Infinitive, Gerunds, and Participle

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Name : Steviana Kristanti

Class :3A

Student ID : 2019111021

A. Gerund

Gerund is a word that is created with a verb but functions as a noun, always ending in -ing.

Since it functions as a noun, then gerund can be used as:

a. Gerund as subject

Swimming is a good exercise.

In this sentence, the word swimming is the gerund functioning as the subject of the

b. Gerund as an object of a transitive verb

I could not help laughing
In this sentence, the word laughing is the gerund functioning as the object of the

c. Gerund as complement

My dog's favorite activity is sleeping.

In this sentence, the word sleeping is the gerund functioning as the complement of the

d. Gerund as object of preposition

The police arrested him for speeding.

In this sentence, the word speeding is the gerund functioning as the object of preposition
of the sentence. “For” is a preposition.

e. Gerund as an appositive noun

His hobby, jogging, makes him healthy.
In this sentence, the word jogging is the gerund functioning as the appositive noun
of the sentence.

B. Participles

Participle is a non-finite verb. It is used as an adjective.

There are three types of participle :
a. Present Participle : When ‘verb+ing’ works as an ‘adjective and verb’,
Example: Standing at the door, he knocks.

b. Past Participle : When ‘v3’ works as ‘non-finite verb’, it is called past participle.
Example: The burnt house is not ours.

c. Perfect Participle : When ‘having’ is used as ‘adjective and verb’ is called perfect
Example: Having done the work, I slept.

a. It takes an object like a verb :
Hearing a noise, he woke up.
The participle took objects (‘a noise’) like a verb.

b. It is modified by an adverb :
Loudly knocking at the gate, he went off.
Loudly’ is adverbs modifying the participle.
c. It modifies a noun/pronoun :
A lying person should be punished.
Here, the participle is modifying the nouns (subjects) like adjectives.

d. It can be compared like an adjective :

She is more charming than her sister.
Here the participle is compared like adjectives.

e. Absolute Nominative (it means --- not having any relation with Finite Verb) :
The sky being clear, the plane took off.
I know nothing regarding the matter.

f. Noun phrase + Present Participle =Adjective :

I found her crying.
Here the italic words are used as adjectives.

C. Infinitives

An infinitive is a verbal noun that functions either as a noun, adjective, or adverb and is formed
by adding “to” + verb in its simple form.
The infinitive without ‘to’ is known as the bare infinitive or simple form. The infinitive with to
is sometimes called the “to-infinitive”.

Infinitives can be used:

1) like nouns,
Example : To respect our teachers is our culture. (as a subject and a complement)
2) To qualify a verb, usually to express purpose:
Example : I come to see you.
3) To qualify an adjective
Example : Fruit and vegetables are good to eat.
4) To qualify a noun
Example : You are the woman to be loved.
5) Adverb
Example : John played the new game with his little brother instead of studying to
make him happy.

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