Recommendation and Conclusion

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Here are the following recommendations made by the researchers for online sellers/retailers,

small/large companies, customers and especially for future researchers:

To the online sellers/retailers, they should know which is the best online shopping site

they can use to easily promote their products. They should also pay more attention to their

product and service information. Online sellers/retailers must also be more responsive in order to

answer some of their customers’ inquiries. In addition, they should place an emphasis on

maintaining a good relationship in their customers, thus, resulting to meet their consumer needs

and increased consumer awareness to choose their product.

For the small/large companies, they should look on trends to get higher demand in order

to get higher income. Small/Large companies need to know the needs and interests of the

customer for them to come back and recognize the company.

To the customers, they should be careful and smart in buying everything they need online

to prevent some problems they might encounter. Always be aware to check the product’s quality.

They should also ensure that they are on a “secured” site, so that the personal detail/information

that will be sent is safe. Customers must also avoid buying to those websites that request them to

send your personal information before the purchase of goods.

To the future researchers, this study is highly recommended to them. This may serve as

their reference material or guide for those who wants to conduct the same study related to the

customers satisfaction in online shopping site. To those interested, they may add other relevant

information that will help improve to deeper the study of customers satisfaction.

After the study is done, the researchers concluded that the Difference Between the

Customer Satisfaction in Shopee and Lazada is the same and plays a big role on the daily lives of

consumers. We can say that online shopping is really popular nowadays. Based on our

observation, there are lots of people who prefer buying online rather than going to the market

place and malls, since it is pandemic. In relation to the research, it shows that many people prefer

Shopee and Lazada as online shopping site, but to sum it up, in terms of convenience and

customer support, Shopee is the most satisfying e-commerce website to them. For this reason,

consumers have discovered that the advantages of online shopping are convenience and easier to

find products than traditional shopping. On the other hand, some consumers may face certain

issues and find this as a disadvantage, thus making their experience of online shopping in a low


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