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PART 262—STANDARDS APPLICA- 262.87 Reporting and recordkeeping.

262.88 Pre-approval for U.S. Recovery Fa-

BLE TO GENERATORS OF HAZ- cilities (Reserved).
ARDOUS WASTE 262.89 OECD Waste Lists.
FORMS 8700–22 AND 8700–22A AND THEIR IN-
262.10 Purpose, scope, and applicability.
262.11 Hazardous waste determination. AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C 6906, 6912, 6922-6925,
262.12 EPA identification numbers. 6937, and 6938.

Subpart B—The Manifest SOURCE: 45 FR 33142, May 19, 1980, unless

otherwise noted.
262.20 General requirements.
262.21 Acquisition of manifests.
262.22 Number of copies. Subpart A—General
262.23 Use of the manifest.
§ 262.10 Purpose, scope, and applica-
Subpart C—Pre-Transport Requirements bility.
262.30 Packaging. (a) These regulations establish stand-
262.31 Labeling. ards for generators of hazardous waste.
262.32 Marking. (b) 40 CFR 261.5(c) and (d) must be
262.33 Placarding. used to determine the applicability of
262.34 Accumulation time. provisions of this part that are depend-
ent on calculations of the quantity of
Subpart D—Recordkeeping and Reporting
hazardous waste generated per month.
262.40 Recordkeeping. (c) A generator who treats, stores, or
262.41 Biennial report. disposes of hazardous waste on-site
262.42 Exception reporting. must only comply with the following
262.43 Additional reporting. sections of this part with respect to
262.44 Special requirements for generators
that waste: Section 262.11 for deter-
of between 100 and 1000 kg/mo.
mining whether or not he has a haz-
Subpart E—Exports of Hazardous Waste ardous waste, § 262.12 for obtaining an
EPA identification number, § 262.34 for
262.50 Applicability. accumulation of hazardous waste,
262.51 Definitions. § 262.40 (c) and (d) for recordkeeping,
262.52 General requirements.
§ 262.43 for additional reporting, and if
262.53 Notification of intent to export.
262.54 Special manifest requirements. applicable, § 262.70 for farmers.
262.55 Exception reports. (d) Any person who exports or im-
262.56 Annual reports. ports hazardous waste subject to the
262.57 Recordkeeping. Federal manifesting requirements of
262.58 International agreements. part 262, or subject to the universal
waste management standards of 40 CFR
Subpart F—Imports of Hazardous Waste Part 273, or subject to State require-
262.60 Imports of hazardous waste. ments analogous to 40 CFR Part 273, to
or from the countries listed in
Subpart G—Farmers § 262.58(a)(1) for recovery must comply
with subpart H of this part.
262.70 Farmers.
(e) Any person who imports haz-
Subpart H—Transfrontier shipments of haz- ardous waste into the United States
ardous waste for recovery within the must comply with the standards appli-
OECD cable to generators established in this
262.80 Applicability. (f) A farmer who generates waste pes-
262.81 Definitions. ticides which are hazardous waste and
262.82 General conditions.
who complies with all of the require-
262.83 Notification and consent.
262.84 Tracking document. ments of § 262.70 is not required to com-
262.85 Contracts. ply with other standards in this part or
262.86 Provisions relating to recognized 40 CFR parts 270, 264, 265, or 268 with re-
traders. spect to such pesticides.

§ 262.11 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

(g) A person who generates a haz- whether the waste is identified in sub-
ardous waste as defined by 40 CFR part part C of 40 CFR part 261 by either:
261 is subject to the compliance re- (1) Testing the waste according to
quirements and penalties prescribed in the methods set forth in subpart C of 40
section 3008 of the Act if he does not CFR part 261, or according to an equiv-
comply with the requirements of this alent method approved by the Adminis-
part. trator under 40 CFR 260.21; or
(h) An owner or operator who initi- (2) Applying knowledge of the hazard
ates a shipment of hazardous waste characteristic of the waste in light of
from a treatment, storage, or disposal the materials or the processes used.
facility must comply with the gener- (d) If the waste is determined to be
ator standards established in this part. hazardous, the generator must refer to
(i) Persons responding to an explo- parts 261, 264, 265, 266, 268, and 273 of
sives or munitions emergency in ac- this chapter for possible exclusions or
cordance with 40 CFR 264.1(g)(8)(i)(D) restrictions pertaining to management
or (iv) or 265.1(c)(11)(i)(D) or (iv), and of the specific waste.
270.1(c)(3)(i)(D) or (iii) are not required
to comply with the standards of this [45 FR 33142, May 19, 1980, as amended at 45
part. FR 76624, Nov. 19, 1980; 51 FR 40637, Nov. 7,
NOTE 1: The provisions of § 262.34 are 1986; 55 FR 22684, June 1, 1990; 56 FR 3877, Jan.
31, 1991; 60 FR 25541, May 11, 1995]
applicable to the on-site accumulation
of hazardous waste by generators. § 262.12 EPA identification numbers.
Therefore, the provisions of § 262.34
only apply to owners or operators who (a) A generator must not treat, store,
are shipping hazardous waste which dispose of, transport, or offer for trans-
they generated at that facility. portation, hazardous waste without
having received an EPA identification
NOTE 2: A generator who treats,
stores, or disposes of hazardous waste number from the Administrator.
on-site must comply with the applica- (b) A generator who has not received
ble standards and permit requirements an EPA identification number may ob-
set forth in 40 CFR parts 264, 265, 266, tain one by applying to the Adminis-
268, and 270. trator using EPA form 8700–12. Upon re-
ceiving the request the Administrator
[45 FR 33142, May 19, 1980, as amended at 45 will assign an EPA identification num-
FR 86970, Dec. 31, 1980; 47 FR 1251, Jan. 11, ber to the generator.
1982; 48 FR 14294, Apr. 1, 1983; 53 FR 27164,
July 19, 1988; 56 FR 3877, Jan. 31, 1991; 60 FR
(c) A generator must not offer his
25541, May 11, 1995; 61 FR 16309, Apr. 12, 1996; hazardous waste to transporters or to
62 FR 6651, Feb. 12, 1997] treatment, storage, or disposal facili-
ties that have not received an EPA
§ 262.11 Hazardous waste determina- identification number.
A person who generates a solid waste, Subpart B—The Manifest
as defined in 40 CFR 261.2, must deter-
mine if that waste is a hazardous waste § 262.20 General requirements.
using the following method: (a) A generator who transports, or of-
(a) He should first determine if the fers for transportation, hazardous
waste is excluded from regulation waste for offsite treatment, storage, or
under 40 CFR 261.4. disposal must prepare a Manifest OMB
(b) He must then determine if the
control number 2050–0039 on EPA form
waste is listed as a hazardous waste in
8700–22, and, if necessary, EPA form
subpart D of 40 CFR part 261.
8700–22A, according to the instructions
NOTE: Even if the waste is listed, the gen-
erator still has an opportunity under 40 CFR
included in the appendix to part 262.
260.22 to demonstrate to the Administrator (b) A generator must designate on
that the waste from his particular facility or the manifest one facility which is per-
operation is not a hazardous waste. mitted to handle the waste described
(c) For purposes of compliance with on the manifest.
40 CFR part 268, or if the waste is not (c) A generator may also designate
listed in subpart D of 40 CFR part 261, on the manifest one alternate facility
the generator must then determine which is permitted to handle his waste

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.23

in the event an emergency prevents de- ator State) supplies the manifest and
livery of the waste to the primary des- requires its use, then the generator
ignated facility. must use that State’s manifest.
(d) If the transporter is unable to de- (c) If neither the generator State nor
liver the hazardous waste to the des- the consignment State supplies the
ignated facility or the alternate facil- manifest, then the generator may ob-
ity, the generator must either des- tain the manifest from any source.
ignate another facility or instruct the [49 FR 10500, Mar. 20, 1984]
transporter to return the waste.
(e) The requirements of this subpart
do not apply to hazardous waste pro- § 262.22 Number of copies.
duced by generators of greater than 100 The manifest consists of at least the
kg but less than 1000 kg in a calendar number of copies which will provide
month where: the generator, each transporter, and
(1) The waste is reclaimed under a the owner or operator of the designated
contractual agreement pursuant to facility with one copy each for their
which: records and another copy to be re-
(i) The type of waste and frequency of turned to the generator.
shipments are specified in the agree-
ment; § 262.23 Use of the manifest.
(ii) The vehicle used to transport the (a) The generator must:
waste to the recycling facility and to (1) Sign the manifest certification by
deliver regenerated material back to hand; and
the generator is owned and operated by (2) Obtain the handwritten signature
the reclaimer of the waste; and of the initial transporter and date of
(2) The generator maintains a copy of acceptance on the manifest; and
the reclamation agreement in his files (3) Retain one copy, in accordance
for a period of at least three years after with § 262.40(a).
termination or expiration of the agree- (b) The generator must give the
ment. transporter the remaining copies of the
(f) The requirements of this subpart manifest.
and § 262.32(b) do not apply to the trans- (c) For shipments of hazardous waste
port of hazardous wastes on a public or within the United States solely by
private right-of-way within or along water (bulk shipments only), the gener-
the border of contiguous property ator must send three copies of the
under the control of the same person, manifest dated and signed in accord-
even if such contiguous property is di- ance with this section to the owner or
vided by a public or private right-of- operator of the designated facility or
way. Notwithstanding 40 CFR 263.10(a), the last water (bulk shipment) trans-
the generator or transporter must com- porter to handle the waste in the
ply with the requirements for trans- United States if exported by water.
porters set forth in 40 CFR 263.30 and Copies of the manifest are not required
263.31 in the event of a discharge of for each transporter.
hazardous waste on a public or private (d) For rail shipments of hazardous
right-of-way. waste within the United States which
[45 FR 33142, May 19, 1980, as amended at 49 originate at the site of generation, the
FR 10500, Mar. 20, 1984; 51 FR 10175, Mar. 24, generator must send at least three cop-
1986; 53 FR 45090, Nov. 8, 1988; 62 FR 6651, Feb. ies of the manifest dated and signed in
12, 1997] accordance with this section to:
(1) The next non-rail transporter, if
§ 262.21 Acquisition of manifests. any; or
(a) If the State to which the ship- (2) The designated facility if trans-
ment is manifested (consignment ported solely by rail; or
State) supplies the manifest and re- (3) The last rail transporter to handle
quires its use, then the generator must the waste in the United States if ex-
use that manifest. ported by rail.
(b) If the consignment State does not (e) For shipments of hazardous waste
supply the manifest, but the State in to a designated facility in an author-
which the generator is located (gener- ized State which has not yet obtained

§ 262.30 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

authorization to regulate that par- § 262.33 Placarding.

ticular waste as hazardous, the gener- Before transporting hazardous waste
ator must assure that the designated or offering hazardous waste for trans-
facility agrees to sign and return the portation off-site, a generator must
manifest to the generator, and that placard or offer the initial transporter
any out-of-state transporter signs and the appropriate placards according to
forwards the manifest to the des- Department of Transportation regula-
ignated facility. tions for hazardous materials under 49
NOTE: See § 263.20(e) and (f) for special pro-
visions for rail or water (bulk shipment)
CFR part 172, subpart F.
§ 262.34 Accumulation time.
[45 FR 33142, May 19, 1980, as amended at 45
FR 86973, Dec. 31, 1980; 55 FR 2354, Jan. 23,
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs
1990] (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a gener-
ator may accumulate hazardous waste
on-site for 90 days or less without a
Subpart C—Pre-Transport permit or without having interim sta-
Requirements tus, provided that:
(1) The waste is placed:
§ 262.30 Packaging.
(i) In containers and the generator
Before transporting hazardous waste complies with the applicable require-
or offering hazardous waste for trans- ments of subparts I, AA, BB, and CC of
portation off-site, a generator must 40 CFR part 265; and/or
package the waste in accordance with (ii) In tanks and the generator com-
the applicable Department of Transpor- plies with the applicable requirements
tation regulations on packaging under of subparts J, AA, BB, and CC of 40
49 CFR parts 173, 178, and 179. CFR part 265 except §§ 265.197(c) and
265.200; and/or
§ 262.31 Labeling. (iii) On drip pads and the generator
Before transporting or offering haz- complies with subpart W of 40 CFR part
ardous waste for transportation off- 265 and maintains the following records
site, a generator must label each pack- at the facility:
age in accordance with the applicable (A) A description of procedures that
Department of Transportation regula- will be followed to ensure that all
tions on hazardous materials under 49 wastes are removed from the drip pad
CFR part 172. and associated collection system at
least once every 90 days; and
§ 262.32 Marking. (B) Documentation of each waste re-
(a) Before transporting or offering moval, including the quantity of waste
hazardous waste for transportation off- removed from the drip pad and the
site, a generator must mark each pack- sump or collection system and the date
age of hazardous waste in accordance and time of removal; and/or
with the applicable Department of (iv) The waste is placed in contain-
Transportation regulations on haz- ment buildings and the generator com-
ardous materials under 49 CFR part 172; plies with subpart DD of 40 CFR part
(b) Before transporting hazardous 265, has placed its professional engineer
waste or offering hazardous waste for certification that the building com-
transportation off-site, a generator plies with the design standards speci-
must mark each container of 110 gal- fied in 40 CFR 265.1101 in the facility’s
lons or less used in such transportation operating record no later than 60 days
with the following words and informa- after the date of initial operation of
tion displayed in accordance with the the unit. After February 18, 1993, PE
requirements of 49 CFR 172.304: certification will be required prior to
HAZARDOUS WASTE—Federal Law operation of the unit. The owner or op-
Prohibits Improper Disposal. If found, erator shall maintain the following
contact the nearest police or public records at the facility:
safety authority or the U.S. Environ- (A) A written description of proce-
mental Protection Agency. dures to ensure that each waste volume
Generator’s Name and Address —————. remains in the unit for no more than 90
Manifest Document Number ——————. days, a written description of the waste

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.34

generation and management practices cess of the amounts listed in paragraph

for the facility showing that they are (c)(1) of this section at or near any
consistent with respecting the 90 day point of generation must, with respect
limit, and documentation that the pro- to that amount of excess waste, comply
cedures are complied with; or within three days with paragraph (a) of
(B) Documentation that the unit is this section or other applicable provi-
emptied at least once every 90 days. sions of this chapter. During the three
In addition, such a generator is exempt day period the generator must con-
from all the requirements in subparts tinue to comply with paragraphs
G and H of 40 CFR part 265, except for (c)(1)(i) through (ii) of this section. The
§§ 265.111 and 265.114. generator must mark the container
(2) The date upon which each period holding the excess accumulation of
of accumulation begins is clearly hazardous waste with the date the ex-
marked and visible for inspection on cess amount began accumulating.
each container; (d) A generator who generates great-
(3) While being accumulated on-site, er than 100 kilograms but less than 1000
each container and tank is labeled or kilograms of hazardous waste in a cal-
marked clearly with the words, ‘‘Haz- endar month may accumulate haz-
ardous Waste’’; and ardous waste on-site for 180 days or less
(4) The generator complies with the without a permit or without having in-
requirements for owners or operators terim status provided that:
in subparts C and D in 40 CFR part 265, (1) The quantity of waste accumu-
with § 265.16, and with 40 CFR lated on-site never exceeds 6000 kilo-
268.7(a)(4). grams;
(b) A generator who accumulates haz- (2) The generator complies with the
ardous waste for more than 90 days is requirements of subpart I of part 265 of
an operator of a storage facility and is this chapter, except for §§ 265.176 and
subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 265.178;
parts 264 and 265 and the permit re- (3) The generator complies with the
quirements of 40 CFR part 270 unless he requirements of § 265.201 in subpart J of
has been granted an extension to the part 265;
90-day period. Such extension may be (4) The generator complies with the
granted by EPA if hazardous wastes requirements of paragraphs (a)(2) and
must remain on-site for longer than 90 (a)(3) of this section, the requirements
days due to unforeseen, temporary, and of subpart C of part 265, the require-
uncontrollable circumstances. An ex- ments of 40 CFR 268.7(a)(5); and
tension of up to 30 days may be granted (5) The generator complies with the
at the discretion of the Regional Ad- following requirements:
ministrator on a case-by-case basis. (i) At all times there must be at least
(c)(1) A generator may accumulate as one employee either on the premises or
much as 55 gallons of hazardous waste on call (i.e., available to respond to an
or one quart of acutely hazardous emergency by reaching the facility
waste listed in § 261.33(e) in containers within a short period of time) with the
at or near any point of generation responsibility for coordinating all
where wastes initially accumulate, emergency response measures specified
which is under the control of the oper- in paragraph (d)(5)(iv) of this section.
ator of the process generating the This employee is the emergency coor-
waste, without a permit or interim sta- dinator.
tus and without complying with para- (ii) The generator must post the fol-
graph (a) of this section provided he: lowing information next to the tele-
(i) Complies with §§ 265.171, 265.172, phone:
and 265.173(a) of this chapter; and (A) The name and telephone number
(ii) Marks his containers either with of the emergency coordinator;
the words ‘‘Hazardous Waste’’ or with (B) Location of fire extinguishers and
other words that identify the contents spill control material, and, if present,
of the containers. fire alarm; and
(2) A generator who accumulates ei- (C) The telephone number of the fire
ther hazardous waste or acutely haz- department, unless the facility has a
ardous waste listed in § 261.33(e) in ex- direct alarm.

§ 262.40 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

(iii) The generator must ensure that transportation, over a distance of 200
all employees are thoroughly familiar miles or more) is an operator of a stor-
with proper waste handling and emer- age facility and is subject to the re-
gency procedures, relevant to their re- quirements of 40 CFR parts 264 and 265
sponsibilities during normal facility and the permit requirements of 40 CFR
operations and emergencies; part 270 unless he has been granted an
(iv) The emergency coordinator or extension to the 180-day (or 270-day if
his designee must respond to any emer- applicable) period. Such extension may
gencies that arise. The applicable re- be granted by EPA if hazardous wastes
sponses are as follows: must remain on-site for longer than 180
(A) In the event of a fire, call the fire days (or 270 days if applicable) due to
department or attempt to extinguish it unforeseen, temporary, and uncontrol-
using a fire extinguisher; lable circumstances. An extension of
(B) In the event of a spill, contain the up to 30 days may be granted at the
flow of hazardous waste to the extent discretion of the Regional Adminis-
possible, and as soon as is practicable, trator on a case-by-case basis.
clean up the hazardous waste and any
[47 FR 1251, Jan. 11, 1982, as amended at 48
contaminated materials or soil; FR 14294, Apr. 1, 1983; 49 FR 49571, Dec. 20,
(C) In the event of a fire, explosion, 1984; 51 FR 10175, Mar. 24, 1986; 51 FR 25472,
or other release which could threaten July 14, 1986; 55 FR 22684, June 1, 1990; 55 FR
human health outside the facility or 50483, Dec. 6, 1990; 56 FR 3877, Jan. 31, 1991; 56
when the generator has knowledge that FR 30195, July 1, 1991; 57 FR 37264, Aug. 18,
a spill has reached surface water, the 1992; 59 FR 62926, Dec. 6, 1994; 61 FR 4911, Feb.
generator must immediately notify the 9, 1996; 61 FR 59950, Nov. 25, 1996; 64 FR 3388,
National Response Center (using their Jan. 21, 1999; 64 FR 25414, May 11, 1999]
24-hour toll free number 800/424–8802).
The report must include the following Subpart D—Recordkeeping and
information: Reporting
(1) The name, address, and U.S. EPA
Identification Number of the generator; § 262.40 Recordkeeping.
(2) Date, time, and type of incident (a) A generator must keep a copy of
(e.g., spill or fire); each manifest signed in accordance
(3) Quantity and type of hazardous with § 262.23(a) for three years or until
waste involved in the incident; he receives a signed copy from the des-
(4) Extent of injuries, if any; and ignated facility which received the
(5) Estimated quantity and disposi- waste. This signed copy must be re-
tion of recovered materials, if any. tained as a record for at least three
(e) A generator who generates great- years from the date the waste was ac-
er than 100 kilograms but less than 1000 cepted by the initial transporter.
kilograms of hazardous waste in a cal- (b) A generator must keep a copy of
endar month and who must transport each Biennial Report and Exception
his waste, or offer his waste for trans- Report for a period of at least three
portation, over a distance of 200 miles years from the due date of the report.
or more for off-site treatment, storage
(c) A generator must keep records of
or disposal may accumulate hazardous
any test results, waste analyses, or
waste on-site for 270 days or less with-
other determinations made in accord-
out a permit or without having interim
ance with § 262.11 for at least three
status provided that he complies with
years from the date that the waste was
the requirements of paragraph (d) of
last sent to on-site or off-site treat-
this section.
ment, storage, or disposal.
(f) A generator who generates greater
than 100 kilograms but less than 1000 (d) The periods or retention referred
kilograms of hazardous waste in a cal- to in this section are extended auto-
endar month and who accumulates haz- matically during the course of any un-
ardous waste in quantities exceeding resolved enforcement action regarding
6000 kg or accumulates hazardous the regulated activity or as requested
waste for more than 180 days (or for by the Administrator.
more than 270 days if he must trans- [45 FR 33142, May 19, 1980, as amended at 48
port his waste, or offer his waste for FR 3981, Jan. 28, 1983]

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.42

§ 262.41 Biennial report. report requirement is set forth at 40

CFR 262.56.
(a) A generator who ships any haz-
ardous waste off-site to a treatment, [48 FR 3981, Jan. 28, 1983, as amended at 48
storage or disposal facility within the FR 14294, Apr. 1, 1983; 50 FR 28746, July 15,
United States must prepare and submit 1985; 51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986]
a single copy of a Biennial Report to
the Regional Administrator by March 1 § 262.42 Exception reporting.
of each even numbered year. The Bien-
(a)(1) A generator of greater than 1000
nial Report must be submitted on EPA
kilograms of hazardous waste in a cal-
Form 8700–13A, must cover generator
endar month who does not receive a
activities during the previous year, and
copy of the manifest with the hand-
must include the following informa-
tion: written signature of the owner or oper-
ator of the designated facility within 35
(1) The EPA identification number,
days of the date the waste was accept-
name, and address of the generator;
ed by the initial transporter must con-
(2) The calendar year covered by the
tact the transporter and/or the owner
or operator of the designated facility
(3) The EPA identification number,
to determine the status of the haz-
name, and address for each off-site
ardous waste.
treatment, storage, or disposal facility
in the United States to which waste (2) A generator of greater than 1000
was shipped during the year; kilograms of hazardous waste in a cal-
endar month must submit an Excep-
(4) The name and EPA identification
tion Report to the EPA Regional Ad-
number of each transporter used during
the reporting year for shipments to a ministrator for the Region in which
treatment, storage or disposal facility the generator is located if he has not
within the United States; received a copy of the manifest with
the handwritten signature of the owner
(5) A description, EPA hazardous
waste number (from 40 CFR part 261, or operator of the designated facility
subpart C or D), DOT hazard class, and within 45 days of the date the waste
quantity of each hazardous waste was accepted by the initial transporter.
shipped off-site for shipments to a The Exception Report must include:
treatment, storage or disposal facility (i) A legible copy of the manifest for
within the United States. This infor- which the generator does not have con-
mation must be listed by EPA identi- firmation of delivery;
fication number of each such off-site (ii) A cover letter signed by the gen-
facility to which waste was shipped. erator or his authorized representative
(6) A description of the efforts under- explaining the efforts taken to locate
taken during the year to reduce the the hazardous waste and the results of
volume and toxicity of waste gen- those efforts.
erated. (b) A generator of greater than 100
(7) A description of the changes in kilograms but less than 1000 kilograms
volume and toxicity of waste actually of hazardous waste in a calendar month
achieved during the year in comparison who does not receive a copy of the
to previous years to the extent such in- manifest with the handwritten signa-
formation is available for years prior ture of the owner or operator of the
to 1984. designated facility within 60 days of
(8) The certification signed by the the date the waste was accepted by the
generator or authorized representative. initial transporter must submit a leg-
(b) Any generator who treats, stores, ible copy of the manifest, with some
or disposes of hazardous waste on-site indication that the generator has not
must submit a biennial report covering received confirmation of delivery, to
those wastes in accordance with the the EPA Regional Administrator for
provisions of 40 CFR parts 270, 264, 265, the Region in which the generator is
and 266. Reporting for exports of haz- located.
ardous waste is not required on the Bi- NOTE: The submission to EPA need only be
ennial Report form. A separate annual a handwritten or typed note on the manifest

§ 262.43 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)
itself, or on an attached sheet of paper, stat- § 262.51 Definitions.
ing that the return copy was not received.
In addition to the definitions set
[52 FR 35898, Sept. 23, 1987] forth at 40 CFR 260.10, the following
definitions apply to this subpart:
§ 262.43 Additional reporting. Consignee means the ultimate treat-
The Administrator, as he deems nec- ment, storage or disposal facility in a
receiving country to which the haz-
essary under sections 2002(a) and 3002(6)
ardous waste will be sent.
of the Act, may require generators to
EPA Acknowledgement of Consent
furnish additional reports concerning
means the cable sent to EPA from the
the quantities and disposition of U.S. Embassy in a receiving country
wastes identified or listed in 40 CFR that acknowledges the written consent
part 261. of the receiving country to accept the
hazardous waste and describes the
§ 262.44 Special requirements for gen-
terms and conditions of the receiving
erators of between 100 and 1000 kg/
mo. country’s consent to the shipment.
Primary Exporter means any person
A generator of greater than 100 kilo- who is required to originate the mani-
grams but less than 1000 kilograms of fest for a shipment of hazardous waste
hazardous waste in a calendar month is in accordance with 40 CFR part 262,
subject only to the following require- subpart B, or equivalent State provi-
ments in this subpart: sion, which specifies a treatment, stor-
(a) Section 262.40(a), (c), and (d), rec- age, or disposal facility in a receiving
ordkeeping; country as the facility to which the
(b) Section 262.42(b), exception re- hazardous waste will be sent and any
porting; and intermediary arranging for the export.
(c) Section 262.43, additional report- Receiving country means a foreign
ing. country to which a hazardous waste is
sent for the purpose of treatment, stor-
[52 FR 35899, Sept. 23, 1987] age or disposal (except short-term stor-
age incidental to transportation).
Subpart E—Exports of Hazardous Transit country means any foreign
Waste country, other than a receiving coun-
try, through which a hazardous waste
is transported.
SOURCE: 51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986, unless
otherwise noted. [53 FR 27164, July 19, 1988]

§ 262.50 Applicability.
§ 262.52 General requirements.
This subpart establishes require- Exports of hazardous waste are pro-
ments applicable to exports of haz- hibited except in compliance with the
ardous waste. Except to the extent applicable requirements of this subpart
§ 262.58 provides otherwise, a primary and part 263. Exports of hazardous
exporter of hazardous waste must com- waste are prohibited unless:
ply with the special requirements of (a) Notification in accordance with
this subpart and a transporter trans- § 262.53 has been provided;
porting hazardous waste for export (b) The receiving country has con-
must comply with applicable require- sented to accept the hazardous waste;
ments of part 263. Section 262.58 sets (c) A copy of the EPA Acknowledg-
forth the requirements of international ment of Consent to the shipment ac-
agreements between the United States companies the hazardous waste ship-
and receiving countries which establish ment and, unless exported by rail, is
different notice, export, and enforce- attached to the manifest (or shipping
ment procedures for the transpor- paper for exports by water (bulk ship-
tation, treatment, storage and disposal ment)).
of hazardous waste for shipments be- (d) The hazardous waste shipment
tween the United States and those conforms to the terms of the receiving
countries. country’s written consent as reflected

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.53

in the EPA Acknowledgment of Con- waste will be sent and a description of

sent. the approximate length of time the
hazardous waste will remain in such
§ 262.53 Notification of intent to ex- country and the nature of its handling
while there;
(a) A primary exporter of hazardous (b) Notifications submitted by mail
waste must notify EPA of an intended should be sent to the following mailing
export before such waste is scheduled address: Office of Enforcement and
to leave the United States. A complete Compliance Assurance, Office of Com-
notification should be submitted sixty pliance, Enforcement Planning, Tar-
(60) days before the initial shipment is geting, and Data Division (2222A), En-
intended to be shipped off site. This no- vironmental Protection Agency, 401 M
tification may cover export activities
St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Hand-
extending over a twelve (12) month or
delivered notifications should be sent
lesser period. The notification must be
to: Office of Enforcement and Compli-
in writing, signed by the primary ex-
ance Assurance, Office of Compliance,
porter, and include the following infor-
mation: Enforcement Planning, Targeting, and
(1) Name, mailing address, telephone Data Division (2222A), Environmental
number and EPA ID number of the pri- Protection Agency, Ariel Rios Bldg.,
mary exporter; 12th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
(2) By consignee, for each hazardous Washington, DC. In both cases, the fol-
waste type: lowing shall be prominently displayed
(i) A description of the hazardous on the front of the envelope: ‘‘Atten-
waste and the EPA hazardous waste tion: Notification of Intent to Export.’’
number (from 40 CFR part 261, subparts (c) Except for changes to the tele-
C and D), U.S. DOT proper shipping phone number in paragraph (a)(1) of
name, hazard class and ID number (UN/ this section, changes to paragraph
NA) for each hazardous waste as identi- (a)(2)(v) of this section and decreases in
fied in 49 CFR parts 171 through 177; the quantity indicated pursuant to
(ii) The estimated frequency or rate paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section
at which such waste is to be exported when the conditions specified on the
and the period of time over which such original notification change (including
waste is to be exported. any exceedance of the estimate of the
(iii) The estimated total quantity of quantity of hazardous waste specified
the hazardous waste in units as speci- in the original notification), the pri-
fied in the instructions to the Uniform mary exporter must provide EPA with
Hazardous Waste Manifest Form (8700– a written renotification of the change.
22); The shipment cannot take place until
(iv) All points of entry to and depar- consent of the receiving country to the
ture from each foreign country through changes (except for changes to para-
which the hazardous waste will pass; graph (a)(2)(viii) of this section and in
(v) A description of the means by
the ports of entry to and departure
which each shipment of the hazardous
from transit countries pursuant to
waste will be transported (e.g., mode of
paragraph (a)(2)(iv) of this section) has
transportation vehicle (air, highway,
rail, water, etc.), type(s) of container been obtained and the primary ex-
(drums, boxes, tanks, etc.)); porter receives an EPA Acknowledg-
(vi) A description of the manner in ment of Consent reflecting the receiv-
which the hazardous waste will be ing country’s consent to the changes.
treated, stored or disposed of in the re- (d) Upon request by EPA, a primary
ceiving country (e.g., land or ocean in- exporter shall furnish to EPA any addi-
cineration, other land disposal, ocean tional information which a receiving
dumping, recycling); country requests in order to respond to
(vii) The name and site address of the a notification.
consignee and any alternate consignee; (e) In conjunction with the Depart-
and ment of State, EPA will provide a com-
(viii) The name of any transit coun- plete notification to the receiving
tries through which the hazardous country and any transit countries. A

§ 262.54 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

notification is complete when EPA re- does not supply the manifest form, the
ceives a notification which EPA deter- primary exporter may obtain a mani-
mines satisfies the requirements of fest form from any source.
paragraph (a) of this section. Where a (f) The primary exporter must re-
claim of confidentiality is asserted quire the consignee to confirm in writ-
with respect to any notification infor- ing the delivery of the hazardous waste
mation required by paragraph (a) of to that facility and to describe any sig-
this section, EPA may find the notifi- nificant discrepancies (as defined in 40
cation not complete until any such CFR 264.72(a)) between the manifest
claim is resolved in accordance with 40 and the shipment. A copy of the mani-
CFR 260.2. fest signed by such facility may be
(f) Where the receiving country con- used to confirm delivery of the haz-
sents to the receipt of the hazardous ardous waste.
waste, EPA will forward an EPA Ac- (g) In lieu of the requirements of
knowledgment of Consent to the pri- § 262.20(d), where a shipment cannot be
mary exporter for purposes of delivered for any reason to the des-
§ 262.54(h). Where the receiving country ignated or alternate consignee, the pri-
objects to receipt of the hazardous mary exporter must:
waste or withdraws a prior consent, (1) Renotify EPA of a change in the
EPA will notify the primary exporter conditions of the original notification
in writing. EPA will also notify the to allow shipment to a new consignee
primary exporter of any responses from in accordance with § 262.53(c) and ob-
transit countries. tain an EPA Acknowledgment of Con-
[51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986, as amended at 56 sent prior to delivery; or
FR 43705, Sept. 4, 1991; 61 FR 16309, Apr. 12, (2) Instruct the transporter to return
1996] the waste to the primary exporter in
the United States or designate another
§ 262.54 Special manifest require-
ments. facility within the United States; and
(3) Instruct the transporter to revise
A primary exporter must comply the manifest in accordance with the
with the manifest requirements of 40 primary exporter’s instructions.
CFR 262.20 through 262.23 except that:
(h) The primary exporter must at-
(a) In lieu of the name, site address
tach a copy of the EPA Acknowledg-
and EPA ID number of the designated
ment of Consent to the shipment to the
permitted facility, the primary ex-
manifest which must accompany the
porter must enter the name and site
hazardous waste shipment. For exports
address of the consignee;
(b) In lieu of the name, site address by rail or water (bulk shipment), the
and EPA ID number of a permitted al- primary exporter must provide the
ternate facility, the primary exporter transporter with an EPA Acknowledg-
may enter the name and site address of ment of Consent which must accom-
any alternate consignee. pany the hazardous waste but which
(c) In Special Handling Instructions need not be attached to the manifest
and Additional Information, the pri- except that for exports by water (bulk
mary exporter must identify the point shipment) the primary exporter must
of departure from the United States; attach the copy of the EPA Acknowl-
(d) The following statement must be edgment of Consent to the shipping
added to the end of the first sentence of paper.
the certification set forth in Item 16 of (i) The primary exporter shall pro-
the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest vide the transporter with an additional
Form: ‘‘and conforms to the terms of copy of the manifest for delivery to the
the attached EPA Acknowledgment of U.S. Customs official at the point the
Consent’’; hazardous waste leaves the United
(e) In lieu of the requirements of States in accordance with § 263.20(g)(4).
§ 262.21, the primary exporter must ob-
tain the manifest form from the pri- § 262.55 Exception reports.
mary exporter’s State if that State In lieu of the requirements of § 262.42,
supplies the manifest form and requires a primary exporter must file an excep-
its use. If the primary exporter’s State tion report with the Administrator if:

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.57

(a) He has not received a copy of the I certify under penalty of law that I
manifest signed by the transporter have personally examined and am fa-
stating the date and place of departure miliar with the information submitted
from the United States within forty- in this and all attached documents, and
five (45) days from the date it was ac- that based on my inquiry of those indi-
cepted by the initial transporter; viduals immediately responsible for ob-
(b) Within ninety (90) days from the taining the information, I believe that
date the waste was accepted by the ini- the submitted information is true, ac-
tial transporter, the primary exporter curate, and complete. I am aware that
has not received written confirmation there are significant penalties for sub-
from the consignee that the hazardous mitting false information including the
waste was received; possibility of fine and imprisonment.
(c) The waste is returned to the (b) Annual reports submitted by mail
United States. should be sent to the following mailing
address: Office of Enforcement and
§ 262.56 Annual reports. Compliance Assurance, Office of Com-
(a) Primary exporters of hazardous pliance, Enforcement Planning, Tar-
waste shall file with the Administrator geting, and Data Division (2222A), En-
no later than March 1 of each year, a vironmental Protection Agency, 401 M
report summarizing the types, quan- St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Hand-
tities, frequency, and ultimate destina- delivered reports should be sent to: Of-
tion of all hazardous waste exported fice of Enforcement and Compliance
during the previous calendar year. Assurance, Office of Compliance, En-
Such reports shall include the fol- forcement Planning, Targeting, and
lowing: Data Division (2222A), Environmental
(1) The EPA identification number, Protection Agency, Ariel Rios Bldg.,
name, and mailing and site address of 12th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
the exporter; Washington, DC.
(2) The calendar year covered by the [51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986, as amended at 56
report; FR 43705, Sept. 4, 1991; 61 FR 16309, Apr. 12,
(3) The name and site address of each 1996]
(4) By consignee, for each hazardous § 262.57 Recordkeeping.
waste exported, a description of the (a) For all exports a primary exporter
hazardous waste, the EPA hazardous must:
waste number (from 40 CFR part 261, (1) Keep a copy of each notification of
subpart C or D), DOT hazard class, the intent to export for a period of at least
name and US EPA ID number (where three years from the date the haz-
applicable) for each transporter used, ardous waste was accepted by the ini-
the total amount of waste shipped and tial transporter;
number of shipments pursuant to each (2) Keep a copy of each EPA Ac-
notification; knowledgment of Consent for a period
(5) Except for hazardous waste pro- of at least three years from the date
duced by exporters of greater than 100 the hazardous waste was accepted by
kg but less than 1000 kg in a calendar the initial transporter;
month, unless provided pursuant to (3) Keep a copy of each confirmation
§ 262.41, in even numbered years: of delivery of the hazardous waste from
(i) A description of the efforts under- the consignee for at least three years
taken during the year to reduce the from the date the hazardous waste was
volume and toxicity of waste gen- accepted by the initial transporter; and
erated; and (4) Keep a copy of each annual report
(ii) A description of the changes in for a period of at least three years from
volume and toxicity of waste actually the due date of the report.
achieved during the year in comparison (b) The periods of retention referred
to previous years to the extent such in- to in this section are extended auto-
formation is available for years prior matically during the course of any un-
to 1984. resolved enforcement action regarding
(6) A certification signed by the pri- the regulated activity or as requested
mary exporter which states: by the Administrator.

§ 262.58 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

§ 262.58 International agreements. name, address and EPA identification

number must be used.
(a) Any person who exports or im-
ports hazardous waste subject to Fed- (2) In place of the generator’s signa-
eral manifest requirements of Part 262, ture on the certification statement,
or subject to the universal waste man- the U.S. importer or his agent must
agement standards of 40 CFR Part 273, sign and date the certification and ob-
or subject to State requirements analo- tain the signature of the initial trans-
gous to 40 CFR Part 273, to or from des- porter.
ignated member countries of the Orga- (c) A person who imports hazardous
nization for Economic Cooperation and waste must obtain the manifest form
Development (OECD) as defined in from the consignment State if the
paragraph (a)(1) of this section for pur- State supplies the manifest and re-
poses of recovery is subject to Subpart quires its use. If the consignment State
H of this part. The requirements of does not supply the manifest form,
Subparts E and F do not apply. then the manifest form may be ob-
(1) For the purposes of this Subpart, tained from any source.
the designated OECD countries consist [51 FR 28685, Aug. 8, 1986]
of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Den-
mark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Subpart G—Farmers
Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zea- § 262.70 Farmers.
land, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Swe-
den, Switzerland, Turkey, United King- A farmer disposing of waste pes-
dom, and the United States. ticides from his own use which are haz-
(2) For the purposes of this Subpart, ardous wastes is not required to com-
Canada and Mexico are considered ply with the standards in this part or
OECD member countries only for the other standards in 40 CFR parts 264,
purpose of transit. 265, 268, or 270 for those wastes provided
(b) Any person who exports hazardous he triple rinses each emptied pesticide
waste to or imports hazardous waste container in accordance with
from: a designated OECD member § 261.7(b)(3) and disposes of the pesticide
country for purposes other than recov- residues on his own farm in a manner
ery (e.g., incineration, disposal), Mex- consisent with the disposal instruc-
ico (for any purpose), or Canada (for tions on the pesticide label.
any purpose) remains subject to the re- [53 FR 27165, July 19, 1988]
quirements of subparts E and F of this
Subpart H—Transfrontier Shipments
[61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996] of Hazardous Waste for Re-
covery within the OECD
Subpart F—Imports of Hazardous
Waste SOURCE: 61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, unless
otherwise noted.
§ 262.60 Imports of hazardous waste.
(a) Any person who imports haz- § 262.80 Applicability.
ardous waste from a foreign country (a) The requirements of this subpart
into the United States must comply apply to imports and exports of wastes
with the requirements of this part and that are considered hazardous under
the special requirements of this sub- U.S. national procedures and are des-
part. tined for recovery operations in the
(b) When importing hazardous waste, countries listed in § 262.58(a)(1). A waste
a person must meet all the require- is considered hazardous under U.S. na-
ments of § 262.20(a) for the manifest ex- tional procedures if it meets the Fed-
cept that: eral definition of hazardous waste in 40
(1) In place of the generator’s name, CFR 261.3 and it is subject to either the
address and EPA identification num- Federal manifesting requirements at 40
ber, the name and address of the for- CFR Part 262, Subpart B, to the uni-
eign generator and the importer’s versal waste management standards of

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.81

40 CFR Part 273, or to State require- United States (U.S.) is the exporting
ments analogous to 40 CFR Part 273. country, notifier is interpreted to
(b) Any person (notifier, consignee, mean a person domiciled in the U.S.
or recovery facility operator) who (h) OECD area means all land or ma-
mixes two or more wastes (including rine areas under the national jurisdic-
hazardous and non-hazardous wastes) tion of any designated OECD member
or otherwise subjects two or more country in § 262.58. When the regula-
wastes (including hazardous and non- tions refer to shipments to or from an
hazardous wastes) to physical or chem- OECD country, this means OECD area.
ical transformation operations, and (i) Recognized trader means a person
thereby creates a new hazardous waste, who, with appropriate authorization of
becomes a generator and assumes all concerned countries, acts in the role of
subsequent generator duties under principal to purchase and subsequently
RCRA and any notifier duties, if appli- sell wastes; this person has legal con-
cable, under this subpart. trol of such wastes from time of pur-
chase to time of sale; such a person
§ 262.81 Definitions. may act to arrange and facilitate
The following definitions apply to transfrontier movements of wastes des-
this subpart. tined for recovery operations.
(a) Competent authorities means the (j) Recovery facility means an entity
regulatory authorities of concerned which, under applicable domestic law,
countries having jurisdiction over is operating or is authorized to operate
transfrontier movements of wastes des- in the importing country to receive
tined for recovery operations. wastes and to perform recovery oper-
(b) Concerned countries means the ex- ations on them.
porting and importing OECD member (k) Recovery operations means activi-
countries and any OECD member coun- ties leading to resource recovery, recy-
tries of transit. cling, reclamation, direct re-use or al-
(c) Consignee means the person to ternative uses as listed in Table 2.B of
whom possession or other form of legal the Annex of OECD Council Decision
control of the waste is assigned at the C(88)90(Final) of 27 May 1988, (available
time the waste is received in the im- from the Environmental Protection
porting country. Agency, RCRA Information Center
(d) Country of transit means any des- (RIC), 1235 Jefferson-Davis Highway,
ignated OECD country in § 262.58(a)(1) first floor, Arlington, VA 22203 (Docket
and (a)(2) other than the exporting or # F–94–IEHF-FFFFF) and the
importing country across which a Organisation for Economic Co-oper-
transfrontier movement of wastes is ation and Development, Environment
planned or takes place. Direcorate, 2 rue Andre Pascal, 75775
(e) Exporting country means any des- Paris Cedex 16, France) which include:
ignated OECD member country in
§ 262.58(a)(1) from which a transfrontier R1 Use as a fuel (other than in direct
movement of wastes is planned or has incineration) or other means to gen-
commenced. erate energy
(f) Importing country means any des- R2 Solvent reclamation/regeneration
ignated OECD country in § 262.58(a)(1)
R3 Recycling/reclamation of organic
to which a transfrontier movement of
substances which are not used as sol-
wastes is planned or takes place for the
purpose of submitting the wastes to re-
covery operations therein. R4 Recycling/reclamation of metals
(g) Notifier means the person under and metal compounds
the jurisdiction of the exporting coun- R5 Recycling/reclamation of other in-
try who has, or will have at the time organic materials
the planned transfrontier movement R6 Regeneration of acids or bases
commences, possession or other forms
of legal control of the wastes and who R7 Recovery of components used for
proposes their transfrontier movement pollution control
for the ultimate purpose of submitting R8 Recovery of components from
them to recovery operations. When the catalysts

§ 262.82 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

R9 Used oil re-refining or other reuses trols such that the waste or waste mix-
of previously used oil ture is considered hazardous under U.S.
R10 Land treatment resulting in ben- national procedures, the wastes must
efit to agriculture or ecological im- be handled in accordance with the red-
provement list controls.
R11 Uses of residual materials ob- (ii) [Reserved].
(3) Wastes on the red list that are
tained from any of the operations num-
considered hazardous under U.S. na-
bered R1–R10
tional procedures as defined in
R12 Exchange of wastes for submis- § 262.80(a) are subject to the red-list
sion to any of the operations numbered controls of this subpart.
R1–R11 NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3): Some wastes on
6R13 Accumulation of material in- the amber or red lists are not listed or other-
tended for any operation in Table 2.B wise identified as hazardous under RCRA
(e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls) and there-
(l) Transfrontier movement means any
fore are not subject to the amber- or red-list
shipment of wastes destined for recov- controls of this subpart. Regardless of the
ery operations from an area under the status of the waste under RCRA, however,
national jurisdiction of one OECD other Federal environmental statutes (e.g.,
member country to an area under the the Toxic Substances Control Act) may re-
national jurisdiction of another OECD strict certain waste imports or exports. Such
member country. restrictions continue to apply without re-
gard to this Subpart.
§ 262.82 General conditions. (4) Wastes not yet assigned to a list
(a) Scope. The level of control for ex- are eligible for transfrontier move-
ports and imports of waste is indicated ments, as follows:
by assignment of the waste to a green, (i) If such wastes are considered haz-
amber, or red list and by U.S. national ardous under U.S. national procedures
procedures as defined in § 262.80(a). The as defined in § 262.80(a), these wastes
green, amber, and red lists are incor- are subject to the red-list controls; or
porated by reference in § 262.89 (e). (ii) If such wastes are not considered
(1) Wastes on the green list are sub- hazardous under U.S. national proce-
ject to existing controls normally ap- dures as defined in § 262.80(a), such
plied to commercial transactions, ex- wastes may move as though they ap-
cept as provided below: peared on the green list.
(i) Green-list wastes that are consid- (b) General conditions applicable to
ered hazardous under U.S. national transfrontier movements of hazardous
procedures are subject to amber-list waste.
controls. (1) The waste must be destined for re-
(ii) Green-list waste that are suffi- covery operations at a facility that,
ciently contaminated or mixed with under applicable domestic law, is oper-
amber-list wastes, such that the waste ating or is authorized to operate in the
or waste mixture is considered haz- importing country;
ardous under U.S. national procedures, (2) The transfrontier movement must
are subject to amber-list controls. be in compliance with applicable inter-
(iii) Green-list wastes that are suffi- national transport agreements; and
ciently contaminated or mixed with NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(2): These
other wastes subject to red-list con- international agreements include, but
trols such that the waste or waste mix- are not limited to, the Chicago Conven-
ture is considered hazardous under U.S. tion (1944), ADR (1957), ADNR (1970),
national procedures must be handled in MARPOL Convention (1973/1978),
accordance with the red-list controls. SOLAS Convention (1974), IMDG Code
(2) Wastes on the amber list that are (1985), COTIF (1985), and RID (1985).
considered hazardous under U.S. na- (3) Any transit of waste through a
tional procedures as defined in non-OECD member country must be
§ 262.80(a) are subject to the amber-list conducted in compliance with all appli-
controls of this Subpart. cable international and national laws
(i) If amber-list wastes are suffi- and regulations.
ciently contaminated or mixed with (c) Provisions relating to re-export for
other wastes subject to red-list con- recovery to a third country.

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.83

(1) Re-export of wastes subject to the quirements for exports from the first
amber-list control system from the importing country.
U.S., as the importing country, to a
third country listed in § 262.58(a)(1) may § 262.83 Notification and consent.
occur only after a notifier in the U.S. (a) Applicability. Consent must be ob-
provides notification to and obtains tained from the competent authorities
consent of the competent authorities of the relevant OECD importing and
in the third country, the original ex- transit countries prior to exporting
porting country, and new transit coun- hazardous waste destined for recovery
tries. The notification must comply operations subject to this Subpart.
with the notice and consent procedures Hazardous wastes subject to amber-list
in § 262.83 for all concerned countries controls are subject to the require-
and the original exporting country. ments of paragraph (b) of this section;
The competent authorities of the origi- hazardous wastes subject to red-list
nal exporting country as well as the controls are subject to the require-
competent authorities of all other con- ments of paragraph (c) of this section;
cerned countries have 30 days to object and wastes not identified on any list
to the proposed movement. are subject to the requirements of
(i) The 30-day period begins once the paragraph (d) of this section.
competent authorities of both the ini- (b) Amber-list wastes. The export from
tial exporting country and new import- the U.S. of hazardous wastes as de-
ing country issue Acknowledgements scribed in § 262.80(a) that appear on the
of Receipt of the notification. amber list is prohibited unless the no-
(ii) The transfrontier movement may tification and consent requirements of
commence if no objection has been paragraph (b)(1) or paragraph (b)(2) of
lodged after the 30-day period has this section are met.
(1) Transactions requiring specific
passed or immediately after written
consent is received from all relevant
(i) Notification. At least 45 days prior
OECD importing and transit countries.
to commencement of the transfrontier
(2) Re-export of waste subject to the movement, the notifier must provide
red-list control system from the origi- written notification in English of the
nal importing country to a third coun- proposed transfrontier movement to
try listed in § 262.58(a)(1) may occur the Office of Enforcement and Compli-
only following notification of the com- ance Assurance, Office of Compliance,
petent authorities of the third country, Enforcement Planning, Targeting and
the original exporting country, and Data Division (2222A), Environmental
new transit countries by a notifier in Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW.,
the original importing country in ac- Washington, DC 20460, with the words
cordance with § 262.83. The ‘‘Attention: OECD Export Notifica-
transfrontier movement may not pro- tion’’ prominently displayed on the en-
ceed until receipt by the original im- velope. This notification must include
porting country of written consent all of the information identified in
from the competent authorities of the paragraph (e) of this section. In cases
third country, the original exporting where wastes having similar physical
country, and new transit countries. and chemical characteristics, the same
(3) In the case of re-export of amber United Nations classification, and the
or red-list wastes to a country other same RCRA waste codes are to be sent
than those in § 262.58(a)(1), notification periodically to the same recovery facil-
to and consent of the competent au- ity by the same notifier, the notifier
thorities of the original OECD member may submit one notification of intent
country of export and any OECD mem- to export these wastes in multiple ship-
ber countries of transit is required as ments during a period of up to one
specified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) year.
of this section in addition to compli- (ii) Tacit consent. If no objection has
ance with all international agreements been lodged by any concerned country
and arrangements to which the first (i.e., exporting, importing, or transit
importing OECD member country is a countries) to a notification provided
party and all applicable regulatory re- pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this

§ 262.83 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

section within 30 days after the date of scribed in § 262.80(a) that appear on the
issuance of the Acknowledgment of Re- red list is prohibited unless notice is
ceipt of notification by the competent given pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(i) of
authority of the importing country, this section and the notifier receives
the transfrontier movement may com- written consent from the importing
mence. Tacit consent expires one cal- country and any transit countries prior
endar year after the close of the 30 day to commencement of the transfrontier
period; renotification and renewal of movement.
all consents is required for exports (d) Unlisted wastes. Wastes not as-
after that date. signed to the green, amber, or red list
(iii) Written consent. If the competent that are considered hazardous under
authorities of all the relevant OECD U.S. national procedures as defined in
importing and transit countries pro- § 262.80(a) are subject to the notifica-
vide written consent in a period less tion and consent requirements estab-
than 30 days, the transfrontier move- lished for red-list wastes in accordance
ment may commence immediately with paragraph (c) of this section. Un-
after all necessary consents are re- listed wastes that are not considered
ceived. Written consent expires for hazardous under U.S. national proce-
each relevant OECD importing and dures as defined in § 262.80(a) are not
transit country one calendar year after subject to amber or red controls when
the date of that country’s consent un- exported or imported.
less otherwise specified; renotification (e) Notification information. Notifica-
and renewal of each expired consent is tions submitted under this section
required for exports after that date. must include:
(2) Shipments to facilities pre-ap- (1) Serial number or other accepted
proved by the competent authorities of identifier of the notification form;
the importing countries to accept spe- (2) Notifier name and EPA identifica-
cific wastes for recovery: tion number (if applicable), address,
(i) The notifier must provide EPA the and telephone and telefax numbers;
information identified in paragraph (e)
(3) Importing recovery facility name,
of this section in English, at least 10
address, telephone and telefax num-
days in advance of commencing ship-
bers, and technologies employed;
ment to a pre-approved facility. The
(4) Consignee name (if not the owner
notification should indicate that the
or operator of the recovery facility) ad-
recovery facility is pre-approved, and
dress, and telephone and telefax num-
may apply to a single specific shipment
bers; whether the consignee will engage
or to multiple shipments as described
in waste exchange or storage prior to
in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.
delivering the waste to the final recov-
This information must be sent to the
ery facility and identification of recov-
Office of Enforcement and Compliance
ery operations to be employed at the
Assurance, Office of Compliance, En-
final recovery facility;
forcement Planning, Targeting and
Data Division (2222A), Environmental (5) Intended transporters and/or their
Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., agents;
Washington, DC 20460, with the words (6) Country of export and relevant
‘‘OECD Export Notification—Pre-ap- competent authority, and point of de-
proved Facility’’ prominently dis- parture;
played on the envelope. (7) Countries of transit and relevant
(ii) Shipments may commence after competent authorities and points of
the notification required in paragraph entry and departure;
(b)(1)(i) of this section has been re- (8) Country of import and relevant
ceived by the competent authorities of competent authority, and point of
all concerned countries, unless the no- entry;
tifier has received information indi- (9) Statement of whether the notifi-
cating that the competent authorities cation is a single notification or a gen-
of one or more concerned countries ob- eral notification. If general, include pe-
jects to the shipment. riod of validity requested;
(c) Red-list wastes. The export from (10) Date foreseen for commencement
the U.S. of hazardous wastes as de- of transfrontier movement;

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.84

(11) Designation of waste type(s) from (b) The tracking document must in-
the appropriate list (amber or red and clude all information required under
waste list code), descriptions of each § 262.83 (for notification), and the fol-
waste type, estimated total quantity of lowing:
each, RCRA waste code, and United Na- (1) Date shipment commenced.
tions number for each waste type; and (2) Name (if not notifier), address,
(12) Certification/Declaration signed and telephone and telefax numbers of
by the notifier that states: primary exporter.
I certify that the above information is
(3) Company name and EPA ID num-
complete and correct to the best of my ber of all transporters.
knowledge. I also certify that legally-en- (4) Identification (license, registered
forceable written contractual obligations name or registration number) of means
have been entered into, and that any applica- of transport, including types of pack-
ble insurance or other financial guarantees aging.
are or shall be in force covering the (5) Any special precautions to be
transfrontier movement. taken by transporters.
Name: (6) Certification/declaration signed
Signature: by notifier that no objection to the
Date: shipment has been lodged as follows:
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(12): The U.S. does
not currently require financial assurance; I certify that the above information is
however, U.S. exporters may be asked by complete and correct to the best of my
other governments to provide and certify to knowledge. I also certify that legally-en-
such assurance as a condition of obtaining forceable written contractual obligations
consent to a proposed movement. have been entered into, that any applicable
insurance or other financial guarantees are
§ 262.84 Tracking document. or shall be in force covering the
transfrontier movement, and that:
(a) All U.S. parties subject to the 1. All necessary consents have been re-
contract provisions of § 262.85 must en- ceived; OR
sure that a tracking document meeting 2. The shipment is directed at a recovery
the conditions of § 262.84(b) accom- facility within the OECD area and no objec-
panies each transfrontier shipment of tion has been received from any of the con-
cerned countries within the 30 day tacit con-
wastes subject to amber-list or red-list
sent period; OR
controls from the initiation of the 3. The shipment is directed at a recovery
shipment until it reaches the final re- facility pre-authorized for that type of waste
covery facility, including cases in within the OECD area; such an authorization
which the waste is stored and/or ex- has not been revoked, and no objection has
changed by the consignee prior to ship- been received from any of the concerned
ment to the final recovery facility, ex- countries.
cept as provided in §§ 262.84(a)(1) and (delete sentences that are not applicable)
(2). Name:

(1) For shipments of hazardous waste Signature:
within the U.S. solely by water (bulk Date:
shipments only) the generator must (7) Appropriate signatures for each
forward the tracking document with custody transfer (e.g. transporter, con-
the manifest to the last water (bulk signee, and owner or operator of the re-
shipment) transporter to handle the covery facility).
waste in the U.S. if exported by water, (c) Notifiers also must comply with
(in accordance with the manifest rout- the special manifest requirements of 40
ing procedures at § 262.23(c)). CFR 262.54(a), (b), (c), (e), and (i) and
(2) For rail shipments of hazardous consignees must comply with the im-
waste within the U.S. which originate port requirements of 40 CFR part 262,
at the site of generation, the generator subpart F.
must forward the tracking document (d) Each U.S. person that has phys-
with the manifest (in accordance with ical custody of the waste from the time
the routing procedures for the manifest the movement commences until it ar-
in § 262.23(d)) to the next non-rail trans- rives at the recovery facility must sign
porter, if any, or the last rail trans- the tracking document (e.g. trans-
porter to handle the waste in the U.S. porter, consignee, and owner or oper-
if exported by rail. ator of the recovery facility).

§ 262.85 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

(e) Within 3 working days of the re- and, if the wastes are located in a
ceipt of imports subject to this Sub- country of transit, the competent au-
part, the owner or operator of the U.S. thorities of that country; and
recovery facility must send signed cop- (2) The person specified in the con-
ies of the tracking document to the no- tract will assume responsibility for the
tifier, to the Office of Enforcement and adequate management of the wastes in
Compliance Assurance, Office of Com- compliance with applicable laws and
pliance, Enforcement Planning, Tar- regulations including, if necessary, ar-
geting and Data Division (2222A), Envi- ranging their return to the original
ronmental Protection Agency, 401 M country of export.
St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, and to
(d) Contracts must specify that the
the competent authorities of the ex-
consignee will provide the notification
porting and transit countries.
required in § 262.82(c) prior to re-export
§ 262.85 Contracts. of controlled wastes to a third country.
(e) Contracts or equivalent arrange-
(a) Transfrontier movements of haz-
ardous wastes subject to amber or red ments must include provisions for fi-
control procedures are prohibited un- nancial guarantees, if required by the
less they occur under the terms of a competent authorities of any con-
valid written contract, chain of con- cerned country, in accordance with ap-
tracts, or equivalent arrangements plicable national or international law
(when the movement occurs between requirements.
parties controlled by the same cor- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e): Financial
porate or legal entity). Such contracts guarantees so required are intended to
or equivalent arrangements must be provide for alternate recycling, dis-
executed by the notifier and the owner posal or other means of sound manage-
or operator of the recovery facility, ment of the wastes in cases where ar-
and must specify responsibilities for rangements for the shipment and the
each. Contracts or equivalent arrange- recovery operations cannot be carried
ments are valid for the purposes of this out as foreseen. The U.S. does not re-
section only if persons assuming obli- quire such financial guarantees at this
gations under the contracts or equiva- time; however, some OECD countries
lent arrangements have appropriate do. It is the responsibility of the noti-
legal status to conduct the operations fier to ascertain and comply with such
specified in the contract or equivalent requirements; in some cases, trans-
arrangement. porters or consignees may refuse to
(b) Contracts or equivalent arrange- enter into the necessary contracts ab-
ments must specify the name and EPA sent specific references or certifi-
ID number, where available, of: cations to financial guarantees.
(1) The generator of each type of
(f) Contracts or equivalent arrange-
ments must contain provisions requir-
(2) Each person who will have phys-
ing each contracting party to comply
ical custody of the wastes;
(3) Each person who will have legal with all applicable requirements of this
control of the wastes; and subpart.
(4) The recovery facility. (g) Upon request by EPA, U.S. noti-
(c) Contracts or equivalent arrange- fiers, consignees, or recovery facilities
ments must specify which party to the must submit to EPA copies of con-
contract will assume responsibility for tracts, chain of contracts, or equiva-
alternate management of the wastes if lent arrangements (when the move-
its disposition cannot be carried out as ment occurs between parties controlled
described in the notification of intent by the same corporate or legal entity).
to export. In such cases, contracts Information contained in the contracts
must specify that: or equivalent arrangements for which a
(1) The person having actual posses- claim of confidentiality is asserted ac-
sion or physical control over the cordance with 40 CFR 2.203(b) will be
wastes will immediately inform the no- treated as confidential and will be dis-
tifier and the competent authorities of closed by EPA only as provided in 40
the exporting and importing countries CFR 260.2.

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA § 262.87

NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g): Although the (1) The EPA identification number,
U.S. does not require routine submis- name, and mailing and site address of
sion of contracts at this time, OECD the notifier filing the report;
Council Decision C(92)39/FINAL allows (2) The calendar year covered by the
members to impose such requirements. report;
When other OECD countries require (3) The name and site address of each
submission of partial or complete cop- final recovery facility;
ies of the contract as a condition to (4) By final recovery facility, for each
granting consent to proposed move- hazardous waste exported, a descrip-
ments, EPA will request the required tion of the hazardous waste, the EPA
information; absent submission of such hazardous waste number (from 40 CFR
information, some OECD countries part 261, subpart C or D), designation of
may deny consent for the proposed waste type(s) from OECD waste list and
movement. applicable waste code from the OECD
§ 262.86 Provisions relating to recog- lists, DOT hazard class, the name and
nized traders. U.S. EPA identification number (where
applicable) for each transporter used,
(a) A recognized trader who takes
the total amount of hazardous waste
physical custody of a waste and con-
shipped pursuant to this Subpart, and
ducts recovery operations (including
number of shipments pursuant to each
storage prior to recovery) is acting as
the owner or operator of a recovery fa-
cility and must be so authorized in ac- (5) In even numbered years, for each
cordance with all applicable Federal hazardous waste exported, except for
laws. hazardous waste produced by exporters
(b) A recognized trader acting as a of greater than 100kg but less than
notifier or consignee for transfrontier 1000kg in a calendar month, and except
shipments of waste must comply with for hazardous waste for which informa-
all the requirements of this Subpart as- tion was already provided pursuant to
sociated with being a notifier or con- § 262.41:
signee. (i) A description of the efforts under-
taken during the year to reduce the
§ 262.87 Reporting and recordkeeping. volume and toxicity of waste gen-
(a) Annual reports. For all waste erated; and
movements subject to this Subpart, (ii) A description of the changes in
persons (e.g., notifiers, recognized trad- volume and toxicity of the waste actu-
ers) who meet the definition of primary ally achieved during the year in com-
exporter in § 262.51 shall file an annual parison to previous years to the extent
report with the Office of Enforcement such information is available for years
and Compliance Assurance, Office of prior to 1984; and
Compliance, Enforcement Planning, (6) A certification signed by the per-
Targeting and Data Division (2222A), son acting as primary exporter that
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 states:
M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, no I certify under penalty of law that I
later than March 1 of each year sum- have personally examined and am fa-
marizing the types, quantities, fre- miliar with the information submitted
quency, and ultimate destination of all in this and all attached documents, and
such hazardous waste exported during that based on my inquiry of those indi-
the previous calendar year. (If the pri- viduals immediately responsible for ob-
mary exporter is required to file an an- taining the information, I believe that
nual report for waste exports that are the submitted information is true, ac-
not covered under this Subpart, he may curate, and complete. I am aware that
include all export information in one there are significant penalties for sub-
report provided the following informa- mitting false information including the
tion on exports of waste destined for possibility of fine and imprisonment.
recovery within the designated OECD (b) Exception reports. Any person who
member countries is contained in a meets the definition of primary ex-
separate section). Such reports shall porter in § 262.51 must file an exception
include the following: report in lieu of the requirements of

§ 262.88 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)

§ 262.42 with the Administrator if any of CFR part 262, subpart B, to the uni-
the following occurs: versal waste management standards of
(1) He has not received a copy of the 40 CFR part 273, or to State require-
tracking documentation signed by the ments analogous to 40 CFR part 273.
transporter stating point of departure (b) If a waste is hazardous under
of the waste from the United States, paragraph (a) of this section and it ap-
within forty-five (45) days from the pears on the amber or red list, it is sub-
date it was accepted by the initial ject to amber- or red-list requirements
transporter; respectively;
(2) Within ninety (90) days from the (c) If a waste is hazardous under
date the waste was accepted by the ini- paragraph (a) of this section and it
tial transporter, the notifier has not does not appear on either amber or red
received written confirmation from the lists, it is subject to red-list require-
recovery facility that the hazardous ments.
waste was received; (d) The appropriate control proce-
(3) The waste is returned to the dures for hazardous wastes and haz-
United States. ardous waste mixtures are addressed in
(c) Recordkeeping. (1) Persons who § 262.82.
meet the definition of primary ex-
(e) The OECD Green List of Wastes
porter in § 262.51 shall keep the fol-
(revised May 1994), Amber List of
lowing records: § 262.89
Wastes and Red List of Wastes (both
(i) A copy of each notification of in-
tent to export and all written consents revised May 1993) as set forth in Appen-
obtained from the competent authori- dix 3, Appendix 4 and Appendix 5, re-
ties of concerned countries for a period spectively, to the OECD Council Deci-
of at least three years from the date sion C(92)39/FINAL (Concerning the
the hazardous waste was accepted by Control of Transfrontier Movements of
the initial transporter; Wastes Destined for Recovery Oper-
(ii) A copy of each annual report for ations) are incorporated by reference.
a period of at least three years from These incorporations by reference were
the due date of the report; and approved by the Director of the Federal
(iii) A copy of any exception reports Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
and a copy of each confirmation of de- 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 on July 11,
livery (i.e., tracking documentation) 1996. These materials are incorporated
sent by the recovery facility to the no- as they exist on the date of the ap-
tifier for at least three years from the proval and a notice of any change in
date the hazardous waste was accepted these materials will be published in the
by the initial transporter or received FEDERAL REGISTER. The materials are
by the recovery facility, whichever is available for inspection at: the Office
applicable. of the Federal Register, 800 North Cap-
(2) The periods of retention referred itol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington,
to in this section are extended auto- DC; the U.S. Environmental Protection
matically during the course of any un- Agency, RCRA Information Center
resolved enforcement action regarding (RIC), 1235 Jefferson-Davis Highway,
the regulated activity or as requested first floor, Arlington, VA 22203 (Docket
by the Administrator. # F–94–IEHF–FFFFF) and may be ob-
tained from the Organisation for Eco-
§ 262.88 Pre-approval for U.S. Recov- nomic Co-operation and Development,
ery Facilities (Reserved). Environment Direcorate, 2 rue Andre
Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France.
§ 262.89 OECD Waste Lists.
(a) General. For the purposes of this APPENDIX TO PART 262—UNIFORM HAZ-
Subpart, a waste is considered haz- ARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST AND IN-
ardous under U.S. national procedures, STRUCTIONS (EPA FORMS 8700–22
and hence subject to this Subpart, if AND 8700–22A AND THEIR INSTRUC-
the waste: TIONS)
(1) Meets the Federal definition of
hazardous waste in 40 CFR 261.3; and U.S. EPA Form 8700–22
(2) Is subject to either the Federal Read all instructions before completing
RCRA manifesting requirements at 40 this form.

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Pt. 262, App.
This form has been designed for use on a ation sheet (Form 8700–22A) for both inter
12-pitch (elite) typerwriter; a firm point pen and intrastate transportation.
may also be used—press down hard. Federal regulations also require generators
Federal regulations require generators and and transporters of hazardous waste and
transporters of hazardous waste and owners owners or operators of hazardous waste
or operators of hazardous waste treatment, treatment, storage and disposal facilities to
storage, and disposal facilities to use this complete the following information:
form (8700–22) and, if necessary, the continu-


Pt. 262, App. 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)
The following statement must be included Item 8. U.S. EPA ID Number
with each Uniform Hazardous Waste Mani-
fest, either on the form, in the instructions If applicable, enter the U.S. EPA twelve
to the form, or accompanying the form: digit identification number of the second
transporter identified in item 7.
Public reporting burden for this collection
of information is estimated to average: 37 NOTE: If more than two transporters are
used, enter each additional transporter’s
minutes for generators, 15 minutes for trans-
company name and U.S. EPA twelve digit
porters, and 10 minutes for treatment, stor-
identification number in items 24–27 on the
age and disposal facilities. This includes
Continuation Sheet (EPA Form 8700–22A).
time for reviewing instructions, gathering
Each Continuation Sheet has space to record
data, and completing and reviewing the
two additional transporters. Every trans-
form. Send comments regarding the burden
porter used between the generator and the
estimate, including suggestions for reducing
designated facility must be listed.
this burden, to: Chief, Information Policy
Branch, PM–223, U.S. Environmental Protec- Item 9. Designated Facility Name and Site
tion Agency, 401 M Street SW., Washington, Address
DC 20460; and to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Manage- Enter the company name and site address
ment and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. of the facility designated to receive the
waste listed on this Manifest. The address
GENERATORS must be the site address, which may differ
from the company mailing address.
Item 1. Generator’s U.S. EPA ID Number—
Manifest Document Number Item 10. U.S. EPA ID Number
Enter the generator’s U.S. EPA twelve Enter the U.S. EPA twelve digit identifica-
digit identification number and the unique tion number of the designated facility iden-
five digit number assigned to this Manifest tified in item 9.
(e.g., 00001) by the generator.
Item 11. U.S. DOT Description [Including Prop-
Item 2. Page 1 of —— er Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID
Number (UN/NA)]
Enter the total number of pages used to
complete this Manifest, i.e., the first page Enter the U.S. DOT Proper Shipping Name,
(EPA Form 8700–22) plus the number of Con- Hazard Class, and ID Number (UN/NA) for
tinuation Sheets (EPA Form 8700–22A), if each waste as identified in 49 CFR 171
any. through 177.
NOTE: If additional space is needed for
Item 3. Generator’s Name and Mailing Address waste descriptions, enter these additional de-
Enter the name and mailing address of the scriptions in item 28 on the Continuation
generator. The address should be the loca- Sheet (EPA Form 8700–22A).
tion that will manage the returned Manifest
forms. Item 12. Containers (No. and Type)
Enter the number of containers for each
Item 4. Generator’s Phone Number waste and the appropriate abbreviation from
Enter a telephone number where an au- Table I (below) for the type of container.
thorized agent of the generator may be
reached in the event of an emergency. TABLE I—TYPES OF CONTAINERS
DM=Metal drums, barrels, kegs
Item 5. Transporter 1 Company Name DW=Wooden drums, barrels, kegs
Enter the company name of the first trans- DF=Fiberboard or plastic drums, barrels,
porter who will transport the waste. kegs
TP=Tanks portable
Item 6. U.S. EPA ID Number TT=Cargo tanks (tank trucks)
Enter the U.S. EPA twelve digit identifica- TC=Tank cars
tion number of the first transporter identi- DT=Dump truck
fied in item 5. CY=Cylinders
CM=Metal boxes, cartons, cases (including
Item 7. Transporter 2 Company Name roll-offs)
CW=Wooden boxes, cartons, cases
If applicable, enter the company name of
the second transporter who will transport CF=Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons, cases
the waste. If more than two transporters are BA=Burlap, cloth, paper or plastic bags
used to transport the waste, use a Continu-
Item 13. Total Quantity
ation Sheet(s) (EPA Form 8700–22A) and list
the transporters in the order they will be Enter the total quantity of waste described
transporting the waste. on each line.

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Pt. 262, App.
Item 14. Unit (Wt./Vol.) TRANSPORTERS
Enter the appropriate abbreviation from Item 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of
Table II (below) for the unit of measure. Receipt of Materials

TABLE II—UNITS OF MEASURE Enter the name of the person accepting the
waste on behalf of the first transporter. That
G=Gallons (liquids only) person must acknowledge acceptance of the
P=Pounds waste described on the Manifest by signing
T=Tons (2000 lbs) and entering the date of receipt.
Y=Cubic yards
Item 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of
L=Liters (liquids only) Receipt of Materials
M=Metric tons (1000 kg) Enter, if applicable, the name of the person
accepting the waste on behalf of the second
N=Cubic meters
transporter. That person must acknowledge
Item 15. Special Handling Instructions and acceptance of the waste described on the
Additional Information Manifest by signing and entering the date of
Generators may use this space to indicate NOTE: International Shipments—Trans-
special transportation, treatment, storage, porter Responsibilities.
or disposal information or Bill of Lading in- Exports— Transporters must sign and enter
formation. States may not require addi- the date the waste left the United States in
tional, new, or different information in this item 15 of Form 8700–22.
space. For international shipments, genera- Imports— Shipments of hazardous waste reg-
tors must enter in this space the point of de- ulated by RCRA and transported into the
parture (City and State) for those shipments United States from another country must
destined for treatment, storage, or disposal upon entry be accompanied by the U.S. EPA
outside the jurisdiction of the United States. Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. Trans-
porters who transport hazardous waste into
Item 16. Generator’s Certification the United States from another country are
responsible for completing the Manifest (40
The generator must read, sign (by hand), CFR 263.10(c)(1)).
and date the certification statement. If a
mode other than highway is used, the word OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF TREATMENT,
‘‘highway’’ should be lined out and the ap- STORAGE, OR DISPOSAL FACILITIES
propriate mode (rail, water, or air) inserted Item 19. Discrepancy Indication Space
in the space below. If another mode in addi-
tion to the highway mode is used, enter the The authorized representative of the des-
appropriate additional mode (e.g., and rail) ignated (or alternate) facility’s owner or op-
in the space below. erator must note in this space any signifi-
cant discrepancy between the waste de-
Primary exporters shipping hazardous
scribed on the Manifest and the waste actu-
wastes to a facility located outside of the
ally received at the facility.
United States must add to the end of the Owners and operators of facilities located
first sentence of the certification the fol- in unauthorized States (i.e., the U.S. EPA
lowing words ‘‘and conforms to the terms of administers the hazardous waste manage-
the EPA Acknowledgment of Consent to the ment program) who cannot resolve signifi-
shipment.’’ cant discrepancies within 15 days of receiv-
In signing the waste minimization certifi- ing the waste must submit to their Regional
cation statement, those generators who have Administrator (see list below) a letter with a
not been exempted by statute or regulation copy of the Manifest at issue describing the
from the duty to make a waste minimization discrepancy and attempts to reconcile it (40
certification under section 3002(b) of RCRA CFR 264.72 and 265.72).
are also certifying that they have complied Owners and operators of facilities located
with the waste minimization requirements. in authorized States (i.e., those States that
Generators may preprint the words, ‘‘On have received authorization from the U.S.
behalf of’’ in the signature block or may EPA to administer the hazardous waste pro-
hand write this statement in the signature gram) should contact their State agency for
block prior to signing the generator certifi- information on State Discrepancy Report re-
cations. quirements.
NOTE: All of the above information except EPA REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS
the handwritten signature required in item
16 may be preprinted. Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region I,
J.F. Kennedy Fed. Bldg., Boston, MA 02203
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region II,
* * * * * 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278

Pt. 262, App. 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region Item 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certifi-
III, 6th and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, PA cation of Receipt of Hazardous Materials Cov-
19106 ered by This Manifest Except as Noted in Item
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region 19
IV, 345 Courtland St., NE., Atlanta, GA Print or type the name of the person ac-
30365 cepting the waste on behalf of the owner or
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region V, operator of the facility. That person must
77 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604 acknowledge acceptance of the waste de-
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region scribed on the Manifest by signing and enter-
VI, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, TX 75270 ing the date of receipt.
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region Items A–K are not required by Federal reg-
VII, 324 East 11th Street, Kansas City, MO ulations for intra- or interstate transpor-
64106 tation. However, States may require genera-
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region tors and owners or operators of treatment,
storage, or disposal facilities to complete
VIII, 1860 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80295
some or all of items A–K as part of State
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region
manifest reporting requirements. Generators
IX, 215 Freemont Street, San Francisco, and owners and operators of treatment, stor-
CA 94105 age, or disposal facilities are advised to con-
Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region X, tact State officials for guidance on com-
1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 pleting the shaded areas of the Manifest.

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Pt. 262, App.


INSTRUCTIONS—CONTINUATION SHEET, U.S. This form must be used as a continuation

EPA FORM 8700–22A sheet to U.S. EPA Form 8700–22 if:
Read all instructions before completing • More than two transporters are to be used
this form. to transport the waste;
This form has been designed for use on a • More space is required for the U.S. DOT de-
12-pitch (elite) typewriter; a firm point pen scription and related information in Item
may also be used—press down hard. 11 of U.S. EPA Form 8700–22.

Pt. 262, App. 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–99 Edition)
Federal regulations require generators and Item 28. U.S. DOT Description Including Proper
transporters of hazardous waste and owners Shipping Name, Hazardous Class, and ID
or operators of hazardous waste treatment, Number (UN/NA)
storage, or disposal facilities to use the uni- Refer to item 11.
form hazardous waste manifest (EPA Form
8700–22) and, if necessary, this continuation Item 29. Containers (No. and Type)
sheet (EPA Form 8700–22A) for both inter- Refer to item 12.
and intrastate transportation.
Item 30. Total Quantity
Refer to item 13.
Item 21. Generator’s U.S. EPA ID Number—
Manifest Document Number Item 31. Unit (Wt./Vol.)
Refer to item 14.
Enter the generator’s U.S. EPA twelve
digit identification number and the unique Item 32. Special Handling Instructions
five digit number assigned to this Manifest
Generators may use this space to indicate
(e.g., 00001) as it appears in item 1 on the
special transportation, treatment, storage,
first page of the Manifest.
or disposal information or Bill of Lading in-
Item 22. Page —— formation. States are not authorized to re-
quire additional, new, or different informa-
Enter the page number of this Continu- tion in this space.
ation Sheet.

Item 23. Generator’s Name * * * * *

Enter the generator’s name as it appears in TRANSPORTERS
item 3 on the first page of the Manifest.
Item 33. Transporter —— Acknowledgement of
Item 24. Transporter —— Company Name Receipt of Materials
Enter the same number of the Transporter
If additional transporters are used to
as identified in item 24. Enter also the name
transport the waste described on this Mani-
of the person accepting the waste on behalf
fest, enter the company name of each addi- of the Transporter (Company Name) identi-
tional transporter in the order in which they fied in item 24. That person must acknowl-
will transport the waste. Enter after the edge acceptance of the waste described on
word ‘‘Transporter’’ the order of the trans- the Manifest by signing and entering the
porter. For example, Transporter 3 Company date of receipt.
Name. Each Continuation Sheet will record
the names of two additional transporters. Item 34. Transporter —— Acknowledgement of
Receipt of Materials
Item 25. U.S. EPA ID Number
Enter the same number as identified in
Enter the U.S. EPA twelve digit identifica- item 26. Enter also the name of the person
tion number of the transporter described in accepting the waste on behalf of the Trans-
item 24. porter (Company Name) identified in item 26.
That person must acknowledge acceptance of
Item 26. Transporter —— Company Name the waste described on the Manifest by sign-
ing and entering the date of receipt.
If additional transporters are used to
transport the waste described on this Mani-
fest, enter the company name of each addi- * * * * *
tional transporter in the order in which they
will transport the waste. Enter after the MENT, STORAGE, OR DISPOSAL FACILI-
word ‘‘Transporter’’ the order of the trans- TIES
porter. For example, Transporter 4 Company
Name. Each Continuation Sheet will record Item 35. Discrepancy Indication Space
the names of two additional transporters.
Refer to item 19.
Item 27. U.S. EPA ID Number Items L–R are not required by Federal reg-
ulations for intra- or interstate transpor-
Enter the U.S. EPA twelve digit identifica- tation. However, States may require genera-
tion number of the transporter described in tors and owners or operators of treatment,
item 26. storage, or disposal facilities to complete
some or all of items L–R as part of State

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Pt. 262, App.
manifest reporting requirements. Generators tact State officials for guidance on com-
and owners and operators of treatment, stor- pleting the shaded areas of the manifest.
age, or disposal facilities are advised to con- [49 FR 10501, Mar. 20, 1984, as amended at 51
FR 28685, Aug. 8, 1986; 51 FR 35192, Oct. 1,
1986; 53 FR 45091, Nov. 8, 1988; 62 FR 1834, Jan.
14, 1997]


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