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2000 BC = Egyptian and Sumerian brewing and cheese

4000 BC = Egyptian people master the art of wine making

500 BC = The discovery of antibiotic-producing fungi in soybeans

1590 = The discovery of the microscope by zacharias jansshen

1663 = The discovery of cells by Robert Hooke

1796 = The discovery of the small pox vaccine by Edward Jenner

1855 = E. Coli was discovered and used as a cell factory

Biotechnology began since humans realized the importance

1922 = The discovery of insulin by Frederick Banting and Charles Best
of organisms (animals / plants or microbes) in improving
The history of Biotechnology their quality of life
Rhizopus oligosporu, Rhyzopus
As the mold grows it produces fluffy, white mycelia, binding the beans together to oryzae, Rhyzopus arrhizus
create an edible "cake" of partly catabolized soybeans
1961 = The discovery of mRNA which has an important role in the translation process
The domestication of the microbe is thought to have occurred in
Indonesia several centuries ago

1976 = The sequence of the nucleic acid base pairs has been determined for the first time
used in Japan to saccharify rice, sweet potato, and barley in Aspergillus oryzae
the making of alcoholic beverages such as sake and shōchū

production of fermented foods of soybeans such as soy sauce and miso, Aspergillus

sojae is mainly used instead of A. oryzae.  A. oryzae is also used for the production 1986 = The first time transgenic crops were grown in the USA
of rice vinegars

Neurospora 1990 = Production of chymosin (an enzyme for cheese making) using E. Coli
the characteristic striations on the spores that
resemble axons
The utilization of Mushrooms and yeast in {SIMPLE BIOTECHNOLOGY}
The best known species in this genus is Neurospora crassa THE UTILIZATION OF MUSHROOMS
AND KHAMIR IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 2005 = Transgenic crop planting in 21 countries

Rhizopus stolonifer
It is a member of Zygomycota and considered the most important
species in the genus Rhizopus 2007 = Vaccine use for papillomavirus in 82 countries
It is a common agent of decomposition of stored

2012 = Draft of the wheat plant genome

Saccharomyces cerevisiae functions in making bread Saccharomycess sp

and S. Carlsbergensis in the making beer

Saccharomyces is fermentative biotechnology is the application of the principles of science

For type S. CerevisiaeApart from the need for direct production (natural science) and engineering (technology)
of bread and biotechnology for humans Bio : living things
Biotechnology comes from two words
Defenition of biotechnology Technology : produce goods or services

Biotechnology is an integrated use of

biochemistry, microbiology, and

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