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English IV – 1st Midterm Exam

Oral Assessment Rubric (25 points), 21st October 2015

AIM: To successfully decide on a course of action to overcome differences in strategies among the members
of the Sales Department of a company.

You need to prepare “The Way We Do Things”, Case Study 9, pages 84-85. A while ago, two marine equipment manufacturers
merged successfully to form a large company called Muller Peterson Marine (MPM). However, sales representatives from the previous
companies do not see eye to eye when it comes to the ways of working, aims, ad beliefs that they follow and MPM is having problems
as a result of these discrepancies. You need to go over the problematic areas (the points proposed in the agenda, p.85: relations
between sales representatives, delivery dates, reports, payment system, sharing information, customer loyalty) and decide what
actions should be taken in order to improve the effectiveness of the sales team. NOTE: You must not hold a discussion –your task is to
do a presentation. If needed, the teacher will ask questions to clarify or redirect the course of the presentation.

1. Students will be presenting their case studies in groups of two (2) maximum.
2. Presentations should take no more than 6 minutes per group or 5 minutes (individual presenters).
3. The use of Power Point presentations is mandatory and it MUST be sent to the teacher the day before via e-mail.
4. The presentation must include the following sections: a) agenda, b) background information of the company, c) existing
problems, d) solutions, e) conclusion, and f) time for questions.
5. You must submit the Writing section of the Case Study (See page 135 for report guidelines. Write ONLY the
“Recommendations” section).

Descriptor Mi Ex
Criteria Poor Fair Good Total
n c

The use of vocabulary is coherent and relevant with the Units

Vocabulary studied (Units 7, 8 and, in particular, Unit 9, Managing People).
1 2 3 4 5

Pronunciation of words following the examples given in class and

corrections made during speaking exercises (verbs tenses and
vocabulary directly related to Marketing, New Business, Managing
People and business in general). Correct pronunciation of some
Pronunciation sounds in English: vowel sounds such as /Ɛ/, /ɔ/, /ɚ/, /ʌ/, /ӕ/, /Ʊ/,
1 2 3 4 5
/i/, /u/, /o/; and some consonant sounds such as /ʃ/, /θ/, /tʃ/, /z/,
/v/, /x/. Basic words, proper names, and concepts related to the
Case Study are pronounced correctly.

The presentation introduces elements of interaction like greetings,

giving details, presenting special offers, and sequence markers
Interaction with awareness of the audience. It also makes use of questions 1 2 3 4 5
and other strategies in order to engage the audience. Questions
are answered appropriately.

Correct use of tenses to construct statements in the context

provided: Use of proper questions, future structures, and
Grammar reported speech, as well as fluid, competent communication 1 2 3 4 5
based on adequate grammar structures. No basic grammar
mistakes are noticed.

The task is developed successfully following appropriate staging

and a strategic use of resources. The discourse is well-organised,
demonstrating comprehension of the situation and analytical skills,
following a coherent sequence (description and opinion), and
providing (a) proper solution(s) to the problem in question. A
Task completion Power Point presentation is used. The presentation follows a 1 2 3 4 5
logical order and it has been proofread adequately. No
extensive reading or memorisation are noticed. English is
spoken at all times. The presenter speaks an adequate amount of
time during the presentation. The speaker is well-aware of timing
during the interview and sticks to the recommended time.


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