Unit 2: Cultural Diversity Part A: Reading: Stages/Time Teacher's Activities Students' Activities

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Period: 9


Part A: Reading
Times: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 16/9/2018
Teaching date: 18/9/2018
Class level: Grade 12 (Intermediate)
Main language focus: Reading comprehension
Integrated language skills: Speaking
Main reading skills: Guessing meaning from context, summarizing main idea and passage
Reading levels: IC/ RO
Specific objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand some more about the senses and personal experiences directly related to the
sense and improve their reading skills
Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, handouts...
Prior knowledge: Most students have known some information about wedding through
experiences, books, films, etc.
Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up Network:
(5mins.): Competition game – network. Group work
- Prepares a hand out with a network of the
word’ a Marriage” and asks Ss the Question Expected words:
- What things make a marriage happy? - romantic love
- understanding
- sharing
Marriage - partnership of equals……

- Teacher divides the class into 8 groups and

gives each group a hand out. Teacher asks Ss
to complete the network.
- The winner will be the group completing the - Pairs works
network in the shortest period of time.
- Ask students to look at the pictures and work - Answers
in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
What can you see in the pictures?
What are the differences between them?
- Call students to answer before the class
- Feedback
- Lead to the lesson
II. Pre-reading 1. Discussion:
(10mins.): - Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the
question: +Which of the following factors is
the most important for a happy life? Why? - Pair work

- Love a nice house / flat.
- Money, a good job.
- Parents, approval good health.
- T asks Ss to talk before the class and give the
reason why. The other can asks Questions.
2. Pre-teaching vocabulary:
- Give some main words to present using
vocabulary technique to teach.
1. phycical attractiveness (n) sự hấp dẫn về bề
ngoài - Present their ideas
2. confide (v): tin tưởng, giao phó
3. diversity (n): tính đa dạng
4. diversify (v): đa dạng hóa - Listen to teacher
5. diverse (adj): gồm nhiều loại khác nhau
6. approval (n) : sự chấp thuận, đồng ý
7. marriage (n): hôn nhân
8. sacrifice (v): hy sinh
- read aloud and ask Ss to repeat
- correct mistake
- Checking: Jumbled words
- Repeat

III. While- 1. Task 1: Explain the meaning of the word/

reading(18mins.) phrases:
: - Ask Ss to read the sentences silently to
understand what to do.
If Ss have any problems, T might be able to
help them by giving the instruction. - Read the sentences silently
- Give handouts: Matching
1.Precede a. happen or exist before
2. b. tell someone about
Determine something very private or - Do the task
3.Confide secret
4. Sacrifice c. having a duty to do
5. Obliged something.
d. find out
e. willingly stop having
something you want
- Go around for help
- Call on Ss to read aloud what they do.
- Give feedback and correct answers.
-Get Ss to read the sentences in task loud what
they do the other can translate them into
Vietnamese pairs by pairs
2. Task 2: Answer the following questions:
- Get Ss to read the whole text silently to

answers the question
- Ask them to work in pairs to asks and
answers the questions
- Call on some Ss to answer in front of the
- Give feedback

- Work in pairs
- Do the task
- Give answers

IV. Post- Discussion:

reading(10mins.) - T divides class into small groups of 6 or 8
: and asks them to discuss the question: what are - Group-work
the differences between a traditional
- Discuss
Vietnamese family and an American family?
* Number of children.
*The house they like to have.
* The head of the family.
*Who works?
*Who takes care of the housework and
* The income….
T goes around to help Ss if they have any
- T asks to talk before the class some pairs

- Talk before class

V. Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary them again at
(3mins.): home. - Listen and take note
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2 - Speaking

Period: 10
Part B: Speaking
Times: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 19/9/2018
Teaching date: 25/9/2018
Class level: Grade 12 (Intermediate)
Main language focus: Speaking
Integrated language skills: Writing
Main speaking skills: use sentences, words, phrases and expressions for making their view.
Speaking levels: IC/ RO
Specific objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- talk about differences among cultures (Vietnam and America)
Prior knowledge: Most students have known some information about culture of Vietnam and
America through experiences, books, films, etc.
Teaching aids: situations, handouts, textbooks…
Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up * Chatting:
(5mins.): - Gives two tables and asks Ss to work in
group of three or four to complete the table. - Look at the picture.
- Give a picture: - Do the task.

- Work in groups of 4 or 5.

* Suggested answers:

1. They are kissing.

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer 2. In the public / In the street
questions: 3. No, they don’t. It’s impolite.
1. What are they doing? 4. It is very common.
2. Can you guess where they are?
3. In Viet Nam, do people often kiss in public?
Why (not)?
4. What about in America?
* Lead in: Today we will learn about the
differences between Vietnamese and American
II. Pre- Task 1:
speaking - We are going to talk about the differences - Listen to the teacher
(8 mins.): among cultures.
- Ask students to express their point of view on - Read the sentences given and work
the followings ideas , using the words or in groups to discuss.
expressions in the box.
- Some special expressions * Key:
Model 1:
I think / feel / believe…..

In my opinion …… A: In my opinion, it is not good for
For me….. three or four generations to live in a
I don’t agree…… family because they will find it
It’s not true…….. difficult to sympathy their interests
That’s true / wrong /…. and habits ... and I agree that love is
supposed to follow marriage not
* In Vietnam, three or even four generations precede it.
may live in home. B: I don’t agree with your ideas, I
think it is good to have three or four
* A happy marriage should base on love. generations living under one roof
because they can help each other a
* In some Asian countries, love is supposed to lot
follow marriage not precede it.

* In some countries, a man and a woman may Model 2:

hold hands and kiss each other in public.
- A: I think a happy family should be
- Listen to the students and give remark based on love.
- B: I quite agree with you. Life will
be terrible if there is no true love
between a husband and a wife.
- A: But in some Asian countries
love is supposed to follow marriage
not precede it.
B: For me, I don’t think It’s true.
(What will happen if there is no true
love even after marriage?) . How
can two people who don’t love each
other live happily in the same house.
III. While- Task 2: - Work in pairs to discuss and give
speaking - Ask students to work in pairs to discuss about their ideas about the differences
(15 mins.): the differences between the culture in America
and in Vietnam. * Key:

* Give the culture in Vietnam.

* Give the culture in America: -There are more generations in a
- Two generations (parents and children) live home (grandparents, parents and
in a home. children ...)
- Old- aged live in nursing home. - Elders live with their children and
- It is not polite to ask questions about age, are taken care of by their sons.
marriage and income. - Can ask the questions about the
- Americans can greet anyone in the family age, marriage and income.
first. - Have to greet the older first.
- Groceries are bought once a week. - Do the shopping every day.
- Christmas and New Year holidays are the - Tet holiday is the most important.
most important. - Children can share bedrooms with
- Children sleep in their own bedrooms. the other in a family.

- Listen to the students and give more the

ideas about the differences.
IV. Post- Task 3:
(10 mins.): - Ask students to work in pairs or work in - Work in groups to talk about the
groups to talk about the similarities and similarities and differences between
differences between Vietnamese and American Vietnamese and American cultures.
cultures, using the features discussed in the
task 2. * Model:
There are differences and
- Listen and give remarks on their opinions. similarities between Vietnamese and
American cultures. In America two
generations live in the same home.
In Vietnam two, three or four
generations live under one roof. It’s
traditional for children to live near
and take care of their parents so old
people in Vietnam don’t live in
nursing home as American do.
Americans don’t want to be asked
about age, marriage and income
while it is common in Vietnam…
V.Homework - Retell the main points of this lesson: The
(2mins.): differences between Vietnamese and American - Listen to T and take note.
- Ask Sts in not more than 80 words write
about the between Vietnamese and American
cultures you have just talked about.
- Prepare for Listening.

Period: 11
Part C: Listening
Times: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 19/9/2018
Teaching date: 25/9/2018
Class level: Grade 12 (Intermediate)
Main language focus: Listening
Integrated language skills: Speaking
Main listening skills: Listen and fill the missing information in the gaps
Listening levels: IC/ RO
Specific objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen and understand the conversation about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam.
- Listen and answer the questions about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam
- Know some more new words about wedding ceremony.
Prior knowledge: Most students have known some information about wedding through
experiences, books, films, etc.
Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, handouts...

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up Game: Cross words
(5mins.): - Give the cross words on the additional board. - Listen to teacher
- Read aloud each clue, gets students say aloud - Play game
the answers.
*cross word:
1. the woman that a man is married to (4)
2. every marriage should be based on this (4)
3. what do we call a woman on her wedding
day? (5)
4. the man that a woman is married to. (7)
5. people often choose this season to hold
wedding ceremonies. (6)
6. to show that you are married, what do you
often wear? (4)
7. what do we call a man on his wedding day?
Suggested answers:
1 WI F E
2 L O V E
3 B R I DE
4 H U S B A N D
5 S P R I NG
6 R I NG
- Check and correct.
- Ask Ss to guess the topic of the lesson today
- Lead to the new lesson
II. Pre- 1. Discussion:
listening - Ask Ss to open the book.
(5mins.): - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 24 and Ss look at the pictures on page 24,
discuss what is happening in each one. work in groups and then discuss
- Give some guide questions: what is happening in each one.
1. What do you see in the pictures? - Ss answer the teacher’s questions
2. Who are they? 1. I see a wedding ceremony
3. What are they doing? 2. a bride and a groom
- Check correct answers 3. They are bringing a lot of gifts

- Ask students to discuss the two questions:
1. Have you ever attended a wedding
2. What do the bride and the groom usually do
at the wedding ceremony?
Suggested answers:
1. Yes, I have
2. They usually …………..
2. Pre-teaching vocabulary:
- Elicit new words: - Whole class
+ altar (n): bàn thờ - Listen to teacher
+ groom (n): chú rể
+ master of ceremony (n): người dẫn chương
+ banquet (n): tiệc lớn
+ ancestor (n): ông bà, tổ tiên
+ tray (n): cái khay
+ schedule (n): thời khóa biểu, lịch trình - Repeat
- Read the word that have just elicited 3 times - Copy down the lesson
- Ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual
- Ask Ss to copy down
- Checking: Rub out and remember
III. While- 1.TASK 1
listening - T explains Task 1 to the Ss
(5mins.): You will hear two people talking about a
wedding ceremony in Vietnam. Listen to the - Work in individual
tape and fill in the blanks the missing - Read
information. - Listen
Get Ss to read carefully five sentences before - Compare
listening the tape to do the task. - Listen and check
- Play the tapes twice
(T. can play the tape one more time if students
have difficulty.)
- Ask Ss to work individually, then compare
their answers with the other student.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers, correct
and give feedback.
Expected answers:
1. groom’s parents
2. red paper
3. altar
4. at the wedding banquet
5. wedding cards/ money
2. Task 2: Answering

- Ask Ss to read carefully the five questions - Individual work
first, then let them try to answer before listening - Ss read the questions in Task 2
again to do the task. carefully, listen to the tape for
- Play the tape twice, one for doing the task, three times and answer the
one for giving feedbacks. question
- Call on some Ss to give their answers, correct
and give feedback.
Expected answers:
1. The most important thing the groom’s family
has to do on the wedding day is to go to the
bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped in red
2. They would pray, asking their ancestors’
permission to get married.
3. After they pray and ask their ancestors’
permission to get married.
4. The wedding banquet is usually held at the
groom’s and bride’s home or at a hotel or a
5. They stop by each table to thank their guests
IV. Post- Discussion:
listening - Explain the task and asks Ss to work in groups - Work in groups
(5mins.): to discuss the question: What do families often - Discuss based on teacher’s
to do to prepare for a wedding ceremony? suggestions
Suggestions - Present their answers
- the importance of wedding ceremony to
Vietnamese people
- the preparation for the wedding
- what groom and bride do on their
wedding day
- Banquet ( place, food, drink….) guests
( gifts, blessing, ….)
- Call on some groups to present their answers
Expected answers:The wedding is very
important to the bride and the groom as well as
the two families. The wedding day is carefully
chosen by the groom’s parents because they
think that it will affect the future life of the new
couple. Both families have to talk with each
other to decide the place, the number of the
guests and how to hold the banquet. Not only
the bride and the groom but nearly all members
in the two families have to be sure in their best
clothes on that day. The altars od the both

families are cleaned and well decorated. Then
comes the cars and the flowers. They have to be
ordered in advance so that everything will be
available on that day. Everybody is very busy
but they all look forward to that important day.
V.Homewor - Write a short paragraph to introduces about
k (5mins.): the wedding ceremonies in Vietnam - Listen and take note
- Prepare next part: Language Focus

Period: 12


Part E: Language Focus
Time: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 19/9/2018
Teaching date: 25/9/2018
Class level: Grade 12
Main language focus: Writing and Speaking
Integrated language skills: Speaking
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Pronounce correctly the – ed endings sound of verb in the simple past tense.
- Review the usage of tenses.
- Pronounce correctly “ed” endings
Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, handouts...
Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up Brainstorming:
(5mins.): - Hang a chart with 12 verbs (both regular - Look at the chart
verb and irregular verb) with the form:
infinitive without “To”.
For example: - Listen and rewrite
see, need, go, laugh, teach , eat, miss, - Answer
paint, close, run , play, help
- Divide class into 4 groups.
- Read loudly 12 verbs 2 times.
- Ask Ss to rewrite all verbs which they
hear. Ss change these verbs into past
- Call leader of each group to go to BB and simple
write down. saw, needed, went, laughed,
- Check and choose the winner. taught, ate, missed, painted,
- Call some students read all verbs when closed, ran, played, helped
adding “ed” at the end of each verb.
- Ask Ss to give comment and note how to
read “ed”.

- Lead-in new lesson.
II. Activity 1:
Pronunciation - T gives Ss the rules of pronouncing the
(7mins.): verbs ending in -ed - Individual works
There are three ways - Write down the rules in the
1. ed → /d/ after voiced consonants and notebook.
2. ed → /t/ after [ k , p , s , ∫ , t∫ , f )
3. ed → /id/ after / t, d/
- T asks Ss to look at the verbs on the board
and then write them into the right column
- T reads aloud and asks Ss to repeat
- T asks Ss to open the book and look at
the words on page 27
- T asks Ss to practice
/ t/ /d/ / id /
laughed closed needed
missed played painted
Activity 2:
-Ask Ss to practise reading sentences in
textbook in pairs and then arrange the verbs
into 3 kinds: /t/ - /d/ - /id/.
- Ss repeat
-Check and gives feedback.
- Read
-Play the tape (or read) and ask Ss repeat.
- Arrange
(note sentence stress
- work in pairs
III. Grammar Review of tenses
(31 mins.): 1. Presentation:
- Ask Ss to look back the tenses that they - Remind.(groupwork)
have learnt
- Ask to look back the examples above and
review the tense
+ I have learned English for 7 years
+ I visited my friends.
- Check and give feedback
2. Practice:
Exercise1: Use the correct form of the - Whole class
verbs… - Listen to teacher and do
- Ask Ss to work individually carefully and exercise 1
then work in pairs. - Give answers
- Explain how to use tense if necessary.
- Call some Ss to answer and ask class to
give comment.

- Give feedback.
- Call some pairs read the conversation.
Expected answers:
1. Have you seen ; saw ; am going to see
2. drank ; haven’t drunk ; drank
3. has written ; Did she write ; wrote
4. have been cooking ; cooked ; cooked
Exercise 2: Multiple choices
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Ask Ss to read exercise carefully.
- Explain the meaning of the difficult words
- Explain how to use tense of necessary. - Work in pairs
- Ask Ss work in pairs - Read the passage carefully
- Call on some Ss answer and ask class to - Do the task
give comment. - Answer
- Give feedback.
Expected answers:
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A
5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A
3. Production:
Exercise 3: Complete the letter with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4-5
- Guide students how to do
- Do the first as an example.
- Ask students to do the exercise.
- Call the Ss to write on board. - Work in groups
- Correct - Do the task
Expected answers: - Write answers on board
1. moved 2. moved
3. have asked 4. have not stopped
5. study 6. will fail
7. could talk
IV.Homewor - Ask Ss:
k (2mins.): + Review tenses - Listen and take note
+ Prepare next lesson: Unit 3: Reading


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