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To achieve very high results in exams,students have to plan for themselves early on.That is
right from the beginning, students just need to review firmly the knowledge and skills taught in
class. Plan yourself in detail for what you need to achieve.It is better to review the lesson in a
method of dividing the content into smaller sections rather than rushing to study at the last
minutes before the exam
-The most important criterion of exam review is to study in a "systematic" way. Therefore, we
need to systematize all the knowledge to moderate to where it should be. In addition, whatever
content I can do, review carefully, so that I will definitely get points when taking the exam. That
is the basic knowledge in textbooks
-Self-study is a way to train independent and effective thinking.When studying alone, you will
have a quiet space, less disturbed by others and focus entirely on each study. Or simply, you
can be active with the amount of time you get by dividing the subjects within a reasonable day.
Self-study will become more effective when teenagers can read and re-read the content of the
previous lesson before starting a new block of knowledge. This will help us to get more out of
focus without needing to be like a parrot.
-Reasonable study, play and rest time will help you prepare for the exam more effectively than
leaving your schedule in a free-falling state. From the early morning, students should say
goodbye to their warm blankets to sit at their desks because this is the time when their bodies
are most alert and lucid. Take advantage of reviewing exercises from 5am to 6am. Getting to
sleep on time is also important to ensure health during the school days and test. Do not stay up
all night, all morning just to review. It only makes students become more tired and unable to
absorb anything the next day. Remember to only gather information when you have
experienced a moderate sleep.And finally, the most important thing, wish you have a relaxing
spirit to achieve high results in the next exam.

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