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Composition 2:

Aluno(a): Marina Fernandes Merlo

Unidade: Centro
Book 1

Telephone call #1

– Hello, can I speak to Angelina, please?
– This is Angelina here. Who is there?
– Hi, Angelina. It’s Brad here. How are you?
– I’m fine, thanks. What about you?
– I’m fine too. So, what are you doing tonight?
– I’m not doing anything yet.
– Why don’t we go to the restaurant in Mid City?
– Oh, that sounds great to me! I know a very nice Mexican street restaurant there, the
name is Leo’s Tacos Truck.
– Great! What time I pick you up? At about 7 o’clock?
– What are you in such a hurry? I need to take a shower and get dressed first. Can be
at around 8:00? What do you think?
– That’s fine by me. I’ll see you at 8:00.
– Ok, bye bye!

Telephone call #2

– Hello!
– Hello, teacher Luis. This is Bruce Wayne here.
– Oh, hi, Bruce.
– Can I speak to you just a moment?
– Of course, what’s the matter?
– I’m not so good. I have a terrible headache, so I won’t go to the class tomorrow.
– Why don’t you take some medicine?
– I called Alfred and asked him to buy me some aspirin, but he forgot.
– Hold on, I hope you will get better until tomorrow.
– Oh, Thanks a lot!
– You’re welcome.
Telephone call #3

– Hello, can I speak to Marina, please?
– Yes, speaking.
– Hi, Marina. It’s Chris Hemsworth here. What’s up?
– What???
– Sorry, It’s Matheus here. I’m just kidding. Anyway, can you go to the movies with me
the day after tomorrow? There’s a new movie with Chris Hemsworth. I think there is a
great movie.
– I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll have a lot of things to do on Friday.
– What do you mean? What will you do?
– Besides working, I also need to study for the test.
– Don’t worry about that. I can go out alone...
– What’s the matter? Why don’t we go out on Saturday?
– That’s right! See you on Saturday, bye.
– Bye!

Telephone call #4

– Hi, Frodo Baggins!
– Hello, Sam. How are you?
– Not so good. I’m very worry because of the elves. They are waiting for us to eat, and
we’re never arrived!
–Take it easy, Sam. I’m looking for my ring. I kept this ring for a long time, but now I can’t
find it.
– Hurry up, or we’ll definitely be late for the elves’ lunch.
– I need to find it soon.
– I hope so. If you don’t to find it by midday, I go out alone. Bye!
– I’ll see you later, bye.

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