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I was once afraid.

Of being here and standing in front of you, of going out of my box and
showing up and showing off. I was afraid of failure and criticism and having multiple eyes stare
at every movement that I make. I have always heard of people saying that competitions are the
worst type of activity people should engage in because it promotes comparison, envy and
failure. I never thought that I would do this, that I would stand in front of you engaging
challenges through speaking, reading and writing in a healthy competition.
School is the second home of children. The place where they can gain new knowledge and
show their abilities while adapting in our diverse and ever evolving environment. Schools have
always promoted healthy competition in different aspects of mastery and artistry but still over
the past years we tend to overlook these opportunities of self-discovery and development due to
our lack of comprehension and fear of failure. Our mentors and family are constantly pushing
us to enter such contest may it be in different forms yet we do not see its main purpose because
of what the term “competition” has become throughout time.
Reading, writing and reading are just 3 of the macro skills that we should possess for a better
understanding of language and self-expression. In academic events such as the English week,
we have all encountered various contest related with these macro skills like poem writing,
extemporaneous speech and storytelling. These healthy competitions established by schools
are the foundation of future global competent and competitive youth. Healthy competitions are
aiming to let people be less concerned about they appear to others and to be more interested in
stretching into new realms of their personal potential. Events such as this recognizes the value
of the journey of the competitors, they draw attention to the learning and wisdom gained
throughout the process of getting there and eventually exhibiting their astounding skills and
abilities like what we are doing as of the moment. By participating in such, we get to enter self-
discovery; knowing our strengths and weaknesses, and seeing how much more we could give
to this world. Dealing with wins and losses in any healthy competitive arena is like getting an
immunity shot against disease, it teaches you to accept failure without losing your self-esteem
and seeing the bigger-picture of improvement and opportunities.
We are convened in this eminent event because of the voice in our head that the world is
waiting to hear and adhere. The youth is the start of the revolution of the new era in
understanding and unfolding the transmogrifying world we are living in and it can only be
achieved by honing the children in competitions that will make them become more inquisitive,
visionary, and convivial. By making us work and liaise with people of the same values, you are
preparing us to open our minds to a bigger audience and in a larger scale, to the world. And
with the aid and reassurance of people who serve as mentors to children, we can make a world
of awareness and sensibility for the future generation and period of time. So to my future nation
builders and catalyst of change, I am standing here and encouraging all of you to reveal yourself
to the world and let your voices be heard in healthy competitions. Go out there, the world is
waiting for your words.

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