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Jerico G.

BSBA 3-3
Direction: On your own, reflect on the following questions.

1. Visit three websites that advertise products and services. Describe each of the
websites and rank them for user friendliness and effectiveness. Explain how
each website could improve its advertisements. (10 points)

- The website that i visit are Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.These three
website are advertise products and services.Facebook advertise using
creating pages and groups.They posting their products and services using
their pages.Other pages paying Facebook to promote their pages.In
Instagram.You must have a Facebook Page to run ads and create a free
business profile on Instagram.Also you can pay Instagram to promote/sponsor
your products ans services.In YouTube they advertise their products and
services through a video of a YouTuber.They will put an advertisement to a
video to gain attention to audience.

2. Watch an infomercial on a television or cable television network. Prepare a report

describing the infomercial, including how much time was allotted for the
infomercial, what product or service was being promoted, how the product was
demonstrated, whether any testimonials were used, and how the call-to-action
was handled. Then rate the effectiveness of the infomercial. (10 points)

- The infomercial that i watch is all about anti drug advocacy.They discuss
about not to use illegal drugs and the bad effects of it and also it is prohibited
in our law.The time of the infomercial is 1 minute and 1 second.I rate it 10-10
because they discuss the bad effects of it and they encourage everyone not
to use illegal drugs.

3. You work for the advertising agency for an automobile manufacturer that has had
the top sales of all auto manufacturers for the last eight years. The
manufacturer’s automobiles have experienced major mechanical defects,
focusing the recall of millions of vehicles. Some of the defects have resulted in
tragic accidents. What advertising strategy would you use to regain a favorable
image for the company and to regain lost market share? (10 points)

The advertising strategy that i use is all about the safety and use correct use of
vehicles.I will also make a pricing changes like discount, promotional changes
like change in product or brand policies and product changes like making a
new model.
4. Your school wants to start a recycling awareness program to encourage students
to increase their recycling efforts. Conduct a research to learn more about the
recycling options available in your community and school. Then create a print ad
that raises awareness and encourages students to recycle. Assume the print ad
will be posted on bulletin boards around the school. (10 points)

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