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Full name: Dương Trí Nhất

Class: 68C

2. The school day should be shortened because more time in school does not increase
the quality of learning.

Critics point out that keeping the regular number of school days does not lead to enhanced
academic performance. While less time dedicated for school can help children integrate
themselves into real life circumstances, longer school hours undoubtedly have several
benefits contributing to improving learning quality. First, more time at school means that
teachers have more time to provide instructions, immediate feedback, and assessment for
improvement in a timely manner. This is especially beneficial for students who do not have
enough learner autonomy or learning strategies at home. Moreover, school provides students
with space to develop necessary skills for learning. As schools are regarded as a miniature of
the society, mingling in such an environment endows students the opportunity to develop
qualities such as cooperation, leadership, and communication, which definitely helps students
not only learn better but also grow up to be decent citizens. In conclusion, longer school days
is essential in ensuring quality of learning.

3. One advantage of an online survey is an increase in response rate since an online

survey can reach a far greater number of people than a traditional survey.

Due to the omnipresence of the Internet, advocates of the online survey hold the opinion that
it helps increase the response rate, which seems plausible at first glance. While there is
likelihood that the number of survey participants may escalate, it does not correlate with a
higher rate of reply. If anything, this survey method may even produce less positive return
rates, as surveys conducted online are often ignored, because the prospective respondents feel
less guilty to decline an offer privately than doing so publicly. Moreover, the fact that such
online surveys are often exhaustive and rigorous can be a disincentive for participants, for
completing them alone in front of a computer is not a comfortable experience. This lowers
the completion rate. In the end, the superiority of online surveys is not justified by a higher
rate of response.

5. Cutting down rainforests is a necessary evil. In many of the countries where

rainforests are disappearing, the people are very poor. Logging the rainforests provides
many jobs, which helps these poor people. The loggers, the truck drivers, and the
shippers all receive work because of the logging industry. As well, once the land is
cleared it can be used for more productive things. Farmers can grow crops on the land
and ranchers can raise cattle. Finally, the wood itself is very useful. People use wood for
housing, fuel, furniture, and many other everyday items.
Deforestation of rainforests is considered by some an essential activity on the grounds that it
mitigates unemployment, spares land areas for other economic sectors, and produces
materials for daily life. While this perspective appears true at first, it has several problems in
its reasoning.

First, despite cutting of rainforest wood leads to creation of more jobs for people in several
economic areas, their prospects are not very auspicious. In essence, rainforest logging only
provides a temporary source of money, because constant exploitation only leads to scarcity.
Rainforests are a limited natural resource, so if their wood supply is depleted, most of the
people affiliated may become unemployed.

As for felling trees for other economic activities such as agricultural cultivation and
livestock raising, exchanging rainforest areas at the expense of short-term economic perks is
not a sensible rationale. Rainforests play an indispensable part in sustaining the balance of
the whole ecosystem of a large area. A damaged rainforest is synonymous with a vulnerable
habitat for both humans and animals. In this case, rainforests are susceptible to
desertification, flooding, landslides, and diminished diversity of the food chain, all of which
will likely cost far more than the economic benefits from woodcutting to reverse the
negative effects.

Finally, while wood is a favorite and useful materials, rainforest wood should not be treated
the same as wood for industrial purposes. Rainforests wood is precious and should be
preserved for the reasons mentioned previously. Furthermore, there have been dedicated
areas for trees that provide guaranteed high-quality wood used for manufacturing from
kitchen utensils to construction materials, so rainforest wood should be left intact.

In conclusion, because deforestation of rainforests only produces short-term advantages

while generating several unwanted negatives, it should be made clear that wood exploitation
in such areas should be strictly regulated.

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