Time/Stages Teacher's Activities Students' Activities

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Part A: Reading
Period: 25
Times: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 27/10/2020
Teaching date: 3/11/2020
Class level: Grade 12 (Intermediate)
Main language focus: Reading comprehension
Integrated language skills: Speaking
Main reading skills: Guessing meaning from context and passage comprehension
Reading levels: IC/ RO
Specific objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: know school education
system in England and sentences and expression for describing school education system
Prior knowledge: Most students have known some information about school education system
through experiences, books, films, etc.
Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, handouts...
Time/Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up Brainstorming:
(5mins.) - Ask Ss some questions about the - Open the book
picture: - Listen to the teacher
- Who are they? - Answer the questions
- What are they doing?
- Do you think they are English students?
Lead-in: Today, we will learn about school
education system in England.
II. Pre-reading 1. Prediction:
(10mins.) - Ask students to read the facts below and
decide whether the statements about schools in - Look at the book, listen to the teacher
Vietnam are true (T) or false (F). Then compare and work in pairs to decide whether
their results with their partners’. the statements about schools in
Facts about schools Vietnam are true (T) or false (F).
1. Children start Grade 1 when they are 6 years Then compare their results with
old. their partners’.
2. Schooling is compulsory from the age of 6 to
3. The school year generally begins in
September and ends in late May.
4. The students do not have any examinations
when they finish secondary school.
5. A school year consists of two terms.
2. Pre-teaching vocabulary:
- Elicit new words: - Listen and answer teacher’s
+ compulsory (a): bắt buộc, cưỡng bách questions
+ academic (a): thuộc học thuật, thuộc trường
+ core (n): hạt nhân, cốt lõi
+ secondary (a) trung học, thứ yếu
+ government (n): chính phủ
+ state (n,a): bang, có liên quan đến nhà
+ parallel (a): song song, tương đương
+ curriculum (n): chương trình giảng dạy
- Read words 3 times
- Ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individual - Repeat after teacher
- Ask Ss to copy down the lesson - Copy down the lesson
- Checking: Game: Bingo - Play game
III. While- - Ask students to look through the passage and
reading read in silence - Listen to the teacher then read the
(18mins.) - Help students read the passage passages
- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new - Ask some new words if necessary
words which appear in the passage
Task 1 : (5 minutes) - Keep the book open
Find words or phrases in the reading passage - Listen to the teacher then do task
which have the following meanings.- Let 1
students work individual or in groups - Ask the teacher if necessary
- Help students if necessary - work individual or in group
Keys: - Write down in the notebook
1- state schools
2- primary education
3- secondary education
4- compulsory
5- General Certificate of Secondary
Education (GCSE)
6- Curriculum
Task 2: (6 minutes)
- Ask students to answer the following - Listen to the teacher
questions - Try to answer the questions
- Ask students look through the passages then - Practice with a partner then write
try to answer the questions in right way them down in the note books
- Let them work in pairs - Ask the teacher if necessary
- Help students if necessary - Listen to the teacher and make a
(the answers in the passage) brief note about school education
Walk round the classroom and correct mistakes system in England
1. from the age of 5 - Listen to the teacher
2. 3 terms - Try to talk about school education
3. the state school and the ‘independent’ or system in England
‘public’ school systems - The students who are called to
4. yes stand up to talk loudly are
5. There are 3 core subjects (English, Maths intelligent ones
and Science)
6. When Ss finish the secondary school, they
can take an examination called the General

Certificate of Secondary Education
IV. Post-reading Discussion:
(10mins.) - Ask Ss to work in groups. Tell the others one Work in groups. Tell the others one
of the most difficult school subjects you are of the most difficult school subjects
studying and what you would like your friends you are studying and what you
and your teacher to do to help you learn that would like your friends and your
subject more effectively. teacher to do to help you learn that
subject more effectively.
Suggested answers: One of the most difficult
school subjects that I am studying is
Maths/English/Chemistry/….I would like my
friends and my teacher help me in doing the
exercises. Because sometimes I can’t
understand all the knowledge that the teacher
show in class.
V. Homework - Ask students to do Reading exercise of Unit 1 - Listen to the teacher and write
(3mins.) in workbook and prepare Part B : Speaking at down homework

Part B: Speaking
Period: 26
Times: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 28/10/2020
Teaching date: 4/11/2020
Class level: Grade 12 (Intermediate)
Main language focus: Speaking
Integrated language skills: Writing
Main speaking skills: talking about home life and their activities in the family
Speaking levels: IC/ RO
Specific objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to know school education
system in Vietnam and talk about the school education system in Vietnam
Prior knowledge: Most students have known about the school education system through
experiences, books, films, etc.
Teaching aids: situations, handouts, textbooks…
Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up - Ask students to keep book close
(5mins.) - Write on the board names of school education
system in Vietnam: University, nursery, primary - Keep books close
school, college, kindergarten, secondary school. - Listen to the teacher
Then ask Ss to put them in order - Look at the board and try to
- Ask students to repeat remember names of ten subjects
Tell Ss to understand more about school
education system in Vietnam.
(We learn Unit 1, part- speaking)
II. Pre- Activity 1: Match questions (A) with the
speaking answers (B) (The school education system in
( 10mins.) England) - Individual works
1.How many levels of a. Primary and
education are there? Secondary are
2. What kinds of compulsory
school are b. There are 3 levels
compulsory? of education: Pre -
3.When do children go school, primary and
to primary school? secondary education
4. How long do the c. 6 years
primary school last? d. When they are 5
Suggested answers: 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c
Activity 2: Task 1
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Study the table below
then ask and answer the questions about the - Work in pairs.
school education system in Vietnam. - Practice asking and answering the
- Let them work in pairs questions about the school
- Listen to students and correct mistakes education system in Vietnam using
Example: the information in the table.
A: How many levels are there in the school
education system in Vietnam?
B: There are three
A: What are they?
B: They are Pre-school, Primary Education and
Secondary Education.
A: Which levels are optional?
B: Both Pre-school and Upper Secondary
Education are.
A: Which levels are compulsory?
B: Both Primary Education and Lower
Secondary Education are.
A: How long does the Primary Education last?
B: 5 years.
A: How long does the Secondary Education
B: 7 years.
A: When do students take the GCSE
Examination to finish their compulsory
B: When they are 17 years old.
III. While- Task 2
speaking - Teacher introduces the task “Work in groups.
( 18mins.) Talk about the school education system in - Listen to the teacher
Vietnam, using the information from Task 1”. - Do task 2
- Guide students how to practise. - Work in groups
- Ask students to work in pairs. - The students are called stand up
- Help the students with new structures. and tell loudly
- Walk around and help them. Example:
- Call some student to stand up and report before In Vietnam, children can go to
the class. Nursery school when they are 1 to
- Correct their mistakes 2 and go to Kindergarten when
they are from 2 to 5.
IV. Post- Task 3
speaking -Teacher introduces the task “Work in groups.
( 10mins.) Talk about the similarities and differences - Work in groups. Talk about the
between the school system in Vietnam and in similarities and differences
England”. between the school system in
- Let them work in groups Vietnam and in England
- Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly
- Walk round and help them
- Listen and correct mistakes
There are some differences between the school
systems in Vietnam an England. Children in
Vietnam start primary school at the age of 6 and
finish this level at 10 while those in England
study at primary school from the age of 5 to 10.

Schooling is compulsory for Vietnamese
children until the age of 14 but, in England,
compulsory education ends when children are
16. There is also a difference about the subjects
studied at schools.
On the other hand, Vietnam and England
school systems have some similarities. Students
in both countries must follow the national
curriculum set by the government. After
finishing secondary schools, they all must take
the national examination known as GCSE
V. Homework - Ask students to write a passage about
( 2mins.) similarities and differences between the school - Listen to the teacher
system in Vietnam and in England - Write down the homework
- Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and
do homework


Part C: Listening
Period: 27
Times: 45 minutes
Preparation date:1/11/2020
Teaching date: 5/11/2020
Class level: Grade 12 (Intermediate)
Main language focus: Listening
Integrated language skills: Speaking
Main listening skills:
- Listening and comprehension questions
- Listening and deciding who say yes
Listening levels: IC/ RO
Prior knowledge: Most students have known some information about schools through
experiences, books, films, etc.
Teaching aids: textbooks, cassette player…
Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up Brainstorming:
(5mins.) - Ask Ss some questions about their studies at - Listen to the teacher
school. - Answer the questions:
1. List all the names of subjects that you learn
at school?
2. Which ones do you enjoy most/least in your
class? Explain why.
Suggested answers:
1. I am good at Math/ English/ Literature/
Geography/ History/…
2. I enjoy Math/ English/ Literature/
Geography/ History/…most/least in my class.
II. Pre- Pre-teaching vocabulary:
listening - Elicits new words:
( 10mins.) + tearaway (n) người hung hổ và vô trách
+ methodical (a) có phương pháp, cẩn thận
+ well-behave (a) có hạnh kiểm tốt
+ struggle (n) cuộc đấu tranh
+ disruptive (a) phá vỡ, chia rẽ
+ essay (n) bài văn
+ boarding school (n) trường nội trú
- Read and ask students to listen - Listen and understand the
- Let students listen again and repeat. meanings of those words.
- Write some words on board and ask students - Listen and repeat
to read them aloud. - Copy down the new word
- Let they work in pairs
- Listen and correct mistakes
III. While- Task 1 (10 minutes):
listening - Ask students to read the questions quickly.
(18mins.) - Guide students the requests of the task. - Read the questions quickly.
- Let students listen twice. - Listen to the listening script.
- Write on board from 1 to 6 and call some
students to come and write their answers.
- Let them listen again and correct.
1. Jenny/ Gavin
2. Gavin
3. Jenny
5. Jenny/ Gavin
Task 2 (10 minutes): Listen again and fill in
the missing
- Teacher introduces the task : Listen again and
fill in the missing words - Answer the questions.
1. Gavin listened to the teachers certainly - Look at the task 2 and listen to the
when he got to the level where he was doing teacher
the ________ that he enjoyed. - Read the questions and try to
2. Jenny found the exams quite a _________. understand them
3. Though Gavin worked hard he found it - Listen to the tape script
very difficult to answer all the long
_________ in a short time.
4. Gavin went away to _____________ when
he was quite young and he didn’t like that.
- Read or turn on the tape script again once or
- Help students give the correct answers
- Give correct answers:
1. subjects
2. struggle
3. questions
4. boarding school
IV. Post- Discussion:
listening - Teacher introduces the task “Work in pairs. - Work in pairs. Talk about the
(10mins.) Talk about the results of your current exams at results of your current exams at
school and what you will do to prepare for the school and what you will do to
next exams”. prepare for the next exams
- Go round and help students E.g. I didn’t do well in the last
- Correct mistakes exam period. I was content with my
math, physics and chemistry results
but my English result wasn’t very
good. I made too many mistakes so
I barely passed it.
I think I have to spend more time

studying English to get higher
grade in the coming exam.
V. Homework - Ask students to rewrite a passage about their
(2mins.) school days in secondary school. - Listen to the teacher
- Ask students to prepare the part Writing at - Write down the homework


Part D: Writing
Period: 28
Time: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 3/11/2020
Teaching date: 10/11/2020
Class level: Grade 12
Main language focus: Writing
Integrated language skills: Speaking
Main writing skills: write a paragraph about family rules
Reading levels: IC/ RO
Specific objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- write the school education system in Vietnam
Prior knowledge: Most students have known some information about the school education system
in Vietnam through experiences, books, films, etc.
Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, handouts...
Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up Brainstorming:
(5mins.): - Ask students some questions about school education
systems in Vietnam. - Work in pairs, discuss and
1. How many levels of educations are there in the find out the answers.
school education system in Vietnam? 1- 3
2. How long does it take to complete each level? 2- Primary: 5 years/
3. Which levels are compulsory? Lower secondary- 4 years/
4. How long does a school year last? upper secondary - 3 years
5. How many terms are there in an academic year?
6. When is the national examination for GCSE?
- Lead Ss to the new lesson: “write a paragraph on
the formal school education system in Vietnam”
II. Pre-writing Task 1: Reorder the following sentences into a
(8mins.): completed paragraph.
a. Nursery school and kindergarten are optional in
b. The pre-school in Vietnam consists of nursery - Study the task carefully.
school and kindergarten. - Work in pairs to give
c. They move to kindergarten when they are 4 years outlines
d. Children start to go to nursery school at the age of
e. They will finish the optional education at the age of
f. The first term is from September to December. The
second term lasts from January to May.
g. The academic year in Vietnam runs from
September to May and is divided into 2 terms.
- Suggested answers:
1b 2a 3d 4c 5e 6g 7f

- Teacher introduces the task: In about 150 words,

write a paragraph on the formal school education
system in Vietnam, using the information given in
Speaking Tasks on page 47. You may follow the
suggestions below:
- Levels of education:
primary (5 years; start from the age of 6)
lower secondary (4 years)
upper secondary (3 years)
- Compulsory education: 9 years (primary & lower
- The academic year: 35 weeks (9 months, from
September to May)
- School terms: 2 terms: term 1 (Sept - Dec.), term 2
(Jan. - May)
- Time of the national examination for GCSE (early
- Guide Ss to write.
1. Topic Sentence
2. Supporting Details
3. Closing Sentence
- Walk round the class to give Ss assistance.
III. While- Writing:
writing - Individual works
(20mins.): - Write one paragraph

Write a paragraph on the formal school education

in Vietnam
- Ask Ss to use the outline to write about education
system in Vietnam
IV. Post- Feedback:
writing - Call 2 students to read their paper in front of class - Individual works and whole
(10mins.): - Correct mistakes and give feedback for the whole class
class - Listen correct mistakes
- Collect student’s papers, give comment and correct
some serious mistakes
Sample writing:
There are two levels of education in Vietnam: Primary
and secondary education.
Children in Vietnam go to primary school at the age
of six and move to secondary school when they are
11. Then they spend four years in lower secondary
and 3 years in upper secondary. They usually finish
secondary school at the age of 17.
Schooling is compulsory for Vietnamese children
until they finish lower secondary. It takes 9 years for
the children to finish compulsory education.
The duration of the academic year is 35 weeks or 9
months. It runs from September to May and is divided
into two terms. The first term is from the beginning of

September to late December and the second term
starts in early January and ends in May.
A national examination for GCSE is usually held in
June for all students who finish high school.
And then those who pass the GCSE exam are able to
sit for the university or college entrance examination
in July.
Probably, students will take only an examination for
finishing high school and for university or college.
V. Homework - Ask Ss to rewrite in the notebooks. - Whole class
(2mins.): - Prepare part E: Language Focus - Take note


Part E: Language Focus

Period: 29
Time: 45 minutes
Preparation date: 28/10/2020
Teaching date: 11/11/2020
Class level: Grade 12
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Pronounce correctly the main stress in three – syllable words.
- Use the passive voice appropriately.
Skills: reading, speaking and writing
Teaching aids: textbooks, posters, handouts...
Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Warm-up Jumble words.
(5mins.) - Ask Ss to rearrange the letter to make right words. - Work individually
1. YHOTSIR - Rearrange the letter to make right
2. CHIREMSTY words
3. SITPOLIC Excepted answers:
- Correct and gives feedback CHEMISTRY
-> What’s common about them? POLITICS
-> Stress in three – syllable words COMPUTING
- They are all three – syllable
II. Stress in three-syllable words:
Pronunciation * Listen and repeat
(20mins.) Poster:
Stress on 1st s. Stress on 2nd s. Stress on 3rds.
algebra statistics engineer - Read the words aloud
carefully computing lemonade
politics September entertain
physical compulsory employee
chemistry Vietnamese
primary cigarette

- Read the model some words and ask Ss to repeat.

- Get some Ss to pronounce these words
- Correct pronunciation (if any)
- Ask Ss to put these words in the correct column.
Add some more words, engineer, lemonade,
entertain, employee, Vietnamese, cigarette
- Correct and gives feedback
Remarks :
- Words ending in - ade, - ain,- ee, - eer, - ese, - ette,
oo, oon have the main stress on these syllable ( 3 rd
syllable ).
- Words contain -tion, -sion, -cion, “-ic” or “-
al” have the main stress on the syllable found
before these terminations. - Whole class
- the word ends in “-cy”, “-ty”, “-phy”, “-gy” have - Listen and repeat.
the main stress on the syllable
- / ə/ - weak vowel , no stress on the syllable has
this vowel.
* Practice reading the sentences
- Play the tape, Asks Ss to read after the tapes.
- Call some Ss to read and correct mistakes.
III. Grammar 1. Presentation:
(62mins.) * Lead – in: Asking questions
- What is the table made of? - Work individually
- Do you know who make these table? - Listen to teacher and answer the
-> our lesson is the passive voice. questions
* Explanation:
- Hang on a poster, asks Ss to pay attentions to the
sentences and point out the rules
1. This table is made of wood.
2.. A: My mother has made these cakes.
->P: These cakes have been made by my mother.
3. A: My friend can answer this question.
-> P: This answer can be answered by my friend.
Basic rules
- A: S + V + O

-> P: S + be + V3/ed + by O

* can, may, must. will, shall, have to, used to,…

S + can, may,… + be + V3/ed

2. Practice:
Exercises 1, 2,3
- Ask Ss to do exercises provided in the books.
- Work individually
- Have them do individually, and then compare the
- Do exercise 1,2,3
answers with the partners.
- Call Ss to give the answers.
- Correct and gives feedback.
Suggested answers:
Exercise 1 : Simple present passive voice
1. is divided
2. is separated
3. is set
4. is made up
5. is paid
6. are selected
- Work individually
Exercise 2: Rewrite ,using the passive voice.
1. This school was built in 1997.
2. This dictionary was first published in 1870.
3. A surprise party is going to be organized by the
students in my class tomorrow evening.
4. The kitchen is being painted now.
5. “ Romeo and Juliet” was written in 1605.
6. Shakespeare’s tragedies have been built in my
7. A new primary school has just been built in my
8. English will be spoken at the conference.
9. The floor hasn’t been cleaned yet.
10. The house will be repainted soon.
Exercise 3: Fill with correct tense in passive
1. was built 6. can be used
2. were sold 7. is kept
3. has been made 8.are done - Work in pairs
4. are used 9. must be told - Do the task
5. are used 10. can be done
3. Production:
Extra-exercise: Turn these sentences into Passive
1. They sell jeans all over the world.
èJeans ……………………………………..……..
2. They made jeans from the cotton.
è Jeans
3. People grow rice in tropical countries.
4. Somebody calls the president everyday.
èThe president…………………………………
5. Lan gave him a new book last week.
6. She invited me to her house.
è I………………………………………………

7. Mark Twain wrote this book.
è This book ……………………………….……
8. She makes tea every morning.
è Tea …………………………………………
9. Someone stole her car.
è Her car ……………………………………..…
10. People speak English all over the world.
è English ………………………………………
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Call some Ss to write answers on the board
Suggested answers:
1. Jeans are sold all over the world.
2. Jeans were made from the cotton.
3. Rice is grown in tropical countries.
4. The president is called every day.
5. He was given a new book by Lan last week.
6. I was invited to her house.
7. This book was written by Mark Twain.
8. Tea is made every morning.
9. Her car was stolen.
10. English is spoken all over the world.
V. Homework - T summaries the main points
(3mins.) - Ask Ss to do the exercise in workbooks - Whole class
- Prepare the next lesson: Reading of unit 5 - Take note


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