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Financial performance management

The performance of a retail property is not just about the rent or the net return. There
are a number of other things that come into the financial performance equation. When
you identify the right financial benchmarks to track, you can see and set the
performance of the retail property that the landlord requires. It also helps you set and
drive a better tenant mix strategy.

When the tracking of financial performance is neglected, you quickly see the Retail
Property and cash flow disintegrate and destabilize.

Here are a few key facts and trends to track in the financial performance of a retail

1. Get the trade numbers and turnover figures off your tenants on a weekly and
monthly basis. In doing this be sensitive to confidentiality. Only you as the
property manager and the landlord should see and analyse the figures. From
these figures monitor trends in the trade of tenant groups. If one tenant group
is trading better than others then you know you have an issue with the tenant
mix. That then comes down to a decision as to what the customer requires and
why you are not serving it. Consideration regards the demographics of the
shopper then become critical at the time of lease renewal or letting of vacant
2. With Retail Property, outgoings and occupancy costs are critical to the
landlord and the tenant from different directions. The landlord wants a better
net return, and the tenant wants a viable business. Uncontrolled or escalating
outgoings can destroy both. This then suggests that the outgoings for a Retail
Property should be carefully monitored and compared to properties in the area
of similar type. Higher property outgoings will also remove your competitive
edge when leasing vacant areas.
3. Tenants know what they should pay when it comes to occupancy costs. The
outgoings costs in Retail Property are generally higher when compared to
other types of Investment Property. This is due to the higher levels of
presentation and property performance generated from and the result of
customer and tenant interaction. A busy shopping centre will always have
higher outgoings simply because of the demand on daily presentation. More
people through the property means higher costs of running.
4. Every Retail Property should have a property budget. In that budget all matters
of income and expenditure should be tracked throughout the year. When it
comes to income, this is easily achieved from an analysis of all the leases
given the trends in the property market. When it comes to expenditure, this
tracking process will be achieved from history of expenditure together with
acceptable predictions of cost escalations in the region.
5. The tenancy mix of the property should be broken into regions or zones based
on the property design and layout. The turnover figures should then be tracked
within those regions or zones. What you're looking for is a significant
difference in turnover trending between zones. This will tell you when
customers prefer to shop in particular parts of the property. There will be
reasons behind this that have to be identified.
6. Municipal rates and taxes are a significant cost burden on the operation of a
Retail Property. They are what we call uncontrollable outgoings because they
are dictated by the local municipal council. The rates will normally be set by
some equation centred on the unimproved value of the property. This then
says that when the property is valued you have to be very mindful of any
ability to challenge the value set by the municipal council. Whilst it might be
very nice to have a highly valued property, it will reflect straight through to
the outgoings and impact both the landlord and the tenant. It is notable and of
some concern that the rates and taxes for a Retail Property are generally over
1/3 of the outgoings costs. Any savings you can make in this area will
significantly impact the net return for the landlord.
7. Track the vacancy trends in the property so that you know and see the
potential drain on cash flow that a vacancy can create in the future. Proactive
landlords and property managers tend to work well ahead of any vacancies and
leasing problems. This is usually 24 months away from the event. It allows
you to make key decisions and changes as appropriate. It also allows you to
make changes in the tenancy mix if that is required.
8. In any older property the requirements of refurbishment and redevelopment
will be critical to the property business plan and ongoing customer visitation.
The lease for the older Retail Property and all the tenancies contained therein
should integrate terms and conditions that allow the landlord to refurbishing
and redevelopment as required. Give due regard to the requirements and
impact of local legislation as it applies to retail premises. Some locations have
specific rules and regulations when it comes to renovation, relocation, and
9. Rental trends for similar properties will always be of interest and relevance. It
is common in Retail Property to have both net and gross rentals. It is important
that the levels of rental income in comparable properties are similar to yours.
You do not want a standalone as the best retail property with the highest
occupancy costs in the region. That is a recipe for a vacancy escalation. Stay
within the averages when it comes to occupancy costs, rentals, and outgoings.
10. Stay on top of the trends in the local area that the property serves. Understand
the demographics of your shopper and any changes that could be occurring
therein. Understand any changes in the transport, freeways and highways, and
economic sentiment in the region. As the region changes, then the property
should also change to suit.

So the tracking of financial performance in a Retail Property involves a number of

key issues and factors. When you use sound business practices to identify trends, you
help your property to perform more effectively for the landlord. Good decisions can
be made, and the business plan for the property becomes more achievable. : Over 200 ebooks, templates, forms for

performance appraisal.

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