Module 2 - English 12 (Eapp)

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S.Y. 2020-2021





“Friends or F.O.E.C.S.?”


1. Pray before reading and answering

Write notes. Read and learn
the module.
the lesson.
Answer the activity.
3. Click the links and watch the
videos one-at-a-time.
4. Write notes.
Watch the video/ Research for
5. If question arises, do not hesitate
further lesson.
to seek help from your subject
6. Answer the activities with
Lesson/s Subtopics LEARNING OUTCOMES Estimated

Formality IDENTIFY writing with formal vs 2 hrs.

SUBTOPIC 1 colloquial terms
Objectivity WRITE an objective and impersonal 2 hrs.
Explicitness WRITE sentences that express and 2 hrs.
SUBTOPIC 3 make ideas explicit

SUBTOPIC 4 Caution EXAMINE expressions and write 1 hr.

appropriate utterances

SUBTOPIC 5 Structure COMPOSE sentences by using 1 hr.


The internet has created a massive space for people to engage with others and to share
ideas at great speeds. Travel, for instance, is an activity that requires preparation. Read the
blog entry Life’s a Beach by AJ Poliquit
up-la-union/ about one person’s trip to La Union and answer the questions that follows. Write
in sentence form (no sentence limit).

(ACTIVITY 1) Guide questions:

1. What are the activities in La Union that the writer described?
2. What is the purpose of this text?
3. What is the role of the writer in doing this piece?
4. Who are the possible audience for this piece?
5. Would you visit the place after reading the blog entry? Why or why not?

In the first lesson, you were taught that writers are influenced by the
topic, their own role, their audience, and their purpose. These four elements
QUAESTIO influence language should appeal to travelers. His purpose is to encourage
people to go to the places he has visited; his role is that of a friend because his
(STUDY): language is simple.

In this module, you will be learning about the features of language

use that you need to know about: formality, objectivity, explicitness, caution
and structure. Also, you will learn to answer the following questions: how
will I be able to write showing the following features? How will I use
appropriately and show formality, objectivity, explicitness and caution in
academic writing?
ACTIVITY #2: Write complete and appropriate meaning of each abbreviations and
colloquial terms. Use the example below. Write meanings in the parenthesis only if needed.


Example: etc etcetera (and other things)
2. FTW
3. can’t
4. don’t
5. OTW
6. shouldn’t
8. Pres.
9. Approx.
10. Dept.
11. ETA
12. vs
13. tsp
14. PhD
15. LOL
16. AM
17. PM
18. AD
19. e.g.
20. i.e.

Read, research and study some abbreviations and

their meanings online. You may use this link to know more
meanings abbreviations appropriately.

- End of Quaestio -

Your main goal in this section is to learn

and understand some key concepts by working on the
following questions:

OBJECTIO  What are the important key pointers of

formality, objectivity, explicitness, caution,
and structure?
(RESEARCH)  How will the features of writing academic
Read, study and analyze the lessons below. written? for the activities after, refer to
RESPONDIO activities.

Formality reflects your dignified stance in your writing as a member of the academic
community. This means that since your audience are fellow members of the academic community,
the language you use requires precision to make it a “legitimate” piece of academic writing.

Formality can be achieved through the following ways:

An engineer built a saltwater lamp to help communities with no electricity.
Academic writing requires care since knowledge is built from proven theories and concepts.
A saltwater lamp was built to help communities with no electricity.
Therefore, from is
caution language,
needed tosentences need to generalizations.
avoid sweeping be constructed inConsider such a way that they show
the following a level of
complexity that writing
reflects demands the use of signposts
the sophistication of an academic that allowwriter.
to trace the ideas
the parts of a study.
and passivation arecorrupt.
some ways to achieve structure fit for academic writing.
Several Government officials are
scientists conducted experiment to examine the effects of algae on biodiversity.
IfInyou intend to ideas
combining show effectively,
a change in you yourwill lineneedof argument,
avoid make
to rhetorical it clearand
redundancy by usingthe however.
Passivization: statement is not completely true and the impact of theat statement
same time,
may make
sure that
misleading.ideas are
The packed
statement effectively.
can be improved through the use of devices such as modal verbs,
An experiment was conducted to the examine the effects of algae on biodiversity.
adverbs, or verbs.
is apparent thethat the government
following examples:hopes to provide assistance to the poor. However, giving
dole outs The to theearthquake
“poorest of the poor”
caused loss of does life.not work in long term.
Improved versions:
The earthquake caused massive property damage.
OBJECTIVITY The earthquake
Some government changed
officials may the landscape
be corrupt. of theverbs)
(modal village.
The following phrases may be useful in making ideas explicit:
Corruption is commonly linked to some key government officials. (adverb)
A number these
writing sentences
of government requiresare grammatically
officials tend to becorrect,
knowledge linked they
andwith doofnot
usecases possess
of the (verb)
corruption. sophistication
language and of
1. Thiswriting.
objectivity. is duemeans
This to
Theythe… can be
that theimproved
writing mustby continuing
be impersonal similarand ideas expressing
maintain them level
a certain throughof asocial
distance. academic writing, Hence,cautionthey can be rewritten
needs to be observed this way: in the following parts of your paper:
A number of MERALCO consumers trooped to the City Hall to claim a PHP 500 cash
1. When a hypothesis needs to be tested
incentive.The This isbedue
earthquake to the Supreme
a disasterCourt ruling that lossovercharges mustdamage,
be returnedand to the
2. Objectivity can
Drawing conclusions orwas
achieved by:
predictions that your
from caused findings ofthat
generalize certain permanent
end userschanges
whose electric consumption
in the landscape. for the April-May period was below 100kw/hr.
or may not be conclusive
1.3. Avoiding the
Referencing others’ use of personal
work topronouns
build on your such own as you, paperI and we.
2. InThis resulted
Poor in…
nominalization, example: the verbsYou areneedmade centralthe
to conduct asexperiment.
they denote action. Transforming verbs into
nouns helps
Below readers
Improved focusforms on the action
version: youTheand not
useon in the
researchers doer
the action.
conduct inthe experiment.
With the are some
Supreme Courtthat ordering may MERALCO observing
to return overcharges writing. to the end users,
2. Example:
Avoiding offices have
rhetoricalcaution: been
questions tapped to
as suggests, operate
it marks appear as claim
“closeness” centers.
with the This resulted
reader,doubt, in a number
and constantly seeks
of Verbs
MERALCO indicating tends, to be, think, believe, indicate
The company created software to manage the transactions successfully. incentive.
his/her attention. consumers trooping to the City Hall to claim the PHP 500.00 cash
Poor example: How can these problems be solved?
two ideas seem version:
Improved the same, express eachmeasures
Certain one clearly. must be discovered to solve the problems.
3. Avoiding emotive The creation
The findings of software
languageofthat the to
shows manage
surveyof biases
suggest transactions
andthatlessens was who
a success.
students use the
The study Poorshowed
example: that eighty percent
The the
investigators 200 participants
were very involved
shocked to in social
see the
outcomewereof the
in their academic
dissatisfied with the work tend to
operations of be more updated
MERALCO. on recent
Similarly, the developments
data revealed in their
that respective
majority of
The president announced a
tests. three-day holiday this September.
Improved were not aware
version: of the chargesdid
The investigators imposed
not expecton them by MERALCO.
the results.
Modal Nominalization:
verbs: will, must, would, may, can, might, could make it clear by writing “In
If you intend Theto president’s
give extra announcement
information inofyour sentence,
a three-day holiday for September was released.
The mall distributed several free items to consumers in the hope to boost sales.
MERALCO has been operating as a business conglomerate involving foreign stakeholders
and independent The observations
power producers of students’
or IPP. use In of social networking
addition, MERALCOsites owns may lead IPPs
major to the
different Nominalization:
behaviors that manifest in real-life communication.
operating in the region.of free items for consumers was done in the hope to boost sales.
If you Adverbs
are giving of frequency:
examples, the often,
do so sometimes,
explicitly by usually
writing “For example…”
In passive construction, results of actions are highlightened. In academic writing, since the
writer of the paper The is presumed
essays that to have
were given done
marks thewere
usually and analysis of data, it is understood
results of the issue has are
action led atoproduct
disputes of between
the writer’s opposition
work. and administration senators.
For example,Since thoseacademic
who havewriting draws
been labeled on
as previous
against the writings
presidentdone related to the
considered yourissue
the case of
the administration’s research writing), it is important
way of avoiding the NBN-ZTE scandal. that creating knowledge is expressed through
means that Examples:
do not lead to sweeping generalizations that may directly attack other writers’
point ofThe view. researcher conducted experiments to validate the hypothesis.

If your results show something different from another author’s ideas, there are
Experiments werethese
possible ways in writing conducted
points:to validate the hypothesis.
1. The results contradict Meyer’s findings
2. The results appear to be different from Meyer’s findings.
End of Objectio -

Your goal on this section is to analyze and apply

what you have learned from the Respondio.

In the next activity, you will learn how to use

appropriately the construction of academic writing
through formality, objectivity, explicitness, caution and
(ANALYSIS): Be able to answer this question: “how effective
is it to use the features of language in academic
writing?” after doing the activity below.

SED CONTRA ACTIVITY: Copy the following on a separate sheet and write the correct answer.


A. Underline the words or expressions considered as colloquial.

1. With the growing number of health-conscious articles, a lot of young professionals are
becoming serious about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

2. It is a bit improper to assume that the plan does not work.

3. Experts determined that a lot of health ingredients come from China.

4. Teachers say that a lot of incoming freshman students are interested in sports activities.

5. Lucas got together with Castro in conducting an experiment on effectively enhancing muscle

B. Rewrite the following sentences to observe a more formal tone.

6. Writing can’t be done effectively if you don’t burn the midnight oil.
7. Parenting is a 24/7 job.

8. Watching that romcom gave the audience the feels.

9. The class is cooking up something big.

10. Adventure may mean doing something epic.

C. Substitute the single-word verb for the two-word verb in the following sentences.

11. ____________________ Senate set up the MERALCO committee.

12. ____________________ Mothers cut down spending on rice.
13. ____________________ Oil price has gone up.
14. ____________________ Students come up with a solution.
15. ____________________ Students looked into the problem.
16. ____________________ The dollar rate went up and down.
17. ____________________ Students brought up the uniform issue.
18. ____________________ The school gets rid of tuition hike.
19. ____________________ Parents turned down the proposal.
20. ____________________ Major oil players put off oil price hike.


Improve the text below by rewriting it into a more objective, impersonal version. Write your
version on the lines provided.

I believe that incidence of drug overdose has indeed become prevalent nowadays.
When people are faced with difficult problems, I think that they can no longer bear the
problem and that is why they get into drugs. That’s why if you are a psychologist, you
should treat your patients in a way that helps them to understand their problems and ways
to deal with them. Yeah I know it can be very difficult but hey, that’s what you specialized
in, right?



Based on the examples given, write a sentence for each of the following expressions that
would make your idea explicit. (Refer to Objectio- Explicitness.)

1. However

2. This is due to the


3. Similarly

4. In addition

5. For example

Scoring Rubric

3 points 2 points 1 point

The sentences effectively The sentences show some The sentences are not
communicate the intended lapses in the use of understandable due to the
meaning through the use of expressions that show misuse of expressions of
expressions that show explicitness but they could explicitness. There are at
explicitness. There are no still be understood. There are least three grammatical errors
grammatical errors and a one or two grammatical errors in the work. It does not use
formal academic writing style and lapses in the academic features of the academic
is used. writing style are observed. writing style.


Examine the following expressions and think of ways to reduce the impact of the


He has halitosis.
You need to eat this to be
The different steps taken led to
their failure.

A. Combine the sentences to make their structure complex and better fit for the academic

The government’s deal with the public transport company was not successful.

The government’s deal with the public transport company will cause delays in

The government’s deal with the public transport company will result in unsatisfied





B. Restructure the sentence by using nominalization.

1. The project was implemented to make sure that services are not delayed.
2. The investigators established a time to determine the chain of evens relating to the
3. The committee imposed a seven-day deadline for the members to submit their
4. The artists created a beautiful mural to pay tribute to the survivors of the disaster.
5. A number of students reported several cases of theft within the area.

C. Restructure the sentence by using passivization.

1. The children gave several inputs to improve the operations of the facility.
2. Nurses conducted workshops for those in far-flung areas on health and sanction.
3. The company acquired a number of contractors too render service to its consumers.
4. Marketers need to make a quota every month to maintain sustainable growth.
5. Guitar players constantly practice to ensure fault-free performance.

- End of Sed Contra -

1. For activities to be done on February 22-26, you must accomplish Activities 1 to 2
only. Submission of this must be on February 26 (Friday) at the set time for your
section through Aralinks.

2. For activities to be done on March 1-5, you must accomplish Sed Contra (together
with a one-page reflection in short paper about Module 2). Submission of this
must only be on March 5 (Friday) at the set time for your section through
3. Format for submission must be in PDF. There must be labels (like Activity 1, 2,
etc.) for each category. Only that you must use short bond/ letter (or size 8.5 x 11)
paper. Font format: Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Spacing 1.5 and Page
Margin 1” (applies for all activities).

4. Submission of file must contain file name: Grade and Section, Surname,Given
Name and Middle Initial, Module number and activity name
(e.g. 12Bl.Benedict.Trilles,JeanPaulineD.Module2-Act1-2)
Failure to use the format above will have deduction points.

5. Strictly no copying of answers. You are for enough time given the opportunity to
study. Do not let others overpower your creation.

6. No early or late submission. If given the time (refer to the set schedule for each
section), make sure to prioritize sending the files on time. If difficulty arises, be
able to contact your subject teacher before 5 PM. Considerations will be given but
not all the time (to be fair). Again, questions will be answered not later than 5 PM
or during consultation time/ Asynchronous class.
7. In Synchronous class, you are not all required; hence, you are encouraged to join
our Synchronous class. Also, the purpose of having Synchronous class is to raise
questions and to clarify things.
8. Do not forget to pray the DOMINICAN PRAYER before and after doing tasks. +

CLOSURE (Self-Assessment)
Success! I

Learning Skills

learned from it. Got it but need to I still need help.

read it again.
IDENTIFY writing with formal vs
colloquial terms

WRITE an objective and

impersonal text

WRITE sentences that express

and make ideas explicit

EXAMINE expressions and write

appropriate utterances

COMPOSE sentences by using


-Pray the Dominican Blessing-

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