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Vocabulary/Grammar activities

Unit 1
A Circle the correct words.
 1 Steve is slim / lazy because he does a lot of exercise.
 2 Fiona’s mum has always kept a diary / secret about her travels and now she’s rewriting it as a book.
 3 My uncle’s daughter, Jane, is my mum’s nephew / niece.
 4 Peter and his brother are quite tall. Their build / height is 1.95m.
 5 This old car isn’t very reliable / easy-going. The engine keeps stopping.
 6 Cynthia is Grandma’s elderly / honest sister. She’s eighty years old.
 7 Mum and Dad got / fell in love when they first met.
 8 Aunt Maisie likes wearing young / scruffy clothes at home.
 9 My teacher paid me a compliment / sympathy. She said I’m very clever.
10 Pat was sad when her parents got divorced / generous.

B Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 Food ___________ (usually / cost) more in a restaurant than it does to cook it at home.
 2 Christine really ___________ (look) like her aunt.
 3 Right now, a lot of sports equipment ___________ (lie) around in the gym.
 4 Detectives ___________ (look) for clues to find the man’s relatives.
 5 A little advice ___________ (always / help) a friend who needs it.
 6 I can’t study because the neighbours’ children ___________ (make) a lot of noise outside.
 7 Many people ___________ (not know) where their ancestors came from.
 8 Where ___________ (you / think) of going for your summer holiday?
 9 Bill thinks maths ___________ (not be) an easy subject.
10 Lots of research ___________ (show) how past generations moved around the world.

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Unit 2
A Complete the text with these words.

delicious  dessert  hungry  jug  knife  mixture  starter  
thirsty  traditional  variety

A 1 ___________ smell was coming from the restaurant when we walked in. There was a great 2 ___________ of
food on the menu, too. I was so 3 ___________ that I wanted to eat everything. But first, we asked for
a 4 ___________ of cool water because we were very 5 ___________ after our long walk. Stupidly, I dropped
a 6 ___________ on the floor, so the waiter brought me a clean one when he served our 7 ___________.

Then we ordered a 8 ___________ Greek salad and some fish. The salad was a 9 ___________ tomatoes,
cucumber, peppers, olives and cheese. After the main course, they brought us a free bowl of fresh fruit for
a 10 ___________ . It was a wonderful meal!

B Choose the correct answers.

 1 Mum was tidying the living room while Dad ___ the dinner.
a prepares b  used to prepare c  was preparing
 2 I’m not used to ___ Japanese food.
a eat b eating c ate
 3 We ___ some sandwiches, and then we went for a picnic.
a made b  were making c  were used to making
 4 Ken ___ love nuts, but now they make him feel sick.
a would b  used to c  is used to
 5 Dad ___ working at night in his new job as a chef.
a  is getting used to b  used to c  gets used to
 6 My grandmother used to ___ down all her recipes in a notebook.
a write b writing c wrote
 7 Uncle Jimmy ___ cook on the barbeque when we visited him in summer.
a  was used to b would c  got used to
 8 ___ eat spicy food when you lived in Cyprus?
a  Were you used to b  Did you use to c  Did you used to
 9 My cousins have been in Scotland for a year, but they ___ the cold weather yet.
a  wouldn’t use b  didn’t used to c  haven’t got used to
10 What programme ___ on TV when I called you?
a  were you watching b  you were watching c  would you watch

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Unit 3
A Circle the correct words.
 1 Most animals prefer living in their natural cave / area / habitat.
 2 The polar bear has become an endangered species / fossil / energy.
 3 Scientists are researching sources of power / conservation / renewable energy.
 4 The old power station has been here for during / over / before forty years.
 5 Burning fossil / solar / climate fuels causes a lot of air pollution.
 6 Glaciers move very slowly across / between / onto the land.
 7 A small stream runs down the mountain and into the coast / valley / habitat below.
 8 People leave everything from / for / into broken umbrellas to plastic bags on the beach.
 9 The river was polluted with chemicals at / in / for the morning.
10 Be careful when you walk at / into / onto the cave. The roof is very low.

B Complete the text with these words.

since  the  an  for  has  gone  a  been  ago  have

Nick has 1 ___________ to Antarctica to study icebergs. He’ll be back in 2 ___________ month from now. Scientists
like him have 3 ___________ studying the weather there. The first explorers went there over one hundred years
___________. People 5 ___________ done a lot of research 6 ___________ those days. Because 7 ___________
Antarctic has such 8 ___________ extremely cold climate, people can’t stay there 9 ___________ a long time.
Of course, Nick 10 ___________ taken special clothes and equipment to keep him warm and safe.

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Unit 4
A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
 1 I couldn’t concentrate ___________ the book I was reading because I felt sick.
 2 Our dog, Jiffy, look ashamed ___________ he ate our chicken pie.
 3 Ted can’t rely ___________ his old motorbike. The engine keeps stopping.
 4 How do you get ___________ with your classmates?
 5 Helen enjoys hanging ___________ with her friends after school.
 6 Alsatian dogs look quite similar ___________ wolves.
 7 Amanda is jealous ___________ her cousin Mary, who has travelled all around the world.
 8 Sue and Mike broke ___________ when they went to study in different towns.
 9 Mum wasn’t keen ___________ having a dog at home, but she’s slowly getting used to our puppy.
10 If you ask John to help you, will he ever let you ___________?
11 I really look ___________ to people who work with sick children in hospitals.
12 Frank and Sandra agree ___________ each other on almost everything.

B Circle the correct answers.

 1 I won’t forgive Dave until / the moment he says sorry.
 2 Where’s the equipment which / where we need to go climbing.
 3 We’ll buy a new sofa until / as soon as we move to the new house.
 4 She’s the person which / that trains horses.
 5 Make sure you turn off all the lights before / by the time you go out.
 6 What’s the name of the zoo when / where the panda was born.
 7 When Joe will save / has saved enough money, he’ll buy a small hotel.
 8 That’s the man who / whose wife works at the zoo.
 9 The moment who / when the teacher arrived, the students stopped talking.
10 People who / which want to climb Mount Everest should go with a Sherpa.

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Unit 5
A Complete the text with these words.

bedroom  block  ceiling  detached  ground  house  
kitchen  living room  noise  mess

We are going to move 1 ___________ next month and I am very excited about it. Now we live on the
___________ floor in a 3 ___________ of flats and I don’t really like it. It’s very small, but the worst thing is the
neighbours. They’re always making so much 4 ___________! But our new house will be much bigger. It’s a
___________ house and that means that there are no other houses right next to it, so it will never be noisy.
It has a big 6 ___________ where my mum can teach me to cook. You know I’ve always wanted to learn how to
cook. The 7 ___________ is huge too! We’re going to get a big wide screen TV and you can all come over and
watch films with us whenever you want. But the best part is that I’m going to have my own 8 ___________.
Dad says I can decorate it any way I like and I’m going to paint all the walls in bright colours – even the
___________ – and nobody will yell at me for making a 10 ___________! I really can’t wait to finally move in.

B Circle the correct answers.

1 Let’s hurry! The film is starting / starts at eight and I don’t want to miss the beginning.
2 I promise I will help / am helping you with the housework this weekend.
3 One day I am going to be / am being a famous actor. Just wait and see.
4 It’s getting very cold. Do you think it is snowing / is going to snow soon?
5 Dad is making / makes dinner tonight.
6 You are not a child any more. You are going / will be 15 next week.
7 Where are you going to / you will spend your holidays this summer?
8 I’ll pick you up at the airport. What time is / does your flight come in?

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Unit 6
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
 1 I can’t believe it! My story won first prize in the writing ___________.   COMPETE
 2 I tried to call the manager this morning but his ___________ told me he was in a meeting.   ASSIST
 3 People who enjoy bungee-jumping say that what they really like is how ___________ they feel when they are
falling.  FREEDOM
 4 Water polo is ___________ one of the most difficult team sports you can play.   DEFINE
 5 This soup is really easy to make. Just read the ___________ instructions.   FOLLOW
 6 The swimming pool isn’t ___________ enough for you to dive – you’ll get hurt.   DEPTH
 7 You can’t leave the children alone at the playground. They need ___________ at all times.   SUPERVISE.
 8  You’ll improve your ___________ and finish your homework faster if you stop looking at your phone all the
 9 I would never go sky diving – it looks so ___________. I would be terrified.   DANGER
10 Yoga can be very good for you, but it must be done ___________ or you might get hurt.   PROPER

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 What ___________ (you / do) if you won a lot of money?
 2 If you ___________ (not / sleep) enough, you are always tired.
 3 If I were you, I ___________ (not / trust) Pam.
 4 Unless you try hard, you ___________ (never / get) on the football team.
 5 If the weather ___________ (be) good this weekend, we might go to the beach.
 6 I will never finish on time if you ___________ (not / help) me.
 7 Unless you ___________ (study) for the test, you might not pass.
 8 He won’t go skiing unless I ___________ (go) with him.
 9 ___________ (you / go) to study abroad if you could?
10 Unless I can leave work early, we ___________ (not / have) the time to go shopping.

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Unit 7
A Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences.
 1 You can borrow my clothes whenever you like; I think we are between / about the same size.
 2 I’ve just joined a climbing club. My dream is to reach the top of / to a mountain one day.
 3 The summers here are very hot; the temperature can reach above / along 40 degrees Celsius.
 4 Have you ever met anyone who lives onto / in a desert?
 5 I can’t wait till the temperature drops below / under freezing so that we can go ice skating on the lake.
 6 I don’t think there is a more beautiful place than this on / in the planet.
 7 One of the prettiest things in this town is the river that runs across / of it.
 8 This is the highest mountain in the area and it’s more than 7,000 metres over / above sea level.
 9 This is a quiet, old-fashioned village that hasn’t changed much during / over the years.
10 It’s time you came out of the swimming pool; you’ve been behind / in the water for hours!

B Choose the correct answers.

 1 You don’t know where Jane is, ___?
a  do you b  don’t you c  did you
 2 Who ___ the books that were on the desk?
a  did take b  took c takes
 3 Let’s go to the cinema tonight, ___?
a  shall we b  will we c  should we
 4 You were in the same class as Peter, ___?
a  weren’t you b  wasn’t he c  were you
 5 What ___ at the job interview you had last week?
a  did happen b  has happened c happened
 6 I ___ for Sue for nearly an hour before she finally showed up!
a  have waited b  was waiting c  had been waiting
 7 It’s no wonder he was so good, he ___ tennis since he was a little boy.
a  had playing b  had been playing c  has played
 8 I ___ writing my report when my boss asked to see it.
a  haven’t finished b  hadn’t finished c  hadn’t been finishing
 9 I wanted to go to the cinema, but Jason ___ the film.
a  had already seen b  already saw c  had already been seeing
10 What ___ your mum for her birthday?
a  were you buying b  did you buy c  you bought

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Unit 8
A Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs.

call for  call out  cut out for  find out  show off  take to  take up  try out for

 1 I think I’ll ___________ the school football team; I really love the game.
 2 My mother always wanted me to become a doctor, but I’m just not ___________ the job. I can’t stand the
sight of blood!
 3 If you’ve got so much free time, why don’t you ___________ a hobby?
 4 Okay, he’s the best student in the whole school, but does he have to ___________ like that? It’s no wonder
he hasn’t got any friends.
 5 If you wanted to ___________ what I was up to, you should have asked me.
 6 You shouldn’t give up volleyball so quickly. I’m sure you’ll soon ___________ the game when you get more
 7 I wish I could apply for the job, but doesn’t it ___________ a university degree? You know I haven’t got one.
 8 Just wait here and the doctor will ___________ your name when he is ready to see you.

B Choose the correct answers.

 1 Remember you ___ come in early tomorrow so we can finish everything before the meeting.
a  don’t have to b  have to c mustn’t
 2 I didn’t do well on the test, but luckily Mr Brown said I ___ take it again.
a must b can’t c could
 3 You ___ cook dinner tonight because we’re going to eat out.
a mustn’t b needn’t c can’t
 4 You’re not going to school tomorrow. The doctor said you ___ stay in bed and get some rest.
a must b need c ought
 5 You ___ smoke in here – it’s against the law.
a mustn’t b needn’t c  don’t have to
 6 They aren’t answering the phone so they ___ out.
a  can’t be b  must be c  mustn’t be
 7 Can you please get the book from the top shelf for me? I ___ reach it.
a couldn’t b can’t c don’t have to
 8 If you really want to get fit you ___ go to a gym.
a  are able to b shouldn’t c ought to
 9 You ___ think about joining the theatre club – you are very talented.
a should b can’t c  aren’t able to
10 Kevin’s really smart; he ___ speak three languages by the time he was six.
a must b  had to c could
11 I tried to learn to play the piano once, but I ___. I guess I just haven’t got any musical talent!
a  wasn’t able to b  didn’t have to c shouldn’t

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Unit 9
A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
 1 Would it be okay if I used my phone GPS instead ___________ the satnav in the car to find the route?
 2 I’ve been trying to communicate ___________ Patrick all day, but his phone is switched off.
 3 Suzanne is very responsible. You can always rely ___________ her to do the right thing.
 4 Greta was trying to upload some photos, but she wasn’t successful ___________ getting them on to
a USB stick.
 5 Every summer, there are many forest fires in my country and many species of animals and rare plants come
___________ threat because of that.
 6 Nowadays, you can look ___________ the answers to almost any questions you have on the Internet.
 7 I should have finished my homework by now, but I just can’t concentrate ___________ it today.
 8 If you have any problems with your software, ask Jason for help. He’s an expert ___________ computers.
 9 You shouldn’t be too concerned ___________ your marks. If you study, you’ll do well in the end.
10 Why don’t we look online to find something different for our holidays this summer? I’ve always wanted to
go ___________ a safari in Africa.

B Complete the second sentence in the passive voice.

 1 Do I have to answer all these emails today?
Do all these emails have ________________ today?
 2 Kate doesn’t like her mum telling when she can use her tablet.
Kate doesn’t like ________________ when she can use her tablet.
 3 Can someone take these parcels to the post office, please?
Can these parcels ________________ to the post office, please?
 4 The technician is repairing your laptop right now.
Your laptop ________________ right now.
 5 The Simpsons bought the house across the street from ours.
The house across the street from ours ________________ the Simpsons.
 6 The internet has changed the way people communicate.
The way people communicate ________________ by the internet.
 7 You should finish your report before you leave the office.
Your report should ________________ before you leave the office.
 8 I remember my grandfather teaching me how to take photos.
I remember ________________ how to take photos by my grandfather.
 9 The local newspaper is going to print a story about our school project.
A story about our school project is going to ________________ in the local newspaper.
10 Will doctors ever find a cure for cancer?
Will a cure for cancer ever ________________?
11 They will have built a new sports centre by the end of the year.
A new sports centre ________________ by the end of the year.
12 We will give you the results of the test as soon as we have them.
You ________________ the results of the test as soon as we have them.

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Unit 10
A Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs.

act out  catch on  get down  give out  grow out of  sell out

turn away  turn down  turn off  turn on  turn out  turn up

 1 I’ll meet you outside the cinema. Let me just ___________ the address so I don’t forget it.
 2 When the film ends, all you need to do is ___________ the DVD player.
 3 That hairstyle has really begun to ___________ – all the teenagers are cutting their hair that way.
 4 I fell asleep before the film ended, so how did it ___________? Do they catch the bad guy in the end?
 5 I enjoy watching cartoons now as much as I did when I was a child; I don’t think I’ll ever ___________ them.
 6 Our teacher wanted us to ___________ a scene from a play we were studying in our English class.
 7 We thought we would be able to buy tickets for the concert at the gate, but they were starting to
___________ the people in the queue in front of us.
 8 At the end of a play, the actors usually talk with members of the audience who want to meet them and
___________ autographs.
 9 Our neighbours are always having such noisy parties! My dad has had to go over and ask them to
___________ the music three times this week.
10 Will you ___________ the radio, please? They’re playing my favourite song.
11 Do you mind if I ___________ the television? I want to see the news.
12 It’s unbelievable! His new album managed to ___________ in just one day!

B Change the direct speech into reported speech.

 1 ‘This is my favourite TV show,’ Tim said.
Tim said _______________________________________________________________________________________________.
 2 ‘My sister got her first role in a local theatre,’ Ben told me.
Ben told me ____________________________________________________________________________________________.
 3 ‘We should go to the cinema this weekend,’ said Helen.
Helen said _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
 4 ‘I’m going to read the book this summer,’ Sarah told us.
Sarah told us ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
 5 ‘Please Mum, can I stay up to watch the Harry Potter film on TV tonight?’ Jill asked.
Jill asked her mum ______________________________________________________________________________________.
 6 ‘Do you like adventure films?’ Stacy asked me.
Stacy asked me ________________________________________________________________________________________.
 7 ‘Please come with me to the shops,’ my friend asked me.
My friend asked me ____________________________________________________________________________________.
 8 ‘Switch the TV off immediately!’ my dad said.
My dad told us _________________________________________________________________________________________.
 9 ‘Can you lend me the DVD, please?’ I asked my friend.
I asked my friend _______________________________________________________________________________________.
10 ‘What kind of music do you like?’ Ken asked me.
Ken asked me __________________________________________________________________________________________.

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Unit 11
A Choose the correct answers.
 1 I ___ my lessons last week because I was ill.
a lost b missed c passed
 2 The instructions said that the ___ taking the exam should be at the exam centre by 8.00.
a candidates b subjects c qualifications
 3 The only lesson Tom likes is physical ___ because he’s only interested in sports.
a application b knowledge c education
 4 I don’t know how Ian does it – even though he doesn’t study he has never ___ an exam!
a expelled b tested c failed
 5 If you want to be a doctor, you need to make a(n) ___ in biology.
a accent b effort c lesson
 6 Our arts teacher told us to get a ___ to keep all our projects tidy.
a folder b lecturer c course
 7 We were told that we would be punished if we ___ so badly in class again.
a suffer b behave c concentrate
 8 If you want to learn to play a musical instrument, you need to ___ for hours every day.
a practise b apply c increase
 9 Do you have to wear a ___ at your school?
a uniform b grant c pass
10 Keep trying with computer studies and you’ll soon get the ___ of it.
a progress b taste c hang

B Circle the correct answers.

 1 Would you like going / to go to the school dance with me?
 2 I wish I could afford going / to go abroad to study.
 3 Are you interested in trying / try out for the school’s football team?
 4 I don’t feel like doing / to do any homework right now. Is it OK if I leave it for the weekend?
 5 Am I too old enrolling / to enrol in a class at this school?
 6 Your book is in your backpack. I remember putting / to put it there this morning.
 7 In this school young children learn about nature by planting / plant flowers in the garden.
 8 The children enjoy listening / to listen to the librarian read them a story every Saturday afternoon.
 9 The use of school projects aims teaching / to teach children how to cooperate and work together
in a group.
10 When I got my new job I had to stop going / to go to Spanish classes because I didn’t have enough time.

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Unit 12
A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
 1 We need to think ___________ a way to eat healthy foods without spending a lot of money.
 2 The printer is running ___________ of ink; there’s no way we will be able to print all these letters.
 3 They were handing ___________ samples of a new healthy snack at the gym today.
 4 If you back ___________ of your promise now, no one will ever trust you again.
 5 Nigel is so tall he stands ___________ from everyone in his class.
 6 We’re heading ___________ the shopping centre. Would you like to come along?
 7 We’d better head ___________ now; we don’t want to be late for football training.
 8  My usual doctor wasn’t in her office today and I was examined by another doctor, who was standing
___________ for her.
 9 Did you think ___________ my proposal?
10 The store detective caught her stealing and made her hand ___________ her bag.
11 When someone is trying to start a fight, it’s better if you just back ___________ quietly.
12 Stop texting when you’re walking in the street. If you’re not careful when you cross, you may get run
___________ by a car.

B Circle the correct answers.

 1 My brother runs faster / more fast than me.
 2 That was the better / best chocolate cake I’ve ever eaten!
 3 Are you the youngest / most young person in your family?
 4 I don’t think I’m too talented / talented enough to become a professional singer.
 5 My homework was such / so bad that my teacher told me to do it again.
 6 I’m really boring / bored. Let’s play something together.
 7 In our dance class, we always start / start always with a quick warm up.
 8 The children were very excited / exciting because they were going on a class trip.
 9 You should always follow your doctor’s instructions carefully / carefully your doctor‘s instructions.
10 She was wearing a blue, long, beautiful / beautiful, long, blue dress.

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