E by donating a hydro-
it reduces several oxidizing agents in the gen ion to the oxidized tocopheroxyl radical.
body. Of particular importance is its antiox-
idant function with lipids. Low density Sources
lipoproteins (LDLs) are also protected from Vitamin C is often derived from corn-based
free radical damage by this vitamin.73 Vita- material, which may present problems for
min C acts as a substrate or cosubstrate for sensitive patients. Additional sources include
eight different enzymes that affect collagen potato, citrus, Acerola cherry, and sago palm.
synthesis, carnitine synthesis, catecholamine Salts of ascorbic acid (sodium, magnesium,
synthesis, peptide amidation, and tyrosine potassium, and calcium) are commonly used
metabolism. in supplementation.
In collagen synthesis, vitamin C helps Food sources of vitamin C include Acerola
form hydroxyproline from proline. Thus, vi- cherries, red chili peppers, green peppers,

guavas, pap-aya, oranges, cantaloupe, broc- about 300 mg. Scurvy is rare in the United
coli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, grapefruit, States. Fatigue is one of the first deficiency
and strawberries. Vitamin C content declines signs of vitamin C deficiency. Other signs
rapidly in foods once they’ve been picked or associated with vitamin C insufficiency in-
sliced. Thus, fresh foods eaten immediately clude bleeding gums, sublingual hemorrhages,
after harvest are the richest sources. For addi- impaired wound healing, joint pain, loose
tional sources and amounts, see Table 5.12. teeth, easy bruising, frequent infections, and
cardiovascular disease.
Therapeutic considerations Vitamin C is helpful in supporting certain
Scurvy is the classic deficiency disease associ- activities of the immune system including en-
ated with vitamin C. This disease occurs hancement of white blood cell activity and
when the total body pool of vitamin C falls to the production of immune-mediating chemi-

TABLE 5.12 Ascorbic Acid Content of Certain Foods

Milligrams (mg) per 3 1/2 oz

Acerola 1300 Liver, calf 36

Peppers, red chili 369 Turnips 36
Guavas 242 Mangoes 35
Peppers, red sweet 204 Asparagus 33
Kale leaves 186 Cantaloupes 33
Parsley 172 Swiss chard 32
Collard leaves 152 Green onions 32
Turnip greens 139 Liver, beef 31
Peppers, green sweet 128 Okra 31
Broccoli 113 Tangerines 31
Brussels sprouts 102 New Zealand spinach 30
Mustard greens 97 Oysters 30
Watercress 79 Lima beans, young 29
Cauliflower 78 Black-eyed peas 29
Persimmons 66 Soybeans 29
Cabbage, red 61 Green peas 27
Strawberries 59 Radishes 26
Papayas 56 Raspberries 25
Spinach 51 Chinese cabbage 25
Oranges & juice 50 Yellow summer squash 25
Cabbage 47 Loganberries 24
Lemon juice 46 Honeydew melon 23
Grapefruit & juice 38 Tomatoes 23
Elderberries 36
Vitamins 131

cals. When the body is under a great deal of cent review of 20,000 patients found no cases
stress, both emotional and environmental, vi- of stones associated with vitamin C use.81
tamin C may be excessively excreted, and
greater intake may be necessary to maintain Functional medicine considerations
immune function and the other vitamin C Vitamin C insufficiency should be suspected
functions.76 when the patient is fatigued, especially if ec-
Because vitamin C can regenerate vitamin chymoses or petechiae accompany the fa-
E, it is important to consider its inclusion in tigue. After ruling out other possible causes
any therapeutic antioxidant combination. of these symptoms, including blood patholo-
Levin et al. have suggested that adults re- gies, vitamin C support should be considered.
ceive at least 200 mg/day of vitamin C and Other possible symptoms of vitamin C
that an “upper safe” recommendation be set insufficiency include gingivitis, poor wound
at 1000 mg/day.77 However, many clinicians healing, a history of recurrent infections and
have observed benefits using doses ranging colds, amino acid imbalances, and follicular
from 1000 to 20,000 mg daily. Rea reports hyperkeratosis, especially on the buttocks
on the use of large doses of vitamin C for sev- and lower extremities.82
eral months with notable clinical benefit.78

Safety and toxicity THE FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS

Vitamin C is considered extremely safe. Sug-
Vitamin E
gested problems of rebound scurvy, destruc-
tion of vitamin B12, and other complications Structure
have not been supported by data. However, Vitamin E is a general designation given to a
individuals with glucose-6-phosphate dehy- family of compounds consisting of eight dif-
drogenase deficiency have been shown to ex- ferent vitamers. Four of these compounds,
perience red cell hemolysis upon intravenous known as tocopherols, consist of a chromane
administration of large doses of vitamin C.79 ring and a saturated side chain. The natural
Individuals who are homozygous for hemo- tocopherols are designated alpha, beta,
chromatosis may experience increased iron gamma, and delta. Four other vitamers are
uptake with vitamin C ingestion. It is not known as tocotrienols. These are structurally
known whether those who are heterozygous similar, with the exception being unsaturated
experience problematic increased iron uptake. side chains. They too are labeled alpha, beta,
While concerns have been raised over the a gamma, and delta (Figure 5.12).
bility of vitamin C to cause renal stones, a re- Alpha tocopherol is considered the most
view by The New York Academy of Sciences bioactive. Beta tocopherol possesses 25 to
showed this was not a problem.80 A more re- 50 percent bioactivity, gamma tocopherol has

CH 3 CH 3 CH 3
R2 O CH 3

CH 3



Compound R1 R2 R3
α-tocopherol CH3 CH CH3
β-tocopherol CH3 H CH3
γ-tocopherol H CH3 CH3
δ-tocopherol H H CH3

FIGURE 5.12 Vitamin E molecules (tocopherols)

10 to 35 percent bioactivity, and alpha to- into chylomicrons (primarily hepatocytes) for
cotrienol has roughly 30 percent.83 The an- transport. The hepatocytes are responsible for
tioxidant activity of the vitamers is in the vitamin E incorporation into very-low-density
following order of greatest to least: 84 lipoproteins, which transport it to other tis-
alpha tocopherol sue.85 Vitamin E is stored in adipose tissue, but
beta tocopherol its primary site is the lipid membrane of cells.
alpha tocotrienol
gamma tocopherol Functions
delta tocopherol The primary function of vitamin E is to pre-
vent peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids
Absorption that form the structural component of phos-
Vitamin E found in the diet is primarily alpha pholipid membranes. Cells with a high con-
and gamma tocopherols. These compounds tent of polyunsaturated fatty acids have a
must be acted on by bile acids from the liver. high vitamin E requirement and are particu-
Absorption then occurs in cells of the intesti- larly susceptible to oxidative damage. Those
nal mucosa by passive diffusion or in micelles. with high polyunsaturate content include ery-
Like dietary fats, vitamin E is incorporated throcytes, neurons, and lung epithelium.
Vitamins 133

These are all tissues with high oxygen expo- pheryl acetate, or d-alpha tocopheryl succi-
sure. Phagocytic cells must also possess rich nate—which are considered natural forms of
stores of vitamin E to protect against auto- alpha tocopherol. Synthetic forms are desig-
oxidation by the oxidants produced in the nated dl-. Thus, dl-alpha tocopherol contains
respiratory burst. a racemic mixture of the natural d-form and
Vitamin E also plays a role in protecting vi- the synthetic l-form. D-forms are generally
tamin A and increasing its storage.86 It should preferred in clinical practice, while natural
be noted that vitamin C can regenerate the to- vitamin E supplements ideally contain the
copheroxyl radical, restoring vitamin E to its other vitamers, including gamma, beta, and
normal antioxidant state. The ability of one an- delta tocopherol. A mixture of the tocotri-
tioxidant to regenerate another reflects the in- enols is also desirable.
terdependence among antioxidant nutrients. Vitamin E is contained in highest
Antioxidants, therefore, are best given in con- amounts in plant foods, especially the oils of
junction with others rather than individually. seeds and nuts (Table 5.13). Wheat germ is an
excellent source of vitamin E. Green leafy
Sources vegetables also contain vitamin E. Animal
Vitamin E is generally available as the d- flesh is not a good source of vitamin E, as it is
isomers—d-alpha tocopherol, d-alpha toco- concentrated in the fatty portion of the ani-

TABLE 5.13 Vitamin E Content of Certain Foods

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams (g)

Wheat germ oil 216.0 Bran 3.0

Sunflower seeds 90.0 Asparagus 2.9
Sunflower seed oil 88.0 Salmon 2.5
Safflower oil 72.0 Brown rice 2.5
Almonds 48.0 Rye, whole 2.3
Sesame oil 45.0 Rye bread, dark 2.2
Peanut oil 34.0 Pecans 1.9
Corn oil 29.0 Wheat germ 1.9
Wheat germ 22.0 Rye & wheat crackers 1.9
Peanuts 18.0 Whole wheat bread 1.4
Olive oil 18.0 Carrots 1.0
Soybean oil 14.0 Peas .99
Peanuts, roasted 13.0 Walnuts .92
Peanut butter 11.0 Bananas .88
Butter 3.6 Eggs .83
Spinach 3.2 Tomatoes .72
Oatmeal 3.0 Lamb .29

mal. Cooking or processing foods can sub- risk for age-related disorders might be con-
stantially lower vitamin E amounts. Vitamin sidered a vitamin E deficiency disease.89
E supplements are sometimes made from the Therapeutic range for vitamin E is 100 to
byproducts of vegetable oil refining.87 1,200 IU per day. Increased intake of polyun-
saturated fatty acids necessitates an increase
Therapeutic considerations in vitamin E intake.
Vitamin E has been employed in a variety of
conditions in which antioxidant activity or lipid Safety and toxicity
membrane repair is needed. Conditions include Vitamin E is considered one of the safest vita-
neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s dis- mins. Some hypertensives may experience in-
ease, tardive dyskinesia, immunosuppression, creased blood pressure with increasing vitamin
intermittent claudication, mitochondrial oxida- E intake. Gradual increase in dose is recom-
tive phosphorylation disorders, macular degen- mended. Patients on anticoagulants should
eration, infertility, myopathy, epilepsy, diabetes, use vitamin E with caution as vitamin E may
autoimmune disorders, liver disease, periodon- augment anticoagulant activity. The effect of
tal disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and others. long-term ingestion of synthetic (l-form) vita-
Deficiencies in vitamin E are difficult to di- min E is unknown.
agnose, as the range of actions of this vitamin
is quite diverse. For example, a patient may Functional medicine considerations
have a hemorrhage resulting from the loss of If vitamin E availability is insufficient, the
integrity of red blood cell membrane and de- patient may present with a history of expo-
pend upon vitamin E for protection from sure to free-radical promoting agents. The
lipid peroxidation. Any physiologic processes history may also indicate difficulty digesting
that depend on the integrity of the cellular and absorbing fatty foods. If other symptoms
membrane may also be disrupted with an in- of malabsorption are present (such as gluten-
sufficient supply of vitamin E. Insufficient vi- sensitive enteropathy), vitamin E insuffi-
tamin E may also result in DNA damage and ciency should be suspected as well. The
decreased energy production from the mito- patient may also complain of weakness or
chondria, a process that is particularly sus- poor coordination.
ceptible to oxidant damage. In a developing In situations in which oxidative stress is
baby, the effects of a vitamin E deficiency on suspected, antioxidant combinations, includ-
the nervous system may include reduced or ing vitamin E, should be considered in nutri-
absent deep tendon reflexes, impaired vibra- tional support. Oxidative stress can cause
tory sensation, and other posterior column destruction of membrane lipids through for-
abnormalities.88 mation of radicals (Figure 5.13). Susceptibility
Vitamin E’s role as an antioxidant has to infections, poor wound healing, and fatigue
raised speculation about whether a higher may all be signs of vitamin E insufficiency.
Vitamins 135

Oxidative damage
Healthy lipid Peroxide Vitamin E controls Lipid

attacked by formation. formation of health

ROS. peroxides. is restored.

O 2•

Superoxide •OO HOO



H2O2 R


Catalase Glutathione peroxidase / transferase



Cell membrane R HO


FIGURE 5.13 Role of Vitamin E in oxidative stress reactions


Vitamin A The carotenoids in the diet are much more de-

pendent on the presence of fat in the meal
Structure than is preformed vitamin A (primarily from
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient generally animal tissue).91
identified as all-trans retinol (Figure 5.14). The Provitamin carotenoids, including beta-
vitamin A family includes the aldehydes retinal carotene, undergo oxidative cleavage to pro-
and retinoic acid. The carotenoids are another duce, ultimately, all-trans retinal. Reduction
group of nutrients in the vitamin A family. Al- and acylation of this molecule produces the
though carotenoids are widespread in nature, retinyl ester. The retinyl ester is incorporated
less than 10 percent have vitamin A activity. into chylomicrons for transport. Vitamin A is
Of these, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and stored primarily in the liver. About 80 to 90
gamma-carotene have the highest activity. percent of vitamin A is absorbed from an oral
dose, while 5 to 50 percent of beta-carotene
Absorption is absorbed.92,93
Preformed vitamin A exists in the retinyl
form. Once proteolysis releases preformed Functions
vitamin A and carotenoids from food, they The primary functions of vitamin A are re-
are micellized and absorbed in the intestines.90 lated to vision, immune function, bone devel-

FIGURE 5.14 Vitamin A (all-trans retinol) molecule

Vitamins 137

opment, cellular differentiation, growth, and 100,000 IU per day for one to two days) are
reproduction. Vitamin A is also required for used for a short period in instances such as
detoxification of xenobiotics such as PCBs these.95,96
and dioxin. Epithelial tissue cannot be prop- Diabetics have a decreased ability to
erly maintained without sufficient vitamin A. change carotene into retinol. Thus, low-grade
Thus all mucous membranes, the cornea of deficiencies may develop within individuals
the eye, the skin, and all organs in which tis- with diabetes mellitus.97 Other problems that
sue turnover is great rely on vitamin A. If vi- may occur in vitamin A-deficient individuals
tamin A status is not adequate, keratin may include weight loss and anorexia, decreased
be secreted in these tissues, rendering them steroid synthesis, and poor tooth and bone
hard, dry, and unable to carry out normal function. During an infection, vitamin A
functions. The result is a greater susceptibil- stores are soon depleted. If not replaced, the
ity to infection.94 infection can worsen. Exposure to toxic
chemicals requires increased vitamin A intake
Sources because of increased use in the function of
The richest food sources of vitamin A are xenobiotic detoxification.98
liver, egg yolks, whole milk, butter, and fish Vitamin A may also be useful in skin dis-
liver. Carotenes are found in dark-green leafy orders related to hyperkeratosis, such as acne
vegetables and yellow and orange vegetables, and psoriasis. The carotenes have shown
such as squash, yams, sweet potatoes, and some promise in the prevention of both can-
carrots. For additional sources and amounts, cer and cardiovascular disease, as well as in
see Table 5.14. enhancement of immune function. An insuffi-
cient level of beta-carotene has also been
Therapeutic considerations linked with increased vaginal candidiasis.99
The therapeutic range is 4000 IU for adult fe- Most carotenoids can serve as singlet oxygen
males, 5000 IU for adult males. The designa- quenchers and as antioxidants.100
tion IU (international unit) has been replaced
with retinol equivalent. One microgram of Safety and toxicity
retinol equals one retinol equivalent. Vitamin A is well known for its potential for
Signs and symptoms of vitamin A defi- toxicity; however, only an estimated 200 cases
ciency include night blindness, poor dark of vitamin A toxicity are reported worldwide
adaptation, follicular hyperkeratosis, poor each year.101 Because of teratogenic effects, vi-
wound healing, dry eyes, and infection sus- tamin A should not be used in doses above the
ceptibility. Vitamin A has been used success- RDA during pregnancy.
fully in the treatment of infections, such as Patients with liver disease are susceptible
measles in childhood. High doses (50,000 to to vitamin A toxicity and should be moni-

TABLE 5.14 Vitamin A Content of Certain Foods

IU per 3 1/2 oz

Liver, lamb 50,500 Whitefish 2,260

Liver, beef 43,900 Green onions 2,000
Liver, calf 22,500 Romaine lettuce 1,900
Peppers, red chili 21,600 Papayas 1,750
Dandelion greens 14,000 Nectarines 1,650
Liver, chicken 12,100 Prunes 1,600
Carrots 11,000 Pumpkin 1,600
Apricots, dried 10,900 Swordfish 1,580
Collard greens 9,300 Cream, whipping 1,540
Kale 8,900 Peaches 1,330
Sweet potatoes 8,800 Acorn squash 1,200
Parsley 8,500 Eggs 1,180
Spinach 8,100 Chicken 1,080
Turnip greens 7,600 Cherries, sour red 1,000
Mustard greens 7,000 Butterhead lettuce 970
Swiss chard 6,500 Asparagus 900
Beet greens 6,500 Tomatoes, ripe 900
Chives 5,800 Peppers, green chili 770
Butternut squash 5,700 Kidneys 690
Watercress 4,900 Green peas 640
Mangoes 4,800 Elderberries 600
Peppers, sweet red 4,450 Watermelon 590
Hubbard squash 4,300 Rutabagas 580
Cantaloupe 3,400 Brussels sprouts 550
Butter 3,300 Okra 520
Endive 3,300 Yellow cornmeal 510
Apricots 2,700 Yellow squash 460
Broccoli spears 2,500

tored when they are taking the vitamin. Oral time may increase bone fracture rate.102 In this
contraceptives significantly elevate plasma analysis, however, beta-carotene intake was
vitamin A levels. In an individual with a not associated with increased fracture risk.
healthy liver, doses should be considered po- Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include
tentially toxic if they exceed 50,000 IU a day weight loss, appetite loss, dry shedding skin,
for several years. hair loss, fatigue, bone pain, headache, irri-
Emerging evidence from epidemiological tability, increased intracranial pressure (bulg-
studies suggests a diet high in vitamin A ing fontanels in infants), and joint pain. Most
[greater than 3000 IU vitamin A (retinol/ signs of toxicity subside once vitamin A in-
retinal) per day] over a sustained period of take is discontinued.
Vitamins 139

Functional medicine considerations is known as calcitriol or 1,25 dihydroxy-

In situations in which vitamin A is insuffi- cholecalciferol. Vitamin D remains stable with
cient, the patient’s history may indicate fa- heat and oxidation.103 The structure is shown
tigue, poor fat absorption and metabolism, in Figure 5.15.
symptoms of steroid hormone dysfunction,
or poor night vision. There may be a history Absorption
of recurrent infections or the inability to fight Vitamin D is not required in the diet if there is
off colds. sufficient sunlight to allow the production of
In the presence of possible vitamin A tox- vitamin D from provitamin D molecules in
icity (headache, fatigue, emotional lability, the skin. This process may be hampered by
and dry skin), a patient should be asked skin pigments and keratin or other sub-
about all supplements that may contain vita- stances that block UV light.104 The molecule
min A, and his or her history of taking the sup- produced by this photochemical reaction
plement. Patient history should be explored is converted in the liver to 25, hydroxychol-
carefully for exposure to environmental toxins ecalciferol (25-(OH)D3). The kidney then
in the home, workplace, or elsewhere. A his- converts 25-(OH)D3 to 1,25 dihydroxychole-
tory or current evidence of liver pathology calciferol (1,25-(OH)2D3), the active form of
may warrant investigation into vitamin A in- vitamin D. Boron may be important in con-
tolerance or insufficiency. A woman who pre- verting 25-(OH)D3 to 1,25-(OH)2D3. Para-
sents with a history of recurrent yeast vaginitis
should be questioned about dietary sources
of vitamin A and about her fat digestion. On
examination, the teeth may be crooked, and 18

the mouth may be dry. There may be dry

patches on the conjunctivae. The skin may 13
show hyperkeratosis. 9

Vitamin D 7

CH 2
Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is a sec- 8
osteroid. Its designation as vitamin D was
based on its role as a dietary factor that aided 3 1

in the cure of rickets. Currently, it is thought OH

that vitamin D is more hormone-like in its ac-

FIGURE 5.15 Vitamin D3 molecule
tion and not a true vitamin. The active form

thyroid hormone will stimulate synthesis of TABLE 5.15 Vitamin D Content of Certain Foods
1,25-(OH)2D3 in kidneys when blood cal- IU* per 100 grams

cium levels are low.105 Vitamin D metabolism Sardine, canned 500

is depicted in Figure 5.16. Salmon 350
Tuna 250
Functions Shrimp 150
Butter 90
Many tissues possess receptors for this
Sunflower seeds 90
hormone-like vitamin. The primary roles of Liver 50
calcitriol are regulation of calcium and phos- Eggs 50
phorus absorption in the intestine, parathy- Milk, fortified 40
roid-directed regulation of calcium balance, Mushrooms 40
Natural cheese 30
and stimulation of bone cell mineralization.
This last function may be due to vitamin D’s *40 IU = 1 microgram
ability to promote calcium uptake by osteo-
clasts and osteoblasts. Emerging data indicate
that vitamin D may be extremely important in Therapeutic considerations
immune function. Many more functions of vi- The primary signs associated with vitamin D
tamin D will be clarified in the coming years. deficiency are rickets in children and osteoma-
lacia in adults. Prior to the advent of vitamin
Sources D fortification, these disorders were some-
The most common supplemental form is vita- what common. Today they are rare. Presently,
min D2 (ergocalciferol). Calcitriol (1,25- vitamin D deficiency is most notable in the el-
(OH)2D3) is prescribed for those with renal derly and in individuals who may receive in-
disease, since such patients are unable to con- adequate sunlight stimulation. In fact, vitamin
vert vitamin D2 to this active form. Vitamin D levels in blood decline measurably as the
D from animal foods occurs in liver, eggs, season progresses from fall to winter.
fatty fish, butter, and fortified foods like It should be noted that in individuals
milk. Vegetables are low in vitamin D. How- with poor fat absorption, vitamin D may be
ever, the common plant sterol ergosterol can deficient (e.g., with gluten-sensitive enteropa-
be activated by irradiation to vitamin D2. thy), as the vitamin will be found in the steat-
Ten minutes of summer sun exposure to the orrheic stool of these individuals.107
face and hands results in the endogenous pro-
duction of roughly 400 IU of cholecalcif- Safety and toxicity
erol.106 For additional sources and amounts, A high level of vitamin D from endogenous
see Table 5.15. synthesis due to sunlight exposure is closely
Vitamins 141

Food Intake
Ultraviolet Light

Intestines Skin
Cholecalciferol 7-dihydroxycholesterol


Calcium absorption Liver





Calcium resorption
promotion Calcium resorption

FIGURE 5.16 Vitamin D metabolism


regulated and does not produce toxicity.108 1 diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and per-
Early uses of vitamin D (2,000 to 3,000 sistent, nonspecific musculoskeletal pain.109,110
IU/day) for the purpose of infant feeding re-
sulted in soft-tissue calcification and other se-
vere complications. Formerly, large single Vitamin K
doses of vitamin D or prolonged modest doses
(>1200 IU/day) were thought to be problem-
The term vitamin K describes compounds
atic. In adults, vitamin D dosages are cur-
possessing a 1,4-napthaquinone ring. Phyllo-
rently being researched at much higher levels.
quinone (K1) is a naturally occurring form of
vitamin K found in plants. Menaquinone
Functional medicine considerations (K2) is a variant form synthesized by bacteria
Patients who live in areas with minimum sun- and found in animal foods. Menadione (K3)
light or who are seldom exposed to the sun is a synthetic form of vitamin K that must be
(such as those in nursing homes) should be alkylated for use by the body. Structures are
evaluated for vitamin D deficiency. Any history shown in Figure 5.17.
of liver or kidney disorder should also be taken
into consideration when assessing the effects of Absorption
vitamin D status on the individual’s health. Absorption of vitamin K, like that of other
Patients should be questioned about all fat-soluble vitamins, depends on normal fat
sources of vitamin D, including all supple- absorption. Vitamin K is absorbed in the
ments that contain the vitamin. Many indi- upper two-thirds of the small intestine and is
viduals take a multitude of supplements, and transported in chylomicrons. Integrity of
they may be unaware of the amount of vita- colonic microflora is important for mainte-
min D they are actually taking in. nance of vitamin K status. It has been esti-
Individuals with problems related to mated that bacterial manufacture of vitamin
parathyroid function should also be assessed, K may account for up to 50 percent of vita-
as there may be a breakdown of the feedback min K needs.111 Thus, both exogenous and
mechanism for decreased blood calcium levels, endogenous sources are necessary to preserve
prompting a failure of the kidneys to respond vitamin K levels. Menaquinones produced in
to the additional need. The complex endocrine the gut are absorbed via a mechanism that is
interactions of this vitamin make it important not yet clearly understood.112
to consider its role in the health of several
organ systems (GI, liver, kidney, and integu- Functions
mentary). Recently published research has ex- The primary function of vitamin K is to aid in
panded the important functional interactions the formation of clotting factors and bone pro-
of Vitamin D in the prevention of cancers, type teins. The clotting factors include: factor II
Vitamins 143





0 6

FIGURE 5.17 Vitamin K molecule

(prothrombin), factor VII, factor IX, and fac- Water-soluble and fat-soluble forms of
tor X. The carboxylation of these factors en- chlorophyll-derived vitamin K are available
ables the formation of calcium-binding sites in (Table 5.16). Fat-soluble chlorophyll appears
necessary blood clotting. Vitamin K’s carboxy- to provide the broadest benefit.
lation function also helps form osteocalcin, a
calcium-binding protein necessary for the min- Therapeutic considerations
eralization of bone. Antagonists to biological The primary uses of vitamin K are hemor-
activity of vitamin K include Coumadin (from rhagic disease prevention in newborns and
sweet clover) and heparin.113 correction of vitamin K deficiency induced by
antibiotic drugs or disruption of intestinal
Sources bacteria. A 1994 report suggests the use of vi-
The most common supplemental form is vita- tamin K in the clinical management of menor-
min K1, often derived from chlorophyll. rhagia.142 As a result of the role vitamin K

TABLE 5.16 Vitamin K Content of Certain Foods

IU per 3 1/2 oz

Turnip greens 650 Whole wheat 17

Broccoli 200 Green beans 14
Lettuce 129 Pork 11
Cabbage 125 Eggs 11
Liver, beef 92 Corn oil 10
Spinach 89 Peaches 8
Watercress 57 Beef 7
Asparagus 57 Liver, chicken 7
Cheese 35 Raisins 6
Butter 30 Tomato 5
Liver, pork 25 Milk 3
Oats 20 Potato 3
Green peas 19

plays in osteocalcin synthesis and bone forma- Safety and toxicity

tion, long-term vitamin K insufficiency may Phylloquinone produces no signs of toxicity
impair bone integrity and growth. Patients even when given in large amounts. However,
with secondary fractures due to osteoporosis the synthetic vitamin K3 (menadione) binds
demonstrated low levels of vitamin K.115 with sulfhydryl groups such as those found in
A subclinical deficiency of vitamin K the tripeptide glutathione. Glutathione may
may be difficult to detect since the clotting become oxidized and result in oxidation of
mechanism would not be affected. Diets low membrane phospholipids.118 Excess of vita-
in dark green, leafy vegetables quite likely re- mins A and E antagonize vitamin K. Adminis-
sult in subclinical deficiencies.116 It is uncom- tration of vitamin K may antagonize the action
mon to find frank deficiencies of this vitamin of anticoagulant drugs such as Coumadin.
because of its synthesis by intestinal bacte-
rial. Long-term salicylate use may increase Functional medicine considerations
the need for vitamin K. The vitamin may be Although diet does not play a major role in
used in osteoporosis and menorrhagia, given vitamin K status with regard to frank defi-
its activities in bone mineralization and in ciencies, a patient’s gastrointestinal health
clotting.117 should be explored. Problems with fat ab-
Therapeutic doses of vitamin K com- sorption, general malabsorption, or bacterial
monly range from 100 to 500 mcg/day. Infants imbalances may lead the clinician to suspect
typically receive a one-time IM dose of 1 mg to decreased vitamin K levels in light of any
prevent hemorrhagic disease. signs or symptoms of vitamin K deficiency.
Vitamins 145

If a patient is on any medications that an- The complex interactions of vitamins in di-
tagonize vitamin K activity or are antago- gestion, absorption, synthesis, and the activi-
nized by vitamin K, this should be noted for ties of other vitamins make it imperative that
both assessment and treatment. A history of the status of all vitamins be kept at levels nec-
easy bruising or recurrent menorrhagia essary for proper physiologic functioning.
should warrant consideration of vitamin K The intake of foods or substances that an-
status. If problems with bone mineralization tagonize the absorption or activity of one vita-
exist, vitamin K as well as the minerals min may ultimately show itself as a deficiency
needed for this process should be assessed. symptom of another vitamin. Gastrointestinal
Knowledge of the patient’s GI history, medi- dysfunction or imbalances in normal bacterial
cation, and supplementation intake are vital colonies may disrupt this weblike interplay of
to understanding the interactions of various active molecules and contribute to symptoms
substances on vitamin K status. not readily attributed to vitamin insufficiency.
It should not be assumed that consistent
intake of the DRIs of vitamins through food or
SUMMARY supplementation would alone rule out the pos-
Vitamins play an essential role in most sibility that a patient’s signs and symptoms are
metabolic processes governing human physi- related to vitamin insufficiency. The patient’s
ology. It is not as simple as stating that a par- history must be explored carefully, keeping the
ticular vitamin is needed for a single function. relationships of the vitamins in mind.

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Vitamin A intake and hip fractures among in Nutrition. Washington, DC: ILSI Press;
postmenopausal women. JAMA 2002;287: 1996:138.
47–54. 113. Garrison R. Somer E. Nutrition Desk Refer-
103. Garrison R, Somer E. Nutrition Desk Refer- ence. New Canaan, Conn: Keats Publishing;
ence. New Canaan, Conn: Keats Publishing; 1995:91.
1995:79. 114. Gubner R, Ungerleider HE. Vitamin K therapy in
104. Garrison R, Somer E. Nutrition Desk Refer- menorrhagia. South Med J. 1944;37: 556–558.
ence. New Canaan, Conn: Keats Publishing; 115. Bitensky L, Hart JP, Catterall A, et al. Circulat-
1995:79. ing vitamin K levels in patients with fractures. J
105. Garrison R, Somer E. Nutrition Desk Refer-
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116. Garrison R, Somer E. Nutrition Desk Refer-
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106. DeLuca HD. Vitamin D. NutrToday. 1993;
107. Garrison R. Somer E. Nutrition Desk Refer- 117. Murray M. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Sup-
ence. New Canaan, Conn: Keats Publishing; plements. Rocklin, Ca: Prima Publishing;
1995:81. 1996:57.
108. Webb AR. Hoick MF. The role of sunlight in 118. Esmon CT. Cell mediated events that control
cutaneous production of vitamin D3. Annu blood coagulation and vascular injury. Annu
Rev Nutr. 1988; 8:375–399. Rev Cell Biol. 1993;9:1–26.

UMAN PHYSIOLOGIC FUNCTION are considered “essential” are generally dis-
involves approximately 18 differ- cussed. As essential minerals, they are impor-
ent minerals. These inorganic sub- tant constituents of other essential nutrients
stances often play critical roles, such as acting and are needed for an important structural or
as coenzymes in a number of reactions. In ad- regulatory function. Essential minerals can-
dition to initiating or facilitating biochemical not be missing from the diet without defi-
reactions, minerals can alter electrical currents ciency symptoms appearing.1
to generate nerve impulses, open channels for Many minerals now considered essential
transport across otherwise selectively perme- have only been known to be critical to the diet
able cellular membranes, and initiate muscle since the early 20th century. Researchers are
contraction. Minerals can hold molecules to- still testing other minerals that may be essen-
gether to form carrier structures, vitamin tial, exploring safe and toxic mineral doses,
structures, or compounds that are part of hor- and investigating how the elements interact in
mones, and mineral content affects excretory the body. This chapter explores the roles of es-
and immune function. In fact, nearly every sys- tablished essential minerals by outlining each
tem in the body relies on these 18 inorganic mineral’s absorption and regulation pro-
substances to carry out normal physiologic cesses, functions, food sources, therapeutic
functions. considerations, and safety. Each discussion
While many more than 18 minerals play concludes with a functional medicine ap-
physiologic roles in the body, only those that proach to correcting mineral insufficiency.



Because minerals are required in relatively Major Minor

small amounts, they are classified as micronu- Calcium Arsenic
trients. They may be further categorized as Phosphorus Boron
those the body needs in quantities of 100 mg Magnesium Chromium
Potassium Cobalt
or more per day (major minerals) and those
Sodium Copper
requiring less intake (minor or trace miner- Chloride Fluoride
als), which the body needs in microgram Iodine
(mcg) amounts. Major minerals are present in Iron
the body in amounts greater than 5 grams; Manganese
trace minerals exist in amounts less than 5 Nickel
grams. Table 6.1 lists minerals generally clas- Selenium
sified as major or minor. Recommended Di- Silicon
etary Intakes (RDIs) for the most commonly Tin
supplemented minerals are provided in Table
6.2. (See Chapter 5 for a discussion of RDIs.)
Mineral intake varies based on an indi-
vidual’s dietary habits, gastrointestinal ab-
sorption, mineral content of the soil, and
influence of other substances or other miner- a critical role in nervous system function,
als. Although a diet may seem complete with blood clotting, and muscle contractions.3
regard to a particular mineral, poor absorp-
tion or other factors may result in low-level Absorption and Regulation
deficiency symptoms. In other cases, an excess Two processes are involved in the absorption
may occur from imbalanced intake of an an- of calcium through the intestines. In the duo-
tagonist mineral, or other underlying cause, denum and jejunum, an active transcellular
and create symptoms of overdose. However, process allows calcium to be absorbed. In the
the body attempts to maintain a balanced ileum, it is absorbed by a positive paracellu-
concentration of minerals in the absence of lar transport mechanism. The active process
interfering conditions or substances.2 is mediated by calcitriol (1, 25-dihydroxy-
cholecalciferol). Endogenous calcium is ex-
creted into the intestines. Its resorption
Calcium depends on the same factors responsible for
The body contains more calcium than any absorption. Urinary resorption of calcium de-
other mineral. Ninety-five to 99 percent of the pends on parathyroid hormone and calcitriol.4
body’s total calcium forms the mineral matrix These processes are all part of a complex sys-
of bone tissue. The other 1 to 5 percent plays tem of calcium regulation involving release,
Minerals 153

TABLE 6.2 Summary Table of the Dietary Recommended Intakes (DRIs) for Minerals
Note 1: Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) have not been set for all minerals for differ-
ent life stages. When an RDA is not available, the Adequate Intake (AI) is used for that vitamin
(denoted by an *). The Upper Limit (UL) indicates the level at which adverse events have been
noted. The UL has not been reported for many minerals and, in those cases, nd (not deter-
mined) is shown. For a more complete table see (accessed December 2003).
Note 2: The UL for magnesium is only representative of intake from supplemental sources
above the dietary intakes; the RDA and AI for magnesium represent recommended dietary

Mineral AGE RDA/AI* UL

Calcium Infants (0–12 mo) 210–270 mg/d* nd

Children (1–8 y) 500–800 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Children (9–18 y) 1300 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Adults (19–50 y) 1000 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Adults (> 50 y) 1200 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 1300 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 1000 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 1300 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 1000 mg/d* 2500 mg/d
Phosphorus Infants (0–12 mo) 100–275 mg/d* nd
Children (1–8 y) 460–500 mg/d 3000 mg/d
Children (9–18 y) 1250 mg/d 4000 mg/d
Adults (>19 y) 700 mg/d 4000 mg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 1250 mg/d 3500 mg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 700 mg/d 3500 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 1250 mg/d 4000 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 700 mg/d 4000 mg/d
Magnesium Infants (0–6 mo) 30 mg/d* nd
(See Note 2 above.) Infants (7–12 mo) 75 mg/d* nd
Children (1–3 y) 80 mg/d 65 mg/d
Children (4–8 y) 130 mg/d 110 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) 240 mg/d 350 mg/d
Males (14–18 y) 410 mg/d 350 mg/d
Males (>19 y) 400–420 mg/d 350 mg/d
Females (14–18 y) 360 mg/d 350 mg/d
Females (>19 y) 310–320 mg/d 350 mg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 400 mg/d 350 mg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 350 mg/d 350 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 360 mg/d 350 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 310 mg/d 350 mg/d

Mineral AGE RDA/AI* UL

Chromium Infants (0–6 mo) 0.2 mcg/d* nd

Infants (7–12 mo) 5.5 mcg/d* nd
Children (1–3 y) 11 mcg/d* nd
Children (4–8 y) 15 mcg/d* nd
Males (9–18 y) 25 mcg/d* nd
Males (19–50 y) 35 mcg/d* nd
Males (>50 y) 30 mcg/d* nd
Females (9–18 y) 21 mcg/d* nd
Females (19–50 y) 25 mcg/d* nd
Females (>50 y) 20 mcg/d* nd
Pregnancy (<18 y) 29 mcg/d* nd
Pregnancy (>18 y) 30 mcg/d* nd
Lactation (<18 y) 44 mcg/d* nd
Lactation (>18 y) 45 mcg/d* nd

Zinc Infants (0–6 mo) 2 mg/d* 4 mg/d

Infants (7–12 mo) 3 mg/d 5 mg/d
Children (1–3 y) 3 mg/d 7 mg/d
Children (4–8 y) 5 mg/d 12 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) 8 mg/d 23 mg/d
Males (14–18 y) 11 mg/d 34 mg/d
Males (>19 y) 11 mg/d 40 mg/d
Females (14–18 y) 9 mg/d 34 mg/d
Females (>19 y) 8 mg/d 40 mg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 12 mg/d 34 mg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 11 mg/d 40 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 13 mg/d 34 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 12 mg/d 40 mg/d

Copper Infants (0–12 mo) 200–220 mcg/d* nd

Children (1–3 y) 340 mcg/d 1000 mcg/d
Children (4–8 y) 440 mcg/d 3000 mcg/d
Children (9–13 y) 700 mcg/d 5000 mcg/d
Adolescents (14–18 y) 890 mcg/d 8000 mcg/d
Adults(>19 y) 900 mcg/d 10 000 mcg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 1000 mcg/d 8000 mcg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 1000 mcg/d 10 000 mcg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 1300 mcg/d 8000 mcg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 1300 mcg/d 10 000 mcg/d
Iodine Infants (0–12 mo) 110–130 mcg/d* nd
Children (1–8 y) 90 mcg/d 200–300 mcg/d
Children (9–13 y) 120 mcg/d 600 mcg/d

Minerals 155

Mineral AGE RDA/AI* UL

Adolescents (14–18 y) 150 mcg/d 900 mcg/d

Adults(>19 y) 150 mcg/d 1100 mcg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 220 mcg/d 900 mcg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 220 mcg/d 1100 mcg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 290 mcg/d 900 mcg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 290 mcg/d 1100 mcg/d
Iron Infants (0–6 mo) 0.27 mg/d* 40 mg/d
Infants (7–12 mo) 11 mg/d 40 mg/d
Children (1–3 y) 7 mg/d 40 mg/d
Children (4–8 y) 10 mg/d 40 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) 8 mg/d 40 mg/d
Males (14–18 y) 11 mg/d 45 mg/d
Males (>19 y) 8 mg/d 45 mg/d
Females (14–18 y) 15 mg/d 45 mg/d
Females (19–50 y) 18 mg/d 45 mg/d
Females (> 50 y) 8 mg/d* 45 mg/d
Pregnancy 27 mg/d 45 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 10 mg/d 45 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 9 mg/d 45 mg/d
Manganese Infants (0–6 mo) 0.003 mg/d* nd
Infants (7–12 mo) 0.6 mg/d* nd
Children (1–8 y) 1.2–1.5 mg/d* 2–3 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) 1.6–1.9 mg/d* 6 mg/d
Males (14–18 y) 2.2 mg/d* 9 mg/d
Males (>19 y) 2.2–2.3 mg/d* 11 mg/d
Females (14–18 y) 1.6 mg/d* 9 mg/d
Females (>19 y) 1.8 mg/d* 11 mg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 2.0 mg/d* 9 mg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 2.0 mg/d* 11 mg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 2.6 mg/d* 9 mg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 2.6 mg/d* 11 mg/d
Molybdenum Infants (0–12 mo) 2–3 mcg/d* nd
Children (1–3 y) 17mcg/d 300 mcg/d
Children (4–8 y) 22 mcg/d 600 mcg/d
Children (9–13 y) 34 mcg/d 1100 mcg/d
Adolescents (14–18 y) 43 mcg/d 1700 mcg/d
Adults(>19 y) 45 mcg/d 2000 mcg/d
Pregnancy (<18 y) 50 mcg/d 1700 mcg/d
Pregnancy (>18 y) 50 mcg/d 2000 mcg/d
Lactation (<18 y) 50 mcg/d 1700 mcg/d
Lactation (>18 y) 50 mcg/d 2000 mcg/d

Mineral AGE RDA/AI* UL

Selenium Infants (0–6 mo) 15 mcg/d* 45 mcg/d

Infants (7–12 mo) 20 mcg/d* 60 mcg/d
Children (1–3 y) 20 mcg/d 90 mcg/d
Children (4–8 y) 30 mcg/d 150 mcg/d
Children (9–13 y) 40 mcg/d 280 mcg/d
Adolescents (14–18 y) 55 mcg/d 400 mcg/d
Adults (>19 y) 55 mcg/d 400 mcg/d
Pregnancy 60 mcg/d 400 mcg/d
Lactation 70 mcg/d 400 mcg/d
Vanadium Infants (0–12 mo) nd nd
Children (1–18 y) nd nd
Adults (>19 y) nd 1.8 mg/d
Pregnancy nd nd
Lactation nd nd
Boron Infants (0 –12 mo) nd nd
Children (1–3 y) nd 3 mg/d
Children (4–8 y) nd 6 mg/d
Children (9–13 y) nd 11 mg/d
Adolescents (14–18 y) nd 17 mg/d
Adults (>18 y) nd 20 mg/d
Pregnancy (< 18 y) nd 17 mg/d
Pregnancy (> 18 y) nd 20 mg/d
Lactation (< 18 y) nd 17 mg/d
Lactation (> 18 y) nd 20 mg/d

resorption, and excretion. This system keeps an increase in bone resorption of calcium).
available calcium (outside the bone matrix) When enough calcium is in the blood, PTH
within optimal range. Calcium’s many impor- stops stimulating bone resorption.
tant regulatory functions require these mech- Calcium absorption may be impaired by
anisms for homeostasis. excess dietary fat. Excess dietary fiber, caffeine,
Calcium homeostasis is maintained with and ethanol may increase fecal excretion of cal-
help from parathyroid hormones (PTH), cal- cium. Excess dietary protein may increase renal
citonin (CT), and calcitriol. A negative feed- loss of calcium. Glucose and aspartame may
back mechanism regulates the production also increase urinary loss.6 Note that surprising
and secretion of these substances.5 PTH stim- results show some types of fiber may actually
ulates an increase in circulating calcium (with enhance absorption of calcium and other min-
Minerals 157

erals.7 High-protein foods may cause calcium but not in others.10 However, hypertensive
imbalance and increase bone demineralization. patients with insulin resistance have shown
Absorption of calcium is enhanced by an increase in insulin sensitivity with oral cal-
substances that increase its solubility, includ- cium supplementation.11 A positive correla-
ing hydrochloric acid, ascorbic acid, citric tion also exists between higher calcium levels
acid, glycine, and lysine. Substances that in- and some increased risks for myocardial in-
terfere with calcium absorption include farction (serum cholesterol, serum glucose,
phytic acid, oxalic acid, and cocoa.8 and hypertension).12

Functions Sources
The development of bone tissue and teeth re- Dairy is a major food source of calcium. How-
quires sufficient calcium intake, absorption, ever, a number of plants also contain high
and homeostatic mechanisms. The body goes levels of calcium, which is important to note
to great lengths to maintain adequate plasma because many individuals are sensitive to dairy.
levels of calcium, which may lead to the re- Cabbage family plants (e.g., kale and collards)
sorption of mineral from the bone matrix. have very absorbable calcium. Spinach, al-
Both striated (skeletal and cardiac) and though it has a rich supply of calcium, has ox-
smooth muscles require calcium to trigger ATP alic acid, which reduces calcium absorption.
for energy needed in the contraction process. Table 6.3 lists food sources of calcium, and
A number of neurotransmitters require cal- Table 6.4 lists sources of nondairy calcium.
cium for release at the synaptic cleft, which
enables nerve impulse transmission. Therapeutic considerations
Calcium helps regulate ion transport in Pregnant or lactating women require 1200
cell membranes. Within the cell itself, calcium mg of calcium per day. Calcium deficiencies
levels are tightly regulated by calmodulin, may seriously affect bone tissue because the
which ensures the appropriate composition body uses calcium from bone to maintain ad-
of fluids. equate blood levels. For children, deficiency
Lesser known functions of calcium are may result in rickets; for adults, osteomala-
its participation in blood-clotting, including cia. Teeth are not nearly as affected unless the
activation of prothrombin, conversion of fi- calcium deficiency occurs during their devel-
brinogen to fibrin,9 and activation of multiple opment.13 In addition to the effects on bone,
enzymes. a deficiency will result in a loss of other cal-
The role of calcium in maintaining nor- cium-dependent functions as well (e.g., con-
mal blood pressure is controversial. Supple- trol of muscle contractions). Thus, muscle
mentation with calcium has been effective in spasms, twitches, and hypertension may re-
reducing high blood pressure in some studies, sult from low calcium availability.14

TABLE 6.3 Food Sources of Calcium

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

1093 Kelp 51 Dried prunes

925 Swiss cheese 51 Pumpkin & squash seeds
750 Cheddar cheese 50 Cooked dry beans
352 Carob flour 49 Common cabbage
296 Dulse 48 Soybean sprouts
250 Collard leaves 46 Hard winter wheat
246 Turnip greens 41 Orange
245 Barbados molasses 39 Celery
234 Almonds 38 Cashews
210 Brewer’s yeast 38 Rye grain
203 Parsley 37 Carrot
200 Corn tortillas (lime added) 35 Quinoa
187 Dandelion greens 34 Barley
186 Brazil nuts 32 Sweet potato
151 Watercress 32 Brown rice
129 Goat’s milk 29 Garlic
128 Tofu 28 Summer squash
126 Dried figs 27 Onion
121 Buttermilk 26 Lemon
120 Sunflower seeds 26 Fresh green peas
120 Yogurt 25 Cauliflower
119 Beet greens 25 Lentils, cooked
119 Wheat bran 22 Corn meal, whole grain
118 Whole milk 22 Sweet cherry
114 Buckwheat, raw 22 Asparagus
110 Sesame seeds, hulled 22 Winter squash
106 Ripe olives 21 Strawberry
103 Broccoli 20 Millet
99 English walnut 19 Mung bean sprouts
94 Cottage cheese 18 Rye flour, dark
93 Spinach 18 Peanut butter
85 Filbert butter 17 Pineapple
73 Soybeans, cooked 16 Grapes
73 Pecans 16 Beets
72 Wheat germ 14 Cantaloupe
69 Peanuts 14 Jerusalem artichoke
68 Miso 13 Tomato
68 Romaine lettuce 12 Eggplant
67 Dried apricots 12 Chicken
66 Rutabaga 11 Orange juice
62 Raisins 10 Avocado
60 Black currant 10 Beef
59 Dates 9 Rye flour, light
57 Shrimp 9 Brown rice, cooked
56 Green snap beans 8 Banana
53 Sunflower seed butter 7 Apple
51 Globe artichoke 3 Sweet corn
Minerals 159

TABLE 6.4 Nondairy High-Calcium Foods

Approximate milligrams (mg) calcium content per 8 oz (1 cup)

Vegetables Fish

1093 Kelp 1000 Sardines, canned with bones

450 Mustard greens, cooked 680 Mackerel, canned with bones
450 Turnip greens, cooked 490 Salmon with bones
330 Bok choy, cooked 300 Raw oysters
320 Bean sprouts
260 Collard greens, cooked
250 Spinach, cooked

Nuts Grains

900 Sesame seeds 300 Tapioca, dried

660 Almonds
600 Chestnuts
450 Filberts 450 Soybeans, cooked
280 Walnuts 400 Tofu
260 Sunflower seeds 340 Garbanzo beans, cooked

Nut Butters Nut Milks

426 Sesame 400 Sesame butter (100 gm) + 2 Tbsp

270 Almond molasses + water
300 Almond (100 gm) + honey +
200 Filbert + maple syrup + water

Safety and toxicity Functional medicine considerations

Calcium toxicity is not generally a problem A patient diet history that includes excess caf-
since its levels in the body are so well regu- feine, alcohol, or both may suggest the possi-
lated and maintained within normal range. bility of insufficient calcium stores. Clinicians
Hypercalcemia can be a symptom and/or ef- should consider patient complaints of muscle
fect of certain diseases, and there is emerging cramps, twitches, or symptoms of hyperten-
research linking calcium intake exceeding sion (e.g., headache, dizziness) as possible
1500 mg/day with increased risk of advanced signs of this insufficiency.
and fatal prostate cancer. In patients who are A diet high in protein or fiber or both
consuming high levels of dietary calcium may contribute to excessive calcium excre-
and/or supplementing calcium at higher lev- tion. Elderly individuals, especially those fe-
els, monitoring calcium levels may be impor- males at high risk for osteoporosis, should
tant.15 have their calcium status assessed. Risks for

osteoporosis include family history of osteo- Energy is stored within the molecule adeno-
porosis, white or Asian heritage, small bone sine triphosphate (ATP). Serum phosphate
structure, short stature, lack of physical exer- levels help regulate calcitriol production.18
cise, nulliparity, smoking, and excess alcohol Calcium absorption may be affected by
intake. Low estrogen levels (typically present phosphorus intake, as noted previously.
in individuals with signs of early or normal However, unless the kidneys are not able to
menopause, excess exercise, or exceptional produce calcitriol sufficiently, calcium levels
leanness) may interfere with bone metab- remain normal because of the increased activ-
olism and increase calcium excretion.16 ity of homeostatic mechanisms. Phosphorus
A history of fractures, gastrointestinal concentration in plasma is about half that of
dysfunction, or even blood clotting problems calcium.
may also indicate that calcium has not been
absorbed adequately and that blood levels Absorption and regulation
may be low. Since blood levels are readily Regulation of phosphorus occurs through
maintained, a serum screening test indicating renal absorption, interaction with calcium,
abnormally high levels of calcium may indi- PTH, and vitamin D. While about 70 percent
cate problems in parathyroid hormone metab- of dietary intake is absorbed, it may be inhib-
olism or a neoplasm. However, chronically ited by excessive iron intake. Aluminum will
high or low serum calcium levels should not bind phosphorus in the intestine and prevent
be ignored when considering a possible cal- its absorption. Calcitonin lowers plasma lev-
cium imbalance. They should be examined in els of calcium and phosphorus. Urinary ex-
light of other blood parameters and signs and cretion is the primary regulatory mechanism
symptoms. Therapeutic intervention with cal- of phosphorus.19
cium and vitamin D may benefit patients with
bone density loss.17 Functions
Phosphorus is the source of metabolic energy,
which is stored in phosphate bonds. Phospho-
Phosphorus rus also helps regulate a number of enzymes
Another key inorganic component of bone and and participates in buffer systems within the
teeth is phosphorus. In addition to its role in body. Its role in the structure of every cell in
forming the mineral matrix of bone, phospho- the body makes phosphorus not only an im-
rus contributes to other critical life-maintain- portant molecule but also the second most
ing compounds. Examples of such molecules abundant mineral found in the human body.
include phospholipids, nucleic acids, cyclic The genetic code depends on the structure of
adenosine monophosphate, cyclic quinine nucleic acids of which phosphorus is an im-
monophosphate, and 2,3-disphosphoglycerate portant component. Development and repair
(regulates oxygen release from hemoglobin). of body tissue also depend on phosphorus.
Minerals 161

Numerous phosphorylation processes fast foods, or sodas. If so, consideration

help carry out cellular functions and enzy- should be given to the signs and symptoms of
matic reactions. Lipid metabolism relies on calcium insufficiency as outlined earlier. If the
phosphorus as well, and lipid-phosphorus patient consumes large amounts of antacids,
structures are important components of cell signs and symptoms of phosphorus defi-
membranes and nervous system structures.20 ciency should be carefully considered.

Animal tissues have an abundance of phos-
phorus. Individuals also get phosphorus from As with many vitamins and minerals, magne-
soft drinks and fast foods (often excessively). sium deficiency symptoms were first identi-
The result may be reduced calcium absorp- fied in patients having either underlying
tion, as noted above. Table 6.5 lists foods diseases or in those whose alcohol intake had
that contain phosphorus. caused serious depletion of the nutrient.
However, dysfunctions related to inadequate
Therapeutic considerations magnesium levels continue to be identified.
Deficiencies in phosphorus may result from Little doubt exists about magnesium’s partici-
excess calcium intake or vitamin D deficiency. pation in at least 300 intermediary enzymatic
Rickets can result from low serum phospho- reactions. For example, for glucose to pro-
rus as well as low serum calcium. Symptoms duce ATP, magnesium is needed in seven im-
of deficiency may include anorexia, weakness, portant enzymatic reactions. Magnesium is
fragile bones, and joint stiffness. Over con- also required in fatty acid synthesis and oxi-
sumption of antacids has been known to dation and in protein synthesis.
cause phosphorus deficiency because antacids Formation of cAMP requires magnesium
often inhibit absorption.21 as do over 100 protein kinase reactions. These
functions of magnesium also make it an im-
Safety and toxicity portant modulator of cardiac physiology.22
No toxic levels have been reported. Nonethe- Muscles contain 27 percent of all magnesium
less, imbalanced calcium levels may occur in the body, with bones containing 60 percent
with excessive intake of phosphorus. The (some of it bound to phosphate).
typical American diet, with high amounts of
soda drinks and fast food, can lead to excess Absorption and regulation
phosphorus-to-calcium ratios. Magnesium is best absorbed in the lower
small intestine and the colon by passive
Functional medicine considerations transport, facilitated diffusion, and active
A patient’s dietary history should be obtained cellular transport. How much magnesium is
to determine whether or not he or she is con- absorbed may therefore depend on how
suming high amounts of animal products, much was consumed, the needs of the body,

TABLE 6.5 Food Sources of Phosphorus

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

1753 Brewer’s yeast 78 Broccoli

1276 Wheat bran 77 Figs, dried
1144 Pumpkin & squash seeds 69 Yams
1118 Wheat germ 67 Soybean sprouts
837 Sunflower seeds 64 Mung bean sprouts
693 Brazil nuts 63 Dates
592 Sesame seeds, hulled 63 Parsley
554 Soybeans, dried 62 Asparagus
504 Almonds 59 Bamboo shoots
478 Cheddar cheese 56 Cauliflower
457 Pinto beans, dried 53 Potato with skin
409 Peanuts 51 Okra
400 Wheat 51 Spinach
380 English walnut 44 Green beans
376 Rye grain 44 Pumpkin
373 Cashews 42 Avocado
353 Beef liver 40 Beet greens
338 Scallops 39 Swiss chard
311 Millet 38 Winter squash
290 Barley, pearled 36 Carrot
289 Pecans 36 Onions
267 Dulse 35 Red cabbage
240 Kelp 33 Beets
239 Chicken 31 Radish
221 Brown rice 29 Summer squash
205 Eggs 28 Celery
202 Garlic 27 Cucumber
175 Crab 27 Tomato
152 Cottage cheese 26 Banana
150 Beef or lamb 26 Persimmon
119 Lentils, cooked 26 Eggplant
116 Mushrooms 26 Lettuce
116 Fresh peas 24 Nectarine
111 Sweet corn 22 Raspberries
101 Raisins 20 Grapes
93 Whole cow’s milk 20 Orange
88 Globe artichoke 17 Olives
87 Yogurt 16 Cantaloupe
80 Brussels sprouts 10 Apple
79 Prunes, dried 8 Pineapple
Minerals 163

intestinal transit time, and H2O absorption lar energy metabolism, transport across mem-
in the colon.23 Calcitriol does not seem to branes, and vascular tone. Blood vessels may
affect magnesium absorption and regula- contract excessively if magnesium is not
tion.24 The kidneys help regulate magnesium available. Magnesium supplementation has
concentrations by excreting it in response to been shown to decrease vasoconstriction in
changing plasma levels. Lactose as well as cerebral vascular accidents (CVAs).28
other carbohydrates may increase magne-
sium absorption. Alcohol and caffeine cause
an increase in urinary excretion but evi- Therapeutic considerations
dently do not affect the status unless they Deficient or insufficient magnesium may
are excessive.25 create a number of clinical signs and symp-
toms. Table 6.7 indicates a number of con-
ditions that may improve with magnesium
Functions supplementation.
Magnesium is necessary for muscle relaxation, Deficiencies are more likely to occur in el-
neuromuscular junction activity, protein syn- derly and pregnant populations and are often
thesis, fat synthesis, and energy production the result of decreased absorption or increased
(often complexed with ATP, ADP, or AMP). excretion. Signs and symptoms include weak-
Magnesium is also important in removing ness, heart irregularities, muscle cramps or
excess ammonia through its role in forming twitches, insomnia, mental confusion, fatigue,
urea.26 irritability, and decreased appetite.29
The functions of magnesium in the Studies have illustrated that low levels of
body relate primarily to its role as an enzy- magnesium exist in diabetics30 and in patients
matic cofactor or in energy molecule com- with systemic lupus erythematosus.31 In pa-
plexes. The Δ6 desaturase enzyme required in tients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes
the metabolism of fatty acids depends on (NIDDM), supplemental magnesium has been
magnesium. shown to improve cellular uptake of glucose
It may be that magnesium plays some by insulin.32
role in platelet aggregation, as evidenced by Magnesium supplementation may pre-
the increase in this activity in subjects with vent vasoconstriction of intracranial vessels
whom magnesium infusion was used. While after CVA (specifically subarachnoid hemor-
homeostatic changes occurred as a result, rhage).33 Magnesium was also found to lower
normal physiologic ranges remained.27 blood pressure in healthy subjects; this study
One of the enzymes in which magnesium speculated that the lowered blood pressure was
plays an important role is sodium/potassium due to the suppression of adrenergic activity
ATPase, which activates and regulates cellu- and to natriuresis. This same study observed an

improvement in serum lipid concentrations be- Sources

cause of an increase in lecithin-cholesterol Magnesium exists in whole grains, nuts and
acyltransferase (LCAT).34 legumes, and seafood. It is an important com-

TABLE 6.6 Food Sources of Magnesium

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

760 Kelp 37 Common beans, cooked

490 Wheat bran 37 Barley
336 Wheat germ 36 Dandelion greens
270 Almonds 36 Garlic
267 Cashews 35 Raisins
258 Blackstrap molasses 35 Fresh green peas
231 Brewer’s yeast 34 Potato with skin
229 Buckwheat 34 Crab
225 Brazil nut 33 Banana
220 Dulse 31 Sweet potato
184 Filberts 30 Blackberry
175 Peanuts 25 Beets
162 Millet 24 Broccoli
160 Wheat germ 24 Cauliflower
142 Pecan 23 Carrot
131 English walnut 22 Celery
115 Rye 21 Beef
111 Tofu 20 Asparagus
106 Beet greens 19 Chicken
90 Coconut meat, dry 18 Green pepper
88 Soybeans, cooked 17 Winter squash
88 Spinach 16 Cantaloupe
88 Brown rice 16 Eggplant
71 Dried figs 14 Tomato
65 Swiss chard 13 Cabbage
62 Apricots, dried 13 Grapes
58 Dates 13 Milk
57 Collard leaves 13 Pineapple
51 Shrimp 13 Mushroom
48 Sweet corn 12 Onion
45 Avocado 11 Orange
45 Cheddar cheese 11 Iceberg lettuce
41 Parsley 9 Plum
40 Prunes, dried 8 Apple
38 Sunflower seeds
Minerals 165

ponent of chlorophyll and is found in large TABLE 6.7 Conditions that May Involve
amounts in green vegetables. Magnesium sup- Magnesium Deficiency

plementation is best absorbed in small amounts Angina Glaucoma

throughout the day.35 Magnesium citrate and Asthma High blood pressure
magnesium glycinate are the most absorbable Cardiomyopathy Hypoglycemia
Cardiovascular disease Insulin resistance
forms of supplemental magnesium. Food Cardiac arrhythmia Intermittent
sources of magnesium are listed in Table 6.6. Congestive heart claudication
failure Kidney stones
Safety and toxicity Diabetes Migraines
Dysmenorrhea Osteoporosis
Diarrhea can result if more than 600 mg of
Fatigue Premenstrual
supplemental magnesium are taken per day. Fibromyalgia syndrome
Toxicity can result in more severe symptoms Stroke
including drowsiness, lethargy, and weak-
ness. The elderly, whose renal function may
be generally reduced, may be more likely to mune system disorders or inflammatory re-
have symptoms, especially because they often sponses should lead the clinician to consider a
consume large amounts of magnesium- magnesium insufficiency in part because of
containing antacids and laxatives. The cen- poor Δ6 desaturase activity.
tral nervous system can also be affected by If a patient’s history or lab results suggest
hypermagnesemia.36 insulin insensitivity, exploring magnesium lev-
els in cells may help remedy the situation. In
Functional medicine considerations addition, considering magnesium’s important
Several situations may indicate magnesium role, disorders of energy production indicated
insufficiency or excess. If patients are elderly, by fatigue, muscle weakness, depression, or
their history of taking antacids and laxatives sleep disruptions should prompt clinicians to
containing magnesium should be explored. investigate magnesium status.
Also, digestive problems resulting from myr-
iad causes, including poor dentition and fac-
tors interfering with magnesium absorption, Sodium, Chloride, and Potassium
should be considered. To better understand the role of these three
While these same concerns may arise in minerals (electrolytes), it is useful to describe
non-elderly individuals, any potential source the fluid compartments in the body. The extra-
of supplemental magnesium should also be cellular compartment in which cells are bathed
explored if magnesium excess is suspected makes up approximately one-third of the
(often indicated by diarrhea, somnolence, and body’s extracellular fluid (ECF). The other
lethargy). A history of allergies or other im- two-thirds resides inside cells (intracellular

fluids or ICF). The major solutes in the ECF Potassium exists primarily in the ICF. An
are sodium and chloride, while potassium is increase or decrease in ECF potassium concen-
the major component of the ICF. The percent- tration may result from increases or decreases
age of fluid constituents may change some- in potassium intake, increases or decreases in
what in various tissue types because of the potassium excretion from the kidneys, or a
varying H O concentrations.37 The differences shift in potassium concentration on the out-
represent important factors in regulatory and side or inside of the cellular membrane. Regu-
homeostatic mechanisms, including nerve lation of potassium occurs by mechanisms
transmission and muscle contractions. similar to those for sodium and chloride.

Absorption and regulation Functions

The upper small intestine is the site of great- As an important electrolyte, potassium passes
est absorption for these electrolytes. The across the cellular membrane fairly easily,
kidneys eliminate them, and balance is main- more easily than sodium. Potassium, as has
tained by regulatory mechanisms. Renal dis- been noted, participates in nerve transmis-
ease may interfere with renal elimination of sion, muscle contractions, glycogen and glu-
the electrolytes, whereas diarrhea, excessive cose metabolism, and maintenance of cellular
vomiting, or Addison’s disease (lack of min- integrity. Sodium also plays important roles
eral corticoids from the adrenal glands) may in transport of carbon dioxide, muscle con-
result in excess loss of electrolytes and subse- traction, nerve transmission, and amino acid
quent hypotension. If it is severe enough, transport.40
shock or even death may result.38
The absorption and renal excretion of Sources
sodium and chloride are controlled by active Potassium is found in many foods. Some of
and passive transport mechanisms. In addi- the better sources are potatoes, bananas, and
tion, salt appetite and thirst are behavioral other fruits (Table 6.8).
mechanisms that help in this regulation. Hor- Table salt is the major source of sodium,
mones that influence the balance of sodium, but other good sources of sodium exist as
chloride, and water include the renin- well (Table 6.9). American diets are often
angiotensin-aldosterone axis, vasopressin, and higher in foods containing sodium than those
others. The autonomic nervous system (sympa- containing potassium. Over time this can re-
thetic branch) also helps regulate sodium and sult in potassium insufficiencies and imbal-
chloride by altering blood flow through the ances in fluid concentrations (Table 6.10).
kidneys, releasing renin from juxtaglomerular
apparatus, or directly stimulating receptors in Therapeutic considerations
the renal tubules. Finally, renal mechanisms A potassium deficiency can result in changes
also help control sodium and chloride.39 in the central nervous system, muscle weak-
Minerals 167

ness, bradycardia, bone fragility, and even contribute to potassium loss; this same defi-
death. Situations that might result in potas- ciency also makes it difficult for the cells to
sium deficiencies include diarrhea, vomiting, regain potassium stores.41 Diabetes may re-
renal disease, aging, starvation, burns, and sult in loss of both potassium and sodium
some diuretics. If an individual is dehydrated, through increased urinary flow.42
there is the risk of increased loss of potassium A deficiency of sodium rarely occurs.
in the urine. A magnesium deficiency will Starvation, vomiting, or diarrhea may cause

TABLE 6.8 Food Sources of Potassium

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

8060 Dulse 295 Cauliflower

5273 Kelp 282 Watercress
920 Sunflower seeds 278 Asparagus
827 Wheat germ 268 Red Cabbage
773 Almonds 264 Lettuce
763 Raisins 251 Cantaloupe
727 Parsley 249 Lentils, cooked
715 Brazil nuts 244 Tomato
674 Peanuts 243 Sweet potato
648 Dates 234 Papaya
640 Figs, dried 214 Eggplant
604 Avocado 213 Green pepper
603 Pecans 208 Beets
600 Yams 202 Peach
550 Swiss chard 202 Summer squash
540 Soybeans, cooked 200 Orange
529 Garlic 199 Raspberries
470 Spinach 191 Cherries
450 English walnuts 164 Strawberry
430 Millet 162 Grapefruit juice
416 Beans, cooked 158 Grapes
414 Mushrooms 157 Onions
407 Potato with skin 146 Pineapple
382 Broccoli 144 Milk, whole
370 Banana 141 Lemon juice
370 Meats 130 Pear
369 Winter squash 129 Eggs
366 Chicken 110 Apple
341 Carrots 100 Watermelon
341 Celery 70 Brown rice, cooked
322 Radishes

TABLE 6.9 Food Sources of Sodium

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

3007 Kelp 49 Turnip

2400 Green olives 47 Carrot
1428 Dill pickles 47 Yogurt
828 Ripe olives 45 Parsley
747 Sauerkraut 43 Artichoke
700 Cheddar cheese 34 Dried figs
265 Scallops 30 Lentils, dried
229 Cottage cheese 30 Sunflower seeds
210 Lobster 27 Raisins
147 Swiss chard 26 Red cabbage
130 Beet greens 19 Garlic
130 Buttermilk 19 While beans
126 Celery 15 Broccoli
122 Eggs 15 Mushrooms
110 Cod 13 Cauliflower
71 Spinach 10 Onion
70 Lamb 10 Sweet potato
65 Pork 9 Brown rice
64 Chicken 9 Lettuce
60 Beef 6 Cucumber
60 Beets 5 Peanuts
60 Sesame seeds 4 Avocado
52 Water cress 3 Tomato
50 Whole cow’s milk 2 Eggplant

2132 Salt, 1 tsp.

1319 Soy sauce, 1 tbsp.

decreased sodium in the ECF, which causes ering effect on blood pressure.44 A deficiency
H2O to pass into the cell. Symptoms of this of chloride can also result from vomiting or
H2O toxicity include loss of appetite, muscle diarrhea. Acid/base disturbances can be a
twitching, and apathy. If both sodium and consequence of this situation.
H2O are lost in these situations, ECF fluids
diminish and low blood volume results. Mus- Safety and toxicity
cles may cramp, and veins may collapse Potassium is safe in excess except for individ-
under such circumstances.43 Potassium sup- uals with kidney disease. These patients may
plementation has been shown to have a low- experience disturbances of heart function
Minerals 169

TABLE 6.10 Foods with High Amounts of Added Sodium Chloride

Bouillon cubes Luncheon meats

Canned fish Meat tenderizers
Canned or frozen vegetables Packaged spice mixes
Canned or packaged soups Potato chips, corn chips, pretzels, etc.
Catsup, barbecue sauce Processed cheeses
Commercial peanut butter Salted crackers
Commercial salad dressings Salted nuts
Cured, smoked, or canned meats

from even normal potassium intake and may Chromium

need to restrict intake. Potassium intake may
also need to be restricted when the individual Absorption and regulation
takes potassium-sparing diuretics or ACE in- Very little chromium is absorbed. Chromium in
hibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme in- the diet as well as prior chromium status will
hibitors). High levels of potassium might also affect the absorption. Other substances that af-
result from adrenal dysfunction or rapid pro- fect its absorption include amino acids, ascor-
tein catabolism. bic acid, and starch—all of which increase its
absorption; zinc may decrease its absorption.
Functional medicine considerations Some medications can also affect chromium
The standard American diet ingested over a absorption (e.g., antacids may reduce absorp-
long period of time may account for some signs tion, while aspirin may increase it).45
and symptoms of potassium excess or potas-
sium deficiency. A history of renal problems or Functions
a recent history of excessive diarrhea or vomit- Chromium is the major component in glucose
ing should prompt clinicians to investigate elec- tolerance factor (GTF), along with niacin (vi-
trolyte status, especially if hypotension, muscle tamin B3) and the amino acids glycine, glu-
weakness, or heart disturbances are identified. tamic acid, and cysteine. Chromium, via GTF,
Sodium/potassium ratios should also be has a strong insulin-enhancing activity. The
considered when the patient has hyperten- mineral might help bind insulin to its receptors
sion. If a magnesium deficiency has been de- in the cellular membrane. Chromium may have
termined, especially in diabetes cases (due to an effect on lipid metabolism as well. Some
increased urine flow), potassium status studies show increases in high-density lipopro-
should be determined, as it may also be defi- tein cholesterol with chromium supplementa-
cient as a result. tion.46 The immune response may also benefit

from chromium, as it may decrease serum cor- due to its removal in the refining process.47
tisol and increase immunoglobulins. Chromium supplementation may help reduce
body fat.48
Chromium is found more in meats and whole Safety and toxicity
grains than in fruits or vegetables. Table 6.11 Chromium is very safe and can be tolerated
lists some sources of chromium. at amounts higher than the estimated safe
Therapeutic considerations
A chromium deficiency may result in elevated Functional medicine considerations
blood sugar and insulin levels. Cells may be- When taking a patient history and determin-
come less sensitive to insulin as a result. ing the cause of symptoms typical of de-
A highly refined diet is lower in chromium creased insulin sensitivity, clinicians should

TABLE 6.11 Food Sources of Chromium

Micrograms (mcg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

112 Brewer’s yeast* 11 Scallops

57 Beef, round 11 Swiss cheese
55 Calf’s liver* 10 Banana
42 Whole wheat bread* 10 Spinach
38 Wheat bran 10 Pork chop
30 Rye bread 9 Carrots
30 Fresh chili 8 Navy beans, dry
26 Oysters 7 Shrimp
24 Potatoes 7 Lettuce
23 Wheat germ 5 Orange
19 Green pepper 5 Lobster tail
16 Hen’s eggs 5 Blueberries
15 Chicken 4 Green beans
14 Apple 4 Cabbage
13 Butter 4 Mushrooms
13 Parsnips 3 Beer
12 Cornmeal 3 Strawberries
12 Lamb chop 1 Milk

Note: The above values show total chromium content of these foods and do not indicate the amount
that may be biologically active as the Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF). Those foods marked with an * are
high in GTF.
Minerals 171

examine the possibility of a chromium insuf- Sources

ficiency. Other components of GTF may also Oysters are a well-known source of zinc.
be insufficient. Therapeutic intervention would Zinc is also found in red meat and other shell-
then include all components. fish. While zinc is high in whole grains,
legumes, and nuts, it is not as absorbable from
these sources, due to its binding with phytic
acid.52 Table 6.12 lists good food sources of
Zinc is important to the functioning of many zinc.
enzymes. Zinc also assists in many hormone
activities (thymic hormones, growth hor- Therapeutic considerations
mones, and insulin).49 As a result, zinc is criti- Symptoms of zinc deficiency typically include
cal to immune function. skin changes, hair loss, recurrent infections,
and diarrhea. While it is not common to find
Absorption and regulation severe zinc deficiencies, simple zinc insuffi-
Zinc is primarily absorbed in the upper small ciencies are common. These may be associ-
intestine. The intestine also plays a key role in ated with sleep disturbances, slow wound
controlling how much zinc is absorbed based healing, dandruff, rheumatoid arthritis, re-
on previous absorption. Some endogenous duced appetite, and inflammatory bowel dis-
zinc may be released if there is an inadequate ease, among others. Minor skin disorders
amount of zinc in the intestines. Inorganic may also occur, such as acne or psoriasis.
iron in the diet may decrease zinc absorption, Rheumatoid arthritis patients have been
as may calcium supplements. Alcohol, infec- shown to have insufficient intake of zinc, cop-
tion, surgery, and other physiologic factors per, B6, and magnesium.53 Zinc has also been
may alter the absorption of zinc. Cytokines, found deficient in non-insulin-dependent dia-
especially interleukins 1 and 6, may affect zinc betics.54 Zinc may also help relieve the com-
metabolism by increasing its uptake by the mon cold; zinc lozenges have been used with
liver. Fecal zinc excretion helps maintain positive results in individuals with colds.55
homeostatic levels.50
Safety and toxicity
Functions Zinc supplementation should be kept at 15
As stated, zinc is a cofactor in a number of mg a day or below for general, chronic con-
enzymatic reactions. In addition, zinc is im- sumption. Short-term supplementation at
portant for protein and DNA synthesis, higher levels may be beneficial in certain pa-
wound healing, bone structure, immune func- tients, but should be kept below 80 mg per
tion, and skin oil gland function.51 Zinc is also day. If safe levels are not adhered to, a copper
important for healthy prostate tissue. deficiency anemia may result, because zinc

TABLE 6.12 Food Sources of Zinc

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

148.7 Fresh oysters 1.7 Haddock

6.8 Ginger root 1.6 Green peas
5.6 Ground round steak 1.5 Shrimp
5.3 Lamb chops 1.2 Turnips
4.5 Pecans 0.9 Parsley
4.2 Split peas, dry 0.9 Potatoes
4.2 Brazil nuts 0.6 Garlic
3.9 Beef liver 0.5 Whole wheat bread
3.5 Nonfat dry milk 0.4 Black beans
3.5 Egg yolk 0.4 Raw milk
3.2 Whole wheat 0.4 Pork chop
3.2 Rye 0.4 Corn
3.2 Oats 0.3 Grape juice
3.2 Peanuts 0.3 Olive oil
3.1 Lima beans 0.3 Cauliflower
3.1 Soy lecithin 0.2 Spinach
3.1 Almonds 0.2 Cabbage
3.0 Walnuts 0.2 Lentils
2.9 Sardines 0.2 Butter
2.6 Chicken 0.2 Lettuce
2.5 Buckwheat 0.1 Cucumber
2.4 Hazelnuts 0.1 Yams
1.9 Clams 0.1 Tangerine
1.7 Anchovies 0.1 String beans
1.7 Tuna
Black pepper, paprika, mustard, chili powder, thyme, and cinnamon are also high in zinc.

and copper compete for absorption. In addi- patient’s supplementation history should ex-
tion, too much zinc can result in a depressed plore zinc intake and copper intake. If the pa-
immune function.56 Toxic effects may include tient has a history of recurrent infections,
dizziness, vomiting, lethargy, and anemia. skin conditions, slow wound healing, or dis-
rupted inflammatory response, zinc status
Functional medicine considerations should be assessed.
If a patient is HIV positive, a clinician should
consider that zinc has been shown to be defi-
cient in individuals with AIDS. Smokers also Copper
have lower zinc levels, and zinc may help pro- Copper is found in concentrations of 1–2
tect against damage to blood vessel walls.57 A mcg per gram in living organisms. The high-
Minerals 173

est concentrations in humans can be found in also relies on copper. In the aerobic produc-
the kidneys, liver, brain, and bone. The cop- tion of energy, copper contributes in two
per in humans is almost exclusively in a +2 or ways: 1) by facilitating an electron shift of
+1 valence state.58 iron and 2) by oxidizing cytochrome C.62

Absorption Sources
The duodenum and jejunum are responsible Many foods contain copper, but the richest
for the absorption of copper, and this occurs sources include shellfish and legumes. Table
with relatively high efficiency (35 to 70 per- 6.13 gives a list of copper-containing foods.
cent). Mucosal cells take up copper most
often by facilitated diffusion. Albumin carries Therapeutic considerations
the plasma copper to the liver to be incorpo- Because of copper’s importance to iron uti-
rated into ceruloplasmin.59 lization in red blood cells, a copper deficiency
Copper shares an absorption carrier with may result in iron deficiency anemia.
zinc and calcium. Thus, excess amounts of ei- Another important function of copper is
ther of these two minerals may antagonize the its role in the activity of lysyl oxidase, an en-
absorption of copper. Iron may also interfere zyme needed for the cross-linking of collagen
with copper absorption, but only in extreme and elastin. A deficiency in copper may result
situations. Amino acids and citrate in the diet in poor collagen integrity, evidenced by the
can act as chelating agents to enhance copper breaking of blood vessels and bone and joint
absorption, while fiber and bile may act as in- problems. Lipid problems may also arise with
hibiting agents. Little copper is excreted in the a copper deficiency.63
urine; most of it is removed through the diges- Low copper status is also associated with
tive tract.60 reduced skin pigmentation, central nervous
Erythrocuprein binds copper in red blood system impairment, and osteoporosis. Inade-
cells. This protein is involved in some anti- quate copper limits its role in energy produc-
oxidant activity. Estrogens will increase serum tion and enzymatic reactions.64 Copper has
copper concentrations.61 Molybdenum, in been used supplementally in disease preven-
combination with sulfate, may block copper tion and in bracelets worn by individuals
usage or encourage its excretion. with rheumatoid arthritis, the latter possibly
due to its activity in antiinflammatory and
Functions antioxidant compounds.65
Copper is important in a number of enzyme
systems, including 11 oxidase systems, such Safety and toxicity
as cytochrome oxidase, superoxide dismu- In high doses (60 mg) copper may act as an
tase, and lysyl oxidase. Hemoglobin synthesis emetic. In doses of approximately 3.5 grams,

TABLE 6.13 Food Sources of Copper

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

13.7 Oysters 0.4 Gelatin

2.3 Brazil nuts 0.3 Shrimp
2.1 Soy lecithin 0.3 Olive oil
1.4 Almonds 0.3 Clams
1.3 Hazelnuts 0.3 Carrots
1.3 Walnuts 0.3 Coconut
1.3 Pecans 0.3 Garlic
1.2 Split peas, dry 0.2 Millet
1.1 Beef liver 0.2 Whole wheat
0.8 Buckwheat 0.2 Chicken
0.8 Peanuts 0.2 Eggs
0.7 Cod liver oil 0.2 Corn oil
0.7 Lamb chops 0.2 Ginger root
0.5 Sunflower oil 0.2 Molasses
0.4 Butter 0.2 Turnips
0.4 Rye grain 0.1 Green peas
0.4 Pork loin 0.1 Papaya
0.4 Barley 0.1 Apple
Black pepper, thyme, paprika, bay leaves, and active dry yeast are also high in copper.

copper may be lethal.66 Copper levels are ex- take, and a family history of Wilson’s disease
cessive in Wilson’s disease, a genetic disorder, or hemochromatosis may indicate copper
and in hemochromatosis. Severe liver, kidney, toxicity (if the patient complains of the symp-
and brain damage can occur if excess copper toms listed above).
is not chelated and removed from the body. High intake of zinc, antacids, vegetarian
Excess copper in the bloodstream may result diet (high in legumes and vegetables), poor
in epigastric pain, headache, and diarrhea, as digestion, or molybdenum supplementation
well as hemolytic anemia.67 may warrant investigation into copper levels,
as the patient may not be absorbing the cop-
Functional medicine considerations per, or its actions may be antagonized. Symp-
While copper deficiencies and toxicities are toms of copper deficiency (as listed above) in
not common, a patient’s history may lead the conjunction with these historical details may
clinician to suspect them if symptoms are increase the suspicion of low copper levels.
otherwise not explained. Copper pipes in the Decreased immune function, as evidenced by
home, supplementation, high copper food in- recurrent bacterial infection, may also sug-
Minerals 175

gest low copper levels and may contribute to 3,5,3’ triiodothyronine (T3). Since thyroid
low antibody response to infection.68 hormones are needed to increase cellular re-
actions, including oxygen consumption and
basal metabolic rate, and to influence growth
Iodine and differentiation, iodine obviously plays a
The body uses iodine primarily as a compo- major role in these activities.69
nent of thyroid hormones. Selenium is needed in the deiodinase en-
zyme to convert T4 to T3 in the liver. A sele-
Absorption nium deficiency can cause thyroid enlargement.
Organic iodine substances are degraded in Also, thyroperoxidase needs iron for its activ-
the gut to inorganic iodide, which is quickly ity. Without enough iron, thyroid metabolism
and efficiently absorbed. The blood contains is impaired.
the absorbed free iodide, and the kidneys and
thyroid rapidly pick up this free form. The
kidney clears some of this iodide, depending
Iodine is abundant in sea vegetables and
on plasma supply. Uptake by the thyroid de-
seafood. It is also added to most salt, so most
pends on previous iodine intake. If iodine has
Americans get more than adequate amounts.
been deficient, as much as 80 percent of
Sea salt does not have much iodine. Food
the available amount will be taken up by the
sources of iodine are listed in Table 6.14.
Use of available iodine in synthesis of
thyroid hormones is governed by a negative Therapeutic considerations
feedback loop involving the pituitary gland Iodine deficiency may result in goiters (due to
and its product, thyroid-stimulating hormone enlargement of the thyroid via hypertrophy
(TSH), and the hypothalamus and its prod- and/or hyperplasia) and hypothyroidism.
uct, thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH). These Goiters may also be caused by excessive con-
factors and not absorption or excretion gen- sumption of cabbage, rutabagas, cauliflower,
erally govern iodine uptake and use by the and soybeans, all of which contain sub-
thyroid. Iodine is stored primarily in the thy- stances that may interfere with iodine used by
roid gland as mono- and diiodotyrosine and the thyroid.
thyroxine with some triiodothyronine. Severe iodine deficiency in an infant can
result in cretinism, growth retardation, and
Functions even mortality.70 Since iodine works with
As stated above, iodine is used for the pro- neutrophil peroxidases in bactericidal activ-
duction of thyroid hormones such as thyrox- ity, iodine deficiency may result in decreased
ine 3,5,3’,5’ tetraiodothyronine (T4) and immune function of neutrophils.71

TABLE 6.14 Food Sources of Iodine

Micrograms (mcg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

90 Clams 11 Cheddar cheese

65 Shrimp 10 Pork
62 Haddock 10 Lettuce
46 Halibut 9 Spinach
50 Oysters 9 Green peppers
50 Salmon 9 Butter
37 Sardines, canned 7 Milk
19 Beef liver 6 Cream
16 Pineapple 6 Cottage cheese
16 Tune, canned 6 Beef
14 Eggs 3 Lamb
11 Peanuts 3 Raisins
11 Whole wheat bread

Safety and toxicity Iron-containing compounds may be either di-

Thyroid hormone secretion may be inhibited rectly functional or useful in transport and stor-
by excess iodine intake in hyperthyroid indi- age. The functional compounds have metabolic
viduals.72 Also, there are reports of acne-like or enzymatic function in the body; and two-
skin lesions erupting from high levels of di- thirds of total body iron is used in this latter cat-
etary iodine intake.73 egory of compound. A high percentage of that
amount is in the form of hemoglobin, as iron is
Functional medicine considerations necessary for the structure of the heme portion
Symptoms of low thyroid function include of hemoglobin (Figure 6.1).
fatigue, constipation, depression, dry skin,
weight gain, and cold intolerance. While iodine Absorption
deficiency may not necessarily be the cause of Iron absorption occurs primarily in the duo-
hypothyroidism, it should be explored espe- denum by an active process that moves it into
cially in light of dietary considerations. A his- the blood. Transferrin, one of the transport/
tory of recurrent bacterial infections may be the storage compounds, carries iron to cells and
presenting symptom, and poor iodine status bone marrow. Absorption is increased when
should be ruled out, if other symptoms lead to needed and decreased when erythropoiesis is
suspicion of deficiency. reduced. Excess iron is then stored rather
than excreted; ferritin and hemosiderin are
the main storage compounds.
Iron Iron absorption may be inhibited by
Since iron status is relatively easy to assess phytic acid, polyphenolic compounds, cal-
through blood tests, iron has been well studied. cium, and partially digested proteins. Ascor-
Minerals 177

may enhance enzymes needed for optimal

CH 2
lymphocyte and neutrophil functioning.75 In
CH CH 3 addition, iron deficiency results in decreased
anatomical development of immune tissue,
C reduction in antibody and interleukin synthe-
H 3C C CH 2
sis, and decreased protein synthesis. Granulo-

N cyte phagocytosis is also reduced in iron




H 3C CH 3 Heme iron is found in animal tissue and is ab-

C sorbed better than other iron forms. Non-heme
iron is found in plant tissue and is not well ab-
CH 2 CH 2 sorbed. Table 6.15 lists food sources of iron.
CH 2 CH 2 CO O H
Therapeutic considerations
Iron deficiency can result in severe anemia,
FIGURE 6.1 Chemical structure of heme decreased energy levels, decreased immune
function, and learning disabilities. By the time
iron deficiency anemia is observed, iron-de-
pendent enzymatic activity has already been
bic acid (as well as meat eaten during the reduced. Serum ferritin and total-iron-binding
meal) will enhance iron absorption. Cysteine capacity tests help find the earlier deficits.
also helps iron absorption.74 Decreased iron is most common in low-
income elderly individuals. Absorption may
Functions be inhibited in elderly individuals in general
As stated, iron is primarily used as part of the because of hypochlorhydria or other interfer-
hemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry and ing factors (see above).77 Blood loss that is
release O2 in tissue. Other cellular activities constant and low grade may be a cause of
also need iron, as do enzymes in the Krebs iron deficiency. Symptoms of low iron status
cycle. Other functions of iron include helping (before anemia) may include increased blood
to maintain normal immune function and glucose, impaired growth, and recurrent in-
collagen synthesis. fections.78
While bacteria are able to sequester iron
from the human iron stores, oral iron supple- Safety and toxicity
mentation does not increase the risk of infec- Since iron is not easily excreted, excess
tion. On the contrary, iron supplementation iron can build up. Excess intake (diet or

TABLE 6.15 Food Sources of Iron

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

100.0 Kelp 1.3 Artichoke

17.3 Brewer’s yeast 1.3 Mung bean sprouts
16.1 Blackstrap molasses 1.2 Salmon
14.9 Wheat bran 1.1 Broccoli
11.2 Pumpkin & squash seeds 1.1 Currants
9.4 Wheat germ 1.1 Whole wheat bread
8.8 Beef liver 1.1 Cauliflower
7.1 Sunflower seeds 1.0 Cheddar cheese
6.8 Millet 1.0 Strawberries
6.2 Parsley 1.0 Asparagus
6.1 Clams 0.9 Blackberries
4.7 Almonds 0.8 Red cabbage
3.9 Dried prunes 0.8 Pumpkin
3.8 Cashews 0.8 Mushrooms
3.7 Lean beef 0.7 Banana
3.5 Raisins 0.7 Beets
3.4 Jerusalem artichoke 0.7 Carrot
3.4 Brazil nuts 0.7 Eggplant
3.3 Beet greens 0.7 Sweet potato
3.2 Swiss chard 0.6 Avocado
3.1 Dandelion greens 0.6 Figs
3.1 English walnut 0.6 Potato
3.0 Dates 0.6 Corn
2.9 Pork 0.5 Pineapple
2.7 Cooked dry beans 0.5 Nectarine
2.4 Sesame seeds, hulled 0.5 Watermelon
2.4 Pecans 0.5 Winter squash
2.3 Eggs 0.5 Brown rice, cooked
2.1 Lentils 0.5 Tomato
2.1 Peanuts 0.4 Orange
1.9 Lamb 0.4 Cherries
1.9 Tofu 0.4 Summer squash
1.8 Green peas 0.3 Papaya
1.6 Brown rice 0.3 Celery
1.6 Ripe olives 0.3 Cottage cheese
1.5 Chicken 0.3 Apple

supplementation) may lead to hemosiderosis, sue is hemochromatosis. Alcoholism may put

a condition in which transferrin is saturated one at risk for this condition. Excess iron
and iron is deposited in soft tissue. A more se- may be associated with increased free radical
vere condition of iron deposition in soft tis- production and an increased risk of cancer
Minerals 179

and heart disease.79 This increase in free radi- Absorption is inhibited by phytate. Other
cals may also exacerbate joint inflammation minerals such as iron, calcium, and phospho-
and degradation in rheumatoid arthritis. rus create a greater need for manganese, but
only iron alters absorption significantly. Alu-
Functional medicine considerations minum reduces tissue stores of manganese.
In assessing whether iron deficiency may be Although uptake mechanisms are not clear,
the cause of symptoms such as fatigue, lack manganese is similar to iron in physiochem-
of energy, shortness of breath, or chronic in- istry. It appears that they compete for absorp-
fection, patient history should be explored tion, as manganese absorption is decreased
for frank or occult bleeding, vegetarian diet, when iron content of the meal is high.82
malabsorption, or hypochlorhydria. Most of the manganese is then taken to
Signs and symptoms of possible iron over- the liver and goes into several metabolic pools
load (as discussed earlier) should also warrant (lysosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, new pro-
iron status assessment. Dietary supplementa- teins, and free manganese). Transferrin trans-
tion, factors that enhance absorption, family ports manganese to other tissues. Manganese
history of hemochromatosis, and/or alco- is not stored well, and much is excreted in
holism should be explored if toxicity is sus- feces via bile.83
pected. Use of iron pans and food storage bins
should also raise suspicion if symptoms of Functions
overload are present.80 Manganese helps with carbohydrate metab-
olism, bone development, prothrombin syn-
Manganese thesis, protein digestion, collagen formation,
Manganese is important in a wide range of fatty acid synthesis, and protein synthesis. In
metabolic functions. Small amounts of man- addition, manganese is a cofactor in a number
ganese can be found in bones, pituitary of enzymes important in energy production
gland, liver, and elsewhere. and antioxidant defense (e.g., superoxide
While the details of manganese absorption Sources
are not entirely understood, studies demon- Table 6.16 lists food sources of manganese.
strate efficiency of absorption to be between
1 and 25 percent.81 It is believed that the en- Therapeutic considerations
tire small intestine absorbs manganese. It is Deficiency symptoms include impaired growth,
also believed that homeostasis occurs primar- poor carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and
ily through excretion, because absorption skeletal problems. Manganese is important in
is not altered by the amount of manganese utero for the development of the otoliths
ingested. needed in the inner ear for equilibrium.

Studies have found that adults who are defi- iron deficiency may result from manganese
cient in manganese report loss of hair color, supplementation, as manganese competes for
skin rash, decreased hair and nail growth, absorption with iron. Some individuals with
and decreased HDL cholesterol.85 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis have been
found to have increased levels of manganese
Safety and toxicity in the brain. However, the relationship is not
Manganese ingestion through diet and sup- conclusive.86 Manganese toxicity may result
plemental intake is generally very safe. How- in extrapyramidal effects similar to those of
ever, if iron intake is low, the possibility of Parkinson’s disease.

TABLE 6.16 Food Sources of Manganese

Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

3.5 Pecans 0.13 Swiss cheese

2.8 Brazil nuts 0.13 Corn
2.5 Almonds 0.11 Cabbage
1.8 Barley 0.10 Peach
1.3 Rye 0.09 Butter
1.3 Buckwheat 0.06 Tangerine
1.3 Split peas, dry 0.06 Peas
1.1 Whole wheat 0.05 Eggs
0.8 Walnuts 0.04 Beets
0.8 Fresh spinach 0.04 Coconut
0.7 Peanuts 0.03 Apple
0.6 Oats 0.03 Orange
0.5 Raisins 0.03 Pear
0.5 Turnip greens 0.03 Lamb chops
0.5 Rhubarb 0.03 Pork chops
0.4 Beet greens 0.03 Cantaloupe
0.3 Brussels sprouts 0.03 Tomato
0.3 Oatmeal 0.02 Whole milk
0.2 Cornmeal 0.02 Chicken breasts
0.2 Millet 0.02 Green beans
0.19 Gorgonzola cheese 0.02 Apricot
0.16 Carrots 0.01 Beef liver
0.15 Broccoli 0.01 Scallops
0.14 Brown rice 0.01 Halibut
0.14 Whole wheat bread 0.01 Cucumber

Cloves, ginger, thyme, bay leaves, and tea are also high in manganese.
Minerals 181

Functional medicine considerations aldehyde oxidase (alcohol detoxification),

If an individual has iron deficiency anemia and sulfite oxidase (detoxification of sulfite).
and the reasons are not clear, it may be pru-
dent to explore manganese status and/or Sources
manganese intake to determine whether com- Table 6.17 indicates food sources of molyb-
petition resulting in iron deficiency exists. denum, although the soil content of molybde-
Manganese status should also be explored in num may vary, as with other minerals.
individuals who complain of a lack of energy.
If free radical toxicity is suspected, man- Therapeutic considerations
ganese status relative to the activity of super- Because of the need for molybdenum in the
oxide dismutase should be explored. detoxification of sulfite (by sulfite oxidase), a
molybdenum deficiency may result in sulfite
toxicity, which may manifest as tachycardia,
headache, and disorientation.88 Molybdenum
Since molybdenum changes its oxidative state supplementation may be useful in patients
readily, it can act as an electron transfer agent with sulfite sensitivity. Molybdenum’s role as
in oxidation/reduction reactions. Much molyb- a cofactor in detoxification enzymes may
denum in the body is in a bound cofactor help prevent some cancers, such as esopha-
form attached to the mitochondrial mem- geal cancer. Combining molybdenum with
brane. It is then transformed to an active fluoride may help reduce dental caries more
enzyme molecule.87 More research about than fluoride alone.89
molybdenum still needs to be conducted.
Safety and toxicity
Absorption Molybdenum is a very safe mineral with rare
Molybdenum from food is easily absorbed in toxicity, probably owing to excretory regula-
the stomach and proximal small intestine. tion. Large, regular doses of 10–15 mg per
Molybdenum may be transported by both day may cause some individuals to experi-
diffusion and active transport. Excretion ence symptoms similar to gout because of in-
through the kidneys is the major regulatory creases in uric acid production.90
mechanism for molybdenum.
Functional medicine considerations
Functions If the patient is aware or suspicious of sulfite
The primary role of molybdenum is acting as sensitivity, molybdenum status should be as-
a coenzyme for a number of enzymes, includ- sessed. In these cases, there is the possibility
ing xanthine oxidase (uric acid formation), that molybdenum may be insufficient to

TABLE 6.17 Food Sources of Molybdenum

Micrograms (mcg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

155 Lentils 31 Cottage cheese

135 Beef liver 30 Beef
130 Split peas 30 Potatoes
120 Cauliflower 25 Onions
110 Green peas 25 Coconut
109 Brewer’s yeast 25 Pork
100 Wheat germ 24 Lamb
100 Spinach 21 Green beans
77 Beef kidney 19 Crab
75 Brown rice 19 Molasses
70 Garlic 16 Cantaloupe
60 Oats 14 Apricots
53 Eggs 10 Raisins
50 Rye bread 10 Butter
45 Corn 7 Strawberries
42 Barley 5 Carrots
40 Fish 5 Cabbage
36 Whole wheat 3 Whole milk
32 Whole wheat bread 1 Goat milk
32 Chicken

detoxify the sulfites. In cases in which alcohol and selenocysteine. Supplemental selenium is
consumption is excessive, molybdenum may often an inorganic form. Absorption of sele-
support detoxification mechanisms. nium is usually relatively efficient.
Selenium regulation keeps levels of the
reactive molecule selenocysteine low and
Selenium selenium in homeostasis by excretion of
Selenium is considered an essential mineral. It metabolites. Selenocysteine may be the pri-
is important for the role it plays in antioxi- mary compound in which selenium has bio-
dant activities, working as a component of logical activity.91
glutathione peroxidase with vitamin E.
Absorption and regulation Selenium is important as a cofactor of glu-
Food sources of selenium are in the form of tathione peroxidase. It works with vitamin E
seleno amino acids such as selenomethionine in the vital antioxidant systems of the body.
Minerals 183

Selenium also helps prevent cancer and heart Therapeutic considerations

disease and reduces heavy metal toxicity. This Selenium supplementation may help decrease
trace mineral is also important in sulfur the risk of cancer because of its role in sup-
amino acid metabolism.92 porting DNA repair. The antioxidant action
of selenium may also help prevent heart dis-
Sources ease and decrease asthma symptoms.
Selenium is found in meats and seafood. The deficiency symptoms of selenium are
While it is also found in vegetables and similar to vitamin E symptoms—conditions
grains, the soil content will determine the related to poor antioxidant activity. If the soil
content of these food sources. Table 6.18 lists is deficient in selenium, there is risk for car-
food sources of selenium. diac conditions such as cardiomyopathy, and

TABLE 6.18 Food Sources of Selenium

Micrograms (mcg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

146 Butter 25 Garlic

141 Smoked herring 24 Barley
123 Smelt 19 Orange juice
111 Wheat germ 19 Gelatin
103 Brazil nuts 19 Beer
89 Apple cider vinegar 18 Beef liver
77 Scallops 18 Lamb chop
66 Barley 18 Egg yolk
66 Whole wheat bread 12 Mushrooms
65 Lobster 12 Chicken
63 Bran 10 Swiss cheese
59 Shrimp 5 Cottage cheese
57 Red swiss chard 5 Wine
56 Oats 4 Radishes
55 Clams 4 Grape juice
51 King crab 3 Pecans
49 Oysters 2 Hazelnuts
48 Milk 2 Almonds
43 Cod 2 Green beans
39 Brown rice 2 Kidney beans
34 Top round steak 2 Onion
30 Lamb 2 Carrots
27 Turnips 2 Cabbage
26 Molasses 1 Orange

there is increased risk of cancer. In addition, is evident, selenium supplementation may

immune function will be reduced. be warranted, especially if the patient’s diet
Studies also indicate that selenium is is low in selenium or poor soil content is
helpful in decreasing symptoms associated suspected.
with rheumatoid arthritis, including reducing
inflammatory markers and decreasing ten-
derness and swelling in joints.93 Vanadium
Recent arguments in favor of selenium Vanadium has only recently begun to be
and vitamin E supplementation for pregnant viewed as an essential nutrient. Most of the
women suggest that cerebral palsy might be current research on vanadium has examined
prevented with these antioxidants.94 its role in glucose metabolism.
Selenium enhances immune function by
helping phagocytes in microbicidal activity Absorption
through improved glutathione peroxidase Very little ingested vanadium actually is ab-
activity. Selenium helps with metabolism of sorbed. The absorption probably takes place
hydroperoxides produced as part of inflamma- in the upper GI tract. It is rapidly removed
tion, and helps modulate the phagocytic respi- and kept in the kidneys, liver, testes, bone,
ratory burst.95 and spleen. Vanadium may bind with iron-
containing proteins as part of its metabolism
Safety and toxicity and retention in organs. Most vanadium is
Selenium can be toxic in amounts greater than excreted in the urine.97
900 mcg per day. It is recommended, however,
that in the absence of further studies, individ- Functions
uals should not take supplemental selenium It is possible that vanadium is involved in the
greater than 200 mcg per day unless a physi- metabolism of lipids and catecholamines, and
cian advises doing so. Excess selenium might it may help form red blood cells and affect
interfere with enzyme systems related to sul- the function of the thyroid gland. Some re-
fur metabolism. Liver disease and impaired cent studies indicate vanadium may help pro-
bone and tooth growth may result as well.96 tect against cancer, in the management of
diabetes, and in cell division.98 One of the
Functional medicine considerations most promising effects studied recently is the
Individuals whose histories indicate recur- improvement of insulin sensitivity with vana-
rent infections, difficulties controlling inflam- dium supplementation.99
matory disorders, fatigue, or other indicators
of oxidative stress should have selenium sta- Sources
tus assessed. Where family history of cancer Table 6.19 lists sources of vanadium in foods.
Minerals 185

Therapeutic considerations dium in the hair samples of such individuals

Deficiency symptoms have not actually been has been found.100 Toxicity may begin at 10-
noted for vanadium in humans. However, 20 mg per day.
animal studies have demonstrated some defi-
ciency symptoms including increased abor-
tion, decreased milk production, hepatic lipid Functional medicine considerations
changes, growth impairment, and thyroid A history of or current diagnosis of NIDDM
metabolic changes.101 should prompt clinicians to consider vana-
The principal therapeutic use for vana- dium assessment and supplementation. If
dium at this time is as a glucose metabolism cholesterol levels are also high, vanadium
regulator. However, vanadium may also help status should be explored. Low levels of
to inhibit cholesterol synthesis. vanadium may indicate that a nutritional
therapeutic approach to lowering the choles-
Safety and toxicity terol levels would be helpful. The patient
Symptoms of excess vanadium may include who presents with symptoms of Syndrome X,
increased blood pressure, decreased coen- the constellation of symptoms associated with
zymes A and Q1O, and interference with cel- insulin insensitivity and increased fasting/
lular energy production. Bipolar disorder postprandial serum insulin, may also benefit
may be a toxic side effect, as increased vana- from vanadium supplementation.

TABLE 6.19 Food Sources of Vanadium

Micrograms (mcg) per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 oz)

100 Buckwheat 10 Cabbage

80 Parsley 10 Garlic
70 Soybeans 6 Tomatoes
64 Safflower oil 5 Radishes
42 Eggs 5 Onions
41 Sunflower seed oil 5 Whole wheat
35 Oats 4 Lobster
30 Olive oil 4 Beets
15 Sunflower seeds 3 Apples
15 Corn 2 Plums
14 Green beans 2 Lettuce
11 Peanut oil 2 Millet
10 Carrots

Boron Safety and toxicity

Boron is a trace mineral that is important for Boron is relatively safe. However, nausea,
maintaining healthy bone. vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, and lethargy
may occur if doses of boron exceed 300 mg
Absorption per day.105
Boron is rapidly absorbed, and its homeosta-
sis is maintained by urinary excretion. Since Functional medicine considerations
boron is primarily bound to oxygen in or- Boron should be considered in situations
ganic tissue, it is probably converted to where fruit and vegetable intake is low and in
B(OH)3 in the gastrointestinal tract. women who are menopausal.

It is quite possible that boron modulates cell SUMMARY
signaling by assisting in transmembrane ion Perhaps nowhere in human nutrition is un-
movement, thus exerting an influence on cel- derstanding nutrient interactions more im-
lular response to hormones. Evidence points portant than in the area of minerals. The
to the need for boron in the body’s absorp- observation that “mineral A” may interfere
tion of calcium and for protection against or enhance the absorption of “mineral B,” to-
calcium loss, possibly by enhancing estrogen gether with a clear understanding of the
activity in bone.102,103 physiologic roles played by “mineral B” may
present clinicians with an entirely new way of
Sources viewing their patients’ symptoms.
If the soil contains adequate levels of boron, The knowledge that mineral cofactors
fruits and vegetables will be the primary play a key role in many biochemical processes,
sources of this mineral. understanding the specific roles for these nutri-
ents, and recognizing possible symptoms expe-
Therapeutic considerations rienced by the patient as a shortage or excess
Boron is considered important for bone of the nutrients, will help clinicians develop a
and joint health. Safe and adequate dose is more in-depth view of the dysfunctions that
1.5–3.0 mg per day. might lead to symptoms and to disease pro-
Calcium metabolism may be impaired if cesses. With appropriate assessment of mineral
boron is deficient. The result would be bone status, adequate and individually designed nu-
mineral loss and central nervous system tritional therapies can be applied with the goal
dysfunction as calcium levels in the brain are of improving underlying function for optimal
reduced.104 biochemical activities.
Minerals 187

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1996:335. 96. Garrison R, Somer E. Nutrition Desk Reference.
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in Nutrition. Washington, DC: ILSI Press; 1995:212.
97. Zeigler EE, Filer LJ, eds. Present Knowledge
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3rd ed. New Canaan, Conn; Keats Publishing;
98. Garrison R, Somer E. Nutrition Desk Reference.
85. Murray M. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supple-
3rd ed. New Canaan, Conn; Keats Publishing;
ments. Rocklin, Calif: Prima Publishing: 1996:215.
86. Zeigler EE, Filer LJ, eds. Present Knowledge 1995:327.
in Nutrition. Washington, DC: ILSI Press; 99. Goldfine AB, Simonsine DC, Folli F, Patti MC,
1996:340. Kahn, CR. Metabolic effects of sodium metavana-
87. Zeigler EE, Filer LJ, eds. Present Knowledge in Nu- date in humans with insulin-dependent and nonin-
trition. Washington, DC: ILSI Press; 1996:358. sulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in vivo and in
88. Murray M. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supple- vitro studies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
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ence Rev. 1997:54(1-2);10–15. 1996:358.
Digestion, Absorption,
and Gut Ecology

OU ARE WHAT YOU EAT ” IS ONLY wages for employees’ digestive disorders.
partially true. You are also what you Retail stores carry more than 200 over-the-
absorb, and separating the nutrients counter remedies for gastrointestinal prob-
from the food you eat and from the waste lems, many of which actually create additional
products that leave your body involves nu- digestive problems. This portrait of gastroin-
merous physiological functions. Among these testinal dysfunction is matched by an equally
functions are digestion, assimilation, nutrient dysfunctional pattern of food intake. Com-
distribution, tissue uptake, and use of nutri- pared to other countries, U.S. adults consume
ents at specific cellular sites. a disproportionate amount of sweeteners,
Few practitioners would question the soda pop, and food additives.
importance of digestion and absorption for In spite of these patterns, most practi-
optimal health. Yet given the eating patterns tioners have not rigorously addressed diges-
and digestive difficulties in the United States, tive and absorptive function in their patients,
nutritional support of gastrointestinal function except when assigning diagnostic codes
is not nearly as widespread in clinical practice like peptic ulcer, esophageal reflux, or mal-
as might be expected. U.S. adults frequently absorption syndrome. Furthermore, when
list digestive complaints as one of the many treating chronic conditions not traditionally
reasons for seeing the doctor. U.S. companies linked to the GI (for example, dermato-
compensate millions of dollars in disability logical conditions), most practitioners have


simply not placed a focus on GI function and Lifestyle Factors Affecting

its support. Ample research supports the hy- Proper Digestion
pothesis that a significant number of patients
In addition to physical behaviors commonly
with chronic dysfunction—even when the
recognized as compromising digestive capac-
dysfunction causes symptoms in body sys-
ity—e.g., smoking, caffeine, or alcohol con-
tems with no apparent connection to the GI
sumption—a list of behaviors equally
tract—have digestive and absorptive imbal-
problematic to digestive support is growing.
ances that are significantly compromising
Stressful events in and of themselves may dis-
their health. 1
rupt the digestive process. Reducing stress
This chapter focuses more closely on the
has successfully ameliorated digestion-related
functional relationships among digestion, ab-
disorders such as abdominal pain, chronic di-
sorption, and dysfunction, and outlines a
arrhea, and peptic ulcer in some cases. Relax-
generic, adaptable system that can address
ation techniques have reduced gastric acid
a wide variety of digestive and absorptive 2
secretion in hyperchlorhydric patients. Bal-
problems. What follows first is a brief review
ancing digestive function by reducing stress
of digestion and absorption, with special em-
may partially be attributed to a global ner-
phasis given to nutritional components and
vous system shift from a sympathetic to para-
food-related patterns.
sympathetic tone.

The Brain and Gut: Cephalic
Digestion Phase of Digestion
The digestive tract is a complex ecological The cephalic phase of the digestive response is
network that must achieve acid/base balance critical to healthy digestion. Cephalic (pertain-
for proper pH, adequate smooth muscle tone ing to the head) is the phase in which a sensory
for moving materials down the digestive stimulus—any sound, sight, odor, taste, or tex-
tract, proper acid secretion in the stomach, ture associated with food—provokes a diges-
sufficient pancreatic digestive enzyme secre- tion-related response in the body. Some
tion into the intestine, sufficient bile secretion researchers even consider thoughts to be
for fat absorption, and integrity of the gas- cephalic phase stimuli, since thoughts can
trointestinal mucosa for protection and nutri- alter digestive activity in the absence of exter-
ent absorption. Newer research regarding the nal sensory stimuli. Cephalic phase analyses
relationship between lifestyle and digestion include numerous physiological responses
illustrates that healthy digestion involves such as thermogenic response, salivary re-
more than simply the physiology of the diges- sponse, heart rate changes, mesenteric flow
tive tract. changes, changes in cardiac output and stroke
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 193

volume, diuretic changes and natriuresis, di- break down the large protein, carbohydrate,
gestive enzyme secretions, altered gastric acid and fat molecules in foods into smaller sub-
secretion, altered intestinal motility, release stances that can be absorbed into the blood
of GI hormones, and other intestinal process by the brush border cells of the intestinal
changes. mucosa. These small food breakdown prod-
Although the nature of cephalic phase re- ucts include monosaccharides and disaccha-
sponse appears to be highly transient and lim- rides that originate from carbohydrates,
ited in duration, the magnitude of the response amino acids, dipeptides, tripeptides from
is dramatic and physiologically significant. proteins, and free fatty acids from fats. In
Cephalic phase sensory stimuli can increase re- this digestive process, vitamins and minerals
lease of gut peptides like cholecystokinin, so- are also liberated from food materials, en-
matostatin, and neurotensin by more than abling these nutrients to be readily absorbed
50 percent. Cardiovascular parameters like by the body.
cardiac output and stroke volumes, release of The first physiological aspect of digestion
pancreatic enzymes, and polypeptide hor- begins with chewing. Macrobiotic approaches
mones like insulin and glucagon receive less to eating suggest that each mouthful of food
impact (ranging from 10 to 15 percent). be chewed 200 times before swallowing. One
To fully support digestion, individuals rule of thumb is that if patients can still iden-
need to carefully address the circumstances tify the food in their mouths based on texture
surrounding their eating habits. Practitioners alone, they have not chewed it sufficiently.
can help patients by recommending simple Whatever chewing does not accomplish me-
behavioral changes. For example, practition- chanically must be completed by the digestive
ers can encourage patients to eat in places tract chemically through fluid and enzyme se-
that they do not associate with stress (e.g., cretion. No complete remedy exists for symp-
where they pay their monthly bills). Or prac- toms associated with poorly chewed food.
titioners may outline “ritual” steps for pa- Again, while many practitioners are tempted
tients to follow when they sit down to eat to prescribe supplements as remedies for poor
(similar to prayer in religious approaches to lifestyle practices, patients can achieve many
eating). For some individuals, such behav- successful digestive results through cost-free,
ioral changes can influence digestion more self-care behaviors.
dramatically than taking pancreatic enzymes,
glandulars, bitters, or other digestive aids.
Digestion in the Mouth
The mouth secretes a variety of fluids essential
Physiology of Digestion to digestion. While salivary alpha amylase
The 25- to 30-foot digestive tract extends (also called ptyalin) is the most researched oral
from the mouth to the anus. The tract helps digestive enzyme, other important secretions

include mucopolysaccharides and ion-con- inhibitors like omeprazole) exacerbates the

taining fluids. Researchers have extensively problem.
studied hyposecretion of mouth fluids in older Research suggests that low gastric acidity
individuals on prescription medications, but may influence the development of diseases such
even simple factors such as whole body under- as food allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, acne
6 7
hydration can reduce salivary secretions and rosacea, and asthma (Table 7.3). The ability
compromise digestion (Table 7.1). to produce gastric acid decreases with age, and
more than half the population over the age of
60 has insufficient secretory abilities.8
Digestion in the Stomach
Chronic inflammation may also play a
Hypochlorhydria—inadequate secretion of pivotal role in hypochlorhydria and certain
gastric acid by the parietal cells in the stom- types of hypochlorhydria involve parietal cell
ach wall—is an undervalued, under-recog- antibodies and have a distinct autoimmune
nized clinical component of digestion-related component. Overactivity and imbalanced
health disorders (Table 7.2). Given the ex- immune system activity in the gut-associated
cess-calorie, high-fat, animal-based nature of lymphatic tissue (GALT) is connected with a
the average US diet, one would not expect wide variety of gastrointestinal disorders.
hypochlorhydria to be a typical issue. In fact, Chronic inflammation remains a common
over-consuming high-fat foods at a single theme that can be directly addressed through
meal typically encourages oversecretion of elimination diets to lower immunogenicity.
gastric acid. When researchers recognized H2 Chronic reduction of gastric acid secre-
histamine receptor sites in the nervous system tion has many predictable deleterious effects
as neurological mediators of gastric secretion on the GI tract and digestion. Hypochlorhy-
in the 1970s, H2 receptor blockers like cimeti- dria invites bacterial overgrowth in the small
dine (Tagamet™) and ranitidine (Zantac™) intestine since elevated pH values allow
became widely available by prescription. Such greater numbers of small intestine microflora
supplements have even more widespread use to proliferate. This overgrowth of small intes-
in the 1990s since their status has changed to tine bacteria compromises nutrient digestion
over-the-counter. Excessive and inappropriate and absorption, particularly digestion and
use of these H2-blocking antacids has trans- absorption of the B-complex vitamins and
formed diet-induced hyperchlorhydria into the minerals iron and calcium. Of the B vita-
medication-induced hypochlorhydria in many mins, folate, B6, and B12 absorption are
U.S. adults, while initial instigating dietary most compromised. A number of clinical lab-
causes of indigestion remain unexplored. The oratories measure small bowel bacterial over-
introduction of the proton pump inhibitors growth by a challenge dose of lactulose or
(hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphosphate glucose with subsequent recapture of hydro-
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 195

TABLE 7.1 Major Digestive Enzymes

Enzyme Source Substrate Product

Salivary amylase Salivary glands Starches Maltose (disaccharide),
(polysaccharides) maltotriose (trisaccharide),
and α-dextrins
Lingual lipase Glands in the tongue Triglycerides Fatty acids and
and other lipids (fats and oils) monoglycerides
Gastric Juice
Pepsin (activated from Stomach chief cells Proteins Peptides
pepsinogen and HCI) (zymogenetic cells)
Gastric Lipase Stomach chief cells Short-chain triglycerides Fatty acids and
(zymogenetic cells) (fats and oils) in monoglycerides
butterfat and milk

Pancreatic Juices
Pancreatic amylase Pancreatic acinar Starches Maltose (disaccharide),
cells (polysaccharides) maltotriose (trisaccharide),
and α-dextrins
Trypsin (activated from Pancreatic acinar Proteins Peptides
from trypsinogen cells
by enterokinase)
Chymotrypsin (activated Pancreatic acinar Proteins Peptides
from chymotrypsinogen cells
by trypsin)
Elastase (activated from Pancreatic acinar Proteins Peptides
proelastase by trypsin) cells
Carboxypeptidase Pancreatic acinar Terminal amino acids Peptides and amino
(activated from cells at carboxyl (acid) ends acids
procarboxypeptidase of peptides
by trypsin)
Pancreatic lipase Pancreatic acinar Triglycerides (fats and Fatty acids and
cells oils) that have been monoglycerides
emulsified by bile salts
Ribonuclease Pancreatic acinar cells Ribonucleic acid Nucleotides
Deoxyribonuclease Pancreatic acinar cells Deoxyribonucleic acid

Brush Border
α-Dextrinase Small intestine α-Dextrins Glucose
Maltase Small intestine Maltose Glucose
Sucrase Small intestine Sucrose Glucose and fructose
Lactase Small intestine Lactose Glucose and galactose
Enterokinase Small intestine Trypsinogen Trypsin
Aminopeptidase Small intestine Terminal amino acids at Peptides and amino acids
amino end of peptides
Dipeptidase Small intestine Dipeptides Amino acids
Nucleosidases and
phosphatases Small intestine Nucleotides Nitrogenous bases, pentoses

TABLE 7.2 Common Signs and Symptoms

of Low Gastric Acidity
monia, which wards off high concentrations
Bloating, belching, burning, and flatulence
of stomach acid. Helicobacter itself does not
immediately after meals appear to cause peptic ulcer.10 For ulcer to
Chronic candidal infections occur, the lining of the stomach (or intestine)
must first become compromised and initiate a
Chronic intestinal parasites or abnormal flora
humoral or cellular immune response or
Dilated capillaries in the cheeks and nose
(in non-alcoholics)
both. Because hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a
damaging agent for the stomach and intesti-
Indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation
nal linings, diets promoting excess stomach
Iron deficiency
acid secretion may be doubly problematic in
Multiple food allergies
opening the door for Helicobacter infection
Nausea after taking supplements and other GI problems.
Post-adolescent acne The H2-blocking medications that lower
Sense of “fullness” after eating stomach acid secretion have an inhibitory ef-
Undigested food in stool fect on Helicobacter growth, but clinicians
Weak, peeling, and cracked fingernails typically use other regimens to treat Heli-
cobacter infection. These regimens may in-
clude bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol®),
gen or methane gases in a breath test. More metronidazole (Flagyl®), tetracycline, amoxi-
traditionally, gastroenterologists have used cillin (Amoxil®), and omeprazole (Prilosec®).
endoscopy or intestinal fluid cultures to as-
certain small bowel overgrowth problems. TABLE 7.3 Diseases Associated with
Low Gastric Acidity

Acne rosacea Hepatitis

Clinical Issues: Gastritis, Ulcers, and Addison’s disease Hyper- and
Helicobacter pylori Infection Asthma hypothyroidism

Over the past five years, researchers have Celiac disease Lupus erythematosus

shown great interest in the relationships Chronic auto-immune Myasthenia gravis

among hypochlorhydria, the bacterium Heli- disorders Osteoporosis

cobacter pylori, and peptic ulcer. Helicobac- Chronic urticaria Pernicious anemia

ter appears to be a routine colonizer of the Dermatitis Psoriasis

human GI tract and uses extensive produc- herpetiformis Rheumatoid arthritis

tion of a urease enzyme to break down urea Diabetes mellitus Sjögren’s syndrome

into ammonia and carbon dioxide (e.g., bi- Eczema Thyrotoxicosis

carbonate). It cloaks itself in this halo of am- Gallbladder disease Vitiligo

Graves disease
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 197

Digestion in the Small Intestine TABLE 7.4 Enzymatic Secretions of the Pancreas
Cholesterol esterase
Pancreatic enzyme secretion Chymotrypsinogen—Chymotrypsin
After food combines with stomach secretions, Collagenase
the resulting mixture, chyme, is pushed Deoxyribonuclease
through the pyloric sphincter by muscular Lipase & Colipase
Pancreatic alpha amylase
stomach contractions into the first 18-inch
Phospholipase A & B
portion of the small intestine, the duodenum. Procarboxypeptidase—Carboxypeptidase A & B
Bicarbonate, secreted by the pancreas, neu- Proelastase
tralizes the acidic chyme, while the pancreatic Retinyl ester hydrolase
enzymes—amylases, proteases, and lipases— Ribonuclease
break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats,
The exocrine pancreas in an average adult
secretes approximately 24 ounces of fluid per break up fat into smaller globules. This pro-
day into the intestinal tract. This fluid contains cess makes fat more soluble or hydrophilic.
an extensive variety of enzymes (Table 7.4). Chemists refer to this process as micelle for-
When such enzymes are not present, nor- mation and to the tiny droplets of fat as chy-
mal digestion cannot proceed. Diseases such as lomicrons. In this form, fat can be carried to
chronic pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis compro- the intestinal mucosa, absorbed into the lym-
mise pancreatic sufficiency. Less acute pancre- phatic system, and ultimately partitioned to
atic insufficiencies can also occur. Chronic the blood. Not only triglycerides, which are
hyposecretion of pancreatic enzymes not only the principal form of dietary fat, but also the
leads to fat and protein maldigestion and mal- fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and, to some
absorption but also to micronutrient deficien- degree, beta-carotene, are absorbed in this
cies. For example, the pancreatic protease manner. Absorption of amino acids, mono-
enzymes must separate vitamin B12 from its saccharides, disaccharides, and water-soluble
protein carrier molecule, and pancreatic insuf- vitamins occurs in the jejunum and ileum of
ficiency directly causes B12 deficiency. the small intestine.

Bile secretion Clinical Issues:

Bile, manufactured in the liver and stored in Impaired Digestion and Disease
the gallbladder, is also secreted into the duo- Intact proteins and other large molecules can
denum, particularly after high-fat meals. Bile cross the intestinal lining to a certain extent,
is made of bile salts, cholesterol esters, and even in healthy individuals.11 Digestive
lecithin, and acts as an emulsifying agent to enzymes break down these proteins and ex-

clude them from crossing this barrier intact. disaccharide lactose to be broken into its
Impaired digestion caused by inadequate en- constituent monosaccharide units, glucose and
zyme output may be associated with such con- galactose. Many people suffer from undiag-
ditions as food allergies, eczema, steatorrhea, nosed lactose intolerance. Contrary to common
and celiac disease. Experimental studies have belief, lactase is never prolifically manufactured
shown that the digestive enzyme lipase, criti- by human intestinal cells. Nursing infants can
cal in fat digestion, can be supplemented to re- digest lactose in human milk because the lac-
lieve the problems of fat malabsorption.12,13 tase enzyme can be transferred from mother to
In addition, amylase digestive enzymes, which infant through the milk. By age five, a child’s
break down carbohydrates, have helped indi- ability to synthesize lactase begins to decrease.
viduals with celiac disease. The carbohydrate It is estimated that by adulthood, approxi-
fraction in gliadin from grains like wheat and mately 70 percent of the world’s population
rye is known to contribute to enteropathy.14 has negligible production of the enzyme, re-
In studies with celiac patients using digestive sulting in lactose intolerance (Table 7.5).18
enzymes baked into wheat bread, results Abdominal cramps, gas, nausea, bloat-
demonstrated that these patients experienced ing, and diarrhea are common symptoms of
no symptoms associated with gluten intoler- lactose intolerance and typically accompany
ance. Those individuals eating untreated intake of dairy products. Lactase enzyme
bread had symptoms of the disease.15 supplementation has helped individuals un-
In a similar fashion, digestive enzymes able to digest lactose.19 Dairy foods are the
may also help other food allergies. Several exclusive dietary source of lactose. In addi-
factors can trigger food allergies, including tion, because proteins in dairy products—
increased absorption of poorly digested pro- especially milk caseins—are common reactive
tein fragments that leak into the systemic cir-
culation across the gut wall.16 These proteins,
TABLE 7.5 Lactose Intolerance in
recognized as foreign molecules, may stimu-
Ethnic Populations
late immune responses. By digesting dietary
protein, protease enzymes decrease the sup- % Lactose
Ethnic Group Intolerant
ply of intact proteins available to leak into
the bloodstream. Digestive protease enzymes African Blacks 97–100
Asians 90–100
taken orally may also help digest dietary pro-
Jewish Descent 60–80
teins in the bloodstream. In fact, protease en- Mediterraneans 60–90
zymes absorbed intact have a wide range of Mexicans 70–80
therapeutic effects.17 Middle Europeans 10–20
Lactase is another enzyme important to di- North American Blacks 70–75
North American Caucasians 7–15
gestion. This enzyme is secreted by the cells
Northern Europeans 1–5
lining the small intestine and required for the
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 199

substances associated with immune-based lation to the liver, where they are processed for
food allergy, dairy is often high on the list of use. The remaining material moves through
foods to be eliminated from the diet. Thus the digestive system to the last three feet of
dairy may have a “double impact” of lactose the digestive tract—the colon. In the colon,
intolerance and allergenicity. Although lac- bacteria act upon the remaining substrate,
tase, like other enzymes, is available and used water is reabsorbed, and stool is formed.
supplementally to treat lactose intolerance, Some vitamin synthesis also results from the
the enzyme is most effective when added di- metabolic activity of bacteria.
rectly to liquid milk (Table 7.6). In a healthy colon, a rich community of
different bacterial organisms exists. These
species are generally acid-producing and are a
Digestion in the Colon mixture of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. In-
After being absorbed by active transport frequently, toxin-producing bacteria, such as
across the mucosal cells of the intestine, nu- Clostridium or Salmonella, inhabit the colon.
trients are transported by hepatoportal circu- Usually, the environment of the colon is not fit

TABLE 7.6 Common Sources of Dairy

Obvious Sources “Hidden” Sources

All cheeses Artificial sweeteners

Butter, many margarines Breading on fried foods
Goat’s milk Breads, biscuits and crackers; donuts made with milk
Half-and-half cream Breakfast and baby cereals containing milk solids
Ice cream and sherbet Buttered or creamed foods like soups and vegetables
Milk (whole, skim, dry powdered, evaporated) Cake and pudding mixes, many frostings
Yogurt Candies made with milk cheese
Cookies made with milk
Hot dogs, luncheon meats, sausage, hash, processed
and canned meats
Many “nondairy” creamers
Many prescription drugs, including birth control pills,
thyroid medication, and some medications for
gastrointestinal disorders
Many types of vitamins
Mayonnaise and salad dressings made with milk
Pancakes, waffles, toaster tarts
Weight-reduction formulas

* Plus any food labeled as containing whey, casein, caseinate, sodium caseinate, and lactose

for these organisms to survive. However, if the areas of the body. When host defenses are
pH and water content of the colon change or overwhelmed and break down, the absorp-
the digestive and/or absorptive processes fur- tion and systematic distribution of normally
ther up the gastrointestinal tract are impaired, excluded substances is enhanced.20 An in-
the colonic environment may encourage these crease in the permeability of the intestinal
bacteria to grow and disease to flourish. mucosa, often called “leaky gut syndrome,”
helps to explain the etiology and mechanisms
A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH of a wide range of systemic disorders.
Intestinal permeability describes the rela-
tive ease with which molecules residing in the
AND INTESTINAL PERMEABILITY interior (lumen) of the intestine are absorbed
From the mouth to the small intestine, the through the intestinal mucosal cells and re-
chemical and mechanical digestive processes leased into the general circulation. Because
are directed toward changing food into forms very small molecules like sodium or chloride
that can be absorbed through the epithelial ions (approximately 100 daltons or less) pass
cells lining the mucosa into the underlying through the intestine regularly by diffusion,
blood and lymphatic vessels. Essentially all car- the term “intestinal permeability” generally
bohydrates are absorbed as monosaccharides. refers to molecules larger than 100-150 dal-
Proteins are absorbed as single amino acids, tons, although there is no consensus on a spe-
dipeptides, and tripeptides. Fats are absorbed cific size. While the walls of the intestine
as monoglycerides and fatty acids (Figure 7.1). serve as a physical barrier separating food
Food and food constituents have two al- and the bacterial populations of the intestine
ternatives for entering the bloodstream. Most from the rest of the body, not so obvious are
commonly, intestinal cells engulf and transfer the relatively dynamic biological properties
food molecules into the bloodstream through exhibited by this physical barrier. There is a
their basement membranes. This route is re- complex array of interlocking and comple-
ferred to as “transcellular.” A second route— mentary mechanisms, which include tight
referred to as “paracellular”—occurs when junctions, a thick mucosal coat, proteolytic
food molecules pass through spaces between enzymes, acidic secretions, intestinal peristal-
adjacent cells. The extent to which molecules sis, and immunological defenses in the form
pass into the blood by these routes reflects in- of secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIgA).
testinal permeability. Numerous events alter the permeability
The 3-mm epithelial cell lining that sepa- of the intestine, including stress,21 develop-
rates the contents of the lumen from systemic mental age,22,23 medication,24,25 and alco-
circulation is responsible for absorption and hol.26 In addition, permeability is disrupted
exclusion. It must balance this duty in one of in many health conditions, including rheuma-
the most metabolically active and diverse toid arthritis,27,28 ankylosing spondylitis,29,30
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 201

Glucose and Secondary active

galactose transport with Na+

Fructose Facilitated diffusion

Active transport or
Amino acids secondary active Amino acids
transport with Na+

To blood
Diffusion capillary
Secondary active
Tripeptides transport with H+

Short-chain Simple
fatty acids diffusion


fatty acids Simple To Lacteal
Chylomicron surface
Lumen of Microvilli Epithelial
small intestine (brush border) cells of villus
on apical surface

FIGURE 7.1 Nutrient absorption

Crohn’s disease,31 burns,32 pancreatic dys- Gardner,41 and pediatric gastroenterology, re-
function and cystic fibrosis,33 HIV+,34,35 viewed by Van Elburg.42 Gardner has pointed
celiac disease,36 marasmus,37 food allergy,38,39 out with respect to protein, the non-diseased
and atopic eczema40 (Tables 7.7 and 7.8). intestine appears to sustain an active peptide
transport system. Critical to this transport
Permeability in Healthy Individuals: system is the presence of M cells—specialized
cells along the intestinal wall whose physical
Basic Physiology and
and chemical features appear well designed
Pediatric Gastroenterology for peptide transport.43 Because M cells are
Investigation of permeability in healthy indi- not coated with glycocalyx (the protective
viduals has taken place in two primary re- extension of most intestinal cell membranes),
search areas: basic physiology, reviewed by they have less obstructed access to proteins in

TABLE 7.7 Symptoms Associated with in conjunction with endo- and exocytosis
Increased Intestinal Permeability (Figure 7.2).
Abdominal distention Increased permeability of the intestine to
Abdominal pain large macromolecules in healthy, full-term in-
Arthralgias fants has been a consistent finding of research
Cognitive and memory deficits
in pediatric gastroenterology. This increased
Fatigue and malaise permeability is key to neonatal protection
Fevers of unknown origin from infection, since immunoglobulins and
Food intolerances other anti-infectious factors (including lacto-
ferrin, lactoperoxidase, bifidus factor, anti-
Poor exercise tolerance
Shortness of breath
staphylococcus factor, complement, interferon,
Skin rashes lysozyme, B12-binding protein, lymphocytes,
and macrophages) are in human milk and
must be transferred to breastfeeding infants
the gut. The M cells also contain fewer lyso- to maintain proper immunity during neona-
somes—storage structures harboring the en- tal development.44
zymes required to break down proteins, Although secretory IgA is the primary im-
carbohydrates, and fats. The reduced number munoglobulin in human milk, IgM, IgE, IgD,
of lysosomes makes the M cells less likely to and IgG exist as well. These immunoglobulins
dismantle proteins. Finally, M cells contain range in molecular weight between 146,000
more transfer vesicles—structures designed daltons for IgG4 to 970,000 daltons for IgM,
to carry large molecules in and out of the cell making them equivalent or larger in size than

TABLE 7.8 Diseases Associated with Increased Intestinal Permeability

Acne Hepatic dysfunction

AIDS, HIV infection in general Infectious enterocolitis
Alcoholism Inflammatory bowel disease
Autism Irritable bowel syndrome
Celiac disease Multiple food and chemical sensitivities
Childhood hyperactivity Pancreatic insufficiency
Cytotoxic drugs Psoriasis
Dermatitis herpetiformis Spondyloarthropathies
Eczema Urticaria
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 203

Mucosal Barrier

Lumen Larger

Microvilli M Cell


Goblet Mucosal
Cell Cell




FIGURE 7.2 Permeability dynamics

milk proteins like casein (121,700 daltons) or Permeability and

wheat proteins like glutenin (150,000 to Bacterial Imbalance
1,000,000 daltons). The permeability of the While the direct causes of disrupted permeabil-
healthy neonate’s intestine to these large im- ity of the intestine are unclear, researchers have
munoglobulin-sized molecules helps explain found strong connections between events
two phenomena. First, it helps account for involving dietary intake, eating habits, and
lower reports of infection in breastfed infants 45,46
bacterial balance/imbalance in the gut. De-
and decreased allergy-related conditions like layed intestinal food transit (poor intestinal
atopic eczema. Unfortunately, it also explains motility) and poorly timed intestinal muscle
the higher degree of allergic reactions in in- activity (delayed peristalsis) are both con-
fants prematurely exposed to table foods and nected to excessive permeability. (Compro-
their potentially antigenic protein content. mised motility and peristalsis are also typical

features of a low-fiber, high-animal product, Bacterial Imbalance and the

and highly processed diet similar to the every- Development of Chronic Disease
day diet of the average U.S. adult.) Compro-
Bacterial imbalance in the gut can also affect
mised food transit through the gut brings
other organ systems by altering substances
changes in the intestinal bacteria by altering
that depend upon bacterial enzymes for
the natural flow of nutrients available to these
chemical processing. For example, blood lev-
organisms. Overgrowth of certain species and
els of the hormone estrogen are affected by
abnormal bacterial balance can result. Interac-
activity of bacterial enzymes in the intestine
tions between these abnormal flora (or the
and drop significantly when activity is re-
substances they produce) and the cells of the
duced.48 Since the risks of both breast cancer
intestine result in altered permeability and the
and osteoporosis have been linked to the lev-
absorption of antigenic substances into the
els of circulating estrogen, bacterial imbal-
ance is a possible link between diet and the
Diet/bacteria relationships make possible
development of these diseases.
two types of unwanted antigen exposure.
Recent research on intestinal cancers il-
First, the body may be directly exposed to un-
lustrates another possible role of bacterial
wanted food antigens consumed in the diet
imbalance. Approximately 90 percent of
via disrupted permeability. Second, the body
carcinogenic substances the human body is
may experience indirect exposure in which exposed to require chemical alteration or
the disrupted microfloral balance may pro- bioactivation before acting as carcinogens.49
duce unwanted endogenous toxins and anti- Imbalances in the gut microflora that alter
gens. Further disruptions in permeability and the type and rate of enzymatic activity in the
the release of antigenic molecules into the gut may play a key role in the development of
bloodstream may then result. certain cancers, especially those associated
Two types of research support this view. with the gastrointestinal tract. Any step that
First, morbidly obese patients who have un- might help restore microfloral balance in the
dergone intestinal by-pass surgery often ex- intestine might also potentially reduce the
hibit symptoms of immune-related arthritis in risk of cancer.
which antigens produced by intestinal bacteria Antigenic substances produced by intesti-
have become present in the patients’ blood. nal bacteria also appear related to the develop-
The second type of evidence stems from stud- ment of immune-related disease. For nearly
ies about the benefits of fasting in rheumatoid 100 years, research about inflammatory joint
arthritis patients.47 Relatively short periods of diseases has illustrated that immune com-
fluid/nutrient-supplemented fasting improve plexes exist in blood, including peptidoglycans
symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and mi- from the cell walls of intestine-inhabiting bac-
crofloral balance in the intestine. teria. These bacteria have included Shigella
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 205

flexneri, Salmonella typhimurium, Yersinia en- under-represented bacteria; and 3) direct sup-
terocolitica, Campylobacter fetus, Campy- port of intestinal cells and their function,
lobacter jejunii, and Chlamydia trachomatis. through nutritional supplements that target
Three basic nutritional support strategies have the intestinal mucosa51 (Figures 7.3 and 7.4).
been used in the treatment of these permeabil-
ity-related health conditions: 1) direct promo- Direct promotion of bacterial
tion of intestinal bacterial balance through the balance through probiotics
use of probiotic (bacteria-containing) supple- To help restore optimal permeability to the in-
ments;50 2) indirect promotion of intestinal testine, active balancing of bacterial popula-
bacterial balance through the use of prebiotic tions in the gut through supplementation with
supplements containing nutrients preferred by thermophilized (freeze-dried) or living bacteria

Composition of intestinal flora Function of intestinal flora Effects on host

Bacterial Bacterial
Count Group
Maintenance of health
(per g feces) 1-Synthesis of vitamins and protein
2-Supplementation in digestion
Bacteroidaceae and absorption
(1,2,3,4,5,6,8) 3-Inhibition of growth of
10 9~1011 Eubacterium (3) exogenous organisms

Peptococcaceae (3,6,8) 4-Stimulation of immune function

Bifidobacterium (1,2,3,4)
5-Intestinal putrefaction
(NH3, H2S, amines, phenols)
6-Production of carcinogens Virulence
7-Production of toxins
Diarrhea, Constipation,
Growth inhibition, Liver
Lactobacillus (3,4)
disturbance, Hepatic
Escherichia coli (3,5,6,7,8)
105~108 coma, Decreased
Streptococcus (3,8)
Establishment of resistance, Autoimmune
Veillonella (8)
a pathological disease, Cancer,
condition Hypertension

Host’s Factors
Stress (emotional and physical) Aging
Clostridium perfringens (7,8) Aging, Antibiotics,
Staphyloccocus (7,8) Immuno-suppressants, Spontaneous Infection
0~10 4 Proteus (7,8) Cortisone, Radiation, etc.
Pseudomonas (7,8) Diarrhea, Gastroenteritis, Infection
(cerebromeningitis, endocarditis,
septicemia, urinary tract infection,
brain abscess, liver abscess,
pulmonary abscess)

FIGURE 7.3 Type and activity of intestinal bacteria


GI Tract Site Density of

of Bacteria Bacteria Common Bacterial Populations

Stomach [103 – 105 /g]

Small intestine
Duodenum [103 – 105 /g] Lactobacilli
Jejunum [103 – 105 /g] Enterobacteria
Bacteroides spp.
Ileum [103 – 1012 /g]

Bacteroides spp. Enterobacteria

Fusobacterium spp. Klebsiella
E. Faecalis Eubacteria
Large intestine [1010 – 1012 /g] Lactobacilli Bifidobacteria
Es c h eAureis
Staph. ric h ia c o li Streptococci
. sp. Pseudomonas

Bacteroides spp.
Feces [109 – 1011 /g] Bifidobacteria
E. Faecalis

FIGURE 7.4 Common bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract

is helpful. Bacteria used in supplementation adults. Favorably altered immune system re-
studies include the bifidobacteria (including sponse and anti-tumor activity have also been
the species bifidum, breve, infantis, longum, reported. Similarly, lactobacillus supplementa-
adolescentis, angulatum, catenulatum, and tion improves infantile diarrhea and stabilizes
pseudocatenulatum), the lactobacilli (includ- intestinal function, including permeability.
ing the species acidophilus, brevis, bulgaricus,
casei, delbrueckii, kefir, plantarum, salivarius, Indirect support of bacterial balance
and yoghurti), and the streptococci (including through prebiotic supplementation
the species thermophilus, faecium, faecalis, Another way to restore bacterial balance and
and lactis). The bifidobacteria restore mi- improve permeability disruption involves sup-
crofloral balance in extremely compromised plementation with nutrients that serve as pre-
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 207

ferred fuels for bifidobacteria and lacto- active supplementation of nutrients selectively
bacilli. This area of research focuses on the used by intestinal cells for growth and function.
carbohydrate subdivision generally referred These nutrients include the following: 1) glu-
to as the fructooligosaccharides (FOS). This tamine, a nonessential amino acid; 2) butyric
category of macronutrient includes short acid, a short-chain fatty acid; 3) fibers that in-
chains (3-10 saccharide units) of simple sug- testinal bacteria can convert to short-chain
ars with at least two of the units consisting of fatty acids; 4) EPA and GLA, the omega 3 and
the monosaccharide fructose. Fructooligosac- omega 6 fatty acids; and 5) gamma-oryzanol.
charides have typically been divided into
three categories based on the number of fruc- L-glutamine. L-glutamine is a nonessen-
tose units they contain. The GF2s, containing tial amino acid that can be formed from the
two fructose molecules, include 1-kestose, essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and
6-kestose, and neokestose. Nystose, bifur- valine, or by transformation of alpha keto-
cose, and neobifurcose constitute the GF3s; glutarate, a breakdown product of the simple
and the GF4s include the substances fructo- sugar glucose. In the small intestine, L-
sylnystose and a second form of bifurcose. glutamine is the preferred fuel for intestinal
Onion, burdock root, asparagus, and rye are cells. Supplementation with glutamine has
food sources for all three types of fruc- become increasingly widespread for hospital-
tooligosaccharides. Jerusalem artichoke, ba- ized patients with severely compromised in-
nana, sugar maple, and Chinese chive have testinal function. When added to enteral (tube)
been recognized as sources of the 2-fructose feedings, glutamine increases the number of
forms (1-kestose, 6-kestose, and neokestose). cells in the small intestine, the number of villi
(Table 2.4 shows the molecular structures for (absorptive spaces) on those cells, and the
GF2, GF3, and GF4.) height of the villi.53 Glutamine supplementa-
Studies indicate that fructooligosaccha- tion in parenteral (intravenous) feedings de-
rides are the preferred substrate for all bifi- creases the spread of infection from the
dobacteria except the bifidum species. They intestine to other tissue. Glutamine also helps
are ineffective as a substrate for the poten- prevent intestinal tissue loss after surgery and
tially pathogenic bacterium Clostridium per- improves immune function. Doses of gluta-
fringens. Supplementation of these nutrients mine range from 300 to 500 mg of glutamine
in doses of 1–8 g per day may favorably af- per kg of body weight.
fect human microfloral balance.
Butyric acid. Butyric acid, a small, 4-
Nutritional support of carbon nonessential short-chain fatty acid,
intestinal mucosal cells functions in the large intestine similarly to
A third type of intervention in health condi- glutamine in the small intestine—as fuel of
tions related to altered permeability involves choice. Like glutamine, butyric acid can form

in the body from alpha ketoglutarate, a inflammatory disease, including intestinal dis-
breakdown product of simple sugar. Surpris- eases. For example, EPA decreased inflamma-
ingly, 75 percent of all dietary carbohydrate tion, improved intestinal function in animals,
that reaches the colon (mostly in the form of and improved symptoms in a group of pa-
undigested fiber) can be converted by colonic tients with Crohn’s disease.55
bacteria into short-chain fatty acids, includ-
ing butyrate. For persons on a high fiber- Gamma-oryzanol. Gamma-oryzanol, a
containing diet, between 5 and 10 percent of naturally occurring component of rice bran
the body’s energy needs may be met by short- oil, is a well-documented antioxidant that
chain fatty acid generation and metabolism provides intestinal support for permeability-
by bacteria in the large intestine. related conditions like irritable bowel syn-
Support for butyric acid production, like drome and ulceration of the gastric and
supplementation of glutamine, may improve intestinal linings.56,57 Several components of
intestinal function and integrity54 and act as gamma-oryzanol, including its ferulic acid es-
an anti-cancer agent. Butyrate may provide a ters of triterpenoid compounds (cycloartenol,
key to the link between dietary fiber and colo- 24-methyl cycloartenol) and its phytosterols
rectal cancer. Because bacteria in the large (beta sitosterol, campestrol), have become
intestine can convert dietary fibers into bu- the subjects of increasing research in relation-
tyrate, and because butyrate has anti-cancer ship to intestinal health. Protective intestinal
properties, diets high in fiber may protect support by gamma-oryzanol includes free
against colorectal cancer. Diets higher in veg- radical scavenging activity, metal chelating
etable and leguminous fiber may protect activity, and autonomic nervous system medi-
against colorectal cancer better than diets ated normalization of gastric secretions.58
high in grain fiber. Bacteria in the large intes-
tine may be better able to convert these veg-
etable and leguminous fibers into butyrate Permeability and the 4R
than fibers derived from whole grains.
Gastrointestinal Support Program
EPA and GLA. EPA (eicosapentaenoic A comprehensive approach to normalization
acid) and GLA (gamma linolenic acid) are of gastrointestinal function, commonly re-
nonessential fatty acids belonging to the ferred to as the “4R” approach, comprises
omega 3 and omega 6 families, respectively. four basic clinical steps: Remove, Replace,
Because EPA and GLA stand at the chemical Reinoculate, and Repair. Although intestinal
gateways for the body’s manufacturing of permeability is connected most closely to
many key immune-related substances, each “Repair,” it is indirectly connected to the
has been extensively investigated relative to other steps as well (Figure 7.5).
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 209

Apply indicated Steps of 4R

GI Support Program

Pathogens/Xenobiotics Digestive enzymes
Allergens and factors (e.g., HCI)

Probiotics: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli Low irritant diet
Prebiotics: FOS, inulin Nutrients to support
growth and repair

FIGURE 7.5 4R GI support program

Remove ganisms to therapeutic agents. Dietary alter-

“Remove” focuses on eliminating pathogenic ations, including removal of toxins and aller-
bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, allergens, gens from an individual’s food intake, are also
and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Lab- vital. Oligoantigenic diets, containing only
oratory tests involving digestive microbiology those foods that are known to pose very little
and parasitology are often needed to verify the risk of an allergic reaction, are typically part of
presence of unwanted microbial organisms in the “Remove” phase of 4R. Failure to remove
the intestine. Removing these organisms may pathogens, toxins, and allergens from the
require prescription medicines, and knowledge gastrointestinal environment can make proper
of the sensitivity and resistance of specific or- intestinal permeability virtually impossible

to attain. Intestinal support nutrients intended Reinoculate

for the enterocytes and colonocytes lining “Reinoculate” is the third step in 4R gas-
the intestinal wall may never reach their cellu- trointestinal support. Reinoculate refers to
lar destination. Instead, they may fuel un- the reintroduction of desirable bacteria into
wanted microbial pathogens. Dietary allergens the intestine to establish microfloral balance.
and toxins may also provoke intestinal im- A variety of supplemental sources may be
mune responses and further damage intestinal considered helpful in this phase, including
integrity. cultured and fermented foods containing live
bacteria, refrigerated liquid supplements con-
Replace taining live bacteria, or freeze-dried bacteria
The second clinical step in the 4R program, packaged in powder, tablet, or capsule form.
“Replace” replenishes enzymes and other Frequently supplemented species include
digestive factors lacking or insufficient in an Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bul-
individual’s gastrointestinal environment. garicus, Lactobacillus thermophilus, Bifido-
Gastrointestinal enzymes needing to be re- bacterium bifidus, Bifidobacterium longum,
placed include pancreatic enzymes and the and Bifidobacterium breve. In addition to di-
proteases, lipases, cellulases, and saccharidases rectly reintroducing bacteria, this step may
that are normally secreted into the intestine. also involve indirectly bolstering the reinocu-
Other digestive factors that may require re- lation process through foods or food products
plenishment include hydrochloric acid (HCl) that enhance lactobacilli or bifidobacteria
and intrinsic factor (IF), normally secreted by growth without simultaneously enhancing
cells in the stomach wall, and bile, synthesized pathogenic bacteria growth. Supplementing
in the liver. As in step one, laboratory tests with fructooligosaccharides (FOS) derived
may be required to verify the need for replace- from foods like Jerusalem artichoke illus-
ment enzymes and digestive factors. Failing to trates this indirect bolstering process. In the
replace these critical components of the diges- absence of bacterial balance in the intestine,
tive process can also greatly compromise any proper intestinal permeability is unlikely. On
attempts to establish proper intestinal perme- the one hand, a lack of beneficial nutrients
ability. Without appropriate breakdown of exists, often resulting from a lack of desirable
food, intestinal support nutrients may never be bacteria populations available to produce
available to the intestinal cells. Instead, they such nutrients. For example, a lack of Bifi-
may be lost from the body in the fecal stream. dobacteria species able to convert various
In addition, insufficient enzymatic processes types of dietary fiber into butyric acid often
may decrease the availability of fuels to desir- means a lack of this short-chain fatty acid
able microbial populations. preferred by the colonocytes as an energy
Digestion, Absorption, and Gut Ecology 211

substrate. On the other hand, excess endo- pathophysiology. It is therefore imperative to

toxic substances produced by overgrowth of establish a comprehensive therapeutic regi-
unwanted bacteria in an imbalanced mi- men that addresses them effectively.
crofloral environment exist. Along with im-
mune activation, these substances can disrupt
intestinal permeability.
The barrier function of the intestine—now
Repair measured with reasonably reliable and nonin-
The fourth and final step in a 4R approach, vasive laboratory techniques—can be com-
“Repair,” is the step most closely associated promised by a wide variety of commonly
with the intestinal permeability concept. This occurring life events. These events include
step involves direct nutritional support of the stress, toxic exposure, poor dietary habits,
intestinal cells through the use of supplements and medications. Altered intestinal permea-
containing nutrients known to be critical in in- bility is not a localized, organ-specific dis-
testinal wall structure and function. In this order but a root level bodily imbalance in
group of nutrients are many of the antioxi- which whole-body function is compromised.
dants, including vitamins C, E, and A/beta- Disrupted permeability functionally links in-
carotene, the minerals zinc and manganese, testinal dysbiosis and neuroendocrine, muscu-
the amino acids cysteine, N-acetylcysteine, and loskeletal, and immunological problems.
glutamine, the tripeptide glutathione, and the According to functional medicine, altered per-
carbohydrates inulin and/or FOS. Supplemen- meability serves as a landmark in pattern iden-
tation of other nutrients closely involved with tification. This finding enhances understanding
collagen formation, including the vitamin pan- and nutritional support for a wide variety of
tothenic acid, is also practiced. As previously diagnostic conditions, including food allergy,
discussed, pre- and post-testing using lactu- irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease,
lose/mannitol is typically conducted to evalu- pancreatic disease, rheumatoid arthritis, anky-
ate and monitor the repair process. losing spondylitis, cystic fibrosis, celiac dis-
When considered together, the four steps ease, atopic eczema, failure to thrive, and
of the 4R gastrointestinal support program general malnutrition. The failure to address
appropriately address, from a clinical stand- altered permeability and practice aggressive
point, many of the critical factors underlying nutritional support of intestinal integrity may
GI dysfunction. Each of these factors can compromise long-term treatment of the listed
contribute to increasing and self-generating health conditions.

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RADITIONAL RESEARCH ABOUT THE ROLE in skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration.5
of energy in clinical nutrition has Such findings indicate that the loss of mito-
focused mainly on macronutrients as chondrial respiratory chain function may in-
primary substrates for metabolic activity. fluence factors associated with aging. Studies
Such studies have explored human energy like this are only the beginning of an exciting
needs in many ways, including basal meta- investigation of the relationship between mi-
bolic rate, thermogenesis, physical activity, tochondria and illness. The list of clinical
regulation of energy intake, and calculation conditions related to mitochondria will no
of energy needs.1,2,3 While these issues should doubt expand as research into mitochondrial
be the core of our understanding about how function continues.
the body uses nutrients, recent discoveries are In this chapter, we examine how nutri-
forging new visions about the role of nutri- tion influences mitochondrial activity and en-
tion and human energy. ergy production. According to a functional
Most notably, research has linked mito- approach, nutritional therapeutics can help
chondrial dysfunction to a variety of clinical regulate energy processes related to disease.
conditions related to major organ systems This chapter provides a general overview of
and functions (Table 8.1).4 One study discov- the basic biochemical pathways producing
ered that individuals with fatigue and acceler- body energy, discusses the role of nutrition in
ated age conditions had a significant decline support of energy production, and introduces


TABLE 8.1 Clinical Conditions Related to Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been noted in the following diseases:

Diseases of the heart Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome,


Diseases of the eye optic neuropathies, ophthalmoplegias

Diseases of the musculoskeletal lipid myopathies, chronic fatigue,

system fibromyalgia syndrome

Diseases of the pancreas diabetes mellitus

Diseases of the kidney Fanconi’s syndrome, glomerulonephropathies

Diseases of the blood Pearson’s syndrome

Diseases of the brain Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease,

migraines, seizures, strokes

a functional approach to nutritionally sup- gen to generate the energy-containing

ported energy production. molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Es-
sentially, the energy released when proteins,
ENERGY lipids, and polysaccharides are oxidized is
coupled with a reaction that allows the en-
Mitochondria and Energy Production ergy to be repackaged into ATP. ATP func-
Known as the power plants of the cell, mito- tions as the common currency of energy
chondria contain enzymes important for cell within a cell (roughly 109 molecules of ATP
metabolism, including those that convert food are present in the intracellular space of the
to usable energy (Figure 8.1). Mitochondria average cell at any given time).6
exist in the cytoplasm of all cells except ery- ATP contains a high-energy phosphate
throcytes. Each cell contains about 2,500 mi- bond that stores energy to be transferred and
tochondria, which means that over one released based on body need. This stored en-
quadrillion mitochondria exist in the adult ergy is released when ATP is converted to
human body—more than three times the adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic
number of adult human cells and twice the phosphate (Pi). In turn, the ADP and Pi
number of microorganisms found in the gut. produce ATP in the mitochondrion when
Cells can even increase their mitochondrial combined with energy-releasing catabolic re-
number through fission of the mitochondrion. actions. This process allows the body to
Mitochondria are the sites of cellular res- maintain energy through the regeneration of
piration, the catabolic process that uses oxy- ATP from ADP and Pi (Figure 8.1).
Energy 217


Proteins Lipids

(e.g., glucose)

Glyc o lys is
Fatty Acids
Amino Acids
and Glycerol


Pyruvic Acid

Inner Mitochondrial Coenzyme A
Outer Mitochondrial
Cycle CO2
= Electron Reducing power
Transport Chain as NADH




FIGURE 8.1 Mitochondrial energy production (from food)


The process of regenerating ATP from (ATP) can then return to the body for use.
ADP and Pi is similar to recharging a battery. However, the process is not quite as simple as
In this analogy, ATP acts as the battery and recharging a battery. Unlike a standard bat-
the mitochondrion as the recharger. When tery, ATP is unable to maintain a charge at
the battery (ATP) runs down (and becomes length. A single ATP molecule must be recy-
ADP and Pi), it must be placed in the battery cled within a mitochondrion approximately
recharger (the mitochondrion) for recharging 1,000 times per day for the body to maintain
(phosphorylation). The fully charged battery its energy supply.

Inner Outer
membrane 2 membrane


Crista 3
4 Matrix

High H +
(space between inner H+ Channel
and outer H+ H+

membrane chain ATP
Low H + proton pumps)
(matrix of
mitochondrion) Energy from

FIGURE 8.2 Mitochondria and energy production

Energy 219

Structure Influences Function energy, while anaerobic metabolism produces

Mitochondria vary in shape: spherical or energy in the absence of oxygen.
elongated, cylindrical, or threadlike. Tissue When the body produces energy by an-
environment determines their cell position. aerobic metabolism (Figure 8.3), a molecule
For example, mitochondria are relatively free of glucose is separated into two molecules of
moving and almost spheroid in shape in the pyruvate by a process called glycolysis. These
liver. In muscle, they are bound tightly to the pyruvate molecules remain in the cytosol of
fibers of the contractile system. In the kidney, the cell where they are converted to ethanol
they are cylindrical. and lactate by fermentation. The energy re-
Mitochondria consist of two membranes: leased during the breakdown of pyruvate
an outer membrane that is permeable to most forms ATP from ADP and Pi. Without mito-
small molecules and an inner membrane that chondria, all cells would be anaerobic and
does not readily allow molecules to pass depend entirely on glycolysis for their pro-
through it. The inner membrane is arranged duction of energy.
to form invaginations, or cristae, which in- Anaerobic metabolism is relatively ineffi-
crease the surface area of the membrane. The cient, as fermentation provides only about
larger surface area allows a greater quantity two molecules of ATP per molecule of glu-
of enzymes to exist in the inner membrane. cose. Yet tissues in the body, such as skeletal
This mitochondrial matrix contains enzymes muscle, function anaerobically when oxygen
involved with the citric acid cycle and fatty is scarce.
acid oxidation as well as the enzymes respon- Aerobic metabolism, on the other hand,
sible for ATP production. In contrast to the serves as the predominant means of human en-
outer membrane, the inner membrane also ergy production. Over 90 percent of cellular
uses an elaborate, energy-driven transport oxygen consumed by the body fuels this mito-
system to usher most nutrients. Examples of chondrial process. In addition to pyruvate,
molecules permeating the inner layer include aerobic metabolism uses a variety of molecules
ATP, ADP, Pi, pyruvate, succinate, malate, cit- to yield energy. Amino acids, organic acids,
rate, and alpha-ketoglutarate. and fatty acids can all be metabolically trans-
formed to create a series of energy-producing
enzymatic reactions known as the Krebs cycle.
Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Metabolism
Eukaryotic cells produce ATP through two
basic metabolic processes: aerobic metabolism The Krebs Cycle
and anaerobic metabolism. Aerobic metab- The Krebs cycle (Figure 8.4) is the first of two
olism requires oxygen for the production of sequential processes aerobically producing

Lipids Carbohydrates Proteins

Anaerobic Metabolism

B6, B12,
Acids Monosaccharides
+ (e.g., glucose) Folate,
Glycerol Thiamin Biotin
Thiamin Niacin

Pyruvic Acid Amino
Niacin Acids
Biotin Pantothenic

Acetyl Coenzyme A

FIGURE 8.3 The role of vitamins in early energy production (pre-mitochondria)

energy in mitochondria. The Krebs cycle, fol- ganic molecule such as pyruvate crosses the
lowed by oxidative phosphorylation, takes outer mitochondrial membrane, a series of four
the two molecules of pyruvate produced by dehydrogenase enzymes strip the electrons
glycolysis and converts them into CO2 and from the molecule (in the form of hydrogen
H2O. This process yields a large amount of atoms). One passage through the Krebs cycle is
energy, as one molecule of glucose can pro- sufficient to strip off four pairs of hydrogen
duce 36 molecules of ATP. atoms containing four pairs of transferable
The Krebs cycle, named after its 1953 electrons. After these electron-containing hy-
Nobel Prize-winning discoverer, Hans Krebs, drogen atoms are removed from the organic
involves oxidative metabolism of acetyl units substrate, they are added to the vitamin B3-
and produces high-energy phosphate com- and vitamin B2-containing cofactors, NAD+
pounds. This process, also called the tricar- and FAD. They form NADH and FADH2 re-
boxylic acid cycle, or TCA, occurs in the outer spectively. These hydrogen-receiving cofactors
compartment of mitochondria. Once an or- transport the electrons to their last stop within
Energy 221

Coenzyme A

Oxaloacetic Acid

COOH 1 H2C COOH Citric acid
Malic HCOH 2
COOH cis-Aconitic
8 3
To electron
transport CH HC COOH
Isocitric Acid
7 4
Succinic Acid H2C COOH HCH
6 5

Key to enzymes: CH2 O C COOH

1 Citric Synthetase GTP GDP Alpha-ketoglutaric
2 3 Aconitase C S CoA Acid To electron
4 Isocitric dehydrogenase Succinyl CoA transport chain (ETC)
5 Alpha-ketoglutaric
dehydrogenase NADH + H+
6 Succinyl kinase
7 Succinic dehydrogenase
8 Fumarase
9 Malic dehydrogenase

FIGURE 8.4 Krebs cycle


the mitochondrion, the electron transport do not actually use oxygen. Instead, they pro-
chain (ETC), where they prepare for oxidative duce cofactors NADH and FADH2. In oxida-
phosphorylation. tive phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2
combine with molecular oxygen through a
series of electron transfers in the electron
Oxidative Phosphorylation transport chain to form water (H2O). The co-
Oxidative phosphorylation produces ATP factor NADH is recycled to NAD+ during the
using energy derived from the redox reac- electron transfers or oxidation stage.
tions of the electron transport chain (Figure An electrochemical proton gradient per-
8.5). Although considered part of aerobic forms the second step of the process as it
metabolism, the reactions in the Krebs cycle crosses the mitochondrial membrane. In this

Complex III:
Ubiquinol-Cytochrome C
Oxidoreductase Complex
(containing an Fe-S center)

Space between outer and H+

inner mitochondrial Channel

2H+ 2H+ 2H+ 6H+

+ + + Cyt c + +

e- e-
mitochondrial CoQ10
e- Synthase
- - - - -
NADH + H+ NAD + 2H+ + 1/2 O2 H2O

Complex I and Complex II:

NADH-Ubiquinone 3ADP + 3Pi 3ATP
Oxidoreductase Complex
(containing FMN and 5 Fe-S Complex IV:
centers) with Succinate- Cytochrome C Oxidase
Ubiquinone Complex Complex (containing
(containing cytochromes b and cytochromes a and a3 and
c1 and an Fe-S center) copper ions)

FIGURE 8.5 Proton pumps in oxidative phosphorylation [Electron transport chain]

Energy 223

step, the backflow of protons produced from ENERGY AND NUTRITION

this gradient activates the membrane-bound
Mitochondria and Nutrition
enzyme ATP synthase. Phosphorylation oc-
curs when ATP synthase uses the energy from Mitochondrial production of aerobic energy
the proton flow to form ATP from ADP and begins with the successful transport of sub-
Pi (Figure 8.5). strate into the mitochondrial matrix. Passage
of fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial
membrane and into the matrix is an active
process that is dependent upon the fatty acid
Protein-bound Lysine
transport molecule L-carnitine (Figure 8.6).

S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)
To function as a fatty acid transport shuttle, L-
S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH)
carnitine must be in its acyl-carnitine form and
exit from the matrix during the transport.7
ε-N-Trimethyllysine Carnitine is synthesized by the amino acid ly-
sine. During synthesis, three methyl groups

donated by the amino acid methionine are

Free ε-N-Trimethyllysine
attached to the lysine molecule to form

α-ketoglutarate + O2
trimethyllysine. Four subsequent steps are re-
Ascorbate, Fe 2+ quired for final synthesis of L-carnitine; they
Succinate + CO 2 depend upon enzymatic cofactors vitamin C,
vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and iron. (The carni-
tine molecule is pictured in Figure 8.7.)
Vitamin B6 Aldolase Cells commanding immediate high en-
Glycine ergy, like muscle cells, need creatine for en-
γ-Trimethylaminobutyraldehyde ergy storage. Produced by the liver, kidneys,

and pancreas, creatine is converted to a
(Vitamin B3)


CH 3

α-ketoglutarate + O2 Ascorbate, Fe2+

CH 3 N+ CH 2 CH CH 2 CO O H
Succinate + CO2

L -Carnitine CH 3 OH

FIGURE 8.6 Carnitine biosynthetic pathway

in mammals FIGURE 8.7 Structural formula of carnitine

high-energy, phosphorylated derivative called insulin.9 Creatine is excreted by the kidneys

phosphocreatine (Figure 8.8). Phosphocrea- as creatinine.
tine converts ADP to ATP by transferring its
high-energy phosphate via creatine kinase.
Carbohydrate intake and insulin secretion in- Energy and Absorption of Nutrients
crease muscle cell use of creatine.8 Gerbitz et Mitochondria are central to the body’s gen-
al. propose that creatine shuttled through mi- eral energy needs, especially bringing dietary
tochondria may signal glucokinase to bind nutrients into the body. While some nutrients
glucose and pancreas beta cells to secrete diffuse across the intestinal membrane, car-


Phosphocreatine stores energy
in muscle cells. When more Energy is transferred
ATP is needed to support from ATP to creatine by
energy use, phosphocreatine transfer of an activated
quickly transfers its activated phosphate from ATP to
phosphate back to ADP to Creatine kinase creatine to form
form ATP. phosphocreatine.

Creatine-phosphate Creatine

FIGURE 8.8 The creatine-phosphate energy shuttle

Energy 225

rier substances transport other nutrients Embedded within the inner mitochon-
across the intestinal border to the blood. drial membrane are five enzyme complexes
This process is called active transport. Active and two carrier systems collectively referred
transport requires energy in the form of ATP to as the electron transport chain (ETC). Em-
generated by the mitochondria. Digestion bedded in the membrane, ATP-synthase en-
and transport of nutrients into the blood- zyme, or complex V, can be found at the end
stream use approximately one-fourth of the of the ETC. Each mitochondrion contains ap-
body’s metabolic energy. proximately 17,000 ETCs. The key enzyme
In active transport, a molecule or ele- and transport structures within the ETC in-
ment, such as uric acid or calcium, is bound clude flavoproteins, iron-sulfur proteins, and
to a carrier on the outside of the intestinal cytochromes. The ETC proteins require vita-
cell. The carrier transports its nutrient cargo mins B2, B3, C, K, magnesium, and zinc as
to the inner membrane of the cell and returns cofactors.11
to the outer membrane to repeat the process. A carrier system between enzyme Com-
This movement is central in absorbing nutri- plexes II and III that involves ubiquinone, or
ents such as glucose, amino acids, iron, cal- coenzyme Q10, facilitates the ETC. Not only
cium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and is coenzyme Q10 the only nonprotein compo-
uric acid.10 nent of the electron transport system, it is the
only component capable of simultaneously
transporting two electrons in the process.
Cells rich in mitochondria also have a high
MITOCHONDRIAL METABOLISM concentration of the critical carrier molecule
Once shuttled into the matrix, organic sub- coenzyme Q10.12 For example, cardiocytes
strates travel through the Krebs cycle (Figure contain more than 10 times the amount of
8.4) where they undergo a series of nine en- coenzyme Q10 than do intestinal cells.
zymatic steps involving eight enzymes. This
complex series of reactions requires several
Mitochondrial Free Radicals
nutrients at different stages, including vita-
mins B1, B2, B3, B5, lipoic acid, iron, magne- and Oxidative Stress
sium, sulfur, and phosphorus. Magnesium Mitochondria derive their uniqueness from
and vitamin B3 are present in three of the their individualized, circular DNA. This
steps. Key organic acid intermediary com- structure is similar to the structure of bacte-
pounds formed during the Krebs cycle in- rial DNA. Mitochondrial genes primarily
clude citrate, succinate, malate, fumarate, code for the proteins necessary to produce
oxaloacetate, alpha-ketoglutarate, isocitrate, ATP. However, unlike nuclear DNA, mito-
and cis-aconitate. chondria inherit DNA exclusively from the

female of a species. At least in energy produc- endocrine system, suffer first from this pro-
tion, we owe our roots to our mothers. cess. Such changes may accelerate biological
More than 90 percent of all cellular oxy- aging and the onset of various disease-related
gen consumption fuels mitochondrial pro- conditions.
cesses. This means that mitochondria must
transfer tremendous numbers of electrons to Uncoupling
produce energy. Both free oxygen and free The transfer of electrons through the electron
electrons may contribute to oxidative stress transport chain coordinates the production
by forming reactive oxygen species. Under of water and the recycling of cofactors NAD+
normal conditions, roughly four to five per- and FADH. The “coupling” of these events
cent of the oxygen processed in the mito- yields high energy, efficient conversion of
chondria generates reactive oxygen species oxygen to water, and low amounts of harm-
such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and ful reactive oxygen species. However, if this
hydroxyl radical. While an efficiently operat- coupling is impaired, so too is ATP formation
ing mitochondrial system has the capacity to (energy production). Such results are becom-
minimize the adverse effects of this “low- ing increasingly linked to a number of clinical
level” oxidant leakage, an inefficient system conditions.
may not. In the latter case, mitochondrial Some drugs, xenobiotics, and other sub-
damage may result.13 stances appear to uncouple electron transport
When oxidative stress occurs, mitochon- and oxidative phosphorylation. These exoge-
drial function can be compromised or lost nous influences may lead to disease by alter-
long before other cellular functions. Two fac- ing mitochondrial function. For example,
tors increasing mitochondrial DNA’s suscep- exposure to toxins, such as 3-nitropropionate,
tibility to damage include proximity to the a fungal toxin found on sugar cane, can
production site of oxygen radicals in the cause oxidative phosphorylation to uncouple,
inner membranes and lack of protective his- thus initiating mitochondrial oxidative stress,
tones, which normally protect nuclear DNA. and ultimately leading to neuronal death. Cer-
A mutation in mitochondrial DNA creates a tain antibiotic drugs such as doxycycline,
mixture of normal and mutant molecules that imipenem, and leucinostatins A and B may also
pass to daughter cells during subsequent uncouple mitochondrial oxidative phosphory-
replications. Mitochondrial bioenergetic ca- lation and increase oxidative stress.14,15,16
pacity drops as a consequence, ultimately
falling below a minimum threshold value
Clinical Issues:
necessary for tissues to function normally.
Tissues that rely on mitochondrial bioener- Mitochondrial Dysfunction
getics, like those in the central nervous sys- The integral role of mitochondria in energy
tem, heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, liver, and production and cellular support illustrates
Energy 227

how mitochondrial dysfunction can affect of non-Alzheimer’s patients to that of Alz-

nearly all organ systems (Figure 8.9).17 Studies heimer’s patients. Alzheimer’s patients exhib-
have found that mutations in mitochondrial ited significantly higher levels of DNA
DNA are associated with a variety of diseases. mutation than those without the disease.
For example, since mitochondrial DNA Such changes may result from induced fac-
changes often occur over a long period of tors related to long-term exposure to muta-
time, researchers suggest that such mutations genic agents (xenobiotics, radiation, etc.). Dr.
affect the aging process. In 1993, Wallace and Flint Beal of Massachusetts General Hospital
colleagues compared the mitochondrial DNA argues that neuronal mitochondrial defects

Skeletal muscle Eye Hepatopathy
Weakness Heart Optic neuropathy
Fatigue Conduction disorder Ophthalmoplegia
Myopathy Wolff-Parkinson-White Retinopathy
Neuropathy syndrome

Subunits Kidney
Nuclear Oxidative
Fanconi’s syndrome
DNA phosphorylation

Stroke Mitochondrial Pancreas
Dementia DNA Diabetes mellitus

Nuclear DNA
Colon Inner Ear Pearson’s syndrome
Pseudo-obstruction Sensorineural
hearing loss

FIGURE 8.9 Mitochondrion


may predispose people to neurodegenerative abnormalities may be induced, leading to dis-

diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, orders that may express themselves as energy
Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s deficiency accompanied by fatigue, sleep dis-
diseases later in life.18 turbance, cognitive dysfunction, immune
In the evolving understanding of genetic dysregulation, or pain (Table 8.2).
susceptibility, there are known mitochondrial
disorders that relate to polymorphism of the
Clinical Issues: Mitochondrial Energy
mitochondrial DNA.19 Individuals with these
genetic characteristics, which range from Crisis and Parkinson’s Disease
mild to severe mitochondrial dysfunction, Scholars have recently noted a meaningful re-
may have increasing degrees of risk to neuro- lationship among mitochondrial dysfunction,
toxins and brain inflammatory conditions. oxidative stress, and Parkinson’s disease.21
The relationship of mitochondrial DNA They cite oxidative stress as an important
polymorphism to ApoE characteristics and contributor to nigral cell death in Parkinson’s
the risk of beta amyloid-related toxicity have disease, which is also a secondary phe-
not been outlined fully, but literature suggests nomenon in uncoupling of mitochondrial
relationships among different genetic factors function. Studies have not uncovered the
that give rise to individual risks of neurode- primary cause of mitochondrial respiratory
generative and cardiovascular disease beyond failure, but investigators suggest that the ad-
the presently accepted risk factors. ditive effect of environmental neurotoxins in
Until recently, scholars believed that most genetically predisposed individuals may play
disorders involving compromised mitochon- a key role.22 Birkmayer proposed that NADH
drial function were created by mutated mito- can have a significant effect in modulating
chondrial DNA. They argued that the mitochondrial energy deficits in Parkinson’s
mutation contributed to a nonfunctional pro- disease. In one open trial, 71 percent of pa-
tein and disrupted oxidative phosphorylation. tients responded positively to daily intra-
The diagnosis of mitochondrial myopathy in venous administration of 50 mg of NADH.23
world-renowned, long-distance cyclist Greg Further studies suggest that younger Parkin-
LeMond challenged this view. His disorder, son’s patients and those with shorter duration
characterized by debilitating fatigue, muscle of the disease may benefit most from this ap-
impairment, and other symptoms that forced proach.24 This treatment regime is still con-
him to retire, marked the first defined case sidered controversial, and similar results have
for a healthy, athletic, middle-aged individual not been reported by other investigators, but
to have such symptoms unrelated to a rec- Birkmayer noted success with Alzheimer’s pa-
ognized genetic mitochondrial disorder.20 tients as well as individuals experiencing de-
LeMond’s case suggests that mitochondrial pression and energy deficit.25,26
Energy 229

TABLE 8.2 Mitochondrial-related Symptoms and Dysfunction

The range of mitochondrial-related symptoms and dysfunction may include:

Cardiac problems (e.g., conduction disorders, cardiomyopathies)

Central nervous system problems associated with seizures, ataxia, stroke, dementia,
and migraine
Colonic dysfunction associated with pseudo-obstruction
Inner ear dysfunction (e.g., some cases of sensorineural hearing loss)
Liver dysfunction
Ocular disorders (e.g., optical neuropathies, retinopathies)
Pancreatic dysfunction (e.g., secondary effects of diabetes mellitus)
Renal dysfunction (e.g., glomerulonephropathy)

A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH creased intake of metabolites concentrated in

TO ENERGY mitochondrion. Functional medicine also
aims to reduce and eliminate endogenous and
exogenous circumstances that contribute to
Mitochondrial Resuscitation
mitochondrial oxidative stress.
A functional medicine approach to health A nutritional support program for mito-
maintains that intervention into clinical con- chondria should include cofactors, transport
ditions must occur at root levels of metabolic molecules, intermediary metabolites, and
imbalance in order to be effective. Mitochon- antioxidants essential to mitochondrial activ-
drial dysfunction is a good example of ities. A functional medicine approach recom-
metabolic imbalance at root level—a level mends the following guidelines:
that has been shown to cut across all organ
systems and to underlie a variety of symptom • key cofactors and antioxidants spe-
patterns and clinical conditions. cific for mitochondrial function,
According to a functional medicine per- including lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10,
spective, support of mitochondrial function and carnitine;
must involve restoration or “resuscitation” • a balance of antioxidant factors and
of the mitochondrial vitality through in- cofactors, including glutathione,

cysteine, vitamin E, vitamin C, ETC, and 3) glutathione, a tripeptide formed

carotenoids, flavonoids, and the from glutamate, glycine, and cysteine. (The
minerals zinc, copper, selenium, and glutathione redox cycle is depicted in Figure
manganese; 8.10.) Insufficient amounts of these mol-
• cofactors appearing in the Krebs cycle ecules increase oxidative stress and may
and the ETC, such as vitamins B1, compromise mitochondrial function. The in-
B2, B3, B5, and K, and the minerals teraction of these factors may alter oxidative
magnesium, phosphorus, and sulfur; stress and mitochondrial energy produc-
and tion—states associated with disorders of ac-
• direct provision of Krebs cycle inter- celerated aging.
mediates, including the organic acids
citrate, succinate, malate, fumarate,
Specific Nutrient Substances
oxaloacetate, alpha-ketoglutarate,
isocitrate, and cis-aconitate. Useful in Improving
Mitochondrial Efficiency
A number of nutrient-derived substances can
Reducing Mitochondrial
improve mitochondrial function in oxidative
Oxidative Stress stress or cellular toxicity (Table 8.3). This ap-
Maintaining a mitochondrial environment proach balances the redox potential of the cell
free from oxidative stress is a difficult and by improving mitochondrial oxidative phos-
complex task. While humans have built-in phorylation and reducing expression of oxi-
protective mechanisms to minimize the effects dant stress factors. McCord explains that the
of oxidative stress, the very nature of mito- oxidant/antioxidant balance is crucial to re-
chondrial activity (especially its oxygen use duce the risk of many age-related diseases.27
and electron transfer) creates a state of oxida- Mechanisms may exist by which nutrient
tive stress. Functional medicine recommends pharmacology can improve the metabolism
nutrition as an effective way to control oxida- of oxygen-rich tissues, including the brain
tive stress. Ensuring adequate nutrient status and cardiovascular system.
can promote efficient electron transport and Nutrient intervention that improves mito-
oxidative phosphorylation and maintain re- chondrial function, “mitochondrial resuscita-
dox balance. tion,” includes strengthening the Krebs cycle
Three molecules found in the mitochon- function, stabilizing the electron transport
drion protect the membrane and other com- chain, protecting mitochondrial membranes
ponents from oxidant damage: 1) lipoic acid, against oxidative damage, re-establishing
a sulfur-containing organic acid, 2) coen- proper glutathione cycle function, and reduc-
zyme Q10, the nonprotein component of the ing oxidation-related gene expression. What
Energy 231

TABLE 8.3 Nutritional Modulators of Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation

Nutritional Agent Daily Range Influence

Ascorbate 500–6000 mg Part of glutathione—lipoate redox activity

Catechin 50–1000 mg Hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite quencher

Copper 1–3 mg Necessary for Zn-CuSOD

CoQ10 (ubiquinone) 20–1000 mg Maintenance of electron transport chain function

Ferulic acid 100–300 mg Hydroxyl radical quencher

Glutathione 100–1000 mg Antioxidant and Phase II mercapturate formation

Lipoic acid 50–1000 mg Multiple roles in mitochondrial protection

Magnesium 50–1000 mg Mitochondrial Krebs Cycle activator

Manganese 2–5 mg Necessary for MnSOD

N-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA) 500–3000 mg Mitochondrial membrane and blocking action of cytokines

N-acetyl-carnitine 50–1000 mg Fatty acid transport into the mitochondrion

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) 50–1500 mg Stimulates mitochondrial glutathione synthesis

Niacin 10–50 mg NADH and NADPH production

Niacinamide 200–2000 mg NADH and NADPH production

Riboflavin 10–200 mg FADH2 activator and Krebs Cycle nutrient

Selenium 100–500 mcg Activator of GSH peroxidase

Sodium succinate 100–4000 mg Mitochondrial Krebs Cycle activator

Thiamin 10–200 mg Transketolase activator for hexose monophosphate shunt

Vitamin E (tocopherols) 100–1000 mg Mitochondrial membrane protection

Vitamin K 100–1000 mcg Electron transport chain protector

Zinc 10–50 mg Necessary for Zn-CuSOD


Disulfide Hexose
(GSSG) Monophosphate
Protein Thiol
or reduced
free radical NADP H + H+

Protein NADP +
free radicals


Antioxidant protection for Detoxification through

RNA, DNA, Proteins Mercapturate Pathways

Coenzyme Functions

FIGURE 8.10 The glutathione redox cycle

follows are key factors to consider in nutri- strates the same effect in the mitochondrial
tional support. disorder called Kearns-Sayre syndrome.33,34

Coenzyme Q10 Lipoic acid

Intervention with coenzyme Q10, either alone Lipoic acid is an important antioxidant and has
or as one component of therapy, in individuals an essential role in mitochondrial dehydroge-
with mitochondrial myopathies or encepha- nase reactions. It also protects membranes by
lomyopathies, results in decreased muscle interacting with vitamin C and glutathione to
weakness, improved central and peripheral aid in the recycling of vitamin E. Lipoate is tol-
nerve conductance, and reduced serum levels erated well by individuals and protects against
of lactate and pyruvate.28,29,30,31,32 Interven- a number of oxidative stress-associated condi-
tion with coenzyme Q10, sodium succinate, tions and symptoms including neurotoxicity,
and the Krebs cycle intermediate demon- neurodegeneration, radiation injury, ischemia-
Energy 233

reperfusion injury, and NMDA and malonate- moles per day. Therapeutic levels of carnitine
induced striatal lesions.35,36 may be much higher.39

Vitamin E B-complex vitamins

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that Thiamin (vitamin B1) is a cofactor for pyru-
helps improve mitochondrial function. A no- vate dehydrogenase and has been used to
table case example using an aggressive vita- stimulate production of NADH.40 Riboflavin
min E therapy was published in The Lancet (vitamin B2) is converted to flavin mono-
in 1993. A young, normally developing boy phosphate or flavin adenine dinucleotide
began to experience muscle weakness that (FAD) and functions as a cofactor for elec-
confined him to a wheelchair by age two. tron transport in the ETC. High doses of thi-
Analysis revealed he suffered from a mito- amin (300 mg three times daily) have been
chondrial myopathy that resulted in signifi- reported to normalize plasma pyruvate and
cant free radical production. Physicians lactate levels and improve fatigue in patients
reasoned that antioxidant nutrition might re- with Kearns-Sayre syndrome and mitochon-
duce the damaging effect of the mitochon- drial myopathy.41,42 As a precursor to NADH,
drial oxidant activity. After several weeks on nicotinamide (vitamin B3) is also essential to
a regimen of 2000 IU daily vitamin E, there the full functioning of both the Krebs cycle
was notable improvement in ATP production and the ETC and has shown clinical benefit.
as well as improvement in muscle tone. Even- Biotin and vitamin B6 are also important co-
tually, he was able to walk.37 factors.43 The B-complex vitamins, including
high-dose thiamin and niacinamide, should be
L-carnitine administered at doses as high as 300 mg per
Carnitine serves two major roles in energy day to get clinical benefit in cases of geneti-
metabolism: shuttling fatty acids into the mi- cally related mitochondrial dysfunction.44,45
tochondrial matrix for oxidation and modu-
lating the intramitochondrial levels of acetyl Vitamin K
Coenzyme A, an important cofactor in the Menadione (vitamin K3) and phylloquinone
Krebs cycle reactions. The main consequences (vitamin K1) are two vitamin K compounds
of carnitine deficiency are symptoms associ- that have both been used in conjunction with
ated with impaired energy production. Stud- vitamin C in nutritional support approaches to
ies illustrate that acetyl-L-carnitine improves mitochondrial disorders. Vitamin K adminis-
mitochondrial energy production.38 The tration has been shown to enhance energy pro-
majority of carnitine is derived from the diet. duction in cultured cells and improve cellular
Estimated safe, non-therapeutic levels of car- phosphate metabolism in a patient with mito-
nitine intake range from 150 to 500 micro- chondrial myopathy.46 High doses of vitamin

K have also improved Complex I activity and following intense exercise.52 It also sustains
Complex III activity in the electron transport high ATP rates during strenuous exercise.53
chain of mitochondria in cultured cells.47 Oral
vitamin K helps alleviate symptoms associated
with defects in Complex III.48
This chapter introduces what will undoubtedly
become an exciting point of intervention in the
N-acetylcysteine and/or glutathione
field of clinical nutrition. Given today’s knowl-
Glutathione has been shown to decrease dur-
edge, each of these components alone may be a
ing the aging process. Mitochondria appear to
beneficial, but rudimentary, approach to solv-
be especially susceptible to this decrease.49
ing problems of mitochondrial metabolism.
Glutathione is particularly low in neurons,
Our expanding understanding suggests that a
and neuronal levels may be compromised
complex mixture of vitamins, minerals, cofac-
during aging even when plasma levels of glu-
tors, amino acids, fatty acids, and accessory nu-
tathione appear to be adequate. N-acetylcys-
trients may be needed to address the unique
teine can serve as a precursor to glutathione.
factors involved in mitochondrial metabolism.
In addition to their function(s) in the glu-
The variety of nutrients that influence
tathione antioxidant cascade, N-acetylcysteine
mitochondrial function will likely expand
and glutathione can also serve as inhibitors of
considerably. Additional nutrients to con-
pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor
sider (presently undergoing clinical experi-
necrosis factor.50
mentation in patient care) include vitamin C,
vitamin E, magnesium, succinate, and antho-
Creatine cyanidins. Nutrients of import to consider in-
Oral creatine supplementation has been clude unsaturated fatty acids (including GLA,
shown to increase creatine supplies in skeletal ALA, EPA, DHA) and selected amino acids
muscle51 and phosphocreatine resynthesis (depending upon individual need).

CHAPTER 8 REFERENCES 4. Johns DR. Mitochondrial DNA and disease. N

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and Toxicity

ESTERN SCIENCE AND MEDICINE ogy, it is difficult to ignore the profound
tend to view illness as a cause- power these external agents exert over
and-effect phenomenon. Accord- health. Indeed, the combination of four mil-
ing to this approach, disease happens to a lion synthetic compounds coupled with thou-
person, and a clinician’s task is to determine sands of natural compounds must be taken as
the cause of the disease. Illness is typically ex- a serious potential threat to human health.
plained in terms of events or agents that de- How do clinicians assess the impact of
velop outside of an individual, a concept that these external compounds? How do they dis-
dates back to the early stages of medicine. The tinguish external factors from internal re-
discovery of microorganisms that directly sponses? How can they intervene to restore
cause disease—microbes—has strengthened their patients’ health? Answers to questions
this perspective in Western practice, encour- like these lie in basic understanding about
aging nearly every area of modern medicine to xenobiotics, their sources, and the metabolic
embrace it. Practitioners must realize that resources required to transform these sub-
viewing illness as having solely external stances. Xenobiotic describes chemicals or
causes overlooks the powerful effect of the molecules foreign to living organisms. More
host response. However, considering the specifically, the action of toxic agents, or tox-
magnitude of chemical compounds in the en- icants, on the organism (on the structure and
vironment and their effect on human physiol- function of molecules) may occur at or within


multiple sites, including the functional cellu- Total load describes the total of all exposures
lar components (e.g., active transport mech- and influences that bear on human physiol-
anisms), enzymes, receptors, and nucleic ogy. Since these factors often determine the
acids. The toxicant may make it difficult for efficiency of the body’s detoxification system,
the organism to properly carry out essential nutrient status and organ reserve, they are
functions, including absorption, distribution/ central to any question of how xenobiotics
solubility, metabolism, and excretion of the affect humans. The concept of total load sug-
toxicant. Collectively, these factors contrib- gests that the sum of the factors may over-
ute to end effects of the toxicant. whelm an individual’s system of metabolic
For example, a toxic agent that dimin- management.
ishes the functional capacity of the liver or For many years, efforts to understand
the kidneys to metabolize and excrete that how xenobiotics affect human health focused
substance may become increasingly “toxic” on determining whether or not a substance
as functional capacity decreases. In addition, produced cancer in laboratory animals. Once
the rate of distribution and tissue accumula- studies confirmed this finding for animals, re-
tion of a substance affects the toxicity of that searchers applied these studies to humans.
substance relative to specific organ/tissue While these efforts provided much insight
structure and function. The adage, “There into detoxification, metabolism, and cell bi-
are no harmless substances, only ‘harmless’ ology, in many ways they now detract from
ways of using them,” underscores the relative more pertinent questions: What is the capac-
complexity of toxicity. ity of xenobiotics to alter the function of bio-
This chapter focuses on chemical sub- logical systems, and how does this contribute
stances and the role of nutrients in the body’s to illness? According to the latter perspective,
protection against and elimination of these cancer, as an end-stage manifestation of chem-
substances. Both roles are critical since the im- ical exposure, seems to be only a second-order
pact of a xenobiotic is inherently dependent issue, since so many physiological events pre-
upon an individual’s response mechanisms. cede its development.
Specifically, this chapter reviews the basic In the early 1990s, two seminal volumes
xenobiotics to which humans are exposed and published by the National Academy of Sci-
explores some of the nutrient-dependent pro- ences raised concerns about the functional
cesses that transform xenobiotics. changes induced by exposure to low levels of
xenobiotics. These volumes, Environmental
Neurotoxicology1 and Biologic Markers in
TOTAL LOAD Immunotoxicology,2 highlight two important
Understanding how xenobiotics affect human issues—functional changes result from low-
health is germane to the concept of total load. level chemical exposure, and their effects can
Environment and Toxicity 239

multiply when an individual is exposed to tially affect humans. Rea4 has succinctly out-
more than one agent. lined the following factors that influence the
An animal study about the lethal dose of total load phenomenon:
lead and mercury dramatically illustrates this
latter point—the multiplicity of toxic effects. • Xenobiotics (insecticides, herbicides,
In this study, scientists administered LD1 of drugs, solvents, metals, etc.)
mercury combined with the LD1 of lead to an- • Infections (streptococcus, pseudo-
imals. (LD1 is the acute dose leading to death monas, parasites, etc.)
of 1 percent of a test population. LD50 refers • Toxicants (aflatoxin, fumosine, peni-
to the dose that produces a fatal response in 50 cillium toxins, ergot toxins, etc.)
percent of the animals and is a typical measure • Biological inhalants (molds, algae,
used in toxicology.) Remarkably, the LD1 of pollens, foods, etc.)
mercury + LD1 of lead resulted in LD100, or • Physical phenomena (electromagnetic
100 percent mortality, within five days.3 This fields, ionizing radiation)
study demonstrated a profound difference in • Lifestyle (drinking, smoking, etc.)
outcome between low-toxicity substances ad- • Mechanical problems (biomechanical
ministered in combination and low-toxicity dysfunction, such as nasal, intestinal,
substances administered alone. or other obstruction)
Given the ubiquitous nature of chemicals • Hormonal aberration (DHEA, corti-
in the environment, it is likely that single ex- sol, estrogen, progesterone, testos-
posure is more the exception than the rule. As terone, etc.)
such, it is likely that we know very little • Psychosocial factors (stress, coping
about the true extent of chemicals on human skills, belief systems, psychological
function, since so little study is done on trauma)
chemical synergy. More important, consider-
ing the little we know about factors that While nutritional status is not a direct part
influence physiologic function and their syn- of the total load, the factors noted above are
ergistic effect on chemical function, deter- widespread and influenced by nutritional sta-
mining the effect of chemicals on human tus. Rea, who has followed more than 20,000
function is extremely difficult. patients with chemical sensitivity, reported
However, working within the concept of laboratory evidence that nutrient abnormali-
total load, it is clear that assessing both the ties are widespread among these patients. He
sources of foreign substances and the pa- noted that nutrient supplementation was cen-
tient’s ability to deal with and process those tral to restoring physiologic balance; however,
foreign substances is central to the question reducing total load was also essential to pa-
of how toxicants and xenobiotics differen- tient recovery. His findings suggest that total

load and nutrient metabolism are inseparable ketogenic diet that is enriched with thiamin,
components of any program designed to man- aspartic acid, and glutamate.5 Table 9.1 out-
age the physiological alteration associated lines some of the more common diseases as-
with chemicals. sociated with inborn errors of metabolism.

ENDOGENOUS TOXICANTS Imbalanced Metabolism

In addition to exposure from external sub- By definition, endogenous toxicants are gen-
stances, toxic agents may be produced in- erated within the body and therefore may
ternally as well. In many ways, internally contribute to the total toxic load. Toxicity
generated toxicants may be as harmful as may occur when the body’s normal metabolic
xenobiotics from the environment. mechanisms function inefficiently. For exam-
ple, it typically takes several steps to convert
the amino acid methionine into cysteine. If
Inborn Errors of Metabolism one step is sluggish, an intermediate called
Some cases of toxicant accumulation are due homocysteine accumulates in tissues. Accu-
to mild inborn errors of metabolism. Inborn mulation of homocysteine leads to homo-
errors of metabolism are characterized by cysteine thiolactone that can damage the
genetic mutations that result in the accumula- vascular system and contribute to cardiovas-
tion of an intermediate compound that delete- cular disease.6 A condition called homocys-
riously, if not lethally, affects patients. These teinemia results from one or more of the
metabolites act as endogenously created toxic genetic enzymatic abnormalities. However,
substances. folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and be-
Where metabolites accumulate because taine can reduce accumulating homocysteine.
of a genetic defect, the altered gene often re-
sults in impairment in enzyme function.
Polymorphisms, Biochemical
In the classically defined inborn errors of
metabolism, the consequence can sometimes Individuality, and Toxicity
be counteracted by restricting dietary precur- Inborn errors of metabolism are extreme ex-
sors. An example of this is phenylketonuria amples of genetic individuality. However, we
with a phenylalanine hydroxylase defic- all have a unique combination of genes and
iency. Patients experiencing this disorder can environment that makes us very different
obtain fair to good results by adopting a low- from one another. Every enzyme in the body
phenylalanine diet. Individuals with galac- is generated from two genes, one from the
tosemia function well on a galactose-free mother and one from the father. The combi-
diet. Individuals who suffer from pyruvate nation of two genes, then, is one of the main
dehydrogenase deficiency may do well on a factors in how well an enzyme functions.
Environment and Toxicity 241

TABLE 9.1 Diseases Attributable to One or More Mutations in a Single Case

Disease Mutated Gene Product Characteristics

Albinism Tyrosinase Lack of melanin (skin pigment) formation; in-

creased sensitivity to sunlight, lack of eye pigment

Alcaptonuria Homogentisate oxidase Elevated urine levels of homogentisate; slow

deposits of homogentisate in bones, connective
tissue, and internal organs, resulting in gradual
darkening of these structures; increased suscepti-
bility to arthritis.

Fabry’s α Galactosidase A Skin rash, kidney failure, pain in legs and feet,
ceramide trihexoside accumulates

Fucosidosis α-1-Fucosidosis Cerebral degeneration, spastic muscles, thick skin

Gaucher’s Glucocerebrosidase Enlarged liver and spleen, erosion of long bones

and pelvis, mental retardation

Generalized Gmi, gangliodosis: Mental retardation, enlarged liver

gangliodosis β galactosidase

Histidinemia Histidase Elevated levels of histidine in blood and urine; can

give false positive results in tests for phenylke-
tonuria; elevated urocanase levels in sweat

Krabbe’s (Globoid Galactocerebrosidase Mental retardation, sulfatides accumulate


Maple syrup urine Branched chain keto acid Elevated levels of ketoacids and their metabolites
dehydrogenase (several in blood and urine; mental retardation
variants) ketoacidosis,
early death

Metachromatic Arylsulfatase A Mental retardation, sulfatides accumulate


Niemann-Pick Sphingomyelinase Enlarged liver and spleen, mental retardation,

sphingomyelin accumulates

Parkinson’s Enzyme not identified Decreased dopamine production by certain brain

areas resulting in muscle tremors

Refsum’s α Hydroxylating enzyme Neurological problems: deafness, blindness,

cerebellar ataxia, phytanic acid accumulates

Sandhoff-Jatzkewitz Hexosaminidase A and B Same as Tay-Sachs but develops more quickly

Tay-Sachs Hexosaminidase A Early death, CNS, ganglioside GM2 accumulates


During the 1990s the concept of poly- to accumulation of a toxic substance as a

morphism entered clinical medicine. This result of inadequate processing. In these cases,
concept was particularly present in discus- the toxic substance must be handled prop-
sions of how nutrition affects each person, erly for optimal health and functioning of an
and a leading example of a clinically relevant individual.
polymorphism is seen with the homocysteine
cycle. As discussed above, homocysteinemia
can result from a deficiency of folic acid, vita- Gastrointestinal Microbial Metabolism
min B12, or vitamin B6. However, studies The human large intestine hosts at least 50
have shown that some people with adequate genera of bacteria comprised of nearly 400
(RDA) levels of folate and vitamin B12 show species. There are roughly 1012 gut bacteria
elevated homocysteine. for every gram of gut contents. The rich di-
Investigation into this phenomenon led versity of intestinal microbes originates when
to the discovery that one of the enzymes in a newborn is inoculated with the mother’s
the folate/homocysteine cycle exists in several vaginal and fecal flora during birth.7 As a
forms in the population, and one of these child develops and matures, this bacterial
forms is a “sluggish” enzyme. The gene for population is modified but still very impor-
this “sluggish enzyme” occurs in about 30% tant to optimum health (Chapter 7).
of the population, and about 10% of the Intestinal microbial activity accounts for
population will have two copies of this gene. a large part of metabolic activity. Each
The result is that these individuals are more species uses substrate in the form of diet-de-
likely to have elevated homocysteine and may rived molecules for metabolic maintenance.
require more than the RDA level of folate to The 400 different species are not equally ben-
overcome, or push, this sluggish enzyme. Be- eficial. The salutary ones synthesize vitamins
cause the gene encoding this sluggish enzyme such as B12, biotin, and vitamin K, degrade
occurs in a small percentage of people, and is toxicants, prevent colonization by pathogens,
not the most common gene, it is called a crowd out other less beneficial species, stimu-
“polymorphism.” late the immune system, and produce short-
As knowledge of biochemical pathways chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from fiber.8
merges with our understanding of biochemi- The bacteria in the gut lumen constitute a
cal individuality through the interaction of continuous source of gut-derived metabolites
environment and genetic uniqueness (poly- that reach the systemic circulation. When
morphisms), many more clinically relevant colonic microbes become imbalanced, species
metabolic conditions will be discovered. that produce unfavorable metabolites may
Many of these conditions will lead to imbal- emerge. At Children’s Mercy Hospital in
anced metabolism, and be considered dis- Kansas City, Missouri, Dr. William Shaw dra-
orders of metabolic toxicity, since they relate matically illustrated this phenomenon when
Environment and Toxicity 243

he determined that elevated metabolites in p-Hydroxybenzoate

the urine of two autistic children were of fun- p-Hydroxyphenylacetate
gal origin. Since the children did not have p-Hydroxyphenyllactate
systemic fungal infections, the source was be- beta-Ketoglutarate
lieved to be the colon.9 Further work by Shaw Hydrocaffeate
and others has revealed that administering Tartarate
antifungal agents (in the case of fungal over- Citramalate
growth) can reduce such metabolites.10
Shaw has since discovered metabolites of
fungi and bacteria in the urine of patients with
various neurological conditions such as mul- Xenobiotics are molecules that are foreign to
tiple sclerosis, depression, and psychosis.11 a living organism. Xenobiotics that influence
These findings suggest that microbes in the in- human function include the following general
testinal tract produce metabolites that are ab- groups:
sorbed into systemic circulation. The term
dysbiosis refers to a state of imbalance in the • Prescription and over-the-counter
beneficial organisms in the colon. Among the (OTC) drugs, such as cimetidine and
organisms which may be associated with dys- acetaminophen
biosis are: • Restricted and/or illegal drugs,
such as cocaine, amphetamines,
Klebsiella pneumoniae and barbiturates
Citrobacter freundii • Food additives, dyes, and coloring
Bacteroides fragilis agents
Proteus vulgaris • Pesticides, such as diazinon, chlor-
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli dane, and heptachlor
Clostridium difficile • Pediculicides, such as lindane, found in
Campylobacter jejunii over-the-counter anti-lice preparations
Candida albicans • Herbicides, such as atrazine
Candida tropicalis • Fungicides, such as dithiocarbamates,
Geotrichum spp. thiocarbamates, copper arsenates
• Natural food components
Metabolites associated with microbial • Alcohols, such as ethanol from bever-
overgrowth of the bowel may include: ages; other alcohols in paint remover,
solvents, etc.
Arabinose • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
Benzoate such as vinyl chloride, toluene,
Hippurate trichloromethane, and formaldehyde

(which are found in building materials, individual capabilities for metabolism and
finishing materials, and furnishings) detoxification. The multiple mechanisms of
• Toxic or heavy metals, including lead, toxicity include enzyme or cofactor inhibition,
mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, enzyme potentiation, disruption of membrane
and aluminum and other transport processes, and weakened
(Note: This list is significantly abbrevi- neuronal functioning or nerve conduction pro-
ated since more than four million chem- cesses. Some of these effects may be synergistic
ical compounds have been identified.) among elements or toxic chemicals.
The level of toxicity of these elements
Although it is beyond the scope of this and associated adverse effects varies among
chapter to explore each of these factors at individuals (see discussion of biochemical in-
length, we will review a few groups from the dividuality in Chapter 1). Chronic, subacute
list to provide insight into the research under- exposures may lead to subtle or overt long-
lying the concept of environmental toxicants. term problems in certain individuals. The
concept of biochemical individuality, a term
coined by Roger Williams in 1956,15 helps
Heavy Metals explain different reactions to toxic element
Interest in toxic elements has increased with exposure. A tragic and stark example of bio-
enhanced understanding of the debilitating ef- chemical individuality is the mercury toxicity
fects that chronic, low-level exposure can have episode known as Minamata disease (named
on human function. While environmental ex- for the bay in Japan where it was first ob-
posure to toxic metals may be highly variable, served in the mid-1950s). The disease was
evidence illustrates that toxic elements directly originally called congenital Minamata dis-
influence behavior by impairing brain function, ease until researchers observed that the off-
influencing neurotransmitter production and spring of symptom-free parents suffered
utilization, and altering metabolic processes. paralyzing neurological effects. Because every
Gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiovascular, individual is biologically unique, not every
and urological systems are areas in which victim of toxic element poisoning experiences
heavy metals can likely induce impairment all symptoms and deviations to the same ex-
and dysfunction. One way researchers can tent. In fact, as little as 5 parts per million
garner meaningful information about the (ppm) may be associated with mercury toxic-
toxic load in a patient who may be experienc- ity.16 (By comparison, victims of Minamata
ing cumulative toxic intake and exposure over disease have a concentration of 183 ppm.)
time is through hair element analysis.12,13,14 The most common metals that cause toxic
Even minute levels of toxic elements can illness are mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic,
detrimentally affect the body. Such effects typi- aluminum, and nickel. Table 9.2 identifies
cally vary with mode, degree of exposure, and symptoms associated with excess amounts of
Environment and Toxicity 245

some of these toxic elements. Consider the vascular disease in general. Researchers sug-
following examples that illustrate how exces- gest that promoting lipid peroxidation by
sive exposure can lead to significant symp- mercury increases this risk.17 A Finnish case-
tomatology: controlled study illustrating that higher num-
First, the toxicity of mercury involves both bers of dental fillings in individuals increased
tissue destruction and enzyme inactivation. the risk of acute MI further supports these
Not only does excess mercury result in pro- findings.18 Chronic low level exposure can re-
nounced toxicity, as in Minamata, intriguing sult in increased body burden. For example,
evidence connects increased mercury levels to scalp hair of British dentists and dental hy-
certain chronic insidious disease conditions. gienists had two to three times higher mercury
For instance, chronic mercury ingestion may levels than the hair of support staff.19 Both
be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Re- hair and urinary mercury have been strongly
cent data suggest that a high intake of mer- connected to elevated titers of immune com-
cury from nonfatty freshwater fish and the plexes containing oxidized LDL.20 Such stud-
accumulation of mercury in the body may in- ies illustrate mercury’s power to induce
dicate an increased risk of acute myocardial autoimmune disease in humans and experi-
infarction (MI) as well as death from cardio- mental animals.21 Considering the complexity

TABLE 9.2 Signs and Symptoms Associated with Toxic Element Exposure

Element Associated Signs and Symptoms

Arsenic Fatigue, headaches, dermatitis, increased salivation, muscular weak-

ness, loss of hair and nails, hypopigmentation of skin, anemia, skin

Cadmium Loss of sense of smell, anemia, dried scaly skin, hair loss, hypertension,
kidney problems

Lead In children: delayed mental development, hyperactivity, delayed learn-

ing, behavioral problems.
In children and adults: fatigue, anemia, metallic taste, loss of appetite,
weight loss, headaches, insomnia, nervousness, decreased nerve con-
duction and possibly motor neuron disorders

Mercury Reduced sensory abilities (taste, touch, vision, and hearing), metallic
taste with increased salivation, fatigue, anorexia, irritability and ex-
citability, psychoses, mania, anemia, paresthesias, tremors and incoor-
dination, increased risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension with
renal dysfunction

of the immune system, it is likely that a com- in the table, other elements exhibiting toxic-
bination of genetic and environmental factors ity at elevated levels are antimony, barium,
rather than a single mechanism is responsible beryllium, bismuth, boron, lithium, stron-
for the induction of autoimmune responses tium, and thallium.
and disease by toxic metals such as mercury. It
is interesting to note that the level of hair mer-
cury was shown to be significantly higher in Food Additives
patients with multiple sclerosis than in non- Food additives are substances added to food
MS controls.22 during processing. They are not natural to the
Lead is another example of a problem as- food itself. In the United States, nearly 4,000
sociated with long-term, chronic, low-level additives are allowed in foods and are com-
toxic exposure. Lead can have a significant monly divided into the following categories:
effect on cognition and mental development.
Hair lead (and cadmium) was significantly • Preservatives (BHT, BHA, benzoate,
correlated with reduced intelligence scores sulfite, nitrogen oxide, etc.)
and lowered school achievement scores.23 • Food colorings (FD & C yellow #5,
One study noted a seven-fold increase in fail- 6, etc.)
ure to graduate from high school in students • Sweeteners (aspartame, sorbitol, etc.)
who experienced lead toxicity.24 The accept- • Stimulants (caffeine, theophylline, etc.)
able threshold for lead-engendered neurotox- • Flavor enhancers (monosodium gluta-
icity in children has declined steadily over the mate, more commonly known as MSG)
past decade as more sophisticated population
studies have been conducted with larger sam- Researchers have tried to link certain
ples, better designs, and superior analysis. food additives to various health complaints.
While the elements listed in Table 9.2 However, this has been difficult since the goal
play no known role in the body, minerals of double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-
with known, important roles in the body can over trials is to measure the effect of the addi-
also become toxic in high levels. For exam- tive against a placebo. Individuals rarely
ple, when excess copper accumulates, a con- encounter additives this way in the food sup-
dition called Wilson’s disease results. Excess ply, making such trials an unrealistic reflec-
iron accumulates in individuals with hemo- tion of the additive’s effect.
chromatosis. In this common genetic condi- In addition, because humans are diverse
tion, iron is eliminated from the body by biochemically, a given additive may not pro-
frequent blood removal. Excess manganese duce the same response in all individuals. In
can accumulate in the substantia nigra of the assessing the safety of a given additive, the
human brain, causing a condition similar to FDA reviews population data for minimum
Parkinson’s disease. Along with the elements risk. Clinicians working with individual pa-
Environment and Toxicity 247

tients are in a decidedly different position. deplete neuronal adenosine triphosphate

They must evaluate the effect of an additive (ATP), cause influx of calcium ions into neu-
on a single individual with unique medical rons, and lead to neuronal degeneration. He
history, unique dietary habits, unique nutri- also notes that the adverse effect of ingested
tional status, unique environmental history, MSG is enhanced by inadequate amounts of
and unique psychological profile. While a nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin C, and
given additive may present a low risk in the vitamin E. MSG is an example of a naturally
population, it may be a significant risk for a occurring compound being consumed in high,
particular individual. “unnatural” levels when consumed as an ad-
ditive. The sweetener, aspartame, is also noted
as providing an “unnatural” level of an exci-
The Excitotoxin Concept totoxin. Aspartame is composed of phenyl-
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, assistant professor at alanine and aspartate, and has been linked to
the University of Mississippi Medical Center, various forms of brain tumors.26
outlined the excitotoxin concept in his book, The reported link between ingestion of
Excitotoxins. He defines excitotoxins as sub- naturally occurring compounds that are im-
stances added to foods and beverages that portant for brain function and neuronal
cause neuronal hyperexcitability. Glutamate degradation has raised controversy in con-
and aspartate, two of the most common neu- sumer and medical communities. The issue
rotransmitters found in the brain and spinal may not be one of a “good” or “bad” mol-
cord, are known as excitatory neurotransmit- ecule, but rather how much is too much and
ters. They are pervasive molecules and cen- for whom. While the FDA has identified
tral to brain function; however, in excess, MSG and aspartame as safe for human con-
these molecules may lead to overstimulation sumption, clinicians may wish to review the
of neurons. Blaylock suggests that excess ex- data compiled by investigators such as Blay-
citatory neurotransmitters may be associated lock,27 Roberts,28 and Schwartz.29
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alz-
heimer’s, and Parkinson’s diseases.25
Both of these molecules are naturally oc- Prescription Drugs
curring and found in protein. However, they Modern pharmacology has fostered a vast de-
are also found in food additives. For exam- velopment of drugs with potent effects on
ple, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the physiologic function. While therapeutic drugs
sodium salt of glutamic acid. Ingested MSG are designed for a particular clinical outcome,
has led to substantial increase in blood levels they must always be viewed as agents of po-
of MSG. tential toxicity. Drug/nutrient interaction
Blaylock cites an extensive body of litera- should be considered when studying the ef-
ture describing the way these excitotoxins fects of drugs in individuals. While some data

about how drugs and nutrients interact exist, While this chapter only introduces ques-
most relationships remain poorly understood. tions about the relationship between drugs
Drug/nutrient interactions can be classified and nutrients, practitioners should consider
according to the following criteria:30 the potential of drugs to contribute to the total
toxic load and be aware of how drugs and nu-
• Location (stomach, gallbladder, etc.) trients interact to influence the metabolic status
• Mechanism (chelation, precipitation, of the patient. In addition, because of the criti-
etc.) cal relationship between nutrient adequacy and
• Pharmacologic or nutritional out- drug detoxification, nutrient adequacy must al-
comes (drug variables, diet variables) ways be considered in light of drug therapy. It
• Drug or drug group (antibiotic, is possible to find many internet sites (and
antacids) books and journal articles) providing exten-
• Nutrient (folic acid, pyridoxine, etc.) sive information about drug interactions—
• Temporal relationship to food or with nutrients, with botanicals, and with
nutrient ingestion (effect of drug/ other drugs. Clinicians are strongly urged to
food/nutrient interaction over time) become informed and to regularly update
• Patient group affected (asthmatic, their knowledge.
arthritic, diabetic, epileptic)
• Risk factors (laxative abuse, fasting, A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH
drug excess, etc.)
A few examples illustrate the many dy- The idea that toxicants accumulate in the
namic drug/nutrient interactions at work in body and cause various health problems has
humans today. Cimetidine may impair vitamin long been recognized by traditional health-
B12 absorption by influencing acid secretion. care systems around the world. For centuries,
Bicarbonate may increase pH and decrease fo- various cultures have valued therapies that
late absorption. In drug, diet, and patient vari- promote the idea of cleansing and detoxify-
ables, there are many considerations such as ing. From the simple water fast to the elabo-
drug dose and duration, dietary fat intake, age, rate detoxifying regimes of spas, saunas,
sex, and genetics. For example, drug type clas- enemas, hydrotherapy treatments, and di-
sification reveals that tetracycline impairs ab- etary modifications, detoxification has been a
sorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, and valued therapeutic goal.
zinc. Simultaneous ingestion of cholestyra- As our society becomes increasingly ex-
mine and vitamin A hinders vitamin A absorp- posed to toxic compounds in air, water, and
tion. Simultaneous ingestion of tetracycline food, an individual’s ability to detoxify sub-
and milk lowers drug bioavailability. stances becomes increasingly important to
Environment and Toxicity 249

health. From a functional perspective, assess- coli, salmonella, shigella, and yeast such as
ing relationships among toxicants, toxic load, Candida albicans.31 Supplementation with
and clinical manifestations is critical. At the probiotics and prebiotics (described in Chap-
core, patient management must focus on suc- ter 7) may be indicated for a specific patient to
cessfully decreasing toxic exposure and in- promote bacterial balance and decrease en-
creasing toxicant removal. dogenous toxic load. Antimicrobials may also
be indicated. For a discussion of assessment of
gastrointestinal function, see Chapter 10.
Decrease Toxic Load
Decreasing toxic load should be an immedi-
ate consideration when dealing with toxicity.
Promote Healthy Detoxification
Toxic load can come from both endogenous Detoxification refers to a broad spectrum of
and exogenous sources. Exogenous sources bodily processes that help maintain the
should be assessed by questionnaire and/or body’s health when exposed to harmful sub-
interview with the patient, and lifestyle ap- stances (endo- or exogenous substances).32
proaches to minimizing exposure should be The body’s primary detoxification system
pursued. Food allergens are toxic to the aller- converts lipid-soluble substances to water-
gic individual, and so food allergy assessment soluble substances that can be excreted
should be considered (see Chapter 10). How- through urine. This is important since lipid-
ever, in addition to the toxic load created by soluble substances can be sequestered in the
environmental exposure and lifestyle, a clini- fatty tissues and accumulate if they are not
cian should also consider the toxic load from converted to water-soluble metabolites. Con-
endogenous sources. verting toxic substances to nontoxic metabo-
lites and excreting them takes place in many
tissues, but is primarily the function of the in-
Promote Bacterial Balance testinal mucosal wall and the liver.
In Chapter 7, we suggested that bacterial flora
imbalance and increased intestinal permeabil- The biochemistry of detoxification
ity might increase toxic load (Figure 9.1). Not Two distinct phases exist in the biochemical
only is a strong barrier from a healthy gas- process called detoxification. These two
trointestinal tract important in keeping out phases, traditionally known as Phase I and
toxic substances, but the healthy, beneficial Phase II, chemically biotransform lipid- (fat-)
microflora of the gut also help to decrease soluble substances into progressively more
toxic load. Evidence suggests that beneficial water-soluble substances (rendering them
intestinal microflora protect against a broad excretable) through a series of chemical reac-
range of pathogens, including pathogenic E. tions (Figure 9.2).

Possible Causes Result in Organ System Dysfunction Nutritional Support

Genetics Leaky Gut 4R Program

Toxins Replace
History Reinoculate
Liver Burden and Altered
Hepatic Detoxification
Toxic Burden
Medications Liver Detoxification
Infection Toxins And
Food allergies
Ongoing Hepatic
Some disease states
Dysbosis & endotoxins Nutritional Support
Environmental toxins
Endogenous metabolites
(i.e., hormones) Initiation of Systemic
Substance abuse: Inflammation
Tobacco Musculoskeletal mitochondrial
Drugs Immune damage
Eliminated in Endocrine
bile & feces Nervous Body Fat
Body Fat Cardiovascular
Reduction Program
Burden Genitourinary
(release of stored toxins)

FIGURE 9.1 Managing problems of altered GI permeability, hepatic detoxification, and oxidative stress

Phase I reactions usually involve oxida- Phase II conjugation reactions. In some cases,
tion, reduction, or hydrolysis. A family of en- the compound may be eliminated directly
zymes commonly referred to as cytochrome after the Phase I reaction.34
P450 mixed-function oxidases (CYP P450s) In the more common scenario, the Phase I
begins the process of detoxifying xenobiotics reaction produces an intermediate that must
and endogenous substances.33 This system is undergo further transformation. These inter-
actually a group of many isoenzymes that mediates can be highly reactive and are often
have specific affinity for differing substrates. more toxic than the original compound. This
In Phase I, the biochemical reaction involves intermediate step in the transformation of
adding or exposing a functional group, most toxic substances to excretable, harmless
commonly a hydroxyl (OH), to the toxic metabolites is called bioactivation.
molecule. In most cases, this biotransforma- One consequence of this biotransforma-
tion allows the Phase I compound to undergo tion is an increase in free radical molecules. As
Environment and Toxicity 251

Less polar
and (lipid
endogenous soluble)
compounds Phase 1

(Cytochrome P450

Free radical generation Excretory

Tissue damage

Phase 2
Reactive oxygen species Pathways

More polar
Blood-kidney-urine Bile-feces soluble)

FIGURE 9.2 Overview of detoxification

a result, the more efficiently Phase II reactions Whereas the primary Phase I reactions
act on these intermediates, the less likely it is involve a family of isoenzymes, Phase II re-
that tissue damage will occur from excess re- actions, in which various biotransformed
active molecules. Therefore, the balance of ac- molecules are conjugated, involve distinct re-
tivities between Phase I and Phase II is critical actions. The main conjugation reactions are
to detoxification. If Phase II reactions are in- glucuronidation, amino acid conjugation,
hibited in any way, or if Phase I has been up- sulfation, glutathione conjugation, acetyla-
regulated without a concomitant increase in tion, and methylation.35 These conjugation
Phase II, optimal balance is compromised. reactions add a water-soluble molecule to the

intermediate metabolite to further increase its tion system has important implications for
hydrophilic (water-loving) qualities. This individuals exposed to other chemical insults,
process prepares the metabolite for urine or since drugs may either block one phase or de-
bile elimination.36 Many different metabo- plete nutrients from another phase of the
lites are conjugated through these various detoxification pathway.
pathways (Table 9.3). A case example was reported of a male in
Dallas, Texas, who was exposed to low levels
of lawn chemicals while taking the prescrip-
Clinical Relationships tion drug cimetidine. This exposure critically
Over the past 10 years, extensive research in damaged his central and peripheral nervous
detoxification has enhanced our understand- system. He responded so severely to low lev-
ing about how toxic substances affect indi- els of a toxic agent (the lawn herbicide) that
viduals and how clinicians can help patients investigators concluded cimetidine, a cy-
overcome toxicity.37,38 Sluggish, imbalanced, tochrome P450 inhibitor, impaired his liver’s
or impaired detoxification systems can result ability to detoxify the compounds in the lawn
in the accumulation and deposition of treatment. He was unable to metabolize these
metabolic toxicants, increased free radical compounds properly; instead, their toxicity
production and its ensuing pathology, im- was seemingly enhanced, which led to perma-
paired oxidative phosphorylation, and re- nent neurological damage.39
duced energy. Various nutrients are necessary This example emphasizes that the relative
for proper detoxification function (Figure detoxification ability of an individual plays
9.3). Substances that upregulate Phase I, such an important role in the toxicity or carcino-
as alcohol, smoking, and certain medications genicity of a specific substance. Upregulation
can deleteriously affect this balance because of various P450 isoenzymes may be detri-
the Phase II pathways may be unable to keep mental, as most chemical carcinogens do not
up with the increased demand. Conversely, cause genetic damage by themselves. Instead,
various medications such as fluoxetine and they require electrophilic species activation.40
H2 blockers (cimetidine) may inhibit Phase I For instance, the risk for hepatic carcinoma is
(Table 9.4). associated with the activity of a particular
isoenzyme of the cytochrome P450 system.41
Drugs and detoxification pathways Studies also illustrate that evaluation of
Researchers have known for many years that detoxification rates can stratify risk for blad-
the body’s detoxification system is strongly der cancer when other factors are constant.42
influenced by drugs. They have also known Individuals with a high inducibility pheno-
that the detoxification system influences the type for P4501A1 appear to have a higher
way drugs act and are metabolized. The rela- risk for cancer, regardless of exposure to
tionship between drugs and the detoxifica- smoking or other known carcinogens.43 As
Environment and Toxicity 253

TABLE 9.3 Detoxification: Bio-Reactive Mechanisms

Peptide conjugation
conjugation Sulfation Glycine Taurine Glucuronidation Acetylation Methylation
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Acetaminophen Acetaminophen Salicylates Salicylates Clonazepam Thiouracil
Penicillin Methyl dopa Nicotinic acid Morphine Dapsone Isoetharine
Ethacrynic acid Minoxidil Chlorpheniramine Acetaminophen Mescaline Rimiterol
Tetracycline Metaraminol Brompheniramine Benzodiazepines Isoniazid Dobutamine
Phenylephrine Meprobamate Hydralazine Butanephrine
Clofibric acid Procainamide Eluophed
Naproxen Benzidine Morphine
Digoxin Sulfonamides Levorphanol
Phenylbutazone Promizole Nalorphine
Valproic acid
Propionic acid Ciramadol
Caprylic acid Propranolol

Styrene Aniline Benzoic acid Carbamates 2 Aminofluorine Paraquat
Acrolein Pentachbrophenol Phenylacetic acid Phenols Anilines Beta Carbolines
Ethylene Oxide Terpenes Naphthylacetic Thiophenol Isoquinolines
Benzopyrenes Amines acid Aniline Mercury
Methylparathion Hydroxylamines Aliphatic amines Butanol Lead
Chlorobenzene Phenols Organic acid N-hydroxy-2- Arsenic
Anthracene napthylamine Thallium
Tetrachlorvinphos Tin
Toxic metals Pyridine


Bacterial toxins DHEA Bile acids Bile acids Bilirubin Serotonin Dopamine
Aflatoxin Quercetin Cinnamic acid Stearic acid Estrogens PABA Epinephrine
Lipid peroxides Bile acids PABA Palmitic acid Melatonin Histamine Histamine
Ethyl alcohol Safrole Plant acids Myristic acid Bile acids Tryptamine Norepinephrine
Quercetin Tyramine Lauric acid Vitamin E Caffeine L-dopa
N-acetylcysteine Thyroxine Decanoic acid Vitamin A Choline Apomorphine
Prostaglandins Estrogens Butyric acid Vitamin K Tyramine Hydroxyestradiols
Bilirubin Testosterone Vitamin D Coenzyme A
Leukotriene A4 Cortisol Other steroid
Catecholamines hormones
25 hydroxy
vitamin D
Ethyl alcohol

(cytochrome P450 enzymes) (conjugation pathways)

Intermediary Excretory
metabolites derivatives
Reactions Nutrients Used Reactions Nutrients Used
more polar ∴
(nonpolar ∴ Oxidation Riboflavin (Vit A) Sulfation Glycine
(polar ∴
more water-soluble
lipid-soluble) Reduction Niacin (Vit B3) Glucuronidation Taurine
Hydrolysis Pyridoxine (Vit B6) Glutathione Glutamine
Hydration Folic acid conjugation N-acetylcysteine
Dehalogenation Vitamin B12 Acetylation Cysteine
Glutathione Amino acid Methionine
intermediaries Serum
Branched-chain amino conjugation
acids Methylation
Flavonoids Bile
Antioxidant Protective
Nutrients and Plant Kidneys
(nonpolar) toxins are
Superoxide Derivatives
stored in adipose (fat) Carotenes (Vit A)
tissue and contribute to Ascorbic acid (Vit C)
S econda ry Urine
increased/mobilized Free radicals Tocopherols (Vit E)
tiss ue Endotoxins
toxin load with weight Selenium
dama ge • End products of
loss. Copper
Zinc metabolism
• Bacterial endotoxins
Coenzyme Q10 Exotoxins
Thiols (found in garlic, • Drugs (prescriptions, OTC,
onions, cruciferous recreational)
vegetables) • Chemicals
Bioflavonoids • Agricultural
Silymarin – Food additives
Pycnogenol – Household
– Pollutants/contaminants
• Microbial

FIGURE 9.3 Liver detoxification pathways and supportive nutrients

the majority of cancers relate to environmen- be detoxified at a quicker or slower rate. For
tal exposure or dietary intake, individual example, cigarette smoking upregulates cer-
detoxification ability can be important for tain Phase I P450 isoenzymes. These same en-
their development.44 zymes are involved in the detoxification of
As noted, various drugs or chemicals may estrogen. As a consequence, estrogen is detox-
have an inhibitory or stimulatory effect on ified faster, and therefore serum estrogen lev-
detoxification capacity. Because of this, other els are lower in women who smoke. This may
molecules involved in the same pathway may in part explain the increased osteoporosis and
Environment and Toxicity 255

TABLE 9.4 Inhibitors and Substrates of P450 Enzymes

Inhibitors of P450 Enzymes Substrates of P450 Enzymes

P450 Family P450 Family

P450 Family involved in involved in
Drug Inhibited Drug Metabolism Drug Metabolism

Antiarrhythmics Antiarrhythmics Neuroleptics

Quinidine 2D6 Encainide 2D6 Clozapine 2D6, 1A2
Propafenone 2D6 Mexiletine 2D6 Haloperidol 2D6, 1A2
Antibiotics Propafenone 2D6 Molindone 2D6
Macrolides Quinidine 3A4 Perphenazine 2D6
Erythromycin 3A4 Anticonvulsants Risperidone 2D6
Clarithromycin 3A4 Phenytoin 2C19 Thioridazine 2D6
Troleandomycin 3A4 Carbamazepine 3A4 Opiates
Fluoroquinolones 1A2 Antihistamines Codeine 2D6
Antidepressants Astemizole 3A4 Methadone 1A2
Nefazodone 3A4 Terfenadine 3A4 Oxycodone 2D6
SSRIs* Antidepressants Pentazocine 2D6
Fluoxetine 2D6, 2C19, 3A Bupropion 2D6 Other
Fluvoxamine 2D6, 1A2 SSRIs* Cisapride 3A4
Norfluoxetine 2D6 Paroxetine 2D6 Cyclosporine 3A4
Paroxetine 2D6 Fluoxetine 2D6,3A4 Dextromethorphan 2D6
Sertraline 2D6 Tricyclics Lidocaine 3A4
Antifungals Amitriptyline 2D6, 2C19 Lovastatin 3A4
Itraconazole 3A4 Clomipramine 2C19 mCPP# 2D6
Fluconazole 3A4 Desipramine 3A4 Phenacetin 1A2
Ketoconazole 3A4 Imipramine 2D6, 1A2, 2C19 Tacrine 1A2
Other Nortriptyline 2D6, 3A4 Tamoxifen 3A4
Cimetidine 3A4 Venlafaxine 2D6 Testosterone 3A4
Benzodiazepines Tolbutamide 2C19
Alprazolam 3A4, 1A2 Steroids
Desmethyldiazepam 2C19 Hydrocortisone 3A4
Diazepam 3A4, 1A2, 2C19 Dexamethasone 3A4
Midazolam 3A4 Exogenous steroids 1A2
Triazolam 3A4 Xanthines
β-Blockers Caffeine 1A2
Metoprolol 2D6 Theophylline 1A2
Propranolol 1A2, 2C19
Calcium channel
Diltiazem 3A4
Nifedipine 3A4

* Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors # m-chlorophenylpiperazine


menopausal symptoms in women smokers as Phase II balance in people suffering from a

compared to nonsmokers.45 variety of chronic illnesses.52

Idiopathic disease and detoxification Neurologic disease and detoxification

Variability of detoxification may influence Detoxification may also clinically impact
diseases thought to be benign. Gilbert’s syn- chronic degenerative diseases. Research on
drome (GS), thought to be a condition with the etiology of Parkinson’s disease suggests
little morbidity, is a genetically induced, nutri- that such patients cannot adequately metabo-
tionally exacerbated metabolic disorder lize sulfur-containing xenobiotics.53 Altered
caused by a glucuronosyl transferase enzyme detoxification may render higher-risk indi-
deficiency. This enzyme catalyzes the Phase II viduals susceptible to neurotoxicity when ex-
conjugation step of glucuronidation.46 Recent posed to sulfur-containing compounds.54 A
studies suggest that GS can predispose indi- combination of genetic susceptibility, reduced
viduals to the bioactivation, and potentially detoxification capacity, and increased expo-
the toxicity, of drugs for which glucuronida- sure to neurotoxicants may lead to clinical
tion constitutes a major, alternate pathway of disease over time. Similar connections have
elimination.47 Some evidence suggests that nu- been made between Alzheimer’s and other
tritional support in GS patients improves a motor neuron diseases.55 Other research sug-
wide variety of symptomatology that had not gests relationships among altered hepatic
been associated with this disorder.48 Although detoxification ability, lupus erythematosus,
research continues, this line of inquiry may and rheumatoid arthritis.56 Inheritability of
initiate exploring how other detoxification disease is only one factor that must be consid-
“defects” impinge upon health. ered in light of the strong nutritional and en-
Current research on the etiology of vironmental factors.57
chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome
(CFIDS) suggests that, in some patients, a re-
lationship may exist between impaired detox- Nutritional Support for Detoxification
ifying pathways and symptomatology,49 and Regulation of Phase I and Phase II activity lev-
that toxic exposure may influence CFIDS.50 els has a dietary component.58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65
Correcting these imbalances and deficiencies Nutritional support of Phase I and Phase II
significantly alleviates some patients’ symp- activity involves administering increased
toms.51 In a trial using nutritional modula- amounts of enzymatic cofactors and other nu-
tion to support detoxifying pathways and a trients involved in cytochrome P450 enzymes.
food elimination diet, a significant improve- Detoxification support nutrients include vita-
ment was observed in subjective symptom mins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridox-
evaluation as well as objective Phase I and ine), B12 (cobalamin), and folic acid. The
Environment and Toxicity 257

tripeptide glutathione and the branched-chain including over 35 genes, compose the Phase I
amino acids leucine, glycine, isoleucine, and CYP P450 system alone. Only a limited number
valine are also required. Flavonoids and phos- of these activities (such as CYP P450 2D6) are
pholipids are supportive as well. determined by genetics alone. In such cases, a
Protective antioxidant support is required genetic test can indicate whether someone is a
for handling reactive oxygen intermediates “fast” or “slow” metabolizer. In most cases,
produced during Phase I activity. Antioxidant however, assessment of detoxification status is
support involves the carotenoids, including not so straightforward, and a full discussion is
beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), ascorbic acid beyond the scope of this book. A few consider-
(vitamin C), the tocopherols (vitamin E), and ations are addressed below and the reader is
coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone). The antioxidant encouraged to consult laboratories performing
minerals selenium, zinc, copper, and man- detoxification assessments to obtain the most
ganese are also required. recent, detailed information available on
Thiol compounds found in garlic, onions, detoxification assessment. Often, laboratories
and cruciferous vegetables, flavonoids, sily- will provide a profile of the tests they offer to
marin, and anthocyanidins also provide an- assess detoxification, which can be helpful in
tioxidant support. Nutritional Phase II activity understanding this complex system. Clinicians
support also includes a wide variety of sulfur- may request to see the research upon which
containing compounds that serve as sulfur the test and its interpretation are based.
donors in the sulfate conjugation process. Several types of genetic tests are available
These compounds include the amino acids cys- for assessment of Phase I detoxification en-
teine, N-acetyl cysteine, methionine, and tau- zymes and are becoming more commonly used
rine. Inorganic sulfates can also support in association with specific narrow-spectrum
sulfation. Other amino acid conjugation path- drugs or to assess propensity for certain cancers.
ways require supplementation of glycine, glu- Since this is an active field, accessibility and ease
tamine, ornithine, and arginine. Glucuronic of use of these tests can change rapidly. The
acid and glutathione are necessary in their re- reader is urged to consult the internet for a list
spective conjugation pathways (Figure 9.3). of active laboratories and available tests.
Another common approach to assessing
general detoxification is a challenge test (a
Assessment of Detoxification concept that is discussed in more detail in
The body’s detoxification systems are highly Chapter 10). Briefly, a challenge test for detox-
complex, show a great amount of variability, ification would involve giving a patient a
and are extremely responsive to an individual’s known amount of a substance not normally in
environment, lifestyle, and genetic uniqueness. their body (for example a drug like aceta-
For example, more than 10 families of enzymes, minophen), obtaining urine over a specified

time period, and then assessing how much of healthy people.66,67,68 These findings raise
the different metabolites of that substance many questions concerning how to identify
have been excreted. Using this type of test, the people who need detoxification, properly
clinician can often get a fairly thorough picture counsel them, and prescribe appropriate di-
of how well a person is detoxifying exogenous etary, environmental, or supplemental modifi-
substances. cation for biochemically diverse individuals.
Detoxification reserve may be assessed by Our understanding about detoxifica-
looking at specific metabolites necessary for tion enhances our appreciation for Roger
detoxification. For example, sulfur-bearing Williams’s work and his concept of “bio-
compounds are critical to adequate functioning chemical individuality.”69 Differences among
of many of the Phase II conjugation pathways. individual detoxification capacities based
Humans are particularly susceptible to inhibi- upon individual genetic disposition, environ-
tion of Phase II detoxification due to compro- mental exposure, and nutritional insufficien-
mised sulfate cofactor status. Errors in sulfur cies indeed have a profound effect upon
metabolism, such as seen with homocysteine- disease susceptibility. Xenobiotics may act as
mia, and inadequate reserves of sulfur-bearing immunotoxic agents, suggesting biochemical
compounds can pose considerable obstacles to connections among the immune, nervous,
efficient detoxification. For this reason, many and hepatic detoxification systems.70
laboratories offer an assessment of sulfate sta- Many intriguing questions about detoxifi-
tus as part of a detoxification profile. cation remain. How many diseases considered
idiopathic (of unknown origin), are connected
to atypical detoxification reactions? Disor-
SUMMARY dered detoxification may have wide-ranging
As we are increasingly exposed to higher levels impact upon hepatic, renal, cardiovascular,
of xenobiotics in the food we eat, the water we neurological, endocrine, and immune system
drink, the air we breathe, and the increased function. Certainly, the complicated relation-
endogenous load from faulty digestion, detox- ships involving exposure to various sub-
ification and our unique “detoxification per- stances, genetically determined detoxification
sonalities” will play an increasingly vital role pathways, alteration of the pathways by
in our health. Detoxification studies suggest foods, drugs, and chemicals, and sensitivity of
that the enzymes that control Phase I and tissues to secondary metabolites from toxic
Phase II processes may vary significantly from substances profoundly contribute to many
person to person, even among seemingly health problems.
Environment and Toxicity 259

CHAPTER 9 REFERENCES 11. Shaw W. Personal communication. Developmen-

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Assessment of
Nutritional Status

lINICAL NUTRITION HAS EVOLVED FROM • a mitochondrial myopathy or genetic
preventing deficiency diseases to using defect in mitochondrial function (see
food to optimize health by assuring Chapter 8), or
nutrient precursors, cofactors, structural mol- • an under-functioning detoxifica-
ecules, and accessory nutrients are present tion pathway resulting in increased
at optimal levels. Signs and symptoms of oxidative stress that can influence
frank nutrient deficiency diseases are well several biochemical pathways (see
documented, and most of those cases can be Chapter 9).
identified on clinical assessments alone. Un- Therefore, assessment of nutritional status
derstanding what is “optimal” for a patient, involves collecting the clues that are avail-
however, is a challenge because of the inter- able through patient history, clinical obser-
connected way nutrients function as well as vation, and laboratory tests, and then using
the difficulty of identifying subclinical defi- good clinical judgment in interpreting those
ciencies. For example, fatigue may result from: clues.
While clinical observation remains an im-
• a subclinical deficiency of a B vitamin portant initial step in patient assessment, lab-
resulting in compromised ATP synthe- oratory tests enable clinicians to consider
sis (see Chapters 5 and 8), areas of metabolism that just a few years ago


were difficult to assess in daily practice. With overview and some tools to begin the process
advancements in laboratory testing, clini- of incorporating nutritional assessment from
cians may also be able to ask specific ques- a functional perspective. In addition, this
tions about absolute levels of specific chapter will introduce some commonly used
nutrients and metabolic efficiency. However, nutritional assessments and provide exam-
no single test or approach provides a com- ples of some key areas for consideration
plete understanding of a patient’s nutrient dy- in developing nutrition-based interventions.
namics and functional status. Each method Since laboratory testing is a dynamic field,
usually involves collecting and interpreting clinicians interested in specific areas of nutri-
data in relation to another parameter to cre- tional support should obtain the most up-to-
ate a meaningful picture of an individual’s date information on testing from reputable
health from a nutritional perspective. Emerg- laboratories that are active in the field. In ad-
ing data on the genetic polymorphisms that dition, resources that provide a more thor-
are relevant to nutriture are just beginning ough discussion of laboratory testing can also
to enter the clinical realm as well, and this in- be consulted.1
formation will improve our understanding of
individual nutrient needs for optimal health. CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF
While it is beyond the scope of this text-
book to discuss every means by which a clini-
cian may evaluate a patient’s nutritional Clinical assessment is commonly the first
status, this final chapter provides a general place to begin the evaluation of an individ-

(Weight in kg2)
BMI = ————————
(Height in m2)
• Healthy BMI is generally between 18 and 25.
• BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight.
• BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese.
• BMI may not be accurate in assessing body composition for
people who are very short, very tall, muscular, or who suffer
from certain medical conditions that involve edema.

FIGURE 10.1 Body mass index (BMI) calculation

Assessment of Nutritional Status 265

ual’s nutritional status. Such assessments ciency in anthropometric or other physical pa-
might include individual case history and rameters may take longer to develop.2
physical exam to evaluate weight changes, an- Recognizing such limits of clinical assess-
thropometric measurements, and body mass ment is important, particularly with increas-
index (BMI) assessment (Figure 10.1) for ing interest in the potential consequences of
signs of malnutrition, unusual energy needs, subclinical deficiencies. In subclinical nutri-
or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Diet di- ent deficiencies, poor nutrient status with de-
aries and lifestyle or diet recall questionnaires pleted reserves or localized tissue deficiencies
can also help a clinician determine a patient’s may develop, while classical deficiency signs
nutrient intake and environmental influences. are unnoticed (Figure 10.2).3 Undetected sub-
(These common clinical approaches to nutri- clinical deficiencies may affect an individual’s
tional assessment are discussed in detail in ability to manage stress or heal wounds and
many nutritional textbooks.2) maintain adequate immune system function.
Clinical assessment approaches are useful For such reasons, clinical assessment alone
for developing a broad picture of an individ- may be less reliable for diagnosis of a nutri-
ual’s daily food intake, obvious signs or tion problem than other methods of assess-
symptoms of dietary insufficiencies, and envi- ment, unless the deficiency is severe.
ronmental exposure. In fact, a detailed de-
scription of dietary intake, anthropometrics,
and growth parameters, coupled with accu- A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH
rate clinical examination, may provide the TO LABORATORY ASSESSMENT
quickest, most cost-effective assessment for
gross nutritional deficiencies in need of im-
mediate attention (Table 10.1). Laboratory tests that assess nutritional status
However, clinical assessment relies on the are particularly useful when approached
more obvious signs of nutritional inadequacy, from a functional perspective. While a func-
which may not enable clinicians to determine a tional approach to laboratory assessment in-
patient’s full scope of nutrient inadequacies. In volves thinking about the tests differently, it
many cases, individuals may show deficiencies doesn’t always mean doing different tests
in only one nutrient but require supplementa- than would be used in a conventional ap-
tion with several nutrients to maintain healthy proach. For example, standard laboratory
nutrient levels. In addition, clinicians using analyses of static nutrient levels can be inter-
clinical assessment may not notice hourly or preted in different ways. A conventional in-
daily metabolic or biochemical changes that terpretation would mean if a nutrient is low,
signify a patient’s insufficient nutrient intake, provide that nutrient and things should re-
because changes indicating nutritional defi- solve. A functional perspective would look at

TABLE 10.1 Common Features of Nutritional Deficiencies

Deficiency Feature

Biotin Dermatitis, hyperesthesia

Calcium Poor bone and teeth mineralization, tetany, rickets
Carbohydrate Hypoglycemia, especially after minimal starvation; seizures
Chromium Altered glucose tolerance
Cobalamin Anemia, irritability, glossitis, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, paresthesia
Copper Anemia, osteoporosis
Energy Reduced weight for height
Fat Reduced subcutaneous fat as evidenced by well-demarcated bony prominence
and veins, loss of gluteal and perianal fat; dry, scaly skin with desquamation
in essential fatty acid deficiency
Fluorine Dental caries
Folate Anemia, irritability
Iodine Goiter, hypothyroidism
Iron Anemia, behavior disturbances, platyonychia of koilonychia
Magnesium Tetany
Niacin Dermatitis in exposed areas such as hands, feet, legs, and neck; stomatitis;
glossitis, loss of papillae
Phosphorus Rickets, muscle weakness
Protein Muscle wasting; muscle weakness, peripheral edema; dry, dull, sparse,
depigmented hair
Pyridoxine Irritability, seizures, peripheral neuropathy, cheilosis, glossitis
Riboflavin Cheilosis, glossitis, angular stomatitis, loss of papillae
Selenium Cardiomyopathy, myopathy
Thiamin Peripheral neuropathy, paresthesia, loss of proprioception, muscle weakness,
cardiac failure
Vitamin A Night blindness, conjunctival xerosis, corneal xerosis, Bitot’s spots, keratomala-
cia, follicular hyperkeratosis
Vitamin C Bony tenderness, pseudoparalysis, petechiae, bleeding gums, follicular
Vitamin D Craniotabes, prominent costochondral junctions, widening of wrist and ankle,
wide open anterior fontanelle, frontal bossing, delayed eruption of teeth,
bony deformities, delayed motor milestones
Vitamin E Muscle weakness, anemia, peripheral neuropathy
Vitamin K Ecchymosis, hemorrhagic disorder
Assessment of Nutritional Status 267

immunological Oxidative damage
cognitive work

Functional Impairment of Initial

Clinical defects biochemical subclinical
disease (nonspecific) functions insufficiency

Some loss
Diagnosed of function
Defined complaints
pathology; (e.g., age- Optimal
disease, with
end-organ related tissue
early stage reduced
disease diminished levels

Absence Optimal
of function Long-term effects on overall health. function

FIGURE 10.2 Continuum of nutrient sufficiency / insufficiency

the same laboratory test but instead of imme- • Does this person’s history suggest
diately correcting the direct deficiency, the others in the family have similar
functional perspective would first consider issues and may that suggest a genetic
questions such as these: sensitivity where this nutrient is
• How is this nutrient used in the In a functional medicine approach, it is im-
body? portant to keep in mind the principle of
• What other nutrients interact with this biochemical individuality, and consider lab-
nutrient? oratory tests within the perspective of the
• Can this nutrient be deficient for rea- individual patient, not take them entirely at
sons other than intake, such as de- face value.
creased absorption because of an While laboratory tests may be effective in
unhealthy GI environment? detecting signs of deficiencies before a classic
• Is there a problem in transport or stor- deficiency state appears, interpretation of such
age of this nutrient? data can be extremely complex. For example,

many factors can influence a laboratory test determine the static level of a nutrient or
result: nutrient levels may reflect recent rather metabolite. Many vitamin and mineral levels
than long-term intakes; non-nutrient condi- can be identified from a variety of tissue sam-
tions may influence metabolite results; or clini- ples including serum, plasma, erythrocytes,
cal signs of a primary deficiency may conceal lymphocytes, whole blood, hair, and urine.
signs of a secondary deficiency. In addition, Stool and saliva are also used for assessment of
clinicians may find themselves inundated and hormones and other bioactive molecules.
confused about the many types of laboratory When assessing vitamin or mineral status
tests available today. Thus, since no single test by static level determination, clinicians should
can reveal absolute nutritional status, it is im- bear in mind that these nutrients are concen-
portant to understand the general types of tests trated in various tissue compartments. Thus,
and their limitations to help create an overall some compartments (e.g., tissues, blood) may
meaningful picture of an individual’s nutri- poorly represent the nutrient status for a par-
tional status. The most common types of tests ticular vitamin or mineral, which makes it
fit into one of these three categories: impossible to recommend one tissue as the
source by which to assess all micronutrients.
1. Static level determination of a nutri- For example, a person may show signs of a
ent or a metabolite, in which the level of the nutrient deficiency when blood levels appear
nutrient or metabolite is directly determined to be adequate, but the deficiency may be in-
in a sample of tissue; side the cell, not in the blood. Therefore, the
2. Challenge tests, in which the ability of intake of the nutrient may not be in question,
the body to manage the challenge is moni- but the ability of the cell to receive that nutri-
tored after an individual receives a challenge ent may be the issue.
(either a substance or activity/situation); and Another issue is that the nutrient may be
present but not in the exact form that is being
3. Indirect nutrient assessment, which assayed. For example, if the nutrient is bound
includes tests for nutrient-dependent activity to a protein for transport, it is important to
in which the activity of an enzyme or other know what is being assayed—only the free
function that is dependent on that nutrient is nutrient, or the bound as well? In addition,
determined, as well as surrogate markers of a some minerals can be present in different va-
nutrient imbalance, which include metabo- lence forms, which may influence whether
lites that reflect a nutrient deficiency. they are functional or not.
Clinicians should also consider that these
tests reflect nutrient status at one particular
Static Level Determination of time and may not reflect most recent changes.
a Nutrient or Metabolite Assays in blood cells for some nutrients may
In assessing a patient’s nutrient status, the most also be more sensitive to dietary changes as
common laboratory analyses involve tests that well. Laboratories performing these tests
Assessment of Nutritional Status 269


Clinical and Laboratory Assessment of Fatty Acid Insufficiencies

Dietary intake, digestion, absorption, genetic factors, When EFA levels are low, the following levels
and metabolic activity can influence a patient’s fatty increase: ω7, ω9, 16:1ω7 and 20:3ω9/20:4ω6 (triene/
acid levels. Dietary intake is critical, as essential fatty tetraene ratio).
acids (EFA) must be ingested (or infused) or they will ul-
timately become deficient. Therefore, impairment of di- Clinical Assessment
gestion and/or absorption may lead to EFA insufficiency
Given the challenges of laboratory analysis for EFA de-
despite what may seem to be adequate intake. Genetic
ficiency, clinical assessment plays a primary role in in-
factors may also affect metabolic activity, and can lead
dications for exogenous fatty acid support. Clinical
to changes such as the excessive long chain saturated
features of EFA deficiencies include:
fatty acid accumulation seen in adrenoleukodystrophy.
Metabolic activity may also be affected by exogenous dermatitis polydipsia
factors such as smoking and intake of trans-fatty acids dry hair and/or dandruff polyuria
with resultant inhibition of delta-6-dehydrogenase ac- brittle nails fatty liver
tivity and reduction of conversion of precursors to thirst
longer chain fatty acid metabolites.
Findings that suggest omega-3 deficiencies include
neuropathy, reduced visual acuity, decreased memory
Laboratory Assessment
and mental abilities, cardiac arrhythmias, and psycho-
Adipose tissue biopsies reflect linoleic and α-linolenic logical disturbances.
acid stores but not derivative fatty acids; therefore, Inflammatory conditions may be associated with
assessment of fatty acids is generally performed on increased arachidonic acid levels.
plasma or erythrocytes after a 14-hour fast. Analysis When fatty acid abnormalities exist, it is often neces-
of plasma fatty acids is generally preferred because all sary to determine the adequacy of other nutrients as
the fatty acids can be measured, which provides clues well. Oxidative stress may contribute to fatty acid inade-
to fatty acid metabolism and body utilization of fatty quacy by participating in the degradation of membrane
acids. Fasting plasma fatty acids reflect body stores, fatty acids. If fatty acid imbalance exists, clinicians
but this is easily influenced by the patient’s last meal. should also consider the potential influence of oxidative
The subfraction analysis of fatty acids in lipoproteins, events and antioxidant adequacy (see Box B).
triglycerides, cholesterol esters and phospholipids is
difficult to measure and generally not practical. Fast-
Further Reading
ing red blood cell (rbc) fatty acid analysis measures
phospholipids in the rbc membranes with results fairly
independent of total cholesterol and triglyceride lev- Siguel EN: Essential Fatty Acids in Health and Disease,
els. Results are probably reflective of body stores but Nutrek Press, Brookline,MA, 1994.
may change in response to diet. Recent meals influ- Siguel EN, Lerman RH: Altered fatty acid metabolism in
ence the composition far more than older meals and patients with angiographically documented coro-
results, therefore, may not reflect eating over the av- nary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1993;916–920.
erage rbc life expectancy of 120 days.

Omega-3 Deficiency Omega-6 Deficiency

Laboratory Decreased α-linolenic acid Decreased linoleic acid
Markers Decreased eicosapentaenoic acid Decreased arachidonic acid
Decreased docosahexaenoic acid

should have specifics on the variables and the body with a challenge substance and mea-
limitations related to each test. An example suring either the excretion of the nutrient or a
of the types of limitations and benefits of product of the nutrient’s metabolism. The first
these types of tests is shown in the analysis of challenge test of this type was reported by
fatty acids (see Box A). Keller in 1842, in which he took a dose of a
Because it is not always practical or eco- xenobiotic, benzoic acid, collected his urine,
nomical to order a single test for each nutri- and showed a direct relationship between in-
ent, a clinician often uses a panel of tests that gestion of the benzoic acid and the hippuric
analyzes a group of nutrients. This compro- acid that was subsequently excreted (Figure
mise can work well if the clinician is aware of 10.3).4 In doing so, Keller illustrated that
the drawbacks of this approach—namely, a generation of hippuric acid in urine depends
limited nutrient picture and differences in reli- on the body’s ability to metabolically convert
ability of specific laboratory assessment for ingested benzoic acid, or detoxify the xenobi-
specific nutrients. Therefore, interpreting these otic to the end product, hippuric acid.
tests requires an understanding of the nutrient A particularly useful challenge test is the
compartments, tissues, or fluids most repre- 2-hour postprandial glucose/insulin test,
sentative of that particular nutrient. In addi- which uses a challenge of a glucose load (usu-
tion, the nutrient may be present but may not ally a drink providing a specific amount of
be in its active form, or it may be unavailable glucose) provided to the patient 2 hours be-
for use in a specific tissue because of con- fore obtaining a blood sample. The 2-hour
straints on transport. postprandial blood is then analyzed for pres-
ence of insulin and/or glucose. Often, a
change in blood insulin or glucose in re-
Challenge Tests sponse to a glucose load is noticeable prior to
A challenge test is a direct assessment of the changes in fasting blood insulin or glucose
functioning of an organ or system. A chal- and can identify a person at high risk of de-
lenge test is generally performed by loading veloping type II diabetes.



Benzoic A cid H ippur ic A cid

FIGURE 10.3 Glycination of benzoic acid

Assessment of Nutritional Status 271

Stress tests can be considered challenge tests or perform a trial of nutritional supple-
tests because they measure the body’s ability mentation with reassessment after a specified
to respond to a performance challenge. Some intervention time.
challenge tests are direct measures of nutrient The most common indirect measure of
status. For example, one test of magnesium nutrient assessment is conducted by measur-
status is a loading test in which administra- ing the activity of an enzyme that depends
tion of magnesium is followed by a urine test upon a particular nutrient for its function—a
to determine the quantity of magnesium ex- nutrient-dependent activity assessment. For
creted. Low magnesium excretion implies example, glutathione reductase is an enzyme
that the body had insufficient magnesium that requires riboflavin for its function. Glu-
and thus retained the oral loading dose. tathione reductase activity may, therefore,
Challenge tests also provide an effective help measure functional riboflavin status.
means for testing function. For example, a Another indirect assessment of nutrient is de-
test that measures muscle power seems to termination of a metabolite or a surrogate
predict surgical complications better than an- marker. For example, research has shown
thropometric measurements such as weight that elevated homocysteine (HCys), a risk
loss or muscle circumference.5 The caveat factor for CVD, is attenuated by supplemen-
with challenge tests is that, although they test tal folate and vitamin B12. Therefore, ele-
overall function, they generally do not lead to vated HCys is highly suggestive of a folate
an understanding of the individual nutrients deficiency.
or interventions that might be most helpful to Another example of metabolite or surro-
a specific patient. However, the magnesium gate marker assessment is seen in evaluation
load test illustrates that, when dealing with for oxidative stress. For example, oxidative
laboratory tests, no rule is set in stone, be- stress occurs when the production of reactive
cause that type of challenge test determines oxygen species (ROS) exceeds the ability of
the helpful nutrient. the antioxidant nutrients in the body to
quench these reactive molecules. Therefore,
excessive ROS production suggests a need for
Indirect Nutrient Assessment higher levels of antioxidant nutrients, such as
Many tests provide an indirect indication of vitamin C, vitamin E, and the carotenoids. Di-
nutrient deficiency. This approach determines rect assay for ROS is not generally possibly,
nutriture by considering the function of that however, since ROS are highly reactive and
nutrient and the related metabolic events that readily attack protein, DNA, RNA, and the
influence it. These tests can be very helpful lipids in cell membranes. Therefore, assay for
when reviewed in the context of a clinical as- the products of ROS and the adducts of ROS
sessment and can identify the areas in which action is one way to assess oxidative damage
a clinician may want to obtain more detailed in the body and is commonly used in research

studies on oxidative stress. Box B summarizes trients. The following section summarizes
some common assays used for assessment of these areas: Assessment of food allergy and in-
oxidative stress and includes examples of nu- tolerance, and the gastrointestinal milieu.
trient-dependent activity assessment and sur-
rogate markers. The caveat for these tests is
Assessment of Food Allergy
that they are not specific to the nutrient; how-
ever, they can be extremely useful in narrow- and Intolerance
ing down a set of issues and, when taken Food allergy assessment has generated more
together with clinical signs and symptoms, controversy than nearly any other area of
can provide information for developing a per- laboratory assessment, perhaps because the
sonalized intervention plan for a patient. ways humans react adversely to foods are
All of these types of tests are useful at dif- more complex than was previously assumed.
ferent times; however, the best approach to A primary consideration in this area is under-
use with a specific patient depends on the standing the differences between food aller-
clinical situation. When using one of these gies and food intolerance. Some individuals
tests, a clinician should carefully consider its may show clinical symptoms or sensitivity re-
strengths and limitations. An example of how lated to ingestion of a particular food sub-
to incorporate clinical and laboratory assess- stance, but only those reactions that involve
ment in a functional medicine approach is an immune response are true food allergies.
provided in Box C, in which clinical signs and This may seem irrelevant since symptoms are
symptoms, static laboratory tests (e.g., blood symptoms, but it does relate to how a clini-
glucose, triglycerides), challenge tests (e.g., cian may test for a food reaction and also
postprandial blood glucose and insulin), and how it may be handled clinically.
indirect markers of nutrient deficiency (e.g., By definition, an immune response only
inflammatory markers) are used. occurs when an antigen/antibody reaction
first takes place (Table 10.2). Therefore, if in-
KEY CONSIDERATIONS IN A dividuals do not have antibodies against a
specific food antigen, they cannot have an al-
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE ASSESSMENT lergic reaction to the food. Instead, they have
Each clinical situation is different and the spe- a food intolerance. For example, lactase in-
cific approaches to a patient depend on many sufficiency, which underlies lactose intoler-
issues—most important, the patient’s present- ance, would not be considered an allergic
ing complaints and the initial clinical evalua- response, but is instead a food intolerance.
tion. However, a few areas of assessment are However, the response that occurs after
central to the theme of nutrition since they re- peanut ingestion in a person with sensitivity
late directly to how nutrients are received by to peanuts is a food allergy because it in-
the body and the body’s response to those nu- volves the immune system.
Assessment of Nutritional Status 273


Assessment of Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress often stems from an imbalance in an- assay can rule out the presence of oxidative stress.
tioxidant and prooxidant status and this imbalance is However, some markers have been associated with
associated with many chronic diseases of aging, such damage from high levels of oxidative stress in pa-
as CVD, cancer, macular degeneration, chronic in- tients. Such markers include lipid peroxides, formed
flammatory conditions, dementia, and cognitive dys- from reaction of ROS with unsaturated fatty acids and
function. Prooxidant status results from excessive prostaglandins. The compound 8-hydroxy-2’-de-
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which oxyguanosine (8OH-DG) is a by-product of degrada-
can react with proteins, RNA, and DNA resulting in tis- tion of DNA by ROS. Elevations of lipid peroxides and
sue damage, genomic instability (e.g., mutations), and 8OH-DG have been associated with several chronic
altered cellular processes. Assessment for oxidative diseases that accompany aging.
stress is an active area of research and focus is turning
toward understanding total antioxidant capacity as a Nutritional and Subclinical Assessment
health support factor. Test panels and types of test are for Oxidative Stress
constantly being modified in this arena to include the From a functional medicine perspective, assessment
most recent data. Laboratories with a specialty in ox- for oxidative stress should include understanding the
idative stress provide useful partners in identifying subclinical imbalances in the pathways and nutrient
the best and most current means with which to assess levels that provide protection from oxidative stress. A
an individual patient; however, some commonly used functional laboratory assessment for oxidative stress
approaches are outlined below. should consider both the direct enzyme activities that
protect from ROS and the status of key nutrients to
Common Biomarkers of Presence of support these protective pathways. Many nutrients
(and Resulting Damage from) Oxidative Stress are important in protecting from ROS, and much dis-
Oxidative stress can occur in a variety of tissues and cussion is taking place in the research community
lead to many different effects; therefore, no single with respect to optimal levels. For example, studies

Common Laboratory Methods used to Detect Oxidative Stress

Principal Analyte Comments

Catechol and/or Obtained from challenge test with salicylate. Elevation of 2,3-dihydroxy-
2,3-dihydrobenzoate benzoate and/or catechol indicates increased hydroxyl radical activity.
Lipid peroxides Several methods are used for quantification, including TBARS. Elevated lipid
(serum or urine) peroxides indicate peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes.
F2-isoprostanes A measure of peroxidation of prostaglandins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
8-OH-2’-deoxyguanosine Quantification of hydroxylated deoxyguanosine residues present in DNA.
Elevated 8-OH-2’-deoxyguanosine is an indication of hydroxyl radical
damage to DNA.
Antioxidant panels Includes quantification of various antioxidants: vitamins A, C, and E; alpha- and
beta-carotene; the minerals selenium, copper, zinc, and iron; reduced
glutathione, coenzyme Q10 and lipoic acid. Antioxidants are often depleted
in conditions of oxidative stress, and low levels can yield a picture of
susceptibility to oxidative stress.


BOX B, continued

suggest vitamin C intake of at least 100 mg per day is these enzyme activities directly may also provide
optimal. guidelines for personalizing an intervention to pro-
Key nutrients that support protection from oxida- tect against the damage of oxidative stress.
tive stress include:
Further Reading
• vitamin C
• vitamin E Carr AC, Frei B. Toward a new recommended dietary
• carotenoids allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and
• glutathione (e.g., cysteine, sulfate reserves) health effects in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;69:
• copper 1086–1107.
• zinc Fenech M. Recommended dietary allowances (RDAs)
• selenium for genomic stability. Mutat Res. 2001;480-81:51-54.
• iron (Too much and too little of iron can indicate Ghiselli A, Serafini M, Natella F, Scaccini C. Total an-
imbalance.) tioxidant capacity as a tool to assess redox status:
critical view and experimental data. Free Radic Biol
Many plant compounds (such as flavonoids and Med. 2000;29:1106–1114.
polyphenols) also provide protection, but these are Halliwell B. Can oxidative DNA damage be used as a
not feasible to assay individually. However, investigat- biomarker of cancer risk in humans? Problems, res-
ing a patient’s dietary regime with a 3-day diet diary olutions and preliminary results from nutritional
can provide insight into the level of these protective supplementation studies. Free Radic Res. 1998;29:
phytonutrients since they are the substances that pro- 469-486.
vide color to vegetables and fruits (e.g., orange, red, Mayne ST. Antioxidant nutrients and chronic disease:
blue, purple). use of biomarkers of exposure and oxidative stress
Minerals are also important in supporting primary status in epidemiological research. J Nutr. 2003;133
protective pathways, as shown below. Investigating Suppl 3:933S-940S.

Antioxidant Enzymes

Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (requires Cu and Zn), and Mn-superoxide dismutase

(requires Mn):
2O – • + 2H → H O + O
2 2 2 2

Glutathione peroxidase (requires Se):

H2O2 + 2GSH → 2H2O + GSSG

Catalase (requires Fe):

2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2

Ceruloplasmin (requires Cu); oxidizes iron without forming hydrogen peroxide

or oxygen radicals; may scavenge hydrogen peroxide, superoxide and hydroxyl
Fe+2 → Fe+3
Assessment of Nutritional Status 275

TABLE 10.2 Terms Used to Describe Food Allergy and Food Intolerance

Food Allergy (Hypersensitivity): Immunologic reaction resulting from exposure to food;

reactions occur in only some subjects; reaction is unrelated to physiological effect of food.

Food Intolerance: Abnormal physiologic response to food; reaction is not immunologic.

Adverse Reaction: Symptoms attributed to the ingestion of a food or other material with-
out a recognized organic etiology.

Antibody: Protein produced by immune cells of the body in response to an antigen.

Antigen: Substance with which an antibody will bind specifically. Antigens can be high-
molecular-weight proteins, peptides, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and any number
of other types of substances.

A complete description of the immune re- without an IgG-delayed response, or an IgG

sponse and subsequent biochemical changes response without an immediate IgE response.
is beyond the scope of this book. Briefly, Some controversy exists with respect to
however, this section emphasizes that the im- the actual definition of food allergy. Some
mune response to an antigen may involve definitions describe a true food allergy as
some or all of a host of antibody subtypes, in- only an IgE-mediated response, which is also
cluding IgE, IgG, IgM, IgA, and IgD. Of par- called a Type I hypersensitivity. However, not
ticular importance to food allergy is the IgG all symptoms of allergic responses can be as-
antibody, which comprises about 80 percent cribed to IgE-mediated mechanisms.8 Many
of antibodies in human serum, and the IgE allergic responses appear to involve some
antibody, which constitutes only a small per- form of prolonged or delayed reaction to al-
centage of antibodies but is central to the al- lergens.9 For example, the antibodies of the
lergic response.6,7 IgG4 subclass are increased in atopic der-
IgG antibodies interact with the comple- matitis and asthma.10 Therefore, evidence
ment system after binding to their respective seems to support the role of both IgE and
antigens. IgE antibodies occupy receptors on IgG4 antibodies in the provocation of imme-
mast cells and basophils and mediate the re- diate and delayed symptoms due to immuno-
lease of histamine and other inflammation- logical reactions to food allergens.
associated chemicals after binding to their No direct assessment of food intolerance
respective antigens. IgE responses are very is available. Determination of intolerant foods
rapid in onset, whereas IgG responses are not is best performed by dietary elimination with
rapid, but usually represent a delayed hyper- subsequent reintroduction and challenge to
sensitivity. A food may elicit an IgE response see whether symptoms are related to that


Assessment of Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome

Problems of carbohydrate intolerance, insulin resis- (2001) defines metabolic syndrome as present when a
tance, and poor glycemic control are responsible for patient has 3 or more of the following:
considerable disease in industrialized countries. As
• abdominal obesity [waist circumference:
many as 63 million people in the US are estimated to
men >102 cm (40 in); women: >88 cm (34.5 in)
have poor glycemic control, with 25% of those having
• hypertriglyceridemia [blood triglycerides >150
diagnosable type 2 diabetes mellitus. Fasting glucose,
the standard screening tool to assess glycemic prob-
• low HDL-cholesterol [HDL-C: men <40 mg/dL;
lems, may indicate poor glycemic control but it repre-
women <50 mg/dL]
sents only a crude assessment because it may not
• high blood pressure [BP>130/85 mm Hg]
occur until late in the establishment of dysglycemia.
• high fasting glucose [blood glucose>110 mg/dL]
Ideally, clinicians use assessment panels in which not
only fasting blood sugar control, but also the early- In addition, several other laboratory signs may sug-
stage indicators of imbalance and the metabolic con- gest an individual at high risk for developing meta-
sequences of dysglycemia are also investigated. bolic syndrome:
Clinical signs that may suggest dysglycemia include:
• elevated postprandial (2-hr) blood glucose
• family history of diabetes and/or insulin
• gestational diabetes • elevated triglyceride to HDL-C ratio (>4.0)
• polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) • elevated serum uric acid
• low birth weight • elevated inflammation markers (e.g., C-reactive
• sleep apnea protein, PAI-1, fibrinogen)
• sugar cravings and carbohydrate “addiction”
• sleepiness after a meal; insomnia relieved by Nutrition is a key factor in diabetes management.
snacking Moreover, early intervention with diet and lifestyle
• increased appetite, usually after a carbohydrate modifications can halt further progression from
meal metabolic syndrome to frank diabetes with its associ-
• fatigue after a high-carbohydrate meal ated significant health risks.
• pattern of nighttime eating
• hypoglycemia Further Reading
• dietary history of high-refined carbohydrate Executive summary of the third report of the National
intake Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert
• resistant weight loss Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of
• hirsutism, acne, and menstrual irregularities High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (ATP III). JAMA.
Metabolic syndrome (also called insulin resistance 2001;285:2486–2497.
syndrome) is a condition that often precedes frank Reaven G. Pathophysiology of insulin resistance in
diabetes and identification of individuals with human disease. Physiol Rev. 1995;75:473–485.
metabolic syndrome can identify those at a high-risk Lukaczer D, Liska DJ. Recognizing Insulin Resistance
for developing diabetes. The third report of the Na- Syndrome. Integrat Med. 2003;2:42–48.
tional Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel
Assessment of Nutritional Status 277

food. Since food allergies involve generation TABLE 10.3 Clinical Conditions Associated with
of specific antibodies, laboratory tests for al- Increased Antigen Uptake by the Intestine
lergic foods may be useful with some patients;
Intestinal Disorders
however, no single laboratory test provides an
Gastrointestinal food allergy
entirely accurate assessment of food allergy. Celiac disease
Since the onset of IgE-mediated reactions is Acute gastroenteritis
generally rapid, most clinicians can determine Chronic intestinal infections
an IgE-mediated response by carefully review- Inflammatory bowel disease
ing a patient’s history (in other words, the
patient can identify this type of response). Lab- System Insults
oratory assessment or confirmation can be Excessive radiation
Extensive burns
performed with an IgE Food Antibody Panel,
Septicemia shock
which is commonly done using a radioaller- Hypovolumetric shock
gosorbent test (RAST) or enzyme-linked im- Malnutrition
munoassay (ELISA) method. Drugs
The IgG-mediated responses are delayed Antiinflammatory drugs
responses and more difficult to determine
both clinically and in the laboratory. IgG
Food Antibody Panels often employ either
total IgG assessment or IgG4, the subfamily of tion that has led to an increased uptake of
IgG believed to react commonly with food large molecules in the intestinal tract that
antigens. IgG Food Antibody Panels can be have, in turn, induced an allergic response (as
useful in determining which foods should be well as other responses such as detoxification)
avoided during an elimination diet; however, (Table 10.3). Supporting intestinal integrity
they can also be misleading. In particular, if an and reestablishing the intestinal barrier func-
individual has not ingested the food in ques- tion may help individuals digest these foods, or
tion in the recent past, IgG antibodies may not keep the large molecules from entering circula-
be present in high enough quantity to deter- tion. Thus, the barrier function serves as pro-
mine the response on a Food Antibody Panel. tection and allows an individual to ingest some
Furthermore, how food allergies are foods that previously caused allergic re-
viewed is confusing. Like the conventional sponses. The question of whether one is “aller-
focus on disease states, a food allergy is often gic” or “sensitive” to foods should prompt
considered to be a specific response to a spe- clinicians to ask questions about immunologic
cific food antigen that will recur over an indi- status, detoxification status, nutritional status,
vidual’s lifespan. In many cases, some assumed intestinal microecology, digestive efficiency,
food allergies are the result of a clinical condi- and intestinal mucosal integrity.

The Gastrointestinal Milieu capacity. For example, elevated total fecal

One of the most crucial features affecting nutri- amounts may reflect incomplete fat hydrolysis
tional status is proper functioning of the gas- and suggest pancreatic insufficiency.
trointestinal (GI) tract, and healthy function of
the GI tract requires a healthy microenviron- Intestinal barrier function
ment. Assessment of gastrointestinal function The GI mucosa has the paradoxical role of
includes determining adequate digestion and allowing or facilitating transport of some
absorption, investigating intestinal mucosa in- molecules while excluding others. Changes in
tegrity, and evaluating the intestinal microecol- intestinal permeability are important in a num-
ogy. Stool is the ultimate end product of ber of GI tract disorders that have systemic im-
digestive activity and, therefore, a survey of plications. For example, permeable GI mucosa
various metabolic markers in stool can pro- may create a portal of entry for large food
vide an overview of digestive function with molecules, such as peptides and proteins,
which to guide further clinical evaluation and which may become antigenic when in circula-
develop targeted therapy. In particular, stool tion, causing a food allergic response.12 (Figure
analysis provides insight into intestinal mi- 7.2 illustrates permeability dynamics.)
croecology, which can indicate problems with The most widely used method for assess-
absorption and digestion. The integrity of the ing intestinal permeability is a challenge test
small intestinal barrier is an important factor using inert sugars in the 300–400 dalton
in healthy GI function as well. A brief descrip- range—both monosaccharides and disaccha-
tion of the key areas to consider in reviewing rides—to evaluate differential saccharide ab-
intestinal function is provided below. sorption.13 In this test, a disaccharide that is
not well absorbed by the healthy intestine is
Evaluating digestion and absorption administered at the same time as a mono-
Stool analysis can be useful in assessing under- saccharide that is well absorbed. The most
lying causes of poor digestion and/or absorp- commonly used saccharides in this challenge
tion (which can, in turn, relate to a host of test include cellobiose/mannitol, lactulose/
systemic signs and symptoms). The measure- mannitol, lactulose/l-rhamnose, and cellobiose/
ment of markers such as fecal chymotrypsin or l-rhamnose. Gastric integrity has also been
pancreatic elastase 1 may help in the assessment evaluated using some of these same intestinal
of frank or subtle pancreatic insufficiency. For probe methods.14
example, chymotrypsin may provide a measure Differential saccharide absorption studies
of proteolytic enzyme activity.11 The measure- are typically administered by oral ingestion of
ment of triglycerides, long chain fatty acids, a sugar solution containing known amounts of
cholesterol and total fecal fat can provide clues the disaccharide and monosaccharide sugars
to impairments in absorptive and/or digestive following an overnight fast.15 Urine is col-
Assessment of Nutritional Status 279

lected, the total volume recorded, and a sam- clinically important because of its relation-
ple returned to the lab to determine the recov- ship to intestinal and systemic disease. In ad-
ery of the probe molecules. This type of testing dition, dysbiosis may compromise nutritional
also offers the advantage of being a noninva- status as a result of two primary effects: mi-
sive, outpatient procedure.16 While this is a use- crobial competition for dietary nutrients, and
ful assessment tool, care should be taken in damage to the mucosal absorptive surface.17
interpretation, as the intestinal lining is a dy- In general, assessment involves direct
namic interface, and permeability may change measurement of microbes and metabolites,
rapidly depending on recent dietary intake. which include bacteria, yeast, fungi, protozoa,
roundworms, and others. However, this
Gastrointestinal microecology method can be problematic in assessment of
Dysbiosis, as described in Chapter 7, is a con- bacteria, yeast and fungi in particular because
dition of altered intestinal microecology that of the difficulty in culturing many of these mi-
may have clinical consequences. It generally crobes and the dynamic nature of the GI mi-
refers to a state in which populations of in- lieu. Protozoa and worms can be difficult to
digenous microbes have grown excessively, diagnose because of variability in shedding
exogenous organisms have taken up resi- and difficulty in proper identification. Despite
dence in the intestinal tract, or colonic mi- the limitations, microscopic stool analysis is
crobes have migrated beyond their normal vital to assessing dysbiosis and infection.
environment into the small intestine, stom- Assessment of metabolic markers is also
ach, or esophagus. Assessment of dysbiosis is useful for determining the presence of dysbio-

TABLE 10.4 Stool Markers Suggestive of Intestinal Dysbiosis

Absorption Markers Digestion Markers

Total fecal fat Chymotrypsin

Total short-chain fatty acids Triglycerides
Long-chain fatty acids Valerate
Cholesterol iso-Butyrate

Markers of Colonic Microbiological Activity

n-Butyrate (as mmoles/g and as % of total short-chain fatty acids)

Note: Pathogenic microbes such as those listed in Figure 7.3 are also indicative
of intestinal dysbiosis.

sis (Table 10.4). The nature of the metabolites new tests will continue to be developed, know-
often provides clinicians a reasonable picture ing the basics of proper nutrition assessment is
of the nature and extent of the dysbiosis and, important for many reasons. Nutrition is core
often, of the particular organisms involved. For to competent patient care. Proper functioning
example, the presence of beta-glucuronidase in is supported by the many nutrients found in
stool may be a sign of microbes that enzymat- whole foods. Nutritional choices influence the
ically deconjugate specific molecular bonds. body’s activity, and consistently poor choices
The presence of an elevated stool pH may may compromise an individual’s health.
signify a prevalence of bacteria species that Furthermore, information provided by
foster a more alkaline environment and nutrition assessment tests can only be mean-
therefore may be more inhospitable for the ingful when integrated into a broader picture
acid loving probiotics. (Figures 7.3 and 7.4 of a patient’s health. Such tests should be ad-
present information about the GI microbial ministered by skilled and well-informed prac-
environment.) titioners who can account for potential
sources of error and interpret the results in
light of other assessment findings. Practition-
ers must also keep in mind that nutrients in-
This chapter presented a general discussion of teract; an abnormal value for one nutrient
the types of tests and approaches useful to as- does not, by itself, indicate that a problem ex-
sessing a patient’s nutritional status from a ists. Each assessment method is useful only
functional medicine perspective. While the when considered as part of the entire picture
field of assessment is rapidly changing and of an individual’s health.

CHAPTER 10 REFERENCES Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. Vol. 1.

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Assessment of Nutritional Status 281

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A Amino acid derivatives, 45

Abdominal distention, 198, 202 Amino acid exchange, interorgan, 51
Abdominal pain, 192, 198, 202 Amino acids, 41–67
Absorptive capacity, clues to impairments in, 278 aromatic, 50
Acetylation, 251 branched-chain (BCAA), 49–50, 257
Acne rosacea, low gastric acidity as classes of, 42
influencing, 194 “conditionally essential,” 47, 51
Addison’s disease, 166, 196 conjugation of, 45–47, 251
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) essential (from food source), 42, 44, 58, 207
conversion of ATP to, 216, 218 excitatory, 52–53
conversion to ATP of, 223–24 nitrogen balance studies of, 58
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) nonessential (synthesized internally), 42–45
anaerobic vs. aerobic metabolism for, 219 protein absorbed as, 200
compromised synthesis of, 263 protein structured by, 42
depletion of neuronal, 247 quality of proteins affecting deficiencies
generating, 216 of, 41
impairment in, 226 in soy protein, 57
rates during exercise of, 234 structure of, 42, 43
Adequate Intake (AI) sulfur/sulfation, 44–45, 56, 58, 61–62
for minerals, table of, 153–56 Amino acids by name
for vitamins, table of, 102–104 alanine, 43, 51
as one base for DRIs, 101 arginine, 43, 44, 47–49, 50
AIDS and HIV, 60, 122 asparagine, 43
intestinal permeability disrupted in, 201, 202 aspartate, 52
zinc deficiency in patients having, 172 aspartic acid, 43
Alcoholism, 107, 111, 202, 213 betaine, 42, 45
depletion of nutrients in, 161 carnitine, 42, 50–51, 52, 223, 229, 233
risk of hemochromatosis in, 178, 179 citrulline, 42, 44, 47–49
Alcohols, xenobiotic, 243 creatine, 42, 50–51, 223–24
Alzheimer’s disease, 134, 216, 227–28, 256 cysteine, 43, 44, 45, 56, 58, 61, 82, 177, 230,
associated with injury to neurons, 59 234, 240
excess excitatory neurotransmitters associ- gamma-aminobutyric acid, 52
ated with, 247 glutamate, 52–53
reduced sulfate excretion in patients glutamic acid, 43, 82
having, 61 glutamine, 43, 44, 51–52, 58–61, 207
American Diabetes Association (ADA) meal glycine, 43, 44–47, 50, 52, 257
recommendations, 35 histidine, 43, 56


Amino acids by name, continued Arsenic, toxic exposure to, 245. See also Heavy
homocysteine, 45–46, 60, 61 (toxic) metals, xenobiotic
isoleucine, 42, 43, 49–50, 56, 257 Arthritis, 99, 112, 241. See also Immune-related
L-glutamine, 207 arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Rheumatoid
leucine, 42, 43, 49–50, 56, 257 arthritis
lysine, 42, 43, 50, 56, 58, 223 Ascorbate. See Vitamin C (ascorbate)
methionine, 42, 43, 45, 56, 58, 240 Asthma, 118, 122, 165, 183, 194, 196, 248, 275
ornithine, 42, 44, 47–49 induced by MSG, 61
phenylalanine, 42, 43, 56 possible magnesium deficiency in patients
proline, 43 having, 165
serine, 43 selenium to decrease symptoms of, 183
taurine, 42, 44–47 Ataxia, 60, 107, 122, 127, 227, 229, 241, 266
threonine, 42, 43, 58 Atherogenesis, 45, 46
tryptophan, 42, 43, 56 Atherosclerosis, 81, 84, 119, 122
tyrosine, 43, 44, 56 Atopic skin disorders, atopy, 57, 91, 201, 203,
valine, 42, 43, 49–50, 56, 257 211, 275
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 180, 228 Autism, 60, 118, 202
associated with injury to neurons, 59–60 diet-responsive, 61
excess excitatory neurotransmitters associ- elevated metabolites in patients having, 243
ated with, 247 Autoimmune disorders and dysfunction, 36, 134,
Anemia, 12, 120, 122, 125–26, 171–74, 177, 194, 205, 245–46
181, 196, 245, 266
Angina, 165
Ankylosing spondylitis, 200, 211 B
intestinal permeability altered in, 200 B-vitamins and B-complex vitamins. See also indi-
Anorexia, 50, 107, 109, 115, 137, 161, 245 vidual vitamins by name
Antecedents as key component of patient’s biochemical differences among humans for, 6
story, 7 in mitochondrial efficiency, 220, 223, 233
Antibodies, 175, 177, 275, 277, 278 Bacteria
Antigens, 29, 203–4, 209, 275, 277–78 aerobic and anaerobic, 199
Antioxidants bifidobacteria, 22, 23–24, 206–7, 210
for detoxification, 257 in birth, 242
for mitochondrial function, 229, 231–33 Campylobacter jejuni, 205
for permeability-related conditions, 208, 211 Chlamydia trachomatis, 205
protecting against production of reactive Clostridium perfringens, 23, 199–200, 207
oxygen, 59 in colon, 199, 243
protecting cell lipids, 80–83 “food” for growth of, 26, 199
of selenium, conditions improved gastrointestinal, 206
using, 183 gut lumen, 242–43
of vitamers of vitamin E, 131–32 Helicobacter pylori, 196
Arachidonic acid (AA) cascade, 74–79 intestinal, 205
Index 285

lactobacilli, 22, 206–7, 210 Body mass index (BMI) calculation, 264–65
overgrowth of unwanted, 194, 196, 204, for individual deficiencies, table of, 266
211, 243 Body temperature, homeostasis of, 8–9
reintroduction of desirable, 210 Bone remineralization and resorption, 10–11
Salmonella, 199–200, 205 Boron, 186
Shigella flexneri, 205 absorption of, 186
streptococci, 206 functional medicine considerations for, 186
thermophilized, 205 functions of, 186
Yersinia enterocolitica, 205 RDA/AI and UL for, 156
Bacterial imbalance safety and toxicity of, 186, 246
development of chronic disease linked with, sources of, 186
204–8 therapeutic considerations for, 186
intestinal permeability disrupted by, 203–4 Bowel disorders, 9, 21
nutritional support strategies to treat, 205 Bowel movements, difficult or painful, 29
relationship of diet to, 204 Breast cancer, 87, 204
Behavioral changes in eating habits, 193 Brush border enzymes, 195
Bernard, Claude, homeostasis defined, 8
Bile acids, sulfation of, 61
Bile secretion, 192, 197 C
Biochemical individuality in nutrition, 5–8, 244, Cadmium, toxic exposure to, 245. See also Heavy
246–47, 258 (toxic) metals, xenobiotic
Bioenergetics defined, 3 Calciferol. See Vitamin D
Biological inhalants, effects on total load of, 239 Calcium, 10, 11, 152–53, 156–60
Biotin, 126–28 absorption and regulation of, 152, 156–57,
absorption of, 127 160, 161, 186, 194, 248
functional medicine considerations for, functional medicine considerations for,
127–128 159–60
functions of, 127 functions of, 152, 157
safety and toxicity of, 127 RDA/AI and UL for, 153
sources of, 127 safety and toxicity of, 159
structure of, 126 sources of, 157, 158, 159
therapeutic considerations for, 127 therapeutic considerations for, 157
Bladder cancer, 252 Cancer anorexia, 50
Bloating, 196, 198 Cancer (carcinoma), 5, 27, 45, 50, 74, 81, 87,
carbohydrate intake related to, 29 105, 137, 142, 179, 181, 183–84, 204,
conditions leading to, 30, 198 205, 208, 238, 252, 254, 257, 273, 274.
cooking techniques to minimize, 30 See also individual types
foods associated with, 30 Carbohydrates, 17–40. See also Starch, and indi-
Blood sugar regulation vidual types of Carbohydrates
carbohydrate metabolism and, 31–36 absorption of, 35, 200
meal planning and, 36 classes of, 17, 18–27

Carbohydrates, continued functions of, 166

complex, 19 safety and toxicity of, 168–9
construction and conversion of, 18–19 sources of, 166
digestibility of, 17 therapeutic considerations for, 166–68
functional approach to, 29–36 Cholesterol
future directions in research about, 36 absorption of, 26
metabolism of, 29–36 HDL, 12, 34
simple, 18, 19, 21 hormone synthesis from, 88
Cardiac arrhythmia, possible magnesium defi- LDL, 57
ciency in patients having, 165 as lipid type, 85–87
Cardiomyopathy, possible magnesium deficiency mineral supplementation to lower, 185
in patients having, 165 structure of, 86
Cardiovascular accident (CVA), 163 total, 57
Cardiovascular disease, 34, 45, 48–49, 69, 74, 81, Chromium, 169–71
93, 109, 129, 137, 193, 230, 240, absorption and regulation of, 169
244–47, 250, 258 functional medicine considerations for,
chronic mercury ingestion as possible risk 170–71
factor for, 245 functions of, 169–70
excess iron associated with, 179 RDA/AI and UL for, 154
inadequate nutrient intake associated safety and toxicity of, 170
with, 100 sources of, 170
possible magnesium deficiency in patients therapeutic considerations for, 170
having, 165 Chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome
prevention and treatment of, 18, 31, 35, (CFIDS), 256
57, 183 Clinical imbalances underlying diseases or condi-
risk factors for, 271 tions, 3
Celiac disease, 196, 198, 201–2, 211, 277 categories of, 3–4
Cellular metabolism, influence of GSH on, 54 core, 4, 8
Cephalic phase analyses of digestion, 192–93 readjusting, 5
Cervical dysplasia, 124, 126 Clinical nutrition, negative focus of traditional, 11
Challenge tests Cobalamin. See Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
of detoxification, 257–58 Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone)
development of, 270 in detoxification, 257
of insulin level, 12 lipid protection from, 84–85
nutritional assessments using, 270–1 in mitochondrial function, 229, 232
postprandial glucose/insulin, 270 Colitis, 27, 116, 202
stress, 271 Colon cancer, 27, 208
Cheilosis, 11, 112, 115, 119, 266 Colon transit time. See Intestinal transit time
Chloride, 165–69 Colonic food, carbohydrates functioning as, 22
absorption and regulation of, 166 Colorectal cancer, dietary fiber linked with mini-
functional medicine considerations for, 169 mizing, 208
Index 287

Conditionally essential nutrients, 13 phases of, 249–51, 256, 258

Congestive heart failure (CHF), possible magne- regimes for, 248
sium deficiency in patients having, 165 Detoxification pathways
Constipation influence of drugs on, 252–56
caused by increased fiber intake without supportive nutrients for, 254, 256
more water, 29 under-functioning, 263
low gastric acidity causing, 196 Detoxification reserve, assessing, 258
Copper, 172–75 Diabetes mellitus, 36, 112–13, 119, 134, 137, 142,
absorption of, 173 167, 169, 196, 216, 227, 229, 270, 276
as detoxification support nutrient, 257 blood glucose and insulin level increases in
functional medicine considerations for, 174 patients having, 21
functions of, 173 complications of, 31, 35
RDA/AI and UL for, 154 fiber supplementation for, 34, 35
safety and toxicity of, 173–74, 246 inadequate nutrient intake associated
sources of, 173, 174 with, 100
therapeutic considerations for, 173 increased need for vitamin C in, 7
Coronary artery disease (CAD), 74, 105, 269 insulin-dependent (IDDM) (type 1), 31
Cow’s milk substitutes, 57 metabolic syndrome and development of type
Creatinine excretion rate, 50 2, 12
Crohn’s disease, 201, 208, 211 non-insulin-dependent (NIDDM) (type 2),
Cystic fibrosis, 90, 197, 201, 211 31, 34, 35, 163, 184, 276
nutrition in management of, 276
possible magnesium deficiency in patients
D having, 163, 165
Dementia, 107, 113, 122, 227, 229, 273 prevention of, 18, 31
associated with injury to neurons, 59–60 resistant starch (RS) in management of, 26
Depression, 107, 109, 112–13, 115, 119, 122, serum triglyceride increases in patients hav-
124, 127, 165, 176, 228, 243 ing, 20
Dermatitis, 112, 113, 115, 127, 186, 196, 202, treatment of, 31. See also Blood sugar regula-
245, 266, 269, 275 tion and Insulin level
Detoxification. See also Toxicants and Xenobiotics vanadium in management of, 184
amino acids’ role in, 45–46, 51, 61 vitamin A deficiencies in patients having, 137
assessment of, 257–58 Diarrhea, 112–13, 126, 165–69, 171, 186, 192,
biochemistry of, 249–52 198, 202, 205–6
challenge test of, 257–58 excess copper causing, 174
defined, 249 fiber and water increases causing, 29
gastrointestinal system’s function in, 5 infantile, 206
idiopathic disease and, 256 lactose intolerance causing, 198
importance of, 248–49 low gastric acidity causing, 196
neurologic disease affected by, 256 mineral deficiencies caused by, 167, 168
nutritional support for, 256–57 supplemental minerals causing, 165, 186

Diet diary Dry skin, 112, 138, 176

analyzing patient’s, 27 Dynamic balance
to assess nutrient intake, 265 body temperature in, 9
to confirm vitamin deficiency, 11–12 for range of changes body experiences every
Diet quality, shortcuts in evaluating, 27 day, 9
Dietary influences on development of diseases, 5 Dysbiosis, 211
Dietary intake, software for analyzing, 1 assessment using stool markers of, 279
Dietary pattern, evaluating entire, 35 defined, 279
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) nature and extent of, 280
development by FNB of, 101 organisms associated with, 243
for minerals, table of, 153–56 Dysglycemia and dysglycemic conditions,
for vitamins, table of, 102–104 11, 19
Digestion, 191–214 clinical signs of, 276
cephalic phase of, 192–93 Dysmenorrhea, possible magnesium deficiency in
in colon, 199–200 patients having, 165
evaluating, 278
functional approach to, 200–211
functional relationships among absorption, E
dysfunction, and, 192 Eczema, 73, 87, 118, 196, 198, 201–203, 211
gases produced during, 29–30 Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 207
impaired, 197–99 Electrolytes. See Chloride, Potassium, and Sodium
lifestyle factors affecting, 192–93 Electron transport chain (ETC), 217, 218, 225,
in mouth, 193–94 230, 234
physiology of, 193 Elimination diet
in small intestine, 197 CFIDS treated using, 256
in stomach, 194, 196 in food allergy testing, 58, 277
Digestion time of meals, 30 in treatment of inflammation, 194
Digestion-related disorders, 192. See also modified, 62–64
individual conditions Energy, 215–36
Digestive tract absorption of nutrients and, 224–25
active transport of nutrients through, 199 effects of impaired detoxification systems
ecological network of, 192 on, 252
Disaccharides as simple carbohydrates, 19 functional approach to, 229–34
Diverticulitis, 27 relationship of nutrition to, 223–25
Drug/nutrient interaction, 247–48 roles of creatine and carnitine in metabolism
Drugs of, 50–51, 223–24
increased antigen uptake by intestine Energy production
for, 277 improving, 233
influence on detoxification pathways of, role of mitochondria in, 216–18
252–56 Enteropathy, 134, 140, 198
types of xenobiotic, 243, 247–48 Environment, effects of toxic factors in, 237–61
Index 289

Environmental inputs succinic dehydrogenase, 221

assessing, 265 succinyl kinase, 221
key, 5 sulfite oxidase, 61
in nutrition and functional medicine model, 4 superoxide dismutase (SOD), 54, 82
Enzymatic cofactors, 223, 256 trypsin, 56
Enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) urease, 196
assessment, 277 Epilepsy associated with injury to neurons, 59
Enzymes Essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD), 73–74, 83,
antioxidant, 274 85, 266, 269
digestive, major, 195 Essential nutrients, 13
digestive, replenishing, 210 vanadium one of, 184
digestive, secretion of, 192, 193, 197–98 Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) as one
effects of toxicity on, 244 base for DRIs, 101
fiber not digested by, 26 Exchange Lists for Meal Planning (American
generation from genes of, 240, 242 Diabetes Association), 17–18, 35
inadequate, 30 Excitotoxin concept for neuronal hyper-
inhibited, 13, 255 excitability, 247
Krebs cycle, 221, 225 Exercise
mitochondrial, 219, 221, 225 in bone health, 10
oxidative, 82–83 oxygen consumptive increased by some,
pancreatic, 197, 210 81–82
protease, 198 phosphocreatine resynthesis following, 234
substrates of, 255 processing of, 3, 4
Enzymes by name type 2 diabetes initially treated with diet
aconitase, 221 and, 31
alpha-ketoglutaric dehydrogenase, 221
amylase, 24, 198
catalase (CAT), 55, 83, 274 F
ceruloplasmin, 274 Fanconi’s syndrome, 216, 227
citric synthetase, 221 Fatigue, 107, 109, 112, 115–17, 119, 122, 126,
cyclooxygenase, 77 128–29, 131, 134, 138, 163, 176, 184,
fumarase, 221 202, 215–16, 227–29, 233, 245, 256,
glucuronosyl transferase, 256 276
glutathione peroxidase (GPO), 54–55, causes of, 263
82, 274 iron deficiency causing symptoms of, 179
isocitric dehydrogenase, 221 possible magnesium deficiency in patients
lactase, 198, 199 having, 165
lipase, 198 Fats, 69–96
lipoxygenase, 77 bile secretions to break up, 197
malic dehydrogenase, 221 cell membranes and, 70–71
P450, 252, 254–57 dietary macronutrient balance and, 91–92

Fats, continued daily fluid intake increased while increasing

functions of, 69 intake of, 29
physical performance affected by, 93 evaluating intake of, 27, 29
polyunsaturated, 80 increasing dietary intake of, 29, 34
saturated, 69 insoluble, 19, 26–28
Fatty acids physiological effects of types of, 27, 28
cis, 79, 80 soluble, 19, 22, 26–28, 29, 30, 34, 35
classification of, 71–74 tolerability of, 29
clinical and laboratory assessments of insuffi- Fibromyalgia, 216
ciencies in, 269 possible magnesium deficiency in patients
derivative, 269 having, 165
essential (EFAs), assessment of deficiencies Folic acid (folate), 122–26
of, 269 absorption of, 123, 194, 248
long-chain (LCFAs), 73 as detoxification support nutrient, 256
measurement of plasma, 73–74 functional medicine considerations for, 126
medium-chain (MCFAs), 72, 73, 89 functions of, 123
nonessential, 208 safety and toxicity of, 126
omega 3, 72, 74, 77, 78, 79, 207, 269 sources of, 124
omega 6, 72, 74, 77, 78, 79, 207, 269 structure of, 122–23
omega 9, 72, 74, 78 therapeutic considerations for, 8, 11, 124–25,
plasma, 269 242, 271
ratios of, 73, 74, 77–78 Follicular hyperkeratosis, 131, 137, 266
saturated, 72 Food additives and dyes, xenobiotic, 243,
short-chain (SCFAs), 22, 29, 72, 73, 87–89, 246–47
207, 210, 242 Food Guide Pyramid (USDA), 17
thyroid function and, 87 Food sensitivities, intolerance, and allergies
trans, 73, 79–80 antibodies generated in, 277
transport into mitochondrial matrix of, 223, assessment of, 272, 275, 276
225, 233 to dairy products, 198–99, 272
types of, 71 delayed, 61
unsaturated, 72 elimination diet to manage, 62–64
very-short-chain (VSCFA), 72 gluten/grain, 29, 62, 198
Fatty acids by name impaired digestion associated with, 198–99,
alpha-linolenic, 71–73 209–10
butyric acid, 207–8 in infants, 203
linoleic acid, 72 leading to bloating, 30, 198
oleic acid, 72 low gastric acidity as influencing, 194, 196
stearic acid, 72 protein intake evaluation and, 41
Fiber, 26–29 to rice, 58
cereal, 27 statistics for children and adults having, 62
conversion to SCFAs of, 207, 242 terms for describing, 275
Index 291

4R gastrointestinal support program estimating dietary fiber from, 27

Reinoculate, 208, 209, 210–11 interconnections in, 10
Remove, 208, 209–10 for laboratory assessment of nutrient status,
Repair, 208, 209, 211 265, 267–72
Replace, 208, 209, 210 reasons for using, 2–3, 13
Free radicals for toxicity, 248–58
oxidative stress and mitochondrial, 225–26 uniqueness of physiological/biochemical life
production of, 80, 81, 178–79, 252 in, 6
scavenging by antioxidants of, 208 for vitamins, 101–105. See also individual
Fructooligosaccharides vitamins
food sources of, 23, 25
structure of, 23, 24
as substrate for healthy bacteria, 207 G
Fructose Galactose
glycemic index of, 33 deposition of, 19
metabolism of, 19–21 as simple carbohydrate, 18
as simple carbohydrate, 18, 19 Gamma linolenic acid (GLA), 208
Fruit ripeness affecting GI, 36 Gamma-oryzanol to support permeability-related
Functional medicine conditions, 208
body reserves examined in, 13 Gastric juice, 195
context for laboratory or physical test results Gastrointestinal disease
in, 9 prevention and treatment of, 18
core principles in, 5 in U.S. adults, 191–92
defined, 3 Gastrointestinal function, 192–200, 211
focus of, 2 Gastrointestinal microbial metabolism,
guiding principle of, 7 242–43
imbalances in physiological processes Gastrointestinal microecology, 279–80
under, 3 Gastrointestinal milieu, 278
integration of functional thinking with inter- Gastrointestinal tract
ventions in, 12 common bacteria in, 206
model of nutrition and, 4 proper functioning of, 278
Functional perspective of nutrition, 1–15 Genetic mutations and defects, 240
acknowledgment of nutrient deficiency in, 12 in mitochondrial function, 263
for amino acids, proteins, and peptides, table of diseases attributable to, 241
58–64 Genetic tests of detoxification, 257
biochemical individuality in, 6 Gilbert’s syndrome, 256
for carbohydrates, 29–36 Gingivitis, 11, 131
“conditionally essential” nutrients in, 13 Glaucoma, possible magnesium deficiency in
for digestion, absorption, and intestinal per- patients having, 165
meability, 200–211 Glossitis, 11, 112, 115, 119, 266
for energy, 229–34 Glucosaminoglycans (GAGs), 55

Glucose Graves disease, 196

absorption of, 26–27 Gut-associated lymphatic tissue (GALT), imbal-
branched-chain polymer of, 24 anced activity in, 194
glycemic index of, 33
glycolysis of, 219
metabolism of, 184, 185, 207 H
to produce ATP, 161 H2 receptor blockers, 194, 196
as simple carbohydrate, 18 detoxification inhibited by, 252, 255
Glucose level Hair element analysis for toxic load, 244
challenge tests of, 270 Headaches and migraines, 109, 115, 138, 159,
classes of carbohydrates increasing, 21 174, 181, 216, 227, 229, 245
diet to maintain proper, 31 possible magnesium deficiency in patients
exercise to improve, 31 having, 165
high fiber intake as regulating, 27 Health as positive vitality, nutritional support of,
high GL diets as increasing, 32 11–12
Glutathione (GSH) Health history questions, 27
balancing other factors and cofactors with, Heart disease. See Cardiovascular disease
229–30 Heat treatment in soy food preparation,
conjugation of, 251, 253 56–57
decreased in aging process, 234 Heavy (toxic) metals, xenobiotic, 239, 244–46
as detoxification support nutrient, 257 most common, 244
function and metabolism, 54–55 signs and symptoms associated with excess
in recycling vitamin E, 232 amounts of, 244–45
as redox agent, 82, 232 Hemochromatosis, 131, 246
re-establishing proper cycle for, 230 excessive copper levels in, 174
Gluten, 29, 58, 62–64, 134, 140, 198, 203 risk factors for, 178–79
Glycemic index (GI) Hemorrhoids, 27
calculation of, 32 Hepatic cancer, 252
clinical conclusions about carbohydrates and, Hepatitis, 122, 196
35–36 Herbicides, xenobiotic, 239, 243
factors affecting, 34–35 High blood pressure. See also Hypertension
food processing correlated with higher, 34 as characteristic of metabolic syndrome, 12
to measure blood glucose response to possible magnesium deficiency in patients
food, 31 having, 165
problems with using, 36 High carbohydrate diets, 18
Glycemic index table of commonly eaten foods, 33 High fat diet, bloating associated with, 30
Glycemic load (GL) of food, 32, 34 High fiber diet, 35
Glycobiology, 36 High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), composition
Glycoproteins, 55–56 of, 21
Goiter, 175, 266 High protein diet, accumulation of sulfite in,
Gout, hyperuricemia in patients having, 20–21 61–62
Index 293

Homeostasis, 179, 182, 186 I

calcium, 156 Immune-related arthritis, 204
defined, 8 Indigestion, 112, 115
Homocysteine instigating causes of, 194, 196
in atherogenesis, 45, 46 Infections
metabolism of, 125 effects on total load of, 239
as risk factor for CVD, 271 excess stomach acid secretion allowing
Homocysteinemia, 105, 121, 125, 240, 242, bacterial, 196
258, 271 increased need for vitamin C in, 7
Hormonal aberration, effects on total load of, 239 neonatal protection from, 202–203
Hormonal balance, 5 recurrent bacterial, low mineral levels and,
Hormone synthesis from cholesterol, 88 174–75, 176
Hormone types Inflammation and inflammatory conditions, 11,
parathyroid (PTH), 156 49, 51, 61, 74–77, 79, 94, 107, 112, 165,
thyroid, 61, 175 172, 179, 184, 204, 208, 228, 234, 250,
Hormone-dependent cancer, prevention of, 5 269, 272–73, 275–76
Hormones chronic, 194
estrogen, 5, 160, 186, 204, 254 increased need for vitamin C in, 7
glucagon, 193 Inflammatory bowel disease, 171, 202, 276, 277
insulin. See Insulin level Insomnia, 99, 115, 126, 163, 245
tests of, 268 Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board
Human milk, immunoglobulins in, 202–203 (FNB)
Huntington’s disease, 60, 228 RDAs developed by, 100
associated with injury to neurons, 59 RDAs revised as DRIs by, 101
Hyperammonemia, 48 Insulin level
Hyperchlorhydria, 192, 194 carbohydrate classes increasing, 21
Hypercholesteremia, 57, 85, 90 challenge test of, 12
Hyperinsulinemia, 35, 91 high GL diets affecting, 32
Hyperkeratosis, 137, 139, 266 Insulin resistance, 31
Hyperlipidemia, 31 assessment of, 276
Hypernatremic dehydration, 47 increasing, 34
Hypertension, 31, 48, 134, 157, 159, 169, 205, 245 in metabolic syndrome, 12
Hypertriglyceridemia, 20, 276 possible magnesium deficiency in patients
Hyperuricemia, 20–21 having, 165
Hypochlorhydria, 177, 179, 194, 196 Insulin resistance syndrome. See Metabolic syn-
leading to gas and bloating, 30 drome (Syndrome X, insulin resistance
Hypoglycemia, 266, 276 syndrome)
associated with injury to neurons, 59 Intermittent claudication, possible magnesium
possible magnesium deficiency in patients deficiency in patients having, 165
having, 165 Intestinal barrier function, assessment of, 278–79.
Hypothyroidism, 175–76, 196, 266 See also Intestinal permeability

Intestinal cancer, 204 K

Intestinal disorders associated with increased Kearns-Sayre syndrome, 232–33
antigen uptake, 277 Key subclinical imbalances, identifying, 12
Intestinal mucosa, nutritional supplements target- Kidney stones and kidney diseases, 11, 31,
ing, 205, 207–8 142, 168, 174, 216, 227, 238,
Intestinal permeability 241, 245
altered, 90, 200–211 possible magnesium deficiency in patients
assessing, 278 having, 165
diseases associated with increased, 202 Krebs cycle, 217, 219–22, 225
dynamics of, 203 cofactors appearing in, 230
events and agents disrupting, 200–1, 203–4 intermediates in, 230
4R gastrointestinal support program to nor-
malize, 208–11
in healthy individuals, 201 L
stabilizing, 206 Lactose intolerance, 62, 198–99, 272
symptoms associated with increased, 202 in ethnic populations, 198
Intestinal transit time, 26–28, 30, 163, 203 Lead toxicity, 11, 239, 245, 246
Intracellular glycosylation, 36 Leaky gut, 200
Inulin Learning disabilities, 11, 177
breakdown into fructooligosaccharides of, 23 Legumes and beans
food sources of, 22, 23 contents of, as inhibiting digestion and
structure of, 22 absorption, 34
Iodine, 175–76 cooking techniques to minimize bloating
absorption of, 175 from, 30–31
functional medicine considerations for, 176 in elimination diet, 63
functions of, 175 Lifestyle effects
RDA/AI and UL for, 154–55 on detoxification systems, 257
safety and toxicity of, 176 on digestion, 192–93
sources of, 175, 176 on total load of, 239
therapeutic considerations for, 175 Lifestyle questionnaires, 265
Iron, 11, 56, 131, 176–79 Lipid peroxides, 80–81, 245
absorption of, 176–77, 194, 248 Lipid protection, supplements offering, 83–85
functional medicine considerations for, 179 Lipids
functions of, 177, 196 categories of, 70–71, 85
RDA/AI and UL for, 155 sulfation of, 61
safety and toxicity of, 177–79 Lipoic acid, 229, 231–33. See also Antioxidants
sources of, 177, 178 Low carb (Atkins) diet, 69
therapeutic considerations for, 177 Low gastric activity
Irritability, 99, 115, 118, 122, 126, 138, 163, common signs and symptoms of, 196
245, 266 diseases associated with, 196
Irritable bowel syndrome, 9, 21, 202, 208, 211 Low-fat diet, effect on bone density of, 57
Index 295

Low-fiber diet, 204 risk of developing diabetes in patients

Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus), 163 having, 276
vanadium supplementation for symptoms
of, 185
M Metabolism
Macular degeneration, 134, 273 enzyme family involved in, 255
Magnesium, 161, 163–65 imbalanced, 240
absorption and regulation of, 161, inborn errors of, 240
163, 248 influences on, 4, 6
conditions involving deficiency of, 165 laboratory tests’ role in assessing, 263–64
functional medicine considerations for, 165 roles of nonessential amino acids in, 44
functions of, 163 Metabolite, static level determination of, 268, 270
RDA/AI and UL for, 153 Metals, toxic. See Heavy (toxic) metals,
safety and toxicity of, 165 xenobiotic
sources of, 164–65 Methylation, 251
therapeutic considerations for, 163–64 Micelle formation, 197
Malabsorption, 11, 21, 30, 89, 134, 144, 179, Microflora balance and imbalance, 22–23,
191, 197–98 204, 207
Maldigestion, carbohydrate metabolism and, Minerals, 151–90. See also individual minerals
29–31 absorption of, 10
Malnutrition, 211, 265, 277 antioxidant, 257
Manganese, 179–81 bioavailability of, 56
absorption of, 179 classification of, 152
as detoxification support nutrient, 257 essential, 151, 184
functional medicine considerations food sources of. See individual minerals
for, 181 functions of, 151
functions of, 179 intake of, 152
RDA/AI and UL for, 155 lost in bedridden individuals, 10
safety and toxicity of, 180, 246 major, 152
sources of, 180 minor (trace), 152
therapeutic considerations for, 179–80 in mitochondrial metabolism, 225
Mediators, 48, 126, 194 status tests of, 268
as key component of patient’s story, 7 supplementing, 56
Memory impairment, 107, 109, 113, 202, 269 Minimata disease, 244–45
Mercury toxic exposure to, 239, 245–46. See also Mitochondria
Heavy (toxic) metals, xenobiotic ATP produced in, 216
Metabolic patterns, restoring balance to, 10, DNA mutations in, 275
11–12 energy production and, 216–18
Metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X, insulin resis- number of, in body, 216
tance syndrome), 91 nutritional support program for, 229–30
development of, 12 structure of, 217, 219

Mitochondrial disorders, 59–60, 134, 215, 250, N

263 N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
clinical conditions related to, 216 as precursor to glutathione, 234
clinical issues in, 226–29 supplementation of, 58
Mitochondrial efficiency, nutrient substances for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) pathway, 58–61
improving, 230–34 Natural food components, xenobiotic, 243
Mitochondrial matrix, 219 Nausea, 115, 119, 127–28, 186, 196, 198
transport of substrate into, 223, 225, 233 Nephropathy, 216, 229
Mitochondrial metabolism, 50–51 prevention of, 31, 35
key cofactors in, 225–29 Neural tube defects, 124
Mitochondrial myopathy, 263 Neurodegenerative disease, 48, 59–61, 105, 228
Mitochondrial resuscitation, 229–30 Neurologic disorders
Molybdenum, 181–82 associated with injury to neurons, 59
absorption of, 181 detoxification impacting chronic, 256
functional medicine considerations for, metabolites in urine of fungi and bacteria in
181–82 patients having, 243
functions of, 181 Neuropathy, 60, 107, 119, 134, 216, 227, 229,
insufficiencies and deficiencies of, 61 266, 269
RDA/AI and UL for, 155 prevention of, 31, 35
safety and toxicity of, 181 Neurotransmitters
sources of, 181, 182 excitatory, overstimulation of, 247
supplementation of, 174 heavy and toxic metals impairing, 244, 246
therapeutic considerations for, 181 sulfation of, 61
Monosaccharides Niacin. See Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
carbohydrates absorbed as, 200 Night blindness, 105, 137–38, 266
as simple carbohydrates, 19 Nitric oxide
structure of, 18 influences on body systems of, 49
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) production of, increased, 58
umami taste produced by, 59, 61 production of, inhibiting, 59
as xenobiotic flavor enhancer, 246–47 synthesis of, 48
Mood disorders, 119, 121–22, 124 Nitric oxide signal transduction pathway, 48
Multiple sclerosis, 122, 134, 243, 246 Nonessential nutrients, 13–14
Muscle weakness, pain, or spasm, 109, 112, 115, Nucleases, 195
128, 157, 159, 163, 165, 166, 168–69, Nutrient assessments, 263–81
228, 232–33, 241, 266 components of clinical, 264–65
Myocardial infarction (MI), accumulation of mer- functional approach to, 265, 267–72
cury associated with risk of, 245 indirect, 268, 271–72
Myopathy, 60, 84, 134, 165, 183, 227–28, 233, Nutrient sufficiency/insufficiency
263, 266 continuum, 267
Index 297

Nutrient transport in digestive system, 199 under-functioning detoxification pathway

Nutrient-dependent activity assessment, 271 increasing, 263
Nutritional status, 263–81 Oxidative-stress studies, 58, 272
common analyses of, 268
“optimal,” 263
Pancreatic enzyme secretion, 197
O Pancreatic juices, 195
Obesity, 5, 14, 276 Pancreatitis and pancreatic conditions, 91, 197,
Oligoantigenic diets, 209 202, 229, 278
Oligosaccharides Panel of tests, interpreting, 270
bloating associated with soy or legume, 30 Pantothenic acid. See Vitamin B5 (pantothenic
food sources of, 25 acid)
nondigestible, 22 Paracellular route of food into bloodstream, 200
structure of, 19, 20, 21 Parasites, 196, 209, 239
as substrate for bifidobacteria, 23 Parkinson’s disease, 134, 180, 216, 246, 256
Organ reserve, promotion of, 13–14 associated with injury to neurons, 59
Osteoarthritis, 113 excess excitatory neurotransmitters associ-
glucosamine sulfate for, 55–56 ated with, 247
Osteomalacia, 140 reduced sulfate excretion in patients
Osteoporosis, 11, 119, 142–43, 157, 173, 196, having, 61
204, 266 relationship among mitochondrial dysfunc-
possible magnesium deficiency in patients tion, oxidative stress, and, 228
having, 165 Patient-centered nutrition, 7–8
risk factors for, 159, 254, 256 Pearson’s syndrome, 216, 227
Oxidative phosphorylation, 220, 222–23 Pediatric gastroenterology, 201–203
impaired, 252 Pediculicides, xenobiotic, 243
nutritional modulators of, table of, 231 Peptides
Oxidative stress reactions, 58–59, 82–83, 112, biological activity of, 53
134, 184, 228–30, 232, 250, 263, 269, conjugation of, 253
271–74 gut, increasing release of, 193
assessment of, 273–74 sulfation of, 61
defined, 80 transport by M cells in healthy individuals of,
mitochondrial free radicals and, 201–202
225–26, 230 Periodontal disease, 134
mitochondrial function in, 230–32 Peripheral neuropathy, 60, 122, 266
relationship among mitochondrial dysfunc- Personalized nutrition, 8
tion, Parkinson’s disease, and, 228 Pesticides, xenobiotic, 239, 243
role of vitamin E in, 135 Phenylketonuria, 240–41

Phosphocreatine, ADP converted to ATP by, 224 Preservatives, xenobiotic, 246–47

Phosphorus, 160–61 Pritikin-type diets, 18
absorption and regulation of, 160 Probiotic supplements, 205, 209, 249, 280
functional medicine considerations for, 161 Processed foods, GL higher in, 34
functions of, 160 Prostate cancer, 73
RDA/AI and UL for, 153 Protease inhibitors, 56
safety and toxicity of, 161 Proteins, 53–67
sources of, 161, 162 absorption of, 200
therapeutic considerations for, 161 animal, 57
Phosphorus-to-calcium ratio, 161 average consumption of, 41
Plant foods classes of, 55
fiber in, 17 dairy, 198–99
protein in, 56 digestion of, 41, 202
Plant oils functions of, 53
fat content of, 92 grain, gluten sensitivity from, 62
hydrogenation of, 79–80 leaking into bloodstream from gut wall,
inflammation inhibited by, 79 197–98
in nuts and seeds, 92–93 plant, 56
Polysaccharides, nonstarch quality of, 41, 56
as colonic foods, 22 rice, 57–58
as complex carbohydrates, 19 soy, 56–57
in dietary fiber, 26 synthesizing, 55
structure of, 21 vegetable, 53
Polycystic ovary syndrome, 276 Proteoglycans, 55–56
Polymorphisms, 242 Proton pump inhibitors, 194
Positive vitality, evaluating, 12 Provitamin carotenoids, 136
Potassium, 165–69 Psoriasis, 91, 137, 171, 196, 202
absorption and regulation of, 166 Psychosocial factors, effects on total load of, 239
functional medicine considerations for, 169 Pyridoxine. See Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
functions of, 165, 166
safety and toxicity of, 168–69
sources of, 166, 167 R
therapeutic considerations for, 166–68 Radiation, processing of, 4
Prebiotics, 205, 209, 249, 280 Radioallergosorbent test (RAST), 277
carbohydrates functioning as, 19, 22 Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 77, 80–82,
to promote bacterial balance, 205, 206–7 271, 273
as substrate for SCFAs, 22–23 Recommended Dietary Allowances, 7
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 91, 119 development of, 100
possible magnesium deficiency in patients of minerals, table of, 153–56
having, 165 of protein, 41
Index 299

Redox agents, molecular, 82–83 Starch. See also Carbohydrates

Rheumatoid arthritis, 11, 61, 113, 116, 171, amylopectin, 24, 25, 34
173, 179, 184, 194, 196, 200, 203–4, amylose, 24–25, 32, 34
211, 256 digestion of, 24
Riboflavin. See Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) phytate affecting digestibility of, 34–35
Rickets, 139, 141, 157, 161, 266 rapidly digestible (RDS), 25–26
in raw foods, 34
resistant (RS) (nondigestible), 22, 24–26,
S 28, 34
Saccharide absorption studies, 278–79 slowly digestible (SDS), 25–26
Saliva enzymes, 195 structure of, 21, 24, 25
Scurvy, 97, 100, 130, 131 Static level determination of nutrient or metabo-
Second meal effect to improve glucose lite, 268, 270
tolerance, 35 Steroids, sulfation of, 61
Seizures, 10, 127, 216, 227, 229, 266 Sterols, 85–87
Selenium, 58, 182–84 Stimulants, xenobiotic, 246–47
absorption and regulation of, 182 Stomach acid secretion, 30
as detoxification support nutrient, 257 Stool surveys, 278
functional medicine considerations Stress
for, 184 amelioration of digestion-related disorders by
functions of, 182–83 reducing, 192
RDA/AI and UL for, 156 challenge to optimal health of, 13
safety and toxicity of, 184 effects on health of, 9
sources of, 183 nutritional support for, 9, 50
therapeutic considerations for, 183–84 oxidative, 58, 80
Serum metabolites, study of vitamins and, 6 permeability of intestine altered by, 200
Shock, 48 processing of, 4
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 8 Stress tests as challenge tests, 271
Sjögren’s syndrome, 196 Stroke, 48, 192–93, 216, 227, 229
Sodium, 165–69 associated with injury to neurons, 59–60
absorption and regulation of, 166 possible magnesium deficiency in patients
functional medicine considerations having, 165
for, 169 Subclinical nutrient deficiencies, 265
functions of, 165, 166 Sucrose
safety and toxicity of, 168–69 absorption of, 36
sources of, 166, 168 glycemic index of, 33
therapeutic considerations for, 166–68 Sulfation cycle, 45, 253
Sodium chloride, foods with high amounts of Sweeteners, xenobiotic, 246–47
added, 169 Syndrome X. See Metabolic syndrome (Syndrome
South Beach Diet, 69 X, insulin resistance syndrome)

TBARS test, 81, 83 Vanadium, 183–85
Thiamin. See Vitamin B1 (thiamin) absorption of, 184
Thyroid function, role of fatty acids in, 87 functional medicine considerations for, 185
Thyrotoxicosis, 196 functions of, 184
Tocopherols. See Vitamin E. RDA/AI and UL for, 156
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) as one base for safety and toxicity of, 185
DRIs, 101 sources of, 185
Total load therapeutic considerations for, 185
defined, 238 Vegetarian diet, 174, 179
of xenobiotics, 238–40 Vitamers, 97
Toxic element exposure, 238–39, 244–46 vitamin E tocopherols as, 131–32
Toxicants. See also Detoxification Vitamin A, 136–39
actions on organisms of, 237–39 absorption of, 136, 197, 248
determining exposure of patients to, 244 functional medicine considerations for,
effects on total load of, 239 138–39
endogenous, 240–43, 253 functions of, 136–37
exogenous, 243–48 safety and toxicity of, 137–38
functional approach to, 248–58 sources of, 137
Trans sulfuration-sulfate pathways, 44 structure of, 136
Transcellular route of food into bloodstream, 200 therapeutic considerations for, 137, 257
Trauma Vitamin B1 (thiamin), 105–9
associated with injury to neurons, 59 absorption of, 105, 107
body’s processing of, 3 functional medicine considerations for, 108–9
Triene-to-tetraene ratio, 73 functions of, 107
Triggers, 198 safety and toxicity of, 108
as key component of patient’s story, 7 sources of, 107
Triglyceride concentrations structure of, 105, 106
associated with low GL diets, 34 therapeutic considerations for, 107
lowered with soy rather than animal protein Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 109–12
intake, 57 absorption of, 109–10
in metabolic syndrome, 12 as detoxification support nutrient, 256
Triglycerides, medium-chain (MCTs), 89–91 functional medicine considerations for, 112
functions of, 110–11
safety and toxicity of, 112
U sources of, 111
Ubiquinone. See Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) structure of, 109
Ulcer, 191–92, 196, 208 therapeutic considerations for, 11, 111–12
Upper Limit (UL) for minerals, table of, 153–56 Vitamin B3 (niacin), 112–15
Upstream medicine, 12 absorption of, 112–13
Urea cycle, 47–49 as detoxification support nutrient, 256
Index 301

functional medicine considerations for, as redox agent, 82

114–15 safety and toxicity of, 131
functions of, 113 sources of, 129–30
safety and toxicity of, 114 structure of, 128
sources of, 113, 114 therapeutic considerations for, 11, 130–31,
structure of, 112 233, 257
therapeutic considerations for, 113 Vitamin D (calciferol), 139–42
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), 115–17 absorption of, 139–40, 197
absorption of, 115 functional medicine considerations for, 142
functional medicine considerations for, 117 functions of, 140
functions of, 115, 211 metabolism of, 141
safety and toxicity of, 116–17 safety and toxicity of, 140–42
sources of, 116 sources of, 140
structure of, 115 structure of, 139
therapeutic considerations for, 116 therapeutic considerations for, 11, 140
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 117–19 Vitamin deficiency as traditional focus of clinical
absorption of, 117, 194 nutrition, 11–12
as detoxification support nutrient, 256 Vitamin E (tocopherols), 131–34
functional medicine considerations absorption of, 132, 197
for, 119 functional medicine considerations for, 134
functions of, 117–18 functions of, 83, 132–33
safety and toxicity of, 119 recycling of, 232
sources of, 118 as redox agent, 82
structure of, 117 role in oxidative stress reactions of, 134–35,
therapeutic considerations for, 118–19 233
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 119–22 safety and toxicity of, 134
absorption of, 120, 194, 248 sources of, 133–34
as detoxification support nutrient, 256 structure of, 131–32
functional medicine considerations for, 122 therapeutic considerations for, 134, 257
functions of, 120–21 Vitamin K (K1–K3), 142–45
safety and toxicity of, 122 absorption of, 142, 197
sources of, 121–22 functional medicine considerations for,
structure of, 119–20 144–45
therapeutic considerations for, 122, 197 functions of, 142
Vitamin C (ascorbate), 128–31 safety and toxicity of, 144
absorption of, 10, 128–29 sources of, 143
environmental effects on need for, 7 structure of, 142, 143
functional medicine considerations for, 131 therapeutic considerations for, 143–44,
functions of, 83, 129 233–34
iron absorption enhanced by, 176–77 Vitamins, 97–149. See also individual vitamins
in recycling vitamin E, 232 classification of, 98

Vitamins, continued X
deficiencies of, traditional focus on, 11–12 Xenobiotics, 44, 49, 51, 54, 110, 112, 115, 136,
--DRIs for, 102–104 137, 209, 226–27, 237–40, 250–51,
in energy production, 220 256, 258, 270
fat-soluble, 98, 131–44, 197 bio-reactive mechanisms for, table of, 253
food sources of. See individual vitamins. defined, 237
functional approach to, 101–105 detoxification of. See Detoxification
insufficiencies of, interindividual, 6, 98–100 functional changes induced by exposure
life circumstances affecting individuals’ to, 238
requirements for, 100 processing of, 4
in mitochondrial metabolism, 225 studies of, 238–39
pioneers in identification of, 97–98 sulfation of, 61
status tests of, 268 types of, 243–44
structure and function of, 98
water-soluble, 98, 105–31
Vitiligo, 196
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as
Zinc, 10, 56, 171–72
xenobiotics, 243–44
absorption and regulation of, 171, 248
as detoxification support nutrient, 257
W functional medicine considerations for,
Wilson’s disease, 10 172, 174
excessive copper levels in patients having, functions of, 171
174, 246 RDA/AI and UL for, 154
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 216, 227 safety and toxicity of, 171–72
Wound healing, impaired, 130–31, 134, 137, sources of, 171, 172
171–72, 265 therapeutic considerations for, 171
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Contributing Authors and Editors Contributing Authors and Reviewers
(Second Edition) (Original)
—David S. Jones, MD, IFM President
DeAnn Liska, PhD, Technical Editor Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD

“A great place to start a journey of discovery concerning the nutritional Sheila Quinn, Managing Editor Linda Costarella, ND

biochemistry underlying health and disease.” Dan Lukaczer, ND Buck Levin, PhD, RD
—Joe Pizzorno, ND, President Emeritus, Bastyr University
David S. Jones, MD DeAnn Liska, PhD

Robert H. Lerman, MD, PhD Dan Lukaczer, ND

Barbara Schiltz, MS, RN, CN

Michael A. Schmidt, PhD

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