Rachel Merson Science Fair Reflection

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Reflection Project EDU 214-1004 Saladino

Student Name: Rachel Merson

Date: 02/16/2021

Artifact Name/Description: Science Fair - Use the scientific method to answer a question and

present any findings on a slideshow.

What you learned: Other than learning the answer to my science question, I learned about some

of the extra slideshow features. I used Google Slides to create my presentation, and although I’ve

used it before, I always did the bare minimum. This time, I took advantage of the animations not

only in the slide transitions but also for text, images, and other elements in my presentation. I

also learned that you can manipulate elements of the animations. For example, I learned you can

control the speed, and you can control the command of when they happen.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed:

Standard #3 3d. Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems,

developing ideas and theories, and pursuing answers and solutions.

Application of skills used in the future: Slideshows can be used for almost anything. They

could be used for science experiments as we used them, or they can be used as a get-to-know-

you activity. This form of presentation software would also be good for displaying book reports

and even a way to illustrate creative writing. I have noticed this year teachers have been using

slideshows more often than they used to because it’s an efficient way to present information

virtually. Slideshows are a great way for students to be able to organize their thoughts and work.

I can see slideshows appealing to visual and kinesthetic learners. Also, features such as audio

and video can be added to slides, which makes content more accessible to students with


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