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Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management

Management approach of an organization • Total – Made up of Whole

centered on quality based on the • Quality – Degree of excellence a product
participation of all members and aiming at or service provides
long term success through customer • Management – Act, art or manner of
satisfaction and benefits to all members of handling controlling,
handling, controlling directing etc
organization and society

Why Quality needs to be

Ingredients of TQM
• Leadership – Involvement by top management
• Q
ti off survival
i l in
i an iintense
t • Participatory
P ti i t – Every
E process, job,
j b person
competitive environment • System approach – Integration of various
aspects of organization
• Increasing Customer Consciousness • Continuous improvement – Quest for progress
and improvement
• Total Customer satisfaction
• Need for earning profit instead of making
profit • Key objective of improving quality


Quality management – leading thinkers

• Philip Crosby – Quality without tears

• W Edward Deming – Statistical Process
• Joseph M Juran – Planning, control and
• Armand V Feigenbaum – Total quality

Japanese Quality Gurus The PDCA Cycle

• Developed by Schewart and modified by
• Kaouru Ishikawa – Quality Circles and Deming
Deming, a continuous improvement
Cause and effect analysis
¾Plan – Establish plan for achieving goal
• Shigeo Shingo – Zero Quality control,
¾Do – Enacting the plan or doing
Mistake proofing
¾Check – Measuring and analyzing results
• Genichi Taguchi – Loss function
¾Act- Implement corrective actions


Strategic Considerations
• Business survival possible only by quality
• Strategy changed to customer focus from
return on investments
• Liberalization, globalization & competition
paved the way
• Promotion by government and industry

Strategic Quality Planning

• Quality Mission – purpose of existence

• Quality strategy and policy – Leadership,
people management and process
• Principles and values – creation of
• Organization and process – size, coordination,
• Education plan – Equip people
• Tactical plans
• Resources – money, time


Approaches to strategic quality

Quality Policies
• A focus on customer needs – by SWOT analysis • A policy is a broad guide to action. It is
• Leadership
L d hi by b upper managementt to t develop
d l statement
t t t off principles.
i i l
quality goals and strategies
• A policy differs from procedure, which
• Translation of strategies into annual business details how a given activity is to be
• Implementation of actions by line departments
i t d off relying
instead l i on a quality
lit department
d t t • The subject matter of quality policies are
tailor-made for each company

Formulation of quality goals -

Quality Goals
• A goal or objective is a statement of the desired • Pareto analysis – field failures, complaints, returns,
scrap, rework, sorting
result to be achieved within a specified time – an
• Proposals from key insiders – managers , supervisors,
aimed at target. union shop stewards
• These goals then form the basis of detailed • Proposals from suggestion schemes
planning activities • Field study of users needs, costs
• Tactical goals are short range (1 year) and • Data on performance of product vs. competitors
strategic goals are long range (5 years) • Comments of key people outside company – customers.,
vendors, journalists, critics
• Goals may be created for breakthrough or • Findings and comments of government regulators,
control independent labs, reformers.


Implementing Total Quality –

Organization for TQM
5 Phases
1. Decide on different approaches – SPC, Quality circles, • A structure is to be created for TQM
Benchmarking g
2. Prepare by giving training to upper and middle promotion
ti which
hi h consists
i t off problem
managers solving teams and control points
3. Start - includes more training, pilot quality projects,
revision and expansion of systems
4. Expand the new approach to other units by setting • In the basic structure first the CEO learns
teams, measurement systems
5. Integrate - quality becomes a way of life, strategic
it and CEO needs a coordinator reporting
goals are finalized and deployed at various levels with a steering committee

Organization for TQM Role of TQM Coordinators

• Apex TQM steering committee – with a • TQM coordinator does designing,
f ll time
full ti coordinator
di t planning,
l i educating,
d ti f ilit ti
facilitating, reviewing,
i i
• Divisional TQM steering committee with building conviction and acting on
full time coordinator secretariat
• Departmental TQM steering committee • Steering committee provide direction, goal,
with part-time TQM champions resources, review and carryout events
• TQM teams involve all . Examples are
Quality circles and TPM circles


TQM Team Roles Training for TQM

• Class room education

Cl d ti – external
t l and
d iinternal
t l
• Self development – Distance education
• Sponsor – Influencing and authority
• Mutual development – Team problem solving
• Team Leader – manages Team
• On the job training – working on assignments
• Facilitator – Catalyst in a team • Mentoring g – workingg under an experienced
p and
• Team Member – Work on Problems trusted advisor

Work practices for promoting learning

• Establishing standards – locking learning in

• Preventing recurrence – learning from past
• Making improvements – problem solving
• Averting problem recurrence – learning
through prevention
• Benchmarking – identification of best practices
• Participating in campaigns – 5S campaign
• Working in teams – mutual development
• Experimenting – learning by creation

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