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Food Control 102 (2019) 17–21

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Mercury in stir-fried and raw mushrooms from the Boletaceae family from T
the geochemically anomalous region in the Midu county, China
Jerzy Falandysza,b,c,∗,1, Ji Zhangc,d, Małgorzata Mędyka, Xue Zhange
University of Gdańsk, Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology, 80-308, Gdańsk, Poland
Environmental and Computational Chemistry Group, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zaragocilla Campus, University of Cartagena, 130015, Cartagena, Colombia
Institute of Medicinal Plants, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming, 650200, China
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650223, China
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Yunnan Industry & Trade Vocational College, Anning, 650300, China


Keywords: Investigation has been made on contamination with mercury of a raw and stir-fried in moderate oil mushrooms
Cooking grew in geochemically anomalous soils in south-west Asia. The “bolete” mushrooms studied were Baorangia
Exposure bicolor, Boletus edulis, Boletus speciosus, Retiboletus griseus, Rugiboletus extremiorientalis and Sutorius magnificus. The
Food toxicology batches of fresh mushrooms were respectively dried and stir-fried in moderate oil using a wok pan. Data ob-
Mercury intake
tained confirmed on elevated Hg content in mushrooms from the southwestern China and showed on elevated
Organic food
content of the element in popular mushroom dishes. The meal (100 g) made of fried “boletes” could provide for
consumer Hg in dose from 0.27 to 1.4 (median 0.96) μg kg−1 body mass (RfD, reference dose is 0.3 μg kg−1 bm
per day). Fried mushrooms if taken daily over a week period (100 g × 7) could provide Hg in dose from 1.9 to
9.6 (median 6.8) μg kg−1 bm. In view of the reference values for safe intake of inorganic Hg (PTWI, provisionally
tolerable weekly intake is 4 μg kg−1 bm) and moderate consumption, the fried bolete mushrooms could provide
Hg in doses exceeding the safe limit.

1. Introduction 0–10 cm layer of soils was well above 0.1 mg kg−1 dry matter (dm), and
maximum was 3.4 mg kg−1 dm (Falandysz, Dryżałowska, Saba, Wang,
Toxic mercury (Hg) that usually occurs in a small concentration in & Zhang, 2014; 2015a). Mushrooms grown on polymetallic Yunnan
soils is well transferred into the flesh by some mushrooms, including soils showed elevated levels of Hg (up to 22 mg kg−1 dry biomass (db)
edible species (Falandysz, 2002 and, 2016; Falandysz et al., 2003). In in pooled samples of caps and 8.4 mg kg−1 db in stems in Boletus spp.)
the world there are regions with soils naturally Hg-enriched due to and high bioconcentration factors (BCF) reaching 6.5 for caps and 2.5
formation of the mercuriferous belts with polymetallic soils/geochem- for stems (Falandysz et al., 2015b and, 2016, 2015a; Kojta et al., 2015).
ical anomalies (Gustin et al., 1999). Mushrooms from soils both natu- In the regions of Asia are many places with a geochemical anomalies
rally elevated in Hg or polluted because of the cinnabar mining and and biodiversity of mushrooms that are widely collected and cooked
processing or from other sources can accumulate Hg in elevated con- either fresh or preserved (Liu et al., 2018; Murugkar & Subbulakshmi,
centrations (Bargagli & Baldi, 1984; Falandysz, 2017; Vogel-Mikuš 2005; Wang et al., 2014). A popular composite of a dinner served in
et al., 2016). A diffusive pollution of the environment with airborne Hg south-west Asia are meals made of a stir-fried young “bolete” mush-
on a global scale also contribute to a forest topsoil pollution (Suchara & rooms and other species (Falandysz & Borovička, 2013; Liu et al., 2018;
Sucharova, 2002), and so contribute also to its higher soil background Zhang, Li, Yang, Liu, & Wang, 2015). A term “bolete” mushrooms is
regionally and locally. traditionally used in Yunnan for mushrooms from the genus Boletus and
China has regions with polymetallic soils, including the south- others similar mushrooms from the family Boletaceae, regardless of the
western part of the country that is also rich in mountainous forests and latest achievements in the molecular biology and changes in the sys-
edible mushrooms. In previous studies of the forest topsoil and mush- tematic classification.
rooms from the southwestern China has been observed that Hg in China is also a major producer and exporter of the cultivated and

Corresponding author. University of Gdańsk, Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology, 80-308, Gdańsk, Poland.
E-mail address: (J. Falandysz).
Visiting professor.
Received 25 January 2019; Received in revised form 7 March 2019; Accepted 8 March 2019
Available online 13 March 2019
0956-7135/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Falandysz, et al. Food Control 102 (2019) 17–21

wild growing mushrooms both for the Chinese domestic market and to sample thermal decomposition coupled with amalgamation of Hg va-
other countries and also is a large consumer of the boletes (Li et al., pour with a gold wool trap and its further desorption and quantitative
2016; Marzano, Bracchi, & Pizzetti, 2001; Zhang, Gao, Ma, Luo, & Su, measurement at wavelength of 253.7 nm. The spectroscope was a
2008). China in 2016 produced 48,347.20 tons of the boletes and mercury analyzer (MA-2000, Nippon Instruments Corporation,
46,220.00 tons of the collection came from the Yunnan province (CEFA, Takatsuki, Japan) equipped with an auto-sampler, and the operational
2016). details have been described previously (Falandysz et al., 2015a). One
The stir-frying of mushrooms can be performed in deep oil or with a blank sample and one certified reference material sample were ex-
moderate volume of oil and sometimes after an initial blanching (par- amined with each two determinations of the fungal material studied.
boiling) in a wok pan (Qiu, 2003). During the growing season, mainly Recovery of Hg for certified reference material (CS-M-3; dried
fresh and relatively young individuals are sold and cooked. The Hg mushroom powder B. edulis; n = 11) produced by the Institute of
transfer from the polymetallic soils into the human meals containing Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland, examined con-
contaminated mushrooms may pose health risks, thus, it is important to currently with experimental mushrooms was 99.9% (certified value of
understand not only the content in raw mushrooms but also effect of Hg was 2.849 mg kg−1 and determined value was
cooking, speciation and availability. 2.87 ± 0.05 mg kg−1).
Cooking (boiling and pickling or canning) usually reduce content of
metallic elements, including Hg but also essential nutrients in a 3. Results and discussion
mushroom meal (Drewnowska et al., 2017; Falandysz & Drewnowska,
2015 and, 2017; Pankavec et al., 2019). This study investigated the 3.1. Hg in raw mushrooms
potential effect of stir-frying in moderate volume of oil on fate of Hg in
“bolete” mushrooms as well as possible Hg intake with the mushrooms The mushrooms B. bicolor, B. edulis, R. griseus, S. magnificus, B.
meals in view of safety limits. Data on the effects of stir-frying in speciosus and R. extremiorientalis contained Hg in pooled samples of the
moderate volume of oil using a wok on the Hg and other metallic ele- whole fruiting bodies in the range from 0.92 to 3.32 mg kg−1 dry bio-
ments content and intake from the mushrooms meals are absent in the mass (db). The caps were the morphological part that was from 1.6 to
literature. 2.9 fold higher in Hg than the stems (Table 2). The species R. ex-
tremiorientalis, R. griseus and B. edulis showed 2–3 fold higher con-
2. Materials and methods tamination with Hg than B. bicolor, S. magnificus or B. speciosus.
Data on high levels of Hg in “bolete” mushrooms obtained in this
2.1. Raw mushrooms study (Table 1) confirm that mushrooms foraged from a certain regions
of the Dali prefecture in Yunnan can be substantially contaminated with
The raw mushrooms examined were such species as Baorangia bi- this element. They agree with the previously available data for the
color (Kuntze) G. Wu, Halling & Zhu L. Yang [previous name Boletus southwestern Asia (Falandysz et al., 2015b, 2016, 2015a; Kojta et al.,
bicolor Peck], Boletus edulis Bull., Boletus speciosus Forst., Retiboletus 2015). Nevertheless, because of the size of this montane region
griseus (Frost) Manfr. Binder & Bresinsky [previous name Boletus griseus (29,459 km2) and many sites where mushrooms can be foraged, a sys-
Frost], Rugiboletus extremiorientalis (Lj.N. Vassiljeva) G. Wu & Zhu L. tematic study including soil substrata would be necessary to get a more
Yang [previous name Leccinum extremiorientale (Lj.N. Vassiljeva)] and clear picture on a spatial distribution of Hg in soils and mushrooms
Sutorius magnificus (W.F. Chiu) G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang [previous name there.
Boletus magnificus W.F. Chiu] (Table 1). Mushrooms were collected from
the region of the Midu County in the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in 3.2. Hg in stir-fried mushrooms
west-central Yunnan province of China at the beginning of August
2018. The stir-fried B. bicolor, B. edulis, R. griseus, S. magnificus, B. speciosus
Mushrooms (from 5 to 21 of relatively young individuals in a pool) and R. extremiorientalis contained Hg in pooled samples of the whole
(Table 1) were cleaned-up from any adhered soil debris using a plastic fruiting bodies in the range from 0.29 to 1.92 mg kg−1 dry biomass
knife and brush, separated for caps and stipes and sliced. Moisture (db). Fried caps had Hg in concentration from 1.1 to 3.4 fold greater
content of each sample was determined gravimetrically by oven-drying than the stems (Table 2).
of a pooled sample for 24 h to a constant biomass at 65 °C (Ultra The studied batches of a corresponding species of mushrooms – on
FD1000, Ezidri, Australia). Dried mushrooms were grounded to a fine the one hand, raw and on the other fried - were not equivalent re-
powder using the porcelain mortar and pestle and kept in screw poly- garding to the homogeneity of the composition. Thus, it is impossible
ethylene bags in dry and clean condition until instrumental analysis. from the present study to conclude about the exact effect of cooking on
lowering or not of the Hg content during frying. The aim of the research
2.2. Cooked mushrooms was, among others, the desire to learn what is the real content of Hg in
stir-fried mushrooms meals made in typical conditions in the roadside
The mushroom dishes were made of the same species as were the restaurants in south-west Asia, and what is the Hg intake in view of the
raw mushrooms examined (Table 1). Mushrooms were of a similar size safety limits.
(from 5 to 23 young individuals per a sample, respectively) and were It can be assumed that in the course of frying and regardless of a
collected from the same sites and in the same time as were the raw volume of oil or fat/butter used some constituents will leak from
mushrooms. After clean-up using a plastic knife and brush, the mush- mushrooms into the oily residue (juice) and/or will co-evaporate with
room samples were separated for caps and stems and sliced. Each water. Mushrooms’ flesh is made up of 90% water (Table 1). In the
sample was separately stir-fried with respectively from 15 to 55 g of a frying process temperature is high (in deep oil frying oil reaches 175 °C
hot vegetable oil (depending on the sample size) in a wok for 10 min. in average) (Bordin, Kunitake, Aracava, & Trindade, 2013), and a
Fried mushrooms were drained from any oil residues, freeze-dried, portion of moisture evaporates (dehydration of foods) while a portion
grounded and kept in tightly closed polyethylene jars until analyses. of frying oil is absorbed by food.
In present study mushrooms in the course of frying lost from 36 to
2.3. Analysis 55% of moisture and absorbed almost a whole volume of oil added
(Table 1). Oil absorption rate was from 24 to 32 g per 100 g of fried
The subsamples of dehydrated fungal materials were analysed using mushrooms (left oily residue was from 0.82 to 5.7 g per a sample) and
cold-vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy (CV-AAS) by a direct varied for differed morphological parts of the fruiting bodies and

J. Falandysz, et al. Food Control 102 (2019) 17–21

Table 1
Description and size of the mushroom samples, percentage of moisture content of the fresh and cooked mushrooms, fresh and dry biomass share between caps and
stems of the fruiting bodies, percentage of hidden oil sorbed by fried mushrooms, percentage of moisture loss by cooked mushrooms due to dehydration and
proportion between fresh mushrooms biomass and oil sorbed in the course of frying.
Species Raw mushrooms Fried mushrooms

Moisture (%) Fresh biomass (g) share Dry biomass (g) share Moisture content Oil sorbed (%) Moisture lost (%) Fresh mushrooms: absorbed oil (g/
(%) (%) (%) g)a

Baorangia bicolor
Caps 89.4 59.9 65.1 46.0 20 27 5.3 : 1
Stems 88.3 40.1 34.9 41.0 40 60 3.1 : 1
Whole 88.9 100 100 44.9 24 36 4.2 : 1
Boletus edulis
Caps 91.9 42.7 40.3 60.5 28 61 6.3 : 1
Stems 90.3 57.3 59.7 59.1 26 47 4.7 : 1
Whole 90.6 100 100 59.7 27 53 5.5 : 1
Boletus speciosus
Caps 90.0 47.2 51.1 58.6 20 44 6.9 : 1
Stems 88.9 52.8 48.9 56.3 27 54 5.1 : 1
Whole 89.4 100 100 57.3 24 50 6.0 : 1
Retiboletus griseus
Caps 91.5 54.7 60.5 59.2 29 49 4.5 : 1
Stems 91.9 45.3 39.5 52.1 37 63 4.0 : 1
Whole 91.7 100 100 57.2 32 55 4.2 : 1
Rugiboletus extremiorientalis
Caps 87.7 32.5 35.4 54.3 29 48 4.3 : 1
Stems 88.5 67.4 64.6 52.3 29 52 4.9 : 1
Whole 88.2 100 100 53.0 29 51 4.6 : 1
Sutorius magnificus
Caps 90.0 55.4 53.2 59.1 28 46 4.4 : 1
Stems 88.2 42.7 46.8 55.3 21 52 7.6 : 1
Whole 89.2 100 100 57.4 25 49 6.0 : 1

Oil used - whole weight: whole weight (g/g).

Table 2 species (Table 1). Mushroom cutting and high temperature dehydration
Mercury contents in raw and cooked mushroom materials and Hg index Qc/s. can promote leakage of juice and compounds from plasma through
Species Raw mushrooms Fried mushrooms
damaged cell walls to oily phase during frying. Some water soluble
constituents can be lost from fried mushrooms to oily residue and co-
n∗ Hg (mg kg−1 db) Qc/s n∗ Hg (mg kg−1 db) Qc/s evaporate with water.
The boletes mmushrooms, e.g., Boletus edulis Bull., are high in sul-
Baorangia bicolor
Caps 21 1.63 ± 0.05 22 0.32 ± 0.01
phur and elevated both in Hg and Se (Falandysz, Zhang, Wiejak,
Stems 21 1.02 ± 0.05 22 0.19 ± 0.00 Baralkiewicz, & Hanc, 2017 and 2013; Falandysz, Frankowska, &
Whole fruiting 21 1.41 1.6 22 0.29 1.7 Mazur, 2007; Nasr & Arp, 2011; Nasr, Malloch, & Arp, 2012; Vogel-
bodies Mikuš et al., 2016). Mercury in mushrooms is largely in a form of the
Boletus edulis
compounds hardly soluble in water (largely Hg in bonds with eSH
Caps 5 3.54 ± 0.08 6 2.23 ± 0.10
Stems 5 1.21 ± 0.05 6 0.67 ± 0.04 groups in peptides and proteins and in minor part as HgSe, HgS and
Whole fruiting 5 2.14 2.9 6 1.23 3.4 CH3Hg+) (Stijve & Roschnik, 1974; Vogel-Mikuš et al., 2016). Thus, Hg
bodies may be less wasted and it remains largely with fried mushrooms.
Boletus speciosus When expressed on a wet biomass (whole weight or product weight)
Caps 5 1.40 ± 0.08 5 2.67 ± 0.05
Stems 5 0.56 ± 0.02 5 1.30 ± 0.08
basis, the stir-frying in moderate oil significantly increased content of
Whole fruiting 5 0.99 2.5 5 1.92 2.0 Hg in fried meals if relate to results for fresh mushrooms (Table 3).
bodies Dehydration causes concentration of Hg in fried mushrooms while ab-
Rugiboletus extremiorientalis sorbed oil (it was free from Hg) slightly dilutes this effect.
Caps 12 5.28 ± 0.28 12 2.85 ± 0.11
The reported data on the effect of frying (a flat pan) on the elements
Stems 12 2.28 ± 0.12 12 1.14 ± 0.01
Whole fruiting 12 3.32 2.3 12 1.70 2.5 content of cooked mushrooms relate so far only to the radioactive
bodies caesium (137Cs) (Kenigsberg et al. 1996; Steinhauser & Steinhauser,
Sutorius magnificus 2016). In a study by Kenisberg et al. 1996, the 137Cs activity con-
Caps 6 1.16 ± 0.01 7 0.88 ± 0.02 centration in mushrooms decreased by 70% in the course of frying
Stems 6 0.64 ± 0.01 7 0.79 ± 0.01
Whole fruiting 6 0.92 1.8 7 0.84 1.1
(without details on effect on possible 137Cs intake), while content in-
bodies creased by 105% when mushrooms were dried. The mushrooms Can-
Retiboletus griseus tharellus cibarius and Boletus edulis when wet or dry cleaned from soil
Caps 8 3.52 ± 0.04 8 1.94 ± 0.01 debris and fried with a small volume of vegetable oil leaked 137Cs into
Stems 8 1.79 ± 0.05 8 0.91 ± 0.03
the oily residue (juice) in higher rate by washed (19–29%) and dry-
Whole fruiting 8 2.80 2.0 8 1.60 2.1
bodies cleaned (2–16%) chanterelles than by washed (6%) and dry-cleaned
(0%) boletus (Steinhauser & Steinhauser, 2016).
Notes: n∗ (the number of specimens in a pool). A handful of data is available on loss of Hg (decrease respectively by
15–22%, 15–35%, 34–39%, 10% and 56 ± 2%) for a few species in the
course of a real household treatment such as blanching and pickling of

J. Falandysz, et al. Food Control 102 (2019) 17–21

Table 3
Mercury content in fresh mushrooms and in fried mushrooms meals (μg kg−1 wet product) from the Midu region of Yunnan, China and estimated daily and weekly
Hg intake with the mushroom meals.
Species Hg (μg kg−1 wet product) Hg (μg kg−1 wet product) Hg intake (μg) Hg intake (μg) Estimated daily Hg Estimated weekly Hg
in fresh mushrooms in fried mushrooms 100 g meal 100 g × 7 meals intake (μg kg−1 bm)a intake (μg kg−1 bm)b

Baorangia bicolor 160 160 16 110 0.27 1.9

Boletus edulis 200 500 50 350 0.83 5.8
Boletus speciosus 100 820 82 570 1.4 9.6
Retiboletus griseus 230 680 68 480 1.1 7.9
Rugiboletus extremiorientalis 390 800 80 560 1.3 9.3
Sutorius. Magnificus 100 360 36 250 0.60 4.2

(adult of body mass 60 kg; one mushroom meal of 100 g per day; RfD for Hg is 0.3 μg kg−1 body mass).
(adult body mass 60 kg; seven mushroom meals - each 100 g - per week; PTWI for inorganic Hg is 4 μg kg−1 body mass).

fresh or deep frozen mushrooms (Falandysz & Drewnowska, 2015 and, Acknowledgements
2017; Svoboda, Kalač, Špička, & Janoušková, 2002).
A study granted in part by National Natural Science Foundation of
China - project no. 21667031.
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