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… I realized my ability to ride a motorcycle, I was very happy

A. Then
B. Since
C. While
D. Thus
E. Hence

This text is for questions no 14 to 16.

Please be aware that the school is operating under an early release schedule due to the treat of inclement
weather. School will be closing 4 hours early so school will be over at 11 a.m. if you pick your child up,
please be prepared to be at the school no later than 10.30 to start the carpool lane. Buses will follow their
normal routes.

Matt Harrell

14. What can we inferred from the text?

A. The announcement is only for today
B. The school hour is four hours lesser than usual.
C. Students joining the school bus will follow their normal hour
D. Parent picking up their children should be at school at four
E. The announcement is special for students picked up by their parents
15. What time does usually the school over?
B. 10:30
C. 14:00
D. 16:00
E. 15:00.
16. Buses will follow their normal routes. The sentence means ….
A. Their normal route will be followed by them
B. Their normal route would be followed by them
C. Their normal route will followed by them
D. Their normal route been followed by them
E. Their normal route will have followed by them

This text is for questions no 17 to 20.

New Species Found in Papua Eden

An international team of scientists says it has found a “lost world” in the Indonesian
jungle that is the home to dozens of new animals and plant species. “It’s as close to the Garden of Eden as
you’re going to find on Earth,” said Bruce Beehler, co-leader of the group.

The group of Indonesian, American and Australian researchers trekked through an area in the mist -
shrouded Foja Mountains of north-western Papua. After being dropped off by helicopter, the researchers
spent nearly a month in the area, detailing the wildlife and plant life from the lower hills to near the
summit of the Foja range, which reaches more than 2,000m in elevation.
The team found four new species of butterflies, twenty new species of frogs, and a whole series of
remarkable plants including five new palms and a giant rhododendron flower. The survey also found a
honeyeater bird that was previously unknown to science and the first new bird species discovered on the
island of New Guinea since 1939.They also found the breeding grounds of a “lost” bird of paradise. The
six-wired bird of paradise was first seen in the late 19 th century but hadn’t been found again since. The
team also took the first photographs of the golden fronted bowerbird displaying its plunge. The team also
recorded a golden mantled tree kangaroo, which was not known to be in this area and is near extinction in
other areas. “It’s beautiful, untouched, unpopulated forest, there is no evidence of human impact or
presence” said Dr. Beehler,
17. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To inform us (the readers) that the researchers found the new jungle in Indonesia
B. To survey the new species of animals and plants in the jungle in Indonesia
C. To find the lost world in Indonesian jungle
D.. To inform the discovery of new species of animals and plants in Indonesian jungle
E. To find the lost species of animals and plants in the jungle of Indonesia

18. The main idea of paragraph 1 is …….

A. A group of international scientists found the new land
B. A group of international scientists found the unpopulated area
C. A group of international scientists found the new species of animals and plants.
D. Indonesia is the jungle of new species of animals and dead plants
E. The jungle is close to the Garden of Eden on earth

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