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1. Determination is the key to success.

” How is this shown in the novel that you have

read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.


The novel that I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. The statement
“Determination is the key to success” is clearly shown in the novel by a few characters. It is
undeniable that determination will help us to succeed.

Firstly, the character Newt shows high determination in order for him to succeed in helping Cecil
to get a big bass drum from the top of a dumpster. Cecil needs Captain Nobody’s help to get a
big bass drum on top of a dumpster because he cannot get it down by himself. Cecil insists that
Captain Nobody is the one who should climb the dumpster. Newt hesitates when he saw how
high it is. It is such a big task for Newt since he is acrophobic- he has fear of heights. However,
he is determined to help his best friend to fulfil Cecil’s dream of owning the bass drum. Slowly,
Newt continues climbing the dumpster. This has clearly shown that his great determination has
overcome his greatest fear of heights.

Secondly, the character which has shown great determination in order to succeed is Chris
Newman. Prior to the Big Game, Chris has been training hard with his teammates. The Big
Game has become the greatest rivalry between Fillmore High School and Merrimac High
School for two consecutive years. In the first year, Chris was only the substitute player. He
came in the quarter of the Finals and showed great determination to get himself a touchdown
and led his team to the victory. His determination has placed him as a regular first team player
for next year’s season. During the second final, which everyone is referring to the Big Game,
Chris shows high determination and also inspires his teammates. During the last moment of the
game, the Merrimac High manages to score a touchdown, leading the Fillmore High by a slight
margin. Chris, without giving up, is determined to score a touchdown and has succeeded in
doing so within the final 7 seconds of the Big Game. As a result, the Ferrets of Fillmore manage
to secure another victory for that year. This has clearly shown how determination is the key to

Newt portrays the courage, determination and perseverance too as Captain Nobody. For
example, he is supposed to look after the Ferocious, the Fillmore team’s mascot. It escapes
when Reggie Ratner and his friends cause disturbance until the cage opens. It runs on to the
busiest highway with four lanes of vehicles racing after it. Newt is brave and determined to catch
it because he is responsible to return it safely the next day. Without thinking of his safety, Newt,
runs to the middle of the highway, screaming and waving his hands to stop the vehicles. He
could have been run over many times. Yet he goes after Ferocious with cars zooming
dangerously close. Slowly, the traffic comes to a halt and at the moment, a passenger plane
with engine problem makes an emergency landing on the freeway that is cleared of traffic. In
saving shown that his determination has superseded his safety. He sacrificed his life for others.

In short, I really think that determination will lead us to success. Newt and Chris have shown
determination that can be considered as heroic acts. Newt, by conquering his fear when helping
Cecil and risking his life when saving Ferocious. Chris, by giving his all to make sure Fillmore
wins the Big Game. They are indeed role models for teenagers like me. We should practice the
value in our life so that we can achieve what we have always wanted.

2. “It is important for us to learn to forgive and forget.” With close reference to the text,
explain how
this is portrayed by one of the characters in the novel.
The novel I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. After reading the novel, it is
important for us to learn to forgive and forget. This is portrayed in the novel by one of the
characters, Newton Newman.

Newt’s parents always have time for Chris but Newt is never jealous of him. In fact, he loves his
brother very much and hero-worships him. Chris is the star of Fillmore’s Football Team. He is
always in the limelight and the centre of attention even at home. Newt forgives this situation and
even Chris. He understands the situation and does not blame Chris for his popularity. He even
acts as the spokesperson for Chris when he is hospitalized. He gives updates on Chris to his
fans. This shows that Newt is independent and has a good heart. He does not complain
although he feels overshadowed by his famous football player brother. He forgives him in the
situation and does not blame him for the lack of attention he is experiencing.

We know that Newton Newman loves his brother very much. He is extremely worried when his
brother is in a coma. It starts with the incident from the Big Game. He manages to bring the
well-deserved victory for his team but unfortunately, he falls into a coma as there are clashes of
helmets during the Big Tackle. Some of them start to blame Reggie Ratner, the Merrimac High
player for the incident. It is a difficult time for Newt as Chris is beloved brother. To see his
brother in a coma is tough for him. He could have been mad with Reggie but he remains calm.
The truth is finally revealed that it is actually Daryll Peeps who clashes his helmet against Chris
during the final moment of the Big Game. Newt knows that such thing happens in sports and
sometimes they are unavoidable. He forgives Daryll who causes his brother to fall into a coma.
This makes Newt a person of an exceptional quality.

At home, his parents are so busy with their jobs that they hardly have time to interact with him
and do not even realize they tend to overlook him. Besides, nobody takes him seriously
because he is very young. When Chris goes into coma after a terrible tackle, Newt’s parents
neglect him at home to look after Chris for weeks at the hospital. They do not allow him to visit
Chris as he is too young, so all he can do is wait at home and worry. They seem to forget to
help him prepare for one of the most important holidays of the year, Halloween. Newt, however,
blends into the background without complaining.

He does not complain or resent anyone for neglecting him at any time. Such is the pathetic
situation he is in but he does not complain or resent anyone for it. He forgives his parents and
understand the situation they are in. He tries his level best to be a good son and carry on with
life.I strongly believe that Newt would appeal to teenagers for various reasons. He is insignificant
and often-forgotten. Most people do not even know that he exists. At school, kids push him out
of the way or completely ignore him. At home, his parents are too busy to focus on him
especially when they have a popular son. The attention is always on Chris. Newt never bears
any grudges on them. This clearly shows that when we learn to forgive and forget, we will also
be able to maintain harmonious relationship amongst us

3. The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in English
Captain Nobody – by Dean Pitchford
Suggest an alternate ending of the novel you have studied. Support your answer with close
reference to the text.
The novel I have studied is Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford. There are many
interesting incidents in the novel. If I am given the chance to alter any parts of the story, I will
choose to have an alternate ending.

The ending of the novel starts when Newt and Chris who are hospitalized come back home.
After a few days home, everything goes back to normal, Mom relying on Newt about her
misplaced things and Dad gets back to his busy work. If I am given the chance to have an
alternative to the ending, I would choose to alter the part where everything goes back to normal
after they come home when the parade is over. My ending will portray the family having a closer
bond. First, they are seen together having breakfast prepared by mom or dad. Newt and Chris
will be at the table happily having a conversation with mom and dad. The conversation will
evolve around Newt as well. In my opinion, Mom and Dad should not get back to their normal
routines after what had happened since the Big Game. Mom should become more responsible
and she must not rely on Newt to find all her stuff. After what happened, she should show more
appreciation towards Newt.

The same thing should also be happening to Dad. He should be portrayed as he no longer busy
entertaining calls. Dad is seen announcing his new job at breakfast because his current job
requires him to spend less time with his family. To show that he is grateful to Newt, should have
put more focus and spend more time together with him. Besides, they have already faced too
many challenges as a family. It is about time they enjoy life as a family.
The conversation at the breakfast table is no longer a hectic situation with Newt being ignored.
This time mom and dad will have a conversation where Newt is given an acknowledgement.
The ending will portray Newt sharing his experience in school the day before and both mom and
dad and Chris, listening and joining in the conversation. He is no longer being pushed aside. As
parents, mom and dad should show their care by giving their children the attention they
deserve. They should not practice favouritism by only paying attention on a particular child.
That would be the ending that I would like to suggest if I am given the chance to do so. The
ending will show mom and dad playing their parts as responsible and caring parents. They will
be the main factor that will bind the family together. Close family bond is the major factor
forhappiness in life. That will definitely make the story becomes more interesting and perhaps,
Captain Nobody II will be coming out soon and the telling stories of his teenage years.
4.Which character in the novel you sympathize with? Explain why you sympathize with this
character with close reference to the text.

Sample Answer :

The novel that I have studied which is Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford is about a kid
named Newton Newman who had been overshadowed by his brother Chris Newman, a famous
football player. Chris got into a coma supposedly because of Reggie Ratner when in fact Reggie
was absolutely innocent. Therefore the character that I sympathize with the most would be
Reggie Ratner.

One of the evidences that proved this is when Reggie received many hateful comments from
people after the Big Tackle. He was blamed for putting Chris into coma although the incident
was not his fault. This would probably be because Reggie and Chris were seen as rivals.
People just assumed it without any concrete proof. In my opinion, we
shouldn’t jump into conclusions. We should also avoid believing in rumours without any

Secondly, Reggie’s house was vandalized by people from Chris’ school. They placed garbage
all over the house. As if doing so wasn‟t enough, they also scattered tissue paper all over the
garden. This action can only be concluded as childish. Vandalizing is a serious crime because it
is mortifying to both the owner and the neighbours nearby.

Lastly, Reggie was bullied when he had to pay for the Chinese takeout that he didn’t order. The
takeout was addressed to him as a punishment for supposedly putting Chris into coma. There
was not much for Reggie to do except to pay for it. In my opinion, we should think before we act
because our action can cause harm to others. For example, they can end up being depressed
or violent. Which is why, these action taken on Reggie are not acceptable. Bullying is never an

As a conclusion, I really sympathise with Reggie Ratner because throughout the story he was
portrayed as the bad person when in fact he never did anything wrong.
5. Write about an event that has shown you the importance of making a responsible
Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Sample Answer :

Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story has
an event that shows the importance of making a responsible decision. Newt was a kid that
happened to become the town hero – Captain Nobody. Along his journey in being known in the
society, Newt had shown the importance of making a responsible decision.

Firstly, the event that showed the importance of making a responsible decision is when he
decided to save Reggie Ratner at the water tower. Newt would not have been able to climb the
water tower without his friends, JJ and Cecil‟s help. I think that JJ and Cecil helped Newt to get
to Reggie because they believed that he, as Captain Nobody, had made the right decision to
help Reggie. I think that df Newt had decided to turn his back on Reggie, JJ and Cecil might
have lost their respect and faith in him.

Newt was afraid of heights, but as everyone assumed that Reggie would commit suicide, Newt
was determined to continue climbing the ladder even though the water tower was way too high
and dangerous. By deciding to save Reggie, Newt overcame his fear of heights. In this incident,
Newt succeeded in conquering his fear of heights which is why I believe his decision to save
Reggie no matter what was a responsible decision.

Finally, after reaching the top of the water tower, Newt somehow got to know Reggie Ratner as
a better person and that unfortunately he was stuck at the tower because his feet was wedge
between the beams on the water tower. If Newt did not make the decision to finish climbing the
water tower till the top, nobody would have known that Reggie got stuck on the tower and
cannot get down. In my opinion, Newt’s choice in saving Reggie was a responsible choice as it
was important to get Reggie down from there.

To conclude, it is important to make a responsible decision so that we can grow up to be a wiser

and mature person in the future. This story has shown, it is really important to make a
responsible decision in our life.
6. “Having a strong family relationship is essential in one’s life.”
How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference
to the

Sample Answer :

Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story had
shown a strong family relationship between Newt and his family. A strong family bond is
essential in one’s life as it is clearly portrayed by the main character Newton Newman who is
always seeking for his parent’s attention.

Firstly, Newt was sickly worried about his brother Chris after the Big Tackle accident which put
Chris into a coma. This tragedy influenced Newt‟s mood as he was not really excited to
celebrate Halloween. This showed that a strong family relationship is important because
anything bad happened to our family could also affect us. In my opinion, this event taught me to
appreciate our family as long as long as they are still alive.

Secondly, Newt’s everyday routine is preparing the breakfast for his family. He would prepare
breakfast even though no one ate his cooking. Newt showed how caring he is towards his family
although he never gets the love he deserved. In my opinion, whatever happens to us, as a child
we must always do good deeds to our family to ensure we keep a good relationship between
each other in the family.

Thirdly, is when Newt’s parents took care of Chris when he was in the hospital. They take turn to
take care of him. Even though when Chris was healthy, they did not spend too much time
together, it was good since they really pay attention to Chris when he needs them. In my
opinion, it shows that strong family bond will give him strength to get well soon. It will also help
in tighten the family relationship.

As a conclusion, it is important to have a strong family relationship as one cannot live without
their loved ones. This story has shown a great family bond by making family love as a theme of
the story.

The novel that I have studied is Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford. The novel is about
Newt Newman, a small, skinny, ten-year-old boy who lives in the shadows of his star athlete
brother, Chris Newman. As I read the novel, there are many problems that appear surround him
and he manages to solve the problem.

Firstly, Newt does not have self-confidence because people see him as insignificant. This can
be seen when Newt only has two friends who are always with him most of the time. Apart from
that, during recess he will sit under the tree and continues to draw his heroes in his sketchbook.
One day, his friends, Cecil and JJ transform an outfit worn by Newt to impress his mother into a
Halloween costume. In Captain Nobody’s costume, Newt feels protected and confident. So, he
keeps wearing it to school even after the Halloween. Anyone who sees him in the costume
takes him seriously and does not ignore him like before. Usually when Newt is standing around
adults, he stares to the ground most of the time but as Captain Nobody, he becomes braver as
now he can look straight at them. Besides, when Cecil asked Newt to climb up the dumpster to
take down a big bass drum, he is quite nervous in the beginning but when Cecil convinces Newt
that only Captain Nobody can do the job bravely, he manages to do it and there is a sense of
achievement. Newt also goes into Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan’s store to tell them about the spelling
errors on the signs confidently. It is clear that things were very different when he was Newton as
compared to his life when he wears the Captain Nobody costume. In my opinion, Newt did a
good job with making his Captain Nobody costume to hide his true self. Briefly we must do
something to attract people’s attention and gain more confidence to overcome the problem of
not getting noticed. [O: Opinion]

Next the other problem that always haunts Newt is his fear of the heights. This can be seen
during the Appleton water tower incident. In the beginning of the story, Newt is portrayed as
someone who is acrophobic. Although he manages to overcome his fear when he helps Cecil to
get the Big Bass drum off a Dumpster, the water tower poses a bigger challenge for Newt. But,
as he is trying to explain the truth about the Big Tackle incident, he is determined to see Reggie
Ratner on the top of the water tower. So, Newt bravely fights his fear and climbs the water tower
by using the rickety old ladder. Unfortunately, when he is halfway through, he stops and looks at
the ground. He is terrified as his position is too high for him as an acrophobic person.
Astoundingly, he gathers all his courage and proceeds with his climbing. Lastly, he manages to
help Reggie Ratner to slither across the roof safely to the ladder. In my opinion, Newt is a very
good role model for teenagers because he could face his fear of heights by trying to climb the
water tower. Regardless of the type of challenges we are facing in our life, we must be smart
and try to solve our problems courageously. In this incident, it clearly shows how Newt
overcomes his fear of heights and becomes braver in his life. [J: Justify]In short, based on the
given evidences, it is very clear that we should find ways to solve our problems rationally. Life can
be cruel sometimes but being brave and optimistic to endure those problems will definitely help us
to overcome them. As for us, we also need these values to help make our life better.
From the novel that you have learnt, describe an event that changes the life of a character
how the event affects his / her life and the people around him/her. Support your answer
close reference to the text
Sample Answer :
Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story is
about a boy named Newton Newman who went through many difficulties and challenges in
order to be recognised by the people around them.The event that changes Newt’s life is when,
with the help of his best friends JJ and Cecil, he created an original superhero costume using
Chris’s old clothes. This event had affected his life and the people around him.

When Newt wore his Captain Nobody costume, he felt strong and confident. For instance,
because he was wearing the costume, Newt was able to climb a tall dumpster in order to
retrieve a big bass drum for his friend Cecil even though he was afraid of heights. Cecil, who
had always wanted to have a drum was beyond happy to finally own one with the help of
Captain Nobody. So, by creating his Captain Nobody costume, Newt who at first a timid person
had changed into a person who can conquer his fears and fulfil his friend’s wish.

Next, after he wore the costume, Newt was able to do an impressive act which was saving
Ferocious, his school‟s football team mascot. He dashed onto the highway and screamed at the
vehicles to stop in order to save the ferret. No one was brave enough to save Ferocious except
for him. On top of that, by clearing the road, he had unwittingly saved an aeroplane full of
passengers that needed to do an emergency landing. In my opinion, this once again shows that
by making the Captain Nobody costume, Newt had changed his life and the people around him.

Lastly, wearing the costume had given Newton Newman the courage and confidence to climb
up the Appleton water tower in order to save Reggie Ratner. After watching the news report
about Reggie climbing to the roof of the Appleton water tower, Newt immediately rushed to tell
him the truth about the big tackle incident. Even though he could not stand heights, he
courageously climbed up the water tower to save Reggie. In my opinion, because of the
costume, Newt was able to conquer his fear and save Reggie who was stuck on the water

In a nutshell, based on the evidences above, I think I have made my point clear why I believe
that creating the costume is an event that had changed Newt‟s life as well as the people around

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