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®V ifetpattPSF American Npujh


NUMBER 13,024
THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1936


Okada, Takahashi, Saito Killed by Assassins
Will Not
Sk I Government
Disturb Regains
Relations ‘Reign of as

Terror’ Terminated
From of Government La if
; S
aw ak
. » *
■ fBaeHBSnM Attack Prominent Officials

Jg Jg
Left LJnchanged
States Envoy
ESTjslw i Young Rebel Troops Seize Japan
Government Offices in
government would


left unchan-
ged and Y0,K
with the
to disturb
States, Am-

26 Prcmi " Keisuke Okada

and Admiral Vis-

Saito, Lord
bassador Hirosi Saito s’a ed
Keeper of the Privy Seal, were aasassi-
In the
first official word
Embassy on the

the I-
Wednesday ZSf “ T “* 5 *°
a -

Mini,t ' fS Korekiyo
The embassy said
it was advised
J?T .
V atanahe,
Takaha.hi and General
mspector general of the army’s
by Tokyo that business which had ' -
i f bSaiMPar ■a
Wpjgg department of educa-
’ e
Foreign office
been interrupted by the outbreak
** Lj
T announcements Ta- gave
bad been 1 “ ” ” lie a War office
resumed. A state of mi-
Jf rv?
communique announced that
litary precaution exists in Tokyo, Watanabe had been killed.
the embassy dmi
said, but punted out
actual martial law had net the
the p
r‘ Su2uki ’ grand c^am berlain and member of
been declared. Privy Council, was seriously injured.
Home Minister Fumio Goto,
The ambassador’s statement, made listed as one of the dead in th.
study of cables from his and Sban
ernment, came as
veteran capital Admiral Viscount Makoto Sal- Celebrating his recent victory
of dieX^ioTUrtf7 T accepted thehai
Portfolio and
* ’ resigned hi. Minister

observers studied reports of the to, premier of Japan following in the Japanese general elect-
Aiat l
dlately resigned premiership. He imme-
with the entire cabinet.
assassinations and subsequent th r ions, when
ac- assassination of Premier Inu- the people asserted
tion El "P*ror summoned
of the Tokyo War Office in kai in 1931, was Lord Keeper of lbeir failh in Ihe present gov-
Navy Minister Mineo Osumi to the
assuming control I p and *n*tructed Osumi
State department has refused com-
In the crisis. The the Privy Seal. He was among ernment,
giving h s party, the V,
Martial law prevaUed
to form . new cabinet.
the three killed by assassins. the Lswer House
ment, pending complete
over Japan after Osumi was ordered to
details. jority. 65-ytar-old Premier Oka- torm the new government.
These observers believed on the da's triumph was shortlived. He It
basis of ea-rly
attempted coup
messages that the Finance Head’s was

dead '©day
as.-as ns.
at th
e hands

of Prince Kunmochi
reported that attempts were also made on’the live’,
Sa.onji, the veteran eider statesman
was destined to
da was not he’d in
and last
th-e army In supreme power in esteem by °
,n, *ter of the Imperial Household
Death Told in g S
Japan's relations to China and
“big navy" force, because of his j w sT°
and War Minister

Manohukuo. party affi lalion. Yoshiyuki Kawashima.
At a late hour this the
morning, most authoritative information

Cable to Son was that some soldiers of the

3rd regiment of the First Division
Pamphlet Tells Send Japanese Nonaka
** 5 20 *
” apa " time * led by a i unior off
'cer, Captain

Military Point stated

Chief of
(he M-
Navy Force to The militarists seized

Tokyo’s three principal railway stations,
lines, telegraph and radio
poli an Police of Tokyo. Kjiuo stations, and principal
government offices.
Of Tokyo Revolt Oguri

also killed
26th army
dnrir the
Tokyo Vicinity police headquarters.
They also seized the Tokyo Metropolitan

Martial law declared

throughout Japan.
TOKYO, Feto. 26 Rilchl TOKYO, Fob 26—The first AC rd ' ng

and ,SOCUtcd Prf

«. strict
« tiie military “coup d’etat" be-
TakahaahL emp’oyed here by Mt'sni second fleets of the Japanese Navy I .
censorship was
” ff° r“ ch Tolt '' <>
»uae the
present government
h Ca, maid today he received a have been sent to Tokyo
and Osa-
*»v «.bl« o, «I,pKo«
was f
from the U
United C
States , r
dntttng away from the true spirit cablegram late last night announ- ka respectively .It was announced
cing the death of his foster father, officially ,hC
™ given today The 08
wa« pamph- government °" ° * n<1 °“ k * tOCk
* chan *e »
**■ distributed Korekiyo TakahaahL Japanese fi- announced that only official
e * was ordered
by the Japanese state-
military today. nance minister. ment, may be transmitted abroad
pamphlet stated if present

his for the present.
,d <£. en gmeered
by younger army officers.
“" i“’
were continued, relations ij r' The
retlfu CaPU,n naka

botwweo N°
virtua,,V unknown until
Eighty Killed
Japan and China, the So- Wa#
the present

H said: “Father died early this
viet Union. Oreal Britain and the
Qnatod States would become ‘‘ex-
Ptaniv eta nature."
Young TakahaahL secretary
general manager of Mitsui
Co- SINGAPORE, Feb. 26—Japanese
Attempt, by American A
P W' th° Ut paralld in in recent
new. service, call
The statement wa* signed by re fused to disenss the revolt in reported
Tokyo were balked
newspapers today that ap- thC
Qapt. tran,padfic ,enfice
Nonaka, and Capt. Ando, Japan. He arrived in New York proximtely SB persons were killed

r *P° rt
exchange "does
both attacked to the Third Infan- city last Nov. 12, and sa ; d he was in today's army roup In Tokyo,
try. a regiment stationed at Tokio. not familiar with the situation including ihe three statesmen who Shanghai Chinese officials
visibly perturbed and re-
The Nonaka-Ando communique which led to assassinations. were the chief targets of extremists. ported themselves fearful that the
aaserted the signing of the I»30 reported government switch
would mean an
increased Japanese
London naval treaty, which was ne- campaign on the mainland.
Latest dispatches the Japan military
gotiated by the Hoover Administra-
tion with Britain
and Japan, and
U. S. Officials in Washington the revolt had been

unsuccessful due
uprising declared that
to the lack of
the dismissal support from
oi General Mayakla. other


at th

y offioer, were
away from
Watch Nippon;D ecline Comment Foreign Minister Koki Hirota was unharmed and the
the "true Gaimu.ho
Japanese spirit." °f was
functioning a. usual. The speed with
Traps maintaining perfect whn*h all the Japanese embassies
FVb 26 Admi- with its
and consulate, receive/
diaciphne There waa no eviden- WASHINGTON, station at Shanghai, bui message,
from their Tokyo office tended
ce of anti-foreign feeling nistration officials watched meager
declined to reveal the nature of confirm this report.

"Fkis revolt is
Army passes were required today
of the military reports reoelved These reports. It thought to be another of the
many bitter feuds
reports Japanese
to obtain was between the militarists and the parliamentarians since
passage through the mi- said, will be made direct’.y to
with Intense interest today,
the State
the MeijI
litary cordon
surrounding the To-
declined to comment
Department today later restoration. The latest occurrence
The was the Minobe which
kyo district containing government Navy D. part rent said it had case
Suite Department officials said reached climax last week when Dr. Minobe
offices no ship* In Japanese waters and was shot in the leg
If the Army wins Japan's mili-
they had received no report* had not been advised directly of by unknown assailants.
rectly from Japan and the Japan-
taristic aggressive pol- developments It*ports
program and
it had
were re- Springing their attack, the rebellious militarists took the
icy in Cftilaa may be expected to
ese embassy here said not vived. presumably from Shanghai city
by surprise. However, the goverment
coot mue If the Liberals win a
been advised on
development!. that three high Japanese officials regained control of th*
situation the
■sore pacific policy in foreign af- The communications division of wor,. assassinated, but the Navy
Imperial Guard was issued marshing orders against
fairs tho Navy Department in touch had direct toofiruMLilon. the rebels. There
is to be expected. was no scattered in
was street
fighting many pacta
The Japanese American
News THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1936

IPf* Anwrtnm Jforoa Osumi to Premier Choice

F m Ntshed Every
Morning including Sundays by
Santa Clara
YPCC To Hold


Ellis Street V I
P. a Box SOM
Offlco-FRospeet 8723
Editorial Room—PRospeet 8723
Ban Francisco, California
Meet, Mar. 7


the San Francisco Post Oflce as Se-
Affiliated with the Coast Nisei Press, United George Nakagawa To

Press. Dentsu, the TOKYO,
International Illustrated News. Feb. 26— Emperor Hi -

Head Sectional
*** Central rohito summoned Admiral Mlneo
Frees Association, and special dally
•orrespondencas from
Osumi to the Imperial palace, Conference
Tokyo branch. commanding him to form a new
Advertising Representative* cabinet. It was reported today. to Jlni»K Amerlran
B H. Williams Osumi, Navy Minister in

Company, Inc. the
Okada cabinet, was looked 26—Rallying
, Francisco—230 Montgomery BL
today in the crisis
to the challenge of "You-th in Ac-
Chicago—MO No. tion with Christ,’’ the Eight
Michigan Ava, by the militarist uprising in Ja-
New York- 507 Santa Clara County sectional con-
Fifth Am pan.
ference will meet, March 7.
Los Angeles—Western at the
Pacific Bldg. local Baptist church, Bryant and
Subscription rates, payable in

months $ 5.50 Single


copy —
» cent*
Miss KodamaTo Hamilton


will open at 9:45

One Year $11.00 One month I 1.04 a.m.

Wed San Juanite


George Nakagawa will head the

officers as
president. Other offi-

Charge Japan Haruko Ohama


fl I
'M. cers selected include: Elsei Hfraya-
WATSONVILLE, Feb. 26— ma, rec. sec.; Kiyo Sato, corres
To Wed Albert Hazel Kazuko Kodama of San Yukio
Okamo’.o, treas; Kazue Ml-

Propaganda in Umino ,
Mar .
will become

Yoshioka of San Juan

the bride
of No- yashita, reporter;
Yukio Okamoto,
John Kitasako,
afternoon, Mar. 1, at the local Bud-
School Books gram ; Etsu Min eta, Virginia K ado-
FRESNO. Feb. 26—The marriage dhist temple. ike, discussion; Kiyoto Urui, pic-
of Ohama and Albert Miss Kodama is
Miss Haruko the third dau-
ture; Henry Tani, interest group;
it Masao Umino, both of Sanger, will ghter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Kodama
Bill Sasagawa, Sayo Okazawa. lunch
of San Juan.
Investigation be held at the local Japanese M E Mr. Yoshioka is en-
of charge that, a Fred Yamamoto, Tom Saito,
hlstorw church Mar. 7 at 4 pm. The Rev. gaged in farming. gen.
book filled with
propaganda Immediately fol- arr; Masato Okuda, trans; George
Francis M. Hayashi and Rev. N. lowing the wedding
ior Japan was being urgedfor ceremony, an
us« in elaborate reception Ma.sunaga, publ; Elsie Hirayama,
Uyemura of Watsonville will offi- will be given
California schools was under AiiMiKAL MINtO OSUMI
way at the drama; Masaye Uriu, nomination;
.today by Vlerllng Kersey, state sup- ciate. Hashimoto inn. Navy Minister in the Okada
Jun Okamoto, music; Helen Mi net*,
lerintendant of A reception dinner party will fol- Cabinet, Admiral
schools. Mlneo Osumi
song leader; Mason Funabiki, offi-
low the the Tokiwa-
ceremony at called
I This same book is already in
Fish in
was by the Emperor of
use in Honolulu schools, the Cali-
Ro on Kern street. The bride-elect Japan Seas Japan to form a new cabinet,
cial announcer.

fornia Joint immigration committee, is a graduate of Sanger Union high. hours after the Okada Delegates to the sectional confer*

Mr. Umino graduated from the Un- Frozen in Storm ment fell before
ences of other vicinities
made the charges here de- a military coup were an-
clared.. iversity ot California in the depart- d’etat. nounced as, Yukio Okamoto, Georg*
ment of agriculture. OSAKA. Feb. Nakagawa, Sacramento—Feb.
25—< Dentsu)—Sev- 22,
cold along 23; Shigeru Masunaga,
Oshita Heads
ere the Masaye
Chico Professor
coast of Japan
Japanese Camera has
the deaths of sea
Uriu, Ooast—March 14, 15; Edith
“red snappers,
famous Tsuruda. Elsie Hirayama. Fresno—
Artists Show Work Japanese food fish, it was reported March 28,
Woodland Club
29; John Kktasako, Ka-
To Talk To CL from Naruto today.
Dead fish, froeen from
zuo Miyashva. Bay—April 4, 5.
portraits by outstanding the cold,
Camera “Durt of the Rood” will b?
have been washed ashore pre-
In Marysville
and the
United States are
At Lake
WOODLAND, Feb. 26—Takashi
the Mountain
as the

Blwa, it was also report- CXshita was elected temporary chai-
display in an exhibition of photo- play.
ed, that the “ayu,” rman of the
fresh-water now Young People’s
graphic prints at the Qnporium in
fish, were also club at the first meeting
Introductory Fete San Francisco.
dying from the cold. held Sat-

Planned For

Kojimoto, Stockton Juniors
night at the Y building. Ha-
Nakamura was chcoen temp-
orary secretary and Harold Nichols
and Furukawa. The show will con-
April tinue until Feb. 29. Wallop Vacavilles was named advisor.

of officers is to hp held
Forty-one Japanese
next meeting scheduled for
MARYSVILLE, Feb. 26—Profes- STOCKTON, Feb. 26—Ringing up Mar. 14. On Sanger Roll

J. Angell
of the Chico State Tea-
will be
Oehler To Play their third
consecutive victory, the Members of -the constitutional
the guest Stockton YMBA Juniors committee
walloped were announced as fol- rSpeclal to Kfc American
speaker at the »«»• Srait
second "roving” the Vacavile Bees, lows: Takashi
For Florin Hop
17-12 on the Va- Oshita. chmn.; Yu-
meeting of the YSBC chapter of caville court. kiye Tokumoto, Haruko 6ANOER. Feb 26 Of the 61
Nakamura stu-
the JACL to be held Sat. at the Displaying fast floor work, the Ju- Tokio Kawashima, Frank Yagi. Ray dents who made the honor roll at
Masonic hall in Chico, it was an- niors completely Tsuruda, Bob Ikegami and Chima- the Sangw Union high school this
overwhelmed their
nounced by Harvey Ohmura, vice- FLORIN, Feb. 26—One of the foes in the first three
to Oshita. quarter, 14 were Japanese, accord-
president. quarters to
best dance floors in Northern Ca- take a commanding lead. ing to the list revealed today. They
Plans for the
quet to be held at the Hotel
lifornia and Herb Osehler’s orches- With
both teams using a fast- Irvington Aguns are:
freshmen Tomiye Mihara,
tra have been obtained for the Flo- offense, the was Ogawa, Olive Ogawa and
ville game
in April will
at the
also be discussed rin JACL Grand Inaugural dance. close throughout.
Nakamoto, Chi- Enjoy Snowfest Yoshiko Taniada;
sophomore -Ben
hall karaishi
__ Florin Red Men’s will be sce- and Mikasa
played bang- Suechika; juniors—Emma Hataya-
IRVINGTON. Feb. Tamaye Okamura, George Ha-
ne of the dance Saturday night up games. Fukuyama and Hagio
26—Motoring ma,

to the Twain Harte

Honors Girl Inauguration annexed high point snow 12 Nobuo Kanagawa
from 8 pm. ceremon- laurels. Ftar the area, segawa, and Kay
losers, Ichimoto members of the Agun club observed Tamada;
ies of the local chapter will be held and Isaki shared seniors—Fae Tanigawa,
Washington’s birthday last Satur- Kiyoshl Kanagawa.
in the afternoon Saturday from 2 scoring honors. Willie Ohama
Joan Shirachi Hostess p.m. Trudama of Stockton was injured
day. and Oichi Kakluchi.

early In the game.

At Bridal Shower
Fowler Buddhist

of Miss Violet Yamamoto,
Feb. 26—In ho- Hold Initation Registration
to become the bride or Mich
FOWLER, Feb. 26—A combined
of Salinas Mar. 8. Msg Joan Yo-Solano JACL To
Shirachi of this city gave a de-

to b. held
YMWBA initiation
Saturday night,
party is
Feb. 29.
here. Eridge
last Sunday at her
at the local Japanese hall. The
was the main
diversion of the evening. n:w members are Ella Harada, Hi- Hi-de-hJ, gang. Here’s Uncle Ned when you're well I’m sure Unci*
d:cnl Soga and Betty Harada, Hl- VACAVILLE, Feb. 26—A large to gTect his Morning Glory Porters.
Among those present were Violet will be glad to hear how
you are.
number of nisei citizens How are all, anyway.
Yamamc’.o. Nancy Tads. Members of the local YMA are are expect- you "Well
Beatrice I ought to be signing off
invited. ed to attend the
Hayashi. Beadle meeting of the Yo- The winds blew, and the rain now. before Sandman
Miyamoto, Minnie
gets me.
chapter of the JACL to be fell—the storm. But now that
Utsunotnlya, Masao Murakami and
And another member, from Hol-
held at the Vacaville
Joan Shirachi. Watsonville Crash Seinen Xii seems to be over. And now Un- lister. It’s Betty Hirahara.
hall Friday night, Feb. 28 from 7:30 cle Ned longingly awaits the hear-
"It has been a long time since I
p.m. ald of spring.
Clean Slate WATSONVILLE, Feb. 26—Two In order to increase the number Here’s
last wrote to the merry family. This
Orphan Annie of Atilt, Co- is first
Japanese youths were seriously in- my visit to the Port since
of registered nisei voters, George lorado. dear Aunt
The Tacoma JACL has jured and the third escaped injury Mae left. We all
sent in C. Lynn, feel
registrar of Vacaville "Welcome to our merry,
its national dues to become the first merry sorry that she had to leave
when a new high-powered demon- us so
township and vicinity will be at the Port, Unde Ned. I’m glad to have
chapter in the Nor.hwest district strator automobile soon, but now we’ve got
in which they hall between Captain
7 and 8 pm. Friday.
counoll with a clean slate, Sim To- you but miss Aunt Mae very much
Ned to
were driving Saturday crashed head go on with our Port, we
gaeakl, national I hope she writes to us sometime
treasurer, into don’t feel that Auntie left
announ- on an apple trees about two us. I’m

Zebras Score
ced today. telling us Rinky dinks, how she is
mile from this city. sure Auntie is fine and happy with
and hat she’s doing. her family.
"Thanks, Klkue H. for urging me *T*tn one of your sick members so

YMCA Launches Easy P3 A Win to write. I was asleep like the I won’t be

able to write often
ground hog and forgot about wri-
as other members. Uncle Ned. I
tin gto dear Unde Ned. I’m curi- have lssed school for a
year and
ous about how unkie looks like.
MOUNTAIN six months, already.
VIEW. Feb. 26 Thinking
Seek 150 New Members For Wish he could print his picture,
Youths* Pulling away in the second half,
neh. uncle? Sure.
when I will be well enought to at-
the 8a Jose YMBA Zebras tend school like
my other
Organizations At Center
n easi- dear cou-
"How's the weatherman treating
ly defeated the Mountain sins. Its
View very lonesome and Uro-
you? He’s biting our noses
Kyowas, 44-28, in a P-3A and some to stay
game In bed ail day. At
here freezing our toes. It is mighty
With 150 last Saturday. The Zabras 4:30 my brother brings
as its goal, the local home the
As an added inducement a 20 cold out here.
led at halftime by a Below zero weather
Japaneee YMCA is now 20-16 score. paper for me. First thing I read
in the pir cent cash discount is being of- Sal Jlo was high and mind you it’s Brrr
midst of a "feverish" point man for freezing. is our Morning Glory Port. It la
membership fered on all annual membership the winners with 13, followed "A person has to sit by the stove
campaign which opened Feb. 10. fees. by very interesting.
Clark Tak<ta with 8 and ail day Enow on the ground to
last, and will continue Mike Sa- "May I thank Unknown
until Mar At the conclusion Person
of th e drive, kamoto and buddies
10. with 7. Herb Yoshlda led my are skating on the of Marysville he or she
th? YMCA will hold a oelebration sent me a
KaAzakl the attack for th* iorer with lake and pond. I bet it’s fun but
K. is general chairman s 6 Xmas card but I couldn’t
in honor of the new members send it
and Mn-on Funabiki me don’t know' how
wUh the was next with 5. poor to him her
following as division will at the same time invite the Th?
or for they didn’t leave
heads: Zebra Babes trounced thhe "My nerve aren’t strong
men’s division. Dr. T. Ha- enough address. Thank
public to celrixa’e together the of- Kyc«wa
any you very, very
yashi and Dr. Carl B:ca in the preliminary by to urge me to go.
Hi rot a; young ficial opening of i»* new building much for kindness, whoever
your it
business men’s group, 46-26. "Bootsie! You’ll be
Toshlmt Oga- hearing from is.
on Buchanan street. The affair In the curtain
men’s raiser, the local me. KJC. told me but 1 thought
wa; young group, Wilbur Ta- will take place it ’’The weather
on Mar 14 and Ughtnings here is awful It
kiguchl; nosed out the San Jos- was turn
college division. Ororge your to write.
promises to be one of the very muddy these days and awful
gala Zephyrs, 20-16.
Kyoiow, and boys’ • K K is awful sick with the cold
division, Fred events of the Japanese community The cloudy.”
Kyowas meet the Ryusels this I went t tu-r
Hoshlyam*. , this year.
o6ee the other day. 8o etuis the day.
Saturday at 8an Mateo. K.K. won’t you write to Uncle Ned Goodbye and goodluek.
THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1936 1 he Japanese Ameri
can News 3

Militarists Struck Dartinta Japan-America

Ship Schedule
Swiftly in Dawn Nippon Yusen Liners
Relations to be
To Carry On Affected by Coup
To Effect ‘Coup’ ■T
Although there has been no of-
ficial WASHINGTON, Feb 26- Ja
communication from the head pan-
office, the NYK Lines will es? American relations will be vit-

not be
Imperial Guard JTas
League Ordered to Evict
affected by the disturbed conditions
in Tokyo, consequent of the mili-
affected as


result of


tary uprising, it ment leaders. Joseph H. Baird.


believed here
T. Kata oka, United Press writer commented to-
Rebel Troops submanager of the
NYK day.
company, indicated today.
The Th* State Department has Jived
Tatsuta M&ru
Of Overthrow
is scheduled
Striking to
TOKYO, Feb. 26 —
In hopes that the continuation of a
clear the Yokohama harbor today,
swiftly in the black dawn of Wed- Feb. 27.
moderate government in Japan
No official sailing report
nesday. Feb. 26, young Japanese would enable this country to solve
has been
received. Early reports
GENEVA. Feb. militarists executed a military its many problems with Tokyo, in-
26— l.ragur from Japan indicated that all ship-
of Nations “coup" which won them tempo- volving immigration, the
circles today looked ping from Tokyo had “open
with apprehension control of the Japanese gov-
stopped. door” policy of trade in China and
at indications rary
of a complete carried with an agreement on navpl strength
overthrow In the ernment, and which

Japanese Bonds
Japanese it death to Premier Oka- The triumphs of the liberals
government and that Keisuke in
the military last week’s election hope
forces had seized da, Viscount Admiral Makot Sal- gave new
power. of Japanese-American friendship.
to, Finance Minister Korekiyo
between Japan

to other
and brought injuries
prominent officials. The
Face Drops on Diplomats
the effect
of the Tokyo
today to dis-
viet Russia ssinations future Japanese
might become acute. Wed- upon
“coup” started at 5:30 a.m.

Early reports that Home Minis-
World Markets foreign
This hope was
btac’ed, in the
Revolt Details ter Fumio Goto was killed was ■ minds of diplcmats. by the assassi-
nation of liberal leaders and the
not confirmed. It was certain, ■m TOKYO .Feb.
27—(Thursday)— apparent triumph of Japan's ultra-
Japanese bonds
however, that hr was taken pri- on the internation-
by Tokyo ; ittHA militarists.

by the rebels. al exchange faced a sharp

soner young **
■ . ... iMt. , drop to- There was air of tension

I'nits of the Imperial Guard day in world centers an ar-
as a recurren-
KOREKIYO ound Secy, of Cordell
TAKAHASHI of today's crisis in State Hulls
evict the army ce
ordered to the empire.

office as American
from buildings and posi- Once a The stock exchange in statesmen lear-
rebels servantboy in Oakland, Tokyo and
ned of the military
they seized and fortified in Korekiyo Takahashi rose to pow- Osaka reopened but coup. It was a
tions turnover was
in at stand still. development they long have dread-
Tokyo. er the
Japanese government.
virtually isolated The 02-year-old Minister of Fi- The cotton and silk exchanges
TOKYO, Feb. 26—XletaiLx Tokyo was re-
of the Secretaries of the Japanese Em-
from world. Radio calls on nance waa frequently mained closed.
Army the opposed to
uprising In Tokyo in which bassy hurried to their
went unans- the demand, of The Bank of Japan offices to
three high statesmen were assassi- ordinary messages militarists for worked one
decode cables received
large budget hour • from Tokyo
nated were given
wered by Japanese stations. Tele- increases. overtime.
in an official during the bight.
from the Asiatic Other Japanese banks
commlnujue phone calls closed
of the War Office It be
down on may recalled that former
mainland were severed as soon credit pending settlement
Wednesday. Secy, of State Henry L. Slimson
China Fears
were made with of the crisis.
The as connections
announcement read: baaed his entire policy
tc*ard Ja-
“Several young officers Tokyo.
at 5 a m. pan In the days of the Manchurian
carried out by
Japanese Love
attacked the following places: The coop was
crisis on the hope that
according Bri- Tokyo's lib-
"Firs:, premier's official
ce. where Premier Okada
was kil-
New Policy in eral faction
would overcome toe

Moving into the city at the

of dawn, they seized love a la Japonaise The uprising of the
first streak was brou- military cle-
Tokyo Uprising
the lord privy seal's ght into the
the offices of (he cabinet minis- Superior Court Ta- ment In Japan dampened American
private residence, where Lord Sal-
ters, the Home Office, and resi- ***** by Tatsuto M. Kajima. hopes of a naval
to was killed. agreement with
of Premier Okada and 1603 Post street Kajima Tokyo. Even after
‘Thirdly, dences alleges th; Japanese
the Army Educational
Interior Fumio that Shinjiro, Tokoichi withdrew from
Bureau's Minister of the and Jiro the London naval
private residence, NANKING’ Feb.
where 26—Indications lloooya
Oeneral Goto, and Metropolitan police unlawfully seised his va- conference, the State Department
Watanabe was killed. that the
militarist coup in
headquarters. Tokyo Hosoda unlawfully seized had been hopeful
his va- that if a four-
was believed as foreboding
“Fourthly, the hotel at the Yu- In each instance Army rebels extreme luably 336-page manuscript on
power agreement was signed among
action by the
gawara Hot Springs, resistance Japanese army on “The Vicissitude the United States.
where the quick'y overcame the of Japanese Great Britain,
continental Asia
former lord against China Marriage System
privy seal. Count Ma- of sentries. and in the Local France and Italy, Japan
Soviet would ad-
kino, was
staying. Count Songs and Immigration here to its
Maklno The followed by five days Law of terms even though it
was missing after he escaped the The main 1924, did
the parliamentary elections in grounds for the as- ’ valued at $10,000, on Nov. not sign the pact formally.
attackers. serted action of the 20, 1934,
militarists ag- and refused to
which the three-party liberal bloc return Fcr three years
ainst the them. American-Japan-
Fifthly, th. grand chamberlain’s supporting the cabinet de- government, it was re- es; relations have
won a been tens*. The
o.flclal ported, are: The complaint
residence, cisive victory and the conservative asks $133,839.30 State department has
Admiral watched in-
Suzuki “and plus 5.127.75
was injured seriously.” Seiyukai party, which collabora- Firstly, that it did not attack yen for inter- tently every change in th; Tokyo
Russia four est.”'
ted with army leaders, suffered years ago when the government which might affect its
Uvuvnwxvw.HwwwuM setback. Fascist candi-
Soviet forocs were weaker. relations with
a severe the United S at:s.

Consul General
dates under. Secondly, Strained
were snowed because the relations
elder state- between Jip-
The regiment that led in the smen ctf Tokyo frequently stopped an and America arose in 1931 wh»n
was well armed. The the Japanese Sccy.
roup first army from push in a Stimscn protested Japans
Sees No Alarm
division was recently ordered to into China. asserted violation of th; nine-
Mahchukuo for service on the power treaty
Thirdly, because the campaign for by Us invasion of
Military developments in To- Russian border and ball cartrid- In a formal
an independJnt note to Tokyo, Secy.
North China as a
kyo today which led to the death ges had been issued to the troops With th military uprising, which Manchuria.
step to control of e
North China by
of throe high to replace the blank cartridges resulted in

cabinet officials Is the deaths of three

Japan has been sidestepped Stimson restated America's
similar to with which they supplied for high adher-
that which brought are government officials, comple- ence to th?
Fourthly, because Tokyo won't “cp:n dear" p;t:cy of
about the assassination home service. tely under control, and
of Pre- peace order fre e
allow the trad; in China first Lid down
mier Indications that the army to advance into has been
Inukai, May 15, 1932. coup may restored in Tokyo, the
Outer Mongolia and has by Secy of State Jchn Hay. adding
have been staged by military lea- been slow official Foreign Office pronounce-
Following are the major acts that this
of in permitting it to invest Inner government would no:
ders to remove from the ment stated today.
political violence govern-
in recent yaers: Mongolia. recognize the results of
ment those ministers deemed to Baron Shuh Tomii, San Francisco Japanese
November, aggression in Manchuria.
1930—Premier l'uko look with disfavor the It is feared t onsul General, expressed
upon ar- that if the military assurance
llamagurhi slain in Tokyo rail- my's plans for further expansion get control, they will want to that stability would be
take restored in
way station. Into North China and Mongolia, more drastic action in China lh government in short order. He

Counter Move
was given by the report that may also want to move into Eastern conveyed Foreign Office confidence
January. 1932—Emperor Hlro-
Takahashi those Siberia. They to the Japanese
hito was among as- also are expected to on the Pacific
escaped unharmed when
sassinated. The Finance Minister advance over the Mongolian border Coast that fear need not be
bomb exploded mani-
during procession.
had occasion opposed in- and seize part of Outer Mongolia. fest over th P alarming develop-
February, 1932—Baron Dan. di- crease
of army expenditures. ments of the "bloody Wednesday.'’
Kagawa Interviewed
In the past, according to Chinese
rector of Mitsui Industrial It on'y for similar Police
com- was

bine, slain. that

pur- opinion, the
Japanese government
and gendarmes in Tokyo
posr young army jingoists cooperated to restore order in
moved too slowly for the militarists.
on May 15, 1932, staged a short- th? city streets. Banks were re-
May, 1932—Premier Tsuyoohi The military started the Manchur-
lived coup in Tokyo during which ported reopened. Stock
Inukai shot dead in home by ian episode the Exchange DES MOINES. Feb.
Premier Tsuyoshl Innkal
and government
had to follow behind. operations. Japanese
shot to death in his home.
Kagawa, religious-econo-
mic leader, predicted a counter
The reported assassination mo-
March. 1934—Sanji Muto, in-
kahashi is here
of Ta-
New “Law of State” vement against the Japanese mili-
dustrialist and explained by his
newspaper publi- tarists which would lead
sher, seriously wounded. Martial Law opposition,
the demands
on financial
of the
army and
grounds, to
To be Promulgated downfall today when informed
to their

February, the
1935—MaUntaro Sho- The mill*ary wanted bigger expen- In Tokyo , Report army coup d'etat in Tokyo.
rikJ. publisher of Yomluri nrwi Perturbed at the reparted
ditures for armaments which he death
TOKYO. Feb. 27—In order WASHINGTON, Feb. 26-Authori-
paper, which had sponsored bora- to
of Korekiyo Takahashi. eleven
maintain ad order t stive sources in Tokyo today sta-
storming baseball trip of Babe peace in Tokyo, times finance minister, Kagawa
Th? ominous nature «»i(|
of the move ted that the military had announ-
Ruth and other American martial law was declared at 3 am. that his death
stars, in Tokyo is emphasized would inflame the
today, Thursday. by a dec a- ced a "new law of state” would be
stabbed, bnt recovered. Japanese people.
ration received here in private let- promulgated at 5 pm. According to
Lieut. Gen Kohel Kaaui was
August, 19X5—Lieutenant ter* from Japan—“Everyone in Ja- the advices the Japanese Among Japan's outstanding anU-
Gen named commander. military
pan considers war with Russia in- had established militarists,
oral Tetauxan Nag*to, director a cordon around Dr. Kagawa who is here
of Martial law was proclaimed in of- evitable and It
military may start this the Tokyo lecture
affairs, assassinated. ficial government circulars.
area containing govern- on a tour, is described as
spring.” ment offices. ‘
the voice for 30,000,000 Japanese ”



| tyy

orix I or mar moo
nit cMitr J f ro 7l/ <
a-piSnx 'dxiKrrtR

B* .
Franklins, U. C. To Tangle
In Traditional Eastbay GHp SapattPH? Atnmrmt

Cage Rivalry At Kezar


Undisputed leadership in the JA-

seis. who
Class A league was held tills
by the amazing Berkeley Nts-
nosed out the San Fran-
i IE
cisco YMCA in a nip-and-tuck
Drawing a bye. the transbay arew

rests this week. In the feature at-

tract ion.

at Kezar
and UC. will
Nippon Pros
Boxing, Horiguchi First Love
to decide a "grud-
ge." SF YMOA takes the
Oakland YMBA.
On weak
• •
• • •

* * * * * * * * *
To Arrive
The Alameda Mustangs and the 4-CAA RAPPED .
. .

“ ”
Richmond Kongos Out Pajaro valley
continued their has not
Piston Likes Languages
Here Today
way. ail
streak to retain the been
Studies Words
winning lead a bed of rosea or so the fol-
in the Class B. C. lowing oontnbutMm from an “irate" In Hawiian While In Islands
4-CAA basketball fan seems to in-
CLASS A dicate:—
By WALLACE HIRAI Ing the meaning. The fighter then Asanuma Brings
W L Frt. "The 4-CAA could have had lot
a Hanoinlu Nippa J«JI approached his trainer and Jokingly
Nisaai 3 6 I SO* better competition tf the
said: “You're foolish” If
Sixteen Players
Acting as
*F YMCA 1 1 *SM Taiyos had taken the Boxing is his first love but “Pis-
Santa Crus
c.c i YMA s place in the so-called ton” Hartguohi likes to do other
he was master of the English lan-
On U. S. Jaunt
i jam coastal “Thank
guage. Okamoto replied
Franklins l * .333 division. At the first 4-CAA things as well.
meet- you".
Oakland ing. The Dai Nippon Tokyo Oianta,
YMBA • 2 Mg at which member team For he likes languages.
every instance, Okamoto, through the Utter ex-
wus sixteen strong, will arrive in San
represented with
the exception When not training, he makes R a perience. now knows what “you're Francisco this afternoon aboard the
Results Last Week of the Watsonville Kasesu. Tar
Shi- point to
pick up a few expressions foohah” means.
Ghiohibu for a 75-game sch-
Nisseis 25. SF YMCA 23 rachi. Tatyo's player-manager In both English and Hawaiian. Bath But Piston had his own embarr-
edule in the US.
Franklins 35. Oakland YMBA 25 ooach-dictstor (no slam intended he his
and trainer. Fuji Okamoto. assing moment too. be told us.
Yoshio Asanuma, ac-
UC. kye ' for I respeot and admire manager,
his ac- are adept students insofar as learn- A few days after his arrival, an
companies the team. Games have
complishments*. put it through In ing is concerned. American walked him with a
up to been signed with Pacific Coast Lea-
Carnes This Week the form of motion that if there Fighter and trainer were guests question Sensing that Piston didn’t gue nines, Japanese teams, and
UC rs Franklins at Knar wore tb be two divisions, it
would be at a
banquet last night. The catch on the first time, the Ame-
group Southwestern aggregations, inclu-
SF YMCA vs Oakland YMBA at better if the Taiyos didn’t moot was an Informal one. It was “one rican repeated the question. The ding the Texas League.
YMCA the KaseL» so as to avoid “grave of those things" (the boxing com- fighter’s answer was a “thank you". This is the second trip for the
Nhotels, bye consequenoes

Of oourse. Tar was mission will probably get me for Now. Piston suspects his friend had Tokyo professionals who completed
right—the Kaaeis usually started using this expression) In which the wanted to know when he (Piston) a heavy schedule last season in the
CLASS B something intentionally, but some guerts were free to do as they wil- was going to have his first fight, for country.
W L of the rest of us believe that he
Pet. had led without creating ill-feeling with IV query started with “when.” Takeo Tabe,
It all
base-stealing phe-
Mustangs 3 0 1.000 planned out beforehand. Rea- their hosts. The popular fellow is fortifying nom, leads the group as captain
Oakland JAS 2 1 .660 lizing the weakened condition of Piston Eijt Sawamura.
his never tired of asking himself with the Hawaiian langu- schoolboy sensa-
Missels 2 1 egg Ttaiyo team and at the same time tion
tions. mainly as to what this and age, too. He knows what “kaukau" and Victor Starrfm. huge
Shawa 1 sensing the Russian,
1 .500 resporatbiHty of that expression meant. After some and “moi-moi” mean because he form the chief mound*- '
**■•*•» 1 1 .500 holding the T uyo prestige, he time, he pulled off the prize men.
con- joke likes to eat and sleep
U.C. 1 2 oocred he handy ‘coastal’ Newcomers on
. .333 and ’in- of the evening. Besides being a
linguist, the the nine include
VMCA 0 land' terms. the hard-hitting
4 .000 At the time the conversation took is also of Osamu Tsutsui <rf
• • •
scrapper a
• •
plaoe between Piston and his train- He doesn’t claim to
Matsuyama Commercial. He will
songs. himself
Results Last Week MORE GRIEVANCES. replace Hisanori Karita. ''
. . er. both were unfamiliar with for- be a talented singer but his own at short-
Mustangs 15, Oakland “Not only that but the stop, forming a new keystone
JAS 26 Mikasas eign languages. "Thank you” compositions ware presentable last com-
UC of Pan Juan should bination with Toshlo
30. shown 13 not have been probably the only words each knew. night. Shiraishl 'I
A least the musically-in-
NiaaeiH 27. YMCA admi: ed into the basketball Koryo high school star.
17 league Piston apparently wanted to play clined people thought so.
**• With a final series in
Protos, bye not this year. It seems a fast one with his colleague the Pad
So As for Hawaii, he thinks it’s a
fic Northwest to complete
they tried to "run" their Hollister he went in the iti- *»
search of something paradhe. “I come back." was his
contingents too nerary .the horsehiders will sail
Games This Week much, and oonse- funny. Somebody supplied him promise in spite of the boxing com-
for home. May 23.
Mustangs vs YMCA quervly, like England losing her co- with "you’re foolish.” also furnish- mission's recent quiz.
Missel vs Shown lonies. San Jua n lost the Hollister
UC Oakland JAS toys, who t'Klay known
vs are as the
Sloppy Oshita
JAAU Jottings
Protos. bye Bombers The Bombers
are also composed of the Gilroy Aids Panthers
CLASS C fellows
W L Pet.
Then also there are the Salinas Play In C, C. Cage Triumphs
Richmond 4 0 1.000 Japanese Japanese Presbyterian
SACRAMENTO. Frb 36—One? By Tad Hirota
On March 1
Oakland YMBA Afiaht Comrades They're all high

2 1 .666
school again Sakai Oshita, nisei guard on
Nbnei* 2 kids, but they're ten times
- I .664
beUer the Sacramento JC. basketball
OME 2 than the San Juan teams.
I _ggg
team, Battle Scars; By virtue
The Comrades played a
steady game as of their
8.F. Gales 1 | r,00 wanted to Join the
last minute
Delano Tackles Panthers took victory

4-CAA league, but the second of a two over the de-

UC 0 2 again the Taiyos
San took hand the game series from the Marin JC ea-
fending champs, the Son Francis-
l.eandro 0 4 .000
in matter -. Tar
knows that three contending bas- Dinuba; Hanford ger* Saturday. 38 to 24. 00 YMCA, the Oiant-killing Nisseis
Vhe Saaramentans from the Ooilege
are tied City have practi-
Plays in Fowler
Results ketball tenons in Salinas would now
Last Week mean

Richmond 24. Gales 23 the eventual weakening of his Tai-

for first plaoe In the Jaysee lea- cally cinahed the Northern Califor- \
gue with eight victories and two de- nia JAAU “A” league
Oakland YMBA, San Leandro yo team. As it is now, the Asahi cage title. A
feat* They share the deserved championship
OME 34. Comrades is just a
Talyo ’ farm" FRESNO. Feb. 36—With the position will be
Missels 33 op-
with San Francisoo theirs if they are able to hurdle the
UC b>e with most of the players that ening games billed for this Sunday, JC.
Oshita mediocre Oakland
Coach George Nagano develops go- Mar. 1, the Central California Ja- soared a field goal and Templars, on
four free March 8 next.
ing to the Taiyos.” panese baseball league schedule was throws for a total of six
Games This Week
announced points Saturday. What was
OME vs VC today as follows: supposed to be a “croo-
uhal" turned
HEIGHT IN North Division out to be a
Gales vs Nissei C AGE runaway
Mar 1—Delano as the Alameda Mustangs,
Nisseis Still
Richmond. Continuing with the at Dinuba, Han- a little
San Leandro. Oak- anonymous
ford Fowler. too classy a
land contribution, here is something that at team for the “B” league
YMBA. bye.
Mar. 8 —-Dinuba of the JAAU,
might interesting to our at Hanford, Fow- dumped the Oak-
ler at Delano. land JAS basketeers

Sac’to Blues To
14. writes:
the Watsonville Ace
Mar 15—Hanford at Delano, Di- Lead Scoring to wm. The
Isle City

Bees lost nuba at Fowler. might

a 30-17 decision to the as well be given the “B"
Mar. 22—Fowler at Hartford. Di-
Oorralitos team in the YMCA spon- crown! They’re too strong
Meet Loomis sored
division of
A local
the city


-Hanford at Dinuba, De- stars
the JAAU

the tussle

between the Grey-
Nisseis. the Richmond
lano at Fowler. men this week. Harry
in commenting said: “Anyway, the Kongo. San Francisoo Gales tilt
team Apr 5—Delano at Hanford. Fow- Oakland JAS, and
CorralltcK with members Harry Mayeda
Auburn ‘Jinx* raging six feet two
ler at Dinuba. Richmond, top the minor
proved to be a thriller as the Kon-
(they are ex- loops
go*' nosed out the Fog City Bussei
Sooth Division
For Sacramento ceptionally tall* met and naturally
Mar. 1—Parlter at
Claw A
in Jhe last minute to win by one
(Wasted the Ace Bees Fresno YMBA Mao Yamamoto, Nimeis
Japanese 38 sacred point, and their
Biota repulse
Church Quint whose players averaged five four.
at Bowles. E*neh Kambara.
Nbaek 1 32
Mar 8—Bowles strongest opponents in the JAAU
Despite what Nibs Frioe recently a* far Her. Fresno Mo Dmnoto,
Franklins 24 "C” league,
a aid about players for h!s California
at Biola.
So* Take!, Franklins
virtually cinching that
LOOMIS, Feb. 26—With 21 league’s laurels.
the Sa- Mar. 15—Biola at Par her,
varsity “Must be short it Bowie* k** Salto, Franklins
cramento Blues out 29 Thus,
to break their doesn't at Fresno last week’s curdals hav»
work out so well in the MIU Kaneko.

“Jin*," they SF YMCA 26

will tangle here Sun- Mar 22—Fresno at made champs of three quintets and
Wj’sonville city league.” Par Her, Biola Noba Nishimoto,
day with the SF YMCA 17
Loomis Red Uons at at Bowles. eliminated any hopes for the titlisU
The Ace Bees didn’t lose, though bnof Madokoro, U.C
Placer high In five yearn of Mar 29—Parlier at is of last
com- on aocount of differenoe In Bowles. Biola year to repeat. Thius the
petition with the IAons, the Sacra- according to our contributor.
at Fresno Greyhounds and the City of San
Class B
mant&ns have yet to win a Apr. 5—Parlier at Biola, Francisco
game. adds: “They lost because they Fresno have lost the JAAU

The at Bowles. Sakada. JAS 33

Loomis Cubs will play an- couldn’t sink ’em or crown for at least
they Min Naka one year.
other Sacramento Mustang* yam a.
five In the pre- ware pretty well Ured after playing ...

Weekly Predictions: San Francl*-

Harry Katayama. Nissei*
ttminary at 2:30 p.m. In the the Sara'a Cruz team Saturady. Sa- 21 • • • • •
our- ..

Taizo Imura, Mustangs

Udn raiser to the linas Aaahis Sunday night 20
Plaoer-Linooln and then go’s Y men will take the Oakland
tussle at Auburn, the Loomis Out* p.ayiug MJendoy again

OKILNIAL •• Ray Sadamune, JAS 20 Templars into camp only after a
John Hanamura, Mustangs
wbll play the Placer "C" 20
battle. The
EMbKOIDLRY HOUSE terrific Busseis art

champions of the Sierra Foothill 11 irota Named As Class C

coming up!
league, starting at 6:30 pm i.wsuTrtKsr.. atpoik The Franklin Greens will end
Harry Mayeda, Richmond
On the team are: Hank Yonehiro, Mack Y Member 64 their
disapointing JAAU season
Junsuke Agari,
Homer, Milton and George Takaha- Richmond 32
ahl. Mtfs Ogawa. Roy Yotoota, Youh.
OAKLAND. Feb 26- Tad Htrota.
boy*’ athletic commissioner at Mc-
® '
Mlchl Inouye, OME
3# legians.
triumph over the UC Oat-
v n ti m i a. Yoshi llibino, Nisseis
Miits Domen, Kas Miyamura. KJyo 28 • •
Clymonds high, was recently initia- Fred
# • *

Matsuoka. ' Yamashlro, Nisseis 26

ted into the Mack Hi-Y club.
■ 11 ‘l*'\ BUly
Hata, Nisseis
Muramatou. San Leandro


All A11-Bay
prove almost
region five this
tt ¥ > pick.
1 | | j.
Min Mayeda, Richmond 29
have shown
Too many nisei hoopstera

Poppy Beauty Parlor exceptional ability that

i n m m * *J Henry Kato To
any five that will be selected by any

flSSli >:
persons at the oloee of the 1W6

/ X » >

it y y
(\ Manage A guns JAAU league will not
be the “ctooi-

26-Henry Ka- ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
te has been elected
WK M WHILE YOU WAIT manager of the
Agun baseball team. Wanted
ntoeraer Teams wishing
16104 tieary Street Phone Kill irn
more 4181 to schedule Servieo Girt* Wanted. Apply at
games with the Aguna
are requested to
■ get in touch with 1788 Post Street. S. F.
manager, P. O. Box 87,

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