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TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &

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Assessment Cover sheet and Learner Assessment Pack

Course Code And
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit/S Code & Title CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues

Learner Name:
Trainer Name:
 By hand to assessor
Mode Of  By email to assessor
Submission:  By Austpost to TMG
 By Online Hub

Instructions for the Learner

• Please complete your details in the table above, including the date and mode of

• You MUST keep a copy of all assignments before submitting them for assessment.

• This form MUST be attached to all submitted written work with all sections completed. An
incomplete form may result in a delay in the assessment decision-making process for the

• Please securely attach the completed form to your submitted work after signing the
declaration below:



Plagiarism is the act of representing as one's own original work the creative works of another,
without appropriate acknowledgment of the author or source.


Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as his or her own which is in fact
the result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.
Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of
academic misconduct.
Both collusion and plagiarism can occur in group work. For examples of plagiarism, collusion
and academic misconduct in group work please see the TMG’s policy on Academic
Honesty and Plagiarism: (TMG website link to the policy)
Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against
learners who engage in plagiarism and collusion as outlined in TMG’s policy.
Proven involvement in plagiarism or collusion may be recorded on learners’ academic file
and could lead to disciplinary action.

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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)


Please tick to indicate that you understand the following statements:

I declare that:

 This assignment is my own original work, except where I have appropriately cited
the original source (Appropriate citation of original work will vary from discipline to

 This assignment has not previously been submitted for assessment in this or any
other subject.

 I have kept a copy of this assignment.

For the purposes of assessment, I give the assessor of this assignment the permission to:

 Reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and

 Take steps to authenticate the assignment, including communicating a copy of this

assignment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assignment on its
database for future plagiarism checking).

Learner signature __________________________ Date _________________________

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Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 2 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Learner Name: Learner ID No:

This record is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of learner competency for the unit of
competency: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
The Trainer/Assessor is required to complete this assessment task outcome record when:
• the learner has completed and submitted all requirements for the assessment task for this cluster or unit of
• All assessment tasks submitted by the learner as retained to establish Competence has been reviewed and
assessed by the Trainer/Assessor as S/NS.
• Relevant and detailed feedback has been provided to learner.

Assessment Summary
This section is to be complete once all assessment tasks have been finalised.
Was sufficient evidence recorded for
Evidence Recorded
each task (please circle)
Assessment 1 Written Questions Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory.
Assessment 2 Case Study-1 Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory.
Case Study-2 Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory.
Case Study-3 Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory.
Assessment 3 Project Report-1 Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory.
Project Report-2 Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory.
Assessment 4 Workplace Observations Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental  Competent
health issues  Not Yet Competent

Feedback to Candidate
Please provide general feedback on the candidate’s performance for the unit/s. Specific tasks related
feedback should be recorded throughout this tool in the provided space within each task.

Learner signature: Date:

Trainer & Assessor signature: Date:


Entered onto Learner Management Database
Date: Initials:
The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
Document Type: DC-1262 TMG Assessment Coversheet & Learner Assessment Pack
Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 3 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Learner Assessment Pack

Learner Name
Course Code And
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit/s Code & Title CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues

• This pack includes all the assessment tasks you will need to successfully complete in order
to be competent in the unit/s of competence listed above.
• There are three (3) assessment tasks in this pack. To attain competence in the unit/s you
 Successfully complete all written questions in this assessment pack
 Successfully complete and submit all the three (3) case study questions outlined in
the assessment guide
 Successfully complete and submit the project reports outlined in the assessment

• In order to be assessed as competent (C) in this unit, you need to provide evidence that
demonstrates you can perform the required competencies to the required standard.
• Competency depends on consistently demonstrating the skills, attitudes and knowledge
that enable you to complete workplace tasks confidently in a variety of situations.
• You must record your written responses in this assessment pack. You can attach additional
pages if required.
• You must attach a TMG Assessment Coversheet to each submission.
• You are entitled to have two more assessment attempts for each assessment task within a
• The resources required for these assessment tasks are:
 TMG learner resources

 TMG PowerPoints & Online Hub

 Simulated workplace environment

 Computer & internet facility to undertake the research task

The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
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Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 4 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Assessment Task 1 - Written Questions

Pre Assessment Checklist for Trainer/Assessor to fill:

This checklist is to be completed prior to commencing the assessment. Please discuss this with the
learner and circle yes or no for each question.
Is the learner ready for assessment? Yes / No
Have you explained the assessment process and tasks? Yes / No
Does the learner understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes / No
Have the learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes / No
Have you discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be Yes / No
considered during the assessment?
Does the learner have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Due Date/ Duration of the assessment:

As per the timetable

Description of assessment task to be completed:

• This is No.1 of 3 assessment tasks you need to successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit.
• In this assessment you must answer twenty-five (25) questions on work with people with
mental health issue.
• This assessment can be completed in classroom or as homework – your assessor will
• You must answer all questions in accordance with the response criteria.
• Response criteria:
o Your response to the written questions must be limited to 50-150 words, unless
specified in written questions.

• You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Assessor.

Conditions of assessment:

• You will need to complete this task independently.

• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will
be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• You are entitled to have two more assessment attempts for each assessment task within
a unit
• You must speak to your Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this task and
require reasonable adjustments.

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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Written Questions:
Question 1

a. Why are the following values, beliefs and practices important to follow when communicating
with people with mental health needs? Give examples in your response.

• Ability to talk about mental health problems

• Focus on conversations that demonstrate help and hope

• Activity listen and apply a non-judgmentally response

• Focus on the person’s strengths rather than look at the deficits

• See the whole person not just the problem

• Patience

b. What is the principle of recovery as it relates to the mental health sector?

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

c. Define the key issues of prejudice and discrimination and explain how they impact on people
with mental health needs.

Question 2

Identify and give a brief overview of four (4) of the main types of mental illness most commonly
identified in the mental health sector and the community.


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TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)



Question 3

If a person is exiting a service, what procedure a health worker has to follow while referring a
client to other professional addressing the rights of a person with mental health needs?

The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 4

a. What are two (2) privacy principles that apply to client information that is stored electronically
under legislation?

b. What is a code of practice, and what is its role in ensuring confidentiality and privacy for
people with mental health needs?

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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 5

Define duty of care and explain how it influences the way you work when supporting a person
with mental health needs.

Question 6

Outline the meaning of dignity of risk. Why is it an important ethical consideration when
working with people in the sector?

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TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 7

a. How do the principles of access and equity apply to people with mental illness who come from
a variety of social, cultural and spiritual backgrounds?

b. Should a person’s citizenship status affect the principles of access and equity?

Question 8

Briefly outline how societal views of mental health and approaches to working with people
with mental illness have changed in a,

a. Historical context

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

b. Societal context

Question 9

Explain how government policies and initiatives affect the mental health sector. Give an
example with your answer.

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TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 10

Briefly outline how the current economic situation and government funding impact the mental
health sector and the subsequent impact on people.

Question 11

List two (2) human rights important for a person with a mental health issue.

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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 12

Describe a situation in which mandatory reporting may be required when working with people
with mental illness.

Question 13

Why is it necessary to get informed consent from a person before gathering and interpreting
information from others?

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TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 14

a. Explain the strategy of recovery-oriented practice and how it supports empowerment and

b. Give an example of where health information and health prevention might be used when
offering strategies that support recovery.

Question 15

What are the core principles of a holistic approach to mental health care?

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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 16

What is early intervention?

Question 17

Explain the principles of empowerment and disempowerment and what they mean for a
person with mental health needs.

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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 18

Why is it important to avoid imposing your own values and attitudes when supporting a person
with mental health needs?

Question 19

Why is it important when working towards a person’s goals, that everyone in a person’s care
network incorporates the values of social justice and inclusion?

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 20

a. Briefly outline the impact of the National standards for mental health services 2010 on individual
workers who work with people with mental illness. Provide two examples with your answer.

b. Are there any consequences for a breach of the National standards for mental health services
2010? Explain your answer.

Question 21

What might be an organisation’s policy on the rights of a person to allow children into the
mental health service workplace?

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 22

Provide examples of two (2) types of organisational records that would be used to document
interactions with and services for a person with mental illness.

Question 23

Outline two (2) appropriate responses to a person who is demonstrating aggressive behaviour
due to distress.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Question 24

What organisational documents outline your work role and the boundaries and limitations of
your responsibilities?

Question 25

Provide an example of a circumstance where a referral is appropriate because the person you
are supporting has needs that are beyond your abilities and work role.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Assessment Task 2 - Case Study

Pre Assessment Checklist for Trainer/Assessor to fill:
This checklist is to be completed prior to commencing the assessment. Please discuss this with the
learner and circle yes or no for each question.
Is the learner ready for assessment? Yes / No
Have you explained the assessment process and tasks? Yes / No
Does the learner understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes / No
Have the learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes / No
Have you discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be Yes / No
considered during the assessment?
Does the learner have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Due Date/Duration of assessment:

As per the timetable
Description of assessment task:
• This is No.2 of 3 assessment tasks you need to successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit.
• In this assessment you are to read all the three (3) case studies and complete the
questions that follow, imagining yourself as support worker. You are to provide answers
in a way that support individual empowerment and recovery through:
o Use of communication techniques
o Provision and adaptation of services to meet particular needs
• You need to provide your response within the specified range.
• You will be assessed according to your response provided for the given question in
each case study.

Material and resource requirements:

• Simulated workplace environment

• Access to textbooks and other learning materials
• Access to a computer (if you prefer to type your responses)

Conditions of assessment:

• You will need to complete this task independently.

• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will
be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• You are entitled to have two more assessment attempts for each assessment task within
a unit
• You must speak to your Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this task and
require reasonable adjustments.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Case Study 1

Maria is 72 years old and lives with her husband, Dan. Maria and Dan immigrated to Australia
from Cyprus three years ago to be closer to their children and have not yet become citizens.

A little more than a year ago several members of her immediate family noticed she seemed to
be having some short-term memory problems. Maria visited her general practitioner who
arranged for her to be assessed. She was diagnosed with dementia. Soon after she began
wandering from the house and having difficulty finding her way home. On several occasions,
she injured herself while performing routine daily chores.

Six months ago, Maria’s family decided that it was no longer possible for Maria to live at home.

To protect Maria and make life easier for Dan, Maria was moved to a nursing home
specialising in dementia care. Maria did not respond well to the move and the situation has
been made more difficult because she has lost her ability to communicate in English. Memory
problems have caused her to revert to her native Greek. Dan has needed support from family
and friends to deal with the stigma of mental illness affecting his wife and to understand the
workings of the mental health sector.

a) Maria has not lived in Australia for long. Should her Citizenship affect the access she has to
mental health services? Explain the mental health sector values of access and equity and how
they apply to a person’s cultural background.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

b) Explain how social attitudes to mental health and approaches to working with people with
mental health needs have changed over time. Discuss in a historical context.

c) Give an example of a political government policy/initiative that has impacted on the mental
health sector.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

d) Provide an example of a current economic decision that has affected the mental health
sector. What were the impacts on people with mental health issues?

e) Maria, Dan and their children have certain legal and ethical rights in regards to the support
offered to Maria. Outline the legal rights for the following legislation: discrimination, human
rights and mandatory reporting. What polices, procedure and legislative would guide you in
your practice with this client?

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Case Study 2
Mark has schizophrenia and lives in a supported house with three others. Mark enjoys living in
the house and gets on well with his other housemates. Mark wants to attend the local
community centre for woodworking classes offered once a week on a weekday. Mark’s father
taught him some carpentry skills when he was growing up and they used to make furniture
together in the family shed. Mark feels he would like to attend the classes with the aim of one
day doing an apprenticeship in cabinet making.

You are Mark’s support worker. You accompany Mark when he visits the community centre to
look at the room and equipment where the classes are held and to meet the wood work
instructor. Mark is enthusiastic after the tour and explains to the instructor that he has
schizophrenia. You notice that the instructor’s manner changes towards Mark after he tells him
about his mental health needs. Mark is still keen to attend and hopes to begin classes next

a) What are three (3) myths the instructor might hold about mental illness? Correct these myths
with a fact.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

b) Why is it important to allow a person with a mental illness to express their own identity and
preferences and avoid imposing own values and attitudes?

c) There is a certain level of risk involved in using the tools at the woodworking classes. What is
dignity of risk and why is it important that Mark be involved in any discussions?

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

d) Outline the duty of care You have in supporting Mark to meet his needs.

Case Study 3
Lee’s parents remember first noticing that Lee had some behavioural problems when he was
only six years old. Although Lee was obviously an intelligent child he had developed various
rituals that he needed to perform before undertaking routine daily tasks. He also found it
difficult to interact in social situations. He maintained one close friendship since childhood but
otherwise tends to be quite isolated from his peers.

When he was14, Lee experienced a breakdown during a period of family stress. During this
time Lee became quite violent towards both his parents and his sister. Lee regularly threatens
self-harm. He has no social contact with anyone outside of his immediate family. Lee spent six
months in hospital following his breakdown and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

His parents are concerned about the way Lee is becoming increasingly violent and non-
communicative. They worry that he is at risk of self-harm. You are his support worker and is also
noticing an escalation in violent behaviour in Lee. You feel that the services Lee is currently
accessing are not meeting his current needs and additional health professionals need to be
involved in the support and care of Lee.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

a) You arrange to discuss Lee’s recent behaviour with your supervisor. Due to his changing needs,
Lee may need to exit his current services or adaptions will be made to his current support.
What organisational policy and procedures (policy frameworks) documents will be used to
ensure Lee’s rights and needs are met with the change in circumstances that may be

b) You feel that the services currently being offered to Lee are not meeting his needs and you
recognise the limits of your own knowledge, abilities and work role. Suggest the work role
boundaries that may have changed that make you to discuss this with your supervisor.

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

c) List appropriate referral services that may now need to be considered for Lee.

d) If Lee’s violence towards his family escalates again, what advice can you give Lee’s parents
to deal with this crisis?

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Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

e) If you were present at the time of Lee’s violent behaviour, what prompt actions could you take
to support Lee?

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Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Assessment Task 3 – Project Report

Pre Assessment Checklist for Trainer/Assessor to fill:
This checklist is to be completed prior to commencing the assessment. Please discuss this with the
learner and circle yes or no for each question.
Is the learner ready for assessment? Yes / No
Have you explained the assessment process and tasks? Yes / No
Does the learner understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes / No
Have the learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes / No
Have you discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be Yes / No
considered during the assessment?
Does the learner have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Due Date/Duration of assessment:

As per the timetable
Description of assessment task:
• This is No.3 of 3 assessment tasks you need to successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit.
• In this assessment you are to prepare two reports based on your research in relation to
Mental Health issues and its perception in Australia.
• For the Research, you may refer to library resources, interview relevant people in the
industry, visit online websites (e.g. google, digital magazines, government websites
• You will be assessed according to the criteria listed in the project.
• Write or type your response on A4 sheets.
• This assessment will be given as homework.

Material and resource requirements:

• Access to the Internet (for conducting online research)

• Plain A4 sheets or,
• Access to a computer if you prefer type out your answer

Conditions of assessment:
• You will need to complete this task independently.
• You will be assessed based on the report evidence submitted to your assessor.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will
be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• You are entitled to have two more assessment attempts for each assessment task within
a unit.
• You must speak to your Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this task and
require reasonable adjustments.
The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
Document Type: DC-1262 TMG Assessment Coversheet & Learner Assessment Pack
Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 31 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Report Tasks:
Report 1 – Research Report about a Mental Health issue
Prepare a research report, approximately 500 – 1000 words, on a particular mental health
problem. In your report, you must include the following criteria:
• What the mental health problem involves
• Myths surrounding the mental health problem
• Issues facing people with this mental health problem
• Support services available to people with this mental health problem and when you
would need to refer a client to these services

Project report 1: Criteria checklist

Check (X) the answer

Did the learner: that applies
Yes No N/A

Described facts about the mental health problem

Described myths associated with the mental health problem

Describes key issues of people with the mental health problem

Described services available to support with the mental health

Described when access to services would be required

The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
Document Type: DC-1262 TMG Assessment Coversheet & Learner Assessment Pack
Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 32 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Report 2 – Research Report about Perception & Mental Health in Australia

Prepare a research report, approximately 500 – 1000 words, on mental health in Australia. In
your report, you must include the following criteria:
• At least one current government initiative in relation to mental health
• How attitudes and societal views have changed in relation to mental health over time
• How the economic environment impacts on mental health

Project report 2: Criteria checklist

Check (X) the answer

Did the learner: that applies
Yes No N/A

Explained how attitudes to mental health have changed

Explained how societal views of mental health have changed

Explained the impact of economics on mental health

Identify a government initiative relating to mental health

The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
Document Type: DC-1262 TMG Assessment Coversheet & Learner Assessment Pack
Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 33 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Assessment Task 4 – Workplace Observation

The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
Document Type: DC-1262 TMG Assessment Coversheet & Learner Assessment Pack
Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 34 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
TMG Assessment Cover Sheet &
Learner Assessment Pack | 1300 888 TMG (1300 888 864)

Assessment Tasks Outcome Record

Assessment Task 1 - Written Questions

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 2 - Case Studies

Result of
□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 3 – Project Report

□ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1-Written Questions

Assessment Task 2-Case Studies


Assessment Task 3 – Project Report

Learner Date:

IMPORTANT: The Record of Assessment Form to be used as a final record of student competency for each
unit of competency.

The Malka Group Pty Ltd Trading as TMG College Australia | Registered Training Organisation #21694 | CRICOS Provider Code 03397E
Document Type: DC-1262 TMG Assessment Coversheet & Learner Assessment Pack
Version 7.2 Release Date: Jan 2017 Page 35 of 35
Unit details: CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues

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