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1. Define the term Rights. 2 m

Ans. Rights are legal, social or ethical principles of freedom or enlightenment, that is,
rights of fundamental normative rules about what is allowed for people or owed to
people according to some legal system.
2. With the help of any two illustrations (examples) state two cases of violation of
Rights by individuals and government. 4m
Ans. The two illustrations stating two cases of violation of rights by individuals and
government are:
 In 1982, the government engaged few contractors and they employed a large
number of very poor construction workers for Asian Games. These workers
were kept in poor working conditions and were paid less than the minimum
wages decided by the government. A team of social scientists studied the poor
condition and petitioned the Supreme Court. They argued that employing a
person to work for less than the minimum prescribed wage amounts to begar
or forced labour, which is a violation of the fundamental right against
exploitation. The court accepted this plea and directed the government to
ensure that thousands of workers get the prescribed wages for their work.
 Machal Lalung was a resident of Chuburi village of Morigaon district of
Assam and was arrested of causing grievous injuries when he was 23. He was
found mentally too unstable to stand trial and was sent as under trial to Lok
Priya Gopinath Bardoli Mental Hospital in Tejpur for treatment. He was
treated successfully and doctors wrote twice to jail authorities in 1967 and
1996 that he was fit to stand trial but no one paid attention he remained in
“judicial custody“ for 54 years and was released in July 2005 when he was 77.
He was freed when a team appointed by the National Human Rights
Commission intervened after an inspection of the undertrials in the State.
3. What is a Bill of Rights? 2 m
Ans. A democracy ensures that individuals have certain rights and the government
recognises these rights in its constitution. Therefore, there is a list of rights provided
and protected by our constitution called 'Bill of Rights'. 
4. ‘The Constitution protects the rights of an individual from private persons and
government’ Justify 2m
5. Name the three organs of government and their specific
6. ‘Rights in the Indian Constitution called Fundamental’. Explain.
7. Differentiate between Fundamental Rights and Ordinary Rights.
8. Trace the origins of Fundamental Rights listed in the Indian Constitution.
9. Describe the role of the Judiciary in protecting Fundamental Rights in the Indian
10. Read the box on page 29 of the text and answer the following questions
i. When was the South African Constitution inaugurated? 1 m
Ans. The South African Constitution was inaugurated in December 1996.
ii. Explain the circumstances in which the South African Constitution was
created and promulgated? 1m
Ans. The South African Constitution was inaugurated in December 1996.
iii. The South African Constitution says “Its Bill of Rights is a cornerstone of
democracy” Explain. 3 m
iv. With reference to the South African Constitution list
a. Two rights concerning children
b. Two rights concerning basic necessities
c. One right concerning environment
d. One right concerning diversity
e. One right concerning transparency in a democracy
f. Two rights concerning the personal domain of an individual
11. ‘Fundamental rights are not absolute’. Give two points to justify your answer. 2 m
12. Fundamental rights find a mention in which part of the Constitution and which

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