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Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: 11 Semester: First

Core Subject Title: Oral Communication in Context No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hrs
Prerequisites (If Needed) ____________________________________
Core Subject Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in various situations
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy to
Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Use in developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Most Essential Performance
Content Assessment
Standards Topics Standards Enabling Flexible
KUD Most KUD Activities
Complete RBT Level General Learning
Classification Essential Classificati (FAA)
Strategy Strategies (FLS)
on Performance
Understands 1. The Process of Designs and 1.Defines U Explains the U Applying Connections
the nature and Communication performs communication. nature and Formative Discuss the
elements of effective process of Assessment: Nature and
oral 2. Effective controlled and communicati Online Process of
communication uncontrolled Discussion Communication
communication on.
skills oral with use pf PPT
in context. communication
2. Explains the K Uses various U Applying
(Online and
and Recorded
nature and strategies in
activities based Modular) Video
process of order to
on context.
communication. avoid Flagging Discuss the
3. Differentiates U
communicati selected Effective
the various
A. Nature and on speeches into Communication
models of
Elements of breakdown. Claims, Skills with use
Communication Arguments, pf PPT and
Evidence Recorded Video
4. Distinguishes U Explanations
the unique and the like. Providing an
feature(s) of one Label portions example of
communication where you flagging a
process from the can find the speech.
other. 7Cs.
5. Explains why K Flagging a
there is a Performance portion of a
breakdown of Checks: speech together
communication. (O&M)
6. Uses various U
strategies in
order to avoid Outlining
communication speeches
breakdown. either
7. Demonstrates D flowchart or
sensitivity to the through
sociocultural essay. And
dimension of identify weak
communication areas of the
situation speech.
with focus on
a. culture
b. gender
The learner  Regulation/ The learner 1. Discusses the 1.Identifies U Analyzing Communica
values the Control writes a 250- functions of strategies Formative tion Watching and
functions and  Social word essay of communication. used by each Assessment: listening to
purposes of oral Interaction his/her speaker to Online videos that
communication.  Motivation objective convey his/her Discussion showcase
 Information observation ideas (online) Filipino
Emotional and evaluation effectively Sharing speakers
Expression of the various Insights
B. Functions of speakers through paper Sharing ideas
Communication watched and and pen through oral
listened to. (modular) discussion

Evaluating the
example speech
Performance in terms of its
Check: effectiveness
Analysis of and the
various strategies used.
2. Identifies the 2. Evaluates U Evaluating speeches Reasoning
speaker’s the about the and Proof
purpose(s) effectiveness current issues.
of an oral (Online and
communicatio Modular)
n activity.
3. Watches and
listens to sample
oral K
4. Ascertains the U
verbal and
cues that each
speaker uses to
his/her purpose.
5. Comprehends
various kinds of
6. Identifies
strategies used
by each
speaker to U
convey his/her
7. Evaluates the
effectiveness of
an oral U
The learner Types of Speech The learner 1. Identifies the K Observes the U Applying Connections
understands Style demonstrates various types appropriate Formative Watching video
the nature and 1. Intimate effective use of speech language Assessments: of types of
elements of 2. Casual of context forms in Online speech style
C. Communicative Discussion and types of
oral 3.Consultative communicativ using a
Competence communicative
communication 4. Formal e strategy in a particular strategy.
Strategies In in context. 5. Frozen variety of speech style
Various Speech Supplying
speech 2. Exhibits U Engages in a D Creating texts in Problem
Situations Types of situations. Solving
appropriate communicati comics’ Read the
Communicative verbal and ve situation bubble prepared hand-
Strategy nonverbal using out on
1. Nomination behavior in a acceptable, types of speech
2. Restriction given speech polite and style and types
3. Turn-taking context meaningful
4. Topic control communicati strategy.
5. Topic shifting ve strategies
6. Repair
7. Termination Enacting
Performance Dialogs showing
Check: the appropriate
language in
Create video particular
capturing speech style
different and showing
communicativ types of
e situations communicative
requiring strategy.
e strategies

Portfolio of
e situations
e strategies

3. Distinguishes K
types of speech
4. Identifies U
situations in
which each
speech style is
appropriate to
5. Observes the U
language forms
in using a
speech style
6. Responds U
and effectively
to a speech act
7. Engages in a D
situation using
polite and
8. Explains that U
a shift in
speech context,
speech style,
speech act and
strategy affects
the following o
Language form
or Duration of
interaction o
Relationship of
speaker o Role
of the speaker
o Message o


Performance Task:

You have been invited to appear in congress as a resource person to represent a particular sector of society so that legislators can design a law that will bring about the common
good. Your task is to prepare an opening statement that will (a) explain the context and situation of the sector you represent through a persuasive and evidence based presentation
, (b) argue for or against a portion of an existing bill based on the same evidence as well as considering possible counter arguments and responding to these already (c) convince
legislators by presenting the possible Political, Economic as well as socio-cultural implications of your modification of a section of the bill (if you only want to focus on a section) or similar
implications of implementing or not implementing the bill (if as a whole). Your speech must not be shorter than 3 mins but not longer than 10 Your role and the bill is indicated on the table below:
Bill Roles

SOGIE Bill (HUMMS) Member of the LGBTQIA Community

Member of Conservative Christian Group
Member of a moderate LGBTQIA or Christian Group

Bayanihan to Heal as One 2 (ABM) Member of the Private Production Sector

Member of the Private Working Sector
Member of the Department of Finance
Professor of Economics

New Normal for the Workplace and Public Spaces Act of 2020 (STEM) Epidemiologist
Professor on Public Health

For flexibility, the HPS shall be made equitable. (Please dispute)

If Video Recording or live – Over 100 and then teacher uses the Transmutation table

If Voice Recording – Over 90 (exlucing eyecontact and nonverbal delivery) and teacher uses the transmutation table to arrive at a grade of over 100

If Written – Over 85 (excludes deliver) and teacher transmutes the grade using the transmutation table

Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations Score

Outline (10 pts)
Format Format is not only logical and Format displays correct An attempt is made to follow
displays evidence but has a enumeration, connections some format
EE – 5 clear separation of points, between ideas, are logical, and
ME – 4 written in full sentences, has a evidence directly supports the
BE– 3 consistent pattern of ideas
indentation, includes written
transitions, previews,
summaries, with little or no

References Presents sources that are Presents sources in a logical and Provides at least for sources
credible, reliable and academic. chronological manner as well as and makes use of APA when
EE – 5 indicating the sources’ citing.
ME – 4 relevance.
BE– 3

Introduction (20 pts)
Attention getter The attention getter is a The attention getter uses a An attention getter is present.
creative, original and highly meaningful narrative, quotation,
EE – 5 motivating narrative, question, data or question related to the
ME – 4 framing of the situation. topic
BE– 3

Speaker credibility The speaker provides evidence The speaker suggests that he The speaker explains why he
EE – 5 that he not only cares about the should be heard as he cares chose to speak about the topic.
ME – 4 topic but is also knowledgeable about the topic.
BE– 3 about the topic – compelling
experience and expertise.
Thesis The thesis or main claim is The thesis or main claim is clear, The thesis or main claim can be
clear, complete and stated in a complete, and stated in a single identified.
EE – 5 single declarative sentence that declarative sentence.
ME – 4 uses carefully chosen language,
BE– 3 that sets the tone and direction
of the speech.
Preview The flow is not only smooth but The flow uses simple sign posts The speaker tells the audience
creative and carefully worded. and the transition from preview what main points will be
EE – 5 to the body is smooth. discussed.
ME – 4
BE– 3

Body (30 pts)
Main Points The main points are identifiable The main points are clear and The main points are identifiable
and clearly worded and are support the main thesis through and support the thesis.
EE – 5 supported by subpoints and are a variety of materials such as
ME – 4 backed by references, studies references and studies.
BE– 3 and anecdotes.

Evidence and Support The materials and evidences The materials further the A minimum of four sources
demonstrates a thorough and argument and a link between have been used for evidence
EE – 5 rich understanding of the topic the evidence and the claims has and sources have been orally
ME – 4 and demonstrates a link been provided identified
BE– 3 between evidence and claims.

(C (B) and (A)

Language While maintaining clarity, Besides being formal and Language is appropriate for the
accuracy and formality, the academic, the language remains audience and occasion. Formal,
EE – 5 language used is vivid, clear, accurate and succinct. academic and respectful.
ME – 4 imaginative and creative.
BE– 3

Sources The sources are not recognized The sources are not recognized Authors and their works have
and are acknowledged but are and are acknowledged but are been verified to be true sources
EE – 5 shown to be relevant because shown to be relevant. of information.
ME – 4 these are reputable, contextual
BE– 3 and credible.

Toulmin Speaker not only provides Evidence that backs claims are Claims are backed by evidence.
evidence for his claims but reliable.
EE – 5 articulates possible counter
ME – 4 arguments and rebuttals and
BE– 3 responds to these.

Persuasive Appeals Shows a capacity to frame Shows a capacity to appeal to Shows capacity to appeal to
appeals so that it appeals to audience’s reason emotion.
EE – 5 both audience’s reason and
ME – 4 emotion.
BE– 3

Conclusion (10 pts)
Reviews purpose/thesis and main The main points are synthesized The main points are stated in a The main points are mentioned
points and are shown to be cohesive. different manner and reviewed.

EE – 5
ME – 4
BE– 3

Memorable close The closing statement signals The closing words are rhetorical A simple sentence is provided
the end of the speech through a and reflective, and signals the as a closing speech.
EE – 5 rhetorical means of calling to end of the speech
ME – 4 immediate action.
BE– 3
Delivery (15 pts)
Eye Contact The speaker’s eye contact was The speaker was conscious of There was an attempt to make
purposeful and is shown to the need to maintain eye eye contact for at least some
EE – 5 have made attempts at gauging contact and is shown to be parts of the speech.
ME – 4 the reaction of an imaginary comfortable with it.
BE– 3 audience.

Verbal Delivery The speaker conveys The speaker uses a vocal variety The speaker can be heard and
enthusiasm for the topic, to keep the audience attentive. understood throughout the
EE – 5 engages audience, and speech.
ME – 4 commands the attention of the
BE– 3 room throughout speech as
seen in her pronunciation,
articulation, volume, pitch,
rhythm, rate, tone, pauses

Nonverbal Delivery The speaker uses intentional The speaker uses gestures, The speaker attempts to use
and effective gestures, movement, and facial gestures, movement, and facial
EE – 5 movement, and facial expressions that at times are expressions a few times but
ME – 4 expressions to enhance the directed to the audience and with a few distracting
BE– 3 speech, enhance credibility, and complement the message, movements (avoiding, swaying,
maintain audience attention rocking, repetitive motions,

Overall Impression (15 pts)
Topic The speaker shows how the The speaker shows how the The speaker shows how the
topic makes a genuine topic is clearly related to the topic is appropriate and
EE – 5 contribution to the knowledge student’s personal experiences relevant even to those who are
ME – 4 of the speaker and the intended or provides relevant secondary listeners (not the
BE– 3 audience and the general public information to the audience. main audience)

Adapted to Audience The is clearly adapted for this The is clearly adapted for this The speech is appropriate for
specific audience and context as specific audience and context. and considerate toward all
EE – 5 well as to a secondary members of the audience.
ME – 4 audience.
BE– 3

Was persuasive The audience felt that The audience was able to The audience was able to
interesting and new understand the arguments of connect with the speaker.
EE – 5 information was added to their the speaker.
ME – 4 knowledge because of an
BE– 3 intellectual and emotional
connection with the speaker.

Total _______/100

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