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Chapter 34 Quiz – Vertebrates

1. Which of the following is NOT a shared characteristic of all chordates?

a. pharyngeal clefts/slits c. notochord e. four-chambered

b. post-anal tail d. dorsal, hollow nerve cord

2. What do hagfishes and lampreys have in common with the extinct conodonts?

a. lungs c. bony vertebrae e. swim bladders

b. the jawless condition d. their mode of feeding

3. What is a distinct feature of the chondrichthyans?

a. an amniote egg
b. unpaired fins
c. an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish colors
d. a cartilaginous endoskeleton
e. lack of jaws

4. The bony fishes are characterized by:

a. a bony endoskeleton, operculum, and usually a swim bladder

b. a cartilaginous endoskeleton
c. an amniote egg
d. teeth that are replaced regularly
e. a lateral line system and ears with three semicircular canals

5. What permits reptiles to thrive in arid environments?

a. their bright coloration reflects the intense UV radiation

b. a large number of prey and limited number of predators are available in the desert
c. a cartilaginous endoskeleton provides needed flexibility for locomotion on sand
d. their scales contain the protein keratin, which helps prevent dehydration
e. they have an acute sense of sight especially in bright sunlight

6. Which of these is NOT considered an amniote?

a. amphibians c. avian reptiles e. placental mammals

b. non-avian reptiles d. egg-laying mammals

7. Which of these characteristics added most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments?

a. the amniote egg d. claws

b. the ability to maintain a constant body temp e. a four-chambered heart
c. two pairs of appendages

8. Structures that are made of keratin include which of the following?

a. avian feathers c. mammalian hair e. A, B, and C

b. reptilian scales d. A and C only
9. Which is NOT characteristic of all mammals?

a. a four-chambered heart that prevents mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

b. giving birth to live young (viviparous)
c. having hair during at least some period of life
d. having glands to produce nourishing milk for offspring
e. having a diaphragm to assist in ventilating the lungs

10. Which of the following vertebrate groups has 3 major divisions: egg-laying, pouched, and placental?

a. amphibians c. chondrichthyans e. avian reptiles

b. non-avian reptiles d. mammals

11. Which of the following vertebrate groups may have lungs, or gills, and may use skin as a respiratory

a. amphibians c. chondrichthyans e. avian reptiles

b. non-avian reptiles d. mammals

12-13. List 2 differences between the following vertebrates - BE SPECIFIC:

Amphibians and Reptiles: Reptiles are amniotes and amphibians are not.
Amphibians breath through there skin and reptiles do not.

14-15. Describe 2 adaptations that allowed water-dwelling animals to be successful in the water and 2
adaptations that allowed terrestrial animals to be successful on land:

Water-dwelling: Gills: these allowed water-dwelling animals to pass gases to the rest of their
bodies. Fins: these aided in the movement through the water.

Land-dwelling: Amniotic eggs: which increased survival of offspring. Lungs: to pass gas to
the rest of body and keep the animal from becoming dehydrated in arid conditions.

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